Managing For Good Performance A Guide For Managers

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Managing for Good

A Guide for Managers

The primary objective of these procedures is to assist management to identify and
address concerns about an employees performance and/or behaviour in order for
the employee to reach and maintain a satisfactory standard of performance.

NSW Professional Support Co-ordinator

Managing for Good Performance: A Guide for Managers

Childrens Services Central is the Professional Support Coordinator in New South Wales and is an initiative funded by the
Australian Government under the Inclusion and Professional Support Program. Childrens Services Central is managed by a
consortium of key organisations that resource and support the sectors of childrens services in New South Wales. Feedback
and enquiries should initially be directed to the Professional Support Coordinator in your region. Further information can be
sought by contacting the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations.

The information in this document draws on information, opinions and advice provided by a variety of individuals and
organisations, including the Commonwealth and Childrens Services Central. The Australian Government and Childrens
Services Central accept no responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of any material contained in this document.
Additionally, the Commonwealth and Childrens Services Central disclaim all liability to any person in respect of anything, and
of the consequences of anything, done or omitted to be done by any such person in reliance, whether wholly or partially,
upon any information presented in this document.

Material in this document is made available on the understanding that the Commonwealth and Childrens Services Central
are not providing professional advice. Before relying on any of the material in this document, users should obtain
appropriate professional advice. Views and recommendations which may also be included in this document are those of
the authors, only, and do not necessarily reflect the views of Childrens Services Central, the Commonwealth, the Minister
for Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR) or indicate a commitment to a particular
course of action.

Permission is granted for material from this publication to be photocopied for use within Childrens Services Central only.
Permission must be sought from Childrens Services Central for any other reproduction of the material.

Copyright 2012 Children's Services Central

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Managing for Good Performance: A Guide for Managers





Performance cycle

Benefits of following a performance cycle

The new kid on the block


Developing an agreed Work Plan


What are the reasons for poor performance and behaviour?

Give praise and recognition regularly


Common performance issues and strategies to manage them






Tone and listening skills










Using a staged process to manage performance and/or behaviour where more formal action i
s required




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Managing for Good Performance: A Guide for Managers

Education and care services aim to meet the care, education and development needs of children.
There are a range of different models of education and care services in New South Wales and most of
these are licensed by the NSW Department of Education and Communities. Education and care
services are grouped into six broad categories: centre based long day care, family day care, occasional
care, preschools, outside school hours care and non-mainstream services such as mobile services and
Multifunctional Aboriginal Childrens Services.
Progressing on from best practice principles in the recruitment of staff as outlined in the Recruitment
and Selection Guide, the primary objective of these procedures is to assist managers within the
various services to identify and address concerns about an employees performance and/or behaviour
in order for the employee to reach and/or maintain a satisfactory standard of performance. The
procedures also aim to promote the professional and personal values and behaviours required of all
Managing for good performance is a process that commences with the recruitment and induction of
an employee and involves an ongoing cycle of planning, coaching and reviewing individual, teamwork
and organisational performance within the context of the individual services goals and strategies.
Where managing employee performance is part of an ongoing process rather than just as an annual
performance review, it allows early identification of systemic, environmental or individual factors that
may affect the ability of an individual, team or organisation, to achieve results.
These procedures contain detailed information about the process to be followed by management
when addressing concerns about an employees performance and/or behaviour and include practical
tools and tips including templates and example documents. This document and associated training
complements information provide under the section Performance Management and Appraisal within
The Manual Managing a Childrens Service provided by Community Child Care Co-operative NSW.
In the context of this document the term management is used to refer to both managers and
supervisors. The procedures cover the following topics:

Managing Performance

New employees from induction onwards

Managing existing employees

Organisational factors to consider when managing employee performance

Addressing day to day and minor workplace issues

Providing Feedback

Feedback principles and techniques/workplace counselling techniques

Managing those difficult conversations

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Managing for Good Performance: A Guide for Managers


Employees performing to the best of their ability are critical to the ongoing success of any business.
On the flip side, poor employee performance can have a significant impact on a business, its
customers and other employees and can be felt in terms of low morale, low productivity and high
The key to managing employee performance is to ensure role clarity for all employees and set and
agree on performance standards from the onset of an employees engagement.
A simple tool that managers can use as an employee performance management strategy from the
engagement of an employee is to follow the steps of a performance cycle. This process is also
relevant for use with existing employees as a part of an ongoing performance review process.
A suggested simple 6 stage self-explanatory performance cycle is shown below.
By communicating and adopting the principles of a performance cycle, everyone is clear on
expectations and standards and employees are provided ongoing feedback on their performance at
each stage i.e. during orientation/induction and during additional job skills training and coaching and
through a formal review process used to discuss work performance and enable appropriate
recognition and rewards to be given.

Performance cycle





Job Skills


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Managing for Good Performance: A Guide for Managers

Benefits of following a performance cycle

For management

Enables performance expectations, standards and goals to be discussed.

Provides the opportunity to discuss goals and career development with staff individually and
to review performance within clear and agreed guidelines in a structured and planned way.

Provides a reminder for management of the need to follow an induction/orientation program

with all new employees.

Provides the opportunity for positive and productive communication with all employees on
an ongoing basis.

Provides the capacity to improve the link between individual performance and functions and
the organisations goals and expectations.

Demonstrates the organisations commitment to ongoing staff development.

Provides an opportunity to recognise and reward employees.

For employees

Ensures that employees understand what is expected of them in terms of work performance
and the standard of work performance required.

Provides the opportunity for staff to negotiate their own professional performance and
career development.

Improved motivation and job satisfaction.

Recognition of achievements and feedback on performance.

Provides the opportunity for positive and productive communication between management
and staff member in a structured way.

The new kid on the block



DESCRIPTION: A new employee who does not know

what is expected. They do not have the knowledge
to execute the job well.

ACTION: Clarify and teach employees the standards
you want them to meet, demonstrate the skills to
them and allow them to practice. Give them
feedback to reinforce what they do correctly and
address what they incorrectly.

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Managing for Good Performance: A Guide for Managers

Determining and communicating


Under a performance cycle an effective method of determining and communicating expectations

between management and employees is to develop an agreed Work Plan at an early stage of the
working relationship and using that as a key tool in monitoring performance, providing feedback and
for identifying development needs.
A Work Plan template is included as an appendix with these procedures.

