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4 LMSSON 1. Greetings <2) Classroom <2) ~ “ “ ussoN 2. Classroom <2) = LESSON 2, Studying Korean Language (1) « Studying Korean Language (2) In the Restaurant <1) ~~ In the Restaurant <2) Family
Telephone (2) LESSON 11. Appointment <1) ~~ ‘Appointment <2) LARSSON 12. Traffic <1 ~ Traffic @2) LESSON 13, Friends <1) Friends <2) LESODH 14, Hometown (1) Hometown <2) ~ AHSEDH 18, Boarding House <1) Boarding House (2) LESSDH b. : GBA) 1B wR wD ~~ 23 RIOR we FAB 2) “os : 23 ae @ 2K oR a> 7 = a 24 10M we ay aD os oat aS 3M WEES) aD = aw fates) & “ 3 a 4M ew aD 6 a ~ far 3B: SB ee a> sven 8 wD nD a) 8 6 BL awn a> - om 29 a SAE a i 8 RTM tb OD 31 rf aE crear Wem —RHAe wD ~~ ~ von BD RBH Smrr # (ik CRB) BlLMR aves ay 42 BIR BAC Bees @ ra BEE @ 2B Hex a 43 95:10 BR teas «ty KS > oo ‘Was <2) HIM wows a -- 44 Lm ie 2 OMA <2) os 45 wu. 8 4 ae a emit 45 12 a RES = 8 Ra MS em CD “ "7 SIS HR RIES GD ~ oR, : a KIES om HEM KRLHA GD ~ i seromrenee 4 14M HSee G) ~ 38 Mis 3 =< MR age : = WIM aT DD ~ * 50 15 Fee a ~ mB a oR ES = Hem OA «ID 31 Hout @ BeGrammar & Patterns LESSON 1. — i Greetings <1> ; - 1, -O1/-7} WAL Ho SA 2 WAVE BPS] Folds YEH FA AApoleh. Sef Gap} Ale Bye -o}7} ola, we S2e Bue +777} Select. This marker comes after a noun to indicate that the noun is the subject of the sentence. When the noun ends in a consonant, use 6). When it ends in a vowel, use “7F. @ lael Aut. This is a book @ A Az Suc. ‘My friend comes. 2, Quin? BA} Aste] Ale ASA 24} -clcpol Seay F_oqo] -rjme7} Poly
- 1a ) 89 SHAY AAS) SHOE Ue ZAbeleh glo ae BAe] wale] gow ero] Holm, wale) glow +t “This marker indicates the topic or theme of a sentence, and also expresses contrast and emphasis. It can't be attached and when the noun ends in a vow to the subject and object markers. When the noun ends in a consonant, usesie} eto! | a a Agdud. Tam a Korean, 2) SU} BUTE SIOMES Hy [A banana is cheap. A pineapple is expensive. 2, 01/7 OFLC OLE “ole 9] Baoleh. BE gol HZ) ZA -ol/7P7h AOL AMISH, BAe Soe A Sao} 2] eet Belt ‘ohd uch Slo}, Slee] Salofu)
. — 01/7 CH/ Bic ‘lop Foyt SAR Reb PAS GST VSS KO. Sole AAPo|. “glehe “glere] wbgols Eote] SAS] ILE ECE -e1/7P9} BH Ao] 0/74 Slet/eters] BOR Az Maley, “UCP has meanings ‘to exist, ‘to be located (in a place)’ and “io have’, The negative of this verb is @{Ef ‘not to exis. () AF7t hech T have a friend. @ Bae) age] asec. ‘There are desks in the classroom, @ Ae el Shech T have no book. ¥ When the subject is an esteemed individual, use ‘AIAICP instead of *QICP. a) oteal7} alae Father is here. @ Aye} et Aaldch. ‘The teacher isn't here, 2, an ahs BAO Ueto] F LOS OIE FHS SHE AAPO[CH AS ojaopy| ola} Bojafofals <9y/2p7+ #elep. ‘This marker conncets two noun on an equal basis( English ‘A and BY) () AL wakn 9-98 BSuC. bad BiB @ mao Asia Slay} Bede ‘There are many desks and chairs in the classroom. 3, -ol Lots Wh] Bo} AAR Uehulis Aa aHo]oy This matker expresses static location¢in, at). a) a7} BAe] Qa. ‘My friend is in the classroom. 2) Ae Al US. T am at home. @) AS Ake] dc. I live in Seoul.Grammar & Patterns ~ LRSSDN 2, ---————~ _-_Classroom <2 1, OVA “OA AA/ARS AAlHBAS ABO BAe cHAl Ajab.
