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Flare August September 09

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August 15 - September 15, 2009

Editor's Note
Editorial 8

Reader's Response
Letters to the Editor 9

Pakistan has cheapest call rates: Yasin 36
Cover Story
Telepedia Page
PTA Complain Cell
Rs2.36bn of USF for rural telecom, broadband
Beggars? 58pc of them have mobile phone 13
What does telecom indicators indicate? 16
Ufone Rishta Point a failed VAS 17
Telenor stopped in India 25
Nokia glittering with latest handsets 28
SMS motivation to be monitored 44
Funny SMS on load-shedding 45

Cover Story
Telenor merging move… for the sake of India 48 Page
Our future: WiMAX or Wi-Fi? 24
22 Deep rooted Pak-UAE ties
20 ways to protect your computer 26
Apps to be as big as internet 30
What is dongle? 37

Abu Dhabi Group injecting in health projects 14
Deep rooted Pak-UAE ties 22
How can Telenor make tele-doctor work? 51
Trend, Warid join hands for Azadi Package
Highlights: The wedding ceremony of Mr Muhammad Ali
20 Highlights: The wedding ceremony of
Glowing event of Warid 34
Mr Muhammad Ali
Tech Tools
Mobile review 52
Current mobile 56
Low range mobile 60
High range mobile 61
Upcoming mobile 63
Accessories 64
Laptops 66 Page
Video games
68 34
Mosaic Glowing event of Warid
National 79
International 81

Bundle offers 71
Khushali bank 72
.pk domain 73
Bill Gates quit Facebook 77
18 Trend, Warid join hands for Azadi Package
National 85
International 94

Nokia glittering
6 28 with latest
August 15, September 15, 2009

Editor s
N ote Predicting
the future
The race of five telecos has enormously benefited the
telecom sector. Pakistan has the lowest call rates by the virtue
Zubair Ahmed Kasuri Editor-in-Chief
of toughest competition sprung by the comparative rates and
packages offered by the cellular operators. Now the Fatima Batool Editor
competition is no more about decreasing rates but to maintain Usman Yaqoob
the quality and to offer valuable packages on existing SIM Marketing Manager (Lhr)
cards. The whole system of registering and keeping the data M. Farooq Malik
Marketing Executive (Lhr)
of subscriber identity module (SIM) has been revised. In a Rashid Hussain Mughal
time when the country is witnessing smooth progress in the Marketing Executive (Khi)

telecom sector, some rumours have sprung up about the

subterranean alliance of Telenor and China Mobile.
Zafar Khan Afridi
Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) has Senior Graphic Designer
predicted that 2010 will be a year of four telecom operators. M. Naeem Mughal
Graphic Designer
If PTA has said so then the news of Telenor-China Mobile
merger must be true. Flare is criticising Telenor from a long
Azhar Javed
time due to its camouflaged and cheap advertisement, General Manager
pathetic service and hidden intentions, and now the company Khawar Shahzad
Manager Islamabad Office
has emerged to be one of the greediest and disloyal operators Taimur Shafiq
– it is quitting its venture in Pakistan to strengthen its ties in Web Developer
the neighbourhood for more subscribers and of course more Muhammad Saeed
Chief Photographer
revenue. Mobile: 0321 - 8404389
We request PTA to define some rules or ethics for such
Lahore Office
operators who pay no attention to the responsibilities 46J-Gulberg III, Lahore-Pakistan.
imposed on them by the nations in which they operate. Ph:+92-42-8350195, 042-5880183
Islamabad Office
Everyone knows that Pakistan has boldly dealt with the Phone: + 92-51-8235067
militants and Telenor is now, when the situation is in control Kasur Office
Phone: + 92-492-770820-763250
of our army, blaming security for its motives. Moreover, India Karachi Office
has imposed some unjust restriction like the Pakistani officers Phone: + 92-21-4602620
of Telenor will not be allowed to visit or/and work in India Registration No
where Indian officer are allowed to visit or/and work in PCPB/105
Pakistan - a strange and partial decision.
(Vol. 5 Issue:11)
It is time for remaining four operators to keep in mind the Price Rs: 300
corporate-social responsibility and come forward to take
URL: www.flare.com.pk
customers in confidence. Now it is no more about glittering, Email: flare.mag@gmail.com
rocking, singing, dancing, mocking or criticising each other
but to prove yourself loyal to your customers in particular
and the country in general. It is obvious that the departure of
Zubair Ahmed Kasuri, publisher of FLARE
Telenor will raise questions about and/or against the
leading telecom magazine, printed it from
company and obviously its background which is in question
Akkaz Printers, Shama Plaza, Lahore and
from a long time. The venture will be fruitful for the China
published from 46 J, Gulberg III, Lahore.
Mobile but the great responsibility will entrust the company
with a lot of responsibility to manage million of subscribers.
We hope that Telenor’s departure will be profitable for the
market as it will be the end of an era of bad intentions and
corrupt motives.

Edge USB of Telenor

I purchased USB edge from Karachi with promise to get four

times faster speed than GPRS and while I came to Teri (District
Karak), I get less than 2 Kb/sec speed. Telenor claims to make
their customer's delighted, how? When they are not even keeping
the contract of basic "need"!
Telenor customer feedback is extremely poor and so far I have not
heard anything from support office despite the fact that I
complained quite a few times on their website and customer
service. Telenor Edge is the worst experience I have ever
encountered while using internet.
-Kamran Khan, Karachi
PTA complain system

I do appreciate the initiative taken by the Pakistan Ufone SMS prank!

Telecommunication Authority for taking care of customer complains
by itself. The initiative will resolve the subscriber's issue in a Dear editor, it is informed that an SMS hoax floated all around
somewhat satisfactory way. especially on Ufone numbers a few days ago. Different versions of
It was now a common practice that complainers were ignored by the message have been forwarded but basically all of these messages
the call centres of their respective operators. As a result many of them ask users to exploit a bug/hack in Ufone system by forwarding the
were refraining from even lodging complains. message to several people to get some free balance.
I happen to complain about the poor service, un-necessary delay in Now I don't know if it's an effort of chocking Ufone network or
activation, excessive centres from the Ufone centre to the call centre an attempt to give an SMS revenue boost to the network. Following
but nothing happened to actually relive me. Every call at call centre are the two of several versions of the message.
was treated by a different operator, with an all new inquiring and Ufone Hacked by the Student Of Quaid-e-Azam University: Ye
ignorant tone and different remarks about complains. I finally decided SMS without editing Ufone k kisi b 6 numbers per send kro aur os k
not to call them any more. baad *146# dial karen 15 mints me 1000 SMS ka package free me ho
Same is reported by my friends for some other operators. PTA jaye ga aur 5 hour k lie aap sirf Ufone numbers pey free call ker
Complain Cell is a sigh of relief for the abandoned customers of service sakte ho. It works because of these codes. htp.\\trace\15m5-
centres. I thank PTA for coming into the field although late. 333s.3[ra-ga-5]+47.locate7\\09 .?ufone.htt.p.web.a.s
-Wasim Ahmad, via email [eco]%uni@hdnis. URL-4YR.K26."
"Ufone Bug, Ufone ki Service main aik bug mila ha, jis ki wajha
say Ufone ko lakhoun ka nuksan ho raha ha. Is SMS ko edit keay
bghair 8 logon ko send krain, is key end par mojod code ki wajha
Unauthorised issuance of my Telenor SIM sey app ko 200 free minutes milain gey. Sirf 2 hour baad *706# mila
kr check kegeyay ga.
I was a Telenor consumer some time ago, one day my SIM Parse=xMl.serverlang(0).num(current)¢er=0005150&c0de=33*+200.a
stopped working and my phone started showing, 'Invalid SIM Card, irTime(&num=true)print(#24726);=endPARSER"
SIM registration failed.' I visited a franchise service centre that asked -Basit Ali
me to visit Company owned SC centre. I visited University Road
(Karachi) Telenor SC they told me that the duplicate of my SIM was
issued from Orangi Town Franchise that's why the actual SIM had Merger! Really?
stopped working. I told them that I have never been to Orangi please
control such situation afterwards. They assured me that they have Some national daily reported that Telenor is looking forward to a
entered comments with my record and agents will be extra cautious merger with China Mobile. I cannot believe this! How is it possible? Is
about my SIM from now onwards. Telenor afraid of tough competition or advertisements glittered by
But, after a very few days it happened again, and I gave a written Annie are no more increasing revenue or grabbing subscribers?
application to Consumer Head Telenor about the matter, but Whatever the truth is but I consider this news most shocking for the
unauthorised issuance of my SIM took place third time and I have to year 2009.
reactivate the SIM once again and sent email to Telenor Head office The newspaper based on the argument that Telenor is looking
executives. Unfortunately my SIM stopped working in the same forward to move to India. Good for them! And Indian government
manner on the day of my brother's Valima and made my life and security agencies have imposed certain restrictions on Telenor
miserable. Someone was not only issuing my SIM but also using my prior to its entry in India. The most shocking fact is Telenor's
credit. I never went back to reactivate my SIM and no one even cont planning to quit the market of Pakistan.
acted me from Telenor to clarify the issue. I hate Telenor. I am a Telenor user and my operator has made me afraid
-Tahir Ali via email someday I will wake up and some newspaper will informed me that
my number is same but I am no more a part of Telenor but Zong.
I have seen companies complaining about customer loyalty but
how much loyal the service providers are? There services are not
Ufone pathetic service customer oriented but revenue oriented. I am sick of all this.
-Ana Zainab via email
Being a loyal customer, I hate to write this but they made me do so.
For the past few weeks, Ufone service quality has been pathetically
disappointing. I am sure most of you (Ufone users) must be facing the Ufone Rishta…the poor intentions
same issues. Sometimes I just get disconnected from the rest of the
world. Can not send messages, can not dial or receive calls. Most recently Ufone has launched a new value added service called
Today, same thing happened and I thought of contacting the Ufone Rishta. In country that was separated from India on pure
Customer Support Centre. Call connected and was put on hold. I Islamic ideology has this type service were never imagine from its
waited for 20 minutes and then the call was disconnected. What the founders. Through your valuable voice, I would like to appeal PM,
hell! Why they are charging Rs one per call to customer centre, Chief Justice of Pakistan and PTA to take notice of such services.
claiming that this is to provide better customer service but it seems that These typos of services are against our culture, our values and
its a new revenue by the telecom companies. Islamic ideology.
I called again and now 15 minutes so far and no signs of Customer Already many such incidents have occurred during the last
Service Representative. That's coward. Just let them pick the phone some years that proves that our social and cultural barriers are
and I will make them regret. being broken by this technological advancement. Although it is true
I am porting out. Yes, I can not bear this anymore. Tried to that contrary to our ideologies we are fighting with The US in the
compromise because of the brand association but when brand doesn't war of civilization, but this type of services are not even acceptable
care, why should I? Just help me find a better network! for the Mush Islam.
-Zaheer Khan via email I, once again appeal to higher authorities to take notice against this
Ufone evil. Asma Ismail, Islamabad.
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akistan Telecommunication Authority

P (PTA) recently launched Redressal of

consumer grievances mechanism which
would ensure proper resolution to the
problems being faced by the telecom sector
Addressing a press conference at PTA
headquarters, Chairman PTA Dr Mohammed
Yaseen unveiled the details of the package, saying
that the consumers would have a complaint with
the respective telecom operator and if the issue is
not resolved, the consumer should file the
complaint with the PTA Consumer Protection
"The consumers can make a free-of-cost call to
PTA at 0800-55055 if their complaint is not
resolved within given timeframe by the concerned
telecom operator," he said and added the PTA
would take up the matter with the concerned
authorities and would get it resolved amicably.
He said Pakistan's telecom sector has seen
phenomenal growth patterns during the past
decade. This phenomenal progress has brought
huge benefits to the people of Pakistan in terms of
network expansion, scope of services, reduction in
tariffs and availability of an array of telecom
operators with regard to choice of their service
"Telecom sector maintains handsome inflow of
money to the government exchequer. The vision of
telecom growth coupled with consumer protection
as envisaged in the ‘Pakistan Telecom Act, 1996’
has been realised through a tele-density of 61.8 per
cent and number of an expanding cellular mobile
Consumer grievances
subscriber base that today stands at 94.34 million."
In the last one year, he said, PTA has come a
long way towards achieving a number of measures
that have strengthened the industry and benefitted
mechanism to redress
the consumers at large.
To protect consumer interests in a more specific
manner, the PTA would soon adopt regulations for
measures against spam, fraudulent, obnoxious and
unsolicited communications
general public and the redressal is achieved by redressal and Information regarding Escalation
taking up the said matters with the concerned Path is given."
operator to the satisfaction of the complainants," "The redressal measures are communicated to
he added. complainant; Well defined perusal of consumer
To protect consumer interests in a more specific complaints are forwarded through PTA ensuring
manner, the PTA would soon adopt regulations for confidentiality of Consumer information and
Chairman PTA Dr. Mohammad Yaseen briefs the media persons measures against spam, fraudulent, obnoxious and Publication of ‘Consumer Manual’ including all
about the launching of redressal of consumer grievances tariff details for the packages; Redressal contact &
mechanism during a press conference in Islamabad. unsolicited communications. These regulations
shall considerably provide comfort to the procedural details; Media campaign on the matter
"Our mechanism of checks and balances will is ensured," he added.
consumers against misuse of services and nuisance
only add to healthy competition and will promote He said the subscribers shall follow three easy
value, he added.
good business in the sector. At the same time, as a steps to lodge a complaint: The Service Provider
He said the PTA also adopted Consumer can be contacted through the call centre\help line,
guarantor of telecom consumer protection,
Protection Regulations 2009 under which it would fax, post, email, web form link.
Authority believes that the issues pertaining to
be ensured that the service provisioning is made "In case the complaint is not resolved by the
consumer interest and grievances shall be tackled
as per consumer choice, request and without operators, subscriber may contact the PTA
in a broader but more focused manner," he added.
He said the same has been the vision behind the discrimination; No activation or deactivation of Consumer Protection Directorate (CPD). PTA shall
revamping of Consumer Complaint Handling and services/packages without user consent; and fair remain committed towards protecting consumer
Redressal Mechanisms at the operators as well as Commercial Practices/Advertisement should be rights and in this regard suggestions and
not to be misleading, inadequate or unclear in comments from media, consumer groups and
Regulators' end. In this regard, we took a number
terms and tariffs; clear and complete specification general consumers are always encouraged," he
of important steps including establishment of
of tariff information; and detailed Billing added.
CPD, which comprises of a dedicated Complaint "Our next step was the implementation phase.
Cell to which the consumers have access through information as per license conditions Publication
of Code of Commercial Practice & Service Contract PTA along with the operators have now revamped
Toll Free Number, telephone, fax, e-mail, PTA's their complaint handling systems, made them
website, post and in person visitation. for the awareness of consumers is ensured.
more consumer oriented, organised, expanded and
"Moreover, consumers can also access PTA's "Moreover, Consumer Complaint Handling
has provided a range of modes including help
Zonal offices across the provincial capitals for and Redressal Mechanism Categorisation of lines, e-mails, web mails and fax numbers through
redressal of their complaints. Consumers can lodge complaints; lodging of complaints with specified which consumers can lodge their complaints," he
their grievances with the said setups, the contact contact details Handling of complaints and added. 
10 details of which have been made available to Complaint Number is delivered and timeline for
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Mobilink Super
Competition, 2009
Mobilink triggered the initiative
by inviting teams of competitive
students from several
prestigious engineering
institutions like FAST, NUST,
Mobilink has launched an inter-university
competition involving teams of students from
the leading engineering universities of Pakistan.
The opportunity for the students to prove their

Mobilink reaches out to

mettle is named “Mobilink Super Engineer
Competition 2009”, in which the students will
attempt real-life engineering projects assigned
by the Mobilink Technical Team.

1,000 families of IDPs

Ali Raza Mehdi, Vice President Human
Resources, Mobilink said, “This competition
forms a part of Mobilink’s broad-based talent
recognition drive. Being a technology driven
company, we have always sought cutting-edge
technological adaptations to enhance our
Set up with the fund of Rs 81 million, Mobilink Camp is the offerings to the customers. We firmly believe in
largest relief commitment for the IDPs from the private the superior aptitude and intelligence inherent
in our engineering students and this initiative is
sector of Pakistan and aims to provide relief to 1,000 families an effort to unleashing the potential of our
for a period of three months scholastic achievers”.
To encourage progressive innovations and
obilink, Pakistan’s market leader in and laundry soaps, tooth paste and toothbrush, induce technological wisdom among aspiring

M cellular services and part of

Orascom Telecom Holding held a
media briefing at a local hotel to
mark the one month milestone of Mobilink Camp
for Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs)
combs and mosquito nets. Replete with wash and
bath facilities, individual brick structures for
cooking food, the Camp also houses a basic
health unit with standby ambulances.
Mobilink is well aware of the significance of
engineers & scientists of tomorrow, Mobilink
triggered this initiative by inviting teams of
competitive students from several prestigious
engineering institutions like FAST, NUST, UET
and GIKI. Each team was assigned a real life
established at Kund Park near Jehangira Town education for the younger IDPs. To ensure engineering project and briefed about the
which is accommodating 1,000 families of IDPs. project overview, whereby the key deliverables,
continuity in their education, Mobilink has made
Speaking on the occasion, Mr Rashid Khan, resources and timelines were defined. Technical
provisions for primary and secondary schools for
President and CEO of Mobilink said, “Mobilink mentors from Mobilink will be available to
boys and girls. Nearly 1,600 young IDPs at the
Camp is a reflection of the culture of employee respond to any possible queries from
camp are already being taught by 32 teachers
volunteerism that is a Mobilink hallmark. We are participants, during the course of these projects.
using the NWFP Board of Education’s syllabus.
grateful to our partners for their help especially Once the students have finalised their
respective projects, and the functionality of each
Emergency Response Unit, Government of Mobilink Camp is not just assignment has been ensured, the teams would
NWFP. Our teams are working 24/7 along side
ERU’s able camp management teams to meet the about emergency relief for be invited to present their projects at Mobilink
premises. The projects will be evaluated by
needs of the IDPs at Mobilink Camp.” thousands of people in need. Mobilink’s committee of senior technical team
According to Bilal Munir Sheikh, Vice
President, Mobilink, “As a company on the It is about creating a relaxing on a criteria built around meeting project’s
objectives, creativity, attention to detail, meeting
forefront of reshaping lives, we are trying to do environment where IDPs can deadline, innovation and overall presentation.
our best and are determined to support the
displaced persons.” recover from their trauma in The winners will be presented with the title of
“Mobilink Super Engineer 2009”, as well as
The project has been made possible by the safety and relative comfort recognition by senior management and the
support and vision of Naguib Sawiris, Chairman
Orascom Telecom Holding, Mobilink’s parent opportunity of a guaranteed job interview at
This support for IDPs relief is in addition to Mobilink. Efforts of all participants will be
more than Rs 3 million worth aid and food acknowledged through formal certificates.
In addition to ERU, other organisations
including UN Office for the Coordination of rations personally distributed by Mobilink’s To channel such foresight, an extensive
Humanitarian Affairs, UNHCR, UNICEF, UN- security teams amongst IDPs residing in schools programme for promotion of scientific
HABITAT and WHO have provided technical and hujras in Mardan and Swabi districts endeavours in Pakistan is highly desirable.
support for on site execution. reaching out to 16,000 individuals. As a company Indigenous development of effective
IDPs residing in Mobilink Camp are provided on the forefront on reshaping lives, Mobilink and technologies can help us avoid expensive
with basic items including; tents, bedding, dry Orascom have shown unwavering commitment imports and technology transfers, while
food rations, water buckets and coolers, floor in the past as well by actively engaging in the enhancing productivity, minimising operational
mats, kitchen utensils, cutlery and crockery, relief and rehabilitation of the Oct 2005 costs and reducing capital outlays for our local
personal hygiene kits including towel, washing earthquake affectees.  industries. 11
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niversal Service Fund this fund for achievement of the

U signed contracts for

providing basic telecom
services in Nasirabad
(Balochistan) with CM Pak and
Broadband Services in Multan
targets, it was decided to follow a
“Public Private Partnership”
Model. This led to establishment
of Universal Service Fund (USF)
Company under Section 42 of the
Telecom Region (Southern Punjab) Companies Ordinance 1984.
with World Call. CEO CM Pak, Universal Service Fund (USF) has
Mr Qian Li and CEO World Call, an independent Board of Directors
Babar Ali Syed signed these equally balanced between four
contracts with CEO Universal members from the government
Service Fund, Parvez Iftikhar. and four from the private sector
Secretary IT, Mr Naguibullah (industry and consumers).
Malik witnessed the signing The main objectives of
ceremony as the chief guest. \ Universal Service Fund (USF) are:
In the Rural Telecom project,  To bring the focus of
CMPak will be paid Rs1.57 billion telecom operators towards rural
to provide telephony services to population and increase the level
648 unserved Mauzas to serve a of telecom penetration
population of around half a million significantly in the rural areas
in districts of Bolan, Jaffarabad, through effective and fair
Jhal Magsi and Nasirabad of utilization of the fund.
Balochistan.  To improve the
Whereas in the Broadband Broadband penetration in the
project, WorldCall will be paid country.
Rs785 million to provide  To bring significant
broadband connections in 11 advances towards enhancement of
districts (38 small towns) of e-services, both in rural as well as
Southern Punjab, in addition to urban areas of the country.
establishing 27 Educational Universal Service Fund (USF)
Broadband Centres in high- In the Rural Telecom project, CMPak will be paid finances spread of telecom services
schools, colleges and libraries plus to previously un-served or under-
121 Community Broadband Rs1.57 billion to provide telephony services to 648 served areas and makes it possible
Centres. It is noteworthy that this unserved Mauzas to serve a population of around half a for licensed telecom operators to
is in addition to broadband million in districts of Bolan, Jaffarabad, Jhal Magsi and provide services to those areas, on
services in MTR that PTCL will normal commercial (read:
provide under a contract with Nasirabad of Balochistan competitive) terms. Telecom
Universal Service Fund signed last services include basic telephony,
month. broadband internet and infrastructure for these
Giving his remarks on the occasion, Federal services (like Optic Fibre) and Community Tele-
Secretary for Information Technology, Mr centres (for those who cannot afford the necessary
Naguibullah Malik said that the Ministry of IT is instruments/devices). Challenge before USF is to
striving to reinvigorate and stimulate the ICT achieve the targets through an efficient and
sector by increasing level of telecom penetration in transparent process. Therefore, all disbursements
unserved areas of the country. He informed that of the fund are done through open competitive
Ministry of IT, through Universal Service Fund, bidding, encouraging full competition among
has been successfully executing rural-telecom, telecom licensees.
broadband and optic-fibre programmes that are
playing a huge role in socio-economic USF signed contract for providing Broadband Services in
development in rural and semi-urban Pakistan. He Multan Telecom Region (Southern Punjab) with World Call.
further stated that Broadband Programme will CEO World Call, Babar Ali Syed signed contract with CEO USF,
give impetus to provision of other e-services like Parvez Iftikhar. Chairman PTA witnessing the ceremony.
Providers are rolling out these services under
e-education, e-health, e-government, e-commerce
contracts with Universal Service Fund. The
number of villages where services have already
The fund consists of started with the help of Universal Service Fund has
contributions (1.5 per cent of exceeded one thousand. Work is in progress for
another five thousand villages, including 648
adjusted revenues) by the under today’s contract with CMPak. Another five USF sign contract for providing basic telecom services in
Telecom Operators with no thousand remaining unserved villages shall be Nasirabad (Balochistan) with CM Pak. CEO CM Pak, Mr Qian Li
Government funding involved. covered by Universal Service Fund through future and CEO USF Parvez Iftikhar sign the agreement. Secretary IT,
Mr Naguibullah Malik witnessed the signing ceremony.
To utilise this fund for Mr Mushtaq Ahmed Bhatti, Member-Telecom,
The company was established in 2006 and the
first employee (the CEO) was hired in May 2007.
achievement of the targets, it Ministry of IT, and Dr Muhammad Yaseen, In 2 years, USF is not just a running entity with
was decided to follow a Chairman-PTA, were also present at the occasion.
around 30 employees, it has already started Rural
Universal Service Fund was established by the
“Public Private Partnership” Government of Pakistan (Ministry of Information
Telecom Projects in nine different un-served areas
(“Lots”), for which contracts have been signed
Model Technology) to spread the benefits of the telecom
with major telecom service providers in the
revolution to all corners of Pakistan. USF promotes
CEO of Universal Service Fund informed that country - Telenor, Mobilink, Warid and PTCL for
the development of telecommunication services in
after signing the two contracts, the total amount of providing telecom services. These projects have
un-served and under-served areas throughout the
subsidies through Universal Service Fund have started bearing fruits and telecom services have
length and breadth of the country.
crossed Rs. 10 Billion, which has generated total started in at least two lots. The rest of the country
The fund consists of contributions (1.5 per cent
investments of Rs. 16 Billion in unserved areas of is divided into another dozen Lots which are
of adjusted revenues) by the Telecom Operators
12 the country. Seven major Telecom Service mostly ready for being auctioned. 
with no Government funding involved. To utilise
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month of June this year if it is compared to the

previous month. Cumulative figure for the fiscal
year 2009 shows the total cellular additions of 7.1
per cent or 6.3 million subscribers when it is
compared to the last year.
Telecom experts are of the view that subscribers
have now risen each month since the start of the
calendar year to an all time high of 94.3 million as
the cellular density has increased to 58.2 per cent.
This cellular density was registered 56.8 per cent in
March 2009, 55.9 per cent in December last year and
also remained in the digit of 50s throughout the

The PTA latest figures

revealed that the cellular
subscribers rose by 1.3 per
cent or 1.2 million in the
month of June this year if it is
compared to the previous
month. Cumulative figure for
the fiscal year 2009 shows
the total cellular additions of
7.1 per cent or 6.3 million
subscribers when it is

Beggars? 58pc of
compared to the last year
Experts were of the view that if comparison was
made on year on year basis the growth of 7.1 per

them have mobile!

cent in 2008-09 was significantly slower than in the
previous years, when subscribers grew by an
average of 90 per cent (FY06-FY08). Mustufa
Bilwani, a telecom expert, stated that a
combination of high base effect, regulatory
There is no doubt that motivation and recognition has its tightening on SIM access and saturation hurt the
own importance, but if the extrinsic reward is more than growth during FY09. He said that cellular
teledensity came in at 58.2 per cent in FY09, as
the fair Pakistani cellular maniacs have managed to grow compared to 54.7 per cent in FY08.
On MoM basis, Telenor emerged as the leader
even in the time of world recession. Cell phone is no with 411k additions, followed by Mobilink with
doubt a handy mean to keep in touch but the poor nation additions of 324k. Warid, Ufone and Zong
managed additions in the range of 122k to 235k.
has much more to pay attention Ufone in June became the third operator to cross
akistan is a country whose resources are as The 94.3 million figure is encouraging for the the 20 million mark. Telenor and Zong remained

P exceptional as its manpower. It is

deplorable to see that a nation more
intelligent than many developed states is
still running in the developing catalogue. Today
Pakistan is facing a variety of troubles that are an
telecom sector as more customers ensure more
revenue but it also shows the interest of a large
number of population in telecommunication.
According to the latest figures released by Pakistan
Telecommunication Authority (PTA), at present
major gainers during the year with cumulative
subscriber additions of 2.8 million and 2.4 million
respectively. Mobilink however, continues to
remain the market leader with 30.9 per cent share,
followed by Telenor (22 per cent), Ufone (21.2 per
overcome of corruption, mismanagement and lack around 94.3 million people are enjoying the facility cent), Warid (19 per cent) and Zong just (6.8 per
of planning that is prevailing from more than 60 cent) despite its massive advertisement.
years. Power crisis is the most pinching issue This was the review of the market now come
nowadays. Every other nook and corner is in the back to my point of view. The subscriber war will
clutches of poverty. Joblessness prevails in every continue unless saturation. But the war of telcos
home. Water scarcity is as big an issue as water has nothing to do with the troubles layman is
contamination. Life seems impossible in Pakistan facing. The only thing they can do is to give an
but still Pakistanis are not only managing to live but affordable package, and that task was achieved
also keeping up appearances. more than a year ago. But the question is not only
Miseries are one side of the picture. The other the SIM (Subscriber Identity Module) but also the
aspect reveals to us the lavishness which poor handset.
nation manifest in day to day life in terms of
Pakistani cellular maniacs have managed to
communication. I am not saying that the facilities of
grow even in the time of world recession. Cell
telephone, mobile phone, broadband or Internet is
lavish but the unnecessary usage of it is phone is no doubt a handy mean to keep in touch
questionable. More than half of the population in but the poor nation has much more to pay
the country, including over 50 million living under attention. There is no need to purchase a palmset
the poverty line, is availing the mobile phone facility of mobile phone connections while 1.2 million if one is burning the candle from both ends. There
as cellular subscription has touched the figure of subscribers were added just in the month of June, are PCOs (Public Call Office) that are easily
94.3 million. However, the number of Internet 2009. accessible. I suggest instead of buying a tool that
and/or broadband users is comparatively low and The PTA latest figures revealed that the cellular relies on injecting money per month, it is better to
will need more time to spring. subscribers rose by 1.3 per cent or 1.2 million in the focus on bigger issues.  13
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The proposed investment is a joint initiative of IFC's health and education and
financial markets departments. The group involves the establishment of a
risk-sharing facility with Bank Alfalah in Pakistan
he Abu Dhabi Group plans to finance approximately USD50 million (Dh184m) and will for generating a portfolio of loans that satisfy

T small and medium-sized private

healthcare projects in Pakistan through
its Bank Alfalah's subsidiary.
Bank Alfalah carries out commercial banking
operations through 282 branches in 75 cities in
focus on making loans to private companies
operating in the healthcare sector including
hospitals, clinics, laboratories and pharmaceutical
companies across Pakistan. The IFC has already
approved a USD20 million uncommitted trade
certain criteria to be set by the bank and the IFC
after the appraisal. The IFC's participation would
involve taking responsibility for 50 per cent of
risk associated with the senior tranche of that
portfolio. This exposure would be protected by a
Pakistan. It will provide loans to private finance guarantee facility to Alfalah under the first loss provided by Alfalah."
companies to establish hospitals, clinics, IFC's global trade finance programme." The project will improve health-related
laboratories and pharmaceutical companies The Abu Dhabi Group is one of the largest services in the country and complement the
across the country, say sources familiar with the UAE-based group of investors actively shrinking public sector expenditure that cannot
project. participating in investment activities in countries keep up with the demand for health-related
The programme will boost the private such as Pakistan, Bangladesh, Iran, Uganda, the goods and services in Pakistan.
healthcare sector in Pakistan where government Republic of Congo as well as the Middle East. The The bank has 48 Islamic branches and seven
funding for healthcare has been shrinking. The foreign branches in Bangladesh, Afghanistan as
UAE-based group owns, among other businesses, The Abu Dhabi Group is one well as a wholesale banking unit in Bahrain.
Alfalah Insurance in Pakistan. His Highness Sheikh Nahayan Mabarak Al
In Pakistan, the indicators relating to health the largest UAE-based group Nahayan – Member of the Royal Family of Abu
continue to reflect poor health status for the of investors actively partici- Dhabi‚ Minister for Higher Studies and
majority of approximately 154 million population. Chancellor of the University of Al Ain - is the
Life expectancy stands at 64 years with a high pating in investment activities Chairman of the Company and takes keen
infant mortality rate of 82/1000 live births while interest in the management of Warid Telecom.
maternal mortality rate ranges between 350-
in Pakistan, Bangladesh, Iran, His Highness Sheikh Nahayan is the Federal
400/100,000 live births. Women in reproductive Uganda, the Republic of Minister for Higher Education and Scientific
age constitute 24 % of total population and the sex Research for UAE and is also Chairman of Union
ratio in Pakistan is adverse to women 108:100. Congo as well as the Middle National Bank‚ Abu Dhabi‚ Chairman & Director
Population growth rate is 1.9% annual with total East. The market value of United Bank Limited‚ Pakistan‚ Chancellor Al
fertility rate of 4.00. Pakistan thus lags behind its Ain University and President at the Higher
neighbors and other low-income countries in the consortium's portfolio is Colleges of Technology‚ Abu Dhabi. His
terms of health and population outcomes. said to be in excess of Highness is also the former Chairman Bank
People living in large pockets of hard to reach Alfalah Limited‚ Pakistan.
and difficult areas in the country are especially USD12 billion His Excellency Sheikh Suroor Bin Mohammed
vulnerable as existing health services are mainly Al Nahayan – Chamberlain of the Royal Amiri
concentrated in urban areas where less than one market value of the consortium's portfolio is said Courts and Member of the Royal Family of Abu
third of Pakistan’s population lives and the rural to be in excess of USD10 billion.
Dhabi - is a member of the Royal Family and
health facilities which are inadequate in numbers The group is the majority shareholder in
holds interest in Bank Alfalah Limited and
are often poorly staffed and under equipped. Alfalah and has diversified interests in banking,
United Bank Limited in Pakistan.
The Alfalah bank is implementing the telecoms, pharmaceuticals and property. It is
His Excellency Sheikh Suroor is the major
financing project with the help of the considered one of the largest foreign direct
shareholder of Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank‚
International Finance Corporation (IFC), the investors in Pakistan. There are seven core
Abu Dhabi‚ UAE. Other interests include shares
private investment arm of the World Bank Group. investors from well-known business families in
"The proposed investment is a joint initiative the UAE and the bank is listed on stock markets in joint stock companies as well as interest in
of IFC's health and education and financial in Pakistan. The group has many high-profile commercial and real estate properties both in
markets departments and involves the projects in Pakistan in construction and real UAE and abroad. His Excellency Sheikh Suroor
establishment of a risk-sharing facility with Bank estate, insurance and other sectors. also owns the five star Hotel “Beach Hotel” Abu
Alfalah in Pakistan," said an IFC source. The IFC source added: "Under the proposed Dhabi‚ Suites & Apartments and the Abu Dhabi
14 “The facility is expected to be worth terms of the facility, Alfalah would be responsible Trade Center‚ The Mall‚ The Towers. 
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drop in WLL and FLL subscriber is going on for

What do indicators last one year now. There are currently seven
operators providing services in their licensed
areas in addition to PTCL – which is offering
WLL services across the country.

indicate about telecom?