Developing an agreed Work Plan

Performance Objectives
Development of Work Plans will involve two aspects, the establishment of Performance Objectives
and the negotiation of expected outcomes. Objective setting is the key component of the Work Plan
as clear objectives help employees understand what they are expected to do and by when. Objectives
provide an opportunity for employees to grow by increasing confidence as competency is achieved
and extended. Objectives should be realistic but also provide an opportunity for the employee to
grow and develop skills, knowledge and experience.
Objectives should be set during a formal meeting between a manager and an employee. The aim of
the meeting is to clarify the objectives of the individual and the relationship these objectives have in
contributing to the overall goals and priorities of the company. At this meeting the manager and
employee establish clear objectives and determine how and when objectives will be met. This
information will come from the Job Description or other organisational standards to be met. Six to
eight objectives are generally set with a number of generic objectives that all employees need to
meet eg around the organisations values, workplace health and safety and communication skills

Development Objectives
Once Performance Objectives under the Work Plan have been set, Development Objectives should be
established, such as completion of a course of study or on the job training. This will assist the
employee in reaching their Performance Objectives and goals.
Coaching may also be provided to support an employee in reaching a goal or gaining a specific skill.
Coaching includes proactive action such as providing one on one guidance, advice, encouragement,
reviews and feedback and may be provided by the direct manager or another suitably skilled person.

Career Planning
The ultimate responsibility for developing an individuals career rests with the individual. An agreed
Work Plan however, can help employees review their present position, and assess and consider where
they would like their career to head in the future. This is also an opportunity for management to plan
individual and the organisations succession planning processes. The agreed Work Plan will also
provide employees with the opportunity to gain feedback on their strengths and weaknesses. By
undertaking activities that provide an opportunity to address weaknesses, employees can identify and
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Managing for Good Performance: A Guide for Managers

develop competencies in areas that may lead to further career opportunities. Constant and timely
reviews and feedback will ensure that the final 12 month review and performance rating will not
deliver any unexpected results to the employee.

New Employees
The preparation of a Work Plan and establishment of objectives should be part of a new employees
induction/orientation program and undertaken within the first month of a new employees
commencement date. The Recruitment and Selection Guide previously published by Childrens
Services Central included an Induction Checklist to assist managers to facilitate an effective induction
program for new employees.

Fairness and Equity

Assessments of behaviour must be made against agreed standards and behaviours and assessment of
performance must be against clearly defined objectives and expected outcomes. Managers and
employees must provide evidence to support the review and comments of an individuals

All endeavours should be made to agree on objectives, timelines and the final performance rating
between the manager and employee.
Differences of opinion may form part of the process of gaining clarification and agreement and should
not be avoided but used to develop mutual understanding of job responsibilities, expectations and
the developmental needs of the employee. Any differences should be fully discussed with the aim of
seeking mutual agreement.

Assessment and final review outcomes are confidential and are not discussed with other colleagues.
A record of the process will be maintained by management. Original forms are placed on the
employees personal file.

Record keeping
There is no requirement to keep formal records about normal ongoing local supervision and
management of employees (a Work Plan would capture this information), however, where a pattern
of poor performance and/or behaviour is emerging, a manager should:

Make a short file note about the performance and/ or behavioural issue and the action taken
providing a copy to the employee; and

Keep a copy (in a secure place) of any documents that relate to the poor performance.

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Managing for Good Performance: A Guide for Managers

What is poor performance and


Poor performance and behaviour can be exhibited in the following ways:

Unsatisfactory work performance, that is, a failure to perform the duties of the position or to
perform them to the standard required;

Non-compliance with workplace policies, rules or procedures;

Unacceptable behaviour in the workplace; or

Disruptive or negative behaviour that impacts on co-workers.

Poor performance is not the same as misconduct. Misconduct is very serious behaviour such as theft
or assault which may warrant instant dismissal. In cases of misconduct managements should seek
specific advice about how to proceed before taking any action.

What are the reasons for poor performance and


There are many reasons why an employee may perform poorly. Some of the common reasons

An employee doesnt know what is expected because goals and/or standards or workplace
policies and consequences are not clear, have not been set;

Lack of, or an insufficient induction/orientation process;

There is a mismatch between an employees capabilities and the job they are required to
undertake, or the employee does not have the knowledge or skills to do the job expected of

An employee does not know whether they are doing a good job because there is no
counselling or feedback on their performance;

Lack of personal motivation, low morale in the workplace and/or poor work environment;

Personal issues such as family stress, physical and/or mental health problems or problems
with drugs or alcohol;

Cultural misunderstandings; or

Workplace bullying.

Managing employees performance makes up a significant part of every manager's Job Description,
and this means managers must often deal with poor performance. The provision of guidance,
feedback and support to employees is an important part of the normal day to day responsibilities of
management and an essential preliminary stage for managing concerns about an employees
performance and/or behaviour.
Managing poor employee performance should not be a huge event, it should be quick and pain free,
for both management and the employee and something that is done incrementally at the first sign of
a deviation in 'expected' performance and/or behaviour.
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Managing for Good Performance: A Guide for Managers

Timely and constructive feedback about performance and/or behaviour ensures the employee is
aware of any concerns and has the opportunity to improve with appropriate guidance and support.
Dealing with poor performance can be challenging and confronting for employees and employers
alike, but it does need to be addressed.
Most performance and/or behavioural issues can be resolved if they are managed quickly and

Give praise and recognition regularly




Recognising the work and performance of employees

is key to the success of a manager. Even a thank you
is important. Look for the things that employees do
well and praise them. This is an easy strategy and
brings big benefits.

Common performance issues and strategies to manage them

The following table provides a summary of common issues faced by management when managing
performance and identifies key ways to improve performance in the workplace.
Employee does not
undertake work as required,
showing signs of apathy and

Lack of understanding of
Job Description and job

Lack of induction

Employee does not appear to

understand job requirements

or directions

Job content and design

Employee will not follow

directions or perform tasks
as required

Failure to understand
what is required

Inability to perform tasks

Personal issues

Inappropriate job fit

Personal or external

Begin performance improvement process

starting with informal discussions around
what is required in the position

Look at possible options for training and

development if a skill deficit is identified

Commence formal performance

management process if no improvement
is forthcoming

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Begin with informal performance
Be clear about the performance
requirements and relevance of the role
to the functioning of the business
Consider further induction/orientation if
Focus on work tasks, and how they might
be improved

Managing for Good Performance: A Guide for Managers

Employee fails to
acknowledge they are

Performance issues have
not been adequately

Re-establish expected outcomes; use
evidence of how performance has failed
to meet expected standards; explain the
impact of this on the success of the

