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Madhava Menon Committee On Odl 2

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Report of the

Committee to Suggest Measures to Regulate

the Standards of Education Being Imparted
through Distance Mode

Under the Chairmanship of

Prof. N R Madhava Menon

Ministry of Human Resource Development

Government of India
Shastri Bhawan New Delhi 110001

Letter of Presentation
Honble Minister,
I have great pleasure in forwarding to you the report of the Committee to Suggest
Measures to Regulate the Education Being Imparted Through Distance Mode in the
Country (Distance Education Reform Committee) appointed by the Ministry under my
chairmanship vide Office Memorandum No. F.No. 6-20/2010-DL dated 5th August, 2010.
It took a little longer than expected because of the controversial nature of some of the
issues involved, the non-availability of complete data on the field situation, the anxiety of
the Committee to have consultation with all stakeholders and the changing nature of
distance learning all over the world under the influence of technology, globalization and
ever-increasing demand for higher education. Nonetheless, we hope we could respond
adequately to the terms of reference and suggest ways to move forward for enhancing the
contribution of ODL to GER without compromising on the quality of education imparted.
In the absence of an overarching regulatory authority for higher education and
research as envisaged by the proposed NCHER Bill, it was difficult to reconcile the
conflicting jurisdictions of different bodies set up at different periods of time and context
in respect of higher education in general and distance education in particular. We do need
an effective new legal framework for distance education at least till the NCHER or a
similar authority is put in place to facilitate growth with quality control. A Bill appended
with this report can perhaps address the situation for the time being which later can be
subsumed by NCHER as and when it is set up.
On behalf of the members of the Committee and on my own behalf, we would like
to record our thanks to the Government of India for having provided us an opportunity to
serve an important national cause which is likely to influence significantly the future of
higher education in India. I will be failing in my duty if I do not acknowledge the excellent
back up support extended to the Committee by the secretariat of the Distance Education
Council and particularly Mr. R.R. Rausaria and his team. Mr. Anant Kumar Singh, Joint
Secretary in the Ministry, saw through the preparation of the report and coordinated its
meetings and deliberations.

(N.R. Madhava Menon)

Shri Kapil Sibal
Minister of Human Resource Development
Government of India
Ministry of Human Resource Development
Department of Higher Education
Shastri Bhawan
New Delhi-110001

Table of Contents
LETTER OF PRESENTATION .....................................................................................................1
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................4

THE COMMITTEE AND ITS MANDATE: ................................................................................4

MEETINGS AND CONSULTATIONS:......................................................................................4


STATUS, SYSTEMS AND CONTROLS .......................................................................................7

INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................7
GROWTH OF HIGHER EDUCATION ......................................................................................7
OPEN DISTANCE LEARNING: NATURE AND OBJECTIVES ....................................................9
DEVELOPMENT OF ODL IN INDIA ..................................................................................... 11
GROWTH OF STUDENT ENROLMENT IN ODL .................................................................... 12
GROWTH OF ENROLMENT IN CONVENTIONAL AND ODL SYSTEMS .................................. 13
DIVERSIFICATION OF ODL PROGRAMMES........................................................................ 14
PRIVATE SECTOR IN ODL SYSTEM ................................................................................... 16
ODL INTEGRAL TO HIGHER EDUCATION ......................................................................... 19



INITIAL REGULATIONS ..................................................................................................... 21

ENACTMENT OF IGNOU ACT, 1985 .......................................................................... 22
NATIONAL EDUCATION POLICY, 1986 ............................................................................. 23
REGULATION OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION ........................................................................ 24
REGULATION OF TEACHER EDUCATION ........................................................................... 24
DISTANCE EDUCATION COUNCIL ..................................................................................... 25
DEVELOPMENT GRANTS FOR ODL INSTITUTIONS: ........................................................... 29
DEC'S AUTHORITY AS REGULATOR QUESTIONABLE: ....................................................... 30
RECOGNITION OF DEGREES AWARDED BY OPEN UNIVERSITIES: ....................................... 31
STATUS OF RECOGNITION BY THE DEC (AS ON 31.03.2011) ........................................... 31
ODL SYSTEM: PRACTICALLY UNREGULATED: ................................................................. 32

CHAPTER 4. : OUTCOME BENCHMARKS FOR ODL SYSTEM ........................................ 34


INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................ 34
GENERAL PERSPECTIVES ON QUALITY ............................................................................. 35
DEC INITIATIVES ON QUALITY ASSURANCE .................................................................... 38
DESIGN OF SELF LEARNING MATERIALS (SLMS) ................................................ 42
STUDENT ADMISSION ................................................................................................ 43
LEARNER SUPPORT SERVICES................................................................................. 43
LEARNER ASSESSMENT AND EVALUATION ........................................................ 45
USE OF ICT .................................................................................................................... 46


MODE .............................................................................................................................................. 47


MANAGEMENT OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION ..................................................................... 50
EDUCATION ..................................................................................................................... 55


NEED FOR ALTERNATIVE SYSTEM .................................................................................... 56

CHAPTER 6. :RECOMMENDATIONS ...................................................................................... 58

APPENDIX ..................................................................................................................................... 67
DISTANCE EDUCATION COUNCIL OF INDIA BILL ............................................................ 67
ANNEXURE I: DISTANCE EDUCATION REFORM COMMITTEE ........................................ 84


The Committee and its Mandate:

The Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) vide its Office

Memorandum No. F.6-20/2010-DL dated 5th August, 2010 constituted a Committee
(Annexure I) consisting of the following members:

Prof. N.R. Madhava Menon

Chairman/Secretary of the UGC
Chairman, AICTE
Chairman, DEC
Shri Lalit Bhasin, Sr. Advocate
Shri Ravindra Srivastava, Sr. Advocate
Shri Anant Kumar Singh, Joint1 Secretary,
Ministry of Human Resource Development


The Terms of Reference of the Committee are as under:-


To harmonize the legal position in respect of distance education programmes in

various disciplines, as they concern the UGC Act, AICTE Act and IGNOU Act

To recommend framework for approval of Distance Education

Courses/institutions within functional jurisdiction of UGC, AICTE and DEC in
dealing with the subject matters of distance education

To recommend outcome benchmarks for distance education systems which will

facilitate equivalence with conventional modes

To recommend guidelines for processing of the approval of technical programmes

through distance and mixed mode

To suggest ways towards enhanced contribution of Distance Education to reach

the targeted Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) of 30% by 2020

Meetings and Consultations:

The Committee met on six occasions between September 2010 and April
2011 and had detailed discussion with the three principal regulators UGC, DEC
and AICTE in the context of the Terms of Reference. The Committee in its first
meeting decided to elicit views of UGC, AICTE and DEC in respect of distance
education to harmonize relationship among them and also suggested collection of

On transfer of Dr. D.K. Paliwal

the enrolment and other data regarding distance education available with DEC.
The Committee also decided to get details about the number of distance education
institutions, the disciplines in which programmes and courses are offered and
enrolment in them from the State / UT Governments. The Committee in its second
meeting reviewed the feedback received from UGC, AICTE and DEC. The views
of UGC, AICTE and DEC are enclosed as Annexures II, III and IV respectively.
It was felt that views of other stake holders such as Private Service
Providers, State Open Universities and Dual Mode Universities should also be
obtained to understand the functionality of distance education system. For this
purpose, three consultative meetings with the institutions imparting ODL both in
the Government sector as well as in the Private sector and representatives of
industries were organized in order to make the recommendations more realistic and
relevant to the system.
The first consultation was held at Bangalore on 24.1.2011 with
managements of private sector ODL institutions including private universities and
deemed-to-be universities. It focused on three issues, namely, (a) Outcome
Benchmarks for ODL systems for deciding equivalence with conventional mode in
respect of quality assessment; (b) Guidelines for processing of approval of
technical programmes through distance and mixed mode; and (c) Regulatory
framework for distance education courses/institutions for enhancing share of ODL
in GER in Higher Education. The day long discussion was attended by over 50
delegates from as many private ODL institutions and many constructive
suggestions were given to address the problems and challenges. The minutes of
the Consultative Meeting are annexed to this report as Annexure V.
The second consultation with State Open Universities and conventional
universities running ODL programmes was held in Delhi on 26.2.2011 which was
attended by over 80 participants including Vice-Chancellors of State Open
Universities and Directors of ODL Institutions of conventional universities. Again
the issues in focus remained the same though the problems identified and solutions
recommended varied. The minutes of the second Consultative Meeting are
annexed to this report as Annexure VI.
The third consultation was held with the representatives of industry on 7th
April 2011 in Delhi to explore the expectations of the industry from universities in
general and open universities in particular in preparing the students for
employment and their experience with the products of these universities as users.
The minutes are annexed as Annexure-VII. These consultative meetings were
devoted to analyze the issues and challenges in the context of the views and
comments made by the Regulators, on the one hand, and by the service providers
and recipients of these services on the other.
The Committee also considered report/recommendations of the two-day
Conference of the Vice Chancellors of the Central and State Universities organized
by the University Grants Commission on 25th & 26th March, 2011 at Vigyan

Bhawan, New Delhi. Eight groups were constituted to deliberate separately and
simultaneously on eight different contemporary and burning topics. Group number
VI deliberated on Alternative modes of delivery of Higher education: Open
Distance Learning. Recommendations of all eight groups were discussed in the
plenary session and finalized. Recommendations of this group as finalized in the
plenary session are attached as Annexure -VIII.
Several drafts were prepared and circulated with assistance from
experienced ODL system personnel from the DEC and IGNOU. Detailed and
intense discussions were held in the Committee. Thereafter, a consensus report
has been finalized which is self-explanatory. Recommendations are made keeping
in mind the concerns stated in the Memorandum T.O.R. issued by the Department
of Higher Education and the situation prevailing on the ground as revealed to the




In this chapter, we propose to look at the historical development of ODL in

the context of expansion and diversification of higher education in the last six
decades. In order to understand the potential of ODL institutions to take a greater
share in the GER, it is necessary to take stock of its present status in the University
system in terms of quality, standards and regulatory controls. A brief overview of
these and related aspects are presented in this chapter based on available data with
the Distance Education Council.
ODL is a term which accepts the philosophy of openness and uses the
distance mode of learning. It is open in the sense that it removes whatever
constraints exist in face-to-face conventional classroom method of teaching and
learning. Flexibility achieved through Openness expands opportunities for many
more learners aspiring for higher education but not having access to it through the
conventional mode. Scaling it up with equal quality is what places Open
Universities on a different pedestal as compared to conventional
Universities. Distance learning where the Teacher and the learner are separated by
distance and in time, also involves e-learning, open learning, flexible learning, online learning, resource-based learning, technology-mediated learning etc.


Growth of Higher Education

There has been phenomenal growth of higher education in India since

independence. There were only 20 Universities and 500 colleges at the time of
independence. These numbers have increased to 24 times in the case of the
Universities, 52 times in the case of Colleges and 49 times in terms of student
enrolment in the formal system of higher education in comparison to the figures at
the time of independence2.
As on 31.03.2009, the number of Universities had gone up to 428
universities including 40 Central, 234 State, 21 State Private, 128 Deemed to be
Universities, five Institutions of National Importance established under State
Legislation and the number of colleges to 25,951. There were about 7361 colleges
of Engineering and Technology offering programmes at Diploma, Bachelor,
Postgraduate, and PhD levels. During the year 2008-09, total enrolment in all
courses (general as well as technical & professional) at all levels (graduation, post

(Source: UGC Annual Report 2008-09)

graduation, doctoral etc.) in conventional stream was 136.42 lakhs of which 12.86
lakhs was in technical programmes3.
Out of the total enrolment (136.42 lakhs) of students in conventional
system, 43% students were in the faculty of Arts, followed by 19% in Science and
18% in Commerce, thus constituting about 80% enrolment in just three faculties.
The remaining 20% enrolment had been in professional courses indicating the
highest percentage in Engineering approximately 13%, followed by Medical 2.2%,
Law, etc.
In addition, there are about 36 lakhs learners in Open and Distance
Learning (ODL) system4. ODL constitutes about 21.9% of total enrolment in the
conventional system. Enrolment in technical & professional courses in the ODL
system is less than 10 percent. In Distance Education Institutions (DEIs) it is in the
range of 6 10 percent and in State Open Universities (SOUs) it is in the range of
10 -15 percent.
About 87% of the total enrolled students in conventional system are at
graduate level. In the ODL system also the enrolment is highest in undergraduate
programmes, but it is less than that in the conventional system. In case of SOUs, it
is 49.3 percent and that for DEIs is in the range 45-71%. Open Universities have
higher enrolments in Certificate/Diploma programmes e.g. IGNOU 34.99%,
YCMOU 34.84% and BAOU 71.95%. About 90.79% of all the under-graduate
students (119.08 lakhs) in conventional system had been in the affiliated colleges
while the remaining in university departments and their constituent colleges.
The percentage of students enrolled for Post Graduate general programme
in conventional system is 10.92 percent, while the same in the ODL system is in
the range 15-20% in SOUs and around 30% in DEIs. About 72.74% of all postgraduate students are in the affiliated colleges while the remaining in University
departments and their constituent colleges.
A very small proportion i.e. 0.70% of the total number of students in
conventional system, are enrolled for research. Out of the total research students
(0.83 lakh), 86% are in the Universities. There were 954 Ph.D students in Open
Universities prior to UGC notification not allowing research programme through
distance mode. IGNOU has registered 618 M.Phil, and Ph.D students (580-Ph.D.
and 38- M.Phil students) up to January 2011 session. About 100 M.Phil and Ph.D
students have been admitted in July 2011 session. IGNOU claims to be conducting
research as rigorously as is being done in the conventional system.
Total enrolment of women students in conventional system is 56.49 lakhs,
constituting 41.4%. Overall percentage of women enrolled in Open Universities is

(Source: AICTE website accessed on----------------)

(Source: DEC Database)

about 40% while it is around 45% in dual mode institutions (DEIs). Percentage of
rural students enrolled in Open Universities is about 52%. SC enrolment is
approximately 13.6% in SOUs and around 20% in DEIs.
Though the Indian higher education system has grown in size, it is unable
to accommodate the increasing number of aspirants to higher education. The
national efforts to democratize the socio-economic services including education
provided by various levels of governments and the growing realization among the
masses about the economic value of education have for long been exerting
considerable pressure for expansion of higher education system in our country. But
the resources do not permit scaling up of the needed infrastructure and human
resources to make available the conventional higher educational facilities to the
aspiring learners.
It is also worth mentioning here that the total number of students who
passed out the Senior Secondary level i.e. 10+2 exam in the year 2006-07, 2007-08
and 2008-09 were 65,66,178; 71,35,304 and 79,85,174 respectively. If all of them
joined the higher education system, the total enrolment at graduate level only
should have been about 217 lakhs, but on the contrary, it was only about 135 lakhs.
The GER was approximately 12% in the year 2008-09 which was only one-fourth
of the average GER of the developed countries (54.6%), while the GER of even
the developing countries in transition was about 36.5%5.
In order to accommodate the increasing aspirants of higher education and
to provide skilled workforce to the world market, it has become imperative to raise
the GER to at least 30% by the year 2020. It means approximately addition of
10,510 technical institutions, 15,530 colleges and 521 universities. This would
require about Rs.9,50,000 crore.
Availability of such huge amount is the real challenge before the higher
education sector today. Therefore, there is an urgent need to look for an alternative
to the conventional system. Such a perceived need has given rise to the growth and
acceptability of distance education in India which is less expensive and flexible
enough to cater to the needs of educationally deprived groups. Different studies
conducted for analyses of cost incurred show that the distance education system
can offer educational programmes of an acceptable quality at a cost which is about
one-fifth of the cost incurred in the conventional education system.


Open Distance Learning: Nature and Objectives

The Open Distance Learning (ODL) system, also known as Distance

Education (DE) system, has evolved as one of the effective modes of education
and training. The development of ODL system, from the stage of print material

( Source: UGC Annual Report 2008-09)

oriented correspondence education to the stage of self-instructional packages with

an integrated multi-media approach, and incorporation of interactive
communication technologies, leading towards building of virtual learning
institutions is significant. The application of new interactive communication
technologies in providing flexible and cost-effective programmes through distance
mode is now widely recognized and appreciated. Modern satellite and
communication technologies, internet and other electronic media are expanding at
an unprecedented rate. With the gradual and effective adoption and percolation to
distant places and people, communication technology is continuously changing the
face and pace of open and distance education system in the country. The growth
and access to ICT is bound to bring revolutionary changes in higher education,
particularly, in the quality of content and student support services along with
enhanced scope and reach of open and distance learning system across the country.
In a competitive environment, institutions can only attract learners/students
if their image projects a commitment and a reputation to offer the best that is
available, is a well accepted fact. The Open and Distance Learning system is now
growing faster compared to the conventional system. In a new and innovative
system like open and distance education, quality assurance, therefore, becomes
absolutely essential to create a sense of credibility among learners. The effective
management of learner support system at a distance poses considerable challenges
in comparison to conventional system. It requires the distance education
institutions to establish robust system for maintaining effective mechanisms to
monitor quality for various processes such as planning of programme,
development of study material and multi-media packages, incorporation of R&D
for offering better educational products and services.
The major objectives of distance education system are:

To provide a system of learner-centred self-paced learning;

To provide a flexible, diversified and open system of education;

To develop wider access to higher education for persons of all ages,

particularly for working persons and for economically or otherwise
handicapped persons including those residing in remote areas;

To provide opportunity for up-gradation of skills and qualifications; and

To develop education as a lifelong activity so that the individual can

replenish his or her knowledge in an existing discipline or can acquire
knowledge in new areas.

The major characteristics of the distance education system are its high
productivity, greater flexibility and above all its capacity to respond to varying


Development of ODL in India

Realizing the important role education plays in the overall national

development, a number of Education Commissions and Committees were set up
from time to time to look into the problems of education and to suggest solutions.
On the suggestion of Central Advisory Board of Education (CABE), the
Government of India constituted an Expert Committee in 1961 headed by Dr. D.S.
Kothari, to look into the suitability of Correspondence Courses for expanding
educational opportunities. The Committee recommended introduction of
Correspondence Courses to expand and equalize the educational opportunities.
Thus, ODL in India was introduced by Delhi University in 1962 through the
School of Correspondence Courses and Continuing Education to enable those, who
had the inclination and aptitude to acquire further knowledge and improve their
professional competence. Subsequently in 1968, Correspondence Courses were
started by Punjabi University and University of Rajasthan. Meerut and Mysore
University started these courses in 1969. Slowly, many Universities followed suit.
Rapid expansion of the ODL courses took place during the seventies when 19
more universities started Institutions/Directorates of Correspondence Courses.
In the eighties, the distance education system expanded further. Not only
did more and more universities started opening correspondence education
Directorates, but the beginning of establishing single mode Open Universities also
began in this decade. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Open University, Hyderabad was
established in 1982 by the State of Andhra Pradesh. It was followed by the setting
up of Indira Gandhi National Open University by the Government of India in 1985
by an Act of the Parliament. The establishment of IGNOU is considered to be a
landmark development in the field of distance education in the country. The
growth of distance education has been exponential over the last four decades,
beginning in 1962, in our country. As on 01.03.2010 in addition to IGNOU, 13
SOUs and about 200 Distance Education Institutions are offering programmes in
diverse disciplines. The jurisdiction of State Open Universities offering distance
mode programmes is limited to the respective States as provided in their Acts. The
growth of distance education institutions is given in Table 2.16. Statistics relating
to 2009-10 has been taken from the unpublished records of DEC. During the
course of deliberations, the Committee was also informed by DEC that it has
statistics only of those institutions, which have chosen to provide relevant
information to the Council. There are institutions which are offering ODL
programmes but have neither sought recognition from DEC nor have shared any

(Source: DEC Database, 2007)

Table 2.1: Institutional Growth of Distance Education:



Open Universities Distance


Education Total Distance Teaching


Growth of Student Enrolment in ODL

Delhi University started correspondence programme in 1962 with an

enrolment of 1,112. During the initial years, the student enrolment increased
slowly from 1,112 students in 1962 to 29,500 students in 1970-71 (Source: UGC
Annual Report 1990). It substantially increased during the next two decades to
1,66,428 students in 1980-81 and 5,92,814 in 1990-91 (Source: Manjulika and
Reddy, 1996). At the turn of the century, in 2000-01, there were 13,78,000
students studying through distance mode which has further gone up to 18,33,524
in 2005-06. The student enrolment further rose to 3636744 in the year 2009-10.
Distribution of enrolment in Open Universities (OUs) and DEIs is given in
Table 2.2: Growth of Enrolment in Open Universities (OU) and DEIs:


(Source: DEC Database)










Growth of Enrolment in Conventional and ODL systems

The ODL system witnessed slower growth in respect of student enrolment

between 1962 and 1975 due to variety of reasons, prominent among which were
lack of awareness and faith on the equivalence and acceptability of such degrees.
Conventional system in this period grew very rapidly. Student enrolment almost
trebled. ODL system also registered over 60,000 students. Between 1975-76 and
1980-81, enrolment in the formal university system increased from 24.30 lakhs to
27.52 lakhs indicating an increase of 2.65 percent per annum during the five year
period, whereas enrolment in distance education rose from 64,210 to 1,66,428
indicating an increase of 31.8 percent per annum during the same period.
Enrolment in Open Universities (OUs) and DEIs increased steadily at a higher
pace than in conventional programmes. The high percentage of growth in ODL
system in this period is attributable to low base besides other positive contributors.
The table 2.3 below indicates growth of enrolment in distance education vis--vis
conventional system over the years.
Table 2.3: Growth of Enrolment in ODL system:

Conventional Percentage CCIs/DEIs Percentage Percentage Total

Universities/ Growth Open
share of
Universities Distance

2005-06 111,37,627
2008-09 1,36,41,808






The overall annual growth in enrolment between 1975-76 and 2008-09 was
5.6% for the conventional system while it was 16.3% in the ODL system. The
table shows that the enrolment in distance education has been increasing
approximately at the rate of more than 10% in last two decades. Share of distance
education has increased from 2.6 % in 1975-76 to 8.9% in 1985-86 and further
improved to 10.7% in 1990-91 and to 20.56% in 2008-09.


Diversification of ODL Programmes


First Decade (1962-63 to 1971-72)

The first DEI (attached to Delhi University) launched B.A. programme

initially. It started postgraduate (MA) programme in 1970-71. Out of 17
Universities that offered distance education programmes in this period, 10 offered
B.A courses, five- B.Com, one - B.Sc, two - M.A, one - M.Ed and one each
certificate and diploma courses (Source: AIU Hand Book, 1984). This decade
witnessed mainly general graduate courses being offered through the ODL system.

Second Decade (1972-73 to 1981-82)

By 1977-78, many institutions got approval from the UGC for general
Masters Courses like M.Sc, Law (LLB & BGL) B.Ed, M.Com etc. Many other
certificate and diploma courses were also introduced by the DEIs during this
period. A rising trend was visible in the M.A courses, as the institutions offering
these courses rose from 2 during 1972-73 to 10 during 1977-78, accounting for
around 28% of the total enrolment (UGC Annual Report, 2000). During 1982-83,
the course position in the various Universities was, B.A.- 23, B.Com -17, B.SC- 1,
B.Ed -5 (including RCEs), M.A. 11, M.Com- 6, M.SC 1, M.Ed 3, B.Lit 1.LLB 2,
BGL 2 and other certificates and diploma courses.

Third Decade (1982-83 to 1991-92)

In this decade open universities came into existence and started offering
programmes in general B.A, B.Com, B.Sc, Professional programme and need
based certificate and diploma programme. M.Phil and PhD programmes were also
launched by Yashwantrao Chawan Maharashtra Open University (YCMOU). The
first MBA programme was launched by Punjabi University, Patiala, in 1985.
IGNOU first launched the Diploma in Management and Diploma in
Distance Education programmes in 1987. Subsequently, it developed and started
offering BA non-formal, BA/B.Com programmes in 1988. Simultaneously, it also
launched certificate in Rural Development and Food & Nutrition. Subsequently,
the Diploma in Management was upgraded to a Post Graduate Diploma and MBA
by adding a few more modules. Keeping in view the demand of upcoming and
new field of information technology, Diploma in Computers in Office
Management and Certificate in Computing Programmes were initiated. These
were followed by the lunch of Nursing and Health education programmes, Master
of Computer Applications and other need based programmes at Diploma and
Certificate levels.

Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar Open University (BRAOU), Hyderabad started in

1983 with Bachelor in Arts, Commerce and Science. But during this decade
diversified Master programmes in Business Administration, Public Administration,
Economics, History and Sociology. YCMOU, Nashik launched MA- Educational
Communications at Post graduate level and five agriculture programmes at
certificate and diploma level in gardening, fruit products, vegetarian products,
floriculture and landscape gardening. It started M.Phil and Ph.D programmes also.
Management, Computer Education and Teacher Education programmes, which
were in great demand, were offered by Universities.
University Grants Commission (UGC) also approved offer of non-formal
under graduate programme without any qualification at 10+2 after attaining an age
of 21 years which was subsequently reduced to 18 years.
This period is marked by rapid development of a more diversified structure
of distance education courses. Besides the traditional courses, a number of nonconventional courses were introduced such as certificate and diploma programmes
in the teaching of English, Banking, Labour Laws, Cooperation and Rural studies,
Distance Education, Financial Management, International Marketing, Journalism,
Library Sciences, Management of Public Enterprises, Operational Research, Land
Management, Public Accounting, Tourism and Hotel Management, Company Law

Fourth Decade (1992-93 to 2001-02)

Advancement in interactive communication technologies had major impact

in this decade. Both OUs and DEIs introduced a large number of programmes
related to computer software and configuration at certificate, diploma, graduate
and postgraduate levels. BCA, MCA became main attractions. Also Management
programmes in Marketing, Financial Management, Human Resource
Development, Banking and Finance, Industrial Relations at Certificate, Diploma,
Graduate and Postgraduate levels gained importance.
Programmes in Journalism, Mass Communication, Hospital Management,
Foreign Trade, Insurance Management, Environmental Mangement, Human
Rights, and Pollution Management, Astrology and Yoga were also introduced by
the universities during this period. The general B.A., B.Sc., B.Com and (IT)
programmes were also offered by a number of universities. In a nutshell, demand
for technical, professional and paramedical programmes started gaining
importance in this decade.
2.7.5 The Fifth Decade (2002-03 onwards)
This is the decade of innovation in the field of higher education in general
and distance education in particular. The University system started feeling the
necessity of responding to the need of the society and growing economy. Market
forces started determining the nature and content of the courses. Traditional

courses were found to be inadequate to meet the challenges of the market. Newer
areas of specialization started getting attention of the employers and hence the
Universities. There was a felt need for skill upgradation of already employed
manpower which was not possible through the conventional system because of
lack of flexibility in time and space. Taking advantage of the flexibility in ODL
system, a number of Universities and Private Institutions became pro-active in
imparting specialized skill oriented education through distance mode. A number of
programmes with varied specializations as per the global needs were launched in
this period. Programmes leading to Degree, Diploma and Certificate in Retail
Management, Consumer Awareness, Grief Counseling, Sports Management,
Network Administration, Diabetology, Web Design, Graphics and Animation,
School Administration, Paramedical, Lab technologies Leather Goods Making,
Competency in Power Distribution, Shoe Lasting & Finishing, carpet Technology,
Motor Cycle Service and Repair and such vocational and Skill oriented technical
programmes became popular amongst the learners.
Necessity of recognition of ODL Programmes by the DEC in the context of
the G. O. I. Gazette notification no 44 of MHRD issued in 1995 made the
stakeholders, particularly learners, more aware. This aided the expansion of ODL
system. While the restrain on the part of AICTE in recognizing Professional and
Technical programmes has discouraged genuine ODL service providers, it did not
deter the commercial minded operators in the field of Distance education from
commercializing it for the want of adequate regulatory framework and manpower.


Private Sector in ODL system

Advent of Information and Communication Technology has created

tremendous impact on delivery of ODL programmes and has provided
opportunities for training personnel for the global workplace rather than meeting
just local needs. Some of the significant outcome of these developments relevant
to ODL are:

The major players in the industry are making collaboration/affiliation with

established universities, for the skill / qualification upgradation of their

Those involved in management education and information technology are

moving over to distance education methods to upgrade their knowledge and

Foreign education providers, especially from the UK, Canada, Australia

and the USA, are also getting actively interested in offering distance
education in India.

There is no clear database on the programmes and enrolment of students in

these foreign-based and industry-focused institutions. About 20 private Institutions
had approached Distance Education Council for recognition of programmes in
professional vocational education such as PGDBA, PGDM, PGDCA etc. Many
others in the field offering similar programmes have not even cared to approach
the Distance Education Council for recognition.


Use of Technology in Conventional as well as ODL systems

Correspondence course institutions in the early phase used only printed

materials for delivery of programmes which was not in self instructional format
and there was no student support service. This did not provide any interaction
between learner and institution to mitigate the problems of learners. Subsequently,
the course material was designed into a self learning format. Assignments and
course materials were provided as Student Support Service.
communication technologies: radio, audio, web-based, satellites etc. have opened
up the new possibilities for augmenting delivery of student support services
through distance mode.
Multimedia in various forms for teaching-learning has augmented chances of ODL
system to be a preferred one. Use of audio/video cassettes for delivery of
programmes to learners along with printed self learning materials gradually
became common. Online communication system at pre-appointed time came in
vogue with radio broadcasting, telecasting on TV channels, through cable
networks. Satellite communications with one way video and two way audio
systems between students and institution and Computer-aided teaching/learning
enhanced the reach and flexibility of ODL system.
With the advent of technology, worldwide use of internet has given rise to
online or e-learning available with flexi timing. Digital technologies for learning
with self-paced learning modules, multimedia case studies, simulations, video
tutorials, and communications and assessment tools, have increased the array of
learning opportunities for students and their teachers.
The technology integration in Self assessment allows teachers and learners to
measure their own skills in desired areas and get a customized professional
development plan to improve their skills. Virtual classrooms, libraries and
laboratories can be created for providing learning and other support services to the
distance learners. On-demand Examination provides students complete flexibility
in the system of examination. The ICT can be used extensively in organizing
capacity building programs for the ODL teachers and enhancing the ODL system
for growth of skilled manpower.
IGNOU is using the state of the art technologies, broadcast, telecast and
online system for delivery of programmes. Besides this, several other Open
Universities are using online multimedia mix for delivery of programmes. The

print materials used by OUs are in Self Instructional Material (SIM) format. The
Distance Education Institutions (DEIs) on the other hand rely mostly on print
materials and audio video aids. A few DEIs are using radio counseling for delivery
of programmes. Most of the DEIs are continuing the use of print materials in
traditional form for delivery of instruction. Realizing the importance of media in
delivery of programmes, the Govt. of India has initiated the following three
projects for extending the class room lecture, tutorial and evaluation facilities even
in conventional system.
2.9.1 National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL)
National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL)
mentioned ahead is a project of MHRD to supplement the shortage of qualified
teachers and supply of quality learning material in the conventional system.
It was conceived in 1999 to enhance the quality of Engineering education
in the country by providing free online courseware and in the first phase of the
NPTEL project (June 2003- June 2007), seven IITs and the Indian Institute of
Science (IISc) have worked together to develop video based materials for basic
undergraduate science and engineering courses in order to enhance the reach and
quality of scientific and technical education to individuals. NPTEL provides elearning through online web and video courses in Engineering, Science and
Humanities. In Phase I, 260 courses were developed of which 125 were web
enabled and 135 video material. About 1,016 courses are proposed to be
developed in phase II, with 500 WEB and 516 videos. More than 2,000 e-journals
and 55,000 e-books from 297 publishers have been made available on-line under
this programme.
2.9.2 The National Mission on Education through ICT (NMEICT)
This Mission is a Centrally Sponsored Plan Scheme, which envisages
leveraging the potential of ICT, in providing high quality personalized and
interactive knowledge modules over the internet/intranet for all the learners in
Higher Education Institutions in any time anywhere mode. The Mission has three
major components viz. (a) content generation (b) connectivity and (c) access
devices for institutions and learners. It seeks to bridge the digital divide, i.e. the
gap in the skills to use computing devices for the purpose of teaching and learning
among urban and rural teachers/learners in Higher Education domain and empower
those, who have hitherto remained untouched by the digital revolution and have
not been able to join the mainstream of higher education. It plans to focus on
appropriate pedagogy for e-learning, providing facility of performing experiments
through virtual laboratories, on-line testing and certification, on-line availability of
teachers to guide and mentor learners, training and empowerment of teachers to
effectively use the new method of teaching, learning etc.

A number of projects have been sanctioned under the Mission to various

institutions of the country for innovative use of ICT. Content development for
courses in engineering, sciences, technology, humanities and management level
covering both undergraduate and postgraduate courses is underway in
collaboration with IITs and UGC.
Under the Mission, each college would get a Virtual Private Network
(VPN) of 10 mbps (20 Nodes of 512 kbps; each or lesser Nodes of proportionately
higher kbps) from BSNL. 419 universities would get from BSNL, an optical fiber
connectivity of 1Gbps and least 400 Nodes Local Area Network (LAN).
More than 6,000 colleges do not have computer infrastructure in their
college. Efforts are on to make low cost access-cum-computing devices available
to students at affordable price.
2.9.3. National Knowledge Network (NKN)
The NKN was constituted on 13th June 2005. Its key ingredients are
resource-sharing, data-sharing and consultations. Easy access to knowledge,
creation and presentation of knowledge systems, dissemination of knowledge and
better knowledge services are core concerns of the NKN.
The NKN is a state-of-the art multi-gigabit pan-India network for providing a
unified high speed network backbone for all knowledge related institutions in the
country. The purpose of such a knowledge network goes to the very core of the
countrys quest for building quality institutions with requisite research facilities
and creating a pool of highly trained professionals. The NKN will enable
scientists, researchers and students from different backgrounds and diverse
geographies to work closely for advancing human development in critical and
emerging areas.
The NKN comprises an ultra-high speed CORE (multiple of 10 Gbps),
complimented with a distribution layer at appropriate speed. Participating
institutions at the edge will connect to the National Knowledge Network
2.10 ODL Integral to Higher Education
Open and distance learning has emerged as a powerful instrument for
augmenting opportunities for higher education. Information and communication
technologies have acted as a catalyst in the significant impact on delivery of
distance mode programmes. Interactive technologies, no doubt, facilitate more
learner-centred personalized education and help improve the process of distance
education by expanding the scope and content of the curriculum. These
technologies have initiated systemic change and the entire system is in a process of
transition from campus-based face to face learning to an emerging distributed
learning environment. The institutions adopting these new models need to make

significant changes in several areas of technology infrastructure, governance and

student support services. The effectiveness with which these issues are managed
will set the pace of change and determine the degree to which online learning and
teaching become the foundation for a new instructional paradigm.



Initial Regulations

In the initial phase of ODL i.e. correspondence course, no regulatory

framework outside the University system was envisaged. The institutional
arrangements and delivery mechanism for the programmes were devised and
developed internally by the universities on its own through respective Statutory
Bodies like Academic Council and Executive Council.
Later on, when the number of institutions offering correspondence courses
started increasing, the University Grants Commission in 1978-79, with a view to
maintaining high standards, prescribed certain guidelines for starting
correspondence courses (Source: UGC Annual Report, 1978-79) which included
the following:

Originally, correspondence courses at the undergraduate level should be

introduced by only one University in a state, except when a university
proposes to introduce correspondence courses in a new faculty at the
undergraduate level.

Correspondence courses should be started only by Universities which have

well-established teaching departments. The academic responsibility for the
contents of the correspondence courses and its standards in any given
subject must be assumed by the relevant subject department of the

It should be compulsory for every student enrolled in correspondence

courses to return a certain number of response sheets, say 20 every year,
suitably spread over various subjects.

High priority should be given to setting up of study centres where there is

concentration of the students.

The provision of contact programmes should be an essential feature of

Correspondence Courses.

In 1985 the UGC in exercise of the powers conferred by clause (f) of subsection (1) of section 26 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956 came out
with the detailed Regulations for maintenance of standards of instructions for the
grant of the first degree through Non-Formal/Distance Education System. These
Regulations applied to all first degrees in the faculties of Arts, Humanities, Fine
Arts, Music, Social Sciences, Commerce and Sciences. It prescribed the eligibility
for admission to the First Degree through non-formal/distance education as 12
years of schooling, the duration of the courses as three years, the content of the

study programme, qualification of teachers and their workload and the conduct of
examinations etc. so that the degrees acquired through the Distance Education
System is of comparable quality vis a vis the conventional system. The UGC also
notified Rules in 1988 to determine the fitness for grants to Open Universities
imparting education exclusively through distance education in any branch or
branches of knowledge. The regulations specified requirement of land as 40-60
acres, minimum 25 teaching faculty- 5 Professors, 5 Readers and 15 lecturers. It
also specified the physical requirement at study centres and the mode of delivery
of programmes.
Till the enactment of the Indira Gandhi National Open University
(IGNOU) Act 1985, the UGC was the sole Regulator of the university system of
education as a whole including the distance education system. Section 12 of the
UGC Act provides that it shall be the general duty of the commission to take all
such steps as it may think fit for the promotion and coordination of University
education and for the determination and maintenance of standards of teaching,
examination and research in universities. Further section 26 (1) (f) empowers the
commission to define the minimum standards of instructions for the grant of any
degree by any University and sub-section (g) empowers it to regulate the
maintenance of standards and coordination of work and facilities in Universities.



With the enactment of the IGNOU Act, the legal position in respect of
regulation of ODL system changed. IGNOU, besides being a University of Open
and Distance Learning, was also entrusted with the responsibility of laying norms
and maintaining standards of distance education system in the country which is
evident from the preamble of the Act, which reads as under :
An Act to establish and incorporate an Open University at the national level for
the introduction and promotion of open university and distance education systems
in the educational pattern of the country and for the co-ordination and
determination of standards in such systems.

Section 4 of the IGNOU Act provides that the objects of the University
shall be to advance and disseminate learning and knowledge by a diversity of
means, including the use of any communication technology, to provide
opportunities for higher education to a larger segment of the population and to
promote the educational well being of the community generally, to encourage the
Open University and distance education systems in the educational pattern of the
country and to coordinate and determine the standards in such system.

Section 5 (2) of the Act stipulates that Notwithstanding anything

contained in any other law at the time being in force, but without prejudice to the
provision of sub-section, it shall be the duty of the University to take all such
steps as it may deem fit for the promotion of the Open University and distance
education systems and for the determination of standards of teaching, evaluation
and research in such systems, and for the purpose of performing these functions,
the university shall have such powers including the power to allocate and
disburse grants to colleges, whether admitted to its privileges or not, or to any
other university or institutions of higher learning, as may be specified by the
Although the IGNOU Act gave the authority to regulate the open and
distance education system to IGNOU yet it remained only a University till 1991
when a proper statutory authority in the name of Distance Education Council was
established to perform the regulatory functions provided under section 5 (2) of
the Act. UGC continue to play the role of the regulator of the ODL system in this
period, which is evident from notifications of UGC Regulations, 1985 regarding
the Minimum Standards of Instructions for the Grant of the First Degree through
Non-Formal / Distance Education dated 25th November, 1985 and UGC (Fitness
of Open Universities for Grants ) Rules, 1988 dated 8th March, 1989.


National Education Policy, 1986

A major development after the Education Commission report, headed by

Prof. Kothari, was the preparation of the National Educational Policy (NPE) 1986.
A countrywide discussion and debate preceded the preparation. The policy
document and the programme of action prepared for implementing the policies
attached considerable importance to the role of distance education to meet the
educational needs of India. The NPE, 1986 looks at distance education as an
effective instrument for democratization of education. It envisages the Open
University and Distance Education as augmenting the opportunities for higher
education, as an instrument of democratizing education and to make it a lifelong
process. The flexibility and innovativeness of the open learning system are
particularly suited to the diverse requirements of the citizens of our country,
including those who had joined the vocational stream.
The Indira Gandhi National Open University, established in 1985 was to be
strengthened to fulfill these objectives keeping in view the fact that it would also
provide support to establishment of open universities in the States.
As per the NPE (1986), technical and managerial education, programmes
through a distance- learning process are to be offered. It would include use of the
mass media as the rigid entry requirements to formal courses that restricts the
access of a large segment of people.

NPE (1986) also suggested promotion of programmes of distance learning

to address the issue of continuous upgradation of skills so as to produce manpower
resources of the kind and the number required by the society. For this, special
emphasis will be on organization of employment/self-employment oriented, need
and interest based vocational and skill training programmes.
It also stresses on the need of media in educational technology in the
training and re-training of teachers, to improve quality, sharpen awareness of art
and culture, inculcate abiding values, etc., both in the formal and non-formal


Regulation of Technical Education

Government of India established All India Council for Technical Education

(AICTE) by an Act of Parliament in 1987 for Technical Education with a view to
making proper planning and coordinated development of the technical education
system throughout the country, the promotion of qualitative improvements of such
education in relation to planned quantitative growth and the regulation and proper
maintenance of norms and standards in the technical education system. Technical
education is defined as programmes of education, research and training in
engineering, technology, architecture, town planning, management, pharmacy and
applied arts and crafts and such other programmes or areas as the Central
Government may notify in the Official Gazette. Technical institution is defined
as an institution, not being a University which offers courses or programmes of
technical education. Although the AICTE Act excludes the universities from its
ambit, however, it has overall responsibility for defining and maintaining standards
in technical education including Universities. AICTE can also advise the UGC for
declaring any institution imparting technical education as a Deemed University
{Section 10 (t)} and to make recommendations to the Commission or other bodies
regarding recognition or de-recognition of the Institution or the programme
Section 10 (u)}. So far as Technical Education through conventional mode is
concerned, it is established that AICTE is the sole regulator and the Universities,
although not purported to be under the regulation of the AICTE, shall have to
conform to the norms and standards set by the AICTE. However, in respect of
Technical Education through ODL, it is not clear as to who is the regulator
AICTE or DEC or both. Due to lack of clarity on the part of regulators as well as
the institutions and even the learners, confusion prevails on the ground. Everyone
is responding to the situation as per own convenience leading to utter chaos and
virtually no regulation of the ODL system.


Regulation of Teacher Education

The Government of India established the National Council for Teacher

Education as a statutory body in pursuance of the National Council for Teacher
Education Act, 1993 on the 17th August, 1995. The main objective of the NCTE is
to achieve planned and coordinated development of the teacher education system

throughout the country, the regulation and proper maintenance of norms and
standards in the teacher education system and for matters connected therewith.
The mandate given to the NCTE is very broad and covers the whole gamut of
teacher education programmes including research and training of persons for
equipping them to teach at pre-primary, primary, secondary and senior secondary
stages in schools, and non-formal education, part-time education, adult education
and distance (correspondence) education courses.
Teacher Education Programmes envisage imparting knowledge and
development of teaching skill as well as attitude and behaviour to interact with
growing children of impressionable age. Therefore, adequate face to face
interaction with teacher educators and students is essential. Keeping the unique
requirements of the Teacher Education programmes, the NCTE, as matter of
policy, did not approve ODL courses. However, having regard to the acute
shortage of professionally qualified teachers in certain States/areas and non
availability of adequate number of Teacher Education Institutions, it has allowed
IGNOU and few other universities to offer Teacher Education Programmes for a
limited period to meet the immediate challenge.


Distance Education Council

In order to promote, coordinate and regulate the standards of education

offered through open and distance learning system in the country, the Indira
Gandhi National Open University established Distance Education Council as a
Statutory Body in 1991. The main functions of DEC provided under Statute 28
Clause 4(a) are:

To develop a network of open universities/ distance education institutions

in the country in consultation with the State Governments, Universities, and other
concerned agencies.

To take such steps as are necessary to ensure the coordinated development

of the open university/ distance education system in the country.

To advise State Governments, Universities and other concerned agencies

on their proposals to set up open universities or to introduce programmes of
distance education.

To appoint Review Committees from time to time to study and assess the
performance of the open universities/ distance education institutions participating
in the network of any respect relevant to the functioning of the network.

To prescribe a broad framework for courses and programmes including

their pattern and structure.

To evolve norms, procedures and practices in respect of admission,
evaluation, completion of course requirements, transfer of credits, etc. of students
admitted to the programmes of the open university distance education network and
for the award of certificates, diplomas and degrees to them.

To evolve guidelines for the organization of student support services for the
open university/ distance education programmes.

To appoint Committees for advising and assisting the DEC in the

performance of any of its functions or exercise of any of its powers.

Distance Education is predominantly a learner-centred system that supports

independent learning based on the packaged course. Quality of the packaged
courses depends largely upon the quality of the learning materials included in such
courses. In fact, the learning material is the most important ingredient in the entire
teaching-learning process. Quality study materials alone can usher in quality in
distance education system.
The DEC has been advocating that the institutions which offer programmes
through distance mode may follow the broad framework for model curriculum
prescribed by the UGC. Guidelines for design, development and delivery of
programmes through distance mode in general were prepared and circulated.
Programme specific norms for offering education through distance mode have also
been prepared. So far, norms and guidelines for offering programmes in Computer
education, Library Science, Management programmes have been developed. For
maintaining standards in offering Teacher education through distance mode, the
NCTE-DEC have jointly developed norms for Bachelor of Education and Master
of Education programmes. Recently the DEC has developed a handbook on how to
develop Self Learning Materials that has been widely circulated to all ODL
In pursuance of the policy of promotion of quality and standards in the
ODL system, DEC had directed all ODL institutions in the country to submit their
learning materials to DEC for assessment and evaluation of their quality. It was, in
fact, mandatory from 2004 onward for all institutions to seek prior approval of
their programmes from DEC before starting any new programme. An
advertisement was released in Feb, 2004 in all national newspapers advising
institutions to obtain programme approval and institutional recognition of DEC for
offering programmes through distance mode. However, the mechanism to monitor
implementation has not been as effective as it should have been, with the result
that the norms and procedures could not be enforced effectively.
The Handbook on Recognition process was developed, published and
posted on the DEC website for the benefit of applicant institutions. The
information required to be submitted along with the application included:

Infrastructure available at HQs.

Availability of the course material in Self Learning Format

Staff Strength at the head Quarters, Regional Centres and Study Centres

Core Faculty at HQs

Facility at Regional Centres and Study Centres

Teaching learning strategies which inter-alia includes Self Learning

Materials in print/audio Visual Aids, Tele-conferencing and other ICT
facilities etc.

Delivery System-evaluation system, Library and Resource Centre

For the management of recognition process, the DEC has put in place a
three tier process given hereunder:

Scanning Institutional information: The information provided by an ODL

institution on prescribed proforma is scrutinised at DEC for fulfillment
norms on infrastructure, faculty, delivery system, student support system etc.


Institutional visit: The information provided by the institution is verified by a

team of experts, who assess their preparedness for offering programmes
through distance mode.


Approval of programmes: The institution submits a complete set of printed

material of its programmes to DEC, which are then evaluated through Expert
Committees for the content, quality and self-instructional nature of

Programme approval was done through a process which, inter-alia included

evaluation of learning material submitted by institution through a committee
comprising subject expert/s and distance education experts. The committees
evaluated the various programmes for their content, quality and self learning
On the recommendations of these committees, the programmes were either
approved or remitted for modifications or rejected. Out of the approximately 200
programmes received at DEC, about 45 programmes of 23 universities were
approved by DEC. About 140 of them were recommended for revision and the rest
were rejected by the committees. This was a meager number compared to the total
number of programmes on offer more than 3000 in number by the ODL
institutions as on 2010.
In 2007, the programme approval process was repealed and system of
institutional recognition was started by the DEC. As per this decision, all

programmes approved by the respective authorities of the institution would be

deemed to have the recognition of the DEC. Hindsight suggests that this excessive
liberalization facilitated entry of commercial minded persons in the ODL arena.
Although the recognition letter of the DEC stated that before starting any such
programme which required approval of any other regulatory body, the same would
be taken by the institution but it was followed more in breach. Institutions having
recognition from DEC started offering technical programmes also without having
any recognition from AICTE or other such regulators responsible for maintaining
norms and standards in such technical and professional courses. Advertisements,
warning public from joining unrecognized institutions/programmes also does not
seem to have worked to weed out such fake institutions.
This was indeed a retrograde step in so far as quality of ODL programme
was concerned as institutions began to offer all types of programmes including
technical ones which were in high demand in the market without necessary
preparation and infrastructure. This paved the way for commercialization of ODL
system in a big way.
In this phase, the Institutional recognition was of the following four
Provisional Recognition: It is accorded for a period of one year to
Institutions that satisfy the minimum criteria prescribed by DEC for offering
programmes in distance mode.
Continuance of Provisional Recognition: Such institutions which are
given provisional recognition and subsequently apply to DEC for regular
recognition are given continuation of the recognition till the Expert Committee
visits the Institution, and the decision is taken regarding its regular recognition.
Ex-Post Facto Recognition: Consequent to the issue of Gazette
Notification No-44 dated 1st March 1995, a large number of ODL Institutions
approached DEC to accord ex-post-facto recognition which were offering
programmes in distance mode prior to the establishment of DEC and till the
introduction of the Recognition Scheme by it in 2003. The ex-post-facto
recognition has been accorded to such institutions only from 1st March, 1995 or
from the date of commencement of distance education programmes whichever is
later. However, the Apex Court has commented upon this adversely.
Regular Recognition: It is mandatory for all ODL institutions to apply to
DEC for regular recognition of their institution. The regular recognition is valid
for a minimum period of 3 years and a maximum period of 5 years.
After burning its fingers, the DEC has switched back to programme wise
recognition. With the bitter experience of the past, method should be evolved to
ensure that students get the desired support services. If need be, even the number

of students can be restricted depending on the availability of infrastructure and

human resource.
AICTE, as a matter of policy, does not allow technical programmes
through ODL mode, except MBA and MCA. In order to ensure the standards in
MBA and MCA programmes, DEC entered into an MOU in 2006 with AICTE
prescribing procedures for approval of these programmes by specifying the role
and responsibilities of DEC and AICTE. However, the MOU could not become
operational. Another attempt to avoid duplicity of efforts in granting recognition
to Technical and Professional courses, a Joint Committee of UGC-AICTE-DEC
was constituted in May 2007 to jointly inspect the institutions seeking recognition
and grant approval jointly. This arrangement was to materialize through an MoU
between the UGC, AICTE and the DEC. However, the MoU was not placed
before the AICTE Council for its approval as it does not recognize the Technical
programmes except MBA and MCA through distance mode as a matter of policy.
Further, none of the three apex bodies delegated any of their statutory
authority to the Joint Committee. All the decisions of the Joint Committee were to
be ratified by the DEC, which is the statutory authority for the distance education
system under IGNOU Act 1985. This arrangement also did not work due to
various non-workable clauses in the MoU including requirement of signatures of
the Secretaries of
UGC-AICTE-DEC on every letter of recognition.
Subsequently, a Tripartite Committee of the Chairpersons of the UGC, AICTE and
DEC has been constituted by the MHRD(2010) as a recommendatory body for
recognition of the ODL Institutions, which considers and makes recommendations
to the DEC.
The DEC has been organizing seminars / roundtables and workshops at the
national level to popularize the Guidelines and to evolve acceptable standards in
order to usher in quality in the system and also for developing mechanisms for
quality assurance. The DEC has also been promoting seminars/conferences by
giving financial assistance to ODL institutions to organize such events. In addition
to these, the DEC funded a number of roundtables and workshops to train the
faculty and staff of ODL institutions for development of multimedia course-ware,
learner support services, course design and development of self learning materials.
Many a time, the DEC has arranged resource persons to conduct seminars/
workshops at ODL institutions in different parts of the country.


Development Grants for ODL Institutions:

Besides being a regulator, DEC also plays the role of a promoter of ODL
system of education in the country. For this purpose, the DEC provides financial
assistance to State Open Universities (SOUs), since the eighth plan period. Since
the ninth plan, the UGC accorded the responsibility of funding to CCIs/
Directorates of Distance Education attached to Dual Mode Universities to DEC.

The development grants are given for overall development and inducting quality in
the system. It is given to institutions for development in various components like
Development of Course Materials, Student Support Services, Staff Training and
Development, Applications of New Technology, Computerization, Library,
Research and Development, Quality Assurance Measures, Networking of DE
system etc.
The unassigned grants are meant for travel by heads of institutions and
faculty members for attending seminars and conferences, for publications and for
organizing seminars, with the idea of encouraging exchange of ideas
and experiences.
Research and development forms the backbone of any system in order to
bring in quality and standards. Being a dynamic system driven by societal,
economic and technological changes, ODL has been changing rapidly and
dramatically. The changing technological environment of distance education and
paradigm shift affecting it needs to be periodically reviewed. Also the growing
acceptance of open and distance learning system in our country and the
innovations being an integral part of the ODL system it has become imperative to
evaluate the system periodically. There is ample proof of growth of distance
education research which is evident from the increasing number of journals,
seminars, workshops, symposia etc analyzing the growth of the system.
The DEC research project scheme was launched for encouraging systemic
research among distance educators working at State Open Universities,
Directorates of Distance Education/Correspondence Course Institutes of
conventional universities. Recently the scheme has been thrown open to any
teacher/ academic interested in doing research on the ODL system.


DEC's authority as Regulator questionable:

Although DEC is a statutory body created under the IGNOU Act 1985
which has the mandate to regulate the ODL system of education in India yet
questions have been raised about its competence/authority to oversee the functions
of other universities which are also autonomous bodies created by Acts of
respective legislative and have the authority to create their own norms and
standards. In spite of legal mandate, DEC seems to be lacking moral authority on
universities. DEC also does not have the necessary manpower to enforce its norms
across the country.
Honorable Supreme Court of India in a case relating to Annamalai
University regarding the interpretation and application of the UGC (the minimum
standards of instructions for the grant of the first degree through non-formal/

distance education) has held that UGC Act prevails over IGNOU Act for
specification of degrees. UGC Act was enacted for effectuating co-ordination and
determination of standards in Universities. The purport and object for which it was
enacted must be given full effect. The provisions of the UGC Act are binding on
all Universities whether conventional or open. It also held that DEC cannot give
post facto recognition to Distance Education Programmes.
Delhi University has also filed a case in the Delhi High Court challenging
the authority of DEC, a statutory body of IGNOU, a university itself, to regulate
other university created under an Act of the Parliament.


Recognition of degrees awarded by Open Universities:

UGC has issued three circulars vide Nos. F.1-8/92(CPP), February 1992;
F.1-25/03(CPP-II) dated 28th July 1992 and No.F1-52/2000(CPP-II) dt.5th May,
2004 regarding recognition of Degrees/Diplomas awarded by IGNOU, and Open
Universities. It also provided for transfer of credit between the two types of
universities so that the mobility of students from Open University stream to
traditional Universities and vice versa is facilitated without any difficulty. In its
2004 circular UGC clarified to all the Universities to treat the
Degrees/Diploma/Certificates awarded by the Open Universities in conformity
with the UGC notification on Specification of Degrees as equivalent to the
corresponding awards of the traditional Universities in the country.
Association of Indian Universities by notification vide No.
EV/II(449)/176915-177115 dated 14th January, 1994
has also notified that
degrees obtained through distance mode are at par with that of the conventional
In recognition of the degrees obtained through distance mode for
employment in Government jobs, the Ministry of Human Resource Development,
Government of India issued a Gazette notification No. 44 F.No. 18-15/93-TD.
V/TS.IV dated 1st March 1995, which states that ..On the recommendations of
the Board of Assessment for Educational Qualifications, the Government of India
has decided that all the qualifications awarded through Distance Education by the
Universities established by an Act of Parliament or State Legislature, Institutions
Deemed to be Universities under section 3 of the UGC Act, 1956 and Institutions
of National Importance declared under an Act of Parliament stand automatically
recognized for the purpose of employment to posts and services under the Central
Government, provided it has been approved by Distance Education Council,
Indira Gandhi National Open University and wherever necessary by AICTE...

3.10 Status of Recognition by the DEC (As on 31.03.2011)

Total no. of Institutions recognized by the DEC so far


Total no. of applications received by the DEC


for programmes approval

Total no. of Visits of Expert Committees conducted


Total no. of Visits of Expert Committees to be conducted


Proposals under process


Programme-wise approval accorded

(a) by the Joint Committee


(b) by the DEC




(Source: DEC data, March, 2011)

3.11 ODL system: Practically unregulated:

ODL system has certainly taken firm roots in higher education in the
country. More and more conventional universities are opening ODL centres and
are adopting dual mode systems. Number of institutions engaged in ODL system
is increasing at a rapid pace. The regulatory system in place is unable to cope up
with the increasing demand from the system for efficient and effective regulation.
Neither DEC nor UGC nor AICTE has the wherewithal to enforce their norms.
They also do not have the necessary technological support to switch over to self
disclosure system of regulation followed by random and occasional spot
verifications. Learner is also not as conscientious and demanding for quality
service from the ODL institutions. All these lead to a free for all situations in the
field, particularly for those who have entered the ODL system with a commercial
The University Grants Commission seems to have left the matter to the
DEC which does not have the infrastructure to regulate effectively the nation-wide
emergence of ODL programmes by all sorts of institutions. The AICTE does not
recognize technical education through ODL mode except MBA and MCA courses.
A tripartite Committee consisting of UGC, DEC and AICTE to manage the
situation failed to take off. Similar confusion prevails in respect of ODL courses
supposed to be regulated by other professional bodies, be it Medical Council of
India, Dental Council of India, Nursing Council of India, National Council of
Teacher Education etc. Thus, the field today is practically unregulated in any
meaningful way. UGC has even sought a moratorium on starting new ODL
institutions/courses till an effective regulatory mechanism is put in place. Others

are demanding that only established Universities and colleges running face-to-face
programmes alone be allowed to run ODL programmes. Still others including
IGNOU want the DEC to be put on a statutory basis as an independent regulator
possibly under the proposed NCHER. In short, there is a widespread feeling both
among higher education authorities and the distance education providers that the
system is in urgent need of management and regulatory reform if it has to fulfill
the increasing demand of learners for access and quality.




The emerging trend in higher education in the world and also in India
appears to be a convergence of ODL and conventional mode of education
facilitated by technology. It makes education more relevant, accessible and
advantageous to the learner. Use of ICT strengthens ODL programmes also with
necessary teacher guidance and provides for hands-on practical experience in
learning skills to students. IGNOU, primarily an open university, has started
offering education in face to face mode also and it, therefore, stands out among
ODL institutions in the country. Open Universities in U.K., Hong Kong, Australia
and some other countries also offer full-time residential programmes in their
campuses or in collaboration with public and private institutions. It is reported that
over 50 per cent of programmes in open universities around the world are offered
through the dual mode, maintaining high quality of distance education.
The problem with ODL institutions in India, excepting a few honourable
exceptions, is with the quality of education imparted particularly in the absence of
an effective regulatory system in place. Presence of multiple regulatory agencies
with overlapping jurisdictions have led to lack of coordinated management and
sometimes to the game of playing one against the other to escape responsibility.
DEC has framed Guidelines for development and delivery of programmes as well
as for assessment and accreditation. UGC has devised norms for curbing
franchising of higher education through off-campus study centres. Norms and
regulations have also been made by AICTE, NCTE and even MHRD with a view
to maintaining equivalent standards in ODL programmes. Yet, the systems in
place are too weak to implement the norms and enforce quality assurance. The
complaint often made by ODL institutions is that the norms are too rigid and
unrealistic, lacking the flexibility to the diversity of local contexts and emerging
concerns. [Source: Prof. V.S. Prasad on Quality Assurance of Distance
Education in Four Decades of Distance Education in India, Viva Books (2006)].
As Prof. Prasad, a veteran in ODL and assessment systems of NAAC has
stated the distance education system in India can be described as one system,
many models. There is great variation in quality assurance policies, systems and
practices of these institutions. At one end of the spectrum we have IGNOU and
SOUs which do have quality assurance practices like good study materials, student
support services, technology infrastructure etc. At the other end of the spectrum,
many institutions are offering sub-standard DE programmes with large enrolments
by franchising delivery. Some of them are also offering on-line education and
training programmes. Mechanisms to ensure the quality of these programmes are
yet to be developed.

Few conclusions on quality assurance are drawn by the author which are
relevant to the issues raised here:

When DE took rapid strides with resource-sharing partnerships with

conventional systems, the quality is partly determined by the quality of
conventional higher education itself due to the heavy reliance on
counselors, lesson writers and examiners who came from the conventional
system. The quality in conventional system naturally reflected in ODL
system as well.


In later years, large enrolment in DE is not matched by requisite efforts for

quality. Alternate modes of education are adopted without effectively
integrating alternative technologies required for that.


Without having internal quality assurance structures and processes in every

individual ODL institution, there is no way of ensuring quality of


Assessment and accreditation systems available with DEC and NAAC are
in initial stages of development and are yet to make the desired level of


There is no proper training or motivation on the part of DE staff to be able

to develop quality consciousness and approaches.


Life cycle of available technologies is getting shorter and shorter. This

necessitates constant upgradation of technologies in ODL system which
require capital investments for which DE institutions are seldom prepared.


There is no meaningful research on ODL systems which may throw light

on activity costing, self-sustainability, technology infrastructure, learner
support services etc.


Student support services pose a major challenge in situations where ODL

programmes are offered in multi-cultural and multi-lingual settings.
Competence of students to use English is a problem to be addressed before
quality and standards can be talked about.

The problem of Outcome Benchmarks is therefore complex and varied

and no simple or easy solutions can be offered unless questions such as those
posed above are satisfactorily answered. It requires a change in the mind set of
all stakeholders, particularly, the regulators and the service providers. Quality on
continuing basis comes only through an awakened demand from the service


General Perspectives on Quality

Almost in every country there is an increasing pressure on the higher

education system to equip students with not only the expertise derived from
traditional academic programmes, but also to provide them with sufficient range
of transferable skills to enable them to play more important role when they enter
employment. Thus, the institutions of higher education need to have a very clear
understanding of what they are seeking to achieve through their academic
programmes. In addition, whatever they do needs to be of high quality.
The general concept on quality in higher education is also applicable to
open learning and distance education mode. This means one has to take into
cognizance the interests and aspirations of all the beneficiaries namely students,
teachers, staff, parent, funding agencies, employers and the society in general. The
fitness for purpose is the true yardstick for distance education mode in open
learning. Besides. The quality of the learning material and the nature of delivery
of services to learners are important quality determinants. A variety of methods
and systems are used to deliver distance education and the effectiveness and
quality of these innovative means of delivery become crucial while assuring
quality in open learning through distance education mode. Learner outcomes in
three major domains cognitive, psychomotor and affective, need to be looked
into carefully. One has to seek evidence for the effectiveness of distance education
methodology to achieve cognitive outcome. In addition, it becomes important to
observe, particularly for science and professional subjects, the effectiveness of
distance education with respect to affective and psychomotor outcomes. Besides
learner outcomes, the evidence on the other aspects related to distance education
namely, access, drop out rate, cost effectiveness, efficiency in delivery, relevance
to needs, and generation of knowledge are also important benchmarks in this
In view of the above, there cannot be any one definition on quality in open
learning through distance education mode. One needs to consider several aspects
related to distance education mode while making the judgment on the quality on
the working of these institutions of higher education. We, therefore, need to
consider in detail the organization and working of the Open University and
Distance Learning systems in India to be able to recommend Outcome
Benchmarks and its application.

4.2.1 Organizational Structure of Open Universities/DEIs

Open Universities are innovations of nineteen eighties and were established
to augment opportunities for higher education. Their organizational structure can
be put at two levels:
Level I : Main Body (Headquarter)
This has two limbs which deal with the following core activities:

Administrative Limb: University's Central Administrative Structure dealing

with administrative and financial policies.

Academic Limb: Schools or Faculties which are directly responsible for

initiation, design, development of programmes and instructional material,
academic counselling and evaluation of learners.

Level II: Support Body (Regional Centres)

This deals with the following support activities:

Registration and evaluation

Production of instructional material: Print, Audio/Video and multimedia

Delivery mechanism

Academic counselling support to students

Declaration of results and award of degrees

Administration and management of finances

There is a coherent organic link between the two levels and the entire
functioning of the Open University system is dependent upon the effective and
efficient working of its various limbs.

4.2.2 Organizational Structure of the DEIs :

The Directorates of Distance Education in Conventional Universities have
mostly independent structures to plan development and delivery of programmes
and administer the same. The activities of DEIs can also be classified on the
pattern of Open Universities system such as:
Academic activities: DEIs generally have faculty in concerned disciplines as
coordinators and adequate number of support staff. DEIs do not have independent
departments. The coordinators are entrusted with planning and development of
course materials with the help of support staff as well as outside experts. The
major activities in this category include,

Planning and Production of Instructional Materials,

Academic Counseling, and

Evaluation of Assignments and Examinations papers.

Administrative Activities: These include the following:

Registration of students

Administration and Management of Finances

Management of Study Centres / Student Counseling

Examination related activities

Declaration of results and award of certificates/degrees

4.2.3 Unit of Assessment

Unit of assessment is an important factor as assessment of student's
learning level revolves around it. Whether institution as a whole or a department or
a programme should be taken as a unit of assessment is the moot question which
needs to be answered. If we take institute as a unit, then its each independent unit
and activities associated with it such as programmes on offer, activities of
divisions, schools or faculties, administrative structure may serve as input and
contribute to the total assessment of the institution. In case of department as a unit
of assessment, the faculty, programmes on offer and the management may
contribute to the assessment. However, for a programme as unit of assessment, the
basic content, its development and delivery mechanism become important. A
department/school or a programme of study as a unit compared to the institution
can provide better idea to all the stakeholders (parents, learners, prospective
employers etc.) and may help identify its strength and weakness. The assessment
and accreditation information can be helpful to aspirants of such programmes and
to prospective employers also who look for getting students of high calibre for
employment under them.
Distance Education Institutions usually have lean infrastructure facilities.
All the activities of the distance mode institutions are usually organized for
delivery of programmes including support services. The success of the distance
mode institutions is usually judged from the quality of programmes on offer.
Therefore, a programme as unit of assessment is more reasonable and pragmatic
for distance mode. Its planning, development, delivery process, choice of media
mix and student support services are important parameters to take into
consideration for Outcome Benchmarks.


DEC Initiatives on Quality Assurance

DEC has prepared several Guidelines, Norms, Standards and Database for
bringing in quality in ODL system. They are listed below in chronological order.

Preparation of Database and Networking of Open Universities (19931994) was undertaken with a view to planning promotion of distance
education system, and to evolve criteria for development assistance to open

In order to ensure minimum standard in programmes content the

Standardizing Grading for Credit Hour /system 1993-1994 was developed
to enable mobility of students from one institution to the other including
conventional system.

Norms and Standards for Management Education programmes through

Distance Mode, 1996 was developed with a view to ensuring optimal
standard in management programme delivery. These norms and standards
provide details about infrastructure facilities, staff, availability of course
materials and requirement of study centres. These were implemented in the
initial stage of programme approval.

Norms and Standards for Computer Education programmes through

Distance Mode, 1996 was developed on the similar lines as that of
management programme.

Norms and Standards were developed also for Library Science Education
programmes through Distance Mode, 1996

Guidelines for Sharing of Materials from Common Pool of Programmes

1996 was developed with a view to avoiding duplication of efforts in
development of course material.

Performance Indicators in Distance Education, 19961 provides details of

the conference proceedings organized by DEC to evolve parameters for
ensuring quality for different aspects of the programme development and

Self Assessment Manual for Open Universities. 1997 was developed with a
view to initiating approval of programmes. The main aim was to help the
institutions undertake indepth studies of its activities followed by a peer

Manual for Research in Distance Education 1997 was evolved to provide

basic guidelines for submission of major and minor research projects to

Norms and Standards for B.Sc.(Nursing) programmes through Distance

Mode were developed in 1998-99. Nursing programmes are offered as per
guidelines of Nursing Council of India.

Guidelines for financial assistance to State Open Universities (SOUs) &

Correspondence course Institutions ( CCIs )-1997 and 2000 was developed

with a view to helping

development of assistance.

SOUs and DEIs to submit proposals for

Expert Committees on Research Projects- have been constituted with a

tenure of 2-3 years. The committees have helped in formulating guidelines,
modifying them, screening of the research project proposals and
recommending proposals for financial assistance. Such Committees were
formed in 1996, 1999, 2000 and recently in 2007.

Guidelines for Policy for Academic Staff in D.E. 2000 was evolved to
workout the work norms of teachers working in distance education system.

Development of proformas, guidelines, handbooks for recognition purpose2007 to ensure quality in programme delivery.

Development of minimum norms for ensuring quality in ODL institutions2007.

Development of proformas, guidelines, handbooks for assessment and

accreditation of ODL institutions- 2009.

It is evident that the work done for quality benchmarking is too minimal. It
should have engaged utmost attention. Without a clear quality bench mark, it
becomes difficult for any service provider to create the necessary and desirable
learning environment. DEC and all other regulators should develop programme
wise benchmarks to bring in transparency and accountability in the ODL system.
For this, the principles given in subsequent paras can be used as the beginning
point by all the regulators.






