ICT in Disaster Management in Bangladesh

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Chapter 1
Bangladesh is among the nations most vulnerable to climate change, floods, cyclones and other major
natural disasters such as storm surge, flash flood, drought, tornado, riverbank erosion, and landslide. Its
devastating calamities, particularly floods and cyclones, are continuing to claim the lives of hundreds to
thousands and to damage billions of dollars worth of property almost every year. The UN ranked
Bangladesh as the 6th most at-risk nation with regard to natural hazards. In recent times, the frequency and
severity of the natural calamities increased and inadequate resources and lack of accurate and real-time
information for decision making impeded the ability of our central disaster management capacity, which
results in long term negative impact on our socio-economic development.
Disaster management in Bangladesh has gone through a process of significant reforms. To bring this
paradigm shift in disaster management from conventional response and relief practice to a more
comprehensive risk reduction culture, ICT (Mobile technology) can play a fundamental role.
According to the present government's election mandate, a Digital Bangladesh is the topmost priority. And
accordingly, scholars believe that an effective information and communication technology (ICT) policy is
one of the solutions to not only realize its digital dream but to fight natural disasters and accomplish the
millennium development goals (MDGs) and more.
However, ICT scholars from the country claim that this is one of the biggest 'cash cow' sectors of the
country fetching large amounts of foreign aids/funds but the development is too slow and in some places,
not at all as favorable as it ought to be.
Speaking to The Independent Dr Md Mahfuz Ashraf, lecturer at the department of management
information systems (MIS), Faculty of Business Studies, University of Dhaka, said: At present, there is
no institutional approach to cater to this burning issue of disaster management. Interestingly, a project of
SMS-based alarm system was started from the ministry of Food and Disaster Management in recent years
with the completion of its architectural design but the project was never implemented due to unavailability
of funds. There is not yet any action-based project to combat disaster risks.
So, how can ICT help in combating disaster risks? With the advent of ICT, we can find a wide range of
technology based options starting from mobile phone communications, real time high speed wireless
Internet, radio (AM and low power FM), geographic information system (GIS) and personal computers all are encompassed in ICT.
ICT can offer a wide range of tools and software for facing the challenges created by natural disasters.
These tools are being used to gather, store and analyze data related to disasters, not only to be used in
post-disaster situations, but also as a long-term measure to mitigate the risk of the disasters.

In the sector of disaster management, ICT in developing countries can help to better connect people,
efficiently provide basic services like health care, education, food security, financial management and
ICT enabled applications have great potentials for helping to build a lower-carbon, knowledge-centric
society, where it can be mostly utilized as a strategic tool for development.
Our neighboring country India is successfully using ICT to its advantage. The India Disaster Resource
Network (IDRN) is a nation-wide electronic inventory of essential and specialist resources for disaster
response, covering specialist equipment, specialist manpower resources and critical supplies..
According to an 'ICT for Development 2010 case study' published by UN's Asian and Pacific training
centre for information communication technology for development (APCICT), in Bangladesh, the Disaster
Management Information Centre is piloting early warning dissemination through cell broadcasting (CB) in
two districts - Sirajganj (for floods) and Coxs Bazaar (for cyclones). Agreements were signed with two
mobile operators - Grameenphone and state-owned Teletalk - to send instant messages to their subscribers.
Based on the result of the pilot, this technology will be expanded to other high risk areas of Bangladesh
through the Comprehensive Disaster Management Programme or CDMP.

1.2 Objectives
The objectives of this paper are as follow
To discuss the use of ICT in disaster management in Bangladesh.
To discuss disaster management framework in Bangladesh and identify the use ICT in it.
To find out the scope and framework for using ICT in disaster management in Bangladesh.
Recommend a ICT enabled disaster management model for Bangladesh to reduce disaster.

1.3 Key words:

1. Disaster management,
2. Mobile technology
3. Bangladesh.

1.4 Disaster
1. A state of extreme (usually irremediable) ruin and misfortune;
2. An event resulting in great loss and misfortune

1.4.1 What are disasters?


It is evident that by no means disasters can be fully prevented and only the loss caused by these events can
be prevented or minimized.
Man-Made and Technological Types of Disasters
1) Hazardous materials

2) Power service disruption
threat and biological weapons

Cyber attacks
3) Nuclear

plant and nuclear blast

Civil unrest
4) Radiological emergencies
Natural Types of Disasters
1. Agricultural diseases & 7. Hurricanes and tropical storms
8. Landslides & debris flow
2. Damaging Winds
9. Thunderstorms and lighting
3. Drought and water shortage
4. Earthquakes
(pandemic influenza)
6. Floods and flash floods

13.Winter and ice storms


1.4.2 Impact of disasters?

Disasters disrupt life, livelihoods, economies, political systems, and belief systems -in short, everything
that makes society work.

1.4.3 While ICTs cannot prevent most hazards.


1.4.4 Hazard
1. A source of danger;
2. An unknown and unpredictable phenomenon that causes an event to result one way rather than another.

Chapter 2
2.1 Role of ICT in disaster management
A recent primer by the Asia-Pacific Development Information Programmer (APDIP) on ICT and Disaster
Management suggests six symbiotic phases of the disaster risk management cycle:
Mitigation: any activity that reduces either the chance of a hazard taking place or a hazard turning into
Risk reduction: anticipatory measures and actions that seek to avoid future risks as a result of a disaster.
Prevention: avoiding a disaster even at the eleventh hour.
Preparedness: plans or preparations made to save lives or property, and help the response and rescue
service operations. This phase covers implementation/operation, early warning systems and capacity
building so the population will react appropriately when an early warning is issued.
Response: includes actions taken to save lives and prevent property damage, and to preserve the
environment during emergencies or disasters. The response phase is the implementation of action plans.
Recovery: includes actions that assist a community to return to a sense of normality after a disaster. The
APDIP primer goes on to identify a number of means through which ICTs significantly aid every one of
these broadly defined categories of disaster management.
Conventional wisdom suggests that LDCs have little or no place for ICTs to play a role in disaster risk
management. It is vital to challenge this shibboleth. Worth quoting at length here is anarticle by Sanjana
Hattotuwa, written immediately after the Significant havoc caused by Asian tsunami on Boxing Day,
December 2004, as an example of how ICTs can help in disaster mitigation and recovery: The sensitive
and creative use of technology can help nurture change processes that can lead to more peaceful and
sustainable futures and avoid the pitfalls of partisan aid and relief operations. Providing for mobile
telephony that give remote communities access to constantly updated weather and geological information
and helping create endogenous early warning systems using local knowledge, using tele-centres to serve
as repositories of information on emergency procedures and evacuation guidelines, co-coordinating the
work of aid agencies on the ground ensuring the delivery of aid and relief to all communities, monitoring
aid flows and evaluating delivery, creating effective mechanisms for the co-ordination of reconstruction
and relief efforts, creating avenues for effective communication between field operations and warehouses
based in urban centers, creating secure virtual collaboration workspaces that bring in individuals and
organizations sans ethnic, geographic or religious boundaries, enabling centralized data collection centers
that collect information from the field and distribute it to relevant stakeholders are just some of the
immediate uses for technology.In the longer term, it is imperative to use trust relationships nurtured in
virtual domains at present (for example, state and non-state actors coming together in virtual spaces for aid
and relief co-ordination). Technology can help knowledge flows from the Diasporas to directly influence

developmental processes on the ground, by-passing, if necessary, third parties to directly empower
communities. Tele-centers can be repositories of alternative livelihoods in areas where it is now
impossible to carry on traditional modes of living. Using cheaply available self powered digital radios
with broadband downlinks, it is possible to empower even the remotest communities with information that
they can translate into knowledge to help them rebuild lives and create connections with others who have
suffered the same plight. Online dispute resolution can use organic and local knowledge frameworks with
creative and modern dispute resolution mechanisms to effectively address the problems that individuals
and communities will face on the ground with limited access to resources.

Fig 2.1 : Symbiotic phases of risk management

2.2 ICT for Mitigation Phase

Consists of pre-disaster activitiesnecessary to be implemented in advance for reducing the impacts of
disasters such as the development and promulgation of zoning ordinances and building codes and creation
of the critical baseline data alongwith analysis and modeling capability needed to prepare for, respond to,
and recover from a disaster event. Mitigation may also include implementing legislation that prevents
building structures in areas prone to earthquake, flood or tsunami. Utilizing existing databases linked to
geographic features in GIS makes the task of monitoring these possible. For the most part, these activities
are not time critical but are essential while designing the ICT infrastructure. Networking requirements to
support the mitigation phase should meet key attributes, like the need to move large volume of data/
information, broad connectivity among a diverse group of organizations etc. However, in contrast to
response and recovery, timeliness is generally not critical. The data are largely archive-based, and hence
several cataloged and linked repositories are to be accessed through good search engines or the directory

systems should permit access to the distributed users. Data providers are responsible for data quality
(timeliness and accuracy), limiting redundancy, and updating catalog/directory information. Use of
modeling/prediction tools for trend and risk analysis is important. The scientific community increasingly
relies on the Internet for access to data and scientific collaboration in supporting mitigation efforts.

2.3 ICT for Preparedness Phase

Preparedness activities range from early warning, community development, training of the first responders
and the community, logistical support, supply, and resource systems needed for disaster response to early
warning and monitoring activities preceding the disasters. Distribution of warning data through a
dedicated network during the preparedness phase is intense, and timeliness becomes a critical factor for
some types of information dissemination. Although disaster prediction accuracy and warning lead-times
are improving, storm and earthquake alerts still require wide distribution in minutes or seconds. In remote
areas, for example, full national coverage is still a concern to be addressed to, through adoption of various
technologies. Public awareness through broadcast announcements and access to disaster web pages are the
key issues. Distance learning and other training activities making use of interactive video also fit into this

2.4 ICT for Response Phase

Response to disaster events is time critical. Logistical support option for providing relief materials,
damage surveys, baseline maps, equipment, human resources, and funds all need to be accessible.
Communications among response teams and to the general public become most vital. Rapid, reliable,
configurable, controlledaccess communication is vital to efficient disaster response operations. Major
challenges are presented by extreme conditions of infrastructure destruction, communication traffic peaks,
mobile users, and sensitive data. Management of property and casualty status, resource information, and
response priorities require special access capabilities beyond normal commercial telephone/ Internet

2.5 ICT for Recovery Phase

Bulk of the data needs during recovery include significant onsite data collection related to rebuilding,
claims processing, and documentation of lessons learnt. Feedback on the mitigation process and historical
databases that are important to prevent the same mistakes in the future. Timeliness concerns are relaxed in
favor of efficiency, and internet is often ideal for such transfers. It is, therefore clear that the requirement
for access, privacy, and bandwidth varies among disaster phases. Todays disaster information
infrastructure should offer an appropriate mix of
component technologies to respond to diverse requirements. The Internet is suitable ICT support to the
recovery and mitigation phases, but urgent and life-critical communications during the preparation and

response phases call for systems that are more robust. Establishing a robust National Disaster
Communication Network (NDCN) will meet the ICT requirement with assured response without failure.
Wireless media using mobile system such as portable satellite communications, wireless systems, etc as
part of NDCN would meet the requirements during emergencies. ICT networks should use various
technologies to provide a network meeting the requirement during all phases of disaster. Creative
applications of broadcast technologies are also to be explored for warning and advisory systems. Internet
can be overloaded, leading to an extra burden on response time. Although through the addition of mirrored
servers and similar approaches, a larger share of users can be expeditiously served, it may not be reliable
for time-sensitive traffic such as warnings and interactive resource management, unless Internet traffic can
be prioritized. Wi th the rapid development of mobile telephony, followed by web based communication,
it has become an invaluable tool for disaster relief workers, which includes wide range of national and
international aid agencies, (who are able to coordinate team activities while in the field, and quickly
mobilize emergency actions such as evacuation).

Chapter 3

ICT framework in Bangladesh :

Bangladesh has created a simplistic model to guide disaster risk reduction and emergency response management
efforts in Bangladesh. The model has three key elements and ensures that the move to a more comprehensive risk
reduction culture remains central to all efforts.

3.1 Disaster risk management and emergency response effort in


Fig 3.1 : ICT in disaster management Framework



The Disaster Management and Relief Division (DM&RD), MoFDM of the Government of Bangladesh
has the responsibility for coordinating national disaster management efforts across all agencies. In
January 1997 the Ministry issued the Standing Orders on Disaster (SOD) to guide and monitor disaster
management activities in Bangladesh.
The SOD have been prepared with the avowed objective of making the concerned persons understand
their duties and responsibilities regarding disaster management at all levels, and accomplishing them. All
Ministries, Divisions/Departments and Agencies shall prepare their own Action Plans in respect of their
responsibilities under the Standing Orders for efficient implementation. The National Disaster
Management Council (NDMC) and Inter-Ministerial Disaster Management Coordination Committee
(IMDMCC) will ensure coordination of disaster related activities at the National level. Coordination at
District, Thana and Union levels will be done by the respective District, Thana and Union Disaster
Management Committees. The Disaster Management Bureau will render all assistance to them by
facilitating the process.
A series of inter-related institutions, at both national and sub-national levels have been created to ensure
effective planning and coordination of disaster risk reduction and emergency response management.

3.3 At the national level

1. National Disaster Management Council (NDMC) headed by the Honourable Prime Minister to
formulate and review the disaster management policies and issue directives to all concerns.
2. Inter-Ministerial Disaster Management Co-ordination Committee (IMDMCC) headed by the Hon'ble
Minister in charge of the Disaster Management and Relief Division (DM&RD) to implement disaster
management policies and decisions of NDMC / Government.
3. National Disaster Management Advisory Committee (NDMAC) headed by an experienced person
having been nominated by the Honourable Prime Minister.
4. National Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction (NPDRR) headed by Secretary, DM&RD and DG, DMB
functions as the member secretary. This platform shall coordinate and provide necessary facilitation to the
relevant stakeholders.
5. Earthquake Preparedness and Awareness Committee (EPAC) headed by Honorable minister for
MoFDM and DG, DMB act as member secretary
6. Vi. Cyclone Preparedness Program Implementation Board (CPPIB) headed by the Secretary, Disaster
Management and Relief Division to review the preparedness activities in the face of initial stage of an
impending cyclone.


