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ARIZONA DAILY STAR / Wednesday, September 30, 2009 NATION • A5

$6B urged for border-port upgrades

BLOOMBERG NEWS ment is engaged, there will con-
The U.S. should spend $6 bil- LOCAL ANGLE tinue to be problems policing the
lion to fortify and rebuild ports There are land ports of entry in six Arizona border cities: Douglas, Naco, border,” the task force said.
of entry along its border with Nogales, Sasabe, Lukeville and San Luis. The Homeland Security Advi-
Mexico, a government-appoint- The Mariposa Port of Entry, in west Nogales, already is scheduled to get sory Council, a panel of security
ed task force recommended. a $212 million upgrade that will include more inbound and outbound experts that confers with the
The Southwest Border Task lanes, new buildings, booths and canopies, and more parking. The upgrade Department of Homeland Secu-
Force also urged spending more is the largest port-of-entry project funded in the stimulus bill, accounting rity, will decide in a meeting to-
money to hire thousands of cus- for more than half of the $400 million dedicated to ports on the South- day whether to endorse the rec-
toms officers to staff the entry west border. ommendations and forward
points. Work is set to begin in October and is expected to take four years. The them to the department.
The $6 billion “is needed in current port, built in the 1970s, was designed to handle 400 trucks a day, Napolitano, the former gover-
infrastructure funding immedi- but it now gets as many as 1,600. The new facility will have a capacity for nor of Arizona, and other Obama
ately, including modernization 2,000 to 3,000 trucks a day. administration officials have
to highway, railway” and sup- Brady McCombs been working with Mexican au-
porting facilities, the task force thorities to quell the drug-relat-
said. violence in Mexico from spilling thorough inspections of south- ed violence. Mexico and the U.S.
Homeland Security Secretary across the border and to improve bound traffic and work with the are performing more joint inves-
Janet Napolitano created the U.S.-Mexican commerce. U.S. to professionalize Mexico’s tigations and inspections to find
group in June to advise her on The task force on Tuesday rec- law enforcement agencies. guns and money before they
how to keep drug-cartel-fueled ommended that Mexico do more “Unless Mexican law enforce- reach the drug cartels.

AZ lawmaker clarifies remark critical of Obama

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS “A president that has lost his Tuesday that he was referring to their creator with certain un-
WASHINGTON — A Republi- way that badly, that has no abili- “unborn humanity” and should alienable rights and chief among
can congressman who called ty to see the image of have clarified his re- those rights is the right to life,”
President Obama an “enemy of God in these little fellow marks. His statement Franks, who represents Ari-
humanity” said Tuesday that he human beings, if he listed a series of actions zona’s 2nd District, said in the
should have made clear that he can’t do that right, then Obama has taken relat- statement.
was referring to the president’s he has no place in any ed to abortion. A White House spokesman
policies related to abortion. station of government “While I absolutely had no comment.
Trent Franks of Arizona said in and we need to realize should have made the A video recording of Franks’
a speech to conservatives Satur- that he is an enemy of meaning of my state- speech was provided by the lib-
day in St. Louis that, given Oba- humanity,” Franks said ment more clear, the eral interest group People for the
ma’s decision to fund interna- to the How to Take Back Trent Franks, facts remain that these American Way, whose president,
tional family planning organiza- America conference, R-Ariz. radical pro-abortion Michael Keegan, said Franks’ re-
tions that support legal abor- organized by conserva- policies do not have marks “show a stunning lack of
tion, “we shouldn’t be shocked tive interest groups, including place in a government founded respect for our president and the
that he does all these other in- the Eagle Forum. on the principle that all men are office of the presidency.”
sane things.” Franks, 52, said in a statement created equal, and endowed by

EPA seeks
tougher law
on chemicals

WASHINGTON — With more

and more toxic chemicals turning
up in people’s bodies and the envi-
ronment, the Obama administra-
tion asked Congress Tuesday to
draft a tougher law for how the
government regulates tens of
thousands of chemicals.
Environmental Protection
Agency Administrator Lisa Jack-
son called the 32-year-old statute
governing toxic substances a
flawed tool for protecting the
public from the more than 80,000
chemicals that have been intro-
duced on the market. Those
chemicals, which do not include
pesticides or drugs, are used in
everything from cell phones to
plastic drinking-water bottles.
Not all of them are still in use, ex-
perts said.
“The American people are
looking to the government for as-
surance that chemicals have been
assessed using the best available
science and unacceptable risks
haven’t been ignored,” Jackson
said in a conference call with re-
porters before a formal announce-
ment in San Francisco. “Unfortu-
nately, the current law does not
allow us to grant them that assur-
Jackson said recent scares with
lead in toys, dioxin in fish and
phthalate esters — plastic-hard-
ening chemicals used in intra-
venous bags, where they can enter
a patient’s bloodstream — are
making the public “understand-
ably anxious and confused.”
The Obama administration
wants Congress to craft a law that
will require chemical manufac-
turers to provide enough informa-
tion so that the EPA can evaluate
the risks, and to give the agency
the authority to act against chem-
icals it determines to be danger-
In addition to asking Congress
to enact a stronger law, Jackson
said the agency would immedi-
ately launch a review of six chemi-
cals that have raised concerns.
Those substances include:
• Bisphenol A, or BPA, which
is used in plastic beverage con-
tainers and, some evidence sug-
gests, can effect the brain and be-
havior in fetuses, infants and
• Perfluorinated chemicals,
used in nonstick cookware and in
some waterproof clothing, will
also be checked out because of
some research linking them to in-
fertility in women.
Environmentalists applauded
the EPA’s action Tuesday, saying
it was long overdue. Sen. Frank
Lautenberg, D-N.J., said he
would introduce a bill incorpo-
rating the administration’s sug-
A14 • TUCSON & REGION Wednesday, October 7, 2009 / ARIZONA DAILY STAR

Charged in ’03 killing, man LAW AND The intruders took numerous Tucson Police Department
items from the house, including spokeswoman.

ORDER the woman’s vehicle, she said.

Verdugo walked into the bank
just after 6 p.m. on Monday and

arraigned in 2 more deaths

and Salvador implied she had a weapon before
were arrested fleeing with an undisclosed
Robbery victim shoots shortly after amount of money, Lopez said.
assailant at carwash the home in- Jamar Younger
By Kim Smith Carlson left Texas and moved Her body was discovered An 18-year-old man suffered Perez-Gee-
ARIZONA DAILY STAR to Alliman’s and Lofton’s prop- Oct. 1, 2003, near the Marsh life-threatening injuries Tues- han was ar-
Drug found in vehicle
A 53-year-old man already erty on Trico Road in mid-May, Station trestle. day when he tried to rob another rested the fol- leads to pair’s arrest
charged with killing his sister in according to Pima County Carlson also confessed he’d man at a midtown carwash and Jesse James lowing day, A routine traffic stop along
September 2003 was arraigned Sheriff’s Department officials. shot Alliman and Lofton to was shot by the victim, Tucson Perez-Geehan she said. Interstate 10 Thursday resulted
Tuesday on first-degree mur- On June 2, Alliman and Lofton death and then burned their police said. They are in the discovery of a half-pound
der and kidnapping charges in were reported missing. bodies over a three-day period, The incident occurred at a self- facing charges of methamphetamine hidden in
the deaths of a Pima County Carlson was arrested on an authorities said. service carwash on East 22nd of aggravated a bag of potato chips, police said.
couple. outstanding Texas warrant for On June 22, Pima County Street near South Beverly Avenue assault, armed Enrique Orozco, 36, Vanessa
“Not guilty” pleas were en- parole violation on June 16 and Sheriff’s deputies found burned just before 4:30 p.m.,said Sgt.Di- robbery, kid- Concepcion Gaxiola, 27, both of
tered on behalf of Michael during questioning, Carlson ad- fragments of human remains in ana Lopez,a police spokeswoman. napping, auto Tucson, were arrested and booked
Jonathon Carlson by his attor- mitted he’d lured his sister, a fire pit at the Trico Road prop- A 50-year-old man was theft and into the Pima County jail on
ney, Harley Kurlander. Maria Thoma, to the Cienega erty. washing his car when he was ap- first-degree charges of possession and trans-
Carlson is accused of killing Creek Wash area under the pre- A status hearing in the dou- proached by the 18-year-old burglary, she portation of dangerous drugs, ac-
Kenneth Alliman, 49, and Re- text of digging up hidden money ble homicide case is scheduled man, Lopez said. Marcos said. cording to an Arizona Department
becca Lou Lofton, 52, on May and shot her three times with a for Nov. 17 before Pima County The younger man pulled out a Bustamante No infor- of Public Safety news release.
25, according to an indictment shotgun, court documents indi- Superior Court Judge Richard gun and attempted to rob the mation on the The DPS pulled over the 2003
unsealed Tuesday. cate. Nichols. older man, she said. The older fourth suspect was released by Chevrolet around 2:30 p.m. on
man pulled out his own gun and police. westbound I-10 near Marana for
shot the 18-year-old. Jamar Younger a moving violation and an
The younger man ran away and equipment violation, the release
got into a vehicle that was being Police identify man said. A narcotics dog alerted au-

5 counts of wire fraud for local man driven by another person. A short
time later, the 18-year-old man
showed up at a hospital with life-
found dead in his yard
The man found dead in the
thorities to the drugs — valued at
$9,500 — stuffed inside a bag of
barbecue-flavored Lay’s chips in
threatening injuries,she said. front yard of his university-area the back seat, the release said.
By Brian J. Pedersen legally to Argentina by the girl’s tween March and August 2007 The 50-year-old man was not home Sunday night has been Brian J. Pedersen
ARIZONA DAILY STAR mother,court records show. but in October 2007 received an injured. He was being ques- identified as 37-year-old Steve
A 69-year-old Tucson man The man found a company email from Wolfe-Fierson say- tioned by police. Nordlof, Tucson police said. Man gets probation
was indicted last week on online called Delta International, ing Delta had terminated their The driver of the car who took Nordlof was dead when Tuc-
charges he created a fake ab- which purported to specialize in contract,court records show. the wounded man to the hospital son police arrived at the home in
for money laundering
ducted child recovery company abducted child recovery, court Wolfe-Fierson spent 30 also was in police custody. the 700 block of East Drachman A 68-year-old man who ad-
to bilk a man of $65,000. records show. Wolfe-Fierson months in federal prison after Jamar Younger Street about 9 p.m., police said. mitted to laundering money for a
Philip Wolfe-Fierson is was the owner of Delta Interna- pleading guilty to an unknown Preliminary findings deter- Tucson-based drug trafficking
charged with five counts of wire tional,court records show. charge in August 2001, court Fourth man sought mined Nordlof was not the vic- ring was given three years of
fraud, according to the indict- The man began contacting records show. tim of a homicide, though no of- probation Monday.
ment filed in U.S. District Court Delta and in April 2007 faxed an He was placed on five years of
in home invasion ficial cause of death has been cit- Jan Louis Beauchat must also
in Tucson. eight-page contract to Wolfe- supervised release, which was Tucson police are seeking a ed, Tucson Police Department forfeit the $137,000 he received
Wolfe-Fierson was contacted Fierson and agreed to pay $65,000 set to end Sept. 2, according to fourth man who assaulted a spokeswoman Sgt. Diana Lopez from Walter K. Riedesel, one of
in the spring of 2007 by a Cali- to have his daughter brought back court records. woman during a west-side home said. 14 people indicted over the past
fornia man who was looking for a to California,court records show. invasion last month, police said. Brian J. Pedersen two years as part of a drug traf-
way to get back his 2-year-old The man made four payments Contact reporter Brian J. Pedersen at Tucson police have already ar- ficking ring with ties to the East
daughter, who had been taken il- totaling $65,000 to Delta be- 573-4224 or bjp@azstarnet.com rested Manuel Garcia Salvador, Woman suspected Coast, according to documents
17, Jesse James Perez-Geehan, 17 filed in U.S. District Court.
and Marcos
in bank holdup caught Beauchat admitted in June
Lamont Bus- A woman suspected of rob- 2008 he sold $137,000 worth of
tamante, 34 in bing a west-side bank this week rock ’n’ roll memorabilia posters

Driver in gang killing gets 1.5-year term connection

with the Sept.
16 home inva-
was arrested Tuesday evening,
police said.
Norma Sabrina Verdugo, 33,
to Riedesel, knowing the pay-
ments were made from proceeds
of drug trafficking, court records
sion in the was booked show.
By Kim Smith he fled before his trial and wasn’t for a period of time. Authorities 1300 block of into Pima Riedesel and nine other de-
ARIZONA DAILY STAR arrested until recently. believe Uribe broke into two trail- West Silverlake County jail on fendants have pleaded guilty to
The getaway driver in a fatal Uribe is believed to have ers while hiding, stole clothes and Manuel Road, said Sgt. suspicion of drug trafficking charges.
gang-related shooting was sen- driven Jesus “Jesse” Garcia, 24, changed into them in one of the Salvador Diana Lopez, a robbery after a Brian J. Pedersen
tenced to 1.5 years in prison away from the Circle K near trailers,the prosecutor said. Tucson Police holdup at a
Monday, said Deputy Pima South 12th Avenue and West Jurors didn’t know it, but af- Department spokeswoman. Wells Fargo On StarNet: Find an interactive
County Attorney Lewis Brandes. Drexel Road shortly after Garcia ter Uribe was arrested, he post- The four forced themselves Bank at 1370 map of reported crimes in the
A Pima County jury convicted shot Roy David Fierros, 17, to ed $5,500 bail and fled, possibly into the home, assaulted the N. Silverbell City of Tucson, updated every morn-
Jose Uribe, 18, in June of hinder- death in October 2008. to Mexico. Brandes had no de- woman at the door and re- Norma Road, said Sgt. ing with the previous day’s data, at
ing prosecution, fleeing from Brandes told jurors during tails on how Uribe came to be strained her, Lopez said. Verdugo Diana Lopez, a go.azstarnet.com/crime
law enforcement and two counts Uribe’s trial that Uribe was ar- arrested again.
of criminal trespass, but he was- rested after crashing into a trail- Garcia is now serving a life
n’t sentenced by Judge Howard er near South First Avenue and sentence with parole possible
Hantman until Monday because East Drexel Road and hiding out after 25 years.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009 / ARIZONA DAILY STAR TUCSON & REGION • A15

Life without parole

possible for woman
guilty of killing son
By Kim Smith Once she realized he’d been
ARIZONA DAILY STAR cut on the arm, she pleaded with
A Tucson woman is facing a him to stop, but he kept backing
life sentence with or without the her up toward the bathroom
possibility of parole after a Pima door, Vermeule said.
County jury convicted her Tues- Some point after realizing she,
day of first-degree murder in the too, had been stabbed, Vermeule
stabbing death of her son. said her son must have discovered
Paramedics and Tucson police he’d been stabbed in the side, be-
who were summoned to Della cause he went into the living room
Lisa Vermeule’s home in the and collapsed into a chair.
3300 block of North Geronimo Her son asked her to hold him,
Avenue in July 2008 found Ver- and she obliged, Vermeule testi-
meule and her son, Spencer Car- fied. She applied pressure to his
bone, 31, suffering from stab wound and rocked him while a
wounds. friend called 911.
Carbone died at University Vermeule said she vaguely re-
Medical Center, and Vermeule, members going to the hospital
50, was arrested upon her release and into the operating room.
from the hospital three days later When she regained con-
and charged with first-degree sciousness, she was shackled to a
murder. bed and had a police officer
On Friday, Vermeule told ju- standing guard over her, Ver-
rors that on the day her son died, meule said.
she was under a lot of stress be- She was told her appendix had
cause she was ill and worried been removed, her spleen rup-
about family issues. She’d been tured and her colon had to be re-
to the hospital earlier that morn- constructed.
ing with a kidney ailment, but During Deputy County At-
she decided to come home when torney Nicol Green’s cross-ex-
she was told she would have to amination, Vermeule denied
wait in the emergency room for telling police that her son came
eight to nine hours. out of a bathroom wielding the
When she got home, Ver- knife at her. She also denied
meule testified that her son saying her son was trying to
“started getting on her,” asking harm himself.
her for money. Vermeule further denied
They began to argue, and in telling police that one of her
the middle of the argument, she friends could have stabbed her
saw a butcher knife on her son’s son or that she could have
bedroom entertainment center, stabbed herself.
Vermeule said. The defendant also adamant-
“I spotted it. He spotted it and ly denied exclaiming “You (ex-
we both reached for it,” Vermeule pletive) drove me to it” after her
testified.“We had a struggle over son collapsed, as one of her
it. I didn’t know if he was going friends had testified.
to do me or do harm to himself.” Vermeule will be sentenced
Vermeule told her attorney, next month by in Pima County
county Assistant Public Defend- Superior Court by Judge Paul
er John Sando, that she couldn’t Tang.
remember who got the knife
first, but her son was the last one Contact reporter Kim Smith at 573-4241
holding the knife. or kimsmith@azstarnet.com

The deceased are from Tucson unless Oct. 2, Carrillo’s.
otherwise noted. Occupations are CZESKI, Rose A., 85, registered
stated when available. nurse, Oct. 2, Adair Dodge.
DEAN, Joseph L., 58, plumber, Sept.
ACEVEDO, Hortensia A., 85, home- 24, Desert Rose.
maker, Oct. 1, Carrillo’s. DIMERCURIO, Mary H., 63, home-
BAINS, Richard R., 88, sales manag- maker, Oct. 1, Adair Dodge.
er, Sept. 21, Desert Rose. FRUCHTERMAN, James R., 78,
BAYSINGER, Mary E., 89, school lawyer, Sept. 24, Desert Rose.
teacher, Oct. 2, Adair Dodge. JARILLO, Jovita, 82, homemaker,
BURKE, Delia, Santa Cruz, 57, Sept. Oct. 5, Carrillo’s.
30, furniture upholsterer, Sept. 30, HANANO, Mary Mitsuye, 94, retail
Adair Dodge. customer service, Sept. 29, Adair
CARRILLO, Robert S., 68, railroad, Dodge.
HANSEN, Victor, 59, technician, Sept.
24, Desert Rose.
HAVENS, Mary E., 77, bookkeeper,
Sept. 17, Desert Rose.
HEWITT, Fred M., 82, Bisbee, ranch-
er, Sept. 29, Adair Dodge.
HOAGLAND, Charles F., 96, Sept. 20,
Desert Rose.
LECK, Jennifer D., 51, Sept. 8, Desert
MAMEDOV, Dzhasim, 77, factory em-
ployee, Oct. 3, Adair Dodge.
MARASCHIELLO, Sebastian C., 92,
English teacher, Oct. 2, Adair
MARSH, Erika M., 27, student, Oct. 1,
MCWILLIAMS, Deborah, B., 65, ac-
countant, Sept. 27, Desert Rose.
MEDINA, Lilliana, 46, Nogales, Ariz.,
homemaker, Oct. 3, Adair Dodge.
MOORES, Damien, C., 32, construc-
tion contractor, Sept. 25, Adair
MORRIS, James, A., 65, engineer,
Sept. 27, Desert Rose.
PALLANES, Maria J., 78, teacher, Oct.
2, Carrillo’s.
PERIGO, Curtis K., 88, mechanical
engineer, Sept. 18, Desert Rose.
PIERSON, Curtis L., 63, auto me-
chanic, Sept 27, Desert Rose.
RENTERIA, Gloria A., 50, not avail-
able, Sept. 26, Adair Dodge.
SPITZER, Ruth, 86, teacher, Sept. 29,
Adair Dodge.
STEPHENS, Timothy I., 56, electri-
cian, Sept. 17, Desert Rose.
STEWART, John L., 88, draftsman,
Sept. 21, Desert Rose.
TAVOLINO, Eileen T., 79, homemaker,
Oct. 2, Adair Dodge.
TAYLOR, Sable R., 47, housekeeper,
Sept. 25, Adair Dodge.
TURNER, Margaret A., 83, caregiver,
Sept. 22, Desert Rose.
VALENZUELA JR., Francisco R., 43,
chef, Sept. 26, Carrillo’s.
VETTA, Penelope L., 31, retail store
assistant manager, Sept. 28, Adair
WRIGHT, Gregory D., 40, journey-
man, Sept. 28, Adair Dodge.
ZENTZ, Dale, 57, mechanical mainte-
nance, Oct. 5, Adair Dodge.
ZIELBAUER, Virginia J., 76, home-
maker, Oct. 1, Adair Dodge.
A14 • TUCSON & REGION Wednesday, October 14, 2009 / ARIZONA DAILY STAR

Separate trials Man gets

17 years
sought for 3 in for boy’s
Arivaca deaths molesting
By Kim Smith The trio are accused in the By Kim Smith
ARIZONA DAILY STAR slayings of Brisenia Flores, 9, and ARIZONA DAILY STAR

The three people suspected of Raul Flores, 29, and in the at- A 73-year-old Marana man
killing an Arivaca girl and her fa- tempted murder of Gina Marie was sentenced to 17 years in
ther in May may be getting sepa- Gonzalez. prison Tuesday for molesting a
rate trials. Gonzalez called 911 on May 30 young boy more than a decade
In Pima County Superior to report that several men and a ago, said Deputy Pima County
Court, attorneys for Shawna woman claiming to be police of- Attorney Ryan Schmidt.
Forde, 41, Albert Robert Gaxiola, ficers forced their way into her Three brothers told their
42, and Jason Eugene Bush, 35, home. guardian on Oct. 27, 2006, that
told Judge John Leonardo Tues- She told authorities that one Arnold L. Geib had molested
day that they believe the facts of of the men killed her daughter them numerous times when they
the case necessitate separate tri- and husband, and wounded her were small children, according to
als. in the leg. court documents.
Bush and Gaxiola were Sheriff Clarence Dupnik said Their guardian then contacted
brought before Leonardo to dis- at the time that Raul Flores was Michigan authorities because
cuss possible trial dates; Forde suspected of being a drug dealer, that was where they were living
refused to be brought to court and the three suspects targeted at that time. After Michigan au-
from the Pima County jail. the house with the intention of thorities contacted the Pima
Leonardo scheduled a Nov. 23 stealing money and drugs. County Sheriff’s Department,
court date to discuss severing the Forde’s relatives say Forde had detectives learned the alleged in-
cases. He also indicated that if talked about robbing drug traf- cidents happened while Geib
the cases are separated, the first fickers on the Arizona-Mexico was living in Sahuarita.
trial would likely be scheduled border to fund a group called One of the brothers was 5
for January 2011. Minutemen American Defense years old at the time he was mo-
Prosecutor Rick Unklesbay to fight illegal immigration and lested; another is mentally chal-
told the judge that he had given drug trafficking. lenged.
the defense attorneys almost all Bush, another member of Geib was indicted on multiple
the evidence in the case, al- Minutemen American Defense, DEAN KNUTH / ARIZONA DAILY STAR charges on Dec. 4, 2006. He ac-
though he is still awaiting FBI also is charged with two murders Attorneys for Jason Bush, above, Shawna Forde and Albert Robert Gaxiola want separate trials in the knowledged last month that he
and lab reports. in Washington state. killings of Brisenia Flores, 9, and Raul Flores, 29. In that event, the trials will likely start in January 2011. committed certain acts with one
of the brothers, Schmidt said.
He pleaded guilty to molesta-
tion of a child and attempted
sexual assault, Schmidt said. He

