Ge 2.5 and 3 MW PMSG
Ge 2.5 and 3 MW PMSG
Ge 2.5 and 3 MW PMSG
Technical Documentation
Wind Turbine Generator Systems
2.5-2.75 Series
Site Roads and Crane Pad
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GE Energy
Table of Contents
Transport Vehicles (examples)...........................................................................................................................................................................5
Vehicle Weights...............................................................................................................................................................................................6
3 Access and Site Roads/Entrances...................................................................................................................................................................7
Road Curves and Entrance Curves ......................................................................................................................................................7
Turning Curves.................................................................................................................................................................................................7
Gradient............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 14
Road Camber ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 14
Clearance, Height and Width ............................................................................................................................................................... 14
New Site Roads ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 15
Upgrading of Existing Roads ................................................................................................................................................................ 16
Plate Load Bearing Test of the Construction Layer ............................................................................................................................ 16
Ground Clearance of Transport Vehicles....................................................................................................................................... 17
4 Crane Pad................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 18
5 Parking Area / Turning Area............................................................................................................................................................................. 23
Parking Area................................................................................................................................................................................................... 23
Turning Area for Unloaded Vehicles................................................................................................................................................. 23
6 Soil Backfilling/Foundation Area ................................................................................................................................................................... 23
7 Crawler Crane Movements on Site .............................................................................................................................................................. 24
8 Site Compound........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 24
9 Storage of the Plant Components................................................................................................................................................................ 25
Crane assembling area................................................................................................................................................................................. 27
10.1 Crawler Crane with Lattice Main Boom.......................................................................................................................................... 27
10.2 Telescopic Crane with Lattice Jib....................................................................................................................................................... 27
10.3 Wheeled Crane with Lattice Main Boom ....................................................................................................................................... 28
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1 Requirements
This specification describes the major dimensions and weights of the vehicles required for transportation of the
main components of the GE 2.5-2.75 Series Wind Turbine Generator System (WTGS). Furthermore, the
minimum requirements (based on normal ground conditions) for access roads and crane pads described
herein must be met to ensure the proper installation of the WTGS.
1 for nacelle
1 for hub
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The equipment and dimensions may vary due to availability. The maximum vehicle length is 56 m when loaded
with the rotor blade. The vehicle length is measured from the front of the transporter to the end of the load.
Maximum. axle load 12-16 t, onsite for cranes and transport vehicles
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Figure 4: Truck with rear axle steering, outside radius 12.5m / turning angle 90 on page 8
Figure 5: Truck with rear axle steering, outside radius 32.5m / turning angle 90 on page 9
Figure 6: Truck with rear axle steering, outside radius 12.5m / turning angle 120 on page 10
Figure 7: Truck with rear axle steering, outside radius 32.5m / turning angle 120 on page 11
Figure 8: Truck with rear axle steering, outside radius 32.5m / turning angle 150 on page 12
Figure 9: Truck with rear axle steering, outside radius 32.5m / turning angle 180 on page 13
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Figure 4: Truck with rear axle steering, outside radius 12.5m / turning angle 90
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Figure 5: Truck with rear axle steering, outside radius 32.5m / turning angle 90
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Figure 6: Truck with rear axle steering, outside radius 12.5m / turning angle 120
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Figure 7: Truck with rear axle steering, outside radius 32.5m / turning angle 120
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Figure 8: Truck with rear axle steering, outside radius 32.5m / turning angle 150
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Figure 9: Truck with rear axle steering, outside radius 32.5m / turning angle 180
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3.3 Gradient
In general the transport vehicles will be able to access gradients up to 6 % on straight roads without narrow
bends and under good weather and road surface conditions. It is possible to transport the turbine components
on gradients over 6 %. In those cases there will be a necessity for one or more towing/pushing vehicles to be
If during project planning it is seen to be necessary that a towing vehicle is required for gradients over 6 %,
GE Energy and the customer will decide on the type of towing/pushing vehicles and the suitable towing
procedure with regard to the respective situation. All costs for ordering, delivery and use of the towing/
pushing vehicles are to be paid by the customer.
If during project planning it is seen to be necessary that a towing vehicle is required for gradients under 6 % it
is to be supplied by the customer at short notice. Reasons for this may be, but are not limited to:
All costs resulting from the need for a towing/pushing vehicle during the project phase and those costs
resulting to waiting time for GE Energy and its crane/transport vehicles will be passed on to the customer.
GE Energy
All site roads must be constructed to the minimum drivable width of 4.5 m. The roads must be constructed with
a camber of 2 % (maximum), so that rainwater can flow off and hence the risk of rutting/potholes is reduced.
It is important to note that the method of road construction and the gauge of the base layers is solely
dependant on the local ground conditions.
The base layer can be a rock-gravel-sand mix 0/45. For the top surface a mixture of rock-gravel-sand 0/40 can
be used. The thickness of the respective layers will depend on the required axle loading and the existing
ground conditions. GE Energy suggest that the customer obtain an expert opinion or recommendation. All
layers of material are to be mechanically compacted. A layer of geotextile has to be inserted in order to
prevent silting or compression of the construction layers and the subsurface.
