Comparative Study On Housing Loans in India Finance
Comparative Study On Housing Loans in India Finance
Comparative Study On Housing Loans in India Finance
Finance Essay /essays/finance/comparative-study-on-housing-loans-in-india-finance-essay.php
Aims- This research article is aimed to compare and critically analyse the housing loan schemes
offered by State Bank of Mysore and Union Bank of India, Bangalore Branch, India
This article explains the housing loan schemes offered by banks in order to give a enhance to the
housing scenario in India and to narrow down the margin between the housing demand and the
availability of houses, The National Housing Bank was set up in the year 1988. This was done by
keeping in mind that a home seeker though does have a desire for a house but lacks the resources for
construction or buying it. To give an enhancement to private housing finance institutions the National
Housing Bank came into the picture. It is a principal agency to promote housing finance institutions
both at local and regional levels and to provide financial and other support to such institutions. While it
is important to keep in mind that the National housing Bank itself does not give loans or finance
individuals or a party as such. It is only a corporate body to promote, establish, support or aid the
housing finance institutions.
India have been serving the people for around three decades and providing various housing loan
schemes according to the customers various needs at attractive and reasonable interest rates. In order
to facilitate the best housing loan schemes at the least interest rate this research article will help in
critically evaluating and comparing the schemes of housing loan for two banks i.e. State Bank Of India
and Union Bank of India, Bangalore, India in order to know the best offers provided by the banks as
well their performances in order to retain in competition within marketplace.
This research article analyses the effectiveness and efficiency of housing loan schemes provided by
SBM and UBI bank which will provide its customers a attractive interest rates in on housing loan.
Literature Review
1.) In December 2006 Fulbag Singh and Reema Sharma had studied about the housing Finance in
India. Housing, as one of the three basic needs of life, always remains on the top priority of any person,
economy, government and society at large. In India, majority of the population lives in slums and
shabby shelters in rural areas. From the last decade, the Government of India has been continuously
trying to strengthen the housing sector by introducing various housing loan schemes for rural and
urban population. The first attempt in this regard was the National Housing Policy (NHP), which was
introduced in 1988. The National Housing Bank (NHB) was set up in 1988 as an apex institution for
housing finance and a wholly-owned subsidiary of Reserve Bank of India (RBI). The main objective of
the bank is to promote and establish the housing financial institutions in the country as well as to
provide refinance facilities to housing finance corporations and scheduled commercial banks.
Moreover, for the salaried section, the tax rebates on housing loans have been introduced. The paper
is based on the case study of LIC Housing Finance Ltd., which analyzes region-wise disbursements of
individual house loans, their portfolio amounts and the defaults for the last ten years, i.e., from 1995-96
to 2004-05 by working out relevant ratios in terms of percentages and the compound annual growth
rates. A relevant chart has also been prepared to highlight the results.
3) In May 18, 2007 Michael La Cour-Little had studied about the Economic Factors Affecting Home
Mortgage Disclosure Act Reporting. The public release of the 20042005 Home Mortgage Disclosure
Act data raised a number of questions given the increase in the number and percentage of higherpriced home mortgage loans and continued differentials across demographic groups. Here we assess
three possible explanations for the observed increase in 2005 over 2004: (1) changes in lender
business practices; (2) changes in the risk profile of borrowers; and (3) changes in the yield curve
environment. Results suggest that after controlling for the mix of loan types, credit risk factors, and the
yield curve, there was no statistically significant increase in reportable volume for loans originated
directly by lenders during 2005, though indirect, wholesale originations did significantly increase.
Finally, given a model of the factors affecting results for 2004-2005, we predict that 2006 results will
continue to show an increase in the percentage of loans that are higher priced when final numbers are
released in September 2007
"The housing finance market has been consistently exhibiting rapid growth in the past few years.
Growth has been largely concentrated on urban areas and in the middle to high income groups,
focusing on the salaried class. This growth was partly fuelled by the entry of commercial banks seeking
asset growth in a sluggish business environment coupled with the tax incentives on housing loans. The
banks, with their lower cost of funds, extensive branch network, capability to provide a range of
personal banking services and aided by the average low default rates in housing finance, could
expand the market considerably. They however, continued to focus on middle to higher income groups.
Lower income groups, self employed and the rural population are by and large excluded. While the
middle and higher income groups may continue to access conventional housing finance, increasing
attention will need to be paid to the needs of the underserved". (Source: Saravanan P. Recent
Experiences in the Housing Finance Sector - A Study with Reference to India. Housing Finance
International [serial online]. September 2007; 21(5):45-48. Available from: Business Source
Complete, Ipswich, MA. Accessed June 17, 2010)
EMI = L * r (1 + r) n x 1
(1 + r) n - 1 12
Interest rate- It is the amount which banks charge along with the principal amount per year on the basis
of fixed rate or floating rate.
UBI- Union Bank of India
SBM- State Bank of Mysore
HFC- Housing Finance Company
The study mainly deals with Housing Finance Sectors. The two important sectors identified for this
purpose are companies and client of public and private Housing finance sector in Bangalore.