LESSON 3. = —— 1, -8/-8 “S/82 BOL Bo} I BUS] Sails yey: Saas Azo|oh ol Ae Vabh ALOR Bel gro] ol, BESS Bue Ho] Held. ‘This is a case marker which araches to a noun <0 indicate that it isthe object of the sentence, When the noun ends in a consonant, use ‘2’, and when the noun ends in a vowel, use “3. () Re GSS Sa. I study Korean. @ aBe ae veuch ‘That person is reading a book. @ Ae AMS Sor. 1 like coffee. 2 7r 7s BAY ofn|2 4 BA ole ol SS BE GEM. Bh lee salah Ole Bate] SE PAID aie ‘Most verbs can be changed into verbal nouns by attaching the nominalizing suffix -7| to the verb stem. () Say anlaeue. It is interesting to study, gaze Sore. I like to watch movies.LESSON 8, “ Studying Korean Language _<2>_ 1. (242 (OMIA OM EAS UES BRS SAeivoleh, APSA] izle] Wale] gow -o4le7} Mela, w ao] ow “aAle7} welch This imperative final ending is used when the speaker requests some action from the listener oF tells the listener to do something. This final ending is used with the honorific suffix “4]-", so when the verb stem ends in a vowel, you use “AJALS2, and when the verb stem ends in a consonant you use *-24]4) 2° () Be SA. ‘Give me:conse sates, plants (2) Bat 7iche|Alle Wait a minute, please. @ #e geals. Read the book, pleace. 2, -X| BCH (— ~21 OHIAI2) sol Seal HE FAS GehHe BA Selolch. ‘This attaches to action verb stems to form negative commands and negative suggestion, ‘Affimative Negative Imperative (2)ANA)S | wha AS Suggestion (2) 8A) 4 BA () 7h: ARES eeahae A: Shall T shut the window? Us 18, Bal SHIA, B: No, Don't shut it 3, © Bi4] SAt (c irregular verbs) ope] wee Be BAS BE Doly co] ee oe #CCOR GUE S4 SUM, EP SS 2S Moye vo] we visa) Be. Verb stems ending in “2 change 10 ‘2 when followed by an ending beginning with a vowel () Ge BOAAe. Listen to the music, plese @ Bel Beals. Walk a lor ¥ However there are ‘T? regular verbs which never change their stems. ‘These regular verbs are “wth, Bep, and others ee ey __In the Restaurant <1>_ 1, -Of JIC Sch “oN OES ROHS heh MEPS] BAS} LT oF SAIS USS BAS]. This marker ‘-6]) is attached to a place word and is followed by ‘7HP or ‘EP or their compounds. Tt indicates a specific destinationGrammar & Patterns @) Sel auch Kige mecboal @ Fe Ad 24lAle. Come to our house, please. 2 -= cee el Bol He As Sas, HE lol ROE ols ele Barteleh. ‘This marker attaches 10 nouns t0 indicate unity, sameness or identity @) at aS Bed. “The fiiend studies Korean, az dee see, T also study Korean, @ Az BS seule T bought a book: Bae Red. I bought a notebook, too. 3. -(2) 272? (QVM BI] NS BE IY Sdelels APs] cizie] Lalo] gee -e7har7} Holz, wale} Ow Serae7} Added This pattern attaches to the verb stem to express supposition or intention, It is wsed to ask someone's sew oF opinion, When the subject is first-person singular(1) it is answered in “(®)4]4] 9°, and when the subject is first-person plural(we), it is answered in “( @ 7: a Be He Po7pae ‘A: Shall I close the door? eS B: Yes, Please close the door. @ 4: Ae Samia? A: Shall we study now? Ue a, Stele. B: Yes, Let's study now. 4, ~(2) AIC MOMAICPE OF SSS ALY Saehole ABH] ofzio] walo] goed ley7} Mola, glee