Process has not been

adequately applied

Employee does not

accept information on
their performance

If necessary, commence a formal

performance management process

Employee does not complete

work tasks to the required

Lacks the required skills

and capabilities

Identify training and development


If employee fails to develop required

skills, progress through a performance
management process

Employee is cynical of work

environment and tasks,
bringing negative opinions to
the workplace

Has become disillusioned

with work environment

Establish team culture based on respect

and support

Fails to understand value

of work being undertaken

Employee is regularly absent

Re-establish role of the position, and the

value of outcomes delivered by the

Job content and design

Identify cause behind absenteeism

Inappropriate job fit

Management style

Explore possible strategies for changes to

working arrangements

Personal or workplace

Management of health issues

Re-establish expectations of attendance

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Managing for Good Performance: A Guide for Managers

Step 1 - Identify the Problem

Identify the problem
Gather evidence
Be sure of the facts
What stage of employment is the
employee at eg induction, long

Step 7 More Serious Action

If no improvement has been
made despite action taken,
progress to a more formal
warning process and/or
termination depending on
issues identified

Step 2 Assess and Analyse the Problem

How serious is the problem
How long has it existed
Has action been taken previously
Arrange to meet with the staff
member (give prior notice)
Prepare for the meeting

Step 3 Meet with the Employee

In private
Be specific (use evidence)
Listen and respond
Consider contributing factors
Regularly summarise and
check for understanding

Steps to Managing
Poor Performance

Step 6 Review Meeting

Arrange a review meeting in
agreed timeframe
Provide feedback
Use evidence to support feedback
Clarify the next steps
On going monitoring and support

Step 4 Jointly Devise a Solution

Explore options
Keep the discussion on track
Focus on positive
Offer assistance where
appropriate (eg mentor,
training, support)

Step 5 Monitor Performance

Monitor performance
Giver regular feedback and
Arrange for further training/
support if required

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Managing for Good Performance: A Guide for Managers

Steps to Manage Poor Performance

Steps to manage poor performance and/or behaviour are more likely to be successful where effective
supervision is already in place eg following a performance cycle as previously described. Effective managers
know their employees and their roles, provide information and encourage open and two way
communication, are aware (they observe, listen and check) and build trust and respect.
Management is entitled to raise performance and/or behavioural concerns with employees as they arise.
In many cases management is required to raise matters/issues that are a one off occurrence eg a late
attendance, a childrens daily record not completed, failure to attend to one staff meeting etc. In these
instances the matters are usually of a level that can be dealt with on the spot (having regard to privacy of
the matter) and require no further follow up action.
Where a manager considers that a pattern of poor performance and/or behaviour may be emerging
however, they should work cooperatively with the employee to ensure there is a coordinated approach to
managing the concerns.
Using a stepped approach as identified in the preceding diagram, to deal with performance and
behavioural issues will assist managers to follow an objective and structured process.

Step 1 - Identify and assess the problem

Management needs to consider whether there are organisational factors that may be contributing to, or
causing an employees poor performance and/or behaviour, and if so should, at the earliest opportunity
and where practical, address relevant organisational factors before commencing action.
Examples of organisational factors that may contribute to poor performance and/or behaviour and
strategies for managers to address these factors are detailed below.

Inadequate Induction Processes

If there are performance concerns about a new employee, consider whether anything was/is lacking in their
induction to the position, including the explanation of their job role and responsibilities. Ask the employee if
there are particular parts of their job they are unsure about, so that you can focus your strategies. If
necessary repeat the induction process. Ensure that the employee is provided with, and understands their
Job Description and other key documents that relate to their role and that of the whole staff team.

Inadequate training or supervision

Consider the employees training and development needs. Has there been sufficient on the job training
provided? Are there any training courses available to address the employees skill requirements? Can
arrangements be made for a short-term period of more hands on supervision, mentoring or coaching by
someone with suitable skills and experience? Have there been changes to their role (e.g. has there been a
step up from a previous role so more learning is required; has there been an introduction of new
technology), that requires specific training or increased guidance and support?

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Managing for Good Performance: A Guide for Managers

Behavioural factors
It is important that poor performance be distinguished from unacceptable behaviour. Unacceptable
behaviour usually involves deliberate, inappropriate or unethical action on the part of the employee.
Deliberate, inappropriate or unethical actions on the part of an employee will normally be readily
identifiable. These can be dealt with through workplace counselling or more formal disciplinary provisions,
depending on the seriousness of the action.

Medical Factors

Some medications and illnesses can impact on an employee's work performance and management should
give due consideration to these factors if an employee has advised he or she is suffering from a medical
condition or is taking medication that affects his or her work performance. Under these circumstances it
would be appropriate to obtain more information from the employee's medical practitioner.
Where management considers that an employee's poor work performance or behaviour arises from
medical or stress problems, or, alternatively the employee is taking frequent periods of sick leave, an
option management may consider is an assessment by a medical practitioner. This assessment will
determine whether the employee is medically fit to perform the duties of his or her job.
It is important to deal with these situations sensitively, as the employee may not accept that his or her poor
work performance is the result of a medical condition. It may also be appropriate to pause the performance
review process until the outcome of the assessment has been received, as the outcome may impact on the

Family and Personal Factors

Management may find that performance issues arise because of employee's family or personal factors. If
an employee is struggling to balance their work and family commitments and this is reflected in their
performance at work the manager should take this into account and consider what, if any options are
available could be used to support the employee.

Workplace issues and interpersonal conflict

Workplace issues can sometimes impact on an employee's work performance. Management should take
into account how an employee copes with change, whether it arises from changes to positions, working
arrangements or introducing new technology. Every effort should be made to ensure lines of
communication remain open and the employee is provided with support.
Work performance may also be affected by conflict between employees or conflict between an employee
and his or her supervisor. In these instances, even though employees and a manager may not like each
other, it is important that professional behaviour is maintained and everyone is treated with respect and
It may be useful to refer to a checklist of good practice for dealing with cases of poor performance
particularly when identified during the initial stages of employment.

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Managing for Good Performance: A Guide for Managers


Clear Position Description/instructions

Does the employee have a copy of the current Job Description and do they understand the
standards of work performance that are expected of them?

Have performance targets, work standards been discussed and clearly defined?

Are the same standards of performance being consistently applied for all staff?

Adequate training

Has the employee received appropriate training and assistance to perform the duties required?

Has new or changed technology or new work practices impacted on the employee?

No surprises

When was the performance/behaviour issue(s) first identified?

Any significant concerns about the employees performance should be drawn to their attention at
the time the concern arises rather than waiting until a formal review or annual appraisal time.