7. Cyclone Preparedness Programme (CPP) Policy Committee headed by Honourable Minister, MoFDM
and Secretary, DM&RD act as member secretary. Disaster Management Training and Public Awareness
Building Task Force (DMTATF) headed by the Director General of Disaster Management Bureau (DMB)
to coordinate the disaster related training and public awareness activities of the Government, NGOs and
other organizations.
8. Focal Point Operation Coordination Group of Disaster Management (FPOCG) headed by the Director
General of DMB to review and coordinate the activities of various National Plan for Disaster Management
42 departments/agencies related to disaster management and also to review the Contingency Plan prepared
by concerned departments.
9. NGO Coordination Committee on Disaster Management (NGOCC) headed by the Director General of
DMB to review and coordinate the activities of concerned NGOs in the country.
10. Committee for Speedy Dissemination of Disaster Related Warning/ Signals (CSDDWS) headed by
the Director General of DMB to examine, ensure and find out the ways and means for the speedy
dissemination of warning/ signals among the people.

3.4 At sub-national levels

1. District Disaster Management Committee (DDMC) headed by the Deputy Commissioner (DC) to
coordinate and review the disaster management activities at the District level.
2. Upazila Disaster Management Committee (UZDMC) headed by the Upazila Nirbahi Officer (UNO) to
coordinate and review the disaster management activities at the Upazila level.
3. Union Disaster Management Committee (UDMC) headed by the Chairman of the Union Parishad to
coordinate, review and implement the disaster management activities of the concerned Union.
4. Pourashava Disaster Management Committee (PDMC) headed by Chairman of Pourashava
(municipality) to coordinate, review and implements the disaster management activities within its area of
5. City Corporation Disaster Management Committee (CCDMC) headed by the Mayor of City
Corporations to coordinate, review and implement the disaster management activities within its area of

3.5 National Disaster Management Council (NDMC)

At the apex level, the National Disaster Management Council is established to provide policy guidance
towards disaster risk reduction and emergency response management in Bangladesh. The Council is multi-


sectoral and inter-disciplinary in nature, with public, private and civil society participation involving all
concerned entities within a country including representation from the United Nations.

Responsibilities of National Disaster Management Council

1. Review national disaster management system and provide strategic advice for disaster risk reduction
and emergency response management
2. Review policy and planning documents on disaster management and provide strategic advice
3. Promote dialogue across sectors with a view to integrate disaster risk reduction into sectoral
development plans and programmes
4. Promote awareness regarding disaster risk reduction among top policy makers
5. Evaluate disaster preparedness measures and provide strategic advice.
6. Evaluate response and recovery measures, particularly after a large scale disaster and provide strategic
direction towards improvement of the system and procedures, and
7. Facilitate coordination of multi-hazard and multi-sectoral measures in relation to disaster risk reduction
and emergency response management.

3.6 Inter Ministerial Disaster Management Coordination Committee

The Inter-Ministerial Disaster Management Coordination Committee is established at the national level to
facilitate policy making, planning, programming and implementing measures relating to disaster risk
reduction and emergency response management in Bangladesh.

Responsibilities of IMDMCC
Risk Reduction

1 Act on advice of the National Disaster Management Council

2 Recommend enactment of legislation, policies, Standing Orders and national level plans (sector and
hazard specific) to the Cabinet Committee / Council of Advisers .
3 Review, revise and approve contingency plans of various First Responding Organizations .
4. Approve guidelines and templates prescribed by the NPDM and SOD .


5 Approve City Corporation Disaster Management Plans and District Disaster Management Plans .
6 Recommend an appropriate regulatory mechanism for the implementation of the Bangladesh Disaster
Management Framework, including prevention, mitigation, preparedness, emergency response, recovery
and rehabilitation.
7 Approve national and sub-national programs for disaster risk .
8 Advocate and ensure disaster risk reduction is mainstreamed in development policies, plans and
programmes .
9 Monitor DRR activities and programs, and keep the NDMC informed of their progress .
10 Review and promote emergency preparedness and public awareness capacity development in disaster
11 Promote monitoring, evaluation, education, and research on disaster risk reduction and emergency
response management

Emergency Response
1 Evaluate emergency preparedness status and recommend corrective measures
2 Approve response and recovery plans
3 Promote preparedness activities, such as fire evacuation drills, search and rescue mock exercise, etc.
4 Ensure whole-of-government coordination in emergency response, relief and rehabilitation operation.
5 Approve guideline for multi-agency incident management
6 Establish Urban Search and Rescue Taskforces.

3.7 National Disaster Management Advisory Committee (NDMAC)

The National Disaster Management Advisory Committee has been formed in 19, November 2009.

General Responsibilities:
1 Advise NDMC, IMDMCC, MoFDM and DMB on technical matters and socio-economic aspects of
Disaster Risk Reduction and emergency response management.
2 Alert the Committee members about the risk of disaster and mitigation possibilities and encourage
them in respect of workshop, training and research.


3 Create a forum for discussion by experts on the risk of disaster, opening opportunities for cooperation
towards solution of problems relating to disaster management.
4 Recommend release of funds for special project works and also for introduction of special emergency
methods or empowerment, if needed.
5 Recommend solution of problems identified by the DMB or any other agency/person.
6 Propose long term recovery plans.
7 Hold post-mortem or prepare final evaluation on programmes undertaken to meet the disaster and
8 Submit a report with recommendations to the NDMC.

3.8 Ministry of Food and disaster Management

Role in Disaster Management
MoFDM is the focal point of the Government for disaster-related issues. MoFDM has sound disaster risk
reduction and emergency response organizational structure. The agencies, including DMRD, DMB, DRR
and CPP under the ministry have their specific responsibilities and roles related with disaster risk
reduction and emergency response.
The coordination rate of MoFDM is as below:
avoid duplication
ensure effective participation in disaster management by all stakeholders
fill up the gaps and maximize the synergy impact
promote transparency and accountability
promote predictable leadership during disaster emergency
optimize resource allocation and effective utilization

3.9 The Disaster Management Relief Division (DMRD):

The DMRD has been given the mandate to carry out task for disaster risk reduction and emergency
response related issues. The Secretary of the DMRD controls the activities of all officials engaged in
emergency relief work. The division provides information to NDMC and IMDMCC to assist them in
taking decisions.

3.10 Disaster Management Bureau (DMB):


The DMB was created in 1993 to assist the DMRD with all necessary information during normal time,
alert and warning stage, disaster stage and recovery stage and advise the government on all matters
relating to disaster management. Disaster Relief and Rehabilitation (DRR): The DRR is responsible for
carrying out the activities related to disaster relief, rehabilitation schemes, infrastructure and shelter
construction, and also focus on relief material management and supply.

3.11 Cyclone Preparedness Programme (CPP):

The main activities of CPP, a joint venture program of Govt. of Bangladesh and Bangladesh Red Cresent
Society, including disseminating cyclone warning signals to local residents, assisting people in taking
shelter, rescuing victims affected by a cyclone and providing first aid to people injured by a cyclone. The
CPP has set an example by establishing a dedicated network of volunteers (over 48,000) and effectiveness
during emergencies, especially cyclone.
Data/Information Sharing
The above organizations collect disaster loss information to mobilise governmental support for disaster
management. The rapid information collection includes approximate loss and damage and emergency
requirement which should be sent within one hour of occurrence of the disaster. Subsequently, detailed
information on disaster loss and damage assessment is collected. The information is collected by local
government using basic data sheets and sent to DMRD and DMB. Currently, there is no provisionoutlined
in SOD to use space based information for rapid assessment, which also reflect in practice as space based
information does not contribute enough to the rapid assessment despite presence of centres of excellence
such as SPARRSO and CEGIS. The officials of the ministry are aware of the supportive function of space
based information and are considering to use it for disaster management. National Plan for Disaster
Management (NPDM) 2010-2015 defines use of the space-based technology and GIS for hazard
assessment mapping.

Constraints and challenges

Although, the space based information is used as the reference information for disaster risk management
and emergency response, it has not entered in the decision making process. The obvious reason is that it is
not fully considered in the SOD and NPDM. Consistent efforts of awareness generation and capacity
building is the prime need for decision makers. Additionally, emphasis should be given to develop
capacity of DMB and DRR to be able to use expertise and the services offered by the organizations such

3.12 Ministry of Defence


Role in Disaster Management

The Ministry of Defence is responsible for providing effective support to civil authorities with regards to
dissemination of warning signals, evacuation, rescue and rehabilitation operations as and when required.
However, it is the Arms Forces Division under Prime Ministers Office who undertakes utilization of
Armed Forces in aid of the civil authorities when required based coordination with MoFDM. BMD,
SPARRSO and SoB are the three information providing agencies for disaster management under the
Ministry of Defence.
Bangladesh Meteorological Department (BMD) is responsible for weather condition monitoring and
forecast. It contributes to disaster management by providing early warning for cyclones and has
established information dissemination mechanism. The BMD has established dedicated communication
link with Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning System in order to facilitate early warning on tsunami.

Bangladesh Space Research and Remote Sensing Organization (SPARRSO) is responsible for
supplying satellite data and analyzed product for various purposes disaster management. Satellite data on
cloud formations in the region is received hourly and any impending disaster like depression; cyclone,
floods etc. are reported to the Government and also to BMD, BWDB, BAF and other relevant agencies.
Survey of Bangladesh (SoB) is the national surveying and mapping agency under the Ministry of
Defence of Bangladesh. SoB has pivotal role in setting up National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) and
providing base maps and special mapping products relevant to disaster risk management.
Data/Information Sharing
The imagery of four meteorological satellites namely MTSAT, NOAA, METEOSAT and INSAT could be
received and used by BMD for weather monitoring and early warning. The RADAR systems are also used
integrated with satellite image. The weather forecast information, special weather bulletins, warning
information and alert signals were disseminated and publicized to all concerns. The SPARRSO receives
images from six satellites (NOAA, FY-2C, Aqua/Terra, MTSAT and METOP) with its three ground
receiving stations. SPARRSO maintains data archive of the images procured for specific applications
which include high resolution optical and microwave satellite. Recently, Sentinel Asia has approached
SPARRSO to install WINDS receiving station to receive images during emergencies. The SPARRSO is
responsible for analyzing and supplying space based information, images and products to BMD, DMB and
other concerned agencies. A geo-database with twenty thematic layers for planning, management and
decision making in different sectors is available with SPARRSO.
The Survey of Bangladesh (SoB) is in the process of updating 1:50,000 scale maps and generating
1:25,000 scale maps based on the aerial photographs. In addition to paper maps, SOB plans to supply
digital formats of maps to the end users. The updated maps will cover the places of interest for disaster


management such as shelter for evacuation during cyclones. The requirements of main stakeholders,
including DMB, are considered by sharing the information contents of these topographic maps.

Constraints and challenges

The access to moderate and high resolution satellite data is one of the main challenge in using space based
information for disaster management. At present the ground stations at SPARRSO mainly receives data
from low resolution meteorological satellites. The bilateral agreements need to be in place to receive such
data from neighboring countries.
Another challenge is that existing capacity of the staff in the skills related to image is not adequate to
explore full potential of the space based resources. The advance training on image processing, including
microwave data processing, is need of the time.
One of the key constraints is lack of appropriate policy and mechanism to implement the policy for
sharing the space based information in timely manner between the organizations governed by different
Ministries. The channel for information exchange between the organizations governed by the Ministry of
Defence and the Ministry of Food and Disaster Management is not direct which causes huge delays in
information sharing.
Regarding the baseline and thematic data availability in digital form, SoB implied that it will take longer
time to make such products available due to technical problem. The geo-databases developed by CEGIS,
CDMP and SPARRSO are available with respective organizations. However, there is need of coordination
mechanism the avoid duplication of strenuous efforts involved in digitization and offer mutual benefits by
promoting data sharing.

3.13 Ministry of Water Resource

Role in Disaster Management
The Ministry of Water Resources is the apex body of the Government of the People's Republic of
Bangladesh for development and management of the whole water resources of the country. Flood Forecast
Warning Centre (FFWC) and Centre for Environmental and Geographic Information Services (CEGIS) are
the centres of this Ministry visited by TAM team. Prime duties of these centres in relation to disaster
management are as follows:
- Undertake water related disaster risk assessment and activities to reduce the potential loss in high risk
- Monitoring water level of all major river system and provide flood forecast and early warning
information to all concerns.


- Undertake loss and damage assessment of water related disaster and manage the reconstruction and
rehabilitation of the destroyed infrastructure.

3.14 FFWC
FFWC was founded in 1972 under Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB) of the ministry and
performs the duties of flood risk assessment, flood prone area identification, flood forecasting, early
warning and alert information dissemination.

3.15 CEGIS
CEGIS was established in 2002 as a public trust in 2002 by the government of Bangladesh and has been
functioning under the aegis of the Ministry of Water Resources and a Board of Trustees. The Centre
supports management of natural resources for sustainable socio-economic development using integrated
environmental analysis, geographic information systems, remote sensing, and information technology.
Data/Information Sharing
BMD shares the satellite imagery and meteorological data with FFWC. FFWC analyses this data in
combination with water level data from field observation to produce flood forecast maps, situation reports
on flood levels and flood inundation map. Those outputs are distributed to decision makers and the
response community.
The CEGIS have established geo-database covering entire Bangladesh including integrated coastal
database and climate change database. The geo-database integrated with space based information has been
effectively used for drought monitoring, erosion prediction, vulnerability assessment and resources
planning by CEGIS.

