Gender(s), Power, and Marginalization: Typical Questions
Gender(s), Power, and Marginalization: Typical Questions
Gender(s), Power, and Marginalization: Typical Questions
Gender studies and queer theory explore issues of sexuality, power, and marginalized populations
(woman as other) in literature and culture. Much of the work in gender studies and queer theory, while
influenced by feminist criticism, emerges from post-structural interest in fragmented, de-centered
knowledge building (Nietzsche, Derrida, Foucault), language (the breakdown of sign-signifier), and
psychoanalysis (Lacan).
A primary concern in gender studies and queer theory is the manner in which gender and sexuality is
discussed: "Effective as this work [feminism] was in changing what teachers taught and what the
students read, there was a sense on the part of some feminist critics was still the old game
that was being played, when what it needed was a new game entirely. The argument posed was that
in order to counter patriarchy, it was necessary not merely to think about new texts, but to think
about them in radically new ways" (Richter 1432).
Therefore, a critic working in gender studies and queer theory might even be uncomfortable with the
binary established by many feminist scholars between masculine and feminine: "Cixous (following
Derrida in Of Grammatology) sets up a series of binary oppositions (active/passive,
sun/moon...father/mother, logos/pathos). Each pair can be analyzed as a hierarchy in which the
former term represents the positive and masculine and the latter the negative and feminine principle"
(Richter 1433-1434).
Many critics working with gender and queer theory are interested in the breakdown of binaries such as
male and female, the in-betweens (also following Derrida's interstitial knowledge building). For
example, gender studies and queer theory maintains that cultural definitions of sexuality and what it
means to be male and female are in flux: "...the distinction between "masculine" and "feminine"
activities and behavior is constantly changing, so that women who wear baseball caps and
fatigues...can be perceived as more piquantly sexy by some heterosexual men than those women who
wear white frocks and gloves and look down demurely" (Richter 1437).
Moreover, Richter reminds us that as we learn more about our genetic structure, the biology of
male/female becomes increasingly complex and murky: "even the physical dualism of sexual genetic
structures and bodily parts breaks down when one considers those instances - XXY syndromes, natural
sexual bimorphisms, as well as surgical transsexuals - that defy attempts at binary classification"
Typical questions:
What elements of the text can be perceived as being masculine (active, powerful) and
feminine (passive, marginalized) and how do the characters support these traditional roles?
What sort of support (if any) is given to elements or characters who question the
masculine/feminine binary? What happens to those elements/characters?
What elements in the text exist in the middle, between the perceived masculine/feminine
binary? In other words, what elements exhibit traits of both (bisexual)?
How does the author present the text? Is it a traditional narrative? Is it secure and forceful? Or
is it more hesitant or even collaborative?
What are the politics (ideological agendas) of specific gay, lesbian, or queer works, and how
are those politics revealed in...the work's thematic content or portrayals of its characters?
What are the poetics (literary devices and strategies) of a specific lesbian, gay, or queer
What does the work contribute to our knowledge of queer, gay, or lesbian experience and
history, including literary history?
How is queer, gay, or lesbian experience coded in texts that are by writers who are apparently
What does the work reveal about the operations (socially, politically, psychologically)
How does the literary text illustrate the problematics of sexuality and sexual "identity," that is
the ways in which human sexuality does not fall neatly into the separate categories defined by
the words homosexual and heterosexual?
