Ancient Paganism - Johnson Ken

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The key takeaways are that the book aims to define pre-flood paganism and its reoccurrence as the Mystery Religion established by Nimrod shortly after the Flood.

The goal of the book is to define pre-flood paganism and its reoccurrence as the Mystery Religion established by Nimrod shortly after the Flood.

The book covers topics like the fallen angels, pre-flood history, ancient paganism, paganism in the middle ages, its influence on the church, biblical practices, and the future Antichrist religion.


The Sorcery of the Fallen Angels

Ken Johnson, Th.D.

Copyright 2009, by Ken Johnson, Th.D.
Ancient Paganism
by Ken Johnson, Th.D.
Printed in the United States of America
ISBN 1439297703
EAN 9781439297704
Unless otherwise indicated, Bible quotations are taken from the King James Version.

Table of Contents

The Fallen Angels
Pre-Flood History
Ancient Pre-Flood Paganism
After Noahs Flood
Eight Post-Flood Pagan Holy Days
Babylon and Sodom and Gomorrah

Canaanite Sorcery and Balaam

Paganism in the Middle Ages
Yule and Groundhog Day
Wicca and Hinduism
Occultic Tools
Paganisms Influence on the Church
Biblical Practices
Prayer vs Meditation
Gnostics and the Desert Fathers
The Coming of a New Age
Emergent Church
Future Antichrist Religion
Source Documents
Other Books By Ken Johnson, Th.D.

The goal of this book is to define pre-flood paganism and its reoccurrence as the Mystery Religion
established by Nimrod shortly after the Flood. We will do this by looking at some ancient history texts
of the Jews and early church fathers.
We will define all the pagan practices and the sorcery of the pre-flood world, the ancient Canaanites,
and medieval times and identify its existence today.
You will learn exactly how the ancient sorcerers did what they did, and why God calls what they did an
We can then find the remains of this sorcery in current pagan religions and folklore around the world
We will then examine how paganism spread into Christianity and how it will eventually become the
Antichrists religion.

The History of the Fallen Angels

The Fallen Angels

Angel Classes
The word used in the Bible for angel really means messenger. Sometimes God sent a human
messenger, like a prophet, to speak to someone. Most of the time in the Bible, the messenger is a
non-human creature. God created these non-human messengers before humans and even before the
planet earth was formed. Today, Christians refer to them as angels, although there are several types of
angels. Rabbinic legend tells us there are ten different types of angels. Biblically we know of at least
four classes: cherubim, seraphim, angels, and archangels.
The Bible does not say exactly when or where the angels were created or how they exist. We do know
that the angels were already in existence and Lucifer had already fallen when Adam was still in the
Garden of Eden.
We know a lot about angels from Scripture. They are:

Spirit beings

Created beings


Can materialize in human form





Possess emotions



Obedient to God


Heb. 1:14

Ps. 148:2,5

2 Kings 6:15-17

Gen. 18:2-8

Luke 20:36

Matt. 25:31

2 Sam 14:17,20

Jude 9

Luke 15:10

Heb. 12:22

Ps. 103:20

Ps. 103:20

Matt. 22:30

Do not create anything

John 1:1-3

Not perfect
Job 4:18

Concerned about human things
1 Pet. 1:12

Organized into orders or ranks Isa. 6:2; 1 Thess. 4:16

Are a higher life form than man
Heb. 2:7

Worship Christ
Heb. 1:6

Know who are true Christians
Matt. 13:24-30,39

Will be judged by Christians
1 Cor. 6:3

Do not wish to be bowed down to
Rev. 19:7-10

Do not wish to be worshiped
Rev. 22:8-9

Can blind people
Gen. 19:10,11

Can mute people
Luke 1:20

Can kill
Isa. 37:36

Can cause plagues and death
Exod. 12:23

Can heal
John 5:4

They obviously have free will; or some of them would not have fallen. We also understand that since
angels are a separate creation of God, men do not become angels after death.
Angels and Archangels
The Bible teaches angels and archangels look very much like men. The angel Gabriel looked so much
like a human being that he is called a man sometimes in Scripture (Daniel 9:21). Gabriel revealed a
prophecy to Daniel in 536 BC and announced the birth of Jesus to Mary about 2 BC.
Among the angels there are ranks. Some are referred to as princes and others as chief princes (Daniel
10:13). The exact meaning of these titles remains obscure.
Guardian Angels

The guardian angel is one who protects a Christian, or some special person God wants protected. We
see many instances in Scripture where this occurs. Jesus mentions the little ones are protected by angels.
In Acts 12, Peters angel broke him out of jail; so the apostles were protected by them as well.
Take heed that ye despise not one of these little ones; for I say unto you, That in heaven their
angels do always behold the face of my Father which is in heaven.Matthew 18:10
And they said unto her, Thou art mad. But she constantly affirmed that it was even so. Then said
they, It is his angel. But Peter continued knocking: and when they had opened the door, and saw
him, they were astonished.Acts 12:15-16
Death Angels
Angels are incredibly powerful beings. Most people today have no idea what an angel is really capable
of. In the book of Isaiah there was an Assyrian army consisting of 185,000 seasoned warriors. They had
besieged the city of Jerusalem; so God ordered an angel to intervene. In one night that one angel killed
every single one of the 185,000 Assyrians!
Then the angel of the LORD went forth, and smote in the camp of the Assyrians a hundred and
fourscore and five thousand: and when they arose early in the morning, behold, they were all dead
corpses.Isaiah 37:36
Exodus 12:23 describes how an angel passed over the Egyptians and killed their firstborn during the
tenth plague. This destroyer is mentioned again by Paul in 1 Corinthians 10:10. Paul is referring to the
event recorded in Numbers 14:37, where the destroyer killed the ten spies who murmured about
entering the Promised Land.
The Hebrew word used here is magpah. It is an unusual word for plague. In the Bible we only see it
here, in the death of the firstborn in Egypt, and in the plague that Phinehas stopped in Numbers 25:7,8.
In other Jewish texts, the word is also used for the event where the angel slew the 185,000 Assyrians.
In Modern Hebrew the word magpah means a stroke. So when an angel kills someone, it appears to
be a stroke, brain hemorrhage, brain lesion, or an aneurism. This does not mean that everyone who has a
stroke is killed by an angel.
Notice the parallels. The ten faithless spies wanted to give up the Promised Land; the Egyptians wanted
to keep the Israelis from leaving Egypt and entering the Promised Land; and the Assyrians wanted to
displace the Israelites out of their land. Each group was destroyed by angelic strokes. Remember that
Ariel Sharon gave up the Gaza strip and within a years time suffered a stroke!
The word seraph is a Hebrew word. When used as a noun it usually refers to fiery or poisonous
serpents. As a verb it means burning. Using the base word seraph leads us to believe that the
seraphim are either aflame themselves or serpent-like or both.
Isaiah gave us a description of the seraphim angels. These fiery serpent-like seraphim are creatures with
three pair (six) wings.
In the year that king Uzziah died I saw also the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up, and

his train filled the temple. Above it stood the seraphims: each one had six wings; with twain he
covered his face, and with twain he covered his feet, and with twain he did fly. And one cried unto
another, and said, Holy, holy, holy, is the LORD of hosts: the whole earth is full of his glory.Isaiah

Today most of the cherub pictures and statues we see are made in the image of a baby human with little
wings. This is not the biblical cherub.
The prophet Ezekiel had visions of cherubim in wheels and Gods throne. Notice how he describes them
from these two passages.
As for the likeness of their faces, they four had the face of a man, and the face of a lion, on the
right side: and they four had the face of an ox on the left side; they four also had the face of an
eagle.Ezekiel 1:10
And every one had four faces: the first face was the face of a cherub, and the second face was the
face of a man, and the third the face of a lion, and the fourth the face of an eagle.Ezekiel 10:14
One can see the face of a cherub looks like the face of an ox, or a bull. This might be what the legend of
the Minotaur is based on.
Ezekiel tells us that cherubim have four wings (two pair) with the basic form of a man, with the
exception of cloven hoofs instead of feet. Their heads look much more like a bulls than a humans.
In Genesis we know cherubim were placed at the entrance to the Garden of Eden after the fall of man,
to prevent Adam from re-entering the garden. This cherub had a special weapon.
So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a
flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life.Genesis 3:24
We also see decorative cherubim placed in the tabernacle around the mercy seat. Some scholars think
these passages indicate cherubim are normally guardians of places and objects.
Where Did the Fallen Angels Come From?
Originally all the angels served and worshiped God, their creator. They were curious about the things
God was creating and even curious about mankind. No angel is all-knowing. The holy angels still desire
to figure out the prophecies given in the Scriptures of old.
Concerning this salvation, the prophets, who spoke of the grace that was to come to you, searched
intently and with the greatest care, trying to find out the time and circumstances to which the Spirit
of Christ in them was pointing when he predicted the sufferings of Christ and the glories that
would follow. It was revealed to them that they were not serving themselves but you, when they
spoke of the things that have now been told you by those who have preached the gospel to you by
the Holy Spirit sent from heaven. Even angels long to look into these things.1 Peter 1:10-12NIV
When Lucifer rebelled, he deceived one-third of the angels into following him. He may have suggested

God was not telling the truth about Himself and creation. We will study that in the chapter on Lucifer.
Angels are sometimes referred to as stars. This may mean they shine brightly, like stars.
And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven And the great dragon was cast out, that
old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the
earth, and his angels were cast out with him.Revelation 12:4,9
The Bible tells us that fallen angels differ from holy angels in that they:

Fell through pride

Some are already imprisoned

Hell is prepared for fallen angels

Make war on the saints

1 Tim. 3:6

2 Pet. 2:4; Jude 6

Matt. 25:41

Rev. 12:7-17

The ancient church fathers give us more confirmation about what has been discussed so far. They agree
that Lucifer spoke through the serpent in the Garden of Eden, and that only fallen angels desire to be
worshiped as gods.
This Eve, became the author of sin, when in the beginning, she was deceived by the serpent. That
wicked demon, who also is called Satan, who then spoke to her through the serpentTheophilus 2.28
nor do the angels, inasmuch as they are immortal, either suffer or wish themselves to be called
gods.Lactanus 7:17
Demons are either fallen angels or very closely associated with them. The Scriptures tell us that demons




Under Satan

Possess humans

Know their destiny

Receive worship (sacrifices)

Luke 7:21; 8:2

Luke 8:29

Matt. 10:1

Matt. 12:24-30

Matt. 8:28-29

Matt. 8:28-29

1 Cor. 10:20

Instigate error/heresy

1 Tim. 4:1

Scripture also teaches that demon possession:

Is not insanity Matt. 4:24

Is not a disease Mark 1:32
The Bible warns us not to accept the teaching of any angel that contradicts the teaching of Scripture
(Galatians 1:8). Fallen angels can appear as holy angels and seem very convincing.
What did the fallen angels do and teach? To learn that, we must begin with Lucifer.

The Fallen Cherub

Lucifers Description
What we know of Lucifer comes mainly from the Biblical books of Isaiah and Ezekiel. According to
Ezekiel, Lucifer was an angel of the cherub class.
We learned in the first chapter that cherubs have the general form of a human, but their heads look more
like a ox or bull with horns. They have cloven hooves instead of human feet and they have four wings
(two pair of wings).
This description has led to the modern idea that the devil has horns and cloven hoofs and is completely
red with a pointed tail.
Lucifers Ancient History
Lucifer was the anointed cherub that covered the throne of God. He was created perfect; sinless like all
the other angels. He was the highest of the angels, Gods crowning achievement, but then iniquity was
found in him.
Thou sealest up the sum, full of wisdom, and perfect in beauty. Thou hast been in Eden the
garden of God; every precious stone was thy covering, the sardius, topaz, and the diamond, the
beryl, the onyx, and the jasper, the sapphire, the emerald, and the carbuncle, and gold: the
workmanship of thy tabrets and of thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day that thou wast created.
Thou art the anointed cherub that covereth; and I have set thee so: thou wast upon the holy
mountain of God; thou hast walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire. Thou wast
perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created, till iniquity was found in thee.
Ezekiel 28:12-15

The prophet Ezekiel tells us Lucifer was in the Garden of Eden. We know he was there when he
tempted Eve. Ezekiel also wrote that Lucifer was completely covered with precious stones and he was a
great musician. He lived and walked on fiery stones.
When the seventy disciples came back to Jesus, they told Him of their success and that even the demons
were subject to them. Not only is Jesus all-powerful; but He is also all knowing. Jesus told them not to
rejoice in the power He gave them but in the fact that they knew the truth. Jesus then told them that He
actually witnessed the corruption and fall of Lucifer.
And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven.Luke 10:18
Lucifers Fall
What happened? How could a being created perfect suddenly, on his own, become corrupted and utterly
sinful? In spite of all the riches and power he had, he wanted more. Ezekiel tells us he was corrupted by
his own wisdom.
By the multitude of thy merchandise they have filled the midst of thee with violence, and thou
hast sinned: therefore I will cast thee as profane out of the mountain of God: and I will destroy
thee, O covering cherub, from the midst of the stones of fire. Thine heart was lifted up because of
thy beauty, thou hast corrupted thy wisdom by reason of thy brightness: I will cast thee to the

ground, I will lay thee before kings, that they may behold thee.Ezekiel 28:16-17
Through his greed and pride he decided he wanted Gods position. This thought must have driven him
insane. He wanted to rule as God and be worshiped as God. Isaiah records the five I wills of Lucifer
and the judgment God placed upon him.
How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the
ground, which didst weaken the [preflood] nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend
into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the
congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like
the most High. Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.
Isaiah 14:12-15

Notice that Isaiah seems to indicate Lucifer will be brought down to the sides of the pit of hell because
he tried to ascend to Godhood. Undoubtedly those who become convinced they are evolving into gods
will suffer the same fate.
Many ancient church fathers teach the Isaiah 14 passage is referring to the fallen cherub, Lucifer. See
Origen OFP 1.5.5 for a detailed discussion of this.
Since Lucifers fall, Scripture calls him Satan, which is Hebrew for adversary. In Revelation, John
writes that one third of the angels rebelled along with Lucifer and all were cast out of heaven.
And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven And the great dragon was cast out, that
old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the
earth, and his angels were cast out with him.Revelation 12:4,9
Keep in mind that Lucifer was perfect and the wisest of the angels and still went insane. Isaiah and
Ezekiel state he wanted to be worshiped as God. He literally wanted to replace God in heaven and sit on
Gods throne. Lets look closely at the Bibles teaching about God and then look at the above verses and
see what went through Lucifers mind.
Gods Truth
The Bible clearly states there is only one God. The Old Testament prophets and the New Testament
writers both acknowledge this fact.
Ye are my witnesses, saith the LORD understand that I am he: before me there was no God
formed, neither shall there be after me. I, even I, am the LORD; and beside me there is no
saviour.Isaiah 43:10-11
Look unto me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am God, and there is none else.
Isaiah 45:22

some people actually worship many gods and many lords. But we know that there is only one
God, the Father, who created everything, and we live for him. And there is only one Lord, Jesus
Christ, through whom God made everything and through whom we have been given life.
1 Corinthians 8:5-6 NLT

Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble. But

wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead? James 2:19-20
Men are not now, nor will ever be, gods.
Now the Egyptians are men, and not God; and their horses flesh, and not spirit.Isaiah 31:3
Colossians chapter one clearly shows that everything that exists was created by the one true God. And
in Hosea God said:
for I am God, and not man.Hosea 11:9
It was not robbery for Jesus to claim godhood because He is part of the Trinity. But it would be wrong
for anyone or anything else to claim they are part of the godhead. See Philippians 2:6.

Putting these Scriptures together we understand that there is only one God. Angels and humans are not
God in any way, shape, or form. This one true God has always been here and will always exist in His
present form, with no change. There never has been any other god and there never will be any other
Lucifers Lie
One might understand if Lucifer was angry with God, he might convince one third of the angels of
heaven to leave heaven to be alone, away from God. But look at the verses given about Lucifers fall.
He wanted to be worshiped as God and actually tried to take Gods throne. How could any rational
being think for one second that he might have power enough to force the only creator God out of His
throne? No rational being would. Nor would Lucifer; unless, he believed his own lie. What was
Lucifers lie?
Lucifers lie was this: God is not separate from His creation. When God puts His spirit into a newly
created being, He looses part of Himself. In the Jewish Kabala this concept is called the Doctrine of
In other words, if God created 100 billion people and put His spirit into each one of them, at that point
the Bible would say God is still 100% God and Man is 0% God. Lucifer, on the other hand, would say
at that point God might be, say, 47% God and all humans collectively would equate to 53% God.
Lucifer might have actually believed that if there were enough angels they could overcome God and
absorb the rest of what God once was. That, in effect, would kill off God. He probably believed this was
the way it had been done for generations of gods/angels and universes.
The Doctrine of Emanations would become the basis of all future pagan religions on earth, and the
primary cause of the earths destruction by a world-wide flood.
The Fall of Adam
The biblical book of Genesis records that Adam and Eve, the first man and woman, were created perfect
and sinless. They were placed in the Garden of Eden. Lucifer manipulated and then possessed a serpent
and tempted Eve to sin. He knew that if he could get Adam and Eve to sin it would result in their death
and destruction. God commanded them not to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Lucifer,

through the serpent, deceived Eve by feeding her half truths mixed with doubt.
he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden? And
the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden: But of the fruit
of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye
touch it, lest ye die.Genesis 3:1-3
Once Lucifer got Eve to question exactly what God did say, he tempted her with the very thing that he
was obsessed with: being God.
And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: For God doth know that in the day
ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.
Genesis 3:4-5

This was a half truth. Their eyes were opened in the sense they became aware of good and evil, but it
also resulted in their physical and spiritual deaths. God expelled them from the Garden of Eden, but put
into motion a plan of redemption. Centuries later Jesus would incarnate and live a sinless life and die on
the cross to pay for the sins of Adam and Eve and all of us, their children.
The apostle Paul warned us not to believe the lies told by fallen angels.
But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we
have preached unto you, let him be accursed.Galatians 1:8
Let no man beguile you of your reward in a voluntary humility and worshipping of angels,
intruding into those things which he hath not seen, vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind,Colossians

And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.2 Corinthians 11:14
Lucifer knew about Gods plan for human redemption and put into motion his own plan to stop this
from happening. His plan was to create a counterfeit religion to pull all the sons and daughters of Adam
and Eve away from the true knowledge of God. And he did exactly that.

Enoch Hears From God

Pre-Flood History
The Bible tells us all life on earth was completely destroyed by a flood of water. Only Noah, with his
wife, three sons and their wives, escaped on the ark with the animals to repopulate the planet.
What happened? How did the world become so corrupt that it had to be destroyed? It was Lucifers lie!
Adam and Eve realized they had been deceived. They knew now they were not going to become gods.
They rejected the lie and waited for Gods promise of a redeemer. They had many children. Their third
son was named Seth. Seth was born in the year 130 AM. AM stands for Anno Moundi, meaning the
year of the world. This would be the same as saying 130 years after creation. See Ancient Post-Flood
History for more detailed descriptions of this history.
When Seth was 105 years old, he fathered a child named Enos. Enos was born in the year 235 AM. The
ancient Jewish history book of Jasher, recommended reading by Scripture, states that at this time the
first wave of apostasy started. See appendix A for information on this and other ancient history books
and how to obtain them.
And Seth lived one hundred and five years, and he begat a son; and Seth called the name of his
son Enosh, saying, Because in that time the sons of men began to multiply, and to afflict their souls
and hearts by transgressing and rebelling against God. And it was in the days of Enosh that the
sons of men continued to rebel and transgress against God, to increase the anger of the Lord
against the sons of men. Jasher 2:2-3
And the sons of men went and they served other gods, and they forgot the Lord who had created
them in the earth: and in those days the sons of men made images of brass and iron, wood and
stone, and they bowed down and served them. And every man made his god and they bowed down
to them, and the sons of men forsook the Lord all the days of Enosh and his children;
Jasher 2:4-5

When Enos was 90 years old he fathered a child he named Cainan. Cainan was wise and walked in the
way of his great-grandfather Adam. Adam instructed Cainan about the Fall and the promised
redemption and explained that God had revealed to him that the world would be destroyed once by
water and once by fire. Adam knew these things were true but he did not know which destruction would
occur first: the fire or the water.
Cainan learned that the flood of water would occur before the worlds destruction by fire. Cainan began
to preach repentance. After a few people began to repent and be converted, Adam decided that if he
made Cainan reign as king in his place, Cainan might be able to start the revival Adam could not. So
when Cainan was forty years old, in the year 365 AM, Adam made Cainan king. Cainan was successful
in leading a small revival.
And Cainan reigned over the whole earth, and he turned some of the sons of men to the service of
God.Jasher 2:14
This revival lasted little more than forty years. Jasher records that during the lifetime of Cainans son
Mahalalleel, somewhere between 395 and 460 AM, the revival ceased and men began to rebel once
again. This time the apostasy involved more people than before. Someone during this time invented an

herb potion that caused miscarriages. From that time forward abortions were common place, and this
angered God considerably.
For in those days the sons of men began to trespass against God, and to transgress the
commandments which he had commanded to Adam, to be fruitful and multiply in the earth. And
some of the sons of men caused their wives to drink a draught that would render them barren, in
order that they might retain their figures and whereby their beautiful appearance might not
fade.Jasher 2:19-20
The apostasy worsened as time went along. But in the year 622 AM, Enoch, the grandson of
Mahalalleel, was born. When Enoch was 165 years old, he fathered a child that he named Methuselah.
After Methuselah was born, Enoch began to grow closer to God and the teachings of our forefather
Adam. In time, he began to convert a few people to follow the ways of God.
This was noticed by Cainan who was still ruling at the time. Cainan believed that Enoch was anointed
by God in a very special way. Cainan chose to relinquish his throne and make Enoch king, in the year
687 AM.
Enoch lead the most powerful revival in the history of the pre-flood world. This revival lasted longer
than any other. The 700s AM were marked with many turning to the service of the Lord. But this began
to wane in the 800s AM.
A very strange thing began to occur among the believers. People who truly were worshipers of God fell
into a trap set by Lucifer and the fallen angels.
The believers were influenced by the manners and customs of the pagans and unknowingly began to
adopt the ideas and mannerisms of the pagans around them. They began to honor godly people more
than they should. This created a type of idol within the true religion that abhors idols. The religious
books and other objects became nothing more to them in time than holy relics. These things were
simply misused.
As much as Enoch tried to counter this behavior, it was to no avail. More and more frequently, Enoch
witnessed religious people venerating the relics. He could see, in their eyes, a kind of worship directed
to him rather than to God. As a result, Enoch withdrew from public life.
He sequestered himself in his mountain home. His days were filled with the worship of God. He spent
less and less time with people. This did not help the situation either. When this did not work he came
back to his public life to teach and sternly warn them, but his warnings never really took hold.
So with Enochs presence causing more harm than good, the Lord told Enoch that he would be taken
away. Enoch then warned his son to try everything he could following his Rapture to turn the peoples
focus back to God and God alone.
In the year 897 AM, Enoch made his son, Methuselah, king and prepared to be Raptured. After the
Rapture of Enoch, Methuselah held control over the kingdom but his power waned quickly. During all
of this a great war was brewing.

