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Pictish symbols revealed as a written language

through application of Shannon entropy
Rob Lee, Philip Jonathan and Pauline Ziman
Proc. R. Soc. A published online 31 March 2010


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Pictish symbols revealed as a written language

through application of Shannon entropy



1 School

of Biosciences, Geoffrey Pope Building, University of Exeter,

Stocker Road, Exeter EX4 4QD, UK
2 Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Lancaster,
Lancaster LA1 4YF, UK
3 PHS Consulting Limited, Pryors Hayes Farm, Willington Road, Oscroft,
Tarvin, Chester CH3 8NL, UK
Many prehistoric societies have left a wealth of inscribed symbols for which the meanings
are lost. For example, the Picts, a Scottish, Iron Age culture, left a few hundred stones
expertly carved with highly stylized petroglyph symbols. Although the symbol scripts
are assumed to convey information, owing to the short (one to three symbols), small
(less than 1000 symbols) and often fragmented nature of many symbol sets, it has
been impossible to conclude whether they represent forms of written language. This
paper reports on a two-parameter decision-tree technique that distinguishes between the
different character sets of human communication systems when sample sizes are small,
thus enabling the type of communication expressed by these small symbol corpuses to
be determined. Using the technique on the Pictish symbols established that it is unlikely
that they are random or sematographic (heraldic) characters, but that they exhibit the
characteristics of written languages.
Keywords: language; petroglyph; Pictish; prehistoric script; Shannon entropy; symbol

1. Introduction
Among the durable artefacts left by prehistoric societies, there are many instances
of enigmatic scripts. These scripts typically consist of very short sequences of
regularly placed symbols (or single symbols) and range from the inscribed pottery
of the Chinese Neolithic pottery (Li et al. 2002), through the inscribed clay tablets
and seals of the Indus Valley culture (Rao et al. 2009) to the inscribed stones of
Late Iron Age Scotland (Wainwright et al. 1955; Mack 1997). A longstanding
conundrum has been to determine whether any of the symbol sets might be an
example of a written language. A number of problems have impeded progress in
this area: the non-availability of reliable corpuses describing the specic symbols,
a lack of agreement on the denition of individual symbol types, small corpus
sizes ranging from a couple of hundred to a few thousand symbols, the often short
nature of individual inscriptions (one to three symbols in length) and the lack of
*Author for correspondence (
Received 27 January 2010
Accepted 26 February 2010

This journal is 2010 The Royal Society

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a technique to establish the level of communication of the symbols when sample

sizes are small (Bouissac 1997). For known languages, statistical techniques
such as phylogenetic methods have been used to aid in the reconstruction of
ancient language histories (Warnow 1997; Foster & Toth 2003; Dunn et al. 2005)
and the rates of linguistic evolution (Pagel et al. 2007; Atkinson et al. 2008).
Recently, conditional entropies have been used to investigate the Indus script,
but the conclusions were not denitive owing to the use of small, smoothed
datasets, the comparative nature of the technique and its inability to differentiate
between different lexigraphic systems (Rao et al. 2009). This paper describes a
technique that incorporates linguistic functions in order to quantify the level of
communication in these small, incomplete symbol datasets and thus differentiate
between the different possible character types of writing (the term incomplete
is used here to describe text samples that have insufcient data to properly
characterize the character lexicons).
The Picts were an Iron Age society that existed in Scotland from ca AD 300
843 when the Dalriadic Scot, Kenneth, son of Alpin, took the Pictish Kingship.
The Picts are recorded in the writings of their contemporariesthe Romans, the
Anglo-Saxons and the Irish but, other than a copy of their King list, they left
no written record of themselves (Wainwright et al. 1955; Anderson 1973). The
Picts did, however, leave a range of nely carved stones inscribed with glyphs of
unknown meaning, known as Pictish Symbol Stones. The Pictish Symbol Stones
are categorized into two types as shown in gure 1: (i) Class I stones, numbering
between 180 and 195, consist of undressed stones with the symbols inscribed onto
the rock and (ii) Class II stones, numbering between 60 and 65 stones, contain the
depiction of a cross, use dressed stones and relief carving for the symbols and may
have other, often Christian, imagery. Class I stones are taken to be the earlier
tradition of the two types of Symbol Stones. The stones contain between one
and eight symbols, with the commonest syntax being one or two symbols. Over
a century ago, Allen and Anderson visually catalogued the then known Pictish
Symbol Stones and categorized their symbols (Allen & Anderson 1903). While no
visual categorization catalogue of the possible different symbol types exists, the
Pictish Symbol Stones have recently been completely categorized by Mack (1997),
although he uses a smaller set of 43 symbol types than do earlier workers (Allen &
Anderson 1903; Diack 1944; Forsyth 1997). Over the last century, a wide variety
of meanings for the symbols have been proposed, from pagan religious imagery
to heraldic arms (Allen & Anderson 1903; Diack 1944; Wainwright et al. 1955;
Mack 1997), but it is only recently that the question as to whether they might
be a written language has been asked (Samson 1992; Forsyth 1997). However, in
the absence of a suitable technique, the call for an analysis to establish whether
the symbols were a script and that the stones might be memorial in character
remains unanswered (Samson 1992; Forsyth 1997).

