Removing and Installing Unit Injectors

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Removing and installing unit injectors

Special tools and workshop equipment required

Universal dial gauge bracket -VW 387 Socket -3410 Special wrench (long reach) -T10054 Tool set for FSI engines -T10133 Torque wrench -V.A.G 1331 Puller -T10163-

Valve lever -VW 541/1 Awith press tool for VW 541

/ 1 A and 2037 -VW 541/5-

Assembly device for

valves -2036-

Dial gauge -VAS 6079-

Remove cylinder head

cover Rep. Gr.15.

Turn crankshaft until both
cams on cylinder of unit
injector to be removed
point symmetrically
upwards. To do so:
Vehicles with manual
gearbox: push vehicle
forwards with 4th gear
engaged and ignition
switched off.
Vehicles with multitronic
gearbox: remove noise
insulation, remove torque
reaction support and stop
for torque reaction support,
lever off cover cap from
vibration damper and
rotate crankshaft in
clockwise direction via
central bolt for vibration
Loosen the lock nuts -2- of
the adjuster screws -1- on
all unit injectors.
Unscrew the adjuster
screws until each rocker

arm touches the tappet

spring of the unit injector.
Unscrew bolts -1, 3, 5
using socket -3410-.
Unscrew bolts -2- and -4using socket -3410
alternately in several
Do not pull bolts out of rocker
arm shaft so that components
remain attached to shaft. If
necessary mark position on
rocker arm.
Detach rocker arm shaft.

Detach electrical
connectors from glow

plugs -A- and from unit

injectors -B-.
Only slacken or tighten the
bolts at the retaining clips
when removing and
installing unit injectors. If
the electrical wiring harness
is released at the retaining
clips, the clips will become
bent and this may lead to a
break in the wiring because
of the increased amount of
Remove bolts -arrows- at
retaining clips and move

entire electrical wiring

harness clear to one side.
Unscrew bolts -arrows with special wrench (long
reach) -T10054-.

Pull out ball stud -1- from

unit injector to be removed.

Insert puller -T10163- in

bolt holes on unit injector.
Turn spindle -A- down
lightly onto the unit

injector. Hand-tighten lock

nut -B-.
By tapping gently with
screw striker -T10133/3-,
lift the unit injector
upwards out of its seat in
the cylinder head.

Mark cylinder numbers of unit
injectors for re-installation.
Installing and adjusting
Renew bolts on unit

Before installation oil O rings and guide in cylinder
New unit injectors are

supplied with new O-rings.

When installing a new unit
injector, you must also
renew the appropriate
adjuster screw in rocker
When re-installing the old
unit injector, you must

replace the O-rings

Whenever an operation
requires adjustment of a
unit injector, the adjuster
screw in the rocker arm
and the ball stud of the
unit injector must be
cleaned and examined for
signs of wear. Ball stud
and adjuster screw must
be renewed if signs of
wear are found.
Grease the contact
surfaces between the ball
stud and adjuster screw
with lubricating grease -G
000 100-.
Before installing unit
injector check that both Orings are properly seated.
The O-rings must not be

The O-ring marked white
is located in the lower
groove on the unit injector.

Lubricate seals and body

of unit injector.
Check seat of unit injector
in cylinder head for dirt
and any foreign particles
(metal shavings/carbon
etc.) and blow out with
compressed air if
Insert unit injector very
carefully into cylinder
head seat.
Fit valve assembly device
-2036- with securing
plates -2036/1- onto
retaining frame of cylinder
head as shown.

If the unit injector is pulled
down by the securing bolts,
there is a danger that the
unit injector will be drawn
into its seat at an angle.
This may subsequently lead
to engine running problems
and starting problems. For
this reason the unit injector
must be pressed into its
seat first and may be
tightened only then.
Insert new securing bolts
and carefully screw in by
hand without applying
force until they make
contact -arrow-.

Then fit valve lever -VW

541/1 A- using press tool
-VW 541/5-.
Carefully press unit
injector into its seat using
valve lever -VW 541/1 Awhile keeping the force
Then screw in securing
bolts for unit injector by
hand without applying

force using special wrench

(long reach) -T10054- until
they make contact.

Tighten bolts for unit

injectors -arrows- as

1. Tighten with torque wrench to 3 Nm.

2. Turn 90 (1/4 turn) further using a rigid wrench.
3. Turn 180 (1/2 turn) further using a rigid wrench.

Before inserting rocker arm

shaft, check whether all
ball studs -1- and O-rings
-2- have been installed in
unit injectors.

Secure the rocker arm

shaft as follows:

Tighten bolts -2- and -4- alternately in several stages until rocker arm shaft lies on bearing
2. Tighten bolts -1-, -3- and -5- to 20 Nm + 90 (1/4 turn).
3. Tighten bolts -2- and -4- to 20 Nm + 90 (1/4 turn).

Apply dial gauge -VAS

6079- to adjuster screw of
unit injector, as shown in
Turn crankshaft in
direction of engine rotation
until roller of rocker arm is
located at tip of drive cam.
Roller side -arrow A- is at
highest point.
Dial gauge -arrow B- is at
lowest point.
Remove dial gauge.
Now turn the adjuster
screw into rocker arm until
significant resistance can
be felt (unit injector is at
limit stop).

Turn adjuster screw 180

back off stop.
Hold adjuster screw in this
position and tighten lock
nut to 30 Nm.
Perform further installation in
reverse order, paying
attention to the following:
Install cylinder head cover

Rep. Gr.15.

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