Quality in An Agile World - Scott Ambler

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Quality is an inherent aspect of true agile

software development. The majority of
agilists take a test-driven approach to
development where they write a unit test
before they write the domain code to fulfill
that unit test, with the end result being that
they have a regression unit test suite at all
times. They also consider acceptance tests as
first-class requirements artifact, not only
promoting regular stakeholder validation of
their work but also their active inclusion in
the modeling effort itself. Agilists refactor
their source code and database schema to
keep their work at the highest possible quality at all times. The challenge for quality
professionals is that agilists work in a highly
collaborative and evolutionary (iterative and
incremental) manner, often requiring traditional quality professionals to change their
Key words: agile model driven development,
agile software development, collaborative
development, evolutionary, incremental
development, iterative development, refactoring, software processes, test-driven

SQP References
The Role of Testers in the Agile Methods
vol. 7, issue 3
Alan S. Koch
Extreme Programming Series
vol. 5, issue 1
Pieter Botman and Ray Schneider

34 SQP VOL. 7, NO. 4/ 2005, ASQ

Quality in an
Agile World
Ambysoft, Inc.

Modern software processes are evolutionary, iterative, and
incremental in nature. This includes processes such as Rational
Unified Process (RUP) (Kruchten 2004), Extreme Programming
(XP) (Beck 2000), Enterprise Unified Process (EUP) (Ambler,
Nalbone, and Vizdos 2005), and rapid application development
(RAD), to name a few. Furthermore, many modern processes
are agile, which for the sake of simplicity I will characterize as
both evolutionary and highly collaborative in nature. The fundamental nature of software development is changing, and quality professionals must change with it. In this article I introduce
readers to common agile software development techniques and
argue that they lead to software that proves in practice to be of
much higher quality than what traditional software teams usually deliver. It is common to say that agilists are quality
infected, and that the greater emphasis on quality implies a
changed and perhaps even smaller role for quality professionals
on agile software development projects.
Why are developers adopting evolutionary, and more often,
agile software processes? Over the years developers have discovered that traditional software development processes, in particular the well-defined prescriptive processes, work poorly in
practice (Larman 2004). First, the Chaos report, published by
the Standish Group (http://www.standishgroup.com), still shows
a significant failure rate within the industry, indicating that prescriptive processes simply arent fulfilling their promise.
Second, it appears that most developers do not want to adopt
prescriptive processes and will find ways to undermine efforts
to adopt them, either consciously or subconsciously. Third, the
big design up front (BDUF) approaches to software development, where significant modeling and documentation occurs
before a single line of code is written, are incredibly risky in
practice because they dont easily support change or feedback.
For example, one might build what was defined in the specifications, but if the specifications dont reflect what people actually
require then there is serious trouble. This risk is often ignored,
if it is recognized at all, by the people promoting these
approaches. Fourth, most prescriptive processes promote activities that are only slightly related to the actual development of

Quality in an Agile World

software. In short, the bureaucrats have taken over in
many traditional information technology (IT) organizations. Something has to give.


To address the challenges inherent to traditional
development a group of 17 methodologists formed the
Agile Software Development Alliance (http://
www.agilealliance.org), often referred to simply as the
Agile Alliance, in February 2001. Although all members of this group came from different backgrounds
they were able to come to an agreement on issues that
methodologists typically do not agree upon. They concluded that to succeed at software development one
must focus on people-oriented issues and follow development techniques that readily support change.
The agile movement started when they published
their manifesto of four values and 12 principles (see
sidebar, The Values and Principles of the Agile
Alliance). A software process is considered agile
when it conforms to these values and principles. Agile
software processes include XP, Scrum, dynamic system development method (DSDM), the Crystal family,
feature-driven development (FDD), agile modeling
(AM), and the agile data (AD) method. Although XP is
clearly the most popular agile process, there are a
variety to choose from.
Just as there are common development techniques
and concepts, such as code inspections and data modeling, within the traditional world, there are also common development techniques within the agile world.
Interestingly, many of these techniques are focused on
the creation and delivery of high-quality software.
These agile techniques and concepts include:

Test-driven development (TDD)
Tests replace traditional artifacts
Agile model driven development (AMDD)

Refactoring (Fowler 1999) is a disciplined way to
make small changes to source code to improve its
design, making it easier to work with. A critical aspect
of a refactoring is that it retains the behavioral semantics of the codedevelopers neither add nor remove
anything when they refactor, they merely improve its
quality. An example refactoring would be to rename

Some Definitions
This article uses the terms collaborative, incremental, and iterative development, and it is
important to understand how each term is
1. Collaborative development. When a team
takes a collaborative approach they
actively strive to find ways to work
together effectively; teams should even try
to ensure that project stakeholders such as
business customers are active team members. They should strive to adopt the
hottest communication technique applicable to their situation: prefer face-toface conversation around a whiteboard to
a telephone call, prefer a telephone call to
sending an e-mail, and prefer an e-mail to
sending someone a detailed document.
The better the communication and collaboration within a software development
team, the greater its chance of success
(Cockburn 2002).
2. Incremental development. With an incremental approach a team organizes its system into a series of releases instead of one
big one.
3. Iterative development. Working iteratively, a team does a little bit of an activity
such as modeling, testing, coding, or
deployment at a time, and then does
another little bit, then another, and so on.
This is different than a serial approach
where they identify all of the requirements
they are going to implement, create a
detailed design, implement to that design,
test and, finally, deploy the system.
the getPersons() operation to getPeople(). To implement this refactoring they must change the operation
definition and then change every invocation of this
operation throughout the application code. A refactoring isnt complete until the code runs again as before.
Similarly, a database refactoring (Ambler 2003a)
is a simple change to a database schema that
improves its design while retaining both its behavioral and informational semantics. Developers could
refactor either structural aspects of the database
schema, such as table and view definitions, or funcwww.asq.org 35

Quality in an Agile World

Test Driven Development (TDD)

TDD (Beck 2003; Astels 2003), also known as test-first
programming or test-first development, is an evolutionary (iterative and incremental) approach to programming where agile software developers must first
write a test that fails before they write new functional
code. The steps of TDD, as shown in Figure 1, are:
1. Quickly add a test, basically just enough code
so that the tests now fail.
2. Run the tests, often the complete test suite,
although for sake of speed they may run only
a subset to ensure that the new test does in
fact fail.
3. Update the functional code so it passes the
new test.
4. Run the tests again.
5. If the tests fail return to step 3.
6. Once the tests pass the next step is to start
over (agilists may also want to refactor any
duplication out of their design as needed).
36 SQP VOL. 7, NO. 4/ 2005, ASQ


Test-driven development

Add a test

Run the tests

Make a little



Run the tests


2005, ASQ

tional aspects, such as stored procedures and triggers.

When they refactor their database schema, not only
must they rework the schema itself but also the
external systems, such as business applications or
data extracts, which are coupled to their schema.
Database refactorings are clearly more difficult to
implement than code refactorings; therefore, developers need to be careful.
Many agile developers, and in particular extreme
programmers (XPers), consider refactoring to be a primary development practice. It is just as common to
refactor a bit of code as it is to introduce an if statement or a loop. Agile developers will refactor their
code mercilessly because they understand that they
are most productive when they are working on highquality source code; therefore, they will refactor their
code whenever needed. When agilists have a new feature to add to their code, the first question they ask is,
Is this code the best design possible that enables me
to add this feature? If the answer is yes, then they
add the feature. If the answer is no, they first refactor their code to make it the best design possible and
then add the feature. On the surface this sounds like a
lot of work, but in practice if they start with highquality source code, and then refactor it to keep it so,
this approach works incredibly well.

There are several advantages of TDD for agile software development. First, TDD forces developers to
think about what new functional code should do
before they write it in other words, to do detailed
design just in time (JIT) before writing the code.
Second, it ensures that agile developers have testing
code available to validate their work, ensuring that
they test as often and early as possible. Third, it gives
them the courage to refactor their code to keep it the
highest quality possible, because they know there is a
test suite in place that will detect if they have broken anything as the result of refactoring.