The Hebrew historian, Josephus, gives us the history of the Sethite-Cainite Wars. Josephus reveals to us:
Adams son Cain traveled far away from the land of Eden and founded a city, naming it after his
firstborn son. In the course of time the descendants of Adam had spread out over the earth and there
were several nations between the land of Nod and the land occupied by some of the descendants of
Seth. Slowly the Cainite ways were adopted by all except the Sethites. Up until the Rapture of Enoch,
the seventh generation from Adam, the Sethites lived in peace.
Now this posterity of Seth continued to esteem God as the Lord of the universe, and to have an
entire regard to virtue, for seven generations; but in process of time they were perverted, and
forsook the practices of their forefathers; and did neither pay those honors to God which were
appointed them, nor had they any concern to do justice towards men. But for what degree of zeal
they had formerly shown for virtue, they now showed by their actions a double degree of
wickedness, whereby they made God to be their enemy.Josephus 2.3.1
How did this occur? When Enoch was no longer ruling on earth, the Cainites made their move.
Josephus says Cain:
became a great leader of men into wicked courses. He also introduced a change in that way of
simplicity wherein men lived before; and was the author of measures and weights. And whereas
they lived innocently and generously while they knew nothing of such arts, he changed the world
into cunning craftiness. He first of all set boundaries about lands: he built a city, and fortified it
with walls, and he compelled his family to come together to it; and called that city Enoch, after the
name of his eldest son EnochJosephus 1.2.2
One of Cains descendants was Tubal. Tubal was the first martial artist. The rabbis state he invented the
perfect murder weapon, the sword. He followed in the ways of Cain and the fallen angels.
But Tubal, one of his children by the other wife, exceeded all men in strength, and was very
expert and famous in martial performances. He procured what tended to the pleasures of the body
by that method; and first of all invented the art of making brass.Josephus 1.2.2
The Cainites waged war with the now complaisant Sethites, who thought they were following God, but
were more obsessed with orders and relics.
Nay, even while Adam was alive, it came to pass that the posterity of Cain became exceeding
wicked, every one successively dying, one after another, more wicked than the former. They were
intolerable in war, and vehement in robberies; and if any one were slow to murder people, yet was
he bold in his profligate behavior, in acting unjustly, and doing injuries for gain.Josephus 1.2.2
Another trick of Satan is to get your eyes off God. Instead of trusting Him as your avenger, you seek
your own justice, becoming very similar to those you seek to eliminate.
At this point the whole world grew totally apostate. Only Noah and his immediate family stood firm in
their zeal for God.
But Noah was very uneasy at what they did; and being displeased at their conduct, persuaded

them to change their dispositions and their acts for the better: but seeing they did not yield to him,
but were slaves to their wicked pleasures, he was afraid they would kill him, together with his wife
and children, and those they had married; so he departed out of that land.Josephus 2.3.1
We will see later that not even the sons of Noah were completely perfect before the Lord, but now we
must ask these questions:
1. What was the religion of the fallen angels?
2. How did their religion cause the complete apostasy and destruction of the entire world?
3. Was Lucifers lie part of the pre-flood paganism?

The Religion of the Fallen Angels

Ancient Pre-Flood Paganism

Lucifers plan was to create varying kinds of paganism. Believers who refused to convert would be
offered a form of paganism rising up from within the true religion. Paganism absorbed the majority of
believers when they were lulled into a false religion that looked very much like the real thing they were
used to. Next, a destructive war annihilated most of the few who still held to the truth. Finally, through a
root of bitterness, the rest became just like the Cainites.
In chapter two we learned that Lucifers lie was that the creator God was fading away and people and
angels would become gods in His place. This lie became the basis for the pre-flood false religion and all
the pagan religions after the Flood.
In the Beginning
In the book of Genesis we learn that God created the heavens and earth in seven days. As revealed
throughout the Bible, God is a personal, intelligent, loving Being that wishes to have a personal
relationship with each human being.
When Adam fell, he took on a sin nature. All his children inherited this sin nature. Eventually all
humanity, except Noah and his family, degenerated into apostasy. They rejected the knowledge and
worship of the one true God, turning to idols and what would later be called paganism.
The following quotes from the Bible, early church fathers, and the ancient history books of the Jews,
give us a glimpse of what pre-flood paganism actually was. From these we can put together thirteen
points that paint a clear picture of what the great lie consisted of and how it destroyed the ancient world.
The apostle Paul wrote that the pre-flood world knew Gods truth. They understood that God was
completely separate from His creation. They also knew His power and Godhead were eternal, that there
would never be any other gods. All of nature showed them that Lucifers Doctrine of Emanations was a
lie. They deliberately rejected the true knowledge of God and willingly accepted Lucifers lie. They
began to believe that their ancestors were evolving into gods and they began making idols.
For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood
by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:
Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but
became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to
be wise, they became fools, And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made
like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.
Romans 1:20-23 KJV

1. Individual Idols
The first point is each person made his own individual idol for his own home. Having idols proves they
were not atheists. We will see that each idol was different because each person was worshiping his own
ancestor. If they worshiped their ancestors, they must have believed their ancestors, and eventually they
too, would evolve into gods. See Teraphim in the chapter on Babylon.
And the sons of men went and they served other gods, and they forgot the Lord who had created
them in the earth: and in those days the sons of men made images of brass and iron, wood and
stone, and they bowed down and served them. And every man made his god and they bowed down

to them, and the sons of men forsook the Lord all the days of Enosh and his children;
Jasher 2:4-5

The Sumerians, thought by many Christians to be representatives of the pre-flood world, worshiped a
goddess they referred to as Nin.ti. Nin.ti is usually translated the Lady of Life, but the literal
translation is the Lady of the Rib. See Dictionary Of Deities And Demons In The Bible, page 316.
This is just one more example of pre-flood peoples worshiping their ancestors, including Adam and
2. Evolve into a god
Satan tempted Eve by saying she could become just like God. In pre-flood paganism, Satan told people
they could become gods themselves. First century magicians thought after death they would become
daemons, or helper spirits like elves or angels. But we learn through church father Tertullian, in the
original pre-flood idolatry, people believed after death they were supposed to become a god.
In this way, even by magic, which is indeed only a second idolatry, wherein they pretend that after
death they become demons, just as they were supposed in the first and literal idolatry to become
gods.Tertullian Treatise on the soul 57

God knows that your eyes will be opened when you eat it. You will become just like God,
knowing everything, both good and evil.
Genesis 3:5 NLT

3. The original Creator God no longer exists
The third point of their pagan religion is that they taught the original Creator God no longer exists. The
original creative force/god emptied itself into creation and no longer existed. We learned in chapter two,
this was Lucifers original lie.
And they called to Noah, saying, Open for us that we may come to thee in the ark and
wherefore shall we die? And Noah, with a loud voice, answered them from the ark, saying, Have
you not all rebelled against the Lord, and said that he does not exist?Jasher 6:18-19
Again, these people were idolaters, not atheists. They believed that the original God ceased to exist or at
least was greatly diminished and would soon disappear for all eternity.
4. Salvation is not needed.
The fourth point is there was no need for salvation. Any kind of salvation would be done by their own
strength. All will make it to godhood on their own, eventually. Magic just speeds up the process. This
also included the idea that there is no hell (See the chapter on Paganism in the Middle Ages for details
on hell).

The LORD saw how great mans wickedness on the earth had become, and that every inclination
of the thoughts of his heart was only evil all the time. Genesis 6:5 NIV
They were despisers of all that was good, on account of the confidence they had in their own
strength. Josephus Ant. 1.3.1

5. Observed omens in the sun and moon and

6. Charted their movement through the Zodiac.

The fifth and sixth points are that they used a form of astrology that centered on predicting omens, like
eclipses, in the sun and moon and charted their courses through the zodiac. This was practiced as a
means to summon the magic energies for rituals and to contact their ancestor gods at the appropriate
And Cainan grew, and his father taught him writing, and he went to seek for himself a place
where he might seize for himself a city. And he found a writing which former generations had
carved on the rock, and he read what was thereon, and he transcribed it and sinned owing to it; for
it contained the teaching of the Watchers in accordance with which they used to observe the omens
of the sun and moon and stars in all the signs of heaven. And he wrote it down and said nothing
regarding it; for he was afraid to speak to Noah about it lest he should be angry with him on
account of it. Jubilees 8:1-5
7. No horoscopes
The pre-flood astrology did not have the idea of a horoscope. The horoscope was invented after the
Flood by the Chaldeans. In the pre-flood version astrology was only used to predict the next scheduled
date for magic rites and the next time one could contact a god or goddess ancestor.
The Horoscope was invented by the Chaldean astrologers.Hippolytus Heresies 4.3

8. Invented by demons
The pre-flood magic system, including astrology, was the invention of demons.
Demons invented the concept of fate with astrology to enslave man into worshiping them.
Tatian to the Greeks 9

9. Ritual use of Blood
Blood sacrifices, magic, demonology and ritual drinking of blood was used by post-flood Canaanites.
The ritual use of blood was also part of the pre-flood religion. All animal sacrifices involved blood, but
they are always referred to as animal sacrifices. When a ritual called for a blood sacrifice instead of an
animal sacrifice we know it means the use of blood. The blood is what was needed, not necessarily the
sacrifice of a living animal.
In the twelfth generation, when God had blessed men, and they had begun to multiply, they
received a commandment that they should not taste blood, for on account of this also the deluge
had been sent In the fourteenth generation one of the cursed progeny (Canaanites) first erected
an altar to demons, for the purpose of magical arts, and offered there blood sacrifices.
Recognitions of Clement 1.30

God knew this false religion would return after the Flood; so He commanded Noah to ensure his
children would not consume blood when eating meat.

Every moving thing that is alive shall be food for you; I give all to you, as I gave the green plant.
Only you shall not eat flesh with its life, that is, its blood. Genesis 9:3-4 NASB
10. Evolution / Reincarnation

All pagan religions teach reincarnation with evolution. A pagan religion cant have one without the
other. Likewise the religions of the Christians and Jews teach special creation along with resurrection.
These two cant be divorced, either. If we can prove evolution will be a part of the harlot church, we
then know reincarnation will be, too. The book of Revelation shows the end time church becomes part
of the Mystery Babylon religious system. Second Peters prophesy states that it begins by the church
rejecting creation and Noahs Flood, in favor of Evolution. This is taking place today in many
there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, And saying, Where is the
promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the
beginning of the creation. For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the
heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water: Whereby the world
that then was, being overflowed with water, perished.
2 Peter 3:3-6

I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast This title was written on her forehead: Mystery
Babylon the great, mother of prostitutes and of the abominations of the earth.
Revelation 17:3,5 NIV

11. Evolution without karma

The belief that each person was evolving into a higher life form was part of the pre-flood religion. Postflood paganism added the doctrine of transmigration of souls, which means if your karma or life
style is very bad, instead of evolving into a higher life form, one may de-evolve or come back as a
lower form of life. The doctrine of karma was not part of the original paganism. This makes sense,
because Lucifer wanted everyone to believe there is no hell and we are all okay, so you can only go
forward. We will see this again in the post-flood histories.
But I cannot here omit that which some erring philosophers say, that men and the other animals
arose from the earth without any author.
Lactantius Divine Institutes 2.11

Plato, that ancient Athenian, who also was the first to introduce this opinion (the doctrine of
transmigration of souls).
Irenaeus Against Heresies 2.33

12. Ghosts, Demons, and Nature Spirits
Nature spirits were thought to be the life force in all of creation. This is connected to pantheism. If at
death our spirits could evolve into a god, then the worship of demons and ghosts would be prominent.
Notice their idols were not just demons and nature spirits, but also phantoms. Phantom is the Greek
word for ghost.
You who serve stones, and ye who make images of gold, and silver, and wood, and stones and
clay, and serve phantoms, and demons, and spirits
Tertullian Idolatry 1.4

13. Homosexual Marriage
There has always been homosexuality. It has always been classified as a sin before God. The Canaanites

practiced homosexual rituals in the worship of their gods and goddesses, but since the time of Noah
there has never been a nation that sanctioned homosexual marriage. But the rabbis state this did occur
right before Noahs Flood. This may have been a part of the pre-flood religion; or it just may have been
a result of it.
In Romans 1, the apostle Paul seems to indicate that idolatry produced immorality; and together idolatry
and immorality caused the Great Apostasy. That, in turn, resulted in extreme forms of homosexuality,
which caused God to destroy the world.
Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, And changed the glory of the uncorruptible
God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping
things. Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to
dishonour their own bodies between themselves: Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and
worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. For this
cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into
that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman,
burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and
receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. And even as they did not
like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things
which are not convenient.Romans 1:22-28
The ancient rabbis seem to believe this also. They stated the practice of ordaining homosexual marriage
was the last step in the downward spiral that caused Gods judgment.
Rabbi Huna said in the name of Rabbi Joseph, 'The generation of the Flood was not wiped out
until they wrote marriage documents for the union of a man to a male or to an animal.' Genesis
Rabbah 26:4-5; Leviticus Rabbah 23:9

Rabbi Hiyyah taught: The passage reads I am the Lord, your God two times I am the One Who
punished the generation of the Flood, and the people of Sodom and Gomorrah, and Egypt; and in
the future I will punish those who do as they did. The generations of the Flood werekings, and
were wiped off the earth when they were soaked in sexual sin.Leviticus Rabbah 23:9 (commentary on
Leviticus 18:3)

And what did they do? A man got married to a man, and a woman to a woman, a man married a
woman and her daughter, and a woman was married to two (men). Therefore it is said, "And you
shall not walk in their statutes
Sifra Acharei Mot, Parashah 9:8 (Commentary on Leviticus 18:3)

Church fathers Clement of Alexandria (ECF 2.77) and Tatian (ECF 2.143) tell us that the ancient
Romans and barbarians considered homosexuality and pederasty crimes punishable by death. In the first
century, however, homosexuality and pederasty were widely practiced by the Romans.
When all this came about and Noah and his family were the only ones left still faithful to God, God
instructed Noah to build the Ark and the world was then destroyed by a flood of water.
And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way
upon the earth. And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is

filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth.Genesis 6:12-13

These points give the following picture for pre-flood paganism:
The original creator/force emptied itself into creation. The spirit/life exists in everything (this is called
pantheism). There is no need for salvation because everyone will eventually evolve into a god.
Contacting your ancestors who have already ascended, and using magic, are short cuts to obtaining
godhood. Using astrology to calculate the proper times for magic rites and speaking to your dead
ancestors speeds up the process of godhood evolution.
One cant de-evolve (compared to Hinduisms doctrine of karma). Contacting the nature spirits may
also help in your evolution. The magic rites included blood rituals.
On the following page is a master chart compiling all the above data from the source material. In a later
chapter we will examine the Canaanite occultic practices individually and add them to the master chart.

Pre-Flood paganism included:

1. A unique individual god/idol in each home
2. Evolution into a god or goddess after death
3. The original creator God ceased to exist
4. Salvation not needed
5. Observation of the sun and moon for omens
6. Astrology focusing on the sun, moon, and zodiac
7. Astrology without horoscopes
8. Invented by demons
9. Ritual use of blood
10. Evolution/Reincarnation
11. Evolution without karma (no de-evolving)
12. Ghosts, demons, nature spirits
13. Homosexual marriage

After Noahs Flood

Eight Post-Flood Pagan Holy Days

The Four Holidays
According to chapter six of the Book of Jubilees, Noah decreed that four holidays be commemorated.
These commemorated the new moons of the first, fourth, seventh, and tenth months. These were the
turn of the seasons. Unlike the Noahide laws which were given by God to us through Noah, these were
an invention of Noah himself; therefore we need not observe them.

On the new moon of the first month, the new moon of the fourth month, the new moon of the
seventh month, and the new moon of the tenth month are the days of remembrance, and the days of
the seasons in the four divisions of the year. These are written and ordained as a testimony for ever.
And Noah ordained them for himself as feasts for the generations forever, so that they have
become thereby a memorial unto him. And on the new moon of the first month he was bidden to
make for himself an ark, and on that day the earth became dry and he opened the ark and saw the
earth. And on the new moon of the fourth month the mouths of the depths of the abyss beneath
were closed. And on the new moon of the seventh month all the mouths of the abysses of the earth
were opened, and the waters began to descend into them. And on the new moon of the tenth month
the tops of the mountains were seen and Noah was glad. And on this account he ordained them for
himself as feasts for a memorial forever, and thus are they ordained.
Jubilees 6:23-28

Notice Jubilees has the events of the fourth and tenth months correct but event of the seventh month is
incorrect according to the Bible. The command to build the ark was probably in the seventh month, not
the first, because we learn from the Talmud that the new moon of the first month, Tishrei, is the
anniversary of Creation and also when Noah was born. I believe it is more likely that the events were
assigned to these dates by Noahs children rather than by Noah, himself. This commemoration will be
twisted into ancestor worship later. Jubilees also states Noah commanded his children to observe the
anniversary of the flood. This occurred on the seventeenth day of the second month, or two days after
the lunar reckoning of the autumn equinox. Paganism calls this day Samhain, but today it is known by
the name Halloween.

New Moon

first month

fourth month

seventh month

tenth month






Event Commemorated

Creation and Noahs birthday

Abysses were closed

Commanded to build the Ark

Tops of the mountains were seen

Full Moon

Season Event Commemorated

second month Autumn Noahs Flood

Whether or not this legend is entirely true, it is obvious that early peoples had to commemorate the
change of the seasons in order to keep crops planted at the right times and to be able to hunt animals for
food without completely destroying their food supply. There are exactly thirteen weeks for each of the
four seasons in a fifty-two-week year. In time, the mid-seasonal festivals were added, creating eight
holy days per year.
As paganism developed, these events and the history about the evilness of pre-flood mankind and
Noahs Flood would be twisted by Satan.
A lunar calendar month always starts on a new moon. Festivals usually fall on the fifteenth (the full
moon) of the month.
As we go from the lunar calendar used by most of the ancient world (Jews, Babylonians, Canaanites,
and most pagan groups today), to a solar calendar used by the ancient Romans and most of the world
today, including America and Europe, these dates will vary slightly depending on the group or religion
using them.
Here is a comparison between the ancient lunar calendar and the American calendar.

Lunar Calendar

New moon of the 1st month

Full moon of the 2nd month

New moon of the 4th month

Full moon of the 5th month

New moon of the 7th month

Full moon of the 8th month

New moon of the 10th month

Full moon of the 11th month

Autumn equinox


Winter solstice


Spring equinox


Summer solstice


Solar Calendar

Sept 21

October 31

Dec 21

February 2

Mar 21

May 1

June 21

July 31

The following shows the four dates for the change in seasons and the Gentile names given to each one.

