Shiva Swarodaya

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Shiva Swarodaya

1. I bow to lord Shiva, Goddess Parvatiji, and Lord Ganesha, and to Guru and Supreme Soul
who grant liberation from this transient universe.
The Goddess Spoke
O God of Gods Mahadeva !
2. Please bestow upon me that knowledge through which one can attain all siddhis
(accomplishments and fortunes).
3. O God of all Gods, how did this universe originate? Why does it change? And how does it
merge into its source? How does it get destroyed? Please explain to me the real nature and the
essence of this world.
Lord Shiva Spoke
4. O Goddess! These worlds have emerged from the tattwas (the basic five elements) and in the
tattwas occur its alteration, preservation, and destruction. Accordingly, the nature of this universe
is decided on the basis of tattwas only.
The Goddess Spoke
5. O Maheshji, the sages and the prophets, who know the real essence of the tattwas have
decided that it is the tattwas which are the root essence of this world. Hence, please describe
those tattwas and kindly cast an illuminating light on the nature of tattwas.
Lord Shiva Spoke
6. From that one unchanging, eternal, and formless paramatma (supreme self) originate the
sky; and from sky originated the Air.
7. From Air originated Fire; and from fire originated the water. In this way these five elements
diversely emanate the whole world.
8. The cosmos was created through the above mentioned tattwas, from those elements only is this
world preserved. And finally, this world dissolves into those very five elements only.

9. O Beauty! This body (Shivas human?) is created from the above mentioned five-tattwas.
They subtly emanate in this body. Only the omniscient yogis comprehend those subtle tattwas (in
the body).
10. Now I / we mention all the main sounds established in human body, those sound which are
the cause for all sounds like a By mediating on the Sah sound while inhalation and on
aham sound while exhalation (thereby forming the mantra so-ham) one becomes omniscient
and acquires the knowledge of the part, present and the future.
11. This science is most secretive of all secret knowledges. It is the best as it reveals the most
essential and beneficial knowledge to us.
12. Though the Swarodaya Knowledge in the subtlest of all subtle knowledge, yet the knowledge
of this science is easy to acquire and is truth-revealing. It is a source of amazement to the
atheists. It helps, aids, and assists the theists.
13. The knowledge of the science of swaras is to be imparted only to the disciple who is of
peaceful disposition, pure of thoughts and conduct, disciplined, having boundless devotion to the
guru, possessing the firm determination and gratefulness towards benefactors.
14. It should not be given to anyone who is wicked, lacking virility, short tempered, vicious,
atheist, lacking character, and the one who commits adultery with his Gurus wife.
15. O Goddess! Now listen to this great knowledge / science as I mention it to you. By realizing
this knowledge one acquires knowledge of all sciences and becomes omniscient.
16. Within the swaras is the complete knowledge of the Vedas & all other scriptures. Swaras
contain the three worlds. Swaras are the essence of atman itself.
17. The knowledge of astrology without the knowledge of swaras is just like a house without an
owner, a mouth lacking scriptures, and body without head. Hence, the knowledge of swaras is
indispensable for an astrologer.
18. That one who can differentiate between the nadis, pranas, tattwas, and between pingala, Ida,
Sushumna, and other nadis, attains liberation.
19. O beauty! Some people consider it auspicious to attain the knowledge of swaras through the
strength of auspicious vayu.

20. The whole universe, its macro and microcosm, have been created by Swara. Swara is the
cause of creation and its destruction. Swara is lord shiva himself.
21. Nothing in the universe seen, heard, or otherwise experienced is better more confidential, or
subtle than the knowledge of swaras.
22. The enemies can be overpowered via the power of Swaras. Similarly, one can attain Lakshmi
(prosperity), favour of friends, fame, and all other kinds of pleasures via swaras.
23. Through the power of Swaras one can get his consort, and can have a meeting with the
rulers. So, the Gods, can be realized (and their perfection attained). The most powerful entities
can be controlled via Swaras.
24. One must undertake journeys to other countries or cities, have food, urinate, and excrete
only after keeping in mind the positive or negative flow of breath or aspects of Swaras.
25. O lady with pleasant visage! all the scriptures, philosophies, eighteen puranas, smritis
(revealed knowledge epiphanies) and Vedas are but a branch of the knowledge of Swaras.
Nothing in universe is better than the Swaras.
26. Until they dont possess the knowledge of the tattwas, the people will remain under the
illusion of names and forms like ignorant fools.
27. The Swarodaya Shastra is the best of all scriptures. It is a great light which enlightens the
human spirit.
28. This knowledge must not be given simply to answer to anyones queries. It must be kept safe
in ones mind / psyche, voice and intellect to use it for the evolution of the atman.
29. Having the knowledge of Swaras it is not necessary to consult and have the knowledge of
date, time, day, stars, planets, gods, conjunction or assortment of stars & planets for the
evolution of the atman.
30. Having the favourable flow of swaras bestows all the favourable results. Neither in the past
nor in the future will there be any inauspicious time to effect the favourable results bestowed by
the swaras.
31. O Goddess! All the auspicious results can be had if one has the power of positive flow of
swaras. As per the swara shastra neither in the past, nor in the future will there be any time which
is inauspicious for applying the principles of Swara Shastra.

32. There are myriads of nadis throughout the body. The wise must comprehend them for the
true understanding of their body.
33. There are seventy two thousand nadis which extend throughout the navel to the shoulders.
These are spread around the spine like sprouts.
34. The kundalini Shakti which resides in these nadis in the shape of a serpent has ten nadis
above and ten nadis below her.
35. Out of total twenty four nadis (two groups of nadis going on each side in oblique / slanting
direction) out of them ten are specially important as they contain the flow of ten vayus.
36. From the nadis mentioned earlier ten are primary and out of them Ida, Pingala, and
Sushumana are the foremost.
37. The remaining seven primary nadis include Gandhari, Hastijivha, Poosha, Yashashwini,
Alambusha, Kuhu and Shankhini.
38. Up, down, and oblique nadis are the very basis of vayu and body. They are spread like a
wheel in the body and are themselves based on the vital force (prana).
Position / Placement of the nadis
39. Ida is positioned on the left side of the body, Pingala on the right, Sushumna in the centre,
while Gandhari is in the left eye.
40. Hastijivha nadi is in the right eye, Poosha in the right ear, Yashashwini in the left ear, and
Alambusha resides in the mouth.
41. Kuhu is in the linga (reproductive organs) Shankhini is in the anus area / part. Thus, the ten
foremost nadis of the body reside in ten openings of the body.
42. The Ida, Pingala, and Sushumna are located in the pranic passage of the body. The above
mentioned ten nadis reside in the subtle human body (and not in the gross body).
43. The ten primary nadis have been mentioned. Now listen to the names of the corresponding
vayus. They are known as prana, Apana, Samana , Udana and Vyana. These are five main vayus.
44. Naga, Kurma, Krikal, Devdatta, and Dhannanjaya are the five subsidiary pranas. The all
pervading Chi / Ki / Prana resides in the heart. The Apana vayu resides in the anus / excretory

45. Samana is in the navel region. Udana resides in the centre of throat. The Vyana vayu
pervades the whole human body. Thus mentioned ten vayus are prominent.
46. The location of prana, Apana, Samana, Udana , and vyana has been told. Now I tell you the
location / position of the remaining five vayus.
47. Kurma facilitates blinking, opening & closing of eye-lids ; krikala facilitates sneezing ;
Naga vayu is for belching ( & vomiting), Devdatta is for yawning.
48. The Dhannanjaya is spread throughout the human body and does not leave it even after its
death. In this manner the ten above mentioned vayus move through all the nadis of a living
49. The wise must know the movement of Prana vayu in human body via the help of Ida,
Pingala, and Sushumana.
50. Ida is known to be situated in the left side of spinal cord, Pingala is on the right. They crisscross each other at various points as they have a serpentine structure.
They criss-cross each other while appearing to be moving in a serpentine motion.
51. The moon element of the body resides in the Ida. The sun element is in Pingala. Lord Shiva
himself resides the So-ham / Sushumna nadi in the form of Ham-Sa (the mantra formed of the
combined sound of inhalation and exhalation- therefore the Sushumna is verily known as the
form of Lord Shiva himself.)
52. The sound of Sa while inhalation and Ha while exhalation is produced. The ha sound
has been described as the form of Shiva, while Sa is Shakti herself.
53. The controller / co-ordinator of Ida / left nadi (moon) is situated there in the form of Shakti,
the primeval Godess. Similarly, the controller / co-ordinator of Pingala / right nadi (the sun) is
located there in lord Shivas form.
54. If a wise person performs a charitable deed while inhaling and consciously meditating on
Sa sound, the result of such charitable deed gets multiplied million fold.
55. Thus, the yogi must be calm, alert, and one pointed. In this manner he is able to comprehend
everything by observing the happenings and activities of the solar and the lunar naids.