Tests Replace Traditional

When agile developers become test infected they
start to realize that tests are truly first-class artifacts
that need to be developed and maintained throughout
a project. They also realize that tests, when created
properly, are more than just tests. For example,
agilists consider acceptance tests to be first-class
requirement artifactsif an acceptance test defines a
criteria that the system must exhibit, then clearly it is
a requirement. Another common philosophy is that
unit tests are detailed design artifacts. With a TDDbased approach agilists write their unit test before
writing their source code; in other words, they think
through what the source code must do before they
write it. The implication is that a unit test, when written before the domain code, effectively becomes a
design specification for that portion of code.

Quality in an Agile World

Agile Model Driven Development


those skills. AMDD does not require everyone to be a

modeling expert, it just requires him or her to be willing to try. AMDD also allows people to use the most
appropriate modeling tool for the job, which is often a
simple tool such as a whiteboards or paper, because it
is important to find ways to communicate effectively,
not document comprehensively. There is nothing
wrong with sophisticated CASE tools in the hands of
people who know how to use them, but AMDD does
not depend on such tools.
The life cycle for AMDD is shown in Figure 2. Each
box represents a development activity. The initial
upfront modeling activity occurs during the first week
or so of a project. The goal of this activity is to identify
the initial requirements and a potential architecture
for the system. The end result might be a stack of
index cards or a spreadsheet of point-form text representing the initial requirements and some sketches
representing the architecture. It is not necessary to
have comprehensive documentation to start development; developers just need a good idea as to the scope
of the system and how they think they are going to
implement it. The details come later in model storming
sessions, where they model JIT and just enough to
address the issue at hand. Perhaps developers will get
together with a stakeholder to analyze the requirement
they are currently working on, create a sketch together

Some people may have heard that agile software

developers dont model, but frankly nothing can be
further from the truth. They still model, they just
dont write as much documentation because they
know it is not a good investment of their time.
Because they work closely with their project stakeholders, they discover that they dont need a lot of
documentation telling them what they are doing;
instead, they simply look for themselves. Because
they dont need to write as much documentation they
can instead focus their efforts on building high-quality
working software.
The agile approach to modeling is FIGURE 2 Agile model driven development life cycle
described in the AMDD method
(Ambler 2003b; Ambler 2004). Goals: Gain an initial
Initial requirements
Initial architectural
AMDD describes how developers and understanding of the
scope, the business
stakeholders can work together to
domain, and your
create models that are just barely overall approach.
Cycle 0: Initial modeling
good enough. It assumes that each
individual has some modeling skills,
or at least some domain knowledge Goal: Quickly explore
that he or she will apply together in a
before you implement it.
team in order to get the job done. It
All cycles
is reasonable to assume that develop(hours)
ers will understand a handful of modeling techniques, but not all of those Goal: Develop working
available to them (see http:// software in an
www.agilemodeling.com/artifacts for evolutionary manner.
(Ideally test driven)
a list). It is also reasonable to assume
that people are willing to learn new
Cycle 1: Development
techniques over time, often by workCycle 2: Development
ing with someone who already has
Cycle n: Development

2005, ASQ

These philosophies can dramatically reduce the

amount of work agilists need to do. The AM methodology version 2 (http://www.agilemodeling.com)
includes a practice called Single Source Information,
which advises them to record information once, ideally in the best place possible. Often, the best place to
record technical information is in their tests and
source code, not in voluminous documentation that
rarely gets updated. Furthermore, because the agile
developers are creating far less documentation, their
traceability needs are thereby reduced, once again
reducing their overall work effort.