2. Theory
The problem that the Pictish symbols pose can be broken into a couple of
questions. (i) Are they random in nature (admittedly unlikely since they appear
to have been carved for a purpose)? (ii) If it is unlikely that they are random,
then what type of communication do they convey: (a) semasiography, where
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Pictish symbols revealed as language



Figure 1. Pictish Symbol Stones. (a) Class I stone, Grantown, with two symbolsstag and
rectangle. (b) Aberlemno 2, a Class II stone with two symbolsdivided rectangle with a Z rod
and triple disc, as well as other imagery (a battle, the cross is on the other face).

information is communicated without reference to verbal language forms (such

as heraldic characters that have no lexigraphic value in themselves but identify
a person, position and place) or (b) lexigraphic scripts, where the characters
embody the form of verbal language (e.g. logograms representing words and
syllables (non-phonetically), syllabograms representing syllables (phonetically),
alphabetic signs representing letters (parts of syllables) and code characters (e.g.
Morse code) representing parts of letters (Powell 2009)?
A fundamental characteristic of any communication system is that there is a
degree of uncertainty (also known as entropy or information) over the particular
character or message that may be transmitted (Shannon 1993a). A measure of
the average uncertainty of character occurrence is the uni-gram (single character)
entropy, F1 (Shannon 1993b). In a set of Nu different characters, the rst-order
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log2 Nu
Figure 2. Plot of F1 (uni-gram entropy) versus log2 Nu (number of different uni-grams) showing
the 99.9% condence ellipse for prediction of the random data. This gure tests whether the stones
correspond to similar-sized samples from a nite alphabet of equal relative frequency of unigram
occurrence. It is extremely unlikely that the observed values for the Pictish Stones would occur
by chance were they indeed a random dataset. Open squares, random data; lled triangles, Pictish
Symbol Stones; dotted line, upper 99.9% condence ellipse for prediction; solid line, lower 99.9%
condence ellipse for prediction.

entropy (F1 ) is given by

F1 =


pi log2 pi ,



where pi is the relative frequency of occurrence of a character calculated from

the dataset. In a large dataset of random characters (i.e. sampled with equal
probability from a nite lexicon), all uni-grams appear with the same frequency,
so pi = 1/Nu , thus F1 = log2 Nu . However, small sample sets of random characters
will deviate from this since the incompleteness of the sample available will lead to
unequal relative frequencies being observed. Thus, in small sample sets of random
characters, pi 1/Nu when estimated from the sample. Figure 2 conrms that
F1 log2 Nu for 40 sets of random data of small sample size ranging from 15
to 1000 characters. Systems for which F1 is different from log2 Nu (with respect
to the condence ellipse for prediction) can be identied as non-random and
characteristic of writing.
The simplest gauge of character-to-character information in written
communications is the di-gram entropy, F2 , the measurement of the average
uncertainty of the next character when the preceding character is known. Shannon
dened F2 as (Shannon 1993b)

F2 =
p(bi , j) log2 p(bi , j) +
p(bi ) log2 p(bi ) =
p(bi , j) log2 (bi , j) + F1 ,


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Pictish symbols revealed as language






10 000

100 000

Figure 3. Plot of F2 (di-gram entropy) versus Tu (text size based on the total number of uni-gram
characters) for a wide range of texts and character types. The di-gram entropy is similar for different
types of characters in datasets with small sample size owing to the incomplete nature of the di-gram
lexicons. Dashes, sematogramsheraldry; lled diamonds, lettersprose, poetry and inscriptions;
grey lled triangles, syllablesprose, poetry, inscriptions; open squares, wordsgenealogical lists;
crosses, code characters; open diamonds, lettersgenealogical lists; lled squares, wordsprose,
poetry and inscriptions.