Man gets 3-year sentence for March home invasion

could have received probation or
up to 21« years in prison.
Judge Clark Munger of Pima
County Superior Court sen-
tenced him Tuesday.
He, 3 accomplices robbery. several times throughout the in- working site Facebook at the be- pleaded guilty to three counts of Geib previously had been ar-
Lopez, Ronnie J. Anderson, cident and struck one of the vic- ginning of the incident, and the aggravated assault with a deadly rested in Pima County in 1982 on
held UA students 25, Diamond J. Taylor, 20, and tims in the head with the gun victim alerted her friend about weapon. Bell was sentenced to suspicion of kidnapping and
Albert Bell III, 24, walked in before the four men fled the what was going on. two years in prison, and Ander- child molestation. He pleaded to
hostage with gun through the unlocked back door house with a TV, a laptop com- Police officers stopped the son was given three years. a lesser charge of child fondling,
of a home in the 1200 block of puters, cash and jewelry. vehicle nearby in the 1200 block Taylor pleaded guilty to court documents show.
By Kim Smith East Grant Road just after mid- The thieves left in a Ford Ex- of East Edison Street, and all of three counts of armed robbery In 1989 in California, he failed
ARIZONA DAILY STAR night March 24, Tucson police pedition. One of the victims fol- the men ran from the SUV. and is facing up to 12ƒ years in to register as a sex offender. He
One of four men who pleaded said. lowed them and pointed the ve- Bell was found hiding in a prison when he’s sentenced on has other felony and misde-
guilty to committing a home in- Once inside, Taylor pointed a hicle out to police, who had trash can, and Lopez was in Nov. 19. meanor arrests and convictions
vasion last March was sen- shotgun at six of the seven Uni- been contacted by a friend of nearby shed. On Tuesday, Lopez apolo- not related to sexual abuse, ac-
tenced to three years in prison versity of Arizona students in- one of the victims, who had Both suffered bites from a po- gized for his actions and swore cording to court documents.
Tuesday. side the house and forced them stayed out of sight during the lice dog while being arrested. he would never end up before
Alex Peter Lopez, 18, was to empty their pockets while the incident. Anderson and Taylor were ar- Fields or any other judge again.
sentenced in Pima County Su- other men ransacked the house, The friend and the victim had rested at a home in the 400
perior Court by Judge Richard according to court records. been exchanging instant mes- block of East Prince Road. Contact reporter Kim Smith at 573-4241
Fields on two counts of armed Taylor racked the shotgun sages through the social net-
Bell and Anderson both or kimsmith@azstarnet.com

in robbery
All 45 cats taken from home
on west side are euthanized shoots self,
Resort asks police say

All 45 cats taken from the

home of an elderly woman on
The cats had a variety of
health problems, including
some that were underweight By Brian J. Pedersen

in 2 deaths the west side have been eutha-

nized because they were sick or
in poor health, the Pima Ani-
and others with severe respira-
tory problems, she said.
A veterinarian made the de-

A man suspected of robbing a

south-side pizza place Monday
mal Care Center said. termination to euthanize them shot himself in the leg while com-
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The cats were seized from after examining the animals, mitting the crime,police said.
SEDONA — The owners of the home in the 100 block of Cundy said. John B. Catania, 31, was
a resort where two people South Grande Avenue on Mon- The woman, in her mid-70s, wounded in his right thigh, said
were overcome in a sweat day afternoon, said Jayne was cited for unsanitary shelter, Sgt. Fabian Pacheco, a Tucson
lodge and later died are asking Cundy, an Animal Care failure to provide veterinary care Police Department spokesman.
for prayers in hopes that spokeswoman. and a lack of proper ventilation. The wound was not life-threat-
something positive will come ening.
out of what they say was a Just after 10 p.m. Monday, po-
tragic and unexpected acci- lice received a 911 call from a

Yep, that’s a ringtail all right

Angel Valley Retreat Cen- Veterans’ widows target of scam woman saying her boyfriend had
been shot. When police went to
Christian Roessler got a late-night visit from a ringtail and was able to cap- ter owners Michael and the 3500 block of East Lee Street,
Amayra Hamilton said in a ARIZONA DAILY STAR vestigating fraud on the vic- they found
ture the state mammal of Arizona on film. See this photo, as well as pic-
tures of other Arizona animals, at go.azstarnet.com/wildlife. statement Tuesday that a Tucson police are looking for tims. He is suspected of run- Catania, who
prayer ceremony had been a man running a bank scam on ning a similar scam in Califor- said he had
We’re looking for your best photos for our online galleries. So whether you want to share im- conducted at the sweat lodge widows of deceased military nia, Rydzak said. been shot by
ages from college or high school sports events or a shot of Arizona’s wildlife, we want them all.
Just go to go.azstarnet.com/galleries to upload your pictures.
site for the victims, and their veterans. He is described as being two men,
friends and families. They The man defrauded an eld- about 30 years old, 6 feet tall Pacheco said.
said a heart-shaped memori- erly woman of several thou- and weighing about 160 Catania said he
al had been laid with stones sand dollars recently, said pounds with dark brown eyes. didn’t know
for 38-year-old Kirby Brown Officer Chuck Rydzak, a Tuc- The man has a swirl-style John B. why he’d been
of Westtown, N.Y., and 40- son Police Department tattoo on the right side of his Catania shot.
year-old James Shore of Mil- spokesman. neck. About a
waukee, who died Thursday The man usually claims he is Anyone with information is half-hour earlier, police had also
evening. a law enforcement officer in- asked to call 911 or 88-CRIME. received a report of a robbery at
the Little Caesar’s Restaurant,
1998 E.Irvington Road.
Witnesses told police that the
robber shot himself as he placed
his handgun in the front waist-
band of his pants,Pacheco said.
Robbery detectives linked
Catania to the restaurant through
evidence at the home where
Catania was found,Pacheco said.
Catania was arrested on suspi-
cion of armed robbery and was
taken to a hospital.
He is expected to be booked
into the Pima County jail after he
is released from the hospital,
Pacheco said.

Contact reporter Brian J. Pedersen at 573-

4224 or bjp@azstarnet.com

ARIZONA DAILY STAR / Friday, October 23, 2009 ¤ TUCSON & REGION • A19

LAW AND Jason Tarket, 30, the driver of

the truck, was in fair condition.
hour to control the blaze, Tracy

ORDER William M. Enriquez, 19, a pas-

senger in the station wagon, was
still in the emergency room late
The fire was caused by some
discarded materials burning at
the bottom of the pile, she said.
Thursday, according to Univer- No buildings were damaged and
Pair found slain were sity Medical Center. no one was injured, she said.
‘violently attacked’ Jamar Younger Another fire burned a pile of
recycled debris at the plant May
Tucson police on Thursday 19, she said.
said a pair found slain at a north-
Man dies of wounds Jamar Younger
side apartment were “violently in group-home attack
attacked.” A 50-year-old man who was Contraband costs
Police still have not released stabbed at a group home last
details nor a motive in the attack month died this week as a result
inmate 33 months
but they did identify the pair of his injuries, police said. A federal prison inmate in
who lived together at the apart- Michael DeWeese was pro- Tucson was sentenced Thursday
ment in the 2800 block of North nounced dead Tuesday. He was to 33 more months for possess-
Mountain Avenue, north of East stabbed Sept. 29 at a group home ing contraband.
Glenn Street, where their bodies in the 1500 block of East Drach- Prosecutors say 31-year-old
were found man Street, said Sgt. Fabian Joseph William Nichols of Tuc-
The victims are Malcolm Pacheco, a Tucson Police De- son pleaded guilty in August and
Wheeler, 23, and Crystal Julian, partment spokesman. will serve the additional sen-
34. The suspect, Andrew Garcia, tence after he completes his cur-
An acquaintance called police 19, was found in the surrounding rent 66-month term for a Texas
to the apartment home reporting neighborhood on the day of the bank robbery .
suspicious activity just before 5 stabbing and taken into custody, Authorities say Nichols was
p.m. Wednesday, police said. Pacheco said. assigned to the kitchen staff at the
No suspects had been identi- Garcia is now booked into federal penitentiary in Tucson on
fied. Anyone with information is Pima County jail on suspicion of Aug. 12, 2007, when a supervisor
asked to call 911 or 88-CRIME. first-degree murder. noticed Nichols was acting suspi-
Staff report DeWeese and Garcia got into a cious and appeared to be hiding
fight over tobacco before De- something in his clothing.
Weese was stabbed several Prison officials searched
Head-on collision times, police said. They both Nichols and found a 6-inch-long
near Bisbee kills two lived at the home, police said. plastic shank, made from a plas- BRUCE McCLELLAND / ARIZONA DAILY STAR 1984
Two people died in a head-on Jamar Younger tic chair in his prison cell, hidden MINORITY VIEWPOINT
collision Thursday morning near in the hemline of his pants.
Bisbee, authorities said. They say a search of the Julian Bond, then a Georgia state senator, addressed several hundred
George Root, 48, of Tucson,
Another fire quelled kitchen resulted in the discovery people at the UA on Oct. 23, 1984. He talked about the Reagan admin-
and William I. Enriquez, 38, of at recycling plant of two packages hidden under an istration and its impact on minorities. He believed the Reagan admin-
Bisbee, were pronounced dead at A fire burned through a pile of upside-down pan on a table. The istration had been a disaster, and said,“The most effective spokesman
the scene after a 1-ton Ford truck recycled materials at a north- packages contained five serrated for privilege sits in the White House, and the gains of the past 20 years
and a 2006 Ford station wagon west-side recycling plant knife blades, nine box-cutter ra- are being whittled away.” He did express optimism that a sizable num-
collided on Arizona 80 near the Thursday, authorities said. zor blades, 10 syringes with hy- ber of people did not share President Ronald Reagan’s vision.
Mule Mountain Tunnel, accord- Firefighters arrived at the podermic needles, four rolls of
ing to the Arizona Department of blaze just after 4 p.m. and found marijuana and other items. Tucson Time Capsule is a daily feature, a photographic record of Tucson as it was. If you have a memory
Public Safety. materials on fire at Recycle The Associated Press of an event, please go to go.azstarnet.com/timecapsule, where you can find all of the Time Cap-
sule photos. You can also add your own historical Tucson photos to the collection. Please observe copy-
Root was a passenger in the America, 3909 N. Runway right laws.
truck when it struck the station Drive, near Interstate 10 and On StarNet: Find an interactive
wagon, which was driven by En- West Prince Road, said Capt. Tr- map of reported crimes in the
riquez, DPS said. ish Tracy, a Tucson Fire Depart- City of Tucson, updated every morn-
Two other men suffered in- ment spokeswoman. ing with the previous day’s data, at
juries in the collision, DPS said.
TPD unit to combat
It took firefighters about an go.azstarnet.com/crime

Smuggling tunnel found ‘epidemic’ of graffiti

under border in Nogales
By Jamar Younger the consequences of vandalism.

The Tucson Police Depart- Who will the program

ment is joining with the Pima target?
By Phil Villarreal 3 feet wide by 3 feet high. On County Attorney’s Office and The program will target graf-
ARIZONA DAILY STAR the American side, the tunnel is private businesses to rid the fiti artists and taggers who van-
U.S. Border Patrol agents dis- dirt-only and shrinks in size to walls throughout Tucson of dalize property.
covered a smuggling tunnel un- 18 inches in circumference. graffiti. TAG officers will use tips, the
der the border in Nogales, Ariz., “On the Mexican side it’s Tucson police Chief Roberto database and other information
on Wednesday. It was the first properly done, but from that Villaseñor announced Thursday to identify names and monikers
passageway agents have found in point on it’s kind of a hand-dug the department has taken over of graffiti artists.
the Tucson Sector in nearly four tunnel,” Escalante said. the city’s Graffiti Abatement Anyone arrested for tagging or
months. Escalante said an outside con- Program and will use officers to using graffiti can face criminal-
The 30-foot tunnel, 150 yards tractor would fill in the hole with help fight graffiti and catch tag- damageand vandalism charges.
east of the DeConcini Port of En- concrete in a remediation gers.
try, was fortified on the Mexican process today at the latest. The initiative will include a Why are authorities
side with shoring, but on the Lucero Salazar Cruz, a spokes- new graffiti hotline available targeting graffiti?
American side it appeared unfin- woman with the Nogales, Sonora, through 88-CRIME to report Villaseñor referred to the
ished, U.S. Border Patrol spokes- police,said city police involvement suspect information. graffiti problem in Tucson as an
man Mario Escalante said. in the discovery was limited to se- The department also will part- “epidemic” and “quality of life”
The tunnel was not connected curing the entrance. She said the ner with other businesses to clean issue.
to the drainage system. Escalante Mexican army has jurisdiction graffiti and raise money for re- City officials cited the diffi-
said there was no evidence as to over the case. sources to fight the vandalism. culty of cleaning up graffiti, only
who was using the tunnel. The Mexican army officials in Here are some specifics of the to have it reappear as soon as the
“They already had an opening Sonora could not immediately program: next day.
on the north side at the time we confirm information related to “This is a crime committed
found it,” Escalante said. “It’s the tunnel. What is it? frequently in the dark of the
hard to say who was using it, but The Tucson Police Depart- night,” said Pima County Attor-
the point of a tunnel system (is to Reporter Mariana Alvarado contributed to ment has formed the Targeting ney Barbara LaWall.
use it).” this article. All Graffiti — TAG — unit, which
The tunnel seems to have Contact reporter Phil Villarreal at 573- will work with a graffiti removal Problem areas
originated on the Mexican side 4130 or pvillarreal@azstarnet.com company to identify suspected The areas with the worst graf-
of the border, whereit starts off taggers and investigate graffiti fiti problems include neighbor-
vandalism. hoods near East Broadway and
The unit and the company, North Camino Seco, downtown
Graffiti Protective Coatings, will near Stone Avenue and Broadway
share a database that will include and the area near South 12th Av-

Jewish food fest, cook-off photographs and other informa-

tion about graffiti incidents.
The removal company will
enue and West Irvington Road,
according to Graffiti Protective

will benefit food bank, too take photos of graffiti while

cleaning the vandalism.
People can now call 88-
How much will it cost?
The program has a budget of
ARIZONA DAILY STAR Judaica gifts from Congregation CRIME to give information on $720,000 a year, which had al-
Tantalizing beef brisket sand- Or Chadash sisterhood gift shop, suspected taggers. Residents can ready been allotted for the ef-
wiches, steaming chicken matzo children’s activities and food still call 792-CITY to report fort, Villaseñor said.
ball soup, hummus and pita, from some of Tucson’s hottest graffiti in their neighborhoods. The TAG-unit police officers
pierogi, shish kebabs, decadent restaurants. were reassigned from the Vio-
desserts and many more mouth- Admission is $3 for adults. Who’s involved? lent Crimes Task Force, which
watering foods will be offered at Children under 12 get in free. In addition to TAG-unit offi- has been disbanded.
the second annual Jewish Food Parking is plentiful and free. cers, Graffiti Protective Coat- The task force was charged
Festival and Family Fun Fair. Admission proceeds will ben- ings and the County Attorney’s with breaking up loud parties
The festival and cook-off is efit the Community Food Bank, Office, Target Corp. will work and other incidents that lead to
scheduled for 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Congregation Or Chadash and with local businesses to raise violent crimes. Two other
Sunday at Brandi Fenton Memo- Interfaith Community Services. money and volunteer to clean up squads will still perform those
rial Park, 3482 E. River Road. For more information,go online graffiti. duties,police said.
The one-day event will fea- to www.jewishfoodfestival.com Clear Channel Radio is airing
ture live musical entertainment, or call Congregation Or Chadash public-service announcements Contact reporter Jamar Younger at
a food cook-off, craft vendors, at 512-8500. that warn graffiti artists about 573-4115 or jyounger@azstarnet.com

The deceased are from Tucson un- Oct. 10, East Lawn. ing manager, Oct. 16, Adair Avalon. ROSENBERG, Albert, 65, investor,
less otherwise noted. Occupations CARAMELLA, Mae, 96, homemaker, MALIN, Leona J., 92, homemaker, Oct. 12, East Lawn.
are stated when available. Oct. 14, Bring’s Broadway. Oct. 17, Bring’s Broadway. SAMPSON, Marshall D., 93, lawyer,
CARTER, Timothy R., 58, mechanic, MANN, Vernon LeRoy, 86, minister, Oct. 16, East Lawn.
ANTONELLI, Margaret, 90, home- Oct. 18, East Lawn. Oct. 15, East Lawn. SESSA, Laura M., 89, registered
maker, Oct. 13, Bring’s Broadway. COLVIN, Beal H., 89, machinist, MASCARELLA, Lois N., 81, facilities nurse, Oct. 13, East Lawn.
BEEL, L. Maxine, 91, homemaker, Oct. 16, Bring’s Broadway. coordinator, Oct. 17, East Lawn. SHELKSOHN, Owen D., 33, software
Oct. 12, East Lawn. COTTON, Mary, 97, loan clerk, Oct. 15, MAURER, Kenneth C., 76, police offi- engineer, Oct. 9, Bring’s Broadway.
BEITEL, Donald E., 90, aerospace, East Lawn. cer, Oct. 13, East Lawn. THEISS, Francine, 84, dental hygien-
Oct. 10, East Lawn. FINLEY, Murray, 92, railroad manage- MONROE, June, 80, secretary, ist, Oct. 18, Bring’s Broadway.
BLAIR, J.C., 82, mining, Oct. 20, Adair ment consultant, Oct. 18, Bring’s Oct. 17, Bring’s Broadway. WILSON, Vernon, 85, educator,
Avalon. Broadway. NAYLOR, Betty H., 82, homemaker, Oct. 15, Bring’s Broadway.
BLOHM, Joanne, 74, pottery artist, HAGEN, Warn, 54, homemaker, Oct. 17, East Lawn. YAGER, Vera, 83, assistant director
Oct. 14, Bring’s Broadway. Oct. 15, Bring’s Broadway. ORRED, Eva Vivien, 86, homemaker, for special education, Oct. 14,
BUTCHER, Lebert E., 74, military, JACOBSON, Esther, 92, homemaker, Oct. 15, East Lawn. Bring’s Broadway.
Oct. 14, East Lawn. Oct. 7, East Lawn. ROADY, Florence H., 96, homemaker,
CAMPBELL, Don B., 86, dentist, LEE, Robert A., age unavailable, min- Oct. 18, East Lawn.
A24 • TUCSON & REGION Friday, October 30, 2009 / ARIZONA DAILY STAR

McClusky files complaint over Dems’ mailer

By Rhonda Bodfield lawmakers. opposes a Convention Center funding to the region’s economic zations to drop last-minute would backfire against the De-
ARIZONA DAILY STAR Text along the top and bottom hotel, even though such a deci- development arm, saying it is charges is a disservice to the vot- mocrats.
Republican candidate Shaun warns, “Don’t let the Republi- sion would force the gem show to not doing a good job at luring ers of Tucson,” McClusky wrote Rogers, however, said the
McClusky filed a complaint cans do to Tucson what they’ve leave Tucson. high-paying jobs to town. in the complaint. Alleging that mailer was clearly allowed under
against the Pima County Demo- done to Arizona.” McClusky cited an Arizona Buehler-Garcia has not said the campaign was not independ- the law. The piece refers to three
cratic Party on Thursday, alleg- On the back, the flier states, statute that requires a political on the stump that he wants to ent from the candidates, as re- candidates and does not single
ing a flier that went to house- “Right-wing Republican ex- committee making an inde- repeal impact fees, although he quired by the law, he demanded any candidate out, which puts it
holds last week violated cam- tremism is not working up in pendent expenditure relating “to did lobby against them as a lob- an investigation subpoena phone outside of the statutory refer-
paign-finance laws. Phoenix, it certainly won’t work any one candidate or office” byist for the Tucson Metropoli- and e-mail records between the ence cited by McClusky. It also
The Democratic Party, which for Tucson,” and shows face within 10 days of the election to tan Chamber of Commerce and party and the candidates. falls outside the 10-day period.
has called the complaint a frivo- shots of the three Republican send a certified copy of the cam- has said they depress home- City Clerk Roger Randolph And, he said, there was no col-
lous and “last-minute desperate candidates. paign literature to the candidate ownership rates. said he received the complaint lusion with the candidates, say-
attempt of a losing candidate,” The flier states that Ben mentioned in the piece. Kozachik, meanwhile, has said and was looking into it, but had ing the charge was baseless and
sent a two-sided flier to house- Buehler-Garcia wants to repeal McClusky has not said on the that if Tucson is going “grow and no further comment. that the themes in this election
holds last week. On the front is a impact fees, which it argues campaign trail that he wants to develop as a major community, “ ‘Right-wing extremist’ is are simply similar to the candi-
picture, in black and white, of a would shift the burden to tax- raise taxes. He is backing Prop. we need to have a Convention just a nasty label designed to date platforms.
smiling Republican Gov. Jan payers of paying for infrastruc- 200, which would mandate Center hotel downtown.” He has make conservatives look like He accused McClusky of try-
Brewer, surrounded by head- ture such as roads, utilities and higher public-safety staffing ra- also said, however, that he does they’re not rational,” said Pima ing to “either gain publicity or
lines, largely culled from editori- public safety. It states that Shaun tios, which local Democratic not support asking taxpayers to County Republican Chairman tarnish the Democratic Party or
als from around the state and McClusky wants to raise taxes, Party Chairman Jeff Rogers con- fund it, instead saying the city Bob Westerman, who said he its candidates.”
blasting the budget battle as a eliminate economic develop- tends would either decimate city should encourage the private agrees with McClusky that the
“bad rerun” and criticizing the ment and cut programs for fami- programs or force a tax increase. sector to develop the hotel. mailer was not legal. He said he Contact reporter Rhonda Bodfield at 573-
infighting dividing Brewer and lies. It also says Steve Kozachik McClusky has suggested cutting “Permitting renegade organi- thought such mudslinging 4243 or rbodfield@azstarnet.com