Season Change

Autumn equinox

Winter solstice

Spring equinox

Summer solstice


Sept 21

Dec 21

Mar 21

June 21

Gentile Names


Yule, Saturnalia



When we add the four Mid-seasonal holidays to the above four holidays that begin the seasons, we have
a total of eight holy days.

Mid Season



October 31

Gentile Names

Halloween, Samhain




February 2

May 1

July 31

Ground Hog Day, Candlemas, Imbolc, Oimelc, Brigid

May Day, Beltaine, Walpurgis Night

Lunasa, Lammas

We are not sure about the set times of the pre-flood pagan system, since they may not have had seasons
like we do today. But with Nimrods revival of the system, these eight days will be the basis for all
pagan holidays.
Accurately predicting these eight days plus the solar and lunar eclipses for magic rituals was to be the
primary use of astrology until the Chaldeans invented the horoscope.
We can see that the four main pagan holidays were practiced by Sodom. Homosexuality and extreme
paganism is what caused God to obliterate the city.
In those days all the people of Sodom and Gomorrah, and of the whole five cities, were
exceedingly wicked and sinful against the Lord... And they had in their land a very extensive
valley, about half a day's walk, and in it were fountains of water and a great deal of herbage
surrounding the water. And all the people of Sodom and Gomorrah went there four times in the
year, [authors emphasis] and with their wives and children and all belonging to them, and they
rejoiced with timbrels and dances. etc. Jasher 18:11-13









The Post-Flood Outbreak

Both the ancient rabbis and church fathers taught that Egypt was the first to bring back the magic
system of the pre-flood world. This started to spread into various countries through the sons of Ham,
according to the Jewish history book of Jubilees. This occurred after Canaan started settling the coast of
And Cainan grew, and his father taught him writing, and he went to seek for himself a place
where he might seize for himself a city. And he found a writing which former generations had
carved on the rock, and he read what was thereon, and he transcribed it and sinned owing to it; for
it contained the teaching of the Watchers in accordance with which they used to observe the omens
of the sun and moon and stars in all the signs of heaven. And he wrote it down and said nothing
regarding it; for he was afraid to speak to Noah about it lest he should be angry with him on
account of it.Jubilees 8:1-5

The ancient church fathers wrote that Ham was the first post-flood magician. He must have revived
these pre-flood practices and handed them down to his sons. The quote above makes it seem like
finding and translating the pagan relics was the basic cause of the revival of the old religion. Lucifers
lie once again caused them to doubt Noahs history, even though he was an eye witness of the
destruction. We need to be aware of what we read and watch on TV. It could influence us in ways we
dont realize.
Hams son Mizraim founded Egypt. The Bible records how the Egyptian magicians withstood Moses.
So even 792 years after the Flood, the old system was still going strong. We will see what Egyptian
magicians do when we study Balaam.
Hams son Canaan traveled up the cost of Shems territory and founded the Canaanites. The ancient
rabbis give us detailed information about how the Canaanite sorcerers practiced their religion.
Persians and Babylonians
The Persians were descendants of Elam, the son of Shem, but the Persian magi inherited their magic
system from the time Nimrod ruled over them. Nimrod was the grandson of Ham. Nimrod invaded Iraq
and founded the first Babylonian empire.

The city of Zoar was founded by Bela. Bela was an Assyrian who left Assyria and came to Caanan,
which is in the territory Noah gave to Shem, his forefather, and founded his town there. So he had every
right to settle there. Bela left his homeland because of Nimrods evil government. The city of Zoar
stayed away from paganism. The cities of Sodom and Gomorrah were founded by Canaanites and in
time they adopted paganism to such an extreme measure God destroyed them with fire. This is why Lot
went to Zoar and the city of Zoar was spared.
In order to understand the outbreak of ancient paganism, we need to look at the religious / magic
systems of Egypt, Babylon, Canaan, and Sodom.
We will first look at Nimrods religion and the practices of ancient Sodom.

The Dead Sea

(Under this sea of salt the ruins of Sodom lie)

Babylon and Sodom and Gomorrah

Post-Flood Babylon
We know what the pre-flood pagan system consisted of from the chapter on pre-flood history. Lets look
at what Nimrod added to the mix.
Nimrod added the idea that the twelve signs of the zodiac were gods in their own right. So he did not
just worship his ancestors, but natural spirits (or nature spirits) as well. We will see how the concept of
nature spirits develops through the Middle Ages in a later chapter.
And Abram asked his father, saying, Father, tell me where is God who created heaven and earth,
and all the sons of men upon earth, and who created thee and me. And Terah answered his son
Abram and said, Behold those who created us are all with us in the house. And Abram said to his
father, My lord, shew them to me I pray thee; and Terah brought Abram into the chamber of the
inner court, and Abram saw, and behold the whole room was full of gods of wood and stone,
twelve great images and others less than they without number.Jasher 11:19-20
Ancient church father Clement of Rome stated the religion of the fallen angels included magic and
incantations and this pre-flood religion was the basis for the post-flood Egyptian, Canaanite, Persian,
and Babylonian magic systems. This led to diverse and erratic superstitions among the divisions of the
post-flood nations.
Fallen angels taught men the use of magical incantations that would force demons to obey them.
After the flood Ham the son of Noah unhappily discovered this and taught it to his sons. This
became ingrained into the Egyptians, Persians, and Babylonians. Nimrod was handed this
knowledge and by it caused men to go away from the worship of God and go into diverse and
erratic superstitions and they began to be governed by the signs in the stars and motions of the
planets.Recognitions of Clement 4.26-29

The twelve zodiac gods and numerous other ancestor gods were worshiped in ancient Babylon. The
Babylonian God, Marduk, was based on Nimrods son, Mardon. See Ancient Post-Flood History for
Post-Flood Sodom
The book of Jasher provides over five pages of detailed information about the social structure, form of
government, and extreme fornication and homosexuality of Sodom. In addition to these descriptions,
Jasher recorded their religious practices. Sodom was the first recorded city that observed the four pagan
holidays we just learned about in the previous chapter. Occultic rituals were held at waterfalls near
forests and included sex, dances, and percussion instruments for a beat.
And they had in their land a very extensive valley, about half a day's walk, and in it there were
fountains of water and a great deal of herbage surrounding the water. And all the people of Sodom
and Gomorrahwent there four times a year, with their wives and children and all belonging to
them, and they rejoiced there with tambourines and dances. And in the time of rejoicing they
would all rise and lay hold of their neighbor's wives, and some, the virgin daughters of their
neighbors, and they enjoyed them, and each man saw his wife and daughter in the hands of his
neighbor and did not say a word. And they did so from morning to night, and they afterward

returned home each man to his house; so they always did four times in the year.Jasher 18:12-15

The teraphim were idols used in ancestor worship. They were supposed to allow you to communicate
with your ancestors at the proper astrological times. My guess is that the teraphim were not a new
invention, but a continuation from the pre-flood world.
There are two types of teraphim mentioned in the book of Jasher. The first type was created by taking
the first born male of the family and cutting off his head. The victims head was supposed to retain
contact with the departed spirit. With the proper ritual, the mummified head could serve as a conduit to
the spirit world, passing information between a family and their ancestor gods.
The second type of teraphim was created by constructing an idol of the deceased and was used in the
same way. The rituals had to be done at the proper astrological time. The ceremony used candles and
other paraphernalia. Labans teraphim were the second type: little gold gods with the astrological tables
carved on them, rather than the first type mentioned, the mummified head of a real ancestor.
And this is the manner of the images; in taking a man who is the first born and slaying him and
taking the hair off his head, and taking salt and salting the head and anointing it in oil, then taking a
small tablet of copper or a tablet of gold and writing the name upon it, and placing the tablet under
his tongue, and taking the head with the tablet under the tongue and putting it in the house, and
lighting up lights before it and bowing down to it. And at the time when they bow down to it, it
speaketh to them in all matters that they ask of it, through the power of the name which is written
in it. And some make them in the figures of men, of gold and silver, and go to them in times known
to them, and the figures receive the influence of the stars, and tell them future things, and in this
manner were the images which Rachel stole from her father, Laban. Jasher 31:41-43

In ancient Egypt, Canaan, and other places, archeologists have found communities with bones of infants
buried in the walls of most homes. We can see this is connected to the teraphim form of ancestor
The ancient pagans believed that contacting the nature spirits helped in their evolution. The magic rites
included blood rituals, burning candles, astrology, and idols/teraphim.
The Egyptians had burial grounds for regular Egyptians (Jasher 14:13-14); but they buried their
firstborn children in the walls of their homes. This was the Egyptian form of teraphim. Jasher records
that when the death angel killed all the first born in Egypt, the angel also tore the remains of the
sacrificed firstborn children out of the walls of the Egyptian houses (Jasher 80:44-46).

This information indicates the plague of the firstborn was directed against the teraphim, showing that
the God of Israel was superior to all the so-called gods of Egypt, including all their ancestor gods!
If we add this information to our master chart of the pre-flood pagan religion, we have the following:

Pre-Flood paganism includes

1. An unique individual god/idol in each home

2. Evolution into a god or goddess after death

3. The original creator God ceased to exist
4. Salvation not needed
5. Observation of the sun and moon for omens
6. Astrology focusing on the sun, moon, and zodiac
7. Astrology without horoscopes
8. Invented by demons
9. Ritual use of blood
10. Evolution/Reincarnation
11. Evolution without karma (no de-evolving)
12. Ghosts, demons, nature spirits
13. Homosexual marriage

Post-Flood Babylon also includes

14. Twelve creator zodiacal gods
15. Many lesser gods/spirits
16. Astrology, fate, magic, and incantations
17. Many different superstitions
18. Original Egyptian, Persian, Canaanite, and Babylonian magic systems were based on this pre-flood version

Sodom and Gomorrah also includes

19. High places were used that included forests and waterfalls
20. Rituals that included sex, dancing, and percussion instruments like the tambourine for a beat
21. Observed four seasonal holidays

Labans Teraphim also includes

22. Ancestor worship combined with necromancy
23. Magic and astrology with candle ceremonies

The Conjured Spirits

Canaanite Sorcery and Balaam

Canaan, son of Ham, settled in the land of Canaan, later called Israel. His descendants were called the
Canaanites. They also inherited this paganism, but added ancestor worship to it. The founders of each
Canaanite tribe became the Baal and the Asherah. Baal means Lord in Hebrew and Asherah can
be translated the Princess.
In other countries the founders names were retained. The Assyrians worshiped their founder as the god,
Ashur. The Babylonians worshiped Nimrods son, Mardon, as the god Marduk.
We will define the Canaanite paganism that is described in the Bible by the definitions given in the
Babylonian Talmud (Sanhedrin 65).

Forbidden practices
From Deuteronomy we can create a list of nine separate forms of Paganism. Once we identify these and
learn exactly what the practices are, we will be able to see the form they occur in today.
There shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or daughter pass through the fire,
or who uses divination, or is an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a sorcerer, or a charmer, or
one who has a familiar spirit, or a wizard, or a necromancer. Deuteronomy 18:10-11 (Hebrew)
Passing Children through Fire
The Canaanites worshiped a god called Moloch with human sacrifices. Children, (mainly their firstborn
sons) were burned alive in their sacrifices to this god. This was their way of creating teraphim. See the
chapter on Babylon and Sodom for a detailed description of teraphim.
And they have built the high places of Tophet, which is in the valley of the son of Hinnom, to
burn their sons and their daughters in the fire
Jeremiah 7:31

Tophet is Moloch, an idol which was made of brass. The Canaanites heated him from his lower
parts; and his outstretched hands were made hot. They put the child in his hands, and it was burnt
alive. When the child vehemently cried out the priests beat a drum, so the father would not hear the
voice of his son, and move his heart.
Rabbi Rashis Commentary on Jeremiah 7:31

Diviner Kesem
Kesem is the practice where one gazes at an object until he becomes transfixed by it and forgets the
world around him. Once he achieves this great level of concentration, he can predict future events. By
this definition, some form of meditation is required to achieve an altered state of consciousness. We will
see how Balaam did this, shortly.
Observer of Times Me'onen
Me'onen is Chaldean Astrology. In later times it was confused with the cloud reader and those who
divine by observing the flights of birds.
Enchanter Nachash

The enchanter sees omens in animals. An enchanter uses something to charm/control animals (serpents
and scorpions) to be passive or to attack. Burning incense is one way of charming.
Babylonian Talmud: Sanhedrin 65a

Sorcerer Kashaph
Sorcerer is a general term for any occult practice. It may include drug use, meditation, or both, but it
always has some method to cause an altered state of consciousness. Compare this to Shamanism. The
ancient church fathers used the terms magician and sorcerer interchangeably.
Charmer Cheber
A charmer is one who makes charms. A charm is a piece of jewelry worn for protection or to cause
something to happen, such as attract love or money. A protective charm is called an amulet. Other
charms are called talismans.
In Acts 19:19, Pauls new Christian converts in the city of Ephesus burned their magic books.
Archeology has unearthed some of these texts. The magic rites of Diana included spells, amulets, and
talismans invoking her for aid. This is exactly the same thing found today inside the religions of
Hinduism and Wicca.
One with a Familiar Spirit Ob
Obs conjured up ghosts and spirits and made them materialize and speak. One kind used a skull
(teraphim) and the other kind used soothsaying. Some rabbis taught that the Ob would see the spirit but
not hear it speaking; the inquirer would hear the voice but not see the spirit, while bystanders would not
hear or see anything.
Babylonian Talmud: Sanhedrin 65b

that other kind of magic, which is supposed to bring up from Hades the souls now resting there,
and to exhibit them to public view
Tertullian Treatise on the Soul 57

The Ob was the kind of Canaanite Sorcerer used by King Saul to conjure the spirit of the prophet
Samuel. This event is recorded in 2 Samuel 28.
And the woman said unto him, Behold, thou knowest what Saul hath done, how he hath cut off
those that have familiar spirits, and the wizards, out of the land: wherefore then layest thou a snare
for my life, to cause me to die? And Saul sware to her by the LORD, saying, As the LORD liveth,
there shall no punishment happen to thee for this thing. Then said the woman, Whom shall I bring
up unto thee? And he said, Bring me up Samuel. And when the woman saw Samuel, she cried with
a loud voice: and the woman spake to Saul, saying, Why hast thou deceived me? for thou art Saul.
And the king said unto her, Be not afraid: for what sawest thou? And the woman said unto Saul, I
saw gods ascending out of the earth. And he said unto her, What form is he of? And she said, An
old man cometh up; and he is covered with a mantle. And Saul perceived that it was Samuel, and
he stooped with his face to the ground, and bowed himself. And Samuel said to Saul2 Samuel 28:915

So the Ob created what is commonly called a necronomic pit. By use of a teraphim, (her familiar spirit)
she caused spirits to appear. This same practice of casting magic circles on the ground for ritual
purposes is still used today by modern witches. See the chapter on Wicca for details.

Wizard Yidde'oni
The Talmud states that the name for a wizard, Yidde'oni, comes from a word loosely translated as an
extinct animal. It also states that no one remembers exactly what kind of animal it was. The name
carried over to mean those who used a bone of this extinct animal by placing it in their mouths and
through some incantations can have the dead speak through this bone. This has been translated as a
ventriloquist or a medium.
It is quite possible that the term in this ancient passage means, instead of extinct animal, a bone from
the deceased. Mediums today often ask for an artifact of the deceased in order to try to make some sort
of contact with them.
Necromancer (also translated Dreamers)
A necromancer is a little different from the wizard. According to this passage in the Talmud,
necromancers were said to spend nights in cemeteries in order to invoke the spirits of the dead. They
would wear special clothing designed especially for this purpose and burn incense to attract the spirits.
Once the ritual was thought to be complete, the necromancer would go to sleep on the grave of the
deceased, expecting them to appear in their dreams and answer their questions.
Magician/Soothsayer Chartumim
Magician and Soothsayer are general terms for any of the previous practices. A sorcerer uses more
ceremonial magic (calling on spirits for aid), while a magician uses more non-ceremonial magic
(relying on the power of the human spirit without asking other spirits for aid.) Biblically, whether the
occultist thinks he or she is contacting a spirit or using their own power, it is exactly the same demonic
Balaam was the only recorded prophet in the Bible who used sorcery. He rebelled against God. In these
passages we can see he used divination, which required a trance or altered state of consciousness.

Angeas said unto Balaam, Conjure for us, I pray thee, with the witchcraft (sorcery), that we may
know who will prevail in this battle to which we are now proceeding. And Balaam ordered that
they should bring him wax, and he made thereof the likeness of chariots and horsemen
representing the army of Angeas and the army of Egypt, and he put them in the cunningly prepared
waters that he had for that purpose, and he took in his hand the boughs of myrtle trees, and he
exercised his cunning, and he joined them over the water, and there appeared unto him in the water
the resembling images of the hosts of Angeas falling before the resembling images of the
Egyptians and the sons of Jacob.Jasher 61:9-10

Zepho said unto Balaam, Try by divination for us that we may know who will prevail in the
battle, we or the Egyptians. And Balaam rose up and tried the art of divination, and he was skillful
in the knowledge of it, but he was confused and the work was destroyed in his hand. And he tried it
again but it did not succeed, and Balaam despaired of it and left it and did not complete it, for this
was from the Lord, in order to cause Zepho and his people to fall into the hand of the children of
Israel Jasher 64:27-29
Balaam also interpreted dreams correctly, according to Jasher 70:5.

Balaam was called a magician, sorcerer, artificer, and a user of divination. He was not classified as a
necromancer, wizard, or one with a familiar spirit. This shows a clear distinction between the two
theories of magic.
The theory holds that there are two kinds of magic: ceremonial magic and non-ceremonial magic.
Ceremonial magic would be when you do some ritual to make contact with a spirit and then the spirit is
supposed to do something for you. Non-ceremonial magic is defined as a human doing a ritual, not to
bring up some spirit, but to use the psychic power of his own human spirit.


Sorcerer, magician


General word for an occult practitioner

Non-Ceremonial Magic


Observer of Times



Ceremonial Magic



One with a familiar spirit

Sees the future through trances


Charms serpents and animals to do his bidding

Makes talismans and amulets

Spirits speak through a possessed medium

Speaks to the dead in his lucid dreams

Causes a spirit to materialize in a circle
(Some use a Teraphim skull).

Pre-Flood Astrology is centered on observing and calculating times. Based on a predetermined set of
rules, one would calculate the next time one would be able to contact a god or goddess and work a
magic rite. (For instance, a special spell might only work on Halloween or Yule.) This idea is still seen
in the myth that, on Halloween, ghosts and spirits are more likely to come back, and are stronger, and
magic rites work better.
The Horoscope was invented by the Chaldean astrologers.Hippolytus Heresies 4.3

Post-Flood Astrology is centered on man and what will happen to him on a daily basis. Astrology was
no longer used for predicting the next time a magic rite would work. When the Chaldeans added the
horoscope, it then became man-centered. Hippolytus (Heresies 4.5) stated if there were any truth in the
idea of the horoscope, it would be based on conception not birth, therefore it must be false.
The idea of astrology was to find out what could happen to a particular person on a specific day. If Mars
or Venus was in the right position based on where they were when that person was born, then their
finances or love life might improve if they acted today. Or, perhaps, today may or may not be the best
time for that person to start a fight or business.
Astrology is based on gods and goddesses who were just men and women long since dead and buried.
Doesnt that mean that modern astrology is a joke? Knowing this instantly frees us from being enslaved
to it!
Church Father Tatian said it best,
Demons invented the concept of fate with astrology to enslave man into worshiping them.
Tatian to the Greeks 9

The other ancient church fathers described astrology in this way:

The arts of astrologers, soothsayers, augurs, and magicians were made known by the angels who
sinned, and are forbidden by God.
Tertullian Apology 35

Astrology is idolatry.Tertullian Idolatry 1.9

Christians do not employ incantations or spells to perform miracles.Origen Against Celsus 1:6
Christians don't blame fate or stars for their actions.Tertullian Apology 1
Demons invented astrology, soothsaying, divination, and those productions which are called
oracles, necromancy, and the art of magic.
Lactantius Divine Institutes 2:16

The Church does not perform anything by means of angelic invocations, incantations, or by any
other wicked curious art; but, directing her prayers to the Lord.Irenaeus Against Heresies 2.32
God is not to be sought after by means of letters, syllables, and numbers.
Irenaeus Against Heresies 2.25

Priests of Baal
Elijah confronted the priests of Baal on Mount Carmel. Notice the prophet simply prayed to God and
his prayer was answered; while the priests of Baal danced in frenzy and cut themselves. This again
shows the pagans trying to get into an altered state of consciousness while the true believer just prays.

