Anti Money Laundering Policy 2011
Anti Money Laundering Policy 2011
Anti Money Laundering Policy 2011
1.1 The Proceeds of Crime Act 2002, the Terrorism Act 2000 and the Money
Laundering Regulations 2007 place obligations on the council and its
employees with respect to suspected money laundering, the key points
The Policy
2.1 The policy applies to all officers and members, and sets out procedures for
the reporting of suspected money laundering activities with the aim to
reduce potential criminal activity. The policy defines procedures that will
assist the council to comply with its legal obligations.
2.2 The Policy should be read along side the councils Whistleblowing Policy,
Anti-Fraud and Corruption Policy and the Treasury Management Practice
money laundering guidelines.
2.3 Failure of an officer to comply with the procedures defined within this
policy may lead to disciplinary action in line with the councils Disciplinary
Policy Procedures.
2.4 Failure of a member to comply with the procedures defined within this
policy would be reported to the leader for further action, for example a
possible report to the Standards Committee.
3.1 Money laundering is a term used which relates to offences involving the
proceeds of crime or terrorism funds. The following acts are defined as
acts of money laundering:
These are primary money laundering acts, two secondary offences are
also defined which relate to the failure to disclose any of the three primary
acts and tipping off (POCA section 330). Tipping off is where someone
informs a person or persons involved in, or suspected to be involved in
money laundering acts, in such a way as to reduce the likelihood of their
being investigated.
3.2 While the risk to the council of breaching legislation is considered to be
low, officers in all areas should be aware that they could be potentially
exposed to money laundering acts. It is important that all employees are
aware of their responsibility to report any suspicions of money laundering
activity as detailed within this policy (see reporting). All officers are
responsible to act promptly and report any suspicions to the Money
Laundering Reporting Officer to prevent any breach of legislation which
can lead to serious criminal penalties.
5.1 Any employee who suspects money laundering activity should report their
suspicions promptly to the Money Laundering Reporting Officer using the
form attached (see reporting form for completion by the Money Laundering
Reporting Officer, referenced AML Form 1), upon receipt of the report the
Money Laundering Reporting Officer may contact you directly to discuss
the content of the report as required.
5.2 No further enquiries should be made about the suspected money
laundering after reporting to the Money Laundering Reporting Officer for
action. No further steps in any transaction relating to the suspected money
laundering should be made without authorisation from the Money
Laundering Reporting Officer. For example, if repeated reported cash
overpayments are received to a specific account seek guidance from the
Money Laundering Reporting Officer before the amounts are refunded as
an Allerdale Borough Council cheque.
5.3 No disclosure should be made to others that would indicate suspicions of
money laundering. Any officer reporting should not discuss the matter with
others or note on file that a report has been made to the Money
Laundering Reporting Officer as this may result in the suspect becoming
aware of the situation.
5.4 The Money Laundering Reporting Officer will promptly evaluate any
Disclosure Report to determine whether it should be reported to SOCA.
5.5 The Money Laundering Reporting Officer will, if necessary, promptly report
the matter to SOCA on the standard electronic report form in the
prescribed manner via
5.6 Failure to report a disclosure to SOCA is considered a criminal offence
without reasonable grounds. All disclosures will be retained on file for five
6.1 Extra care needs to be taken when the council is carrying out regulated
activities, this is known as customer due diligence, for example treasury
management activities, charging for a service as a business or a customer
other than a UK public authority. Due to the nature and stringent
guidelines for regulated business, you will be aware if your duties involve
regulated activities.
6.2 If customer due diligence (CDD) applies, you must seek evidence of
identity, for example:
Seek evidence from the key contact of their personal identity following
the guidelines for identifying customers (see the councils cashiering
procedure notes section seven for guidance).
6.3 Identification must be retained for five years after the end of the business
7.1 The council will make all officers aware of the requirements and
obligations placed on the council and on themselves as individuals by antimoney laundering legislation and give targeted training to those most
likely to encounter money laundering. See Appendix A at the end of this
Further information
AML Form 1
For completion by the Officer suspicious of activity
[insert name of employee]
Directorate: __________________________________________
[insert post title and business unit]
Ext/Tel No:
Has any investigation been undertaken (as far as you are aware)?
(Please tick the relevant box)
If yes, please include details below:
Do you feel you have a reasonable excuse for not disclosing the matter
to SOCA? (e.g. are you a lawyer and wish to claim legal professional
privilege? [Please tick the relevant box]
If yes, please set out full details below:
Action plan:
_________ to _________
Moratorium Period:
_________ to _________
Signed: ____________________
Dated: ___________________
Appendix A
All officers should be vigilant to suspicious activity, in particular when handling
cash and other monetary transactions and when procuring works.
The Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA) have
issued the following examples for situations which may give rise to money
laundering or the suspicion of it: