Choate Self Assessment - Self-Assessment - Bulletin - Feature
Choate Self Assessment - Self-Assessment - Bulletin - Feature
Choate Self Assessment - Self-Assessment - Bulletin - Feature
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Sternberg and his collaborators interviewed students to nd out what kinds of situations
would arise where these qualities would come into
play, and then from that they devised test questions
to assess those abilities.
The rst group to be studied consisted
of the rst three years of students to take part in
the Icahn Scholars Program. The Icahn Scholars are
high-ability students from less advantaged backgrounds who receive a fully funded Choate education, supported by the Icahn Charitable Foundation
and/or the Foundation for a Greater Opportunity.
Later, the Sternberg team assessed the
entire incoming class. This gave the researchers a
larger, more representative sample to work with.
They also worked with more performance-based
questions, rather than just self-reporting items.
The team found ve attributes or mindsets to be
critical, in both the smaller study sample and the
larger, more diverse one:
a strong internal locus of control;
strong intrinsic motivation;
a strong sense of self-efcacy;
creative intelligence, as measured by questions
asking students to tell stories or solve problems;
and what the researchers called tacit knowledge
of the environment.
This last attribute speaks to young peoples
ability to read their surroundings and take cues
from the behavior of others. A high-performance
environment like Choate is a place where a lot of
things are just understood. For students like the
Icahn Scholars, for whom boarding schools were
unfamiliar, that ability to pick up signals is crucial.
But tacit knowledge is important for
all students.That Choate is a boarding school, for
instance, means that students have to cope not only
with the academic rigors but with new lines of
demarcation between school life and social life.
What does it mean to run into teachers not only
during the school day but evenings and weekends?
What does it mean to have a birthday party going
on next door in your dorm when you need to get a
report written or a set of math problems gured out?
The ndings of the research Sternberg and
a team have done at Choate and elsewhere could
effect revolutionary change in school and college
admissions, with profound follow-on effects in the
larger society. This fall, Harvard University Press will
publish Sternbergs latest book, College Admissions
in the 21st Century.
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