in which bi is a uni-gram (single character), j is an arbitrary character following

bi , p(bi , j) is the relative frequency of the di-gram (pair of characters) bi , j and
F1 is the uni-gram entropy where the summation is from 1 to Nu for a set of Nu
uni-gram characters. F2 is at a maximum when all the possible di-grams appear
with the same frequency (Yaglom & Yaglom 1983). Thus, as the ability to predict
the next character increases, the di-gram entropy decreases.
Figure 3 shows the di-gram entropy for over 400 datasets of scripts containing
small samples of characters. Each dataset contains between 30 and 10 000
word equivalents for a wide variety of character types and scripts. The
scripts analysed cover sematograms (Heraldic characters), logograms (Chinese),
syllabaries (Linear B and Egyptian hieroglyphs), alphabetic systems (analysed
at letter, syllable and word level) of different modern languages (English, Irish,
Welsh, Norse, Turkish, Basque, Finnish, Korean) and ancient languages (Latin,
Anglo-Saxon, Old Norse, Ancient Irish, Old Irish, Old Welsh). The texts cover
prose, poetry, monumental inscriptions and genealogical lists (King lists, marriage
and birth lists). Full details are given in 5. Unfortunately, gure 3 shows that, for
systems containing only small samples of characters, the Shannon di-gram entropy
as a function of text size (as given by the total number of uni-grams, Tu ) cannot
be used to differentiate between the different character types or even between
the types of writing (semasiography or lexigraphic). The reason for this failure
to differentiate between character type is that, at these small sample sizes, there
are insufcient data to properly characterize the character lexicon, which affects
the observed N -gram distributions and hence entropy. In this paper, the term
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incomplete is used to describe text samples that are insufciently representative

to characterize the underlying character lexicons. For a text of a given size, the
degree to which the N -gram lexicon is incomplete will be strongly affected by a
number of linguistic phenomena, including
type of character used to code for the communication,
size of the character lexicon used (e.g. texts with constrained (or limited)
vocabularies pull from a pool of available words that is limited to a fraction
of a normal vocabulary),
grammar of the unknown language (e.g. the system of inection within the
syntax of the unknown language (i.e. the word order), and
degree of standardized spelling (i.e. many inscriptions do not use
standardized spelling).
At very large datasets (100+ million words), these phenomena reduce the
prediction ability of N -gram-based statistical language models used in such
areas as speech and optical character recognition, document classication and
machine translation (Rosenfeld 2000). As a consequence, linguistic-derived
functions are used to make up some of the predictive deciency (Rosenfeld 2000).
Unfortunately, these functions are not appropriate for unknown systems with
small sample size datasets and very incomplete character lexicons. In order to be
able to compare the di-gram entropies of such datasets, a measure of the degree of
incompleteness or completeness of the di-gram lexicons is needed. This paper
proposes that a measure of the completeness of the di-gram lexicon (or its lack
of incompleteness) can be derived from the number of different uni-grams and
di-grams in the dataset.
For a text with a given number of different uni-grams, Nu , the number of
different di-grams, Nd , will depend upon the incompleteness of the di-gram
lexicon (which in turn is dependent upon the linguistic phenomena outlined
above). Depending upon the degree of di-gram lexicon completeness, Nd will
range between Nu (very incomplete) and (Nu )2 (complete, but note that this
is the theoretical maximum: actual lexicons will, in practice, always be less than
(Nu )2 since the rules of syntax and spelling will only allow a value less than (Nu )2 ).
Thus, a measure of the completeness in the di-gram lexicon for small samples can
be obtained by calculating (Nd /Nu ), where Nd is the number of different di-grams
and Nu is the number of different uni-grams.
Figure 4 shows that the di-gram entropy is dependent upon this measure of the
degree of completeness in the di-gram lexicon and shows differentiation between
three types of lexigraphic character types (words, syllables and letters). Thus,
this paper proposes normalizing F2 by log2 (Nd /Nu ) in order to dene, for any
text, a second-order function (Ur ) adjusted for the di-gram lexicon completeness
in a small sample size,
Ur =

[log2 (Nd /Nu )]


As gure 4 shows, systems written in sematograms (heraldry) and lexigraphic

code characters can have similar di-gram entropies to those of standard
lexigraphic characters. However, while words, syllables and letters generally
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Pictish symbols revealed as language



