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Daily Star Design Clips
Daily Star Design Clips
EPA seeks
tougher law
on chemicals
Charged in ’03 killing, man LAW AND The intruders took numerous Tucson Police Department
items from the house, including spokeswoman.
5 counts of wire fraud for local man driven by another person. A short
time later, the 18-year-old man
showed up at a hospital with life-
found dead in his yard
The man found dead in the
thorities to the drugs — valued at
$9,500 — stuffed inside a bag of
barbecue-flavored Lay’s chips in
threatening injuries,she said. front yard of his university-area the back seat, the release said.
By Brian J. Pedersen legally to Argentina by the girl’s tween March and August 2007 The 50-year-old man was not home Sunday night has been Brian J. Pedersen
ARIZONA DAILY STAR mother,court records show. but in October 2007 received an injured. He was being ques- identified as 37-year-old Steve
A 69-year-old Tucson man The man found a company email from Wolfe-Fierson say- tioned by police. Nordlof, Tucson police said. Man gets probation
was indicted last week on online called Delta International, ing Delta had terminated their The driver of the car who took Nordlof was dead when Tuc-
charges he created a fake ab- which purported to specialize in contract,court records show. the wounded man to the hospital son police arrived at the home in
for money laundering
ducted child recovery company abducted child recovery, court Wolfe-Fierson spent 30 also was in police custody. the 700 block of East Drachman A 68-year-old man who ad-
to bilk a man of $65,000. records show. Wolfe-Fierson months in federal prison after Jamar Younger Street about 9 p.m., police said. mitted to laundering money for a
Philip Wolfe-Fierson is was the owner of Delta Interna- pleading guilty to an unknown Preliminary findings deter- Tucson-based drug trafficking
charged with five counts of wire tional,court records show. charge in August 2001, court Fourth man sought mined Nordlof was not the vic- ring was given three years of
fraud, according to the indict- The man began contacting records show. tim of a homicide, though no of- probation Monday.
ment filed in U.S. District Court Delta and in April 2007 faxed an He was placed on five years of
in home invasion ficial cause of death has been cit- Jan Louis Beauchat must also
in Tucson. eight-page contract to Wolfe- supervised release, which was Tucson police are seeking a ed, Tucson Police Department forfeit the $137,000 he received
Wolfe-Fierson was contacted Fierson and agreed to pay $65,000 set to end Sept. 2, according to fourth man who assaulted a spokeswoman Sgt. Diana Lopez from Walter K. Riedesel, one of
in the spring of 2007 by a Cali- to have his daughter brought back court records. woman during a west-side home said. 14 people indicted over the past
fornia man who was looking for a to California,court records show. invasion last month, police said. Brian J. Pedersen two years as part of a drug traf-
way to get back his 2-year-old The man made four payments Contact reporter Brian J. Pedersen at Tucson police have already ar- ficking ring with ties to the East
daughter, who had been taken il- totaling $65,000 to Delta be- 573-4224 or bjp@azstarnet.com rested Manuel Garcia Salvador, Woman suspected Coast, according to documents
17, Jesse James Perez-Geehan, 17 filed in U.S. District Court.
and Marcos
in bank holdup caught Beauchat admitted in June
Lamont Bus- A woman suspected of rob- 2008 he sold $137,000 worth of
tamante, 34 in bing a west-side bank this week rock ’n’ roll memorabilia posters
The deceased are from Tucson unless Oct. 2, Carrillo’s.
otherwise noted. Occupations are CZESKI, Rose A., 85, registered
stated when available. nurse, Oct. 2, Adair Dodge.
DEAN, Joseph L., 58, plumber, Sept.
ACEVEDO, Hortensia A., 85, home- 24, Desert Rose.
maker, Oct. 1, Carrillo’s. DIMERCURIO, Mary H., 63, home-
BAINS, Richard R., 88, sales manag- maker, Oct. 1, Adair Dodge.
er, Sept. 21, Desert Rose. FRUCHTERMAN, James R., 78,
BAYSINGER, Mary E., 89, school lawyer, Sept. 24, Desert Rose.
teacher, Oct. 2, Adair Dodge. JARILLO, Jovita, 82, homemaker,
BURKE, Delia, Santa Cruz, 57, Sept. Oct. 5, Carrillo’s.
30, furniture upholsterer, Sept. 30, HANANO, Mary Mitsuye, 94, retail
Adair Dodge. customer service, Sept. 29, Adair
CARRILLO, Robert S., 68, railroad, Dodge.
HANSEN, Victor, 59, technician, Sept.
24, Desert Rose.
HAVENS, Mary E., 77, bookkeeper,
Sept. 17, Desert Rose.
HEWITT, Fred M., 82, Bisbee, ranch-
er, Sept. 29, Adair Dodge.
HOAGLAND, Charles F., 96, Sept. 20,
Desert Rose.
LECK, Jennifer D., 51, Sept. 8, Desert
MAMEDOV, Dzhasim, 77, factory em-
ployee, Oct. 3, Adair Dodge.
MARASCHIELLO, Sebastian C., 92,
English teacher, Oct. 2, Adair
MARSH, Erika M., 27, student, Oct. 1,
MCWILLIAMS, Deborah, B., 65, ac-
countant, Sept. 27, Desert Rose.
MEDINA, Lilliana, 46, Nogales, Ariz.,
homemaker, Oct. 3, Adair Dodge.
MOORES, Damien, C., 32, construc-
tion contractor, Sept. 25, Adair
MORRIS, James, A., 65, engineer,
Sept. 27, Desert Rose.
PALLANES, Maria J., 78, teacher, Oct.
2, Carrillo’s.
PERIGO, Curtis K., 88, mechanical
engineer, Sept. 18, Desert Rose.
PIERSON, Curtis L., 63, auto me-
chanic, Sept 27, Desert Rose.