Total WLL subscribers stood at 2.5 million
and density in the country touched 1.5 percent in
March 2009. There were total of 12,000 cities/
towns /villages covered by WLL operators by
March 2009.
Not only regulations, but the economic recession has badly affected Long Distance and International calls
the telecom industry that generates heavy revenue growth
The Long Distance and International (LDI)
he flying high growth of telecom sector Pakistan. This is mainly due to introduction of

segment of Pakistan telecom sector has gone
starts to depreciate with the enforcement new services that are more economical, cost through development and growth phases in very
of rules and regulations. However, the effective, easy to deploy, easy for mobility and small period. The LDI when opened to
sector has finally started to show some have array of value added services attached to liberalisation actually attracted strong investor
positive growth although the number is not very them. Out of four major operators, PTCL and groups who visualized the high margin
impressive as tele-density is already more than PTC have the privilege of being the mature opportunity in it. However, the effect of closely
50 per cent in urban area. Here is an overview of operators. integrated telecom services, unexpected market
telecom sector’s growth in terms of revenue, tele- Nayatel and WorldCall have joined in very reactions and illegal activities (such as usage of
density and subscribers. aggressively; especially the innovative value VoIP), resulted in an unsteady development and
The total density reached at 60.6 per cent at added services provided by Nayatel have made it then growth of LDI segment.
the end of third quarter, i.e., March 2009 where popular service provider in the capital city. Brain To ensure maximum share in the market,
cellular subscribers making share of 93.7 per cent and Union communication have still not been companies went far beyond their limitations and
in total tele-density followed by fixed local loop able to make the mark in fixed line sector and are dropped per minute rates to as low as one cent
(FLL) with 3.8 per cent and WLL 2.5 per cent. per minute. Also the grey traffic and absence of
any defined system of reconciliation of
international traffic resulted in drastically falling
profits of LDI operators. Currently 13 LDI
operators are operational in the country, and the
new mobile operator CMPak has also requested
the regulator for issuance of LDI license.
PTA is apparently aware of its responsibility
to provide level playing field and make sure that
the investors do not go into default and the
telecom consumers are not exploited. In this
regard the authority issued the new regulation
“Monitoring and Reconciliation of International
providing services to very small market. Telephony Traffic Regulation 2008”, that would
Cellular growth Availability of mobile service on lower rates particularly record traffic, billing and quality of
Not only regulations, but the economic along with other attractive features also resulted LDI services.
recession has badly affected the industry that in pushing down the popularity of fixed line. The authority is now able to do automated
generates heavy revenue. An additional hurdle Total fixed line subscribers in Pakistan stood at a blocking of Internet Protocol Addresses (IPs),
is the saturation of the market. Illegal and total of 3.7 million as of March 2009, yielding involved in illegal termination/ origination of
unregistered SIMs (Subscribers’ Identity Module) total tele-density of 2.3 per cent. international traffic. In this regard, the authority
were already blocked where increased GST and Wireless Local Loop growth has requested all ISPs to declare their IP
excise duty aggravated the situation for a Wireless local loop services are becoming addresses along with the antecedents of their
blooming sector. increasingly popular both for addressing the customers so that illegal telecom traffic could be
During first nine months of 2008-09, cellular rural areas communication needs and the low monitored. PTA has also directed all LDI
market added 3,422,599 subscribers with average population density areas due to its deployment operators to maintain approved settlement rates
of 0.3 million per month (this rate was once two advantages and cheaper rates. for international calls at the level determined by
million per month). Total number of subscribers the authority.
reached 91.4 million. During the last three
quarters, cellular industry has grown its

The WLL solution in relation to fixed line

requires less investment with high returns. Card PayPhone Services
Today, WLL services are available across the Card Payphone (CPP) services started in
subscribers by four per cent. Pakistan in 14 telecom regions. WLL operators Pakistan in early 1990’s, when only PTCL was the
By the March 2009, there were total of 10,001 provide services such as EvDO, that make them main operator followed by the Telecard.
cities, towns and villages covered and 26,000 cell more usefull while on the go. However, in late 1990’s, the value added services
sites were installed by all cellular companies. Popularity of WLL services are also obvious were made available to competition. As of March
Fixed Local Loop growth from the dropping figures of fixed local loop 2009, there were total of 384,187 fixed, mobile
Fixed line services are experiencing declining subscriptions – especially with reference to and WLL payphones available across Pakistan. 
16 trend across the globe and same is the case in PTCL’s case, where a balancing effect of gain and
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Where Ufone VAS leading us?

It seems unbelievable that Ufone come up with value added services (VAS) like Ufone
Rishta Point. In a country of strong family ties, is there any need to introduce such
proposal portals? I can’t understand why companies drag us on a path which is
against our cultural and social values
nlike Western countries, the family ties Everyone is well aware of the mess cheap late status etc by pressing 3 and contact the person by

U in East are far stronger. Like all other

Asian countries, Pakistan has very
strong family structure. Customs
prevail in each and every family and each
generation ensures that the upcoming generation
night packages and SMS bundles have created.
Such services seems to be another effort to spoil the
immature youth that is going to be the future of
Pakistan I would love to ask one question to the
management of Ufone: what was their motive
pressing 0.
While browsing/listening to the profiles, you
can contact a candidate by pressing ‘0’. Please note
that only those people can contact other candidates
who already have a profile recorded on Ufone
must abide by the traditions governed by the behind the said package? Was there any need to Rishta Point.
ancestors. pump in such services? Do they respect and When you press ‘0’, the other party will receive
The most enchanting issue in our families is corporate-social responsibility? Ufone’s press an SMS with your details like age, gender, marital
marriage. There are family and social marriage release is presented below so the reader can status etc. The receiving party will be given your
counsellors to present, match, negotiate and help himself judge what could be the possible incentive ID in that SMS. The said individual will call on that
in finalising the proposals. Parents are quite afraid of such service and how complex and expensive it ID and listen to your recorded message.
of today’s children who are vigorously abridging could be. If the candidate shows interest, you will
the gap between people and communities. There Looking for your perfect match? With Ufone receive a call connecting you to the potential
are so many mediums to jump miles away from Rishta Point doing exactly that is easier then ever candidate. To maintain confidentiality, the call
your hometown. before. Ufone Rishta Point is a matchmaking you will receive will be from 146xxxx.
Landline and cellular operators are introducing service on IVR and WAP through which you can
a variety of services in Pakistan. Many services are record your profiles/proposals and look for a Charges:
positively affecting the population but others are potential life partner. On dialling 146 you will be charged Rs3 plus
damaging the buds by providing unnecessary ease Subscription: tax per minute.
and affordability. To create your profile Dial 146 or go to There are no charges to receive alerts but you
Marriage is the most sacred and significant wap.ufone.com and click on the Ufone Rishta Point will be charged Rs1 plus tax per SMS on a new
moment in one’s life. Those who do not take the Icon. In the IVR main menu, you will get an option profile alert.
relationship seriously spoil the life of not only one to: Any SMS to 146 will be charged Rs1 plus tax
person but the two families. It is deplorable to see  Record a profile/proposal per SMS.
that the Ufone has started Ufone Rishta Point as a  Listen to recorded profiles Standard GPRS charges apply on browsing the
platform for the youngsters to meet their spouse. Is  Edit or Delete your profile WAP portal.
its possible for a teenager, as the victim of such  Listen to your proposal history
packages will be preteens and teenagers, to go You can browse through the recorded Term and Conditions:
through some strangers automatically presented profiles/proposals by pressing 2 in the main Profiles will be uploaded after proper
and decide the compatibility? menu. You will be first asked to choose whether screening within 24 hours. User will receive a
The whole idea seems impracticable. A person you want to hear proposals of female or male confirmation through SMS when their profile is
surfs profiles online and then considers someone candidates. After that, you will have an option to uploaded.
of them compatible, then...? What will he or she either listen to all the latest recorded proposals or The service is available to all Ufone customers
do? Obviously try to trace the person or request to filter through the proposals by selecting a category, on all packages (prepaid and postpaid).
forward the mobile number, in order to know each like preferred age group/caste/religion etc. You need to have a GPRS enabled/activated
other more appropriately. Ufone will gain revenue On selecting the category, the proposals will handset to access the WAP.
where the members remain empty headed as their start playing. You can go to the next proposal by Only those customers can propose/contact a
parents disapprove the choice or/and the mean, in pressing 1, previous proposal by pressing 2, get person who has their profiles recorded on Ufone
case they succeed in deciding each other suitable. details of the candidate e.g. age, gender, marital Rishta point.  17
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Mr. Shahid M. Murtaza GM Corporate Account & Ent, Solution of Warid Mr. Akbar Khan HOD Corporate Sales & Strategic Alliances
and Mr. Nadeem Qureshi CEO 4B Telecom signing documents of briefing the panel.
contract. Brand Manager 4B Group Mr. Shahid Ashfaq
standing behind them.

Participants busy in discussing key points during Open discussion before the signing ceremony. Participants busy in discussing key points during the signing
the signing ceremony. ceremony.
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Lahore: Muhammad Ali, son of Co-Chairman Bank Alfalah Limited, Mr Parvez A. Shahid got married with the daughter of Mr Syed Ikhtiyar Katib. The bride and groom
photographed with the family members.

Lahore: Muhammad Ali and his wife in a group photograph with the guests.

20 Lahore: Muhammad Ali and his wife with family during Walima ceremony.
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Lahore: Muhammad Ali, and his wife with friends and families during Walima ceremony.

Lahore: Hiba Parvez, daughter of Co-Chairman Bank Alfalah Limited Mr Parvez A. Shahid, and her fiancé Malik Sarmad Asif in a good mood with friends and families.

Hiba Parvez, daughter of Co-Chairman Bank Alfalah Limited, Mr Parvez A. Shahid got engaged with Malik Sarmad Asif. Picture shows the spouses with reverend guests. 21

Courtesy: H S Studio: photographed by M. Saeed, 4-C Model Town, Lahore. Contact No. 0321-8404389
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Presence of large number of expatriate

Pakistanis in that country had also necessitated
regular contacts between the leadership of the two
countries. The overseas Pakistanis had played a
significant role for the development of UAE. At
the same time their remittances had gone a long
way to strengthen financial position of the
The two countries enjoy extremely close and
fraternal relations, founded on deep-rooted
cultural affinities, shared faith and traditions, as
also geographic proximity and identity of
interests. These relations date back to the UAE's
formation in 1971 and have since evolved into
wide-ranging co-operation in various fields. UAE
has been a major donor of economic assistance to
Pakistan. UAE has been appreciative of Pakistan's
contribution to the evolution of key institutions in
the Emirates such as armed forces, police, health
and education and has reciprocated in the same
friendly manner to the full satisfaction of Pakistan.
Pakistan was the first country to accord formal
recognition to UAE on its achieving
The President appreciated the support and assistance from UAE for independence. Bilateral relations and mutually
the relief and rehabilitation of the displaced people in the country, beneficial cooperation had progressed steadily
and its recent contribution to the UN Trust Fund for Benazir Bhutto ever since.
Inquiry Commission The two countries have common perceptions
on all international and regional issues of mutual
alking to the visiting Foreign Minister of Mohammad bin Rashid Al-Maktoum in Dubai

concern including Kashmir and Palestine
United Arab Emirates Sheikh Abdullah had asked him for cooperation in various fields of
problems and the war against terrorism and
Bin Zeyed Al-Nahyan in Islamabad,
President Asif Ali Zardari has expressed
satisfaction over the friendly and brotherly
exchanges of
relations between Pakistan and UAE. He urged for
high level visits
further enhancing the high value socio-economic
and regular
and trade ties between the two countries.
Reciprocating the gestures expressed by the
President, the UAE Foreign Minister hailed the
between the
way Pakistan had been fighting militants and
two countries
extremists and assured support in the efforts for
are reflective of
the relief and rehabilitation of the displaced
the fact that the
two countries
Friendly and traditional relations between
had laid strong
Pakistan and UAE are significant in the sense that
foundations of
the two countries had stood with each other at
difficult times. They are like ‘a friend in need is a
friend indeed’.
The Pakistani nation had appreciated the Islamabad: President Asif Ali Zardari talking to Sheikh Abdullah Bin Zayid Al Nahyan Foreign Minister
friendship and
recent support and assistance of the UAE of UAE who called on him at Aiwan-e-Sadr.
government for overcoming the acute energy infrastructure development. The Prime Minister
shortfall. It had noted with gratitude that the 320 had said that Pakistan seeks UAE's expertise in
Over the years UAE has emerged as one of
MW thermal power plant gifted by UAE has port sector, particularly for the functioning of
Pakistan's major economic and trading partners.
reached Pakistan this month followed by another Gwadar Port.
A large number of Pakistani expatriates,
plant of 300 MW. Sheikh Al-Maktoum had assured all out
numbering nearly 400,000 are gainfully employed
support to Prime Minister Gilani and said the
there. The Pakistani expatriates in UAE had
Pakistan is grateful for the role UAE would encourage its private sector to make
contributed in a significant manner to promotion
UAE had played to convene and further investments in Pakistan in various fields, of bilateral understanding and to the economy of
particularly the energy and real estate sectors.
conduct the meeting of the Sheikh Mohammad had appreciated Pakistan's
Pakistan through their home remittances.
UAE is an important Gulf state in Pakistan’s
Friends of Pakistan Forum in role in war against terror and its credible
Middle East policy. The government had been
Dubai. The government and intelligence sharing to curb terrorism and
taking every step to further cement bilateral
extremism posing threat to the world peace.
people of Pakistan had The UAE Prime Minister also lauded the
relations with this important Arab state. It is
appreciated the efforts and role positive role of Pakistan expatriates in the socio- necessary that new avenues should be explored so
that the two countries can boost their cooperation.
of the UAE in supporting economic development of UAE. Sheikh
It is also urged that UAE authorities should also
Mohammad apprised Prime Minister Gilani of his
Pakistan at the forum for the new charity project 'Dubai Care' under which five
look for more role UAE could play in Pakistan’s
provision of financial assistance million Muslim students from across the Ummah socio-economic development.
Great opportunities exist in both the countries.
including Pakistan would get free education.
It has to move forward on mutual basis. 
In addition to overcoming the energy crises, There had been regular contacts between the
Pakistan has sought assistance from United Arab top leadership of the two countries. President Asif
The writer is a senior Islamabad based
Emirates for the development of airline industry. Ali Zardari and UAE President Sheikh Khalifa bin
journalist and Secretary General Friends of
Prime Minister Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani who Zayed al Nahyan had been meeting frequently to
Nepal. He can bed reached at
visited UAE in July last year and called on UAE's upgrade and strengthen bilateral ties, particularly
22 mahmoodhussainisb@yahoo.com
Vice President and Prime Minister Sheikh in the trade and economic fields.
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Wi-Fi is explained as wireless LAN, whereas

WiMAX is a wireless WAN (wide area network) or
more commonly, a wireless MAN (Metropolitan
area network).
WiMAX is not going to displace businesses
ane/or residential wireless LANs in developed
countries like US, Germany, Britain and most of the
Scandinavia in near future. This is because of the

How WiMax works?

number of public hot-spots already deployed that

these countries don’t need an alternative
technology so far. On the other hand, the
developing countries like Pakistan and a couple of
Common people perceive, I would rather say misperceive, that other in the region are witnessing the WiMAX
broadband revolution. Pakistan is now the biggest
WiMAX is latest than Wi-Fi just because of the suffix ‘MAX’. They WiMAX market in the world.
think that Wi’s Fi is replaced by MAX. Comparing WiMAX to Wi-Fi The unanimous WiMAX age is not beginning
now. The long promised BWA technology is now
is like comparing a ferrari with heavy bike, but users don’t know maturing with around 40 chipmakers rolling out
iMAX, Worldwide Interoperability form as 802.16e. It introduced support for mobility,

W for Microwave Access, is a amongst other things and is therefore also known
Montevina’ is the Intel’s first
telecommunications technology that as "mobile WiMAX". chip that let devices (notebook
provides wireless transmission of
data using a variety of transmission modes, from
computers) use both Wi-Fi and
point-to-multipoint links to portable and fully WiMAX. With capability of both
mobile internet access. The technology provides up
to three Mbit/s broadband speed without the need
the technologies the Intel
for cables. Centrino-2 Processor
The technology is based on the IEEE 802.16
standard (also called Broadband Wireless Access).
Technology based laptop will
The name "WiMAX" was created by the WiMAX be the ultimate in mobile
Forum, which was formed in June 2001 to promote computing
conformity and interoperability of the standard.
The forum describes WiMAX as "a standards-based WiMAX chips based on IEEE’s 802.16e standard
technology enabling the delivery of last mile Wi-Fi is a trademark of the Wi-Fi Alliance for (mobile-WiMAX) in large volumes. Their market is
wireless broadband access as an alternative to cable certified products based on the IEEE 802.11 mostly Asian and African nations.
and DSL". standards. This certification warrants The world’s number one chip maker Intel, a
interoperability between different wireless devices. member of WiMAX forum is a veteran when it
The unanimous WiMAX age is In some countries, the term Wi-Fi is often used comes to backing the technology.
not beginning now. The long by the public as a synonym for IEEE 802.11-wireless ‘Montevina’ is the Intel’s first chip that let
LAN (WLAN). devices (notebook computers) use both Wi-Fi and
promised BWA technology is Not every IEEE 802.11 compliant device is WiMAX. With capability of both the technologies
now maturing with around 40 certified by the Wi-Fi Alliance, which may be the Intel Centrino-2 Processor Technology based
because of certification costs that must be paid for laptop will be the ultimate in mobile computing.
chipmakers rolling out WiMAX each certified device type. The lack of the Wi-Fi Intel claims it’s WiMAX enabled Intel Processor-
chips based on IEEE’s 802.16e logo does not imply that a WLAN-device is based devices will deliver speed three times more
incompatible to certified Wi-Fi-devices. than the current speed of 3G networks.
standard (mobile-WiMAX) in Wi-Fi is supported by most personal computer There has been a debate over the internet
large volumes. Their market is operating systems, many game consoles, laptops, predicting the time for when WiMAX is going to
smartphones, printers, and other peripherals. construct its canopy over the existing technologies.
mostly Asian and African Common people perceive, I would rather say I think they will go side by side looking into each
nations misperceive, that WiMAX is latest than Wi-Fi just other but working independently and providing
because of the suffix ‘MAX’. They think that Wi’s different degree of service as wireless LAN (with
The terms "fixed WiMAX", "mobile WiMAX", Fi is replaced by MAX. Comparing WiMAX to Wi- the existing infrastructure) and wireless MAN
"802.16d" and "802.16e" are frequently used Fi is like comparing a ferrari with heavy bike, but respectively. There is one thing that anyone can
incorrectly. Correct definitions are the following: users don’t know. predict: a Pakistani nomadic internet user is no
• 802.16-2004 is often called 802.16d, since It is believed that WiMAX will soon gulp Wi-Fi. longer going to opt for local wireless LAN provider
that was the working party that developed the However the process of replacement is neither so (quite rare in Pakistan) but for a completely
standard. It is also frequently referred to as "fixed swift nor easy due to the popularity of Wi-Fi. portable technology promising internet on-the-go
WiMAX" since it has no support for mobility. Indeed, both are broadband wireless access (BWA) – the WiMAX. Future of Pakistan is certainly
• 802.16e-2005 is an amendment to technologies; but they are complementing each WiMAX. 
24 802.16-2004 and is often referred to in shortened other instead of competing. We have brought for
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Telenor’s plan challenged in India

The FIPB had deferred a decision on allowing Telenor to hike its stake in Unitech Wireless following
reservations of security agencies on the Norwegian firm’s strong presence in Pakistan and Bangladesh
ew Delhi: The home ministry is set to came up with a reasonable solution that no

N give security clearance to Norwegian

telecom firm Telenor to hike its
shareholding in Unitech Wireless, by
up to 74 per cent, on the condition that none of the
staff who has worked in Telenor Pakistan - 100 per
employees who at anytime were part of its
Pakistan operations are moved to the Indian
This means, staff currently working in
countries other than Pakistan but have served
cent owned by the Telenor group - are employed there at some point of time will come under the
here. ‘ban’. Though a manager working here can always
The Foreign Investment Promotion Board be sent to Pakistan, he or she would not be
(FIPB) had last month deferred a decision on allowed to return to the Indian arm of Telenor.
allowing Telenor to hike its stake in Unitech Keeping human assets of the Indian and
Wireless following reservations of security Pakistani arms of Telenor separate is expected to
agencies on the Norwegian firm’s strong presence take care of risks such as spying and subversion.
in Pakistan and Bangladesh. Both nations serve as MHA will be submitting to FIPB its views
a launch pad for various terror attacks here. favouring a conditional security nod for Unitech
While the worries over Telenor’s operations in Wireless’ FDI proposal ahead of the next meeting
Bangladesh, where it holds 62 per cent of of the Board.
Grameenphone, are not so pronounced, both IB Telenor has 49 per cent stake in Unitech and
and RAW were highly suspicious about the now requires FIPB nod to complete its deal for 67
security implications of Telenor’s presence in The home ministry has come around to the
per cent stake. This would give Telenor
Pakistan through a 100 per cent -owned view that Telenor should not be held back from
management control and four of the seven seats
subsidiary of the Norwegian parent company. picking up to 74 per cent stake in Unitech Wireless
on the board of directors. Telenor-Wireless
It was in the light of the security agencies’ fears simply because it has a presence in Pakistan.
combine is expected to start services
that allowing the same firm to operate here could At the same time, home ministry officials were
later this year. Unitech has a pan-India
be detrimental to national interest that FIPB had categorical that the security concerns of the
licence and has secured spectrum in 21 of the 22
put off a decision on the Unitech Wireless’ FDI agencies needed to address while granting the go-
telecom circles. 
proposal at its early June meeting. ahead. It is against this background that MHA Courtesy: www.economictimes.indiatimes.com

An open letter for all stake holders

Through your esteemed magazine, I would customer can call any Telenor number for Rs
like to expose the Telenor tactics. What they 0.20 (excluding tax) per 30 Sec and any Telenor
claim is totally wrong that they are offering FnF number for Rs 0.13 (excluding tax) per 30
lowest cal rates on talkshawk package. They Sec.
are convincing through big ads and dancing Step 4: Customer can re-subscribe to the
characters. offer after 12am at night of that day if
Those who are in advertising and media subscription was done before 4:30pm or after
know well that it is an advertising tactic and 12am at night of the next day if subscription
nothing else. Seven hours talk for just Rs7 is was done after 4:30pm by writing ‘7’ and
another fraud. sending SMS to 555.
There is no package from Telenor to talk This story reveals that actually the customer
seven hours in seven rupees. You only get has to pay more than Rs15 for seven hours and
discount call rates with Rs7 subscription fees for just Telenor customers for one day only.
and discount validity is seven hours and for It is not only Telenor Pakistan which is
only Telenor to Telenor calls. Going in more offering such ambiguous packages; Ufone is
details, you will look that you have to also exploiting customers.
subscribe and make calls for only 20 paisa/30 It is sad to note that PTA is not taking notice
of any such fraud practices.
second on all Telenor numbers for seven hours
I humbly, request the chairman PTA, PM,
per day (10am to 5pm).
CJ and the President to take notice and order
Customers on Talkshawk 30 Second will be
all companies to offer transparent packages
able to avail the service. Applies on all Telenor
including hidden charges.
numbers (including Telenor FnF) To subscribe
We the helpless customers are begging for
you have to follow two steps which are as
Step 1: Customer will write “7” and send
Yours truly,
the SMS to 555. Charge for SMS is Rs0.5+tax Step 3: Depending upon the time of
(Rs0.6 including tax); and subscription, customer will have either the Aaqil Mahmood
Step 2: If the customer has enough balance, same day or next day to avail the discount
Rs8.37 (Rs7+tax) will be deducted from his hours. www.purepakistani.com
account. During the discount hours (10am to 5pm) 25
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he UAE has state-of the-art

T infrastructure that can effectively foil

cyber attacks, but many government
agencies and establishments have yet to
recognise the importance of safeguarding
themselves against this growing threat.
Since last year, around 20 major cyber attacks
on several government offices and
establishments in the country, including four
attacks early this year, were thwarted by the
newly-established cyber security coordination
centre, aeCERT.
aeCERT deals with thousands of cyber threats
on a daily basis, mostly minor incidents such as
scan, spam, malicious hosts and malicious codes.
Established in July 2008, the UAE Computer
Emergency Response Team (aeCERT) is an
initiative by the Telecommunications Regulatory
Authority (TRA) to facilitate the detection,
prevention and response of cyber security
incidents on the Internet. It aims to be the centre
point for all cyber attacks that happen and of
concern with the UAE infrastructure "Since July
2008, we have had about 20 major threats. We're
talking real major, with huge impact on the
constituents. And some of these incidents
actually were the reason why these constituents
came and signed with us," said Tariq