The programme should emanate from the perspective plan of the


Development of academic programmes should go through three stages

namely: Programme formulation, Instructional Design and Material
Development, which is given in Table 4.1 below
Table 4.1. : Stages in Programme Development:

- Need Assessment

Instructional Design


- Formulating Structure

- Course Writing

- Defining Target Groups

Selection of appropriate - Content Editing

media for delivery of
- Format Editing

based on level of the
programme to provide Finalizing Unit wise -Developmentof Graphics,
knowledge, Course Outlines for all courses Illustrations etc
competencies and skills
- Identifying Themes for print/ - Finalizing Manuscript
- Adoption of a house style audio-video
learning components etc
Deciding Strategies for editing
Course Delivery
- Testing of Material
- Deciding Student Evaluation
-Printing and/or Formatting
and Feedback System
for the Website
- Periodic Revision and
Updating of Material by
obtaining feedback from
students and stakeholders

Materials developed should be in self learning format and could be in the

form of a media mix comprising print, audio/ video programmes, web
based materials, CD-ROMs, including animations

Production of materials may be outsourced to professional agencies in case

in- house facilities are not available

Modular approach may be followed with provision of multiple entry/ exit

points, leading from lower to higher qualifications

UGC model curriculum may be a point of reference.However, to meet the

specific needs of learners and demands of the society, deviation for
betterment is advisable

Expert Committees, with experts drawn from industry as well, should be

involved in the development of curriculum and the design of programme

The programme should be approved by Statutory bodies of the University

Nomenclature of the degrees must be as per UGC guidelines

Material should be ready before the launch of programme

Study input for each programme should be well defined in terms of credits
(1 credit =30 study hours) depending on the level of the programme. The credit

weightage may be as per DEC norms which depends on the type of programme
and the level at which it is being offered.



SLMs should be in the form of print, audio, video, CD, web based,
computer aided etc.

Credit value of the programme to determine the number of units (**),

counseling sessions (theory and practical), assignments are as proposed in
Table 4.2.

Table 4.2:

Norms for delivery of courses through distance mode based on

credit system

Credit Value Study

of the course input
2 Credits
4 credits
6 credits
8 credits


Size of SLMs
(in terms of
6-8 units
14-16 units
20-24 units
30-34 units

No. of Counselling
Theory (10% of
total study hours)
6 hours
12 hours
18 hours
24 hours


60 hours
120 hours
180 hours
240 hours



(**) Each written unit should ideally be of around 5000 words.

SLM should contain much more than just information; they must make the
learner think, write and do. As such, they should contain:

Clearly stated objectives or statements of intended learning outcomes

Content should be broken down into small chunks in the form of sections
and sub-sections

Each learning objective should be covered in the form of sections and subsections, self assessment questions and activities

A unit structure at the beginning of the unit

Uncluttered visually attractive layout design

In formal and friendly tone and style

Readable, fluent and unambiguous text

Plenty of examples, references to prior learning, case studies, diagrams,

illustrations etc.

An introduction that is stimulating

A glossary explaining difficult words/ new terms etc

A summary that is clear and useful

Responses to self assessment questions and activities

Adequate suggested recent readings



Preparation of Prospectus and application form containing criteria for

admission, fee and duration

Sufficient number of Prospectus and application forms should be made

available at all Study Centres, Regional Centres and HQs

Registration should be done as per the schedule, maximum within 3 months

from the last date of submission of applications

Issue of enrolment numbers and identification cards to all learners

Confirmation of admission should be informed to the learner along with

basic guidelines on how to study and learn in the ODL mode at the earliest
on completion of process of admission

Franchising should be avoided.



Organized learner support through Study Centres established and

maintained by University/ Institution at existing recognized educational
institutions having the required infrastructure and programme requirement

Study Centres to provide both academic and administrative support

services, such as dissemination of information, academic counseling (for
both theory and practical courses), vocational guidance, hands-onexperience, multimedia support, library services, evaluation of
assignments, feedback, guidance of project work, organization of
seminars, field trips, conduct of term end exams, monitoring, etc.

Study Centres to be identified within the state or outside as per the

jurisdiction of the University

Learners should be made aware of the support services provided to them

through programme guides, brochures, letters, website, emails, SMS on
mobiles etc.

Media for supporting learners should be accessible to target groups and

interactive in nature to provide timely feedback

The University/ Institution should also cater to the special needs and
requirements of diverse learner groups including women, physically
challenged, economically weaker sections of the society and other deprived
and denied groups by adopting a diversified delivery approach

Induction programmes should be made compulsory and held at the

beginning of the academic session

Regional Centres to be established when the number of study centres is

spread over large areas, also depending upon the number of learners and
number of programmes on offer

Criteria should be laid down by the concerned Schools/ Departments for

selection of qualified academic counselors

Provision of adequate manpower to run the Study Centres and Regional

Centres as per DEC norms.

Study Centres to maintain records pertaining to:


Academic Counsellors and Staff

Students Registered

Counselling Sessions

Assignments Received, Evaluated and Returned

Student Queries

Administration and Finance

counselor/teacher, facilities, environments, etc.


Schedule of counseling sessions should be sent to learners well in advance

Organization of counseling sessions should be done course wise on

holidays, weekends, after office hours

Maximum students attached to a counsellor should not exceed 60 in the

case of theory sessions and 20 in practical sessions

Library facility should be available at all Study Centres, Regional Centres

and HQs

Study centres should get the assignments evaluated within maximum 6

weeks from the date of receipt and return the evaluated assignments to the
learners with appropriate comments, deficiencies and strengths.

Academic counselors should provide regular meaningful feedback to

learners through tutor comments

Timely tabulation of grades/marks of assignments which should be

dispatched to the HQs

Monitoring of services provided by Study Centres and Regional Centres to

the learners through monthly reports, visits by academic staff at least one
per semester, etc.



Assessment should be both formative as well as summative.

Formative assessment should be through tutor marked assignments

projects, seminars, hands on experience, practicals linked to the objectives
and desired competencies/ skills or expected learning outcomes.

Turn around time for providing feedback on performance to the learners

should not exceed 6 weeks and definitely before the terminal exam

Formative assessment should contribute to 25% to30% weightage in the

overall assessment

Summative assessment should be in the form of term end exams for both
theory and practicals or any other comprehensive method of assessment

Summative assessment should be both descriptive and objective and

application oriented contributing to 70%-75% in the overall assessment.

Tools of assessment should be prepared by empanelled experts and widely


All tools of assessment should be moderated before being administered to

ensure reliability and validity and standards as per the level of the

Preparation of ideal responses for assignments as well as term end

examination questions which should be supplied to evaluators

Examinations should be held at Study Centres/ or any other centre

identified by the University having necessary facilities and support

Availability of at least 2 sets of question papers for each course before

commencement of exams

Use of a common exam form for all courses and programmes

List of examinees to be provided to exam centres well in advance

Proper conduct of term end examination and dispatch of sealed scripts

immediately to the HQs

Term-end examination should be held twice a year and the timetable should
be circulated to the learners 3 months in advance and put on the website.

Accurate compilation/ tabulation of grades/ marks by the exam unit for

each learner, course wise need be maintained

Evaluation of term end exam papers, assignments, projects etc. should be

done by empanelled evaluators, it should not be outsourced

Measures should be taken for fair conduct of examinations, such as

deputing of observers, sending of flying squads etc.

Time schedules should be adhered to particularly in the declaration of


Accuracy/ authentication of Certification should be ensured

Dispatch of provisional certificates to learners immediately after

declaration of results

Timely award of Degrees or Diplomas



Every University/ Institution should have its own Website

All the relevant information, about various, courses, fee structure, rules,
Examination, etc. must be available on the internet.

Depending upon the nature of the programme, target groups and financial
resources of the university/ institution the following communication
technologies in Table 4.3 could be deployed:

Table 4.3 : Communication Technology for different activities.

Communication Technology



Internet and Satellite


-Broadcast of audio programmes
-Counselling (informing, advising, counselling)
-Live interaction with learners
-Broadcasting of video
-Counselling (informing, advising, counselling)
-Training of functionaries
-Counselling (informing, advising) and mentoring
-Development and maintenance of databases
-On-line interaction
-Connectivity of all centers
-Institutional information
-Academic resources
-Providing academic and administrative services
-Institutional information
-Academic resources
-Providing academic and administrative services



Technical Education in India through Conventional Mode

The technical education as a discipline in India traces back to 1794, in the

form of survey schools. Starting with certificate programmes, it grew to diplomas
and later to bachelor degree in the second half of the 19th century. In the fifties of
the 20th century post graduate degree programmes started to be offered in technical
education. Among the engineering colleges, the earliest ones are the College of
Engineering, Guindy, Madras; Thomason College of Engineering, Roorkee; The
Bengal Engineering College, Howrah and the Government College of Engineering,
Pune (Source: Kulandai Swamy, V.C., (1995), pp-47-67, H E in India in Search
of Quality, AIU publication).

In 1947, when India became independent, there were about 100 industrial
training institutes (ITIs), 53 polytechnics and 38 engineering colleges preparing

students for the award of certificate, diploma and bachelors degree programmes.
Postgraduate education programmes were started during the early nineteen fifties
followed by doctoral programmes. The fifties and major part of sixties and the
eighties marked the periods of expansion of technical education. (Kulandai
Swamy, V.C, 1995, op cit.).

The year wise growth of programmes in Technical education from 2005

onwards is given in Table 5.1 below and growth of Seats in different Programs
in Technical Institutions during the same period is given in Table 5.2 ,
Table 5.1: Growth of different Programs in Technical Institutions


















(Source: paper presented by Dr Mantha, Chairman, AICTE, in the Committee meeting )

Table 5.2: Growth of Seats in different Programs in Technical Institutions :

Engineer Manage
Pharma Archite HMC
2005-06 4,99,697
2006-07 550986
2007-08 653290
2008-09 841018
2009-10 1071896
1,21,123 72,836
2010-11 1324246
1,35,173 1,03,867 4,933


Added in

(Source: paper presented by Dr Mantha, Chairman, AICTE, in the Committee meeting )

Accordingly, in 2005-06, the number of programmes in engineering was 1475,

that in Management was 1888 and the total number of Technical programmes including
pharmacy, Architecture, Hotel Management and Catering technology was 5756. During
the year the total seats for engineering were 4,99,697, for management programmes
1,22,663 with aggregate seats for the all programmes being 7,25,873. The number of
Technical programmes on offer kept increasing and so did the seats for the Technical
education. The percentage growth of programmes was noticeably higher during the

period 2008-2010. The seats under technical programmes showed a steep rise in

2008-09 and the growth rate in seats available for such programmes then stabilized
at about 25% increase year over year as is evident from the table below. .
Table 5.3- percentage growth in programmes and seats in technical education
Technical Programmes
Seats in Technical Programmes
Added in % growth Total
Added in Year %
programmes Year
2005-06 5,756
2006-07 6,006
2007-08 6,423
2008-09 8,114
2009-10 9,565
2010-11 10,364

(Source: Based on Table 5.2 and Table5.3 above)


Disciplines under Technical Education-Conventional Mode

As per the AICTE Act, 1987 technical education covers Engineering,

Technology, Management, Architecture and Pharmacy. Consequently developing
norms and guidelines for these subjects come under the purview of the All India
Council for Technical Education. Various institutions offering technical
professional programmes are broadly classified as follows:
1. Engineering programmes include:

Diploma Programmes offered by Government Polytechnics, Aided

Private Polytechnics and Self-Financing Private Polytechnics.


Degree Programmes offered by IITs and IISc, Technical

Universities including Deemed to be Universities, University
Departments of Engineering/Technology, Regional Engineering
Colleges, Government Engineering Colleges,
Aided Private
Engineering Colleges, Self Financing Private Engineering Colleges,
Professional Associations offering programmes equivalent to
Degree and Other special institutions.


Management Programmes: IIMs and Autonomous Private Institutions offer

PG Diploma while University Departments and Affiliated Colleges
(Government, Aided Private and Unaided Private) offer M.B.A


Pharmacy: Diploma/Degree courses are offered by Pharmacy Colleges,

University Departments and Affiliated Colleges.


Planning and Architecture : Bachelors Degree/ Masters Degree are

offered by School of Planning and Architecture, University Departments

and Affiliated Colleges (Government, Aided Private, and Unaided

Besides, there are special institutions as the Indian School of Mines,
Dhanbad (ISM), the National Institute of Training in Industrial Engineering
(NITIE) Mumbai, Technical Teacher Training Institutes (TTTIs) at Bhopal,
Kolkata, Chandigarh and Chennai, the Administrative Staff College of India,
Hyderabad, and the National Institute of Industrial Design, Ahmedabad, which
offer engineering programmes. In addition, several professional bodies offer, on
the basis of their own examinations, memberships to learners which is recognized
equivalent to Bachelors degree. About 85,000 candidates appear for section A
and B of the Institutions of Engineers (India) out of which about 4200 candidates
qualify every year for section A and 3500 for section B. Information regarding
other such associations could not be available. (Kulandai Swamy, V.C, 1995, op


Management of Technical Education

The administration and management of technical institutions involves a

complex and somewhat loosely defined role of Universities, Governments and
Regulators. There is a complex interface between and among them and
consequently the institutions have to seek approval from more than one
organization either for starting new programmes or for financial support.
At the national level, the AICTE is the apex body regulating technical
education. It was established in 1945 as a national expert body to advise the
Central and State Governments on the development of technical education and was
made a statutory body by an Act of Parliament in 1987. AICTE has the
responsibility for ensuring the co-coordinated and integrated development and
maintenance of standards of technical education. It also provides development
funding. The AICTE has a General Body, an Executives Council, a National Board
of Accreditation, eight Boards of Studies, Board of Research, Board of Industry
Institute Interaction and Board of Staff Development and Continuing Education.
The AICTE also has six Regional Committees.
Universities do not need prior approval of AICTE for starting Engineering
programmes. As per AICTE Act technical institution means an institution, not
being a university which offers courses or programmes of technical education, and
shall include such other institutions as the Central Government may, in
consultation with the council, by notification in the official gazette, declare as
technical institution. The University departments in engineering, the technical
universities and the deemed Universities come under the purview of the UGC and
they seek approval of the AICTE for financial support through the UGC for
programmes and receive funding through the UGC even though they can submit
project proposals directly to the AICTE or for that matter to any other funding
agency. The Council of Architecture has a say in the curriculum, syllabi, duration

and infrastructure facilities before the AICTE could recognize a programme. Thus,
a school or a college or a department of a University offering a degree programme
in Architecture has to approach the Board of Studies of the concerned University
for its curriculum and syllabus, the AICTE for approval of the programme and for
developmental funding, and the Council of Architecture for recognition.
The State Boards of Technical Education prescribe the curricula and
syllabus for the diploma courses, conduct examinations, and award the diploma.
The State Universities prescribe the curricula and syllabi for the state level
colleges offering degree programmes in technical education. They also conduct
examinations and award degrees. However, the introduction of a new programme
or the establishment of a new College requires the approval of the AICTE.


Technical Programmes through Distance and Mixed Mode

Technical programmes through distance mode was initiated first by Birla

Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani (1979) and Jawaharlal Nehru
Technology University, Hyderabad (1983) as continuing and distance education
programmes and collaborative work integrated learning for in service Diploma
holders. Subsequently, IGNOU started Advanced Diploma programmes in Water
Resource Engineering and Construction Management (1996), which were
subsequently upgraded to bachelor level programmes(2006). YCMOU, Nashik
(1996) and Karnataka State Open University also launched technical programmes.
Around the year 2000 several conventional and Deemed Universities to name a
few JRN Rajasthan Vidyapeeth deemed University, Udaipur; IASE Deemed
University, Sardarshahr, Rajasthan; Vinayaka Missions Deemed University,
Salem, Tamil Nadu and Allahabad Agriculture Institute Deemed University,
Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh now renamed as Sam Higginbottom Institute of
Agriculture, Technology and Sciences, Allahabad started offering technical
programmes in Engineering through distance mode.
Some details about the Institutions offering engineering programmes are
provided as under:


Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad

Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad has introduced the

correspondence-cum-contact programme in different specialization (Civil
Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering,
Electronics and Communication Engineering) from the academic year 1983
onwards and the specialization in Computer Science and Engineering from 1999
onwards. The intake of students for the year 2008-09 branch wise is as follows:

Civil Engg.

: 320


: 503

Mechanical Engg.

: 595


: 416


: 67



Duration and Eligibility: The duration of these programmes is 4 years.

Admission is open to Diploma holders in concerned branch of Engineering with
one year experience and working in the State of Andhra Pradesh at the time of the
Credit System: The B.Tech programme is offered on the basis of credit
system to have flexibility in the system. A student can have the choice in courses
of study and go through the programme at his own pace. Unit system is adopted,
giving 8 credits for the theory and 4 credits for Lab courses. Each course is treated
as independent unit for evaluation and successful completion.
Instructional Material: Printed instructional material is made available for
home study. The syllabus is broken into units. Lab manuals are supplied for each
lab course. Assignments are appended for students response besides self
assessment questions at the end of each unit. The assignments are evaluated and
returned to the candidates pointing out the inadequacies in the responses.
Personal Contact programmes are arranged for theory and practicals for 2-3
weeks continuously and conducted at Anantapur, Kakinada and Hyderabad
centres. While the attendance in theory contact programme is optional, attendance
in practicals is compulsory.


Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani

Birla Institute of Technology and Sciences (BITS), Pilani is a deemed

University established in 1964. The institute has been participating in the human
resource development activities of the industries by evolving several degree/
diploma programmes which integrate the working environment of the employees
with the learning environment required by the Institute. Such programmes were
initiated in the year 1979 at the request of the industries hosting Practice School
Programmes. M.E. (Collaborative) programme in Project Engineering was started
in association with Development Consultants (P) Ltd., Kolkata and in Industrial
Production in association with GRASIM, Nagda.
The education in work-integrated learning programmes of BITS is
characterized by person-centered approach with the rigour and standards at par
with Institutes on-campus system of education. These programmes combine the
flexibility and ingenuity of the off-campus educational system with the regular
features of the on-campus education system. Also, the learning and evaluation

process draws upon the successful and established methodologies followed by the
Institute. All the programmes follow a semester and a credit based system.

5.4.3 Thapar University, Patiala, Punjab

Thapar University is delivering engineering education since 1956
through conventional mode and is considered one of the prestigious institutes in
India in engineering and technology. The University has also started Distance
Education Programme in Engineering which is open for practicing professionals
who hold a diploma in engineering and are employed. This provides an
opportunity to these working professionals to renew their knowledge. The
University admits a very small fraction of the working professionals in these
programmes through competitive tests. Number of admission is restricted around
200 in each session. To ensure quality study material the University has published
about 90 Self Instruction Materials written by their faculty and reviewed by faculty
of IITs. The interactive lectures are delivered online through dedicated internet
servers. The evaluation is spread over the entire semester through assignments,
quizes and end semester examinations. The students carry out an industry project
in the final semester in collaboration with their employers. The programme is
considered rigorous and meticulous in admission, delivery and evaluation.


Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi

The School of Engineering and Technology of the IGNOU has the

responsibility of initiating academic, continuing and extension education
programmes in the areas of engineering and technology. Since 1995 the School has
developed several programmes aimed at increasing job potential and economic
advantage to the learners. To fulfill its mandate, the School regularly interacts with
employing agencies, professional bodies and industry so as to reflect educational
and training needs of the targeted learners in the curriculum. The school practices
participative and collaborative strategy by inviting different industries. The Self
Instructional Materials are designed and developed with the help of experts drawn
from various institutions of acknowledged expertise: IITs, National Institutes of
Technology (NITs), reputed Universities and Engineering Colleges and Industry.
The University offers both short-term and long-term programmes leading
to Certificates, Diplomas or Degrees, covering conventional as well as innovative
programmes. Most of these programmes have been developed after an initial
survey of the demand for such studies. They are launched with a view to fulfil the
students need for certification, improvement of skills, acquisition of professional
qualification, continuing education and professional development at work place,
self-enrichment, and diversification of knowledge.
The School has the following programmes:

Bachelor of Technology in Construction Management, Water Resources

Engineering and Mechanical Engineering (Computer Integrated

Bachelor of Technology, Advanced Diploma in Construction Management


Advanced Diploma in Water Resources Engineering (ADWRE)

Advanced Diploma in Computer Integrated Manufacturing (ADCIM)

Diploma in Civil Engineering (Army Personnel) (DCLE)

Diploma in Civil Engineering (General Candidates) (DCLE-G)

Diploma in Mechanical Engineering (DME)

5.4.5 Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University, Nasik

The YCMOU, Nasik, Maharashtra started offering technical programmes
in Engineering w.e.f. 1996 when it launched Diploma level programmes in the
areas of Communication Engineering, Computer Technology, Industrial
Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering. In the year 2004 the YCMOU further
launched 4 Diploma level programmes in the areas of Mechanical, Production,
Automobile and Thermal Engineering. It also launched B. Tech programmes in the
Marine, Electronics and Mechanical engineering in 2004. The dissemination of
education is through blended mode. Support system included web based discussion
forums. Cost-effectiveness of programmes is an added advantage. The intake of
students in both the semesters of a year is approximately 10,000.


Karnataka State Open University, Mysore

The University offers technical programmes like Diploma in Engineering,

B.Tech and M.Tech. For this purpose KSOU collaborates with institutions to
conduct classes in the institutions/colleges recognized by AICTE and other bodies.
Details regarding the programmes are not made available.

5.4.7 Offer of Technical Programmes by Technical Universities and

Deemed Universities
There was sudden increase in the number of technical programmes after the
year 2000 as a few Private and deemed Universities such as JRN Rajasthan
Vidyapeeth deemed University, Udaipur; IASE Deemed University, Sardarshahr,
Rajasthan and Allahabad Agriculture Institute now renamed as Sam Higginbottom
Institute of Agriculture, Technology and Sciences, Allahabad - started offering
programmes such as Diploma in Engineering, B.Tech and M.Tech programmes.

Many more Universities and Institutions have followed the suit. Some of them
have even franchised the programme delivery and even established study centres in
non AICTE approved Colleges. This subsequently became an issue for ensuring
quality in technical/ professional programmes. Because of the high demand of
technical and managerial expertise and the value of such degrees, the ODL mode
has emerged as offering solution but in the process it has dented its credibility so
much that employers have started ignoring their degrees/certificates.