56. One must concentrate and mediate on this tattwa with a stable and calm mind. Never must
one concentrate on it with an unsteady or wavering mind. By this one gets attains the desired
goal great gains, and victory.
57. Those persons who always regularly perform the practice of controlling Lunar (Ida) and
Solar (Pingala) nadis fervently attain omniscience.
58. The left side Ida nadi is like amrit (nectar, ambrosia, panecia) providing nourishment to the
universe always. The right (pingala) nadi is the source of all creation.
59. The Sushumna nadi situated in the middle of spinal cord is cruel, malignant / malefic for all
acts. The lunar nadi Ida on the left side always endows success in all auspicious activities.
60. The left channel of pranic energy Ida is auspicious while moving out of the house. While
returning or entering / moving in Pingala (the right channel is auspicious. The moon nadi is
always EVEN while the sun nadi is always ODD.
61. The moon nadi (ida) which is the left-sided pranic energy channel is considered the female
principal. The sun nadi (pingala) which is right sided pranic channel, is the male principal.
The colour of Lunar nadi is white and that of Solar Nadi is black. Therefore, auspicious
works / acts and deeds must only be performed during the flow of Ida.
62. During the flow of Surya nadi (pingala), cruel, difficult & hard tasks must be performed.
During the Sushumna flow actions pertaining to the bhukti (sensual pleasures) and mukti
(liberation / nirvana) are to be performed.
63. During the first three days of Shuklapaksha (the bright fortnight), the Ida flows and then
alternates. (1st,2nd,3rd-IDA, 4th,5th,6th Pingla, thus they keep alternating). While, conversely,
during the first three days of Krishnapaksha (the dark fortnight), the Pingala flows first.
(1st,2nd,3rd PINGLA, 4th 5th,6th IDA thus they alternate).
In the bright fortnight, the lunar swara rises from the time of sunrise and continues till the
time span of two & a half Ghadis
( 60 minutes). In the dark fortnight, the solar Swara
(Pingala ) rises first. So, these swaras flow alternately for a period of two-and-a half ghadis ( 60
minutes) throughout the twenty four hours of a day.
In between these ghadis, the five elements get activated and flow. If the swaras flow as
per the above mentioned rules then one can resume his / her activities. Conversely, the daily
activities are not to be performed if the flow of Swara is unfavourable.

During the first three days of bright fortnight, the Ida Swara must flow first, and during
the dark fortnight the right pranic channel pingala must flow initially.
A wise person must never let the moon swara flow during the night. Similarly the sun
swara must be suppressed during daytime. By practicing in this manner daily and continuously
one becomes a yogi.
During the rise of pingala, the sun element is under ones control. The moon is under
control during Ida. The person who knows the flow of Swaras in this manner can control the
universe in a second.
If a day starts with lunar swara at sunrise and ends with the solar swara at sunset, then
this cycle of swaras produces many beneficial and auspicious effects. If the cycle of swaras is
contrary to this then all the auspicious acts must be avoided during such period.
The acts performed on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday , and Friday while the left Swara
or Ida nadi is flowing endow success in all auspicious deeds ( more so if it is a bright fortnight).
Similarly, if right swara flows on Sunday, Tuesday, and Saturday then all deeds
performed get accomplished. Success is inevitable if such deeds are performed during the darker
fortnight(krishan paksh).
Pattern of flow of Five Tattwas
The air elements flows first of all in either nadis. Then follows the fire element, and then
flows the earth element. The sky element is active in the end. (Air touches the sides of the nasal
passage, Fire touches the top, Water touches the bottom of the nasal passage and Earth flows in
centre of it).
The five tattwas arise and flow in the above mentioned sequence for the duration of twoand-a-half ghadis (1 hour) in each of the nadis separately.
During the time-span of one day and night (24 hours), 12 zodiac transitions are said to
occur. Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Pisces occur & transit during the flow of
Ida. These zodiac signs are considered to be of moon (dominated).
Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius occur and transit during the flow of
solar swara pingala, and they are considered to be sun dominated. One must determine the
auspicious and inauspicious result via the rise of swaras in the right nadi.

The moon resides in the (represents) East and North directions. The Sun (Solar Swara)
represents the West and South. Hence, one must not travel towards West and South while the
Solar Swara is active.
While the lunar Swara Ida is flowing, one must not travel towards North & East otherwise
there is a probability that the person may never return because of the perils of journey and threat
from the enemies.
Hence, the wise scholars, who desire good for all, have prohibited journey in the Swarasdirections in the combinations mentioned above. Or, they might even have to face death.
If the lunar Swara Ida flows at the time of Solar Swara Pingalas flow, during the second
day of bright fortnight, then it has been observed that one experiences profit and prosperity for
auspicious deeds.
80. That day, when solar swara Pingala flows at the time of Sunrise and the Lunar swara at the
time of moonrise, all kinds of actions undertaken at any time throughout the span of 24 hours
will be successful.
Contrarily, if the Lunar Swara flows at the time of Sunrise and the Solar Swara at the time
of moonrise then loss, conflicts, and sorrows ensue. Auspicious deeds are to be avoided at such
During the flow of Solar Swara, one can undoubtedly acquire the knowledge of the
subtlest and difficult subjects. Contrarily, during the flow of lunar Swara, the knowledge of
above mentioned subjects cannot be acquired.
Starting from the first four ghadis of morning if the flow of Swaras is opposite, e.g. if the
lunar Swara flows during the time of solar Swara then the results are unfavourable.
In such a flow of Swaras, the mind is perturbed during the 1st ghadi. In the 2nd ghadi the
wealth gets destroyed; in the 3rd, travel or movement ensues; in the 4th ghadi, there is a loss of
dear things.
During the 5th ghadi, there is the loss of ones state/province; disease and death occur
during the 7th; and death during the 8th ghadi. Thus is the result of opposite or reverse Swaras.
If the opposite Swara flow for eight successive days during all three periods (morning,
noon and night) then bad results occur. A little reduction or irregularity in this is good.

If the lunar Swara flows during morning and noon, and the solar Swara during evening
(dusk), then one gets victory daily. If the Swaras flow in the opposite manner, there is loss &
defeat and one must avoid almost everything during such period.
If the left or right Swara is active along with partially active Sushumna, then one must
start journey by putting the corresponding foot forward to achieve success.
While starting a journey, one must put left foot forward if the moon swara is active and
right foot if sun Swara is active to ensure success.
While getting up after sleeping if one touches that side cheek which corresponds to the
active Swara with the palm of same hand one gets the desired fruit.
At the time of giving or receiving anything or going out of house, using the same hand or
foot which is on the side of active Swara is best.
By acting in such a manner, one is free from conflict, loss, destruction and affliction by
enemies. One is relieved of all the troubles and returns home merrily.
While sitting with Guru(s), king, brother, minister and other beneficial person, one must
keep them towards the side of active Swara for attaining auspicious effects.
To overcome an enemy, commit theft, while igniting the fire, while committing
unrighteous deeds one must keep the person or object on the side of non-active Swara.
Some people believe that journeys to far off lands must be undertaken/started while the
flow of lunar Swara, while the journey (s) to nearby lands is to be undertaken during the solar
Whatever has been mentioned till now regarding war and benefits undoubtedly comes to
pass when the respective Swaras are actively flowing.
While the flow of Shunya nadi (Sushumna), the above mentioned actions like wars,
battles, and other beneficial deeds/actions become futile. This has been mentioned by Lord
Shiva himself and thus, a gospel truth.
During the flow of Purna Swara, performance of activities like punishing the wicked,
imparting knowledge, committing fraud, facing an angry master, committing theft, etc. bear
terribly horrific results.