RENTERIA, Gloria A., 50, not avail-
able, Sept. 26, Adair Dodge.
SPITZER, Ruth, 86, teacher, Sept. 29,
Adair Dodge.
STEPHENS, Timothy I., 56, electri-
cian, Sept. 17, Desert Rose.
STEWART, John L., 88, draftsman,
Sept. 21, Desert Rose.
TAVOLINO, Eileen T., 79, homemaker,
Oct. 2, Adair Dodge.
TAYLOR, Sable R., 47, housekeeper,
Sept. 25, Adair Dodge.
TURNER, Margaret A., 83, caregiver,
Sept. 22, Desert Rose.
VALENZUELA JR., Francisco R., 43,
chef, Sept. 26, Carrillo’s.
VETTA, Penelope L., 31, retail store
assistant manager, Sept. 28, Adair
WRIGHT, Gregory D., 40, journey-
man, Sept. 28, Adair Dodge.
ZENTZ, Dale, 57, mechanical mainte-
nance, Oct. 5, Adair Dodge.
ZIELBAUER, Virginia J., 76, home-
maker, Oct. 1, Adair Dodge.
A14 • TUCSON & REGION Wednesday, October 14, 2009 / ARIZONA DAILY STAR
The three people suspected of Raul Flores, 29, and in the at- A 73-year-old Marana man
killing an Arivaca girl and her fa- tempted murder of Gina Marie was sentenced to 17 years in
ther in May may be getting sepa- Gonzalez. prison Tuesday for molesting a
rate trials. Gonzalez called 911 on May 30 young boy more than a decade
In Pima County Superior to report that several men and a ago, said Deputy Pima County
Court, attorneys for Shawna woman claiming to be police of- Attorney Ryan Schmidt.
Forde, 41, Albert Robert Gaxiola, ficers forced their way into her Three brothers told their
42, and Jason Eugene Bush, 35, home. guardian on Oct. 27, 2006, that
told Judge John Leonardo Tues- She told authorities that one Arnold L. Geib had molested
day that they believe the facts of of the men killed her daughter them numerous times when they
the case necessitate separate tri- and husband, and wounded her were small children, according to
als. in the leg. court documents.
Bush and Gaxiola were Sheriff Clarence Dupnik said Their guardian then contacted
brought before Leonardo to dis- at the time that Raul Flores was Michigan authorities because
cuss possible trial dates; Forde suspected of being a drug dealer, that was where they were living
refused to be brought to court and the three suspects targeted at that time. After Michigan au-
from the Pima County jail. the house with the intention of thorities contacted the Pima
Leonardo scheduled a Nov. 23 stealing money and drugs. County Sheriff’s Department,
court date to discuss severing the Forde’s relatives say Forde had detectives learned the alleged in-
cases. He also indicated that if talked about robbing drug traf- cidents happened while Geib
the cases are separated, the first fickers on the Arizona-Mexico was living in Sahuarita.
trial would likely be scheduled border to fund a group called One of the brothers was 5
for January 2011. Minutemen American Defense years old at the time he was mo-
Prosecutor Rick Unklesbay to fight illegal immigration and lested; another is mentally chal-
told the judge that he had given drug trafficking. lenged.
the defense attorneys almost all Bush, another member of Geib was indicted on multiple
the evidence in the case, al- Minutemen American Defense, DEAN KNUTH / ARIZONA DAILY STAR charges on Dec. 4, 2006. He ac-
though he is still awaiting FBI also is charged with two murders Attorneys for Jason Bush, above, Shawna Forde and Albert Robert Gaxiola want separate trials in the knowledged last month that he
and lab reports. in Washington state. killings of Brisenia Flores, 9, and Raul Flores, 29. In that event, the trials will likely start in January 2011. committed certain acts with one
of the brothers, Schmidt said.
He pleaded guilty to molesta-
tion of a child and attempted
sexual assault, Schmidt said. He
in robbery
All 45 cats taken from home
on west side are euthanized shoots self,
Resort asks police say
ARIZONA DAILY STAR / Friday, October 23, 2009 ¤ TUCSON & REGION • A19
The deceased are from Tucson un- Oct. 10, East Lawn. ing manager, Oct. 16, Adair Avalon. ROSENBERG, Albert, 65, investor,
less otherwise noted. Occupations CARAMELLA, Mae, 96, homemaker, MALIN, Leona J., 92, homemaker, Oct. 12, East Lawn.
are stated when available. Oct. 14, Bring’s Broadway. Oct. 17, Bring’s Broadway. SAMPSON, Marshall D., 93, lawyer,
CARTER, Timothy R., 58, mechanic, MANN, Vernon LeRoy, 86, minister, Oct. 16, East Lawn.
ANTONELLI, Margaret, 90, home- Oct. 18, East Lawn. Oct. 15, East Lawn. SESSA, Laura M., 89, registered
maker, Oct. 13, Bring’s Broadway. COLVIN, Beal H., 89, machinist, MASCARELLA, Lois N., 81, facilities nurse, Oct. 13, East Lawn.
BEEL, L. Maxine, 91, homemaker, Oct. 16, Bring’s Broadway. coordinator, Oct. 17, East Lawn. SHELKSOHN, Owen D., 33, software
Oct. 12, East Lawn. COTTON, Mary, 97, loan clerk, Oct. 15, MAURER, Kenneth C., 76, police offi- engineer, Oct. 9, Bring’s Broadway.
BEITEL, Donald E., 90, aerospace, East Lawn. cer, Oct. 13, East Lawn. THEISS, Francine, 84, dental hygien-
Oct. 10, East Lawn. FINLEY, Murray, 92, railroad manage- MONROE, June, 80, secretary, ist, Oct. 18, Bring’s Broadway.
