Cad Book
Cad Book
Cad Book
Dr. R.Gnanaguru
M.E. (CAD),(Ph.D.,)
Assistant Professor,
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Narasus Sarathy Institute of Technology, Salem 6360305.
Sams Publishers,
G1,16/33, Alwar Nagar 3rd Street,
Nanganallur, Chennai-600061.
1.1 -1.35
Geometry Modeling
2.1. Introduction
2.2. Representation of curves
2.2.1.Conic Section
2.3. Hermite curve
2.4. Bezier curve
2.4.1. Properties Bezier curve
2.4.2. Construction of Bezier curves
2.4.3. Rational Bezier curve
2.5. B-Spline curves
2.6. Rational Curves
2.1 -2.41
Visual Realism
3.1. Introduction
3.2. Hidden line removal
3.2.1. Priority algorithm
3.3. Hidden surface removal
3.3.1. Z - buffer algorithm
3.3.2. Painters algorithm
3.3.3. Warnock algorithm
3.4. Hidden Solid Removal
3.4.1. Ray-Tracing algorithm
3.5. Shading
3.5.1. Shading techniques
3.5.2. Lighting
3.5.3. Distance falloff
3.6. Coloring
3.6.1. Color models
3.7. Computer Animation
3.7.1. Methods of animation
3.7.2. Stop motion animation
3.7.3. Computer animation
3.7.4. Methods of animating
3.7.5. Pseudo code
Assembly of parts
4.1. Introduction
4.2. Assembly modeling
4.2.1. Assembly Concepts
4.2.2. Bottom up Assembly design
4.2.3. Top Down Assembly Design
4.3. Interference of position and orientation
4.3.1. Determining Interference Relationships
4.2.3. Interference-free matrix
4.4. Geometric Tolerance
4.3.1. Fundamental rules for Geometric Tolerance
4.3.2. Tolerance Symbols
4.5. Tolerance Analysis
4.5.1. Tolerance stack-up
4.5.2. Statistical method for tolerance analysis
4.5.3. Second Order Tolerance Analysis
4.5.4. Importance of Tolerance Analysis
4.6. Mass property calculations
4.6.1. Calculating Center of gravity location
4.6.2. Calculating Moment of Inertia
4.6.3. Calculating Product of Inertia
4.5.4. List of mass computed properties
4.6. Simulation mechanism
4.6.1. Computer Simulation
4.6.2. Virtual simulations
4.6.3. Applications of Simulation
4.7. Interference checking
4.7.1. 2D and 3D Collision Detection Overview
4.7.2. Hole Misalignment and Thread Mismatch
4.7.3. Tolerance Analysis
Review questions
CAD Standards
5.1. Introduction
5.2. Various standards in graphics programming
5.3. Graphics Kernel System
5.3.1. GKS Output Primitives
5.4. Standard for exchange images
5.4.1. Open Graphics Library
5.4.2. Features of OpenGL
5.5. Data Exchange standards
Chapter 1
Product cycle integrate processes, people, data, and business and gives a product information
for industries and their extended activity. Product cycle is the process of managing the entire lifecycle of
a product from starting, through design and manufacture, to repair and removal of manufactured
Product cycle methods assist association in managing with the rising difficulty and engineering
challenges of developing new products for the worldwide competitive markets.
Product lifecycle management (PLM) can be part of one of the following four fundamentals of a
manufacturing information technology structure.
technology used to access this data and knowledge. PLM as a discipline appeared from tools such
as CAD, CAM and PDM, but can be viewed as the combination of these tools with processes, methods
and people through all stages of a products life cycle. PLM is not just about software technology but is
also a business approach.
Step 1: Conceive
Imagine, Specify, Plan, Innovate
The first step is the definition of the product requirements based on company, market and
customer. From this requirement, the product's technical data can be defined. In parallel, the early
concept design work is performed defining the product with its main functional features. Various media
are utilized for these processes, from paper and pencil to clay mock-up to 3D Computer Aided Industrial
Step 2: Design
Describe, Define, Develop, Test, Analyze and Validate
This is where the completed design and development of the product begins, succeeding to
prototype testing, through pilot release to final product. It can also involve redesign and ramp for
improvement to existing products as well as planned obsolescence. The main tool used for design and
development is CAD. This can be simple 2D drawing / drafting or 3D parametric feature based
solid/surface modeling.
This step covers many engineering disciplines including: electronic, electrical, mechanical, and
civil. Besides the actual making of geometry there is the analysis of the components and assemblies.
Optimization, Validation and Simulation activities are carried out using Computer Aided
Engineering (CAE) software. These are used to perform various tasks such as: Computational Fluid
Dynamics (CFD); Finite Element Analysis (FEA); and Mechanical Event Simulation (MES). Computer
Aided Quality (CAQ) is used for activities such as Dimensional tolerance analysis. One more task
carried out at this step is the sourcing of bought out components with the aid of procurement process.