5.5 The National Policy on Education, (1986) on Technical and

Management Education
The National Policy on Education (NPE), 1986 provides that Although the two
streams of technical and management education are functioning separately, it is
essential to look at them together, in view of their close relationship and
complementary concerns. The reorganisation of Technical and Management
Education should take into account the anticipated scenario by the turn of the
century, with specific reference to the likely changes in the economy, social
environment, production and management processes, the rapid expansion of
knowledge and the great advances in science and technology.
As per the NPE the infrastructure and services sectors as well as the unorganised
rural sector also need a greater induction of improved technologies and a supply of
technical and managerial manpower.
The NPE further lays emphasis on promotion of continuing education, covering
established as well as emerging technologies.
The NPE (1986) also states that as computers have become important and
ubiquitous tools, a minimal exposure to computers and a training in their use will
form part of professional education. Programmes of computer literacy will be
organized on wide scale from the school stage.
It has put special emphasis on offering of technical and management programmes
through distance mode. The NPE states that In view of the present rigid entry
requirements to formal courses restricting the access of a large segment of people
to technical and managerial education, programmes through a distance- learning
process, including use of the mass media will be offered. Technical and
management education programmes, including education in polytechnics, will also
be on a flexible modular pattern based on credits, with provision for multi-point
entry A strong guidance and counselling service will be provided.
It further elaborates that appropriate formal and non-formal programmes of
technical education will be devised for the benefit of women, the economically and
socially weaker sections, and the physically handicapped. The emphasis of
vocational education and its expansion will need a large number of teachers and

professionals in vocational education, educational technology, curriculum

development, etc. Programmes will be started to meet this demand. To encourage
students to consider "self-employment" as a career option, training in
entrepreneurship will be provided through modular or optional courses, in degree
or diploma programmes. In order to meet the continuing needs of updating
curriculum, renewal should systematically phase out obsolescence and introduce
new technologies of disciplines.
As per the NPE, the All India Council for Technical Education, which has been
given statutory status, will be responsible for planning, formulation and the
maintenance of norms and standards, accreditation, funding of priority areas,
monitoring and evaluation, maintaining parity of certification and awards and
ensuring the co-ordinated and integrated development of technical and
management education. Mandatory periodic evaluation will be carried out by a
duly constituted Accreditation Board. The Council will be strengthened and it will
function in a decentralised manner with greater involvement of State governments
and technical institutions of good quality. In the interests of maintaining standards
and for several other valid reasons, the commercialization of technical and
professional education will be curbed. An alternative system will be devised to
involve private and voluntary effort in this sector of education, in conformity with
accepted norms and goals.
However, the AICTE, as a policy, does not recognize technical education through
ODL mode except MBA and MCA. As a result, the AICTE has not felt the need to
develop benchmarks for offering other technical and management programmes
through distance mode. In fact, the AICTE policy to allow only MBA and MCA
programmes through ODL mode does not seem to be in consonance with the NPE,


Need for alternative System:

Globalization and the advent of communication and information

technologies have opened up many new possibilities for training and re-training of
personnel working in industry. Many of the multinational companies want upgradation of knowledge and skills of staff at work place. Distance mode has the
potential to impart work integrated learning without disturbing normal schedule of
work at the places of employment. Further, there are large number of employees,
Diploma holders working in Govt. Departments, PSUs and other organizations and
there is very little scope for such employees for vertical mobility. Distance mode
can be used effectively to upgrade knowledge and skill of such experienced
employees to graduate level and thus allow for their vertical mobility.
Use of only one media may not be adequate for delivery of technical
programmes. Three basic requirements for technical programmes delivery are organization of (a) theory courses, (b) interaction, and (c) practical components.

These three components can be incorporated in the programme by using SLM in

hard as well as soft forms for theory component, face-to-face / e-learning for
interaction and compulsory practical component for development of requisite skill.
Practice at will can also be facilitated through simulations. E-learning provides all
essential core teaching learning components like interaction, evaluation and
feedback. Regular face-to-face contact in form of counseling sessions during
weekends or during off-time of colleges should be used for clarification and
removal of doubts of learners. Laboratory experiments could be conducted in
AICTE recognized colleges taking into account the physical infrastructure and
human resource required for the purpose.
Conventional universities running such programmes are also making use of
lectures and chunks of learning materials through ICT as a supplementary
teaching/learning method. NPTEL and NMEICT are engaged in the development
of such e-resources. Such quality course material through national expertise can
easily be adopted by the Technical Education Providers. As conventional system is
getting strengthened through technology enabled distance mode lectures and
tutorials, it is only logical to expect that ICT enabled delivery in ODL system
combined with face to face, counseling, tutorials and laboratory works will ensure
quality in ODL system also.
Therefore, the mode of teaching/learning for the contemporary era cannot be
exclusively in conventional or in distance education mode. It has to be a proper
mix of the two which can be termed as blended learning. Having regard to the
advent of ICT, developments taking place all around the world including in India
and the vision enshrined in the National Policy of Education, 1986, a fresh look
needs to be taken by the AICTE on offering Technical and Management
Programmes through ODL mode.



Higher Education sector has grown significantly in scale and size but it is
still unable to meet the growing demands for it because of many reasons including
resource constraints. It is not possible to meet this rising demand through the
capital-intensive conventional system of education only. The need for an
alternative strategy to supplement the conventional system of higher education has
been appreciated and accepted long back by the policy makers of the country.
Through various policy and programme interventions, attempts have been made to
promote Open and Distance Learning (ODL) system to facilitate the expansion of
higher education sector for the fulfillment of aspirations of those who are deprived
of pursuing it for whatever reason. As a result, the contribution of ODL to Gross
Enrolment Ratio (GER) in higher education has risen to about 22%. But, a lot still
remains to be done. With the increasing use of technology all over the world in
providing learning support to ODL students, the Committee finds it appropriate to
recommend well regulated expansion of ODL system in the higher education
sector in the country during the 12th Plan period to help fulfill the aspirations of the
seekers of knowledge and skill by enhancing the opportunities at affordable cost
for the benefit of all those who have the desire to educate themselves further but
cannot do so on a full time basis.

Goal and concerns for Quality

The Ministry of Human Resource Development has set a goal to
achieve 30% GER in higher education by the year 2020. As per the preliminary
estimate prepared by the NUEPA, it would require an investment of about Rs.9.5
lakh crores. The Committee is aware of the fact that the physical infrastructure
created for imparting conventional education largely remains idle after the official
working hours. Keeping this infrastructure idle and going for establishing new
ones in conventional mode, firstly, would be a difficult proposition due to lack of
resources and secondly, it would also tantamount to avoidable wastage of scarce
national resources. AICTE has recently made provision for allowing second shift
programmes at the graduate, post graduate and vocational and technical education
through its approved institutions. The Committee recommends that every
conventional university and institution, including technical and professional ones,
should be encouraged to switch over to a dual mode of imparting education by
offering ODL programmes in additional to the conventional programmes so that
the already available infrastructure can be used as study centers for holding

counseling and practical instruction not only on holidays but on every day after the
working hours. This will automatically increase the enrolment by 2-3 times.
Starting ODL programme would require preparation of appropriate study material
and appointment of coordinators and counselors in appropriate numbers. A
centrally sponsored scheme should be devised by the Distance Education Council
(DEC) to share the cost involved to encourage the conventional universities and
institutions to start ODL programmes without delay.
The Committee is convinced that Higher Education means only and
only Quality Education, otherwise it loses its purpose and value. Eyebrows are
often raised about the poor quality of education being imparted through ODL
system, particularly, in respect of technical and professional programmes, which
require development of certain skills through hands on practice. Presently, AICTE
permits only MBA and MCA courses, that too, only if the Tripartite Committee
(AICTE, UGC and DEC) approves them. The decision not to permit other
technical and professional courses through distance mode is mainly due to their
concern for quality. The Committee, after having heard all points of views on the
matter, is of the opinion that quality is not a matter of concern in ODL system
only. It is a matter of equal concern in conventional system as well, whether it is
general, technical or professional programmes.
The Committee, therefore, feels that barring technical and professional
programmes totally through distance mode will be against the accepted policy of
Government of India of expanding opportunities for higher education and making
it inclusive as an instrument of democratising education and making it a life long
process. The inherent advantages of the flexibility to move from education to
work and vice versa and innovativeness of the ODL system, so well suited to the
diverse requirements of the citizens of the country, need to be harnessed in full for
enhancing the productivity of the human resource.
Besides, Part VI of the National Policy on Education 1986 dealing with
Technical and Management Education stipulates in para 6.6 in unequivocal
terms that in view of the present rigid entry requirements to formal courses
restricting the access of a large segment of people to technical and managerial (sic.
management) education, programmes through a distance-learning process,
including use of the mass media, will be offered. Technical and management
education programmes, including education in polytechnics, will also be on a
flexible modular pattern based on credits, with provision for multi-point entry. A
strong guidance and counseling service will be provided.
The Committee is very much concerned with the complaints about the
quality of self-learning materials used by a few ODL institutions, inadequate
infrastructure facilities at headquarters and study-centres, lack of proper student
support services and delivery of programmes through franchisee leading to
lowering of the overall quality of education and its commercialization. This has
shaken the faith of the employer groups and also common people in the ODL
system. The Committee is also aware of the limitations of the UGC or DEC or

AICTE or NCTE, in terms of necessary manpower and effective legal framework

to reign in the foul players.
The Committee is, therefore, of the view that an effective regulatory
system must be put in place before letting technical education through ODL mode
is allowed extensively in all types of institutions. Before allowing technical and
professional programmes through the ODL system, the DEC, in conformity with
the AICTE norms and standards, will have to develop programme specific
benchmarks, inter alia, for theory, tutorial/counseling and practical, infrastructure
and manpower requirement. Once such system is in position, the DEC should
open the ODL system to technical and professional programmes gradually to the
extent it can monitor and supervise effectively, either through inspections or
technological interventions, to ensure that the learner acquires necessary skill
before the completion of the programme.
Need for a New Legal Frame Work and ICT support

The UGC Act, 1956 provides for the co-ordination and determination of
standards in University system by the UGC. Initially, when the correspondence
course started there was no regulatory framework outside the University system.
The Statutory Bodies of the respective universities devised the institutional
arrangements and delivery mechanisms. Later on, when the number of universities
offering correspondence courses started increasing, the University Grants
Commission, with a view to maintaining standards in distance education
programmes, stepped in to issue Guidelines, Rules and Regulations from time to
time. Till the enactment of the Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU)
Act, 1985, the UGC was the sole Regulator for the whole higher education system
including the technical and distance education.
The provisions of the IGNOU Act suggest that the Parliament intended,
for the purpose of regulatory arrangements, to treat higher education through open
and distance learning differently from the conventional university system, in view
of its unique characteristics. Therefore, while setting up a separate university,
IGNOU, for imparting higher education through ODL system, the Act also gave
the responsibility of development, coordination and determination of standards in
the Open and Distance Education system to it, notwithstanding anything
contained in any other law for the time being in force. Accordingly, the IGNOU
established the Distance Education Council in the year 1991 to discharge the
responsibilities as a Regulator of the ODL system. It may be mentioned that
unlike the UGC or the AICTE, the DEC is not a statutory body and thus does not
enjoy powers to compel obedience to its regulations.
In 1987 the Government of India, by an Act of Parliament, established the
All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) with a view to ensuring
proper planning and coordinated development of the technical education system
throughout the country and the regulation and proper maintenance of norms and

standards in the technical education system. The AICTE Act does not specifically
provide for distance education programmes. The AICTE Act significantly
excludes universities from its jurisdiction, but it gives the AICTE the authority to
enforce the quality parameters of technical education in these universities.
Therefore, it is only reasonable to infer that the AICTE has the mandate to
maintain the norms and standards in technical education through the ODL system.
Gazette notification No. 44, F.No. 18-15/93-TD. V/TS.IV dated 1st March 1995 of
Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India also supports
this interpretation while providing that the degrees awarded through Distance
Education by the Universities and Institutions of National Importance stand
automatically recognized for the purpose of employment under the Central
Government, provided it has been approved by DEC and wherever necessary by
AICTE. In fact this notification has necessitated the approval of the DEC for
offering any ODL programme.
In order to streamline the process of recognition as a single window
system and to avoid the duplication of efforts by the three Regulators (UGC,
AICTE and DEC) in respect of ODL programmes, DEC constituted a Joint
Committee of the three bodies through an MOU. However, the MOU could not
become fully operational, much less effective, due to lack of coordination among
them. In order to facilitate better coordination, a Tripartite Committee of the
Chairpersons of the UGC, AICTE and DEC has been constituted by the MHRD in
the year 2010. This, too, does not seem to have delivered the desired results.
Teacher Education programmes in distance mode also face almost similar
problems and fate. The DEC has developed some norms and guidelines for
offering programmes through distance mode. However, enforcing these norms and
procedures remains a big challenge for them due to lack of adequate manpower
and technological support. The resulting situation, in effect, leaves the field
unregulated at least in some sectors.
In order to keep pace with the growing demand for recognition of ODL
programmes, the DEC in the year 2007, decided to accord institutional recognition
instead of programme specific recognition on the assumption that the appropriate
academic bodies of universities/institutions would take care of the quality of
education imparted. Its orders do not indicate whether a university/institution
having recognition of the DEC for ODL courses, would require the approval of the
AICTE for offering technical courses. On the basis of approval of DEC, many
universities / institutions started technical education programmes without the
approval of the AICTE. A large number of them misused the opportunity for
commercialization of ODL system through unregulated expansion disregarding
standards of education. The proliferation of such ODL Institutions, behaving like
degree dispensing mills, has affected the credibility and acceptability of such
programmes adversely. As a result, many employers have refused to treat ODL
degrees at par with the regular conventional degrees. A statutory body like the Bar
Council of India has gone to the extent of disapproving the First Degree obtained
through ODL for eligibility to join the professional law course. In 2009 vide D.O.
No. 6-7/2009-DL, the Government of India directed the DEC to immediately

withdraw permission given to various institutions to conduct B.Tech/BE

programmes through distance mode and ensure that no student is admitted further
in these courses. In spite of DECs order to stop the B.Tech/BE courses and
AICTEs repeated advertisement in the newspapers about non-recognition of these
courses, it is reported that such courses are continuing to be offered by many
institutions. It is interesting to note that there is no legal provision to take such
institutions to task who offer ODL courses without recognition from the DEC.
Even statutory regulators like UGC, AICTE and NCTE have not been able to take
effective action against fake universities / institutions offering courses in
contravention of the relevant Acts.
The Committee is of the view that inadequacy and ambiguity in the legal
framework and inability of DEC to discipline erring institutions are the main
reasons for lack of regulation in the ODL system resulting in some cases in poor
quality of education. The Committee is aware that the enactment of the Prohibition
of Unfair Practices in Technical Educational Institutions, Medical Educational
Institutions and Universities Bill, 2010, the National Accreditation Regulatory
Authority for Higher Educational Institutions Bill, 2010 and the proposed National
Council for Higher Education and Research Bill will address all the above issues
faced by the Higher Education System generally and technical and professional
education in particular. There are some other immediate pressing issues affecting
the regulation of ODL system adversely, viz., the propriety of one open University
(IGNOU) controlling the standards of other open universities through statute
created by itself, the legality of State Open Universities offering ODL courses
outside the State territory, the legality of franchising of education etc, which can be
resolved only through a Parliamentary intervention.
In view of the above challenges, the Committee recommends to establish
an independent and effective Regulatory Authority on Distance Education,
equipped with necessary powers and resources, through an Act of the Parliament to
determine and regulate the standards of higher education including technical
education through ODL and to promote and coordinate amongst the stakeholders
for dissemination of quality higher education relevant to the need of the individual
and society. This independent Regulatory Authority may be called the Distance
Education Council of India(DECI). Eventually, when the NCHER Bill is passed,
DECI will get subsumed into the proposed overarching Regulator along with other
existing regulators, viz. UGC, AICTE, NCTE, etc.
A draft Distance Education Council Bill for the establishment of an
independent Regulatory Authority is enclosed as Appendix-I to this Report. This
enactment would simultaneously require the following amendments in the IGNOU
Act, 1985 also:(i)

Deletion of and for the coordination and determination of standards in

such system from the preamble of the Act.


Deletion of and to coordinate and determine the standards of such

system, from Section 4 of the Act.


Deletion of Section 5 (2) of the Act.


Deletion of Section 24 (j) of the Act.


Deletion of and the Distance Education Council from Statute 2 (1)

and substitution of , after the word Board by and; and


Deletion of Statute 28 relating to the Distance Education Council.

In order to avoid any confusion arising out of the multiplicity of command, the
Committee recommends that DECI should have the sole responsibility to
recognize the distance education programmes, including technical and professional
ones. Use of ICT for developing a web-based repository of high quality selflearning material and other aspects leading to maintenance of quality in the ODL
system needs to be built into the said system by appropriate legal framework.
Quality Benchmarks

It will be the duty of the proposed DECI to ensure that the nomenclature
of the degrees proposed to be awarded through such programmes are approved by
the UGC, the institute has the requisite recognition from the respective regulatory
authorities, viz AICTE, MCI, DCI, etc. for the regular course in conventional
mode, it is affiliated to a university, it has developed the self learning material of
desired standards, it has a credible system of counseling, evaluation of assignments
and examination, it has the necessary infrastructure including laboratories, library,
class rooms, etc. and qualified counselors as per the relevant norms. No
conditional or post facto recognition shall be granted by the DECI. While granting
recognition for Diploma and Certificate courses, the DECI must also ensure that
the programme content in terms of both, theory as well as practical, are in
consonance with the standards of such courses offered by various State Technical
Education Boards etc. so that credit transferability and flexibility of exit and reentry are facilitated. Flexibility in learning and quality of learning have to go
hand in hand to make the ODL programme acceptable to institutions admitting
such learners to a higher education programme or the employer recruiting the
graduates as the case may be.
Easily accessible high quality self-learning material and vibrant study
centers are the two measurable elements of successful ODL institutions.
Conventional system of maintenance of quality through expert inspections is not
feasible. A national ICT backbone would enhance access and e-governance in
ODL system and enable interactive learning and dissemination of knowledge
through all modes i.e. print, audio- visual and internet based multimedia. DECI
should collaborate with the National Mission on Education through ICT to avail

the web-based high quality educational resources being developed by it. It should
also endeavour to develop a sharable pool of self-learning material.
ODL in Conventional Universities

A conventional university / institution will be granted recognition by
DECI only for such ODL programmes, which are being offered through the regular
conventional mode, and the syllabus and the evaluation for the award of the
degree/diploma shall be common for both, the conventional and the distance
mode. This does not mean that specialized self learning material, counseling
classes, submission of requisite number of assignments by the distance learner and
their timely evaluation by the university will be compromised in any manner. In
order to discourage commercialization of distance education programmes, the
Committee recommends that if the ODL programme is offered through study
centers, then the institution will have to restrict its study centers within the
statutory territorial jurisdiction of the relevant Act/Statutes governing it. The study
centres should essentially have the necessary infrastructure and other facilities
prescribed by the DECI. Franchising of study centers in private unrecognized
colleges or organizations shall not be permitted. The State private universities may
also be treated alike.

ODL in Open Universities

The Open Universities can be granted recognition for offering general,
technical or professional degree programmes from its campus and study centres
having necessary infrastructure and other facilities prescribed by the DECI.
Before granting recognition, the DECI will ensure, inter alia, that the syllabi of
various courses of Open Universities are not inferior to the model syllabi of the
UGC in respect of general courses, AICTE in respect of technical and professional
courses and of the respective Boards in respect of diploma courses and there is a
credible system of evaluating the theoretical and practical attainments of the
learner. UGCs decision not to permit Ph.D programme through distance
education mode may be reviewed in the light of the National Policy on Education.
However, the concern for quality behind such ban has to be addressed through a
comprehensive and effective regulating mechanism and not by banning ODL mode
for the degree.
ODL in Institutions Deemed to be Universities

UGCs decision not to allow institutions deemed to be universities to offer
distance education programmes at all needs to be reviewed in the light of the
National Policy on Education. However, the concern for quality behind such ban
may be addressed through a comprehensive and effective regulation. An
institution deemed to be a university established before the UGC Regulations,

2010 will be granted recognition by DECI only for such ODL programmes, which
are being offered through the regular conventional mode, and the syllabus and the
examination shall be common for both, the conventional and the distance mode.
UGC Regulations, 2010 do not permit affiliation of colleges by deemed
universities. The Committee recommends that the same principle may be applied
for the opening of the study centres by the deemed universities as well, meaning
thereby that these deemed universities may be allowed to operate study centres
from their main and satellite campuses only, but not through affiliated colleges of
other universities or franchisee centres.
On-line ODL

With the advancement of technology, the concept of territorial jurisdiction
of the institution offering higher education through ODL system has become
irrelevant, but the Committee is also conscious of the fact that in past, several
institutions have franchised the delivery of programmes to many undeserving
individuals / organizations, such practice with commercial motives has
degenerated the teaching learning process to mere degree dispensing exercise.
Therefore, the Committee recommends that if all the components, viz. admission,
Learning Management System (LMS), counseling, submission of assignment and
evaluation and final examination of the ODL programme are offered completely
online, then there will be no restriction on territorial limits. For offering such
online programmes, however, the universities including institutions deemed to be
universities and other institutions will have to obtain prior approval of the DECI.
Equivalence of Degree

As the syllabi and the examination are common for the conventional as
well as the ODL system in the dual mode institutions and the syllabi of the Open
Universities are to be in consonance with the model curriculum of UGC / AICTE
etc., the Committee recommends that the degree imparted through the ODL system
should be treated at par with the conventional system both for education as well as
employment purposes. However, for the purpose of record, the degree / certificate
of the ODL learner should mention through Distance Mode or through online
as the case may be on its face.
Interim Arrangement

The Committee is aware that passing of the proposed Distance Education
Council of India Bill may take some time. Meanwhile, the existing ambiguity and
uncertainty cannot be allowed to prevail and be exploited by the foul players of the
ODL system. There is a moral dilemma before the DEC, a statutory body of an
open university i.e. IGNOU, in acting as a regulator of the ODL system regulating
other open universities. Before the commencement and even after some years of
commencement of the IGNOU Act, the UGC remained the regulator in respect of

distance education system. Therefore, position of UGC vis a vis IGNOU as a

Regulator is stronger and more acceptable to the whole university system including
the open universities. Keeping all this in view, the Committee recommends that the
Government should issue a policy direction/notification to UGC for assuming the
responsibilities of maintaining standards in ODL System and creating a DECI like
interim authority for the purpose. Needless to say that while doing so the UGC and
the interim authority will utilize the framework and resources available with the
DEC working under IGNOU. First of all the interim authority shall evolve systems
taking into account the observations made in this report, viz. development of
programme specific quality benchmarks in respect of all relevant parameters,
system for on line application and processing, and disclosure of relevant
information on the web site of the institution and the DECI, development of
quality self learning material, credible system of counseling, evaluation of
assignments and examination etc. Once the systems are in position, the DECI of
UGC may start the recognition of ODL institutions as per the newly developed
system and enforce norms and standards laid by it in the recognized institutions.

(Anant Kumar Singh ) ( Ravindra Kumar Srivastava )

Joint Secretary, MHRD

Sr.Advocate, Supreme Court


( V.N. Rajasekharan Pillai )

( SS Mantha )

Chairman, DEC

Chairman, AICTE

( N R Madhava Menon )

( Lalit Bhasin)
Sr Advocate, Supreme Court

( Ved Prakash )
Chairman, UGC




Government of India
Ministry of Human Resource Development
Department of Higher Education
Distance Learning Division
New Delhi, the 5th August, 2010
Subject :

Constitution of a Committee to suggest measures to regulate the

standards of education being imparted through distance mode
the country reg.

During the past two decades there has been a rapid expansion of the Higher
Education System in the country. The increasing demand of Higher Education
needs to be understood in terms of the systems enrolment capacity, programme
focus, regional balance, modes of delivery, quality and credibility etc.
In order to achieve and maintain the high growth rate of the economy, it is
essential to broaden the base of the system of higher education in the country and
simultaneously ensure maintenance of requisite standards. Given considerations of
the availability of the limited resources in the higher education sector, the need to
promote the open and distance education as also to regulate its standards, has
become imperative.
The field of Open and Distance Learning (ODL) is expected to be a central
pillar in education delivery. The evolution of information and communication
technology (ICT) has had a positive effect on development of distance education
and open learning.
The Open University and Distance education systems have expanded
significantly over the years. Large numbers of courses and programmes are being
offered by State Open Universities, Conventional Universities and Institutions
declared as Deemed to be Universities under Section 3 of UGC Act. In order to
increase the GER from the present level to 15% in higher education by the end of
Eleventh Plan Period, Open and Distance Learning (ODL) system needs to be

With a view to strengthen and broaden the base of the system of Higher
Education in the country through ODL system, the Ministry of HRD has decided
to constitute a Committee to look into the various aspects of distance education in
terms of the overall coordination and determination of standards in the
programmes of study through distance mode and to resolve issues of functional
jurisdiction between the three regulatory bodies (UGC, AICTE and DEC) in
distance education related matters. With the approval of Honble HRM, the
following Committee has been constituted.