Is the employee aware of the deviation from standards required?

Has the matter(s) been brought to their attention previously?

The employee must be given an opportunity to respond to allegations of poor performance or


Ensure that you have evidence to demonstrate to the employee where their performance or
behaviour is below the standard expected.

Determine what will be the goals for improvement and determine what will be the agreed period of

Step 2 - Assess and analyse the problem

Once consideration has been given to whether there are any contributing organisational factors impacting
on the employees performance and behaviour, consideration then needs to be given to assessing and
analysing the performance or behavioural issue.
Review the employees performance and/or behaviour with reference to the relevant standards and
benchmarks and make an objective assessment as to whether performance and/or behaviour is unsatisfactory.
Management need to generally be able to answer the following to make an effective assessment:

What are the standards and benchmarks that apply to this employee?

What goals and targets, including set tasks, are to be achieved by the employee?

Are the purpose, goals and targets of the position identified?

What goals and targets, including set tasks, are not being achieved? What evidence is there?

What is the reasonable or agreed timeframe for each goal, target or set task?

When did the performance issue(s) first arise?

Has any action been taken previously?

Has the problem been constant or intermittent?

Also of consideration is the stage of employment the employee is at eg is the employee undergoing
induction, subject of a probationary period or a long term employee?
If after the assessment and analysis a manager is satisfied that action is warranted, action needs to be
taken to prepare for a meeting with the employee.

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Managing for Good Performance: A Guide for Managers

Step 3 - Meet with the employee

All managers have their own supervisory and management style and will address initial concerns about
performance and/or behaviour in different ways. Managers are encouraged to trust their professional
judgement and common sense when addressing concerns with an employee. However, all managers
should ensure that feedback about performance and/or behaviour:

Is timely;

Is given privately;

Identifies the standard or benchmark not being achieved by the employee;

Includes support and guidance; and

Invites questions or clarification from the employee.

Arranging the meeting

Once the performance or behaviour issues have been identified and a decision to take action has been
made it should be undertaken as soon as practicable.
Failure to confront employees immediately is what causes so much angst around the idea of confronting poor
performance. When inappropriate actions continue unaddressed for too long before confronting them, the
situation can get out of control. Confront immediately, at the first sign of behaviour deviation, and the
process of managing poor performance will be painless and generally appreciated by both parties.
No employee is delighted to receive a meeting request to discuss their poor performance or behaviour. A
considerate and supportive approach will set the environment for a constructive meeting. A poor approach
to the request will inflame any tensions.

How to arrange the meeting

Face to face is best but there may be times where other options can be used eg phone, mail or email if the
employee is absent from work. Do not avoid two way communication with the employee.

The exact words you will use to make the request

Ensure the employee is not misled as to the intent of the meeting, but do not discuss the performance
issue in detail outside the meeting.
If the matter is one which requires some time and discussion i.e. there is pattern of unsatisfactory
performance or behaviour emerging, a more formal meeting is required to discuss the matter(s). Following
the below mentioned structure for requesting such a meeting may assist:
Kim, I wanted to speak to you about a number of matters relating to your performance. They are
performance issues that I have raised with you previously/the matters relate to your attendance
pattern/the matters relate to your not meeting deadlines for childrens records etc.
To make sure we have both the privacy and time to discuss properly I have arranged to cover your work
tomorrow between 10.00 am and 11.00 am. I will provide you with more detail of the matters tomorrow
and will also give you an opportunity for you to discuss and respond. Could you please meet in my office at
10.00 am.

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Managing for Good Performance: A Guide for Managers

There will be other situations however where a manager has directly observed a matter or a matter has
been brought to their attention that they need to bring to the attention of the employee immediately. The
approach in these situations should be less formal but remain objective and factual. A managers tone of
voice and the language used will be important for maintaining the ongoing professional relationship. As an
example, rather that commenting Joan I noticed you were late this morning what is the reason, if this is
the first instance, the approach may instead be Joan I noticed that you were late this morning, this is the
first time this has happened was there any particular problem?

When to make the request for a meeting

There is potential for angst and speculation between your request and the meeting itself, so minimise the
time period, but also give the employee time to mentally and physically prepare as necessary. The period
of notice for this first meeting will depend on the matter(s) and seriousness of the matters to be discussed.
As indicated above, some matters need immediate addressing (as they occur) in other instances where
performance/behaviour has been deteriorating over a period more notice eg 1-2 days may be more
Appendix 1 includes a template letter that can be issued to an employee regarding a workplace meeting if
a written request is used.
Once you have made arrangements for the meeting you need to take action to prepare.

Prepare yourself
Know what the performance/behavioural problem is. Review your evidence/examples of any information
that is going to assist you during the meeting and have a clear explanation ready for the employee.
Reflect on how the employee may react. Have a plan for the best case, the worst case and the most likely
case reaction and your response to it.
Know the outcome you need from the meeting. Make notes of how performance improvement and
monitoring can be achieved. Consider the variety of outcomes there may be and include alternate
approaches in your notes. That way youll have covered all bases.
Jot down key words you will actually use for important messages during the discussion. Make sure you
keep the level and tone of your communication right for the employee and the situation.
More complex issues require more detailed planning. You may also need to plan for the impact on other
staff indirectly affected by your management of the poor performer.

Never confront in anger

Do not let the matter become an emotional situation. Whatever you need to do to get your emotions in
check before confronting employees, whether its walking around the block, counting to ten or having a
glass of water, do it.
During discussion be aware of keeping emotions out of the conversation through your tone and language
eg, I realise that you seem angry about me raising this issue with you but I need to understand what has
caused this situation and discuss how we can resolve it. Other useful phrases and questions include: We
are here to work together not against each other so I need to understand what has happened; Mistakes
are part of learning, and in this instance there were no serious consequences so lets talk about what
additional training would be beneficial to you; I see that you are behind on completing your observations,

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Managing for Good Performance: A Guide for Managers

do you have any questions or is there anything I can do to assist?; This morning I saw Mrs Jones walking
away angrily after speaking with you. Can you tell me what happened?