Step 3: Realize
Manufacture, Make, Build, Procure, Produce, Sell and Deliver
Once the design of the components is complete the method of manufacturing is finalized. This
includes CAD operations such as generation of CNC Machining instructions for the products
component as well as tools to manufacture those components, using integrated Computer Aided
Manufacturing (CAM) software.
It includes Production Planning tools for carrying out plant and factory layout and production
simulation. Once details components are manufactured their geometrical form and dimensions can be
verified against the original data with the use of Computer Aided Inspection Equipment (CAIE).
Parallel to the engineering tasks, sales and marketing work take place. This could consist of transferring
engineering data to a web based sales configuration.
Step 4: Service
Use, Operate, Maintain, Support, Sustain, Phase-out, Retire, Recycle and Disposal
The final step of the lifecycle includes managing of information related to service for repair and
maintenance, as well as recycling and waste management information. This involves using tools like
Maintenance, Repair and Operations Management software.
2. Feasibility assessment
The feasibility study is an analysis and assessment of the possible of a proposed design which is
based on detail investigation and research to maintain the process of decision creation. The feasibility
assessment helps to focus the scope of the project to spot the best situation. The purpose of a feasibility
assessment is to verify whether the project can continue into the design phase.
3. Conceptualization
A Concept Study is the stage of project planning that includes developing ideas and taking into
account the all features of executing those ideas. This stage of a project is done to reduce the likelihood
of assess risks, error and evaluate the potential success of the planned project.
5. Preliminary design
The preliminary design fills the gap between the design concept and the detailed design phase.
During this task, the system configuration is defined, and schematics, diagrams, and layouts of the
project will offer early project configuration. In detailed design and optimization, the parameters of the
part being produced will change, but the preliminary design focuses on creating the common framework
to construct the project.
6. Detailed design
The next phase of preliminary design is the Detailed Design which may includes of
procurement also. This phase builds on the already developed preliminary design, aiming to further
develop each phase of the project by total description through drawings, modeling as well as
The advancement CAD programs have made the detailed design phase more competent. This is
because a CAD program can offer optimization, where it can shrink volume without compromising the
part's quality. It can also calculate displacement and stress using the FEM to find stresses throughout the
part. It is the responsibility of designer to find whether these stresses and displacements are acceptable,
so the part is safe.
Sequential Engineering
Concurrent Engineering
Sequential engineering is the term used In concurrent engineering, various tasks are
to explain the method of production in handled at the same time, and not essentially
a linear system. The various steps are in the standard order. This means that info
done one after another, with all
attention and resources focused on that
single task.
same time.
Both process and product design run in Both product and process design run in
serial and take place in the different parallel and take place in the same time.
Process and Product are not matched to Process and Product are coordinated to
attain optimal matching.
Decision making done by only group of Decision making involves full team
the designer to see into the interior of object and to observe the behaviors of the inner components of the
assembly during the motion.
tolerance analysis and investigating the effect of manufacturing on the design can perform by utilizing
CAD tools (Table 1.2).
Design Process
Geometric modeling, Graphics aids, visualization and
Modeling and
Design Analysis
Structural optimization
Design Optimization
Design evaluation
Communication and
preparation of Environmental Impact Reports, in which proposed CAD buildings are superimposed into
photographs of existing situation to represent what that conditions will be like, where the proposed
services are allowed to be built.
Parameters and constraints can be used to get the size, shape, and other properties of the
modeling elements. The features of the CAD system can be used for the several tools for measurement
such as yield strength, tensile strength and electrical or electro-magnetic properties.
**************************************** Continue
Chapter 2
Geometric Modeling
2.1. Introduction
Geometric modeling is a part of computational geometry and applied mathematics that studies
algorithms and techniques for the mathematical description of shapes.
The shapes defined in geometric modeling are generally 2D or 3D, even though several of its
principles and tools can be used to sets of any finite dimension. Geometric modeling is created with
computer based applications. 2D models are significant in computer technical drawing and
typography. 3D models are fundamental to CAD and CAM and extensively used in many applied
technical branches such as civil engineering and mechanical engineering and medical image processing.
Geometric models are commonly differentiated from object oriented models and procedural,
which describe the shape perfectly by an opaque algorithm that creates its appearance. They are also
compared with volumetric models and digital images which shows the shape as a subset of a regular
partition of space; and with fractal models that provide an infinitely recursive description of the shape.
Though, these differences are often fuzzy: for example, a image can be interpreted as a collection
of colored squares; and geometric shape of circles are defined by implicit mathematical equations. Also,
a fractal model gives a parametric model when its recursive description is truncated to a finite depth.
A conic section is a curve created as the intersection of a cone with a plane. In analytic
geometry, a conic may be described as a plane algebraic curve of degree two, and as
a quadric of dimension two.
There are several of added geometric definitions possible. One of the most practical, in that it
involves only the plane, is that a non circular conic has those points whose distances to various point,
called a focus, and several line, called a directrix, are in a fixed ratio, called the eccentricity.
2.2.1.Conic Section
Conventionally, the three kinds of conic section are the hyperbola, the ellipse and the parabola.