(Nd /Nu)


Figure 4. Plot of F2 (di-gram entropy) versus Nd /Nu (degree of di-gram lexicon completeness) using
a log-linear scale. The di-gram entropy for different types of characters is dependent upon the level
of completeness of the di-gram lexicon. Dashes, sematogramsheraldry; lled diamonds, letters
prose, poetry and inscriptions; grey lled triangles, syllablesprose, poetry, inscriptions; open
squares, wordsgenealogical lists; crosses, code characters; open diamonds, lettersgenealogical
lists; lled squares, wordsprose, poetry and inscriptions.

correspond to a xed unit of language, sematograms and code characters have no

xed lexigraphic value in themselves, but are combined to produce a lexigraphic
character. Thus, heraldic and code characters are, by their nature, intrinsically
more repetitive than standard lexigraphic characters. For example, the morse
code uses two characters in combination (with a space) and thus the four digrams (dashdash, dashdot, dotdash and dotdot) are used repeatedly in order
to build the 26 letters of the alphabet. By denition, repetitive di-grams are ones
that appear more than once, thus a measure based on the degree of di-gram
repetition in a text can be given by (Sd /Td ), where Td is the total number of
di-grams and Sd is the number of di-grams that appear only once in the text. For
texts with a high degree of di-gram repetition, Sd approaches 0. The degree of
di-gram repetition will have some dependency upon the degree of completeness in
the di-gram lexiconsince texts with a relatively complete di-gram lexicon will
be more likely to have greater repetition of the di-grams and a lower value of Sd .
Figure 5 shows that the degree of di-gram repetition (Sd /Td ) is dependent upon
the degree of completeness in the di-gram lexicon (Nd /Nu ) for texts using standard
lexigraphic characters. Figure 5 also shows that heraldic and code characters do
not follow the same dependency as standard lexigraphic characters. Thus, this
paper proposes a di-gram repetition factor, Cr , dened as a linear combination
of the two quantities
Cr =
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Figure 5. Plot of Sd /Td (degree of di-gram repetition) versus Nd /Nu (degree of di-gram
lexicon completeness). The degree of di-gram repetition is also dependent upon the level of
completeness of the di-gram lexicon and that this dependency is different for standard lexigraphic
characters compared with heraldic sematogram characters. Dashes, sematogramsheraldry; lled
diamonds, lettersprose, poetry and inscriptions; grey lled triangles, syllablesprose, poetry,
inscriptions; open squares, wordsgenealogical lists; crosses, code characters; open diamonds,
lettersgenealogical lists; lled squares, wordsprose, poetry and inscriptions.

where a is a constant estimated using cross-validation techniques in order to

maximize the performance of a decision tree. Thus, the structure variables, Ur
and Cr , are combinations of underlying linguistic variables that elucidate the key
characteristics and structure of the data. Both Ur and Cr can be calculated for
any type of communication system without any prior knowledge of the meaning
of a system and have been used in a two-parameter decision tree to classify the
following character types: (i) words, (ii) syllables, (iii) letters, and (iv) other
characters such as heraldic sematograms and lexigraphic code characters.

3. Results
Figure 2 shows the 99.9 per cent condence ellipse for prediction around 40
sets of random data. The datasets plotted in gure 2 were generated as follows:
characters were sampled from a uniform distribution (i.e. with equal relative
frequencies) into small units of text similar to the small units of glyphs seen
on the stones. The key properties (total number of unigrams, number of different
unigrams and the subsequent fraction of unigrams appearing only once) bracketed
the corresponding properties observed in the stones. Figure 2 therefore tests
whether the stones correspond to similar-sized samples from a nite alphabet
of equal relative frequency of unigram occurrence. Texts based on written
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Pictish symbols revealed as language

Cr 4.89

Cr < 4.89

heraldic sematograms
code characters
repetitive lexigraphic characters

Ur 1.37

Ur < 1.37

Ur < 1.09


Ur 1.09


Figure 6. Two-parameter decision tree that separates repetitive text from non-repetitive text.
This gure classies the character types found in non-repetitive text into the three main
lexigraphic character units (words, syllables, letters). Repetitive text consists of two main categories
of characters: non-lexigraphic heraldic characters and lexigraphic code characters, as well as
non-concordant letter, syllable and word character texts that are repetitive.