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Quality in an Agile World

at a whiteboard for a few minutes, and then go back to
coding. Or perhaps they will sketch out an approach to
implement a requirement, once again spending several
minutes doing so. Or perhaps they will use a modeling
tool to model in detail and then generate the code for

that requirement. Model storming sessions should not

take more than 15 to 20 minutes.
An interesting aspect of Figure 2 is that it indicates
that model reviews are optional (Ambler 2003c). Is
this heresy? No, it is just common sense. With an

The Values and Principles of the Agile Alliance

The Agile Alliance developed a manifesto defining four values for encouraging better ways of
developing software. These values indicate preferences, not alternatives, encouraging a focus on
certain areas but not eliminating others. While
developers should value the concepts on the
right-hand side (for example, processes and
tools), they should value the things on the lefthand side (for example, individuals and iteractions) even more. The four values are:
1. Individuals and interactions over processes
and tools. The most important factors to consider are the people and how they work
together, because if developers dont get that
right the best tools and processes wont be of
any use.
2. Working software over comprehensive documentation. The primary goal of software
development is to create software, not documents; otherwise, it would be called documentation development. Documentation has
its place, and written properly it is a valuable
guide for understanding how and why a system is built and how to work with the system.
3. Customer collaboration over contract negotiation. Only ones stakeholders can state
what they want. They likely do not have the
skills to exactly specify the system, they likely
wont get it right at first, and they will likely
change their minds. Working together with
customers is hard, but thats the reality of the
job. Having a contract with customers is
important, but a contract is not a substitute
for communication.
4. Responding to change over following a plan.
Change is a reality of software development,
a reality that the software process must
reflect. People change their priorities for a
variety of reasons, their understanding of the
problem domain changes as they see the
developers work, the business environment
changes, as does technology. Although one

38 SQP VOL. 7, NO. 4/ 2005, ASQ

needs a project plan, it must be malleable and

it can be very simple (unlike many Gantt
charts seen in the past).
Because the agile values are not sufficient to
form a foundational philosophy for software
development, the Agile Alliance also identified 12
principles to which an agile software process
must conform:
1. Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer
through early and continuous delivery of
valuable software.
2. Welcome changing requirements, even late in
development. Agile processes harness change
for the customers competitive advantage.
3. Deliver working software frequently, from a
couple of weeks to a couple of months, with a
preference to the shorter time scale.
4. Business people and developers must work
together daily throughout the project.
5. Build projects around motivated individuals.
Give them the environment and support they
need, and trust them to get the job done.
6. The most efficient and effective method of
conveying information to and within a development team is face-to-face conversation.
7. Working software is the primary measure of
8. Agile processes promote sustainable development. The sponsors, developers, and users
should be able to maintain a constant pace
9. Continuous attention to technical excellence
and good design enhances agility.
10. Simplicity, the art of maximizing the amount
of work not done, is essential.
11. The best architectures, requirements, and
designs emerge from self-organizing teams.
12. At regular intervals, the team reflects on how
to become more effective and then tunes and
adjusts its behavior accordingly.

Quality in an Agile World

AMDD approach developers follow practices such as
model with others, collective ownership, and apply
modeling standards, which say one should never
model alone, that everyone should have access to
every project artifact, and that one should follow a
common set of modeling and documentation conventions, respectively. These two practices, combined
with the highly collaborative environment common to
agile projects and the desire to work with the right
people at the right time effectively, result in minireviews occurring whenever one is working. With
AMDD developers are never in a position where one
person works on an artifact, nor where a subset of
people work on their artifacts. Better yet, everyone
works to the same set of conventions (with collective
ownership it cant be any other way). In practice,
because developers are doing in-progress reviews as
they are working they quickly find that reviewing
things after the fact offers little value.
It is important to point out that AMDD works on
both large and small projects. If needed, one can take
an agile approach to architecture (Ambler 2002) to
ensure that all of the subteams involved in a larger
effort work to the same vision.


There are several interesting implications of agile
software development for quality professionals:
1. Greater quality implies less need for quality
assurance activities. Higher-quality code
implies less need for quality assurance activities, such as reviews and inspections, elsewhere in the life cycle. Agilists are quality
infected; they have accepted what the quality
assurance community has been saying for
decades, and they are actively developing
high-quality system artifacts as a result. The
implication is that they will find that they can
start diverting quality assurance resources
away from agile projects and focus more on
traditional projects where the risk of lowquality work is much higher.
2. Get used to incomplete artifacts. Models,
documents, and source code evolve over time.
The only time when agilists can honestly say
that something is done is when they are ready