Dr. Katherine D. Harris Eng 101, Fall 2005 Queer Theory Definition & Literary
Example I. from Dr. Mary Klages, UC Boulder The word
"queer" in queer theory has some of these connotations, particularly its alignment
with ideas about homosexuality. Queer theory is a brand-new branch of study or
theoretical speculation; it has only been named as an area since about 1991. It
grew out of gay/lesbian studies, a discipline which itself is very new, existing in any
kind of organized form only since about the mid-1980s. Gay/lesbian studies, in turn,
grew out of feminist studies and feminist theory. Let me tell you a little about this
history. (It's interesting in its own right, because it is literally happening under our
noses, in our classrooms, at this moment; it's also interesting as a way of seeing
how theoretical movements or schools grow out of other schools, as we've already
seen with the bricolage that emerges from Saussure to Derrida to Lacan to Cixous
and Irigaray). *** (deleted sections) Gay/lesbian studies, as a political form of
academics, also challenges the notion of normative sexualities. As Rubin's article
suggests, once you set up a category labeled "normal," you automatically set up its
opposite, a category labeled "deviant," and the specific acts or identities which fill
those categories then get linked to other forms of social practices and methods of
social control. When you do something your culture labels deviant, you are liable to
be punished for it: by being arrested, by being shamed, made to feel dirty, by losing
your job, your license, your loved ones, your self-respect, your health insurance.
Gay/lesbian studies, like feminist studies, works to understand how these categories
of normal and deviant are constructed, how they operate, how they are enforced, in
order to intervene into changing or ending them. Which brings me--finally--to queer
theory. Queer theory emerges from gay/lesbian studies' attention to the social
never may such vile Machine14 95 Be once in Celia's Chamber seen! O may she
better learn to keep "Those Secrets of the hoary deep!"15 As Mutton Cutlets, Prime
of Meat, 100 Which tho' with Art you salt and beat, As Laws of Cookery require, And
toast them at the clearest Fire; If from adown the hopful Chops The Fat upon a
Cinder drops, 105 To stinking Smoak it turns the Flame Pois'ning the Flesh from
whence it came; And up exhales a greasy Stench, For which you curse the careless
Wench; So Things, which must not be exprest, 110 When plumpt into the reeking
Chest; Send up an excremental Smell To taint the Parts from whence they fell. The
Pettycoats and Gown perfume, Which waft a Stink round every Room. 115 Thus
finishing his grand Survey, Disgusted Strephon stole away Repeating in his amorous
Fits, Oh! Celia, Celia, Celia shits! But Vengeance, Goddess never sleeping 120 Soon
punish'd Strephon for his Peeping; His foul Imagination links Each Dame he sees
with all her Stinks: And, if unsav'ry Odours fly, Conceives a Lady standing by: 125 All
Women his Description fits, And both Idea's jump like Wits: By vicious Fancy coupled
fast, And still appearing in Contrast. I pity wretched Strephon blind 130 To all the
Charms of Female Kind; Should I the Queen of Love refuse, Because she rose from
stinking Ooze? To him that looks behind the Scene, Satira's but some pocky
Quean.16 135 When Celia in her Glory shows, If Strephon would but stop his Nose;
(Who now so impiously blasphemes Her Ointments, Daubs, and Paints and Creams,
Her Washes, Slops, and every Clout, 140 With which he makes so foul a Rout;) He
soon would learn to think like me, And bless his ravisht Sight to see Such Order from
Confusion sprung, Such gaudy Tulips rais'd from Dung. Notes 1. The names
Strephon and Celia come from classical pastoral poetry or romance. 2. Betty is the
generic name for a maidservant. 3. Lead was used as a cosmetic to whiten the face.
4. Front, "forehead." 5. Allum flower, or powded alum, is used as an antiperspirant.
6. Tripsy, a typical name of a lapdog. 7. Whelp, "puppy." 8. Gallypots, "jars." 9.
Pomatum, "ointment for the hair." 10. Hard, "near." 11. Frowzy, "messy." 12. Coifs
and Pinners, "night caps." 13. Glass, "mirror." 14. Machine, "Any complicated piece
of workmanship" (Johnson). 15. "Those Secrets of the hoary deep": See Paradise
Lost, 2.890-91: "Before their eyes in sudden view appear/The secrets of the hoary
Deep." 16. Satira, the heroine of The Rival Queens by Nathaniel Lee; quean, "A
worthless woman, generally a strumpet" (Johnson). Pocky suggests either smallpox
or a venereal disease.