communication have an uneven distribution of characters that generally results in

a lower F1 for any value of Nu when compared with random sets. Figure 2 shows
that the observed uni-gram entropy values for the Pictish symbols fall outside the
99.9 per cent condence ellipse for prediction surrounding the random uni-gram
dataset. Hence, it is extremely unlikely that the observed values for the Pictish
stones would occur by chance were they indeed a random dataset.
The structure variables Ur and Cr have been used in a decision-tree analysis to
differentiate the majority of the character types found in written communication.
Figure 6 shows a decision tree, cross validated using the Gini diversity index,
with a successful allocation rate of 99.1 per cent. (The performance of the
classier remains constant provided two decimal places of the partition values
of the variables are retained, thus the classier estimates are optimal to two
decimal places. An estimate of the value of the parameter a in equation (2.4)
was obtained by cross validation. Full details of the validation are given in 5.)
Texts with Cr < 4.89, where Cr = Nd /Nu + 7(Sd /Td ), are repetitive in nature and
are consistent with Heraldic character systems (sematograms) and code-character
systems, both of which are characterized by highly repetitive character sequences.
Unfortunately, some repetitive lexigraphic texts also fall in this group and so if
a text has a Cr < 4.89, we cannot determine what character type is present using
this tree. If, however, the texts have a Cr 4.89, then we classify the character
types as lexigraphic and, depending upon the value of Ur , determine whether the
characters represent words, syllables or letters. It is generally easier to predict the
next letter than the next word because of: (i) the spelling rules (e.g. q is usually
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increasing vocabulary constraint

empirical cumulative distribution











Figure 7. The effect on the empirical cumulative distributions of Ur (F2 / log2 (Nd /Nu )) of increasing
the character vocabulary constraint for letters. As the vocabulary becomes constrained, the
distribution of Ur becomes narrower and the mean value decreases. Short-dashed line, empirical
cumulative distribution for letter characters for all prose, poetry and inscriptions; long-dashed line,
empirical cumulative distribution for letter characters for constrained genealogical lists; solid line,
empirical cumulative distribution for letter characters from very constrained lists.

followed by u in English) and (ii) the constrained nature of the letter lexicon
compared with word lexicon (26 letters in English versus word vocabulary of
hundreds for even the most constrained texts). This means that for a given value
of (Nd /Nu ), we should expect F2 for words to be larger than letters and thus Ur
to be larger, and gures 3 and 6 show this to be the case. The separation of the
lexigraphic character types is independent of language or sign type (i.e. alphabet,
syllabogram and logogram scripts).
As a character vocabulary is constrained, it becomes easier to predict the
next character, decreasing F2 and Ur . The effect of constraining the character
vocabulary upon the distribution of Ur is shown in gure 7. Within normal texts,
there is a wide variety of vocabulary constraints. Constraining the character
vocabulary (e.g. King lists and genealogical lists that are constrained to a
vocabulary of names or genealogical lists using an even smaller vocabulary of
familiar, diminutive names) gives a narrower distribution and a decreasing mean
value of Ur .
The tree classier developed suggests that the Pictish symbols are lexigraphic
in nature because they have values of Cr in the interval [5.6, 6.2] (table 1). In
particular, we infer that the Pictish symbols are not drawn from a distribution of
heraldic characters. Table 1 shows that Macks symbol categorization gives values
of Ur that fall in the syllable side of the syllable/word boundary. However, Macks
categorization of the symbol types is much narrower than that of other workers
(Allen & Anderson 1903; Diack 1944; Forsyth 1997). If Macks categorization
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Pictish symbols revealed as language

Table 1. Values of Cr and Ur calculated for the Class I and Class II Pictish symbol stones using
the symbol types given by Mack (1997) and by Allen & Anderson (1903).
stone class

symbol type set



character classication


Allen & Anderson
Allen & Anderson




is incorrect, then this will have the effect of articially constraining the symbol
lexicon, lowering F2 and Ur . The larger symbol categorization proposed by Allen
and Anderson in Early Christian Monuments of Scotland implies that the Pictish
symbols are very constrained words, similar in constraint to the genealogical
name lists. Thus, it is likely that the symbols are actually words, but that Macks
categorization has lowered the symbol di-gram entropy such that the data fall in
the syllable band.