Constraints and challenges

Due to self governance nature of CEGIS, sharing of geo-database and mapping products are on cost
recovery basis which calls for financial provisions by the potential users in case they want to avail services
from CEGIS. On the contrary, CEGIS does not have free access to the national data resources such as
satellite data received and archived by SPARRSO. The challenge is to formulate policies for effective
cooperation mechanism between these centres of excellence in the areas of remote sensing and geoinformatics.

3.16 Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC)

Role in Disaster Management Vision of BTRC is to facilitate affordable telecommunication services of
acceptable quality for all regardless of their location.

Data/Information Sharing


Some of the specific aspects of BTRC involvement with disaster management stakeholders are as follows:
- Establish networks with all the mobile phone companies for speedy dissemination of early warning
information to community
- Assist MoFDM and BMD in establishing an effective early warning system
- Ensure distribution of warning signals to pre-determined centres quickly via mobile and establish
wireless link with all inhabited islands.

Constraints and challenges

BTRC is aware of the need to plan emergency communications systems in cooperation with DMB based
on the past experiences during cyclones when all existing communication systems were out of order for
several days.

3.17 Comprehensive Disaster Management Programme (CDMP)

In Bangladesh, UN and other agencies provide great support to Bangladesh government through a joint
program implementation. One of the key programme is CDMP supported by multiple donor agencies
namely AusAid, DFID, European Union, Norwegian Embassy, SIDA and UNDP. The programme is
jointly implemented by the UNDP and DMRD, MoFDM, Government of Bangladesh. The programme has
already entered the Phase II (2010 to 2014)v

Role in Disaster Management

CDMP aims to reduce Bangladesh's vulnerability to adverse natural and anthropogenic hazards and
extreme events, including the devastating potential impacts of climate change. The six outcomes of CDMP
II (from 2010 to 2014) is institution strengthening in comprehensive risk reduction, rural risk reduction,
urban risk reduction, improved disaster preparedness & response, disaster-proofing of development
funding, and community level adaptation to climate risk. CDMP II aims to institutionalise the adoption of
risk reduction approaches, not just in its host Ministry of Food and Disaster Management, but more
broadly across thirteen key ministries and agencies.
Data/Information Sharing
The approach of CDMP is to incubate the programme within CDMP before the programme enters in the
Government departments for full scale implementation. The uses space based information and GIS for
disaster preparedness and risk assessment.


A platform for information sharing is established for risk assessment which includes a component of geo
database. Some of the information systems that make use of geospatial technologies are - infrastructure
inventory database, earthquake micro zonation mapping, disaster incident database, cyclone shelter
database etc. CDMP has strong technical capacity to support 3S (RS, GIS, GPS) product development.

Constraints and challenges

The main challenge is to ensure that best practices and tools incubated by CDMP gets acceptance by DMB
and other stakeholders. The systems developed at CDMP face constraints due to non-availability of
baseline data, access to satellite images and weak linkages between GIS and disaster related databases.
The best practices of CDMP will be successful if smooth flow of information in the current bureaucratic
set up is ensured.

3.18 Disaster Risk management framework

1. DM efforts equally focus on disaster risk reduction and Emergency Response
The disaster risk management structure is well established in Bangladesh, which covers entire disaster
management cycle. There are comprehensive plans to focus on risk reduction activities, early warning
stage and emergency response. The disaster management framework also considers the disaster risk
reduction as one of the measure for climate adaptation. The management structure at national level covers
all the stakeholder ministries to establish national mechanism for policy guidance and coordination. At
local level, the coordination is taken care by involving local governance bodies such as city corporation,
district, Upazilla etc.
The SOD, which reflects the vision of the government, clearly outlines the role and responsibilities of the
ministries, divisions, agencies, organizations, committees, public representatives and citizens to cope with
any natural disaster.
The National Plan for Disaster Management describes expected outcomes and action agenda for 20102015, with provides direction and perspectives to address disaster management in comprehensive manner.
SOD and National Plan for Disaster Management guarantee the sustainability of disaster management
efforts in Bangladesh.

2. Integrated approaches towards disaster management

Disasters like flood, often triggered by cyclones in Bangladesh, are often aggravated by environmental
degradation. The links between environment and disaster risk are two-fold. Environmental degradation
accentuates disaster risk on the one hand, while on the other, disasters damage the environment thus
increasing peoples vulnerability to future disasters. It is, therefore, argued that a DRR approach that
integrates concerns about the environment would have both environmental and disaster risk reduction


Likewise, climate change adaptation inter-links with disaster risk reduction . These two issues have had
two distinct histories, but are increasingly beginning to merge. One cannot adapt to climate change
without disaster risk reduction. Disaster risk reduction provides insight into how to adapt to incremental
change, while disaster preparedness is better strengthened when informed by the long term challenges of
climate change and environmental degradation.
HFA review for 2011 clearly mentions that National Disaster Management Council (NDMC) outlined
disaster and climate risk reduction tasks for the ministries, agencies, committees, civil society,
organizations, non-government organizations and citizens. National Plan for Disaster Management (20102015) approved in 2010 also approved Bangladesh Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan (BCCSAP
2009). Disaster and climate risk reduction fund and climate change adaptation fund has been allocated in
the national budget. CDMP also intend to incorporate disaster and climate risk in the policy and plans of
the stakeholder ministries and organizations.

3. Adoption of space technology in effective early warning

One of the most effective example of risk reduction activity in Bangladesh is early warning of cyclones,
which have brought down the number of deaths from few hundred thousands in the past to few hundreds
in the recent years. The space based information has been effectively used for cyclone forecast and early
warning by BMD. The dissemination of the early warning information to the community level is
effectively done by the CPP with help of its over 48,000 volunteers.

3.19 Technological awareness and capacity with respect to space-based

Much of the success of saving lives during recent cyclones can be attributed to the weather forecast and
early warning capacity developed by BMD that involves satellite based meteorology. However,
contribution of earth observation (remote sensing) satellites in disaster management and emergency
response is not as significant as it should be, thereby indicates underuse of the capacity existed in the
centres of excellence (SPARRSO and CEGIS) based in Bangladesh. The immediate emergency response is
still planned based on the reports on damage assessment obtained from the field persons alone.

1. High level of awareness at decision-makers level

The TAM team had the opportunity to talk to heads of government departments. The awareness level on
the use of space technology is generally high, which is something to be expected considering the spacerelated infrastructure development 37and capacity building activities carried out by SPARRSO and BMD.
The projects implemented by the centres of excellence such as CEGIS contribute significantly to employ


use of remote sensing and GIS in development planning and disaster management. The organisations like
SPARRSO and CEGIS offer their services to several ministries to incorporate geospatial technologies in
their activities. Early warning provided by BMD has been the key factor in saving life of people due to
frequent cyclones that hit Bangladesh. This involvement by institutions in using geospatial technologies
potentially arises out of high awareness levels among decision makers on the benefits of space-based
technologies in their respective areas. This is one of the strengths in Bangladesh that was noted by the
TAM team.
However, the stakeholders mentioned constant need for awareness programmes to the decision makers at
high and mid-levels. As technologies advance, ways via which space-based information is accessed and
used changes dramatically. Decision makers need to be informed of these technologies and their benefits
in order to implement policies that promote appropriate uptake and usage in national development plans,
including disaster management and related sectors of natural resources development and environmental
The telecommunication and disaster management authorities are fully aware of the importance of satellite
communications and satellite navigation in the disaster management, considering their recent experiences
that mobile phone communication was out of order for several days during major cyclones.

2. Technical capacity exists, although not adequate, in the key institutions

It is evident that Bangladesh Metrological Department (BMD) has operationalised benefits of space
technology by establishing strong weather forecast and early warning system, although there is concern
about lack of optimal infrastructure and trained human resource.
FFWC/IWM and CEGIS have developed operational capacity on risk identification of water related
disasters based on geospatial information, remote sensing imagery and flood early warning system. Geo
database established by CEGIS is valuable asset to facilitate the space based information application for
disaster risk reduction. 38CDMP has been able to demonstrate the operational use of geospatial
information for disaster risk reduction.
There is a strong foundation in Bangladesh to apply space and geospatial technologies in disaster
management, with defined and interrelated stakeholders.
The SPARRSO act as a focal point that links various stakeholders on the matters related to space
technology including government, industry, international institutions and academia. Translating this
capacity to offer direct benefits to the disaster management has been hampered by lack of access to
requisite geospatial data and the absence of a coordinated, government-driven, and functional National
Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) for Bangladesh. These gaps can be looked at as an opportunity for
further strengthening the inter-departmental cooperation.


Strengthening capacities of provider organizations like SPARRSO and CEGIS and user organizations like
DMB and DRR will certainly form a good foundation for sustainably introducing applications of
geospatial technologies in disaster management.
There are a number of key institutions within Government with competent, well trained professionals and
technicians that are currently adept at use space technologies (RS and GIS, Satellite communication and
satellite meteorology), as is evident from the fact that over 50 personnel in Bangladesh are trained by the
Centre for Space Science Technology Education for Asia and the Pacific (CSSTEAP) based in India.
Discussions with the stakeholders during the workshop revealed that efforts in capacity building need to
be consistent, especially in the areas of using satellite based earth observation and satellite meteorology. It
was felt that a critical number of staff from the DMB, DRR and other stake-holder organizations need to
be trained. This will result in the capacity in the user department to derive benefits of the services offered
by those technical organizations.

3. Status of fundamental datasets and National Spatial Data

Infrastructure (SDI)
The most crucial element to using space-based information is availability of spatial data infrastructure
(SDI) and a baseline GIS database. SDI is a framework of spatial 39data, metadata, users and tools that
are interactively connected in order to use spatial data in an efficient and flexible way. Another definition
is the technology, policies, standards, human resources, and related activities necessary to acquire,
process, distribute, use, maintain, and preserve spatial data.
Use of space-based information inevitably calls for the availability of a spatial data infrastructure (SDI).
SDI forms the base to use any other information that is spatial in nature, including remote sensing data. In
other words, remote sensing data can be considerably more useful when integrated with other baseline and
ancillary data.
Currently SDI guidelines have not been formally released by any organization. The mission team
understood that Survey of Bangladesh (SOB) is entrusted with an official responsibility to establish SDI in
consultation with other organizations in Bangladesh.
There is a substantial amount of GIS data covering the entire country but it is not cohesive. The mission
team could not get indication that any single agency currently has the entire baseline GIS data for the
entire country which can be shared with all other departments and institutions involved in using of
geospatial information. This seriously limits the integration of information available in various
government organisations and its use in disaster risk reduction and emergency response.


3.20 Strengthening disaster management by relevant employing

and IT tools
1. Foster contribution of geospatial and space based information during
disaster event
It was noted that DiDirectorate of Relief and Rehabilitation (DRR) plans emergency response activities
based on the information received through the Project
Implementation Officers (PIO) at Upazilla level. This mechanism has not employed relevant geospatial
tools to collate such information. The mission team felt strong need of such tools which will bring all field
information together in GIS platform in order to generate situation maps. These maps, in conjunction with
satellite images, can provide much precise and meaningful information for emergency response planning.
The mission team felt strong need of generating awareness about in this area at DRR.
The mission team was told that early estimates on the post disaster damage assessment that are based on
the preliminary assessment differ significantly when more data is made available at later stage. This the
result being that the relief operations are performed in absence of reliable and accurate information needed
to support its activities. This also exposes the fact that about lack of coordination between the technology
organizations and user departments likes DRR.
On the contrary, a huge amount of disaster related data collected by the field officers is not available to the
organizations involved in providing geospatial services and geospatial data generated by the organizations
is not easily accessible by the user department.

2. Need to update disaster management documents and guidelines to

include role of space-based and geospatial information
Developing a clear and coherent strategy is of paramount importance for enforcing inputs from spacebased information in disaster management. Based on the discussion between the TAM team, DMB and
other stakeholders about the important documents such as SOD and National Plan for Development
Management, it was felt these documents need to provide guidelines on improving disaster management
by strengthening the stakeholders engaged in providing relevant information using space technology
(earth observation satellites, meteorological satellites, satellite based communication and navigation).


3.Use of international mechanisms

Space community, mainly SPARSO is aware of international mechanisms like International Charter,
Sentinel Asia and SERVIR. However, disaster management community is largely unaware of how these
mechanisms can be effectively used during emergencies.
Sentinel Asia is an initiative to make the best use of earth observation satellites data for disaster
management in the Asia-Pacific region. Besides emergency situation, member country can join working
groups related to the flood and wildfires which provides valuable data and models for risk assessment. As
one of the member or Sentinel Asia, SPARRSO can access the images through Sentinel Asia mechanism
via dedicated communication system WINDS.
The International Charter Space and Major Disaster provides rapid maps for emergency response based on
the latest satellite images. Bangladesh can activate the International Charter in the case of a major disaster
in consultation with the local UN Office (WFP, UNDP etc.). UN-SPIDER is authorized to activate
International Charter if requests come through local UN agencies.
Bangladesh is member state of ICIMOD, an intergovernmental institute based in Kathmandu, Nepal.
ICIMOD is one of the host of SERVIR, named as SERVIR Himalaya. Bangladesh should take benefit of
SERVIR by availing the services specially improving flood forecast. Detailed about SERVIR is mentioned
below. SERVIR- Enabling the use of Earth observations and predictive models for timely decision making
to benefit society SERVIR is a Regional Visualization and Monitoring System that integrates earth
observations (e.g. satellite imagery) and forecast models together with in situ data and knowledge for
timely decision- making to benefit society, which was initiated in 2005 by NASA and USAID. There
arethree regional offices under the system till now, namely SERVIR Africa, SERVIR Latin America and
SERVIR Himalaya.
SERVIR addresses the nine societal benefit areas of the Global Earth Observation System of Systems
(GEOSS), namely: disasters, ecosystems, biodiversity, weather, water, climate, oceans, health, agriculture,
and energy. The effort intensively utilizes and integrates NASA satellite observations and predictive
models, along with other geographic information (satellite, sensor, and field-based) for environmental
monitoring, natural resource planning and disaster management. The objectives of the project is to
implement access to and sharing of environmental data; Strengthen regional infrastructure to facilitate
SERVIR national implementation and to build a community of data custodians and users around the
SERVIR Data Portal. Till now, SERVIR has become a platform for collaboration and cross-agency
coordination, international partnerships, delivery services and applications, supporting not only national
governments, but also universities, NGOs and the private sector.