The lunar Swara is beneficial for starting long journeys. It ensures success without
obstacles. The solar Swara is beneficial for activities like entering a house.
100. The flow of Swaras can make an incapable and incompetent person fully capable and
competent and vice-versa. As all the beings are under the control of the results of their previous
karmas, therefore, they must act according to the flow of Swaras like Sushumna.
101. The active lunar Swara can act even as an antidote to poison. The active solar Sara is
beneficial for bringing the powerful under the control. While the third Swara (Sushumna)
bestows liberation. Thus, one God has threefold functions and existence.
102. The nadis must flow according to the nature of work(s) to be performed throughout day
and night. If the Swaras are made to flow as per the nature of work e.g. then lunar Swara for
auspicious work and Solar Swara for inauspicious then success in all ventures is assured.
103. While performing worship, penance, and other stable and permanent actions and giving
long-lasting results, while wearing jewellery, starting journey to far-off lands, while performing
one dharma(s) throughout four stages of life namely Brahmcharya (celibacy), Grahastha
(house holders life), Vanaprastha (Going to jungle, mountain or far off land to lead a spiritual
life/ and Sanyara (formal declaration renunciation of world and the performance of rituals
attached therewith) and while collecting the Ida nadi provides optimum results.
104. While digging ponds and well, digging a pole, consecrating (ritualistically) the image/idol
of a deity, giving donation, journeying, marrying, wearing clothes, jewellery, and other
decorative articles, the flow of ida is beneficial.
Performing activities pertaining to peace-establishment, acquiring nourishment from
divine herbs and chemicals, meeting ones master, befriending someone, doing business
activities, and collecting food-grains, ida is auspicious.
106. While entering a new house, doing service, sowing and farming, doing auspicious deeds,
forming alliances and treaties, and while leaving for a journey, Ida is auspicious.
For starting studies or research, seeing brothers and relatives in birth and death, in
dharmic deeds, for getting spiritual invitation (Deeksha), for perfecting ones mantra, Ida is the

For learning Sutras (verses) pertaining to the Science and knowledge of time (past,
present and future), bringing cattle and pets to home, treating incurable and deadly disease, and
addressing ones master.

109. Mounting an elephant or a horse, tying them (or putting them in their stables), learning the
art of archery, doing charitable services, collecting wealth.
110. Singing, playing musical instruments, dancing, studying the art of dance, drama, and other
aesthetic activities, entering a city or village, applying tilak, buying land.
111. Facilitating, helping, pacifying the ones having sorrows, sufferings, fever, ailments or who
are unconscious, interacting with relatives and master(s)and for collecting wood and grains.
112. O Parvati! Ida is also beneficial for womens dental decoration, for the arrival of rain, for
worshipping Guru, and for removing the effects of poison.
113. The acts like practice of yoga are especially fruitful during the flow of Ida. But such acts
must be avoided if fire, air or ether elements are active and flowing therewith Ida (The above
mentioned acts are fruitful during the flow of Ida only if earth and water elements are also
114. All good acts during day and night fructify during the flow of Ida. In fact, the lunar Swara
is best for doing all auspicious activities.
While learning or teaching cruel knowledges and arts, while meeting women and
prostitutes (for sexual purposes), boarding a large ship, pingala flow is beneficial.
116. It is beneficial for wicked acts like drinking Sura (wine), practicing difficult vir (tantric)
mantras and performing such kind of worship, destroying the country (enemy) in a state of
unrest, and poisoning the enemy.
117. Practicing the scriptures, journeying, selling or buying cattle, making bricks, wood and
jewellery by cutting grinding and polishing.
118. Practicing the use of weapons, yantras, and tantra, climbing a fort or a mountain summit,
gambling, stealing, while mounting and controlling an elephant, horse, a chariot and other
While exercising, performing six acts of black magic like Maran and Uchchatan
(killing and emotionally destabilizing the enemy through rituals), while overcoming the extraterrestrial beings like ghosts, Yakshas and Yakshinis (demigods), Vetal (evil spirits), and
the effects of poison, Pingala in auspicious.

120. While keeping a donkey, camel, buffalo, while mounting an elephant or a horse, while
crossing a river or pond, taking medicines, healing one self or others, and while writing,
alphabets Pingala (solar) nadi is the best.
121. The acts like Maran black, Mohan, Stambhan Uchachatan (killing, enchanting,
paralyzing, respectively, via black magic), controlling others by rituals of black magic,
inspiriting, attracting, being enraged, giving donations, and buying and selling.
122. Attracting evil spirits, bearing malice, getting rid of enemies, using sword while battling
the enemy, having sensual pleasures, meeting the king, eating, bathing, performing formal and
behavioural tasks and doing outstanding and shining deeds is best accomplished during the flow
of Pingala.
123. The wise must perform the acts like eating, pleasing the senses, activating the appetite,
womanizing, and sleeping during the solar Swara flow.
124. All kinds of harsh, cruel, deeds involving versatility and dynamism are successful during
the flow of Pingala nadi.
125. If ida (lunar) Swara flows during one moment and Pingala (Solar) Swara flows during the
second then such a flow of Swaras is called Sushumna flow. Know and remember that such
destroys the fruit of all activities.
126. The fire of destruction is said to be residing in the Sushumna nadi. Know it to be the
poison, destroyer of all the actions.
127. If Ida and Pingala nadis flow irregularly violating their flow then the consequences arising
there from are inauspicious without any doubt.
128. When the Swara flow through Ida at one moment and through Pingala at the other then
such a sequence of flow is said to be adverse. O Godess of boons, during such time the
undesired results for all activities ensue.
129. The wise say that the simultaneous flow of both the Swaras is like the effects of poison.
All actions, whether auspicious or inauspicious, good or bad, right or wrong are to be avoided
during such times as they are not successful.
130. The question of life and death, profit and loss, victory and defeat and such subjects must
be forgotten during the adverse flow of Swaras (Sushumna). During such time one must
meditate and remember only the God of Universe.

131. The acts like contemplation, prayer to God, meditation, and yoga are to be performed at
such times. Rest of the activities (pertaining to profit or loss, and selfishness and self-interest are
to be avoided).
132. If the Sushumna Swaras is intermingled with the flow of Pingala then both blessing and
cursing are ineffective.
During the transition of Swaras and tatwas no work, with the exception of charitable
deeds involving possession of merit, is to be done.
134. During the flow of irregular Swara one must not even mentally think of doing anything
regarding travel. Travel is perilous and hazardous at such time, and may result even in death,
have no doubts about it.
135. If the breath in lunar Swara flows towards front and upwards and right then it is must be
considered as (Poorna) a complete Swara. If the Swara breath in Solar Swara is going down,
backward, and right then it is to be considered as Poorna (complete) Solar Swara. Otherwise
the Swaras are said to be empty. This knowledge of discerning the full (poorna) and empty
(rikta) Swara must be possessed by the wise.
136. If a messenger arrives from left, front, or higher (upper) sides during the lunar Swara
flow and from backwards, right or sitting downwards then it is auspicious.
137. If one remains without food during the flow of adverse nadi Sushumna, and if in such a
state he acquires complete absorption with the element that is subtlest and beyond the beyond,
then such merging is known as Sandhya by the wise.
138. As per the Swardodaya Science, the Vedas are not the celebrated and renowned texts, as
we know them. That, which actively aids the realization of and absorption with supreme soul
Paramatman is the real Veda.
139. Sandhya is just not Sandhi (meeting) of day & night. When the previously erratic prana
starts to flow in Sushumna nadi, then it is the real Sandhi.
140. O Deva of Devas, Mahadeva! O redeemer of the whole universe! Do tell me about the
secret knowledge that you keep in your heart.
141. There is no ishtadevata (cherished form of God) except the Science of Swara. The yogi
who is engrossed in the Sadhana of knowing this science is the supreme yogi.

142. The creation emanates from the five elements and into them it dissolves. Therefore, the
five elements are supreme. God alone is beyond them.
143. Through perfection in Yoga and from the Siddhies (supernatural powers) granted there
from, the yogis must know and comprehend the name of these five elements. An expert in
Swarodaya Science can know and differentiate the wicked person from their signs.
144. The person who has realized and seen this universe to be constituted by the five elements
namely earth, water, fire, air and other is to be worshipped.
145. The bodies of all the beings in all lokas (planes of existence) are not made of different
elements (but of same five basic elements). But there is a difference in constitution of nadis.
146. O Beautiful Godess! The rise of five elements in right and left Swaras has been described
previously. Now listen, as I describe the eightfold Science of Tatwas (elements).
147. 1stly, the number of elements;2ndly, the sandhis (junction and conjunction of breaths);
3rdly, the signs of Swaras; and 4thly the place of Swaras.
148. The 5th part is colour and form of syllabus, 6th is prana, 7th relates to taste, in 8th section
we have the signs and symptoms of the movement of tattwas.
149. In this way, eight types of prana vayu pervade the universe. O lotus eyed goddess, nothing
is beyond the knowledge of Swaras.
150. By all means, the Swara must be watched and monitored right from the start of day. This
yoga is deployed by the yogis to escape the grinds of time.
Block the ears with thumbs, close the two nostrils with the middle fingers, close the
mouth with ring and little fingers, and press the eyes gently with the forefingers/index finger.
(Practice Shanmukhi Mudra)
152. By doing this, the knowledge of all five elements, like earth etc. comes sequentially by
careful observation and awareness. The earth appears yellow, water white, fire red, air dark
black, and the sky appears multi-hued and strangely coloured.
153. Please breathe while looking at a mirror. The wise can acquire the knowledge of different
tattwas by observing the shape and pattern formed on the mirror by the water vapours of breath.
154. If the shape formed on mirror is a square or quadrangle it indicates earth element, crescent
moon indicates water, a triangle indicates fire, and a circle indicates air.