Do it in private

Where counselling is to be undertaken, the discussion should ideally be held in a place which is private and
free from distractions. Your office, if you have one, may be appropriate but, in some situations, a more
neutral meeting place away from the immediate work area may be preferable. ]

Be factual and specific

Use evidence and factual information to state your case and focus on the performance or behaviour. When
you bring hearsay or impressions into the conversation, you can find yourself squabbling over details, no
matter how big or small.
You should focus on measurable performance. Avoid making unsubstantiated judgements. Give tangible,
specific examples whenever possible rather than generalising. You should also ensure that any information
that you provide, is accurate. eg Louise, I would like to discuss your interactions with some of the parents,
this week I have had 3 different parents call me about the abrupt manner you have had with them. Each
was on a different day and when asked they all said that this was out of character for you. I would like to
know if there is something you would like to discuss or is there something I can assist you with?; Casey
this is the 3rd month in a row now that I have had to speak with you about the lateness of your daily diary.
Can you tell me what action you will take in future to have these done on time?

Rehearse - but only a little

The impulse to memorise exactly what you're going to say is understandable but scripting the entire
discussion will make you seem insincere. It's a good idea to develop a structure for the interview to follow
and keep reference notes to clarify, but the meeting should be a two way communication process and
should flow easily and naturally.]

Use data

Just as you should be specific with factual information, support your assertions with data whenever
possible. eg These are some examples of your observations that I have found errors in when reviewing
them, lets have a closer look at them; As you know this is the 4th occasion you have been late for work
this month.

Be clear

Do not confuse people by watering down the fact that this is a reprimand. Because they feel
uncomfortable, managers will often end a confrontation with something like, "But overall, you've been
doing a really great job." The problem is people choose to hear what they want to hear, so employees latch
onto such comments and leave the meeting thinking they just got praised.

Remind yourself that you are not the bad guy

The truth is, you don't want to hurt anyone, nor did you cause the situation. You are addressing a
performance/behaviour issue(s) and are trying to keep it from becoming worse.

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Managing for Good Performance: A Guide for Managers

Keep the process positive

Some managers may tend to focus on the negative aspects of feedback. While it is important to encourage
improved performance in those not functioning to the required standard, you should try to adopt a
balanced approach by also recognising and rewarding good performance.
Formal performance appraisal schemes provide an opportunity to recognise and reward good performance
however there are many other informal opportunities where good performance can be acknowledged such
taking a few moments at a meeting to acknowledge someone's good work; allowing an individual to take
on more challenging and responsible tasks; or praising good work in the presence of others. eg I like the
way you handled the situation with; Im impressed with the creativity you showed on this new activity.
Id like you to share it with the other Room Leaders.; I received a glowing compliment from Mrs Smith
about you, keep up the great work.

Demonstrate empathy

For someone who is visibly crushed or sobbing hysterically, acknowledging your role in his/her distress
("I'm really sorry this is making you so upset") lets him/her know you care despite the circumstances. If
there are tears, offer tissues or a glass of water, and ask if he/she would like a few minutes of privacy.

Let the employee react

Uncomfortable as this can be, keep in mind that most people wind down after an initial outburst.
Remaining conscious of your breathing, keep it slow and steady will go a long way in helping you stay calm.
Try not to interrupt or respond emotionally to the other person's upset. If their anger escalates and makes
you feel unsafe, announce that you are providing some time to cool down, and leave the room for a brief
period for them to settle down.

Tone and listening skills



Watch your language and tone. Dont unnecessarily put

someone in a defensive mode. Defensiveness shuts down

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Managing for Good Performance: A Guide for Managers

Follow up and be committed

Be prepared to put aside the necessary time and commitment required to follow the process through to
completion. Little will be achieved if feedback is not followed up. Managers need to continually monitor
and evaluate the performance of employees.
When, following up a feedback discussion, you need to review the status of the agreed course of action to
improve an employees performance, eg if you agreed to investigate the possibility of providing further
training or coaching, did this occur and if not why not. It is equally important for employees to be
committed to improvement and to follow up the actions to which they have agreed.


There will be times that managers need to take action immediately. Other times there may be a number of
issues that have built up that needs to be addressed. When considering the approach to take with the
conversation think about:

1. Content
2. Pattern
3. Relationship

The first time a problem comes up talk about the content of what just happened. The content of a problem
typically deals with a single event the here and now. For example:

You did not properly complete the childrens observations yesterday.
You were late by 20 minutes for your shift yesterday.
The language and tone you used in speaking with Jamess parents was inappropriate for the workplace.
It was your job to tidy the main room this week and you did not do it Monday or yesterday.

The next time the problem occurs talk about the pattern of behaviour eg what has been happening over time.
For example:

This is the second time this has occurred. You agreed it wouldnt happen again and I am now concerned that I
cant count on you to follow procedures/ keep your word/do the right thing.

As the problem continues talk about the impact on your professional relationship, it is the string of
disappointments that has caused you to lose trust in them you start to doubt their competency, you start to
doubt their trust or promises and this is affecting the way you work together. For example:

This is starting to put a strain on how we work together/how you work within the team. I feel that I have to
remind you constantly to keep you in line and I dont like to nor should I have to do that. The way things are
progressing I cant trust you to keep the agreement you made.

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Managing for Good Performance: A Guide for Managers

Step 4 - Jointly devise a solution

Do not withhold feedback from an employee. Managers can be more uncomfortable giving negative
feedback than employees are in receiving it. It is considered employees generally feel that it is better to
get negative/corrective feedback than none whatsoever.
Management is encouraged to be candid in their feedback. Begin all feedback sessions with the message
that you are trying to help the employee. Ensure that feedback is positive and constructive and related to
their performance in the job, not the employee as a person.
Balance positive and corrective feedback. Giving an employee positive feedback helps build their
confidence and makes it easier for them to accept corrective feedback. When giving feedback select the
key areas which require the most change and where change is most achievable.
Reinforce the desired behaviour. As a guide, positive feedback encourages desired behaviour and negative
feedback represses behaviour. Therefore, in order to change behaviour, people need both positive
feedback (reinforces good behaviour) and negative feedback (stops undesired behaviour).
Avoid using only generalities when giving feedback. Saying, good job or bad job does not have any
reinforcing or corrective value. Employees need to understand specifically what on-the-job performance or
behaviour is viewed as good or bad. They must have specific instructions and information on what is
To achieve the best results feedback should be based on open, two-way communication.
You should work with a person to generate an agreed plan of action, establishing and articulating the needs
of both the management and the staff member. Focus on future outcomes rather than dwelling too much
on what has happened in the past. Your aim is to produce an improvement in the person's performance or
conduct and for this to happen you should, first, agree that an improvement is required and, secondly,
agree on the steps which should be taken to achieve it. It is also important that you establish a time frame
to achieve your agreed goals and to review the success of your strategy.
Attempt to give feedback on a regular basis. Build giving feedback into your daily routine. Ask the
employee for feedback on your working relationship with the employee and areas where you could assist
them make improvements or changes.
Occasionally, there are times when there is no positive feedback that is realistic. Do not lie to people. Do
not say, You're doing a good job, but... and then proceed with a string of examples of poor performance.

