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Extending The Fatigue Life of Bridges Using Stressonic Needle Peening

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Extending the Fatigue Life

of Bridges Using Stressonic

Needle Peening
Sylvain Forgues

he recent tragic collapse of the Minnesota Bridge has

reminded us of the importance of quality design, manufacturing and inspection in our daily work. The NTSB will make their
full investigation and report, but with the first information
relating the accident to corrosion and fatigue cracking, it also
raises the question whether a technology such as peening
might have been used on this type of welded structure.
The Electronics Inc. reference library has over 120 papers on
the subject of peening welded structure (www.shotpeener.
com/learning/welds.htm). I would like to take this opportunity
to look at the advantages of a special technique, called
Stressonic needle peening, to extend the fatigue life of
welded metallic structure.

Figure 1. Effect of Peening of Fatigue Life

It uses the Stressonic process (Figure 2) where electrical
energy is transferred to mechanical vibration through a piezoelectric sensor. This sensor vibrates at ultrasonic frequencies
(20-40 kHz) but with a very small displacement. The displacement is therefore amplified through a series of boosters to
provide useful mechanical movement to needles that perform
the peening.
The central unit of the StressVoyager weighs approximately 44lbs and is often moved around on a small wheeled
cart as shown in Figure 3. It requires normal 110V current and


Fatigue life extension programs are common in aerospace for
aircraft structure and have been used successfully on almost
every major fleet. The first step of a program is to assess the
damage at critical locations and decide on which action to
take. When light damage is found, it is usually removed and
the part strengthened in some way. When damage is too
extensive, the part is simply replaced altogether. Repairing
damage or replacing a part can be very expensive. The key to
such a program is to perform improvements before the onset
of significant damage. The approach has to be preventative
instead of corrective to minimize costs and maximize benefits.
The approach used in aerospace can also be used to extend
the life of welded metallic structure.
Peening is one of the best preventative treatments available to increase fatigue life. It is very inexpensive compared to
replacing or reinforcing a structure and can extend the life of
a part or component multiple times. To improve fatigue life
significantly, peening must be performed in the initiation
phase of a crack development. When cracks are initiating, the
compressive residual stress generated by the peening will
slow the crack formation. If crack lengths are beyond the
compressive layer, the peening will have little impact.
Fortunately, the initiation phase of a crack is usually 2 to 3
times longer than the propagation phase (see Figure 1). This
provides plenty of opportunities for applying a peening program.
Studies (Ref.1-2) have shown that by blending the
surface and re-peening at fixed intervals, the fatigue life of a
component is extended more than with a single peening
application. This is the objective of a Fatigue Life Extension
Programs whether for aircraft structure or on welded metallic
structures used in many bridges.
Because of access constraints, peening the welded structure
of a bridge requires small portable equipment that is easy-touse, generates deep compressive residual stresses and will not
leave behind media that can contaminate the environment.
Sonats has developed such a machine called the StressVoyager.

Figure 2. Stressonic Needle Peening Process

Continued on page 6

Fall 2007

The Shot Peener

The residual stress profile was measured using X-ray

diffraction after the needle peening operation. The results can
be seen in Figure 5. Results indicate a deep compressive stress
level (-45Ksi) at the surface and a total depth of compression
of roughly 0.070. This large depth of compression ensures
that the needle peening will be effective when cracks initiate.


Continued from page 4

Figure 5. Compressive Residual Stress Distribution

Following Needle Peening
Fatigue testing of welded specimens have confirmed the
effectiveness of the needle peening process. The fatigue life of
the specimens were evaluated both in the as welded and
the needle peened condition. At a delta stress level of 60ksi,
the needle peening provides a fatigue life improvement of 15x
over the welded condition. This tapers off with higher
levels, but is even more important at lower stress levels usually
seen in bridges.

Figure 3. StressVoyager for Needle Peening

Figure 4. Needle Peening Head

Figure 6. Fatigue Life Comparison of As Welded and

Needle Peened Structure

a small quantity of compressed air to cool the peening head.

The peening gun weighs roughly 9lbs and feels like a large
drill. A needle head is installed at the tip of the gun to do the
actual peening (Figure 4). Different sizes of peening needles
and head geometries can be used depending on the application. For example, a special angled head has been designed
for locations with limited access. The larger needles, also
called spherils, have a diameter of 0.197 and can generate
an intensity of 0.028C or more.

This fatigue data could also be looked at from a different

angle. Federal Highway Administration Statistics (Ref. 4) report
a continuous increase in the weight of heavy truck on U.S.
roads over the last 35 years. Needle peening can be used to
compensate such a weight increase. For a fixed number of
cycles, Figure 6 shows that needle peening can withstand a
higher stress level. At 10 million cycles, for example, needle
peening can withstand a 68% increase in the stress level over
welding alone. Using needle peening on bridges would result
in an increased level of safety at a very minimal cost.