Earth element flows in the middle of breath, the breath endowed with water flows
downwards, the swara/breath enmeshed with fire flows upwards and air flows slant, at an angle,
the breath endowed with ether flows in both the Swaras.
156. Earth is yellow coloured, water white coloured, fire red, air cloud-blue, ether is multicoloured (having all colours).
157. Fire is located in the shoulders, of a human, the air element resides at the root of navel,
earth in the knees, water element in the end part of feet, and ether element resides in the head.
158. The earth element is sweet in taste, water astringent, fires taste is pungent, air element
taste, sour, while ether element is bitter in taste.
159. The length of breath while the flow of active air element is eight fingers(thickness) breath
(angula); fire element four angulas long; the length of breath in earth element is twelve angulas
(finger); and the water element sixteen angulas long.
160. The upward flow of breath while the fire element is active is deadly; the downward of
breath when water is active element bestows peace; the slant and angular flow of breath during
active air element is good for the rites of black magic (like Uchchatan); the middle ward flow
of breath in earth element is good for paralyzing enemies and evil forces by black magical rites
(Stambhan); the effect of active ether element is normal.
161. The acts involving steady, permanent, and long-lasting results get fructified if performed
during active earth element; during the rise of water element moving work is (involving
versatility and granting fleeting results) give success; during the pre-dominance of fire element
harsh, difficult, demanding, and cruel tasks provide success; during air actions like killing via
black magic (Maran) and making someone emotionally unstable or nervous (Uchchatan).
162. While the predominance of ether element is there, no work, except the practice of Yoga
Sadhana, is to be done. Otherwise, all actions are sure to be fruitless and providing null/zero
The rise of Earth and water elements, bestows success; fire gives death; active air
elements brings destruction; activeness of ether results in failure. The knowers of science of
tattwas must know this.
When earth element is active the profit gets delayed; when water is active there is
immediate success; loss and destruction ensue during the flow of air and fire elements, ether
causes fruitless actions.

165. The signs of pre-dominance of earth element in a Swara are its yellow hue, slow motion,
downward motion till the chin, heavy and deep sound, and warm temperature. It endows success
in all steady works.
166. The breath having a pre-dominance of water element is downward flowing, heavy and
deep sounded, fast flowing, cool in temperature and has a length of sixteen angulas (fingers).
167. The Swara / breath which is very hot, flowing in a circular motion & upward moving is
having a pre-dominance of the fire element and has a length of four fingers. It is suitable only
for performing harsh and cruel actions.
168. The Swara that is somewhat cold and somewhat hot, dark in colour, having a length of
eight angulas, and having oblique motion has a pre-dominance of air. It brings success in
dynamic, versatile activities.
The breath possessing the qualities of all elements in a balanced proportion is predominated by ether element. This element bestows success to the yogis in their Yoga.
170. The earth element is yellow in colour, quadrangular shaped, flowing in the middle, and
sweet in taste, it extends up to twelve angulas and provides sensual pleasures.
The water element is white coloured, crescent moon, shaped, astringent in taste, wet,
having a length of sixteen angulas, and is auspicious and profit giving.
172. The fire element is red coloured, triangularly shaped, pungent in taste, upward, moving,
radiating light, and has a length of four angulas.
173. The air element is blue-coloured, circular in shape, sour in taste, having an erractic and
slant/oblique motion and is eight angulars long.
The ether element is unknowable and inaccessible due to its omni presence,
unconquerable speed, colour, shape, and taste. It provides salvation (moksha) and renders all
other pursuits fruitless when it flows.
175. Earth and Water are auspicious elements. The Fire element gives mixed results. Air and
Ether can cause loss and deaths to persons.
176. The domain of Earth element is from East to West ; Fire resides in the South direction, the
abode of Air is in the North ; the Ether element is situated in the centre of all directions.

177. If the earth or water elements get activated during the flow of lunar Swara (Ida) then,
undoubtedly, there is success in auspicious arts.
If the fire element is active in Solar Swara (Pingala) then there is assured success in harsh
and cruel activities.
178. The flow of earth element during the day and water element during the night is beneficial.
Death ensues during the rise of fire element. The flow of Air element results in loss and
destruction. Ether element may cause loss of dwelling place due to fire.
179. For the questions regarding victory in life, profit, farming, wealth accumulation, the
meaning of mantras, questions related to war and travel earth element is considered to be
180. During the earth elements pre-dominance the enemy is stationary and immobile ; in water
element the enemy is coming ; during air the enemy will go in another direction ; and during fire
the enemy is there to destroy and kill you.
If someone questions you during the predominance of earth then he has some basic
materialistic concerns in mind, if water or air is predominant then the questioners concern are for
fellow human beings and creatures, if fire is active then he has concern with metals , stones and
such articles. If ether is predominant then the mind of the questioner is free of all worries.
182. During the flow of earth the questioner is worried about the creatures having more than
two legs. During Water and Air he is concerned about human beings, during the Fire element he
is worried about his cattle, and during Ether he is worried about organisms with no feet and legs.
183. In the right Solar Swara Mars, Sun, Saturn and Neptune (Rahu) reside respectively in
Fire, Earth, water and Air elements.
184. In the lunar swara Moon, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus dwell, respectively, in water, Earth,
Air and Fire elements. The above mentioned nine planets facilitate in the success of each
As per this science, Earth signifies Mercury, Water is Moon, Fire is Sun and Mars is
Saturn and Air is Rahu (Neptune).
186. If a question related to travel is asked and the Rahu resides in the air element of active
Solar Swara then know that the traveler is commuting from one place to another.

187. If a question regarding the return of a traveler is asked while water element is active then
the traveler is on his way to return, if Earth element is active then the traveler is at the same
place. During the dominance of Air the traveler is somewhere else ( a place different to the
destination). If fire is dominant then consider him to be dead.
During the dominance of Earth element the questioner wants to enquire about plants,
trees. If the water element is dominant then he wants to enquire about auspicious works. During
fire element the question in mind will be regarding metals and such substances. During ether he
does not want to know about anything.
189. If during the flow of earth and water elements in body someone asks about the condition
of a person who has migrated to another place then know it that the migrant is satisfied, well
nourished, having sensual pleasures (like sex and games) victorious, and happy.
If fire or air is flowing then consider the migrant to be in lethargy or fever.
190. If the question is asked during the dominance of Ether element then know that the migrant
is dead or nearing end of his life.
So must the practioners of the art of Tattwa Sadhana know the answers of the questions
asked to them, as per dominance of elements.
191. In East, West, South and North the Earth , Water, Fire and air elements are powerful and
dominant, respectively.
Origin of the Human Body

O Boon Bestowing Goddess! Know that this body is but a constitution of five elements.

193. The five attributes of Earth element are bones, flesh, skin , nadis and hair of this body.
Even the Vedanta substantiates this.
194. The five attributes of water element ( in human body) are semen /ova , blood, marrow,
urine, and saliva. The Brahm Gyanis have said this.
195. The five attributes of fire as per Brahm Gyanis - are hunger , thirst, sleep , effulgence
and lethargy.
196. The five attributes of air as per the Brahm Gyanis are running , walking , secretion of
glands, contraction and expansion.