Prof. Madhava Menon

Chairman/Secretary, UGC
Chairman, AICTE
Chairman, DEC
Shri Lalit Bhasin, Sr. Advocate
Shri Ravendra Srivostava, Sr. Advocate
Dr. D.K. Paliwal, Dy.Edu.Adviser (DL)


The Terms of Reference of the Committee are as under :-

To harmonise the legal position in respect of distance education
programmes in various
disciplines are concerned between the UGC Act,
AICTE Act and IGNOU Act.
To recommend framework for approval of Distance Education
Courses/institutions within functional jurisdiction of UGC, AICTE and DEC in
dealing with the subject
matters of distance education.
To recommend outcome benchmarks for distance education systems which
will facilitate equivalence with conventional modes.
To recommend guidelines for processing of the approval of technical
programmes through distance and mixed mode.
To suggest ways towards enhanced contribution of Distance Education to
GER of 30%.
The committee shall submit its report to the Ministry within a period of
three months.

The secretarial assistance to the Committee shall be provided by MHRD.

The expenditure towards TA/DA etc. of the members of the Committee
will be borne by

(D.K. Paliwal)
Deputy Educational Adviser (DL)
Tel: 23385489
Prof. N.R. Madhava Menon
Devipriya, Sairam Road
Poojapura, Thruvananthapuram
Kerala 695012
Copy to :

PS TO Secretary (HE)
Secretary, UGC

Annexure II : Comments received from University Grants


Legal position in respect of Distance Education Programme in various
disciplines and coordination between the UGC, AICTE and IGNOU.

The UGC under its Act (UGC Act of 1956) has been mandated to take all
such steps as it may think fit for the promotion and coordination of the university
education and for the determination and maintenance of standards of teaching,
examination and research in universities. In pursuance of this mandate, the
Commission, apart from allocation and disbursement of grants to universities and
other institutions under various schemes, monitors the maintenance of standards by
way of regulations and guidelines.
While framing any Rules, Regulations or policy guidelines for academic
standards, other statutory bodies concerned, are also consulted by the Commission,
wherever necessary. However, the prime responsibility for setting the standards
remain with the UGC.
In so far as the distance education is concerned the Commission framed
regulations namely:

UGC Regulations, 1985 regarding the Minimum Standards of instructions

for the Grant of the First Degree through Non formal/Distance Education.

University Grants Commission (the minimum standards of instructions for

the grant of first degree through non-formal/distance education in the faculties of
Arts, Humanities, Fine Arts, Music, Social Sciences, Commerce and Sciences)
(first amendment) Regulations, 1995.
Copies of Regulations were also provided.
The regulations framed by the UGC for grant of first degree through nonformal Education are mandatory in nature and every university, even if its
courses are under the regulatory control of other council (s), has to abide by
these regulations. Therefore, the UGC regulations have over riding effect on
regulations framed by other councils including Distance Education Council.
2. Framework for approval of Distance Education Courses/Institutions
within functional jurisdiction of UGC, AICTE and DEC in dealing with
the subject matters of distance education.
After the establishment of Distance Education Council, as a unit of Indira
Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), the responsibility of regulating
distance and open education was given to the Council. Approval of Distance
Education Council for running the courses under distance mode was also made
mandatory through a Government of India notification. A notification to this
effect was issued by the Government of India in March, 1995 which also made
it mandatory for universities to obtain the approval of the AICTE, wherever,
necessary. A latest list of universities, as available on the website of AICTE,
shows that only 9 universities (which include 7 private universities/deemed
universities) are having approval of AICTE. However, a number of
universities including the premier universities like Delhi University, which

were running distance programmes prior to the establishment of DEC

continued to do so without obtaining the approval of DEC. The DEC was
expected to create an effective regulatory mechanism before granting approval
to the universities for distance education programme. However, it granted
approval to literally every university which approached it. Not only that,
approval was given to an Institution regardless of number and nature of
courses. In certain cases, ex post facto approval was granted to universities
and Deemed Universities which had been running their distance education
programmes for years without the approval of the DEC.
AICTE and DEC evolved a monitoring mechanism. This culminated in a
tripartite MOU and approval of the Joint Committee (of UGC, AICTE and
DEC) was made mandatory for granting approval to the Institutions.
Notwithstanding the provision of approval of Joint Committee, the EC
continued and still continues to grant the approval to the universities on its
3. Outcome benchmarks for distance education systems which will
facilitate equivalence with conventional modes.
The UGC regulations on non-formal distance education were notified in
1985 and since then, drastic changes have taken place in the area of Higher
Education including distance education. After the emergence of Private
Universities and self financed Deemed to be Universities, the concept of
Distance Education has now been redefined by the private players who have
opened large number of study centres at different locations in the country.
These study centres operating like affiliated colleges, claiming themselves as
off campus centres, runnig regular coaching and, in many cases, offering also
hostel accommodation and charging exorbitant fee from the students. The
students are made to believe that they will get the degree from the University
as if they are regular students at the location of the University without any
mention of distance education in their mark sheets, degrees or other
documents. These study centers are managed and governed by the private
parties and share of the revenue goes to the university who has lent its name to
run such shows. Given this scenario, the quality of education being provided at
these study centres is highly questionable. This situation demands immediate
remedial measures to contain further deterioration and streamline distance
education in the country. For this purpose, the UGC on its part had already
issued directions to universities against franchising of degree education.
Nevertheless, the franchising is still continuing and more particularly some
deemed universities and state universities have, in collaboration with private
parties, allowed a number of study centres. It has been observed that
guidelines, because of lack of statutory backing are prone to be violated and
are violated and manipulated. Therefore, there is an urgent need for making
regulations to be published in the official gazette.

4. Processing of the approval of technical programmes through distance

and mixed mode.
The UGC does not favour conduct of technical programmes or the
programmes with field work or component of practical training through
distance mode.
5. To suggest ways towards enhance contributions of Distance Education
achieving to GER of 30%.
Increasing the Gross Enrolment Rate (GER) is an important target but
should not be achieved at the cost of quality of education. The UGC is of the
view that statutory mechanism for governing the distance education in the
country has to be in place first. Till such time the regulations are framed, there
should be a partial moratorium of offering distance education programmes.
Further, the conventional universities should allowed to offer distance
education programs only in such subjects which are taught at the University at
UG and PG level in regular mode.

Annexure-III : Comments received from All India Council for

Technical Education
Technical Education:
Technical education plays a vital role in human resource development of
the country by creating skilled manpower, enhancing industrial productivity and
improving the quality of life.
Indias transition to a knowledge-based economy requires a new generation
of educated and skilled people. Its competitive edge will be determined by its
peoples ability to create, share, and use knowledge effectively. A knowledge
economy requires India to develop workers knowledge workers and knowledge
technologists who are flexible and analytical and who can be the driving force
for innovation and growth.
As per the report of the World Bank 2006, to achieve the knowledge
economy that I talked about, India needs a flexible education system: basic
education to provide the foundation for learning; secondary and tertiary education
to develop core capabilities and core technical skills; and further means of
achieving lifelong learning. The education system must be attuned to the new
global environment by promoting creativity and improving the quality of education
and training at all levels.
Technical Education in this country is on a growth path. With more than
8000 Institutes in the Degree Sector, 2500 in the Polytechnic sector, and more than
1.5 million seats at the entry level in the degree stream, 0.5 million in the
polytechnic stream, we have one of the largest Technical education systems in the

world. A host of ITIs in every State also cater to vocational education. A career
path that provides a seamless growth from ITIs to Diploma to Degree to Post
graduation is also available.
Today, a student who wished to get into a technical education program can
do so. A few problems like finding the finances can be facilitated through a good
student loan model. The Governments model of providing the same through
setting up of a finance corporation is laudable in this context.
However the near total inclusivity has also put undue and tremendous
pressure on the system to respond to the new expectations like finding a suitable
placement for almost 1.5 million youngsters likely to touch 2 million in two years
to come, graduating from our Institutes every year.
It would also be worthwhile here to note that a student with 40% minimum
eligibility and 35% in some States, at the qualifying examination also gets into this
system along with the student at the top of the ladder. A normalization of the
process caters to common denominator and hence a fall in standards.
Our examination systems being what they are will also cater to common
denominator that only aids in propagating more mediocrity in a system that is
already mediocre. We know that mediocrity breeds only more mediocrity.
Hence we have a system that is extremely difficult to be high on quality
metrics. The Industry would obviously employ the best of the lot. In the absence
of an industry profile, the available job market in absolute numbers, vis a vis the
available graduates, the mapping would always be incongruous.
It is worth noting here that there are 112 specialisations at the
undergraduate level and 641 specialisations at the Post graduate level. About 140
specialisations exist at the Polytechnic level. An Industry cum job profiling for all
these specializations would throw up many challenges.
New institutes, programs and new courses are all based on perception and
perceived needs of few entrepreneurs, who prefer to set up institutes in the areas
they choose with scant regard to the demographic needs, probably to raise their
social status however much that perception may be flawed. The affiliating
universities and the State Governments do not help the cause by not preparing the
perspective plans for the regions in their jurisdiction. This results in a highly
skewed growth of technical education with no bearing on either industry needs or
that of the countrys needs.
The net result of the above understanding is we end up with a large number
of graduates who are unemployable. Are there enough jobs for every one
graduating before raising the bogie of un-employability is a million dollar question
which no one wants to answer?

Though many Institutes provide Quality education comparable to the best

in the world, many of our institutes are vow fully short of facilities at all levels, be
it in infrastructural or faculty both in required numbers and in their quality.
The employment sector needs to be profiled to provide information on job
opportunities in various sectors in terms of numbers and the projected growth. We
also need to identify potential employers i.e., industries and service sectors so that
a meaningful mapping can be made on the availability against the need. I am sure
the gaps would also throw up some interesting data like no job opportunities in
certain areas and no candidates available for certain jobs.

Distance Learning in General

To provide opportunities for higher education to a large segment of
population, especially disadvantaged groups living in remote and rural areas,
adults, housewives and working people; many Institutes and Universities have
started offering programmes through distance learning mode.
Earlier distance learning used to be sending few lessons in printed form for
the students to read. Students were expected to do and submit assignments by mail
and give examinations at the end of semester/year. Students are also allowed to
complete Universities and colleges nowadays are using or may use the latest
course delivery methods like the internet, streaming video, video conferencing,
virtual labs, instructional design, interactive content, CD, video tapes, on-the-job
training, etc, to create a learning experience. Most universities also dont
differentiate between their regular engineering degrees and distance learning
engineering degrees, making it a debatable option for those who cant
accommodate a regular course into their schedule. With mobile communication
and cameras available for PCs, distance education may take new dimensions and
student may experience feel of class room while being at own home through
internet and PC. However, these must be highly motivated individuals to learn at
home through a distance mode.
As against the above theory, many of the districts and villages even today,
are not connected through internet or connected through poor internet facilities.
Notwithstanding video streaming, even data streaming is difficult in such places.
Keeping this in mind the Kothari Commission (1964-66) in its report made number
of recommendations related to;

Transformation of education system to relate to the life needs and the

aspirations of the people.

Qualitative improvement so that the standards achieved are adequate and

are kept continually raising and become inter-nationally comparable.

Expansion of education facilities broadly on the basis of man power needs
with an emphasis on inclusive growth.
Class room Vs Distance
Classroom teachers rely on a number of visual and unobtrusive cues form
their students to enhance their delivery of instructional content. A quick glance, for
example, reveals who is attentively taking notes, pondering a difficult concept, or
preparing to make a comment. The student who is frustrated, confused, tired, or
bored is equally evident. The attentive teacher consciously and subconsciously
receives and analyzes these visual and adjusts the course delivery to meet the
needs of the class during a particular lesson.
In contrast, the distant teacher has few, if any, visual cues. Those cues that
do exist are filtered through technological devices such as video monitors. It is
difficult to carry on a stimulating teacher-class discussion when spontaneity is
altered by technical requirements and distance.
Without the use of a real-time visual medium such as television, the teacher
receives no visual information from the distant sites. The teacher might never
really know, for example, if students are asleep, talking among themselves or even
in the room. Separation by distance also affects the general rapport of the class.
Living in different communities, geographic regions, or even states deprives the
teacher and students of a common community link.
Hence a methodology is also required to profile the distant student, discuss
distant students development as learners; ways to improve distant learning.
Current Scenario
Indian parliament has enacted laws for discharging this responsibility
through: the University Grants Commission (UGC) for general Higher Education,
the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) for Technical Education;
and other Statutory bodies for other disciplines. As regards higher education,
through the distance mode, Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) Act,
1985 was enacted.
The history of distance learning or education through distance mode in
India, goes way back when the universities started offering education through
distance mode in the name of Correspondence Courses through their
Directorate/School of Correspondence Education. In those days, the courses in
humanities and/or in commerce were offered through correspondence and taken by
those, who, owing to various reasons, including limited number of seats in regular
courses, employability , problems of access to the institution of higher learning
etc., could not get themselves enroll3d in the conventional face-to-face mode inclass programmes.

In the recent past, the demand for higher education has increased
enormously throughout the country because of awareness about the significance of
higher education, whereas the system of higher education could not accommodate
this ever increasing demand.
Under the circumstances, a number of institutions including deemed
universities, private universities, public universities and even other institutions,
which are not empowered to award degrees, have started cashing on the situation
by offering distance education programmes in a large number of disciplines,
ranging from humanities to engineering and management etc., and at different
levels (certificate to under-graduate and post graduate degrees).
There is always a danger that in spite of close monitoring, some of these
institutions may become degree mills offering sub-standard/poor quality
education, consequently eroding the credibility of degrees and other qualifications
awarded through the distance mode. This is occurring at the same time that there
is more and more pressure on individuals to earn degrees, not only bachelors
degrees, but masters and doctoral degrees as well. Jobs and promotions
increasingly go to individuals with the greatest educational qualifications, even
when individuals with the greatest qualifications, even when individuals work
experience may be more relevant to the job than is a degree. This creates pressures
on individuals to obtain degrees, tempting some to take the easy route to a degree
the degree mill.
Prof. P N Tandon, in the report on Report of the committee for review of
existing Institutions deemed to be Universities (2009) mentions that For reasons
difficult to fathom, many deemed universities ventured into the arena of distance
education launching innumerable programmes without experience and without
mandate. These programmes, though ostensibly were projected as outreach
service to rural and remote areas, appear to be of dubious quality offered through a
huge number of so-called study centres spread across the country. In many
cases, the number of students enrolled in the distance education mode far exceeded
the number of students on-campus. Some of the deemed universities have gone as
far as to enroll students in programmes in the distance mode leading to several
engineering degrees, LLM, MPhil and PhD.
Despite these risks the significance of distance education in providing
education and training cannot be ignored. Distance Mode of education has an
important role for:

Providing opportunity of learning to those, who do not have direct access to

class room teaching, working persons, house-wives etc.

Providing opportunity to working professionals to enhance their

qualifications for career advancement and to enable them to shift to new
disciplines and professions and

Exploiting the potential of Information and Communication Technology
(ICT) in the teaching and learning process; and
To ensure the promotion of open and distance education system in the
country to meet the aspirations of all cross-sections of people for higher education,
a well defined policy in respect of distance learning is laid down and a
constitutional authority is created to undertake the job of coordination,
determination and maintenance of standards of education through the distance
Along with calculators and computer software in the 1980s, distance
learning education made strides in the 1990s as a more advanced form of
technology. distance learning represents a group of technologies that inter
connects private and public schools, colleges and universities, industries, and many
others. At the present level, it can be safely said that it has been so far very slow ot
cause any impact on the learning at a level of which it is probably capable of.
Distance Education providers and their claims
Some of the Universities, who offer courses in distance learning mode,
have to say the following for their programs:
Strayer University
Strayer University is a place where youll feel comfortable because you
will be with classmates who share your real-world perspective and enrich your
studies with their professional and life experiences. The average age of a Strayer
University student is 34, and virtually all of them are working full time while
continuing their education. When you enroll at Strayer University, youll join
more than 44,000 students from across the United States and around the world who
attend classes at one of more than 70 convenient campus locations or take classes
Kaplan University
All colleges can teach a subject. But what makes Kaplan University online
degrees and distance learning programs unique is our emphasis on teaching you
how to absorb and aply the real-world knowledge that will be meaningful in your
professional life. When youre educated at Kaplan University, you dont just learn
to memorize, you learn what you wont learn anywhere else how to educate
yourself how to make the world work for you.
Argosy University
Our 100% online degree programs give you the freedom to decide when and
from where you attend class. The most flexible and convenient of our learning
formats, our online programs allow you to log into your classes any time of the day

or night. The most flexible and convenient of our learning formats, our online
programs allow you to log into your classes any time of the day or night. The
degree programs at our Sarasota, Florida location offer a distance-learning format
that blends the flexibility of on-line learning with the power of face-to-face
interaction in the classroom.
Capella University
Distance learning at Capella University offers flexibility, convenience, and
the uncompromising quality employers have come to expect from Capella
University. The university offers high quality distance learning programs that fit
your schedule. As a Capella distance learner, you can access online course rooms
using any Internet connection, anytime, anywhere. Round-the-clock access allows
you to download assignments, read and contribute to class discussions, review
faculty feedback, all at your convenience. The flexible schedule, uncompromising
quality, and tremendous support services give up online distance learning
resources that will help keep you on track toward your goals.
Westwood College
You cant put your daily life on hold while you work toward your career.
We dont expect you to. Our online courses incorporate sophisticated audio/video
technologies to ensure you receive an engaging virtual learning experience one
that echoes an actual classroom. We44 also offer free tutoring, other student
services and computer support along with a constant focus on career development.
Colorrado Technical Institute
Suppose you could have access to your studies, academic files, classmates,
instructors and advisors any time and anywhere you can logon to the Internet.
These are the things that advanced and emerging technologies have enabled us to
create at Colorado Tech Online; the amazingly interactive, experientially
immersive Virtual Campus of the Colarado Technical University learning
No further statements are really essential to outline benefits of distance
learning. However, it needs to be debated that whether learning in distance
mode is possible in any discipline.
Education in Engineering & Technology
In India, Education in Engineering & Technology is provided at different
levels. Trade level vocational education is provided through it is. These are
generally short term programs providing trade proficiency certificates. Next level
of education is provided through polytechnics where the qualifying students are
awarded Diplomas in specific engineering disciplines. The curricula and delivery
methods are as recommended and approved by respective state level Boards of
Technical Education. Subsequent level of education is University level education,

both under graduate and post graduate, granting degrees to the qualifying students.
At University level, further research is also undertaken and the students are
awarded PhDs. The current system of education provides students qualifying at
one level to seek admission to the programs at next level and continue the
education till one gets highest qualification the system can provide.
Education at each of these levels provides an opportunity for earning to an
individual and depending on personal and family needs; one would either start
earning or continue with the education at next level. All those who start earning,
always feel a need to upgrade their qualifications so as to further their careers.
Gross Enrolment Ratio
The gross enrolment ratio (GER) or gross enrolment index (GEI) is a
statistical measure used in the education sector and by the UN in its Education
Index. The GER gives a rough indication of the level of education from
kindergarten to postgraduate education known in the UK and some other
countries (mostly in the Commonwealth of Nations) as primary, secondary, and/or
tertiary amongst residents in a given jurisdiction.
In the UN, the GER is calculated by expressing the number of students
enrolled in primary, secondary and tertiary levels of education, regardless of age,
as a percentage of the population of official school age for the three levels.
Locale A has 9,50,000 pupils enrolled in education in the academic year 2005/06.
Locale A has 10,00,000 pupils of school age.
GER = number of actual students enrolled/number of potential students enrolled
GER = (950,000/1,000,000) = 0.95 = 0.95 * 100% = 95%
GER in India
The GER in the age group of 18 24 is about 13%. This GER is a
summation of individual GERs in various disciplines like Arts, Science,
Commerce, Engineering, Fine Arts, Social Sciences, Liberal sciences,
polytechnics, distance Education, Vocational education, medicine Para Medical,
Law etc.
The objective function that defines the above can be written as
X8P1 + X2P2 + X3P3 + X4P4 + X5P5 + X6P6 + X7P7 + X8P8 +.+
XnPn = GER

XiPi i = 1 to n, i = Program No.

Where X is Program like Arts, Science, Commerce, Engineering, Fine Arts,
Social Science, Liberal sciences, polytechnics, distance Education, Vocational
Education, medicine, Para Medical, Law etc.
P is the influence factor of X on GER and the value of P varies between 0
and 1
For any meaningful estimation we need to identify the current influencing
parameters P of each of the programs on the cumulative GER.
Read this for example
The current enrolment at IX and X class = 290 million with a pass figure of
116 million
The current enrolment at XI and XII class = 167 million with a pass figure
of 79 lakhs
Enrolment for B.Sc is @ 5.0 lakhs at first year level (Figures as in 2006-07)
Enrolment for B.A is @10.0 lakhs at first year level
Enrolment for B.Com is @ 4.5 lakhs at first year level
Enrolment for Medicine is @ 1.0 lakhs at first year level
Enrolment for Technical Education is 8.0 lakhs at first year level
Enrolment for Distance Education at first year level averaging at 3 yrs programs is
@ 13 lakhs
Enrolment for Vocational Education is @ 6.0 laks.
Hence a large number of students are either not completing XII or have
dropped college after XI:
These are potential Distance learners or potential entrants to Skill based
Vocational Education. Prudence informs that Distance learners may eventually
possess a degree that may or may not fetch them a job. Vocational Education,
since linked with the Industry needs may fetch a job, and if properly dovetailed
with the formal education may even fetch the student a Degree or a Diploma in the
appropriate specialization.
It is also a fact today that there remain vacant seats in Engineering
Technology to the extent of 10% - 15%

Hence a GER solely estimated for Engineering /Technology would

technically be almost 100%.
In such a situation, in order to enhance enrolment, a pragmatic approach should be:

increase enrolment in all other disciplines so that cumulative GER would


increase enrolment at IX, X, XI and XII classes. (Add more schools)

Reduce drop outs at IX, X, XI and XII so that feeder numbers at all levels
would be increased. (Training, counseling and provide financial models)

Increase the pass out rate at IX, X, XI and XII so that feeder numbers at all
levels would be increased. (Extra coaching, counseling to both the students and
their parents, and provide Financial models)

Increase enrolment at the Distance mode of learning in areas which aid in

entrepreneurial activities. (Separate studies need to be done)

Increase Vocational Education in a massive way by creating a bridge

integrating the School education with the University education so that it becomes a
way of life for an aspiring student and provides him multipoint entry and exit to
and fro the vocational education, formal education and the job market.
In the absence of a robust job market, and the problem of lack of quality
teachers in our day colleges compounding the problem, and if a huge number of
distance learning graduates would come into being, and if for example they were
to occupy the vacancies that exist, would the quality in education be guaranteed
when everyone has been saying that the general quality in technical education is on
a downward swing at the moment?
Distance learning in Engineering
The doubling period of engineering knowdege is estimated to be a decade
or less, depending on the field and specialization. Hence, the engineering one will
learn at university will only be the basics, because as a professional engineer, one
will have begun a life-learning experience. The value added teaching learning
methods can aid him in this process.
More and more jobs are becoming knowledge intensive, college degrees
are now required in many occupations that did not previously require even
diplomas. These people look for avenues where they can upgrade their
qualifications while working so as to keep supporting their families. However the
important point here is to understand that the way our systems are structured today,
not everyone can aspire for a Degree or a Diploma nor is it necessary.