A StressVoyager was used to peen joints representative of
welded steel structure (Ref. 3). The needle peening was
performed using 0.157 diameter spherils, with a 100%
coverage. To achieve optimum benefits and adequate coverage, each weld toe was treated as well as 34 of the plate on
each side of the weld.

Stressonic needle peening is a great technique to re-establish
or extend the life of bridges and other welded structures. The
best and most cost-effective approach is to needle peen the
welds during the initial fabrication or as a preventative measure before degradation becomes too significant.
Continued on page 8

Fall 2007

The Shot Peener

Why bridge welds

are important


Continued from page 6

The StressVoyager is a clean, easy-to-use and very effective tool to increase fatigue life. Testing of welded structure
has shown that it provides deep compressive residual stresses
and a significant fatigue life improvement.
Used to either prolong the useful life of bridges or to
safeguard against ever increasing loads, needle peening is a
cost effective technique to increase the safety of our aging

After the bridge collapse in Minneapolis, hundreds of older

steel bridges in the U.S. were carefully inspected. Deserving
of particular attention were bridges, like the Minneapolis
bridge, that were built in the 1960s with welded joints.
Earlier steel bridges were bolted together but welding was
cheaper, easier and provided more flexibility in how the
pieces could be assembled. However, engineers at that time
had a limited understanding of how welded joints endured
time and stress.
Research in the 1970s revealed that certain welded
components were vulnerable to metal fatigue. The I-35W
Minneapolis bridge included these types of welded components in locations that were fracture-critical, meaning that
a break in that spot would probably lead to a collapse.
However, engineers can design redundant bridges that are
not vulnerable to the failure of a single part. Fracture-critical
bridges are still being designed and built today, and old
bridges with fracture-critical components can be rehabilitated
instead of replaced, say civil engineers.1
There are more than 750 bridges with steel deck trusses,
similar to the I-35W, in use in the United States at this time.

1) Forgues, S., Internal report, L-3 MAS Canada.
2) Kohls, J.B, Cammett, J.T., Gunderson, A.W., Effect of Multiple Shot
Peening/Cadmium Plating Cycles on High Strength Steel.
3) Bousseau, M., Millot, T., Fatigue Life Improvement of Welded Structures by
Ultrasonic Needle Peening Compared to TIG Dressing.
4) US Department of Transportation, Comprehensive Truck Size and Weight

Sylvain Forgues has a Bachelors degree in

Mechanical Engineering and a Masters degree
in Applied Mechanics where he studied the beneficial effects of coldworking through 3D non-linear finite element analysis, residual stress measurement by x-ray diffraction and experimental
fatigue testing. He started his career at
Bombardier Aerospace in Research and
Development and worked on the Aircraft Structural Integrity Program
(ASIP) of the CF-18. After 5 years, he transferred to the commercial side
where he was in charge of structural in-service issues for the fuselage of
the CRJ-200 fleet. In 2002, he became Section Chief of the R&D,
Robotics and Software department at L-3 MAS where his team developed
and marketed an on-aircraft robotic shot peening system used on the CF18 and on the CRJ-700.
Mr. Forgues has more recently formed his own company, Shockform
Incorporated, which provides innovative fatigue life improvement technologies to companies in Aerospace, Energy and Transportation sectors.
Shockform works with Sonats to market Stressonic Peening technology
in North America.
You may contact Mr. Forgues by phone at (450) 430-8000 or by
e-mail to sylvain.forgues@shockform.com. Mr. Forgues will be presenting Stressonic peening at the next EI workshop in Arizona and will be
available for discussion at the Sonats booth #3.

The New York Times, August 4, 2007

UIT process on
welds is studied
Considerable research is being conducted on the use of
Ultrasonic Impact Treatment (UIT) on welded joints. Weve
posted one of these papers at www.shotpeener.com by three
researchers from the University of Stuttgart, Germany.
This paper was presented at the 2005 International
Association for the Bridge and Structural Engineering
Symposium in Lisbon, Portugal. The summary follows.
Rehabilitation of Welded Joints by UIT
Due to increasing traffic and life, loading fatigue becomes of
high relevance in order to maintain the integrity of existing
steel bridge structures. Poor construction details which used
to be regarded as less important when applied to road bridges
are nowadays often the starting point of fatigue cracks.
Repair and strengthening of welded details are thus of great
importance in order to extend the life time and safety of
existing bridges. For welded details under fatigue loading
one effective possibility to do this is the application of local
post-weld treatment methods. This paper presents the application of a relatively new post-weld treatment method called
Ultrasonic Impact Treatment(UIT). The paper summarizes
the results obtained on a series of experimental fatigue tests
where UIT has been applied in order to extend the life time
of partially damaged non-load carrying fillet welded joints.

Mastering Shot Peening

Singapore Workshop
Date: March 25-26, 2008
Location: Pan Pacific Hotel
FAA accrediated program
Visit www.electronics-inc.com for more information
or call 1-574-256-5001

Fall 2007

(For complete paper, go to www.shotpeener.com)

The Shot Peener

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