A Reliable Routing Technique For Wireless Sensor Networks
A Reliable Routing Technique For Wireless Sensor Networks
A Reliable Routing Technique For Wireless Sensor Networks
Veena H.S
Dept. of ECE
BIT, Bangalore, India
Abstract: Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) consists of very large number of sensor nodes which are deployed close to the area which
is to be monitored so as to sense various environmental conditions. WSN is a data-driven network which produces large amount of data
and also sensor nodes are energy-limited devices and their energy consumption is mainly associated with data routing. Therefore it is
necessary to perform redundant data aggregation so as to save energy. In this work data aggregation is achieved with the help of two key
approaches namely Clustering approach and In-network data aggregation. These two approaches help to save energy and thereby
increasing the lifetime of the network. The proposed work has some key features like reliable cluster formation, high data aggregation
rate, priority of packets, minimized overhead, multiple routes, reduced energy consumption which enhance the network lifetime. The
performance evaluation of the proposed approach is carried out using Network Simulator- version 2.
Keywords: sensor network; data routing; ns-2; sleep mode nodes; clustering; alternate path.
The WSN is made up of very enormous number of wireless
sensor nodes, which are deployed in space and capable of
sensing the physical and environmental factors like pressure,
vibration, temperature, heat content and sound close to the area
where they are deployed. Wireless Sensor Network has become
an important emerging area in wireless communication field. It
is a very popular area for research, because of their vast
usefulness in variety of applications[1].
Wireless sensor network (WSN) possess the ability of detecting
(sense) the data, processing it and communicating the
processed data, thereby enabling the connection of the physical
word with the environment and many other inaccessible areas.
The sensor nodes are placed close to the region, where the
information has to be sensed. Each of these nodes senses the
data which is required and forwards the data obtained after
processing (if required) to other nodes to form the network [2].
The protocols and algorithms designed for wireless Sensor
network must exhibit self-organizing capabilities which is one
of the main requirements. The other special feature of WSNS
is the co-operative operation exhibited by the sensor nodes.
These nodes do not send the raw information instead, makes
utilization of their dispensation abilities to perform simple
computations required nearby and merely the necessary,
important and moderately treated data will be transmitted to the
The major limitations in the scenario of WSNs are limited
capacity of the battery power source, physical size of the
device, limited storage capacity, cost constraints, limitation of
the processing capability of the sensors. Therefore the
algorithms designed for WSNs must consider these key
parameters as their main conception[3].
The algorithms developed for routing data in WSN are mainly
divided into three types. They are
A mechanism for fault tolerance is required for Treebased algorithms in order to forward the aggregated
information in a reliable manner.
From the below graph we can infer that the total number of hop
counts required increase as the number of nodes increases. This
is obvious but we can notice that in case of the proposed
algorithm the increase is very less when compared to the one
without data fusion. This parameter is directly related with the
energy, hence lesser number of hop counts indicates lesser
energy intake and enhanced life time of the network.
From the above graph we can notice that the packet delivery
ratio increases with increase in the number of node for both the
systems, but it is lesser for proposed system. This is because
lower the packet delivery ratio, higher will be aggregation
effect. Hence lower is the power intake.
The project presents a reliable and efficient approach for data
routing in WSNs. The projected work is simulated and
compared with the existing system with respect to different
performance parameters.
The various simulation scenarios such as number of events,
different simulation time and the different size of the network
are considered. The obtained consequences show that the
proposed work is performing better when compared the
approach without data aggregation in all the scenarios and
therefore this forms a reliable protocol to be used for WSNs.
Our sincere thanks to everybody who have supported and
encouraged towards the work we have done.
[1] B. Krishnamachari, D. Estrin, and S. B. Wicker, The
impact of data aggregation in wireless sensor networks, in
ICDCSW 02: Proceedings of the 22nd International
Conference on Distributed Computing Systems. Washington,
DC, USA: IEEE Computer Society, 2002, pp. 575578.
[2] Rajesh Patel, Sunil Pariyani, Vijay Ukani, Energy and
Throughput Analysis of Hierarchical Routing Protocol
(LEACH) for Wireless Sensor Network IJCA (0975 8887)
Volume 20 No.4, April 2011.
[3] Leandro Aparecido Villas, Azzedine Boukerche, Heitor
Soares Ramos, Horacio A.B. Fernandes de Oliveira, Regina
Borges de Araujo, and Antonio Alfredo Ferreira Loureiro
DRINA: A Lightweight and Reliable Routing Approach for
In-Network Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks,IEEE
transaction on computers,April 2013.