Step 5 - Monitor performance

Management should monitor the employees performance and continue to provide feedback and
encouragement. A meeting to review and discuss the employees performance should be held even if there
is no longer an issue. This enables both parties to acknowledge that the issue has been resolved.
Management should provide both positive and negative feedback to the employee and should work with
the employee to ensure that performance improvements are sustained.

Step 6 - Review meeting

At the end of the predetermined review period the manager should confirm the time, place and purpose of
the final review meeting at least two days before the meeting. This confirmation can be in person, by
phone or by email. The date for the final review meeting can be brought forward if a serious matter occurs
during the monitoring period or if performance and/or behaviour deteriorates.

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Managing for Good Performance: A Guide for Managers

The final review meeting must be held in a private place (eg managers office). During the review meeting,
the manager should:

Explain the purpose of the review meeting;

Discuss the expectations and standards that have been achieved;

Identify any aspect that has not been achieved and/or any further performance behavioural
concerns; and

Where the manager is of the view that there has been a satisfactory improvement in performance
and/or behaviour, the manager should:

Acknowledge the employees efforts and confirm that no further formal action is currently
required; and

Confirm that the standard supervisory and performance management processes will
recommence e.g. routine supervision.

If the manager is satisfied that the employees performance and or conduct is satisfactory then formal
written advice to that affect should be provided to the employee.
A template is included in Appendix 1.
Where management is of the view that there has not been a satisfactory improvement in performance
and/or behaviour, the manager should inform the employee that further formal action is to be taken
and/or the employees services are to be terminated. More serious action needs to be in accordance with
company policy and Industrial Relations processes in relation to more serious conduct and performance

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Managing for Good Performance: A Guide for Managers


1. Beginning Phase


Private venue;

Purpose kept confidential;

You and the employee are comfortable with the venue;

Interview location will be free from interruption and other distractions; and

Any electronic devices such as mobile telephones are switched off where practical.

If the employee has requested that a Support Person attend, confirm that their role at the meeting is to
observe discussions and provide support to the employee.

Outline that the purpose of the workplace counselling meeting is to deal with unsatisfactory performance
and/or behaviour.

Advise the employee that:

The discussion will cover the standards expected and where their actual performance and/or
behaviour is not meeting those standards;

They will be given an opportunity to comment and agree or disagree with your observations and
concerns and the standards to be achieved;

You will work in cooperation with them to identify and discuss any relevant organisational,
personal or external factors which may be impacting on their performance and/or behaviour;

You will work in cooperation to develop and implement strategies to address any factors identified
i.e. training and development; and

You will finalise an agreed Action Plan after your discussions if this is decided as a course of action.
If an Action Plan is to be implemented the employee is to be advised that they will be provided
with a copy of the Action Plan and a copy will be retained by management and stored in a
confidential location.

2. Discussion Phase

Detail each (appropriate) performance and/or behaviour standard to be achieved and explain how the
employees performance and/or behaviour has differed from those standards.

Make sure you explain the standard that has to be met. Dont make the standard your personal expectation
by saying I expect. instead state, the organisation expects you to..

Detail the impact that the unsatisfactory performance and/or behaviour has on the team, work objectives
and/or on other employees.

Provide an opportunity for the employee to respond to each of the specific performance issues and try and
seek their agreement that the matter needs to be addressed by them.

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Managing for Good Performance: A Guide for Managers

Provide examples of any specific incidents or copies of documents that support your concerns with their
performance and/or behaviour.

It may be helpful to provide documents that detail expectations and standards to be met by the employee
eg Job Description.

If there is disagreement between you and the employee on any expectation and/or standard, you should
note the area of disagreement and confirm verbally, and afterwards in writing, the work performance
and/or behavioural issues requiring improvement, the standards/targets to be achieved and any relevant

Identify and agree on any special activities to monitor performance and/or behaviour or record
incidents/activities during the review period. Options include:

Daily/weekly/fortnightly reports prepared by either management or employee on what was
achieved or not achieved; or

Where appropriate, other employees to provide confirmation of tasks and activities completed or
not completed.

An employee may raise other matters during the counselling session. Remind them the purpose of the
current discussion is to discuss performance and make another time to discuss the other matters. Be firm
and do not be diverted from the purpose of the session.

3. Conclusion Phase

Establish dates when matters will be reviewed and a further discussion will be held. Review dates should
be realistic and the person given sufficient time to demonstrate an improvement.

Advise the employee that:

If a serious matter occurs during the monitoring period or deterioration in performance or
behaviour occurs, the review date may be brought forward;

Records will be made i.e. the Action Plan, a meeting counselling form, Review Form; and

The matter may progress to more serious action which may include termination of employment if
the agreed performance standards are not met within the review period. Make sure these
consequences are fully explained.

Ask the employee whether they agree that the conclusions made are the results of a fair process and they
have been given adequate opportunity to make comment.

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Managing for Good Performance: A Guide for Managers

Case Studies
Case 1
Three months ago Robyn commenced as an educator. Last week feedback from the Room Leaders advised
that Robyns progress has been slow. The Room Leaders have identified that they have had to remind
Robyn on a number of occasions to tidy the rooms, pack away toys, books etc and that she is reluctant to
take the initiative in her work.
Robyn seems to relate well to the children, however is less confident in her interactions with parents and
the Room Leaders. Robyn is undertaking her Certificate 3 and her results thus far seem to be quite good.

Now that Robyns slow progress and the concerns by the Room Leaders has been brought to
your attention what do you propose to do?

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Managing for Good Performance: A Guide for Managers

Case 2
Anne works as a Room Leader. With over 10 years experience, Anne is one of the more experienced
educators at the Centre. The standard of Annes performance borders on unsatisfactory. Anne regularly
demonstrates an abrupt and aggressive manner with other educators and is reluctant to take on any
additional tasks to help progress the QIP. Annes work with the children and her interaction with families is
good and no concerns have been raised. Anne has been overheard complaining to others about the lack of
opportunities and the fact that just because she has a lengthy period of service everyone expects her to do
more and carry the rest of the team.
Unless she is complaining about something Anne tends to keep to herself and her overall behaviour is not
conducive to good team building. Over a period of time Annes colleagues have expressed their concern
about her attitude and behaviour is getting progressively worse.
Following an outburst from Anne aimed at another employee, the employee has approached you about
Annes behaviour.