BRA 44S, AKO] Sl)es rH Yet Pebeho} Ale elo} eh ‘The particle 2}, preceded by a noun, may indicate possession, relationship, origin, static location, ete. a gd ae. T's my book, @ TBS Ag} azuck Hite « Sjend of mine 2, ~%-/-2- “M/S BL AAS Bae YehHs Molweinis, Adel} AeH7t ARs|Aew Yet Ae FAt2} fz ol +h, we Bue -sb-o] Hols, hep BAe] Bole sie] Aelo|shg—w, 1 we] Bae elo] Aekc These are the past tense-aspect forms, and express the completion of an action. when the verb stem ends in “2? orGrammar & Patterns “Op, use 9h": when the verb stem ends in any other vowel, use “$l. If the verb base is “BH, use Q-.(8}G— Verb seems in ‘Verb stems in -61, the verb stem 8 () 817k Sere. @ ANE Fol Bol Uke. @) AFA Was Beet. @ bs ol ae thee. ©) AG 1 aS BSc. 3. ~ol It rained. T was at home last week I wrote a letter to my mother. Yesterday I met a friend. 1 did homework yesterday. This is the marker, which attaches to nouns indicating cime. Let's meet in the morning I went t0 a fiiend’s house last week. () obo etal @ Ae Fe) UF dol aust @ wae Aol ated. LBSSDN 5,0 ne ___.Family <2> 1, - OA SAS HEHE ao Bo} alziaiel Wels usta azole I went to sleep at 11 olelock at night. Sos BAS Uehe Bo] Ae, 4eo}o] Babe] Molt AE yeh zAholeh. This marker “Ol/4) is ‘a? or Sn’ indicating the place where an action takes place. ‘The particle “04 is attached to a noun, and is always followed by an action verb, ) Stell Bae c. ABSA RS Act. @) Bell AS ees. 1 study at school, T buy clothes at a market. I met my teacher on the street Another meaning is ‘from’, indicating a starting point, separation, source, cause, etc () Ate] MlFef44 gtela. 2, -Al Ch He came from Amezica. Al SS PARE USES BHME Fels] ajo} Yet BHO] AGS Kobe}, FA qgPolet ech. ah + SAP oe esol at. This form attaches to the verb stem to form a negative, It is not used for imperatives or suggestions. Tomorrow I'm not going to school ‘That student doesn’t do his homework. () WS esto} 72] geet @ 2 Me Sas a] eeu. @) 7iee) BL ghee sab @) Ae et Aeuet. Tm not in a good mood. is an adverb placed in front of verbs to express negation, 1 won't buy that one.‘igh SIO} | @ $48 ot ode. I don’t drink milk, In the ease of structures like “N +8}, Fis placed between the noun and ‘SCP. In such a case, itis usual to place a particle after the noun @) 2 Awe Be ob tue. ‘That person doesn't speak. @ hse] BRS ok Bch. The children don’t study. 3, 2 SAt (2 verbs) ons) oie} Be 287} BES ahs Be} Peet In case “Of/6) is followed by the final yowel ‘o’ of the verbstem, ‘© is deleted. We choose “OF, 9b, -b4) ot GIR, -9L, -O1M by the previous vowel of “2°. When the previous vowel of “9 is “Oh, 9" we can choose “OF8, 04)? but the other vowels comes before we can choose *-O18, --, -O14). a) oe} ont + of OER amy Sick “oh OFA beceause (1 am) sick @ ach amt + of th Te is preey 1] RNA cause itis) prety LESSON 6. Dates and Days <1> |. (2) Hale “(Oye Polat Hoi7} 1elAo|zy} 2e1Gel BH oes} BF} el aslohiy alee yep F047} 3214} al 4foke 439) ES yep ‘This pattern indicates the speaker's intention or will when attached to @ verb stem with @ first-person oF second-person subject. () A Fol BS BW Ag|a, I will go to travel this weekend. @ = tre 2 ida. He will come to school. 2, -8tm (Zo) CE Ash tl ole AEE go] Meh Ko] seh shat gopeks Roe BH ae ‘This marker is used after nouns designating people, and this express the meaning ‘together with’, and is followed by a verb @) aves ge] ale sete. Tate latch with my Hind @ elisa del zee Tsetse p> LESSON 6. spans : __Dates and Days <2> 0 . - . J SAE - 7B Alo] QU Ge AIS UeHHE axel, ere ARieay Below We Fue Sade Bole HE] PMS Aah AS] AWE Alaa EA Ao] Go] UHL Vol tha elehGrammar & Patterns “These particles attach to nouns denoting time or place in order to express the starting point and finishing point. (1) SABE] 1Al7ta] QS Bch. We have class from 9 until 1 o'clock. @ 44 slg] duet. 1 work until 5 in the evening, 2-22 ABN SAS] KH GEMS UAolloley. WBV-SAtS| o}zto} Wo] Yee -oeho] Hoja, wee] Ree - eo] Bch ‘This non-final ending attaches 10 verb stems to express the precondlition(if)for the action oF state of the following clause. If the verb stem ends in a vowel, use “81. If the verb stem ends in a consonant, use “28. @) wo] eh Beh 6c ix chee evs bay 3 @ ASol EAs asbepweuch When I arrive in Seoul. I'll call you. . — A] BCH (— —2) BEAICH BS Say He BAS GEhHe Be elolct. ‘This attaches to action verb stems to form negative commands and negative suggestion. ‘Afirmasive Nene linpeoutne ele Al SHI Suggestion “earl awa Shall we close the window? No, Let’s not close it () 7h: BES Berta? 4: oa, 22] elect 4. S74] SAt ( irregular verbs) 1219) obo} wa) wre] BER AE Bea Ge wath ‘The final consonant “4” of the stem, when followed by a vowel, changes to “9. @) @ B+ HH RBI cause itis cold @ at B+ of BERL ecause itis spicy @ ogee Of + 01 RII cause it is difficult = EMRIs 7 (2)a4 ict (Oats Bale Ushi: @zolwloleh. Hol OFS AHS / Sch SH] GAP Set AOSA| ozo Wal 6] 2 ep, wale] Bow -el7} Aaley. ‘This pattern attaches to an action verb stem to indicate a goal or purpose. Verb stems ending in a vowel take “(2)2] 7¥C}(2.c})', and verb stems ending in a consonant take 22] 7K OCH, (1) 3S Be Apap @ M ashe] AAlch Shall we go (to) see a movie? Let's go (out) for (to have) a drink,er eto | @ F Ase} Agel Act Rea T went out t get something to eat, @ lS aoe ae dol euch. I went to my friend’s house to look for the child, 2, -(Q)Al- SAS] ofzbol to] BBS] FAS seolks Ao}utoiololey. “This is the honorific suffix which attaches co any verb stom and expresses respect. If the verb stem ends in a vowel, the suffix has the form *4].’, and if the verb stem ends in a consonant, it has the form 2A)’, “24.” raises, hon- crs oF exalts the subject of the sentence () ANd] Sale. “The teacher is coming @ ee Belem Is this person your wife? @) We s44o) yale Will you go to the company tomorrow? “There are also some verbs which do nor use “2A and instead change the verb stem entirely. aac Rep to sleep @ Pt + AAeH or Saleh 10 ext @ ut —- Aa to be LESSON TP. errr ; On the Street <2> | Ae (2)B% SAVS UEHE GAS eo] Aol FAO] WARS veh: AAo|ch. dalelats] Bao] wale] gow wal] gee <7) Held ‘marker attaches to nouns to indicate @ choice, and shows direetion, means, status, eause, ete. When the noun ends in a vowel, use “2! and when the noun ends in some other consonant, use “22 dy ofc] 7a Where are you going? @ 28522 7412. ‘Turn to sight 2, 2 SAt (@ verbs) PbS) ofzto] er WOR TUS BAH Beetola] Aad, vw, 0” goal ero] webeieh. Verb stems which end in “=? drop the “=? when followed by an ending beginning with *L, 8" or 1. Basie form -8/aue wee weuct ach nue at ae at ae ae we i Q) Ae else atch . I live in Yoido. @ Paes BUS Bel Bch ‘They sell a lot of things at Namdaemun market. © bolo} Holy euch ‘The children are playing outside.ep LESSON B. ~ a stent is he -_Dally Schedule
1-2 AVE, FAL AO] AALS BAS Ke Grammar & Patterns Saojolch. Ala SHS Yes Salsa S + Uy. MBAS] Flot SHAS] Foj7t Sstch. AYAst FYB HAE] Rech. ‘This pattern “Zl is used when one subject performs one action and then a second one. It is attached directly to the stem of the first action verb, and is then followed by a second verb. () IS FD tao] Aye. @ 2S Bz Sej24a. @ 44S An Ae Fc. LSS0N B. ~~ _Daily Schedule <2>_ 4, -O1M/—0FM Adee] Fw] lg Lele]