The circle is a unique case of the ellipse, and is of adequate interest in its own right that it is sometimes
described the fourth kind of conic section. The method of a conic relates to its eccentricity, those with
eccentricity less than one is ellipses, those with eccentricity equal to one is parabolas, and those with
eccentricity greater than one is hyperbolas. In the focus, directrix describes a conic the circle is a
limiting with eccentricity zero. In modern geometry some degenerate methods, such as the combination
of two lines, are integrated as conics as well.
If the cutting plane is parallel to accurately one generating line of the cone, then the conic is unbounded
and is mentioned a parabola. In the other case, the figure is a hyperbola.
Different factors are connected with a conic section, as shown in the Table 2.1. For the ellipse,
the table shows the case of a > b, for which the major axis is horizontal; for the other case,
interchange the symbols a and b. For the hyperbola the east-west opening case is specified. In all
cases, a and b are positive.
The non-circular conic sections are accurately those curves that, for a point F, a line L not
having F and a number e which is non-negative, are the locus of points whose distance
to F equals e
to L. F is
values x1,x2,x3, .., xn, to achieve a smooth continuous function. The data should have the preferred
function value and derivative at each Xk. The Hermite formula is used to every interval (Xk,
Xk+1) individually. The resulting spline become continuous and will have first derivative.
in computer
modeling to
attain curves that pass via defined points of the plane in 3D space. In these purposes, each coordinate of
the plane is individually interpolated by a cubic spline function of a divided parametert.
Cubic splines can be completed to functions of different parameters, in several ways. Bicubic
splines are frequently used to interpolate data on a common rectangular grid, such as pixel values in
a digital picture. Bicubic surface patches, described by three bicubic splines, are an necessary tool in
computer graphics. Hermite curves are simple to calculate but also more powerful. They are used to
well interpolate between key points.
These four vectors are basically multiplied with four Hermite basis functions h1(s), h2(s), h3(s)
and,h4(s) and added together.
h1(s) = 2s3 - 3s2 + 1
h2(s) = -2s3 + 3s2
h3(s) = s3 - 2s2 + s
h4(s) = s3 - s2
Figure 2.3 shows the functions of Hermite Curve of the 4 functions (from left to right: h1, h2, h3, h4).
A general adaptive method is recursive subdivision, in which a curve's control points are
verified to view if the curve approximates a line segment to within a low tolerance. If not, the curve is
further divided parametrically into two segments, 0 t 0.5 and 0.5 t 1, and the same process is
used recursively to each half. There are future promote differencing techniques, but more care must be
taken to analyze error transmission.
Analytical methods where a Bezier is intersected with every scan line engage finding roots of
cubic polynomials and having with multiple roots, so they are not often applied in practice. A Bezier
curve is described by a set of control points P0 through Pn, where n is order of curve. The initial and
end control points are commonly the end points of the curve; but, the intermediate control points
normally do not lie on the curve.
(i) Linear Bezier curves
This can be interpreted as the linear interpolate of respective points on the linear Bezier curves
from P0 to P1 and from P1 to P2 respectively. Reshuffle the preceding equation gives:
From which it can be finished that the tangents to the curve at P0 and P2 intersect at P1. While
t increases from zero to one, the curve departs from P0 in the direction of P1, then turns to land
at P2 from the direction of P1.
The following equation is a second derivative of the Bezier curve with respect to t:
A quadratic Bezier curve is represent a parabolic segment. Since a parabola curve is a conic
section, a few sources refer to quadratic Beziers as conic arcs.
(iii) Cubic Bezier curves
As shown in figure 2.7, four control points P0, P1, P2 and P3 in the higher-dimensional space
describe as a Cubic Bezier curve. The curve begins at P0 going on the way to P1 and reaches at P3
coming from the direction of P2. Typically, it will not pass through control points P1 / P2, these points
are only there to give directional data. The distance between P0 and P1 determines how fast and how
far the curve travels towards P1 before turning towards P2.
Pi, Pj, Pk
(t) for the quadratic Bezier curve written by points Pi, Pj, and Pk, the
cubic Bezier curve can be described as a linear blending of two quadratic Bezier curves:
For several choices of P1 and P2 the Bezier curve may meet itself.
Any sequence of any four dissimilar points can be changed to a cubic Bezier curve that goes via
all four points in order. Given the beginning and ending point of a few cubic Bezier curve, and the
points beside the curve equivalent to t = 1/3 and t = 2/3, the control points for the original Bezier curve
can be improved.
The following equation represent first derivative of the cubic Bezier curve with respect to t:
The following equation represent second derivative of the Bezier curve with respect to t:
The Bezier curve starts at P0 and ends at Pn; this is known as endpoint interpolation property.
The Bezier curve is a straight line when all the control points of a cure are collinear.
The beginning of the Bezier curve is tangent to the first portion of the Bezier polygon.
A Bezier curve can be divided at any point into two sub curves, each of which is also a Bezier
A few curves that look like simple, such as the circle, cannot be expressed accurately by a Bezier;
via four piece cubic Bezier curve can similar a circle, with a maximum radial error of less than one
part in a thousand (Fig.2.8).