20 major cyber attacks

Abdulghaffar Mohammad Al Hawi, director of
To date, aeCERT has around 20 constituents
comprising ministries, government agencies,

thwarted last year

banks and other establishments that are
benefitting from aeCERT's "free-of-charge"
services. "Our aim is to have 120 (constituents)
by the end of 2009," Al Hawi said.
Among its constituents, "all government You are talking about very confidential information being stolen or
agencies constitute the critical national being viewed by other people. This is more damaging like credit
infrastructure of the UAE. They hold the most cards," he added, citing an incident where several credit card
critical and crucial information in the UAE, so we
have to provide the maximum security for them," numbers were stolen and the bank was blackmailed for money, or
he stated. the credit card numbers will be made public
Al Hawi noted that cyber threat is increasing,
card because they can be tracked (down) and he said.
"specifically to the UAE because you can see
they are not looking for (easy cash), their goal is At present TIOC operates from 7am to 3pm
everything now is going online. You don't need
higher," Al Hawi explained. but by the end of the year, Hussain hopes to have
to visit certain premises to pay, no need to visit
Meshal Abdulla Bin Hussain, head of Threat a 24/7 fully-dedicated operations centre to
an office or fill application on paper. It's all being
Intelligence Operations Centre (TIOC) at monitor all cyber incidents and attacks.
done online."
aeCERT, which monitors the networks and Al Hawi said, "We have the best technologies.
He added that cyber crime is becoming a
infrastructure of its constituents, said they have I don't think somebody has the capabilities that
serious problem, particularly cases that involve
traced a lot of hackers from different countries aeCERT has. We're spending millions on
money. "We've been in this business for the last
although it was difficult to pinpoint the pattern at aeCERT. We're getting the best technologies."
10 years and the amount of hacked money is
this nascent stage. Lamenting some companies' disregard for
increasing exponentially. I remember that six or
"Every month, the attackers are changing. security, Al Hawi said: "When ever somebody
seven years ago, we use to deal with cases like
Every month we produce a report on thinks about any project, they think of everything
top 10 attackers to the UAE (and) and at a later stage they include the security part
every time it's different. Sometimes of the project."
you see Estonia, this month, South "It's always better to have security from day
Africa, Egypt, so we cannot really say. one because security can change the architecture,
Every month, you will see something amount of devices that you've bought and even
different," Hussain said. the process flow. So whenever (you) think about
"We are tracing all these, we are a project, include the security on the first day,
tracking them to see if there's a pattern, (this way) you know the (total) cost," he advised.
after a year or two years, we (expect to) Al Hawi advised computer users to be wary
Dh10,000 to Dh20,000 maximum, now you're
have a full amount of information to be able to of e-mails asking for bank details. He added that
talking about millions of dirhams," Al Hawi
analyse and know these patterns," he added. the simplest task of up dating anti-virus is also
pointed out.
Hussain said the operations centre is very very essential.
Besides that, you are talking about very
effective in foiling attacks before they impact the "Something like this very simple, (yet) people
confidential information being stolen or being
infrastructure. are not aware of these things," he said. For those
viewed by other people.
"(When) we see this alarm, we have analysts who cannot do so during the day, "you do all
"The hacker when he sees the credit card, he
in the operations centre who analyse all these your updates at night," Al Hawi recommended. 
doesn't use it. He keeps it with him and
data and they come up with some precautions," Courtesy: Khaleej Times
26 blackmails the bank. They never use the credit
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okia, the world leader in mobile www.nokia.co.in. The picture

N devices has further strengthened its

style and imaging portfolio with the
launch of the sleek and chic Nokia
6700 Classic and Nokia 6303 Classic. The
devices, which were launched by Bollywood
that starts the maximum
conversations and is the most
talked about in the virtual world will
emerge as the winner. The winning entry will
get a complete makeover by a well known
diva, Priyanka Chopra, are targeted at the suave fashion designer. In addition, Priyanka will also
and savvy Indian consumers who are looking talk and twitter about her favourite pictures on
for superior functionality with premium finish her twitter.
at competitive prices. Speaking at the occasion, Mr Vineet Taneja,
Nokia also announced that it will continue its Director Marketing, Nokia India said, "Nokia is
association with tinsel town's reigning queen delighted to strengthen its bond with India's
and Nokia's youth style icon, Priyanka Chopra style conscious consumers, both by extending
who will be seen in a new print and digital our association with Priyanka Chopra and
campaign being unveiled by the company soon. with the launch of Nokia 6700 Classic and
With the tagline "Pictures get us talking", the Nokia 6303 Classic.”
new campaign has a contemporary visual appeal Talking about her association with Nokia, 240 pixels, making the screen bright and
that brings out how people use the elements of Priyanka Chopra said, "I am very excited to colourful. Dimensions of the Nokia 6303 classic
mobile imaging in their way of mobile continue my association with Nokia, a brand are 10.88cm x 4.62cm x 1.17cm and weighs 96
communication rather that is a key part of my everyday life. I'm an avid grams making it fit comfortably in the palm of
than just voice. mobile user and I find that Nokia delivers a your hand.
Alongside the complete experience in a great looking package! As the 6306 classic is made from stainless
Nokia 6700 Classic It's a leader in style, innovation, technology and steel it has a good quality feel to it and will be
and Nokia 6303 above everything else its user-friendliness... you good protection in case you drop it, there are two
Classic launch, can't but get hooked to your Nokia! The new colours available cool steel or matt black. There
Priyanka also Nokia 6700 Classic and Nokia 6300 Classic are is 64 megabytes of built-in memory and the
rolled out an super stylish and packed with exceptional Nokia 6303 also comes with a one gigabyte
interesting functionality." memory card, the phone supports up to four
consumer I am also very excited to be a part of the gigabytes so plenty of room for all those pictures
engagement "Pictures get us talking" contest. No matter and downloads. You can expect to get up to
initiative - where you are or what you're doing, every seven hours talk time and 450 hours standby
"Pictures get interesting moment can be turned into a time when the battery is fully charged.
us talking". memory with the brilliant cameras on all Nokia The Nokia 6700 classic is the gorgeous new
The phones. I know I'm going to have a tough choice mobile phone. This fantastic looking phone is
consumer in deciding the best pictures, so I'm using twitter full of technology such as A-GPA and a five
contest to discuss the most interesting ones. I'm inviting megapixel camera as well as uplink voice
gives users everyone to jump in and help me choose the cancellation, which removes back ground noise
an best!" helping you hear more clearly. There is a 2.2inch
opportunity Giving details of the new devices, Mr Taneja TFT screen with 16.7 million colours and pixel
to upload said, "The new devices combine the superior resolutions of 320x240, for clear viewing and
their functionality and enhanced user experience with vibrant colours. Nokia's 6700 classic is a sleek
interesting premium designs and materials available at an phone that fits neatly in your hand, as the
and unique extremely competitive price point. The Nokia dimensions of this Nokia phone are 109.8mm x
pictures on 6700 Classic shares the same 'DNA' as its 45mm x 11.2mm and weighs a not to bad 116.5
the Nokia predecessor Nokia 6300 and we believe that it grams. You can choose a number of colours for
website - will be one of our best selling devices in 2009." your Nokia 6700 classic such as Shiny chrome,
The Nokia 6303 classic has a sleek and stylish matt steel and sleek black, with metal keys and
design with some great features such as the 3.2 built with premium materials the Nokia classic
mega pixel camera and built-in GPS receiver to oozes quality. This handset will provide four
name a few. There is a good sized 2.2 inch TFT hours talk time and 300 hours standby time
colour screen with 16.7 million colours and 320 x when your phone is fully charged.
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okia plans to launch its music For Nokia, India is the second largest market

N service ‘Comes with Music’ in

India by the end of this year. The
service aims to give consumers
unlimited music downloads from the soon to
be formally launched Nokia Music Store for
globally and hence an extremely
important and strategic market for
its business.
"We have kept ahead of the
market as our strategy is to offer
a year. the most comprehensive product
Nokia's Music Store, on the verge of an
official launch in the country, will enable The consumer contest
consumers to browse, download and sync
music either to their computer or directly on gives users an opportunity
to the mobile device. The India store will to upload their interesting
offer over a million tracks from both
international labels and local partnerships, and unique pictures on the
says Nokia India marketing director Vineet Nokia website -
India is amongst the fastest growing
www.nokia.com in the
mobile markets in the world today adding picture that starts the
approximately ten million new subscribers
every month.
maximum conversations
and is the most talked
about in the virtual world
will emerge as the winner
portfolio, to establish a strong experience-
5800 XpressMusic, a touch device with
driven retail network, and to focus on
human interface, Nokia 5310 XpressMusic,
customer centric innovation across all
and Nokia 5130 the most affordable
segments," says Taneja.
‘XpressMusic’ device amongst others.
“India has shipped close to 85 million
As for mobile music, the feature will
mobile handsets between April 2007 and
continue to be a key priority area for Nokia
March 2008, compared to less than 66
in 2009. With more than 425 million music-
million units shipped in the previous fiscal,
enabled mobile devices and more than 700
registering a year-on-year growth of million devices with an FM radio sold till
around 29 per cent,” he says. date makes Nokia the world’s largest
In the last quarter of the financial manufacturer of music-enabled
year FY 2008, country's shipment has mobile devices,” says Taneja.
touched 22.3 million which amounts to The company's Music Store is currently
around 10,000 phones every hour live in 15 markets globally, which has
(IDC). helped Nokia to gain insights on what
Also mobile phone production people want in a music device and track
revenue is expected to reach USD important trends on how people consume
13.6 billion by 2011 a CAGR of 26.6 music, he adds.
per cent. The company has tied up with a host of
Nokia is one of the few players leading major independent Indian record
in the industry that offers two labels including Tseries, Big Music, Eros,
unique music sub-brands Venus and Yashraj, as also with the Indian
‘XpressMusic’ targeted primarily Music Industry (IMI), a consortium of over
at the youth at an affordable price 150 music companies.
point and Nseries - multimedia Nokia also has tie ups with international
devices that have a special music music labels like
edition. Today Nokia has over six Universal Music Group, Sony BMG, EMI
XpressMusic devices including Nokia and Warner. 
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he market for mobile applications, or

T apps, will become "as big as the internet",

peaking at 10 million apps in 2020, a
leading online store says. However,
GetJar say, the developer community will decline
drastically as each developer makes less money.
"Apps will be as big if not bigger than the
internet," according to Ilja Laurs, chief executive
of GetJar, a leading independent application
"They will peak at around 100,000 by the end
of the year. That will be a tipping point and after
that, there will be a gradual fall in the rate of
development. "The full blossom will come in ten
years and mobile apps will become as popular as
websites are today with consumers," Mr Laurs
told BBC News.

While developers rush headlong to create
applications for this burgeoning marketplace, Mr
Laurs warned that many are simply doomed to
"The reality is that this space is only so big and
only able to support so many people.
Unfortunately the overhype that goes with

Apps 'to be as big

[Apple's] App Store is what has driven so many
to rush to develop for the market. It is fashionable
to do apps and every media outlet tells you apps
are cool.
Google believes the days of app stores are

as internet'

'Hit-driven environment'
To date, Apple runs the most popular
application store with over 65,000 applications.
Last week it notched up another milestone with
1.5 billion downloads. Many, applications can be delivered through the
Its success was a shock both to Apple and the
industry. However, every smartphone company browser and what that does for our costs are stunning
is trying to replicate it, from BlackBerry makers making apps that consumers want to use and and family in completely new ways - which is
Research in Motion to the world's biggest mobile pay for. really what mobile applications are all about,"
phone business, Nokia. Meanwhile Lee Williams, executive director said Mr Williams.
Many at the MobileBeat conference in San of the Symbian Foundation, said he was not sure Playfish titles are played by more than 25
Francisco felt that the popularity of Apple's App the consumer or the industry needed any more million people every month. But Google's
store is also its Achilles heel because it caters to application stores. engineering vice president Vic Gundotra told the
the "one hit wonder" model. "The App Store is flawed - right now [it] is conference that the application store trend is just
It is something social gaming company just a bucket of apps. You need to get beyond a fad and that the focus will shift to powerful
Playfish is well aware of with its iPhone app, that bucket and give the consumer the browsers as the main mechanism for delivering
"Who Has the Biggest Brain?" opportunity to wander down a really relevant services.
"It has been played on the web by 15 million aisle of content and applications that they can "Many, many applications can be delivered
people and when it launched on the iPhone it get access to. through the browser and what that does for our
went to the top of the iTunes chart. But, it costs are stunning. We believe the web has won
quickly fell away and I think that's an experience But the economics are a and over the next several years, the browser, for
many people are going through, no matter the economic reasons almost, will become the
quality or originality of the content," Playfish co- different story. The ratio of
platform that matters and certainly that's where
founder Sebastien de Halleux told. those developers who will fail Google is investing," Mr Gundotra told the
The type of application you will see will help conference.
enrich your life...which is really what mobile is about 90 per cent; they will
But referring to technical problems at the
applications are all about. simply not make a return on conference, MobileBeat organiser Matt Marshall
Lee Williams, Symbian Foundation, said, told that scenario could be some time away.
"You are competing for the top slot in a their investment or make a "You saw at this conference that the web
catalogue and you cannot, no matter who you good enough living at this went down once or twice and that shows you
are, hold onto that slot for an indefinite period that even the main web has problems so what
of time. Many developers are realising that it is "When this problem is solved, the type of about mobile?
hard to reach a sustainable business in a application you will see will be about more than "When you talk about mobile browsers it is
catalogue environment because it's a hit-driven an iBeer drinking app or a candle that flickers in the biggest change in the last year. You have
environment." different colours. networks like AT&T, Sprint and Verizon all
Mr de Halleux said heated conversations are "The type of application you will see will help building out to the fourth generation and that's
going on within the industry to solve this enrich your life in some way. It will let you do going to allow much more power in delivering
problem. He also said he believed Apple wanted your image sharing, your social networking and those web browsers pages on your mobile
30 to find a way to help developers make money establish presence with your friends, colleagues phone. But it's not here yet," said Mr Marshall.
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thrilling performances by the bands proved to be

an oasis for the youth, wearing glowing pendants
around their necks, glow sticks in their hands
which were continuously up with jubilation. For
hours the dancing and shouting youth seemed to
forget everything except GLOW.
The great performance by Strings showed that
they have been rightly chosen as the brand
ambassadors to GLOW and their performance
rationalised the Glow-Strings association.

DGM Marketing Mr Mudassar Bilal and Sabina Bilal with

The glowing ambience, cool Audience in a cheerful mood during the Glow Night.
Warig Glow team. atmosphere and thrilling subscription based on what the customer wants to
arid made the launch of its new

W performances by the bands choose.

brand GLOW more festive with an The terrific launch of the GLOW campaign
electrifying concert featuring Strings proved to be an oasis for the ensures that Warid has offered the best to the
(Warid Brand Ambassador) and Call
at Royal Palm. The concert came like a wave of
youth, wearing glowing youth. GLOW gives value for money, and a

pendants around their necks,

glow sticks in their hands
which were continuously up
with jubilation
Glow is a ground-breaking initiative
empowering the youth to define their circles by
nominating 10 members into their GLOW group.
Subscribers can enjoy unlimited SMS bundles and
free mobile downloads at glow.pk. Glow allows the
customers to decide how and when they want to A group of students enjoying the Glow Night.
Group photo of Amina, Brand Manager Glow, Billal & Faisal communicate via voice, SMS or Facebook through
of Strings and Haris of Warid.
flexible bundles and pre-paid tariffs. They can provider of mobile entertainment to the youth. This
fresh air to the entertainment hungry Lahori youth, share with their friends the latest music, the next is just the beginning of a journey that will enable
who were not witnessing many entertainment movie review they should enjoy together or our customers to share, communicate and learn to
activities in the city. download, the latest scores, and the latest games. become the leaders shaping Pakistan’s future and
34 The glowing ambience, cool atmosphere and All are available for free initially and then will be GLOW is going to be with them. 
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n a short span of time, Chairman of He said the PTA had installed a Redressal PTA was paying its instalments on a regular

I Pakistan Telecommunication Authority

(PTA) Dr Mohammed Yaseen has tried
his level best to equip the irregular
telecommunications sector with the utmost
rules and regulations. He recently claimed
of Consumer Grievances Mechanism which
would ensure proper resolution to the
problems being faced by the telecom
Dr Yaseen informed that the consumers
"We have paid Rs four billion to the
Federal Board of Revenue (FBR)," he added.
Asked about the poor performance of the
Pakistan Telecommunication Company
that Pakistani cellular phone companies were would have a complaint with the respective Limited (PTCL), Dr Yaseen said,
offering cheapest call rates across the globe. telecom operator and if the issue is not he had held a meeting with the PTCL
"In a recent conference in India, the Indians resolved, the consumer should file the management and they had assured of
claimed that they were providing cheapest complaint with the PTA Consumer Protection resolving all issues of the consumers by the
calls worldwide. Directorate (CPD). end of July.
However, I confronted and made He said the PTA would launch a survey to
calculations to prove that Pakistan was the check the quality of services being offered by
country providing the most inexpensive The consumers can make PTCL in the first or second week of August.
phone facility to its consumers," said "Yes, a quality survey would be
Chairman PTA Dr Mohammed Yaseen in an
a free-of-cost call to PTA conducted in the first or second week of
exclusive interview with APP. at 0800-55055 if their August, and if PTCL is found to
When his comments were sought over the be violating the laws inscribed in License an
spill over of Pakistani cellular phone signals complaint is not resolved action would be taken."
to the neighbouring countries, Chairman said He said the PTA was also urging PTCL to
PTA conducted comprehensive surveys to within given timeframe by allow other connections on PTCL's Fibre to
ensure that there was no spill over from either Home service.
the concerned telecom When his comments were sought about the
"The cell phone towers are installed in the operator," he said claims made by telecom companies'
bordering areas under prescribes Standard advertisements, Yaseen said the commercial
Operating Procedures (SOP). We are ensuring practices and advertisements by
that the SOP is strictly followed. Moreover, we "The consumers can make a free-of-cost call the telecom operators should not be
have held negotiations with the neighbouring to PTA at 0800-55055 if their complaint is not misleading, inadequate or unclear in terms
countries including Afghanistan and India to resolved within given timeframe by the and tariffs and there was clear and complete
address the issue," he added. concerned telecom operator," he said and specification of tariff information,
Answering a question about the added the PTA would take up the matter with detailed billing information as per license
government's ordinance on objectionable the concerned authorities and would get it conditions and publication of Code of
short message service (SMS), the chairman resolved amicably. Commercial Practice and Service Contract for
PTA said the government had issued the "We are providing level-playing field to all the awareness of consumers.
ordinance to establish a mechanism to check the operators and if any operator violates the Yasin’s statement reflects that he is surely
on those elements involved in the obnoxious laws, we would move for an action." burning the midnight oil to make
SMS. He claimed that PTA was efficiently the telecom sector more and more
When asked about those involved in redressing the complaints of the progressive customer friendly and revenue
fraudulent activities and fleecing the poor consumers and the redressal rate stood at 96 generator.
consumers through SMS for cash draws, the per cent during the month of April. His step to take notice of the cellular phone
PTA chairman said the Federal Investigation When asked about the PTA-FBR row over complaints shows his first priority is the end-
Authority (FIA) would move against such the dues reportedly liable to the PTA, user and he will hopefully succeed in relieving
elements under Spam Regulations. Dr Yaseen said there was no controversy and people of cellular turmoil. 
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dongle is a small piece of hardware even a microprocessor to handle transactions

A that connects to a computer or laptop.

It is a portable device and is often
identical in appearance to a USB pen.
Although earlier use of dongles was to
authenticate a piece of software, the word dongle
with the host. Later versions adopted the USB
interface in preference to the serial or parallel
interface. Currently, the USB interface is
gradually becoming dominant.
During 2008 to 2009, due to the financial
There are potential
weaknesses in the
implementation of the
protocol between the dongle
is now widely used to refer to a broadband crisis, some big actions were taken in dongle
wireless adaptor. area. Aladdin first bought Eutron, a European
and the copy-controlled
Like others countries dongles has a growing dongle vendor before 2008. Six months later, software. It requires
popularity in Pakistan: Wateen Telecom, Aladdin was acquired by SafeNet. After this
WorldCall, PTCL, Wi-Tribe already started their transition, Rainbow (SafeNet), Aladdin (HASP)
considerable cunning to
businesses in the country. and Eutron merged to a single entity. make this hard to crack
Electrically, the authentication dongles Efforts to introduce dongle copy-prevention
per-user license key, which enables particular
mostly appear as two-interface security tokens in the mainstream software market have met stiff
features in the target application. This is a form
of tightly controlled licensing, which allows the
vendor to engage in vendor lock-in and charge
more than it would otherwise for the product.
There are potential weaknesses in the
implementation of the protocol between the
dongle and the copy-controlled software. It
requires considerable cunning to make this hard
to crack. For example, a naïve implementation
might simply define a function to check for the
dongle, returning "true" or "false" accordingly,
but the dongle requirement can be easily
circumvented by modifying the software to
always answer "true".
Modern dongles include built-in strong
encryption and use fabrication techniques
designed to thwart reverse engineering. Typical
dongles also now contain non-volatile memory -
key parts of the software may actually be stored
and executed on the dongle. However, security
researchers warn that dongles still do not solve
the trusted client problem: if you give a user the
cryptographic cipher-text, the algorithm and the
key, your cipher is likely to be breakable, even
with the algorithm and key encoded in
In counterfeit versions of a programme, the
Modern dongles include built-in strong encryption and use code to check for a dongle is often deleted or
fabrication techniques designed to thwart reverse engineering circumvented. As a result, the counterfeit version
may be easier to use and thus may seem
with transient data flow that does not interfere resistance from users. Such copy-prevention is
preferable to the original.
with other dongle functions and a pull more typically used with very expensive
Hardware cloning, where the dongle is
communication that reads security data from the packages and vertical market software, such as
emulated by a device driver, is also a lethal
dongle. Without the dongle, the software will CAD/CAM software, MICROS Systems
threat to traditional dongles. To thwart this,
run only in a restricted mode, or not at all. hospitality and special retail software, Digital
some dongle vendors adopted smart card
Dongles are used by some proprietary vendors Audio Workstation applications, and some
product, which is widely used in extremely rigid
as a form of copy protection or digital rights translation memory packages. The vast majority
security requirement environments such as
management, because it is much harder to of printing and prepress software, such as CtP
military and banking, in their dongle products.
replicate a dongle than to copy the software it workflows, requires dongles.
Dongle drivers bring problems for end-users.
authenticates. Despite being a hardware device, In cases such as prepress and printing
Most developers and software vendors want to
dongles are not a complete solution to the software, the dongle is encoded with a specific,
get rid of the dongle driver headache. There
trusted client problem.
are some driverless dongles on the market,
Wordcraft was the first programme to use a
which make the protection easy for both
software protection dongle in 1980. Its dongle
software vendors and end-users.
was a simple passive device that supplied data
The Real time dongle contains an
to the pins of a Commodore PET's external
internal real time clock, independent from
cassette port in a pre-determined manner. This
the Operating system clock, and designed
was possible because the PET cassette port
for software vendors who need to control
supplied both power and data connections
and manage rental and sale usage and/or
through a proprietary edge connector. It did,
however, make the cassette port unusable for its
This allows pay per use by charging the
intended purpose.
end users timely and periodically for actual
The two-cubic-inch resin-potted first
periods of use. This function is based on a
generation device was called a "dongle" by the
real time clock in the dongle which records
inventor, in the absence of a suitable term. The
the specific time (hour, minute, second) and
distributor, Dataview Ltd., then based in
date (day, month and year). If there isn't
Colchester, UK, then went on to produce a
battery inside dongle, the dongle is not real
derivative dongle which became their core
time dongle. There are only two real time
dongles, the one is HASP Time, and the
Dongles rapidly evolved into active devices
other is UniKey Time. 
that contained a serial transceiver (UART) and 37
Telepedia Flare Report Free download | flare.com.pk

operated telecom networks in The size of Essar’s investments and the ways
emerging markets and the partnership in which the two companies will work together
is intended to capitalise on shared was not disclosed at the signing ceremony. Both
opportunities, said Prashant Ruia, the parties said specifics of the agreement, including
group chief executive of Essar.
“We have significant Both companies have built,
complementary strengths,” he said at a
signing in a royal residence in Al launched and operated
Khazna, half way between Abu Dhabi telecom networks in emerging
and Al Ain. “We’ve got a reasonable
amount of experience in the telecom markets and the partnership is
space, and we’re looking at a
complementary partnership that will
intended to capitalise on
improve the services we provide to the shared opportunities, said
African market.”
Essar already operates a mobile Prashant Ruia, the group chief
network in Kenya, but gave no
comment on the possibility for
executive of Essar
integration between it and networks
owned by the Abu Dhabi Group, any possible managerial or technical co-operation,
particularly in neighbouring Uganda. would be announced in the coming months.
The Abu Dhabi Group’s investment Essar’s investment will be in the form The Abu Dhabi Group’s investment portfolio,
of equity stakes in each network, with which it says is worth more than USD10 billion,
portfolio, which it says is worth more than the new cash used to fund growth. includes a number of banking and construction
USD10 billion, includes a number of A preliminary agreement between businesses, predominantly in Asia and Africa.
banking and construction businesses, the Abu Dhabi Group, also known as Aside from Warid Telecom, its only other
predominantly in Asia and Africa Dhabi Group, and Essar was signed in technology investment has been in Arvato Middle
Al Khazna in a meeting between Mr East Sales. Last year Arvato worked with the Abu
he Abu Dhabi Group, an investment Ruia and Sheikh Nahyan bin Mubarak, the Dhabi Media Company, the publisher of The

T company led by members of the royal chairman of the Abu Dhabi Group, who is also
family, will form a partnership with Minister of Higher Education and Scientific
India’s Essar to expand its African Research.
telecommunications business. Essar has also built a healthy business in India
Through its Warid Telecom subsidiary, the as an independent builder of telecommunications
National, to launch Getmo, an online
entertainment downloads store targeting the
Middle East.
Essar has built a healthy business in India as
an independent builder of telecommunications
Abu Dhabi Group owns mobile networks in network infrastructure. As mobile networks look network infrastructure. As mobile networks look
Pakistan, Bangladesh, Congo, Uganda and Cote to cut costs and streamline operations, demand for to cut costs and streamline operations, demand for
d’Ivoire. Essar’s telecom unit built one of India’s such service providers is increasing. such service providers is increasing. Mr Ruia said
largest mobile networks, which it now owns in a Mr Ruia said his company’s partnership with his company’s partnership with the Dhabi Group
joint venture with Vodafone, based in the UK. The the Abu Dhabi Group would remain focused on would remain focussed on operating networks for
two companies recently entered exclusive operating networks for the time being, the time being, particularly in the markets where
negotiations that will enable Essar, one of India’s particularly in markets where the company was the company is already operational.
largest diversified industrial conglomerates, to already operational. “We have to go step-by-step “We have to go step-by-step and see how we
invest in the Abu Dhabi Group’s African and see how we can take this forward,” he said. can take this forward. Warid has already made
businesses. “Warid has already made significant investments, significant investments, and we plan on increasing
Both companies have built, launched and and we plan on increasing them.” them.” 

credentials of the person with whom they are

Nadra to verify all CNICs making business deals or they can verify the
CNIC submitted by their employees, household
workers and maids.
Nadra took this initiative due to prevailing law and order situation and Brigadier Kamal Aziz (Retd), in his address,
said that verification would be done in real time
to curb the menace of identity theft communication with Nadra's National Data
Warehouse, using Nadra and mobile phone
Islamabad: National Database and behalf of their companies, while Chief companies strong network infrastructure.
Registration Authority (Nadra) has signed Administrative Officer Brigadier Kamal Aziz Federal Interior Minister Rehman Malik
contract with cell phone companies, including (Retd) represented Nadra. formally opened the service of verification of
Mobilink, Telenor and Warid, for verification of CNIC through SMS on July 24. This service will
the computerised national identity cards This service will enable the enable the police and other law-enforcement
(CNICs) through SMS. police and other law- agencies to verify the CNIC of any suspect at
Nadra has initiated the facility under which enforcement agencies to verify checkpoint any time, besides help common
people can attain the verification of CNIC people to avoid the bids of cheating by
through SMS. Subscribers will have the facility the CNIC of any suspect at mischievous people as they can verify the CNIC
to verify the CNIC by sending SMS at 7000. In checkpoint any time, besides of any person on SMS.
first phase, Mobilink, Telenor and Warid were help common people to avoid The CNIC verification would be CNIC
included in the facility, while negotiations with number (which is to be verified) on special
two more companies, Ufone and Zong, are in the bids of cheating by numbers "7000" for general public and "7001" for
progress. mischievous people as they can the law-enforcement agencies. In response,
The agreement was signed in an impressive verify the CNIC of any person on Nadra will provide the details associated with
ceremony held at Nadra headquarters, which that CNIC such as the name of person to whom
was attended by senior officials of Nadra and SMS that CNIC Number stands allotted (in Urdu)
mobile phone companies. Bilal Shiekh of This unique facility is devised for the along with any other content deemed
Mobilink, Aamir Ibrahim of Telenor Pakistan convenience of general public which can be appropriate by Nadra pertaining to the CNIC at
38 and Syed Babar Ahmed of Warid Tel signed on utilised by any person desirous to verify nominal charges of Rs 10+tax. 







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support to one of our partner companies for

Message on Independence Day the provision of energy meters and telemetric
based solutions in accordance with the
telecom industry. KHL strives to innovate and
as a dynamic and growing nation, all of us
should keep up this effort and try to bring in integrate ideas from a business model needs for
more and more innovative ideas and solutions betterment of all stakeholders especially our
to keep this growing trend on the right track customers. Our technical expertise for auditing
KHL since its inception in 2003 has grown and consultation are utilized by all major
leaps and bounds, KHL is the first and foremost vendors such as Motorola, Huawei, Alcatel
company who specializes in OFC laying, BTS Lucent, ZTE, PTCL, Wateen, Wi-tribe, Mobilink,
rollouts and provision of 24x7 managed services. Warid, Telenor, Nokia Siemens and Ericsson.
Our local and international clientele We have introduced two new global offices last
incorporates all the big companies working in year & have signed numerous contracts with
this region for provision of such services hence Global OEM companies both for supply and
Usman A. Sheikh KHL is on the on field integrator acting as the services such as ASUSTek Computers Taiwan,
Managing Director & Chief Operating Officer
backbone of a connected Pakistan. KHL has ASCEND Technologies China, Beijing Tianpu
KHL – Konnect Holden Ltd, Akbar Associates Group
operations in various fields of industry from Solar China , Sagem Orga France, Atheeb
n behalf of KHL I take this provision of conventional OFC laying services to Intergraph KSA and Rich Motor Company -

O opportunity to wish the entire nation

and the Government of Pakistan a
very prosperous 62nd Independence
Day. This day should be a point of recollection
where we evaluate our progress, learn from our
implementation of intelligent sensor based
telematic solutions. KHL has to cater to all the
needs of the industry as resource development
is the foremost vista of KHL. We continuously
try to work with companies who have expertise
Lebanon. Under the patronage of Al-Jaber
Group; KHL is implementing various projects of
infrastructure development within the GCC
KHL inspiration and efforts for its national
mistakes and set goals to achieve for the in specialized fields and develop our resource in agenda of self reliance is commendable and
betterment of this great Nation. We should also collaboration with them so as to emerge as an suffices extensively the needs for an intensifying
not forget the contribution that was put in by our integrator for business all around. We are Joint industry in Pakistan today. KHL is proud to
forefathers who in the face of massive opposition Venture partners with FWO for large cross borders as the first Pakistani multinational
fulfilled the vision of a great Islamic State. The infrastructure development Projects. We have which states:
ICT industry of Pakistan has emerged as a sector outsourced with many large OEM “Adding Pride to the MADE IN PAKISTAN
which has put Pakistan on the face of the world manufacturers as well as developed R&D Label “. 