If impurities in recycled construction materials (sharp rocks or metal particles in re-cycled stone) lead to
damages to transportation vehicles (tire damage etc.) the resulting costs will be passed on to the customer.
Due to the limited ground clearance of the transport vehicles special care needs to be taken during road
construction that all sharp humps and bumps are removed (see section 3.8 on page 17).
GE Energy underlines the fact that especially under bad weather conditions the site roads have to be checked
continuously. Upgrading measures and repair work on access roads have to be carried out during the project
delivery phase and immediately if required.
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If existing private/public tarmac or concrete roads with a drivable width less than 4.50 m have to be used as
site roads then these roads are to be widened. In carrying out these measures and construction works all
points made under Figure 12 above have to be considered.
The widening of the roads is required for safety reasons. It reduces the risk of the road edges breaking off,
since vehicles and cranes with a track width of 3.00 m and a total weight of maximum 140 t have to be
employed to ensure the delivery and erection of the WTGS. If drainage ditches run directly along the sides of
such roads, special safety measures must be taken.
If during the project delivery breakages begin to show, specific safety measures must be taken to prevent
lateral phase cracks displacement. Any costs to GE Energy resulting from waiting time for repair works in
regard to transport and erection of the WTGS will be passed on to the customer.
GE Energy proposed the following test to evaluate the final condition of the road and to ensure the ground
bearing of minimum 12 t axle load for the Transport vehicles. This should also include wet site road conditions.
Plate Load Bearing Test of the Construction Layer
According to the size of the loads having an effect on the ground a distortion module is to be assigned to the
subsoil. This distortion module, also called Ev2 value, can be checked by a plate load-bearing test. As a
reference the German Institute for Standardization can be used: DIN18134. The relation of Ev1 / Ev2 must be
smaller or equal to 2.5. An improvement of the subsoil or the construction layer will be necessary if the Ev2
value is smaller than in following table:
Value of the max. single load in kN (t)
Ev2 in MN/m
of the subsoil
Ev2 in MN/m
of the construction layer
100 (10.0)
150 (15.0)
200 (20.0)
The minimum value for transportation is a single load of 6.00 t per tire.
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4 Crane Pad
The crane pads must be constructed as shown in Figure 14 to Figure 18. Both wheel-mounted and crawlermounted cranes can be used. For the mobilization of those cranes the axle weight will be 12 t.
All crane pads must be at-grade with a maximum slope of 1 % of the total length and width of the entire area.
Soil and obstacles may not be deposited around the crane pad or for a distance of 130 m along the site road.
This area is required for the assembly of the crane boom.
A 2 m wide gravel path must be constructed from the crane pad/road to and around the turbine to prevent
soiling of the plant.
The areas with a width of 10 m on the right and left of the crane pads are used for assembly of the rotor and
storage of the plant components (see Figure 20 and Figure 21). Permission for the use of these areas will have
to be obtained by the customer from the landowner and submitted to GE Energy before the erection phase
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Figure 15: For hub height up to 100 m option 1 with crane pad alongside the access road, crane and truck positions, max. slope 1 %
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Figure 16: For hub height up to 100 m option 2 with crane pad perpendicular and max. distance between foundation and access road,
crane and truck positions, max. slope 1 %
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Figure 17: For hub height up to 140 m option 1 with crane pad alongside the access road, crane and truck positions, max. slope 1 %
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Figure 18: For hub height up to 140 m option 2 with crane pad perpendicular and max. distance between foundation and access road,
crane and truck positions, max. slope 1 %
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Permits/permissions (from landowner) to move with the crawler crane directly over the land
between the several turbines locations shall be obtained by the customer
Free (drive-through) area needed to move between the several turbines locations is 12 m
Option 1: One track in the middle of the site road (4.5 m wide), and the other track in the area
beside the road (10 m wide)
Option 2: Use the free land to move the crane directly between the turbine locations
Free area of 10 m x ? m (length of the crane boom) for the assembly of the crane boom at the
first turbine and disassembly at the last turbine
8 Site Compound
GE Energy will require a hardstanding to be constructed by the customer for use as a site compound. This area
needs to be leveled and constructed with clean fine gravel stone. GE Energy will place site containers, toilets
and equipment in this area and will therefore require electrical connections and waste water collection. The
required dimensions of this area are minimum 20 m x 20 m for a windfarm size up to 20 units. GE Energy will
give details as to its position within the windfarm in cooperation with the customer at a later date.
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Figure 20: Option 1 with free storage/assembly area alongside the access road
The layout and position of the storage/assembly area can vary due
to local surroundings and different hub heights
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Figure 21: Option 2, perpendicular, with maximum distance between foundation and access road
The layout and position of the storage/assembly area can vary due
to local surroundings and different hub heights
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The required area for assembly of the crane boom can vary due to
different hub heights, equipment used and to local surroundings.
These drawing are only to be used as an example.
Crane boom assembly downhill is complicated and may not be
possible. If the assembly of the boom cannot be carried out on a
plain or uphill area please contact project management for further
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