Agenda For A New World Order

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Smart Cities, Global Village &

the Unbounded Wholeness of

Agenda for a new world order

1. Why do we need a new world order?

2. What, where, when and how do we do it?
a. Global level
b. Delhi NCR level

Prepared by:
Chandra Vikash B.Tech. IIT MBA IIM
Climate Change Activist
m: +91 92685 73872 / 9582 94 1382
l: A1-001, Krishna Apra Gardens,
Indirapuram, Ghaziabad (near Shipra mall)

1. Why do we need a new world order?

In our pursuit of material comforts for humans, we have polluted the atmosphere
with excess amount of greenhouse gases and at the same time destroyed much of
Earths bio-diversity that regulates the climate cycle. This has destabilized the
climate system and is already causing unnatural disasters with increasing
frequency. The prognosis of how this will irretrievably damage the climate system
and cause extinction of human species varies, but as a matter of precautionary
principle, we must stay prepared for the worst case scenario in which even if we
were to stop all carbon emissions, the Earth will warm up by 6 degrees Celsius by
the end of the century, which is much above the guard rail temperature rise of 2
degrees Celsius.
In a philosophical way, the specter of climate change is merely symptomatic of
deeper malaise that afflicts the prevalent world order. There is plenty of empirical
evidence of injustice, subjugation and exploitation by a small and diminishing
section of humans in the world today not just against fellow humans but against
all forms of diverse flora and fauna for whom the Earth is our common home.
Whatever circumstances led to the creation of the previous world order, we shall
not judge here. What the mounting evidence however, tells us is that the old
world order has run out of its justifications.
It is imperative upon us, therefore, to act now towards a new world order.
Contours of this new world order from a native Indian perspective are highlighted
Progress ) This
harmonizes the vision of smart cities, global village and the unbounded wholeness
of the cosmo-genesis as all emerging out of the human consciousness.

2. What, where, when and how do we do it?

Global level
1. Form a world government that has the responsibility and authority to decide on
global matters such as climate change and co-ordination among nation-states.
2. The executive head of the world government is selected by a 5-person Governing
Council of social, spiritual and scientific leaders. This should comprise Pope Francis, the
Dalai Lama and 3 other members chosen by them.
3. The eligibility for the executive head of the world government is that s/he must lead
by example for ecologically responsible living and should have a track record in
developing solutions for climate change.
4. A primary election will be held in every world region, where every candidate to
qualify for selection must have the support of 10 million people. These primary elections
will be supervised by the United Nations in consonance with the local government.
5. The tenure for the executive head will be for their lifetime. Their performance is
evaluated annually and can be recalled by the Governing Council for underperforming
on the set objectives of climate change stabilization.
6. The executive head has the responsibility to select their team for the world
7. The world government will issue a world currency, which will be the economic
instrument to re-stabilise Earths climatic balance.
8. Every world region nation-states or provinces will be incentivized to the extent
they can create effective carbon sinks and become a model for justice for all. In tandem,
the world government will devise various policy measures to foster social and
technological innovations that will meet the climate target.
9. The world government will be operational by 5th of June, 2016. Key announcements
on the election dates should be announced before the Paris COP21 climate change
summit from 30th November to 12th December.
10. Various regions of the world will vie to be the world capital based on their suitability
and due emphasis on how they commit to be carbon sink.

Delhi NCR level

1. Form Delhi NCR Climate Change Action Group that will work towards developing this
region as a model for climate change action and bring it under a single jurisdiction as a
state, as necessary for this purpose.
2. The broader land-use planning should allocate 20% of land as urban areas, based on
stringent criteria and 80% as village and forest. The urban areas will be rejuvenated as
ecologically responsible spaces to minimize both carbon footprint and new embedded
3. This will prepare Delhi NCR to bid as a World Capital Region and channelize its
energies in positive directions.
4. A key instrument for transforming Delhi NCR will be an integrated transport-land use
model called VSMaRT/MetroLite. Ref: . Other key innovations will focus on eliminating waste and inefficiencies
in land, water and air usage such as sewerage, garbage and air pollution at source.
5. Delhi NCR is further localized into 4 sub-regions: a. Gurgaon b. Faridabad c. Delhi and
d. Noida & Ghaziabad.
6. Gurgaon which is at once a hellhole of failed urbanization as well as a hotbed of
innovation and activism can become the hub for the new world order and as a model for
urban transformation.
7. With this renewed sense of purpose, Delhi NCR will become a showcase for climate
change action at the Paris COP 21 climate change summit.
8. A delegation of the Delhi NCR Climate Change Action Group will meet with the Chief
Ministers of constituent Regions namely Delhi, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh, the Union
Ministry of Urban Development and the Indian Prime Minister, well ahead of the Paris

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