How Telcos celebrated the Independence Day?

This August everyone is doing the best in crescent and stars.
their capacity to mark celebrations for the 62nd Ufone has put forward no offer or
Independence Day. The ‘Go Green’ campaign is promotions to celebrate Independence. Should
doing a great job, turning the social networks we expect a 3 bata 3 Independence TVC from
(Twitter/Facebook) Green. Not just this but the them!
Nation’s Tweeples aim to get Pakistan in to Telenor,
Twitter Trending Topics on 14th August. giving away cash prizes on new land-line arranged
This post takes a look at how are the major connections this August. bloggers meet
Telcos contributing to the Independence Day At the broadband from PTCL has come up up in Karachi,
Celebrations. with another Independence Day offer, giving Lahore and
PTCL, the national landline operator is away laptops on new broadband connections. Islamabad to
Mobilink has not come up with any launch the Persona Weblounge, but nothing
offer/promotion but celebrating in its own particular for Independence celebrations.
way, their website has got an Independence Warid, in collaboration with 4B Group has
Aviator. Patriotic song from their last year’s come up with an exclusive Azadi Package. 
Independence campaign ‘Aye Watan’ plays in
the background and the cursor gets green with

pint of blood
Mobilink donating blood generally
suffices three
Mobilink, Pakistan’s market leader in cellular
services and subsidiary of Orascom Telecom, as adding approximately two to six weeks in their
part of its employee volunteerism activity series, lives, and the contribution marks a commitment
organised a blood donation drive at its offices to societal and communal well-being, he added.
nationwide for children suffering from He said that Employee volunteerism is a core
Thalassemia and other blood diseases. Muzamil value of Mobilink’s Culture of Excellence and
Sheikh Media Manager said that in total more employees are strongly encouraged to develop a
than 200 pints of blood were donated to Fatimid humanitarian spirit by participating in non-
Foundation in Karachi and Lahore along with profit activities and lifesaving initiatives, such as
similar healthy blood donations to Sundas this gesture, where healthy blood was collected
Foundation in Islamabad. for the unfortunate children. The Torchbearers
Mobilink employees donate more than 200 pints of blood
Organised under the auspices of Mobilink are sanctioned to clock an average of 4 to 5 as part of the nationwide blood donation drives
Foundation, the employees were driven with the dedicated hours per person per month during organised by Mobilink Foundation.
common goal of providing Thalassemics, a official working hours. On average the in community service and have already clocked
chance to live with an improved quality of life. A volunteers spent more than 3,000 hours in 2008 in 500 hours this year. 
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conomically frustrated people seek a

E cheap medium to enjoy all those rare

relaxed moment that they encounter after
a hectic routine. What can be better than
sending or/and receiving miscellaneous short
messages on mobile phone! Yes, our people spent
much time on not only communicating through
cellular phones but also entertaining through
The introduction of strict punishment, first of
its kind since historic boom in the
telecommunication sector, seems to fail in curbing
circulation of ‘ill-motivated messages’ through
short messaging service (SMS), which are still
hitting mobile phones with more ‘innovative’ and
legally well-protected way.
Though government officials did not admit
that circulation of ‘anti-government messages’
was the main reason for introduction of
punishment for ‘ill-motivated’ or ‘indecent’
messages, many believe that these kinds of SMS
messages in fact prompted the government to
come up with strong reaction against those who
have been constantly engaged in this practice for
unknown reasons.
Some also opined that circulation of these

SMS motivation to be
kinds of SMS messages was really a part of a
propaganda campaign against specific political
figures because no other politician except for
some government figures was targeted in these

monitored by FIA
“I strongly believe that anti-government forces
are behind all this propaganda campaign just to
demoralise the government and create negative
sentiments against it among people,” said Yasir
Rehman, a member of pro-PPP student
organisation and a student of the Government Some also opined that circulation of these kinds of
Asghar Mall College, Rawalpindi.
The government has announced that sending SMS messages was really a part of a propaganda
‘indecent’, ‘provocative’ and ‘ill-motivated’
stories and text messages through e-mails and campaign against specific political figures because no
SMS is an offence under the Cyber Crime Act
(CCA) and its violators could be sent behind bars
other politician except for some government figures
for 14 years. Similarly, any Pakistani living was targeted in these messages
abroad and violating provisions of the Act may
be charged and liable to deportation to Pakistan. “So my request to the government is to quit They said that some of major cell phone
It is really strange to observe that texts of anti- employing dodgy revisions to safeguard its service providers (CPSP) are reluctant to facilitate
government SMS messages now being circulated popularity, do good for the country and it would the investigation agency which would hamper
through cell phones are well-crafted as they not have to introduce such acts to save its skin,” the monitoring process. Sources said that the
apparently do not violate the newly-introduced he said. E-mail, SMS monitoring: mobile phone Cyber Crime Act (CCA) has empowered the
Cyber Crime Act but comprehensively conveys companies, ISPs asked to provide customers data. agency to take legal action against those
anti-government sentiments. Following special directives of Interior companies who are responsible to create hurdles
“For a moment, I thought it was a bad joke Ministry to start monitoring e-mails and short in the investigation.
but its reality — 14 years for sending indecent messaging service (SMS), the Federal They said that the campaign is aimed to curb
SMS? I asked myself how about I bankrupt the those unidentified elements involved in
whole country, play havoc with the judiciary and
privatise everything with a golden boot and get
The announcement of 14 year spreading mala fide content to tarnish the image
of the civilian leadership.
jailed for 5-10 years maximum or better sent for imprisonment for sending They said that the ministry has directed FIA to
pilgrimage to the holy land for an indefinite start monitoring these stories and take action
period!” commented a blogger who runs an ‘ill-motivated’ SMS also raised
against the people involved in this ugly practice
online blog. eyebrows of various under CCA, and added that all necessary
He further stated, “I seriously doubt the arrangements have already been figure out for the
intentions of the government, playing the Taliban segments of society who are purpose.
crackdown as excuse? No one is blaming the openly criticising this step They dispelled the perception regarding
security forces or criticising them! It would have person to person monitoring, saying that it is
been a better stance if they have clamped down Investigation Agency (FIA) has asked the mobile impossible for the agency to examine each and
on anti-Pakistan or anti-state websites? No, they telephone companies and internet service every e-mail and SMS. Hence, action against
want to cover SMS and emails? A big cover-up providers (ISPs) to provide records pertaining to cyber criminals would be subjected on the
again. their customers. complaints.
Zulqurnain Haider, an educationist, said that Sources told Flare that FIA has been directed It is worth mentioning that violators of CCA
no one wrote about security forces of Pakistan in to maintain records of persons using cell phone can be penalised with lifetime imprisonment with
comical way and the inclusion of their reference and e-mail services. For the purpose, the Agency property confiscation. Any Pakistani living
was just a dummy to give the announcement of has sent letters to all cellular companies, asking abroad and violating the provisions of the Cyber
punishment for indecent SMS messages some them to provide complete details regarding both Crime Act can also be charged under the Act and
44 weightage. registered and unregistered mobile SIMs. is liable for deportation to Pakistan. 
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Plz mujhy miss call do

u yahan light nahi hai
mujhy cell mil nahi rah or
Send it to your fri
ends and check ho
intelligent they are? w

one: Meray bache ko

Lady to Doctor on Ph
kya karun??
current laga hai, mein a
nafal shukrane ke ad
Doctor: Pehle aap do i ha i.
light aa rah
karein ke aap ki taraf

Zindagi bari udas hay,

Mujhay lagi pyas hay,
Muhay dunya say na
koi ass hay,
Allah karay uski light
chali jay,
Jo yeh sochay kay meri
poem Bakwas hay

i bhe gaye,
Nowadays the most haunting issue is the random load-shedding which Dik k arman ansoo ma
li main rahe gaye,
Hum gali main the ga
can hit any area any time. Frustration is shown at massive level against the main light chali gaye,
authorities. Flare has collected a number of SMS to entertain its readers wo un ki amma
Jo bat un se kehna thi
who are lamenting the continuous power loss se keh gaye!
nt ka kehna hai key 20
Saal 2013 ki Governme Bijli! Zindagi milti hai aik ba
m ho jae gi. ar
tak load shading khata Bijli gai, 1 baj gaya. Maut aati hai aik baar
Bijli aai, 2 baj gaye.
Iqrar hota hai aik baar
Suni Sunai batein 1920 Phir gai, 3 baj gaye,
- Light saal me ek dafa
jati hay 2000 - Light din Phir aai, 4 baj gaye. Pyar hota hai aik baar
me 4 dafa jati hay 2010
- sath wale mohale ki jat Phir gai, 5 baj gaye. Jab hota hai sab kuch
aik baar
i hay to hamare mohale
ki aati hay 2015 - Hy Phir aai, 6 baj gaye. . Phir Light kiu jati hai
drabad ki jati hay to ught to you by WAPDA baar baar?
Karachi ki aati hay 2020 This time check is bro
- Suna hai kisi zamane
me light bhi howa ka
rti thi (Ye sb suni suna
batein or afwaheyn ha i Jannat hasil karain es
in). n Electricity. But… giv
Apni zakat, khairat,
sadqat or qurbani ki A Smile costs less tha that you
iling... & Prove
khalain KESC ko dain
ta k aap ko aakhrat ma more light!! So Keep Sm
in !
t ko light
Jannat or dunia mein
BIJLI miley! are the Best Tube Light!
Na din ko light na raa
Good Night! Good Ni Won tanha andhere
main bethi thi, Ghan
intazaar kerti hai uska ton
Humai WAPDA walou , Dil se subah sham ya
n se itna pyar hai k wo kerti hai usko, Bhoolay ad
hum se rooth jain tou se bhi bhula nahi pati
humai neend nhe aati! usko, Phir umeed ki
ek kiran nazar aai,
Andhere main roshni
nazar aai, Or woh zor
e chillai, Light Aai, Light se
i kab aaye gi tou? Ay Aai.
Mere sapno ki Batti ran dagani
tou? Beeti jaye zin
rut mastani kab aye gi
aa chaali aa!
kab aye gi tou? Chali
al: Sabar
Pakistan ka Quami Ph
Co at
Plz pora parhen! Plz
pora parhen ignore ma Quami Libaas: Kala
karein! Yeh SMS 10 log
o ko send karen app ko
t Pakistan Mai MAH-
E-LOADSHEDDING Quami Khail: Muzakra
sakon mahsos hoga or CHAND Nazar aa ka a: Ya Al lah Lig ht aa jaye
Tassali miley gi "Lanat gaya Hay Tamam Lo Quami Du
hai K.E.S.C pe!" kurbani k Laye Tayar g
ho jayin (Government)
Candle light dinner: Th
e most romantic country
of the world..? Guess
! O yes! Pakistan yo
“EID MUBARIK” e know? Har raat candle u
mobile charge hai is liy light dinner…. thanks
Hairan nah on abhi tou ley WAPDA to
ka kya pata hai ag
wish ker diya... light
maheenee aaye na aaye

o TV
Teacher: Test yaad ha Breaking News on Ge a
i? Student: Jab perhna ed ding khatam... Abhi itn
betha to light chali gayi, y Pakistan mai load sh
bad main is dar se nahi gai!
perha key dobara na ch hi suna tha k light chali
ali jae!

bund kerne ki niyat
WAPDA MAN: Bijli nd
Ye to sab hi poochte he
in ke kya haal? Din kaisa
i 2 ghantey light bu
BREAKING NEWS Niyat kerta houn ma raha? Kya programme
in hai? Isi liye mein ne
i k sirf isi APRIL me mat key, zulam ghare
eb socha kuch naya poochu
WAPDA ka kehna ha lif ba rd ash t kerne ki, waste hako . Zara hat ke. Light Ha
ING ki tak itch ki taraf... “yeh gai” Kya? i
awam ko LOADSHED r jay gi! awam pey, hath mere sw
ko aadat pa 45
karni hogi phir awam
Synopsis Flare Report Free download | flare.com.pk

Samsung brings “Meet the Star”

Lahore: Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. has in the market and
simultaneously initiated “meet the star” consumers can visit their
campaign in Pakistan along with Middle East nearest location to find
and other parts of Asia. The Nationwide 15 day out about the product.
activity aims at bringing Samsung Star Touch In case of Samsung
Phone to consumers, educating them along with Star display at Mc
providing a feel of the gadget. During the Donald’s, with purchase
activity consumers will get a chance to win of every large meal
Samsung Star phone through lucky draw held consumers can enter the
on site. draw through a coupon;
Mr Zeeshan Qureshi, Head of Samsung various celebrities are
Mobiles Pakistan & Afghanistan said, “Samsung invited for conducting the
has always placed high priority at consumer draw. The event provides
interaction and tried to gel our activities with consumers a chance to go
consumer lifestyle. Pakistani youth is well aware Lahore: As part of Samsung’s ongoing “meet the star” activity film star Noor is giving
up close with their
of technological advancements and Samsung away a Samsung Star phone to the winner of lucky draw. favourite stars and
through such activities aims at bringing through lucky draw and give a live- interact with them. The
technological advancements to Pakistani demonstration of the product. Samsung has activity is aimed at appreciating consumer trust
doorsteps”. placed huge interactive touch kiosks to educate and loyalty which Samsung has enjoyed over the
The Samsung team is visiting shopping customers about product at various places. years. This activity was been managed by Black
centres and restaurants in different cities along Samsung’s Star phone is a fully touch-screen Pvt. Ltd. The product is available in the market
with various celebrities in order to give prizes mobile phone which is now making huge waves at 15,499 PKR. 

Avaya signs on Apollo Telecom

Karachi: Avaya has signed on former Nortel support. We are certain this partnership will Tawil, channel and
partner Apollo Telecom in a strategic move that emerge as key to developing new business marketing director
will strengthen its channel presence in Pakistan. opportunities, as we expect our target market to for Avaya in MENA
Avaya already has a strong channel base serving enthusiastically adopt Avaya solutions. ” and Turkey.
its customers in Pakistan that will further be Apollo has over 2000 existing customers across “Pakistan is
reinforced with the addition of Apollo Telecom. Pakistan, with the majority in the IP telephony demonstrating
Serving the nation with integrated business and contact centre business. Apollo deploys potential for Unified
technology solutions on a global delivery communications solutions and technology Communications;
platform, Apollo Telecom will now deploy Avaya innovations that help businesses cut costs, businesses are
communication solutions to businesses across all increase speed to market and create new business looking for solutions that increase efficiency and
major cities in Pakistan. Apollo Telecom was opportunities. This approach is backed by an 18 worker productivity, which are requirements not
previously the largest Nortel partner in Pakistan. year heritage in providing domain-intensive easily met with other technologies in the market,”
“With the phasing out of existing products, we technology solutions and a solid delivery continued El-Tawil. “We see tremendous
needed alternative solutions with a similar backbone with industry leading credentials. opportunity in the region with Apollo’s existing
technology platform, which is just part of what “Apollo has excellent coverage in all major customers currently working with legacy
Avaya offers us,” said Maj (retd.) Ata Ullah Shah, cities in Pakistan. This is combined with a wealth technology that will be phased out and replaced
CEO, Apollo Telecom. “In addition to being of experience and expertise in providing with more sophisticated and efficient solutions.
leaders in Contact Centre and Unified integrated telecommunications across the nation. With the availability of Avaya’s solutions in
Communications technologies, Avaya has a With over a hundred consultants to focus on Pakistan, we expect many enterprises to upgrade
strong regional and local presence along with a Avaya solutions, we are excited to have Apollo to IP telephony, which will help increase, Apollo’s
sound channel partner programme and channel part of our channel ecosystem,” said Roger El- revenues and market share.” 

Illegal gateway exchange seized in Quetta

Islamabad: Pakistan Telecommunication up a grey traffic monitoring facility at Islamabad. credit cards used for payment of bills for the
Authority (PTA) in its effort to curb the illegal Based on the information obtained through this mobile numbers involved in grey traffic were
termination of International Voice traffic has set system grey traffic activity was suspected in an recovered from the scene. In addition a huge
area of Quetta. quantity of CNICs and post paid bills of mobile
Acting on the numbers used in illegal activities were also
information provided recovered. Two members of a gang involved in
by PTA Headquarters illegal termination of International Voice traffic
further investigation were apprehended.
was carried out by This is the first case of its type in Balochistan
PTA Zonal Office and a successful raid which resulted in arrests
Quetta and a joint and recovery of evidence is a clear indication of
raid with FIA Quetta commitment of PTA to curb the illegal
was conducted at the international voice termination from the
suspected place. country.
Quetta: Accused persons in FIA custody. Quetta: Various credit cards and CNICs
46 recovered from the scene. A large number of
Cover Story Zubair Ahmed Kasuri Free download | flare.com.pk

Free download | flare.com.pk Cover Story

e often see companies joining hands decision is the decreasing

W to boost services, to facilitate

customers and to expand coverage
and productivity. We have also
seen national assets getting privatised by the
hands of government, but seeing the merger of a
revenue in competitive market
of Pakistan where not only low
cost but also best quality is
required to achieve maximum
subscribers. The number of cell-
top company is something unusual. phone users in Pakistan has
You must be wondering about the company I reached over 90 million. Though
am talking about. Dawn newspaper broke the Average Revenue per User
news of Telenor’s merger in China Mobile. It is (ARPU) shows declining trend,
strange to see that Telenor has recently replaced over the few years aggressive
Ufone to grab the second position in the race of marketing and expansion of
telecom operators, but still it is planning to merge. network has enabled mobile
Why? why an operator with more than 20 million operators to grab more
subscribers is quitting? We know Telenor’s subscribers on their networks.
nationwide reputation tarnished due to its links But, the revenue
with the Norwegian Telenor head office in Islamabad depreciation is not the only
company when the reason. Let me share with you
Denmark newspaper text messages every day and handles 250 million the interview of John Eddy Abdullah, Chief
dared to disgrace the calls every hour. China Mobile's first overseas Executive Officer, Telenor Pakistan, with The
Holy Prophet subsidiary, China Mobile Pakistan has the license News. He clearly indicated the merging of telenor.
(PBUH), but the “This means that in the long term, having five
operator did not have Advertisements that have operators in a market with intense competition
the heart to quit the and low prices may not remain feasible anymore.
emerging telecom nothing to do with culture of This can result in anything from mergers and
sector of Pakistan. Pakistan have also helped acquisitions to dropping out of the market,”
What has now the operator dent its image. Abdullah added.
pinched the Answering a question about deteriorating law
Norwegian company On the international and order situation in the country and other
Jon Eddy Abdullah
to pack up? Let’s start horizon, India is set to grant factors impacting growth of the sector, he said
from the beginning. high inflation eventually reduced usage of mobile
CEO Telenor Pakistan
Telenor Pakistan is
Telenor the necessary services among consumers and pushed up the cost
100 per cent owned by Telenor ASA and adds on security clearance to for the operators. Overall, it negatively impacted
to its operations in Asia together with Thailand, increase its stake in Unitech the demand and supply and hence growth.
Malaysia and Bangladesh. Telenor launched its “Though inflationary pressure eases around
operations in Pakistan in March 2005 as the single
Wireless to the legal the globe and especially in our region, Pakistan
largest direct European investment in Pakistan. maximum of 74 per cent still faces a high double-digit inflation,” he added.
The Telenor Group is an international provider with the condition that no “Largely, the overall law and order situation
of high quality tele, data and media limits network expansion, restricts upgrading and
communication services with mobile operations in
employees from Telenor’s maintenance of sites, increases security-related
13 markets across the Nordic region, Central and Pakistan subsidiary will expenses and dampens investor confidence,” he
Eastern Europe and in Asia. The Telenor Group is work for the Indian said and added as networks in Pakistan grew at a
among the largest mobile operators in the world tremendous rate, growth would certainly speed
with over 165 million mobile subscriptions and a
company up if security conditions further improved.
workforce of approximately 40,000. Abdullah said Pakistan had the lowest call
Daily Dawn reports, “According to sources, to offer and operate voice, data and all value rates in the world and a continuous reduction in
Telenor group is interested to sell its shares in added services in the entire country. One of the rates, as seen in the past, to attract customers was
Pakistan and is holding talks with the China fastest growing cellular
Mobile. Though both the operators have denied markets in the world,
any such development, sources said that Pakistan is a key region
negotiations were being held secretly at the group that is likely to offer
level. expansion opportunities as
“The Telenor group has already focused on well the chance to make a
India for investment, as it recently sought to buy difference in the lives of a
about 67 per cent shares of Unitech Wireless and growing clientele that is
telecom arm of Unitech Ltd in India. The Indian demanding understands
market is experiencing a major growth in mobile and appreciates better
penetration and currently it stands at 27 per cent quality and service
with a total population of about 1.2 billion. There standards.
has been a lot of potential in the market and the Mobilink, Telenor,
global operators see it a best place for future Ufone, Warid and Zong
market.” (CM-Pak) have reportedly
China Mobile’s first international business conveyed to the PTA that
venture, Zong, currently has over six million there was a room for only
subscribers. Before the merger talks with the ‘four’ players. A PTA
Protestors burn a telenor banner during a protest rally to condemn the publication of car-
Telenor group, the China Mobile had offered to official recently said, there toons depicting Islamic Prophet Muhammad in a Danish newspaper
buy the management shares of Warid Telecom were chances that by 2010, no more viable for the future as the industry had
Pakistan. the country may have four operators. The already hit rock bottom.
China Mobile is the world's largest telecom statement confirms the Telenor-China Mobile “We also understand that when this industry
operator. Having a customer base of over 300 merger news to some extent. flourishes, it helps the economy by attracting
million customers, its network routes 700 million One of the very probable reasons for Telenor’s foreign direct investment (FDI), contributing 49
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heavily to the national exchequer, generating presence in Pakistan and Bangladesh.

employment and increasing productivity of Abdullah said Pakistan had Telenor has 49 per cent stake in Unitech and
almost every sector. Therefore, it is imperative the lowest call rates in the now requires FIPB nod to complete its deal for
that the taxation structure for the mobile industry 67 per cent shares. This would give Telenor
is rationalised further.”
world and a continuous management control and four of the seven seats
When asked whether the taxation measures reduction in charges, as on the board of directors.
were pro-growth or anti-growth for the industry, seen in the past, to attract Telenor-Wireless combine is expected to start
he said tax reduction was obviously a pro-growth services later this year. Unitech has a pan-India
measure. The rapid increase in penetration over customers was no more licence and has secured spectrum in 21 of the 22
the last few years was made possible to a large viable for the future as the telecom circles.
extent by subsidisation of activation tax by the industry had already hit Telenor has seen enough during its stay in
cellular operators. Pakistan as it is among one of the most criticised
The 50 per cent reduction in activation tax will rock bottom cell phone operators. It is also planning to
free up funds, which can be invested in capacity downsize its outlets in Pakistan. It has lost its
hiking stakes in Unitech Wireless.
enhancement and network expansion. interest in the market as the Pakistan
The Foreign Investment Promotion Board of
I would like to ask Abdullah if he can name a Telecommunication Authority is on its way to
India (FIPB) had last month deferred a decision
state where economic recession has not hit. The regulate the sector and soon there will be no
decrease in revenue is the dilemma of all and room for poor service providers.
sundry worldwide. Telecom operators have not There has been strong disunity within the
yet penetrated in all nooks and corners of management of Telenor regarding various issues.
Pakistan and there is still margin for those who It has also become nearly impossible for Telenor
continue to provide best services wit compatible to manage its base stations in a time when
rates. I think Telenor is the only company that is Pakistan is facing severe load shedding issues.
daring to quit by claiming increasing competition Companies like Warid have rightfully decided to
hard to meet. install solar base station which are not only
In fact, Telenor is eyeing the gigantic market environment friendly but also cost effective.
of India and let me tell you that the population in Telenor is leaving. As PTA’s forecast, 2010
India is poorer than Pakistani. Telenor cannot will be a year of four telecom operators. It is
survive there without offering lowest possible Protestors shout slogans against Denmark government expected that China Mobile will be able to show
rates. Besides, the Indian market is not flexible outside Telenor office to condemn the publication of cartoons
depicting Prophet Muhammad in a Danish some loyalty to the nation. However, I am
like Pakistan as operators have to meet a number newspaper during a protest rally. worried about the Telenor users who will be lost
of restrictions including security clearance. The on allowing Telenor to hike its stake in Unitech after the merger.
very proof of it is the restrictions imposed by Wireless following reservations of security I hope that the merger will not end with mass
Indian government and security agencies before agencies on the Norwegian firm’s strong protest... 

Telenor failed to provide quality services

Telenor Pakistan has failed to attract masses questioned. The story of deception does not end great coverage but poor quality, it is nothing
due to its poor policies and poor service which here. It continued pushing the company to a but cheap popularity gimmick to deceive
has turned man on the street indifferent to it situation where it was left with no option but unsuspecting customers which was not viable
inflicting huge financial losses and threatening to sell its assets. On July 23, the international in the long run,” an official of the largest
its survival. media reported that Telenor has declined to telecom company said while requesting
Tall claims about the so-called European comment on reports that it is in talks to sell its anonymity because he has not been authorised
technology and transparent business practices mobile operations in Pakistan to China Mobile. to talk to media.
accompanied the launching ceremony. The “We never comment on speculation,” Telenor Tricks helped Telenor grab a sizable market
then dictator, Musharraf was not only present spokesman Paal Kvalheim said when asked in Pakistan threatening contenders but later it
in the inauguration ceremony but he later about intentions for Telenor Pakistan. nosedived owing to negative policies.
visited the company’s headquarters. Even, this Rejection by masses has taken toll on the Advertisements that have nothing to do with
did not help the operator which was sailing in company that is trying to strike a good deal but culture of Pakistan have also helped the
the troubled waters since its beginning. those who want to buy it know its fragile operator dent its image.
At that time of inauguration, management position. The circumstances would not allow On the international horizon, India is set to
of the company claimed that they have invested Telenor to close a favourable deal, sources said. grant Telenor the necessary security clearance
one billion USD in Pakistan. General Musharraf Telenor is again cheating masses by calling the to increase its stake in Unitech Wireless to the
also took pride in the so-called investment that under process sale as a merger which is legal maximum of 74 per cent with the
was evident from his speech. However, fact contrary to the fact. This is the same company condition that no employees from Telenor
remains that even a quarter of the claimed that unleashed propaganda against other Pakistan will work for the Indian company.
amount was never invested. Not all the money operators for using substandard Chinese The Indian Foreign Investment Promotion
used was more than a few million. The amount equipment to save money but it ended up in Board was due to approve the investment, but
was utilised for getting buildings for offices, buying the same equipment from Chinese delayed its decision pending a review of the
some equipment and ornamentation. Telenor vendors that proves duplicity of its security situation.
invested in its own country and neighbours management.
The idea is that keeping the human assets
(Scandinavian countries) from where it bought Telenor has also a failed in many parts of the
of Telenor’s Indian and Pakistani arms
all the costly equipment. The instruments were country including northern areas when it
separate is expected to take care of risks such
shifted to Pakistan for installation in the rented started erecting towers on heights to gain
as spying and subversion. The development
facilities. ground. It did helped the company to gain a
needs to be watched cautiously by
“How come they claim to have invested sizeable customers only to throwaway SIMs
local security establishment in both the
huge amount in Pakistan,” a cell phone after realising that almost every call get
50 company executive who has served Telenor dropped. “Installing towers at will top means
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How can Telenor make

tele-doctor work?
If you must advertise this service, keep Telenor in the background and the
e-health initiative in the spotlight
he other day, an office colleague got sick. initiative is almost hidden behind the big persona hospitals giving an alternative to people waiting

T A severe case of food poisoning left the

poor guy in a weakened state. He was
asking around for what medicines
should one take for curing his symptoms when I
remembered Telenor’s new service. Thinking this
(not the postpaid variety though) of Telenor as
far as their ads and other promotions go.
The fact that people would say that they will
not take advice from a doctor who doesn’t know
their history or conditions, who cannot do any
in line to be seen by a doctor by using the tele-
doctor service. Tell them that they can get either
an initial diagnosis (which they can compare
with what their physical doctor says) or get a
second opinion afterwards (and compare again),
would be a good time to test out just how well tests on them, or one who is not physically to get a better indication of whether they’ve been
the service operates, I suggested he call it up and present will then proceed to go to an unknown checked out thoroughly. If the diagnosis is
ask. My reasoning was, their advice on medicine similar, you’ve built up a point of trust, if the
would at least be better than what any one of us All of this got me thinking, diagnosis is not then let them go for a third
could offer. My colleague also had a Telenor opinion. Once you build up enough of these
number with enough balance, so that wasn’t an
just why doesn’t a service points of trust, you’ll see the service being picked
issue. which sounds helpful is up, since people love to talk about how good
I wasn’t surprised when I heard the first ‘their’ doctor or ‘their’ hospital is. I’m not really
traces of reluctance in his voice. Even though he
backed by a team of sure why, but it is a fact - anyone who has been
was feeling very sick, and asking everyone not registered and experienced cured by the advice of one doctor will keep on
even remotely qualified in medicine for help, the advocating them for life. Become ‘their’ medical
very thought of calling up an unknown doctor
medical professional seem to advice service and you’ll see the numbers going
wasn’t even acceptable. He started making appeal to the masses up.
excuses like, how would they know what I’m In short, reach out to patients and give them a
going through, they wont be able to test me and doctor in an ER, or take advice over the phone trial of your service at no-charge. Don’t make
the most stressed upon reason, they wont know from friends, or ask for medical advice from them pay for the first time they use it, instead
which medicines suit me. colleagues and other non-qualified people tells make it easier for them to overcome this barrier
All of his objections made sense, and so I let me that tele-doctor cannot be trusted because its by allowing them to totally disregard what the
the matter drop. After another half hour of just not credible or personal enough. tele-doctor’s say, in favour of their practitioner.
discomfort though, he got up and asked a fellow When both diagnoses are similar (or the e-health
office worker to take him to the E.R. at PIMS. For Telenor doctor’s is right) people will have a smaller
After an hour of waiting around in the line, his How should you go about fixing it? Well, my resistance the next time a trip to the ER is
condition finally got the better of him and he take is, create awareness and trust among the warranted, in calling up tele-doctor. And this
went directly home to sleep it off, without people you are trying to reach. And that will
time, they’ll actually pay for it. (P.S for readers
medical supervision. *not* happen by taking out full page ads in the
who will debate this, this solution is not for
national dailies. You need to find a way to
physical issues such as cuts and bruises or
The Problem with Tele-doctor become a part of the lives of the immediate
The tele-doctor service doesn’t have a human people you are trying to reach. Find out where fractures. Yes, I understand that.)
face attached to it, and it is not personal enough most of your demographics are and target them Oh, and one more thing… if you must
for people to even want to consider it. From the specifically. (Sounds MBA’ish no?). advertise this service, keep Telenor in the
reactions of my colleague as well as a few others Basically what I’m trying to say is, reach out background and the e-health initiative in the
I’ve seen, it is still considered to be largely staffed to ‘current’ patients! People who need this spotlight! Remember, Telenor is corporate hence
by amateurs posing as doctors and since it is a service now! And where else can you find a large bad… e-health is an initiative, hence good. You
Telenor service then making money is more number of current patients but ER rooms at want good to be associated with the good, not the
important than good service. The e-Health major government hospitals! Setup stalls in these bad right? Courtesy: greenwhite.org 
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Wireless Video Camera
Plantronics have announced their
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help organisations and companies standardised wireless technology
reduce their travel cost, decrease their such as Bluetooth, Plantronics have
carbon footprint and substantially plumped for their own 2.4GHz
increase their efficiency. This is system which requires a USB dongle.
obtained through communicating The range is similar to that offered by
using tele-presence quality audio and Bluetooth, at around 40 feet, and the
video along with advanced laser Plantronics system also includes
based collaboration technology. The control of volume, play and track
compact and rugged designed skips in iTunes and Windows Media
product features the latest streaming Player from buttons on the headset
and video conferencing standards itself. The microphone features noise-
available on the market, including cancelling technology and
SIP, H.323 as well as ISMA streaming. automatically mutes when raised into
the upright position.