Emergency Communication
BTRC and DMB are already discussing ways to promote disaster management communication. During
recent cyclones (such as cyclone Alia), often mobile based communication was out of order for several
days which hampered relief operations.
Although communication radios are available in the south coastal belt, the need of satellite based
emergency communication system remains vital. The priority is to support the coastal belt that is prone to
impact of cyclones. It is important to include armed forces in DM communication who are often deployed
in case of disaster. The discussion with BTRC confirmed that the resources related to the satellite based
emergency communication need to be stationed in Bangladesh for easy and timely deployment during
cyclone season.


Chapter 4
Major natural disaster in Bangladesh and Scope of ICT Implementation
4.1Natural Disasters History in Bangladesh 2013
This list contains all major natural disasters in Bangladesh in 2013 with detail report.
July 2013
July 10: Bangladesh flash floods affect nearly 10,000
Flash floods triggered by the heavy downpour affected nearly 10,000 people across Bangladesh.
July 8: Tripura earthquake shakes Bangladesh
Tremor was felt in several parts of northeast India and Bangladesh.
June 2013
June 28: Flash floods in Noakhali, Bangladesh
At least 25,000 Bengalis have been affected by the flash floods in Hatiya, Subarnachar and Companiganj
upazilas of Noakhali.
June 10: Flash flood hits Lalmonirhat, Bangladesh
Recent flash floods in Bangladesh have affected over 40 villages in Lalmonirhat, The Daily Star reported.
May 2013
May 16: Cyclone Mahasen hits Bangladesh
Cyclone Mahasen hits Patuakhali coast of Bangladesh. One killed in Bhola.
May 12: Cyclone Mahasen in Bangladesh
Tropical cyclone Mahasen originating in the southeast Bay of Bengal is a potential major threat to
Bangladesh and Myanmar.
April 2013
April 28: Bangladesh Norwester claims 5
Norwester claimed five lives including two children in Tangail, Sirajganj and Gaibandha area of
March 2013


March 23: Tornado in Bangladesh claims 14 injures 500

Tornado in Bangladesh has claimed fourteen lives and injured more than 500 people.
March 17: Storm in Bangladesh
Storm sinks 2 trawlers in Bangladesh.
March 13: Landslide in Sylhet, Bangladesh
Landslide in Sylhet, Bangladesh has killed three people and injured 10 others.

4.2 Kinds of natural disaster in Bangladesh

Cyclones, Storm Surges and Tornado
River Bank Erosion
Arsenic Contamination and Salinity Intrusion
Fire, Infrastructure Collapse and Landslide

4.2.1 FLOOD When flood is happen
Floods are annual phenomena with the most severe occurring during the months of July and August. Regular
river floods affect 20% of the country increasing up to 68% in extreme years. The floods of 1988, 1998 and
Approximately 37%, 43%, 52% and 68% of the country is inundated with floods of return periods of 10, 20, 50
and 100 years respectively (MPO, 1986). Four types of flooding occur in Bangladesh.
Flash floods caused by overflowing of hilly rivers of eastern and northern Bangladesh (in April-May and
Rain floods caused by drainage congestion and heavy rains.
Monsoon floods caused by major rivers usually in the monsoon (during June-September).
Coastal floods caused by storm surges.


Fig4.1 : Flood water flowing Bangladesh: Preparing for flood disaster

Oxfam has helped people prepare for the yearly floods in Bangladesh, which are exacerbated by climate
Raised houses
Raising the ground above flood level helps protect peoples homes. Grasses and trees planted around this raised
house prevent erosion. We grow vegetables like pumpkins on the roof, and fruit trees like mango and jackfruit
that can be eaten during or after the floods. These households did not go under water so this food remained
available to the families living here, says a Kodvanu resident.
Cluster villages
Community leader, Mohammed Abu Ysef says, "Before this cluster village, life was very hard for people. Every
year the area was flooded. Now we feel there's no monsoon because we don't face any of the problems."
Flood shelters
A flood shelter is a three to five acre area of raised ground (around 18 to 35 football pitches). People can bring
their livestock, possessions, and even their homes, to the safety of a flood shelter. Flood shelters can
accommodate 100-300 families. Facilities include a community room for those without shelter, tube-wells,
latrines, a fishpond, and areas for vegetable cultivation and tree plantations.
Clean water
Flooding can contaminate water supplies, leading to potentially fatal diseases. Oxfam works with villagers to
maintain safe supplies of water. Here a villager from Hari, India is drawing water from a raised tube-well. The
top of the pipe of some tube-wells can be quickly extended, so keeping it above the level of any floods.


Flooding is a natural phenomenon, which cannot be prevented. Complete flood control is not in the interests of
most Bangladeshi farmers. The flood control measures and policies should be directed to mitigation of flood
damage, rather than flood prevention. Resources should be allocated to help people adopt a life style that is
conformable to their natural environment. Indigenous solutions through changing the housing structures and
crop patterns can help reduce flood damage. Moreover, good governance, appropriate environmental laws, acts
and ordinances will be necessary to achieve sustainable economic development and to reduce any
environmental degradation. In addition, implementation of an improved real-time flood and drought control
warning system can reduce damage caused by floods. A greater understanding of the processes that contribute to
increased flooding propensity, however, can help us mitigate the adverse effects on human lives, environment.
To mitigate flooding propensity in Bangladesh, both the GOB and the people will have to shift their paradigms,
as well as will have to adopt BMPs in agriculture, forestry, land us planning, water resources management, and
urbanization. The BMPs pertaining to flood control are those activities that will help reduce the run-off, will
increase the carrying capacity of drainage system, and will increase land elevations with respect to sea level or
riverbeds. ICT for Flood Management : Special Features

Bangladesh has a large number of catchment areas, rivers and related river basins. Floods have been recurrent
phenomena with concomitant loss of lives, properties, infrastructure and public utilities. In fact, floods in some
of the States like Assam and Bihar are cyclic phenomena. Another issue on effective DM during floods is the
fact that some of the causes of floods and consequent damages in India originate in neighboring countries that
add new dimension to the complexities involved in early warning (EW), forecasting mitigation and
preparedness activities in DM continuum.
Bangladesh is regularly affected by floods due to the high discharges in the Ganga-Brahmaputra- Meghna river
system. The main causes of floods are widespread heavy rainfall in the catchment areas and inadequate capacity
of the river channel to contain the flood flow within the banks of the river. In the tidal reach areas, widespread
inundation occurs where high floods in the river synchronises with the high tidal levels from the sea. The
discharge of the river Brahmaputra is mostly contributed by the snowmelt in China (Tibet) on the other side of
the Himalayas before it enters Arunachal Pradesh.
In Arunachal Pradesh, Assam and Meghalaya, rainfall is quite heavy and this contributes substantial amount of
flow in the river. The Brahmaputra River causes specific problems in Assam due to siltation, which requires
periodic dredging of the riverbed on priority to minimize the impact of flood and soil erosion. Satellite imagery
of flood affected areas on GIS platform will enable Decision Support System to guide flood mitigation program.
Inter-state coordination, with installation of an automatic Alarm System employing appropriate level/discharge
sensors, can be used to pre-empt disasters. Effective and timely information systems, and contingency plans for
dealing with such disasters, are the answers.
The present manual system of marking of water level is to be converted to an automatic danger level overflow


alarm system using intelligent sensors, which will flash the information instantly to the State Emergency
Operations Centre (SEOC)/ District Emergency Operations Centre (DEOC) and will enable quick evacuation
and save lives and property, is the need of the hour.
Flooding along with major river basins such as Brahmaputra, Ganga, Yamuna and so on dictates requisite
communication support system, warning, forecasting, preparedness and subsequent response and recovery. This
impacts positioning of communication centers, towers and allied power pack equipment.
This also dictates requirement of mobile communication equipment, whether man portable, or transportable on
Vehicles, Boats and Helicopters. An emerging dimension in the floods scene is the flooding in cities and towns.
This is a rising phenomena due to increasing incidents of sudden and heavy rainfall, unplanned management
and indiscriminate encroachment of waterways, inadequate drainage and lack of maintenance of its
infrastructure. Flood forecasting and Warning Network
Floods, heavy or catastrophic ones, are bound to occur periodically. They cannot be prevented or controlled.
Embankments and big dams moderate floods to some extent, but may themselves cause problems if water has to
be released in the interest of the safety of structures. Increasing green cover in the catchment area, extensive
water harvesting, groundwater recharging, and so on, may perhaps slightly reduce the incidence of floods.
However, floods will occur from time to time, and we have to learn to live with them, minimize harm and
damage and maximize benefits.
Flood forecasts help in optimum regulations of multipurpose reservoirs with or without flood cushions in them.
This has been rendered by Central Water Commission (CWC) to cover almost all major flood prone inter-State
river basins of India. CWC operates a Nation Wide Network of 945 hydrological observation stations
distributed in various river basins. At present, there are 145 level forecasting stations on major rivers and 27
inflow forecasting stations on major dams/ barrages. It covers 9 major river systems in the country, including 65
river sub-basins pertaining to 15 hazard prone states. Normally forecasts are issued 12 to 48 hours in advance,
depending upon the river terrain, the location of the flood forecasting sites and base stations. The Flood
Forecasting and Warning network of the CWC is mostly based on hydro-meteorological data recorded by
observers and communicated by wireless and/or telephone. Very few river basins have been covered with
automatic sensors for observations and telemetry system for communication of data.
To overcome the limitations of existing system, the CWC has undertaken various expansion and modernization
schemes to cover more areas and to make forecasting more efficient and reliable. The IMD has also taken up the
expansion of its network of Automatic Rain Gauges. The Ministry of Earth Sciences (MOES) is making efforts
for the procurement of 12 Doppler Weather Radars (DWRs) for continuous monitoring of evolving extreme
weather phenomena including heavy rainfall events along the coastal areas apart from tracking cyclones.
Gradually, the DWR network would cover the whole country and in the process all the major river basins as
Hydrological data from various river basins that are collected by IMD, CWC, and State Governments (collected


by using Bureau of Indian Standards approved automatic sensors for rainfall and river flow measurements) are
planned to be stored in centralized mechanism for distribution and archival.
Similarly, Computer- based comprehensive catchment scale hydrological and hydrodynamic models, interfaced
with flood plain inundation mapping tools, will be developed. Forecast will be disseminated using computer
networks and satellite (e.g. Internet, e-mail, VSAT), the terrestrial communication network connectivity of the
National Informatics Centre (NIC) etc.
The efforts of CWC, IMD, NRSA and State Governments will be integrated and a mechanism developed
wherein during monsoon, the representatives of all these organizations and the basin states work together in
formulation and dissemination of reliable forecast and warning.

4.2.2 Cyclones, Storm Surges and Tornado what is Cyclones, Storm Surges and Tornado
Tropical cyclones from the Bay of Bengal accompanied by storm surges are one of the major disasters in
Bangladesh. The country is one of the worst sufferers of all cyclonic casualties in the world. The high number
of casualties is due to the fact that cyclones are always associated with storm surges. Storm surge height in
excess of 9m is not uncommon in this region. For example, the 1876 cyclone had a surge height of 13.6 m and
in 1970 the height was 9.11 m (WARPO, 2005). In fact, the 1970 Cyclone is the deadliest Cyclone that has hit
Bangladesh coastline. With a wind-speed of about 224 km per hour and associated storm surge of 6.1 to 9.11
Meter, it was responsible for death of about 300,000 people. ICT for Cyclones Management: Special Features

Cyclonic vulnerability in a recurrent is a ground reality for the Indian Sub continent. With a long coastline
of approximately 7500 KMs of flood coastal terrain, high population density, geographical location,
topological feature of its coastal zone, is extremely vulnerable to cyclones and related hazards like storms
tides, high velocity winds and heavy rains. In fact, nearly 1/3rd of the countrys population is vulnerable to
cyclone related hazards. Within 13 Coastal States and Union Territories, 84 coastal districts are affected
one way or the other by tropical cyclones. Four States namely Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Orissa and
West Bengal and Union Territory of Puducherry along the east coast and Gujarat in the west coast are
more vulnerable to cyclones and associated hazards. This vulnerability, coupled with a large geographical
spread, dictates a comparable intensive deployment of EW, forecasting and ICT support over the entire
DM continuum. From the ICT angle, the key facet, which needs to be? Clearly understood, is the terrain
configuration, with related geographical complexities and demographic diversity, which is to be taken into
consideration while planning for ICT systems. Of particular concern are the issues related to proximity of
Communication Centers and related POPs (Points of Presence) to the coast lines as also capabilities of
communication towers to with stand high cyclonic wind pressures so that these are not damaged or
destroyed during cyclone, when most needed. The cyclone prone districts are distributed across the coastal


