Analisis Poem Blue Valentine
Analisis Poem Blue Valentine
Analisis Poem Blue Valentine
Blue valentine tells about love. But not happy love, this poem tells about bad love. Tell
about a girl that have problem in valentine’s day. She feels loneliness. Because in valentine’s day
her boyfriend doesn’t come. Her boyfriend not gives a prize for him. Besides that, she don’t
know where her boyfriend now. She always pray and hopes in order she can meet with
In line 1 “How my heart aches for you tonight,” and line 18 “How it hurts to be in love,”
explain about when this girl in night of valentine’s day feel alone and hurts. In here we can see
that love found in two hearts and that heart must to be at one. If no, any one heart hurts. But,
In stanza 2, 10, 14, and 19, “On this blue valentine’s day,” explain about not all people
fell happy in valentine’s day, but some people feel sad. Generally, blue represent about
atmosphere cool, calm, and positive energy. But in this poem, blue represent about sorrow,
loneliness, and bad color. The author choices a word “blue” because maybe the author has a
In line 3 “No chocolate sweets or kisses for me,” and line 20 “No red roses or card for
me,” explain about the basic of valentine is the day of all people give their love and pity to their
beloved man. In the world, the people for express their loved with give chocolate or card for
their beloved man like their friends and their family, and kisses or roses for their girlfriend or
their boyfriend to their wife or their husband. Not only to, a sun can give roses for their sister or
their mom in valentine’s day. But in this poem, this girl not visited that all.
In line 4 “From those lips that made me feel loved,” and line 21 “From those hands that
made me fall in love,” explain about everything can make us feel and falling in love. Even
though those only small reasons. We can see that this poem expose about sad valentine’s day.
We can feel love when our boyfriend can make many colors in our life. We as a girl very
Those poems explain about even though she not together with her soulmate, but she
always can fell love from her boyfriend. Even though he feels hurts, he is always positive
thinking with her boyfriend. We can see that love is our life. In everything in our life we must
have love. But we can’t life with happy if we not have love. From this stanza we can now that
any big power of love in our self though we not together. From far of distance we can pray order
the angels always protect our boyfriend. As we know that in global era valentine’s day can make
From that poem, we know that not only explain about of valentine’s day, but Valentine in
this stanza in the name of the boy in this poem. If we feel fall in love, even thought our boyfriend
In line 14-17 :
explain about he fell afraid because he alone and blue. It means that blue express about dark,
quiet, and silent. In this poem, blue is a something that can make our feel sad. In fact, sometimes
in valentine’s day some people fell happy in this day. So, as a people we must divide our happy
with other people. Because valentine’s day not only for couple, but valentine’s day possession all
From line 22-27 in the last of lines is same sentence with line 5-9. We can see that the
author want to explain with clear about the girl in this poem very sad and loneliness at
valentine’s day. She is not happy and she has a symbol with color “blue” to symbolize this
According to me, theme of this poem not matching with contents. From the theme, we
can see that this poem explain about a big power of love. But, if we read the content of this
poem, this is very different with the theme. We can analyze from the different of the theme with
content of this poem. Maybe the author can the reader know that color “blue” not only as a
happy symbolize. So, we can use everything color that we like to express our moment and our
experience. From that explanation, in generally in world all people celebrate valentine’s day and
According to me, we can analyze with use psychological approach theory. Psychological
approach theory is theory that use to analyze in literature that explain about emotional intelligent
about this poem. Emotional intelligent is the ability to understand and handling sense of
emotional in this poem. In this theory explain about ability to interlace relationship with other
people in their environment. For example in this poem, a girl in this poem has relationship with a
Emotional intelligent always have relationship with fell and emotion that people.
Emotional intelligent consist of five area, such as : know our self emotion, handling our emotion,
give motivation for our self, to know emotion other people and interlace relationship with other
In this poem, emotional intelligent the girl is enough good. She can handle her emotion to
do something that not good for her. She pray to God order her boyfriend always protect from the
angels. From this case we can see that if we honest love to someone, we will do something that
can’t make our boyfriend happy. She always positive thinking even though she not together with
her boyfriend.
Emotional intelligent consist of four aspects, first is manage our self. Its means that how
people can manage their self and their feeling of experience. Same with this poem, the girl can
do it. Even though she feel sad in valentine’s day, but she always feel power of love with her
boyfriend. We must know that love not only for a couple, but love is for all people. Even though
Line 7 “From this crazy world,” can explain about in the word has celebrate of
valentine’s day in February, 14th. In valentine’s day, some people sometime do something that
advantage to reach our ambition, to solve the problem that we faced. In this poem, line 4 “From
those lips that made me feel loved,” and line 21 “From those hands that made me fall in love,”
this sentence is show about the girl always remember small something that connected with her
boyfriend. This is can give motivation to herself to always wake her love in order that love still
Third is empathy. It is built by self awareness with think that if you are in same position
towards the problem that faced by other people. It helps you to read and understand what other
people feeling. We can see that in this poem has a connected with this aspect. In example this
girl is a girl that has deep feeling with her boyfriend. She always placed herself if she only no
one people have problem in our life. We must can face that all problem to get a happy in our life.
The last is social skill. Social skill is skill that can learnt from when they child about how
to interlace relationship with other people. It means we can learn social skill when we child
because childhood is time they has a big curiosities. Maybe in this poem, the girl has a skill of
All of them can separate from internal and external factor. Internal factor is factor that
exist in our self that can influence our emotional intelligent. External factor is something or
factor that exist from our environment that can influence our emotional intelligent. In this poem,
the girl has an internal problem. Because her problem or her sad in valentine’s day is from
internal factor. She doesn’t have external factor. And she not divided her sad with other people.
She doesn’t want the other people fell her sad in valentine’s day. She always respect with
other people. And after we read this poem we know that if we love someone, we must defend our
In line 8 “our love we once shared and keep it close to your heart…” can give our
information about even though we not together, we always feel that our soulmate always in close
to our heart. We can ask to our heart why we always feel other something in our heart.
For the last, I want to warn to the reader if the theme of this poem not matching with the
content. From the theme we can see that this poem explain about energy and sensual problem
that can make us happy and smile every day. But if we read the content of this poem, we will get
different something. The content of this poem explain about sad or bad day in valentine’s day.
From this analyze, I want to explain that noting something one can clear our love from
our heart if we has a big power of love in our deep heart. But we must sure with our beloved
man. Not all man is playboy man, but some man can give their love to their girlfriend with
honest. So I hope the reader can get a lesson from this poem. And my analysis can give you