What do you propose to do?


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Managing for Good Performance: A Guide for Managers

Case 3
Jane has been working in the service for a number of years and her attendance pattern has always been
satisfactory. Jane works part time and on occasions works additional days when staff are on leave. Janes
starting and finishing times have always been consistent following a regular routine of commencing at 7.30
am and leaving at 3.30 pm most days.
Of the last 2 months or so you have noticed that Jane is progressively starting a few minutes later each day.
She has also been leaving exactly at 3.30 pm each day regardless of what may be happening in the service.
As part of your regular fortnightly timesheet monitoring of staff, Jane is one of the educators whose time
sheets you are reviewing.
The first thing you notice is that Janes time sheet indicates that she has commenced work consistently
between 7.15 am and 7.30 am and her time of departure is shown as 3.30 pm on all days. You know that
this is inaccurate as you have observed Jane coming in later. You are concerned about the discrepancy in
the recording of attendance as well as Janes sudden behaviour relating to her attendance pattern.

What do you propose to do?


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Managing for Good Performance: A Guide for Managers

Taking more formal action

Step 7 Where more serious action is required Stage 2 action

More serious action may need to be taken if the employees performance does not improve including:
further counselling, issuing formal warnings and ultimately if the issue cannot be resolved, termination of

Using a staged process to manage performance and/or

behaviour where more formal action is required

If action taken at the initial stages of poor performance and behaviour does not resolve the issues then
more formal action is required. Following a staged process after the initial action has been taken can be
described as Stage 2.
This stage in managing unsatisfactory performance and/or behaviour can commence when, despite active
management at the initial stage (potentially for up to three months), an employees performance does not
improve or a pattern of unsatisfactory performance and/or behaviour emerges.
Stage 2 involves an employee participating in a more formal performance improvement program, which
may include:

Workplace counselling;

The development of an agreed Action Plan;

A predetermined performance monitoring period; and

A formal review at the conclusion of the improvement program.

Assess the employees performance

In reviewing an employees performance and/or behaviour with reference to the relevant standards and
benchmarks managements need to review the action taken to that point and be able to make an effective
assessment of that previous action. For example:

Has the employee been referred to the specific work standard and benchmarks e.g. Job

Does the employee have a clear understanding of the expected work standards;

Has there been adequate supervision, feedback and opportunities to improve;

Have organisational factors been considered and, if necessary, adequately addressed;

What support has been provided to assist the employee to improve performance; and

What records are available to provide evidence of the poor performance?

If the deficiencies identified are confirmed, management should proceed through the following steps of the
more formal action stage.

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Managing for Good Performance: A Guide for Managers

Applying relevant standards and benchmarks consistently

Consider whether the performance and/or behaviour standards and benchmarks against which
performance and/or behaviour are to be measured are being consistently applied within the workplace. It
may be that all employees need to be reminded about expected work standards or job requirements,
before raising concerns with individual employees.

Stage 2 Workplace counselling

Stage 2 workplace counselling is a more formal meeting between management and the employee where
the manager aims to clarify the standards of performance and/or behaviour required; explore the cause of
the employees unsatisfactory performance; identify opportunities for improvement and outline the
process for monitoring and reviewing performance and/or behaviour.

Notice of Stage 2 workplace counselling

Management needs to formally advise the employee outlining details of the time, place and purpose of the
workplace counselling meeting. A template letter to attend workplace counselling is included with these
procedures at Appendix 1. The employee should be provided with the letter at least 1-2 working days
before the workplace counselling meeting. A shorter notice period is acceptable where the performance
and/or behaviour concerns to be urgent or there is another compelling reason.

Using a support person

At this stage of the process you may want to allow the employee to be accompanied by a support person at
the workplace counselling meeting, such as a colleague. Their role is to observe and provide support to the

Monitoring period and draft Action Plan

Before the workplace counselling meeting, the manager should determine a performance monitoring
period. As a general rule, up to three months is required to properly assess performance and/or behaviour
and to allow sufficient opportunity for improvement. However, the nature and complexity of the
performance and behavioural issues and the employees circumstances may require a shorter or longer
period of monitoring.
Management may decide that an Action Plan will assist the employee to focus on the
performance/behaviour that needs to be addressed. If so the manager may draft an initial Action Plan to be
discussed and further developed during the workplace counselling meeting.

The workplace counselling meeting (Stage 2)

As with all workplace counselling meetings they should be held in a private place (e.g. managers office,
meeting room) and follow the principles previously identified. During a workplace counselling meeting, the
manager should:

Cover the standards expected and outline where the employees actual performance and/or
behaviour is not meeting those standards;

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Managing for Good Performance: A Guide for Managers

Detail the impact of the unsatisfactory performance and/or behaviour on work objectives and
other employees;

Provide the employee with the opportunity to comment and agree or disagree with their
observations and concerns and the standards to be achieved;

Confirm what previous action has been taken to address the performance and or behavioural

Work in cooperation with the employee to identify and discuss any relevant organisational,
personal or other factors which may be impacting on their performance and/or behaviour;

Work in cooperation with the employee to develop and implement strategies to address any
factors identified, i.e. further training and development, mentoring;

Confirm that an Action Plan, setting out the performance and/or behavioural issues to be
addressed, the goals, targets and/or standards to be achieved and the timeframes for review of
performance and/or behaviour, will be finalised following the discussion;

Confirm that records will be made throughout the process i.e. workplace counselling Form, the
Action Plan, Review Form etc;

Outline the process and time for monitoring performance and behaviour under the Action Plan,
including whether the employee is required to provide update reports during the monitoring

Confirm that weekly, fortnightly, monthly (as determined) progress reviews will take place and that
a decision about whether performance and/or behaviour has satisfactorily improved will be made
at a final review meeting, at the end of the monitoring period;

Note that if other instances of unsatisfactory performance and/or behaviour arise or if it further
deteriorates during the monitoring period, the monthly reviews or the final review meeting may be
brought forward and/or the Action Plan may be amended.

Finalising the Stage 2 Action Plan

After the workplace counselling, management should finalise the Action Plan, which is then signed by the
manager and the employee. A copy of the Action Plan is then given to the employee and the original is
held by management in a confidential location.
If there are any areas of disagreement, the employee may outline their concerns in a separate document
which is attached to the Action Plan. However, the employee must still comply with the Plan.