Family sues driver
in fatal DUI collision
The family of a 54-year-old
man killed last year in a head-on,
alcohol-related collision has
filed a wrongful death lawsuit
against the driver of the other car
and her parents.
Christine Meneses is suing
Elizabeth Tuccini on behalf of
her siblings and grandmother,
according to the lawsuit, filed
rior Court. A bank-camera photo, released by Tucson police, shows a robbery in
Tuccini, 22, was found guilty progress at a Compass Bank branch inside a grocery store.
of negligent homicide two weeks
ago in the December 2008 death
of Marco Salazar. 2 jailed in bank heist Martin Petersen was found ly-
Deputy Pima County Attor- on northeast side ing unresponsive on the I-19
ney Victoria Otto presented evi- frontage road by two Border Pa-
dence Tuccini was drunk and Tucson police arrested two trol agents at 3:10 a.m. Saturday,
JIM DAVIS / ARIZONA DAILY STAR 1979 driving at a high speed when she men Tuesday in connection with said Officer Quent Mehr, a DPS
collided head-on with Salazar a northeast-side bank robbery spokesman.
MAYORAL MALLEABILITY two miles north of the Marana earlier that day. Petersen’s motorcycle was ly-
Road exit on the Interstate 10 JuJuan M. Gibson, 20, and ing on its side in the middle of
A mayor presides over a lot of openings and dedications and is used to Tucson Time Capsule is a daily feature, frontage road. Danny J. Simmons, 23, were the road, Mehr said.
working with whatever equipment is provided. So when Tucson Mayor Lew a photographic record of Tucson as it Tuccini's blood alcohol level booked into the Pima County jail No cause has been deter-
was. If you have a memory of an event,
Murphy addressed the crowd at the opening ceremonies for the Gemco please go to go.azstarnet.com/ was 0.157 about 90 minutes after on two counts each of suspicion mined for the crash. No evi-
department store at 7151 E. Speedway, it was probably no big deal that his timecapsule, where you can find all the crash; the legal limit in Ari- of armed robbery, suspicion of dence was found indicating the
lectern was contrived from two shopping carts. The new store was part of of the Time Capsule photos. You can zona is 0.08. aggravated robbery and suspi- motorcycle was run off the road
also add your own historical Tucson
the Lucky Stores chain. It covered 102,000 square feet and would carry photos to the collection. Please ob- Tuccini admitted to authori- cion of aggravated assault with a or had made any type of evasive
the grocery brands Lady Lee and Harvest Day. serve copyright laws. ties she’d mixed a pint of Jäger- deadly maneuver before the crash,
meister with Red Bull before get- weapon, ac- Mehr said.
ting behind the wheel of her cording to a It appears Petersen was not
pickup. Tucson Police wearing a helmet, Mehr said.
The lawsuit,which was filed on Department Brian J.Pedersen
ARIZONA Meneses’ behalf by attorney news release.
Kevin Moore, seeks unspecified A bank rob-
City panel to discuss
Ruling: Public records include compensatory and punitive dam-
ages from Tuccini and her par-
ents,whose car she was driving.
bery was re-
ported around
4:15 p.m. at a
race, justice system
The Tucson Police Depart-

all the embedded electronic info

Kim Smith Danny Compass Bank ment and the city of Tucson’s
Simmons branch within Office of the Independent Police
DPS seizes pot loads the Albert- Auditor are hosting a public fo-
son’s grocery rum Thursday to discuss the im-
totaling over 1,300 lbs. store at 6660 pact of race on policing the
By Howard Fischer First Amendment Coalition, alleging employment discrimi- A pair of marijuana seizures in E. Tanque criminal justice system.
CAPITOL MEDIA SERVICES which filed a legal brief in sup- nation. Lake also submitted a Cochise County netted more Verde Road, Representatives from local
PHOENIX — Government port of public access to what is public-records request to the than 1,300 pounds of contraband the release law enforcement agencies and
officials cannot deny public ac- known as “metadata,” said the city for notes kept by his super- Wednesday, the Arizona Depart- said. court systems have been invited
cess to the electronic tidbits decision will make public- visor documenting the officer’s ment of Public Safety said. Witnesses as panel members for the event,
that are embedded in their records requests quicker and work. A DPS officer discovered 1,222 said two men scheduled for 6 to 8 p.m. at Pima
records, the Arizona Supreme cheaper. He said it also will Lake, suspecting some docu- pounds of marijuana in a com- had robbed College’s West Campus, 2202 W.
Court ruled Thursday. make research easier. ments created on a computer partment underneath a flatbed JuJuan the bank at Anklam Road.
In a precedent-setting deci- Most immediately, it will en- had been back-dated, asked for truck that had been stopped for Gibson gunpoint and The forum is free and open to
sion, the justices said the elec- able those who demand a record the metadata, including “the making an unsafe lane change on left after get- the public. For information call
tronic tags, word-processing, to see, at the very least, exactly TRUE creation date, the access Arizona 90 south of Benson at ting an undisclosed amount of 791-4593 or 791-4441.
database and spreadsheet pro- when it was created. date, the access dates for each 4:30 p.m. Wednesday, according money, the release said.
grams attached to files and doc- Virtually all computer files time it was accessed, including to a DPS news release. Detectives were given a de- 1 dead, 1 injured
uments are as much a part of have embedded data: Clicking who accessed the file as well as The two men who were in the scription of the getaway car, and
the public record as the actual on a document in a directory print dates, etc.” When the city flatbed fled into the desert after it was found unoccupied near
in Safford-area crash
printout itself. listing reveals its electronic said that data was not a public being pulled over and could not East Pima Street and North A single-vehicle crash killed
The court was quick to say properties, including not just record, Lake sued. be found, DPS said. Rook Avenue, the release said. one person Thursday on U.S.
the new ruling does not man- the type of document it is but A trial judge and the state DPS officers also discovered Gibson and Simmons were Highway 191 near Safford, ac-
date that documents be stored also its origination date. That Court of Appeals rejected his 97 pounds of marijuana in the taken into custody about 6:30 cording to the Arizona Depart-
in an electronic format. Nor can provide valuable informa- arguments, saying what Lake trunk of a 1996 Toyota Camry p.m. Tuesday at an address asso- ment of Public Safety.
does it require governments to tion, particularly when there is sought did not fit within the that had been pulled over for fol- ciated with the vehicle, the re- Another person suffered seri-
create new files. a question of whether a docu- what are considered “public lowing too closely on Interstate lease said. ous injuries from the crash, which
But Justice Scott Bales, writ- ment was actually written records” under Arizona law. 10 west of Benson just before 9 Brian J.Pedersen occurred at 1:50 p.m.on the high-
ing for the unanimous court, when claimed. But Bales said the Court of a.m. Wednesday, DPS said. way north of Safford,DPS said.
said if there is an electronic But the ruling is a defeat for the Appeals made the mistake of The vehicle’s driver, 25-year- No other information was
record, the public is entitled to Attorney General’s Office, which trying to separate the metadata old Michael Florez, was driving
Tubac man, 41, dies available.
the entire record, including the argued that lawmakers never in- from the document itself. He on a suspended license and was after motorcycle crash Jamar Younger
embedded data. tended for that information to be said the question is simpler booked into the Sierra Vista jail A 41-year-old Tubac man died
Thursday’s decision is sig- part of the public record. than that: Does the record re- on suspicion of possession of Monday from injuries received in On StarNet: Find an interactive
nificant as more and more pub- The case involves David quested include not just the in- marijuana and suspicion of a motorcycle accident over the map of reported crimes in the
lic records are created by — and Lake, a Phoenix police officer formation normally visible but transportation of marijuana for weekend just off Interstate 19 city of Tucson, updated every morn-
stored in — computers. who had filed an administrative also the embedded data? Bales sale, DPS said. south of Amado, the Arizona De- ing with the previous day’s data, at
Dan Barr, an attorney for the complaint and federal lawsuit said the answer clearly is yes. Brian J.Pedersen partment of Public Safety said. go.azstarnet.com/crime

Burns releases hold on nonbudget legislation Sweat-lodge guru cancels

By Howard Fischer
historically been the practice, at
least until this past session
Yet, it still took lawmakers
until the last possible minute of
on how to handle it.
In the end, lawmakers ap-
seminars in wake of deaths
when Burns ordered that noth- the fiscal year — actually slight- proved a plan that largely relied THE ASSOCIATED PRESS investigation by Arizona authori-
PHOENIX — Senate Presi-
dent Bob Burns is scrapping the ing dealing with changes in state ly beyond — to adopt a new on spending cuts and some bor- PHOENIX — Motivational ties looking into the Oct. 8 sweat-
blockade he imposed on key law or policy be heard until spending plan. rowing, only to have Gov. Jan speaker and author James Arthur lodge ceremony at a high-priced
legislation last session to get there was a budget plan. Despite that, Burns told Brewer veto key elements be- Ray is canceling his remaining retreat outside Sedona. Besides
lawmakers to focus on the The result was a huge back- Capitol Media Services that cause they did not also approve 2009 seminars in the wake of the three deaths, 18 others among
budget. log of bills, with several didn’t make how he handled the her demand to let voters decide three deaths that occurred after more than 55 people inside the
Burns said Thursday he will months’ worth of legislation last session a mistake. whether to temporarily hike the a sweat-lodge ceremony he led sweat lodge were hospitalized. No
allow the people he has chosen being voted on in just weeks. It “The exercise that we went state sales tax. this month in northern Arizona. charges have been filed.
to run various committees to also meant that the majority of though last year, which was to Burns said the budget, which Ray announced on his blog on Ray has not spoken to Yavapai
decide which measures to de- proposals, including many by get people more up to speed on still is not in balance for this Thursday that he needs to dedi- County investigators but says he
bate and bring up for a vote the Republicans who control some of the budget issues, I year, remains the top priority. cate all his “physical and emo- is cooperating fully and writes
when lawmakers reconvene in the Legislature, never got a think served a purpose,” he said, But he said there is no reason to tional energies” to bringing clo- that he is “helping the authori-
January. Senate hearing, much less be- considering the size of the repeat the “exercise” of halting sure to the matter. ties and the families get to the
That is in line with what has came law. deficit and no clear consensus action on everything else. Ray is the subject of a criminal bottom of what happened.”
A18 • TUCSON & REGION Friday, November 6, 2009 / ARIZONA DAILY STAR

DEAR ABBY By Jeanne Phillips • Universal Press Syndicate

DEAR ABBY: My boss wants Stick to your guns, and don’t want my old mom back! Is there
my cell-phone number for apologize for it. any way I can stop her from go-
“work purposes.” He has trouble ing? Am I selfish for wanting her
with limits, and I am reluctant to DEAR ABBY: I’m a 16-year- to stay? — SHAKEN IN VIR-
give it to him. I don’t want to re- old girl whose parents have been GINIA
ceive text messages, unsolicited married for almost 19 years. DEAR SHAKEN: You have my
calls or contact outside of work. Mom started school two years sympathy. Your mother appears
My private life is just that — pri- ago to become a nurse. to be so preoccupied with herself
vate. She has always been inde- that she has forgotten she’s a
Am I out of line? I realize pendent, but since she went mother. Under the circum-
that many people use their cell back to school and is making her stances, all of your feelings are
phones as their only phones own money, she wants to be normal. Of course you want your
and others don’t mind receiv- more free. Mom works eight to mother and your old life back,
ing calls, but am I required to 12 hours a day. She leaves early and those feelings aren’t “self-
do so? and comes home late. She never ish.”
I think this has upset my boss stays for dinner, nor does she do While you can’t stop your
even though I have explained my anything with us as a family mother from leaving, you can
reason. I don’t use my cell phone anymore. She used to work in ask her if you can join her during
on the job; it’s in my purse except the same study as Dad, but she a couple of her therapy sessions
during personal time. Must I moved upstairs. so you can air your feelings in a
give up my privacy to keep my Mom is seeing a marriage safe environment and get some
job? — WANTS PRIVACY counselor, and she wants a di- of the answers you’re looking
DEAR WANTS PRIVACY: As vorce and to move away. She for. You deserve some answers,
long as your boss has your home promises she won’t see less of and you are old enough to hear
phone and can reach you in case us, but she will be more than a them.
of some emergency, I see no rea- half-hour away. She works non-
son why he should be pressuring stop and is constantly going out Write Dear Abby at www.DearAbby.com or
you for your cell-phone number. with her friends. I miss her, and I P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.


woman draws
Restaurant space, 2900 N. Swan
Road. Annual sale of upscale an-
Chess club — Oro Valley Public Li- tiques, furniture, silver, china, col-
life sentence brary, 1305 W. Naranja Drive. For
adults and serious youth players.
lectibles and other decorative and
unique household treasure. 10
1-5 p.m. Nov. 6. Free. 229-5300. a.m.-3 p.m. Nov. 7. Free. 250-6680.
By Kim Smith Comin’ Home 20th anniversary Writing Inspired by Butterflies —
dinner — El Conquistador Country Tucson Botanical Gardens, 2150 N.
A handyman who murdered Club, 10555 N. La Canada Road, Alvernon Way. Participants will
an 89-year-old Sahuarita Oro Valley. Dinner, silent auction write memoir, essays, myth, poetry
woman was sentenced Thurs- and a surprise retired military or children's stories with author
day to life in prison with release guest speaker. Organization pro- Connie Spittler.Writers will then
possible after 25 years. vides assistance to homeless vet- share their work with the class. Pre-
In Pima County Superior erans. Reservation deadline: Nov. registration required.Three ses-
Court, Judge John Leonardo 6. $60. 820-1622. sions. 10 a.m.-noon Nov. 7. $52; $45
also gave Edward Terrazas Vil- Great Beginnings Infant Care — TBG members. 326-9686, Ext. 19.
la an extra four years for bur- University Medical Center, 1501 N. ShredFest 2009 — Better Business
glary and car theft, which will Campbell Ave. Learn how to take Bureau of Southern Arizona, 434 S
be served consecutively with care of a newborn, the milestones Williams Blvd. This event gives res-
the life sentence, Deputy to watch for in your baby’s devel- idents a secure way to recycle old
County Attorney Richard opment, and the latest informa- documents, and for the first time
Wintory said. tion on home and car safety. 5- collects old cell phones, comput-
Villa was convicted last 7:30 p.m. Nov. 6. $15. 694-6667. ers, laptops, parts, peripherals and
month of first-degree murder IONS monthly presentation — Mar- office equipment. 9 a.m.-noon
in the death of Robin Satinsky shall Conference Center,Tucson Nov. 7. $10 suggested donation per
and of stealing her car. Medical Center, 5301 E. Grant Road. box of paper shredded. 888-6161.
Wintory told jurors that “The Living Classroom: Teaching Junior Scientist Kids Day — Univer-
Satinsky was reported missing and Collective Consciousness”by sity Libraries Science-Engineering
in late October 2007 after wor- Chris Bache, an award-winning Library, 744 N. Highland Ave.
ried family members and teacher, author and researcher. Pre- Geared for elementary- and mid-
friends couldn’t reach her for sented by the Institute of Noetic dle-school children. Hands-on, sci-
several days. Sciences. 6:30-8:30 p.m. Nov. 6. $5 ence-related activity tables. 9:30
Satinsky’s car was found in a suggested donation. 798-6300. a.m.-1 p.m. Nov. 7. Free. 621-6375.
parking lot near South 12th Av- Scarecrows in the Gardens —Tucson Adoption training — Southern Ari-
enue and West Valencia Road in Botanical Gardens,2150 N.Alvernon zona Center Against Sexual As-
Tucson on Nov. 7, and her body Way.Handcrafted scarecrows of all sault, 1600 N. Country Club Road.
was found seven months later shapes and sizes.8:30 a.m.-4:30 For professionals who serve
by a motorcyclist who broke p.m.Nov.6.Included in garden ad- women who experience unintend-
down south of Pima Mine mission: $7; $3 kids. 326-9686. ed pregnancies. 8:15 a.m.-1 p.m.
Road. Southwest American Indian art Nov. 7. Free. 327-2387.
Satinsky was clothed only in lecture series — Morning Star Used-book sale — St. Philip’s In the
a nightgown and socks. Her Traders, 2020 E. Speedway. 2 p.m. Hills Church, 4440 N. Campbell
legs and mouth had been duct- Nov. 6. Free. 881-2112. Ave. Proceeds benefit the church
taped, and an autopsy revealed Urban Yarns at the Library — Joel D. library. 8:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Nov. 7.
she’d been strangled. Valdez Main Library, 101 N. Stone Free. 299-6421.
While investigating the case, Ave. Bring your hooks, needles and Computer class — Joel D. Valdez
detectives learned Villa had lunches. No instruction provided. Main Library, 101 N. Stone Ave. Top-
been doing work for Satinsky, Noon-1 p.m. Nov. 6. Free. 791-4010. ics can include résumé writing, on-
and he’d once been arrested for line job searching, e-mail accounts
stealing her car, although he
never had been prosecuted for
SATURDAY and more. Registration required. 10
a.m.-noon Nov. 7. Free. 594-5500.
that. Annual Treasure House estate sale
In addition, they learned — Plaza Palomino, Red Sky More listings at dailystarcalendar.com
Villa worked across the street
from where Satinsky’s car was
found, and his DNA was found
in the car. Artwork and tea
services belonging to Satinsky RADAR VAN LOCATIONS
were found in Villa’s storage
unit, Wintory said. The city’s police radar van is sched- • 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.: On East
The prosecutor argued that uled to snap photographs of speed- 29th Street between South Cray-
Villa killed Satinsky to cover up ers at these locations today, accord- croft Road and South Swan Road.
the fact that he’d stolen her car ing to the Tucson Police Department: • 1:30 to 4 p.m.: In front of Los Ami-
a second time. • 6 to 9:30 a.m.: In front of gos Elementary School, in the
Townsend Elementary School, in 2200 block of East Drexel Road.
Contact reporter Kim Smith at the 2100 block of North Beverly • 4:30 to 8 p.m.: On East Broadway
573-4241or kimsmith@azstarnet.com Avenue. near Santa Rita Avenue.