BLAIR, J.C., 82, mining, Oct. 20, Adair ment consultant, Oct. 18, Bring’s Oct. 17, Bring’s Broadway. WILSON, Vernon, 85, educator,
Avalon. Broadway. NAYLOR, Betty H., 82, homemaker, Oct. 15, Bring’s Broadway.
BLOHM, Joanne, 74, pottery artist, HAGEN, Warn, 54, homemaker, Oct. 17, East Lawn. YAGER, Vera, 83, assistant director
Oct. 14, Bring’s Broadway. Oct. 15, Bring’s Broadway. ORRED, Eva Vivien, 86, homemaker, for special education, Oct. 14,
BUTCHER, Lebert E., 74, military, JACOBSON, Esther, 92, homemaker, Oct. 15, East Lawn. Bring’s Broadway.
Oct. 14, East Lawn. Oct. 7, East Lawn. ROADY, Florence H., 96, homemaker,
CAMPBELL, Don B., 86, dentist, LEE, Robert A., age unavailable, min- Oct. 18, East Lawn.
A24 • TUCSON & REGION Friday, October 30, 2009 / ARIZONA DAILY STAR
swiftly to replace Lou Dobbs in partisan reporting that CNN Dobbs was a CNN original who CNN is a great blessing and a
its nightly lineup with John King, wants for its image. King will be was one of the TV business’s great victory for our community.”
who said Thursday that all views leaving the Sunday political talk leading financial journalists be- CNN supported Dobbs, par-
boy hoax
would be welcome on his politi- show over which he has presided, fore taking on many other topics ticularly as the opinionated fare
cally oriented talk show when it creating another opening. post-9/11,and increasingly offer- boosted his ratings. But his show
debuts early next year. King will compete directly ing his own opinion. increasingly became inconsis-
Dobbs’ abrupt exit prompted a with another political hour, Lou Dobbs John King Hispanic groups charged that tent with CNN’s effort to present
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS victory lap by advocacy groups Chris Matthews’ “Hardball” on Abrupt exit Meaty fare Dobbs’ emphasis on illegal immi- itself as the down-the-middle
FORT COLLINS, Colo. — that had sought his ouster for out- MSNBC. (Shepard Smith’s gen- gration promoted an atmosphere alternative to Fox and MSNBC,
The parents accused of pulling spokenness, particularly on illegal eral-interest newscast on Fox ing more meaty fare than those of intolerance. and Klein pressured Dobbs to do
a spectacular hoax by report- immigration. But CNN President News Channel is the cable news of his competitors. “We had hundreds of thou- a straight newscast. Complicat-
ing that their 6-year-old son Jon Klein said their pressure had ratings leader in the time slot.) “Anybody who has a major sands of people who said, ing things was Dobbs’ new role
had floated away aboard a he- nothing to do with the decision. The CNN personality said he stake in a major topic will be in- ‘Enough is enough,’ ” said Alex as a radio commentator, and the
lium balloon have agreed to Klein said veteran political re- hoped to establish a show offer- vited to be on the show,” said Nogales, president and CEO of personas were often confused.
plead guilty in a deal that could
send them both to jail but pro-
tect the wife from deportation.
Richard Heene is to plead
guilty today to attempting to
influence a public servant, a
felony,said his attorney,David
Heene’s wife, Mayumi, a
Japanese citizen who could be
deported if convicted of more
serious charges, will plead
guilty to a lesser charge of false
reporting to authorities, a
Lane said the threat of de-
portation “fueled” negotia-
tions with prosecutors. An at-
torney for Mayumi Heene said
her immigration status was a
factor in reaching the deal but
would not comment further.
Prosecutors announced
criminal charges against the
couple Thursday.
The Oct. 15 saga gripped a
global audience, first with
fear for the safety of 6-year-
old Falcon Heene and then
with anger at his parents
when au-
them of
ing the
hoax to
drum up
Richard attention
Heene for a possi-
ble reality
said the
deal does
not call for
Falcon or
the cou-
Mayumi ple’s other
Heene two chil-
dren — ages
8 and 10 — from the parents’
The plea deal would spare
the Heenes the maximum jail
time, but Richard Heene could
still get up to 90 days and
Mayumi up to 60,Lane said.
Without the deal, the
charge against Richard Heene
carries a possible sentence of
two to six years in state prison
and a fine of up to $500,000.
The charge against his wife is
punishable by up to six
months in the county jail and
a fine up to $750.
Mayumi Heene’s attorney,
Lee Christian, said he expects
her to serve any jail time in a
work-release program that
would involve some deten-
tion and some time at home.
The parents still face a civil
investigation by the Federal
Aviation Administration.
Possible penalties range from
a letter of reprimand to a fine.
The balloon briefly forced
some planes to switch to a
different runway for takeoff
from the Denver airport.
Prosecutors said the
Heenes agreed to turn them-
selves in and went to court
Thursday to sign documents
promising to appear before a
judge today. They held hands
as they walked into the court-
house. Their children were
not with them.
Richard Heene also had a
booking photo taken at a
county jail and was released.
He would not comment.
Lane said prosecutors in-
sisted on a “package deal”
that required Richard Heene
to plead guilty to a felony so
Mayumi Heene could plead
guilty to a misdemeanor and
avoid deportation.
“He feels like he’s got to do
what he’s got to do to save his
wife from being deported,”
Lane said.
The Heenes are amateur
storm chasers and had twice
appeared on the ABC reality
show “Wife Swap.”
Former business partners
said Richard Heene wanted a
show of his own called “The
Science Detectives” or “The
Psyience Detectives.”
Richard Heene, 48, denied
the saga was a publicity stunt.
Two days later, deputies
questioned both parents sep-
arately, and authorities said
Mayumi Heene admitted the
incident was a hoax.
