MLAExamHandbook 2014b EG
MLAExamHandbook 2014b EG
MLAExamHandbook 2014b EG
This handbook contains all the information and forms you need to apply for our entry level certification
exam. You are responsible for making sure you have the current version.
Check the CSMLS website for updates.
Read this handbook carefully
Contact Information
Canadian Society for Medical Laboratory Science
33 Wellington St N
Hamilton, ON
L8R 1M7
(905) 528-8642 or
(800) 263-8277
(905) 528-4968
Exam Administrators:
Ext. 8686 or Ext. 8683
The Canadian Society for Medical Laboratory Science (CSMLS) is the national certifying body for medical laboratory
technologists and medical laboratory assistants, and the national professional society for Canada's medical
laboratory professionals. As such, to maintain fairness to all our members we do not allow visitors at the CSMLS nor
do we accept documents personally delivered to our door.
ory Science (CSMLS) is the national certifyCSMLS no do we accept documents at our door
Verification of Eligibility
Admission to Examination Notice
Exam Site Changes
Address Change
Legal Name Change
Exam Cancellation
Failure to take the Exam
On Exam Day
Sample Questions
Privacy Policy
Provincial Associations
Medical laboratory professionals are dedicated to serving the health care needs of the public.
The welfare of the patient and respect for the dignity of the individual shall be paramount at
all times.
Medical laboratory professionals work with other health care professionals, to provide
effective patient care.
Medical laboratory professionals shall promote the image and status of their profession by
maintaining high standards in their professional practice and through active support of their
professional bodies.
Medical laboratory professionals shall protect the confidentiality of all patient information.
Medical laboratory professionals shall take responsibility for their professional acts.
Medical laboratory professionals shall practise within the scope of their professional
Medical laboratory professionals shall endeavour to maintain and improve their skills and
knowledge and keep current with scientific advances. They will uphold academic integrity in
all matters of professional certification and continuing education.
Medical laboratory professionals shall share their knowledge with colleagues and promote
Medical laboratory professionals shall be aware of the laws and regulations governing medical
laboratory technology and shall apply them in the practice of their profession.
Medical laboratory professionals shall practise safe work procedures at all times to ensure the
safety of patients and co-workers and the protection of the environment.
March 2014
OUR PURPOSE - To promote and maintain a nationally accepted standard of medical laboratory technology by
which other health professionals and the public are assured of effective laboratory services. We also promote,
maintain and protect the professional identity and interests of medical laboratory technologists and of the
CSMLS remains committed to continuing to build a clearly focused and proactive advocacy strategy. Medical
laboratory professionals deserve a voice that recognizes our professions strong contribution to the core of
Canadian health care. Our advocacy efforts are focused on two main audiences, the government and the general
Medical laboratory assistants perform important functions in laboratories across the country. The CSMLS
certification process provides a set of national standards to guide their professional practice and lays the foundation
for a professional culture that promotes pride, excellence and recognition. We believe that this improves the
quality of medical laboratory services and ultimately enchances patient care. The examination is based upon a
national competency profile and is available on the CSMLS website at
Professional Standards Council (PSC) - The Professional Standards Council is the policy recommendation
body for Certification, Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) and Standards of Practice. The PSC is responsible for all
matters relating to certification standards and policies. It has representitatives from each regulatory body and n
non-regulated provinces representation from provincial associations.
Discrimination Policy The CSMLS is an organization that does not discriminate for any reason including: age,
gender, race, ethnic origin, colour, religion, sexual orientation or marital status.
- The CSMLS exams are competency-based, testing what you can do and how well you can use your
knowledge, not just what you know. Competency profiles include exam blueprints, which show the topics that the
exam will test and the weighting for each topic. The competency profiles are available on the CSMLS website at
CSMLS uses three taxonomic levels for test questions based on Blooms classification; these are recall (knowledge),
application (comprehension and application), critical thinking (analysis, synthesis, evaluation). The majority of
questions on the exam test the application of knowledge.
The questions on the CSMLS exams are in multiple-choice format. The examination is 2.5 hours and is scheduled for
09:30-12:00. It is recommended that you arrive 30 minutes early.
May 2014
Exam Security and Confidentiality - All CSMLS exams are confidential between you and the CSMLS both
before and after administration. Exam invigilators must also protect confidentiality and security.