Man convicted in fatal DUI rearrested

By Kim Smith into custody, Lane said. Florez, who was not wearing a
ARIZONA DAILY STAR Rodriguez had cocaine with seat belt, died almost immedi-
A 19-year-old who could re- him, and a breath test came back ately.
ceive probation next month in a positive for the presence of alco- Rodriguez left the scene and
fatal DUI-related crash was ar- hol, Lane said. was arrested about 45 minutes
rested early Wednesday morning Pima County Superior Court after the crash.
on suspicion of driving under the Judge Deborah Bernini ordered The jury convicted Rodriguez
influence and drug possession Rodriguez held without bond on of having marijuana in his sys-
charges. the new case Wednesday after- tem but acquitted him of driving
A convenience-store clerk noon and imposed a $200,000 under the influence of marijua-
called the Pima County Sheriff’s bond in his old case, Lane said. na. They also acquitted him on
Department early Wednesday Rodriguez was convicted Oct. drug-possession and drug-
morning to report two underage 30 of driving with an illegal drug in paraphernalia charges.
people were trying to buy alco- his system and leaving the scene Assistant Pima County Public
hol, said Deputy Pima County after causing a fatal crash, but he Defender CeCelia Valentine de-
Attorney Heather Lane. was allowed to remain free pend- clined to comment on Ro-
When a deputy tried to pull ing his Dec.11 sentencing hearing. driguez’s new arrest.
the suspects’ car over in the The charges stemmed from When Bernini sentences Ro-
store’s parking lot, the driver re- the July 2008 death of Lenora driguez, she could place him on
peatedly tried to evade him, but Florez, 45. probation or give him up to five
the deputy was able to box the Rodriguez turned left in front years in prison.
car in, Lane said. of Florez,causing her to crash into
The passenger fled, but Miguel him near Old Nogales Highway Contact reporter Kim Smith at 573-4241
Rodriguez, the driver, was taken and Old Vail Connection Road. or kimsmith@azstarnet.com


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It’s a Tucson thing.
ARIZONA DAILY STAR / Friday, November 13, 2009 NATION • A13

Plea deal Veteran reporter King to take Dobbs’ place at CNN


NEW YORK — CNN moved

porter King was the perfect
choice for the passionate, non-
King, whose Washington-based
program has no name yet.
the National Hispanic Media
Coalition. “That he is gone from

swiftly to replace Lou Dobbs in partisan reporting that CNN Dobbs was a CNN original who CNN is a great blessing and a
its nightly lineup with John King, wants for its image. King will be was one of the TV business’s great victory for our community.”
who said Thursday that all views leaving the Sunday political talk leading financial journalists be- CNN supported Dobbs, par-

boy hoax
would be welcome on his politi- show over which he has presided, fore taking on many other topics ticularly as the opinionated fare
cally oriented talk show when it creating another opening. post-9/11,and increasingly offer- boosted his ratings. But his show
debuts early next year. King will compete directly ing his own opinion. increasingly became inconsis-
Dobbs’ abrupt exit prompted a with another political hour, Lou Dobbs John King Hispanic groups charged that tent with CNN’s effort to present
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS victory lap by advocacy groups Chris Matthews’ “Hardball” on Abrupt exit Meaty fare Dobbs’ emphasis on illegal immi- itself as the down-the-middle
FORT COLLINS, Colo. — that had sought his ouster for out- MSNBC. (Shepard Smith’s gen- gration promoted an atmosphere alternative to Fox and MSNBC,
The parents accused of pulling spokenness, particularly on illegal eral-interest newscast on Fox ing more meaty fare than those of intolerance. and Klein pressured Dobbs to do
a spectacular hoax by report- immigration. But CNN President News Channel is the cable news of his competitors. “We had hundreds of thou- a straight newscast. Complicat-
ing that their 6-year-old son Jon Klein said their pressure had ratings leader in the time slot.) “Anybody who has a major sands of people who said, ing things was Dobbs’ new role
had floated away aboard a he- nothing to do with the decision. The CNN personality said he stake in a major topic will be in- ‘Enough is enough,’ ” said Alex as a radio commentator, and the
lium balloon have agreed to Klein said veteran political re- hoped to establish a show offer- vited to be on the show,” said Nogales, president and CEO of personas were often confused.
plead guilty in a deal that could
send them both to jail but pro-
tect the wife from deportation.
Richard Heene is to plead
guilty today to attempting to
influence a public servant, a
felony,said his attorney,David
Heene’s wife, Mayumi, a
Japanese citizen who could be
deported if convicted of more
serious charges, will plead
guilty to a lesser charge of false
reporting to authorities, a
Lane said the threat of de-
portation “fueled” negotia-
tions with prosecutors. An at-
torney for Mayumi Heene said
her immigration status was a
factor in reaching the deal but
would not comment further.
Prosecutors announced
criminal charges against the
couple Thursday.
The Oct. 15 saga gripped a
global audience, first with
fear for the safety of 6-year-
old Falcon Heene and then
with anger at his parents
when au-
them of
ing the
hoax to
drum up
Richard attention
Heene for a possi-
ble reality
said the
deal does
not call for
Falcon or
the cou-
Mayumi ple’s other
Heene two chil-
dren — ages
8 and 10 — from the parents’
The plea deal would spare
the Heenes the maximum jail
time, but Richard Heene could
still get up to 90 days and
Mayumi up to 60,Lane said.
Without the deal, the
charge against Richard Heene
carries a possible sentence of
two to six years in state prison
and a fine of up to $500,000.
The charge against his wife is
punishable by up to six
months in the county jail and
a fine up to $750.
Mayumi Heene’s attorney,
Lee Christian, said he expects
her to serve any jail time in a
work-release program that
would involve some deten-
tion and some time at home.
The parents still face a civil
investigation by the Federal
Aviation Administration.
Possible penalties range from
a letter of reprimand to a fine.
The balloon briefly forced
some planes to switch to a
different runway for takeoff
from the Denver airport.
Prosecutors said the
Heenes agreed to turn them-
selves in and went to court
Thursday to sign documents
promising to appear before a
judge today. They held hands
as they walked into the court-
house. Their children were
not with them.
Richard Heene also had a
booking photo taken at a
county jail and was released.
He would not comment.
Lane said prosecutors in-
sisted on a “package deal”
that required Richard Heene
to plead guilty to a felony so
Mayumi Heene could plead
guilty to a misdemeanor and
avoid deportation.
“He feels like he’s got to do
what he’s got to do to save his
wife from being deported,”
Lane said.
The Heenes are amateur
storm chasers and had twice
appeared on the ABC reality
show “Wife Swap.”
Former business partners
said Richard Heene wanted a
show of his own called “The
Science Detectives” or “The
Psyience Detectives.”
Richard Heene, 48, denied
the saga was a publicity stunt.
Two days later, deputies
questioned both parents sep-
arately, and authorities said
Mayumi Heene admitted the
incident was a hoax.

A20 • WORLD ¡ Friday, November 13, 2009 / ARIZONA DAILY STAR

AROUND THE world’s largest gingerbread man
at an Ikea outlet in Norway’s
Amazon deforestation Questioning of Blair
WORLD down 46%, gov’t says
BRASILIA — Deforestation in
on war to be public
LONDON — Former Prime
capital, Oslo.
Guinness Book of World
Records spokeswoman Justine
the Brazilian Amazon dropped Minister Tony Blair will be ques- Bourdariat said 8-foot-1-inch
BOLIVIA nearly 46 percent from August tioned publicly about the Iraq Sultan Koesen of Turkey dis-
Less rain, more sun 2008 to July 2009 — the biggest war during Britain’s long-await- played the 1,435-pound biscuit.
annual decline in two decades, ed inquiry into mistakes made Baked locally in the traditional
shrink Lake Titicaca the government said Thursday. before and during the conflict, gingerbread-man shape, it beat
LA PAZ — Evaporation Analysis of satellite imagery the inquiry chairman said Friday. the previous gingerbread cookie
blamed on global warming has by the National Institute for Chairman John Chilcott said record of 1,307 pounds set in
reduced Lake Titicaca, one of the Space Research shows an esti- Blair and other senior politicians 2006 in Smithville, Texas.
world’s highest navigable lakes, mated 2,705 square miles of for- will be questioned early next Ikea spokesman Jan
to its lowest level since 1949, au- est were cleared during the 12- year on their roles and decisions Thommesen said Guinness Book
thorities said Thursday. month period, the lowest rate over the war. of World Records representative
Diminished rainfall and a rise since the government started Prime Minister Gordon Brown Kelly Gerret awarded the furni-
in solar radiation have in the past monitoring deforestation in announced in June that he would ture store a world-record diplo-
four years led to critically low 1988. hold an inquiry into the 2003 ma Thursday as part of the pub-
water levels that now threaten “The new deforestation data U.S.-led invasion of Iraq. He ini- lication’s World Records Day.
fish-spawning areas and plant represents an extraordinary and tially had said the hearings Koesen was declared the tallest
life, the Lake Titicaca Authority significant reduction for Brazil,” would be private but changed his living man by the Guinness Book
said in a statement. President Luiz Inacio Lula da stance after bereaved families in September.
Titicaca’s waters have Silva said in a statement. and anti-war campaigners said a
dropped 2.65 feet since April and The numbers have been falling private inquiry would command AUSTRALIA
flora and fauna are apt to be since 2004. The government little confidence.
damaged if they drop another credited its aggressive monitor- Chilcott, a former civil ser-
Extradition is OK’d
foot, the statement said. ing and enforcement measures vant, said the first round of hear- for alleged Nazi helper
Navy Capt. Jorge Ernesto Es- for the drop, as well as its promo- ings will start Nov. 24 and last ADELAIDE — The govern-
pinoza told ATB television that tion of sustainable activities in until February. He said senior of- ment on Thursday approved the
South America’s largest lake is the Amazon region, an area in ficials and military officers extradition of an alleged Nazi
receding by about an inch a week. northern Brazil the size of the would give evidence first, and collaborator accused by Hungary
ALASTAIR GRANT/ THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The lake, straddling Bolivia U.S.west of the Mississippi River. politicians including Blair would of a World War II killing.
and Peru at 12,493 feet elevation, But Paulo Gustavo, environ- then be questioned. Home Affairs Minister Bren-
A MAN WITH STRONG FOLLICLES is a 3,240-square-mile oasis on mental policy director of Con- dan O’Connor said Australia
Manjit Singh breaks a Guinness world record by pulling a double-decker an arid high plain an hour’s drive servation International, said a NORWAY takes war crimes seriously and
bus weighing 9.5 tons for 69.55 feet across Battersea Park in London from the Bolivian capital of La major factor is the drop in world will not be a haven for criminals.
with ribbons attached to his hair. Singh, 59, who set the mark Thursday, Paz. prices for beef, soy and other World’s tallest man Australian citizen Charles
previously had failed to break the record for pulling a double-decker About 2.6 million people de- products that drive people to has tasty company Zentai, 88, is accused by the
bus with his ears. pend on the lake for their suste- clear land for agriculture in the OSLO — The world’s tallest Hungarian government of being
nance. rainforest. living man has unveiled the one of three men who tortured
and killed a Jewish teenager in
Budapest in 1944 for failing to
wear a star identifying him as a
Zentai, who emigrated to
Australia in 1950, says he is in-
nocent and was not even in Bu-
dapest at the time. He turned
himself in to Australian police in
the western city of Perth last
month after the Federal Court
ruled he was eligible for extradi-

Sarkozy: Nation has
‘no place for burqa’
PARIS — President Nicolas
Sarkozy says there is no place for
full face and body veils such as
the burqa, or for the debasement
of women, in France.
Sarkozy says all beliefs will be
respected in France but “be-
coming French means adhering
to a form of civilization, to val-
ues, to morals.”
Sarkozy said Thursday during
a speech on national identity
that “France is a country where
there is no place for the burqa.”
France has a large Muslim com-
munity but only a small minority
of French Muslim women wear
burqas, common in Afghani-
stan, or other face-covering
Sarkozy said in June that
burqas would not be welcome in
France. Since then a parliamen-
tary panel has been looking into
the possibility of banning them
in public.

Research module
docks at space station
MOSCOW — A cargo ship has
delivered a Russian research
module to the International
Space Station.
Russia’s space agency said the
spacecraft carrying the Poisk
module docked with the orbital
station Thursday after a two-
day trip from Earth.
Poisk is Russian for “search.”
The space agency, Roskosmos,
said the small module will be
used for scientific research and
experiments once it is secured
and linked to the station with
communications cables. That
will require a spacewalk, sched-
uled for January.
The Russian-made module
can also serve as an additional
docking port.
The decade-old international
space station has expanded and
now has a crew of six. The cur-
rent crew includes two Russians,
two Americans, a Canadian and
a Belgian.

The Associated Press


ARIZONA DAILY STAR / Wednesday, November 18, 2009 ¡ NATION • A11

CO2 output up despite economy, propelled by China

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS published in the journal Nature CO2 emissions rise
WASHINGTON — Pollution Geoscience. Worldwide carbon dioxide emissions
typically declines during a reces- According to the study, the from the burning of fossil fuels and
sion. Not this time. 2008 emissions increase was production of cement rose 2 percent
Despite a global economic smaller than normal for this from 2007 and 2008.
slump, worldwide carbon diox- decade. Annual global pollution
ide pollution jumped 2 percent growth has averaged 3.6 percent. Countries’ change in carbon dioxide
last year, with most of the in- This year, scientists are forecast- emissions from 2007 to 2008, in
millions of tons
crease coming from China, ac- ing a nearly 3 percent reduction,
cording to a study published on- despite China, because of the
China 490 million
line Tuesday. massive economic slowdown in
India 134
“The growth in emissions most of the world and in the
Russia 32
since 2000 is almost entirely United States. Saudi Arabia 32
driven by the growth in China,” The U.S. is still the biggest per Brazil 29
said study lead author Corinne capita major producer of man- South Africa 22
Le Quere of the University of made greenhouse gases, spewing South Korea 19
East Anglia. “It’s China and In- about 20 tons of carbon dioxide Indonesia 19
dia and all the developing coun- per person per year. The world Iran 15
tries together.” average is 5.3 tons, and China is Poland 10
Carbon dioxide emissions, the at 5.8 tons LARGEST DECREASE
chief man-made greenhouse Last year, U.S. emissions fell -192 U.S.
gas, come from the burning of by 3 percent, a reduction of -43 Europe*
coal, oil, natural gas, and also nearly 192 million tons of carbon -20 Australia
from the production of cement, dioxide. Overall European Union -19 Spain
which is a significant pollution emissions dropped by 1 percent. -10 Italy
factor in China. Worldwide The U.S. is still the No. 2 biggest -7 Finland
emissions rose 671 million more carbon polluter overall, emitting -7 U. Kingdom
tons from 2007 to 2008. Nearly more than the next four largest -7 Germany
polluting countries combined: -3 Denmark
three-quarters of that increase
-3 Czech Republic
came from China. India, Russia, Japan and Ger- * Includes 27 countries
The numbers are from the many. China has been No. 1 since THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
U.S. Department of Energy’s Oak pushing past the United States in SOURCE: U.S. Department of AP Smoke rises from cooling towers at a coal-fired power plant in Kaifeng, in central China. Nearly three-quar-
Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Ridge National Laboratory and 2006. 11/18/09 ters of the worldwide increase in carbon dioxide emissions from 2007 to 2008 occurred in China.

TSA takes 6 years to draft Lead found in toys with Barbie, Disney logos
rule on repair-site security THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Jerry Brown has sent letters to sell it. Bell said the kit was an store shelves.”
WASHINGTON — Children’s Target, Wal-Mart and the other older product that passed safety The center did an initial round
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS copied the generally tight secu- toys carrying the Barbie and Dis- retailers who sold the seven tests in 2007, but the company of testing on products and sent
WASHINGTON — Eight rity programs in place in the ney logos have turned up with products, warning that chil- didn’t know it was still on store the ones singled out as having
years after the 9/11 attacks European Union, he said. high levels of lead in them, ac- dren’s goods on their store shelves. high lead to an independent lab-
brought a new focus on security So far there haven’t been any cording to a California-based shelves were found to contain il- Disney said the Tinkerbell oratory for additional testing and
at airplane maintenance facili- incidents involving U.S. airlin- advocacy group — a finding that legal levels of lead and should be necklace was tested by its licens- confirmation.
ties,and six years after Congress ers that have been tied to secu- may give consumers pause as pulled immediately. ee, Playmates Toys, before being The Consumer Product Safety
first required action, the gov- rity lapses at repair stations, they shop for the holiday season. The findings released Tuesday distributed — and that it com- Commission, which regulates
ernment still hasn’t tightened but experts said lack of security The Center for Environmental come about a year after a prod- plied with all federal and state toys and thousands of other
its vigilance. standards remains a glaring Health tested about 250 chil- uct safety law that ushered in consumer safety regulations. products, is looking into the
Concerned that terrorists concern. dren’s products bought at major strict limits on the amounts of The Center for Environmental matter.
might use a repair station to TSA spokesman Greg Soule retailers and found lead levels lead and chemicals allowed in Health in Oakland, Calif., said Commission Chairman Inez
sabotage airliners, Congress in said it took time for the agency that exceeded federal limits in products made for children 12 the Barbie toy was bought at Tenenbaum held a meeting with
2003 passed a law ordering the to craft a rule that takes into ac- seven of them. Lead can cause ir- years and younger. Congress Tuesday Morning and the Tin- parents and consumers Tues-
Transportation Security Ad- count the diversity of the 4,100 reversible brain damage. passed the law after a slew of re- kerbell jewelry was purchased at day in New York to praise the
ministration to come up with domestic and 700 foreign repair Among those with high lead calls of lead-tainted toys in 2007, Walgreens. The other products new safety protections provid-
security requirements for re- stations certified to work on levels: a Barbie Bike Flair Acces- including several Mattel-related the center said had high lead ed in the consumer law, known
pair facilities, and gave the U.S.-registered aircraft. The sory Kit and a Disney Tinkerbell recalls that involved more than 2 came from TJ Maxx, Sears, Wal- as CPSIA. She said lead recalls
agency eight months to do it. stations range from small busi- Water Lily necklace. The group million toys. Mart and Target. are down this year and that CP-
In 2007, after no rule had nesses that are miles from air- said it also found excessive lead in Mattel said it licensed the The center’s executive direc- SIA should give consumers
materialized, Congress again ports and work on specialized a Dora the Explorer Activity Tote, Barbie name to Bell Sports for tor, Michael Green, said parents greater confidence while shop-
passed a law ordering TSA to parts like seatbelts, to huge two pairs of children’s shoes, a the bike accessory kit found with “need to know that there are ping for toys during the holiday
put security requirements in hangars and warehouses inside boys belt and a kids poncho. high lead, but did not make or still some lead problems on season.
place within one year. That airport grounds. California Attorney General
deadline expired in August
This week, faced with a con-
gressional hearing Wednesday
on the issue, TSA finally posted
a proposed rule to its Web site
rather than wait for publication
in the Federal Register. Officials
acknowledged they wanted to
get it out ahead of the hearing.
It’s still not a done deal.
Industry and other interest-
ed parties will have 60 days to
comment on the proposal once
it’s published, and there is no
telling when it will take effect.
It’s not unusual for there to be a
gap of months or years between
the proposal of a regulation and
issuance of a final rule.
Aviation maintenance and se-
curity experts who reviewed
TSA’s proposal told The Associ-
ated Press that it prescribes the
kind of security program com-
mon in industry and throughout
government: A qualified securi-
ty program chief, photo identifi-
cation for employees, controlled
access to airplanes and parts, a
secure facility or property
perimeter and background
checks of employees.
“These (security) concerns
are not new, they have long
been known by the govern-
ment. Why it has taken so long
for them to act defies logic,”
said John Goglia, who was the
first Federal Aviation Adminis-
tration mechanic to serve on
the National Transportation
Safety Board.
TSA could have at anytime
ARIZONA DAILY STAR / Wednesday, November 18, 2009 NATION & WORLD • A13


Obama’s visit to China yields few concessions

By Charles Hutzler searcher on strategic affairs at ham Clinton and much of the
and Jennifer Loven the Shanghai Institute for Inter- Chinese leadership with Ameri-
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS national Studies. “On the other can songs including “I Just
BEIJING — President Oba- hand, the U.S. has little to offer Called to Say I Love You” and
ma’s first visit to China under- China.” “We Are the World.”
scored a shifting balance of pow- Obama’s outreach here contin- The joint statement that Oba-
er: two giants moving closer to ued the type of pragmatic bridge- ma and Hu issued was the
being equals. building he has used in Europe broadest of its kind in 30 years of
In this week’s choreographed and the Middle East in hopes of formal relations. It contained
show of U.S.-Chinese good will, earning goodwill that will pro- expressions of cooperation in re-
Obama’s pledge to treat China as duce payoffs down the road. lations between their two often-
a trusted global partner won a In China, though, the chal- mistrustful militaries, on a hu-
return promise of shared effort lenge is of a different magnitude. man-rights dialogue, on space
on world troubles — but not The Chinese government is exploration and on shoring up
much else. America’s biggest foreign credi- Afghanistan and Pakistan — as
Standing stiffly together in tor, with $800 billion of federal well as the big topics of climate
the Great Hall of the People after U.S. debt that gives it extraordi- change, economic recovery and
a morning of talks, Obama and nary power in the relationship. defanging North Korea’s and
President Hu Jintao talked ex- Its military buildup is rubbing up Iran’s nuclear programs.
pansively Tuesday of common against America’s influence in Chinese leaders, however, are
burdens and joint efforts on Asia. And Beijing feels the global wary of Obama’s charisma.
global warming, nuclear disar- recession, sparked by U.S. finan- Though they prevented a na-
mament, the anemic economy cial industry excesses, vindicates tionwide broadcast and cen-
and other big issues. They dealt its authoritarian leadership. sored Web transcripts of a
coolly with differences over hu- Gone are the days when a U.S. meeting Monday he held with
man rights and trade, leaving president could come to China Chinese students in Shanghai,
them out of public view or re- expecting the release of a dissi- students who attended said they
served for coded language. dent or a trade concession as an found Obama and his rise to the
Their first formal summit fea- atmospheric sweetener. For presidency inspiring. Bloggers
tured none of the rancor that Obama, he not only didn’t get PABLO MARTINEZ MONSIVAIS / THE ASSOCIATED PRESS cheered his appeal against cen-
spoiled many previous summits that, but not one notable shift by President Obama listens to Chinese President Hu Jintao as they attend a state dinner reception Tuesday at sorship of the Internet.
between the nations. the Chinese toward U.S. posi- the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. The presidents’ translators are behind them. “It’s wonderful to have the
But Obama went into the tions in key areas such as cli- President Obama here,” Lu
meetings with a weaker hand mate, nuclear challenges in Iran One sign, albeit small, that still think of the U.S. as an unas- ers clearly delighted in the show Hualin, a middle-age office ad-
than most past presidents. The and North Korea, human rights people are growing weary with sailable superpower and don’t of face Obama gave them. Far ministrator in Beijing’s business
battering that economic reces- or monetary policy. Obama’s pragmatic humility want presidents who make them from crowing, however, Hu gave district, said Tuesday. “I didn’t
sion and wars in Iraq and For Obama, going back home overseas: A mini-furor erupted in think otherwise. Problems in this Obama a respectful welcome by watch the town hall, but it’s
Afghanistan have given U.S. from a weeklong Asia trip with the U.S. when he bowed to greet area could make it more difficult to soldiers in dress uniforms and pretty obvious that the Chinese
prestige is felt nowhere more little more than hopes that he’s the emperor of Japan in Tokyo on forge ahead with already divisive in-depth discussions that ran really like him for the energy, in-
keenly than in a China that is laying groundwork for better co- Saturday. Conservative com- health-care reforms, make bold overtime. tellect and charisma he brings to
busily growing and accruing operation could sour, fast, on mentators are calling it groveling choices on a new strategy for the At a state banquet Tuesday the conversation. I think we’ll
global clout. Americans.He was elected in part before a foreign leader. drawn-out war in Afghanistan, or night, the People’s Liberation welcome anyone who has an
“The U.S. has a lot to ask from because of his promises to restore The effect could stretch beyond get re-elected. Army band serenaded Obama, agenda to better the world and
China,” said Xue Chen, a re- the battered U.S.image abroad. foreign affairs. Many Americans For China, Hu and other lead- Secretary of State Hillary Rod- work toward world peace.”

Ford, Subaru, VW earn top safety marks
proceeds will benefit Madoff’s
wronged investors, and Madoff

NATION himself is serving 150 years.

DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA THE ASSOCIATED PRESS front, side and rear crash tests
Kidnapper of Smart WASHINGTON — Ford, HOW THEY RATE based on institute evaluations
Byrd being honored admits guilt, apologizes Subaru and Volkswagen sit The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety named 27 vehicles as winners during the year. The vehicles are
for record 56+ years SALT LAKE CITY — Seven atop the insurance industry’s of their top safety pick award for the 2010 model year. required to have electronic sta-
WASHINGTON — The Senate years after she was abducted at annual list of the safest new bility control to qualify for the
is a resolutely superlative place, knifepoint, Elizabeth Smart fi- vehicles, according to a closely LARGE CARS SMALL CARS award. Earlier this year, the in-
so it was resolved that the august nally has an apology — and a watched assessment used by Buick LaCrosse Honda Civic (four-door with op- stitute said vehicles would need
body will open its session today guilty plea — from one of her car companies to lure safety- Ford Taurus tional ESC, except Si) to receive its highest score in its
by saluting kidnappers. conscious consumers to show- Lincoln MKS Kia Soul roof-strength evaluation to
Sen. Robert C. “I am so sorry, Elizabeth, for rooms. Volvo S80 Nissan Cube qualify the safety pick designa-
Byrd, Con- all the pain and suffering I have The Virginia-based Insur- MIDSIZE CARS Subaru Impreza (except WRX) tion.
gress’ longest- caused you and your family,” ance Institute for Highway Volkswagen Golf (four-door) “With the addition of our
serving mem- Wanda Eileen Barzee, 64, said Safety awarded its “top safety Audi A3 MIDSIZE SUVs roof-strength evaluation, our
ber. Tuesday. “It is my hope that you pick” on Wednesday to 19 pas- Chevrolet Malibu (built after Oct. crash test results now cover all
“I look for- will be able to find it in your heart senger cars and eight sport util- 2009) Dodge Journey four of the most common kinds
ward to serv- to forgive me.” ity vehicles for the 2010 model Chrysler Sebring (four-door with Subaru Tribeca of crashes,” said institute presi-
Robert ing you for the The appeal year. The institute substantially optional ESC) Volvo XC60 dent Adrian Lund. “Consumers
C. Byrd next 56 years came minutes reduced the number of awards Dodge Avenger Volvo XC90 can use this list to zero in on the
and 320 days,” after Barzee compared with 2009 because of Mercedes C Class SMALL SUVs vehicles that are on the top rung
Byrd said in a statement marking pleaded guilty tougher requirements for roof Subaru Legacy for safety.”
the occasion. to federal strength. Subaru Outback Honda Element The institute awarded its top
Byrd has cast more than charges of kid- Ford Motor Co. and its Volvo Volkswagen Jetta (four-door) Jeep Patriot (with optional side prize to 94 vehicles in 2009
18,000 votes and, despite fragile napping and unit received the most awards Volkswagen Passat (four-door) thorax air bags) and attributed the decline in
health that has kept him from unlawful with six, followed by five awards Volvo C30 Subaru Forester awards this year to the roof-
the Senate floor during much of Wanda Eileen transportation apiece for Japanese automaker Volkswagen Tiguan strength requirement. The
the year, has a nearly 98 percent Barzee of a minor in Subaru and German automaker SOURCE: Insurance Institute for Highway Safety Honda Accord and Ford Fusion
attendance record over the federal court. Volkswagen AG and its Audi both dropped off the list be-
course of his career. Smart, now 22, was 14 when unit. cause 2010 versions didn’t earn
Which, by Byrd’s count, has she was taken from the bedroom Toyota Motor Corp., BMW Mitsubishi Motors Corp. were The vehicles are selected for high-enough scores on the roof
spanned 20,774 days. Byrd’s of her Salt Lake City home, AG, Mazda Motor Corp. and shut out in the annual review. best protecting motorists in test.
service today ties the record set sparking a search that riveted the
by Sen. Carl Hayden, D-Ariz., nation. Nine months later, in
who served from 1912 to 1969. March 2003, Barzee and her
now-estranged husband, Brian
8-state gas pipeline
now fully operational
David Mitchell, were arrested af-
ter they were spotted walking on
a suburban street with Smart.
GOP attacks Web site on created stimulus jobs
CHEYENNE — A 1,679-mile PENNSYLVANIA MCCLATCHY NEWSPAPERS ing to the eight congressional Obey, the Wisconsin Democrat Wilson of South Carolina.
pipeline crossing eight states is WASHINGTON — The fed- districts, but also lists 30 jobs who chairs the House Appropria- The White House didn’t re-
now completed and funneling
Letter from Lincoln eral Web site that tracks spend- saved or created in the 15th Dis- tions Committee. “The adminis- spond to repeated requests for
natural gas from Wyoming and to boy, 8, goes on sale ing from the Obama adminis- trict, which doesn’t exist. tration owes itself, the Congress comment.
Colorado to the eastern edge of PHILADELPHIA — A letter tration’s $787 billion economic California, according to the and every American a commit- Ed Pound, a spokesman for
Ohio. President Abraham Lincoln stimulus program reports that Web site, has seven more con- ment to work night and day to the Recovery Accountability
The long-awaited Rockies Ex- wrote to a boy whose friends the program has created thou- gressional districts than the 53 it correct the ludicrous mistakes.” and Transparency Board, told
press Pipeline became fully op- didn’t believe he had met the sands of jobs in congressional actually has, including a 99th Republican lawmakers were ABC News that human error
erational Nov. 12 after the recent commander in chief is being sold districts that don’t exist, in- District. In South Carolina, the more scathing Tuesday, with caused the mistakes.
completion of the final 195-mile in Philadelphia. cluding Arizona. site reported Tuesday evening, some accusing the administra- “We report what the recipi-
section between Warren and Lincoln sent the letter from the According to www.recov- $40.7 million in economic stim- tion of a cover-up. No House Re- ents submit to us,” he said, ac-
Monroe counties in eastern to George Patten, 8, two weeks af- ery.gov, Arizona has 22 con- ulus funds have gone to seven publicans and only three GOP cording to ABC.
Ohio. The $6.8 billion pipeline ter his March 1861 inauguration. gressional districts, including a spurious congressional dis- senators voted for the stimulus Computer experts ques-
carries 1.8 billion cubic feet of The youngster had been mocked 00 and an 86th. In reality, the tricts, including 00 and 25. bill, which President Obama tioned that explanation, how-
gas, enough to heat 4 million by classmates for saying he’d met state has eight districts. South Carolina has six U.S. signed into law on Feb.17. ever, noting that many of the
homes, and took three years to Lincoln with his father, a journal- In total, the site said Arizona House districts. “The government Web site Web site’s state links included a
complete. ist. His teacher wrote Lincoln to has saved or created 12,300 jobs “The inaccuracies on recov- charged with reporting waste, District 00, suggesting that
uncover the truth. with the federal funding. The ery.gov that have come to light fraud and abuse is its very own there was a technical glitch in
FLORIDA Instead, the president wrote site lists most of the money go- are outrageous,” said Rep. David worst offender,” said Rep. Joe how the data were received.
to the boy: “Whom it may con-
Madoff’s Mercedes, cern, I did see and talk with mas-
boats fetch $1M+ ter George Evans Patten, last
FORT LAUDERDALE — Dis- May, at Springfield, Illinois. Re-
graced financier Bernard Mad-
off’s yacht named Bull, two
smaller boats and a Mercedes-
spectfully, A Lincoln.”
The Raab Collection is offer-
ing the letter for $60,000.
FDA says Prilosec, Nexium cut blood thinning by Plavix
Benz convertible were sold at
auction Tuesday for more than WASHINGTON THE ASSOCIATED PRESS body needs to break down Plav- drug behind Pfizer’s cholesterol proton pump inhibitors, but
$1 million combined. WASHINGTON — Federal ix, muting the drug’s full effect. drug Lipitor. FDA regulators said they don’t
Madoff’s 1969 Rybovich, a re-
Would-be ninja has health officials said Tuesday a Procter & Gamble’s Prilosec Because Plavix can upset the have enough information to say
stored 55-foot fishing boat, sold some learning to do popular variety of heartburn OTC is available over-the- stomach, it is often prescribed whether other drugs in that
for $700,000 to an unknown SEATTLE — Police say a man medications can interfere with counter, while AstraZeneca’s with stomach acid-blocking class shouldn’t be used with
buyer. A 38-foot Shelter Island who thought he was a ninja was the blood thinner Plavix, a drug Nexium is only available with a drugs. Plavix.
runabout named Sitting Bull impaled on a metal fence when taken by millions of Americans prescription. The FDA says patients who The FDA said the warnings
went for $320,000, and the 24- he tried to leap over it. to reduce risks of heart attack “Patients at risk for heart at- need to reduce their acid should on Plavix have been strength-
foot Maverick center-console An officer who was looking for and stroke. tacks or strokes who use clopi- take drugs from the H-2 blocker ened based on a 150-patient
Little Bull fetched $21,000. The an assault victim nearby Monday The Food and Drug Adminis- dogrel to prevent blood clots family, which include Johnson & study submitted by Sanofi over
Mercedes, a 1999 model owned night heard the man screaming tration said the stomach- will not get the full effect of this Johnson’s Mylanta and the summer.
by Ruth Madoff, sold for for help. Police supported him to soothing drugs Prilosec and medicine,” the agency said in a Boehringer Ingelheim’s Zantac. But some consumer advo-
$30,000. prevent further injuries until Nexium cut in half the blood- statement. FDA scientists say there is no cates said the agency’s action
The private auction was held medics arrived and took him to a thinning effect of Plavix, known Plavix is marketed by Sanofi- evidence those drugs interfere fell short, arguing that regula-
by the U.S. Marshals Service, hospital, where he was in serious generically as clopidogrel. Aventis and Bristol-Myers with Plavix’s anti-blood clot- tors should have placed the in-
which seized Madoff’s property condition Tuesday. Regulators said the key ingre- Squibb. With global sales of ting action. formation in a “black box”
and assets after his massive dient in the heartburn medica- $8.6 billion last year, it’s the Nexium and Prilosec are part warning label, the most serious
Ponzi scheme was exposed. All Wire reports tions blocks an enzyme the world’s second-best selling of a class of drugs known as available.

ARIZONA DAILY STAR / Wednesday, November 25, 2009 ¡ NATION & WORLD • A13

AROUND THE ancient treasures on the Internet

early next year, Google chief Eric

WORLD Schmidt announced Tuesday.

The museum was ransacked in
the chaotic aftermath of Saddam
MEXICO Hussein’s ouster in April 2003,
Astronaut set to help and only reopened to visitors
early this year. Schmidt, who
start a space agency toured the museum with U.S.
MEXICO CITY — A NASA as- Ambassador Christopher Hill on
tronaut says he wants to help Tuesday, said it was important
Mexican officials start the coun- for the world to see Iraq’s rich
try’s first space agency. heritage and contribution to
Astronaut Jose Hernandez world culture.
says he has no plans to leave his “The history of the beginning
job at NASA, but hopes to help of — literally — civilization is
Mexico’s program get off the made right here and is preserved
ground. here in this museum,” Schmidt
Hernandez, the U.S.-born son said at a ceremony attended by
of Mexican migrant farm work- Iraqi officials.
ers who spent much of his child-
hood moving between Mexico BRAZIL
and the U.S., lobbied for a space
program in meetings with Mexi-
New power outage
can lawmakers Tuesday. Legis- hits posh Rio areas
lators have set aside 10 million BRASILIA — Rio de Janeiro’s
pesos ($775,000) for the Mexi- posh beach neighborhoods lost
can Space Agency in next year’s power for hours in sweltering
budget, but the program has not summer weather Tuesday,
yet been officially established. prompting restaurants to toss
out spoiled food and business
RUSSIA owners to send their employees
Joint Chiefs chairman The outage came two weeks
Soldiers of the South Carolina National Guard patrol a village south of Kabul, Afghanistan. President Obama is ready to spell out his plans for in arms-control talks after a massive blackout left
prosecuting the war, saying he is confident the American public will support a troop increase likely to number in the tens of thousands. GENEVA — President Oba- more than 60 million people in
ma’s top military adviser attend- the dark and raised questions
ed the latest talks with Russia to about the nation’s ability to host

Obama: US will back Afghan increase

replace an expiring Cold War- the 2014 World Cup and the 2016
era arms-control agreement, the Olympic Games in Rio.
U.S. said Tuesday. Light SA, which supplies elec-
Adm. Mike Mullen, Chairman tricity to the city of 6 million,
of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, met said only 12,000 clients were af-
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS “I feel very confident that tion about how to address a with Russian officials from Sun- fected starting before dawn in
WASHINGTON — War- US TOLL IN when the American people hear resurgent Taliban and other in- day to Tuesday, U.S. spokesman the tony Rio district of Leblon.
weary Americans will support AFGHANISTAN a clear rationale for what we’re surgents and whether the U.S. is in Geneva Michael Parmly said. But lights were also out in Co-
more fighting in Afghanistan • Deaths: 845 doing there and how we intend creating its own enemies the Obama and Russian President pacabana, Ipanema and Lagoa;
once they understand the perils • Wounded: 4,564 to achieve our goals, that they longer it remains. Dmitry Medvedev want to con- all told, the four neighborhoods
of losing, President Obama de- Latest identifications will be supportive,” he said, War commander Gen. Stan- clude a new treaty by Dec. 5, have more than 250,000 resi-
clared Tuesday, announcing he speaking at a White House news ley McChrystal has warned that when the 1991 START I accord dents and are key tourist desti-
was ready to spell out war plans • Spc. Jason A. McLeod, 22, of conference with Indian Prime the war risks failure without a cutting nuclear arsenals expires. nations.
virtually sure to include tens of Crystal Lake, Ill.; assigned to Minister Manmohan Singh. large troop infusion. Although The power company said the
thousands more U.S. troops. the 704th Brigade Support Bat- “I can tell you, as I’ve said be- he preferred a higher figure — BOLIVIA outage began when it cut off
He is expected to make his talion, 4th Brigade Combat fore, that it is in our strategic in- about 40,000 — McChrystal is power to fix a problem with an
case to the nation in a Tuesday Team, 4th Infantry Division, terest, in our national security expected to tell Congress next
5 cocaine labs seized underground cable.
night televised speech, even as Fort Carson, Colo. interest, to make sure that al- week that this lesser addition in Indian village
the military completes plans to • Staff Sgt. Matthew A. Pucino, Qaida and its extremist allies still gives him the tools to better LA PAZ — Bolivian police say ITALY
begin sending in reinforcements 34, of Cockeysville, Md.; as- cannot operate effectively” in combat insurgents. they have busted five cocaine
in the spring. signed to the 2nd Battalion, the area, he said. “We are going The Afghan war bill hit $43 labs and arrested two people in a
Mafia boss who faked
Eight years after the Sept. 11 20th Special Forces Group of to dismantle and degrade their billion annually this summer, remote Indian village after a paralysis is rearrested
attacks led the U.S. into Af- the Maryland Army National capabilities and ultimately dis- with the 21,000 forces Obama confrontation in which an offi- ROME — A convicted Mafia
ghanistan, Obama said it is still Guard in Glen Arm, Md. mantle and destroy their net- has already added to the fight cer was shot. boss who got out of jail by faking
in America’s vital national in- • Sgt. James M. Nolen, 25, of works. And Afghanistan’s sta- this year. The White House has Maj. Alex Alfaro says Indians paralysis and anorexia has been
terest to “dismantle and de- Alvin, Texas; and Pfc. Marcus A. bility is important to that given Congress this rough yard- in Qaqachaca village held police arrested at a restaurant after
stroy” al-Qaida terrorists and Tynes, 19, of Moreno Valley, process.” stick for future troop increases: at bay with dynamite blasts, al- more than two months on the
extremist allies. “I intend to fin- Calif.; both assigned to the 2nd Military officials expect an in- About $1 billion a year for each lowing some to escape. One offi- run, police in Sicily said Tuesday.
ish the job,” he said. Battalion, 508th Parachute In- fusion of 32,000 to 35,000 1,000 troops atop the current cer was wounded in the leg. Officers arrested Carmelo Di
Obama said he would an- fantry Regiment, 4th Brigade troops to begin in February or record figure of 68,000. Stefano on Monday as he dined
nounce after Thanksgiving his Combat Team, 82nd Airborne March, the largest expansion NATO and other allies collec- IRAQ at a seaside village near the Sicil-
decision on additional troops. Division, Fort Bragg, N.C. since the beginning of the war tively have 45,000 troops. ian city of Catania, which he had
Republican critics have been and one that could bring the cost If the full expansion that U.S.
Google documenting reached behind the wheel of a
SOURCE: Department of Defense
pressing him for months to de- above $75 billion annually. military planners anticipate Iraq national museum sports car.
cide on the next step in Af- Obama held his 10th war- does happen, it would take up to BAGHDAD — Google is docu-
ghanistan, but Obama has said council meeting Monday two years to get all the addition- menting Iraq’s national museum The Associated Press
repeatedly that he is more con- more than half the American evening, and officials said it was al U.S. forces into the land- and will post photographs of its
cerned with making a decision public opposed to escalation, his last.The Situation Room ses- locked country.
that is right rather than quick. the president seemed to ac- sions that began in September The United States is quietly
With U.S. combat deaths knowledge Tuesday that he has were the most visible markers of pressing NATO and other allies
climbing on Obama’s watch and a lot to explain. a debate inside the administra- to increase forces as well.

UN chief Ban to world’s men:

End violence against women
SC lawmakers begin road to impeachment THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
THE NEW YORK TIMES Members voted unanimously Sanford released the full ethics of duty or a temporary absence UNITED NATIONS — Secre- ON THE NET
COLUMBIA, S.C. — Over the to broaden the review to include complaint and a lengthy legal from the state,” they said. tary-General Ban Ki-moon endviolence.un.org
protests of Gov. Mark Sanford’s 37 ethics charges that review of the impeach- But the lawmaker who drafted launched a Network of Men
lawyers,South Carolina lawmak- accuse the governor of ment process, in which the resolution, state Rep. F. Gre- Leaders Tuesday to act as role
ers on Tuesday began the prelim- misusing state aircraft his lawyers said neither gory Delleney Jr.,said no crime is models in the global campaign to members of the new network
inary steps of a process that could for personal or political the secret trip nor the necessary to impeach an official end the “pandemic” of violence and activists campaigning to end
lead to the governor’s impeach- reasons, repeatedly vi- ethics charges were for serious misconduct. against women. violence against women.
ment and removal from office. olating a policy that grounds for impeach- “Impeachment is a political Ban said it is unacceptable The secretary-general said he
A subcommittee of the House requires officials to use ment. The state consti- process — it’s not a legal process,” that about 70 percent of women is “encouraged by the momen-
Judiciary Committee, made up coach-class tickets, tution’s standard of Delleney, a Republican, told the experience some form of physi- tum” of the campaign he
of four Republicans and three and misappropriating “serious crimes or seri- other members of the subcom- cal or sexual violence from men launched in 2008 but felt that as
Democrats, held its first meeting campaign funds. Mark ous misconduct in of- mittee. — “the majority from their hus- a son, husband, father and
to review a resolution to impeach In a separate action, Sanford fice” seeks “to make “The South Carolina House of bands, intimate partners or grandfather it was essential to
the governor for secretly leaving the state ethics com- sure only the most Representatives alone defines someone they know.” launch “a dedicated Network of
the state in June to see a woman mission will hold hearings on the egregious offenses would lead to what meets the constitutional He urged men, young and old Men Leaders.”
in Argentina with whom he was 37 allegations early next year. impeachment, and not merely threshold of serious misconduct and around the world, to join the Men must teach one another
having an extramarital affair. The night before the meeting, personal moral failings, neglect in office,” Delleney said. network and pledge to work to that real men do not violate or
end violence against women and oppress women — and that a
girls wherever it occurs, from the woman’s place is not just in the
home to war zones. home or in the fields but in
The secretary-general said schools, offices and boardrooms,

Official: Census taker found hanging killed self men “have a crucial role” be-
cause they are a major part of the
problem and are key to the solu-
Ban said in a statement.
That view was echoed in a
video message from Archbishop
Desmond Tutu, the South
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Kentucky State Police Capt. tional, self-inflicted act that Rudzinski said Sparkman Unless men change their atti- African Nobel peace laureate and
FRANKFORT, Ky. — A Ken- Lisa Rudzinski said an analysis was staged to appear as a homi- “told a credible witness that he tudes and behavior, he warned, one of the 14 initial members of
tucky census worker found found that “fed” was written cide,” Rudzinski said. planned to commit suicide and “violence against women will the network, who decried the
naked, bound with duct tape and “from the bottom up.” He was Sparkman’s mother, Henrie provided details on how and continue.” many forms of violence against
hanging from a tree with “fed” touching the ground, and to Sparkman of Inverness, Fla., when.” Ban spoke at a commemora- women and girls including traf-
scrawled on his chest killed him- survive “all Mr. Sparkman had bristled at the conclusion: “I Authorities said Sparkman tion of today’s 10th anniversary ficking, child marriage and do-
self but staged his death to make to do at any time was stand up,” disagree!” she wrote in an talked about it a week before his of the International Day for the mestic abuse.
it look like a homicide, authori- she said. e-mail to The Associated Press. suicide and the person did not Elimination of Violence Against “You are a weak man if you use
ties said Tuesday. Authorities said Sparkman Authorities said Sparkman take him seriously. Women and at a news confer- your physical superiority to as-
Bill Sparkman, 51, was found was not under the influence of alone manipulated the suicide Sparkman also had recently ence. sault and brutalize women,”
strangled Sept. 12 with a rope any drugs or alcohol at the time scene, which was so elaborate taken out two accidental life in- He was joined by several Tutu warned.
around his neck near a cemetery of his death. His clothes were that a man who discovered the surance policies totaling
in a heavily wooded area of the found in the bed of his nearby body was convinced Sparkman $600,000 that would not pay
Daniel Boone National Forest in pickup truck. was murdered. out for suicide, authorities said.
southeastern Kentucky. Author- “Our investigation, based on
ities said his wrists were loosely evidence and witness testimo-
bound, his glasses were taped to ny, has concluded that Mr.
his head and he was gagged. Sparkman died during an inten-
A14 • WORLD Wednesday, November 25, 2009 / ARIZONA DAILY STAR

Saddam’s ouster
sought in 2001,
UK panel hears

LONDON — An inquiry into US TOLL IN IRAQ

Britain’s role in the Iraq war • Deaths: 4,368
kicked off Tuesday with top gov- • Wounded: 31,572
ernment advisers testifying that Latest identifications
some Bush administration offi-
cials were calling for Saddam • Sgt. Briand T. Williams, 25, of
Hussein’s ouster as early as 2001 Sparks, Ga.; assigned to the 1st
— long before sanctions were ex- Battalion, 10th Field Artillery
hausted and two years before the Regiment, 3rd Heavy Brigade
U.S.-led invasion. Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Di-
Critics hope the hearings, vision, Fort Benning, Ga.
which will call ex-Prime Minister SOURCE: Department of Defense. Deaths as
Tony Blair and are billed as the of Tuesday. Wounded as of Tuesday.
most sweeping inquiry into the
conflict, will expose alleged de-
ception in the buildup to fight- British soldiers dead and trig-
ing. However, they won’t estab- gered massive public protests.
lish criminal or civil liability. The Labour-led government lost
HASSAN AMMAR / THE ASSOCIATED PRESS As the inquiry began, a small a significant share of parliamen-
group of anti-war protesters tary seats because of the war.
MUSLIMS IN PRAYER gathered near Parliament. Three But with no lawyers on the
Pilgrims pray near the Hiraa cave on the outskirts of Mecca, Saudi Arabia. According to tradition, Islam’s Prophet Mohammed received his first wore face masks of George Bush, panel, few believe the inquiry
message to preach Islam when he was praying in the cave. Blair and Prime Minister Gordon will answer one of the most basic
Brown — their hands and faces questions — whether the war
covered in fake blood. was legal.
“Five years we’ve waited for Blair will be questioned on
this, and finally we’re getting whether he secretly backed U.S.