Each quadratic Bezier curve is become a cubic Bezier curve, and more commonly, each
degree n Bezier curve is also a degree m curve for any m > n.
Bezier curves have the different diminishing property. A Bezier curves does not ripple more than
the polygon of its control points, and may actually ripple less than that.
Bezier curve is similar with respect to t and (1-t). This represents that the sequence of control points
defining the curve can be changes without modify of the curve shape.
Bezier curve shape can be edited by either modifying one or more vertices of its polygon or by
keeping the polygon unchanged or simplifying multiple coincident points at a vertex (Fig .2.19).
Point B (t) is interpolated linearly between Q0(t) to Q1(t) and expresses a quadratic Bezier curve.
Chapter 3
Visual Realism
3.1. Introduction
Visual Realism is a method for interpreting picture data fed into a computer and for creating
pictures from difficult multidimensional data sets. Visualization can be classified as :
Parallel projections
Perspective projection.
Shaded models
Hidden line and surface removal methods remove the uncertainty of the displays of 3D models
and is accepted the first step towards visual realism. Shaded images can only be created for surface and
solid models. In multiple step shading process, the first step is removing the hidden surfaces / solids and
second step is shades the visible area only. Shaded images provide the maximum level of visualization.
The processes of hidden removal need huge amounts of computing times and also upper end
hardware services. The creation and maintenance of such a models are become complex. Hence,
creating real time images needs higher end computers with the shading algorithms embedded into the
Priority algorithm is basis on organization all the polygons in the view according to the biggest
Z-coordinate value of each. If a face intersects more than one face, other visibility tests besides the Zdepth required to solve any issue. This step comprises purposes of wrapper.
Imagines that objects are modeled with lines and lines are generated where surfaces join. If only
the visible surfaces are created then the invisible lines are automatically removed.
ABCD, ADFG, DCEF are given higher priority-1. Hence, all lines in this faces are visible, that
is, AB, BC, CD, DA, AD, DF, FG, AG, DC, CE, EF and DF are visible.
AGHB, EFGH, BCEH are given lower priority-2. Hence, all lines in this faces other than
priority-1 are invisible, that is BH, EH and GH. These lines must be eliminated.
the first key issues in the field of three dimensional graphics. The procedure of hidden surface
identification is called as hiding, and such an algorithm is called a hider. Hidden surface identification
is essential to render a 3D image properly, so that one cannot see through walls in virtual reality.
Hidden surface identification is a method by which surfaces which should not be visible to the
user are prohibited from being rendered. In spite of benefits in hardware potential there is still a
requirement for difficult rendering algorithms. The accountability of a rendering engine is to permit for
bigger world spaces and as the worlds size approaches infinity the rendering engine should not slow
down but maintain at constant speed.
There are many methods for hidden surface identification. They are basically a work out
in sorting, and generally vary in the order in which the sort is executed and how the problem is
subdivided. Sorting more values of graphics primitives is generally done by divide.
3.3.1. Z - buffer algorithm
when image being drawn, if its z coordinate at a position is higher than z buffer value, it is
drawn, and new z coordinate value is stored; or else, it is not drawn
If a line in three dimensional is being drawn, then the middle z values are interpolated: linear
interpolation for polygons, and can calculate z for more difficult surfaces.
loop on y;
loop on x;
zbuf[x,y] = infinity;
loop on objects
loop on y within y range of this object
loop on x within x range of this scan line of this object
if z(x,y) < zbuf[x,y] compute z of this object at this pixel & test
zbuf[x,y] = z(x,y) update z-buffer
image[x,y] = shade(x,y) update image (typically RGB)
Basic operations:
1. compute y range of an object
2. compute x range of a given scan line of an object
3. Calculate intersection point of a object with ray through pixel position (x,y).
3.3.2. Painters algorithm
The painter's algorithm is called as a priority fill, is one of the easiest results to the visibility
issue in three dimensional graphics. When projecting a 3D view onto a 2D screen, it is essential at
various points to be finalized which polygons are visible, and which polygons are hidden.
sort objects by depth, splitting if necessary to handle intersections;
loop on objects (drawing from back to front)
loop on y within y range of this object
loop on x within x range of this scan line of this object
image[x,y] = shade(x,y);
Basic operations:
1. compute y range of an object
2. compute x range of a given scan line of an object
3. compute intersection point of a given object with ray via pixel point (x,y).
Advantage of painter's algorithm is the inner loops are quite easy and limitation is sorting
Ray-Tracing algorithm
For every pixel in image
Generate ray from eye point passing via this pixel
Initialize Nearest T to INFINITY
Initialize Nearest Object to NULL
For each object in scene
If ray intersects this image
If t of intersection is less than Nearest T
Set Nearest T to t of the intersection
Set Nearest image to this object
If Nearest image is NULL
Paint this pixel with background color
Shoot a ray to every light source to check if in shadow
If surface is reflective, generate reflection ray
If transparent, generate refraction ray
Apply Nearest Object and Nearest T to execute shading function
Paint this pixel with color result of shading function
Optical ray tracing explains a technique for creating visual images constructed in three
either ray
casting rendering practices. It executes by tracing a path from an imaginary eye via every pixel in a
virtual display, and computing the color of the object visible via it.
