Mutants & Masterminds Spawn

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Hell isnt just a place you

can go if your bad it can

also reach out and take you.

Power Level: 19

Concept: Redeemed Hellspawn

Occupation: Ex Assassin, Agent of Good




















Atk Bonus


















Atk Bonus

Acrobatics (Dex) +4, Bluff (Cha) +2, Climb (Str) +10, Demolitions (Int) +5,
Disable Device (Int) +4, Drive (Dex) +3, Escape Artist (Dex) +3, Hide (Dex)
+4, Intimidate (Str) +14, Listen (Wis) +2, Move Silently (Dex) +4, Spot
(Wis) +2, Survival (Wis) +2


Dmg Bonus
+9/+14 S/L

Real Name: Al Simmons
Height: 6 4
Weight: 225 lb.
Eyes: Glowing Green
Hair: None
Birthplace: Unknown
Group Affiliation: None
Headquarters: Mobile
Wanda Simmons
Other Aliases: None
Marital Status: Single
First Appeared: Spawn #1

Accurate Attack, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Far Shot, Iron Will,
Infamy, Move by Attack, Power Attack, Startle, Takedown Attack,

Fists & Armor






Al was born to loving middle class parents who lived in a quiet
neighborhood outside of Pittsburgh. he grew up like any other
kid, going to school, and playing a few sports. However, his
competitive nature set him apart. He was always driven to win
and accepted no less than total victory in everything he did,
whether it was on the ball field, or just having a conversation.
He would never start a debate unless he could get his point
across. To Al, there was no pint in starting anything if there
was no way he could win. Al went from High School straight to
College where he was first noticed and then recruited to the
CIA. As part of his new job, he joined the military, rapidly going
up through the ranks, and gaining a place on a special elite unit
set to guard the president. While on duty with this unit, he
saved the President from an assassin's bullet for which he was
rewarded a huge promotion to Lieutenant Colonial. His combat
skills and aptitude for quick learning brought him to the
attention of Jason Wynn who became his personal mentor,
drawing him publicly into the intelligence community. Jason
Wynn was a master of manipulation, and led Al Simmons into
believing, at least at first, that everything they did had a

Flat Footed

Super Strength +5: Spawns Necroplasmic Hellspawn form grants tremendous strength, adding
his rank to all Damage with melee attacks, all Strength based skill checks and Strength checks.
Each rank also doubles his carrying capacity, he currently has 32 times his normal carrying
capacity [Power Stunt Lethal; Source: Mystical; Cost: 4 pp].
Super Constitution +5:
Spawns Necroplasmic Hellspawn form also provides phenomenal
endurance and stamina adding its power rank to all Damage and Fortitude saves, resisting
physical harm, recovering from damage and Con checks [Source: Mystical; Cost: 4 pp].
Armour +10: The Necroplasmic form is tough, allowing Spawn to reduce its power rank from
the Damage bonus before the Damage save is made. The Necroplasmic form also provides a rank
number of immunities, currently it provides Immunity to Suffocation, Pressure, Cold, Disease,
Poison, Electricity, Radiation, Fire, Corrosion, Critical Hits [Power Stunt: Penetration vision,
Darksight; Extra: Immunity; Source: Mystical; Cost: 2 pp].
Disintegration +8 (Necroplasmic Blasts): Spawns is capable of emitting powerful Necroplasmic
Disturbing: As a Hellspawn his appearance is so strange that he suffers a 5 penalty on all Bluff
and Diplomacy checks. He also cannot pass in normal society without causing panic.
Hunted: As a Hellspawn who turned away from evil to become an Agent for good, he has thereby
declared himself an enemy to the demonic hordes who will all attack him on sight and also hunt
for him
Spawn is something of a tragic hero, a man who believed he was doing good in life by killing the
bad guys for his country only to discover he had been used to kill the good and then tricked into
being killed by the minions of Malbolgea and A-6 causing him to be cast into Hell and lose his
family. He was played and he knows it, now an Agent for good he seeks to do the right thing and
thwart and destroy the forces of hell from succeeding in their battle with heaven.