Distance learning in India

Over the years, a good deal of expansion of education facilities took place,
but it was at the expense of quality. The expansion led to formation of various
bodies and authorities which led to further chaos. In spite of the massive
expansion, the system still could not provide access to the entire population which
was growing at much higher pace. Setting ujp of the facilities and organizing
faculty and staff became more and more difficult. This necessitated starting of
distance learning programs by various universities. The growing number of
students enrolling for these programs at number of universities shows their
popularity and need.
The education in science, engineering and technology courses provides
very exciting opportunities to the students to explore the nature and exploit the
natural resources for the betterment of life. The entire learning happens through
constant interaction, heavy exchange of ideas and lots of experimental work.
Higher and University level education is expected to include good research and
such research is possible only in the heavily equipped laboratories. In distance
form, students tend to work on virtual models and simulations which may not find
any practical use. Studies in basic and applied sciences and engineering &
technology are simply not possible in distance mode. Except in the area of
Information Technology, any of the core engineering area the basic learning can
still happen only in class rooms and more so in laboratories. The distance mode
still can be used for working professional to upgrade their knowledge which is
basically a build up of the advanced knowledge on the core knowledge and
competency achieved in traditional mode.
Many Technical degrees offered today in many of the conventional as well
as open universities are below standard and far removed from the claims they
Distance learning in other countries
The survey of Universities across the world shows that masters programs
available for most engineering branches and their specializations through distance
learning are accredited at only a few Universities or nor accredited at all. Some
distance learning programs are offered when students have prior experience and
credits from some other undergraduate engineering program.
Some of the universities offering ABET accredited courses through
distance education offer hybrid courses (not conventional engineering programs),
with some element of on-campus study like one at University of North Dakota or
California National University.
Australian engineering courses are starting to focus on the development of
generic attributes, allowing more flexibility in student learning styles and study
environments, making increased use of modern information technology-based

educational tools, and presenting a more holistic view of engineering and its
interaction with society.
One example of a successful distance learning engagement is between
Beihang University and the University of Washington with an algorithms course.
The pedagogical model for this course was active learning using technology to
enhance to student and student to teacher interactions.
All coursework is delivered through the UF Edge a technology intensive
system that records and posts on-campus lectures that provides off-campus
students with identical materials as on-campus students. Some programs require
proctored examinations and a final on-campus oral examination.
University of South Dakota (UND)s distance engineering degree program
prepares a student for the responsible practice of professional engineering and
provides with the necessary skills to advance a civil engineering career. The
student receives a well-rounded education that emphasizes creativity, critical
thinking, and communication skills.
The Sloan Consortium found that complete online general degree programs
are offered by 34 percent of institutions. Among public institutions, 49 percent are
offering full online degree programs 80 percent of public and 37 percent of private
institutions offer both online and blended programs. For profit institutions expect
to increase their online programs more rapidly than any other type of institution,
anticipating an increase of more than 40 percent.
All these are examples of Universities that have completed a great amount
of research into learning methods and pedagogy and have provided distance
learning models for some selected engineering courses and not complete programs.
However it is also a fact that distance learning modes can at best be add-ons to
enhance learning rather than substitute a robust class room teaching where applied
sciences are involved.
Recognition of distance learning degrees
Truly no educator can argue against a legitimate teaching method that
highly motivates students to learn the subject matter. This is possible only if the
learning material provided to the student is of very high quality, very high
motivation on the part of student leading to sincere self study and work on
exercises. For the former, no good faculty is available who have experience of
both the subject matter and also of technologies in which they need to
communicate in todays world. They also lack the vision to foresee the
developments and an urge to continuously upgrade their knowledge and the
learning material.

Quality assurance and effective Quality assurance models can play a

decisive role in modernizing Distance Education and training and improving
performance and attractiveness, achieving better value for money. However we
should realize that there is a need to increase Distance Education responsiveness to
changing labour market demands, increasing the effectiveness of Distance
Education outcomes in improving the match between education and training
demand and supply. Across the country, we also need to achieve better levels of
employability for the workforce and to improve access to training, especially for
vulnerable labour market groups.
Accreditation is a process of external quality review used by higher
education to scrutinize colleges, universities and educational programs for quality
assurance and quality improvement.
Frequently, accreditation and certification are used synonymously and what
is called accreditation in one country might be called certification in another. They
are both about external verification of quality but they have a slightly different
focus. Certification is about compliance with the standards, rules and criteria as
defined by a methodological framework for quality assurance, such as the ISO9000xx standards. Accreditation normally will encompass certification.
Accreditation from an accreditation mill can mislead students and the
public about the quality of an institution. In the presence of degree mills and
accreditation mills, students may spend a good deal of money and receive neither
an education nor a useable credential.
Concluding remarks
Though distance education is an alternate mode of delivery of education, a
B.Tech or an M.Tech programme that is offered in the conventional mode when
offered through the distance mode lowers quality. Applied sciences are supported
by 40% to 50% of practical component and rigorous training. Falling standards in
the regular mode of delivering technical education would go for a free fall if we
were to institutionalize this model.
A country that survives on basic tenets of democracy would find no way of
differentiating the degrees awarded in the conventional mode and distance mode
and would make no discrimination in the principle of equal opportunity to
employment paving the way for a free fall in standards.
Undoubtedly today we have access to other learning models than the
synchronous ones. We have good Computer Based Training tool (CBT)s and
many are being developed. Having said this, I believe that teaching is a
performing art. Teaching conceptual courses that need training on real machines
cannot be substituted by CDs and Computer learning.

Needless to say, learning to swim or nursing to inject, where the orientation

and position of the needle is so very important for minimal tissue damage and
more effective drug delivery, from a CBT tool is fraught with dangers.
Developing a good CBT needs excellent domain knowledge, appropriate
technology to capture the same and a great presenter who can cull out the
principles and essence of the lecture. The use needs to be equally articulate and
possess higher-order thinking skills to grasp the meaning that is therein. These
add-ons can certainly value add to class room teaching. However they can
substitute the class room learning only at the expense of quality and before long
we would realize, the damage that would be caused would be difficult to reverse.
As a large nation our challenges are many. But so are opportunities in it.
According to a study conducted by Confederation of Indian Industry and Boston
Consulting Group (CII & BCG) India has a large population base of 1.14 billion
with demographic shift in favor of working age group (15-59 years) while the
overall population is projected to grow at 1.4% over the next five years the
working age is expected to grow at 2.15%.
If the present trend continues, 109 million persons will attain working age
during the period of 2007-2012. The net addition to workforce is, therefore,
expected to grow to 89 million of which around 13 million are likely to be
graduates/post graduates and about 57 million are likely to be school drop outs or
illiterates. A significant share of incremental demand is likely to be for skilled
labour graduates and vocationally trained people are expected to account for 23%
of incremental demand by 2012. The study further estimates that India is likely to
increase deficit of 5.25 million employable graduates and vocationally trained
workforce by 2012. Hence focusing on vocational education is of primary
The present exponential rate of change in all walks of life has brought in
increased uncertainties. Almost everyone is convinced that future is not just
simple extrapolation of the present on the basis of the past. In such circumstances
being innovative is the key for success. Science involves in understanding and
explaining the naturally occurring phenomena, while engineering is concerned
with doing, realizing and implementing. Thus, the aim of engineering education
should always be the integration of knowledge, skills, understanding and
experience to continuous experimentation.
The modern day working in engineering is hindered by narrow
specializations, inability to work at interfaces between traditional disciplines and
lack of team approach. Increased globalization has brought in more consumer
concerns like increasing quality at lesser costs.

The developments in developing countries will solely depend on adoption

and adaptation of modern technologies and managing them with advanced
managerial tools.
At a time when technical competence of the highest quality is called for,
the system should provide for right methodologies so as to improve learning, and
probably distance learning does not seem to be fit the bill. In todays fast changing
world, the nations competitiveness will depend largely on the skills of tomorrows
engineers. Engineering as taught through distance mode would be more of science
education devoid of characteristics of engineering as it is practiced.
As mentioned by Professor K. A. Padmanabhan, director, IIT Kanpur,
delivering a viable, self-sustaining technical culture in educational Institutes is also
of the essence. He gives an example of the former USSR that produced the most
narrowly trained specialist technologists is a case in point. In spite of the technical
brilliance, a lack of use-friendliness in products and the absence of safety and
ecological concerns characterized the system.
Engineers are involved in planning and designing, manufacturing,
constructing and manaing technological activities of our society, an engineer
interprets our societies technological needs, devises solutions and make them
happen. The work that engineers do impacts directly on the quality of everyones
day to-day life, and contributes markedly to the future prosperity of our
Through the class room/face to face education imparted there is a certainty
that the students completing the program satisfactorily, will

Gain the knowledge and skills required to analyze and solve problems
related to the discipline

Design and conduct experiments, as well as analyze and interpret

engineering data.

Receive the broad education necessary to understand the impact of

engineering solutions in a global, societal, and economic context.

A change which seeks to produce world class engineers who will be able to
tackle the challenges of the future, and enjoy the excitement of making engineering
contribute to a Better life for our global community needs to be looked at in the
right perspective. What is to be debated is whether in the distance learning mode,
however sophisticated it may become, is likely to produce a degree holder or not
who can contribute meaningfully to real time systems.
In their quest for higher education and training, students and training,
students and the public may encounter degree mills dubious providers of
educational offerings or operations that offer certificates and degrees that may be
considered bogus. They may also encounter accreditation mills dubious

providers of accreditation and quality assurance that may offer a certification of

quality of institution without a proper basis.
Typically, however, programs can be intended for students who have
completed a considerable number of college-level courses, perhaps at a number of
institutions, but have not put these credits together to complete a degree.
The engineers who undergo training through distance mode may present a
threat to the society and its protection, health, safety or well-being.
In conclusion all the pros and cons need to be weighed judiciously before
making available Engineering / Technology programs available through distance
learning mode or even in a hybrid mode, considering the diversity the Country has
and the propensity of people to misuse a paradigm that could otherwise achieve
great benefits for the technological growth of this Country.

Annexure IV: Comments received from Distance Education Council

To harmonize the legal position in respect of distance education

programmes in various disciplines are concerned between the UGC Act,
IGNOU Act 5 (2) enjoins upon it the responsibilities to promote,
coordinate and maintain standards in Open and Distance education system.
IGNOU carries out these functions through DEC through its Statutes 28. In none
of the Acts if UGC and AICTE, the responsibilities for maintaining standards in
open and distance education system is mentioned. Consequent to it, all the
approvals relating to distance education system should be a single window system
approved solely by DEC.

Even for professional programmes such as MBA and MCA, the

responsibilities should be vested with DEC, which will develop norms and
guidelines to prescribe requirements of faculty, infrastructure, library and other
facilities including software for IT programmes in collaboration with AICTE and
However, for technical and professional programmes, the AICTE Act 10 K
empowers it to maintain the standards in technical education in collaboration with
other agencies/bodies. This clearly shows that even for technical education
programmes, the AICTE may take specific suggestions in this respect of DEC to
formulate guidelines for offer of distance mode programmes. Infrastructure and
other facilities for offer of technical programs including provisions at Study
Centers, evaluation of self learning materials, methodology for delivery of
programs and other aspects should exclusively be decided by DEC.
The implementation of the guidelines will be the responsibility of Distance
Education Council. All approvals to be done by DEC for general and professional
programmes in terms of guidelines developed programme-wise.
Process of approvals General/Professional programmes
All applications to be submitted to DEC, which will evaluate it for its
suitability and viability for offering through distance mode fulfilling all the
requirements needed for a programme.
For technical and professional programmes, AICTE accords its approval at
undergraduate and post graduate level. DEC may devise norms for offer of
technical programmes at Certificate and Diploma level independently in
consultation with AICTE.
However, for undergraduate and post graduate programmes in technology,
AICTEs expertise is needed. The applications may be submitted to DEC, shich
may forward to AICTE. However, the final approval will be accorded by the DEC.

To recommend outcome benchmarks for distance education system,

which will facilitate equivalence with conventional modes
The 70% core curriculum is same as offered by UGC and AICTE and 30%
theory as per provision of UGC may be allowed to be used by Open Universities
and Directorates of Distance Education in conventional universities. For distance
education institutes of conventional universities, the same examination as
conducted for face-to-face regular teaching and practical works also inconsonance
with that of regular programmes be followed rigorously. In Open Universities, the
examination by each independent university is as per its course and curriculum
with Wightage of practical wherever applicable as recommended by AICTE and

To suggest ways towards enhanced contribution of distance education
to GER of 30%
Reaching grass root levels for access to education will play a key role in
enhancing GER. Erecting infrastructure and adding to educational institutions is an
expensive means. Employing existing infrastructure, available resources and
expertise and sharing of resources is a cost-effective model.
Community colleges wherein community initiative to impart skill
development courses need to be legalized. IGNOU has instated a Scheme of
Community Colleges to offer associate degree. These colleges generally give
trainings and education in areas that crucial to the society and help I earners
achieve skills for earning bread.
Convergence Scheme of IGNOU has given impetus to education to
students who want to get education through the college in their area or college of
their choice, but were unable to get access due to tough competition. The available
laboratories, teaching staff, library and classrooms are optimally used when these
are free. No extra burden on developing infrastructure-education opportunity to all
a win-win situation.
Industry educational institution linkages Industry may be a production
or service industry, need trained personnel. On the job training specific to the
industry can be arranged by institutions. There is a possibility of absorption of
trainees on completion of the course or elsewhere in similar workplaces.

Annexure-V: Minutes of the Consultative Committee Meeting-I

Providers of ODL in Private Sectors namely Private Universities,
Deemed to be Universities and Institutions held in Bangalore on
The following were present:
A. Members of Prof Madhav Menon Committee
1. Prof. N.R. Madhava Menon
2. Prof. V.N. Rajasekharan Pillai
3. Prof. S.S. Mantha
4. Sh. A.K. Singh

Chairman, DEC
Chairman, AICTE
Joint Secretary, MHRD

Prof. S. Thorat, Chairman, UGC and two legal members of the Committee Shri.
Srivastava and Shri. Kapoor could not attend the meeting.
B. Representatives of Institutions Invited
The list of representatives of Private Universities, Deemed to be
Universities and Institutions is given in Annexure-1.
A meeting of the Consultative Committee constituted by the MHRD to
frame regulations for distance education with private providers namely Private
Universities, Deemed to be Universities and Institutions was held on 24.01.2011 at
TERI, Bangalore to elicit opinion and views on benchmarks for Quality
Assessment, regulatory framework for processing and approval of technical
programmes offered through distance mode and measures for enhancing the share
of ODL in GER within the regulatory frame work.
The meeting was spread over three sessions namely:
Session-1: Outcome benchmarks for ODL Systems for equivalence with
conventional mode Issue of Quality Assessment
Session II: Guidelines for processing of approval of technical
programmes through Distance and Mixed mode.
Session - III: Regulatory Framework for Distance
Courses/Institutions for Enhancing the share of ODL in GER


The Chairman, DEC in his opening remarks said that MHRD constituted a
seven member Committee to frame regulations to scale up higher education

assuring quality. He further elaborated that there is enhanced interest of

Institutions to start offer of programmes through distance mode including online.
As the number of Institutions and programmes offering distance mode becomes
more assuring quality becomes important.
Initiating the discussions, the Chairman of the Committee said that
Chairman, DEC delineated issues related to quality concerning to distance
education in a limited sense and also drew the attention to the five legislations
initiated by MHRD to address the concern and issues related to quality. These are
in respect of

Accreditation of programmes and Institutions

Institutional malfeasance

Foreign Education providers

He further informed that the bill on Higher Education Commission and

Research intends to give complete autonomy to Institutes to offer programmes and
to initiate self regulatory measures to assure quality. There is need to enhance GER
from 15 to 40%. Increasing access and equity alone through regular conventional
system is not possible, as it requires more infrastructure and more number of class
room teachers. Development of infrastructure will take time and alternative modes
need to be looked into.
Distance Education at present has approximately 22% of enrolment in
higher education and attempts need to be made to increase it to 50%. For distance
education to absorb and enhance enrolment, necessary regulations need to be put in
place for quality assurance. There should be limited regulations avoiding
duplication by other agencies. He also stressed that complete autonomy to
Institutions with transparency will help to avoid malpractices. Autonomy may
also lead to self enhanced distance education. There are several problems and
deficiencies in the existing system and the purpose of this meeting is to suggest
measures to increase the enrolment, enhancement of quality and GER. The key
question is Quality while considering measures for GER.
There is great expectation from Private providers of distance education.
Every form of distance education has so many variables. Some of these institutions
feel dissatisfied with quality control put in place by DEC. DEC has been making
sustained effort to maintain standards in the system with limitations.

The enrolment in distance education has shown considerable increase in the

recent past and its strength and weakness need to be assessed properly. Upgraded
technology infrastructure may be encouraged to launch new programmes and

increase enrolment. Quality makes any education relevant. The Institutions should

Academic Resources

Student Support Services offered and monitored properly

Technical infrastructure and back up system to avoid it being outdated

Proper Assessment and Accreditation process in place before launching a


IGNOU is well recognised for providing quality education using self

learning materials, information and communication technologies, adequate student
support services. State Universities have poorly written study materials and some
of them also franchise programme delivery. There are expectations from
Government to frame policy and procedures for regulating distance education and
there may be promise in terms of self regulation. There is need to develop clear
and explicit, quantifiable, measurable amount of quality as in case of face to face
Joint Secretary, MHRD in his remarks invited suggestion and measures to
provide quality higher education to learners who could not join conventional
system. He further emphasised that Government wants quality education only and
nothing short of it. One class having more than 40 students with only one
counsellor may not be sufficient to attend to queries of all learners and thus it
raises concern about the quality and maintaining it. Government is considering full
autonomy to achieve desired outcome. Education drives prospect of employment.
Proper and adequate measures need to be put in place to achieve these objectives.
Chairman, AICTE in his remarks said that distance learning in different
forms is different paradigm and different from conventional system. Both input
and output are different than conventional system and general process of delivery
of programme is followed in distance education. Distance education came up due
to lack of facilities in conventional system to meet the increased enrolment.
Distance education also offers programmes to enhance employability of learners.
Time and again distance education is equated with conventional education, quality
aspect of learners in output and learning process and its relation with industry to
meet expectations of industry is important.

This was followed by presentation by participating universities and

Institutions about enrolment and programmes. The participating Universities and
Institutions have varying enrolment from 1500 in case of Institution, offering
MBA and MCA programmes only and Universities having 1,80,000 enrolment
offering more than 50 programmes through a network of over 2000 study centres.

Subsequently, the session wise response and feedback were elicited from
all the participating Universities
Session 1: Outcome benchmarks for ODL systems for equivalence with
conventional mode-issue of Equality Assessment.
The following points were made out:
Mixed mode for distance education including SLMs, online and web based
may help to increase outreach and ensure quality.
Limited intake per study centre per programme may help to ensure quality
and may also provide better opportunities to address the learner problems.
Institutions may prepare road map with rigour for various processes beginning
with admission, student support, examinations and limit the number of students
Scaling up distance education with limited number of admissions will not
be viable and the institutions with higher enrolment may find it to offer
Fee charged in distance education less than conventional system may be
considered as one of the criteria to regulate the system
Pass percentage may be considered as a good criteria for outcome.
However, for flexible system pass percentage may not be sole criteria
Programme offered and conducted in collaboration with industry may be
encouraged as it helps both in employment and proper delivery of programmes for
work based learning
Entrance examination may be made mandatory for institutions admitting
large number of students for professional, vocational programmes to act as a filter
at input level.
Technology mediated learning with good contents and subject to peer
review may be helpful in increasing the GER and may also help to facilitate
counseling at study centres

Bachelor education should be given more emphasis for increasing the GER

The number of students may be limited to 60 per class for better feed back
to the learners during counseling session.
Norms prescribing parameters for technical/professional programmes may
help to ensure quality as these are presently not available.

Specific benchmarks for online may also be evolved to maintain quality

There is more diversity in distance mode of education than that of

conventional system. Standards and outcome may be different for different types
of programmes and institutions. The issue of quality should be linked to
Programmes aligned with academic requirements of learners and industry
may be encouraged to assure quality. Leveraging infrastructure from industry may
be considered.
Outcome of a programme resulting in employability and career motivation
may be considered as a benchmark
Regulatory system to check the process is important and need to be

Internal audit system by institutions may help to maintain quality

Duplication of efforts to develop materials may be avoided by adopting /

adapting programmes from other Institutions
Technology is not only component for enhancement of GER, other
components such as Bachelor and PG programmes with proper delivery
mechanisms may be encouraged to GER.

Accreditation not approval of programmes may be given preference as it

brings transparency in the system

Autonomy linked with accreditation may be a good tool to ensure quality

For transparency accreditating agencies to accredit different accreditating

agencies/bodies may be evolved

Accreditation may be made mandatory to ensure minimum infrastructure,

staff etc. and competitions among institutions will play key role in
maintaining quality

Institutional autonomy with internal Governance system and course wise

accreditation by accreditating agencies will help to make the system vibrant
and quality oriented. Necessary guidelines to be prepared by concerned
Apex bodies.

Session 2: Guidelines for processing of approval of technical programmes

through distance and mixed mode.

The discussion was initiated by Chairman, DEC and Chairman of the Committee.
The following points were put forward:

AICTE has granted approval only for two programmes MBA and MCA
only till 2007

There has been consistent increase in the number of institutions resulting in

increase of GER after 2007 and number of institutions seeking approval
from DEC for professional/technical programmes

Despite UGC recommendations an University in AP has enrolled more than

1500 Ph.D students without adequate staff facility raising serious concern
about dilution of standard and mass production of degrees

DEC used to grant institutional approval only. AICTE-UGC-DEC signed an

MoU in May 2007 to streamline approval of professional/technical
programmes and to prepare base for work integrated learning.
Subsequently, programme approval was initiated

It was also suggested that a 4-5 members committee may be constituted to

look into all aspect of distance mode. It is important to note in this regard
that National Mission of Education through ICT has a large number of
projects for developing distance education programme, which are mostly
technology oriented programme

There should be restriction on the number of seats per study centre as it is

contrary to basic philosophy of distance education

The DEC is allowing programmes to be offered by Institutions as per Acts

and Statutes of the Central and State Govt. Universities. However, in case
of deemed university it is as per guidelines of UGC on distance education.
Based on AICTE recommendations, MHRD has asked DEC not to grant
approval for any Engineering programme and also has restricted intake as
prescribed by AICTE

Chairman, AICTE said that there are different categories of institution and
its view is that Technical Education cant be offered through distance education
even with enhanced application of IT. Face to face programmes may be considered
as alternative to augment problems of offering technical programmes by using
existing facilities of institution beyond normal duration.
It was pointed out that an University established by an Act of Parliament,
State Legislator, Private University and Deemed to be Universities are not being
treated at par and this issue need to be examined
Members were informed that NPTEL developed to train teachers through
distance mode to augment the shortage of faculty

Existing multiplicity of regulator will not work and there should be only
one Agency as regulator
Distributed learning not distance education alone should be considered as
alternative to distance education
Technical programmes with hand on practice in a practical situation may be
considered for offer through distance mode
Online programmes offered in industry-institute partnership support the
idea that multinational companies may need it for training and re-training beyond
jurisdiction specified by Act and Statute of a University
Faculty experience working in distance education in situation may be taken
as valid experiences for future growth
A separate regulatory body for distance education away from an University
is desirable for future growth of the system
Institutions granted university status may be given autonomy for academic
programme and the Universities may be made responsible to meet the desired
outcome. Accreditation of programme and institutions may help to meet this target

Any policy change should take into consideration the interest of learners

Session 3: Regulatory Frame work for Distance Education Courses/Institutions

for Enhancing the share of ODL in GER
Scaling up of distance education for enhancing GER with quality is
desirable to meet the 50% enrolment in distance. A separate regulatory body for
distance education is necessary for maintaining quality in the system
Quality of teaching-learning process is important for credibility of the
system, and IT can enhance the quality in class room and also help to scale up the
Framework and guidelines and parameters may clearly be evolved for
teaching-learning process, student support, delivery mechanism and final outcome
Convergence between different technologies in distance education and with
conventional system may be encouraged to increase the GER
Points for Consideration as Recommendations:
The participant endorsed the idea for a separate regulatory body for
distance education away from a University for future growth of the system and
scaling up of distance education for enhancing GER. The participants felt the need
for autonomy of DEC as a regulatory body for distance education.