197. The five attributes of Ether as mentioned by the Brahm Gyanis are love or attachment,
jealousy or malice, shyness, fear , and passionate bonding.
198. In the human body the earth element is 50 Palas (Parts) water in 40 Palas, Fire 30 Palas,
Air 20 Palas, and Ether 10 Palas.(Pal is a unit of time, 150 pal equals to one hour.)
If the Earth elements flows in the active Swara then there is delayed profit. In water
element one get instantaneous benefit. The profit is meager in Air element . In the dominance of
fire element even the accomplished gains will be spoiled.
Earth has five attributes, water has four, fire has three, air has two, and ether one.
Everyone must know this proportion of elements attributes.
Various types of Swaras produced during the dominance of Earth element like
producing hissing and sibilant noise, broken sound, torn sound, and downward sound grant
results in all works.
202. The nakshatras (constellations) of Earth element are Dhanishtha (Delphini), Rohini
(Aldebaran), Jyestha (Antares), Anuradha (Scorpionis) , Shravana (Aquitae) ,
Abhijit(Vega), and Uttarashada /Uttarakhada (Sagigtari).

O Beloved! The nakshatras of water element are poorvashadha /Poorvakhada
(Sagittari), Aashelesha (Hydarae) , Moola (Scorpionis), Aardra (Betelgeuse), Revati
(Piscium), Uttaraabhaadrapaada (Andromedae), and Shatabhishaa (Aquarii).
204. O Beloved ! The constellations of fire are Bharani ( 41/35 Arietis) , Krittikaa (Tauri),
Pushya (Cancri), Maagha (Regular), Poorvaphalguni (Leonis) Poorvabhaadrapaada
(pegasi), and Swati (Bootis).
The constellations of Air element are Vishaakhaa (Librae), Uttaraaphaalguni
(Lionis) , Hasta (corvi), Chitraa (Virginis) , Punarvasu (Geminorium ) and (Mrighshiraa
206. If a messenger sits towards the side of active Swara while asking about auspicious or
inauspicious affairs then all such affairs will be successful and will have a positive bearing. If he
sits towards the side of non-active swara then all the actions will be rendered fruitless.
207. The answers to questions asked by someone regarding the success of any venture will be
in negative during the flow of solar Swara even if it is flowing in its full strength along with the
dominance of auspicious and beneficial elements in it.

Conversely, the answers to question asked regarding the success of any venture will be in
affirmative during the flow of the lunar Swara.
208. Lord Shri Rama achieved victory during the flow of auspicious elements only. Similarly,
Arjuna was also victorious due to the dominance of favourable elements. All the Kauravaas were
killed due to the dominance of unfavorable elements.
209. Only by the grace of Guru, or due to the Sanskaaras (inherent tendencies) from previous
lives does the desire and capacity to know the science of Tattwas arise in the hearts of a selected
few possessing good souls.
Lam is the beeja mantra (seed sound) of the earth element. The form for
concentration / mediation on earth element is golden yellow in colour, square in shape, and
having a pleasant smell. By meditating in this way on earth element and, simultaneously,
chanting the Lam bija mantra one gets lightness of body.
211. The bija of Moon element is Vam. If, while chanting Vam bija one concentrates on the
form of shining crescent moon the ability to bear and overcome hunger and thirst is achieved.
Also, one can live in water for a long time without drowning.
By concentrating on fire element in the form of shimmering , shining , radiating red
triangle and
chanting the beeja Ram one gets the ability to consume and digest
huge quantities of food and fluids. One also achieves the ability to bear excessive temperatures.

213. By mediating on Air element having a dark circular form, alongwith the chant of Yam
bija one gets the ability to fly in the sky like birds.
214. Ham bija is employed to mediate on formless, multi-hued ether element. By meditating
on it one becomes omniscient and attains the eight supernatural powers like Anima etc.
There is no greater wealth than the presence of an expert practitioner of Swara Yoga
because, with the knowledge of Swaras all actions bear fruit without any effort.
The Devi Said
216. O God of all Gods, Mahadeva ! Please explain to me how does one acquire the knowledge
of past, present and future through the knowledge of Swaras.

Lord Shiva Spoke

O Beauty ! Without the knowledge of the science of Swaras the knowledge about
auspicious/inauspicious acts like accumulation of wealth , victory, time , death etc. (and of the
questions pertaining to them) cannot be had.
In the tattwas ( and their flow) do reside auspicious / inauspicious deeds, victory and
defeat, abundance and famine / want. Hence, the tattwas (elements) are stated to be the cause of
past, present and future.
Devi Spoke
219. O Deva of Devas, Mahadeva ! What is the essence of this ocean of existence (world)?
Who is the best friend and accomplice of humans in this world? Through what can all desires be
fulfilled and all acts accomplished?

Lord Shiva Spoke

220. O fair faced Goddess! Prana is the ultimate friend. There is no friend or companion in the
universe better than prana.
Devi Spoke
221. How does the air element dwell in Prana ? How do the yogis discern the prana flowing in
the tattwas (elements)
Lord Shiva Spoke
222. In the metaphorical city of body, air is the security guard. Its length is ten angulas while
inhalation and twelve angular during exhalation.
While walking its length is twenty four angular, while running forty-two, during
sexual inter course its length is sixty five angulas, and hundred during deep sleep.
O Devi ! The length of prana is normally twelve angulas (fingers). While eating or
vomiting it becomes eighteen.
If, through the practice of yoga, a yogi is able to decrease the length of his breath
(Prana) by one angula he achieves desire lessness, the reduction of breath (prana) by two
fingers grants bliss, by reduction of three angulas he get sexual power.

226. Reduction by four angulas gives the power that ones words materialize, reduction of
breath by five angulas grants the supernatural power to see all the objects anywhere in the
universe ; reduction by six fingers grants the power of levitation ; reduction by seven grants
enormous speed.
Reduction of prana by eight angulas grants eight siddhis (supernatural powers),
reduction by nine grants nine kinds of wealth (nidhis); ten provides ten different forms to the
practioner ; reduction by eleven fingers grants shadowlessness.
228. If the yogi is able to reduce the length of the prana by twelve angulas he attains the state
of a Hansa and starts enjoying the bliss of drinking the nectar of Ganga.
The yogi who can fill his whole body with Prana from toes to head to fingernails does not
require food and drink for survival.

229. Thus, the detailed technique of application of the science of prana has been mentioned. It
grants success everywhere and always. It can be known through Gurus instructions only. No
knowledge of scriptures is required (as they wont suffice).
230. If, by chance, the lunar swara is not flowing in the dawn time and Solar Swara is not
flowing at the time of dusk. Then they will definitely flow at 12 noon and midnight, respectively.
231. Lunar Swara grants victory in battles in / with far off countries. Solar Swara in nearby
lands. To ensure success, one must start or move out of house by putting forward the same foot
which corresponds to that side of active Swara.
232. Lunar Swara grants success and happiness in auspicious activities like starting a journey,
marriage, or entering a city (such acts must be performed during the flow of Lunar Swara Ida).
If by ones good fortune one is blessed with the flow and activation of the presiding
deities of a direction along with the swara that corresponds to those elements in their attributes ,
then he can even paralyze the whole army of enemies by a mere hissing of his / her breath. He /
she wont get trouble and tribulations even in Baikuntha, the abode of Lord Vishnu.
One who continuously recites the mantra Jivam Raksha and makes the vibrations
caused by this Mantra cloth his whole body during a war survives the war victoriously. He even
conquers the whole earth.

235. One must undertake and perform journey for auspicious and peaceful activities during the
flow of earth and water elements.
For dynamic, difficult and cruel actions, undertake journey during the flow of Air and fire
Journeying for any kind of activity is to be avoided during the flow of Ether element.
236. During a battle or war one must hold the weapon on the same side & with the same hand
that corresponds to the active Swara. This bestows victory.
237. By drawing in and holding Prana inside while mounting any vehicle one accomplishes all
238. If the opponents army is standing towards the side of Shoonya Swara (empty Swara) and
ones own army is towards poorna Swara, then victory in war is assured.
239. If one starts ones journey by putting forward the foot that corresponds to active Swara in
the direction of its presiding deity, one gets success.
240. One must start the battle after performing the mudras (kata) only. By doing Sarpa Mudra,
one gets success in all activities.
241. When accomplished warriors go to battle during either lunar or solar Swaras flow, they
get victorious if the Air element is flowing fully in those Swaras. If the Ether element is active
then they taste defeat.
242. The one who fights a battle by drawing his prana till ear on the same side on which the
active swara is flowing along with the air element cannot be defeated even by Lord Indra.
243. One, who draws in the prana till the ear towards the same side which corresponds to the
active swara while that Swaras air element is active and flowing, conquers even lord Indra
King of all Devas.
244. By safeguarding ones body from the attacks and blows of the enemies in this manner one
cannot be defeated by powerful enemies.
245. One who produces sound from his / her thumb, tip of index finger, and the big toe during
the battle that brave warrior defeats lakhs of enemies.