purpose and was for the good of American Security. The

missions became bloodier with fewer rational explanations,
some even causing civil wars. What was once a strong
friendship, or so it appeared to naive Al, rapidly deteriorated as
Simmons began to question his commander Wynn and his
motives. This continuous butting of heads would not be
tolerated by the likes of Jason Wynn, nor would it go
unpunished. It was a mission just like the eight previous, where
Al was going to kill in the name of his government when he was
turned on by two of his fellow agents, Chapel and Priest, ironic
names at best. The two agents opened fire on Al with laser
weapons, burning him beyond recognition. Al had been set up by
Jason Wynn because he'd become a thorn in the man's side. Al
Simmons was buried with great media fanfare because he'd
been their darling ever since his televised rescue of the
president many months before. He was a hero, his coffin draped
in an American flag that was given to his widow Wanda Blake
while the country watched. Stories ran for days of the lad
buried in Arlington National Cemetery who'd risked and lost his
life, all in the name of his country. But existence didn't end for
Al when his treacherous comrades burned him. At the moment
of his death, he made a pact that he'd later barely recall. Al
had always had an Achilles' heel, ill afforded to a killer in his
position. Al loved his wife beyond bearing and the deal hinged
upon this. Though he was an atheist at the time of his death, Al
would do anything to see his wife again and the Malebolgia took
him at his word. In a split-second, or so it seemed, he was
returned to earth. Al Simmons had now become an officer in
training, one of Malebolgia's handpicked Hellspawn for this
century, bound to a symbiotic uniform and infused with hellborn energy. Al was able to follow orders, had killer instinct,
and was willing to make the bargain; all of the Malebolgia's
requirements. At first, Al was disoriented which was part of
the Malebolgia's training plan. What had seemed only a second
was actually five years. Soon, was beginning to learn however,
taught both by a demon chaperone, and with some knowledge
from the Malebolgia himself Al was faced with the choice of
doing nothing with his new powers or using them, for good or
for ill. If he did nothing, he would be allowing evil to continue
and that would help serve hell. But he also know that if he
became a force for good and killed those that were evil with his
hell-born energy, as his instincts told him to, he would just
increase the population on the armies in Hell readying for battle
with Heaven. And even if he became evil, and used the power,
accepting what he had become, he became that much more
valuable to hell. Worst of all for Al, Hell is not content to wait
for him to make his decision. His Guardian demon, the Clown, is
there to dog his steps and push and prod him. This demon, who
transforms into the hideously disfigured Violator, a creature
born in the pits of hell, has chosen to target the loved ones
from Al's life, and to put Al at odds with law enforcement and
humanity in general. Spawn is hounded by them now, as the mob,
the government and the cops all seek to stop this "cloaked
enemy of society". It is this harassment that Hell hopes will
drop the Hellspawn back to his instincts, those of a
government-trained assassin, who would kill without questioning
and act without thinking. But it turns out that Al's Achilles'
heel is Hell's as well. He loved his wife and came back to see
her. He has discovered that she is remarried, to his best
friend, Terry Fitzgerald who was able to give her the child he
never could. Although frustrated, he realizes that she is happy
and so he's moved on to search for a new identity and a way to
come to terms with his new condition. His love for her was so
deep that it actually helped salve some of his wounds and he's
begun to heal spiritually. He now has to find a way to go on,
because this game too, must have a way to win. The easiest and
most immediate purpose he sees is to exact revenge on Jason
Wynn, whom he discovered, ordered his death.