Breaches of exam security include cheating, copying, disclosing, publishing, reproducing or transmitting the exam in
whole or in part. This is not tolerated in any form or by any means, whether verbal, written, electronic or
mechanical, for any reason.
If you know of any breach of exam security, you must report it to the exam invigilator and/or the CSMLS Director of
Certification immediately. Any attempt to breach exam confidentiality by sharing details of the exam with others is
professional misconduct and will be dealt with accordingly.
You must sign the CSMLS Exam Security Agreement before the start of the exam and return it with your exam
materials. If we do not receive your signed Exam Security Agreement, your exam will not be marked. A sample of
the CSMLS Exam Security Agreement is in this handbook.
There are two ways to become eligible to write the CSMLS Certification Exam.
Option A: Successful completion (graduate) of a CMA-accredited Medical Laboratory Assistant (MLA)
education program (including programs that have applied for accreditation). You must complete all
program requirements before the exam date.
Option B: Be declared eligible through CSMLS Prior Learning Assessment (PLA). The PLA process for Medical
Laboratory Assistants is intended for MLAs that are currently working in Canada or have graduated from a
Canadian MLA program that has not been accredited by the Canadian Medical Association.
A CMA-accredited program is one that has met the requirements of the Conjoint Committee for
Accreditation of Educational Programs in Medical Laboratory Technology for the Canadian Medical
Recent Graduates - If you are a recent graduate that has successfully completed a CMA accredited
education program (including programs that have applied for accreditation), you will be eligible to
challenge the certification examination if your program completion (graduation) took place within the last
12 months prior to exam registration.
We will contact your educational institution on your behalf to verify that you have completed the program
requirements. If we are unable to verify program completion, you will be required to provide to us one of
the following at your own cost:
May 2014
May 2014
We will begin accepting applications one month before the application deadline date.
You will not be allowed to write the exam if you include false information on your application.
Name on Certificate - Please print your full name, including accents, as you wish it to appear on your
CSMLS certificate.
Newly Certified Members - We publish a list of new certified members every year.
May 2014
Eligibility Requirements - Select your eligibility route to write the CSMLS Certification exam.
Choose either:
Exam Site - Select your exam location from the list provided in this handbook and write the city and site
code on your application. Space is limited at some exam sites and some sites may be unavailiable for some
dates, so you may not be assigned to the site you choose.
We reserve the right to cancel an exam site if there are fewer than five (5) candidates
We reserve the right to assign you to your exam site
We reserve the right to monitor exam sites
Language of Exam We offer the exam in both English and French, please indicate your language of
preference on your exam application form. Your exam will be in the language you have indicated on your
application. Change of language preference will not be considered after the exam application deadline.
Collection, Use and Disclosure of Personal Information - You must complete this section of
the exam application. Carefully read the Important Information about the Collection, Use and Disclosure of
Your Personal Information.
Applicants Statement - You must read and complete this section of the exam application.
Submitting the Application and Fee You must include the following with your application:
a completed application form
full payment
Payment Methods - Your full exam fee must be submitted with your exam application.
You can pay by Canadian cheque, Canadian money order, Visa, MasterCard or American Express.
Make your cheque or money order payable to the Canadian Society for Medical Laboratory Science or CSMLS. If
your payment is returned for insufficient funds, you will be charged a $25.00 NSF fee. You will not be able to
challenge the exam until payment is received.
Complete the credit card portion of the application form for payment by Visa, MasterCard or American Express.
May 2014
Deadline Dates If you are applying to rewrite the exam, we will give you an alternate deadline date when we send
your exam results.
Exam Session
Application Deadline
February 28
March 31
April 30
June 30
July 31
August 31
October 31
November 30
December 31
Exam Fees The fee to write the MLA exam is $250.00 (Cdn).
If your application is postmarked after the deadline date, we will charge you a non-refundable late fee of $100
(Cdn). We will not accept applications postmarked after the LATE Deadline date.
We reserve the right to change fees without notice. All fees must be received in Canadian funds. Exam fees do not
include a certificate.
Mailing Information -
We are not responsible for lost or misdirected mail. We recommend that your
application is sent by courier service, so you can track it.
Courier Address
33 Wellington St N
Hamilton, ON L8R 1M7
Applications must be filled out completely and include the correct exam fee
or your application will be returned.
- The eligibility of ALL exam applicants is verified. If you do not meet eligibility
requirements, we will cancel your exam application.