246. The warrior who leaves for battle during the predominance of air element in either Ida or
Pingala, safeguards (his territory from) all the four directions.
247. If a messenger speaks his desired thought at the time of inhalation then his words will be
fulfilled. If he speaks during exhalation the results are contrary.
248. All the actions / deeds pertaining to profit, gain etc. questioned or answered at the time of
inhalation get accomplished. The results are negative if the same is asked / answered during
A mans right Swara, and a womans left Swara are auspicious. During battle,
kumbhaka (breath retention) is good. Thus, the three nadis have three different movements and
250. How can there be the knowledge of the science of Swaras without the knowledge and
differentiation of the syllables ha and sa ? The living beings get victorious with the
knowledge (through repetition ) of the mantras Soham and Ham-Sa.
251. By inhaling through the closed Swara (and retaining the breath inside), one must protect
the active swara (which will grant victory-if it is guarded). Without this trick if one fights a
battle with a closed Swara, one might lose one of the body-organs in the battle.
If a question is asked by someone during the flow of solar and lunar swara and the
questioner is on the same side which corresponds to the active Swara then there is no
affliction/injury to the body. If the question is asked during the flow of Sushumna under the same
circumstances then there is injury.
253. During such question if earth element is active then one gets injured in stomach area, if
water is active then in the foot area, in case of fire the thighs are injured, if air is active then the
hands get the injury.
If ether element is active then there is head injury. Thus, these five kinds of injuries
during battle are described in the Swara shastra.
255. In lunar Swara the king defeats the enemy and his invading armies while being in his own
country. During solar swaras flow he defeats the enemy in the battlefield (or in enemys
256. If there is any doubt regarding victory then check the flow of nadis. If Sushumna flows
during the battle then there is a grave danger from the enemy.

257. By facing the same direction and fighting in the same direction that corresponds to the
active Swara ones victory is assured. There is no need to think otherwise.
The invading armies of enemies is defeated and conquered if the lunar Swara of the
general / King of invaded country is flowing.
259. The king of invading army conquers the Gods, demons, and human if he battles during the
flow of solar Swara.
260. The invader is defeated during the flow or Lunar Swara. He acquires territory during
Sushumnas flow and is victorious during the flow of Pingala.
261. During the flow of Poorna Swara if question regarding battle is asked by two persons
then the first to ask question is victorious while the second is conquered by his enemy. Whereas,
during the flow of Shoonya Swara if question/s regarding battle is asked by two persons, the
first to ask is conquered and captured, and the second to ask the question is victorious.
262. If one goes to the battle field during the flow of Poorna (fully active) Swara then his /her
enemy escapes from the battlefield during Shoonya (closed) Swara he battles. If the enemy is
kept by him towards the side of shoonya (closed) Swara then the enemy definitely is killed.
If a questioner comes from the left side during the flow of Ida (lunar) nadi and
asks question regarding victory etc. then if the total sum of all the letters of that question in
even (like 2,4,6 etc.) then success is there. If the sum total of all the alphabets/letters is odd
(1,3,5) then loss and defeat occur.
264. If a question regarding battle/war is asked during the flow of Ida then there must be a
compromise. If the question is asked during Pingalas flow then battle must happen.
265. If a battle is started during the flow of earth element then the result of battle (loss, defeat,
victory gains) will more or less be equal for both the sides. Victory is assured during the flow of
water element, during the dominance of fire there is a loss of bodys organ, and during the
dominance of air or ether death ensues.
266. If, due to mental disturbance/incapacity or, for any other reason, one does not know about
the flow of his Swara, he must act in the following manner.
267. With single-minded concentration one must drop a flower from his hand. That side of the
body where the flower lands is the side of Poorna (fully active) Swara. The other side is the
side of Shoonya Swara.

If, while standing or sitting, one draws in his Prana with complete concentration and
steadiness of mind he is successful everywhere in all the activities.
If one is stable, established, and firm (i.e. meditating intensely) during the flow of
Sushumna then death, time, various dangerous and horrible weapons, snakes, enemies, thieves,
and any troubles and tribulations are unable to cause any trouble to him.
270. One must mediate upon the Jiva (his own self or atman) . Upon its creation right
from the beginning, to its establishment in the human body via the support and movement of
Vayu the air element. One must be immersed in this play throughout, thoroughly and
forever. By dong this, one is victorious in game of life (i.e. attains liberation). This game is as
dicey as gambling.
271. All other kinds of power (even if multiplied trillion fold) are useless against the power of
Swara. The knower of the science of Swara is always more powerful in this world as well as in
the next.
The power acquired via the knowledge of Swaras for kings is equal to thousand, ten
thousand, and even lakhs of other brave warriors. Whereas, the power acquired by Lord Indra
and other gods through the knowledge of Swara Science is millions of times more.
273. Devi said: O Shiv Ji! you have described and explained the ways to achieve victory in
wars between the humans only. But, what about the war with Yama the God of Death? How
can one secure victory in a battle with him (How can one become immortal)?
274. Lord Shiva Said: By mediating upon God with one-pointed mind while, simultaneously,
perform kumbhaka (breath retention) during the flow of Sushumna This kind of homa
(Sacred offering) bestows the fulfillment of all desires, victory, and other immense gains.
275. From the infinite formless God has this world of forms originated. By the realization of
God (through the method just mentioned) one perceives this world of forms and shapes as
formless, instantaneously.
276. Devi said : You have just mentioned the techniques for securing victory with men and
yama (Death , or god of death). Now, O God of all Gods and Goddesses please describe the
science and art of enchanting and bewitchment.
277. Lord Shiva replied : The Rishis have said that if a womans lunar Swara is inhaled and
pulled by a man through his solar Swara and retained in his anahata Chakra hearts space
then that woman remains under the spell of that man through out her life.

278. Whosoever puts his active Swara in the active Swara of a woman and then inhales her
active Swara with his active Swara and thereby puts it into his anahata Chakra controls the
soul of that woman.
279. A man who drinks the Sushumna Swara of a lady while she is asleep during the last three
hours of night, captivates her.
280. If a man gives his lunar Swara to a woman after her Sushumna Swara has ended while,
simultaneously, chanting, the eight syllable mantra (Om Namo Narayana) ---enchants that
281. If a man drinks the lunar Swara of a lady with his solar Swara while she is asleep or
while having, intercourse, or making love he becomes as attractive as cupid.
282. During sexual intercourse if a mans solar swara and a womans lunar swara are united, or
if he unites his lunar swara with a womans solar swara, then he can enchant even a hundred
If the relation occurs between a man and woman at odd no. of times (3,7,9) while a
womans lunar swara and mans solar swara are flowing and united then the woman becomes
under control. Also, if the act is done at even no. of (2,4,6)times when a womans solar Swara
and a mans lunar Swara are flowing and are united the woman is under complete control.
284. While sucking in her lunar or solar Swara like a snake if a man simultaneously kisses her
half open lotus like lips repeatedly then she is captivated.
285. The man must keep on kissing the woman on her lotus lips till she falls asleep. Later,
when she just gets up, he must kiss her throat and eyes.
286. O Supreme Goddess! By following these techniques the lustful man can captivate and
bewitch all women. This method of enchantment and captivation of women must not be
disclosed to anyone. This is my command.
287. If the sexual intercourse is performed on the fifth day after the menstrual cycle, while a
womans lunar Swara and mans solar Swara is flowing, then a son can be conceived.
After the menstrual cycle, if during the flow of water or earth elements the herb
Shankhballi mixed in cows milk is taken by a woman then she must pray three times to her
husband for granting her pregnancy.

