Concrete Operational Stage of Development
Concrete Operational Stage of Development
Concrete Operational Stage of Development
At the beginning of the sensorimotor stage between 5 and 6 months, his motto
seems to be Out of sight, out of mind. An object exists only if she can directly
sense it. For example, if Emeka knocks a ball underneath the couch and it rolls out
of sight, he will not look for it. Piaget interpreted this response to mean that to the
infant, the ball no longer exists.
However, by the end of the sensorimotor stage 8months- 2years, He acquires a new
cognitive understanding, called object permanence. Object permanence is the
understanding that an object continues to exist even if it cant be seen. Now Emeka
would actively search for the ball that he has watched roll out of sight. Infants
gradually acquire an understanding of object permanence as they gain experience
with objects, as their memory abilities improve, and as they develop mental
representations of the world, which Piaget called schemas (Perry & others, 2008).
During the sensorimotor stage, Emeka relies on his basic sensory and motor skills to
explore and make sense of the world around him. Piaget believed that infants and
toddlers acquire very practical understandings about the world as they touch, feel,
taste, push, pull, twist, turn, and manipulate the objects they encounter.
Emeka at this stage begins to feel attached to the parents, especially the mothers.
They exhibit certain refusal attitude to strangers, this is usually characterized by
The Preoperational Stage: 2 to 7 Years. An important development during the
preoperational stage is the use of language. Emeka at this stage develops internal
representational systems that allow him to describe people, events, and feelings.
Although children use more advanced thinking in this stage than they did in the
earlier sensorimotor stage, their thinking is still qualitatively inferior to that of
The hallmark of preoperational thought is Emekas capacity to engage in symbolic
thought. Symbolic thought refers to the ability to use words, images, and symbols
to represent the world. One indication of the expanding capacity for symbolic
thought is the childs impressive gains in language during this stage. He even uses
symbols in playing, pretending, for example, that a book pushed across the floor is a
car. The childs increasing capacity for symbolic thought is also apparent in her use
of fantasy and imagination while playing. A discarded box becomes a spaceship, a
house, or a fort as children imaginatively take on the roles of different characters.
Some children even create an imaginary companion (Taylor & others, 2009).
Still, the preoperational childs understanding of symbols remains immature. A 2year-old shown a picture of a flower, for example, may try to smell it. A young child
may be puzzled by the notion that a map symbolizes an actual location as in the
cartoon below. In short, preoperational children are still actively figuring out the
relationship between symbols and the actual objects they represent.
of events, mentally returning the poured liquid to its original container. Thus, she
fails to understand that the two amounts of liquid are still the same.
experiences with physical objects
Trial and error experimentation
with physical objects exploration
and manipulation of objects to
determine their properties
Object permanence: realization
that objects continue to exist even
when removed from view
Symbolic thought: representation
of physical objects and events as
mental entities (symbols)
representation to understand the
Symbolic thinking is reflected in the
use of words and images is used in this
mental representation
At this stage the child is egocentric and
centration is high
Intuitive thought: some logical thinking
based on hunches and intuition rather
than on conscious awareness of logical
principles especially after 4 years.
In conclusion, sensorimotor stage In Piagets theory, is the first stage of cognitive
development, from birth to about 2years; this the period during which the infant
explores the environment and acquires knowledge through sensing and
manipulating objects. And develops object permanence which is the understanding
that an object continues to exist even when it can no longer be seen.
While the Preoperational stage In Piagets theory, is the second stage of cognitive
development, which lasts from about 2years to 7years; it is characterized by
increasing use of symbols and pre logical thought processes. symbolic thought The
ability to use words, images, and symbols to represent the world.
Q.2 State the differences between Concrete and Formal operational stages.
Concrete Operational Emerges at about age 6 or 7 Adult like logic appears but is
limited to reasoning about concrete, real-life situations.
Class inclusion: Ability to classify objects as belonging to two or more categories
Conservation: Realization that amount stays the same if nothing is added or taken
away, regardless of alterations in shape or arrangement
Formal Operational stage Emerges at about age 11 or 12b
Logical reasoning processes are applied to abstract ideas as well as to concrete
objects and situations. Many capabilities essential for advanced reasoning in
science and mathematics appear.
Reasoning about hypothetical ideas: Ability to draw logical deductions about
situations that have no basis in physical reality
Proportional reasoning: Conceptual understanding of fractions, percentages,
decimals, and ratios
Separation and control of variables: Ability to test hypotheses by manipulating
one variable while holding other variables