Baby Signs
Baby Signs
Baby Signs
The word classically represents exchange of an idea from one person to another.
Gestures, sounds, pictures, body language, facial expressions, speech and the
written word are all ways to communicate.
It is a system of communication utilizing symbol systems with specific rules of
use. They may be verbal (any spoken language) or non verbal(sign)
This means a vocal combination of sounds patterned on the basis of a
meaningful vocabulary.
Communication exists from day 1 when the baby is able to express his needs
via his crying and facial expressions. Language develops after a few months
when babies start to use complex integration to convey meaning like looking at
the object you are talking about, understanding simple instructions like"come
here" or "no". Speech is the last to develop and it requires enough databases of
sounds associated with objects and actions of daily use. This is when the child
starts using sound combinations consistently to represent entities. Eg: "pa" for
Sign Language:
What does it mean?
Sign language is a way to expressing using hand and finger combinations.
There are several types of sign languages, mostly according to the country of
origin. We are going to talk about signs from American Sign Language (ASL)
here. But remember since we are using signs as a form of communication till
speech develops, none of these signs have to be followed perfectly. You can
design your own sign as most of the communication has a cultural and familial
When can you start?
Typically babies get vocal (apart from cooing) around 6-8months. You will also
notice that they are showing preferences in their daily routines, like looking for
their favorite toy or book, getting excited when you start changing because they
know they are going out or playing with food during meal times. This is the ideal
time to start using sign. Now brain processing is shifting gears. Information is
being analyzed for its use rather than just whether its safe or not. The baby can
actually understand the need for a bilateral flow of communication rather than
just meeting of basic needs. The arm and finger movements needed to learn the
signs are not developed enough before this time as well.
Quick checklist: If your baby is doing any of these, you can start.
Your baby will start using at least gross signs and have fewer frustrations while
They will look for the object if you occasionally just sign without words (this
would be a one-off event. Please make sure you are always talking and signing)
Baby will imitate signs back
Here is a link to a chart with some examples of baby signs. Remember, these
are just guidelines. Improvise to what suits your baby's needs and abilities.
There are more charts and pictures on this site to use for your own charts.
By making signing fun and a part of your song and dance routine, children will
pick up signs faster and lay the foundation for language.