Accreditation of programmes and institutions be given preference over

approval to bring transparency in the system.
Programmes offered and conducted in collaboration with industry be
encouraged as it helps both in employment and proper delivery of programmes for
work based learning. Leveraging infrastructure from industry may be considered
for technical/professional programmes.
Technical programmes using distributed learning with enhanced technology
use with proper hand on practice may be considered for offer through distance
Jurisdiction requirement for online courses may not be imposed as many
multinational companies use online programmes for training and retraining of
professionals distributed all over country even beyond border.
Limit of intake for MBA and MCA per study centre may be increased from
60 to 80.

Annexure-VI: Minutes of the Consultative Committee Meeting-II

State Open Universities and Distance Education Institutions of
Universities established under Acts of Parliament/ State Legislatures
held at IIC, Delhi on 26.02.2011
A meeting of the High Powered Consultative Committee constituted by the MHRD for
regulating the standards of distance education system was held on 26.02.2011 at 10.30 am
onwards at India International Centre, New Delhi.
The following were present:

Prof. N.R Madhav Menon


Prof. V.N. Rajasekharan Pillai


Chairman, DEC

Prof. S.S. Mantha


Chairman, AICTE

Sh. A.K. Singh


Joint Secretary, MHRD


Sh. R.K. Srivastava


Advocate, Supreme Court


Sh. Lalit Bhasin



Sh. K.Gunesekharan
Additional Secretary, UGC

Chairman, UGC

The Chairman, DEC extended a warm welcome to the members, Vice Chancellors of
Open Universities, Directors of DEIs and other participants on behalf of the High Powered
Committee constituted by the MHRD for regulating the standards in Distance Education.
Initiating the discussion, Prof. Madhav Menon, the Chairman of the Committee,
briefly explained the mandate of the Committee and said that the Committee aims
is to get the feedback from stakeholders to enable it to evolve policies for
regulation of distance education in the country. He further briefed that a meeting
of private providers of the distance education Institutions was convened in
Bangalore on 24.01.11 to elicit their views and responses about managing distance
education system and suggest a governance structure for distance education
He also informed about five Legislative bills being processed by the Govt., the
four of which are before the Parliament namely Bill for Assessment and
Accreditation, Educational Tribunal bill, Foreign Education services provider bill,
and Educational malpractices bill.

In addition there is one more bill namely establishment of National Commission

for Higher Education and Research(NCHER) bill. NCHER will subsume UGC
and AICTE and some of the functions of professional councils. A totally different
frame work for managing institutions is being envisaged with total autonomy to
the institutions to manage their entire system. The aim of this Committee is to
prepare conducive framework for autonomy to the distance education institutions
at higher education level.
He further elaborated that the Government intends to increase GER to provide
opportunity to large section of society for higher education. One way to increase
GER is encouragement to Distance Education System. However, there are
problems in maintaining standard and quality in the Distance Education System.
Different agencies are associated with the approval of distance education
programmes. Accreditation and approval are the main responsibility of Distance
Education Council.
Role of AICTE is to regulate technical, pharmacy and management programmes
while UGC is for regulating conventional institutions providing general education.
Thus there is overlapping of functions between DEC, UGC and AICTE. This has
created confusion in the institutions and many have discontinued offering
programmes through distance mode. At present about 22% enrolment in higher
education is through distance mode and thus there is a need to give importance to
Distance Education mode through proper support in terms of infrastructure,
manpower and technology to increase the GER from current 12% to 30% in next
10 yrs. The share of distance education in this will be 30-50%.
Higher Education without quality management will be of no use. Quality is a
requirement and should not be compromised, be it conventional system, distance
education system or mixed mode. Technological advancement has made it
possible to offer technical programmes through distance mode. Many foreign
Open Universities are offering technical programmes. Some Open Universities in
our country are offering programmes using very good quality SIM, best
technology. However, there are some universities offering distance education
using very inferior quality material and with no student support services. Under
such circumstances, what should be the strategy to increase GER on the one hand
and on the other hand methods to deal with institutions using very inferior quality
study materials and having no infrastructure for student support services.
He also explained the terms of reference of the Committee to avoid confusion
about the role of regulatory authorities of DEC, UGC and AICTE for approval of
distance education programmes. Processing the recognition of courses,
equivalence of the degree offered either through regular face-to-face mode and
ODL and approval of technical programmes needs to be examined in details.
Thus, there is a need to evolve regulatory frame work for regulating standards of
the courses and Institutions through distance mode to enable us to double the GER
from existing level of 12% to 30%. This was followed by discussions for each
Session-I: Outcome Benchmarks for ODL systems for equivalence with
conventional mode - issues of quality assessment.
The following views were expressed:

As per govt of India Gazette notification no. 44, F. No. 18-15/93-TD.V/TS.IV

dated 1st March 1995 published in The Gazette of India on Saturday, April 8,
1995, states that On the recommendations of the Board of Assessment for
Educational Qualifications, the Government of India has decided that all the
qualifications awarded through Distance Education by the Universities established
by an Act of Parliament or State Legislature, Institutions, Deemed to be
Universities under Section 3 of the UGC Act, 1956 and Institutions of National
Importance declared under an Act of Parliament stand automatically recognized
for the purpose of employment to posts and services under the Central
Government, provided it has been approved by Distance Education Council (DEC)
and wherever necessary by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE),
New Delhi. The Association of Indian Universities (AIU) has also recognised
qualifications offered through distance mode to be equivalent to regular mode.

Distance Education Institutions are offering programmes using good quality

study materials and arrange counselling sessions and laboratories facilities for
hand on practice. Thus degrees obtained through open universities should not
be treated inferior to conventional universities degrees.

Central Universities, Open Universities and dual mode universities are

established either through an Act of Parliament or State Legislative Council.
The jurisdiction of universities to offer distance mode programmes cannot be
limited to boundaries of state and thus should be as per Act and Statutes of
concerned university.

Frame work for establishing study centres and facilities available at these
centres should be developed and put on website to bring more transparency in
the system.

Equivalence of degrees obtained through ODL and Conventional system is an

important issue and modalities need to be worked out for the same in respect
for admission to higher education and employment as the Open Universities
offer programmes as per provision specified by UGC regarding specification
of degrees.

Open Universities have been established by Act of Legislatures and have

twin responsibilities to reach the unreached learners and also allow nonformal entry to learners. Open Universities have structures within open system
and use quality SIM learning materials with face to face counselling sessions
and use ICT facilities. All State Open Universities are recognised by UGC
under 2f and follow same pattern specified by UGC and also offered by
Conventional Universities. Lateral entry for school dropout should be
encouraged. As the degrees are on similar pattern, DEC should be empowered
to approve technical programmes also.

Model curriculum for technical programmes may be developed by AICTE and

Universities be allowed to offer technical programmes ensuring guidelines
prescribed by AICTE. External regulations need to be minimised and
Universities be encouraged to evolve internal regulatory mechanism.
Universities failing to comply with guidelines may be tried under mall
practices criminal law.

Dual mode universities, offering courses through distance mode follow same
curriculum as for face to face programme and learners take the same

examinations. There should not be any discrimination for distance mode

students to migrate between distance mode to regular mode.

Need is to decide equivalence and quality with a regulatory body with

autonomy to Universities and Institutions as the equivalence of a programme
in university is decided by the Academic Council of the university.

IIT Mumbai is offering programme through distance mode in contact mode

with contact classes like face-to-face regular mode with same fee. The other is
non contact mode like any other distance mode with option to learners to
switch over to contact mode and is followed by Universities outside country
for technical programmes. The learners should have autonomy to do both
contact mode and distance mode programmes. IIT, Mumbai makes available
lectures live for distance mode students. Minimum 100 MBPS bandwith
should be available for such lectures. 1-GBPS internet connection is being
made available shortly and the whole country can be seen as virtual

IIT, Mumbai has a web portal Forum where students can put the questions
and faculty can answer off line and one hour live answer is necessary, in a

In distributed mode teachers from other institutions can participate in live

lectures and programmes like mechanical, electrical and electronics
engineering can be offered through virtual lab facilities. As many reputed
institutions staff will be associated with such programmes, experience
available to learners will be better than colleges in regular face to face mode
which have faculty shortage.

Blended mode with same entry qualification and limited intake for
professional programmes can be effective for ensuring quality. This may also
be extended to technical programmes. Qualitative interventions and ensuring
minimum requirements for each programme with effective monitoring by
faculty can be effective in offering good quality programmes through distance

Colleges affiliated to a University and AICTE approved institutions should be

study centres for technical programmes.

Distance mode may be treated as a parallel complimentary system in coexistence within broad framework with conventional system. A consortium of
Vice Chancellors of Open Universities, FICCI, CII etc. may be formed to
assess proposals for launching, quality, monitoring and help in placement.

Specification of degree with communication and minimum standard for all

open universities may be undertaken in converse with UGC curriculum for
equivalence of degrees of ODL and conventional system.

Distance mode and conventional mode are two different paradigms. Basic
need and approach to impart learning of distance mode is different. Inputs,
process and deliverables need to be defined properly to ensure quality.

Quality control through regulatory authority alone is not sufficient to maintain

standards. Accreditation authority as an independent body which accredits
professional bodies capable of accrediting programmes and institutions on

recognised parameters and ranking of university may minimise regulatory

control and can help in assuring quality in the system. Accreditation
parameters admission, process and examinations to be devised by
accreditation authority. Entitlement of universities should be based on

Every university should offer both face to face and distance mode programmes
to overcome the problem of equivalence of degrees.

Session-II: Guidelines for processing of approval of technical programmes

through distance and mixed mode.

All technical programmes can be offered through distance mode. Guidelines

and norms may be developed for this purpose.

The Chairman, AICTE mentioned that AICTE follows entire on-line process
for approval. Details about institutions and infrastructure facilities available
with it together with laboratories facilities, staff etc is available on web. Initial
scrutiny done by academician, architect and legal expert followed by expert
committee visit to evaluate all facilities. Report immediately uploaded. As of
now AICTE allows offering of only MBA and MCA programmes through
distance mode.

Job profiling of the industry vis-a-vis specialization of technical programmes

is needed to assess the requirement of specialization at the entry level.

Procedure followed for recognition of distance mode Institutions and

programmes was briefly explained by the Chairman, DEC. Institutions submit
applications for approval in prescribed format. Initial scrutiny is done at DEC
followed by visit of expert committees to institutions. Composition of expert
committee depends on the type of programmes to be offered by the Institution.
AICTE and UGC nominees are associated as experts on the expert committee.
Visit report is then placed before the Joint Committee if applicable and finally
placed before the DEC for approval.

Guidelines prescribing parameters and methodology for processing of

technical programmes may be developed ensuring requirement of technical
programmes for input, process and outcome to ensure quality as there is
demand from industry for vertical mobility for diploma trained professionals.

Offer of professional, vocational and technical programmes need to be

promoted to meet the growing demand of the skilled professionals and
technically trained personnel to fulfil the mandate of distance mode to reach
the unreached.

International experience also shows that technical programmes can be offered

through distance mode.

Distance mode does not prohibit use of face to face component and judicious
use of blended mode with different kind of technology can be used to offer
technical programmes.

Only 25% of infrastructure facility being put to use by Institutions and rest
remains idle and need to be utilized. Public Institutions have very good
infrastructure and lab facilities and need to be utilized. Notion that left out
seats in Engg. institutions remain unfulfilled and there are no takers for these
seats need to be dispelled. There is need to bring the left out students in the
distance education system.

Work integrated learning with collaboration with institutions and industry

may be used to offer technical programmes through distance mode.

Session-III: Regulatory framework for Distance Education Courses/Institutions

for enhancing the share of ODL in GER.

The present system of regulations does not enable a student to assess the
quality of education being imparted by institutions. Institution should facilitate
learners to get information about the quality of education offered by it and in
no way should for distance education on the lines of the learners.

Regulatory accreditation framework supervisory authority NCHER may be

created to evolve parameters for maintaining quality in the system with
internal autonomy to universities and institutions. The proposed council will
be parallel to NCHER keeping in view special requirements of the distance
education system.

This may help to ensure quality of programmes offered through distance

mode and enhance share of ODL in GER.

Existing regulatory mechanism and expertise available at DEC may be

utilized in proposed council to establish equivalence between distance mode
and face to face system.

Expertise required for Independent regulatory body-

a technology expert with good ICT background

a representative from corporate/social sector

an expert in higher education


representative from social sector

M.Phil and Ph.D programme offered by Open Universities are not distance
mode programmes. They are infact full time programmes wherein admissions
are done through entrance examinations. The programmes involved intensive
course work, paper presentation, regular assignments, research and
publications in referred journals. The M.Phil and Ph.D programmes should be
offered by the Open Universities.

Points for considerations as Recommendations:

An independent regulatory body may be created for recognition and accreditation

of Universities and Institutions offering programmes through distance mode. The
proposed council will be an autonomous part of NCHER keeping in view special
requirements of the distance education system. The existing Distance Education
Council (DEC) at IGNOU may become an integral part of the proposed Council
for distance education and subsumed in it.

Equivalence of Open and Distance education programmes vis--vis same face to

face programmes in conventional system is desired to bring ODL degrees at par
with conventional degrees.

The technical programmes may be allowed to be offered through distance mode

under blended mode incorporating ICT technologies, live telecast lectures and
virtual lab facilities along with face to face component and laboratories facilities
for hands on practice. The norms and guidelines may be developed in this regard.

The offering of programmes can not have territorial jurisdiction. The territorial
jurisdiction may be as per the Act/Statutes/MoA etc of the concerned Institution
for offering programmes through distance mode.

The proposed Council as an independent regulatory body for distance education

may have members from the following areas:
One technology expert with good knowledge of ICT.
One member from corporate/social sector.
One higher education expert.
One distance education expert
One Expert representing stake holders.

The M.Phil and Ph.D programmes should be conducted by the Open Universities.

Skill oriented and professional vocational Work Integrated Learning programmes

may be encouraged to be offered through distance mode to increase the GER from
12% to 30% in next 10 yrs with 30-50% increase of GER through distance mode.

Annexure-VII: Minutes of the Consultative Committee Meeting-III

Industry Representatives Held At PHD Chamber of Commerce, New
Delhi On 07.04.2011

The following were present :


Prof. N.R. Madhava Menon

Prof. S.S. Mantha, Chairman, AICTE
Shri A.K. Singh, Joint Secretary, MHRD
Shri Rabindra Kumar Srivastava,
Senior Advocate, Supreme Court
Dr. K. Gunasekharan, Additional
Representative Chairman, UGC



Prof. V.N. Rajasekharan Pillai, Chairman, DEC and Shri Lalit Bhasin, Senior
Advocate, Supreme Court could not attend the meeting.
Initiating the discussions the Chairperson of the Committee, Prof. N.R.
Madhav Menon, said that this meeting is a follow up meeting to decide the actions
to be taken to finalize the report of the Committee and to discuss the issues to be
raised in the subsequent meeting with the representatives of the Industry to elicit
their views and responses on Open and Distance Education and Employability.
With this he invited Committee views on the following three points:
Format for discussion with representatives of Industry-especially purpose
and perspective from Committee point of view

Schedule agreed to finalize the report of the Committee and

Views and responses of the members on a note circulated by Chairman,

AICTE in earlier meeting.
Subsequently point wise discussions were undertaken on the above points.

Format for discussion with representatives of Industry

The Committee discussed the programme schedule prepared by PHD Chamber and
found it satisfactory which interalia included topics on Industry perspective and
Educational Experts perspectives with initial opening Address by President PHD
Chamber and MHRD Committee perspective by Chairperson of the MHRD

Schedule for finalization of the Committee Report

It was agreed that Committee will meet continuously for three days on 27th, 28th
and 29th April, 2011 to finalize the report.

To discuss the note circulated by Chairman, AICTE in the previous meeting

There was considerable discussion to harmonize relation between UGC, AICTE

and DEC.
It was pointed out that UGC and AICTE Acts empower these bodies to regulate
the standards in higher education and technical education respectively. However,
the Distance Education Council derives its powers through IGNOU Act section
5(2). The IGNOU Act Section 5(2) enjoins upon the University the responsibility
to maintain standards in open university and distance education systems.
Sh. Ravinder Kumar Srivastava, Advocate, Supreme Court & Member of the
Committee pointed out that
At present there is no legal framework under IGNOU Act to regulate open
and distance learning as the word Distance Education Council is not mentioned in
the Act. Thus, there are serious questions in regard to legality, workability and also
morality of DEC under IGNOU Act to act as regulator and if that is so what is
advisable regulatory framework?
UGC Act is a separate legislation all together and open and distance
education is not mentioned in UGC Act. Similarly there is no mention of distance
education in AICTE Act.
However the above observations of the legal members need to be seen in
terms of the introduction to the IGNOU Act reproduced below for reference.
An Act to establish and incorporate an Open University at the national level for the
introduction and promotion of open university and distance education systems in
the educational pattern of the country and for the co-ordination and determination
of standards in such systems.
This Cleary enjoins upon IGNOU to take measures to ensure standards in the
distance education systems in the country.
In an ideal situation, the DEC should become autonomous with a separate
legislation entrusted with the responsibility to ensure standard for entire ODL
system. Till such time a proper legislation comes, DEC may work as an
autonomous body as a separate institution through an administrative regulation.
The meeting ended with a vote of thanks to Chair.

Annexure-VIII: Recommendations from the VCs of State and

Central Universities
Based on

The Conference jointly organized by the MHRD and UGC at

Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi on March 25-26, 2011.
University leadership acquires a significant role in shaping policy planning
process in Higher education, University Grants Commission (UGC) convened a meet of
Vice-Chancellors of Central and State Universities in the country on March 25-26, 2011 at
Vigyan Bhavan, New Delhi to brainstorm on issues critical to higher education and make
insightful contributions for possible approaches for future policy interventions. The
deliberations touched a variety of themes ranging from Access, Equity, Engagement &
Outcomes; Content and Quality; Research and Innovations; Faculty Development and
Inter-University Resource Sharing; Indias Global Engagement in Higher Education;
Alternative Modes of Delivery of Higher Education; Models of Financing, and

The following recommendations were made to strengthen Education in India with

alternative mode of delivery such as ODL and e-learning that can contribute
significantly towards the goal of expansion higher education in the country.
Theme: Alternative Mode of Delivery of Higher Education
Core Issues
At present, 18 to 20 per-cent of enrolment in higher education is in the programmes
offered by the Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) and State Open
Universities. However, there is a substantial number of students who are enrolled in
various correspondence courses with the State Universities and the Central Universities.
The Distance Education Council (DEC) is authorized to regulate the standards of
distance education programmes run by the IGNOU and the State Open Universities. The
correspondence courses offered by the State and the Central universities are regulated
by the universities concerned.
There is an opportunity to exploit the Open and Distance Learning (ODL) mode,
particularly with the advances in technology. This will increase access and the reach of
the institutions to all corners of India. This mode of delivery may provide enormous
opportunities of learning to those who have missed the opportunities for formal
education because of various reasons. It may also provide opportunities to those who are
already employed and seek to enhance their qualifications. However, the perceptions
about the quality of programmes under ODL to be at par with the regular courses where
face to face teaching is used need to be convincingly tackled. With the advances in ICT,
the boundary between face-to-face and ODL modality is getting blurred. While there
should be an attempt to use online teaching modes in the face-to-face programmes,

similar opportunities should also be an integral part of ODL programmes to derive

optimum advantage in learning achievement. The following core issues were discussed
on this theme:


The credits earned through the ODL; modalities to accommodate in the

face-to-face learning;

Identification of programmes which are more amenable for ODL than


Best models available for development and delivery of e-content for

various levels of courses; and

Special mechanisms are required for monitoring the quality of

programmes offered through the ODL modality in different institutions
(Open Universities, State Universities, State Institutions etc.).

Scope of Deliberations

Higher education in India is at the cross roads of various reforms and there is an urgent
imperative to seek means of enhancing the GER. While the establishment of new
universities is on the anvil, seeking to strengthen alternative modes of delivery of higher
education is equally important. Open & Distance Learning (ODL) is now becoming
mainstream. The inherent nature of ODL comprising of flexibility, modularity and
addressing target issues of social inequality, gender disparities makes it a feasible tool
for enhancing access. Further programmes available in the modular and credit system in
ODL institutions could be extended to conventional universities as well. As such,
alternative modes such as ODL and e-learning can contribute significantly towards the
goal of expansion higher education in the country.
The following core issues were discussed on this theme:
Blurring Boundaries between Formal and ODL Systems
In consonance with the requirements of new modes of delivery of higher education, the
governance structures of these universities will have to be articulated differently. In an
ideal situation, the focus should be on delivery of quality higher education independent
of the mode which means that the borders between conventional, dual mode and ODL
should get blurred. All universities should be enabled to use technology to its fullest
extent to offer programmes both through face-to-face mode and through technology
enabled means.

Norms and Standards in ODL

The Distance Education Council (DEC) may be an autonomous body to coordinate
standards in Open & Distance Learning. It may function through linkages with various
professional bodies for accreditation purposes. While there are many private players in
distance education and on-line learning, the State Open Universities should be supported
financially in order to deliver quality programmes. The investment should be both in
faculty development and training, curriculum development and deployment of
technology. All programmes are amenable to Open & Distance Learning practices. To
ensure quality, benchmarks will have to be identified for activating Study Centres which
have the requisite, physical and human infrastructure. In general, institutions may be
encouraged to offer general degree programmes through alternative modes and
wherever specific/high end requirements are needed, the criteria will have to be

Accreditation of ODL System

ODL can be on a strong wicket only if it is played well and its processes are
comprehensively addressed. A strong accreditation mechanism which emphasises on
internal quality checks and external reviews is important. Student Satisfaction Surveys,
and outcomes assessments may become minimal requirements. Some important criteria
for which key performance indicators are to be worked out for quality evaluation are:
Curriculum, Pedagogy, Technology Infrastructure, Student Support Services, Credit
transfer and Governance.
In respect of Alternative Modes of Delivery of Higher Education, the following
emerged as the major recommendations of the Conference:

Use of ICT in further development and growth of conventional and distance

mode of higher learning to reach the remote and less developed segments of
population areas.

Promotion of technical, vocational and professional education through ODL

with hands-on-experience in AICTE approved institutions.

Introduction of credit transfer system between and among the conventional

and ODL systems for meaningful convergence between the two modes.


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