to release it into production. For example,

they wont have a finalized requirements document from which to develop test cases until
the very end of the project. The implication is
that if they are going to be involved with agile
software projects then they need to get used
to working with in-progress artifacts.
3. Become a generalizing specialist. A critical
concept is that agilists need to move away
from being narrowly focused specialists to
become more of what I like to call generalizing
specialists (Ambler 2003d). A generalizing
specialist is someone with one or more technical specialties who actively seeks to gain new
skills in his or her existing specialties as well
as in other areas. A person needs one or more
specialties so he or she can add value to the
team, but one needs a general understanding
of the software process and of the business
domain so he or she can interact effectively
with others on the team. With evolutionary
approaches to development there is no longer
room to invest several hours, let alone days or
weeks, on a given activity. One does a little bit
of requirements elicitation, then some analysis and design, then some implementation.
Specialists who want to focus on one narrow
task, such as facilitating a review, will not be
very effective in this environment.

These ideas are not new, but their popularity is. Agile
software development is real, it works, and its here to
stay. Agilists are arguably taking to heart what quality
professionals have been saying for decades, and
because of that the role of quality professionals now
needs to evolve to reflect this new reality. The IT
industry is undergoing yet another paradigm shift. Are
you willing to shift with it?
Ambler, S. W. 2002. Agile modeling: Effective practices for extreme programming and the unified process. New York: John Wiley and Sons.
Ambler, S. W. 2003a. Agile database techniques: Effective strategies for
the agile software developer. New York: John Wiley and Sons.
Ambler, S. W. 2003b. Agile model driven development. See URL:

www.asq.org 39

Quality in an Agile World

Ambler, S. W. 2003c. Model reviews: Best practice or process smell? See
URL: http://www.agilemodeling.com/essays/modelReviews.htm.

Larman, C. 2004. Agile and iterative development: A managers guide.

Boston: Addison-Wesley.

Ambler, S. W. 2003d. Generalizing specialists: Improving your IT career

s k i l l s . S e e U R L : h t t p : / / w w w. a g i l e m o d e l i n g . c o m / e s s a y s /

Palmer, S. R., and J. M. Felsing. 2002. A practical guide to feature-driven

development. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall PTR.

Ambler, S. W. 2004. The object primer, 3rd edition: Agile model driven
development with UML 2. New York: Cambridge University Press.


Ambler, S. W., J. Nalbone, and M. J. Vizdos. 2005. The enterprise unified

process: Extending the rational unified process. Upper Saddle River, N.J.:
Prentice Hall PTR.
Astels, D. 2003. Test driven development: A practical guide. Upper Saddle
River, N.J.: Prentice Hall.
Beck, K. 2000. Extreme programming explained Embrace change.
Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley Longman, Inc.
Beck, K. 2003. Test-driven development: By example. Boston: AddisonWesley.
Cockburn, A. 2002. Agile software development. Reading, Mass: AddisonWesley Longman, Inc.
Fowler, M. 1999. Refactoring: Improving the design of existing code.
Menlo Park, Calif.: Addison-Wesley Longman, Inc.
Kruchten, P. 2004. The rational unified process, 3rd edition. Reading,
Mass.: Addison-Wesley Longman, Inc.

40 SQP VOL. 7, NO. 4/ 2005, ASQ

Scott W. Ambler is a senior consultant with Ontario-based

Ambysoft Inc. (http://www.ambysoft.com), a software services
consulting firm that specializes in software process mentoring
and improvement. He is founder and thought leader of the Agile
Modeling (http://www.agilemodeling.com), Agile Data
(http://www.agiledata.org), and Enterprise Unified Process
(http://www.enterpriseunifiedprocess.com) methodologies. He
helps organizations adopt and tailor these processes to meet
their exact needs as well as provides training and mentoring in
these techniques.
Ambler is the coauthor of several books, including Agile Modeling
(John Wiley & Sons), The Elements of UML 2.0 Style (Cambridge
University Press), and the forthcoming Database Refactoring
(Prentice Hall PTR). Ambler is a contributing editor with Software
Development magazine (http://www.sdmagazine.com) and his
personal page is http://www.ambysoft.com/scottAmbler.html. He
can be reached by e-mail at swa@ambysoft.com.

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