AROUND THE world’s largest gingerbread man
at an Ikea outlet in Norway’s
Amazon deforestation Questioning of Blair
WORLD down 46%, gov’t says
BRASILIA — Deforestation in
on war to be public
LONDON — Former Prime
capital, Oslo.
Guinness Book of World
Records spokeswoman Justine
the Brazilian Amazon dropped Minister Tony Blair will be ques- Bourdariat said 8-foot-1-inch
BOLIVIA nearly 46 percent from August tioned publicly about the Iraq Sultan Koesen of Turkey dis-
Less rain, more sun 2008 to July 2009 — the biggest war during Britain’s long-await- played the 1,435-pound biscuit.
annual decline in two decades, ed inquiry into mistakes made Baked locally in the traditional
shrink Lake Titicaca the government said Thursday. before and during the conflict, gingerbread-man shape, it beat
LA PAZ — Evaporation Analysis of satellite imagery the inquiry chairman said Friday. the previous gingerbread cookie
blamed on global warming has by the National Institute for Chairman John Chilcott said record of 1,307 pounds set in
reduced Lake Titicaca, one of the Space Research shows an esti- Blair and other senior politicians 2006 in Smithville, Texas.
world’s highest navigable lakes, mated 2,705 square miles of for- will be questioned early next Ikea spokesman Jan
to its lowest level since 1949, au- est were cleared during the 12- year on their roles and decisions Thommesen said Guinness Book
thorities said Thursday. month period, the lowest rate over the war. of World Records representative
Diminished rainfall and a rise since the government started Prime Minister Gordon Brown Kelly Gerret awarded the furni-
in solar radiation have in the past monitoring deforestation in announced in June that he would ture store a world-record diplo-
four years led to critically low 1988. hold an inquiry into the 2003 ma Thursday as part of the pub-
water levels that now threaten “The new deforestation data U.S.-led invasion of Iraq. He ini- lication’s World Records Day.
fish-spawning areas and plant represents an extraordinary and tially had said the hearings Koesen was declared the tallest
life, the Lake Titicaca Authority significant reduction for Brazil,” would be private but changed his living man by the Guinness Book
said in a statement. President Luiz Inacio Lula da stance after bereaved families in September.
Titicaca’s waters have Silva said in a statement. and anti-war campaigners said a
dropped 2.65 feet since April and The numbers have been falling private inquiry would command AUSTRALIA
flora and fauna are apt to be since 2004. The government little confidence.
damaged if they drop another credited its aggressive monitor- Chilcott, a former civil ser-
Extradition is OK’d
foot, the statement said. ing and enforcement measures vant, said the first round of hear- for alleged Nazi helper
Navy Capt. Jorge Ernesto Es- for the drop, as well as its promo- ings will start Nov. 24 and last ADELAIDE — The govern-
pinoza told ATB television that tion of sustainable activities in until February. He said senior of- ment on Thursday approved the
South America’s largest lake is the Amazon region, an area in ficials and military officers extradition of an alleged Nazi
receding by about an inch a week. northern Brazil the size of the would give evidence first, and collaborator accused by Hungary
ALASTAIR GRANT/ THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The lake, straddling Bolivia U.S.west of the Mississippi River. politicians including Blair would of a World War II killing.
and Peru at 12,493 feet elevation, But Paulo Gustavo, environ- then be questioned. Home Affairs Minister Bren-
A MAN WITH STRONG FOLLICLES is a 3,240-square-mile oasis on mental policy director of Con- dan O’Connor said Australia
Manjit Singh breaks a Guinness world record by pulling a double-decker an arid high plain an hour’s drive servation International, said a NORWAY takes war crimes seriously and
bus weighing 9.5 tons for 69.55 feet across Battersea Park in London from the Bolivian capital of La major factor is the drop in world will not be a haven for criminals.
with ribbons attached to his hair. Singh, 59, who set the mark Thursday, Paz. prices for beef, soy and other World’s tallest man Australian citizen Charles
previously had failed to break the record for pulling a double-decker About 2.6 million people de- products that drive people to has tasty company Zentai, 88, is accused by the
bus with his ears. pend on the lake for their suste- clear land for agriculture in the OSLO — The world’s tallest Hungarian government of being
nance. rainforest. living man has unveiled the one of three men who tortured
and killed a Jewish teenager in
Budapest in 1944 for failing to
wear a star identifying him as a
Zentai, who emigrated to
Australia in 1950, says he is in-
nocent and was not even in Bu-
dapest at the time. He turned
himself in to Australian police in
the western city of Perth last
month after the Federal Court
ruled he was eligible for extradi-
Sarkozy: Nation has
‘no place for burqa’
PARIS — President Nicolas
Sarkozy says there is no place for
full face and body veils such as
the burqa, or for the debasement
of women, in France.
Sarkozy says all beliefs will be
respected in France but “be-
coming French means adhering
to a form of civilization, to val-
ues, to morals.”
Sarkozy said Thursday during
a speech on national identity
that “France is a country where
there is no place for the burqa.”
France has a large Muslim com-
munity but only a small minority
of French Muslim women wear
burqas, common in Afghani-
stan, or other face-covering
Sarkozy said in June that
burqas would not be welcome in
France. Since then a parliamen-
tary panel has been looking into
the possibility of banning them
in public.
Research module
docks at space station
MOSCOW — A cargo ship has
delivered a Russian research
module to the International
Space Station.
Russia’s space agency said the
spacecraft carrying the Poisk
module docked with the orbital
station Thursday after a two-
day trip from Earth.
Poisk is Russian for “search.”
The space agency, Roskosmos,
said the small module will be
used for scientific research and
experiments once it is secured
and linked to the station with
communications cables. That
will require a spacewalk, sched-
uled for January.
The Russian-made module
can also serve as an additional
docking port.
The decade-old international
space station has expanded and
now has a crew of six. The cur-
rent crew includes two Russians,
two Americans, a Canadian and
a Belgian.