Baal and Hindu Ashrams

Priests of Baal danced themselves into a frenzy and cut themselves. This kind of meditative technique is
called dynamic meditation. This is the same kind of practice performed in Hindu ashrams. The dynamic
meditation in the ashrams involves jumping up and down and whirling around with constant movement.
Then, all of a sudden at the sound of a bell, all motion stops. This is supposed to throw the practitioner
into an altered state of consciousness.

A Magic Circle from the Jewish Kabala

(No different than Canaanite Sorcery)

Paganism in the Middle Ages

Archeology shows the oldest settlements had religions that included the worship of the sun and moon.
Later settlements included the other planets. Adding stars as gods came much later.
Sun worship included fire worship and human sacrifice. The counterpart to this was moon worship.
Moon worship included water rites. The moon controlled the rising and lowering of the tides.
Later the worship of mother earth and father sky (air or wind) was added. At this point we have what
becomes the worship of the four elements. See church father Hippolytus, in book four, for a detailed
description of these.

Pagans started to believe that four types of nature spirits lived in the four elements. Spirits that lived in
the earth were referred to as earth spirits or gnomes. Water spirits were called undines. Air spirits were
called sylphs and fire spirits were named salamanders.
Ancestor worship added unique gods and goddesses to each religion. Each pagan religion had the
worship of the elements as nature spirits. If we trace back the individual names of each spirit from each
country, we will find that each one is a kind of elf or fairy.
If we go back another thousand years or so, we will see that elves and fairies were the two different
names for the nature spirits.
The following chart shows the names given to the nature spirits in various countries.








Nature Spirit

Brownies, Bogle

Fairies, Boggart, Selkie, Shade, Pixies

Dwarf, Elf, Wraith, Hob

Hu hsien

Kappa, Tengu







European Countries

Domovoi household spirit or teraphim

Kobolds, Nixie,

Leprechaun (Tuatha De Danann), Banshee

Dryad, Nymph, Satyr, Kallikantzaros

Nissen, Tomte, Troll

Gnome, Goblin Bogyman, Hobgoblin, Homunculus, Sprite, Fetch, Pwcca, Pucka, Ogre, Gremlin, Imp

According to some folklore, fairies go all the way back to Tuatha De Danann in Ireland. Geoffrey
Keating, in his book entitled History of Ireland, states the Formorians were Canaanites who left Canaan
because of Noahs curse. They feared that they could not win a war with the sons of Shem so they took
to the sea. Formorians were pirates, pillaging the coastal cities. They even observed the pagan festivals
back in that time.
It is probable that in Ireland, todays fairies/leprechauns are modern manifestations of the nature spirits
from the early Canaanites, which in turn came from the pre-flood pagan religion.
To see just how closely the elves and fairies were connected to the pagan gods, see the chapter on Yule.
Ghosts and Spirits
The ancient church fathers were divided on whether a medium could call up a real ghost or if every
occurrence was a demon. Turtullian and Philo taught mediums could not call up a real ghost. They
believed the creature called up was always a demon imposter.
Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, Origen, and Clement of Alexandria taught there were real ghosts. They taught
that most of the time you see or hear a ghost, it would be demonic, but not always. However, all of the
ancient church fathers taught you should test the spirits. If they do not confess the true gospel, they are
demonic. A Christian can always command a demon imposter to tell the truth and he would have to do
Moreover, if sorcerers call forth ghosts, and even make what seem the souls of the dead to appear;
if they put boys to death, in order to get a response from the oracle; if, with their juggling illusions,
they make a pretence of doing various miracles; if they put dreams into people's minds by the
power of the angels and demons whose aid they have invited, by whose influence, too, goats and
tables (ancient Ouija boards) are made to divine, how much more likely is this power of evil... The
wicked spirit, bidden to speak by a follower of Christ, will as readily make the truthful confession
that he is a demon.Tertullian Apology 23
Paul stated Christians are with the Lord when they die and not roaming the earth.
Therefore we are always confident, knowing that, whilst we are at home in the body, we are

absent from the Lord We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and
to be present with the Lord.2 Corinthians 5:6,8
Jesus told the account of the rich man and Lazarus in Luke 16. In this story the rich man died and
instantly opened his eyes in hell. He couldnt get back to earth. After Lazarus died, he was with father
Abraham and was unable to return to earth, either.
These verses alone would indicate any ghost you come into contact with is, in reality, a demon.
Demons Masquerade as Ghosts
In demonic possession, demons often pretend to be a god or a dead relative. They try to convince others
that there is no Hades, no resurrection, and no judgment. We hear the same story among psychics and
channelers on television today.
in cases of exorcism (the evil spirit) affirms himself sometimes to be one of the relatives of the
person possessed by him, and sometimes even a god always making it one of his chief cares to
extinguish the very truth which we are proclaiming, that men may not readily believe that all souls
remove to Hades, and that they may overthrow faith in the resurrection and the judgment.
Tertullian Treatise on the Soul 57

Both the Bible and the ancient church fathers taught us to test the spirits to see if they come from God.
Any spirit that tries to convince people that there is no hell, no resurrection, and no judgment is a demon
and not a ghost.
The consistent teaching among the church fathers was that at death Christians immediately go to be with
the Father. Non-Christians go to await the judgment in Hades. The idea of ghosts lingering on earth
before going into the light was completely unknown to them and is not found anywhere in the
In the Middle Ages a book called the Zoar was written by a mystic Jew. This book gave birth to the
Kabala. The Kabala is basically Jewish sorcery. The Zoar teaches the doctrine of emanations, also called
Lucifers lie. And it deals heavily with spirits and magic.
Until recently a kabalistic rabbi was considered a heretic. These days, however, the Kabala is
considered just another form of Judaism.


Halloween is the mid-autumn pagan festival. We have seen how the seasonal holy days started with the
sons of Noah and spread out to the nations. These festivals became corrupted. Some of the sons of
Japheth traveled to France and Germany. See Ancient Post-Flood History for detailed analysis showing
the migrations of the sons of Noah after the Flood.
The pagan priests in this area of Europe were called Druids. From the religion of the Druids we get the
modern practices of Wicca and the celebration of Halloween.
Ancient Halloween
In the chapter on the pagan holy days we learned how the pagan festivals, including Halloween,
Geoffrey Keating wrote in his book, The History of Ireland that the early Fomorians were Canaanites
who left the land of Canaan because of the curse Noah placed on Canaan. They brought with them the
celebration of the eight pagan holy days. The next historical occurrence we see of Halloween is with the
inhabitants of Sodom.
In those days all the people of Sodom and Gomorrah, and of the whole five cities, were
exceedingly wicked and sinful against the Lord... And they had in their land a very extensive
valley, about half a day's walk, and in it were fountains of water and a great deal of herbage
surrounding the water. And all the people of Sodom and Gomorrahwent there four times in the
year, and with their wives and children and all belonging to them, and they rejoiced with timbrels
and dances.Jasher 18:11-13
Sodom grew so occultic and immoral that God Himself destroyed that city and the surrounding cities
with fire.
Then the LORD rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the LORD out
of heaven; And he overthrew those cities, and all the plain, and all the inhabitants of the cities, and
that which grew upon the ground.
Genesis 19:24-25

Most Christians are unaware that Halloween is mentioned in the Bible. In Leviticus 23, God ordained a
festival, called the Feast of Tabernacles. It was mandatory for representatives of each of the twelve
tribes to go up to the Temple in Jerusalem and worship the Lord on this day. The Feast of Tabernacles
was observed on the fifteenth day of the seventh month.
After the united kingdom split into Judah and Israel, Jeroboam, the king of the northern kingdom of
Israel, did not want his people going to the Temple in the southern kingdom of Judah. Jeroboam said:
If this people go up to do sacrifice in the house of the LORD at Jerusalem, then shall the heart of
this people turn again unto their lord, even unto Rehoboam king of Judah, and they shall kill me,
and go again to Rehoboam king of Judah.
1 Kings 12:27

So Jeroboam recreated the calf idols that the Israelites made when they first left Egypt. Jeroboam also
recreated the ancient festival of the full moon of the eighth month, (or the full moon of October) called
Halloween, to be celebrated in Israel in place of the Feast of Tabernacles.

Whereupon the king took counsel, and made two calves of gold, and said unto them, It is too
much for you to go up to Jerusalem: behold thy gods, O Israel, which brought thee up out of the
land of Egypt. And he set the one in Bethel, and the other put he in Dan. And this thing became a
sin: for the people went to worship before the one, even unto Dan. And he made an house of high
places, and made priests of the lowest of the people, which were not of the sons of Levi. And
Jeroboam ordained a feast in the eighth month, on the fifteenth day of the month, like unto the
feast that is in Judah, and he offered upon the altar. So did he in Bethel, sacrificing unto the calves
that he had made: and he placed in Bethel the priests of the high places which he had made. So he
offered upon the altar which he had made in Bethel the fifteenth day of the eighth month, even in
the month which he had devised of his own heart; and ordained a feast unto the children of Israel:
and he offered upon the altar, and burnt incense.
1 Kings 12:28-32

Most of what we know of Halloween comes from the Druids religion, sister to witchcraft. In Ireland
today its still known as oidhch Shamhna or Vigil of Samhain. The pagan priesthood of the Druids
in Ireland and northwestern Europe believed that Samhain (Sa-ween as it is pronounced), the Lord of
the dead (Satan) who controlled the underworld, would gather together all the souls of those who died
that year to purge them of their sins. He did this by transmigrating their souls into the bodies of certain
animals for a time, a type of Purgatory, before they could go to Druid heaven. He also could be coaxed
into giving a lighter sentence by gifts and prayers.
The harmless practices observed today in America on Halloween come directly from the ancient
practices of the Druids.
BONFIRES: (anciently called Bone Fires) were a form of divination, used to predict what was to come
in the following year. A human being or animal was placed in a large wicker basket and burned to death.
The pagans believed that the way the victim died and the form of the charred bones, like tea leaf
reading, would tell the future for the next twelve months.
BLACK CATS: were supposed to be familiars (spirits who possessed animals and worked with Druids).
JACK-O-LANTERNS: On Halloween night Druids would sacrifice humans to demons to gain more
magical power. Jack-o-lanterns were originally made out of turnips, but in America the pumpkin came
to be used. These would be used for lanterns. The candle was made partially from the fat of the human
victim. Each Jack-o-lantern seen means a loved one had been sacrificially murdered.
TRICK OR TREAT: on Halloween night the people would set food outside to placate the spirits who
were always hungry. If you didn't treat them with something they liked, they might be angry and punish
(trick) you.
COSTUMES: If you dressed in a costume that represented one of the beings, he might be friendlier and
give you more magical power.

Ghosts, goblins, fairies, demons, sprites, and spirits were just some of the beings Druids thought they
could contact. Some were supposed to be good, while others were evil. See the chapter on paganism in
the Middle Ages for details on various spirits.

Modern History
In the AD 800's, the Pope, in an effort to Christianize this pagan holiday, started a mass to be said for
all the martyred saints. This was called All Souls Day and was held on the first of November. The
night before was called All Hallows Eve. In time the name changed to All Hallow E'en, and finally to
Halloween. The pagan practices didn't stop; they simply took on a new form. The bones of the saints
were holy, and if you paid great amounts of money, you could touch them and possibly be healed. Then
the church started selling other fake relics, and eventually indulgences. If you bought an indulgence,
you could go out and sin, because it was paid for in advance. So, if you died, you would still go to
heaven. All these things would take place on Halloween. This twisted mixture of Christianity and
paganism so outraged one godly man, that he vowed he would change it or die trying. On the
Halloween of 1517, Martin Luther nailed 95 theses to the door of the Wittenberg church to protest these
and other Roman Catholic dogmas. This marked the date of the beginning of the Protestant
Witchcraft is not dead. In England, at the ancient ruins of Stonehenge, Druid priests still perform
ancient rites in the same ways their ancestors did. The sacrificing of animals and, occasionally,
people, is still not uncommon. Even in our time animals are sacrificed on Halloween in Europe and in
the Philippines, as well as in the USA.
In the USA, Halloween did not become popular until the mid 1800's when large groups of Irish and
Scottish immigrants introduced their specific customs for celebrating Halloween.
In 1965 the satanic bible was first published. Four years later, in 1969, the first church of Satan was
formed. With the revival of old Celtic style witchcraft in Missouri and North Carolina, Satanism and
witchcraft has been on the rise in the USA.
Witchcraft and sorcery are very real. The number of occult-related murders has been on the increase in
this country for more than a generation. One of the most celebrated occult dates is Halloween, and is
celebrated in this country on October 31. On college campuses and universities today, Anton LaVey's
Satanic bible often out sells the Bible itself!
Paul's Point
Paul warned the Galatian Christians, who were a Celtic people, not to keep their old pagan holidays.
Paul seems to wonder if they kept the pagan holidays, Halloween being the chief one, if they were they
truly Christian, or did he waste his time preaching to them?
However at that time, when you did not know God, you were slaves to those which by nature are
no gods. But now that you have come to know God, or rather come to be known by God, how is it
that you turn back again to the weak and worthless elemental things, to which you desire to be
enslaved all over again? You observe days and months and seasons and years. I fear for you, that
perhaps I have labored over you in vain.
Galatians 4:8-11 NASB

If the celebration of Halloween among the Galatian Christians so shocked Paul that he didn't know if

they were truly saved, should we be practicing it?


Yule and Groundhog Day

Yule is the pagan celebration of the winter solstice observed on December 23-25. The ancient Romans
practiced Yuletide under the name of Saturnalia. The peoples of Scandinavia began to worship one of
their ancestors named Odin as their chief god during Yule. Animals such as dogs, horses, and chickens
were sacrificed to the gods and elves; but the worship of Odin required human sacrifice. Lesser items
like butter or bread were set out as sacrifices to the elves.
The most ancient legends describe Odin as a sorcerer who lost one eye while performing a ritual. He
became able to see through the eyes of his raven spirit guides. Later, Odin was worshiped as the
supreme god.
It should have been obvious if he was a sorcerer and had to do a ritual to obtain this power, that he must
not ever have been the original creator god!
In Norse mythology, gods like Odin and the nature spirits (called elves) were worshiped. The gods were
no doubt engrafted ancestor worship. Norse mythology divided the universe into nine worlds.
Gods and Elves
The Scandinavians believed the world directly north of the land where humans live is called lfheimr,
meaning land of the elves. lfheimr is also translated fairyland. This shows a direct connection between
elves and fairies. See the chapter on Paganism in the Middle Ages for details on nature spirits. Elves are
the nature spirits that supposedly help guide humans to the gods. Directly north of lfheimr is Asgard,
the land of the gods. Asgard was Odins home and where Valhalla was located.
Ghost Riders
The Wild Hunt or Odins Hunt was when the ghost riders would be seen riding through the sky.
Gods, elves, and the dead warriors of the past could be seen at Yule. One who sees the sight may be
swept along with them to the realm of the dead. Odin would lead the hunt, riding his eight-legged horse
named Sleipnir.
The Thin Veil
The Celts consider mid-autumn, or Halloween, to be the time that the veil between worlds is thinnest. It
is their New Years Day. Halloween is the day that the dead may come back to visit, or can be called
back by a ritual.
Among the Slavs of Europe the time the veil between worlds is thinnest, their New Years Day, is not
mid-autumn, but the winter solstice, or Yule.
The Slavs call it Korochun. It is the time when the black god, Chernobog, and all the evil spirits are at
their strongest. A few days later, when the days start getting longer, it is the birth of the new sun, or
good god, Koleda.

Yule Conclusion:
It is interesting that from Norse and Slavic paganism we get the elves living in the world right above
ours (North Pole) and at Yuletide (Christmas) the veil between the worlds is thinnest so that elves and

ghosts may come to visit bringing with them gifts like healing from disease or punishments like death.
The elf spirits were also called Puka. They came to give gifts and healing to those they liked and hurt
those they did not like (like putting switches or coal in stockings). The Scandinavians said that when a
Puka entered a house, one may hear the greeting of ho ho ho from that Puka/elf.
This story, intermingled with the legend of St. Nicholas, a fourth century bishop, formed the legend of
Santa Claus. Remember that Santa Claus is supposed to be a jolly old elf.
It is interesting to see how the Norse god, Odin, changed into Santa. He still comes at Yuletide, or
Christmas, but instead of coming on his eight-legged horse, he now rides a sleigh pulled by eight
In modern times some have tried to bring back the old Norse religion. Today the worship of Odin and
Thor is called Astaru.
Groundhog Day
In America, Groundhog Day is celebrated on February 2. The American tradition has it that the
groundhog will emerge from its burrow on that day. If it sees its shadow, there will be six more weeks
of winter; but if it does not see its shadow, spring will come early.
As we learned in the chapter about the pagan holy days, February 2 is mid-winter and the pagans call
this day Imbolc. On Imbolc the Irish Celts celebrated the Feast of Brigid. The goddess Brigid was a
diviner and predicted the weather. The Scottish goddess celebrated on this day was called Bride. Both
these goddesses were fire goddesses. The animals that were special to these goddesses were the animals
that hibernated during the winter. Among the Scotts it was said:
Early on Bride's morn the serpent shall come from its hole. Scottish folklore
In Scotland the serpent foretold when the fire goddess would bring spring. In other countries it was
other hibernating animals like the badger, the hedgehog, or the bear.
When German immigrants brought this tradition to America, the groundhog became the choice animal
for the herald of spring.
Later the medieval Christian church created Saint Brigid and combined much of the trappings of the
goddess Brigid with these celebrations. February 2, for example, was kept as her day but the name was
changed to Candlemas. The medieval church saying goes:
If Candlemas be fair and bright, winter has another flight. If Candlemas brings clouds and rain,
winter will not come again.
Medieval Christian tradition

Saint Brigids Cross is still a powerful symbol among Wiccans today. See the chapter on Wicca for
One Celtic custom was to leave a white cloth hanging on the front door on the evening of February 1.

The next morning if the cloth was marked, then Brigid passed by that night and blessed the house.

Wicca and Hinduism

Wicca, also called Witchcraft, is a pagan religion from medieval Europe, thought to have come through
the Celtic tribes migrating into Europe from the Middle East around 700 BC.
Most religions are based on a specific writing or holy book, which tells followers how to practice their
religion. Christianity the Bible; Islam The Koran; Buddhism the Pali texts; etc. Unlike these,
Wicca has no written guide or holy book. Each group of Wiccans, usually called a coven, writes its own
code in what is called a book of shadows. This means many who call themselves witches actually teach
conflicting views.
A large number of Wiccans teach their religion is nearly identical with that of Druidism, which did not
leave any written records, either. The basic teachings of Wicca are just like those of pre-flood paganism.
Sabbats and Esbats
The eight pagan holy days are celebrated by Wiccans, Druids, and other pagans alike. The four midseasonal days are referred to as Sabbats. The four lesser days, the solstices and equinoxes, are called
Esbats. See the chapter on the Pagan Holy Days for details on how these got started and were adapted
by pagans.
There was a god or power that anciently created everything. Since it did this by putting itself into
creation, it no longer exists and, of course, no one remembers what it was. We (and all life) are from it
and therefore are evolving into gods.
Evolution and Reincarnation
Wiccans teach we are continuing to evolve into gods through a process of evolution and reincarnation.
The Hindus believe in karma, which means if a man lives an evil life he will downgrade in his next
reincarnation. He may come back as an animal. In Wicca there is no concept of karma. You will either
learn your lesson and advance or will come back and do this life over again until you get it right. We
will see this Wiccan concept was taught among the first century Gnostics in a later chapter.
Magic Powers
Since we are evolving to what the creator once was, some of us who are more advanced than others will
display godlike powers. These are referred to as psychic powers.
The real spirits out there are nature spirits, usually called elementals by Wiccans, and are our ancestors
evolving into more powerful gods. We have learned about the concept of nature spirits or elementals
and the worship of ancestors/teraphim.
Since we are the highest form of god, if a large group of people worship a particular god, over time the
energy expended from their worship actually creates a living entity. This is called a thoughtform. We
create the gods we worship. This same concept of thoughtforms is taught in Tibetan Buddhism.

Since most Wiccans do not believe in a literal devil or demons, their explanation for when new
practitioners see demons or get possessed, is that they have crossed over from reality and entered the
world of thoughtforms unknowingly. This is a brilliant tactic of Lucifer. Even though Wiccans see
demons, they dont believe in them!
Rituals, Spells and Circles
A Wiccan ritual consists of drawing a magic circle on the ground and then in ritual form gathering
power from the people. If enough people are present or gathering power from a god or goddess
thoughtform, the spell taps into the energy that all the flowers of the god or goddess had put into it over
the centuries. It has been explained as a kind of giant cosmic battery. In Wicca this process is called
drawing down the moon.
We have learned from the chapter on Canaanite sorcery the ancient Canaanite sorcerers cast circles on
the ground in order to bring up spirits. This is the very same practice.
Wiccan Tools
Creating charms is also part of the craft. A protective charm is called an amulet. A charm to cause you
to receive something good is called a talisman. Pagans make use of charms, candles, incense, color and
sex magic and other occultic devices. The ceremonial knife used in rituals is called an athame. The
handle of the knife is either black (for black magic) or white (for white magic).
Degrees in the Craft
As you learn the concepts and learn to practice the craft you go up in degrees. In the USA there are
three degrees. Once you achieve the third degree in American witchcraft, you have become adept at
casting circles and practicing magic and have chosen a new name for yourself. After you have been
initiated into the craft by taking an oath that you will hold the craft superior to all other religions, you
are told to go meditate and find your spirit guide.
These first three degrees in the American tradition equal the first degree of the Celtic style of witchcraft.
All that they will tell you at this point is that when you are deemed ready by your spirit guide you will
receive a new magic name only for you and your spirit guide to know. From that point on they do not
talk about the second or third Celtic degrees.
The following is a chart that compares ancient Celtic witchcraft with Christianity.