If, after the menstrual cycle is over, the woman takes the Shankhballi drink after
bathing, she gives birth to a son who is very handsome, good looking , and brave as a lion.
290. If the solar Swara flows after Sushumna and the sexual intercourse is performed then a
crippled and ugly son is conceived.
291. After the menstrual cycle is over, if sexual intercourse is performed during day or night on
odd numbered days (1,3,5,7 etc.) while the males solar Swara and females lunar swara
alongwith fire element is active, then even a barren woman will get a child.
292. If the act is performed at the beginning of fertile period while the solar swara of husband
and the lunar swara of wife is flowing then even an infertile wife is also blessed with a son.
293. If the husband solar swara is flowing at the beginning of the intercourse and the act ends
with the flow of lunar swara in the husband then all except the luckless ones are blessed with a
294. if a question is asked regarding child birth during the flow of lunar nadi Ida then one gets
a daughter; if the question is asked during the flow of Pingala then a son is born. If the Sushumna
is flowing then there is miscarriage.
295. If the earth element is pre-dominant during the time of question then a daughter is born, if
water element is dominant then a son is born, if air dominates then a girl-child, if fire then there
is abortion or miscarriage, if ether an impotent or eunuch is born.
296. While questioning about child birth if the lunar swara is flowing then a girl child is born,
if solar swara flows a son is born, in Sushumna, an eunuch is born. If the messenger/questioner
is towards the side of Poorna Swara, then a son will be born.
297. O Beauty! if the question is asked during Shoonya (Void) Swara then there is no child,
during the flow of both swaras twins are born, during mixed and alternating swaras there is
miscarriage. Such is mentioned by the knowers of this science.
If the child is conceived during the dominance of air element, the child will be of
melancholy disposition; if he is conceived during the dominance of water element then he
becomes famous and prosperous; during fire either abortion will take or the child will be shortlived. If earth is pre-dominant then a prosperous, brave and hedonistic child is born.
299. If a childs conception takes place during the dominance of water then the child born will
be wealthy, happy, hedonistic, and fortunate. During ether, there is a miscarriage.

300. During the pre-dominance of earth element, a virtuous and good child will be born. If
water is dominant then a girl child is born. During the dominance of other elements there is
either miscarriage or abortion or else the child dies soon after birth.
301 If, suddenly, the lunar swara flows during the flow of solar swara or vice-versa then one
must ask about the consequence from the Guru only. The Vedas and crores of other Shastra are
of no avail in this regard.
302. The wise yogi must reflect about the elements during the first day of the brighter fortnight
Chaitra (March & April) month at the morning time before dawn, when the sun moves towards
303. If at such time the earth, water, or air element is dominant alongwith the flow of lunar
Swara then there will be an abundance of wheat and good grains during that year.
304. If fire or ether element is active at that time then there in a fear of great suffering due to
famine and food shortage. Thus, one must calculate the results of the forthcoming days, months
and years in advance through the tatwas.
305 The Sushumna nadi is cruel and adverse for all activities. If one performs any kind of
activity during its flow (except yoga Sadhna), he inevitably suffers affiliations like destruction of
country, epidemics, sorrows, sufferings, etc.
The knowers of tatwa must examine the swaras during suns transition into the
constellation of Aries. And they must predict the years forthcoming events accordingly.
307. If the earth or water element is pre-dominant during this time then the results are
auspicious. If fire, air, or ether element is dominant then the results are inauspicious. Thus, one
must calculate the proceedings of days, months, and year to come.
308. If the earth element is active and dominant during this time then there will be an
abundance of food, superior farming, greater yield, prosperity, and overall development of the
309 If on this day the water element is active then there are excellent rains, abundant food,
freedom from disease, happiness, prosperity and abundance of food grains.
310 The dominance of fire elements foretells famine, destruction of ones nation, destruction of
food-grains, and scanty rainfall.

If during suns transition into Aries the air elements is active then it foretells trouble,
calamity, destruction by both natural and man-made disasters, fear, and scanty rainfall.

If the ether element dominates at that time then there is a want of happiness, food-grains

313 If one inhales the Poorna Swara at that time then there is a production of food-grains. If
the solar or lunar swara is flowing erratically or irregularly then the storing of food-grains is
beneficial because there will be an acute shortage of food-grains.
314 If the fire element is active along with the flow of solar swara and also the ether element
seems to be getting activated during the suns transition into Aries, then one must start storing
food-grains because there will be steep inflation in price within two months.
315 If, during this time, the solar Swara flows at night and the lunar Swara in the morning
alongwith the dominance of either air, fire, or ether elements, then hell like conditions prevail on
earth itself.
Question regarding Disease
316 If a question is asked regarding disease and during questioning the earth element is active
then the disease is caused by the bad karmas in the previous birth. If water is active then the
disease is caused by the imbalance of Kapha dosha (cough humour) in the body. If fire is
dominant then the disease is caused by the Goddess Shakini residing in /nearby patients village
or hills surrounding it, or it is caused due to the unhappy deceased ancestors.
317 If the questioner initially sits on the side of the Shoonya(closed) Swara and then shifts
towards the poorna (active) Swara then even a person in deep coma will survive.
318 If somebody questions regarding the disease while sitting towards the Poorna Swara then
the patient though afflicted by many diseases will survive.
If a questioner comes during Solar Swara and says a terrible thing (regarding patients
disease) then also he will survive. Such is the result while the lunar swara is flowing.
320 If the image of the patient is accurately visualized by answerer (as per the description of
questioner) and if gets stabilized in his mind then the patient survives.
If the questioner asks about the well being of a patient while the solar or lunar Swara of
the answerer is just entering his body and if the questioner is facing the people sitting there then
the patient gets well.

322 If the questioners standing level is below the level of Jivanga of the answerer then the
patient survives. Otherwise consider him dead.
If the questioner sits towards the shoonya nadi (closed swara) and utters confusing
words, and appears in a confused state, and the swara is flowing erratically then adverse results
are to be expected.
If the prana of the answerer is flowing in the lunar swara and the questioner is sitting
towards the solar swara then inspite of being surrounded by hundreds of doctors the patient will
If the questioner is sitting towards left and the answerers solar swara is flowing then the
patient (about whom the question is asked) dies even if Lord Shiva himself comes and tries to
save him.
326 If one element flows erratically then disease comes. If two elements flow erratically then
one has to face separation from friends, brothers, and relatives.
If the Swaras flow irregularly for a month then death ensues.
327. The wise scholars must examine the possibility of death by checking the flow of air in the
swaras at the beginning of a month, fortnight , and year, respectively.
328. The lamp of human body which is made of five elements, is nourished by the oil of breath
(Lord Shiva) and the Prana (life force) is guarded by Sun (Swaras) via air.
329. A person who guards his solar breath through Prananayama (breath control) throughout
the day and releases it after the sunset lives for quite a long duration.
330. Person who does this yoga Sadhana is blessed with nectar flowing from the bindu charka and he becomes immortal.
331. A person who prevents the solar and lunar swaras from flowing during the day and night,
respectively, inevitably becomes a perfected yogi.
332. If the same swara flows throughout the day and night then such person dies within three

333. If the Solar Swara of a person flows for two consecutive days and nights incessantly then
he dies within two years. Such has been said by knowers of tattwas (prophets).
334. These prophets say that if the same swara flows for three consecutive days and nights then
such person dies within an year.
335. If the solar swara of a person flows during the day and his lunar swara flows at the night,
continuously then know that he will be dead in six months time.
Signs of impending Death
336. One must observe the reflection of sun in a bronze pot filled with water. If the reflection
of sun is seen cut, missing or fading towards the south then death comes in six months ( for the
observer), if seen cut, fading , or missing towards western direction then death comes in three
months ; if in east death comes within one month ; if the suns reflection seems to have a hole in
its centre then the observer will die within ten days ; if sun appears to be covered with smoke
then the observer dies on the same day. The omniscient sages have said this.
Symptoms of the messenger
337. If the messenger who has come to ask about the well being of a patient is wearing a red,
saffron or black coloured clothes, and he has an oily shaven head, broken teeth , along with a
rope, giving complete answers to questions , his body smeared with ash and embers having a
noose, skull , or pestle in hand, or if he comes during the sunset and he sits towards the side of
Shoonya Swara then believe that the patient is surrounded with death.
338. If a person, who is sad, suddenly becomes alright and starts getting excited then know that
he is showing signs of delirium.
339. Now I will describe in detail the symptoms along with their effects in a person whose
body is getting cold and his temperament getting erratic.
340. A person to whose ears wicked words appear pleasant and pleasant words wicked repents
later on and dies.
If someones forceful exhalation through the nose is cold and his forceful exhalation
through mouth is hot as fire he will surely die even if the foremost doctor of medicine is trying
to save him.