Displays in ray tracing are explained mathematically by a programmer. Displays may also
incorporate data from 3D models and images captured like a digital photography.
In general, every ray must be tested for intersection with a few subsets of all the objects in the
view. Once the nearest object has been selected, the algorithm will calculate the receiving light at the
point of intersection, study the material properties of the object, and join this information to compute the
finishing color of the pixel. One of the major limitations of algorithm, the reflective or translucent
materials may need additional rays to be re-cast into the scene.
3.5. Shading
Shading defines to describe depth perception in three dimensioning models by different levels
of darkness. Shading is applied in drawing for describes levels of darkness on paper by adding media
heavy densely shade for darker regions, and less densely for lighter regions.
There are different techniques of shading with cross hatching where perpendicular lines of
changing closeness are drawn in a grid pattern to shade an object. The closer the lines are combining,
the darker the area appears. Similarly, the farther apart the lines are, the lighter the area shows.
Fig.3.7. Shading
The image shown in figure 3.8 has the faces of the box rendered, but all in the similar color.
Edge lines have been rendered here as well which creates the image easier to view.
The image shown in figure 3.9 is the same model rendered without edge lines. It is complicated
to advise where one face of the box ends and the next starts.
The image shown in figure 3.10 has shading enabled which makes the image extra realistic and
makes it easier to view which face is which.
3.5.1. Shading techniques:
In computer graphics, shading submits to the procedure of changing the color of an object in the
3D view, a photorealistic effect to be based on its angle to lights and its distance from lights. Shading is
performed through the rendering procedure by a program called a Shader. Flat shading and Smooth
shading are the two major techniques using in Computer graphics.
**************************************** Continue
Chapter 4
Assembly of parts
4.1. Introduction
In todays global situation, two main things are significant for the industry: cost reduction and
environment protection. Since the late 70s it has been developed that the assembly procedure normally
signify one third of the product cost. Hence, it is essential to design appropriate plans for parts
assembly: manufacturing, and disassembly: recycling.
A realistic assembly procedure can increase efficiency, cost reduction and improve the
recycling of product. To overcome these problems, various simulations based on digital mock-ups of
products are required. Even though modeling and analysis software, presently applied at various stages
of the Product Development Process, can suggest results to several of the above stated needs, the
progress of a committed assembly and disassembly combine simulation stage is still a need.
To attain an optimum assembly method, various complex software for assembly analysis and, as
well as simulation programs based on multi agent methods or which apply contact data between
assembly components, were created. Newly, Virtual Reality (VR) has broadly developed towards
Assembly realistic simulation.
As the contact between objects is at the basis of the assembly simulations need 3D objects
shapes, the contact detection is addressed here as the first step in the Assembly simulation process. The
equivalent procedure establishes links between shapes, contact mock-ups and component kinematics,
which gives a basic set of meaningful data.
All mechanical parts are applying one of the common CAD modelers. Thus, the existing
assembly modules of 3D CAD software and their definite method to modeling assemblies have a tough
influence on how products are calculated. Also, for the realistic simulation, the data exchange CAD to
Virtual Reality is one of the significant problems presently faced by the virtual prototyping community.
Bottom up Hierarchy:
The bottom up assembly design hierarchy of the basic assembly is shown in figure 4.2. All the
parts exist prior to Part1. When Part1 is generated, it becomes the active. It would utilize the menu
sequence to add Bracket and it becomes the active part.
Module of subassembly is added similar as Bracket, Bolt, and Washer again becoming a
child of Part-1. But, because Module Subassembly already has the two items Seal and Module, they
are added and continue as its children.
Sequence of operations (Fig. 4.2.):
All of the items are illustrations of the original parts that reside in the ZW3D file Parts Z3.
If File-1 is eliminated from the active assembly before it is saved and Part1 are removed. The
original parts placed in the file Parts Z3 are not changed.
Bracket is a child of Part-1. The dashed line illustrates that by default when Bracket is
generated; it is attached to File-1. The dotted line illustrates that Bracket is attached into Part-1.
When Bracket is executed Part1 is reactivated. Bolt and Washer are then generated using the similar
process and Part-1 is reactivated again.
Subassembly Module is generated like the Bracket, Bolt, and Washer again will be a child
of Part1. But, Module Subassembly remains active when seal is developed. Seal will be the active part
and by default also exists in File-1 but is inserted into Module Subassembly hence it was active at the
time of seal was created. Subassembly Module is then reactivated and Module is generated like
a Seal.
File-1 has 7.
Part-1 contains 4 components, which are illustrations of the basic parts located in File-1.