Creative TravelSound i85 Nanny Spy A/V CAM

Creative announced the new This is a brand new night vision
TravelSound i85, a pocket-sized wireless colour camera with audio.
speaker with FM radio tuner for With the latest wireless technology,
Apple's iPod nano 4G media player. this camera is able to penetrate
Ultra compact TravelSoundis is a multiple walls in home and office
docking speaker with integrated FM environment. With this wireless
tuner. It has four micro-drivers and a camera set, you can record the motion
digital amplifier. The device serves video and audio to a VCR or/and
also as an alarm clock. watch the video on the TV without a
Creative's TravelSound has an USB computer.
port so users can transfer and charge Best of all, with the build-in IR
the iPod nano 4G without removing LED, this camera is able to
the device. It has built-in lithium operate at complete darkness (0
polymer (Li-Po) rechargeable battery lux). This camera emits only
offering up to 15 hours of play time 50mW of radio energy, which
per charge. greatly reduces the unwanted
"microwave pollution". Following are
some great applications of this device:

USB Flash Pen with Laser - 8GB

HP iPAQ 910 Unboxing Video

The HP iPAQ 900 Series Business
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QWERTY keyboard, Microsoft
Windows Mobile 6.1 Professional
operating system and the latest
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band UMTS/HSDPA and quad-
band GSM/GPRS/EDGE wireless
technology to allow customers to
make calls and quickly access the
Internet around the world, while This elegant pen is a great office companion, providing a
integrated Bluetooth and Wi-Fi few useful tools for everyday use, such as portable flash
wireless technology allows for storage of 8GB, USB 2.0 high-speed connectivity for file
convenient connectivity. transfers between the pen and your computer, a laser
module for presentations, and replaceable ink cartridge.
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Colour Laser Printer VX Revolution notebook mouse

Ricoh USA unveiled High-Quality
Colour Printer “AFICIO SP C400DN”.
The Printer is targeted at small scale
businesses. The Company has
designed the latest Printer to meet low
budget requirements of small scale
businessmen. At a lower price, the
AFICIO SP C400DN colour laser
printer delivers uncompromising
quality. The Aficio SP C400DN prints
at 26 pages per minute (ppm) in both The VX Revolution is Logitech's latest lapto
colour and black & white. The Printer p-friendly mouse but it is more than just a fancy
boasts of its lineage the SP design. It incorporates the new MicroGear high-
C410DN/C411DN series that got precision, low-resistance scroll wheel. It can be switche
fame for quality, high-speed printing d from the traditional "gear style" to a true free-wheeling style,
and toner efficiency. The spinning for up to seven seconds depending on how hard you
WebImageMonitor lets the users spin it. This can be really appealing to spreadsheet users - you can
check status of the Printer. shoot to the end of the document in seconds.

LG showcases 10,000:1 contrast ratio monitor

Sure, its fun to watch good quality movies on an HD TV, but with LG's latest
development you could well end up watching it on your PC. The Korean giant
recently showcased a new monitor W606 with their exclusive Digital Fine Contrast
(DFC) technology which boosts contrast ratio to 10,000:1. LG said, "The monitor
offers greater depth when viewing movies, making darks darker and whites the
whiter. The higher ratio offers greater image clarity and colour shading not
previously experienced on a computer screen.

Saitek's Latest Two Piece Joystick

Saitek's latest two piece joystick system has
improved over its previous generation system X45.
Improvements over the older joystick system are the
addition of a 2 inch square digital read out that can
display actual time, and huge amounts of
programmable buttons. Also, no AC adaptor is
required as the new design is completely USB Bus
powered. The LED lights on the buttons add that
extra bit of character that most people will like.

Iomega lunches 1GB ScreenPlay Pro HD Multimedia Drive

Promising to offer a high-definition theatre experience, Iomega has unveiled its latest
multimedia drive, dubbed ScreenPlay Pro HD. The 1TB drive allows users to bring
all their photos, music, standard- and high-definition videos to a home theater from a
PC by creating convenient link between the home network and the home theater.
The 7,200RPM unit formatted hard disk drive is compatible with a 10/100 Ethernet
connection, enabling users to remotely access their networked files or use a second
USB drive to transfer files.
The Iomega ScreenPlay Pro HD Multimedia Drive comes with a remote and also offer
built-in basic video recording capabilities from a set-top box, letting users save a
standard definition video clip for later viewing.
The drive supports HD signals up to 1080i resolution, along with DivX, MPEG-4 and
XviD video files. It supports a wide range of file formats which include MP3, AC3
(Dolby Digital Encoding), WAV, WMA, MPEG-1, MPEG-2 (AVI/VOB) and JPEG.
Compliant with Windows XP and Vista operating systems, the ScreenPlay Pro HD
allows backup of important data with EMC Retrospect software or online with
MozyHome Online Backup.
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Many RTS gamers across the world, including yours truly, consider
Blizzard's Starcraft as one of the best RTS titles ever created. After almost 10
years, Blizzard's Battle.Net servers are still hosting thousands of dedicated
players who still battle against each other and enjoy every second, despite the
poor graphics and low resolution (640x480), compared to today's standards.
Blizzard keeps updating and improving their servers, which is a great and rare
thing for such an aging game.
For years, gamers speculated and spread rumors about a sequel being
developed, but nothing seemed to happen. Then, on May 19th 2007, Blizzard
Entertainment unveiled the highly anticipated sequel at the 2007 Blizzard
Worldwide Invitational event in Seoul, South Korea. The exciting news split the
fans, creating roughly two groups.
One group is consisted of those who believe that Starcraft 2 will become the
new standard in RTS gaming, the new king of the hill. The one game that will
attract thousands of RTS gamers into one place, creating a huge, strong
community. A community that will last long after the game will be released,
holding tournaments, leagues, free style games and who knows what else. It will
be a killer.
But on the other hand, there is the camp of fans who believe that the original
Starcraft was so perfect in every aspect that any change in the gameplay, or in
anything else for that matter, will only break the classic to pieces, creating
balance problems and many
other issues. New 3D
graphics will only result in
problematic control scheme
and take the whole gaming
experience away.
I know I belong to the
first group. If you still
haven't decided, or just
want to get some
information about the
game, join me as I explore
the new and fresh sequel for
a legendary RTS -
Starcraft 2.

Blockbuster action movies and video game tie-ins have joined lemonade and lawn
chairs on the list of summertime icons. PSP owners tempted to combine these things by
heading outside with Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen should seriously reconsider.
This third-person run-and-gun shooter is ultimately functional, but the poorly-tuned
gameplay is uninteresting at best and aggravating at worst. Though blasting your way
through hordes of enemy robots can be satisfying, the inconsistent shooting mechanics,
unwieldy melee controls, lackluster visuals, and horrendous sound effects seriously
dampen the appeal. There is a substantial amount of game here, but you'll be hard-
pressed to find any fun.
Revenge of the Fallen features two sizable campaigns, Decepticon and Autobot,
which loosely follow the plot of the movie. The plot is conveyed through voice-acted
dialogues and intermittent cutscenes that look like a botched attempt to visualize what
goes on inside a computer. While the voice acting is well done and the music is
sufficiently dramatic, the sound effects are just awful. Explosions, robotic clanks, and
power-up twinkles all blend together in a muddled, muted cacophony that is drowned
out by the incessant sound of your guns. Laser beams are merely monotonous, but
machine guns are aggressively bad. As in, a kindergarten class armed with pots and
wooden spoons bad. And because you shoot your guns almost constantly throughout
every level, the only
respite is to turn
the volume down
from the main
menu. This takes
away the offending
effects and leaves
the dramatic music
in a strange
auditory limbo
that, sadly, is your
best option aside
from total muting.
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The Dynasty Warriors franchise has become stagnant as of late.

Incomprehensible storylines and simplistic combat mechanics make it
increasingly difficult to get interested in the series' aging formula. While
Strikeforce doesn't address all of these problems, it incorporates a good
multiplayer experience and a number of new features that make it significantly
more engaging than many of its predecessors. As a result, this Dynasty
Warriors game will strike a chord for some newcomers without alienating the
series faithful.
Like previous entries in the series, Strikeforce is set in the Three Kingdoms
era of ancient China when three factions waged war for control of the land.
After choosing your kingdom and character, you're dropped into a town to
prepare for battle against the Yellow Turbans, a religious extremist group
inciting rebellion across the continent. Because each mission is presented a la
carte from a simple menu system, there is little emphasis on story. Each faction
has five chapters of these story missions, and between each chapter, you'll be
fed more exposition through perfunctory voice-overs and minimally animated
cutscenes. Diehard Dynasty Warriors fans may be interested in what's going
on, but for the uninitiated, the plot roughly boils down to this: Go here and kill
these people. There are usually at least four story missions available that can be
chosen in any order, as well as repeatable side missions that you can spend
time with when you need to level up before attempting some of the more
difficult story-driven objectives. Most missions
are limited to 30 minutes to keep the portable
game playable in small chunks, but you often
won't need the entire time to complete your main
A small town serves as your hub to upgrade
weapons, store and exchange items, and learn
new skills between missions. Using the new Chi
augmentations, you can equip one special skill to
each arm and leg for a total of four abilities that
will help you in battle. These augmentations have a wide range of effects like
increasing jump height, item potency, or dash distance. Weapons can also be
upgraded to increase their damage or to expand your maximum combo length.
To upgrade the Chi augmentations, weapons, and even the town stores, you'll
exchange the gold and materials you've earned in battle. Because the items you
find on the battlefield are randomized, loot hunting becomes a priority.

To celebrate the venerable Final Fantasy series' 20th anniversary, Square Enix came up
with Dissidia Final Fantasy, an action role-playing game that will feature a sizable cast of
the most well-known characters from the series. In the last two decades, there have been
more than a dozen Final Fantasy games and spin-offs, but Dissidia will reunite some of
our favorite heroes and villains from the main series and pit them against one another in
epic battles. At first glance, this is going to seem like a fighting game--because that's
primarily what you're doing--but with its role-playing game elements, storyline, and
customization, Dissidia is more than just one battle after another. We had an opportunity
to play a few skirmishes at the Electronic Entertainment Expo, but we recently received a
preview build to go more in-depth and check out the game's many features.
The story takes place in a distant realm, where two gods have been locked in an eternal
conflict. Cosmos (the goddess of harmony) and Chaos (the god of discord) have been
recruiting warriors from all over to fight in a deadly war. It seems that Chaos is now
gaining the upper hand and Cosmos is running out of steam. After gathering 10 of her
bravest warriors, Cosmos tells them that they must each track down a crystal, their last
hope of winning the war. Very little instruction
is given, but the warriors immediately set off on
their individual journeys, searching for
answers and the elusive crystals.
Story mode is set up so that you can play
through each hero's individual storyline in any
order. To complete the character's story, you
must clear multiple chesslike levels. Each map
is made up of a random array of squares on a
grid, with enemy pieces, treasure, and potions
placed on the board. The goal is to get to the
Stigma of Chaos on the other side of the board
to finish the level. As you complete battles, you'll gain levels, learn new abilities, and
receive items and equipment so that you can customize your character. Equipment is
shared among all the heroes, so you can easily swap items when you change characters.
As the story for each character unfolds, you'll notice that their personalities and
backstories parallel the events from the game they originally starred in. 69
Synopsis Flare Report Free download | flare.com.pk

Youth blog zone

Sending a Blog: receiving comments on the blog as soon as you
After getting registered for this unblock.
service, you can initiate discussions and If at any time you wish to get offline would
express yourself by submitting your blog like to stop sending/receiving blog messages,
Waridtel now brings the concept of via SMS to 1177. The blog should be just send “offline” in SMS to 1177@ Rs2 plus tax.
traditional blog websites to mobile phone in submitted within 138 character spaces. After Staying offline for more than 30 days will result
order to create a unique experience for its submitting your blog, you will receive your blog in the termination of your registration.
customers. Now Warid subscribers can register ID from 1177. The blog you submitted will be If you wish to get back online in order to
to “Youth Blog Zone” and express their views send & receive blog messages,
on a common forum. Members of “Youth Blog send “online” in SMS to 1177. A
Zone” can find out about latest gossip and charge of Rs. 2+tax will be
happenings, keep track of fashion trends and get applied.
recent information about movies, music, sports, Disclaimer
business, politics, entertainment and much Warid does not endorse and
more. has no control over the content of
With this service, members of “blog zone” sent to all “Youth Blog Zone” members. messages submitted by others. Blogs submitted
can post questions of their interest and can also Example: “Hey guys, did you attend “glow are not necessarily reviewed by Warid prior to
leave opinions/comments on blogs. concert” at royal palm, awesome performance posting and do not necessarily reflect the
Simply send ‘Youth’ in an SMS to 1166 and by Strings and Call. I just loved it!” opinions or policies of Warid. Warid makes no
get registered. Once you have registered for this If you wish to block an unwanted blog, send warranties express or implied, as to the content
service, you are eligible to initiate discussions “block <blog ID>” via SMS to 1177. You will no of the Blogs. Nonetheless, Warid reserves the
and receive blog messages/thoughts from longer receive opinions posted on this blog. If right to prevent you from submitting blogs and
members of blog zone. Charges of this service you wish to unblock a blog, send “unblock to edit, restrict, or remove such messages for
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Jazz late night offer

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That is why, Jazz introduces the perfect SMS message, write: LNO; Send the SMS
Late Night Offer so now you can make to short code 2233; Subscriber will
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fantastic day-time call rates. Subscribe to Jazz Late Mobilink to Mobilink Calls Package will be changed to Late Night Package
Night Offer now and enjoy calling for only Rs. 12am – 7am Rs3.99 per hour Rs3.99 for all within 48 hours. Thank you for using Jazz”;
3.99/hour to any Mobilink number, night after packages Customer will be subscribed to LNO offer in the
night, from 12 AM to 7 AM. So now you can Daily Fee Rs3.99 for all packages next 48 hours and he will be informed about
 A subscriber of subscription via SMS; Each SMS sent to 2233, will
Jazz LNO will not be be charged as Rs2.5 plus tax.
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92 Like any normal MMS, enter another mobile
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age 9 years and Youngest Certified Web

12-year-old Babar Professional Associate (CIWA) at the age of
10 years. With his latest record he

advances in IT surpassed another Pakistani star Irfa

Kareem Randhawa who made the same
record at the age of 9 years and seven
Babar Iqbal has brought great respect for months. Babar competed the exam for
Pakistan in the field of information technology which candidates of higher ages from 25 to
(IT) for the fourth time in his 12 years. Proud of 35 were appearing. His two brothers and
Dara Ismail Khan, Babar Iqbal who is also sisters are also Microsoft Certified
known as cyber kid acquired youngest Microsoft Professionals.
Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS) award. IT experts from all over the world have
Earlier he had grabbed three awards for been surprised by the success of Pakistani
Acting Speaker National Assembly Faisal Karim Kundi giving
youngest Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) child star. This bright prospect of young
at the age of nine years, Youngest Certified souvenir of the National Assembly building to the computer Pakistanis shows the dazzling future of
Wireless Network Administrator (CWNA) at the wizard Babar Iqbal at Parliament House. Pakistan in Information Technology. 

messages, this solution for information

PTA to provide free software

Islamabad : Pakistan Telecommunication to educational institutions across the country.
dissemination introduced by PTA in educational
institutions of Pakistan through SMS would
prove to be an important information and
Authority (PTA) has started a project named A formal launching ceremony of the system communication source.
“SMS-based Information System” for educational was held at PTA Headquarters. During the Pakistan, through the Ministry of Education
institutions, to equip them with an interactive occasion Mr Naguibullah Malik, Secretary IT and various provincial departments, has been
mobile application for broadcasting important handed over the software application along with focusing on using ICTs in accordance with the
information to students and their guardians on its operating manual to Mr Abdur Rauf millennium development goal of ‘Education for
their mobile phones. It is a system of sending Chaudhry, Secretary (Education). The all’.
SMS by using computer software developed by application was presented to Ministry of Talking on the occasion Secretary IT
PTA. It has been Education for onward provision to the among &Telecom appreciated the efforts undertaken at
noted that usually public-sector educational institutions. Both the PTA for proliferation of ICT-based solutions in
management of secretaries also exchanged PTA souvenir with the country. He endorsed the Chairman PTA’s
educational each other. efforts for enhancing ICT infrastructure and
institutions relies on This software would help recipient to be services. Secretary Education also commended
mail-correspondence aware of events like lecture venue, coursework the initiative and expressed his gratitude to
with guardians, deadlines, result announcements, attendance Secretary (IT) and Chairman PTA for developing
which is costly and details and upcoming school functions or a valuable solution for educational institutions in
time consuming. PTA meetings. Since majority of students and parents Pakistan. Dr Muhammad Yaseen, Chairman PTA
would provide this nowadays own mobile phones and most of them highlighted various ICT projects being carried
software free of cost are familiar with sending and receiving SMS text out at PTA. 

Samsung unveils 1st LED TV

Lahore: Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. the largest Pakistan and it has completely
cutting edge technology provider in the world, has revolutionised the way consumers
unveiled the latest, highly innovative series of interact with and experience their
Televisions in Pakistan. The unveiling took place at TVs”.
a forum of distributors and media in Bhurban. Transparent crystal display and
Based on a breakthrough LED (Light-Emitting- slim and sleek design coupled with
Diode) technology, the Samsung LED TV 6000 and thinner wall mount allows these sets to
7000 Series provide state of the art picture quality be hung on any walls. Farooq Naseem, Lahore: Mr Steve Han, Country Manager Samsung Electronics, Mr Farooq Naseem,
and are equipped with ultra clear panel, wide CEO, Digital World Pakistan shared Chief Executive Officer, DWP Group at the launch of Grand LED TV series. Picture
also shows Mr. Rizwan Butt Chief Operating Officer DWP, Mr. Khurram Farooq,
colour enhancer and PC and USB connectivity. his views saying “This innovative Product Manager Samsung Electronics and Mr. George Chung, General Manager
These TVs provide convenience of interactivity. launch of LED TV is the result of Samsung Electronics, Pakistan.
7000 series is also equipped with a flash storage Samsung’s on-going effort in the technological realistic, smooth motion and true black levels
library. advancements. Their product focuses on the green- without after-image lag. It is way ahead of the
According to Steve Han, Samsung’s General manufacturing and design leading to long-term, generic slim TVs because, despite an all-in-one type
Manager, “Samsung has marked a transformative eco-friendly HDTV solutions”. tuner embedded in its body, the total thickness of
moment with the introduction of new LED TV in The Samsung LED TV 7000 series provides this TV is almost equivalent to one human finger. 

Telecom firms lack capability to monitor SMS remarked.

contacted, an
Islamabad: Pakistan’s cellular companies are “No sir, we don’t have the required Internet Service Provider (ISP) official was also
short of the capability or mechanism to “either mechanism in place, both hardware and software, empathetic to the cellular company official’s
filter or monitor” all the SMS and email traffic, as that can monitor and then filter out SMS traffic,” version regarding monitoring of emails.
the number of messages crosses millions on a an official of a leading cellular company informed “The websites that contain inappropriate
daily basis. APP. However, the official said that the company content can be taken down by requesting the
Resultantly, the Federal Investigation could track all voice and data traffic of GSM respective host. However, tracking millions of
Authority (FIA) would launch an investigation network but that would require extra features to emails is not an easy job and needs technical
into the matter only if it receives a complaint by be added in the systems, which are not in place at assistance as well as human resource,” added the
any citizen, as each and every SMS or email this point in time. “This would require millions of official.  93
cannot be monitored. dollars to be pumped into the system,” he
Synopsis Flare Report Free download | flare.com.pk

Khushhali Bank celebrates 9 years of success

Islamabad: Khushhali Bank Limited, realising our mandate with a strong resolve to standard of living and a more secure future.
established in August 2000 as the country’s first continue to pave the way towards a more Today KBL is the largest microfinance
licensed microfinance Institution celebrated its empowered and self sustained Pakistan. institution in Pakistan in terms of presence
ninth anniversary. Ghalib Nishtar, President Microfinance has been used as an effective across 90 districts of the country and has
Khushhali Bank, said, “Khushhali Bank’s nine tool to increase financial access to the unbanked processed over 1.8 million loans with
year journey has been challenging and population of the country for years now. The cumulative disbursements exceeding Rs20
rewarding. We began our journey with the establishment of specialised microfinance banks billion. Their customer base has increased
mandate of retailing microfinance services and for micro-financial services in Pakistan can and exponentially since 2000 and currently they
has been contributing towards enhancing the have approximately 373,000 active borrowers.
income generation capacity of individuals Khushhali Bank’s micro credit products have
through the provision of increased access to greatly evolved over the years and also include
capital and the opportunity to be part of loans targeted towards various specialty areas
mainstream economy. It is true that poverty e.g. agriculture and livestock in addition to its
eradication takes time but providing micro other line of products that include micro loans
to act as a catalyst in stabilising the country’s credits to the poverty struck people is definitely for asset purchase, starting a new business and
microfinance sector, which at the time was in its a step in the right direction and enables the low to meet working capital requirements and
infancy. Today, we can proudly say that we are income group work towards achieving a higher proactively mobilises deposits. 

PTCL to provide modern telecom services

Karachi: President and Chief Executive Officer soon introduce Pakistan, and a customer base of more then 5.4
(CEO) Pakistan Telecommunication Company some more million.
(PTCL), Walid Irshaid has said that the company facilities to the Chairman sub-committee on
was making efforts to provide most modern customers. He said telecommunications of Kati, Shahid Javed
telecommunication services to its customers. that arrangements Qureshi said that Pakistan has achieved
Speaking at two different meetings of Karachi are being made to remarkable progress in the communication sector
Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCI) and implement a sharp over the last several years. This is evident from
Korangi Association of Trade and Industry (Kati), vigilance to the fact that today more than half of Pakistan's
he said that PTCL has largest telecom monitor staff population has access to mobile phones. The use
infrastructure and state-of-art technology and performance and of internet and other communication network
committed to provide quality telecom sentries to the one who have been growing rapidly.
the people. He said that PTCL has recently performed well to Chairman Kati, Mian Zahid Hussain said that
introduced various services including Smart TV, Walid Irshaid, President & CEO, stay in the local calls are free in many countries, PTCL has
DSL, Broadband facilities, VWLL phone, Internet company. not only reduced its duration from five minutes
via USB and simplification of documentation Irshaid invites PTCL customers to suggest to three minutes but it also charges every dialed
procedure etc. measures to improve its services. The company number even it is not connected He said that Kati
He assures members of KCCI and Kati that all will not compromise on quality of services, he is willing to provide space to PTCL for setting up
their complaints will be removed in shortest added. He said PTCL has its network and PTCL cell in order to facilitate corporate sector
possible time. Walid Irshaid said that PTCL will infrastructure in every city, town and village in customers. 

Scheme by Intel, PTA, Nadra for jobless people

Islamabad: Intel Pakistan Corporation, in "It is a scheme with the name of 'Apna the jobless, particularly of rural areas, because
collaboration with Pakistan Karobar', which would entitle individuals to they would be not going to any office, and earn
Telecommunication Authority (PTA) and earn a decent livelihood by introducing and around Rs10000 while sitting at their homes.
National Database and Registration Authority extending ICT-based solutions", Intel World People in the rural areas through this
(NADRA) launched a programme to provide Ahead Programme for Asia Pacific Regional scheme would get the facilities of telephone,
employment opportunities to the unemployed Director David Fosberg said at the launching fax, internet, e-mail and photocopy in their
people and increase IT awareness and ceremony. He said Intel had introduced special own areas through the centres set up under the
affordable low-cost platforms and brought scheme. Nadra Chief Operating Officer Saleem
regulators and industry leaders like PTA and Rafique said that the programme is aimed at
Nadra together to offer a sustainable and viable stimulating the unemployed to achieve
solution under the name of 'Apna Karobar'. mastery through the use of technology. "With
"Intel firmly believes that ICT is a driver the launch of this programme and by making
and growth catalyst for the economy and technological impacts our first priority, we can
wellbeing of the nation, and places greater make our nation financially strong by
emphasis on usage and penetration of ICT. It providing them plentiful opportunities to
aims to bring innovative programmes to people where they can set up their own
achieve the goal," Fosberg said. PTA Chairman businesses and earn a decent living in these
Dr. Mohammad Yaseen said that the tough times of recession." 
94 computer penetration in the country. programme offers an excellent opportunity to
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UBL to facilitate IESCO clients

Islamabad: One of Pakistan’s largest private facility Mr Alamgir said, “It is our
sector banks, United Bank Limited (UBL) recently foremost priority to provide our
signed and implemented an agreement with customers, wherever they may be,
Islamabad Electric Supply Corporation (IESCO) with the best facilities and this
making it possible for IESCO consumers to pay contract shows our commitment
their bills online through the UBL Netbanking towards achieving that goal.” He
website and contact centre. further added that the e-billing
In addition, consumers can also use their system would conserve time to
mobile phones to avail this facility with UBL eliminate the need to wait in long
Orion mobile banking, while plans are underway queues for utility bills payments.
to introduce cards in the continuation of this With the passage of time, internet
facility. usage has grown in Pakistan - so has
Mr Musawwar Shah, Chief Commercial the number of transactions conducted
Manager, IESCO and Mr Aurangzaib Alamgir, on the Net. Based on this insight, UBL
SVP Business Head, E-Commerce Group, UBL Netbanking, which was introduced
signed the agreement on behalf of their respective Islamabad: Mr Musawwar Shah, Chief Commercial Manager, IESCO and four years ago with a set of “first-of-
organisations, in Islamabad. Mr Aurangzaib Alamgir, SVP Business Head, E-Commerce Group, UBL its-kind” features, has seen tremendous
Sharing his insight on the newly launched swapping documents. success and grown in popularity. 

Transition of “.pk” domain completed

Islamabad: The transition of county code Top his visit was to appraise the newly upgraded and has been working vigorously for the
Level Domain (ccTLD) of Pakistan “.pk” has been “.pk” infrastructure, data centre and customer successful transition of “.pk” domain to Pakistan.
successfully completed marking it as the most services department in Pakistan. There had been numerous attempts since a
significant and noteworthy landmark in the During the visit Chairman PTA noted that the decade to bring .pk operations to Pakistan;
internet history of the county. In this regard, root server mirroring for “.pk” domain in however during his efforts for “.pk” transition,
Chairman PTA, Dr Mohammed Yaseen visited Pakistan was fully operational. PKNIC has Chairman PTA strongly perused and coordinated
successfully implemented the root server the whole process resulting in execution of “.pk”
mirroring for “.pk” and tested it with all global local mirroring.
root servers from a.root-servers.net to m.root- On this occasion Chairman PTA said that
servers.net. The new authoritative mirror “.pk” domain is a national asset for the country
M-2.PKNIC.NET.pk ( would enable and improvement in its services would boost the
local resolution of “.pk” websites. PKNIC local content development; subsequently
representatives briefed the Chairman regarding encouraging enterprises to host their web content
mirroring techniques and provided some testing under “.pk” and ensuring smooth operations of
on new Domain Name Service (DNS) resolution an important internet resource. A dedicated team
Chairman PTA, Dr. Mohammad Yaseen visiting the root mechanism of .pk ccTLD. Formal inauguration of at ICT Directorate, PTA under the supervision of
mirroring for “.pk” domin at PKNIC office. new PKNIC office shall be organised in August. Chairman had been working on this significant
the Lahore office of PKNIC. PKNIC is the present It may be mentioned that Chairman PTA had project for the improvement of local internet
ccTLD operator for “.pk” domain. The purpose of a long association with “.pk” transition project industry. 