TSA takes 6 years to draft Lead found in toys with Barbie, Disney logos
rule on repair-site security THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Jerry Brown has sent letters to sell it. Bell said the kit was an store shelves.”
WASHINGTON — Children’s Target, Wal-Mart and the other older product that passed safety The center did an initial round
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS copied the generally tight secu- toys carrying the Barbie and Dis- retailers who sold the seven tests in 2007, but the company of testing on products and sent
WASHINGTON — Eight rity programs in place in the ney logos have turned up with products, warning that chil- didn’t know it was still on store the ones singled out as having
years after the 9/11 attacks European Union, he said. high levels of lead in them, ac- dren’s goods on their store shelves. high lead to an independent lab-
brought a new focus on security So far there haven’t been any cording to a California-based shelves were found to contain il- Disney said the Tinkerbell oratory for additional testing and
at airplane maintenance facili- incidents involving U.S. airlin- advocacy group — a finding that legal levels of lead and should be necklace was tested by its licens- confirmation.
ties,and six years after Congress ers that have been tied to secu- may give consumers pause as pulled immediately. ee, Playmates Toys, before being The Consumer Product Safety
first required action, the gov- rity lapses at repair stations, they shop for the holiday season. The findings released Tuesday distributed — and that it com- Commission, which regulates
ernment still hasn’t tightened but experts said lack of security The Center for Environmental come about a year after a prod- plied with all federal and state toys and thousands of other
its vigilance. standards remains a glaring Health tested about 250 chil- uct safety law that ushered in consumer safety regulations. products, is looking into the
Concerned that terrorists concern. dren’s products bought at major strict limits on the amounts of The Center for Environmental matter.
might use a repair station to TSA spokesman Greg Soule retailers and found lead levels lead and chemicals allowed in Health in Oakland, Calif., said Commission Chairman Inez
sabotage airliners, Congress in said it took time for the agency that exceeded federal limits in products made for children 12 the Barbie toy was bought at Tenenbaum held a meeting with
2003 passed a law ordering the to craft a rule that takes into ac- seven of them. Lead can cause ir- years and younger. Congress Tuesday Morning and the Tin- parents and consumers Tues-
Transportation Security Ad- count the diversity of the 4,100 reversible brain damage. passed the law after a slew of re- kerbell jewelry was purchased at day in New York to praise the
ministration to come up with domestic and 700 foreign repair Among those with high lead calls of lead-tainted toys in 2007, Walgreens. The other products new safety protections provid-
security requirements for re- stations certified to work on levels: a Barbie Bike Flair Acces- including several Mattel-related the center said had high lead ed in the consumer law, known
pair facilities, and gave the U.S.-registered aircraft. The sory Kit and a Disney Tinkerbell recalls that involved more than 2 came from TJ Maxx, Sears, Wal- as CPSIA. She said lead recalls
agency eight months to do it. stations range from small busi- Water Lily necklace. The group million toys. Mart and Target. are down this year and that CP-
In 2007, after no rule had nesses that are miles from air- said it also found excessive lead in Mattel said it licensed the The center’s executive direc- SIA should give consumers
materialized, Congress again ports and work on specialized a Dora the Explorer Activity Tote, Barbie name to Bell Sports for tor, Michael Green, said parents greater confidence while shop-
passed a law ordering TSA to parts like seatbelts, to huge two pairs of children’s shoes, a the bike accessory kit found with “need to know that there are ping for toys during the holiday
put security requirements in hangars and warehouses inside boys belt and a kids poncho. high lead, but did not make or still some lead problems on season.
place within one year. That airport grounds. California Attorney General
deadline expired in August
This week, faced with a con-
gressional hearing Wednesday
on the issue, TSA finally posted
a proposed rule to its Web site
rather than wait for publication
in the Federal Register. Officials
acknowledged they wanted to
get it out ahead of the hearing.
It’s still not a done deal.
Industry and other interest-
ed parties will have 60 days to
comment on the proposal once
it’s published, and there is no
telling when it will take effect.
It’s not unusual for there to be a
gap of months or years between
the proposal of a regulation and
issuance of a final rule.
Aviation maintenance and se-
curity experts who reviewed
TSA’s proposal told The Associ-
ated Press that it prescribes the
kind of security program com-
mon in industry and throughout
government: A qualified securi-
ty program chief, photo identifi-
cation for employees, controlled
access to airplanes and parts, a
secure facility or property
perimeter and background
checks of employees.
“These (security) concerns
are not new, they have long
been known by the govern-
ment. Why it has taken so long
for them to act defies logic,”
said John Goglia, who was the
first Federal Aviation Adminis-
tration mechanic to serve on
the National Transportation
Safety Board.
TSA could have at anytime
ARIZONA DAILY STAR / Wednesday, November 18, 2009 NATION & WORLD • A13
Ford, Subaru, VW earn top safety marks
proceeds will benefit Madoff’s
wronged investors, and Madoff
DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA THE ASSOCIATED PRESS front, side and rear crash tests
Kidnapper of Smart WASHINGTON — Ford, HOW THEY RATE based on institute evaluations
Byrd being honored admits guilt, apologizes Subaru and Volkswagen sit The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety named 27 vehicles as winners during the year. The vehicles are
for record 56+ years SALT LAKE CITY — Seven atop the insurance industry’s of their top safety pick award for the 2010 model year. required to have electronic sta-
WASHINGTON — The Senate years after she was abducted at annual list of the safest new bility control to qualify for the
is a resolutely superlative place, knifepoint, Elizabeth Smart fi- vehicles, according to a closely LARGE CARS SMALL CARS award. Earlier this year, the in-
so it was resolved that the august nally has an apology — and a watched assessment used by Buick LaCrosse Honda Civic (four-door with op- stitute said vehicles would need
body will open its session today guilty plea — from one of her car companies to lure safety- Ford Taurus tional ESC, except Si) to receive its highest score in its
by saluting kidnappers. conscious consumers to show- Lincoln MKS Kia Soul roof-strength evaluation to
Sen. Robert C. “I am so sorry, Elizabeth, for rooms. Volvo S80 Nissan Cube qualify the safety pick designa-
Byrd, Con- all the pain and suffering I have The Virginia-based Insur- MIDSIZE CARS Subaru Impreza (except WRX) tion.