Subassembly Module contains 2 components which are also illustrations of the basic parts
located in File-1.
actual collision finding capacity along subjective relative motion vectors is not require. Instead, a
efficient computational technique is required for finding if two parts will collide when they are
assembled in a specified order along any one of the six principle assembly axis.
The row in the Interference-free matrix indicate the components being shifted during a given
assembly operation, and the column indicate the parts that have previously been assembled. Hence,
since matrix element (2, 1) is equal to 0, if Part-1 is assembled initially, and after that Part-2 is
assembled in the direction of +x, Part-2 will collide with Part-1. Similarly, matrix element (1, 2) is equal
to 1, if Part-2 is assembled initially, and then Part-1 is assembled in the direction of +x, Part-1 will not
collide with Part-2. As a part cannot be assembled after itself, all elements in the diagonal matrix are set
to 0. As a whole, six matrices are utilized to show interference relationships between parts in the six
principal axes. When robotically creating interference-free matrices, the projected algorithm finds
matrix elements row by row. When two parts would interfere through assembly in a given direction, the
program inserts a 0 in the corresponding matrix position; or inserts as a 1.
All dimensions should have a tolerance. Each attribute on every manufactured component is subject
to change; hence, the limits of acceptable difference must be defined. Plus and minus tolerances
may be used to dimensions from a common tolerance block.
Dimensions describe the geometry and allowable change. Measurement and scaling of the drawing
is not permitted excluding in certain cases.
Engineering drawings describe the necessities of completed parts. Each dimension and tolerance
needed to define the completed part shall be shown on the drawing. If extra dimensions would be
useful, but are not necessary, they may be noted as reference.
Dimensions should be used to attributes and arranged in such a way as to show the purpose of the
features. In addition, dimensions should not be subject to more than one explanation.
If some sizes are needed during manufacturing but are not wanted in the final geometry they should
be noticeable as non-mandatory.
All dimensioning and tolerance should be placed for utmost readability and should be used to
visible lines in true profiles.
When geometry is usually restricted by code, the dimension(s) shall be integrated with code number
in comments below the dimension.
If not openly declared, all dimensions and tolerances are only suitable when the item is in free.
10. Dimensions and tolerances indicate to the full length, width, and depth.
whether the small clearances specified will meet the safety requirement, assigned manufacturing and
assembly variability force on the minimum clearance.
arith assy.
simply visualized and valued by a rectangular box with side lengths T1, T2 and T3. To obtain from one
corner of the box to the diagonally opposite corner, one can cross the gap T21 + T22 + T23 along that
diagonal and follow the three edges with lengths T1, T2, and T3 for a total length T
arith assy
= T1 + T2 +
Second Order Tolerance Analysis is required to find what output is going to be when the
assembly function is not linear. In classical mechanical engineering developments kinematic changes
and other assembly performances result in non-linear assembly operations. Second order estimates are
more complex so manual calculations are not suitable but the computation is greatly improved and
becomes feasible within tolerance analysis software.
As shown in the figure 4.10, the axes do not create a best reference hence a small error in
squareness of the base of the cylinder origins the object to tilt away from the vertical axis.
An axis should always pass via a surface that is firmly linked with the bulk of the component.
As shown in the figure 4.11, it would be best to position the origin (Z=0) at the end of the component
rather than the fitting that is freely dimensioned virtual to the end.
the single point where the static balance moments are all zero about three mutually
perpendicular axis.
the point where the total mass of the component could be measured to be concentrated while
static calculations.
the point at which an exterior force must be used to create translation of an object in space
Center of gravity location is stated in units of length along the three axes (X, Y, and Z). These
three components of the vector distance from the base of the coordinate system to the Center of gravity
location. CG of composite masses is computed from moments considered about the origin. The essential
dimensions of moment are Force and Distance. On the other hand, Mass moment may be utilized any
units of Mass times Distance. For homogeneous components, volume moments may also be considered.
Care should be taken to be confident that moments for all parts are defined in compatible units.
Component distances for CG position may be either positive or negative, and in reality their
polarity based on the reference axis position. The CG of a homogeneous component is determined by
determining the Centroid of its volume. In practical, the majority of components are not homogeneous,
so that the CG must be calculated by adding the offset moments along all of the three axes.
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Chapter 5
CAD Standards
5.1. Introduction
The purpose of CAD standard is that the CAD software should not be device-independent and
should connect to any input device via a device driver and to any graphics display via a device drive.
The graphics system is divided into two parts: the kernel system, which is hardware
independent and the device driver, which is hardware dependent. The kernel system, acts as a buffer
independent and portability of the program. At interface X , the application program calls the standard
functions and sub routine provided by the kernel system through what is called language bindings.
These functions and subroutine, call the device driver functions and subroutines at interface Y to
complete the task required by the application program (Fig.5.1.).
5. GKS (Graphics Kernel System) provides a set of drawing features for two-dimensional vector
graphics suitable for charting and similar duties.
6. PHIGS ( Programmers Hierarchical Interactive Graphic System) The PHIGS standard defines a
set of functions and data structures to be used by a programmer to manipulate and display 3-D
graphical objects.