PIA to increase salaries by 20pc

Lahore: PIA's management has decided to position of PIA itself is before
increase the salaries of its employees by 20 per everyone. He said our effort is to
cent effective from January 1, 2009. make PIA a viable airline through
The Collective Bargaining Agent with 8,983 various cost cutting measures,
members has entered into an agreement with PIA already devised, and induct new
where their salaries will rise by 20 per cent with aircraft so as to reduce the aircraft-
dues to be paid in three quarters. Managing Director PIA, Captain Mohammad Aijaz Haroon photograph with employee ratio.
Office bearers of Peoples Unity of PIA Employees union CBA, PIA Senior
Similarly PIA Senior Staff Association with Staff Association (PIASSA) and Aircraft Technologist Association of Pakistan He said the employees have been
5,890 members and ATAP with 1,095 members (ATAP) at PIA Head office where PIA employees gathered to celebrate the told to cooperate with the
have also come to an agreement with PIA for 20 recently announced 20% salary increase. management and whatever savings
per cent pay rise effective from August 1, 2009 but other employees will be benefit from the pay raise would be achieved through cost cutting
with no backlog to be paid to them. This was agreement. He hoped that PALPA, SEAP and measures, a certain percentage of the same would
stated by Defence Minister and Chairman PIA, FENA too would come to negotiation table and also be shared with them on quarterly basis.
Chaudhry Ahmed Mukhtar while addressing a hold dialogue with the airline management to Defence Minister and Chairman PIA said
press conference along with Managing Director have their issues resolved. results can be achieved if they would work in
PIA, Captain Mohammad Aijaz Haroon at Jinnah He pointed out that PALPA, SEAP and FENA loss-affected areas and go along while
International Airport. of 1300 employees are yet to negotiate with the considering the airline as being their own. "This
Chaudhry Ahmed Mukhtar, who is also management. "Whether these are pilots or would bring improvement in the service and lead
Chairman of PIA Board of Directors said that engineers, it is better to hold negotiations", PIA to progress and make it enter the profit
except for 1200-1300 members including those Chaudhry Ahmed Mukhtar pointed out and said earning stage in coming days". Ahmed Mukhtar
belonging to PALPA, SEAP and FENA, who have that pay rise is being given at a time when was confident that issues with PALPA, SEAP and
not yet held talks with the PIA Management, all Pakistan's economy as well as the financial FENA would be resolved in a couple of days.  95
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Kingston releases SSDNow V & Solid-State Drive

Taiwan: Kingston Technology Company, Inc., boot and application load times.”
the independent world leader in memory A computer’s operating system will benefit
products, announced a new addition to its from the drive’s impressive random 4K read
SSDNow line of solid-state drives. Shipping speeds of up to 6,300 IOPS, and random 4K writes
immediately, the SSDNow V+ features capacities of up to 291 IOPS. The Kingston SSDNow V+ has
up to 256GB, higher input and output operations a blazing sequential read speed of up to
per second (IOPS) and faster read/write speeds 220MB/sec. and write speeds of up to
than a standard mechanical hard-disk drive. It is 180MB/sec.
targeted to prosumers and enterprise companies The V+ is the latest addition to the SSDNow
looking to increase performance and extend the family of solid-state drives. The V+ is currently • Sequential Write Throughput*: 64GB –
life of existing systems. available in the United States in 64GB, 128GB and 140MB/sec.
“The SSDNow V+ is the ideal solid-state drive 256GB capacities; the 64GB drive is available 128GB – 170MB/sec
for power users, system builders, system worldwide with increased capacities to come. It 256GB – 180MB/sec
integrators, and in demanding corporate uses a standard SATA interface and is extremely • IOPS (Input and Output Operations per
environments where efficiency and performance durable with no moving parts and less heat Second)*:
are important as more system resources are in generation than a typical hard-disk drive. Random 4K read – 6,300 IOPS
use,” said Nathan Su, Flash Memory Sales Kingston SSDNow V+ Features and Random 4K write: 64GB – 84 IOPS
Director, APAC Region, Kingston. “Users will be Specifications: Random 4K write: 128GB – 158 IOPS
more productive as the drive’s higher capacities • Sequential Read Throughput*: 64GB, Random 4K write: 256GB – 291 IOPS 
and IOPS allow for more data storage and faster 128GB & 256GB – 220MB/sec.

Etisalat selects Alcatel-Lucent

The new solution will support 10,000 IP users
in a pure VoIP deployment over eight main sites,
with 3,500 My Instant Communicator users to
for Unified Communications enable optimal collaboration with a full
integration of existing business applications
including complete support for the IBM Lotus
Paris: Alcatel-Lucent announced that it has Communications
been selected by Etisalat, the UAE’s leading solution. Sametime 7.5 environment, accessible from any
telecommunications service provider, for the “Our objective is computer, IP phone or personal digital assistant
turnkey deployment of the state-of-the-art IP- to provide a unified (PDA). It also comprises integration with the
based telephony solutions across Etisalat’s offices communications operator’s network management platform,
in the UAE. The project will be carried on through software suite that contact center and a total of 3,500 fax-server users.
Alcatel-Lucent’s premium business partner in the would offer a state- “Etisalat chose Alcatel-Lucent’s IP solution to
UAE, Al-Futtaim Technologies. of-the-art integrated boost the efficiency of its employees, be more
Under the terms of the agreement, a complete user experience competitive and generate new business, hence
state-of-the-art, secure, integrated across all increase productivity, improve customer
communications solution will be installed communication relations, and reduce costs,” said Venkat
throughout Etisalat’s offices, including voice mediums and Raghavan, General Manager, Al-Futtaim
communications, VoIP, LAN and VPN solutions. devices to our Technologies. As one of the most forward-
The solution is based on the Alcatel-Lucent employees in order to enable optimal thinking telecom operators, Etisalat has found the
OmniPCX Enterprise IP telephony platform and collaboration across our organization,” said Essa benefits of an IP communications deployment
Alcatel-Lucent My Instant Communicator Unified Al Haddad, Chief Marketing Officer for Etisalat extend far beyond cost savings. 

Microsoft Office coming to Nokia smartphones

Microsoft and Nokia, in a challenge to Research milestone for both companies and the industry," commitment to their rival mobile telephone
in Motion's Blackberry, announced that Microsoft Stephen Elop, the president of Microsoft Business operating systems, Windows Mobile and Symbian.
Office software will be available on smartphones Division, said in a conference call with reporters. Oistamo emphasised his company's
made by the Finnish company. "It's the first time Microsoft will develop rich commitment to Symbian and said Microsoft's
The software and cell phone giants said that Office Mobile applications for another smartphone productivity applications will add "tremendous
starting next year Nokia would include Microsoft platform," he noted, adding that the two companies value to Symbian."
Office Communicator Mobile on its smartphones, have identified several other areas for future joint "It is really about creating a formidable
followed by other Office applications. collaboration. "With more than 200 million challenge for RIM rather than anybody else," he
"This agreement represents an important smartphone customers globally, Nokia is the said.
world's largest smartphone manufacturer and a Nokia is the world's leading manufacturer of
natural partner for us." mobile phones and holds 45 per cent share of the
Microsoft and Nokia said the agreement will smartphone market according to research firm
allow Nokia smartphone users to view, edit, create Gartner. But the Finnish company has been facing
and share Office documents and use such popular increased competition in the smartphone business
Microsoft programmes as Word, PowerPoint and from the iPhone and Blackberry.
Excel. Microsoft also faces competition in the cell
"Together with Microsoft, we will develop new phone operating system sector from Google's open-
and innovative user experiences for employees of source Android software and free Web-based
Microsoft business division president Stephen Elop (L) and Nokia's small and large businesses alike," said Kai Oistamo, programmes. Microsoft shares were up 1.99 per
executive vice president for Devices Kai Kai Oistamo announce a Nokia's executive vice president for devices. cent to 23.59 dollars at midday in New York while
global alliance to design, develop and market mobile productivity
Microsoft and Nokia both stressed their Nokia gained 1.22 per cent to 13.24 dollars.  97
solutions at a press event in New York.
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SMS could be the next big thing, but we have to redefine the importance of this
strategic messaging system since companies around the world using this medium in
various applications such as mobile banking, mobile purchasing, mobile bill payment
etc. But, in Pakistan there is a much need to have a different perspective of this
technology so people can facilitate this service as a problem solving solution. SMS can
be used in organisations such as.

1) Hospitals (one can send SMS and get information about doctors and hospitals);
2) Schools/Universities (if students wants to know about their grades they can
send SMS along with their role numbers to receive their grades);
3) Locations (if someone wants to know the directions of the city he or she can
SMS and know about
the specific locations);
4) Fast food deals can be
learnt via SMS; and
5) Companies want to run a
consumer based campaign, they
can do it in least expensive way
compared with other mediums
such as TV, Radio, Billboard etc.

A case study that tells about the

reality after implementing SMS
based solution. With more than six
million Dunkin Donuts consumed
across the world each day, the
SMS marketing campaign, which
has proved successful in Rome
over the past 2.5 months,
represents a new and exciting
promotional tool for the global
Within the first three weeks of
the campaign, the company was
able to increase its sales in Italy by
nine per cent.
Eocean team says, “SMS is the
next big thing for sure! Our SMS
based business solutions and
consultations are very powerful
tool for many businesses operating
in Pakistan.”
“Today mobile network
coverage is reaching to almost 90
per cent of the total population of
Pakistan, SMS has become one of
the main forms of communication
among the younger generation,
however, a much needed education
is required to use the technology in
correct way. Many organisations
think that SMS is only use for SMS
marketing, nonetheless, if correct
solutions are implemented with well
crafted business strategy, business
can hit bulls eye every time they
use SMS technology.”

Free download | flare.com.pk International Synopsis

Gates was in the Indian capital to receive

Gates give up the Indira Gandhi Prize for Peace,

Disarmament and Development, awarded by
the government for his work for the charitable

organisation, the Bill and Melinda Gates
The foundation, built by his massive
fortune, has committed nearly one billion
icrosoft co-founder Bill Gates said

dollars to health and development projects in
he was forced to give up on the India, targeting especially AIDS and polio.
social networking phenomenon Gates also confided to the audience that he was
Facebook after too many people "not that big at text messaging" and that "I'm
wanted to be his friend. not a 24-hour-a-day tech person".
Gates, the billionaire computer geek- "I read a lot and some of that reading is not
turned-philanthropist who was honoured by on a computer," he said.
India for his charity work, told an audience in Gates, who sought to drive a vision of a
said he had trouble figuring out whether he
New Delhi he had tried out Facebook but computer on every desk and in every home,
"knew this person, did I not know this person".
ended up when "10,000 people wanting to be said the information technology revolution had
"It was just way too much trouble so I gave it
my friends". been "hugely beneficial" but added, "All these
up," Gates told the business forum.
Gates, who remains Microsoft chairman, tools of tech waste our time.” 

Phone gadget to diagnose diseases

esearchers have developed an add-on to The device can work also as a conventional in running image

R a mobile phone that can take detailed

images and analyse them to diagnose
diseases such as tuberculosis.
The CellScope works as a so-called
fluorescence microscope that can identify the
microscope. But diagnosing tuberculosis requires
a fluorescence microscope, which can illuminate a
blood sample that has been treated with "tagging"
molecules and detect just the light that those
molecules emit with great sensitivity.
analysis software, which
could easily be built into
a small application that
the phone runs.
But it is the mobile
markers of disease. "There are other people who have been communication aspect
It is hoped the device will be useful in the working on developing portable fluorescent that makes the device
developing world, where such medical microscopes," said David Breslauer, a University particularly useful for
diagnostics are rare but mobile ownership and of California Berkeley researcher and lead author use "in the field".
coverage are common. The research was of the study. "In many developing
published in the free-access journal PLoS ONE. The researchers used a standard Nokia world and rural areas,
The CellScope is made up of conventional handset with a 3.2 megapixel camera, developing you could be hundreds
microscope optics as well as some equipment to a "snap-on" addition that includes the microscope of miles from hospitals
make it function as a fluorescence microscope. optics and a holder for blood samples on glass or miles away from
Fluorescence occurs when certain molecules slides. power - but the mobile
are illuminated with a certain colour and "shine" The CellScope uses cheap commercial light- infrastructure is well-
for a period in a different colour. emitting diodes as the light source - in place of the established and pretty
high-power, gas-filled lamps used in laboratory much blanketing the globe," Mr Breslauer said.
versions of the device, and cheap optical filters to "So if you can have a portable, battery-
isolate the light coming from the fluorescent tags. operated system to take these images, analyse,
The device has a resolution of just over one and transfer them, you're creating a portable
millionth of a metre, and the team was able to healthcare clinic. Your doctor can see your
identify tuberculosis bacteria in a sample. Several samples without actually having to be present."
Fluorescent "tagging" molecules can be other tagging molecules are in development to The team is now making a more robust, "field-
specially designed to latch on to, for instance, the address the diagnosis of other diseases. ready" version of the device, which will be used in
bacteria that are a sign of tuberculosis (TB). That computational power could be put to use field testing and clinical trials in the future. 

Google Maps’ unfair competition in France

French company is taking Google gains control of the market. "Google is ruining

A Maps to court for unfair

competition, seeking 500,000 Euros
(706,000 dollars) in damages from
the US-based Internet giant, a judicial official
said. Bottin Cartographes has lodged a
the market," said lawyer Jean-David Scemama,
representing Bottin Cartographes, based in
Suresnes, outside Paris.
"Their strategy is to capture the market and
squeeze out the competition by creating a
complaint with the Paris commercial court monopoly for itself," he said. Scemama said
against Google France and its parent company Google was offering the map services to some
Google Inc for providing free web mapping companies for their internal use with the
services to some businesses. understanding that it could provide
The French company provides the same advertising on this site. A spokesman for
services for a fee and claims the Google Google reached by AFP declined to comment
strategy is aimed at undercutting competitors on the case. Hearings are set to begin on
by temporarily swallowing the full cost until it October 16.  99
Interview Flare Panel Free download | flare.com.pk

Super Asia is among top ten

manufacturers of motorbikes: Faisal Afzal
Flare has conducted an interview with M. Faisal Afzal, Director Super Asia, who lamented the
government for energy crises and it should be resolved in specified period of time. Industry is very
much disappointed due to these severe power crises
First of all, would you please introduce yourself? due to the decrease in the price for raw material
internationally. This is very competitive industry
As you know my name is M Faisal Afzal. I did and there are more then 100 units, manufacturing
my B Com from Hailey College Punjab University fans. There is cut throat competition in this
and then for my MBA I went to NCBA. After my industry; no company if they want to survive can
MBA I decided to go to Westminster for my MA make abnormal profits out of it.
IBM. Currently I am working as Director Super
Asia, taking care of finance & marketing of Super How much load shedding affected manufacturing
Asia home appliances division. I also hold office for industry overall in the country?
Vice President Gujranwala Chamber of Commerce
& Industry. Yes loadshedding has affected this industry
badly by multiplying the losses. Exporters cannot
How did you entered into the manufacturing meet the production targets, cannot maintain the
field and give brief introduction about the quality, lots of wastage, high cost of alternate
company? energy etc. As this industry is based on vendors
and thousands of families are attached with it. A
I joined my father's business. Super Asia is few big industries can afford high cost alternate
renowned for producing high quality home energy but vendors cannot. So the whole
appliances in South Asia. . Today, Super Asia is a production process gets slow.
conglomerate of companies with more than a
dozen different products serving many sectors of Do you think that the GST and others taxes on fan
society. Today, with its locally manufactured industry affect the manufacturers?
products of international quality Super Asia is the
market leader in Washing Machines, Air Coolers Fan industry is paying higher taxes as
and Geysers. Super Asia is positioned amongst top compared to other industry. In Pakistan tax rates
five in the fan industry locally and is among the top are very high as compared to any other country of
ten manufacturers of Motorcycles in Pakistan. the world. I think government should focus on
increasing the tax base instead of putting more and
Are you satisfied with your business just as it is? more taxes on existing tax payers. In this way some
people are paying too many taxes and some are
We at Super Asia keep on improving our M. Faisal Afzal, Director Super Asia
totally exempted from it. That's why our tax to GDP
products our procedures to meet customer ratio is very low.
have created alot of troubles for industry & have
expectations. Super Asia work on the lines, cater-
reduced the buying power of common man
to-all and thus has introduced products of different How would you improve fan industry in the
resulting decrease in sales of consumer goods.
values in the market with the latest technology. present scenario?
Is it true Gujranwala is considered to be the
Improvement comes with research and the
Loadshedding has affected this largest ceiling fan manufacturing hub in the
usage of the latest technology the world has to
industry badly by multiplying the country and how much your company
offer. By installing latest machinery, reducing
contributing country’s production?
losses. Exporters cannot meet the wastages, improving process, having controls on
production targets, cannot maintain work flows and improving skills of labour force etc
It is true that Gujranwala is the largest fan
would be the steps that can be taken for further
the quality, lots of wastage, high cost manufacturing hub of the country. We can say that
of alternate energy etc. As this 95% of fans manufacturing is happening in
industry is based on vendors and Gujranwala & Gujrat. The remaining 5% is being
What is suggestion for improve this sector and
manufactured in other parts of the country with the
thousands of families are attached parts being sent for the fans from Gujranwala.
can government help in this respect?
with it. A few big industries can afford My company is one of the top fan
First of all government should focus on energy
high cost alternate energy but vendors manufacturers, manufacturing different kinds of
crises and it should be resolved in some specified
cannot. So the whole production fans available all over the country and also
period of time. Industry is very much disappointed
process gets slow exporting to other countries. We have also won the
due to these severe power crises. Interest rates
FPCCI export trophy more than once in recent
should be observed carefully. This sector has very
good export potential as its export is on rise every
Does the recession affect fan industry in year. Special interest should be taken for the
Pakistan? What is the factor to increase the prices of fans
marketing of this non traditional export product
and should explore new markets. Tax rates should
Recession does affect fan industry but not as be reduced. Special attention should be given for
much as other industries. Our industry has been The prices of fans went up last year due to
skill up gradation of labour force by developing
affected mostly by our country's internal problems increase in prices of raw material internationally.
skill development institutes in this region.
like political instability, shortage of gas, electricity As its basic materials are aluminum, copper, pig
inflation, high interest rates etc. These problems iron, steel and plastics. This year prices went down
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Director Technical Huawei Technologies Jackie Zhang Jing presenting a shield to Chairman Pakistan Telecommunication Authority Dr. Muhammad Yaseen, Member
Special Assistant to the Prime Minister and Chairperson Higher Education Commission (Technical) PTA Dr. Khawar Siddique Khokhar, Fatima Surrya Bajya and senior repre-
Shahnaz Wazir Ali during her visit to Huawei UET Telecom IT Center (HUTIC) at UET sentatives of mobile operators pose for a group photo during a PTA Consumer Forum in
in Lahore Karachi.

Director Information Ijaz Ahmad Ghori sleeps during a District Judicial Conference in Alka (Pvt) Ltd inked an accord with implement SAP ERP. This will help Alka Chemicals
Dera Ghazi Khan. in improvising business process efficiency. Present at the signing ceremony were (from
L-R) Noorus Samad, Deputy General Manager Siemens Pakistan, Moeen Ahmad, Man-
aging Director Alka (Pvt) Ltd and Nasir Munshi, Manager Business Development SAP

Lahore: Head of Samsung Mobiles in Pakistan and Afghanistan, Mr Zeeshan Qureshi, Federal Secretary Information Technology Najeebullah Malik cuts the ribbon to inaugu-
gives away the gift to famous modal Mahreen Saeed. rate 9th ITCN Asia Exhibition at Karachi Expo Center.
Mosaic National Free download | flare.com.pk

Ms. Sheilla Fruman, Country Director National Democratic Institute (NDI) USA called Sindh CM Syed Qaim Ali Shah and Finance Minister Shaukat Tarin called on President
on Interior Minister Senator A. Rehman Malik at Ministry of Interior in Islamabad. Asif Ali Zardari at President House in Islamabad.

A group photograph of Federal Minister for Information and Broadcasting Qamar Prime Minister Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani pushing the computer button for the online
Zaman Kaira with Chinese media delegation led by Gangyi Wang, Editor-in-Chief of declaration of the results of HSSC of FBISE Annual Examination 2009 at Prime Minister
Beijing Review in Islamabad. Secretariat, Islamabad.

Miss Madiha Khan got the Diploma of interior Karachi: Supernet Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Telecard Ltd., joins hands with HUAWEI
design at Aiwan-e-Iqbal at the Convocation day for the provision of WAN connectivity in Pakistan.
of National College of Arts, Distributed by Mr
Yousaf Raza Gillani, Prime Minister of
Free download | flare.com.pk International Mosaic

Ukraine's Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko visits a showroom of SK Telecom in Seoul during her
two-day official visit.

Actor Tom Green uses the video camera on his mobile phone as he ar-
rives as a guest at the premiere of the new comedy film "Funny People"
in Hollywood.

Muxhes take a picture with a mobile phone during the 10th anniversary of the organization "Vinni
Gaxhe," which means "Different people" in the Zapotec language, in Oaxaca.

A Bhutanese man speaks on a mobile phone as he reacts to the camera

A makeup artist waits for a model to stop talking on her phone before a Rome fashion week show
in Thimphu. in Rome, Italy.
Free download | flare.com.pk International Mosaic

A man displays an iPhone along a street in Beijing where though not officially sold in Japanese actress Ko Shibasaki holds Fujifilm's latest compact digital camera "Finepix
China, the communications device is widely used. Apple has called on its Real 3D W1" during its press preview at the company's headquarters in Tokyo.
suppliers to treat workers with "dignity and respect" after the reported suicide of a
factory employee in southern China who had been accused of stealing a new iPhone
model. The missing phone was one of a batch of 16 samples produced by Foxconn.

An employee of Hitachi demonstrates the prototype model of an auto vending machine Sony employee displays the new digital camcorder "Handycam HDR-CX520V",
that uses Hitachi's finger vein authentic system to charge users at the company's equipped with a 6.6 mega-pixel CMOS sensor and a 5.5 - 66mm/F1.8 - 3.4 zoom lens, to
advanced technology exhibition in Tokyo. store high-definition video image on the 64GB internal memory and optional Memory
Stick card in Tokyo.

A man watches television on his mobile phone while commuting on a train in Tokyo.
Robot creator Tomotaka Takahashi shows off the new EVOLTA robot powered by Pana-
sonic's EVOLTA battery during a press conference in Tokyo.
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Students look at Samsung Electronics' flat screen television sets displayed for visitors at the company's
headquarters in Seoul.

Model displays what Samsung claim to be the world's slimmest watch-

shaped mobile phone, just 11.98 millimetres (0.48 inchs) thick at a
showroom in Seoul. Samsung plans to release the watch-shaped mobile
first in France this month and then opening it up to other European

Japan's mobile communication giant NTT docomo employee displays the new information and naviga-
tion service on their mobile phones "Intuitive navigation", which shows an aroow for the direction on
the real image capture by a camera on the phone at the Wireless Japan exhibition in Tokyo. NTT do-
como started the trial service of the new navigation system.

A nurse wearing mask checks text messages on her mobile phone at a

government hospital in Calapan city on the island of Mindoro south of A family tries to capture a solar eclipse with mobile phone cameras in Dhaka.
Free download | flare.com.pk National Synopsis

Pakistani mobile users JHATPAT Balance with Warid

5th in Asia
With 93 million cellular market in Asia is Indonesia,
subscribers, Pakistan stands with around 144.6 million,
fifth position for number of followed by Japan. In fifth
mobile users in Asia. position is Pakistan,
China easily ranks first followed by Vietnam with
with 644.8 million around 73.2 million users.
subscribers, while India The seventh is the
scores second position by Philippines with 71.7
having 391.6 million mobile million, followed by
phone users. These two Thailand 62.7 million, Want to be one of the is send ‘win’ to 232 and you • “Jhatpat balance”
countries share 25 per cent Bangladesh 46.3 million lucky people to win instant could win loads of free can be used to make on-net
of total mobile phone users and South Korea 46.2 free balance? Warid brings balance. and off net calls/SMS.
in the world that is 1.04 million. you “Jhatpat Balance” The lucky winners will be • Service is valid for
billion subscribers of the The top ten countries for service. Now you’ll never be sent their free balance Warid prepaid subscribers
world’s total number of 4.15 mobile users in Asia have out of balance. instantly. only.
billion. 3.48 billion people and 1.68 It’s as simple as sending Charges are Rs5 plus tax • “Jhatpat balance”
The third largest mobile billion mobile users.  an SMS. All you need to do per SMS. won is valid for 10 days. 

Sabri-tech signs MoU with Malaysia PTCL to

Lahore: A renowned
Pakistani Software
companies will collaborate
in developing Web
history as being the only Lieutenant General Tahir
foreign company taking part Mahmud Qazi (Retd) while upgrade its
Development Company applications, consultancy in the exhibition and also commenting on the MoU
Sabri-Tech, based in Lahore
has signed a Memorandum
content, bespoke, telecom being the first Pakistan signed between Pakistani
and Malaysian Companies
Lahore: Pakistan
of Understanding (MoU) in said that this is a landmark
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, event in the history of IT Company Limited Executive
with iContent of Malaysia, a collaboration between Vice President, Jamil Khwaja
group of companies Pakistan and Malaysia as it said that in order to facilitate
specialised in content will open up huge its valued costumers with
development and third party Malaysian IT market for the best telecomm services,
product selling. Pakistani IT industry. PTCL is extending and
This was briefed by the As an aftermath of upgrading its network in
Chief Operating Officer signing of MoU, Sabri Tech Lahore. In this regard, PTCL
(COO) of Sabri-Tech, Irfan has entered into negotiation has upgraded the Cable
Najmi to the High with various Malaysian network and provided the
Commissioner for Pakistan, customers for providing ONU facility of Canal Bank
Lieutenant General Tahir and mobile applications, company to have entered software solutions which on Housing Scheme to Rizwan
Mahmud Qazi (Retd) who besides focusing on into collaboration with materialisation will open up Gardens and the
visited the Pakistan Pavilion development of on shore/off Malaysian ICT company. new vistas of opportunities surrounding areas to attain
in the Software and Services shore projects, team Other than Sabri-Tech, 150 for Pakistan to make a relief and satisfaction of their
Showcase, 2009, held in outsourcing and third party Malaysian companies permanent foothold in valued customers so that
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. testing services. exhibited their products in Malaysia's developed IT they can utilise and enjoy the
telecomm services with ease.
As per MoU, both the Sabri-Tech made the the exhibition. market. 

Operators to restore Software for paying bills

network via cell phone
Islamabad: Mobilink has only said Mobilink was The students of Punjab PTCL bills through their proof that the specific bill
planned to start work on doing enough to meet its University have developed respective mobile phones. has been paid accordingly.
restoring its network in obligations. Mobilink has set innovative and novel For this, one has to Bankers who tested this
Malakand division from up camps for the internally software through which launch specific software in software are of the view that
where militants have been displaced persons (IDPs) at even common people could mobile, choose the bill this system, if implemented
flushed out by the Army. Kund Park near Jehangira pay their utility bills by just wanted to pay, enter bank in full scale, would certainly
Briefing reporters, Town which were pressing the buttons of their account number or mobile prove to be easy to use, time
respective mobile phones. account number and then saving, avoid lines, easily
Mobilink President and CEO accommodating 1,000
Six students namely enter consumer bill reference reachable, reliable, secure and
Rashid Khan said they did families.
Ahsan Raza, Zain number. cheaper and would help to
not exactly know how much He said one month had
Mehmood, Umair Bank connected by this reduce the worries of the
their network had been passed and the company had
Mahmood, Khalil Kareem, software would verify all people.
damaged due to the military planned to run these camps Waqas Ali and Ahsan Ilyas these data and if data is This service will pave the
operation in Swat and for two more months. “It will of Institute of found valid then bill would path of quick services in
Buner. be the responsibility of the Administrative Sciences, be paid within next few Pakistan for paying different
When asked about the government to take steps for University of the Punjab, seconds. types of bills.
money spent for Corporate reviving business activities developed such software Then consumers would It will also make easier the
Social Responsibility (CSR) in Swat and Buner following through which even receive a message from bank billing system which is
in accordance with the completion of military common people could pay indicating paid bill time and expanding due to growth of
international standards, he operation,” he said.  their electricity, Sui gas and date which would be the servicws in the country.  :9
Synopsis National Free download | flare.com.pk

Avaya signs on Apollo Telecom Ufone Bayhisaab

Lahore: The Avaya, the “With the phasing out of centre business. Apollo Karachi: With the launch The customers can
intelligent communications existing products, we needed deploys communications of the Bayhisaab offer, Ufone subscribe to this valuable
solutions provider, has signed alternative solutions with a solutions and technology has given its valued new offer by simply sending
on the Apollo Telecom in a similar technology platform, innovations that help
strategic move that will which is just part of what businesses cut costs, increase
strengthen its channel Avaya offers us,” said Major speed to market and create
presence in Pakistan. (retd) Ata Ullah Shah, CEO, new business opportunities.
According to a press Apollo Telecom. “In addition This approach is backed by
release, the Avaya, which to being leaders in Contact an 18-year heritage in
already has a strong channel Centre and Unified providing domain-intensive
base serving its customers in Communications technology solutions and a
Pakistan, will further be technologies, Avaya has a solid delivery backbone with
reinforced with the addition of strong regional and local industry leading credentials,”
Apollo Telecom (a former presence along with a sound
said Roger El-Tawil, channel
Nortel partner). channel partner program and
and marketing director for
Serving the nation with channel support. We are
integrated business certain this partnership will
Pakistan is demonstrating
technology solutions on a emerge as key to developing
global delivery platform, new business opportunities, as potential for Unified
Apollo Telecom will now we expect our target market to Communications; businesses
deploy Avaya communication enthusiastically adopt Avaya are looking for solutions that
increase efficiency and customers an unlimited SMS an SMS with 'SUB' to 704.
solutions to businesses across solutions.
worker productivity which offer to any network and 20 This offer is available on all
all major cities in Pakistan. “Apollo has over 2000
Apollo Telecom was are requirements not easily Ufone to Ufone free minutes Ufone prepaid packages
existing customers across
previously the largest Nortel Pakistan, with the majority in met with other technologies only for daily charges of except for Life, Ghanta and
partner in Pakistan. the IP telephony and contact in the market.  Rs15.99. One Number Free packages.