States and Island territories of the country and have diverse topographical conditions. The network
technology to reach, the EW to the last mile must be able to operate under these diverse topographical
conditions each of the 13 cyclone prone States/ UTs in the country. Timely receipts allow sufficient lead
time for the community to respond to the advice received from the district/sub-district level and take
appropriate action. The typical duration of a cyclone, that hits the Indian coast, is 3 to 4 days from the time
it forms to the time it hits the land. The lead time from detection of a cyclone to dissemination of the
warning is variable and depends on the distance on the point of formation from the coast. Warning System in Bangladesh

Bangladesh Meteorological Department (BMD) is the source of cyclone warning in Bangladesh. BMD
generates the warning and passes this on to public media and preparedness units for dissemination and
follow-up action at periodic intervals. There are separate warning system for maritime ports and river
There are major weaknesses in the cyclone warning system of the country. The existing cyclone warning
system in Bangladesh is not something easy to understand, almost incomprehensible even to most of the
educated people. The languages of special weather bulletins which are issued at the advent of cyclone
formation and disseminated through radio and television are not simple, as a result the message it carries
often fail to reach the general people. In the weather bulletins, simply storm surge height is forecasted
without giving information about the stage (e.g. high/spring tide and low/neap tide) during the landfall of
cyclones on the coast. The forecasting/warning system does not forecast the intensity of rainfall from the
approaching cyclone. Finally, the state of accuracy of the forecasting/warnings of the arrival/landfall of
cyclones is not out of question. In the past, many of the warnings of arrival landfall of destructive
cyclones had been inaccurate. Some of these issues are being addressed in recent reviews but actual
changes are still awaited. Ten principles common to development of Multi-Hazard Early Warning

1. There is a strong political recognition of the benefits of EWS reflected in harmonized national and local
disaster risk management policies, planning, legislation and budgeting.
2. Effective EWS are built upon four components: (i) hazard detection, monitoring and forecasting; (ii)
analyzing risks and incorporation of risk information in emergency planning and warnings: (iii)
disseminating timely and authoritative warnings, and (iv)community planning and preparedness.
3. EWS stakeholders are identified and their roles and responsibilities and coordination mechanisms
clearly defined and documented within national and local plans, legislation, directives, MOUs, etc.
4. EWS capacities are supported by adequate resources (e.g., human, financial, equipment, etc.) at the
national and local levels and the system is designed and for long-term sustainability.
5. Hazard, exposure and vulnerability information are used to carry-out risk assessments at different
levels, as critical input into emergency planning and development of warning messages.
6. Warning messages are; (i) clear, consistent and include risk information, (ii) designed with
consideration for linking threat levels to emergency preparedness and response actions (e.g., using


color, flags, etc) and understood by authorities and the population, and (iii) issued by a single (or
unified), recognized and authoritative source.
7. Warning dissemination mechanisms are able to reach the authorities, other EWS
and the population
at risk in a timely and reliable fashion.
8. Emergency response plans are developed with consideration for hazard/risk levels, characteristics of the
exposed communities.
9. Training on hazard/risk/emergency preparedness awareness integrated in various formal and informal
educational programmes with regular drills to ensure operational readiness.
10. Effective feedback and improvement mechanisms are in place at all levels of EWS to provide
systematic evaluation and ensure improvement over time. Possible way for Cyclone Forecasting and Warning Network

Presently Area Cyclone Warning Centers (ACWC) of the IMD generate special warning bulletins and
transmit them every hour in the local languages through the network of 252 analogue receivers installed in
the field. This analogue network of Cyclone Warning Dissemination System (CWDS) is planned to be
replaced by Digital CWDS (DCWDS) receivers, along with additional number of DCWDS stations all
along the east and west coasts of Bangladesh. In addition to the analogue network of 252 analog receivers
distributed in the field, presently 101 DCWDS stations are also operational along the coast of Andhra
Pradesh and one in Lakshadweep, making the total number of CWDS / DCWDS receivers in position to
be 353 with uplink stations at Regional Meteorological Centre (RMC) Chennai and IMD at its Satellite
Meteorological Division, New Delhi. Besides, IMD also uses other conventional modes of communication
like telephone, FAX, radio and television for communicating warnings.
Information on cyclone warnings is furnished on a real-time basis to the Control Room set up in the
Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India. High-power Cyclone Detection Radars (CDRs) that are
installed along the coastal belt of India and Satellite imagery received from weather satellite are used in
detecting the development and movement of Tropical Cyclones over oceanic regions.
Digital Cyclone Warning System developed by SAC, ISRO is DTH based Cyclone Warning and
Dissemination system. The INSAT MSS type C Terminal (Hand-held type) receive Data based Cyclone
warning and INSAT MSS type D Terminal (Hand-held type) receive Voice based Cyclone warning (on
SCPC using DAMA). EXISTING METHODS IN STORM SURGE MODELLING RESEARCH Mathematical Studies and Hydrodynamic Models

A number of hydrodynamic numerical models have been developed for storm surge generation and
propagation. Numerical models, constructed by Reid and Bodine (1968), Sielecki and Wurtele (1970) and
Flather and Heaps (1975), were able to simulate the extent of inundation, but not the actual processes of
wave propagation, breaking, and interaction with the coastal structures. This approach was quite
successful in predicting flooding due to a major tsunami in Chile (Hebenstreit et al.,1985). A very
extensive and thorough study by Lewis and Adams (1983) resulted in a complicated numerical solution for


the one-dimensional problem only. Kowalik and Bang (1987) derived a solution using a different
numerical algorithm, but again, only to the one-dimensional case. Hibberd and Peregrine (1979) studied
the runup and back-wash by considering the long wave equations together with the wave front condition
represented by a bore. Numerical models have also been developed for simulating storm surges in the Bay
of Bangol. All of the above mentioned models considered the following parameters for
their calculations:
-elevation of the sea surface,
-components of depth-mean current,
-components of the wind-stress on the sea surface,
-components of the bottom stress,
-atmospheric pressure on the sea surface,
-the total water depth,
-the density of the sea water,
-the acceleration due to gravity, and
-the Coriolis parameter

4.2.3 Earthquake What is earthquake?
Earthquake is trembling or shaking movement of the earth's surface. Most earthquakes are minor
tremors, while larger earthquakes usually begin with slight tremors, rapidly take the form of one or more
violent shocks, and end in vibrations of gradually diminishing force called aftershocks. Earthquake is a
form of energy of wave motion, which originates in a limited region and then spreads out in all directions
from the source of disturbance. It usually lasts for a few seconds to a minute. The point within the earth
where earthquake waves originate is called the focus, from where the vibrations spread in all directions.
They reach the surface first at the point immediately above the focus and this point is called the epicenter.
It is at the epicenter where the shock of the earthquake is first experienced. On the basis of the depth of
focus, an earthquake may be termed as shallow focus (0-70 km), intermediate focus (70-300 km), and
deep focus (> 300 km). The most common measure of earthquake size is the Richter's magnitude (M). The


Richter scale uses the maximum surface wave amplitude in the seismogram and the difference in the
arrival times of primary (P) and secondary (S) waves for determining magnitude (M). The magnitude is
related to roughly logarithm of energy, E in ergs
Status of earthquakes Bangladesh is surrounded by the regions of high seismicity which include the
Himalayan Arc and SHILLONG PLATEAU in the north, the Burmese Arc, Arakan Yoma anticlinorium in the
east and complex Naga-Disang-Jaflong thrust zones in the northeast. It is also the site of the Dauki Fault
system along with numerous subsurface active faults and a flexure zone called Hinge Zone. These weak
regions are believed to provide the necessary zones for movements within the basin area. Causes of Earthquake

Tectonics and Sedimentation
In the Delta
Tectonic forces play an important role in the geography of Bangladesh. But on the worlds largest delta,
rivers, sedimentation, and floods also shape the landscape. Team members are investigating the connection
between these two systems: tectonics and river system.
How can earthquakes affect rivers?
Rivers change course over time. In deltas, rivers can shift back and forth as they drop sediment, and then
naturally flow into lower ground. Earthquakes and other tectonic activity can also steer a river. As plates
shift, some parts of the landscape may drop and others uplift. This can send rivers on a new path. ICT for Earthquake Management: Special Features

The damage potential of earthquakes covering nearly 59% of Indian landmass has major impact on ICT
infrastructure, because of the very vast geographical spread as also difficult terrain. The ICT requirements,
therefore, have to cater for requisite support in a very short span of time, since the earthquake related
disasters very rarely gives any early warning indicators. Earthquakes also affect the mobility of the ICT
elements, in addition to causing considerable damage to the existing infrastructure resources; whether
public or private in the affected areas. It is, therefore, imperative that these backdrop issues are taken into
account while planning for earthquake related ICT support for the activities involved in the complete


The center of the action

Bangladesh is a country in South Asia bordered by India, Bhutan, and Myanmar. It sits on the Bay of
Bengal and its capital city, Dhaka, is located in the Bengal Delta. AMNH / Google Earth

4.2.4 Tsunami Tsunami Warning Network
Consequent to the devastating tsunami on December 26, 2004, (that was triggered by an under-ocean EQ
off Sumatra-Indonesia with magnitude of 9.1 Mw, leading to the death of than 2,30,000 people that
include about 10,000 from India), the Regional Tsunami Warning Centre (RTWC) has been set up at
Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS), Hyderabad. This national early warning
system for tsunami and storm surges in Indian Ocean has become operational since December, 2007.
Essentially this centre receives on 24X7 basis real-time seismic data from the network of 17 broadband
seismic stations of India Meteorological Department (IMD) as well as near-real-time data from
International Seismic Networks of Japan Meteorological Agency, Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre
(PTWC) and Global Seismographic Network (GSN) of 200 active stations belonging to Incorporated
Research Institute for Seismology (IRIS-200), USA, to detect all earthquakes with moment magnitude
greater than six (Mw>6) in Indian ocean within 8-15 minutes of their occurrence. IMD network provides
signals through VSAT and International networks send the signals through Internet/Emails.
Indian tsunami warning system operates using 3 tiers viz; watch, alert and warning depending on size
and continuity of waves detected. For areas close to the earthquake source (e.g. Andaman and Nicobar
Island) and south-west coast of Indian Ocean, Tsunami Early Warning is sent within 5 to10 minutes based
solely on earthquake information. However, for areas far from earthquake sources, a Watch-Signal is
initially generated based on earthquake data, which is subsequently upgraded to a Warning-Signal, if
tsunami generation is from Bottom Pressure Recorders (BPR) as well as Tidal Gauge Signals otherwise
the Watch-Signal is cancelled.


BPR consists of a sub-assembly of piezo-electric crystal and a companion moored surface-buoy linked
with two-way acoustic transducers. Any significant changes in sea level due to tsunami is monitored by 12
BPRs (10 in Bay of Bengal and 2 in Arabian Sea) and wave heights are measured by 50 Tidal Gauges (36
installed by SOI and 14 by The National Institute of Ocean Technology (NIOT)). These are installed at all
strategic locations to serve the purpose of generating EW signals. The sensors are based on sub-sea
transducers equipped with highly accurate piezo-electric pressure gauges (that are positioned at sea-bed
hundreds of miles off the Indian Coast), that transmits an acoustic signal (if there is small but continuous
change in water level) to a radio-buoy moored with (attached with) the anchor of the BPR. Real-time
Existing Communications Base and ICT Support Situation Analysis data from all these buoys are
received at INCOIS through VSAT (using VHF-radio frequency via both INSAT3A and KALPANA
simultaneously) while the data from NOAA-BPRs (2 nos located in India Ocean) are also received at
INCOIS through Internet (E-mail) with a delay of about 15 minutes.
Five Coastal observation Radars (HF Radio Frequency based) and two Current Meter. Moorings are
installed to monitor Storm surges and physical behavior of the ocean.
The custom-build application software necessary for continuous monitoring of the seismic and sea-levelchange data has been developed by INCOIS in collaboration with NIOT (for Tsunami modeling) and TCS
(for post processing and display) to trigger an alarm, whenever a pre-set threshold is exceeded for further
dissemination of the alert to the stakeholders. INCOIS issues confirmed alert within 30 minutes of
earthquake. The Warning- Signal provides travel time, surge height at the land-fall point and the extent of
inundation. INSAT Based Distress Alert Transmitter

For Fishing Boats Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) has developed INSAT based Distress Alert
transmitter (DAT) through an Indian industry with technical expertise from Space Applications Centre
(SAC), Ahmadabad. The requirement for a satellite based Distress Alert Transmitter was given by the
Indian Coast Guards, for use in fishing boats going deep in to sea. In case of emergency, the fishing boat
transmits a short message containing its position and type of emergency to a central location through
satellite for rescue operation. The transmitter operates through DRT Transponder of INSAT-3A in the
frequency band of 402.65 to 402.85 MHz
The transmitter has following features:
It is light weight, portable, floatable and battery operated transmitter suitable
for marine environment.
Low cost affordable by fisherman.
In built GPS receiver to give position and time information.