0 a 1, -RIa? AoA SHAD ALK AAtD of AHAol Het sels a | AGH: SAolwloleh. ae] A VHS wey AU ol 2HIG shh} aay} ee USS Yew sf Hele This seine nb ein anachis cyte ec ak nd ie wilt ha oper ints Sovnee: vie: aaa agreement or wants to ascertain what listener means. Q) Salt salar Tes hot, isn’t it? @ Awol $22 “The teacher is good, ine? 2, -(2)L7} aes Weel auaee = lt: aateivlel He sea, F889) Sole + = UehHE o ABB] Sato|uy At PALS) og} Ss ie 4 Aztek Eo] 8 Asha) dete “ayU Fetal 4) = Bgas BHO] Maley This conjunctive verb ending attaches to a verb base to express that the preceding clause is cither the reason or the temporal prerequisite for the following clause, When used to express strong reason(“since: as: because”), it is quite common for the following clause to end in an imperative or suggestion form, () %el ALUZE ARHEO] Bho] AIC}. Since the price is cheap, people are buying many (of them. @ Qee abet el whee? I'm busy today, so shall we meet tomorrow? LESSON 1D, ~ sn —~ — = —— f 1, -O1 2ECH/—Of 75Ct BEAbo ato] Yl] ES cla] HE MAGAoch FA] BSwo]
. . _ . | 1 |. “(2)e > QCH Bich ABEsb HE Sell Hee] RS ehach “This form attaches to verb stems to indicate ability or possibility. When the verb stem ends with a vowel, use “2 4 UEP. When the verb stem ends with consonant, use “& + ICP. 3 The negative of this expression is “(2)E 4 BUY. () URBS Te gels. 1 can speak in Korean @ WUE vba 2 stole. Tam busy tomorrow so T can't go. 2, -O1M4/-O1 (221) FAS] OZ EPR Aol] MBL! Sapo] Kee) Halo] Soe PIS Kh oii Maes PALS F ot Saab AB Gale eat ach “This conjunctive ending attaches to the stem of action verbs. It indicates that the action expressed in the first clause arose first before being followed by the action of the second clause, and in such a case the relationship between theGrammar & Patterns ee ) Peo HA Bae IA 1 gp 0 lod ands @ B41e AA Byoja. I wrote a letter and then sent it. 1. -(Q)a4z sich BAS] OZ eESo} Aol], @zloju] ~() ema} -secp7} Vat VELLA] OIE, aS] SS Gebiieh. This ending attaches to action verb stems and expresses a plan or intention. When the verb stem ends with a vowel, use “2}3 1c}, When the verb stem ends with a consonant, use “(2)24 BCP. @) WARIO} 7eit gue T intend to go to the embassy. @ SAHA BS Woea gud. T intend to tead a book in the library. 2. -(Q)e Hoe (ye PUPS MAMI OIE FSS YepUloh, clas Foi7} 3ellolet. # Fol7t 1d BFL ahs] izle yeah The informal final ending for “(2)= @UYCP is “(©)= PSM. When this ending attaches to a verb stem with a third person subject, it expresses the speaker's presumption or supposition about the action of the subject. @) ot Wied Yl} & ihe. Te will rain tomorrow. @ ot AH: SHS Ht Aola. My friend will probably study. @ UE UE Aaa. My mother is probably busy. # When this ending attaches co a verb stem with a first person subject, it expresses che speaker's farure plan oF intention. 3, 2 S74! At (= irregular verbs) ote] “BS Bue SAVE BS tol & GH —7} Gebel ae ere] row o|gstwy, ero] belek When a verb stem ending in ‘2? is followed by an ending beginning with a vowel, the “2” of ‘®" drops below to the preceding syllable, and “=? is added Verbs 0/98 = Er) peep gee. eateuet ee 4a Bele. aaloust Bei - HEC eke meu we Ben Bepa. sguet Beaea etstol | -~ LRSSON 12, ——— eS i mea ro ___ Traffic <2> 1, (O24 <(QaAz she] SAB ob) olFolz}2] Ge AIHA] Gaol A oe Sag each, FA ea w eich It means a purpose or intension that has not been accomplished. It is used with a verb. (Q) SHR Apo Zelel opal 7hae If I want to go to Dongdaemun market, how do I get there? @ AWS S Bae Ss] SHI 2. If you want to do well on the exam, study hard. 2 +22 BAO Heol WY, ESF SS YEH. MARAE BE AS eR BE | et BoD Mea Ae 22 By y oe} Bele, 1k shows means, method of tool in a