Rules of Conduct While Aboard Uss Pampanito
Rules of Conduct While Aboard Uss Pampanito
Rules of Conduct While Aboard Uss Pampanito
To ensure a safe and pleasant visit, all USS Pampanito Overnight Program participants
are required to abide by the following rules. Group leaders should read the rules to the
entire group prior to their visit. Remember: Discipline is the responsibility of the
group leader!
2. Adequate adult supervision is required from the visiting group at all times. After dark,
no crewmembers are to leave the submarine or walk topside unless accompanied by an
adult. Adults are expected to stay with the group and participate in the program. The
main gate to the pier will remain shut and locked until morning. Anyone leaving the
premises will not be allowed to return. A minimum of 7 adults must be present. There
must be an adult/child ration of 1:6 or 1:3 if the majority of the group is younger than 8
years old. Please adhere to your group’s guidelines if they are stricter than our
3. Do not enter restricted areas without permission of staff. These areas are well
marked. When topside, do not leave the marked walkway. Do not climb on any deck
guns or on the periscope and lookout platforms.
4. Do not turn valves, switches, handles, and otherwise attempt to operate any
equipment aboard the submarine. Everything on board the submarine is an historic
artifact and must be treated with respect. USS Pampanito is a National Historic
7. Sleep only in these designated areas: the 36 bunks in the Crew’s Berthing Area; the
12 bunks in the Officer’s Quarters. At least 3 adults must sleep in the Crew’s
Berthing Area to supervise the group sleeping there.
Wear shoes at all other times, except while in bunks. Do not use other
compartments for sleeping.
8. The group is responsible for cleaning all areas occupied on board the vessel before
departing. A list of cleaning responsibilities will be provided.
9. Supervisors are to make sure all required paperwork is completed and submitted.
10. Uniforms: If your group has an official uniform, please wear the uniform top during
the program. Jeans are recommended.
11. The group must follow all directions and special instructions issued by
members of our staff. We would like to invite you back in the future.
The San Francisco Maritime National Park Association welcomes your group on their
overnight stay aboard the historic submarine USS Pampanito. To ensure your safety
during your visit, we ask you to review the following information with the members of your
1. Safe Conduct: Please remember two important points about USS Pampanito: First,
Pampanito is a naval vessel which was built with the intention to be operated by specially-
trained Navy personnel; Second, Pampanito is now a museum ship; both of these points
dictate that safe conduct be exercised by each and every member of your group. Because
of the design and construction of the submarine, special care must be taken while on
board for your personal safety.
• At least three adults must stay in the Crew’s Berthing Area to supervise the group.
• Do not block any passageways with personal gear, boxes, coolers, etc. Do not
block any ladders to access hatches. Stow all your supplies safely out of the way.
• Do not run while on board the submarine or on the pier.
• Do not attempt to climb on the bridge deck without permission of staff.
• Step through watertight doors one leg at a time while holding on to the handgrip.
• Be aware of low overheads (low hanging equipment or fixtures) in the submarine –
there are potential “head knockers” throughout the submarine.
• Exercise caution when climbing in and out of bunks, particularly the top bunks.
When in any of the upper bunks be mindful of equipment, pipes, valves, etc. which
are mounted overhead.
• While topside, remain on the special walkway at all times. Do not go outside the
wire rope barriers at any time, or out on the bow or stern of the boat. The metal and
wooden portions of the deck are usually wet and slippery after dark.
• When going up or down ladders, hold on to handrails with both hands.
• Stay out of any areas of the boat which are secured by locks or screws or are
otherwise marked as off limits.
• Do not attempt to operate any equipment, turn switches, open up any control
panels or otherwise disturb any equipment on the submarine.
• Do not use any pots, pans, dishes, flatware, utensils, or any other galley equipment
found on the submarine.
• Do not bring your own appliances for use on board (such as a coffee maker, hot
plate.) We have hot water available.
2. Safety Equipment:
• Telephone – located in pier office.
• First Aid Kit – each scout troop is required to bring their own, however, we have a
kit located in the office on the pier.
• Eye Wash Station – next to building entrance.
• Life Rings – located on the pier and on the main deck of the submarine.
• Boat Hooks - located against wall in work area behind gangway.
• Life Jacket – on top of the Eye Wash Station.
The toilets on board are called “gravity flush type heads.” These operate somewhat
differently from a home toilet. A staff member will demonstrate the following instructions
after your arrival:
• Failure to turn off valve could cause a flooding hazard.