4. Discussion
Since there are many complete stones inscribed only with a single symbol, it
seems unlikely (although not impossible) that the symbols are single syllables.
In order to answer the question of whether the symbols are words or syllables,
and thus dene a system from which a decipherment can be initiated, a complete
visual catalogue of the stones and the symbols will need to be created and the
effect of widening the symbol set investigated. However, demonstrating that the
Pictish symbols are writing, with the symbols probably corresponding to words,
opens a unique line of further research for historians and linguists investigating
the Picts and how they viewed themselves.
Having shown that it is possible to use an entropic technique to investigate the
degree of communication in very small and incomplete written systems, it may be
possible to extend this to other areas with similar problems. For example, animal
language studies using Shannon entropies are often hampered by small sample
datasets (McCowan et al. 1999). By building a similar set of data for spoken or
verbal human communication, it should be possible to make similar comparisons
of the level of information communicated by animal languages.

5. Material and methods

(a) Entropy calculations
For all texts, a start/end character was inserted at commas or full stops,
otherwise all punctuation was removed and all spaces ignored (since many old
inscriptions have little or no punctuation). F0 , F1 and F2 were calculated at
the character levels appropriate for the text, e.g. alphabetic texts were mainly
analysed at the letter and word level, syllabogram texts at the syllable and
word level.
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(b) English texts

Prose ction texts were written under varying degrees of word constraint
(normal texts have ca 4.3 letters/word, lightly constrained texts have between
3.6 and 4.0 letters/word and highly constrained texts have 2.53.0 letters/word).
Graveyard texts from Kelsall Church of England graveyard were used. Text size
varied from 35 to 10 000 words and were analysed at the letter, syllable and
word level.

(c) Chinese texts

Prose and poetry texts from Yu Xuan Ji, Hong Lou Meng and Shijing texts
were analysed (Lung 2009). Text size from 50 to 3000 word characters was
analysed at the word level.

(d) Universal Declaration of Human Rights text

Languages analysed were English, Irish, Welsh, Norse, Turkish, Basque,
Finnish and Korean at the word and letter level (UDHR 2008).

(e) Ancient inscriptions from the British Isles

Languages analysed were Latin, Anglo-Saxon, Old Norse, Ancient Irish, Old
Irish and Old Welsh. Only whole words from translatable inscriptions were
included. Each inscription was bracketed with a start/end character or a missing
character for incomplete inscriptions. All punctuation (if present) was removed.
Ligated letters were separated into their constituent letters. Alphabet-specic
characters were retained. Each corpus of specic inscription types was run as a
single set. Irish inscriptions were split into an early tradition (ogam) and later
tradition (uncial) with two different authors being used for the early tradition
(Macalister 1945, 1949; McManus 1991). Welsh inscriptions were split into an
early tradition (Class I) and later tradition (Class II and III) (Nash-Williams
1950). Roman memorials were split into two groups, those found at Hadrians
Wall and the rest (Collingwood & Wright 1965). Inscribed stones, slabs, crosses
and personal items from the Anglo-Saxon period were used (Okasha 1971). Isle
of Man Norse runic inscriptions (Page 1995) and Southern Scottish inscriptions
(Thomas 19911992) were used. The text sizes ranged from 50 to 2200 words and
were analysed at the letter, syllable and word level.

(f ) Egyptian monumental texts

These were transcribed in two ways: using the standard modern spelling (which
removes superuous hieroglyphs and applies a standard spelling) and an as
observed reading of the hieroglyphs (Zauzich 2004). The Egyptian hieroglyphs
in these texts are primarily syllabic in nature, being predominantly a mix of
single and bilateral glyphs. Text size was 250 words analysed at the word and
syllable level.

(g) Mycenaean lists (Linear B )

These were split into two groups: military lists and others (Palmer 1998). Text
size was 450600 words analysed at the word and syllable level.
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Pictish symbols revealed as language


(h) King lists

These contain only the names of child and parent(s) for the Pictish, AngloSaxon, Scottish, English, Cashel and Munster lineages (Anderson 1973; Byrne
1973; Montague-Smith 1992). Text size was 60175 words analysed at the word
and letter level.

(i) Genealogical lists

English baronial genealogies containing: (i) Christian names of the child and
parent(s), (ii) Christian names of bride and groom, and (iii) surnames of bride
and groom were used (Sanders 1960). A second set of lists was created using
familiar, diminutive names instead (e.g. Al for Alan, Alfred and Albert). Text
size was 2501500 words analysed at the word and letter level.