Vehicle Type:
Armour Bonus:







blasts from his eyes, hands and body, which on a successful ranged attack roll reduce the
hardness of an object by power rank or do lethal damage vs a living target equal to power rank
[Extras: Disruption; Source: Mystical; Cost: 3 pp].
Flight +8: Spawns Cloak allows him to fly without any visible means of support, it writhes and
flutters around him as he moves. He can fly at 5 .ft per rank base speed, twice that as a full
round action and four times that as a Sprint action [Source: Mystical; Cost: 2 pp].
Healing +10 (Resurrection): Spawns Necroplasmic nature can be used to return people to life,
who have been dead only a short time. As a half action he can make a healing check (DC 30) on
anyone who has been dead for not more than (power rank) minutes. If successful the person is
alive and disabled, but stabilised. If failed they are gone, dead for good [Extras: Resurrection;
Flaws: LimitedResurrection Only, Others only; Source: Mystical; Cost: 2 pp].
Invisibility +5: Spawns Cloak can form shapes over and around him and take on the textures
and appearance of those things, effectively allowing him to become invisible, blending with his
surroundings. Characters within 5 feet can attempt a Spot check DC10 + PR to detect Spawn.
Spawn receives a +2 bonus to attacks against those unaware he is there and they lose all Dodge
bonus to Defence. People attempting to attack him while hidden must guess his location and even
if correct still miss 50% of the time [Flaws: LimitedMust be stationary; Source: Mystical;
Cost: 1 pp].
Natural WeaponSpikes/Claws +5: Spawns Necroplasmic form can have spikes extend from
any part of it with a mere thought. These spikes inflict a power rank lethal damage bonus,
anyone striking spawn while his spikes are extended must immediately make a DC15 + PR Damage
save or take damage [Extras: Quills; Source: Mystical; Cost: 3 pp].
Regenration +5: Spawns Necroplasmic form regenerates damage extremely quickly allowing
Spawn phenomenal regenerative abilities, regaining power rank in stun and lethal hits every
minute (ten rounds), in place of the normal stun hit all characters recover. (10 ranks
regeneration allows regeneration of one hit every round). He adds his regeneration rank as a
bonus to Constitution checks to recover from being unconscious and to his fortitude saves to
avoid dying and to his stabilisation checks. Should Spawn be disabled he gets a Constitution
check on the following round to recover, with a bonus equal to his power rank. If this check fails
he must wait a day to attempt to recover again, but receives his power rank as a bonus on all
recovery checks. Spawns regeneration is so potent it can bring him back from the brink of
death by making a Regeneration check (DC30). He receives only one attempt (although can spend
hero points on the effort). If successful he becomes disabled (but stable), if it fails he dies
[Extra: Back from the Brink; Source: Mystical; Cost: 3 pp].
Shape Matter +10: Spawns Necroplasmic cloak can reshape at Spawns whim into any form he
desires, its composition however does not alter, although it may appear like steel it still only has
the same strength as the Necroplasmic form normally has, meaning its Hardness remains equal to
its power rank [Flaws: LimitedCloak only; Source: Mystical; Cost: 1 pp].
Teleportation +5: Spawns can use his Hellspawn power to move him instantly from one place to
another up to 5 .ft per rank as a half action, twice that as a full action and 16 times that as a
Sprint action, but he loses his dodge bonus to defence due to disorientation the round after and
may only teleport to places seen or known well. He may carry up to 50 .lbs per power rank of
objects or a character with him when he teleports [Extras: Extended Teleport x 2; Source:
Mystical; Cost: 4 pp].
WeaponChains +5: Spawns Necroplasmic form can extend grasping/piercing chains from his
body, which on a successful ranged attack roll can do rank lethal damage at up to normal range.
They can also be used on a ranged attack roll, which if successful requires the target to make a
Reflex save (DC10+PR), failure meaning they are considered entangled suffering a 2 penalty to
attack rolls and a 4 penalty to Dexterity, the target cannot move either. A second successful
snare attack with the chains renders the entangled creature bound and helpless. The target is
completely unable to move and attackers gain a +4 bonus to hit them and they lose all dodge
bonus to Defence and their Dexterity is treated as if it were 0. A target can break the chains
by damaging them, they make Damage saves like inanimate objects and have a hardness equal to
power rank [Extras: Snare; Source: Mystical; Cost: 2 pp].



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