May 2014
Admission to Examination Notice - Approximately two (2) weeks before the exam date, we will mail you
an Admission to Examination notification. The notice will provide you with exact exam location details. You must
bring your Admission to Examination notification to the exam site along with government issued photo
identification e.g. drivers license, passport.
You will not be admitted to the exam without presenting your Admission to Exam Notice. It is your responsibility to
contact us if you do not receive one prior to the exam. We will supply additional copies up until 16:30 EST on the
day before the exam. You will then be issued a new notice via email to the email address we have on file.
Exam Site Change - If you need to change your exam site, let us know immediately by sending the Request to
Change Exam Site form. We will do everything we can to change your site as long as we receive the form at least 30
days before the exam date. The Request to Change Exam Site form is on page 24 of this document.
Address Change - If you change your address, you must let us know by completing and sending the Name
and/or Address Change form. The form can be found online at or on page 25 of this document.
Unless you send this form, we will send all correspondence about your exam, including your exam results, to the
address written on your exam application.
Legal Name Change - If you change your name, you must let us know by completing and sending the Name
and/or Address Change Form. You must also send proof of your name change with the form. The form can be found
online at or on page 25 of this document.
Exam Cancellation - If you cannot take the exam and want to cancel your application, complete and submit the
Request for Exam Cancellation form. The Exam Cancellation form can be found on page 23 of this document.
If you cancel at least 30 days before the exam, you will receive a partial refund.
Failure to Take the Exam If you sign up for an exam and then cancel it, it will still be considered an eligible
attempt. If you do not show up for your exam you will have given up a chance to write the exam. This will be
considered as a fail. We will not refund your fee or give you a credit.
Disclaimer - You may come across websites or other locations that claim that they provide CSMLS exam
preparation aids, study guides or practice tests. The CSMLS does not provide study guides, practice tests or any
study aids of any kind. You need to develop your own study notes based on the CSMLS Competency Profile and the
blueprint. The CSMLS does not endorse any preparation / study aids that might be found on the internet nor any
that are offered by any other agencies or institutions.
May 2014
On Exam Day
Admission to the Exam
Before the Start of the Exam - The invigilator will have a list of exam candidates.
- The computer answer sheets are electronically marked. You must fill in the
answer sheets correctly using the pencil given to you.
A sample answer sheet is in this handbook. This sample shows the correct way to fill out the CSMLS identification
number and name. Do not complete the birth date, sex, grade or education sections.
Unforeseen Circumstances - If an exam is disrupted through circumstances beyond the control of the exam
site and the CSMLS (such as power failure or extreme weather), the invigilator or the person responsible for the site
will contact the CSMLS about adjusting the timing of the exam.
On exam day, if you cannot reach the exam site because of circumstances beyond your control, you must contact
the CSMLS before the exam begins.
If you arrive late, you will not be given extra time to finish the exam. You will not be allowed entry into the exam
after the first candidate has handed in their completed exam and has left the room.
At the End of the Exam - When you finish the exam, you must put the following materials in the return
Seal the envelope and put your ID# and signature on it. Hand the sealed envelope to the invigilator. Leave the
exam room with only the CSMLS pencil and calculator. You will not have access to your exam materials after you
have handed them to the invigilator.
May 2014
Bring your government issued photo ID and Admission to Exam Notice with you to the exam. You will not be
allowed entry to the exam without them.
You must not bring pens, pencils, pencil cases, food, beverages (including water), notes, textbooks, cell
phones, personal digital assistants (PDAs), pagers, watches and earplugs into the exam area. You will not be
allowed to wear a hat. All items including purses and backpacks must be left at the front of the room. The
CSMLS is not responsible for your personal items. Be considerate of others and turn off your cell phone.
Sweaters, jackets or hoodies without any pockets are allowed and may be subject to an examination.
You must sign the CSMLS Exam Security Agreement and return it with your exam materials. We will not
mark your exam if you do not sign this agreement. It is recommended that you sign the Exam Security
Agreement before beginning the exam.
The content of the examination is confidential between you and the CSMLS and is not to be discussed or
shared with anyone, including the exam invigilator.
If you are found using notes or reference material of any kind, you will be sent out of the exam immediately
and your exam papers will not be marked.
Each individual exam package is sealed with a CSMLS security tape and is to be opened only by you.
We will give you a calculator and a pencil for filling in the identification numbers and answers on the
computer answer sheet.
The invigilator will constantly supervise each exam session and you may be subject to video surveillance.
If you arrive late, you will not be given extra time to finish the exam.