Claim coma survivor ‘speaks’ is doubted

somewhere,” said Pauline Gra- President George W. Bush plan’s
ham, 70, who traveled from the for invasion a year before Parlia-
Scottish city of Glasgow to see the ment authorized military in-
hearings. Her grandson Gordon volvement in 2003.
Gentle,19,was killed in the south- “There were no weapons of
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS it’s usually the person doing the ern Iraqi city of Basra in 2004. mass destruction and we know
BRUSSELS — With a care- pointing who’s doing the mes- Sir Peter Ricketts, who was that, so what are we going to get
taker holding his hand, a Belgian sages, not the person they claim chairman of Britain’s Joint Intel- out of this?” asked Mabel Saili, a
man who was diagnosed as they are helping.” ligence Committee in 2001, said 49-year-old office administra-
comatose for 23 years typed out Caplan also said the state- Britain had hoped for a strength- tor.“It’s too little too late.”
a message Tuesday that he felt ments Houben allegedly made ened policy of containment — re- Led by a panel appointed by
reborn after decades of loneli- with the computer seem unnat- ducing the threat posed by Iraq Prime Minister Gordon Brown,
ness and frustration. ural for someone with such a through sanctions, weapons in- the inquiry can only offer repri-
A leading bioethicist, howev- profound injury and an inability spections and security measures. mand and recommendations in
er, expressed skepticism that to communicate for decades. The strategy had been in place hope mistakes won’t be repeated
the man was truly communi- Asked how he felt when his since the 1991 Gulf War when in the future.
cating on his own. consciousness was discovered, Iraqi forces invaded Kuwait. In the United States, the 9/11
Car-crash victim Rom Houben responded through the But Ricketts said some in the Commission examined some is-
Houben was diagnosed as being aide that: “I especially felt relief. Bush administration had a dif- sues around prewar intelligence,
in a vegetative state but appears Finally be able to show that I ferent vision. and a Senate select committee
to have been conscious the was indeed there.” “We were conscious that there identified failures in intelligence
whole time, doctors here said. “Just like with a baby, it hap- were other voices in Washing- gathering in a July 2004 report on
An expert using a specialized pens with a lot of stumbling,” he ton, some of whom were talking prewar intelligence assessments.
type of brain scan that was not wrote. about regime change,” Ricketts But the Iraq inquiry is envi-
available in the 1980s says he fi- YVES LOGGHE / THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The doctor who discovered said, citing an article written by sioned to be a comprehensive look
nally realized Houben was con- Rom Houben uses his touchscreen and assistance from speech thera- that Houben had been wrongly national security adviser Con- at the war. Brown set up the in-
scious and provided him with pist Linda Wouters to communicate during an interview. diagnosed said that he is re-ex- doleezza Rice warning that quirytoaddresspublic criticism of
the equipment to communicate. amining dozens of other cases. nothing would change in Iraq three key aspects of the conflict:
Assisted by a speech therapist Dr. Steven Laureys said he has until Saddam was gone. the case made for war; the plan-
who rapidly moved his finger and that she feels him objecting cannot participate in life.” discovered some degree of con- The panel will question dozens ning for the invasion; and the fail-
letter by letter along a touch- when she moves his hand toward Arthur Caplan, a bioethics sciousness using state-of-the- of officials over the next year — ureto prepare for reconstruction.
screen keyboard, Houben told an incorrect letter. professor at the University of art equipment in other patients including military officials and Any significant findings could
AP Television News that years of “It was especially frustrating Pennsylvania, said he is skeptical but won’t say how many. He spy agency chiefs. It will also seek pose embarrassing questions for
being unable to move or com- when my family needed me. I of Houben’s ability to communi- looks at about 50 cases from evidence but not testimony from the government ahead of a gen-
municate left him feeling could not share in their sorrow. cate after seeing video of his hand around the world a year but none ex-White House staff. eral election next year. Both the
“alone, lonely, frustrated, but We could not give each other being moved along the keyboard. are as extreme as that of Rom Bereaved families and activists Labour Party and the opposition
also blessed with my family.” support,” Houben wrote during “That’s called ‘facilitated Houben, who was fully con- have long called for an inquiry Conservatives voted for the in-
The therapist, Linda Wouters, the interview. communication,’ ” Caplan said. scious inside a paralyzed body. into the U.S.-led war that left 179 vasion.
told APTN that she can feel “Just imagine. You hear, see, “That is ouija board stuff. It’s Many center on the fine distinc-
Houben guiding her hand with feel and think but no one can see been discredited time and time tion between a vegetative state
gentle pressure from his fingers, that. You undergo things. You again. When people look at it, and minimal consciousness.

China executes 2 in case

Canada reports some bad reactions to H1N1 shots of deadly baby formula
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS staff in Canada last week to re- mediately clear how many had into anaphylactic shock after THE ASSOCIATED PRESS died after drinking the adulter-
LONDON — Canadian doc- frain from using one batch of been administered, although getting the vaccine in Canada BEIJING — China executed a ated formula, and more than
tors have been advised not to the vaccine while they look into Vail said the majority had been. was “a bit higher than normal” dairy farmer and a milk salesman 300,000 were sickened.
use a batch of 170,000 doses of reports that that it might have GlaxoSmithKline said it has but that the numbers were still Tuesday for their roles in the sale Beijing is eager to show it has
H1N1 flu vaccine while authori- caused more allergic reactions distributed a total of 7.5 million small. She said Canadian au- of contaminated baby formula — responded swiftly and compre-
ties investigate reports of aller- than normal. doses of the vaccine across thorities are investigating the severe punishments that Beijing hensively to eliminate problems
gic reactions among recipients, “One batch has seen a slight- Canada. components of the vaccine to see hopes will assuage public anger, in its food-production chain that
drug maker GlaxoSmithKline ly increased rate of anaphylax- “We’re not seeing any thing if there might be a problem with reassure importers and put to have spawned protests at home
PLC said Tuesday. is,” she said. Anaphylaxis is a wild or spooky or crazy about any of them. rest one of the country’s worst and threatened its export-reliant
Authorities routinely moni- life-threatening type of allergic our vaccine at all,” Vail said, ar- GlaxoSmithKline, the world’s food safety crises. economy. The milk powder con-
tor vaccines for any signals of shock. guing that it may have been a second largest drug maker by The men were the only people tamination struck a nerve with
problems, such as the allergic Six people in Canada had statistical anomaly that the re- revenue, is investigating only put to death in a scheme to boost the public because so many chil-
reactions that do occur, rarely, suffered an allergic reaction, actions occurred. the one batch of its swine flu profits by lacing milk powder dren were affected,but it was only
every year. said Tim Vail, the spokesman The vaccine chief of the World vaccine in Canada. White said with the industrial chemical one in a series of product recalls
Company spokeswoman for Canada’s health minister. Health Organization, Marie no other doses of its swine flu melamine; 19 other people were and embarrassing disclosures of
Gwenan White said that Glaxo- The batch contained about Paule Kieny, said Monday that vaccine around the world are convicted and received lesser lax public-health safeguards.
SmithKline advised medical 170,000 doses. It was not im- the number of people who went affected. sentences. At least six children Melamine, which is used to
make plastics and fertilizers, has
also been found added to pet
food, eggs and fish feed, al-
though not in levels dangerous to
humans. The chemical, which is
high in nitrogen, fooled inspec-
tors. It can cause kidney stones
and kidney failure.
China has tightened regula-
tions and increased inspections
on producers and exporters in
cooperation with U.S. officials,
who have noted a drop in the
number of product recalls on
Chinese exports.
But Beijing continues to
struggle to regulate small and il-
legally run operations, often
blamed for introducing chemi-
cals and additives into the food
chain. The country has 450,000
registered food production and
processing enterprises, but
many — about 350,000 — em-
ploy just 10 people or fewer. The
U.N. said in a report last year
that the small enterprises pres-
ent many of China’s greatest
food-safety challenges.
Zhang Yujun, the farmer, was
executed for endangering public
safety, and Geng Jinping for pro-
ducing and selling toxic food,
according to the official Xinhua
News Agency.

ARIZONA DAILY STAR / Wednesday, December 2, 2009 ¡ NATION • A13


U.S. District Judge Kevin P.
Castel freed Gotti — behind
bars for more than a year — on

$2 million bond while the gov-
ernment decides whether to
seek a fifth trial.

mandate Recount seems likely

in Atlanta mayor race
Gitmo detainee seeks
dismissal of charges

ATLANTA — The race for NEW YORK — A Guan-
Atlanta mayor appeared head- tanamo detainee has asked that
ed for a recount early today, charges be dismissed in the
with the two candidates sepa- 1998 bombings of two U.S.
rated by only 620 votes. embassies in Africa, citing a
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Former state Sen.Kasim Reed long wait for trial.
ATLANTA — More than had the slight lead with 99 per- Lawyers for Ahmed Ghailani
three years after Congress or- cent of precincts reporting, but filed papers Tuesday in a New
dered stepped-up monitoring Mary Norwood told supporters York City federal court seeking
of sex offenders, only one that she was not conceding and to have the indictment dis-
state has adopted the govern- was open to a recount. Both had missed. The lawyers said their
ment’s strict new require- 50 percent of the vote. client’s case raised the question
ments, and some others are Under Georgia law, the run- of whether national security
weighing whether to ignore ner-up can petition for a re- can trump an indicted defen-
the law and just pay a penalty. count when the margin of vic- dant’s constitutional right to a
So far, Ohio is the lone state tory is less than 1 percent of the speedy trial. Authorities allege
to meet the new federal stan- total vote. Voters cast 84,076 Ghailani was a bomb-maker,
dards. Elsewhere, efforts have MICHAEL JOHNSON / ALAMOGORDO DAILY NEWS ballots, so the winning margin document forger and aide to
been hampered by high costs would be less than 1 percent. Osama bin Laden. The attacks
and legal challenges from the
STORM LEAVES SNOW FOR PLAY IN ALAMOGORDO Both tried to gain a critical at embassies in Tanzania and
nation’s 686,000 registered Veronica Smith, 7, rolls a giant snowball around her front yard in Alamogordo, N.M. A wintry storm swept over mass of racial crossover votes. Kenya killed 224 people, in-
sex offenders. Advocates southeastern New Mexico Monday, leaving plenty of snow for Veronica on Tuesday. Norwood was trying to become cluding 12 Americans.
worry that the delays are put- the city’s first white mayor in Ghailani was brought to the
ting public safety at risk. more than three decades; Reed United States earlier this year.
“This means more of the who is black, claimed victory. The Tanzanian, captured in
same — that we’re losing sex Pakistan in 2004, was held in

Heated Senate debate tackles

offenders when they cross OHIO Guantanamo since 2006.
state lines and disappear,” said
Erin Runnion, who lobbied for
Suspected serial killer TEXAS
the law after her 5-year-old indicted in 11 murders
Lawyer: Army orders

health bill’s effect on Medicare

daughter, Samantha, was kid- CLEVELAND — A registered
napped and killed in 2002. sex offender attacked 14 Hasan mental exam
“It’s incredibly frustrating. women and killed 11 of them, FORT WORTH — An attor-
How many children do we leaving their remains in and ney for the Army psychiatrist
have to lose to repeat sex of- THE ASSOCIATED PRESS around his home, a prosecutor charged with killing 13 people
fenders before we start taking WASHINGTON — A Republi- said Tuesday in announcing a at Fort Hood says the Army is
these guys seriously?” can senator asserted Tuesday grand jury indictment against ordering a mental evaluation
The initial deadline for during a rancorous floor debate the suspected serial killer. for his client.
states to comply was in July. that President Obama’s health- Anthony Sowell, 50, is in- Attorney John Galligan said
Then the deadline was ex- care overhaul will shorten the dicted on murder charges in the he received notice Tuesday
tended to July 2010, although lives of America’s seniors by cut- deaths of 11 women, plus night that the Army wants to
several states have signaled ting Medicare. dozens of other counts, includ- perform the exam on Maj.
they may still be unable to “I have a message for you: ing kidnapping, abuse of a Nidal Hasan.
meet it. States that do not You’re going to die sooner,” said corpse, attempted murder, as- Hasan is charged with 13
adopt the mandates risk los- Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla., an sault and rape. counts of premeditated murder
ing millions of dollars in fed- obstetrician-turned-lawmaker. Authorities said Sowell lured in the Nov. 5 shooting spree on
eral grants. A senior Democrat decried vulnerable women to his home the Texas post. The evaluation
The law was designed to such comments as scare tactics and that, “once inside, he tor- would determine whether
keep closer tabs on sex of- designed to kill legislation that mented them, threatened them Hasan had mental responsibility
fenders, including an esti- he said would improve some , PABLO MARTINEZ MONSIVAIS / THE ASSOCIATED PRESS and assaulted them. He mur- at the time of the crime and
mated 100,000 who are not benefits for seniors. At times, the Sen. John McCain, right, with Senate Minority leader Mitch McConnell, dered 11 of them.” Authorities whether he’s competent to
living where they are sup- debate recalled the raw charges left, and Sen. Lamar Alexander, speaks to reporters on saving Medicare. have said the victims were stand trial. Galligan said the
posed to be. It would create a and countercharges of the sum- homeless or living alone and exam is premature because
national sex offender registry mer’s town-hall meetings. had drug or alcohol addictions. Hasan remains in intensive care,
and toughen penalties for Finance Committee Chairman growing under the Democrats’ crats’ nearly $1 trillion health bill. and because authorities say
those who fail to register. Max Baucus, D-Mont., defended legislation, but at a slower rate. However, the amendment NEW YORK more charges may be pending.
The president of the Na- the health-care legislation, say- Despite the partisan sparring doesn’t specifically address
tional Center for Missing and ing it would make Medicare a over Medicare, the first health- mammograms or spell out what
Mistrial — and 4th DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA
Exploited Children said states smarter buyer and improve pre- care amendment offered was bi- additional services would be hung jury for Gotti
need more money to adopt scription coverage and preven- partisan, a measure to increase covered, leaving that to the dis- NEW YORK — A judge de-
Council votes 11-2
the law, and he called on Con- tive benefits for seniors. preventive care for women co- cretion of the HHS secretary. clared a mistrial Tuesday at the for gay marriage
gress to help. “I hate to say it … these are sponsored by Sens. Barbara The Congressional Budget Of- racketeering trial of John “Ju- WASHINGTON — The Dis-
“We understand that there scare tactics,” Baucus said. Mikulski, D-Md., and Olympia fice said the amendment would nior” Gotti after a jury failed to trict of Columbia Council took
are challenges in becoming “Sometimes you’ve got to call a Snowe, R-Maine. Their amend- cost $940 million over a decade. reach a verdict against the son of a major step toward joining
compliant, but the greatest spade a spade.” ment would give the Health and “We know that some in Wash- the notorious Gambino crime New Hampshire, Connecticut,
challenge is that states are The Senate was debating an Human Services secretary au- ington have wanted government- family mob boss — the case’s Iowa, Vermont and Massachu-
overwhelmed. And they’re amendment by Sen. John Mc- thority to require health plans to run health care for years. And it’s fourth hung jury in five years. setts in legalizing same-sex
going to need resources to ad- Cain, R-Ariz., that would re- cover additional preventive serv- hard to escape the conclusion that The anonymous jurors de- marriage Tuesday, approving
dress this,” Ernie Allen said. move from the bill more than ices for women and was inspired these same people saw the current liberated 11 days before notify- the change by a vote of 11 to 2.
Last year, a federal judge in $400 billion in Medicare cuts to in part by controversial recom- economic crisis as their moment,” ing the judge they were hope- Although the outcome was
Nevada declared the law un- home health providers, hospi- mendations last month that said Minority Leader Mitch Mc- lessly deadlocked over racket- expected from the heavily De-
constitutional because it tals, hospices and others. women undergo fewer mammo- Connell, R-Ky. “Earlier this year, eering conspiracy and murder mocratic city, the move re-
would subject offenders to Polls show that seniors are grams and Pap smears to test for some in the administration said charges. Prosecutors accused mains controversial because of
additional penalties after concerned that expanding cov- cancer. Republicans seized on that a crisis is a terrible thing to Gotti of ordering gangland hits opposition from socially con-
they have served their time. erage for the uninsured will those recommendations as early waste. Americans are hoping this to settle scores and of secretly servative churches. The coun-
The Ohio Supreme Court come at their expense. Medicare signs of rationing of care they say bill isn’t what they meant. But pocketing drug money despite cil’s vote Tuesday is not final.
heard similar arguments last spending actually would keep would happen under the Demo- they’re concerned it is.” insisting he’d gone straight. Wire reports
month from more than
26,000 sex offenders who
were convicted before the law
was signed.
Critics have also com-
plained that juvenile offend-
ers would appear on registries
in some states. And because
FAA: No sleeping in the cockpit
the law requires offenders to THE DALLAS MORNING NEWS manage and mitigate their fa- Gilligan said Tuesday the FAA
register in person, it could WASHINGTON — Federal tigue through the regulations is behind schedule on the pro-
unfairly burden people in ru- regulators said Tuesday they sufficiently that they should be posal and won’t be done with it
ral areas who would have far would not allow pilots to sleep in alert throughout that flight.” until early next year. The pro-
to travel. the cockpit as part of a proposed The FAA committed to over- posal would then have to be re-
In addition to the legal rule for reducing pilot fatigue. haul its pilot flight and duty rules viewed by the U.S. Department
challenges, states are also Some airlines and aviation after a regional jet crashed in Feb- of Transportation and the White
struggling with the cost, safety experts have endorsed short ruary in Buffalo, N.Y., killing 50 House before it could be released
which could climb into the naps as one ingredient of a strate- people. for public comment by airlines
millions of dollars. gy to reduce fatigue. But Peggy Investigators determined that and other parties.
“We have states being very Gilligan, the Federal Aviation Ad- pilot fatigue,as well as poor train- The FAA hasn’t made its com-
laid back, and states where ministration’s associate adminis- ing and pilot error, probably con- mittee recommendations public,
legislators are pulling out trator for aviation safety, said the tributed to the crash. but Tuesday’s hearing offered in-
their hair trying to comply,” agency could manage pilot fatigue The FAA appointed an aviation sights into some of the proposals.
said Alisa Klein of the Associ- without permitting napping. rulemaking committee to recom- Gilligan said the proposed rule
ation for the Treatment of “We do believe the crew has to mend new flight and duty rules, would target the time of day a pi-
Sexual Abusers. “And there’s come to work prepared for the which date from the 1940s. Cur- lot flies and whether he or she
lots of states waiting for an- schedule they are undertaking,” rent rules limit a pilot to eight flies many trips in a given day.
other state to bust a move and Gilligan told the Senate Com- hours of flying in a 24-hour peri- The latter would have a greater
say, ‘We’re not going to com- mittee on Commerce, Science od, but permit a duty day of 16 impact on regional airlines —
ply.’ ” and Transportation. “We can hours. which fly shorter trips.