gress’ longest- caused you and your family,” ance Institute for Highway Volkswagen Golf (four-door) “With the addition of our
serving mem- Wanda Eileen Barzee, 64, said Safety awarded its “top safety Audi A3 MIDSIZE SUVs roof-strength evaluation, our
ber. Tuesday. “It is my hope that you pick” on Wednesday to 19 pas- Chevrolet Malibu (built after Oct. crash test results now cover all
“I look for- will be able to find it in your heart senger cars and eight sport util- 2009) Dodge Journey four of the most common kinds
ward to serv- to forgive me.” ity vehicles for the 2010 model Chrysler Sebring (four-door with Subaru Tribeca of crashes,” said institute presi-
Robert ing you for the The appeal year. The institute substantially optional ESC) Volvo XC60 dent Adrian Lund. “Consumers
C. Byrd next 56 years came minutes reduced the number of awards Dodge Avenger Volvo XC90 can use this list to zero in on the
and 320 days,” after Barzee compared with 2009 because of Mercedes C Class SMALL SUVs vehicles that are on the top rung
Byrd said in a statement marking pleaded guilty tougher requirements for roof Subaru Legacy for safety.”
the occasion. to federal strength. Subaru Outback Honda Element The institute awarded its top
Byrd has cast more than charges of kid- Ford Motor Co. and its Volvo Volkswagen Jetta (four-door) Jeep Patriot (with optional side prize to 94 vehicles in 2009
18,000 votes and, despite fragile napping and unit received the most awards Volkswagen Passat (four-door) thorax air bags) and attributed the decline in
health that has kept him from unlawful with six, followed by five awards Volvo C30 Subaru Forester awards this year to the roof-
the Senate floor during much of Wanda Eileen transportation apiece for Japanese automaker Volkswagen Tiguan strength requirement. The
the year, has a nearly 98 percent Barzee of a minor in Subaru and German automaker SOURCE: Insurance Institute for Highway Safety Honda Accord and Ford Fusion
attendance record over the federal court. Volkswagen AG and its Audi both dropped off the list be-
course of his career. Smart, now 22, was 14 when unit. cause 2010 versions didn’t earn
Which, by Byrd’s count, has she was taken from the bedroom Toyota Motor Corp., BMW Mitsubishi Motors Corp. were The vehicles are selected for high-enough scores on the roof
spanned 20,774 days. Byrd’s of her Salt Lake City home, AG, Mazda Motor Corp. and shut out in the annual review. best protecting motorists in test.
service today ties the record set sparking a search that riveted the
by Sen. Carl Hayden, D-Ariz., nation. Nine months later, in
who served from 1912 to 1969. March 2003, Barzee and her
now-estranged husband, Brian
8-state gas pipeline
now fully operational
David Mitchell, were arrested af-
ter they were spotted walking on
a suburban street with Smart.
GOP attacks Web site on created stimulus jobs
CHEYENNE — A 1,679-mile PENNSYLVANIA MCCLATCHY NEWSPAPERS ing to the eight congressional Obey, the Wisconsin Democrat Wilson of South Carolina.
pipeline crossing eight states is WASHINGTON — The fed- districts, but also lists 30 jobs who chairs the House Appropria- The White House didn’t re-
now completed and funneling
Letter from Lincoln eral Web site that tracks spend- saved or created in the 15th Dis- tions Committee. “The adminis- spond to repeated requests for
natural gas from Wyoming and to boy, 8, goes on sale ing from the Obama adminis- trict, which doesn’t exist. tration owes itself, the Congress comment.
Colorado to the eastern edge of PHILADELPHIA — A letter tration’s $787 billion economic California, according to the and every American a commit- Ed Pound, a spokesman for
Ohio. President Abraham Lincoln stimulus program reports that Web site, has seven more con- ment to work night and day to the Recovery Accountability
The long-awaited Rockies Ex- wrote to a boy whose friends the program has created thou- gressional districts than the 53 it correct the ludicrous mistakes.” and Transparency Board, told
press Pipeline became fully op- didn’t believe he had met the sands of jobs in congressional actually has, including a 99th Republican lawmakers were ABC News that human error
erational Nov. 12 after the recent commander in chief is being sold districts that don’t exist, in- District. In South Carolina, the more scathing Tuesday, with caused the mistakes.
completion of the final 195-mile in Philadelphia. cluding Arizona. site reported Tuesday evening, some accusing the administra- “We report what the recipi-
section between Warren and Lincoln sent the letter from the According to www.recov- $40.7 million in economic stim- tion of a cover-up. No House Re- ents submit to us,” he said, ac-
Monroe counties in eastern to George Patten, 8, two weeks af- ery.gov, Arizona has 22 con- ulus funds have gone to seven publicans and only three GOP cording to ABC.