Monitoring performance
The employees performance and/or behaviour is monitored and measured against the Action Plan
throughout the monitoring period.
If the employee takes leave, the monitoring period should be extended to ensure performance and/or
behaviour is monitored for the required period.
The systems used to monitor and record performance and/or behaviour will depend on the employees
role and the particular performance and/or behavioural concerns and may include:

The regular review of work undertaken by the employee;

Direct assessment of the employees performance and behaviour in the workplace;

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Managing for Good Performance: A Guide for Managers

Confirmation of the successful completion of any arranged training;

Feedback from other team members; and

Consideration of any complaints or compliments about the employee received during the
monitoring period.

Management should continue to provide feedback and direction to the employee throughout the
monitoring period, as well as conduct monthly progress meetings.
Records of what has been achieved and what was not achieved during the monitoring period should be kept.

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Managing for Good Performance: A Guide for Managers


Draft Letter 1 - Notification to attend formal workplace

Workplace Counselling Record Form
Performance Review Form
Draft Letter 2 - Satisfactory improvement of performance
and/or behaviour
Draft Letter 3 - Serious action being considered and invitation to
make a submission to outline and extenuating circumstances to
be considered
Agreed Work Plan

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Managing for Good Performance: A Guide for Managers


Notification to attend formal workplace counselling

<Insert Name>

Dear <Insert Name>

I am concerned that you are not performing the duties of your position in a satisfactory manner and I
propose to discuss these issues with you in a formal workplace counselling meeting. The meeting will be
held on <insert details> at <insert details>.
The unsatisfactory performance and/or behaviour issues to be discussed are:

<Insert details>

At the meeting I would also like to address whether there are any barriers or factors that may be
contributing to the situation. I would also like to discuss any possible strategies we can develop and
implement so you can achieve the performance and/or behaviour standards expected. You will also be
given an opportunity to comment on and agree or disagree with my observations, concerns and the
performance and/or behaviour standards I consider relevant.
At the meeting it is intended that we work cooperatively to reach agreement on whether I will require you
to be placed on an Action Plan.
The purpose of an Action Plan is to provide you with formal, written advice on the following:

The work performance and/or behaviour issues to be addressed;

The goals and targets to be achieved;

The agreed dates for progress reviews; and

The timeframes for reviewing your performance and/or behaviour.

If you fail to attend the meeting without any reasonable explanation, this will be regarded as a serious
matter. Also if you are required to be monitored under an Action Plan you are advised that failure to
comply with the Action Plan may result in further action being taken in relation to your continued
If you wish, a support person may accompany you to the workplace counselling meeting, such as a colleague,
family member. Their role at the meeting is to observe the discussions and provide support to you. (Optional)
If you arrange for a support person to be present, I would appreciate you letting me know their name as soon as
possible prior to the meeting.
Yours sincerely


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Managing for Good Performance: A Guide for Managers

TEMPLATE - Workplace Counselling Record Form

Employees name:

Position: Date discussion conducted:

People in attendance:

Expectations and standards communicated to the employee

Employees response

Documents given to employee where appropriate (attach copies)

Strategies to be Implemented to assist employee

Period of monitoring

Review date/s

Signed: __________________________________________________________

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Managing for Good Performance: A Guide for Managers


Employees name


Date review conducted

People in attendance
Details of what has been achieved

Details of what has not been achieved

Satisfactory improvement in performance

Proposed action

Signed: __________________________________________________________


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Managing for Good Performance: A Guide for Managers


Satisfactory improvement of performance

and/or behaviour

<Insert Name>

Dear <Insert Name>
I refer to our meeting on <insert date> during which I conducted a review of your performance and/or
I would like to confirm advice already given to you that there has been a satisfactory improvement in
your performance and/or and acknowledge your efforts over the last <insert monitoring period>.
There is no current requirement for your performance and/or behaviour to be further managed at this
time. However, if similar concerns about your performance and/or behaviour arise in the future, your
performance may be progressed to the taking or more serious action.
Standard supervisory arrangements now apply.
Once again I acknowledge your efforts in responding to my concerns about your performance, which has
demonstrated your commitment to our organisation.]
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Yours sincerely

<Insert Name>

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Managing for Good Performance: A Guide for Managers


Serious action being considered and invitation to make

a submission to outline and extenuating circumstances
to be considered

Insert Name>

Dear <Insert Name>
Review of performance and/or behaviour - serious action may be required
I refer to my letter <insert date> regarding my opinion that your performance and/or behaviour remains
unsatisfactory despite the provision of reasonable opportunities to you to improve. I am now considering
taking serious action in response to your unsatisfactory performance and/or behaviour.
The most serious action I would conceivably take is <insert details of the most serious action being
considered. In particular the employee must be advised if dismissal is being considered>.
Before I make a final decision, I invite you to make a written submission in relation to the serious action
being considered within 7 days of the date of this letter. Your submission should outline any information
you consider relevant, including any extenuating and mitigating circumstances.
I will consider the information you provide prior to making a final decision in relation to action proposed.
Please contact me if you have any questions regarding this matter.
Yours sincerely

<Insert Name

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Managing for Good Performance: A Guide for Managers






Part 1 Agreed Objectives agreed key performance objectives and behaviour measures the employee will be assessed against



1. Promoting and working

How is the employee promoting and undertaking
within the organisations vision, the following (provide examples that reflect):
mission and values.
Professional standards of behaviour;

Promote and encourage teamwork;

2. Workplace health and safety

3. Workplace communication

: 38 :

Act responsibly and be accountable;

Show care and respect.

How is the employee promoting and

demonstrating safe workplace practices (provide
examples that reflect):

Alert for childrens safety;

Aware of hazards in the workplace;

Promotes safety awareness.

How does the employee communicate and

interact with others eg the team, children,
parents (provide examples that reflect):

Effective interpersonal skills;

Provides feedback;

Responds to questions;

Effective listening skills;

Demonstrates empathy.



Not met / Still Developing / Met / Above



Not met / Still Developing / Met / Above



Not met / Still Developing / Met / Above



Managing for Good Performance: A Guide for Managers






Not met / Still Developing / Met / Above



Not met / Still Developing / Met / Above



Not met / Still Developing / Met / Above



Not met / Still Developing / Met / Above






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Managing for Good Performance: A Guide for Managers


to assist the employee in achieving the performance objectives
Discuss training and development activities that will be undertaken to assist in achieving the Performance Objectives. This may include mentoring, on the job training and
development, management development, formal training short courses or programs, local or other work assignments, research, reading programs etc.



Employees signature:

Managers signature:

Both the employee and the manager/supervisor should retain a copy of this form and update progressively for discussion at the agreed review date or as required.

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