Jesus is just a thought form

Satan is just a bad thought form




Jesus is God in human form

Satan is a real, living fallen angel


Special Creation

There are many gods (thought forms)

We make gods

We are becoming gods. The spark of the original god is in each one of us

ESP, psychic powers


We heal ourselves by visualizing

There is only one God

The one true God made us

God is distinct from creation. We will never be God



God heals us if He wills, by prayer

Notice how Wiccan thought has crept into the church in some denominations. Some say Jesus is not
God, or Satan is not real. Some denominations do not believe in the physical resurrection and even
some Christian cults teach reincarnation. Some churches have accepted evolution, our magic power of
confession, even to the extent that we are little gods. Some have begun to replace prayer with
meditation. See the Word Faith and Emergent section for details.
There are legends of an ancient practice among the Wiccans about a god/man/king whose ritual death
brought life to the crops. If Wicca is simply an offshoot of Druidism and Druidism an offshoot from the
religion of the Jewish patriarchs mixed with the paganism of Baal, we can see why the further back we
go, the more similar it is to ancient history.
Hinduism and Buddhism
Hinduisms fundamental principles are the same as that of Wicca. Notable differences are:
Some of the original creator god/force still exists. But Hinduism agrees with Wicca in that it is an
impersonal force. Hinduism even gives a name to the idea that the human spirit is a divine emanation.
They call it the Atman. Wicca teaches this concept but does not have a name for it.
Buddhism goes a step farther in saying that consciousness is an illusion. Buddhists seek to lose this
illusion and to go back to being a part of this creator force. In other words, they seek to go back to the
nothingness from which they came.
Tibetan Buddhism is headed by the Dali Lama. This form of Buddhism combines the general Buddhist
teachings with shamanism and other occultic teachings like Tantra and the creation of thoughtforms.
True Satanism has always believed the lie and followed Lucifer into godhood. Historically this has been
the case with Aleister Crowley and his organization the OTO, and with MacGregor Mathers and his
organization the Golden Dawn, and with many others.
Today we have groups such as Anton LaVey and his Church of Satan which describe themselves as

religious Satanists. This basically means that modern psychology has influenced this group. Instead of
believing in real spirits, they think the spirits are just part of their own subconscious mind. Crazy isnt
it? Mixing psychology with occultism makes them atheistic magicians!
All these occult groups have some form of meditation and belief in becoming gods. Hindus call
mediation Yoga Sutra, but Buddhism refers to it at Prana. Shamans and Native Americans use the term
Vision Quests when talking about their meditative practices.
Pagan Religions Compared
The following chart compares present day world religions and the teachings from the great apostasy.
The first column is the name of the religion. If the second column is checked, it means that religion
practices magic. Notice Christianity, Judaism, and Islam are the only religions that forbid the practice of
magic. There are, however, cults inside of each of these three religions that practice some forms of
paganism. These are the Islamic dervishes, the Jewish kabala, and the Christian mystics.
The next three columns indicate if the religion believes the creator still exists but is impersonal, the
creator no longer exists, or the creator exists and is a personal intelligent being. Notice again only
Christianity, Judaism, and Islam believe in a personal God.
If the fifth column is checked, the religion believes in multiple gods. If the sixth column is checked, the
religion specifically teaches the doctrine of emanations, that we call Lucifers lie. If the last column is
checked, the religion believes in reincarnation.

Now lets take a look at the tools used today by modern occultists.

Doorways to the Demonic World

Occultic Tools
The following modern-day occult practices can be identified by ancient sources.
Divination is defined as a practice of trying to tell the future. It differs from prophecy in that a prophecy
is given when God directly reveals coming events to a prophet. No divination or meditation is involved.
As explained in earlier chapters, there is ceremonial magic and non-ceremonial magic. The same applies
to the practice of divination. Ceremonial divination tools are used to allow a practitioner to
communicate with spirits. Hopefully, the spirit can tell them about the future. Non-ceremonial
divination is used when practitioners supposedly learn to use their own power to see the future.
Ceremonial Divination Tools:
Ceremonial tools include Ouija boards, channeling, sances, and automatic writing. These are the tools
everyone agrees that they need help from the spirits with.
Non-Ceremonial Divination Tools:
Non-ceremonial tools include Tarot cards, tea leaf reading, runes, astrology, I Chang, palmistry, divining
rods (water witching), crystal balls, pendulum scrying, and the black mirror. These are tools that some
think work by the power of the human spirit. Contact with spirits is not necessary.
None of these tools work without some form of meditation. Varying forms of mediation include:
trances, yoga, transcendental meditation, TM sidhi, Reiki, astral projection, Zen, hypnosis, and pyramid
Meditative Effects
Being in a meditative state can supposedly give the ability to use psychic healing and develop psychic
powers like clairvoyance (the ability to see visions), clairsentience (the ability to obtain knowledge by
touching an object), clairaudience (the ability to hear voices of spirits), telepathy (the ability to read
peoples thoughts), and psychokenesis (the ability to move physical objects with your mind).
Automatic Writing
Automatic writing is defined as when a spirit takes control of a persons hand and causes them to write
down on paper what that spirit wants to communicate. An offshoot of this is graphology, commonly
known as handwriting analysis.
Black Mirror
The Black Mirror is actually water scrying. It is done by filling a bowl with water and putting a few
drops of black ink into the water to make the water completely dark. Then, after some incantations, a
person stares into the blackness until they see a vision. This is a favorite form of divination among
many Wiccans today.
Other Magic Practices
Other practices include the invocation of angels and demons, casting circles, magic rituals, color magic,
and casting spells. Some objects used in these practices are prayer beads, candles, stones and crystals,

and jewelry in the form of amulets and talismans.

Astral Projection
Astral Projection is the idea that people are simply spirits inside the human body. Therefore a person
can, through a type of meditation, learn to disconnect their spirit from their body and roam around on
earth and in other dimensions, talk to spirit beings, and then return safely to their body.
When I was still in high school and a very young Christian, I went to a roller skating party with my
friend, Mike. While we were there I met a man who claimed he could astral project. I scoffed at first
until I saw him do something to another kid, kind of like he was hypnotizing him or something. I talked
to the occultist for a while about the process of astral projection. I asked him to prove it was real to me.
He told me to give him about 45 minutes to go home and get into a meditative sleep and he would come
and materialize to my friend and me. We waited about an hour but nothing happened.
The party was over so we decided to go home. We drove through a fog on the way back to Mikes
house. It made us both a little nervous. So we pulled over and I asked Mike to agree with me in prayer.
He agreed and I prayed something like this:
Father, we ask your protection for us tonight. You know what has happened and about the man we
met tonight. We pray that if he is of You and does these things through Your power, or if he simply
has this power in himself, we ask that you let us know for sure. If this power is a good thing we
would like to learn how to use it, too. But, if this is a trick of Satan we ask you to bind Satan and
let us know that for sure, too. We love you Father, and pray in Jesus name. Amen.
We waited a few minutes and the fog went away, so I drove back to his house, dropped him off, and
went home and got some sleep. About two weeks later I saw that occultist again. I asked him if he tried
to find us and materialize to us or if he had forgotten, because we never saw anything.
He told me he went home, meditated and left his body. He said he had some trouble finding us, but then
he saw us in my fathers yellow truck, pulled off to the side of the road. He approached the truck and all
of a sudden everything went black for him. He couldnt find his way anywhere, so he finally gave up
and went back. I asked him if that had ever happened to him before. He said it had never happened
before and he had no idea what exactly did take place.
That experience taught me two things that night. One, astral projection was not real. It is a Satanic
counterfeit. Second, it taught me my Lord loves me so much that He protected me and answered my
prayer in less than five minutes!
Years later I discovered the ancient church fathers believed the same thing. Origen, in his work Against
Celsus 3:31 said he believed astral projection is not possible, but simply a trick of demons.
Suzys Tarot Cards and Astrology Program
I had a friend who got heavily involved with reading Tarot cards. She read everything she could on the
subject and practiced readings all the time. She became a little depressed because she was never very
accurate in her readings. She began to research it more deeply and found a man who lived in Kansas
City who was supposed to be one of the worlds leading authorities on Tarot cards. Suzy went to see
him and explained her problem to him. She said she followed the ritual, had all the words memorized,

and did everything exactly like the books said she should, but to no avail.
He explained that you cant just say a few words, invoke a spirit, wave your hands and say abracadabra,
and expect it to work. He explained the Tarot deck was just a tool to use to get information. The real
power behind the cards comes from the spirits. To be effective she needed to learn to meditate and tap
into these forces.
Suzy did not like that answer. She gave up on Tarot cards and decided to get into astrology. She figured
that if she had a computer plot all the positions of the stars and planets, the computer would be so
accurate she couldnt fail. When she discovered she had the same problem, she found another expert
and went to see that lady.
Suzy told her about her Tarot cards experience and the computer astrology program. She asked if there
was a better computer program, one that was more accurate. She was very surprised to hear the
astrological expert say that the problem was not the computer program. She was sure the computer
program was accurate enough. This lady used a very similar program for her charts.
She said Suzys problem was that she did not realize that astrology was just a tool to read people. To be
accurate with it, she must learn to meditate and tap into the spiritual energies around her.
Suzy sat there for a moment. Then she told the lady that explanation didnt make sense to her. If she
used a Ouija board, of course it wouldnt work unless a spirit was there to move the pointer. But if
astrology worked if events were pre-ordained, then a computer program should be nearly 100%
accurate with or without any spirits or meditation involved! The lady simply responded thats just not
how it works.
I do not know where Suzy is today, but I pray for her salvation.
Suzys experiences taught me a very valuable lesson. All these occult paraphernalia are just tools. None
of them really work by themselves. But all these tools require practitioners to get in touch with demonic
spirits through meditation. One tool is just as good as the other. In other words, none of them really

Paganisms Influence
on the Church

Biblical Practices
By now some questions should come to mind: arent some of the practices in the Bible meditative or
occultic? Arent there some objects that have occult power? If not, whats the difference?
We will look at these individually and see what the Bible really says about them.
We will examine the Magis visit to Jesus, the Urim and Thummim, Pauls being caught up (or astral
projecting), Saul using a medium to contact a ghost, speaking in tongues, worship in the church today,
healing by the laying on of hands, Elijahs bones, the brazen serpent, the ark of the covenant, Pauls
handkerchiefs, communion and transubstantiation, prophetic dreams and visions, and the spiritual gift of
Didnt the Magi use astrology to find Jesus?
No. The word Magi originally meant astrologer, but in Persia came to mean wise man or ruler. The
Magi who visited Jesus were Persians who had copies of the prophecies of Balaam.
The Magi that visited Jesus were Persians not Chaldeans.Origin Against Celsus 1.58

The Magi had a copy of the prophecies of Balaam.Origin Against Celsus 1.60
Julius Africanus wrote in his work, The Narrative of the Events Happening in Persia During the Birth
of Christ, that the king of Persia had a dream that the statues of the Persian gods fell down in their
temple. A voice told him they were deceivers and the true God had been born in Judea. He awoke and
conferred with Magi, who confirmed that a star appeared as prophesied by Balaam. He then dispatched
the Magi. When they came to Jerusalem they had to ask where the new king was to be born because
they did not have a copy of Micahs prophesies. They found baby Jesus based on the Scriptures, not
When they returned, they told about the Christ child and brought a picture that one of their artists had
painted of Jesus sitting on Marys knee.
Wasnt the Urim & Thummim a form of divination?
No. Both Josephus and the Talmud (Yoma 73:71) give a detailed description on how the Urim and
Thummim worked. If God wanted to communicate with the priest, the Urim would glow. Only then
could he ask a yes or no question. If the answer was yes the Thummim would glow. The Talmud
states in Sotah 48 that following the destruction of the First Temple, the Urim and Thummim ceased to
be used, and could not be used again until the dead are raised and the Messiah ben David will come.
The Talmud also records that the Urim and Thummim, the ark of the covenant, eternal fire, and the holy
oil for anointing the priests were not in the Second Temple. (Horayot 3, Sheet 47). Rabbi Maimonides
stated this happened because the high priests no longer possessed the Holy Spirit.
Didnt the apostle Paul use astral projection?
No. As recorded in 2 Corinthians 12, Paul either saw a vision or died for a short time after he was
stoned and left for dead. God started the process. There was not any meditation on Pauls part. Origen,
in his work Against Celsus 3:31, said he believes astral projection is not possible, but simply a trick of

If Saul used a medium to contact Samuel, cant I use one to contact a saint?
No. Saul was put to death by the Lord for doing this.
So Saul died for his transgression which he committed against the LORD, even against the word
of the LORD, which he kept not, and also for asking counsel of one that had a familiar spirit, to
enquire of it1 Chronicles 10:13

Those who make prayers to the dead will suffer for their impiety and rebellion against God since
this is an unforgivable rite and a violation of sacred law. Lactantius 7.67
Doesnt speaking in tongues and worshiping God require you to be in an altered state of
No, look at Acts 2. The apostles were praying and the Holy Spirit came upon them. The Holy Spirit
came in His own way and in His own time. The Apostles began to praise God and preach the gospel.
This time it just happened to be in other languages as the Spirit directed.
Doesnt healing require special holy oil and the laying on of hands to transfer healing energies to
The oil is not special. Its just regular oil, and even though elders lay their hands on the person prayed
for, there is no meditation involved. Even the Wiccans will tell you prayer is totally different from
meditation and casting spells with incantations. See the chapter on Wicca for full details.
Didnt Elishas bones contain a residual power that resurrected a dead man?
No. The prophet Elisha requested a double portion of the spirit of Elijah. The Holy Spirit performed
eight miracles through Elijah before his rapture. The Holy Spirit had preformed only 15 miracles
through Elisha before his death; Elisha was one miracle short. So, to fulfill the prophecy, the Holy Spirit
performed one more miracle through Elishas body after his death.
Didnt the Israelites think there was power in the brazen serpent and use it in a ritual?
Yes, some did. When godly king Hezekiah heard this was going on, he had the brazen serpent
destroyed. The idea that relics contain power to heal amounts to idolatry; and the practice of idolatry is
a sin before God. See 2 Kings 18 for details.
Didnt the ark of the covenant contain power to perform miracles and kill those who touched it?
Not exactly. The miracles happened when the presence of God was in and around the ark. It was the
power of God that performed the miracles, not the power of the ark. It never killed the godly that were
supposed to touch it, just those that were forbidden to go near it. Again it was the power of Gods
presence, not an occult power in the ark itself.
Didnt Paul put some kind of occult power into handkerchiefs to heal people who touched them?
The Bible does say that Paul healed in an unusual way by giving out handkerchiefs. But it does not say
he used the occult, meditated, nor did any kind of ritual over them to achieve this effect. The ancient
church was very clear on this point.
The Church does not perform anything by means of angelic invocations, or incantations, or by
any other wicked curious art; but, directing her prayers to the Lord.Irenaeus Against Heresies 2.32
Doesnt the communion bread and wine turn into the body and blood of Christ when blessed by

the priest?
No. Communion is a memorial of what the Lord Jesus Christ has done for us, not a magical
transformation. If this were true, the priest would be guilty of murdering our God. Ancient church father
Irenaeus said the church never taught what is now called the doctrine of Transubstantiation and that it is
a demonic doctrine taught by Gnostics.
Pretending to consecrate cups mixed with wine, he [The Gnostic Marcus] contrives to give them a
purple and reddish color, so that Charis [the Holy Spirit], should be thought to drop her own blood
into that cup through means of his invocation the church has never taught such a thing all who
follow such a demonic teaching are crack-brained.Irenaeus Against Heresies 1.13

What about prophetic dreams and visions? Isnt sleep a kind of altered state of consciousness?
No, the prophet Daniel, for example, prayed and asked God to reveal a prophecy to him in a dream.
Then, he went into a natural sleep and God performed this miracle. He did not do a ritual and meditate
into an altered state of consciousness.
Didnt some of the prophets go into trance to be able to prophesy?
No, the Word of the Lord came to them and spoke with them while they were in their right mind. Only
Balaam used what we would call a trance to prophecy; and when he prophesied this way, the process
was called sorcery.

Didnt the apostle Peter use meditative trances?

Some English translations do use the word trance in Acts 10:11 and 11:5. In context it is clear that Peter
was praying in the Christian way and God showed him a vision. He did not do any kind of meditation or
use drugs to hear from God.

If drug use is sorcery, doesnt that mean doctors and medicine are sorcery and therefore
No. In reaction to the Gnostic sorcery and magic potions, the heretic Tatian started teaching that it was a
sin to take any drug for any reason. He taught even taking medicine is evil and shows you do not have
faith in God. We see these false teachings today in many cults like Christian Science, Mind Science, and
The ancient church fathers taught the opposite. They said medicine is not demonic and herbs were
created by God for the use of men. This following quote is from the Old Testament Apocrypha but was
often quoted among the ancient church fathers for its wisdom.
Honor the physician with the honor due him, according to your need of him, for the Lord created
him; for healing comes from the Most High, and he will receive a gift from the king The Lord
created medicines from the earth, and a sensible man will not despise them. Was not water made
sweet with a tree in order that his power might be known? And he gave skill to men that he might
be glorified in his marvelous works. By them he heals and takes away pain; the pharmacist makes
of them a compound. His works will never be finished; and from him health is upon the face of the
earth And give the physician his place, for the Lord created him; let him not leave you, for there
is need of him. There is a time when success lies in the hands of physicians, for they too will pray

to the Lord that he should grant them success in diagnosis and in healing, for the sake of preserving
life. He who sins before his Maker, may he fall into the care of a physician.
Sirach 38:1-2,4-8, 12-15

So, although using meditation and drugs to alter you state of mind is sorcery and a sin before God, using
medicine is not sorcery.
Isnt the gift of discernment the same thing as developing psychic powers to be spiritually
No. The Holy Spirit gives this gift to enable a believer to discern between the truth of God and a satanic
lie. Since the Holy Spirit is both the author of the Bible and the giver of the gift of discernment, this
gift should be telling the believer the same truths taught in Scripture. Since the Bible refers to psychic
powers and mediation as sorcery, which is simply a satanic counterfeit, then the gift of discernment
should be showing you the same truths.
How do we know the biblical way of prophesying is any better than the pagan way?
The pagan way is called sorcery and is forbidden by God. Notice that there has never been a pagan
prophecy book written that contains a series of prophecies that came to pass exactly as prophesied with
100% accuracy. None of the false religions have a series of prophetic visions that came to pass. Only
the Bible contains such a list.
The Bible records a continual stream of prophecy starting with the pre-flood world and continuing
through our time. The rebirth of the nation of Israel was the starting point for a whole series of newly
fulfilled prophecies. Even the exact time, place, and circumstances for her rebirth were prophesied in
great detail. Since 1948 AD, there have been over 53 prophecies fulfilled. The Bible lists another fifteen
to come in the very near future. With a record like that, the answer should be obvious. See the book
Ancient Prophecies Revealed for details.
It is a trick of Satan to say occult sensitivity is the same thing as the biblical gift of discerning of spirits.
All the gifts of the Spirit are achieved by God working through you, not your starting a process through
meditation. The Bible describes meditative practices as sorcery and these activities are forbidden. None
of the prophets used mediation, except for the pseudo-prophet and sorcerer, Balaam, and none of the
relics mentioned in the Bible had any kind of power in and of themselves.