Telenor Garnier is now in Pakistan

prize retail Hair colour isn’t just handled by Red Worldwide aligned business that addressed several
about coverage: it’s about a fundamental issues such as
scheme for whole new attitude.
Whether it’s to enhance your
product positioning and its
relevance to the Pakistani
partners natural hair colour, cover
grey strands or to give a
market, in collaboration with
the regional offices, and
Karachi: Telenor makeover, Garnier Colour support from the Paris
Pakistan, under its 'Easy-load Naturals understands the office.
Millionaire Prize Scheme 2', need for hair that retains a With in-depth research
will give away prizes worth rich, shiny colour on the based on the consumer and
Rs14.5 million to retail surface, while staying the retail environment, the
partners from different healthy and strong from team put together a launch
regions of Pakistan. Retail within. that spoke directly to the
Partners who have exceeded The new hair care Pakistani Woman. The
their sales for the month of product Garnier Colour product, packaging and
March 09 by 10 per cent in Naturals, promises Pakistani promotion in a variety of
May 2009 are eligible to enter women just that: nourished media, such as electronic,
the lucky draw. More than hair, with better colour. print and ambient
135,000 retail partners from Garnier Colour Naturals was Communication Arts in in Pakistan, Red advertising adopted a
across the country launched in the market this Karachi. Communication Arts bilingual approach with a
participated in the scheme.  month via a campaign Looking after all Publicis worked on a 360 campaign local flavour. 

Broadband stakeholders mark out future roadmap

Islamabad: The second to the delivery of private draft report of BSG. The endorsed the efforts put in by initiatives up-taken by ICT
meeting of Broadband sector services and report targets four major BSG for coming up with a set Directorate at PTA regarding
Stakeholders Group (BSG) applications in commerce, areas of broadband of suggestions both for the the growth of mobile-based
constituted by Pakistan telecommunication and development along with regulator and the policy ICT applications in the
Telecommunication banking. Furthermore it is necessary recommendations makers. Chairman country.
Authority (PTA) was held at also indispensable for public for improvement. The areas highlighted his vision of BSG members discussed
PTA Headquarters. sector services and encompass Broadband enabling broadband growth the first draft report and
Chairman PTA Dr applications in education, Infrastructure & Next in every sector of the country. suggested necessary
Mohammed Yaseen chaired health, community and other Generation Broadband, He emphasised on future improvements required
the session; participants key areas. Primary vision Broadband Policy & roadmap and desired the before releasing the final
included senior management behind formulation of BSG Regulation Framework, BSG members to work on recommendations report. The
of telecom companies, service was to establish a group of Content & Application Take- some realistic subscribers members also appreciated
providers and software experts who could plan out up and Rural Broadband targets for next two years. PTA for providing a common
association. essential suggestions for Connectivity. Chairman PTA also platform to industry experts
Broadband is considered growth and proliferation of During his opening accentuated the importance for joining their thoughts
as a key enabler for Broadband. remarks Chairman PTA of content and applications on improvement of
enhancing social and Key agenda of the second congratulated the members for proliferation of broadband considered as a
economic productivity of a BSG meeting was to discuss upon completion of an all- broadband services. He pivotal sector for enhancing
country. Broadband is critical the recently prepared first inclusive first draft report. He shared few of the latest productivity. 
Free download | flare.com.pk National Synopsis

No BTS on rooftop: CDA decision HP adds

Islamabad: The Capital
Development Authority
continued with impunity.
Currently, there are 143
current policy, a cellphone
operator had to pay the CDA
exempt from monthly fee for
two years the operators,
(CDA) has decided to bar
mobile phone companies
illegal and 80 legal BTS
towers in the city. According
Rs50,000 before installing a
BTS tower on rooftop and
which shift their legal BTS
towers from rooftops to the servers
from installing base to a senior CDA official, the Rs15,000 in the greenbelt. CDA allotted land within the Karachi: HP announced
transceiver system (BTS) authority’s new chairman, He said the CDA had stipulated period. the addition of
towers on rooftops in the Imtiaz Inayat Elahi, has planned crackdown on The official said the several new servers
city. directed the Directorate of mobile phone companies, Environment Ministry had to its HP ProLiant server
The companies will at the Municipal Administration which had illegally mounted complained to the CDA that portfolio
same time be given three (DMA) to slap a complete such equipment on the BTS towers emitted that provide advances
months to relocate existing ban on the BTS tower buildings and in the signals unsafe for human in energy efficiency,
BTS towers made up of installation on rooftops for greenbelts. He said such health, and demanded action
performance and
boosters and antennas from the safety of people’s health, companies would be handed against the culpable people
manageability, delivering
rooftops to the land and submit revised version down heavy penalty. and firms.
increased value for
provided by the authority, of the existing policy in this The official said He said under the rules,
every IT dollar.
it’s learnt. respect to the CDA board for cellphone operators would the cellphone operators were
Seven of the new HP
In October 2005 when a approval. be provided land for to seek a declaration from
ProLiant server platforms
strong earthquake struck the He said currently, mobile relocating BTS towers from the Pakistan Environment
city, the CDA had also phone firms could install the rooftops to the ground and Protection Agency (Pak- are built on the
warned the mobile phone BTS towers at the places of anyone not doing the EPA) that the BTS towers Six-Core AMD Opteron
companies against mounting their choices, including needful within three months they were interested in processors, delivering an
BTS towers on high-rises and rooftops and greenbelts. The would be dealt with strictly. installing were environment- unmatched price to
plazas but the illegal activity official said under the He said the CDA would friendly.  performance ratio. 

PTCL to extend plus Internet W53 monitor series

package users by LG
Islamabad: PTCL has overwhelming response of its to cross 22 Karachi: LG Electronics greatly reducing eyestrain
decided to further extend its
Pakistan plus package, as a
consumers towards this
product. As per details, this million (LG), a leading provider of during extended use.
business solutions, These monitors include
limited time promotion of package is offering 1,000 free Internet usage in Pakistan
an incredible Auto
nationwide minutes @ Rs199 is likely to see three digit
Brightness feature that
w.e.f August 1. growth rate in next couple of
Naveed Saeed, SEVP years, while it is anticipated allows them to automatically
Commercial, PTCL, said in that total internet base will hit optimise their brightness and
addition to our product 22 million mark by year 2013, other picture settings based
offerings, PTCL strives to out of which 4.3 million users on the ambient light in the
bring quality and will be using broadband room and the content being
convenience to its landline Internet, said Dr. Yaseen, viewed.
subscribers by providing best Chairman PTA while LG based these settings
quality voice, instant addressing a ceremony in on the unified glare rating
connectivity, 24x7 helpline, Islamabad. announced the launch of its (UGR) recommended by
directory assistance and one It was told that PTA is new W53 smart monitor International Commission on
Pcxggf"Ucggf"- SEVP PTCL Toll free number (0800-80800) working in collaboration with
for acquiring a new landline, series with cutting-edge Illumination to ensure
educational institutes to get smart technologies that offer a comfortable viewing
1,000 free nationwide WLL and broadband/ Smart the new generation familiar
minutes following the TV connection.  top picture quality while experience. 
with internet. 

PTA recovers 30 illegal Ultra low-cost computing by NComputing

jammers the
Karachi: NComputing (use Zealand, Canada, Macedonia, connecting his own monitor,
standard opening) and now in Pakistan. our keyboard, and mouse to an
Pakistan A total of 30 jammers were demonstrated their latest customers typically slash their NComputing access device,
Telecommunication recovered and owners were award-winning ultra low-cost computing costs by 50 percent, which is then connected to the
Authority (PTA) in arrested. Under Telecom (Re- computing solutions at ITCN maintenance by 70 per cent, shared computer. Unlike other
collaboration with Federal Organisation) Act 1996, PTA Asia 2009, which is being held and electric consumption by 90 desktop virtualisation
Investigation Agency (FIA) is to ensure at the Karachi Expo Centre. per cent." solutions, the patented and
has arrested two sellers that the Organised by the PSEB, The NComputing solution highly efficient NComputing
involved in illegal sale of rights of Ministry of Information is based on a simple fact: desktops deliver rich
jammers in Karachi. the Technology ITCN is one of today's computers are so multimedia and full-screen
This initiative is part of licensees Asia's biggest international powerful that the vast majority video.
the pursuance of PTA's and information technology and of applications use only a small The programme provides
efforts against illegal sale of telecom telecom shows. fraction of the computer's computing access for the first
jammers in Karachi. PTA users are "NComputing virtual capacity. Computing enables a time to 1.8 million
carried out extensive survey Mohammad Yaseen duly desktops are taking the world single computer to be schoolchildren throughout the
Chairman PTA
and upon investigation and protected. by storm," said Manish virtualised so that many users state. The solution works very
confirmation, successful It is worth mentioning that Sharma, VP of NComputing can tap the unused capacity well in enterprise and
raids were conducted by since the era of new chairman APAC. "We already have and share it as if each person corporate environments, in call
PTA and FIA on different PTA has been very active in customers in over 140 had their own computer. centres, banks, hospitals,
shops at Karachi Electronic taking strict action against countries, including India, Each user enjoys a full educational institutions and
Market in Saddar. illegal activities  Mexico, the United States, New desktop experience by most other working places.  :;
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Sun customers switch IBM supercomputers most energy

to HP efficient
Karachi: HP announced a drive value for customers. Armonk: A new list found applicable supercomputers prediction and
new programme to support More than 100 customers that IBM supercomputers represented on the Green500 pharmaceutical research.
the increasing number of have chosen to migrate to already deemed the most List including Blue Gene, IBM also holds 57 of the
Sun customers looking to HP server and storage powerful in the world are Power servers, iDataPlex, Top100 positions on this list.
transition to a more cost- platforms over the last six also the most energy efficient BladeCenter and hybrid The number one most
effective and stable server months to significantly according to the findings of clusters. energy efficient system in
and storage platform, says a improve the return on their the latest Supercomputing The list shows that 18 of the world -- an IBM
press release. investments. 'Green500 List' announced by the Top20 most energy supercomputer based on an
HP's Sun Complete Care Worlwide HP has a very Green500.org. efficient supercomputers in IBM BladeCenter QS22 at the
programme combines one of good reputation and Energy efficiency-- the world are built on IBM Interdisciplinary Centre for
the industry's broadest customers like its products including performance per high performance Mathematical and
technology portfolios and and services. watt for the most computing technology. The Computational Modeling,
the company's highly HP is also very popular computationally demanding list includes supercomputers University of Warsaw --
experienced team of in Pakistan with over 5000 workloads--is a core design from across the globe being produces more than 536
professionals with a wide clients and over 50 million principle in developing IBM used for a variety of Mflops (millions of floating
range of transition and dollar contracts in the systems. IBM offers the applications such as point operations per second)
modernisation services to country.  broadest range of generally astronomy, climate per watt of energy. 

Pakistan’s IT exports up 19pc PTCL seminar on

Karachi: The country's
exports of Information
USD255 million as the global
economic recession has
downturn has exerted its
impacts on IT and other 'Corporate Solutions'
Technology (IT) and its related affected its offshore demand industries worldwide. He said
Karachi: Pakistan business performance.
services have registered a in the second half of 2008-09. IT industry has started feeling
Telecommunication PTCL is making its efforts
modest growth of 19 per cent
Company Limited (PTCL) to continue introducing
compared with last fiscal year.
organised a seminar on much needed quality
This is the lowest exports
"Corporate Solutions" to help services to its corporate
growth rate since 2004
businesses meet their customers. PTCL has played
because the exports have been
demands amid global and an important role in the
witnessing 50 per cent growth
local competition on an progress of IT and
consecutively for the last five
immediate basis. Telecommunications and
Participants from co- further intends to introduce
As per statistics obtained
operate sector were given these services on the
from Pakistan Software
presentation on technology occasion of sixty-second
Export Board (PSEB), the
during the seminar to update Independence Day of
country's IT and IT-enabled
them on technologies like 3G Pakistan.
services exports have touched
Connect, Leased Plus, DSL, SEVP (Business Zone
USD201 million despite its Managing Director the pinch of global economic
VPN, IP Connect, Digital South) PTCL Abdulla
plunging demand in the Pakistan Software Export slowdown as offshore
Cross Connect, DRS, VSAT, Yousef, Sr Advisory Team
international markets as Board (PSEB), Talib Baluch, demand of our exports has
IPLC, Video and Audio Member (Commercial) Dr
compared with USD169 said the achievement of been declining in the first half
Conferencing, Business Sadik Al Jadir, EVP
million exports in 2007-08. growth in exports is quite of 2008-09, however, he added
Communications, Corporate Services Zaman
However, the country has good for the industry in the the country's exports will take
Broadband on the GO, Gulzar addressed the
missed its exports target of scenario when global time to rebound. 
Managed SAN, i-Sentry, gathering.

Nokia, Accenture sign Illegal Unified Communications,

Web Hosting etc.
EVP Corporate Services
and Product Development,

agreement gateway
Karachi: Nokia and techniques for enhancing
Accenture have signed an performance, memory, and PTA and FIA National
agreement for Accenture to power, advanced error Response Center for Cyber
acquire Nokia's Symbian diagnosis and repair, and Crimes (NR3C), Islamabad
has unearthed two illegal
professional services unit turnkey software
international VoIP gateway
responsible for Symbian OS development services that exchanges in F-6 and F-7
customer engineering and can be used in a range of Islamabad. Three foreigners
customer support. technical environments. have been arrested during the
The unit provides Approximately 165 people seizure of these illegal
engineering consulting and will transfer to Accenture as a exchanges.
product development result of the agreement. The This initiative is a part of
the pursuance of PTA efforts It was aimed at updating GM Corporate Services,
services on a global basis to transaction is subject to
against illegal telecom traffic the corporate customers Kamran Mehmood, GM IP
mobile phone manufacturers, customary closing conditions affiliated with multinational Operations Abdul Qadir, Sr
as well as chip manufacturers and is expected to close by and seventh successful raid in
Islamabad. During the raid companies, banks and DFIs, Manager Product
and mobile operators. the end of third quarter 2009. pharmaceutical sector, oil Development Syed Ali
PTA and FIA team recovered
Services provided by the It is important to note that and gas sector, the Javed, Sr Manager Corporate
11×8 GSM tellulars, 4 GSM
Symbian Professional Nokia is actively expanding media gateways and 1x router, government departments Services Salman Saad Khan
Services teams include it’s ventures with other 4 switches and more than and such other clients to presented upcoming new
advanced technical support, player in Pakistani market.  ;3
hundred GSM antennas.  improve their everyday services of PTCL. 
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NetSol, Chinese Bank sign agreement PTCL Vfone offers 3

NetSol Technologies Ltd.
has announced that China
Executive Vice President of After extensive study,
Minsheng Financial Leasing research and preparation,
new exciting packages
Minsheng Bank Corp. Ltd Co., Ltd said, “After careful MSFL selected four renowned Islamabad: PTCL Vfone, Vfone unlimited offers Free
‘CMBC’ subsidiary company evaluation of globally leading software technology the country's largest WLL Unlimited calls to over 1.3
companies to participate in network, reinforcing its aim million Vfone and PTCL
bidding for the project. Several to make communication family members; both local
IT experts and companies more affordable for its and nationwide, with no
were invited as part of project customers has come up with prescribed time slots, thus
supervision and consultation. three new exciting packages. making 24/7 connectivity
With the deployment of the
According to details, Vfone possible, and off net calls at
NFS Retail Solution,
comprising of the CAP and simple package offering call just Rs 2/min; with a daily
CMS applications, MSFL will rates as low as just Rs1 per Line rent of just Rs20.
have stable and rapid minute to any Vfone and at In order to provide
development of its operations. just Rs1.50 to any PTCL more benefits to customers,
Commenting on the number; local or nation-wide with every new Vfone
occasion, Mr Salim Ghauri, and off net mobile calls at connection, customer would
Chairman & CEO NetSol just Rs2.50, with no daily line get a balance worth Rs1000.
Minsheng Financial Leasing IT services vendors providing Technologies Ltd., stated, rent. Further more on first card
Co., Ltd “MSFL” has signed a software in the finance and “This implementation will Whereas, Vfone Family loading of Rs1000, airtime
contract for NetSol leasing space. strengthen Minsheng’s ability package offers calls to any worth 1000 free minutes.
Technologies’ Financial Suite CMBC is the first national to better serve its customers in
PTCL landline at just Rs2/3 Exploring new horizons of
of leasing and finance joint-stock commercial bank the rapidly growing Chinese
products. primarily held by non-public- leasing and finance market. minutes and to any off net connectivity in this era of
The NetSol owned enterprises, also a Overall, we continue to number for just Rs2/min, information technology, high
implementation with MSFL standard joint-stock financial enhance NetSol’s reputation as with free nationwide calling speed internet browsing at
incorporates product licenses enterprise founded strictly a leading IT solutions provider to all Vfone numbers, with just Rs2/20 min (inclusive of
as well as customization, according to the Company for the provisioning of daily line rent of Rs five per all taxes); SMS at just 25
implementation, and data Law and the Commercial complex, high performance day. paisas makes Vfone an un-
migration services. Ms Wong, Bank Law. leasing and finance offerings.  In addition to above, matched service provider. 

Govt focusing on future IT market: Secretary

KARACHI: Federal private sector,” he said while quality of products, quality of (EU) laws because of which companies had shown annual
Secretary Information throwing light on how the work and competitiveness in the EU banned some growth of 200 per cent for last
Technology and government was planning to the IT sector, he said. Pakistani IT outsourcing six consecutive years. They
Telecommunication, bring quality and quantity in said e-learning was
Naguibullah Malik, has the sector. advancing so fast that after
vowed the government will He explained IT meant every three to four months
make new policies in line knowledge and access to new technologies came and
with future demand of the knowledge. Many important brought definite changes.
market. sectors like aviation were e-learning also provides
Speaking at a seminar dependent on the IT industry numerous opportunities to
organised on the second day making it mandatory for the entrepreneurs while
of ITCN Asia 2009 on government to make changing the entire way of
Wednesday, he said the sustainable and convenient human interaction, they
government would make policies. “Gloomy picture is observed.
policies in consultation with being painted about Pakistan, On the sidelines of the
the private sector to meet our companies should make ITCN Asia 2009, the Ras Al
demand of the IT industry. strong brands because Khaimah Free Trade Zone
He praised the services of branding a product means Authority (RAKFTZ)
private sector in IT and said branding the country.” Law experts informed the companies owing to non- organised a seminar on ‘how
they had been working on The government would participants of the seminar compliance. to set up your business
self-sustaining basis over the put in place a broad-based that Pakistani IT companies IT experts highlighting the in the UAE’ that attracted
years. “The public sector has regulatory framework in the that outsourced generally did growth of the sector in a good number of
been subservient to the near future to improve not know European Union Pakistan said that some IT participants. 

PTCL: online customer support in Swat Relief goods distributed

Karachi: To ease up the PTCL maintenance team.
inquiring for the customers
He encouraged the
The e-mail address can customers to use 1218 to
by PTA
of Karachi, Pakistan also be used to address new register their concerns. He Islamabad: Pakistan distributed in various IDPs
Telecommunication service provisioning delays, Telecommunication Authority camps located at Mardan
also highlighted that
Company (PTCL) has disclosed SEVP Business sent relief goods worth one Division.
customers can apply for million rupees for internally The above mentioned items
established a customer Zone South PTCL Abdullah PTCL services including displaced persons (IDPs) of were purchased and sent to the
support service through Yousef Abdullah. "Our telephone, broadband, smart Malakand Division. The relief IDPs camps after a survey by
which the clients would be customers and their needs TV and EVO (wireless items were sent from the PTA the PTA team which assessed
facilitated with a prompt are the focal point of every Zonal Office, Peshawar. the immediate needs of the
broadband) by calling 0800-
response. Now, the decision and action we take," The relief goods include displaced persons in the
8-0800 for faster
customers can write to he said, adding that the electric fans, air coolers, stoves, camps. PTA officials said that
provisioning of service. The
Karachi. initiative would ensure that mattresses and foods items the Authority is with the IDPs
Rapid. Support@ptcl.net.pk: all customer concerns get PTCL official reiterated his
mainly flour, cooking oil, milk, in this hour of trial and would
If they do not get a response proper management company's support for the rice, sugar, tea, pulses, baby do its utmost to provide relief
;4 customers. 
in the expected time from attention. food items etc. The goods were to the affected people. 
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Nokia N86 to be available soon Punjab govt.

Karachi: The highly bright and low light Nokia Pakistan. "That's why
anticipated Nokia N86 will conditions; and it's optimised the aperture of the Nokia N86 for promotion of IT
soon be available to for both video and still 8MP is comparable to that of a
consumers. Nokia N86 is the imaging. Its high-speed high-quality, stand-alone Lahore: The Punjab record of various mental
digital camera. Whether it's government is taking all illnesses, which could be
capturing majestic heights of possible steps to promote transformed into an elaborate
Himalayas or the panoramic information technology in the database, he said. He further
beauty of a sunset at Clifton province especially in the said that this database could
beach, the Nokia N86 8MP government offices. not only be helpful for
will take brilliantly clear, The Secretary Information research purposes but if
wide-angle images that are Technology Punjab, Mian linked with other hospitals,
instantly geo-tagged to be Muhammad Zulqarnain could also help doctors
uploaded onto sites like Ovi Aamer stated this while diagnose and treat their
Share or Flickr." speaking at launching patients, based on experience
"When it comes to taking ceremony of interactive of this institution.
the best digital photos, it's the website of the Punjab The PIMH Executive
quality of the lens and the Institute of Mental Health. Director Dr. Nusrat Habib
sensor that count, not just the He said that IT was Rana said that Web site
most advanced mobile phone connectivity ensures easy and quantity of pixels. The Nokia among the most important would help create a link
camera ever. It comes with a convenient sharing. In essence, N86 8MP is the first mobile segments of the modern among the institute and
powerful combination of it let's you capture more, device with variable aperture, world environment as it district headquarters
wide-angle Carl Zeiss optics capture quality and capture to adding to the Carl Zeiss enables the organisations to hospitals of the province for
and an eight megapixel sensor, share. Tessar lens for excellent communicate in fastest, the treatment of psychiatric
resulting in performance "People demand mobile results. It has never been reliable and convenient patients.
comparable to a stand alone cameras that take excellent easier to capture special manners. It is important to note that
digital camera. pictures in all light conditions," moments in such a great Being the largest and the present government has
The Nokia N86 8MP is says Imran Khalid Mahmood, quality," says Helmut Heier of oldest institute of mental taken many concrete steps to
designed to excel in both Country General Manager, Carl Zeiss.  health, PIMH had the largest promote IT industry. 

Rs2.3bn to be spent on Raseen to launch e-Commerce

IT sector Payment Gateway
Faisalabad: The federal students would get Raseen Technologies has It is a fully managed, accounts receivables & lower
government has earmarked scholarships (target for five partnered with a leading feature rich payment engine cost of managing cash
Rs2.3 billion for Information years is 3,500 scholarships) Bank to launch the first 3D that acts as a gateway receivables Deliver
Technology (IT) sector for 4-year Bachelor's degree secure compliant e- between the merchant and personalised targeted
during the current fiscal year programme in various Commerce Payment the array of agents involved marketing & overall
to complete 65 projects national universities. Gateway in Pakistan to in online payment customer experience.
worth Rs 16 billion. About 1,500 lady process online financial processing. RPG integrates Key features of Raseen
According to official sources, councillors would benefit transactions, according to with Merchant Web-portals Payment Gateway (RPG)
major thrust in the IT sector from IT training under Nauman Ahmed Director to provide seamless buying include Payment Channels,
would be on the Human Elected Lady Sales & Business experience through valid Online Authorisation,
Resource Development Representatives Programme Development of Raseen. credit/debit cards and also Security, Report and
during 2009-10. (PHASE-II). It is a highly secure and covers additional delivery Management and Multi-
Commenting on the The project would be scalable service that channels. Currency Support.
National ICT Scholarship completed by March 2014, complies with international The Raseen Payment Raseen Technologies is
Programme, the sources said sources added. The sources financial standards including Gateway enables Merchants part of the Dhabi Group –
target for the current year said, "Pakistan Software Verified by Visa, MasterCard to: Increase customer the UAE group that has
was to provide foundation Export Board (PSEB) plans Secure Code, J-Secure and satisfaction in an invested in Bank Alfalah,
training to about 9,000 to place 400 interns in PCI standards minimizing increasingly competitive Warid Telecom, United Bank
students. various companies this the risk of fraud and market through value Limited, Taavun, and
About 700 successful year."  merchant exposure. differentiation. Improve Wateen Telecom. 

Wateen's WIFI zone Royal Palm PTCL distributes prizes

Lahore: Wateen,
media through high speed
internet connectivity over
online gaming facility, a one
of its kind venture at a club,
among ‘linemen’
communication and media WIMAX. will also be an addendum to Lahore: Senior Executive performance. On this occasion
service provider, had signed Through this first-of-its- the leisure time activities Vice President (HR&A) PTCL SEVP Mazhar Hussain said
a contract to set-up a Wateen kind collaborative effort, which both senior and junior Syed Mazhar Hussain and that awards are being given
WIFI Zone including a state Wateen will enable Club members can take an Executive Vice President on merit, and such employees
of the art online gaming members and guest to advantage of whilst (Business) Lahore Jamil are assets of the company. He
facility at the prestigious seamlessly connect to the spending their time at the Khwaja distributed certificates also announced that PTCL
Royal Palm Golf and Country Internet through Wateen's Royal Palm Golf and and cash prizes among 12 would give two awards every
Club, which is spread over Wifi deployment there Country Club. The club lineman of six telephone month to its best performing
140 acres of land and offers a allowing professionals to enjoys a large membership exchanges. The exchanges are workers. EVP (Business) Jamil
serene backdrop for business, remain connected to their base, all of whom will be able of Gulberg, Cantt, Defence, Khwaja said we should work
pleasure and social business and workplaces, to benefit from the Wateen Garden Town, CTH and as a team and our main goal is
interaction and can now keep remotely. Will and Online Gaming Egerton Road to appreciate to earn the satisfaction of
members connected to online The inclusion of an experience.  their outstanding customers. 
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Microsoft, Yahoo in web search partnership Teamwork to fight

San Francisco: Microsoft
Corp and Yahoo Inc inked a
limited scope of the deal.
Shares of Microsoft edged
Yahoo will be responsible
sites. cyber crime
10-year higher, while Google shares for selling San Francisco: Long-time customers want vendors to
Web fell one per cent. premium computer security rivals are work together, and they
search "Those who were search ads joining hands to battle want information and
deal to looking forward to a take-out, for both increasingly sophisticated protection out faster."
better the deal was rather companies. online attacks by cyber Microsoft used a premier
compete disappointing," said Marc Yahoo criminals. Black Hat security
against Pado, US market strategist for stimated "The attacks are getting conference in Las Vegas as a
market Cantor Fitzgerald & Co "The the deal more complex, and if we stage to unveil
leader 10-year pact, it's not a bad will boost want to get ahead of enhancements to the
Google thing. It's not as good as what its annual attackers the call is software giant's computer
Uvgxg"Dcnnogt" Inc but investors expected." Ectqn"Dctv|" perating to work together in a defence collaboration
Chief Executive Officer, Chief Executive Officer,
Microsoft stopped Under the deal Yahoo income community approach," said efforts.
short of combining their announced, Microsoft's Bing by about USD500 million Microsoft Security Response Microsoft released a new
display advertising search engine will be and yield capital Centre director Mike tool designed to make it
businesses. Yahoo shares fell the exclusive algorithmic expenditure savings of Reavey. easier for software security
7.5 per cent, as some investors search and paid search USD200 million.  "One of the things firms to model hacker
were disappointed by the technology for becoming clear is that threats and craft defences. 

MSN launches free Pirate Bay faces new legal threat

streaming video The world's most high-
profile file-sharing website the
Wadsted told AFP.
The lawsuit has been
been run by individuals.
Millions of files are exchanged
Microsoft has announced Media Video (WMV) and Pirate Bay faces a new volley brought by Columbia Pictures, using the service every day.
a UK service that will stream Flash formats to cater for of legal action. Thirteen Disney Enterprises, Universal Following the most recent
full-length videos of both PC and Mac users. Hollywood production Studios and 10 other firms, lawsuit, the site was bought by
television shows for free. The project is an offshoot companies have filed a new many of which were due to Global Gaming Factory (GGF)
The advertising-funded of the established MSN lawsuit to try to get the
MSN Video Player will be Video, which offers short website shut down.
available from next week video clips ranging from In April the site's founders
were found guilty of breaking
and will include over 300 music to sport and news.
copyright law and were
hours of shows. Microsoft The video service ranked
sentenced to a year in jail and
said it will continue to fifth in the UK in a recent
ordered to pay USD4.5million
extend the service, adding survey of video-on-demand
in damages. However, the site
content by working with sites. has continued to operate,
broadcasters and studios. Ashley Highfield, allowing users to share
The "beta" or trial service Microsoft's managing copyrighted films, TV and
features material from the director and vice president music.
BBC's commercial of consumer and online, said "We have filed a complaint receive damages from the for 60m kronor who intend to
subsidiary BBC Worldwide the firm is hoping to use its against The Pirate Bay because April settlement. turn the site into a legal, pay
and ALL3MEDIA, including "unparalleled reach" to offer they have not stopped their The Pirate Bay was set up service. The new owners have
Peep Show and Shameless. content to the 23 per cent of activities after they were in 2003 by anti-copyright outlined a "give and take"
Programmes will be UK consumers who watch sentenced to prison," the organisation Piratbyran, but model which pays users for
available in both Windows video online.  studios' lawyer Monique for the last five years it has sharing their resources. 