• No other items (such as trash, cups, candy wrappers, etc.) are to be
disposed of in the heads. To do so will cause blockage and or
damage to the system.
Don’t worry if instructions make this sound complicated—it’s really not that difficult.
However, you will be responsible for making sure everyone in your group understands
operation of the heads. Each visiting group is responsible for leaving the toilet facilities
in a clean condition.
Cleaning Responsibilities
In general, adopting a “clean as you go” policy will lessen the amount of cleaning you
will have to do before your departure. Take care of any spills on the deck immediately to
prevent tracking the mess throughout the boat. The trash can and trash bags are
provided for your use. Brooms, dustpans, extra trash bags, spray cleaner, hand soap
and paper towels are available for your use, and are stored in the outermost shower
stall in the crew’s washroom.
The following areas must be cleaned before departure:
Crew’s Berthing
Crew’s Mess
• Sweep decks
• Wipe down all tables, bench seats and counter tops
• Empty hot water urn and prepare for stowage, along with coffee cocoa & tea
Officers’ Berthing
1900 Arrival; unload children; park vehicles at designated garage (see Parking
Instructions); group leader meets with staff to complete necessary paperwork.
2000 Group tours pier exhibits with a USS Pampanito staff Educator
2030 Go over the rules of conduct as a group and then board the submarine for an
audio tour
0800 Gear should be completely loaded off; staff does final inspection of cleaning job;
posting colors (optional); group photograph.
Parking for the Pampanito Overnight Program is in Shed A, marked with a red ‘A’ below.
Shed A is the building adjacent to the Pampanito, on Pier 45. The entrance to Shed A is
marked with the green arrow below, at the very end of Taylor Street. Your group can
park 10 vehicles in Shed A. The cost for these 10 vehicles is already covered in the cost
of your program however, if you bring more than 10 vehicles, the cost is $15 for each
additional vehicle (up to 20 vehicles). We do not control the parking garage, but we
have worked out a deal with the owners on behalf of our groups. The normal cost for
overnight parking is more than twice the rate we’ve been able to provide to you.
Arrival: When you arrive, have your parking passes ready to show to the attendants
inside of Shed A (you will receive your passes with a confirmation letter when we
receive your deposit and signed contract). DO NOT UNLOAD GEAR AT THIS TIME. If
the garage is closed, park your car in front of the blue garage door, and send a runner
down to speak with a Pampanito staff member, they will open the door for you. Please
follow the directions of our staff members, as specific changes may occur.
Payment: You will settle payment with OUR staff, and not with the staff of the parking
garage. Follow their instructions.
Please note: We provide parking from the hours of 6:30pm to 9:00am. Any cars that
arrive before, or would like to remain in the Fisherman’s Wharf area longer than the
allotted time, need to make other arrangements for their vehicle.
In consideration of my child participating in the programs of the San Francisco Maritime National Park
Association, I agree on behalf of myself and my child to assume all risks of injury to my child and agree to
waive all claims, actions, damages and agree not to sue the Maritime Park Association, it’s officers,
directors, employees, agents or assigns for any claims arising out of participation in the Maritime Park
Association’s programs the actions of the school district or youth group’s employees, officers or agents, of
the program participants.
Do you have any physical or medical conditions, restrictions, or special needs? If so,
please describe: _________________________
• All participants must wear pants, closed toe shoes, and have a jacket
for evening. The pier may be cold. The submarine’s ambient temperature is
usually in the high 60s.
• If THE GROUP wishes to bring a snack for the late evening and/or a light
breakfast for the morning, please be sure that it is for everyone attending.
Pizza may be ordered. Bring cash for the pizza man.
• There is NO time for dinner! Please have dinner before arriving at the
• Do not bring electronic devices, including cell phones, videogames,
music players, etc.
• We have Zero tolerance for alcohol, drugs and weapons! People in
violation will be escorted off the pier.
• There is NO SMOKING on the pier or submarine.
• NO ONE may leave the pier after the group arrives for the program.
People who leave will not be allowed to return during the duration of the
• All people must be 6 years old.
• No siblings are allowed unless they are full members of the participating
• There must be a 1:6 adult/child ratio with a minimum of 7 adults.
• The SFMNPA is not responsible for any lost or stolen items.
• Ever participant must have a completed and signed medical for and
liability release form.