Satire Techniques
Satire Techniques
Satire Techniques
Definition: a literary genre used to expose humanitys vices and foibles, giving
impetus to change and reform through ridicule.
Purposes of Satire:
Satire Techniques
Irony: The actual intent is expressed in words which carry an opposite meaning. Lighter
than sarcasm becayuyse of its indirectness. Achieved through understatement and
Ridicule : words intended to belittle a person or idea and arouse contemptuous laughter.
Depending on the subject being ridicules, this form of humor can be harmful or harmless. To
condemn or criticise by making the idea or person seem ridiculus
Invective : Speech or writing that abuses, denounces or attacks. Using emotional language
as a tool for anger. E.g. using profanity
Parody: an imitation of an author and their word with the idea of ridiculing the author, his/
her ideas or the work itself. Their idea is stimulated in order to be recognised. Exploits the
perculiarities of an authors expression or particular feature e.g. a type of walk, certain
Travesty : Making mockery of a serious subject, by presention a serious ( often religious)
subject frivolously; it reduces everything to its lowest level.
Bulesque: ridiculus exaggeration achieved through a variety of ways such as the sublime
as absurd and honest emotions turned to sentimentality. Style is the essential qualiy in
Farce exaggeration/ inflation : Exciting laughter through exaggerated, improbable
situations. Usually containing low comedy e.g. quarrelling, fighting, horseplay, noisy
Knaves and Fools: in comedy are no vians or innoncent vitims . There are rogues
( knaves( and suckers ( fools) . The knaves exploits someone asking for it knaves and
fools expose each other.
Anachronism: Placing an invention, item or word in the wrong time period. It maybe an
unintentional error but could be used to contrast between eras.
Comic juxtaposition: Linking two things together w hich do not normally go together .
Understatement / Diminution: Taking a real life situation and reducing it to make it seem
ridiculous and show case its faults. E.g. giving the name tiny to a tall man
Reductio and absurdum : agreeing with something enthusiastically that the author
wishes to satire by pushing them logically ridiculus extreme, exposing follishness fo the
assumption. E.g. a modest proposal.
Lampoon : A harsh personal attack on a very particular recognisable target, focusing on the
targets character or appearance.
Incongruity : to present things that are out of place or absurd in relation to its surrounding.
Particular techniques include oxymoron, metaphor and irony
Varmasilitud: making direct references to reality
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