In the event of emergency the user manually activates the transmitter and press a switch indicating
emergency condition to relay the message to a Central Station through INSAT satellite, the function is
similar to PLB (Personal locator Beacon).
Transmits different types of emergency like fire, boat sinking, and man overboard or medical help on
manual activation.
Test transmission facility.
Once activated, transmits in random mode, every 1- minute for 5 minutes
and then once every 5 minutes. Transmission lasts for 24 hrs.
Uses Omni directional antenna having hemi spherical coverage, suitable for operation from fishing
Uses lithium primary battery

Large earthquake strikes off the tip of

relays data
of seaquake
seismometer to GSMB in Colombo
PTWC revises
to 8.5,
mentions potential for tsunami
08:04 hrs
Sources: NYT, Sunday Times, Tamilnet,

Fig: 1. Tsunami December 26, 2004


09:00 hrs

08:55 hrs

08:40 hrs

09:30 hrs

08:27 hrs

09:20 hrs
08:52 hrs
09:15 hrs
Fig: 2. Tsunami December 26, 2004

4.3 Model for Disaster Information Management Using Mobile Technology

The basic assumption is that 2nd Generation level technology for mobile communication is available in
Bangladesh and that mobile phones have reached a critical mass. Moreover, the Network coverage of
cellular phones has reached a fairly distributed geographical region covering most of the disaster prone
areas in Bangladesh.
Model Proposed
In the proposed model, the Disaster Management Bureau (DMB) will play the central role of coordination
for implementing mobile technology for disaster management. This DMB has a line of communication
with other weather forecasting agencies. The weather forecasting agencies will forecast the disaster,
cyclone for example, and pitch this information to the DMB. Dissemination of disaster warning, rescue
and recovery information will be disseminated through two separate but complementary approaches.
One is through the formal channel of communication like local authority and local disaster shelters. To
implement this channel, the prerequisite is that all local centers will have at least one mobile phone. It
is also possible to select a local representative who owns a mobile phone to keep communication with
the centers that dont have mobile phone. The central coordinator (DMB) will send updated


information to the local centers which in turn will be distributed using both online and offline media.
This weather information will be highly specific depending upon the cell of the mobile phone. The
prevailing system of communication is through radio which is not much targeted.
Another approach, which is the focus of proposed model, is disseminating disaster warning, rescue and
recovery information directly to the affected people using mobile phones. The central coordinator
(DMB) will collect weather information from the meteorological department. There will be line of
communication between the DMB and the mobile phone operators. After receiving location based
weather report, the central coordinator will write a Short Message Service (SMS) describing the
weather report and necessary steps to be taken and then send it to the mobile phone operators. Mobile
operators then disseminate this short message to all mobile phones in a specific geographic cell. This
service will be push service which will not require users active participation.


In the previous section, we categorized disaster management systems. Certain architectural concerns are
vital for the development of these systems. We now define from the meaning of each of the quality
attributes and their implication in the context of disaster management.
A. Availability
Traditionally, availability is concerned with the long-term proportion of time the system is working and
delivering its services. In the case of systems operating in the preparedness and response phase of disaster
management, it is important that they work round the clock collecting real time data. For example,
monitoring systems should be highly available irrespective of the climatic conditions prevalent in a
geographical area.
B. Reliability
Reliability is concerned with the probability a system will not fail over some specified interval of time.
This means that the system should not fail when it is needed the most. Often, systems are liable to failure
when the demand is high i.e. during crisis situations. It is crucial that the communication channels for
disaster warning are reliable, i.e. the system should be built taking into account the overload on these
channels during critical incidents due to high public demand. Reliability is also necessary for information
systems used in the response phase.
C. Modifiability
Modifiability is the ability of the system to be changed after it is implemented. It is usually concerned with
the cost of change. For example, a simulation system should be customizable. It should be able to simulate


different types of emergency and disaster situations, for thorough preparedness. It should be designed in
such a way that it can be changed to incorporate new realities that may enhance its functionality.
D. Maintainability
In the context of disaster management software systems, maintainability refers to the ease or difficulty of
maintaining a system in such a state that it will be ready for use in the sudden, critical situations arising on
the occurrence of a disaster. This includes system and database maintenance costs. Maintainability [13] is
important, especially for live systems, whose working is extremely critical in the post-disaster period.
E. Interoperability
Interoperability means that a number of organizations coming together to cope with a major disaster
should be able to exchange data for effective disaster response. The concern here is to use a standard data
interchange format. XML, for instance, is a flexible format because XML documents can contain all
required information as well as meta-information to extract the semantics of the information. It can be
used for simple messages as well as complex maps.
F. Scalability
Scalability is the ability of a computer application or product to continue to function well when it (or its
context) is changed in size or volume in order to meet a users need. In the disaster management context,
for example, the UN News Centre reported that in 2008, the death toll due to natural disasters was 235,816
and it was more than three times the annual average of the previous eight years. A system built for relief
and rescue has to be scalable to handle such high numbers with reasonably low latency to remain
functional and useful in such critical conditions. Similarly, a system should be able to scale adequately by
the type of disaster being serviced.
G. Performance
Performance is the ability of a system to allocate its computational resources for service in a manner that
will satisfy timing requirements. Another term commonly used is latency. System performance is one of
the primarily observed qualities of a software system. Any disaster management system will have a
number of competing requests and inability to service those requests within an expected amount of time
will make the users abandon the system for other means. With the increasing richness of information,
processing of data in a timely manner becomes very important. For example, applications like a missing
persons registry, a camp registry, etc. need to cater to a large number of requests that flood in after a
H. Portability
Software portability is the property of a software system to be executed on a variety of software and
hardware platforms. In some instances, the software system should be portable enough to run on handheld
devices carried by rescue and relief workers to the site of the disaster. Emergence of newer tools and


platforms makes it imperative that long-lived systems especially simulation-based decision support
systems be easily ported to the new platforms. In this manner, these systems can take advantage of the
technological improvements available. The ease with which this can be done affects other quality
attributes and hence the value.
Usability is concerned with how easy it is for a user to accomplish a desired task and the kind of support
the system provides. In the disaster management context, the rapid turnover of personnel attending to the
efforts requires that the system be intuitive and not have a steep learning curve. It need not be
sophisticated. The main concern for the system is being easily usable and informative. The term usable,
here, includes user-friendliness, accessibility and easily interpretable information useful to the volunteers,
victims and their families.


SAHANA is a free and open source disaster management system. It is a web-based collaboration tool that
addresses common coordination problems during a disaster. It is a set of pluggable, web-based disaster
management solution that provides solutions to problems caused by the disaster and it is designed to help
during the relief phased of a disaster. It has been already deployed in different disaster areas including the
Philippines during the Southern Leyte Mudslide Disaster in 2006. However, the current disaster
management system does not include a system that will aid in the response phase during the disaster. The
response phase includes search and rescue operations as well as the provision of emergency relief. In this
phase, efficiency is important because during this kind of situations, time is of the essence. A second delay
may cause someones life. Thus, a system that determines the most optimum route for the volunteers and
rescuers to take in order to serve the most number of people and provide maximum coverage of the
affected area in the shortest possible time will be beneficial.
The Sahana Disaster Management System development was initiated by considerable relief coordination
needs in Sri Lanka following the Indian Ocean tsunami in 2004. It is designed to address the urgent need
for the establishment of an institutional framework and a robust information communication system. It is
web-based free and
open source software specifically designed for disaster management. It helps in solving the problems in
coordination of relief supplies, management of camps, inventories supplies, finding missing people and
managing volunteers. Sahana proved to be an effective IT based solution in the post-Tsunami relief and
recovery phase. It has a component-based design where each component is designed to address a
particular coordination problem in disaster response, and can be dynamically included in any installation.
It has both lightweight and large-scale deployment options. The portable version of Sahana does not need
to be installed, as it comes pre-set-up and requires only to copy and click for execution. Sahana is scalable


because it can be scaled up or down from a single notebook computer (with or without a portable WLAN)
to a fully distributed networked platform. Sahana is developed using LAMP (Linux-Apache-MySQLPHP/Postgres) under open source licenses. The database layer is accessed through the AdoDB abstraction
layer; this provides database independence to Sahana.

4.6Android Mobile Development Environment

There are a number of mobile development environments. One of which is Android created by the Open
Handset Alliance. Android is an open and comprehensive platform for mobile devices. It is designed to be
more open than other mobile operating systems so that developers, wireless operators, and handset
manufacturers will be able to make new products faster and at a much lower cost. The end result will be a
more personal and more flexible mobile experience to the user. For this reason, this mobile development
environment was used in the implementation of the disaster management system.

4.6.1 Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP)

Determining the most optimum route along different geographic locations is similar to the travelling
salesman problem wherein geographic locations represent city coordinates and the rescuers or volunteers
represent the travelling salesman. The travelling salesman problem is stated as follows: Given a finite
number of cities and the distance (or cost) of travel between each pair of them, find the shortest (or
cheapest) way of visiting all the cities and returning to the starting point. The travelling salesman
problem is formally described as a permutation problem with the objective of finding the path of the
shortest length (or the minimum cost) on an undirected graph that represents cities or nodes to be visited.
The travelling salesman starts at one node, visits all other nodes successively only one time each, and
finally returns to the starting node. Given n cities, named {c1, c2, cn}, and permutations {1, 2,
n!}, the objective is to choose i such that the sum of all Euclidean distances between each node and its
successor is minimized. The successor of the last node in the permutation is the first one. The Euclidean
distance d, between any two cities with coordinates (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) is calculated by:
The problem with the travelling salesman problem is the rapid increase on the number of possible routes
when the number of cities increase. However, this can be solved using optimization techniques.

4.6.2 Genetic Algorithms

A number of algorithms have been developed to solve the TSP and even genetic algorithms have been
applied to it. Genetic algorithms are computational models inspired by evolution that provides a potential
solution to a specific problem. It has a wide range of applications from optimization, test pattern
generation, voice recognition, and image processing. It solves problems by mimicking the same processes


Mother Nature uses. Usually, when we want to solve a particular problem, we are looking for some
solution, which will be the best among others. The space of all feasible solutions is called a search space
(state space). Each point in the search space represents one feasible solution. Each feasible solution can be
marked by its value or fitness for the problem. Genetic algorithm starts with a set of solutions
(represented by chromosomes) called population. Solutions from one population are taken and used to
form a new population. Its motivation is hope that the new population will be better than the old
population. Solutions which are selected to form new solutions (offspring) are selected according to their
fitness the more suitable solution has a higher chance to reproduce. This is repeated until some condition
(e.g. no. of populations or improvement of the best solution) is satisfied.

4.6.3 System Implementation

Using the travelling salesman problem as basis and using genetic algorithms to generate a solution, an
Android-based disaster management system named MyDisasterDroid was implemented.

4.6.4 Overall System

Fig.1 shows the MyDisasterDroid system. First, geographic locations of people in need are set. There are
two ways that locations can be set: using the application installed in MyDisasterDroid or sending location
via text or short message service (SMS) to MyDisasterDroid.
Based on the TSP, the Euclidean distances between locations are then calculated using.
Fig.2 shows a block diagram of the genetic algorithm implementation used for MyDisasterDroid. Based
on the figure, after setting the locations and computing the Euclidean distances, initial solutions or
chromosomes are generated. These chromosomes represent probable routes along the set locations. Then,
the fitness of each solution (or chromosome) are calculated. This is equal to the summation of the
Euclidean distances between the different locations based on the order set by the particular solution. The
shorter the distance, the fitter the solution.


Fig. 1 MyDisasterDroid System

Fig. 2 Block Diagram of the Genetic Algorithm Implementation

After a specified number of evolutions (128 evolutions), a new set of solutions are selected. There are a
number of selection operator algorithms: best fit chromosome selector algorithm (or elitism), threshold
selector algorithm, and tournament selection algorithm.

4.7.1 Android Mobile Application

Fig. 3 shows the welcome screen of the MyDisasterDroid application. This application is based on the
Android operating system.


Fig. 3 MyDisasterDroid Welcome Screen

6.7.2 Application Views

Upon entering MyDisasterDroid, it shows two views: MapView and ListView as shown in Fig. 4.
MapView shows the location map and it is based on Google Maps while the ListView shows a list of the
people in need, their corresponding locations, and their distance from MyDisasterDroid.

Fig. 4 MyDisasterDroid Application Views

MapView also provides different map images. Fig. 5 shows the location map in Satellite View. Fig. 6
shows the location map in Street View. Fig. 7 shows the location map in Traffic View.
Set locations are identified as Android markers on the map as shown in Fig. 8. These markers correspond
to the geographical locations described Section 5.1. Upon click of the Show Me The Route! button, the
optimum route among these locations is displayed. Dynamic recalculation of the routes can be done with
just a click of the said button.


Fig. 5 MyDisasterDroid Satellite View

Fig. 6 MyDisasterDroid Street View


Fig. 7 MyDisasterDroid Traffic View

Fig. 8 MyDisasterDroid Geolocations

A disaster management system that facilitates the logistics for the rescue and relief operations during a
disaster known as MyDisasterDroid was implemented in an Android- based mobile phone. Geographic
locations of the people in need were sent via SMS or inputted directly to MyDisasterDroid. Determining
the optimum route along the different geographic locations is similar to solving the travelling salesman


problem wherein the geographic locations correspond to the cities and the rescuers or volunteers
correspond to the travelling salesman. Using genetic algorithm, an optimum route along the given
geographic locations was determined. Indeed, MyDisasterDroid is an application that can be used during
the response phase in a disaster especially when time is very important.

4.8 Decision Support Systems for Disaster Management

Decision Support Systems (DSS) are intended to complement the cognitive processes of humans in their
decision making. They can be used during disaster management for preparedness, through training support
and actual response activities in the post disaster phase. A number of prototypes and systems described in,
have been developed for different scenarios like toxic spill management, earthquake mitigation policy
analysis, nuclear power plant accidents, coast guard search, and rescue response. The best thing about
DSS is that the components are easily customizable for various kinds of disasters. These systems are
essentially menu-driven and thus, fairly easy to use.

4.9 Role of Information Technology

Effective disaster risk management depends on the informed participation of all stakeholders. The
widespread and consistent availability of current and accurate data is fundamental to all aspects of disaster
risk reduction. Exchange of information and easily accessible communication practices play key roles in
this exercise. Data is also crucial for ongoing research, national planning, monitoring potential hazards,
and assessing risks. Neglecting information management and the early warning system in disaster
management may augment serious consequences for the victims.
The main data and information critical for an efficient and robust disaster management system are those
made available from:
Observatory stations;
Satellite/s observed;
classified experiences;
Research results;
Training contents;
Reports; and



The available data and information should be effectively transmitted from the supplier to the end user,
passing through several stages. The role of communication technology in disaster management is to keep
the flow of real-time data and information during all these phases. A dynamic communication system
would serve to integrate many different communication categories such as:
Data transfer from observatory stations;
Data exchange among suppliers and users;
Exchange of information and experience;
Training and video conferences; and
Tele-control (commands).