A14 • NATION & WORLD ¡ Wednesday, December 2, 2009 / ARIZONA DAILY STAR


outside court that mistakes were
She said the hospital is creat-

ing an institute in Michael
Woods’ honor and investing
$1.25 million over next two years

life returns
to study redesigning health care
Philbin has hip and reducing errors. James
Woods said his brother’s chil-
replaced successfully dren will be provided for.

for Iraqis NEW YORK — Regis Philbin

had successful hip replacement
surgery Tues-
Gibson leaving ABC
‘World News’ Dec. 18
day, and plans
to return to his NEW YORK — ABC says
McCLATCHY NEWSPAPERS syndicated Charles Gibson will sign off from
BAGHDAD — From the rick- daytime talk the “World News” anchor desk
ety upper deck of the small tour show early on Dec. 18.
boat cruising the Tigris River, it next month. The 66-
was easy to imagine Baghdad as a An e-mail year-old Gib-
peaceful city again. from “Live! son, who an-
The boat listed badly when it With Regis and nounced his
turned, the dock was old and REMY DE LA MAUVINIERE / THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Regis Philbin Kelly” says: retirement in
rusty, and the Tigris was blem- “Word from September,
ished by trash floating along its
A CHRISTMAS SPECTACLE IN PARIS the hospital is that everything has been at
banks, but that didn’t dim any- Along the Champs-Elysées, the headlights of rush-hour vehicles can hardly compete with the thou- went perfectly this morning dur- ABC News for
one’s spirits on a sunny after- sands of lights laced into the trees along the famed avenue and framing a huge Ferris wheel, in the ing Regis’ hip replacement sur- Charles more than
noon. Certainly not those of boat background. There’s nary a traffic light in sight. The photo was taken Tuesday. gery,and his doctor said that Reg- Gibson three decades
driver Muslim Hadi Naji, whose is couldn’t be in better shape.” and plans to
vessel had been anchored upriver, continue as an occasional con-
unused,for most of the decade. RHODE ISLAND tributor.
“This is the first Eid we are
Actor Woods settles
N. Korea revalues its currency
operating,” Naji said of the reli- CALIFORNIA
gious festival that ended for suit against hospital
most Muslims on Monday, but WARWICK — Actor James
Judge bars release
which was being celebrated into Woods on Tuesday settled a law- of J. Lo home videos
Tuesday. “It’s better than before THE ASSOCIATED PRESS tice Tuesday from North Ko- ing in China. suit against a LOS ANGELES — Home
— a lot better than before.” SEOUL, South Korea — rea’s Foreign Ministry to em- The North Korean won was hospital in videos featuring Jennifer Lopez
Iraq has just passed through North Korea has revalued its bassies in the capital. officially traded at 145 to the Rhode Island and a movie project based on
what may be its least violent currency for the first time in a The surprise move report- dollar, according to Dong where his them won’t be coming to a
month since the U.S. invasion half century, reportedly trig- edly sent shockwaves through Yong-sueng, a senior fellow at younger screen near you because a judge
6ƒ long years ago. Political vio- gering chaos in the impover- North Korea, with reports of Samsung Economic Research brother blocked their distribution Tues-
lence remains a daily occur- ished nation by moving to as- shops being closed and citi- Institute in Seoul. But more Michael died day.
rence, but fewer Iraqi civilians, sert state control over a grow- zens angry and panicked. than 3,000 won were needed in 2006. Los Angeles Superior Court
policemen and soldiers died in ing market economy. The exchange of old notes to buy $1 on the black market, Woods Judge James C. Chalfant issued
November than in any of the past The development came at started Monday and will con- he added. James Woods claimed Kent the preliminary injunction
79 months, according to official the end of a year of turmoil as tinue until Sunday, Xinhua re- The revaluation had South Hospital was against Lopez’s ex-husband,
figures. Two U.S. soldiers died of leader Kim Jong Il apparently ported. Korean media and North Korea negligent in the death of his 49- Ojani Noa, and manager, Ed
combat-related injuries. recovered from a stroke. The State-run shops in Py- watchers guessing as to the year-old brother, who had a Meyer, who have sought to dis-
Whether the relative quiet will communist country also ongyang were closed Tuesday motive for the change. Some heart attack and died in its emer- tribute the footage.
last is anybody’s guess. A massive stoked tensions by launching a morning, with one unidenti- said the government was try- gency room after going there Lopez wed Noa in 1997, but
bombing in downtown Baghdad long-range rocket and con- fied saleswoman saying they ing to impose limits on private with a sore throat and vomiting. their marriage lasted just 11
on Oct.25,which killed at least 155 ducting its second nuclear would reopen a week later after commerce. The hospital’s chief executive, months.
people and badly damaged gov- test, drawing U.N. condemna- the government sets new “This is a way to strike a blow Sandra Coletta, acknowledged at
ernment buildings, proved that tion and beefed-up sanctions. prices, Xinhua said. against people who are engaged a news conference with Woods The Associated Press
al-Qaida in Iraq, which claimed North Korea revalued its Pyongyang residents rushed in market economic activities
responsibility, is still active and currency — known as the won to black markets to convert that are beyond state control,”
Iraqi security is still porous. — at an exchange rate between stashed-away money into dol- said Marcus Noland,deputy di-
Sectarian violence may have old and new notes of 100 to 1, lars and Chinese yuan, South rector of the Peterson Institute
ebbed, but tensions remain raw, China’s Xinhua news agency Korea’s Yonhap News Agency for International Economics in
and an unresolved dispute over a said in a dispatch from Py- reported, citing unidentified Washington and an expert on DEAR ABBY By Jeanne Phillips • Universal Press Syndicate
long-delayed election law hasn’t ongyang. It cited a verbal no- North Korean traders operat- North Korea’s economy.
helped. Sectarian killings, assas- DEAR ABBY: I am a 30-year- It got me to thinking — is our be-
sinations and attacks on Iraqi old woman who has recently havior odd? — TAKEN ABACK
journalists remain common. discovered my biological family. IN WASHINGTON
“Sticky bombs,” adhered to the I have a wonderful half-brother DEAR TAKEN ABACK:
undersides of vehicles, are a
weapon of choice, along with
AROUND THE leased five British sailors de-
tained after their racing yacht
which judge to obey.
They were surrounded by
and several other amazing peo-
ple I can now call family.
Considering that you come from
a family in which anything in the
firearms, Katyusha rockets and
roadside bombs.
Abu Nawas Park, one of Bagh-
WORLD was stopped in the Persian
Gulf after entering Iranian wa-
ters last week.
supporters and a swarm of
The final decision fell to
The issue I’m struggling with
is my profound attraction to my
half-brother. I know it’s morally
fridge was considered fair game
among your siblings, it’s not odd
at all. And when your sister-in-
dad’s few green refuges, was The official IRNA news Mayor Mauricio Macri, who wrong, and I may be confusing law said what she did, you
jammed with people and had a FRANCE agency said the yachtsmen originally had given the green the newfound relationship with should have explained that to
carnival air. Hawkers sold nuts, Iraqi shoe thrower were let go after an interroga- light to the wedding. him. Your perspective would be her. Had you done so, she
tea and balloons, horse-drawn tion by Iranian authorities The city decided it would very much appreciated. — CON- wouldn’t have questioned it.
carriages offered rides; and chil- targeted by copycat found that their entry into not allow the marriage until FLICTED IN SOUTHERN CALI-
dren chased one another around PARIS — The Iraqi journal- Iranian waters had been a mis- the Supreme Court has ruled FORNIA DEAR ABBY: My 20-year-
playgrounds. ist who threw his shoes at take. on the case. DEAR CONFLICTED: Phys- old daughter,“Marissa,” is self-
Azzam Ibrahim, his wife, Nid- President George W. Bush in The report said the British Gay-rights groups said they ical attraction is a reflex — and centered, lies compulsively and
hal Sachit, their two daughters Baghdad last year had a taste of were released early today. were angry and would march not something we can control. does not consider the conse-
and grandson were among those his own medicine Tuesday to City Hall in protest. Our BEHAVIOR, on the other quences of her actions. She has
who voted — cautiously — with when he nearly got beaned by a ARGENTINA hand, is something we CAN been diagnosed with narcissistic
their feet and visited the park shoe thrower at a news confer- BRITAIN control. personality disorder. We have
along the Tigris with thousands ence in Paris.
Latin America’s first This is a case of wrong time, just learned that she is now
of others Tuesday. Muntadhar al-Zeidi ducked, gay nuptials blocked Woman accidentally wrong place. If you had been a pregnant, and her father and I
Exiting from their turn on the and the shoe hit the wall be- BUENOS AIRES — An Ar- smothers her baby member of the royal family in are not happy about it.
tour boat, Ibrahim said the fami- hind him. “He stole my tech- gentine couple’s attempt to LONDON — A breast-feed- Egypt 3,000 years ago, you could We will eventually be meeting
ly spent the first two days of Eid nique,” al-Zeidi quipped later. unite in Latin America’s first ing mother accidentally have married your half-brother the parents of the child’s father.
al-Adha, the holiday that follows The identity of the new shoe gay marriage was thwarted smothered her 4-week-old and continued the dynasty. But Is it our responsibility to discuss
the holy pilgrimage to Mecca, thrower — and his motivation Tuesday when city officials de- child aboard a United Airlines this is 2009 and the U.S.A., so Marissa’s problems with them?
Saudi Arabia, “checking the — weren’t immediately clear, cided to block the wedding be- flight from Washington, D.C., you’re just going to have to satis- Or should we keep our mouths
pulse” of security, determining but he appeared to be an Iraqi. cause of conflicting judicial bound for Kuwait, a British fy your physical attraction with shut and pretend we are happy?
how safe it was to move around The confrontation didn’t rulings. tabloid reported Tuesday. someone less incestuous. — TRYING TO DECIDE IN WIS-
the city. Only in the final two stop there. Al-Zeidi’s brother, Jose Maria di Bello and Alex The Sun newspaper said the CONSIN
days did they go out. Maithan, chased the attacker Freyre showed up at the mother, whom it identified as DEAR ABBY: Is it rude to la- DEAR TRYING TO DE-
The Iraqi government released in the audience and — what Buenos Aires civil registry of- a 29-year-old Egyptian-born bel one’s leftover food when CIDE: Does the young man
figures Tuesday showing that else? — pelted him with a shoe fice despite a national judge’s woman, fell asleep as she staying with relatives? My hus- know about your daughter’s di-
122 Iraqis died from violence in as he left the room. ruling late Monday that over- breast-fed on the jet and band, daughter and I visit his agnosis and what it means? If
November. The reported toll was The Paris news conference turned a city court’s decision awoke to find that the child family often. When we go out to not, then HE should be told and
88 civilians, 22 police officers was held so Al-Zeidi could talk to permit them to wed. The had been smothered. eat and bring leftovers back to the implications explained to
and 12 soldiers. about his experiences. first judge ruled again Tuesday The paper said the plane the house, we usually label them him.
The toll is a far cry from the that they could wed. was diverted to London’s if we want to eat them later. Because your daughter’s per-
sectarian bloodshed of just a few IRAN The couple, dressed in black Heathrow Airport in an un- It has never seemed out of the sonality disorder will affect their
years ago. In September 2006, suits, silver ties and a red band successful attempt to save the ordinary to me. I was raised that son and the grandchild, his par-
3,389 Iraqi civilians and 150 se-
Five yachtsmen symbolizing AIDS awareness, baby’s life. way. My mother always said that ents should also be informed.
curity forces died, according to from Britain freed waited for hours in the munic- if I didn’t want something eaten Ideally, he is the person who
the Web site icasualties.org. TEHRAN — Iran has re- ipal office as officials debated The Associated Press by one of my siblings, then I should do it. But if he doesn’t,
should label it. lay all the cards on the table be-
Recently, my husband’s sister cause the other grandparents
(who is 16) asked if she could eat should be prepared.
the rest of some pizza we had And no, you do not have to
bought the night before. I polite- “pretend” to be happy about the
ly responded that I planned to situation. And neither do they.
have it for lunch. She remarked
that she thinks it is funny that Write Dear Abby at www.DearAbby.com or
we are so protective of our food. P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069
ARIZONA DAILY STAR / Friday, December 4, 2009 NATION • A13

US turning more isolationist recently, survey says

MCCLATCHY NEWSPAPERS outlook, Pew said. Iran — that a plurality of Ameri- The public turn toward isola- the No. 1 economic power, and
WASHINGTON — At the very “The U.S. public is turning
Isolationist views cans thought their country was tionism comes as Obama plans 30 percent thought it was Chi-
How Americans respond to the
moment when President Obama decidedly inward,” Pew said. statement, “The U.S. should mind weaker than it had been a decade to escalate the U.S. role in na.
is looking to thrust the U.S. ever The U.S. is also growing more its own business internationally before. Afghanistan with more troops • A majority of Americans, 53
more into global affairs, from unilateralist, with 44 percent and let other countries get along The shift in sentiment comes and as he engages with other percent, see China’s growing
Afghanistan to climate change, saying that the country “should as best they can”: after more than eight years of countries and international in- power as a “major threat.” That’s
the American public is turning go our own way in international Agree Disagree war in Afghanistan and almost stitutions on issues ranging virtually unchanged from what
more isolationist and unilateral- matters, not worrying about 49% seven in Iraq, and in the midst of from climate change to the the quadrennial poll found in
ist than it has at any time in whether other countries agree 60% the worst economy since the economy. 2001 and 2005.
decades, according to a new poll with us or not.” 45
Great Depression. Next week, he will visit Den- However, 642 members of
released Thursday. That was the highest percent- Just 32 percent of those ques- mark to attend an international the Council on Foreign Rela-
The survey by the Pew Re- age since the question was first 30 tioned favors increasing U.S. conference on climate change, tions, who are seen as opinion
search Center found a plurality asked in 1964. 15 troops in Afghanistan, and only then Norway to accept the Nobel leaders and also were polled by
of Americans — 49 percent — The country also has grown 46 percent say it’s likely that Peace Prize. Pew, had the opposite view. Just
think that the U.S. should “mind pessimistic about U.S. clout in 0 Afghanistan will be able to with- On other points, the Pew poll 21 percent of them saw China as
’95 ’97 ’99 ’01 ’02 ’04 ’05 ’06 ’09
its own business international- world affairs. stand the threat posed by the said: a major threat, down from 38
Source: Pew Research Center survey of
ly” and leave it to other countries By a margin of 41 percent to 25 2,000 U.S. adults (most recent, Oct. 28- Taliban. • A plurality of Americans, 44 percent in 2001 and 30 percent
to fend for themselves. percent, those polled think the Nov. 8, 2009); margin of error: +/- 3 The survey of 2,000 U.S. percent, now say that China is in 2005.
percentage points
It was the first time in more U.S. is playing a less important adults was taken from Oct. 28- the world’s top economic power, For them, Pew said, “China
12/04/09 MCT
than 40 years of polling that the role in the world than 10 years Nov. 8 — before Obama’s speech while just 27 percent say it’s the has been transformed from a
ranks of Americans with isola- ago. withdrawn from Vietnam, been on Afghanistan Tuesday night. U.S. That’s a sharp reversal from major threat to the United States
tionist sentiment outnumbered It was the first time since the hurt by an Arab oil embargo and It has an error margin of plus or nearly two years ago, when 41 to an increasingly important fu-
those with a more international 1970s — when the U.S. had seen its citizens held hostage in minus 3 percentage points. percent thought the U.S. was ture ally.”

It was ‘our fault,’ Secret Service chief says of party-crashers

HEARST NEWSPAPERS they had been invited to the din- ers doctrine to explain that
WASHINGTON — The Secret ner. Rogers wouldn’t appear before
Service, whose agents are “Every single time that I have the panel.
trained to protect the president, entered the White House, there Rep. Peter King, R-N.Y., criti-
attempted to do the same Thurs- has always been somebody from cized the White House for
day for President Obama’s social the White House there at the “offhandedly” announcing dur-
aides by insisting that the agency very first point,” said Rep. Loret- ing a White House briefing
was solely responsible for the se- ta Sanchez, D-Calif. Wednesday that Rogers would be
curity lapse that allowed two Sullivan said that he did not a no-show, instead of notifying
party crashers to talk their way know who made the recommen- Congress directly.
into last week’s White House dation to have only the Secret King accused the White
state dinner. Service at the checkpoints. The House of “stonewalling” to try
“This is our fault and our fault security plan in effect that night to save Rogers, an Obama ally
alone,” Mark Sullivan, Secret required the White House staff from Chicago, and itself from
Service director, told the House to be available by phone to clear embarrassment.
Homeland Security Committee. any discrepancies on the list, he Rep. Michael McCaul, R-
But lawmakers from both par- said. Texas, posed the basic question
ties — contending that this was “We should have called for underlying the investigation:
not a harmless security lapse but someone to come out,” Sullivan “How in the world could this
rather a threat to national secu- acknowledged. couple get past the Secret Ser-
rity — told Sullivan that at least Rep. Henry Cuellar, D-Texas, vice without having their names
part of the blame rested with the said the Salahis would not have on the list and get right up to the
White House social staff, which been admitted if White House’s president of the United States?”
was in charge of invitations for social staffers, overseen by Oba- Sullivan replied: “Sir, I’ve
the gala. ma’s social secretary Desiree asked myself that question a
Secret Service agents and Rogers, had been stationed at the thousand times over the last
White House aides typically entrances with the Secret Ser- week.”
monitor entrances for guests, vice. Rep. Christopher Carney, D-
such as those attending last The agents who mistakenly Pa., called the Salahis “patho-
week’s dinner in honor of Indian permitted the Salahis to enter logically egomaniacal.”
Prime Minister Manmohan have been placed on administra- COURTESY OF THE WHITE HOUSE Some lawmakers also specu-
Singh. tive leave, Sullivan said. President Obama as he greeted Michaele and Tareq Salahi in the Blue Room of the White House on Nov. 24. lated about why the Salahis did
However, there were no social Separately, Obama said in an not appear at the hearing.
aides present when Secret Ser- interview with USA Today and dinner. Nonetheless, he said he vice.” Rogers to testify. However, the “Perhaps it’s because they
vice personnel allowed Tareq the Detroit Free Press that “the still feels safe in the White Rep. Bennie Thompson, D- Salahis didn’t show up and the were on the invited-guest list,”
and Michaele Salahi to enter the system didn’t work the way it House and “could not have more Miss., chairman of the commit- White House invoked the Con- joked Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick, D-
White House after they insisted was supposed to” at the state confidence in the Secret Ser- tee, had invited the Salahis and stitution’s separation-of-pow- Ariz.
ARIZONA DAILY STAR / Friday, December 4, 2009 NATION • A17

$3.5B to be used to turn

failing schools around
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The president doesn’t have the half the staff and reopen the
WASHINGTON — The Oba- power to close and reopen schools school with new personnel.
ma administration will spend at himself. That authority rests with • Turn a school over to a char-
least $3.5 billion to push local of- local school districts and states. ter school operator or other
ficials around the country to But federal officials have an management organization.
close failing schools and reopen incentive in the turn- • Close the school
them with new teachers and around program, which and send students to
principals. gives money to states higher-achieving
Education Secretary Arne for school districts to schools in the district.
Duncan hopes to see the 5,000 overhaul the worst- • Replace only the
worst-performing schools, performing schools. principal and take other
about 1 percent of all U.S. Districts will have to steps to change how the
schools, turned around in five compete for grants. school operates.
years. The administration is Applications for the A special focus will be
beefing up the federal school money, made available on fixing middle schools
turnaround program, which was Thursday to states, Arne Duncan and high schools, espe-
created under the No Child Left should result in a list of cially “dropout facto-
Behind law championed by for- about 1,200 schools that states ries” where two in five kids don’t
mer President George W. Bush. have targeted for turnaround, make it to graduation.
“As a country, we need to get the Education Department said, Duncan, a former Chicago
into the turnaround business,” adding that the eventual goal is schools chief, has experience
Duncan said in a statement. 5,000 schools. with school turnarounds:
“Adults need to have the courage To get the money, a district Chicago targeted several public
to make these tough decisions must do one of four things: schools for turnaround while
and do right by our kids.” • Fire the principal and at least Duncan was still in charge.

Nature adapts to climate change

and so must we, experts warn
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS it couldn’t fly far and global year or $300 billion a year, said
With the world losing the bat- warming was making its habitat Chris Hope, a business school
tle against global warming so far, unbearable. To biologists’ sur- professor at the University of
experts are warning that humans prise, it evolved longer thoraxes Cambridge and part of the IIED
need to follow nature’s example: and wings, allowing it to fly far- study.
Adapt or die. ther to cooler locales. Nevertheless,Hope said failing
That means elevating build- “Society needs to be changing to adapt would be even more ex-
ings; making taller and stronger as much as wildlife is changing,” pensive — perhaps $6 trillion a
dams and sea walls; rerouting said Texas A&M biologist year on average over the next 200
water systems; restricting cer- Camille Parmesan, an expert on years. Adaptation could cut that
tain developments; changing how species change with the cli- by about $2 trillion a year, he said.
farming practices; and ultimate- mate. As much as three-quarters of
ly moving people, plants and an- One difficulty is that climate the spending will be needed in the
imals out of harm’s way. change is happening rapidly. developing world,experts say.
Adapting to rising seas and “Adaptation will be particu- “Those are not the countries
higher temperatures is expected larly challenging because the rate that caused the problem,” Hope
to be a big topic at the U.N. cli- of change is escalating and is said. “There’s a pretty strong
mate-change talks in Copen- moving outside the range to moral case for us giving them as-
hagen next week, along with the which society has adapted in the sistance for the impacts that
projected cost — hundreds of bil- past” when more natural climate we’ve largely caused.”
lions of dollars, much of it going changes happened, U.S. Nation- As for helping plants and ani-
to countries that cannot afford it. al Oceanic and Atmospheric Ad- mals, British climate scientist
That adaptation will be a ma- ministration chief Jane Martin Parry said the world will
jor focus is remarkable in itself. Lubchenco, a marine biologist, have to create a triage system to
Until the past couple of years, told Congress on Wednesday. figure out which living things
experts avoided talking about President Obama and Con- can be saved, which can’t and are
adjusting to global warming for gress are talking about $1.2 bil- effectively goners, and which
fear of sounding fatalistic or lion a year from the U.S. for in- don’t need immediate help.
causing countries to back off ef- ternational climate aid, which “It’s a brutal way to go about
forts to reduce emissions. includes adaptation. The U.N. things,” Parry said.
“It’s something that’s been climate chief, Yvo de Boer, said And what about people?
neglected, hasn’t been talked $10 billion to $12 billion a year is Some islands, such as the
about, and it’s something the needed from developed coun- Maldives, and some coastal
world will have to do,” said Ra- tries through 2012 to “kick- cities will not be able to survive
jendra Pachauri, chairman of the start” things. Then it will get rising seas no matter what pro-
Intergovernmental Panel on Cli- even more expensive. tections are put in place, said
mate Change. “Adaptation is go- The World Bank estimates Saleemel Huq, a senior fellow at
ing to be absolutely crucial for adaptation costs will total $75 bil- the International Institute for En-
some societies.” lion to $100 billion a year over the vironment and Development who
Some biologists point to how next 40 years. The International runs an adaptation center in
nature has handled the changing Institute for Environment and Bangladesh. In those cases, he
climate. The rare Adonis blue Development, a London think said, the world will need
butterfly of Britain looked as if it tank,says that number is too low. “planned relocation” of people
were going to disappear because It may even be $200 billion a and cities.