Ohio. The $6.8 billion pipeline ter his March 1861 inauguration. gressional districts, including a spurious congressional dis- senators voted for the stimulus Computer experts ques-
carries 1.8 billion cubic feet of The youngster had been mocked 00 and an 86th. In reality, the tricts, including 00 and 25. bill, which President Obama tioned that explanation, how-
gas, enough to heat 4 million by classmates for saying he’d met state has eight districts. South Carolina has six U.S. signed into law on Feb.17. ever, noting that many of the
homes, and took three years to Lincoln with his father, a journal- In total, the site said Arizona House districts. “The government Web site Web site’s state links included a
complete. ist. His teacher wrote Lincoln to has saved or created 12,300 jobs “The inaccuracies on recov- charged with reporting waste, District 00, suggesting that
uncover the truth. with the federal funding. The ery.gov that have come to light fraud and abuse is its very own there was a technical glitch in
FLORIDA Instead, the president wrote site lists most of the money go- are outrageous,” said Rep. David worst offender,” said Rep. Joe how the data were received.
to the boy: “Whom it may con-
Madoff’s Mercedes, cern, I did see and talk with mas-
boats fetch $1M+ ter George Evans Patten, last
FORT LAUDERDALE — Dis- May, at Springfield, Illinois. Re-
graced financier Bernard Mad-
off’s yacht named Bull, two
smaller boats and a Mercedes-
spectfully, A Lincoln.”
The Raab Collection is offer-
ing the letter for $60,000.
FDA says Prilosec, Nexium cut blood thinning by Plavix
Benz convertible were sold at
auction Tuesday for more than WASHINGTON THE ASSOCIATED PRESS body needs to break down Plav- drug behind Pfizer’s cholesterol proton pump inhibitors, but
$1 million combined. WASHINGTON — Federal ix, muting the drug’s full effect. drug Lipitor. FDA regulators said they don’t
Madoff’s 1969 Rybovich, a re-
Would-be ninja has health officials said Tuesday a Procter & Gamble’s Prilosec Because Plavix can upset the have enough information to say
stored 55-foot fishing boat, sold some learning to do popular variety of heartburn OTC is available over-the- stomach, it is often prescribed whether other drugs in that
for $700,000 to an unknown SEATTLE — Police say a man medications can interfere with counter, while AstraZeneca’s with stomach acid-blocking class shouldn’t be used with
buyer. A 38-foot Shelter Island who thought he was a ninja was the blood thinner Plavix, a drug Nexium is only available with a drugs. Plavix.
runabout named Sitting Bull impaled on a metal fence when taken by millions of Americans prescription. The FDA says patients who The FDA said the warnings
went for $320,000, and the 24- he tried to leap over it. to reduce risks of heart attack “Patients at risk for heart at- need to reduce their acid should on Plavix have been strength-
foot Maverick center-console An officer who was looking for and stroke. tacks or strokes who use clopi- take drugs from the H-2 blocker ened based on a 150-patient
Little Bull fetched $21,000. The an assault victim nearby Monday The Food and Drug Adminis- dogrel to prevent blood clots family, which include Johnson & study submitted by Sanofi over
Mercedes, a 1999 model owned night heard the man screaming tration said the stomach- will not get the full effect of this Johnson’s Mylanta and the summer.
by Ruth Madoff, sold for for help. Police supported him to soothing drugs Prilosec and medicine,” the agency said in a Boehringer Ingelheim’s Zantac. But some consumer advo-
$30,000. prevent further injuries until Nexium cut in half the blood- statement. FDA scientists say there is no cates said the agency’s action
The private auction was held medics arrived and took him to a thinning effect of Plavix, known Plavix is marketed by Sanofi- evidence those drugs interfere fell short, arguing that regula-
by the U.S. Marshals Service, hospital, where he was in serious generically as clopidogrel. Aventis and Bristol-Myers with Plavix’s anti-blood clot- tors should have placed the in-
which seized Madoff’s property condition Tuesday. Regulators said the key ingre- Squibb. With global sales of ting action. formation in a “black box”
and assets after his massive dient in the heartburn medica- $8.6 billion last year, it’s the Nexium and Prilosec are part warning label, the most serious
Ponzi scheme was exposed. All Wire reports tions blocks an enzyme the world’s second-best selling of a class of drugs known as available.
ARIZONA DAILY STAR / Wednesday, November 25, 2009 ¡ NATION & WORLD • A13
Official: Census taker found hanging killed self men “have a crucial role” be-
cause they are a major part of the
problem and are key to the solu-
Ban said in a statement.
That view was echoed in a
video message from Archbishop
Desmond Tutu, the South
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Kentucky State Police Capt. tional, self-inflicted act that Rudzinski said Sparkman Unless men change their atti- African Nobel peace laureate and
FRANKFORT, Ky. — A Ken- Lisa Rudzinski said an analysis was staged to appear as a homi- “told a credible witness that he tudes and behavior, he warned, one of the 14 initial members of
tucky census worker found found that “fed” was written cide,” Rudzinski said. planned to commit suicide and “violence against women will the network, who decried the
naked, bound with duct tape and “from the bottom up.” He was Sparkman’s mother, Henrie provided details on how and continue.” many forms of violence against
hanging from a tree with “fed” touching the ground, and to Sparkman of Inverness, Fla., when.” Ban spoke at a commemora- women and girls including traf-
scrawled on his chest killed him- survive “all Mr. Sparkman had bristled at the conclusion: “I Authorities said Sparkman tion of today’s 10th anniversary ficking, child marriage and do-
self but staged his death to make to do at any time was stand up,” disagree!” she wrote in an talked about it a week before his of the International Day for the mestic abuse.
it look like a homicide, authori- she said. e-mail to The Associated Press. suicide and the person did not Elimination of Violence Against “You are a weak man if you use
ties said Tuesday. Authorities said Sparkman Authorities said Sparkman take him seriously. Women and at a news confer- your physical superiority to as-
Bill Sparkman, 51, was found was not under the influence of alone manipulated the suicide Sparkman also had recently ence. sault and brutalize women,”
strangled Sept. 12 with a rope any drugs or alcohol at the time scene, which was so elaborate taken out two accidental life in- He was joined by several Tutu warned.
around his neck near a cemetery of his death. His clothes were that a man who discovered the surance policies totaling
in a heavily wooded area of the found in the bed of his nearby body was convinced Sparkman $600,000 that would not pay
Daniel Boone National Forest in pickup truck. was murdered. out for suicide, authorities said.
southeastern Kentucky. Author- “Our investigation, based on
ities said his wrists were loosely evidence and witness testimo-
bound, his glasses were taped to ny, has concluded that Mr.
his head and he was gagged. Sparkman died during an inten-
A14 • WORLD Wednesday, November 25, 2009 / ARIZONA DAILY STAR
Saddam’s ouster
sought in 2001,
UK panel hears
$2 million bond while the gov-
ernment decides whether to
seek a fifth trial.
ATLANTA — The race for NEW YORK — A Guan-
Atlanta mayor appeared head- tanamo detainee has asked that
ed for a recount early today, charges be dismissed in the
with the two candidates sepa- 1998 bombings of two U.S.
rated by only 620 votes. embassies in Africa, citing a
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Former state Sen.Kasim Reed long wait for trial.
ATLANTA — More than had the slight lead with 99 per- Lawyers for Ahmed Ghailani
three years after Congress or- cent of precincts reporting, but filed papers Tuesday in a New
dered stepped-up monitoring Mary Norwood told supporters York City federal court seeking
of sex offenders, only one that she was not conceding and to have the indictment dis-
state has adopted the govern- was open to a recount. Both had missed. The lawyers said their
ment’s strict new require- 50 percent of the vote. client’s case raised the question
ments, and some others are Under Georgia law, the run- of whether national security
weighing whether to ignore ner-up can petition for a re- can trump an indicted defen-
the law and just pay a penalty. count when the margin of vic- dant’s constitutional right to a
So far, Ohio is the lone state tory is less than 1 percent of the speedy trial. Authorities allege
to meet the new federal stan- total vote. Voters cast 84,076 Ghailani was a bomb-maker,
dards. Elsewhere, efforts have MICHAEL JOHNSON / ALAMOGORDO DAILY NEWS ballots, so the winning margin document forger and aide to
been hampered by high costs would be less than 1 percent. Osama bin Laden. The attacks
and legal challenges from the
STORM LEAVES SNOW FOR PLAY IN ALAMOGORDO Both tried to gain a critical at embassies in Tanzania and
nation’s 686,000 registered Veronica Smith, 7, rolls a giant snowball around her front yard in Alamogordo, N.M. A wintry storm swept over mass of racial crossover votes. Kenya killed 224 people, in-
sex offenders. Advocates southeastern New Mexico Monday, leaving plenty of snow for Veronica on Tuesday. Norwood was trying to become cluding 12 Americans.
worry that the delays are put- the city’s first white mayor in Ghailani was brought to the
ting public safety at risk. more than three decades; Reed United States earlier this year.
“This means more of the who is black, claimed victory. The Tanzanian, captured in
same — that we’re losing sex Pakistan in 2004, was held in
A14 • NATION & WORLD ¡ Wednesday, December 2, 2009 / ARIZONA DAILY STAR
outside court that mistakes were
She said the hospital is creat-
ing an institute in Michael
Woods’ honor and investing
$1.25 million over next two years
life returns
to study redesigning health care
Philbin has hip and reducing errors. James
Woods said his brother’s chil-
replaced successfully dren will be provided for.
US settles suit
over Indian land
for $3.4 billion
THE DENVER POST one that a district judge last year
WASHINGTON — After 13 called an “irreparable breach of
years of bitter litigation, the fed- fiduciary duty” by the Depart-
eral government agreed Tuesday ment of the Interior.
to settle for $3.4 billion a lawsuit Although the settlement was
that claims it badly mismanaged far less than the $27 billion plain-
millions of acres in Indian trust tiffs once claimed they were owed,
land over more than 100 years. Attorney General Eric Holder
The agreement, which must called it “fair to the plaintiffs (and)
still be approved by Congress and responsible for the United States.”
the courts, requires the federal Elouise Cobell, a Blackfoot In-
government to pay out $1.4 bil- dian and the lead plaintiff,said she
lion to 300,000 American Indian wouldn’t describe it as fair, but
plaintiffs, compensating them was “one way that Indian people
for what they claim is decades of can actually get some money paid
lost income from grazing, logging to them for historical wrongs.”
and mineral royalties. “If it was me, I would fight on
It also sets up a $2 billion fund for another hundred years,” Co-
ELAINE THOMPSON / THE ASSOCIATED PRESS to buy back interest in an unruly bell said Tuesday. “But the de-
maze of “allotment lands” that ciding factor is, I live in Indian
HONORING 4 SLAIN POLICE OFFICERS dot reservations across the West. Country, and I see every single
About 20,000 mourners honored four slain police officers Tuesday at a memorial service in Tacoma, Wash. A procession of 2,000 cars followed The federal government will re- day people dying without their
the caskets of Sgt. Mark Renninger and Officers Ronald Owens, Tina Griswold and Greg Richards to the Tacoma Dome, where the service was turn those lands to tribal owner- money, and you just can’t take it
held. The Lakewood officers were killed by a gunman on Nov. 29 before the start of their shift. Authorities say Maurice Clemmons singled them ship,reversing a controversial pol- anymore. Now, at least we can
out at a coffee shop in a suburb south of Seattle. Clemmons was shot to death by a Seattle police officer after a two-day manhunt. “Our dad icy of privatization that dates back get them something paid.”
was a hero to many, even long before he became a policeman,” said Richards’ teenage son, Austin. “The way he lived his life spoke volumes.” to 1887, was reversed in the 1930s, That sentiment partly reflects
and is seen by many in Indian the frustration of American In-
Country as contributing to a lega- dians over the byzantine litiga-
cy of poverty and underdevelop- tion that began in 1996 and has
ment that continues to this day. been to courts of appeal 10 times
mulls death
penalty for
some gays