Serpent Meditation

Prayer vs Meditation
The first century Gnostics combined meditation with prayer. The ancient church fathers condemned this
practice but later the Desert Fathers re-embraced this form of Gnosticism.
Jesus said not to pray like the hypocrites do, so that men will respect them, nor like the Gentiles do,
with meaningless repetitions (or mantras) to be respected by the spirits. He said to pray intelligently, to
be respected by God. He then gave the Lords Prayer as a model.
When you pray, you are not to be like the hypocrites; for they love to stand and pray in the
synagogues and on the street corners so that they may be seen by men.Truly I say to you, they have
their reward in full And when you are praying, do not use meaningless repetition as the Gentiles
do, for they suppose that they will be heard for their many words.Matthew 6:5,7
Paul said prayer is making your requests known to God, not emptying your mind. The ancient church
fathers said the same:
The Church does not perform anything by means of angelic invocations, or incantations, or by
any other wicked curious art; but, directing her prayers to the Lord. Irenaeus Against Heresies 2.32

Mature Christians pray only to God, without thought for bodily position or set time and their
prayers are not selfish.
Clement of Alexandria, Stromata book 7.7

The ancient church fathers taught that when the Holy Spirit comes upon a Christian and the gifts of the
Spirit are manifested, it is done with clarity of mind. In contrast, a person praying a satanic counterfeit
prayer goes into an altered sate of consciousness, called an ecstasy, where they are not in control of
A true prophet under the control of the Holy Spirit does not fall into ecstasy or madness like the
pagans do.Origen Against Celsus 7:3
The Therapeute were the first Christian monastic sect in Alexandria, Egypt, which formed shortly after
Mark's arrival there. They mixed Christian prayer with a corrupt form of Essene meditation/prayer. See
Eusebieus 2.17 and Josephus Antiques 15.10.5 & 17.13.3; War 2.8.2,3,6 for details.
Eastern meditation is the meaningless repetition that Jesus said the Gentiles did. A perfect example of
this is transcendental meditation. The idea is not a conscious asking of a request and thanking God for
His blessings, but emptying of the mind, in order to be put it into an altered state of consciousness.
The ancient church fathers call this altered state of consciousness ecstasy. Instead of relying on the
Holy Spirit to speak, the error was that they created a state of ecstasy to commune with a spirit that they
thought was God. Lets look at how the great heretic Montanus did this.
According to the testimony of the early church fathers Irenaeus, Tertullian, Hippolytus, and Eusebius,

Montanus wrote the book "The New Prophecy" in which he taught the following:
Montanus himself was the other comforter that Jesus said would come. He brought with him a new
form of prophecy. In this new kind of prophecy, a vain babbling was used to alter a persons
consciousness so that he could channel the Holy Spirit. We see here again the use of meaningless
words, or mantras, to get into this state of consciousness.
The ancient church fathers said this new form of prophecy only brought false prophecies. They also said
that vain babbling was never practiced by any Old Testament or New Testament prophet or teacher.
Eusebius describes the ecstasy as a false system that does away with the real spiritual gifts since it
circumvents the Holy Spirit to reach another spirit.
Montanists set at nought the gift of the Spirit, which in the latter times has been, by the good
pleasure of the Father, poured out upon the human race, do not admit that aspect of the evangelical
dispensation presented by John's Gospel, in which the Lord promised that He would send the
Paraclete (John 16); but set aside at once both the Gospel and the prophetic Spirit. Wretched men
indeed! who wish to be pseudo-prophets, forsooth, but who set aside the gift of prophecy from the
Church. We must conclude, moreover, that the Montanists cant admit the Apostle Paul either. For,
in his Epistle to the Corinthians, he speaks expressly of prophetical gifts, and recognizes men and
women prophesying in the Church. Sinning, therefore, in all these particulars, against the Spirit of
God. Irenaeus Against Heresies 3.11 AD 178
Here Tertullian is quoted as saying the ecstasy is not being in your right mind and sometimes being
completely unconscious.
The Montanist book, The New Prophecy teaches when God speaks through man a grace ecstasy
or rapture is imparted whereby he necessarily loses his sensation because he is overshadowed with
the power of God.
Tertullian Marcion 4.22

Thus in the very beginning sleep was inaugurated by ecstasy: And God sent an ecstasy upon
Adam, and he slept.Tertullian Treatise of the Soul 1.45
Montanus became beside himself, and being suddenly in a sort of frenzy and ecstasy, he raved,
and began to babble and utter strange things, prophesying in a manner contrary to the constant
custom of the Church handed down by tradition from the beginning. Some of those who heard his
spurious utterances at that time were indignant, and they rebuked him as one that was possessed,
and that was under the control of a demon, and was led by a deceitful spirit, and was distracting the
multitude; and they forbade him to talk, remembering the distinction drawn by the Lord and his
warning to guard watchfully against the coming of false prophets. But others imagining themselves
possessed of the Holy Spirit and of a prophetic gift, were elated and not a little puffed up; and
forgetting the distinction of the Lord, they challenged the mad and insidious and seducing spirit,
and were cheated and deceived by him. In consequence of this, he could no longer be held in
check, so as to keep silence. Thus by artifice, or rather by such a system of wicked craft, the devil,
devising destruction for the disobedient, and being unworthily honored by them, secretly excited
and inflamed their understandings which had already become estranged from the true faith.

Eusebius Ecclesiastical History 5.16-17

Ancient church father Eusebius went on to report that the leaders of the church after studying the
babbling spirit and the prophecies that did not come to pass, judged it to be the work of a false and
seducing spirit and they separated themselves from the heretics and withheld communion from them.
To prove that a true prophet does not speak in ecstasy Eusebius says, in chapter 17:
The false prophet falls into an ecstasy which is purposed ignorance or involuntary madness of
soul But they cannot show that one of the old or one of the new prophets was thus carried away in
spirit. Not Agabus, or Judas, or Silas, or the daughters of Philip, or Ammia in Philadelphia, or
Quadratus, or any others.
Eusebius Ecclesiastical History 5.17

Eusebius also stated if they were real prophets, their predictions would always be 100% accurate,
because the apostle thought it necessary that the prophetic gift should continue in all the Church until
the final coming. But they (Monanists) cannot show it.
So the real gifts of the Spirit (prophecy, healing, miracles, etc.) will continue until the Second Coming
of our Lord Jesus; but those who try to force these experiences end up touching the demonic. One
ancient church father reported thats how Montanus and Maximilla died, at the hands of a demon.
The maddening spirit caused Montanus to hang himself. A few years later it caused Maximillia
to commit suicide in the same way.
Asterius Urbanus 3.2

Even though this practice was condemned by the ancient church fathers, it was adopted a few hundred
years later by what are called the Desert Fathers. These were some of the first monks. We get things like
the Gregorian chants and Ignatius de Loyolas spiritual exercises from their form of Christian
Other things that help create an ecstasy or center your mind are breath prayers, borrowed from the
Buddhists, and labyrinth walks. Anything that is repetitive enough can cause an ecstasy. When Elijah
confronted the priests of Baal, they were dancing in a frenzy and cutting themselves. This was their way
of causing an ecstasy.
In Ezekiel 8, Ezekiel wrote that the Temple priests created stations in the Temple with icons of creeping
things and other symbols, and had sunrise services. This can be seen in churches today as prayer
stations, many having icons of saints and Mary. In each station the object, or idol, is stared at long
enough to create an ecstasy. In Ezekiel 13-15 we see this practice led to false prophecies or lying
divinations. God said anyone who went to the idolatrous priest for council would suffer the same fate
as those priests. This is a very real warning for us today, to stay away from churches that practice
contemplative prayer, or have stations with images or idols in their churches. If you do not stay far
away, you will suffer for it in the future!
The ancient church fathers warned against the Carpocratian Gnostics, who had idols of Jesus, various
saints, angels, Aristotle, Pythagoras, and others, which they would adorn with wreaths and garlands.
They were the first to venerate icons, and were sternly rebuked for this practice.

In the mid twentieth century we saw a formula for creating an ecstasy from the Latter Rain Movement.
At the beginning of the twenty-first century we saw another formula for creating an ecstasy from the
Contemplative Prayer Movement. In many cases meditation causes one to form the opinion that he or
she is divine. We will see the ultimate form of this in the Antichrists religion when he declares that he
really is God.
Kundalini Meditation, also called Serpent Meditation, eventually brings enlightenment, where you
realize you are god. Apparently other kinds of meditation cause the practitioners to come to the same
conclusion. They may say we are not god; but god is in everything. This is just another way of saying
the exact same thing. It is still Lucifers lie, the Kabalistic Emanation Doctrine.
Jesus said in the end times many would come and say they had, what we would call, the Christ
For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.Mark 13:6
Even though they may do miracles in Jesus name, they are not His.
Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy
name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess
unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.Matthew 7:22-23
These people are deceived by seducing spirits. To be seduced means you have been manipulated into
doing something you think is right; but the outcome benefits the seducer and harms the one seduced.
Jesus said not to look for Him in the inner rooms or the desert places (Matthew 24:23-26). The inner
rooms could refer to looking inward in meditation for a Christ consciousness. The term mantra
translates to liberated from thought. When you empty your mind through meditation, you are simply
drowning out Gods voice, since He forbids the practice.
The Biblical Concept of Meditation
There are many verses in the Bible that speak about meditation. The Biblical term meditation means
to study or figure out the deepest meaning of a thing. It never means the emptying of the mind. Here are
just a few verses that demonstrate this:
This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night,
so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it; for then you will make your
way prosperous, and then you will have success.
Joshua 1:8

And I shall lift up my hands to Your commandments, which I love; and I will meditate on Your
statutes.Psalm 119:48
My eyes anticipate the night watches, that I may meditate on Your word.Psalm 119:148
Christians pray intelligently, not like the eastern pagans. For example, the Hindus repeat mantras, which
are a word or phrase, over and over again.

Jesus especially commands us not to use the eastern pagan type of meditative prayer, but the true godly
form of prayer.
And when you are praying, do not use meaningless repetition as the Gentiles do, for they suppose
that they will be heard for their many words.Matthew 6:7
I have had Wiccans tell me there is a difference between a prayer to a god or goddess and a meditative
incantation or spell. A prayer is simply talking to a god or goddess and asking them for something. A
spell requires an incantation and some meditative practice that puts you in an altered state of
consciousness to enable you to pull power down and fix the problem yourself.
In conclusion
Christian prayer should be modeled after the Lords Prayer, asking God for His blessing and guidance
and thanking Him for all He has done. Prayer should not be confused with meditation. Christians should
not be involved in any form of meditation or altered state of consciousness.
Any church or Christian group that allows people to fall down and jerk, or go into uncontrollable
shaking, is practicing sorcery. If they teach you must become unconscious to get healed or see visions,
this is the same practice as sorcery.
Everything godly and of the Holy Spirit must be practiced in an orderly fashion as taught in 1
Corinthians 14.
Let all things be done decently and in order.
1 Corinthians 14:40

Anyone who teaches you to replace normal intelligent prayer with an opening or emptying of the mind
or any kind of eastern meditation, including breath prayers, walking a labyrinth, dynamic meditation,
repeating words or phrases until you have an experience, is a practitioner of sorcery.
Any church that has statues (idols), images, or icons at prayer stations where you stare at them until you
receive a vision is practicing a version of sorcery.

The Desert Fathers
(The last of the Gnostics)

Gnostics and the Desert Fathers

To open this chapter we need to define the people we will be studying.
The Ancient Church Fathers
The Ancient church fathers were the disciples of the twelve apostles and their immediate disciples.
Their teachings were consistent until about the third century. Many books were written by the ancient
church fathers, and still exist, that contrast the teachings of the apostles of Jesus Christ with the Gnostic
cults of their day.
The Gnostics / Cults
During the first two centuries cults rose up that mixed the pure teaching of the Word of God with magic
and sorcery. These groups were called Gnostics. Today Christians refer to groups who follow the
Gnostic teachings as cults.
The Desert Fathers / Mystics
During the third century some occultic practices began to creep into the church. The first mystics or
Christian occultists appeared during this time and are referred to as the desert fathers.
Gnostic Paganism Tries to Conquer
The Church was so opposed to sorcery and magic that volumes of books were written on how and why
the heretics were wrongly being guided by Satan. Both Irenaeus in the 170s AD and Hipolytus in the
220s AD wrote against these heresies.
According to the ancient church fathers, the Gnostic heresies started with Simon Magus about the year
32 AD.
Simon Magus
Simon was called a magus. A magus is another term for magician or sorcerer. Luke wrote about him
in the book of Acts.
But there was a certain man, called Simon, which beforetime in the same city used sorcery, and
bewitched the people of Samaria, giving out that himself was some great one: To whom they all
gave heed, from the least to the greatest, saying, This man is the great power of God. And to him
they had regard, because that of long time he had bewitched them with sorceries.
Acts 8:9-11

The Scripture teaches that this Simon did not repent of his sins and become a Christian; but instead saw
the miracles that the apostles could perform and sought to buy this power from them with a large sum of
money. This means he fully intended to continue to practice his sorcery and add to it, if possible,
whatever it was that the apostles were doing. This would make him an even greater god in the minds
of the people he deceived.
Now when Simon saw that the Spirit was bestowed through the laying on of the apostles hands,
he offered them money, saying, Give this authority to me as well, so that everyone on whom I lay
my hands may receive the Holy Spirit. But Peter said to him, May your silver perish with you,
because you thought you could obtain the gift of God with money! You have no part or portion in

this matter, for your heart is not right before God. Therefore repent of this wickedness of yours,
and pray the Lord that, if possible, the intention of your heart may be forgiven you. For I see that
you are in the gall of bitterness and in the bondage of iniquity.Acts 8:18-23
As we can see, the apostle Peter recognized through the power of the Holy Spirit that Simon had no
intention of truly repenting. You cant be a Christian and practice sorcery. It is not possible!
Ancient church father Irenaeus described Simon Magus not only as the father of the Gnostic cults, but
as a practitioner of sorcery by his use of magic and spirits in dreams.
Simon called Magus used exorcisms and incantations, love-potions, and charms, as well as those
beings who are called Paredri (familiars) and Oniropompi (dream-senders).
Irenaeus, Against Heresies 1.23

Ancient church father Clement wrote that Simon left Israel prior to the ministry and crucifixion of Jesus
Christ to study magic in Egypt (Recognitions of Clement 2.5-16).
We will see that Egypt becomes a haven for the very last of the Gnostics and the center of their revival
in 270 AD.
Alexander the Coppersmith
Paul said Alexander the coppersmith fell away from the faith.
Alexander the coppersmith did me much harm; the Lord will repay him according to his deeds.
Be on guard against him yourself, for he vigorously opposed our teaching.
2 Timothy 4:14-15

Tertullian, in his book The Flesh of Christ 16, recorded the details. Alexander developed a violent
temper. He left the true faith and joined a subgroup of the Ebionites. This group taught that Jesus was
just a man with a sin nature, there is no resurrection in the flesh, and humans can become sinless by
obtaining the Christ consciousness.
The Spirit of Python
One other example of sorcery in the New testament is the girl who had the familiar spirit. She followed
Paul around accurately speaking about things which she humanly could not have known about. Paul
rebuked her; and knowing she was possessed of a demon, cast the demon out.
It happened that as we were going to the place of prayer, a slave-girl having a spirit of divination
met us, who was bringing her masters much profit by fortune-telling. Following after Paul and us,
she kept crying out, saying, These men are bond-servants of the Most High God, who are
proclaiming to you the way of salvation. She continued doing this for many days. But Paul was
greatly annoyed, and turned and said to the spirit, I command you in the name of Jesus Christ to
come out of her! And it came out at that very moment. But when her masters saw that their hope
of profit was gone, they seized Paul and Silas and dragged them into the market place before the
authorities,Acts 16:16-19
This is an interesting story, not only because we are told she predicted the future through her demonpossession, but also because of the wording of the text. Where we have spirit of divination in our

English translation, the Greek literally says spirit of Python. This helps a lot, because those who
predicted the future through the spirit of Python, called a pythoness, were those who served the Greek
god Apollo as a Delphic Oracle. Many Greek texts describe the process how the Oracles entered an
altered state of consciousness to make their predictions. In their case, most used drugs; but a few used
only meditation. They stared at objects for so long they began to babble incoherently in their native
language. Some began to speak in other archaic languages. Then petitioners could question them and
they would make their predictions.
Notice the similarities. With the pythoness, whether through drugs or just mediation, the girl had to go
through some process where she entered an altered state of consciousness.
Hymenaeus and Philetus
Hymenaeus and Philetus are mentioned in 2 Timothy 2:17. They were excommunicated because they
began teaching that the Resurrection had already occurred. Paul writes about a very similar teaching in
2 Thessalonians 2:2, where heretics were teaching the Day of the Lord had already occurred. Both of
these false doctrines are the basis of what we today call Preterism. (Preterism teaches that most, if not
all, of the Biblical prophecies have already been fulfilled. In contrast, most Christians believe in
premillennialism. Premillennialism teaches there are still many prophecies yet to be fulfilled.)
Phygelus & Hermogenes
Paul wrote in 2 Timothy that Phygelus and Hermogenes fell away from the faith.
You are aware of the fact that all who are in Asiaturned away from me, among whom are
Phygelus and Hermogenes.2 Timothy 1:15
Tertullian, in his book, On the Resurrection, said these two denied that there would be a resurrection of
the physical body.
Tertullian also wrote in his book, Prescription Against Heretics, that Phygelus, Hermogenes, Philetus,
and Hymenaeus were people who left the apostles and their true faith for a counterfeit. Tertullian
concluded that this is what John was talking about when he said:
They went out from us, but they were not really of us; for if they had been of us, they would have
remained with us; but they went out, so that it would be shown that they all are not of us.
1 John 2:19

This Gnostic sorcery continued into the second century. The second century fathers recorded Gnostic
practices and severely denounced them.
Gnostic Sorcery
We will list only what the ancient church fathers recorded were Gnostic teachings and practices relating
to sorcery. For a complete study on the Gnostic cults see the book Ancient Prophecies Revealed by the
Most Gnostics taught there was a goddess Sophia that sent the serpent into the Garden of Eden to free
Eve and Adam. By eating of the tree, they attained true gnosis and were set free, by obtaining
god/goddesshood. Gnostics used mantras to effect nature. (Similar teachings can be found in the
Hindu mantra, Kabalistic letter magic, and the Kabalistic doctrine of emanations.)


Carpocratian Heresies
The Gnostic sect of Carpocratians was founded by Carpocrates, who was a magician and a
fornicator. Carpocratians taught the false doctrine that humans are imprisoned in a cycle of
reincarnation by evil creator angels, but would eventually break the cycle and be saved. They
practiced magical arts, incantations, spells, and had voluptuous feasts. They were also in the habit
of invoking the aid of subordinate demons and dream-senders.


Heresies of Cerinthus
Cerinthus taught Jesus was just a man and the Christ descended on Him at His baptism and
departed before He suffered on the cross. (He taught the same heresy that Alexander the
coppersmith taught. He taught Jesus was not the Christ, but there is a Christ consciousness we can
all have.)

Heresies of Saturninus
Saturninus taught that he, himself, was a creator angel. He also believed that Jesus did not have a
physical body, and that the reason Jesus came to earth was to destroy the god of the Jews.
Saturninus taught that sex, marriage, and reproduction were sinful. Saturninus and all who
attended his school practiced vegetarianism and asceticism.



Heresies of Menander
Menander taught that by means of magic, one may overcome the angels that made the world.

Heresies of Marcion
Marcionites were strongly addicted to astrology, and taught there would be no resurrection. In his
gospel, Marcion removed references to Christ being the Creator, and taught Jesus was a
phantom, having no physical body.

Heresies of Alcibiades (Elchasai)
Alcibiades formed the Gnostic cult of the Elchasaites. Alcibiades taught there are female angels
and a new remission of sins (based on the teachings of his book). Alcibiades teachings were
similar to the teachings of Callistus, that Christ was born merely a man. They used incantations,
and believed in reincarnation and astrology.





Heresies of Elchasaites
Some Elchasaites broke away and formed a subgroup that taught Jesus incarnated many times
(Reincarnation). They used incantations and baptisms in their confession of elements
(communion). They also involved themselves in astrological and mathematical science (Bible
codes), and the arts of sorcery. They believed they had powers of prescience (precognition instead
of a Word of Knowledge a self power instead of a spiritual gift.)

Heresies of Naasseni
The Naasseni worshiped the serpent and taught their order was started by James, the Lords
brother. They used the Gospel according to Thomas. They took some of their teachings from the
Mysteries of Isis and some from the Mysteries of the Assyrians. They practiced orgies.

Heresies of Basilides

Basilides taught reincarnation with karma. Very much like shamans today, Basilides taught that
spirits (human, animal, or other) can latch on to us and force us to sin.


Heresies of Valentinus
Valentinus taught that saving faith comes from your spirit and that the Holy Spirit is really your
human spirit. This false doctrine was revived by a modern cult called The Way International. They
taught that only those whose spirit is an emanation from the goddess Sophia were predestined to be
saved. All others were predestined to hell.