7. VDI (Virtual Device Interface) lies between GKS or PHIGS and the device driver code. VDI is
now called CGI (Computer Graphics Interface).
8. VDM (Virtual Device Metafile) can be stored or transmitted from graphics device to another.
VDM is now called CGM (Computer Graphics Metafile).
9. NAPLPS (North American Presentation- Level Protocol Syntax) describes text and graphics in
the form of sequences of bytes in ASCII code.
ISO/IEC 7942 noted in ISO standard, first part of 1985 and two to four parts of 1997-99.
A casual exhibition of the substances of the standard which contains such things as how text is
placed, how polygonal zones are to be filled, and so onward.
ii) An official of the descriptive material in (i), by way of conceptual the ideas into separate
functional explanations. These functional descriptions have such data as descriptions of input
and output parameters, specific descriptions of the result of every function should have
references into the descriptive material in (i), and a description of fault situation. The functional
descriptions in this division are language autonomous.
iii) Language bindings are an execution of the abstract functions explained in (ii). in a explicit
computer language such as C.
GKS arrange its functionality into twelve functional stages, based on the complexity of the
graphical input and output. There are four stages of output (m, 0, 1, 2) and three stages of input (A, B,
C). NCAR GKS has a complete execution of the GKS C bindings at level 0 A.
5.3.1. GKS Output Primitives
GKS is based on a number of elements that may be drawn in an object know as graphical
primitives. The fundamental set of primitives has the word names POLYLINE, POLYMARKER,
FILLAREA, TEXT and CELLARRAY, even though a few implementations widen this basic set.
The GKS function for drawing line segments is called POLYLINE. The POLYLINE
command takes an array of X-Y coordinates and creates line segments joining them. The elements that
organize the look of a POLYLINE are (Fig.5.3):
Line type
Marker characters
: size of marker
Character spacing
Character height
Character up vector
Text path
Text alignment
by vertices. In this stage vertices are converted, and primitives are clipped to a seeing volume in
creation for the next stage.
All fragment created is supplied to the next stage that executes processes on personal
fragments before they lastly change the structural buffer. These operations contain restricted updates
into the structural buffer based on incoming and formerly saved depth values, combination of incoming
colors with stored colors, as well as covering and other logical operations on fragment values.
To end with, rectangle pixels and bitmaps by pass the vertex processing part of the pipeline to
move a group of fragments in a straight line to the individual fragment actions, finally rooting a block of
pixels to be written to the frame buffer. Values can also be read back from the frame buffer or
duplicated from one part of the frame buffer to another. These transfers may contain several type of
encoding or decoding.
i) Based on IRIS GL
OpenGL is supported on Silicon Graphics Integrated Rater Imaging System Graphics Library
(IRIS GL). Though it would have been potential to have designed a totally new Application
Programmers Interface (API), practice with IRIS GL offered insight into what programmers need and
dont need in a Three Dimensional graphics API. Additional, creation of OpenGL similar to Integrated
Rater Imaging System Graphics Library where feasible builds OpenGL most likely to be admitted; there
are various successful IRIS GL applications, and programmers of IRIS GL will have a simple time
switching to OpenGL.
ii) Low-Level
A critical target of OpenGL is to offer device independence while still permitting total contact
to hardware. Therefore the API gives permission to graphics operations at the lowest level that still
gives device independence. Hence, OpenGL does not give a suggestion for modeling complex
geometric objects.
mechanism and operations may be defined in any order and so that control of rendering operations is
comfortable to contain the needs of various applications.
iv) Modal
A modal Application Programmers Interface arises in executions in which processes function
in parallel on different primitives. In that cases, a mode modify must be transmit to all processors so that
all collects the new parameters before it processes its next primitive. A mode change is thus developed
serially, stopping primitive processing until all processors have collected the modifications, and
decreasing performance accordingly.
v) Frame buffer
Most of OpenGL needs that the graphics hardware has a frame buffer. This is a realistic
condition since almost all interactive graphics run on systems with frame buffers. Some actions in
OpenGL are attained only during exposing their execution using a frame buffer. While OpenGL may be
applied to give data for driving such devices as vector displays, such use is minor.
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11. a.
12. a.
13. a.
14. a.
15. a.
(i) Describe Bottom Up and Top Down assembly design with example.
(ii) List out various fundamental rules for Geometric tolerance.
(i) Describe RSS for tolerance analysis wit RSS cube.
(ii) Describe the calculation of Moment of Inertia.
(i) Explain various layers of GKS.
(ii) Explain OpenGL with schematic diagram.
(i) Describe the structure of IGES file.
(ii) Compare CGM and CGI.
11. a.
12. a.
13. a.
PART B (5 x 16 = 80 marks)
(i) Explain 3-D transformation with matrix.
(ii) Explain Bresenhams line drawing algorithm.
(i) Describe Z depth clipping.
(ii) Explain Cohen Sutherland algorithm.
(i) Explain the Bezier surface with its properties.