sentence, When the noun stem ends ina vowel, of consonant ‘=", use “2, When the noun stem ends in consonant, use “2.2 Q) WAS Meu 1 came by bus. @ date weHhle. Please speak in Korean 3, —O10F StCt/—OfOF Stct “ofoly-chopoh -eich7} Waee “OLE Se YEA) ahoh Wepe ES UEC FAO} aha ele. When *-01/9}0F combine with “B}tP, the sentence means obligation or necessity. It is used with a verb. @) Bo 92}7421 sto aed, You should attend a class until 9 o'clock 2 SAE ueop) wok Buch You shold subsnie homework and eerberow. G) 27] Boe As Saok aa. You should leave if you don’t be late. LESSON 18, -— Friends <1>_ 1, -2 oie] Al AIS SsbA USIsHs Azlojololeh Babs BeAjol EH geleho} Alo, Ashes Rae] SA SHROLE ho) elabp get. ‘This conjunctive ending attaches to a verb stem or and adjective stem to connect various faets on an equal basis. ‘The order of the preceding clause and following clause can be changed without making difference in meaning, () A) AsHe 77} Aa Selah. My friend is tall and thin. @ ASS AE YR WIE gee. ‘There are many people, a lot of buildings in Seoul 2, -2 (9a) aaeboles KE 7 BAoleH. ‘The marker “8H(only)’ can be attached to almost any word of a sentence. It always refers to the word to which it is attached, and indicates exclusiveness, * 1) AABYRE Boy seep Only the teacher went home 9} Sob Aaa. Ti buy only these clothes.Grammar & Patterns 3, ae 30 40} BRO Bayo] HS Yes Aojetojvoleh, Bebo] F4S yeHPed ole olay APs aay Le of diet S208 Us 4 oleh ‘The future tense infix 71’, depending on the context or situation, ean indicate a speaker's supposition or conjectuse @) Wade Selah. It will be cloudy, @ 2ol7} se AEPAlAl Shale. Helll be at the office now. @) AS Ebi 7imialgoia. @) 2B spmalgola. You get a prize so you'll be happy ‘You must be busy these days, 1, Al RSC (R - ) SAS HA VAS SAY HSN} Of Ae) wz] EzhS sh] RAS veHach. lity of the action due to a lick of This is a negative expression which attaches to verbs, and indicates the impose ability oF external forces. Instead of ~#] ESCH, you can use TE + verb’ (1) SBA, 412] Bale. Tm busy, so I can’t rest @) QA7t sola) Belz] Bapweuch. I don't have the key, s0 I won't be able to go in. @ LAF ANS B Ss. T haven't heard anything from that fiend lately. 2, — oli Stell) AMO SEN US SG Als ola zspoleh. Ao|L BAS vey Bab Hof BEC. FALop eh 0] 9) Folate Ba] eee 27S ee Te is a dative marker which attaches to animate nouns. It is used with ana verb and may often be used as “@el) in spoken language. @ Sala Vole 7BaUch I teach English to my younger sister. @ arated wale ae Sue Do you write letters to your friend often? LESSON 14, _.Hometown
1 -b-e BAAY OME BEAR Aeelel Sol 9 Bake Haale, This is a modiier ending which ataches co a adjective verb stem and serves to modify a following noun () 7k APO} Bawah ‘The tall person is my younger brother. 2 Ae Bol AE Soh slasue. There's 4 beautiful flower on the table. @ oe vee eluet “Today is a busy: day 2, off 2 Ato AES] oY SH hel] Bes HMO} TALS He Oleapoleh.Bet R011 “This interrogative is used when asking a kind or quality of people and things. Ir occurs only as a modifier of a follow- ing noun. () ole RB Fobsh.a? @ ol BSS Hoa? 3 S774] SAK # irregular verbs) Which clothes do you like? Which movie did you see? OUNCE BYE VAS Iga] Bgo] oul sve] Peele. E -o/.opa} Aebehel se] Gehs}st ~of-7} leh Most of description verb stems which end in ® drop the 8” when followed by an ending beginning with a vowel. When a “B-verb’ stem is followed by ‘-04/} the “®” drops and the final vowel “01/0 of the verb stem changes