(j) Sematogram heraldic

A normal distribution of arms from the Heraldic Arms of British Extinct
peerages (10861400) was used (Burke 1962). The charges (symbols) on the
shield were used as characters for analysis. The colour of the charge was also
used for analysis. A simplied set of characters was also generated using only the
base symbols, e.g. (i) all the different lion charges such as rampant or passant
are classied as a lion character and (ii) all different cross charges such as
bourdonny and euretty are classied as cross in the base-symbol categorization.
Each arms was read as observed symbols from bottom to top. Text size was
4001200 symbols.

(k) Subletter coded systems

A range of English texts was transposed using morse code and a three-character
code for the letters. Text size was 40075 000 characters.

(l) Random
Randomly generated characters texts, ranging from sets of two to 100 different
characters, were used with texts sizes of 151000 characters. The texts bracketed
the values observed in the stones for the total number of uni-grams (Tu ), the
number of different uni-grams (Nu ) and the fraction of uni-grams appearing
only once.

(m) Pictish symbols

These were split into Class I and Class II symbols. The symbols were read
as observed from top to bottom, left to right, using Macks symbol set and the
symbol set given in Early Christian Monuments of Scotland (Allen & Anderson
1903; Mack 1997). The symbol data were taken only from complete stones, which
form the majority of the stones.
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(n) Statistical analysis

The 99.9 per cent condence ellipse for prediction was calculated from the
random character data assuming a bi-variate normal distribution for F1 and
log2 Nu . (Histograms and normal probability plots of the marginal distributions
show no obvious departure from normality.) The condence ellipse is centred on
the mean of the random data (Mardia et al. 1979).
Classication trees, constructed using the classication-tree methodology of
Breiman et al. (1984), are non-parametric models to describe the variation in
a response variable (the categorical character-class variable here) as a function
of a number of explanatory variables (the continuous-structure variables Ur
and Cr here) for a sample of data in a two-step approach. Firstly, the sample
is partitioned, by means of successive binary partitions, such that the subsets
eventually formed are as homogeneous as possible with respect to the response
variable, quantied using one of a number of criteria (the Gini diversity index
here). To avoid over-tting, subsets of the partition can then be recombined if the
resulting loss of homogeneity is not large (assessed using a 10-fold cross-validation
strategy) in the second stage, known as pruning.
Cross validation is a well-known data resampling method to estimate model
predictive performance, and possibly thereby the optimal values of one or more
tuning parameters (Stone 1974; Picard & Cook 1984); for example, the value
of parameter a in structure variable Cr , or the optimal extent of pruning. In
cross validation, the sample set is partitioned into two or more subsets. One
subset is typically withheld, while the remaining subsets are used to construct
the model, in this case a classication tree. The withheld subset is then treated
as an independent test set with which to estimate model performance, possibly
as a function of one or more tuning parameters. The withheld subset is then
reinstated, another subset withheld and the procedure repeated until each subset
has been withheld exactly once. Overall model performance is then calculated by
summing performance over all withheld subsets and the corresponding optimal
value of tuning parameter selected. There are many possible renements to the
cross-validation procedure. In general, it is necessary to explore the sensitivity
of cross-validation-based inferences as a function of the parameters of the
cross-validation strategy. We found that, for the current application, inferences
were generally insensitive to these choicesfor instance, any value between
6 and 9 of the parameter a in structure variable Cr gives a cross-validation
performance of greater than 99 per cent. The performance of the classier
remains constant provided two decimal places of the partition values of the
variables are retained, and thus the classier estimates are optimal to two
decimal places.

Tu : total number of characters (uni-grams) in a text. Tu is the text size for that
character type, thus a text of 200 words may have a letter text size of 900
letters and a syllable text size of 520 syllables.
Nu : the number of different characters (uni-grams) in a text. Thus, a 200 word text
might have 25 different letters, 100 different syllables and 130 different words.
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Pictish symbols revealed as language


Td : total number of character pairs (di-grams) in a text. Td is the character pair

text size for that character type, thus a text of 200 words may have 199 word
pairs and have a letter-pair text size of 899 letter pairs and a syllable-pair text
size of 519 syllable pairs.
Nd : the number of different character pairs (di-grams) in a text. Thus, a 200 word
text might have 270 different letter pairs, 390 different syllable pairs and 190
different word pairs.
Sd : the number of different character pairs that appear only once in a text.
We thank Nigel Tait, Clive McDonald, Richard Price and John Love for critical discussions and
reading of the manuscript; Nigel Tait for technical help with the coding of the macros; and the
referees for their help in improving the paper.

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