342. A person to whose eyes even one of these is invisible his own tongue, sky, pole star, the
milky way galaxy, the star Arundhati, Moon,Venus, Agatsya, route of gods then known he is
definitely going to die.
Signs of Death
343. One who cannot see the halo of the rising sun, halo of moon, and sees fire sans radiance
dies within eleven months.
344. One who while sleeping or awake sees human excreta , gold or silver in a pond will live
for ten months.
345. A person who sees gold and glowing lamps as black coloured, and to whose eyes all the
beings appear disfigured dies in nine months.
If a fat person suddenly becomes thin and vice-versa, if a dark complexioned man
suddenly becomes glittering like gold , if brave becomes timid, pious becomes impious, mentally
calm man becomes fickle-minded then he dies in eight months.
347. If someone feels pain in the palm of the hand , at the root of the tongue, if his blood
becomes balckish in colour, or if he feels too much of pain while being pricked by sharp object
then such person dies within seven months.
348. If the three middle fingers of hand do not bend, if the throat gets dry without sickness, and
he asks stupid questions then his age is six months more.
349. A person who cannot remember the acts done by him in past dies in the fifth months.

One whose eyes are devoid of light and whose both eyes feel pain dies after four months.

351. If someone does not feel any pain on the pressing of his teeth, gums and testicles he has
an age of three months more.
352. Now I will describe in brief the ways to calculate the proximity or distance of death as per
Shivagam (Shivas Scripture)
After going alone to a lonely jungle and keeping sun behind ones backside one must
single-mindedly concentrate on the throat area of his shadow.
354. Then one must look towards the sky and chant the mantra Hrim Parabrahmane Namah
one hundred and eight times. Doing, thus one sees the form of Lord Shiva.

355. The form of Lord Shiva, thus seen, is pure white like crystal. Lord Shiva appears to the
practitioner in myriad other forms. If such practitioner continues this practice for six months
becomes the master of living beings. If he continues till two years then he himself might become
lord Shiva the lord of creation, preservation, and destruction.
With regular practice he becomes the knower of past, present and future and he
experiences Paramananda (Supreme ecstasy). Nothing in this universe remains impossible for
357. If someone sees the form of lord Shiva as dark in colour, in a clear sky, has an age of mere
six months . There is no doubt in that.
358. If the form of Lord Shiva ( in sky) is seen as yellow coloured then diseases come , if red
then he will have fear , if blue then he will undergo loss. If lord Shivas form appears as multihued then the practitioner gets perfection (siddhi)
359. If, during observing his shadow in the lonely jungle, the practitioner sees his feet, ankles
or belly missing then know that his life span has ended.
360. If the practitioner sees his left arms shadow missing then his spouse will die. If the right
arm is missing then the brother or kinsmen will die and he himself will also expire.
361. If the shadow of head is not visible then the practitioner dies in a month. If the thighs or
shoulders are missing then he will die in eight days. If there is no shadow visible then the
practitioner is already dead.
362. If, while observing ones shadow in the morning while standing with the sun behind,
ones lips or fingers shadow is missing then the death comes in a second ; if the shadow of ears,
shoulders, hands, face, backside, and chest is not seen then he dies in half-a-second, if his heads
shadow is missing and if he is spooky then he dies in six months.
363. If a persons Solar Swara flows continuously for sixteen days he faces death within the
remaining days of the month.
If the Solar Swara of a person remains active without break then he dies within a
fortnight. This has been said by the knowers of time.
365. If a persons urine, excreta , and wind are expelled simultaneously know that his prana
(vital power / life force) is weak, he dies in ten days.

366. The omniscient sages have said that if a persons lunar swara is always active he dies
within a month.
367. If a person is unable to see the pole star, Arundhati Star & sky and Maatrikamandal then
such persons lifespan has ended.
368. In the above couplet (Shloka) Arundhati, Pole star, sky, and Maatrikamandal are the
symbolical representations of tongue, the tip of the nose, eyebrows, and the seven divine
369. If one is unable to see the shadow of his eyebrows, he dies in nine days, if he does not
hear any sound after closing his ears he dies in seven days, if the stars are invisible to him he dies
in five days , If his nose is invisible then he dies in three days and if his tongue is invisible he
dies in a day.
370. If one does not see the shining stars in the corners of ones eyes after pressing them with
the tips of fingers then such a person dies within ten days
371. One escapes death by holy pilgrimages ,charity ,penance , reciting mantras, mediation ,
yoga sadhana, and virtuous acts.
Bad and immoral conduct, fault in bowel movements and sperms non-preservation
destroy the body. Balanced prana (and its sub types) increase ones strength, vitality and vigour.
Since this body is a means of dharma (righteous conduct) artha (accumulation of
wealth), Kama (enjoyment of the pleasures of the senses) and moksha (liberation, freedom
from the cycle of birth, death and rebirth) therefore it must be preserved. By practice of yoga one
must remove all the physical faults and ailments. Otherwise, these ailments take the form of
incurable disease and kill the patient (since they cannot be treated by any means)
A person in whose heart originates and flows the eternal, unparalled and moon like
illuminating knowledge of Swara yoga, does not have the fear of death even in his dream.
Section on Samadhi
375. The Lunar Swara Ida is symbolized by the river Ganga, Yamuna symbolizes the solar nadi
Pingala, Saraswati is Sushumna. The knowledge of merging these three nadis must be known as
prayaga ( the place of confluence of these three rivers).

376. Initially, the means of instant result achievement was described. Now the yogi must in
Padmasana (the lotus posture) and practice Uddiyana Bandha - retaining the apana air at the
To purify their bodies the yogis must know and practice puraka (inhalation)
kumbhaka (retention) and rechaka (exhalation).
378. The Pooraka pranayama maintains the equanimity of the essential minerals & ingredients
of the body. It can bestow life enhancing nectar in the body by specific pranayams & yogic
practices . Kumbhaka maintains the body in its present condition and safeguards the body.
379. The Rechaka pranayama destroys all the evil karmas. Thus, by doing all these three
pranayams one becomes a yogi. After these three pranayams the mind gets steady therefore one
must start practicing Sadhana to conquer death methodically.
380. The wise person must inhale through his solar Swara and then perform Kumbhaka (breath
retention) and then exhale through his lunar swara.
381. One who incessantly drinks his lunar swara wit his solar swara and his solar swara with
his lunar swara, without the consideration of time of their flow, lives till the life of moon and
382. One who restrains the active nadi as well as his mouth from breathing, simultaneously,
achieves youthfulness even if he is quite old.
O Beloved ! The process of closing the mouth , nostrils , ears and eyes is known as
Shanmukhi Mudra . This bestows knowledge of tattwas.
384. The form, colour, motion, taste, region and other attributes of five elements can be known
by the practice of Shanmukhi Mudra and the Swara science.
A yogi who is free from desires, sins, and expectation who does not think about the
objects of senses, obtains victory over death like a childs play.
A yogi whose minds get steady and thoughtless even for one Yama (three hours)
acquires the power of seeing, knowing, and experiencing the entire universe through his eyes.
387. The age of such a person increases at the rate of three ghatikas per day. Lord Shiva has
himself mentioned this in a tantra describing the qualities of Siddhas.

388. They are blessed , who sitting in Padmasana (lotus posture) stop their apana vayu and
take it upwards and combine it with their prana vayu and take these combined vayus to the
Sahasrara Chakra via the Sushumna Randhra via Sushumna nadi and then release the
combined prana in the sky.

Such devotees of Lord Shiva go to the abode of Lord Shiva via sky after their death.

390. The Sadhaka (practitioner) who reads and practices this text daily gets perfected in this
391. The master practitioner of swara science has Lakshmi (prosperity, fortune) as her slave.
He always enjoys physical pleasures.
392. Just like Omkara is eulogized by all Vedas, and Lord Sun by all Brahmanas, Similarly,
the master practitioner of Swara Science is the best and worshipped in this ephemeral world.
Even the trillion-fold knowledge and possession of material wealth, herbs and other
chemicals is nothing as compared to the knowledge of the three nadis and tattwas.
394. There is nothing on earth to repay the debt of that Guru who has imparted the knowledge
of even a single syllable of the Swara Science.
395. In this Swara Shastra the details regarding the flow of Swaras along with their results, the
knowledge of tattwas (and how to employ them for ones well being), war (method of winning),
the captivation and enchantment of women , details regarding, child-conception , and disease,
etc. have been described in halfa-measure only.
396. As per the yogis and siddhas the recitation of this text during the solar and lunar eclipses
bestows siddhi (perfection). The yogi must practice moderation in food and sleep, and
concentrate on Paramatma (the supreme soul) steadily and realize him.

Thus, ends the Swarodaya Shastra. The scripture which is in the form of a dialogue
between Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati.

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