to ie (1) De eehaS aolehdch He dislikes the yellow color. ® P50) mea. ‘The sky is blue. © oA & Bop} oteue How about « movie hat you saw yesterday? Aajectives eye (227? -9)/ 2182 oles onal crud ofsh ne aed aa amar aa? aE aH UTE? ho 92 xt zt ata? ane wet et wart gs fe UBBSIDEL eh, eee Hometown <2> 1. ~ at AOL GEG Ess Who} Bol PS Geers KS 7a] Sls} a MOS Apel}. BobaolAs ob AV7E wo] ech “The matker “Re 4] (from (@ person)’ following a noun referring © animate beings, is used to indicate the source or starting point of an action, () SF B7t eu @ clo gbelal Bay7b seed. © ated weeds. 2. 2) /ENQ)e From whom did the letter come? ‘The letter came from my mother. 1 received it from my mother. SAS} olztolLy Abo} LS AMAL Sol ol YAS PARKS 7S eh BA) web zh] ce ALANS YEH. rm = Present 1 Bamples ae 4, Ae aa Foo Pas — Farure snples Form Examples a8 84, 3 a4Grammar & Patterns ‘These are modifier endings which attach to a verb stems and modify a following noun. The modified noun and the modifier phrase preceding it form a noun phrase, and this noun can function as subject, object, ete. in the sentence. 1) “4 indicates the process of the action is in the present. () CHS 724 AR] edu Who is that person teaching Korean? @ AS Ut EE Ao} of jaja. ‘This is not he book 1 am looking for. 2) “(©)L? is a past tense modifier which indicates the completion of an action. (1) WS 4b Abeto] Al Sho} A. ‘The person who bought the book is my brother. @ ol 2 Apt stalsieia. ‘The cookies I ate yesterday were delicious. 3) “(22 is a future tense modifier. a ‘The person who will sendy here is-my sisoer. @ Feel Bt to] Bora. I have a lot of work to do. ~ LRssoN Is. — ss - = SaaS aoa Boarding House <1> 1, (E22 ole Arado ae GR] SS Veh SAolvlolch. Sate} ols} Aes HE AMT thts ea} Aeleh This exclamatory ending is used with any verb, and indicates exclamation or surprise. Adjectives “22, and verbs take “EER, ERT} Hola, BSA] oz @ 229] ee. ‘That is beautiful. @ 27} Azo} eee. He is going to school @) 27} Bio} eA. He went to school. 2, -(Q)2712 old Aol choto} Bia}7} Selsist Halas Ko] Ue Saehoholeh. Fors Pe 1elgo] Meh. Fajoher aetsto} BAS] ote Wale] geet oyaAar} Aes, wae] gow ea7.a7} Ale This pattern (©) 27.2 is used with verbs and is used only with first person statements, It indicates a speaker's in- tention oF planning. () Wt Sea Tl help you. @ Ad S¥ebia. Til study now. @ aie NAA. Ti stay here. aie sot | zis ISTUSIERIN LIS), etic cine cc ce etenet a 4 cc Boarding House <2> _ 1 1, -O1S SICH/-OH= SICf ‘scp HAL Sch, WAH SAE Aste] APFAHe] USS Hse sage] ae Be Kel set. “This attaches to a verb stem t0 express @ permission. You can also use “SCP, “ACP instead of “S|EP, The negative coed a Step. of this one is * () 7} wort sa? May I go in? @ oat Mole sha. You may cat it 2, -(2)2 et SIct AVS} USS ASU + VAY We o PS soa yebict, ‘This pattern literally means “if you do X, you must not.” Hence, it is used co deny permission or express “one should not do X." ( 7a aL eb ue, ‘You must not tell les. @) o| S42 Sojyjeyal eb ya. ‘You must not forget this appointment © # ohn Saisie go sia. You must not drive after drinking 3, 0} Sei2?/-of Seine? ‘ol/of EelcPa; G7har 7} ARE Aeholeh
} /2} FUP and 2722" is a final ending which is used to ask listener’s opinion about the speaker's action. ol/o} FPS] eegoly| mare Shs) BE 2 May I teach you Korean songs? May 1 help you? May I lend you my umbrella? () tH Sa 7B? @ At 59} Exbpa? © PAK Be] Setar‘Al Sula} Bei IOI ISN 976-69-7218-9344
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