Etisalat reports 10pc Windows 7 released

revenue growth Microsoft declared its website.
UAE-based telecom not directly affected by the Etisalat's internet customer next-generation Windows 7 “Not only is RTM an
operator Etisalat reports a net global financial crisis. Etisalat base grew from 1.202 million operating system ready for important milestone for us,
profit of AED 4.593 billion for had 7.26 million mobile to 1.23 million on 30 June. delivery to computer it’s also an important
the first half of this year customers in UAE on 30 June, Despite these negative trends makers. milestone for our partners.”
compared with AED 5.045 down by 81,000 compared in the home market, A Windows 7 release-to- Microsoft put Windows 7
billion in the first half of 2008, manufacturers (RTM) is through myriad quality tests
which included profit on sale meant to allow time for the and incorporated feedback
of shares in Mobily of AED 892 software to be built into from partners and test users
million. Etisalat recorded net computers and other “smart”
revenues of AED 14.744 billion before approving it for
hardware to be available release to computer makers,
for the first half growing by 10
when Microsoft’s latest according to LeBlanc.
per cent compared with AED
operating system debuts Windows 7 code is
13.408 billion in the first half of
2008. Earnings per share for publicly on October 22.
delivered to hardware
the first half is AED 0.64 “Today after all the
makers, according to
against AED 0.70 (AED 0.58 validation checks were met,
Microsoft. More than 10
excluding exceptional item) for we signed off and declared
million people joined in
the same period in 2008. with the end of the first the company's chairman aims build 7600 as RTM,”
Brandon LeBlanc of the testing Windows 7 software
Etisalat's chairman quarter, and also saw its fixed to add 15 million customers
Mohammad Omran said the line customer base decrease by by 2010 to hit the 100 million Windows Team said in a in a voluntary test
financial results for the first 19,000 to 1.331 million on 30 mark by focusing on message posted Wednesday programme, according to
;6 Microsoft. 
half reflect that Etisalat was June. international markets.  at Microsoft’s official
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Vietnam limits cell Bangladesh urged to cut SIM card tax

phones due to number Dhaka: GSMA, the global that provide broadband via consumers lack access to
trade body representing the mobile infrastructure, the mobile services, the
shortage mobile telephone industry, GSMA said. government loses with
called on Bangladesh to The impoverished south lower tax collection as the
Hanoi: Vietnam will data showed.
eliminate its SIM card tax to Asian country’s mobile number of user declines, and
allow consumers to "Because the number of
make cell phone connections sector had grown rapidly, mobile operators have a
subscribe to a maximum mobile phone numbers is
affordable to its more than but GSMA said that recently diminishing customer base,”
three mobile phone numbers limited, the telecom
100 million unconnected “the growth of the sector has said Ricardo Tavares, senior
on each network from next resources must be put into
people. come to a halt due to vice president for public
month due to the limited effective use," it said in a
amount of numbers circular. The SIM card tax of 800 increases in taxes.” policy at the GSMA.
available. This month Beeline VN, taka (USD11.6) per Mobile adoption growth “The elimination of the
The country of around 87 40 per cent owned by connection is the single rates have been consistently SIM card tax is essential to
million has nearly 111 Russian telecom company largest obstacle to the declining in the last three re-establish the growth path
million phone subscriptions, Vimpelcom, will launch a acquisition of new quarters, and now stand of the mobile industry in
88 per cent of them - over 97 service, becoming the subscribers, constituting a below three per cent per Bangladesh and would work
million - mobile phone Southeast Asian country's major barrier to growth and quarter, the GSMA said. in a counter-cyclical way
users, Information and seventh mobile phone blocking new investments in “It is a negative stimulating the whole
Communications Ministry service provider.  updated mobile networks proposition all round, as economy.” 

UAE's Etisalat eyes majority in Kuwait's Zain Twitter hacked by old

Emirates Nigeria," Jamal al-Jarwan told
Corp Reuters in a telephone
home. Zain, which is partly
owned by the country's
(Etisalat) is interested in interview. sovereign wealth fund, said on Breaking into someone’s e- toward storing more data
buying a 51 per cent stake in "We're looking at a 51 per Monday it still hoped to sell its mail can be child’s play for a online, instead of on
African unit despite French determined hacker, as Twitter computers under your
media and telecoms giant Inc. employees have learned control.
Vivendi calling off talks to buy the hard way - again. Stealing the password for
a majority stake in the For the third time this year, someone’s Gmail account, for
business. the San Francisco based example, not only gives the
Jarwan said that Etisalat, company was the victim of a hacker access to that person’s
the region's largest operator by security breach stemming personal e-mail, but also to
market value, was interested from a simple end-run around any other Google applications
in "the whole package" and not its defences. In the latest case, a they might use for work, like
just Zain's African unit. "We hacker got the password for an those used to create
overlap with Zain in many employee’s personal e-mail spreadsheets or presentations.
countries, but overall we're account-possibly by guessing That’s apparently what
looking at it," he said. "Zain or by correctly answering a happened to Twitter, which
makes a compelling story for security question - and shares confidential data
Kuwait's Zain Group at the cent stake in Zain," he added. us." Jarwan declined to worked from there to steal within the company through
right price, the chief executive Etisalat, which operates in 18 comment on whether it was confidential company the Google Apps package that
of its international unit said. countries including Egypt and already talking to Zain about documents. incorporates e-mail, word
"We are interested in Zain as a India, is one of a number of the possibility of taking a The techniques used by the processing, spreadsheet,
whole, given the right values ... Gulf Arab telecom operators stake. "Zain has no comment attackers highlight the dangers calendar and other Google
We need to sort out the that have expanded overseas on that," Zain's spokesman of a broader trend promoted services for USD50 per user
overlap in Saudi Arabia and after losing their monopolies at Ibrahim Adel told Reuters.  by Google Inc. and others per year. 

Google Earth goes to moon China web browsers outnumber

Google marked the 40th to walk on the moon.
anniversary of the first human “Forty years ago, two American population
footsteps on the moon by human beings walked on the
The number- of Internet 92.5 per cent of villages had influence of the web
adding virtual lunar moon,” said Moon in Google
users in China is now greater telephone lines that could be population has prompted
exploration to its free online Earth product manager
Earth map and imagery than the entire population of used for Internet access, concern in Beijing about
Michael Weiss-Malik. “It’s the United States, after rising Xinhua said, citing the official
service. potential social unrest, and the
now possible for anyone to to 338 million by the end of data.
The moon joins Earth, follow in their footsteps. We’re government has stepped up
Mars, and Sky in an options June, state media reported. Rural coverage is expected its control over the Internet in
giving hundreds of millions of China's online population, to improve as the country's
list in an upper tool bar on the people around the world recent years.
main Web page at the largest in the world, rose three telecoms operators After rioting early this
unprecedented access to an by 40 million in the first six China Telecom, China Mobile
earth.google.com. Aspiring interactive 3D presentation of month in the capital of the
lunar explorers will need months of 2009, the official and China Unicom invest 40
the Apollo missions.” restive northwest Xinjiang
Google Earth 5.0 software, Xinhua news agency reported, billion dollars in a national 3G
Moon in Google Earth citing a report by the China network over the next year. region, the government cut off
which can be downloaded online access to most of the
meshes “Street View” style Internet Network Information China's fast-growing
panoramic photographs and Centre. online population has made area, in one of the largest
Apollo 11 astronaut Buzz
NASA video taken on the The number of broadband the Internet a forum for the known Internet blackouts in
Aldrin joined Google, X Prize
Foundation, and NASA surface of the moon to create Internet connections rose by 10 country's citizens to express China yet.
officials in Washington, DC, a virtual moonscape. Apollo million to 93.5 million in the their opinions in a way rarely It has also blocked access
for the launch of Moon in programme astronauts Jack first half of the year, the report seen in the traditional, strictly to Twitter, Facebook,
Google Earth. Astronauts Neil Schmitt and Aldrin provided said. About 95 per cent of government-controlled media. YouTube and a range of other
Armstrong and Aldrin on July narration for online lunar townships were connected to sites used for networking and
The growing strength and ;7
20, 1969 became the first men tours.  broadband by early June and sharing content. 
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Telstra's $4bn profit Epicor puts ERP on the road

TELSTRA has produced the company's guidance of Epicor Software has might be a better path. Rodney Winger said. Over
a $4.07 billion profit for the 3-5 per cent growth, rising quietly snapped up a small "We put our toes in the US the past few months Epicor
2009 financial year, but new only 2.7 per cent to $25.5bn Australian firm, Spectrax, and UK markets, but learnt has been running tests on
chief executive David as the company continued to which specialises in mobility very quickly that without a Spectrax software in
Thodey has abandoned most contend with the decline for road warriors. large vendor backing you, it's preparation for worldwide
of his predecessor's 2010 in its fixed-line telephony The company did not give nearly impossible to break availability.
guidance targets as the a figure for the deal, but into those markets," he said. Spectrax's field service
business, which dropped 4.9
Spectrax chief executive The move is a shot in the offering will be the first to hit
realities of the economic per cent to $6.3bn for the
Anthony Julien said he was arm for Epicor, which does the global market in a few
slowdown, and the year.
happy with the outcome: "We not have products that cater weeks, rebranded under the
company's declining fixed- Revenue at Telstra's managed to get the sale to workers who need access Epicor Mobile Field Service
line revenues, kicked in. mobile business grew by 10 across the line in a very to enterprise resource banner. Epicor Australia Vice
The giant telco posted a per cent to $6.1bn, difficult economic period." planning systems while on President Craig Charlton said
10.3 per cent rise in profit for while wireless broadband The two companies had a the road. Spectrax customers would
the 12 months ended June revenue jumped 69.2 per working relationship and "Our offerings have so far join a list of its local clients
30, up from $3.69bn a year cent to $587 million and Spectrax tried to expand been on-campus, but this including Computershare,
earlier, to exceed market fixed retail broadband overseas in a bid to take the untethers us from the Bupa and General Pants.
forecasts of $3.82bn. revenue was up 15.9 per cent company to greater heights, constraints of our own Epicor has 600 customers in
Revenue slipped below to $1.5bn.  but realised an acquisition applications," Epicor director Australia.

US govt. not to get secret company Internet data

Washington: depending on the size of the failing to make it public allows Internet service advertise Matthew Polka said.
Telecommunications block. the companies to advertise - maximum service speeds as a Larry Landis, an Indiana
providers will not have to give way to entice customers. More utility regulatory
the government sensitive speed means faster access to commissioner and chairman
revenue and Internet speed online entertainment and of the federal-state group that
data for a programme to map information. Internet will map high-speed Internet
broadband use in US homes connections can work at availability, praised the
and bring high-speed Internet slower speeds than the Commerce Department's
service to more people. maximum speed advertised, National Telecommunications
The US Commerce especially when many and Information
Department said on that subscribers are online at the Administration for being
companies such as Verizon same time. flexible. The Commerce and
Communications Inc, The American Cable Agriculture departments will
Comcast Corp and AT&T Inc Association and other groups award loans and grants to
do not have to share how representing the companies state and local governments,
much money they make from opposed some of the rules and non-profit and for-profit
each Internet subscriber. Nor They also will share the and charge for - something before the government companies, including
must they say how fast their speed of Internet service that that they often cannot deliver, clarified the data policy.
Internet connections typically they advertise. Companies do said Joel Kelsey, a telecom "The agency's
companies, to participate in
run. Instead, they will provide not want to share the specific policy analyst at Consumers modifications will improve
the government's broadband
data by the block, usually data because they do not want Union, a watchdog group. and expedite (the mapping)
about a dozen homes their competitors to see it. But Companies that sell effort," ACA President

NComputing out for virtualisation New friend for

San Francisco:
NComputing is out to span
classic obsolete, hand-me-
down to the developing
computing technology can
be put into workstations for Facebook: FriendFeed
the digital divide with a world. This is leading-edge as little as USD 70 per virtual Facebook announced that it failed attempt last year to buy
version of cloud computing technology being deployed machine, according to has acquired FriendFeed, a hot micro-blogging service
called "virtualisation," which in corporations today and NComputing. Silicon Valley start up which Twitter. FriendFeed has been
essentially turns one the foundation behind cloud While the US is allows members to see what described as a potential rival to
machine into many. The computing." NComputing's biggest their friends are doing online Twitter in its ability to conduct
California-based start-up NComputing builds single market, more than and share content. real-time search, an area where
has installed more than two software that takes half of its business comes Facebook said that the 12 Facebook has been seeking to
million computer "seats" advantage of the fact that from developing countries. employees of the Mountain expand. “Facebook and
worldwide in the past two chips in computers are far "There are a billion people View, California-based FriendFeed share a common
years and its business is more powerful than most on the planet living on less FriendFeed will join Facebook vision of giving people tools to
rocketing, particularly in users need. V Space software than a dollar a day; they've and its four founders will hold share and connect with their
developing countries where divides processing power in got big worries on their senior roles on Facebook’s friends,” FriendFeed
engineering and product co-founder Bret Taylor said in
cash is scarce. computers into arrays of minds that probably don't
teams. a statement.
"We are showing how the "virtual" machines, each include computers,"
Facebook said “We can’t wait to join the
next wave of IT is going to linked to separate monitors Partridge said.
FriendFeed.com “will continue team and bring many of the
have a profound effect on and keyboards. "There are a billion with
to operate normally for the time innovations we’ve developed
digital inclusion because it A typical personal wealth enough to buy their being as the teams determine at FriendFeed to Facebook’s
will be affordable to computer (PC) user one-to-one computers. Then, the longer term plans for the 250 million users around the
everyone," NComputing routinely calls on about 10 there is this huge group in product.”Financial details of world,” added Taylor,
Chief Executive Stephen percent of a machine's between that could really the purchase were not previously the group product
Dukker told AFP. computing power, according benefit from broad access to disclosed. The acquisition of manager who launched Google
"This technology is not a to NComputing. The latest PCs."  FriendFeed follows Facebook’s Maps. 
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GPs say no to computers: study Brazilians spend more

General practitioners may
have a computer on their desk,
time on web than
but less than one-quarter are
making full use of its
the US users
capabilities, according to a new Sao Paulo: Brazilian web compared to wealthier
users are now spending countries, though.
While 97 per cent of GPs
more time on the Internet Fewer than one in four
had access to a computer for
either clinical or administrative than their US and Japanese Brazilians - just 44 million
use in 2007-08, up from 87 per counterparts, according to out of a total population of
cent in 2000-01, just over 11 per an Ibope/Nielsen survey. 190 million - have Internet
cent of GPs did not use it at all, The study showed that access at home.
programme. "had not produced any
the Australian Institute of Federal Health Minister difference in measurable Brazilians went online for an Online activities
Health and Welfare report on Nicola Roxon said the report indicators of quality of average 70 hours in June, recorded include not just
GP activity said. showed GPs were spending an patient care". A 2006 study more than the 68 hours website navigation but also
The findings are based on increasing amount of time with found only 21.7 per cent reported in Japan instant messaging,
an analysis of 10 years' data older patients, and managing made use of all of their and the 65 hours in the e-mails, downloading,
collected continuously through more chronic diseases. software's clinical functions United States. listening to music and using
the Bettering the Evaluation It also found that the use of including holding all data Internet penetration in the computer as an IP
and Care of Health (BEACH) computers for medical reasons electronically.  Brazil is still lagging telephone. 

Intel trumps forecasts, Poor IT job market may fuel

bodes well for online crime
Washington: The ever- investigators found a flash data."
weakening job market could drive attached to the bank The report included
PC sector well lead to an increase in employee's computer with snippets of a conversation
online crime as laid-off applications for USD73000 in with a botmaster, or someone
San Francisco: Intel Corp’s quarter revenue at USD8.1 workers, especially those with
quarterly results and outlook billion to USD8.9 billion, computer skills, turn to scams
blew past Wall Street compared with analysts’ to support themselves, Cisco
forecasts on better-than- average forecast of Systems Inc said in a mid-year
expected consumer demand USD7.8 billion, according to security report released.
for PCs, especially in Asia, Reuters Estimates. Disgruntled employees
setting an auspicious Intel’s strong showing may target their former
tone for the technology came despite what it employers, and Cisco warned
sector. described as weak demand that insiders "can be especially
Shares of Intel, the world’s from the corporations that damaging for an organisation
largest chipmaker, jumped traditionally are big buyers because insiders know
eight per cent on the of computer equipment, security weaknesses." loans in the names of stolen who remotely takes over
report, driving Standard & and comments by Intel A former information identities, the report said. computers without users'
Poor’s 500 stock index futures executives that Microsoft’s technology analyst at the Cisco warned companies knowledge and often sells the
sharply higher and forthcoming Windows 7 Federal Reserve Bank of New which use short-term IT resulting access to spammers.
bolstering technology shares operating system is York was arrested in April consultants or who contract Phishing is the practice of
such as arch rival Advanced unlikely to revive corporate along with his brother on out the tasks to "be particularly convincing a victim to give up
Micro Devices Inc. spending this year.  suspicions of taking out loans vigilant about the level and valuable information - like a
Intel projected third- using false identities. FBI term of their access to sensitive password . 

Facebook Cyber crime lords using big Cut power

claims 250 business tactics: Cisco costs by
million users San Francisco: Cyber firm specialising in computer Billions of spam messages
San Francisco: Facebook criminals are aping networking gear summarised with links to trick websites or laptop
founder Mark Zuckerberg said
the number of people using the
executives when it comes to
sales, marketing and risk
current threats in a "Midyear
Security Report" that
videos promising scintillating
Jackson images and display
online social networking management in the world of concludes hackers are information were fired off in Hanover: Simply adjusting
service had climbed to 250 online treachery, according to increasingly operating like the days after his death, the brightness of your laptop's
million. "The rapid pace of our a report networking giant successful businesses. according to Cisco. "Sales display can go a long way
growth is humbling and Cisco released. "A lot of Peterson cited how cyber leads" that followed online toward conserving battery life.
exciting for us," Zuckerberg techniques they are using hackers capitalised on links were turned into It's just one of the simple steps
said in a message posted at today are not new; it is really interest in the death of pop "customers," whose computer users can take to get
Facebook's official blog. about how they may be doing icon Michael Jackson in late computers were stealthily the most battery life out of
"For us, growing to 250 some of the same old things," June. infected with nefarious codes their laptop, since the portable
million users isn't just an said Cisco chief security Disasters, celebrity doings for stealing data, usurping computers can use a lot of
impressive number; researcher Patrick Peterson. and other major news is control of machines or other power.
Palo Alto, California-based "The novel thing is that routine fodder for bogus evil deeds. The tip comes from
Facebook was founded in 2004 they have taken the Harvard emails and websites booby- Cyber criminals are German computer magazine,
and has become the most Business School, General trapped with computer reportedly embracing a c't. Drawing on advice from
popular online social Electric board room business viruses, but in the case of nefarious version of a "cloud experts, it also suggests doing
networking service, eclipsing training and applied it to Jackson's death, crooks computing" trend of offering without a screen saver, since
News Corporation-owned their old techniques." cranked out fake news stories computer applications online they also use up unnecessary
;: MySpace.  The California technology to dupe readers. as services.  energy. 
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Speed and security make Firefox 3.5 AVM

worth a look presents
Hamburg: Many internet
users spend more time with
the browser. Most the faster speed - should be up pages to webmail
improvements are “under the very obvious to any user. applications to web-based
their browsers than with their
cars. Which makes it all the
photo manipulation should
run faster, says Shaver.
more important to know the
pros and cons of the browser
All that’s left is for website
operators to make use of the
USB sticks
Berlin: AVM has
you choose for your global technology, which should presented a new line of
surfing. With that in mind, come fairly quickly, since it’s WLAN sticks. Dubbed the
Firefox 3.5, which came out free and Firefox is already Fritz!WLAN USB Stick N 2.4,
on June 30, is worth a look. used by 300 million operators they support a standard 2.4
“We’ve put more than worldwide. In Germany, with gigahertz WLAN frequency
5,000 improvements into 40 per cent of the market, and allow data transmission
version 3.5,” says Mike Firefox has already overtaken at rates of up to 150 megabits
Shaver, one of the chief the newest versions of per second. Installation is not
designers at Mozilla, the hood” and will barely be “Firefox 3.5 is twice as fast as Explorer, 7 and 8, according necessary, since the stick
company that, with a host of noticed by the average user. its predecessor,” says Shaver. to marketing researcher comes pre-packaged with all
voluntary contributors, backs However, some things - like Everything from calling Fittkau and Maass.  necessary files. 

Microsoft Office users India to conduct special audit of top

attacked by five telecoms
cybercriminals New Delhi: India has said state-run Bharat Sanchar USD10 billion from the IPO.
Boston: Microsoft Corp research. ordered a special audit of the Nigam Ltd's net profit for the The offering ran into
warned that cybercriminals Hackers booby-trap country's five leading private- year to March 2009 had opposition from the
have attacked users of its websites with malicious code sector mobile telecoms firms dipped to 1.04 billion rupees government's communist
Office software for Windows that loads onto computers to check whether there had (USD21 million) as revenue allies and the firm's
PCs, exploiting a running the vulnerable Office been any misreporting of fell and wage costs rose. He employees. BSNL Chairman
programming flaw that the software. Infected PCs are revenue, the junior telecoms did not give the comparable Kuldeep Goyal said last
software giant has yet to commandered into a botnet, a minister said. "Certain phone figure for the previous year. month the government,
repair. network of hijacked firms have been charged with Revenue for the year to which no longer relies on
The world’s largest computers. misreporting their revenue," March was 349.37 billion the support of the
Microsoft did not say how Gurudas Kamat said in a rupees the minister said, communist parties, was
software maker issued the
many machines were
warning as it released patches written reply to law makers eight per cent lower than again thinking about the
attacked. It estimates that
to address nine other security in the upper house of the 380.53 billion rupees in the share sale and a decision
some 500 million people use
holes in its software. its Office suite, which includes Parliament. previous year as reported on should come shortly.
“Despite of fixes, Word, Excel and PowerPoint "Hence, the Department of BSNL website. In a written response to
Windows users continue to be software. A company Telecom has decided to The state-owned firm's another question, Kamat
under attack. Microsoft is spokeswoman said that conduct special audit of board last year approached said new telecom operators
taking two steps forward, programme would soon be Bharti Airtel, Reliance the government for Etisalat DB Telecom,
while attackers are putting it available through Microsoft’s Communications, Vodafone permission to sell 10 per cent Unitech and S-Tel had told
one step back,” said Dave website. Office XP, 2003 and Essar Ltd, Idea Cellular Ltd stake in an initial public offer the government they were
Marcus, McAfee Inc’s Avert 2007 are vulnerable to the and Tata Teleservices Ltd," he and an official had said they deploying network
Labs director of security attacks.  said. Separately, the minister expected to raise about infrastructure. 

Apple smashes profit forecasts, iPhone shines

San Francisco: Apple Inc's analyst at Pacific Crest were toward the low end of the price on the second- and it is unable to make
quarterly profit blew past Wall Securities. "And then the forecasts. Apple said it sold 2.6 generation model to USD99. enough iPhone 3GSes to meet
Street forecasts thanks to iPhone is doing tremendously demand - a shortfall the
strong sales of Macs and well and that is a potent company said it is working to
iPhones and higher-than- combination." address.
expected gross margins, Apple reported a net profit Although the smartphone
boosting its shares four per of USD1.23 billion, or USD1.35 segment continues to grow
cent. The company continued a share, for its fiscal third more crowded with
to defy the global recession quarter ended June 27, up competitors, Chief Operating
with a solid 13 per cent jump from USD1.07 billion, or Officer Tim Cook said on a
in fiscal third-quarter net USD1.19 a share, in the year- conference call the company is
profit. ago period. Earnings per share "years ahead of other people"
It sold more than seven beat by far the average Street in its competitive position. The
times as many iPhones - 5.2 forecast of USD1.18 according
install base for the iPhone and
million units of its latest to Reuters Estimates, and
the iPod Touch - which share
signature device - as the year- topped even the most bullish
ago period. "The numbers are "whisper" numbers of operating systems - is now 45
great. Their gross profits USD1.30 to USD1.35. million Macs, up four percent The iPhone is often million, Apple said. Yet there
continue to surprise people Sales of Macs and iPhones from a year ago, and 5.2 thought of as more of a had been some concern about
and there is a return to product both beat analysts' million iPhones in the June consumer device, but Apple margin pressure heading into
momentum ... a return to expectations, helped by quarter, during which the said nearly 20 per cent of the results, given the product
growth in the Mac business," product refreshes and lower company launched its third- Fortune 100 companies have price cuts and the trend of
said Andy Hargreaves, an prices, while iPod shipments generation iPhone 3GS and cut bought at least 10,000 units higher component costs. 
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Technology 'priority for Britons'

UK: Britons are more spending on mobiles. proportion of 25 to 34 year spending during the communications are costing
willing to cut back on Ofcom's Peter Phillips old people said they had a recession, as part of its less, with longer, cheaper
holidays and meals out than said people were "more social networking site profile communications market mobile phone contracts and
on spending on canny" about paying grew by six percentage report. Of those asked, 47 the bundling of services such
communication technology services. The study also points in a year to 46 per per cent said going out for as television and internet at
during the recession, an highlights a major rise in the cent, while the figure also dinner, 41 per cent said DIY reduced prices.
Ofcom review suggests. use of social networking rose among 35 to 54-year- and 41 per cent holidays. Ofcom's Peter Phillips
The watchdog's annual websites. olds to 35 per cent. But the This compared with 19 said: "Despite the recession,
report says spending on Some 19 million people proportion of 15 to 24 year per cent who said they people are spending more
mobiles, the Internet and TV in the UK, 50 per cent of olds with such a profile would cut back on mobile time watching TV, using
is regarded as a higher internet users, visit dropped from 55 per cent in phone spending, 16 per cent their mobile phone or
priority than almost Facebook, spending an the first quarter of 2008 to 50 who said TV subscriptions accessing the internet. "They
anything except food. In a average of six hours a month per cent in the first quarter and 10 per cent who would rather do without
poll of 862 people, over 40 on the site, it says. This is an of 2009, the study added. highlighted broadband meals out or holidays than
per cent said they would increase from four hours in Ofcom researchers asked services. give up their phone,
save on holidays and eating May 2008. consumers where they were The report says the trend broadband or pay TV
out and 19 per cent chose The report said the likely to be cutting back on is supported by the fact package.”

Nokia Mobile phone subscriptions nudge 4b

to launch 'homegrown' thanBerlin: There will be more Bitkom's Friedrich Jousssen, Growth rates are far more
four billion mobile phone who also heads mobile phone modest in industrialised

China phone subscriptions globally by the provider Vodafone's German countries, where the market is
end of the year, according to operations. more mature. The European
Beijing: Nokia will launch China and strongly figures published. Whilst there In India alone, mobile Union already has more
its first handset based on supported by Beijing, as few are far more than four billion phone usage is expected to mobile phone contracts than
China's homegrown TD- other countries use the handsets around the world, the
SCDMA network before the system. More Chinese cell figure refers to the number of
end of 2009, in partnership phone users are changing in-use numbers, or
with China Mobile, a senior their use of handsets from connections.
executive of the world's voice calls to advanced The research comes from
biggest cell phone maker mobile services, such as the German industry
said. Colin Giles, Nokia's navigation and Internet association Bitkom - drawing
president for China, told applications, since China on figures published by Berlin-
Reuters that the device would handed out 3G licenses based Information Technology
be in the mid-to-high price earlier this year. Observatory.
range and that it would be a Giles said Nokia would With the world's
smartphone based on Nokia's launch around 40 new population currently estimated
Symbian platform. products this year, similar to at 6.8 billion that means three grow by 32 per cent this year, citizens, so the industry is
Foreign handset makers previous years, including out of five people will be using to 457 million people. In Brazil, focusing on mobile internet
have been slow to develop both 2G and 3G handsets in mobile phones. "The strongest a 14 per cent increase is provision via advanced UMTS
phones that run on the TD- China, the world's largest growth in mobile phone usage anticipated, while China's technology, the fastest mobile-
SCDMA standard, a mobile market with over 600 now comes from emerging and usage is predicted to rise 12 per phone signal currently
technology developed in million subscribers.  developing countries," said cent, to 684 million people. available. 

Mobile commerce facing hurdles In France,

Los Angeles: Imagine reticence, business model TECH conference in transactions will grow to 2.4 92pc of
waving your cell phone and
being admitted through the
concerns and other issues, Pasadena, California.
despite predictions that Meanwhile, mobile
billion in Asia and 221 million
in North America - a potential residents
turnstile of a subway station,
or ordering and paying for a
handsets will replace wallets. commerce is taking hold in boon for the telecoms carriers
that will host such commerce,
use mobile
gift without once having to including the likes of NTT Paris: The number of
open your wallet or enter a Docomo, which pioneered mobile users continues to
credit card number. Yes, you contactless payments in rise in France with 91.8 per
can - just not so much in the Japan, or AT&T Inc, which cent of residents subscribing
United States. enjoys an exclusive to wireless services as of end
Mobile commerce has arrangement to market June, up from 88.1 per cent a
been touted as a major Apple's wildly popular year ago, the telecoms
growth prospect for years, but iPhone. regulator said.
the industry still faces several In Korea, people can buy French wireless
big hurdles before it takes off gifts on a handset and text operators, including Orange,
in the US, executives and friends to pick it up in the Bouygues Telecom and SFR,
analysts say. Consumers will "We're not too many years Asia where almost 500 million store. And in the Philippines, together attracted 678,000
likely keep paying the old- off where the restaurant will mobile transactions will occur customers during the second
people can get money from
fashioned way with cash and just send the bill to your smart in 2009, according to research quarter, raising the total
families overseas faster and
credit cards, as mobile device," eBay chief executive firm Gartner, versus 34 number by 1.2 per cent
cheaper via text message than
commerce has been John Donahoe said at the million in North America. By against the same period last
322 hampered by cultural recent Fortune Brainstorm: by using a bank transfer.  year. 
2012, Gartner expects that

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