Please use the washroom before beginning the exam. You will not be allowed to leave and re-enter during
the exam.
Candidates should use back pages of the test book for rough notes and calculations. Loose paper is not
You must stop writing immediately when the invigilator says time is up. We will not mark your exam if you
do not stop writing when instructed.
When you finish the exam, you must put the following materials in the return envelope (double check that
everything is in the envelope before you seal it):
You will not be allowed access to your exam materials once you have handed them in.
May 2014
- The computer answer sheets are electronically marked. We create quality control reports
during and after marking to ensure accuracy.
Results Results will be sent in the mail within 45 days of the exam date. We will send your statement of results
to you at the address provided on your application form, unless you send a Name and/or Address Change form. If
you do not receive your result within 60 days of the exam, let the CSMLS office know by sending us a letter, fax or
email. Our contact information is on the inside front cover of this handbook. You will be required to pay a service
fee for duplicate copies ($50 for members or $75 for non members).
Under no circumstances will we give or discuss exam results over the phone.
We report your exam result as pass or fail. You will not receive a percentage or numerical mark. We set the
pass mark for each exam using the Angoff method; therefore, the passing criteria is different for each exam.
CSMLS Certificate We will send your certificate when we process your Application for Membership and
Certificate. If you pass the exam, you will receive a Statement of Examination Results and an invitation to become a
certified member of the CSMLS. We provide certificates to members in good standing.
Holding a certificate is a privilege of membership. You must return your certificate to the CSMLS if you do not
renew your membership.
Bylaw 4.7.1 The holding of certificates of CSMLS certification shall be limited to those
persons who are members in good standing, or are honorary members of
the CSMLS, or those who have been granted an honorary Fellowship by
the Society.
Performance Report (bar chart) - If you do not pass the exam, you will receive a performance report (bar
chart) that shows how you did in each of the categories defined in the exam blueprint. This report may help you
prepare to write the exam again. If you pass the exam, you will not receive a performance report.
If you are a graduate from a MLA training program and you did not pass the exam, we encourage you to contact
your educational institution as they may be able to assist you in preparing for your next exam attempt.
May 2014
Manual Verification of Results Before we release exam results, we perform many quality control and
assurance checks to be sure your results are accurate. An error in your result is unlikely.
If you fail the exam, you can ask to have your result checked (manual verification).
We must receive your request in writing; be sure to include a payment of $150 (for members) or $200 (for nonmembers). All requests must be received in our office no later than 60 days after the exam date.
If you have submitted a request for manual verification of your result, do not wait for us to complete your request
before submitting your application to re-write the exam.
Applying for Rewrite - If you fail the exam and are eligible to write it again, we will automatically send you an
application form and an alternate deadline date. You are expected to come to the next available exam session.
September 2014 with examination candidates completing a medical laboratory technology (MLT) or
Medical Laboratory Assistant (MLA) program accredited by the Conjoint Committee for Accreditation
of Educational Programs in Medical Laboratory Technology for the Canadian Medical Association
(CMA). This also includes programs that have applied for accreditation.
Incomplete Certification (Time and Attempt Limit) - You cannot write the exam more than two (2)
consecutive (one after another) times within 12 months of initial eligibility. You will need to re-establish
after the second attempt for a total of three (3) attempts.
Initial eligibility is:
The first examination session available after a student completes a medical laboratory technology (MLT) or
assistant (MLA) program accredited by the Conjoint Committee for Accreditation of Educational Programs in
Medical Laboratory Technology for the Canadian Medical Association (CMA). This also includes programs
that have applied for accreditation. The candidates are also known as candidates from a CMA accredited
MLT or MLA program.
The first examination session available after a candidate receives an examination Eligibility Statement.
Re-Establishing Eligibility - CSMLS will review your bar charts to identify your areas of weakness. Once
your areas of weakness have been identified, you will be required to successfully complete an approved
Learning Plan. You will receive this Learning Plan by email.
May 2014
Learning Plan - Once you complete your Learing Plan and it is reviewed and deemed complete by an
assessor, you will be issued an Examination Eligibility statement. This Eligibility Statement will grant you
one (1) final attempt to the next available certification examination session.
Eligible Attempts - If you sign up for an exam and cancel it OR do not show up for your exam, it will be
considered an eligible attempt and considered a fail.