Space technology is a crucial component of ICST-enabled disaster management systems because it

remains largely unaffected during disasters whereas both information and communication technologies
which are based on ground infrastructure are vulnerable to natural disasters.
The scope of space technology in disaster management is as follows:
A voluminous number of data can be collected.
Data collection can be conducted across a wide area.
Data accuracy can conform to the purpose of application.
A suitable transfer period can be regulated, depending on the type of data.
Data transference is more reliable and safe even during disasters.
Communication is faster in various locations.
Communication is reliable across a wide area and remote distances


The wide spectrum of ICSTs used in disaster preparedness, mitigation, and management include:
Remote sensing;
Geographical Information System (GIS);


Global Positioning System (GPS);

Satellite navigation system;
Satellite communication;
Amateur and community radio;
Television and radio broadcasting;
Telephone and fax;
Cellular phones;
Internet, e-mail; and
Special software packages, on-line management databases, disaster information networks.

4.12 Satellite Navigation and Communication

A way to improve the chances that an emergency link will remain operational during a disaster is to
connect it via satellite. Satellites are the only wireless communications infrastructures that are not
susceptible to damage from disasters, because the main equipment sending and receiving signals (the
satellite spacecraft) is located outside the earths atmosphere. Two kinds of satellite communications
networks support disaster management and emergency response activities: geo-stationary satellite systems
(GEO) and low-earth orbit satellites (LEO).
Geo-stationary satellite systems: GEO satellites are located 36,000 km above the earth in a fixed position,
and provide service to a country or a region extending up to one-third of the globe. They are capable of
providing a full range of communications services, including voice, video, and broadband data. These
satellites operate with ground equipment, ranging from very large, fixed gateway antennas down to mobile
terminals the size of a cellular phone. Currently, almost 300 commercial GEO satellites are in orbit, being
operated by global, regional, and national satellite carriers.
Low-Earth Orbit satellites: LEO satellites operate in orbits between 780 km and 1500 km (depending on
the system), and provide voice and low speed data communications. These satellites can operate with
hand-held units about the size of a large cellular phone. As with hand-held terminals that rely upon GEO
satellites, the highly portable nature of LEO-based units makes them another valuable satellite solution for
first responders in the field.
Even before disaster strikes, these networks are used in many countries to provide seismic and floodsensing data to government agencies, enabling early warning of an impending crisis. Also, they broadcast
disaster warning notices and facilitate general communication and information flow between government
agencies, relief organizations, and the public.


Satellite technology can provide narrowband and broadband Internet Protocol (IP) communications
(internet, data, video, and voice over IP) with speeds starting at 64 Kbps from hand-held terminals up to 4
Mbps bidirectional from portable VSAT antennas. Fixed installation can bring the bandwidth up to 40
Mbps. The operation of these satellite systems and services follows the general topology depicted.

Fig. General topology of satellite systems and services

Solutions using this topology can be applied in both advance disaster mitigation services and in supporting
relief and recovery efforts under three general categories:
1. Hand-held mobile satellite communications;
2. Portable and transportable mobile satellite communications; and
3. Fixed satellite communications.

4.13 Hand-held Mobile Satellite Communications

Once a disaster has occurred, local infrastructure including microwave, cellular, and other
communication facilities is often inoperative, either because transmission towers are destroyed, or
because of electrical failure. In the immediate aftermath of such a disaster, the only reliable form of
communications is the handheld satellite telephone systems provided by mobile satellite service providers.
These systems provide access through very small, cell-phone-sized devices, as well as pagers and invehicle units.


4.14 Portable and Transportable Mobile Satellite Communications

Mobile satellite systems, or terminals used for communications on the move, include equipment that can
be transported and operated from inside a car, truck, or maritime vessel, as well as in helicopters and other
aircraft, including commercial airplanes. This kind of terminal is an asset where data-intensive, high-speed
connections are needed on an expedited basis for damage assessment, medical evaluation, or other
applications for voice, video, and data. Depending on the satellite system and type of equipment, they can
be operational anywhere from 5-30 minutes, usually without expert technical staff, and can be deployed
anywhere. As with communication systems in general, higher satellite terminal prices whether portable,
mobile, or fixed equate to more robust services, higher reliability, faster delivery, and a wide range of
other features and options.

4.15 Fixed Satellite Communications

Fixed satellite communication terminals would typically be installed by a qualified technical team in cases
where the equipment is required for longer than a week, in both pre-disaster applications e.g.
environmental monitoring, communications redundancy, etc and post-disaster recovery operations. Such
systems can be configured to all specifications from low-speed data transmissions up to very broad
bandwidth data and full broadcast-quality video , replacing local and national telecommunications
infrastructure. To support the installation and deployment of such systems, satellite companies have
developed an industry-standard VSAT Installation & Maintenance Training Certification Program.

4.16 Common Satellite Communication Systems

Mobile satellite systems: Currently, the most widely used mobile satellite system is the Inmarsat system.
The Inmarsat system is composed of geo-stationary satellites, which connect mobile terminals via Land
Earth Stations (LES) to the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) and other networks. A
communication link includes at least one LES which is the actual service provider.
Standard M and mini-M terminal for Inmarsat applications: Mini-M terminals are about the size and
weight of a laptop computer, and standard M terminals the size of a briefcase. They enable connections
with any PSTN subscriber worldwide, including other mobile satellite terminals. They cannot be used
when a vehicle is in motion unless equipped with special antennas that compensate for the vehicles
Global Mobile Personal Communications by Satellite (GMPCS): The advantage of GMPCS over other
mobile satellite systems is that the terminals are very small and lightweight, about the size and weight of a
cell phone. Also, the terminals being of dual mode type are able to connect to either satellite or terrestrial
service. Normally, users program the terminal to connect to a cellular system when such service is
available, but automatically connect to the satellite system when cellular coverage does not exist. During a
disaster, the terminal gets directly connected to the satellite. Regional mobile satellite systems have the
capacity to restore telecommunication services in disaster-hit areas.


Very Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT) networks; VSAT networks are designed mostly for fixed
installation, but Flyway systems are available for disaster recovery purposes and disaster
communications. For serious reliable long-range communication, VSAT is considered a superior system.
The terminal equipment needs to be protected from physical damage. The dish, in particular, should be
installed in a strategic position, where it is shielded from exposure to flying debris during storms, while its
connectivity with the satellite remains unimpaired. After a storm or an earthquake, the antennas position
may need to be adjusted, for which special equipment in addition to the actual VSAT terminal is required.
VSAT systems connect the Private Branch Exchange (PBX) directly to another location via a satellite link.
This means immunity from failure of the ground services as long as the earth station remains operational
and has independent power.
The possibility of the use of a VSAT-based Private Automatic Branch Exchange (PABX) in disaster
management is also useful as it provides wide connectivity. Land/satellite mobile communication with
voice, data, and video facility are best suited for rescue operations. Further restoration work is possible
with advanced storage of the required rebuild equipment.

4.17 Amateur Radio

Amateur radio has earned its reputation as an instrument best used to communicate during disasters in
areas where other means of communication have failed. Amateur radio operators provide vital assistance
to their communities and countries during disasters by providing reliable communication on voice mode
about the
status of survivors as well as information on casualties to disaster relief organizations and friends and
relatives. The amateur radio operators licence is also called a Ham licence, and the licence holders are
referred to as ham operators. Ham is the abbreviation of Hertz Armstrong and Marconi, though it is also
known as Home Amateur Mechanic. Ham operators use many modes of operation to communicate:
Continuous Wave; Frequency Modulation (FM); Amplitude Modulation (AM); Single Side Band; Digital
mode which includes radio telephony; Radio TeleType (RTTY), Continuous Wave CW for Morse Code;
Tele-printing Over Radio (TOR); PSK31 a type of modulation, and packet radio transmission; Fast and
Slow Scan Television; and Internet Radio Linking. In an emergency operation, these modes can be used to
transmit different information depending upon the urgency of the communication.

Chapter 5


Recommended ICT enabled model for disaster management in

5.1 Current Disaster Information Management System In Bangladesh
The responsibility for managing disasters in Bangladesh is entrusted with the Disaster Management
Bureau (DMB), a government agency, under the ministry of Disaster Management and Relief. The
functions of disaster management bureau are as follows:
- To coordinate disaster management activities;
- To organize training and public awareness activities;
- To collect, preserve and analyses data on various disasters;
- To operate an Emergency Operation Center (EOC);
- To promote prevention and preparedness at all levels on various disasters;
- To help line ministries, departments and agencies to develop contingency disaster management plan and
arrange effective dissemination of disaster warning and
- To organize logistics arrangement in connection with disaster management.

5.2 Current information flow system

Local disaster shelters play a central role during disaster. The local centers are basically two storied
buildings located in the disaster-prone areas. The number of cyclone centers that provide shelter during
cyclone in Bangladesh as of 1999 is 1841 and this number for flood shelters that provide shelter during
flood in Bangladesh as of 1998 is 200 (DBM, 2002). Use of radio is only effective medium to
communicate directly with disaster prone area and this device has got widest reach even to the people
living below poverty line. Uses of television for disaster information are increasing but yet get effective as
the number of television is not significant due to un-affordability and lack of electricity in rural areas. Use
of flag in cyclone centers and local focus points is another old medium for communication of disaster
information. Information flow through human chain, that is word of mouth, is still the only duplex
medium of communication. Private wireless communication is in use in some district level areas.

5.3 Selected quotes about disaster management situation in Bangladesh


While much of the inefficiency was due to the scale of logistics involved, planning with better informed
guesses about the aerial distribution of damage and relief requirements could have produced a better
response. (Maniruzzaman et al, 2001)
One journalist aboard a helicopter distributing relief reported, `. . . relief work was not systematic in any
way. We simply flew around, and dropped bags wherever we thought necessary. . . . Those getting relief
were simply lucky (Haider et al, 1991)
One cannot wait for an accurate response from the field, which will take a long time. (BIDS, 1991)
This led to the realization that a duplex real-time communication medium can mitigate the intensity of
disaster to a great extent.

5.4 Relevant Mobile Technology (Context Aware & Location Identification)

The driving force for focusing on Mobile technology for disaster management arises from its inheriting
features of Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) wireless network technology. For the
purpose of disaster management works, it is important to identify geographic location of the disaster prone
area. Location of the mobile user can be identified by two basic approaches (Heikki, 2001). One is
through the mobile network signal system where signals send by the mobile phone system to its base and
another is through using integrated Global Positioning System (GPS) with the mobile phone receiver, an
additional hardware that takes care of location functions. In this paper we will focus on the techniques that
locate the geographical position using mobile network signal system which does not require any additional
hardware. Although accuracy of location based on signal system over integrated GPS is still an issue of
debate but in the context of less developed country like Bangladesh adding hardware at the users end will
involves additional cost at users end which is not possible to effort for a lot of user.
The purpose of presenting these technical concepts is to give a general idea how location is identified in
the cellular networks to non-technical readers and to avoid any technical details. Some basic GSM based
location identification techniques are discussed below:
Cell Coverage
Received Signal Levels
Angle of Arrival
Timing Advance
Enhanced Observed Time Difference

5.5 Cell coverage


Cell is the geographical area periphery for one base station. When a mobile phone generates any call, it
contains its Cell location information. Cell coverage or cell ID or cell of origin (COO) is the simplest
method of calculating location of the mobile user based on the cell information. Since it is an inherent
feature of any cellular system there is no need to change mobile handsets or network infrastructure and
can be implemented in an existing infrastructure through minor software updates. The major drawback of
this method is its dependency on the cell radius which is variable depending on the context. The cell size
of a base station can be 50 meters in a city to 35 km to a rural area. However, for the purpose of managing
natural disaster, which is generally covers a wide area; this drawback can be over looked. But this method
requires user initiative to generate call to identify her/ his position which poses constraint.

Figure : Position based on call identification

5.5.1 Received signal levels

Received signal level method or Signal strength method is an easy and low-cost method to enhance the accuracy of
pure cell ID based location. This method identifies the location by analyzing the mobile signals between mobile unit
and three surrounding base stations. Mobile signal level is used to estimate a range from three base stations where
the location is determined as the unique intersection point of these three circles.


Base station

Mobile station
Fig: Received signal levels

5.5.2 Angle of arrival

Base station

In Angle of arrival, directional antennas are used in the base station to estimate the angle from which the signal
arrives. Assuming two-dimensional geometry, angle of arrival measurement at two base stations is sufficient for
unique location. But this method has two shortcomings in disaster management context. The first is it requires line
of sight between mobile station and base station which may be available at rural place but impossible to get at urban
place. And the second is high cost of antennas for base station. This method can be applied to sensitive areas like
sea port.

Base station

Base station

Fig : Positioning with angle of arrival measurements

5.5.3 Timing advance

Timing advance is available at the network which is the time delay between mobile and serving based
station. The formula for calculating Timing advance is
d= (TA * c) /2,
Where distance of mobile from base station is d and c is the signal speed.