When they are called Phrygians, Novatians, Valentinians, Marcionites, Anthropians, or Arians
they have ceased to be Christians.
Lactantius Divine Institutes 4.30

1. Irenaeus, Against Heresies 1.1-3
2. Irenaeus, Against Heresies 1.5
3. Irenaeus, Against Heresies 1.6
4. Irenaeus, Against Heresies 1.7; 4.37
5. Irenaeus, Against Heresies 1.21
6. Irenaeus, Against Heresies 1.23
7. Irenaeus, Against Heresies 1.24
8. Irenaeus, Against Heresies 1.25
9. Irenaeus, Against Heresies 1.7
10. Irenaeus, Against Heresies 1.14-15
11. Irenaeus, Against Heresies 1.13
12. Irenaeus, Against Heresies 1.26; 5.1
13. Irenaeus, Against Heresies 1.27
14. Irenaeus, Against Heresies 1.28
15. Irenaeus, Against Heresies 1.30
16. Irenaeus, Against Heresies 2.14
17. Irenaeus, Against Heresies 2.29
18. Irenaeus, Against Heresies 3.3
19. Irenaeus, Against Heresies 3.23
20. Titian, Greeks 13
21. Titian, Greeks 18
22. Clement of Alexandria, Instructor 2.2
23. Clement of Alexandria, Stromata 2.3,20; 4.13
24. Clement of Alexandria, Stromata 3.4
25. Clement of Alexandria, Stromata 4.12
26. Clement of Alexandria, Stromata 4.24
27. Clement of Alexandria, Against Heresies 4.29

28. Tertullian, Against Marcion 1.2

29. Tertullian, Against Marcion 1.18
30. Tertullian, Against Marcion 1.19-20
31. Tertullian, Against Marcion 1.24
32. Tertullian, Against Heresies 2.33
33. Tertullian, Marcion 2.17
34. Tertullian, Marcion 3.8, 4.8
35. Tertullian, Valentians 1.29
36. Tertullian, Valentians 1.30
37. Tertullian, Heresies 1.1
38. Tertullian, Heresies 1.2
39. Tertullian, Heresies 1.6
40. Tertullian, Treatise of the Soul 1.35
41. Hipolytus, Heresies 5.1
42. Hipolytus, Heresies 5.7
43. Hipolytus, Heresies 5.12
44. Hipolytus, Heresies 6.5-9
45. Hipolytus, Heresies 6.10
46. Hipolytus, Heresies 6.34-35
47. Hipolytus, Heresies 6.36-37
48. Hipolytus, Heresies 7.16
49. Hipolytus, Heresies 7.20
50. Hipolytus, Heresies 7.26
51. Hipolytus, Heresies 9.7
52. Hipolytus, Heresies 9.8-9
53. Hipolytus, Heresies 10.25

Master List of Gnostic Heresies
1. There is more than just one Christ
2. There is a Christ consciousness
3. There is no physical resurrection
4. Reincarnation
5. Karma
6. We are evolving into gods
7. You can develop psychic powers
8. Animals have spirits (shamanism)
9. The book of Genesis is not real history, but a myth

Evil Practices of Gnostic Heretics

10. Use of illicit, mind-altering drugs
11. Use of mantras and meditation in place of prayer
12. Use of sorcery
13. Orgies

By the mid 200s AD, Gnostic cults were all but stamped out in the western church. In Egypt, however,

it was a different story.

Simon Magus in Egypt
We learned that ancient church father Clement stated that Simon Magus, the father of the Gnostics, left
Israel prior to Jesus Christs ministry and crucifixion. We are also told Simon left for the purpose of
studying magic in Egypt. Clement does not say who Simon studied under or what he was taught
specifically, but we have a pretty good idea.
Egyptian Essenes
Prior to the birth of our Lord Jesus, the Essenes in Israel studied the Scriptures while they lived
secluded away from the common people. During this time there arose a different kind of Essene in
Egypt. They, too, called themselves Essenes but differed from the Jewish Essenes in many ways. These
Egyptians mixed many of the rites of magic and paganism into a Jewish context. Like most who deny
the resurrection of the physical body, these Egyptian Essenes ended up believing in reincarnation and
They abstained from wine, were vegetarians, were very ascetic, denied the bodily resurrection,
kept the names of the angels (probably referring to 1 Enoch), learned the quality of roots and
stones they had their own special form of exorcism, had books on charms and magic, interpreted
dreams They had sunrise prayers (literally, prayers to or for the sun) in the same manner as the
Josephus Antiques 15.10.5 & 17.13.3; War 2.8.2,3,6

The Therapeute were the first recorded Christian monastic sect. Shortly after Mark's arrival in
Alexandria, Egypt, some of the Egyptian Essenes mixed strict Christian doctrine with their
Jewish/pagan rites.
They took the concept of celibate orders of monks and nuns from the Vestal Virgins from Greek
and Romanpagan practices. They had sunrise prayers [literally, prayers to or for the sun] which
may have been patterned after the [Egyptian] Essenes.Eusebieus Ecclesiastical History 2.17
Saint Anthony and the Desert Fathers
During the late first and early second century, Gnosticism gained much ground in the Christian world
but was very close to being stamped out by the beginning of the third century, the 250s AD. In Egypt,
however, there was no persecution of the Therapeute. In time the Egyptian Therapeute fragmented into
more than twenty schools of monasticism. By the year 270, a man who will later be called Saint
Anthony arrived in Egypt to study some of these practices. Until this time monastic meditative practices
were still considered Gnostic sorcery by most of the western church.
The Catholic encyclopedia describes the desert fathers as the very first Christian monks. Officially these
practices began under Saint Anthony in Egypt around 270 AD.
As you can see, we have historical proof that meditative practices, Christ / god consciousness, and the
idea that everyone will be saved all come from the demonic world. They come directly from paganism,
through the Gnostics and mystic Roman Catholics and into todays Emergent and New Age churches.


Saint Anthony
Saint Benedict
Saint Gregory I
Bernard of Clairvaux
Francis of Assisi
Thomas Aquinas
Meister Eckhart
Thomas A Kempis
Ignatius DeLoyola
Teresa of Avila
John of the Cross
Thomas Merton

Date AD


To the right is a list of famous mystics, ranging in time from 270 AD to the mid twentieth century. It is
compiled from the book Faith Undone, by Roger Oakland, and the online Catholic encyclopedia, We will learn just how highly the modern Emergent Movement respects Thomas
Merton in a later chapter.

Summery from the ancient church fathers:
In contrast with this paganism, the disciples of the apostles taught that Christianity was completely
The arts of astrologers, soothsayers, augurs, and magicians were made known by the angels who
sinned, and are forbidden by God.
Tertullian Apology 35

Christians do not employ incantations or spells to perform miracles.Origen Against Celsus 1:6
Demons invented astrology, soothsaying, divination, and those productions which are called
oracles, necromancy, and the art of magic.
Lactantius Divine Institutes 2:16

The Church does not perform anything by means of angelic invocations, incantations, or by any
other wicked curious art; but, directing her prayers to the Lord.Irenaeus Against Heresies 2.32
God is not to be sought after by means of letters, syllables, and numbers.
Irenaeus Against Heresies 2.25

Astrology, soothsaying, divination, oracles, necromancy, and the art of magic are the invention of
Demons and vain according to the Sybil. Magicians and Enchanters call demons by their true name
and mingle false things with true.
Lactantius Divine Institutes 2.17

As the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of

the Son of man be.
Matthew 24:37

The Coming of a New Age

Today, daytime television is full of New Age proponents. Sylvia Brown is frequently a guest on the
Montel Williams show. Ms. Brown has formed her own church. She teaches there is no hell, no
resurrection, and no salvation needed. She believes in reincarnation. Oprah Winfrey endorses many
New Age teachers on her shows. Her guests include Neal David Walsh, Marianne Williamson, Rhonda
Byrne and many others.
Oprah has publicly stated she is a Christian, but she is the kind of Christian that believes Jesus just came
to give us the Christ consciousness. We have seen this is the very same belief the apostle Paul
excommunicated the heretic Alexander for.
We have seen in previous chapters that we must believe and obey the teachings of Jesus Christ as
presented in the Bible or we will die and go to hell.
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by
me. John 14:6
Hindus, Buddhists, Wiccans, Kabalists, Sufis, Sheiks, and Muslims refuse to accept Jesus and His
teachings. According to Jesus they are all headed to hell.
A New Age teaching denies there is a hell. It states there are many ways to God; God is in all of us
(known as Lucifers lie of emanation). And the practice of meditation will bring answers to all of our
other questions.
We have learned Jesus told us specifically not to practice meditation like the heathen do. Basically, New
Agers are calling Jesus Christ a liar.
Most New Agers are outside the church, or in other cases have been excommunicated by their
denominations for heresy.
In the book Ancient Prophecies Revealed, we dedicated an entire chapter to the apostasy of the Church.
The ancient church fathers listed 100 ways the church would fall into apostasy and become the harlot
church as described in the book of Revelation.
About the end times, Jesus said many people would start thinking they are a Christ or have the Christ
consciousness in themselves:
And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. For there shall arise false Christs, and
false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they
shall deceive the very elect.
Matthew 24:11,24 NKJV

False teachings and sorcery do not simply go away. Revelation shows us that during the time of the
Antichrist and the seven-year Tribulation period, sorcery is at an all time high. Even though people
suffer incredibly because of their practice of sorcery, they refuse to repent of it.

Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their
thefts.Revelation 9:21
Even after the Second Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, some people will still refuse to follow Him.
Revelation states that outside the holy city will be those who still practice sorcery.
Outside are the dogs and the sorcerers and the immoral persons and the murderers and the
idolaters, and everyone who loves and practices lying.Revelation 22:15
Oprah Winfrey
Talk show hostess Oprah Winfrey has said many times on her TV and radio shows that as she grew up
she attended a Christian church. She still believes that she is a Christian. But during her early adulthood
she read a book entitled Discover The Power Within You. This book was written by Unitarian minister,
Eric Butterworth. It espouses the heresy that man is God.

James Redfield
Celestine Prophecy

Marianne Williamson
A Course in Miracles
A Return to Love

Neal David Walsh
Conversations with God
Friendship with God
The New Revelations

Rhonda Byrne
The Secret

Oprah wrote an endorsement on the front cover of the new edition of Discover The Power Within You,
This book changed my perspective on life and religion. Eric Butterworth teaches that God isnt
up there. He exists inside each one of us, and its up to us to seek the divine within.
Oprah has had many New Age heretics on her show. Unbeknownst to her viewers, many of her former
Roman Catholic and Protestant guests have been excommunicated from their former denominations for
espousing these heresies.
On, many people have viewed the clips from Oprahs show where she states she believes
God is within her, Jesus is not the only way to get to heaven, and Jesus only came to show us how to
obtain the Christ consciousness.
Remember we discovered in an earlier chapter that the heretic Alexander taught the doctrine of a Christ
consciousness. The Apostle Paul excommunicated Alexander from the church for this very teaching.
The Secret
Rhonda Byrne, author of The Secret, espouses the idea of a God/Christ consciousness, and that hell

does not exist.

You are god in a physical body You are all power You are all inelegance You are the
creator. Rhonda Byrne, The Secret,

No matter who you thought you were, now you know the Truth of Who You Really Are. You are
the master of the universe. You are the heir to the kingdom. You are the perfection of life. And now
you know The Secret.
Rhonda Byrne, The Secret, p. 183

Neal David Walsh
Neal David Walsh claims God came to him and had him write his Conversations with God. What
Walshs god told him completely contradicts what the God of the Bible tells us. One of them must be
lying. According to the Bible, Walshs god is no more than a demon.
The twenty-first century will be a time of awakening, of meeting the creator within. Many beings
will experience Oneness with God There are many such people in the world now These
messengers and visionaries are heralds of the New Age.
Neal David Walsh, Friendship with God, pp. 295-296

There is only one message that can change the course of human history forever, end the torture,
and bring you back to God. That message is The New Gospel: WE ARE ALL ONE.
Neal David Walsh, Friendship with God, p. 373

Yet let me make something clear. The era of the Single Savior is over. What is needed now is joint
action, combined effort, collective co-creation.
Neal David Walsh, The New Revelations, p. 157

You are already God, you simply dont know it.

Neal David Walsh, Conversations with God, Book I, p. 202

You are One with everyone, and everything in the universe including God.
Neal David Walsh, Tomorrows God, p. 311

Reiki is the Japanese word for the occult ghost energy. The term Reiki is now used as the title for an
occultic, meditative type of massage therapy, similar to Therapeutic Touch, a form of meditation
required for you to contact your Reiki spirit guides.
There are higher sources of help you can call on. Angels, beings of light and Reiki spirit guides...
William Lee Rand, Developing Your Reiki Practice

Yoga is the Hindu word for yoking with Brahma. This Hindu god would be considered a demon by
Christians. The way to yoke with this demon is by practicing a series of stretches and meditation.
Eckankar Mystics
Eckankar is a small cult that prides itself on practicing a version of astral projection they call Soul
Travel. I was able to attend a seminar they put on once in Olathe, Kansas. The main speaker talked
about the superiority of their Soul Travel over standard astral projection. He also remarked that it was

important to develop your psychic powers through meditation.

During the break I spoke with him and asked him a few questions. I mentioned that some studies I have
read have found a link with meditation and mental illness. One example was a person with epilepsy.
Studies show epileptics can have a seizure by staring at a blinking red light, while others could actually
bring on a seizure by certain forms of meditation. He had heard of those studies and did not seem to
want to dispute them.
This being the case, my question to him was:
If I begin to meditate, how do I know that what I am seeing is real or, possibly, a hallucination
brought on by some short circuit I am causing in by brain? More importantly, how do I know can I
be assured I will not damage myself by triggering some form of epileptic seizure?
His answer surprised me. Instead of giving me a scientific reason for why I would be safe if I did it his
way, he simply said:
Thats the risk every mystic takes.
Transcendental Meditation
I had a similar experience when I visited the center for TM studies in Kansas City. After speaking to the
representatives there, they encouraged me to master the standard TM and then advance to the TM-Sidhi
program where I would develop my psychic powers. The thing I noticed was both representatives seem
to have been on drugs sometime in their lives. Both were very slow to think and answer, much like a
normal human when first awakened from a deep sleep. My first thought was why would someone trying
to sell a product pick people who appeared to be damaged by drugs, to sell their product. My second
thought was maybe it wasnt drugs that did that to them, maybe it was the meditation!
Beware of groups using New Age terms. These are a dead give away that something is wrong. Check
for any of the following terms:
Your higher self, higher consciousness, higher wisdom, ego, id, subconscious, super-conscious,
higher plane, planetary transformation, paradigm shift, planetary conversion, global religion,
global shift, centering, channeling, creative visualization, attuning, inner guidance, holistic health,
human development, human potential, law of attraction, law of rebirth, mystery schools,
mysticism, new thought, perennial wisdom, radiance technique, secret wisdom, self relaxation,
transcendence, transpersonal, universal oneness, etc.
These terms refer to things that, in reality, do not exist. Stay away from people and groups that use
terms like these. These are just confusion sent by Satan.
Word Faith Movement
Some New Age ideas have crept into the church with the Word Faith Movement. In its extreme form
Word Faith taught the following:
1. We are becoming little gods because of Jesus gift
2. We are developing the magic power of faith, whereby we can simply command God to do things
for us or by our own faith power name things into existence.

Even though this was bad enough, they still taught orthodox Christian doctrine in that:

They did not meditate (practice sorcery)

They did not say God is in everyone and all faiths will lead to salvation.
They believed in the Resurrection, not reincarnation.
They taught Wiccans, New Agers, Buddhists, Hindus, and Muslims would die and go to hell
because they rejected Jesus Christ.

In the twenty-first century we have seen the acceptance of the Word Faith heresy open wide a door for
the Emergent movement to enter the church full force.
To hear audio clips of the Word Faith proponents teaching heresy, go to and select Word
Faith under the cults section. There you will find a good number of MP3s of false teachings in their
Some more popular Word Faith proponents:

John Bevere
Morris Cerullo
Kim Clement
Kenneth Copeland
Paul Crouch
Creflo Dollar
Jesse Duplantis
Kenneth Hagin (Rhema)
Marilyn Hickey
Benny Hinn
Rodney Howard-Browne

Larry Huch
T.D. Jakes, Bishop
Joyce Meyer
Joel Osteen
Rod Parsley
Peter Popoff
Fred Price
Oral Roberts
R.W. Shambach
Karl Strader
Robert Tilton

God In Your Midst

Many New Agers and some of the Word Faith proponents will misquote Jesus when he said the
Kingdom of God is within you.
Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.
Luke 17:21

The New American Standard Bible was a much clearer translation of this verse. From this translation,
you can tell Jesus is telling the Pharisees not to look for another Messiah, because He is the Kingdom
and is right there in their midst.
nor will they say, Look, here it is! or, There it is! For behold, the kingdom of Godis in your
midst.Luke 17:21 NASB

Druids and the labyrinth

Emergent Church
We have seen mysticism creep into the church from the pagans and Gnostic cults. We have documented
that the ancient church was vehemently against the ideas of meditation, Christ consciousness, and man
being divine. The ancient church fathers also prophesied that at the end of the church age many in the
church would apostatize and adopt these false teachings.
We have traced the false doctrines that man is divine and the pantheistic idea that God is in everything,
from the birth of the Mystics (Christian occultists) under Saint Anthony, c270 AD, up to Catholic
Thomas Merton, c1968 AD.
Today we have a movement called the Emergent Church which is adopting these ideas of mediation,
contemplative prayer, God/Christ consciousness, and universalism.

We will categorize these as emergent mystics.
Emergent mystics are teaching:
1. There is a Christ consciousness
2. The Emergent Church can redefine and reshape Christianity in their own image
3. Biblical prophecy is not important
4. Mankind is divine (doctrine of emanations)
5. Occultic mediation renamed contemplative prayer
6. People of all faiths can be saved without Jesus Christ

Emergent Mystics and their Books

Bernard of Clairvaux
The Steps of Humility

Ignatius De Loyola
Spiritual Exercises

Thomas Merton
Conjectures of a Guilty Bystander

Matthew Fox
The Coming of the Cosmic Christ

Brian McLaren
The Church on the Other Side
A New Kind of Christian
Reinventing Your Church
A is for Abductive
A Generous Orthodoxy
The Secret Message Of Jesus

Dan Kimball
The Emerging Church
They Like Jesus but Not the Church

Rob Bell
Velvet Elvis
Sex God

M. Scott Peck
The Road Less Traveled

John Michael Talbot

Ken Blanchard

Donald Miller
Blue Light Jazz

Harry Emerson Fosdick
Modern Use of the Bible
Dear Mr. Brown

Brennan Manning
Abbas Child
All Above
Ragamuffin Gospel
The Signature of Jesus

Henri Nouwen
Thomas Merton, Contemplative Critic
In the Name of Jesus
The Way of the Heart
Sabbatical Journey
Here and Now
Reaching Out

Doug Pagitt
Church Re-Imagined
Emergent Manifesto of Hope

Dallas Willard
The Spirit of the Disciplines

Jack Canfield
Key to Living the Law of Attraction

Richard Foster
Celebration of Discipline
Devotional Classics
Spiritual Classics
Spiritual Formation
Be Still DVD
Renavore Bible

Erwin McManus
The Barbarian Way

Leonard Sweet
Quantum Spirituality
Soul Tsunami
Postmodern Pilgrims

For a detailed study on these authors, the Emergent Movement, and their books, see the books: A Time
of Departing and For Many Shall Come in My Name by Ray Yungen, Faith Undone by Roger Oakland,
and Deceived on Purpose by Warren Smith.
Lets look at a few quotes to see just what the movement is teaching.
Emergent Religion
Emergents say religion is what we make of it. If it is not working, we must reinvent it. To work
successfully, it must be a global one-world religion.
I foresee a resonance, a rebirth based on a spiritual initiative This new birth will cut through
all cultures and religions and indeed will draw forth the wisdom common to all vital mystical
traditions in a global religious awakening I call deep Ecumenism,
Matthew Fox, The Coming of the Cosmic Christ, p. 5

In the emerging culture darkness represents spirituality. We see this in Buddhist temples, as well
as Catholic and Orthodox churches. Darkness communicates that something serious is happening.
Dan Kimball, The Emerging Church, p. 136

The way of the cross, the way of Lao Tzu, the way of the Buddha, the way of Islam and the way
of Judaism all speak of the same path All refer to the same transformation of self.
Marcus Borg, The Heart of Christianity, p. 216

This is what the Bible prophesies predict would be the state of the end time Apostate Church. But, then
again. the Emergent Movement reinterprets prophecy, too.

