Asia International Auctioneers vs. CIR
Asia International Auctioneers vs. CIR
Asia International Auctioneers vs. CIR
Whether or not the contention of the CIR that AIA is disqualified from availing
itself of the Tax Amnesty Program because it is "deemed" a withholding agent
for the deficiency taxes.
No, the contention of the CIR is untenable.
The CIR did not assess AIA as a withholding agent that failed to withhold or
remit the deficiency VAT and excise tax to the BIR under relevant provisions of
the Tax Code. Hence, the argument that AIA is "deemed" a withholding agent
for these deficiency taxes is fallacious.
Indirect taxes, like VAT and excise tax, are different from withholding taxes. To
distinguish, in indirect taxes, the incidence of taxation falls on one person but
the burden thereof can be shifted or passed on to another person, such as
when the tax is imposed upon goods before reaching the consumer who
ultimately pays for it. On the other hand, in case of withholding taxes, the
incidence and burden of taxation fall on the same entity, the statutory
taxpayer. The burden of taxation is not shifted to the withholding agent who
merely collects, by withholding, the tax due from income payments to entities
arising from certain transactions and remits the same to the government. Due
to this difference, the deficiency VAT and excise tax cannot be "deemed" as
withholding taxes merely because they constitute indirect taxes. Moreover,
records support the conclusion that AIA was assessed not as a withholding
agent but, as the one directly liable for the said deficiency taxes.