Bleeding Gums and Chinese Medicine
Bleeding Gums and Chinese Medicine
Bleeding Gums and Chinese Medicine
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Bleeding gums
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golden thread
27/04/2015 22:11
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TCM has a long history of using mouth washes for oral and
throat diseases, some early applications can be found in
famous TCM classics. Prescriptions Worth a Thousand
Gold for Emergencies (wrote by Sun Simiao in 581-682AD)
states: mouth washes that made by bamboo shavings and
vinegar, or Manchurian wildginger and liquorice root can
reduce gum bleeding; salty pine needle solution can relieve
swollen and painful gums; while solution that made by
rehmannia root, pubescent angelica root and wine can treat
loose teeth and sore gums. Compendium of Materia Medica
(wrote by Li Shizhen in 1578AD) states: solution that made
by Dahurian angelica root and medicinal evodia fruits can
relieve acute toothache; and Dahurian angelica root and
Sichuan lovage rhizome solution can reduce bad breath.
Since mouth rinsing remedies work on the localized lesions,
individuals can sometimes attain a faster and more direct
result than drinking decoctions. They can also avoid
unnecessary drug stimulations to the gastrointestinal tract.
In TCM, mouth washes are usually prescribed for conditions
like pharyngitis, tonsillitis, periodontitis, toothache and
mouth sores.
During practice, physicians will prescribe specifically
according to individual conditions. The solution is usually
gargled in the mouth for 1 to 2 minutes each time. There is
no need to rinse with water afterwards, and remember not
to eat immediately. Do this 3 to 5 times a day. Some herbal
preparations that are suitable for making mouth washes for
bleeding gums are:
Humifuse euphorbia herb (di jin
cao, 12g), wolfberry root-bark
(15g) and rehmannia root (15g);
Common scouring rush herb (mu
zei, 30g); and yerbadetajo herb
Psoralea (30g);
Gypsum (30g), Amur corktree
bark (15g), gallnet of Chinese
sumac (15g) and black catechu
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The herbs are boiled with 500ml water for 20 minutes, and
then use the solution to rinse the mouth daily.
3. Home care advice for bleeding gums
Prevention is better than cure. Your life habits and diet have
an enormous effect on the overall condition of your gums. It
is advised to maintain a balanced lifestyle with ample sleep,
adequate nutrition and regular exercise. Healthy oral
hygiene habits include:
Drink water after eating to wash away the food residue
and make it less likely to buildup plaque on the teeth.
Quit smoking and eliminate snacks between meals, since
these are common risk factors for the development of
gum disease.
Reduce stress, a stressful body results in fluctuated
hormonal levels and thus increase sensitivity of the gums.
Eat plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits.
A simple and bland diet. Over consumption of alcohol and
foods that are heavily spicy, greasy and hard not only
damage the gums directly, they also bring about heat
pathogens which accumulate in the stomach and
intestines. The heat pathogens will then irritate the gums
through the meridians.
There is an ancient way for promoting teeth and gums
health, in the morning and night before brushing teeth, use
your brush or fingers to rub the gums for 2-3 minutes,
followed by knocking against the upper jaw and lower jaw
for 30-50 times. These will help the blood circulation in the
tooth bed and to firm the teeth.
27/04/2015 22:11