Base station
Figure: Timing Advance

5.5.4 Enhanced observed time difference


E-OTD is included in GSM location standards where mobile device measures the time differences of
signals received from a pair of base stations in known locations. This method is particularly useful for the
user to identify his/her location in an unknown place. This method has higher accuracy and no capacity
limitation as mobile device calculates its position. This technique needs for software modifications to the
handsets and the need for additional receivers.
Signal from

Signal from

Serving BTS

neighbor BTS

Fig: E-OTD (Marko and Pentti

5.6 Mobile Technology and Its Spreads in Disaster Prone Areas in

5.6.1 Mobile penetration in Bangladesh
On a brighter note, Bangladesh is one of the first countries in the world to have exemplified a model for rural access
to mobile phones through widely acclaimed initiatives of Grameen Phone followed by other mobile service
providers. The growth rate for mobile phone market has been 20 percent over the last two years. Currently, there are
approximately 3.5 million mobile phone subscribers, compare to only seven thousands fixed phone subscribers.
Almost every single village in Bangladesh has been brought under the coverage of mobile network system. And due
to the wide prevalence of low cost pre-paid cards, there are now many who can afford to keep a mobile phone since
the minimum bill payable per month is about US$ 5.

5.6.2 M-Tech availability in disaster- prone areas

In this section we will examine the availability of mobile technology in disaster-prone areas. For the simplicity of
understanding two maps of Bangladesh are presented below. Map it shows cumulative network coverage of all
mobile service providers in Bangladesh in 2004. Map 2 shows the areas that were affected during the flood of 2004
in Bangladesh. By comparing following two maps, we can see that the Network coverage of cellular phones has
reached a fairly distributed geographical area covering most of the disaster-prone vicinity Map.


Map : Existing Coverage of Grameen Phone Map

5.7 Model for Disaster Information Management Using M-Tech

The basic assumption is that 2nd Generation level technology for mobile communication is available in Bangladesh
and that mobile phones have reached a critical mass. Moreover, the Network coverage of cellular phones has
reached a fairly distributed geographical region covering most of the disaster prone areas.

5.7.1 The proposed model

In the proposed model, the Disaster Management Bureau (DMB) will play the central role of coordination for
implementing mobile technology for disaster management. This DMB has a line of communication with other
weather forecasting agencies. The weather forecasting agencies will forecast the disaster, cyclone for example, and
pitch this information to the DMB. Dissemination of disaster warning, rescue and recovery information will be
disseminated through two separate but complementary approaches. One is through the formal channel of
communication like local authority and local disaster shelters. To implement this channel, the prerequisite is that all
local centers will have at least one mobile phone. It is also possible to select a local representative who owns a
mobile phone to keep communication with the centers that dont have mobile phone. The central coordinator
(DMB) will send updated information to the local centers which in turn will be distributed using both online and
offline media. This weather information will be highly specific depending upon the cell of the mobile phone. The
prevailing system of communication is through radio which is not much targeted.
Another approach, which is the focus of proposed model, is disseminating disaster warning, rescue and recovery
information directly to the affected people using mobile phones. The central coordinator (DMB) will collect weather
information from the weather information department. There will be line of communication between the DMB and
the mobile phone operators. After receiving location based weather report, the central coordinator will write a Short

Message Service (SMS) describing the weather report and necessary steps to be taken and then send it to the mobile
phone operators. Mobile operators then disseminate this short message to all mobile phones in a specific geographic
cell. This service will be push service which will not require users active participation.

5.7.2 Pull services and reverse information

The key motivators of using mobile technology are the opportunities to use pull service and the user/ beneficiary as
a dormant payer in information receiving. By using mobile technology, a person can query and be informed reverse
information. One of the limitations of disaster management systems developed so far is that it has been considered
by sending request to a specific number at any time. This request can be in the form of SMS and/or call. Also
depending on his/her current position, she/he can get specific weather forecast, including disaster warning.
Moreover, disaster recovery activities like providing relief can also be informed to the people of specific location
using mobile based context aware feature.
Most of the relief work did achieve its level of success due to lack of response from the field where the affected
people were stayed. There is yet to have any medium of effective real-time communication between the relief team
and the field. As a result, relief is not properly distributed among suffered people. Using mobile technology
concurrent information can be gathered from the field which in turn ensures proper distribution and minimizes

Figure 1: Proposed Model for Disaster Information Management

In figure 1& 2, proposed model has exposed. Disaster Management Bureau is playing the central role and
coordinating the information flow from prediction to dissemination. DBM will collect Weather information from

several forecasting agency through collected through ground satellite. DMB then interpret the information and
create a SMS message based on pre determine template. This SMS warning will then send to the mobile operator
for broadcasting in the specific area. Another SMS will also be sent to the local disaster shelter center for showing
flags and relay through other existing media. Two way line between the mobile user and the operator implies that
user can call or SMS to a specific number for weather forecasting information.

Figure 2: Conceptual Model for Disaster Information Management (M. P. Hargrove)

5.8 Lessons Learnt, Policy Implications and Recommendations

5.8.1 Infrastructure and cost
Government should provide at least one mobile phone to all disaster management agencies like local center for
communication. Partnership with the mobile operators could be an effective way to reduce the operating cost.
- Mobile operators should reduce/ subsidize the call charge in disaster affected areas which can be identifying using
location identification techniques.

5.8.2 Awareness programs

- Awareness programs need to be organized at grass-roots level in order to promote and make easy to understand
mobile messages containing disaster information all available media.
- Awareness programs should also be targeted towards local government, NGOs and other civil society


5.8.3 Coordination
- Disaster Management Bureau (DMB) may play the central role of coordination with private public
partnership model basis that is maintaining partnership with private companies like mobile operators for
disaster information management.
- Role of the private sector, particularly the mobile telephony providers, should be encouraged as part of
promotion of corporate social responsibility.
- Grass-roots NGOs should prepare themselves to make effective use of mobile technologies during predisaster and post-disaster.

5.8.4 Technology
- Technology needs to be developed for messaging in local language like Bengli. Example could be Nokias recent
innovation in India that is messaging in Hindi language.

5.9 Future Perspectives

5.9.1 Early Warning Systems: Current gaps and needs
Early warning technologies appear to be mature in certain fields but not yet in others. Considerable
progress has been made thanks to advances in scientific research and in communication and information
technologies. Nevertheless, a significant amount of work remains to fill existing technological,
communication, and geographical coverage gaps.
Early warning technologies are now available for almost all types of hazards, although for some hazards
(such as droughts and landslides) these technologies are still less developed. Most countries appear to
have early warning systems for natural disaster mitigation; however, there is still a technological and
national capacity divide between developed and developing countries.
From an operational point of view, some elements of the early warning process are not yet mature. In
particular, is essential to strengthen the links between all sectors involved (organizations responsible for
issuing warnings and the authorities in charge of responding to these warnings), as well as promoting good
governance and appropriate action plans.

5.9.2 Early Warning Systems: Future perspectives

It is generally recognized that it is fundamental to establish effective early warning systems to better
identify the risk and occurrence of hazards and to better monitor the level of vulnerability of a population.
Although several early warning systems are in place at global scale in most countries for most hazard
types, there is the need To work expeditiously towards the establishment of a worldwide early warning
system for all natural hazards with regional nodes, building on existing national and regional capacity


such as the newly established Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System (2005 UN World
Summit Outcome).


5.10 Bangladesh Space Research and Remote Sensing

Organization (SPARRSO)
In addition to normal duties, the SPARRSO will perform the following duties:

Risk Reduction
a) Develop required satellite images and mapping to support sectoral risk mitigation and preparedness
b) Ensure budgetary provision for risk reduction activities and programs.
c) Undertake continuous improvement of image support to disaster forecast and warning systems.

Emergency Response
Normal Times
a) Designate one senior staff as the Focal Point of this SPARRSO.
b) Supply analyzed information on drought, flood, cyclone, tornado, storm surge etc near time
satellite images to BMD, FFWC, DAE, Department of Food and Agricultural Information Service and DMB.

5.11.1 Current information flow system

Local disaster shelters play a central role during disaster. The local centers are basically two storied buildings
located in the disaster-prone areas. The number of cyclone centers that provide shelter during cyclone in Bangladesh
as of 1999 is 1841 and this number for flood shelters that provide shelter during flood in Bangladesh as of 1998 is
2000 (DMB, 2002)
Use of radio is only effective medium to communicate directly with disaster prone area and this device has got
widest reach even to the people living below poverty line.
Uses of television for disaster information are increasing but yet get effective as the number of television is not
significant due to un-affordability and lack of electricity in rural areas.
Use of flag in cyclone centers and local focus points is another old medium for communication of disaster
information. Information flow through human chain, that is word of mouth, is still the only duplex medium of
Private wireless communication is in use in some district level areas.
So from this situation of information flow system, it can easily say that here mobile technology can play a vital role
for its rapid information flow and mobile phone users are robust in number in everywhere in Bangladesh which can
be together with for implementation of an effective disaster management in Bangladesh.


5.11.2 Relevant Mobile Technology

The driving force for focusing on Mobile technology for disaster management arises from its inheriting
features of Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) wireless network technology. For the
purpose of disaster management works, it is important to identify geographic location of the disaster prone
area. Location of the mobile user can be identified by two basic approaches (Heikki, 2001).
One is through the mobile network signal system where signals send by the mobile phone system to its
base and
Another is through using integrated Global Positioning System (GPS) with the mobile phone receiver, an
additional hardware that takes care of location functions.
In this paper, focus on the techniques that locate the geographical position using mobile network signal
system which does not require any additional hardware. Although accuracy of location based on signal
system over integrated GPS is still an issue of debate but in the context of less developed country like
Bangladesh adding hardware at the users end will involves additional cost at users end which is not
possible to effort for a lot of user.

5.12 Mobile Technology and Its Reach in Disaster Prone Areas in

Mobile dispersion in Bangladesh
On a brighter note, Bangladesh is one of the first countries in the world to have exemplified a model for
rural access to mobile phones through widely acclaimed initiatives of different mobile service providers.
The growth rate for mobile phone market has been 200 percent over the last two years. Currently, there are
approximately more than 58.36 million mobile phone subscribers in Bangladesh. Almost every single
village in Bangladesh has been brought under the coverage of mobile network system. And due to the
wide prevalence of low cost pre-paid cards, there are now many who can afford to keep a mobile phone
since the minimum bill payable per month is about US$ 5.
Number of subscribers (in million) of major phone operators, 2013


Chapter 6
A disaster management system that facilitates the logistics for the rescue and relief operations during a disaster. The
last decade has seen the emergence of new communication and information technologies. On one hand this opens
doors for innovative application of communication technologies in different phases of disaster management; on the
other this poses new challenges for disaster management community. The effective application of new
communication technologies would require that these new technologies are integrated with the more conventional
technologies. The disaster management community will also have deal with the disparity that exists between
different regions and communities in terms of communications infrastructure. The information technology
revolution has also led to local innovation in communications infrastructure. The disaster management community
will have to capitalize on these innovations and where possible integrate them with new technologies. In the coming
years, the new communications and information technologies can potentially redefine the conventional disaster
management systems. There is a movement underway, away from strict "command and control" model to a more
devolved system of disaster management.

6.1 Limitations in Existing Communication and ICT Support

There are several communication and IT related networks operational both in public and private domain,
but they are all operating in a Stand Alone mode and need to be integrate appropriately. For example,
existing police network operates as Intranet without providing any accessibility to a citizen into this
captive network, even through such accessibility is essential during disaster situations. Need of the hour is
to connect them to a common network (though appropriate routers / gateways in EOCs at different levels
of administration) which can be utilized as per bandwidth needed for disaster management riding on the
existing infrastructure itself. Existing Service Providers network are mostly based on terrestrial
communication which, are invariably inadequate in their design to withstand earthquake, wind forces, or
not located at safe heights to avoid damage due to floods. As a result, the network is vulnerable for break
down at the time of disaster. Hence, satellite connectivity as alternative, which provides failsafe
communication during disaster, is essential. Since the basic criteria should be to optimally utilize the
existing Communication and IT Infrastructure in the Country while creating National Communication and
IT Network, the existing Infrastructure, when viewed in the light of the overall Communication and IT
requirements for DM, brings out number of limitations, shortcoming and gaps. These are explained in the
succeeding paragraphs under various categories.

6.2 Limitations of Existing Application Development

There exist serious shortcomings with the development of various application softwares needed for
holistic DM. Some of these deficiencies are highlighted below:


i) Absence of reliable data, of uniform quality in a usable format: One important development needed will
be to establish level of reliability of the data in order to define what margin of error is tolerable for what
type of information.

ii) Lack of reliable historical records of past disaster events: It makes hazard mapping difficult to
undertake with any degree of confidence.
iii) Absence of reliable social and economic data: It does not permit proper analysis on vulnerability.
iv) Lack of reliable damage data: The officials who collect vital post disaster information tend to have a
restricted time frame for such data. Since the post disaster information plays an important role for
incorporating improvements in overall planning system, proper collection and compilation of damage data
is most important.
v) Lack of interactive relationship between the end users and the developers: Interactive relationship is
required throughout the application development lifecycle. The present application development is mostly
driven by software professionals and the involvement of the end users is only during crisis situations.
vi) Lack of coordination between the developer and the end users: It is essential to build ICT based
solutions to disaster management.
vii) Lack of involvement of domain experts: Application development/ implementation requires software
skills as well as domain expertise. The domain experts (end users) have very limited involvement in
developing the solution and this may be one reason for slow progress of the developmental/
implementation work.
viii) Loose coupling of application modules: The development of all the application modules is over a
period of time using various technologies and different Operating Systems. Hence, these modules are
loosely coupled.
ix) Absence of the state of the art emergency communication network, computer hardware and skilled
personnel for implementation of the project.

6.3 Future work

Global warming is increasing the risk of disaster day by day. In this paper, researchers have found disaster
alert system should be a key ICT tool for government to aware and give necessary instructions to people in
a developing country like Bangladesh. In Bangladesh, lack of electricity in remote area and lack of
availability of TV and radio is creating a lengthy channel between government and public, where mobile
based technology could be a great help to minimize it. Disaster Management Information Centre is already
taking some initiatives to improve the knowledge skills related to ICT to local people. This paper will


provide ministries and departments related to disaster management issue, a key idea to mobile technology
as an alert tool.

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