Emergent Prophecy
End time prophecy is reinterpreted to be symbolic of who we overcome, by creating this one-world
religion in which you can be saved without Jesus.
In the twinkling of an eye, we are all changed by this experience. It is a mass metanoia, a shared
spiritual experience for the human race, a peaceful second coming of the divine in all of us as us.
Barbra Marx Hubbard, The Revelation, p. 174

You are to prepare the way for the alternative to Armageddon, which is the Planetary Pentecost,
the great Instant of Co-operation which can transform enough, en masse, to avoid the necessity of
the seventh seal being broken.
Barbra Marx Hubbard, The Revelation, p. 172

Emergent Jesus
Emergent proponents tell us we must forget about Jesus dying on the cross it is too divisive. No one
needs to believe in Jesus to be saved.
All human beings can walk though that [gods] door, whether they know Jesus or not.
Henri Nouwen, Sabbatical Journey, p. 149

The churchs fixation on the death of Jesus as the universal saving act must end, and the place of
the cross must be reimagined in the Christian faith.
Alan Jones, Reimagining Christianity, p. 132

I dont believe that what we can know of Jesus is confined by the New Testament There is no
such thing as what really happened.
Allen Jones, Reimagining Christianity, p. 209

What God has decided and prophesied will be and no amount of imagining will change that! To make
the statement that all we have to do is re-imagine Christianity and reshape it into what we want it to be,
is rebellion toward God. It is placing ourselves in Gods place, which is blasphemy. It is exactly what
the people at the Tower of Babel did. God said if He did not stop them, they would accomplish all they
imagined to do.
The apostasy/emergent groups want us to re-imagine or reform Christianity. In Galatians, Paul said we
are to seek the approval of God, not man. There is no need to reinvent Christianity. To even suggest
such a thing is to admit Christianity, as we know it, is a lie.
In Genesis the serpent asked, has God really said? In other words, the old gospel is wrong and we
need a new understanding. How could there be a new gospel every one hundred years? How could they
all be true? Anyone who makes it up as he goes along has abandoned God!
If all of us are god, if we will all be saved, and if there is no hell, then why does the Bible say
differently? Why did God lie to us when the Bible was written? How can we believe anything this new
god says?
For if someone comes to you and preaches a Jesus other than the Jesus we preached, or if you
receive a different spirit from the one you received, or a different gospel from the one you
accepted, you put up with it easily enough.
2 Corinthians 11:4 NIV

Emergent Christ Consciousness

In the Emergent Church, we see the idea that God is in everyone and everything.
It is a glorious destiny to be a member of the human race If only they could see themselves as
they really are I suppose the big problem would be that we would fall down and worship each
other At the center of our being is a point of nothingness which is untouched by sin and
illusions, a point of pure truth this little point is the pure glory of God in us. It is in

Thomas Merton, Conjectures of a Guilty Bystander, pp. 157-158

Emergent Contemplative Prayer

In Contemplative Prayer we see meditation replacing biblical prayer. As we learned in the chapter about
the ancient Canaanites and Balaam, God considers this type of meditation, sorcery.
Contemplative prayer is not so much the absence of thoughts as a detachment from them.
Thomas Keating, Open Mind, Open Heart, ch. 1

Choose a biblical text with rich content for contemplation Once you have passed in or
passed over relinquish the words and enter into wordless prayer Consider using a focal point
for contemplative prayer. A painting of the face of Jesus may serve in this way
Richard Foster, Spiritual Classics, p20

Listen to the mantra as you say it, gently but continuously If thoughts of images come, these
are distractions at the time of meditation, so return simply to saying your word. Simply ignore it
and the way to ignore it is to say your mantra. Return with fidelity to meditation each morning and
evening for between twenty and thirty minutes.
Paul T. Harris, Silent Teaching: The Life of Dom John Main, pp. 320-332

Many Christians use Breath Prayers throughout their day. You choose a brief sentence, or a
simple phrase that can be repeated to Jesus in one breath.
Rick Warren, The Purpose Driven Life, pp. 89, 299

Buddha points to the path and invites us to begin our journey to enlightenment. I invite you to
begin your journey to enlightened work.
Ken Blanchard, What Would Buddha Do at Work, Forward

Beyond these models of reconciliation, a theology of mysticism provides some hope for common
ground between Christianity and Islam.
Tony Campolo, Speaking My Mind, p. 149

Walking the Labyrinth is a form of dynamic meditation. Dynamic meditation is when you do the
same thing over and over again until it empties the mind in much the same way a mantra does.
The experience of walking the labyrinth invites the body into a rhythm of moving around and
moving toward the center, then back out.
Doug Pagitt, Church Re-Imagined, p. 103

The Bible tells us not to be ignorant of Satans devices. Do we really need Wiccan and Druidic rituals
and devices to get closer to God? Or is it drawing us closer to Lucifer?

Dangers of Meditation
In the chapter on Prayer vs. Meditation, I told you of my experiences with the Eckankar Mystics, and
how everyone there knew of the dangers of meditation.
It has been reported that those who practice Contemplative Prayer often experience the same serious
problems as the Hindus when practicing the serpent meditation commonly referred to as Kundalini

Emergent Church speaker, Richard Foster, warns other emergents of the same dangers inherent with
contemplative prayer in his book.
I want to give you a word of precaution. In the silent contemplation of God we are entering
deeply into the spiritual realm sometimes it is not the realm of God [emphasis mine] even though
it is supernatural there are various orders of spiritual beings, and some of them are definitely not
in cooperation with God and His way! A prayer of protection should be said beforehand,
something to the effect of all dark and evil spirits must now leave
Richard Foster, Prayer: Finding the Hearts True Home, p. 157

Contemplative prayer is not for the novice. I do not say this about any other form of prayer
Contemplation is different. While we are all equally precious in the eyes of God, we are not
equally ready to listen to Gods speech in his all embracing silence.
Richard Foster, Prayer: Finding the Hearts True Home, p. 156

Why would a Christian put himself or herself in a position of demonic attack when they could simply
pray the way Jesus commands and not have to worry about it?

Prayer Stations with Icons
Ancient church father Hypolytus wrote about what became of the seventy disciples that Jesus sent out
two by two. He wrote that Demas forsook the faith and became a priest of idols. My guess is that he
became a priest of the Carpocratians. They were the first of the Gnostics to use idols of Jesus and the
saints. This was heavily condemned by the ancient church.
Clement of Alexandria in Stromata 3:431, and Tertullian in Against Ebion 3, mention the Carpocratian
Gnostic sect committed a unique kind of sin in that they used small idols of Jesus, Aristotle, Pythagoras,
other people, and angels, which they said were a means to contact the pure God. They would adorn the
idols with wreaths, garlands, and in other ways honor them. Today many Christians see nothing wrong
with honoring statues of saints or praying to them. About proper and improper prayer, the ancient
church fathers said:
The Church does not perform anything by means of angelic invocations, or incantations, or by
any other wicked curious art; but, directing her prayers to the Lord.Irenaeus Against Heresies 2.32
Mature Christians pray only to God, without thought for bodily position or set time (eg. In a
meditative setting) and their prayers are not selfish.Clement of Alexandria, Stromata book 7.7

The apostle John says:

Little children, guard yourselves from idols.
1 John 5:21

The apostle Paul goes a step further and says an obedient Christian will not even associate with a
Christian who has anything to do with idols.

But actually, I wrote to you not to associate with any so-called brother if he is an immoral person,
or covetous, or an idolater, or a reviler, or a drunkard, or a swindler--not even to eat with such a
1 Corinthians 5:11

In a vision, the prophet Ezekiel saw the priests in the Jerusalem Temple worshiping in ways forbidden
by God. God punished them for setting up prayer stations with icons (mainly Egyptian) on the walls. In
doing this they were admitting everything represented God and meditative sorcery was acceptable.
When a person enters a Catholic, Orthodox, or Protestant Church to stare at an image to achieve an
altered state of consciousness in order to experience a vision, this amounts to idolatry and sorcery.
Being demonically seduced into believing you are god also amounts to idolatry.
Prophecy How to Prove What Is Right
Do not trust your mystical experiences since you cant predict future events; rather, trust the Old
Testament prophets who have proven they were in contact with the one true God by the prophecy they
left behind. Their prophecy has proven itself to be 100% accurate. We must judge all things by what the
Bible says.
The Bible records hundreds of prophecies Jesus fulfilled while He was here on earth. During that first
one hundred years of the Church Age, thirty-five prophecies were fulfilled. During the 1,816 years
Israel was out of the Holy Land, only twenty-three prophecies were fulfilled. Since Israel was
reestablished as a nation in 1948 AD, there have been fifty-three prophecies fulfilled in stunning detail.
All of these, plus the next fifteen unfulfilled prophecies, are given in chronological order in the book
Ancient Prophecies Revealed, by the author.
So you see, Christianity can't evolve or change. The prophecies are set in stone!

We learned in the chapter entitled Occult Tools that occult tools like tarot cards and astrological charts
do not work in and of themselves. They only stand a chance of working if a form of meditation /
alternate state of consciousness is achieved. The same thing holds true inside the church: relics, holy
water, crucifixes, statues of saints and angels, prayer stations and labyrinths cant really do anything by
themselves, either. For any of these things to begin to work, it takes an altered state of consciousness.

Sorcery is forbidden!

The Jerusalem Temple

Future Antichrist Religion

In this book youve learned that Lucifer wants humans to think we are becoming gods. He wants us to
meditate, which the Bible describes as sorcery. He wants us to believe there many ways to be saved,
and that you dont need either Jesus Christ or repentance, because there is no hell to worry about.
In the future when the Antichrist steps on the scene of human history, he will say the same things.
The apostle Paul describes the Antichrist actually sitting in a rebuilt Jewish Temple, in Jerusalem, Israel.
When he takes his seat in the Temple, he will make the announcement to the world that he is God
incarnate. He will also insist that he is more God that any god previously worshiped on earth, including
that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all
that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing
himself that he is God.
2 Thessalonians 2:3-4

This is Lucifers lie: that the Antichrist is an emanation of what once was the original creator God.
The prophet Daniel describes the religion of the Antichrist in this way:
And the king shall do according to his will; and he shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above
every god, and shall speak marvellous things against the God of gods, and shall prosper till the
indignation be accomplished: for that that is determined shall be done. Neither shall he regard the
God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself
above all. But in his estate shall he honour the God of forces: and a god whom his fathers knew not
shall he honour with gold, and silver, and with precious stones, and pleasant things.
Daniel 11:36-38

There are over eighty prophecies in the Bible about the Antichrist and the Tribulation period. For a
detailed study of all of these, see the book Ancient Prophecies Revealed.
The Antichrist will not worship or give any regard to any of the gods we know of that are worshiped on
earth today. He will not regard Jesus Christ, Buddha, Allah, Krishna, or any of the ancient gods
worshiped long ago.
Instead he will worship a god of forces. As demonstrated in this book, this god is not a personal,
intelligent, loving god, but simply the energy in each one of its creation and the left-over energy from
what it once was.
The Antichrist will claim to be the highest evolved being, and demonstrate this by what the Bible calls
lying signs and wonders.
Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying
wonders, 2 Thessalonians 2:9

The religion and method of the Antichrists deception will be based on the ancient Babylonian mystery
religion. We have seen this is a delusion caused by meditative sorcery.
for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived. And in her was found the blood of prophets, and
of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth.Revelation 18:23-24
Most people will follow the Antichrist and take his mark. Even those who are warned will refuse to
repent of their sorcery.
Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their
thefts.Revelation 9:21
The prophet Isaiah warns us:
And when they shall say unto you, Seek unto them that have familiar spirits, and unto wizards
that peep, and that mutter: should not a people seek unto their God? for the living to the dead? To
the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there isno light
in them.Isaiah 8:19-20
The apostle Paul warns us wizards, people with familiar spirits and the like are all connected to the devil
and not to God.
But I say, that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, and not to God: and
I would not that ye should have fellowship with devils.1 Corinthians 10:20
The statement that a loving God would not send anyone to hell is a doctrine of demons.

Conclusion of the Matter

You must understand Lucifer wants you in hell! He has designed a very convincing plan to get you
there. Stay away from anything that is connected to mindless meditation, and the occult. You are not a
god and you will never become a god. You can, however, spend eternity with God, who loves you very
much and does not want you to spend eternity in hell.
We are all sinners and have fallen short of the grace of God. Every one of us is destined for hell. God
loved us so much that He sent His son, Jesus, to pay for our sins by dying on the cross and fulfilling the
ancient prophecies.
All you have to do is recognize that you are a sinner and need the free gift of eternal life. Accept Jesus
as your personal Lord and savior. Begin studying the Bible and get into a Bible-teaching church.
Please contact us at if you have questions or if we can help you find a good Bibleteaching church.


Source Documents
In an effort to bring out the most accurate information on the most ancient form of paganism, we looked
for all the information we could get from ancient Jewish history books, as well as comments from the
ancient church fathers.



Jewish History Books


Genesis 1450 BC


1400 BC

Completely Accurate Word of God

Has accurate dates

Highly accurate history book
Has accurate dates

Josephus 70 AD

Useful information

Jubilees 100 BC?

Mishna 200 AD

Compiled oral traditions


Has inaccurate dates

Contains some useful information
Has inaccurate dates and information

Is mostly accurate

Commentary on the Mishna

400-800 AD
Has some inaccurate information, and

mostly accurate dates until 587 BC

We used the Book of Genesis, which is the divinely inspired Word of God, and is 100% accurate in
every way.
The book of Jasher is a highly accurate history book that has the recommendation of Scripture. See
Joshua 10:13; 2 Samuel 1:18; and 2 Timothy 3:8. The Ancient Book of Jasher is available thought
Biblefacts Ministries,

Josephus used the Greek version of the Scriptures, so his information is good, but his dates are way off.
The book of Jubilees uses a calendar that mixes the lunar and solar calendars for its dates. As of yet no
one has accurately deciphered how the jubilee calendar works. The book itself has many stories that
contradict Scripture; so we must only use its information when it can be verified by other sources.

The Mishna is the Jewish oral law (all the details for sacrificing animals, for instance.) We assume it is
mostly accurate.
The Talmud is accurate in its dates until the destruction of the first Temple in 587 BC. Since it is
commentary on the Mishna, it does contain inaccurate information and speculation.

Other Books By Ken Johnson, Th.D.

Ancient Post-Flood History
Historical Documents That Point to Biblical Creation.

This book is a Christian timeline of ancient post-Flood history based on Bible chronology, the early church fathers, and ancient Jewish and
secular history. This can be used as a companion guide in the study of Creation science. This revised edition adds the background history
of nine new countries. Learn the true origins of the countries and people of France, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Ireland, Scotland,
Greece, Italy, Russia, Egypt, Israel, Iraq, Iran, China, the Arabs, the Kurds, and more.

Some questions answered: Who were the Pharaohs in the times of Joseph and Moses? When did the famine of Joseph occur? What
Egyptian documents mention these? When did the Exodus take place? When did the kings of Egypt start being called Pharaoh and why?
Who was the first king of a united Italy? Who was Zeus and where was he buried? Where did Shem and Ham rule and where were they
buried? How large was Nimrods invasion force that set up the Babylonian Empire, and when did this invasion occur? What is Nimrods
name in Persian documents? How can we use this information to witness to unbelievers?

Ancient Seder Olam
A Christian Translation of the 2000-year-old Scroll

This 2000-year-old scroll reveals the chronology from Creation through Cyrus decree that freed the Jews in 536 BC. The Ancient Seder
Olam uses biblical prophecy to prove its calculations of the timeline. We have used this technique to continue the timeline all the way to
the reestablishment of the nation of Israel in AD 1948.

Using the Bible and rabbinical tradition, this book shows that the ancient Jews awaited King Messiah to fulfill the prophecy spoken of in
Daniel, Chapter 9. The Seder answers many questions about the chronology of the books of Kings and Chronicles. It talks about the
coming of Elijah, King Messiahs reign, and the battle of Gog and Magog.

This scroll and the Jasher scroll are the two main sources used in Kens first book, Ancient Post-Flood History.

Ancient Prophecies Revealed
500 Prophecies Listed In Order Of When They Were Fulfilled

This book details over 500 biblical prophecies in chronological order; these include pre-flood times through the First Coming of Jesus and
into the Middle Ages. The heart of this book is the fifty-three prophecies fulfilled between 1948 and 2008. The last fifteen prophecies
between 2008 and the Tribulation are also given. All these are documented and interpreted from the Ancient Church Fathers.

The Ancient Church Fathers, including disciples of the twelve apostles, were firmly premillennial, pretribulational, and very pro-Israel.

Ancient Book of Jasher
Referenced in Joshua 10:13; 2 Samuel 1:18; 2 Timothy 3:8

There are thirteen ancient history books mentioned and recommended by the Bible. The Ancient Book of Jasher is the only one of the
thirteen that still exists. It is referenced in Joshua 10:13; 2 Samuel 1:18; and 2 Timothy 3:8. This volume contains the entire ninety-one
chapters plus a detailed analysis of the supposed discrepancies, cross-referenced historical accounts, and detailed charts for ease of use. As
with any history book, there are typographical errors in the text but with three consecutive timelines running through the histories, it is
very easy to arrive at the exact dates of recorded events. It is not surprising that this ancient document confirms the Scripture and the
chronology given in the Hebrew version of the Old Testament, once and for all settling the chronology differences between the Hebrew
Old Testament and the Greek Septuagint. The Ancient book of Jasher is brought to you by Biblefacts Ministries,

Third Corinthians
Ancient Gnostics and the End of the World

This little known, 2000-year old Greek manuscript was used in the first two centuries to combat Gnostic cults. Whether or not it is an
authentic copy of the original epistle written by the apostle Paul, it gives an incredible look into the cults that will arise in the Last Days. It
contains a prophecy that the same heresies that pervaded the first century church would return before the Second Coming of the Messiah.

The Rapture
The Pretribulational Rapture of the Church Viewed From the Bible and the Ancient Church

This book presents the doctrine of the pretribulational Rapture of the church. Many prophecies are explored with Biblical passages and
terms explained.

Evidence is presented that proves the first century church believed the End Times would begin with the return of Israel to her ancient
homeland, followed by the Tribulation and the Second Coming. More than fifty prophecies have been fulfilled since Israel became a state.

Evidence is also given that several ancient rabbis and at least four ancient church fathers taught a pretribulational Rapture. This book also
gives many of the answers to the arguments midtribulationists and posttribulationists use. It is our hope this book will be an indispensable
guide for debating the doctrine of the Rapture.

The Ancient Church Fathers
What the Disciples of the Apostles Taught

This book reveals who the disciples of the twelve apostles were and what they taught, from their own writings. It documents the same
doctrine was faithfully transmitted to their descendants in the first few centuries and where, when, and by whom, the doctrines began to
change. The ancient church fathers make it very easy to know for sure what the complete teachings of Jesus and the twelve apostles were.

You will learn, from their own writings, that the first century disciples taught on the various doctrines that divide our church today. You
will learn what was discussed at the seven general councils and why. You will learn who were the cults and cult leaders that began to
change doctrine and spread their heresy and how that became to be the standard teaching in the medieval church. A partial list of doctrines
discussed in this book are:

Animals sacrifices
Bible or tradition
Deity of Jesus Christ

False gospels
False prophets
Free will
Gnostic cults
Israels return
Jewish food laws
Marys virginity
Marys assumption
The Nicolaitans
Replacement theology
Roman Catholicism
The Sabbath
Schism of Nepos
Sin / Salvation
The soul
Spiritual gifts
Women in ministry

For more information visit us at:

1. Cruse, C. F., Eusebius Ecclesiastical History, Hendrickson Publishers, 1998.
2. Eerdmans Publishing, Ante-Nicene Fathers, Eerdmans Publishing, 1886.
3. Keating, Geoffrey, The History of Ireland (BOOK I-II), London, Irish Texts Society, 1902.
4. Hodges, Richmond, Corys Ancient Fragments, London, Reeves and Turner, 1876.
5. Whiston, William, The Works of Flavius Josephus, London, Miller & Sowerby, 1987. Includes Antiquies of the Jews.
6. Pezron, Paul, The Antiquities of Nations, Mr. D. Jones, translator (London: R. Janeway, publisher, 1706.
7. Ken Johnson, Ancient Post-flood History, Xulon Press, 2006
8. Ken Johnson, Ancient Seder Olam, Xulon Press, 2007
9. Louis Ginzberg, The Legends of the Jews, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1948.
10. Ken Johnson, Ancient Book of Jasher, Createspace, 2008
11. Karel van der Toorn, Dictionary of Deities and Demons in the Bible, Brill, 1999
12. Ray Yungen, A Time of Departing, Lighthouse Trails, 2006
13. Roger Oakland, Faith Undone, Lighthouse Trails, 2007
14. Ken Johnson, Third Corinthians, Createspace, 2008
15. Ken Johnson, Ancient Prophecies Revealed, Createspace, 2008
16. Warren Smith, Deceived On Purpose, Mountain Stream Press, 2004
17. Ray Yungen, Many Shall Come In My Name, Lighthouse Trails, 2007

Table of Contents
The Fallen Angels
Pre-Flood History
Ancient Pre-Flood Paganism
After Noahs Flood
Eight Post-Flood Pagan Holy Days
Babylon and Sodom and Gomorrah
Canaanite Sorcery and Balaam
Paganism in the Middle Ages
Yule and Groundhog Day
Wicca and Hinduism
Occultic Tools
Paganisms Influence on the Church
Biblical Practices
Prayer vs Meditation
Gnostics and the Desert Fathers
The Coming of a New Age
Emergent Church
Future Antichrist Religion
Source Documents
Other Books By Ken Johnson, Th.D.

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