The Professional Standards Council (PSC) has implemented a policy about the number of times
any candidate can write the certification examination. Candidates have three (3) attempts at the
certification exam. After two (2) consecutive attempts an exam candidate must complete a
learning plan based on the outcome of the two previous examinations before attempting their
third (3rd) and final attempt at the certification exam. Candidates who exceed three (3) exam
attempts must complete a full CMA-accredited education program before writing the exam
Completed a CMA accredited MLT program and have started the examination process prior
to September 2014; or
Received an examination Eligibility Statement prior to January 1, 2014 that has not expired
You will have three (3) consecutive examination attempts within 12 months of this initial eligibility.
If you do not pass the exam after three (3) consecutive attempts, you will no longer be eligible to write the
exam. If you want to challenge the exam again, you will need to re-establish your exam eligibility.
Re-Establishing Eligibility - CSMLS will review your bar charts to identify your areas of weakness. Once
your areas of weakness have been identified, you will be required to successfully complete an approved
Learning Plan. You will receive this Learning Plan by email.
Learning Plan - Once you complete your Learing Plan and it is reviewed and deemed complete by an
assessor, you will be issued an Examination Eligibility statement. This Eligibility Statement will grant you
an additional three (3) consecutive attempts to the next available certification examination session for a
total of six (6) attempts.
May 2014
Use the Competency Profile as a guide when you study. The MLA Competency Profile is located on our website.
The CSMLS exams are competency-based, testing what you can do and on how well you use your knowledge, not
just what you know.
The Competency Profiles include the exam blueprint. The blueprint is a guideline that shows the exam weighting for
each category (how much each category is worth).
The CSMLS does not provide a study guide for any of our exams. You can download the Competency Profile and
Personal Competency Rating booklets from our web site at
There is a text book reference list also available on our website.
The CSMLS does not endorse any preparation / study aids that might be found on the internet nor any that are
offered by any other agencies or institutions. You need to develop your own study notes based on the CSMLS
Competency Profile and the blueprint.
Stay calm!
Bring these items:
a sweater, jacket or hoodie in case the room temperature is not comfortable for you
your Admission to Exam notice
your government issuedphoto ID (example: drivers license or passport)
Before the exam starts, the invigilator will give you a sealed exam package. It contains all your exam material,
including a pencil and calculator. The content of the examination is confidential between you and the CSMLS and is
not to be discussed or shared with anyone, including the exam invigilator.
It is recommended that your name and your CSMLS ID number clearly on the computer answer sheet provided and
on the exam book. You do not need to fill in your birth date, sex, grade or education. Do not leave this step until the
May 2014
You may make notes in the exam book.
May 2014
1. Each of the questions is followed by four suggested answers. Select the one that best answers the
2. Blacken the appropriate circle on the answer sheet.
3. Only one answer is acceptable for each question.
4. One (1) mark is allotted for each correct answer.
Blood agar
Selenite broth
May 2014
Fill in bubble completely
Bubbles not correct
May 2014
Finding out, or trying to find out, the contents of any exam question or paper to gain an unfair advantage
Stealing, buying or obtaining through bribery or conspiracy an exam question or paper before the
established exam date and time
Sharing details of the exam with others through any means before, during or after the exam
Having or using notes or any other tools or sources of information during an exam
Copying, disclosing, publishing, reproducing or transmitting the exams in whole or in part, in any form or by
any means, whether verbal, written, electronic or mechanical, for any reason
If you know of any breach of exam security, you must report it to the exam invigilator and/or the CSMLS Director of
Certification immediately. Any attempt to breach exam confidentiality by sharing details of the exam with others is
professional misconduct, and we will deal with it accordingly.
Violators may be dismissed from the testing centre, invalidation of exam results or certification and fees withheld.
We may cancel your certification if we verify that you have breached exam security.
Print Name
By completing the examination application form you are agreeing to all aspects of the above Exam Security
Agreement. You will also sign a copy of this agreement when you write the exam.
May 2014
If you cancel at least 30 days before the exam, you will receive a partial refund.
You will lose this exam attempt
There is a $100 non-refundable processing fee
We do not refund late fees
We do not refund non-member surcharges
If you cancel your exam less than 30 days before the exam you will not receive a refund
Please refer to the section of the Exam Handbook entitled Exam Cancellation
CSMLS#: ________________________
First Name
Middle Initial
Postal Code
Telephone No.
Fax No.