(ii) With neat sketch explain the construction of B-Spline surface.
(i) Explain B-rep elements.
(ii) Explain B-rep data structure.
(i) Describe the various light sources with example.
(ii) Explain how distance fall off to be calculated.
(i) Describe various color models with neat sketch.
(ii) Describe Pseudo code algorithm for 2-D animation.
14. a.
15. a.
(i) List out and describe various mass computed properties for a cross section.
(ii) Explain Virtual simulation.
(i) Discuss of the applications of simulation.
(ii) Describe CAD interference checking capabilities.
(i) Explain IGES common testing methods.
(ii) Describe the components of STEP with geometric Data structure.
(i) Explain STEP architecture with neat sketch.
(ii) Describe the CGM with its elements.
Detailed design
The preliminary design fills the gap between the The next phase of preliminary design is the
design concept and the detailed design phase. Detailed
Design which
may includes
and layouts of
project will offer early project configuration. In further develop each phase of the project by
detailed design and optimization, the parameters total description through drawings, modeling as
of the part being produced will change, but the well as specifications.
preliminary design focuses on creating the
common framework to construct the project.
architecture design, logic design, and implementation. The implementation includes Integrated Circuit
Design, Power, and Cooling. Optimization of the design needs expertise with Compilers, Operating
Systems and Packaging.
What is Rendering?
Rendering is the making of a two dimensional image from a three dimensional model by means
of computer programs. A picture file has objects in a strictly defined data structure; it would have
information of geometry, lighting, viewpoint, texture, and shading as a description of the scene.
is a method used in drawing for depicting levels of darkness on document by providing media more
tightly and less tightly for lighter areas.
generated graphic model. A texture map is used to the surface of a polygon. This process is like to
sticking patterned paper to a plain white paper. Multi texturing is the use of more numbers of textures at
a time on a polygon.
What in Anti-aliasing?
Anti-aliasing is a advanced process for better illustration with multiple color gradations during
drawing a line.
It is an example of a usual volumetric grid, with each volume element represented by a single value
that is gained by sampling the direct area surrounding the voxel.
coordinates of a point are the signed distances to every plane. Depending on the direction and order of
the coordinate axis the system may me a right hand or a left hand system.
angle , there is a single line via the pole whose angle with the polar axis is . Then there is a single
point on this line whose signed distance from the origin is r.
Vz), each point p = (Px, Py, Pz) would require to be multiplied with the following scaling matrix:
the homogeneous coordinates of the point, where X,Y and Z are not all null. The point represented by a
given set of homogeneous coordinates is unchanged if the coordinates are multiplied by a common
disable rendering within a selected region of interest. Mathematically, clipping can be defined using the
terms of constructive geometry.
2D clipping
In 2D clipping, a clip region may be
3D clipping
In 3D clipping, the term of clipping can
state that pixels are only drawn within the region be used to explain various related features.
of a window. Clip boundary can also be used to Normally, clipping refers to processes in the
selectively control pixel rendering for artistic plane that work with rectangular boundary and
reason. In various implementations, the final clip culling refers to additional general processes to
region is the intersection of one or more defined selectively process view model parts. This term
shapes, as well as any hardware constraints.
Unit II
2.1. Write down the eccentricity value for ellipse, parabola and hyperbola.
The value of eccentricity less than one is ellipses, those with eccentricity equal to one are
parabolas, and those with eccentricity greater than one is hyperbolas.
As shown in the figure, a quadratic Bezier curve is the path defined by the function B(t), given
points P0, P1, and P2,
2.6. List out the various Bezier curves based on control points.
Linear Bezier curve, Cubic Bezier curve and Quadratic Bezier curve
The rational Bezier curve includes variable weights (w) to provide closer approximations to
arbitrary shapes. For Rational Bezier Curve, the numerator is a weighted Bernstein form Bezier and the
denominator is a weighted sum of Bernstein polynomials.
Surface patch, which is used to create a surface using curves that form closed boundaries.
New computational effort and time are essential wherever the model is to be shown in the
Make Body-Face-Loop-Vertex
Make Edge-Vertex
Make Edge-Face-Loop
Kill Faces-Loops-Edges-Vertices-Body
3.1. Classify the Visualization.
undesired unknown interferences. In the design of complex surfaces shading with different texture
characteristics can use to find any undesired quick modifications in surface changes.
3.3. List out the various visualization approaches.
Parallel projections
Perspective projection.
Shaded models
Scan line algorithms use data consistency to divide computations between pixels, while ray
tracing normally begins the process a new, treating every eye ray separately.
Smooth Shading
Uses the similar color for each pixel in a face - Soft shading utilizes linear interpolation
generally the color of the first vertex.
interpolate the vertex intensities utilizes bilinear interpolation above the surface polygon
Phong shading:
Phong shading is similar to Gouraud shading, excluding that the normal are interpolated. Thus,
the specular highlights are calculated more precisely than in the Gouraud shading objects:
4.1. List out techniques of assembly modeling.
Bottom-up assembly model
Top-down assembly model
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