Copenhagen police set for summit

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS used such a vehicle. ly if something unacceptable
COPENHAGEN — In Den- At least 100 world leaders, in- happens. This is not a threat but
mark’s biggest security opera- cluding President Obama, will consumer information.”
tion since World War II, police converge on the normally tran- Lene Vennits,one of the organ-
are mobilizing thousands of offi- quil city in the next two weeks to izers of a planned demonstration
cers and — for the first time — a try to forge a new pact against on Dec.12,criticized the police for
water cannon for next week’s global warming. deploying a water cannon.
U.N. climate summit. Roughly 15,000 delegates have “It sends a signal that the cli-
Copenhagen police demon- signed up for the conference — mate summit is about violence,”
strated the German-made 22- and many more protesters are ex- she told The Associated Press.
ton vehicle to media Thursday, pected to march through the Still, anarchist and anti-capi-
showcasing it mainly as a beefed- streets of the capital. talist groups have suggested they
up firetruck that could spray wa- Most demonstrations are ex- will seek confrontations with po-
ter on burning cars or trash bins if pected to be peaceful manifesta- lice.
protests get out of hand. tions urging world leaders to It’s unclear how many will show
But police spokesman craft an ambitious climate up in Copenhagen.
Michael Engell said it was possi- agreement, but police say they The Bella Center conference
ble to add tear gas to the 1.5 mil- are ready if things get rowdy. facility on the outskirts of the
lion-gallon water tank, implying “We do not want to be at war capital has been turned into a
that the cannon could also be with anyone,” Copenhagen po- fortress, sealed off by massive
aimed at rioting protesters. Po- lice operations chief Per Larsen concrete blocks and 6-foot-high
lice said they have never before said. “But we will act according- metal fences.
A12 • NATION & WORLD Wednesday, December 9, 2009 / ARIZONA DAILY STAR

US settles suit
over Indian land
for $3.4 billion
THE DENVER POST one that a district judge last year
WASHINGTON — After 13 called an “irreparable breach of
years of bitter litigation, the fed- fiduciary duty” by the Depart-
eral government agreed Tuesday ment of the Interior.
to settle for $3.4 billion a lawsuit Although the settlement was
that claims it badly mismanaged far less than the $27 billion plain-
millions of acres in Indian trust tiffs once claimed they were owed,
land over more than 100 years. Attorney General Eric Holder
The agreement, which must called it “fair to the plaintiffs (and)
still be approved by Congress and responsible for the United States.”
the courts, requires the federal Elouise Cobell, a Blackfoot In-
government to pay out $1.4 bil- dian and the lead plaintiff,said she
lion to 300,000 American Indian wouldn’t describe it as fair, but
plaintiffs, compensating them was “one way that Indian people
for what they claim is decades of can actually get some money paid
lost income from grazing, logging to them for historical wrongs.”
and mineral royalties. “If it was me, I would fight on
It also sets up a $2 billion fund for another hundred years,” Co-
ELAINE THOMPSON / THE ASSOCIATED PRESS to buy back interest in an unruly bell said Tuesday. “But the de-
maze of “allotment lands” that ciding factor is, I live in Indian
HONORING 4 SLAIN POLICE OFFICERS dot reservations across the West. Country, and I see every single
About 20,000 mourners honored four slain police officers Tuesday at a memorial service in Tacoma, Wash. A procession of 2,000 cars followed The federal government will re- day people dying without their
the caskets of Sgt. Mark Renninger and Officers Ronald Owens, Tina Griswold and Greg Richards to the Tacoma Dome, where the service was turn those lands to tribal owner- money, and you just can’t take it
held. The Lakewood officers were killed by a gunman on Nov. 29 before the start of their shift. Authorities say Maurice Clemmons singled them ship,reversing a controversial pol- anymore. Now, at least we can
out at a coffee shop in a suburb south of Seattle. Clemmons was shot to death by a Seattle police officer after a two-day manhunt. “Our dad icy of privatization that dates back get them something paid.”
was a hero to many, even long before he became a policeman,” said Richards’ teenage son, Austin. “The way he lived his life spoke volumes.” to 1887, was reversed in the 1930s, That sentiment partly reflects
and is seen by many in Indian the frustration of American In-
Country as contributing to a lega- dians over the byzantine litiga-
cy of poverty and underdevelop- tion that began in 1996 and has
ment that continues to this day. been to courts of appeal 10 times

US lags badly in life expectancy

“We are here today to right a since then. Among the difficul-
past wrong, to forge a solution to ties, federal officials appeared to
an ongoing and worsening prob- have lost millions of critical
lem,and to lay out a path to the re- records dating back decades that
sponsible management of Indian were supposed to record income
trust assets in the 21st century,” from trust lands and what was
Despite huge outlays, nation ranks than health care spending,
Lafortune said.
The U.S. also underperforms
other rich countries in the
Interior Secretary Ken Salazar said
at a press conference Tuesday.
done with the money.
Years of trying to reconstruct
near the bottom among rich nations Spending on health care in health of its youngest. The settlement marks the end the accounts led to the collection
the U.S. grew more quickly be- U.S. infant mortality, at 6.7 of seven full trials, 22 court deci- of more than 300 million pages
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS 2007, nearly 2ƒ times the or- tween 1997 and 2007 than in deaths per 1,000 live births, sions, and — for the federal gov- of old ledgers and accounts in a
PARIS — The United States ganization average of $2,984. France, Italy, Germany and was well above the organization ernment — one of the largest cavern in Kansas — an ad hoc
ranks near the bottom in life ex- The figures include spending by Spain, averaging 3.4 percent average of 3.9 in 2007. Only class-action cases in its history, archive — but even those efforts
pectancy among wealthy na- both individuals and govern- annually over the period. The Mexico and Turkey had worse involving about one of every 10 were eventually abandoned.
tions despite spending more ments. U.S. growth rate was still below rates of infant mortality. In American Indians. Last year, a federal judge con-
than double per person on “It suggests that the U.S. is the organization average of 4.1 Luxembourg, the top per- For the plaintiffs, the an- cluded the accounts could never
health care than the industrial- not getting great value for its percent. former, the infant mortality rate nouncement finalizes a monu- be reconstructed and awarded
ized world’s average, an eco- health spending, in terms of life The U.S. far outspent the was only 1.8. mental legal struggle that had the plaintiffs $455 million, a
nomic group said Tuesday. expectancy,” said Gaetan Lafor- next biggest health care The report noted that re- become a symbol of government judgment that was later over-
Life expectancy at birth in the tune, one of the report’s co-au- spenders, Norway and Switzer- search suggests many factors neglect and mismanagement, turned on appeal.
U.S. was 78.1 years in 2007, ac- thors. land, despite the fact that those beyond the quality of a coun-
cording to the Organization for He said the U.S. needs to look countries’ life expectancies are try’s health system, such as in-
Economic Cooperation and De- “closely at spending that has two to four years longer, accord- come inequality and individual
velopment. little or no value in terms of im- ing to the report. lifestyles and attitudes, influ-
That’s a year less than the or-
ganization average of 79.1, and
puts the U.S. just ahead of the
proved health.”
“Life expectancy is only part-
ly driven by how a country’s
The report notes that, in ad-
dition to the U.S., Denmark and
Hungary also have lower life ex-
ence infant mortality rates.
Per capita spending on phar-
maceuticals rose by almost 50 Ohio uses just 1 drug
for execution — a first
Czech Republic, Poland and health care system performs,” pectancies than would be pre- percent over the last 10 years in
Mexico, where spending on Lafortune said. dicted by their relative wealth organization countries, reach-
health care is many times less Outside factors such as the and levels of health care spend- ing a total of $650 billion in
per person, the Paris-based country’s higher rates of obe- ing. 2007. The U.S. was the world’s
group said in its latest survey of sity and violent death, as well On the other hand, the biggest spender on pharmaceu- THE ASSOCIATED PRESS the U.S. Constitution because it
health trends among its 30 rich as mishandling of chronic Japanese and the Spanish live ticals, spending $878 per per- LUCASVILLE, Ohio — Ohio can subject the condemned to
member countries. conditions leading to avoid- longer on average than their na- son, with Canada next at $691 made history in September when extreme pain while leaving them
Total U.S. spending on health able hospital stays, play a big- tional income and their health per person and the organization an execution was botched so immobile and unable to cry out.
care was $7,290 a person in ger role in life expectancy rates care spending would predict. average at $461. badly the governor called it off. The three-drug method con-
The state made history again sists of sodium thiopental,a com-
Tuesday, executing an inmate mon anesthetic, along with pan-
with just one drug for the first curonium bromide, which para-
time in the United States. lyzes muscles, and potassium
Kenneth Biros, 51, was pro- chloride, which stops the heart.
nounced dead shortly after one The single-drug technique
dose of sodium thiopental began amounts to an overdose of the
flowing into his veins at the anesthetic — a method that injec-
Southern Ohio Correctional Fa- tion experts and defense attor-
cility. The U.S. Supreme Court neys agreed would not cause pain.
had rejected his final appeal two Biros’ executioners struggled
hours earlier. for several minutes to find suitable
Experts had predicted veins, inserting needles
that sodium thiopental repeatedly in both arms
— used in many parts of before completing the
the world to put pets process on just his left
down — would take arm. He winced once,
longer to kill than the and his attorney, John
previous method. But Parker, said he was con-
the 10 minutes it took cerned by all the needle
Biros to die was about as Kenneth sticks. But prison offi-
long as it has taken other Biros cials declared nothing
inmates in Ohio and amiss.
elsewhere to succumb to the Prisons director Terry Collins
three-drug combination. said the process worked as pre-
The mother, sister and brother dicted.
of Biros’ murder victim, Tami In 2008, the U.S. Supreme
Engstrom, applauded as the Court upheld lethal injection in a
warden announced the time of case from Kentucky involving a
death. three-drug method similar to
“Rock on,” Debi Heiss, En- the one used in Ohio and practi-
gstrom’s sister, said a moment cally every other death penalty
earlier as the curtains were state. After a seven-month
drawn for the coroner to check moratorium on the death penal-
on Biros.“That was too easy.” ty while the high court decided
Ohio’s switch to one drug was the case, executions resumed
born of a botched execution at- across the country.
tempt on another inmate in Sep- Biros killed his 22-year-old
tember, but critics of the three- victim in 1991 after offering to
drug method have long argued drive her home from a bar, then
that it amounts to cruel and un- scattered her body parts in Ohio
usual punishment in violation of and Pennsylvania.
ARIZONA DAILY STAR / Wednesday, December 9, 2009 NATION • A13

Obama approval rating just 49% Monitoring of drugs

McCLATCHY NEWSPAPERS some big gains in jobs or tangible
for safety lags long
after Vioxx episode
WASHINGTON — President benefits in people’s lives, the
Obama and the Democratic Par- president and the Democratic
ty end the year far weaker than Party are going to bear the brunt
they started it, according to a of the public anxiety.”
McClatchy-Ipsos poll released The survey found 49 percent
Tuesday. approving of the way Obama is
Obama has the lowest ap- doing his job, dropping from 53 THE ASSOCIATED PRESS safety actions, putting pre-
proval rating of his presidency — percent in October. It found 49 WASHINGTON — The Food scription drug users at risk.
49 percent — slipping below 50 percent disapproving. and Drug Administration still “There’s this desire on the
percent in the poll for the first Dropping below 50 percent is hasn’t restructured its staff to part of the people who first ap-
time and entering a danger zone a warning sign of political peril if better monitor drug safety, proved the drug to say, ‘We
for presidents heading into a not corrected. more than three years after ex- predicted everything and it’s
midterm election year. Since 1962, presidents with perts recommended key fine,’ ” said Dr. Diana Zucker-
The sinking numbers extend approval ratings below 50 per- changes in the wake of the man of the National Research
to his party as well. The Democ- cent have lost an average of 41 Vioxx scandal. Center for Women and Fami-
ratic Party has lost double-digit seats in midterm House elec- That’s according to congres- lies in Washington.
ground to the Republican Party tions. That’s precisely the sional investigators who found Zuckerman and others say
on every issue, including the number that would cost De- that the FDA has yet to follow such decisions should be made
economy, other domestic issues mocrats control of the House through on changes suggested with equal input from the
such as health care and foreign SUSAN WALSH / THE ASSOCIATED PRESS this time. in 2006 to help the agency de- FDA’s office for monitoring re-
affairs. President Obama’s sinking numbers extend to the Democratic Party as Obama still has the approval tect problems with drugs taken ports of side effects collected
On the economy, for example, well. It lost ground to the GOP on every issue, including the economy. of 77 percent of Democrats, by millions of Americans. from across the country.
it clings to a 1-point edge over though that dropped below 80 Those recommendations The GAO, the Institute of
the Republicans, down sharply percent for the first time. Re- came after the embarrassing Medicine and other experts
from the 31-point advantage it much Obama and the Democ- the Senate are up for election. publicans remained strongly and dangerous episode with have long recommended that
enjoyed a year ago. rats have lost since their tri- “The public is declaring the negative, with just 16 percent Vioxx, a blockbuster pain drug the so-called Office of Surveil-
Underlying it all: a sour umphant victory a year ago, honeymoon over,” said Michael approving and 81 percent disap- the FDA approved in 1999, only lance and Epidemiology be
mood. The American people when they won the White Gross, the vice president of Ipsos proving. to pull from the market in 2004 given equal authority on drug
have the worst view of the House and added to their ma- Public Affairs, which conducted His bigger challenge might be after linking it to heart attack safety with the agency’s Office
country since Obama’s elec- jorities in the House of Repre- the polls. independents, with approval and stroke. of New Drugs. But GAO inves-
tion, with just 36 percent saying sentatives and the Senate. The The biggest drag is the econo- among the swing bloc dropping Agency officials have made tigators report that FDA leaders
it’s on the right track and 60 figures also underscore the my, Gross said. to 41 percent and disapproval some changes to drug over- still have not transferred key
percent saying it’s on the wrong challenging environment they “To an extent, people were leaping to 55 percent, a jump of sight, according to a Govern- responsibilities to surveillance
track. face as they head into 2010, willing to give Obama the benefit 14 percentage points since Octo- ment Accountability Office re- officials.
The numbers show how when the House and a third of of the doubt. But until there are ber. port, but the FDA continues to “No more time should be
give the bulk of its decision- wasted at the FDA in establish-
making power to scientists ing independence for its post-
who approve new drugs, rather market surveillance,” Sen.
than those who monitor the Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, said

Sensitive airport-security info is leaked

side effects of drugs on the in a statement.
market. Grassley — one of the
“It is not yet clear if or when agency’s toughest critics in
FDA’s decision-making Congress — asked the GAO to
process will be substantially follow up on its 2006 recom-
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS cards; and it explains that diplo- As a result, some Web sites, TSA asked that the document improved as a result of its ef- mendations to the FDA.
WASHINGTON — The federal matic pouches and certain for- using widely available software, be removed from the Federal forts,” according to the GAO The watchdog agency’s re-
government improperly posted eign dignitaries with law en- were able to uncover the origi- Business Opportunity site on report, a copy of which was ob- port calls on the FDA to set a
an internal guide to its airport- forcement escorts are not sub- nal text of sections that had Dec. 6 after the security lapse tained by The Associated Press. timetable for transferring new
passenger screening procedures jected to any screening at all. It been blacked out for security was reported in a blog. Within the FDA bureaucra- responsibilities to the surveil-
on the Internet in a way that said certain methods of verifying reasons. But copies of the document — cy, scientists tasked with re- lance office.
could offer insight into how to identification documents aren’t On Sunday, the Wandering with the redacted portions ex- viewing new drug applications Despite a formal memo be-
sidestep security. used on all travelers during peak Aramean blog pointed out the posed — circulated on the Inter- have traditionally had the most tween the offices designed to
The document outlines who is travel crushes. document in a posting titled net and remain posted on other say over questions of safety, put them on equal footing, the
exempt from certain additional The Transportation Security “The TSA makes another stupid Web sites not controlled by the even after drugs are approved. new drug office still retains
screening measures, including Administration, which over- move.” government. But outside experts say leaving nearly all the power over regu-
members of the U.S. armed sees airport security, said the According to the blog, TSA Lee said TSA takes the inci- such key decisions to the sci- latory decisions, according to
forces, governors and lieutenant document is outdated. It was posted a redacted version of the dent seriously and a review is entists who first cleared the the GAO report to be released
governors, the mayor of Wash- posted in March by TSA on the document but did not delete the under way. drugs could lead to inadequate Wednesday.
ington, D.C., and their immedi- Federal Business Opportunity sensitive information from the Noting that the transporta-
ate families. site. The posting was improper file. Instead of removing the text, tion agency uses multiple layers
It offers examples of identifi- because sensitive information the government covered it up of security, Lee said, “TSA is
cation documents that screeners was not properly protected, with a black box. But the text was confident that screening proce-
accept, including congressional, TSA spokeswoman Kristin Lee still embedded in the document dures currently in place remain
federal air marshal and CIA ID said. and could be uncovered. strong.”
ARIZONA DAILY STAR / Wednesday, December 9, 2009 WORLD • A15

EU’s urging to share Jerusalem as capital angers Israel

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS foods, cosmetics and hardware, Jerusalem, the statement angered east Jerusalem from the Jordan- to take part in any resumed peace year ago, unless Israel halts all
BRUSSELS, Belgium — Euro- and that he hoped to remove all Israel and was sure to deepen Is- ian army. talks as a negotiator. settlement construction.
pean Union foreign ministers on such goods from Palestinian store rael’s sense that the Europeans fa- “If there is to be a genuine The Israeli Foreign Ministry The Palestinian prime minis-
Tuesday urged Israel and the shelves next year. vor Palestinian positions. Presi- peace, a way must be found reacted immediately. ter, Salam Fayyad, welcomed
Palestinians to make Jerusalem In Brussels, EU foreign minis- dent Obama has been trying, so (through negotiations) to resolve “We regret that the European Tuesday’s EU statement. He said
their shared capital, prompting a ters reiterated that the 27-mem- far in vain, to nudge the sides to- the status of Jerusalem as the fu- Union chose to adopt the text,” Is- it gives Palestinians “a better
swift, angry reaction from Israel. ber bloc would not recognize Is- ward renewed peace talks. ture capital of two states,” it said. raeli Foreign Ministry spokesman sense of hope and possibility
For their part Tuesday, the rael’s annexation of the eastern “The EU will not recognize The EU ministerial statement Yigal Palmor said in a statement. about tomorrow.”
Palestinians announced a boycott part of Jerusalem it occupied in any changes to the pre-1967 dropped an earlier Swedish draft He said the statement “does not The competing claims to east
of products made in Israeli settle- the 1967 war. The ministers borders including with regard to resolution which explicitly stat- contribute” to promoting peace Jerusalem remain perhaps the
ments in the West Bank.Palestin- called for Israel to share Jerusalem, other than those ed that east Jerusalem — the dis- and ignores the Palestinians’ re- most explosive issue in the Is-
ian Economics Minister Hassan Jerusalem as a capital with a fu- agreed by the parties,” said the puted part of the holy city — fusal to resume talks. raeli-Palestinian conflict.
Abu Libdeh said the government ture Palestinian state. ministerial statement. It was re- should be the capital of a Pales- Palestinian President Mah- East Jerusalem is home to
has already confiscated $1 million Although the EU has long op- ferring to the Mideast war in tinian state after Israel warned it moud Abbas refuses to resume sensitive Jewish, Muslim and
worth of products, including posed the annexation of east which Israeli forces captured would damage the bloc’s ability peace talks, which broke down a Christian holy sites.

mulls death
penalty for
some gays

KAMPALA, Uganda — Pro-

posed legislation would impose
the death penalty for some gay
Ugandans, and their families and
friends could face up to seven
years in jail if they fail to report
them to authorities. Even land-
lords could be imprisoned for
renting to homosexuals.
Gay-rights activists say the
bill, which has prompted grow-
ing international opposition,
promotes hatred and could set
back efforts to fight HIV/AIDS.
They believe the bill is part of a
continentwide backlash because
Africa’s gay community is be-
coming more vocal.
“It’s a question of visibility,”
said David Cato, who became an
activist after he was beaten up four
times, arrested twice, fired from
his teaching job and outed in the
press because he is gay.“When we
come out and ask for our rights,
they pass laws against us.”
The legislation has drawn
global attention from activists
across the spectrum of views on
gay issues. The measure was
proposed in Uganda following a
visit by leaders of U.S. conserva-
tive Christian ministries that
promote therapy for gays to be-
come heterosexual. However, at
least one of those leaders has de-
nounced the bill, as have some
other conservative and liberal
Christians in the United States.
Gay-rights activists say the
legislation is likely to pass. But
the bill is still being debated and
could undergo changes before a
vote, which has not been set.
The legislation in its current
form would mandate a death
sentence for active homosexuals
living with HIV or in cases of
same-sex rape. “Serial offend-
ers” also could face capital pun-
ishment, but the legislation does
not define the term. Anyone
convicted of a homosexual act
faces life imprisonment.
Anyone who “aids, abets,
counsels or procures another to
engage of acts of homosexuality”
faces seven years in prison if
convicted. Landlords who rent
rooms or homes to homosexuals
also could get seven years, and
anyone with “religious, political,
economic or social authority”
who fails to report anyone vio-
lating the act faces three years.
Gay-rights activists abroad
are focusing on the legislation. A
protest against the bill is planned
for Thursday in London; protests
were held last month in New
York and Washington.
David Bahati, the legislator
sponsoring the bill, said he was
encouraging “constructive criti-
cism” to improve the law, but in-
sisted strict measures were nec-
essary to stop homosexuals from
“recruiting” schoolchildren.
“The youths in secondary
schools copy everything from the
Western world and America,” said
high school teacher David Kisam-
bira. “A good number of students
have been converted into gays.We
hear there are groups of people
given money by some gay organi-
zations in developed countries to
recruit youth into gay activities.”
Uganda’s ethics minister,James
Nsaba Buturo, said the death-
sentence clause would probably
be reviewed but maintained the
law was necessary to counter for-
eign influence. He said homosex-
uality “is not natural in Uganda,” a
view echoed by some Ugandans.
“I feel that the bill is good and
necessary, but I don’t think gays
should be killed. They should be
imprisoned for about a year and
warned never to do it again.
“The family is in danger in
Uganda because the rate at
which vice is spreading is ap-
palling,” said shopkeeper John

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