Email Address
Exam Discipline:
Clinical Genetics
Diagnostic Cytology
May 2014
We will do everything we can to change your site, but we cannot guarantee that we will be able to
do so.
Ms Mr
CSMLS#: ________________________
First Name
Middle Initial
Postal Code
Telephone No.
Fax No.
Email Address
Exam Discipline:
Clinical Genetics
Diagnostic Cytology
Exam site #:
Exam site #:
May 2014
If you change your name or address, you must let us know by sending in this form.
Unless you send this form, we will send all correspondence about your exam, including the exam results, to
the address written on your exam application.
If you have changed your name, you must also send proof of the change with this form.
Miss Mrs Ms
CSMLS#: _____________________
First Name
Middle Initial
First Name
Middle Initial
Miss Mrs Ms
CSMLS#: _____________________
NEW Address
First Name
Middle Initial
Postal Code
Telephone No.
Fax No.
Email Address
May 2014
May 2014
Item #
Judge 1
Judge 6
May 2014
Important Information About the
Collection, Use and Disclosure of Your Personal Information
CSMLS is committed to protecting our members
privacy. This commitment is clearly stated in our
mission statement: We value the equality, dignity,
diversity and privacy of all. It is also reflected in our
business practices. This information sheet describes
how CSMLS collects, uses, shares and protects the
personal information gathered from its members.
May 2014
301-9426 51 Avenue NW
Edmonton, AB T6E 5A6
t. 780 435 5452 ext 225
f. 780 437 1442
Courier Address
Mailing Address
201-2124 Broad St
PO Box 3837
Regina, SK
Regina, SK
S4P 1Y5
S4P 3R8
PO Box 1812
Moncton, NB E1C 9X6
Telephone: (506) 758-9956
Fax: (506) 758-9963
205 - 25 Wentworth St
Dartmouth, NS B2Y 2S7
Telephone: (902) 453-9605
Fax: (902) 454-3535
May 2014
BC Society of Laboratory Science, (BCSLS)
858 London St
Winnipeg, MB R2K 2Z6
Telephone: (204) 669-9050
Fax: (204) 667-1747
May 2014
E09-L Charlottetown
E10-L Corner Brook
E11-L St Johns
Nova Scotia
E12-L Halifax
E13-L Saint John
New Brunswick
E14-L Moncton
E41-L Hamilton
E43-L Windsor
E44-L Kingston
(June Only)
E45-L Toronto
E53-N Brandon
E61-L Saskatoon
E62-L Regina
E72-L Calgary
E73-L Edmonton
British Columbia
E82-L Surrey
Space is limited at some exam sites, so you may not be assigned to the site you choose.
We reserve the right to cancel an exam site if there are fewer than five (5) candidates.
We reserve the right to assign you to your exam centre.
Some exam sites may not be available for your exam session.
We reserve the right to monitor exam sites.
May 2014
CSMLS ID:________________________
First Name
Middle Initial
Postal Code
Telephone No.
Fax No.
Please print your full name here, including accents, as you wish it to appear on your CSMLS certificate
Yes, I would like my name to be included on the newly certified member list that is published in the CJMLS.
Language: English
Option A
Graduate from a CMA training program:
Eligibility Route:
(Select Route)
Name of Institution
Date of Completion
Option B
CSMLS Prior Learning Assessment Candidate
Privacy Agreement - I have read the privacy agreement and accept the terms with the following options:
Applicants Statement:
I declare that the above information is true and hereby apply to write the CSMLS certification exam.
I have read and agree to abide by the examination handbook: policies, procedures, security agreement, rules and eligibility requirements.
I understand that final acceptance to the certification examination depends on successfully meeting all eligibility requirements.
I understand there is a non-refundable portion of the exam fee.
I understand that the exam fee does not include a certificate copy
Print Name
Exp. Date:
Payments must be in Canadian funds. Acceptable forms of payment are Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Canadian cheque or Canadian money order.
Make your cheque or money order payable to the Canadian Society for Medical Laboratory Science, or CSMLS.
If your payment is returned to us for insufficient funds, you will be charged a $25.00 NSF fee. .
Canadian Society for Medical Laboratory Science
Address: 33 Wellington St N Hamilton, On, L8R 1M7
T: (905) 528-8642 or (800) 263-8277 F: (905) 528-4968
May 2014
Apply Online
Before mailing your application, make sure you:
February 28
March 31
Final Deadline
For Late Applications
April 30
June 30
July 31
August 31
October 31
November 30
December 31