Tubing Inspection Using Multiple NDT Techniques

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Fathi E. Al-Qadeeb
NDT Level III Engineer
Inspection Department
Saudi Aramco, Dhahran, 31311
Saudi Arabia
Fax 966-3-872-0630; E-Mail fathi.qadeeb @aramco.com

The petrochemical industry depends on many heat
exchangers and boilers for efficient operation. As these
components consist of many tubes tightly held together,
they are very hard to inspect visually or with normal
ultrasonic or radiographic thickness measuring
techniques. Inspections used to take two to three weeks
to assess the condition of a boiler or heat exchanger. New
NDT Technology has developed portable equipment that
combines simple operation, reliable flaw detection, and
easy reporting. In the past, tests were limited to visual
inspection and destructive testing (splitting) of small-bore
tubing in heat exchangers and boilers. Based on total
number of tubes inspected at that time, engineering
decisions normally led to either a risky approach
involving possible unscheduled shutdowns or a too
conservative approach where tubes were plugged or
replaced too early at a high cost to the petrochemical
industry. As a result the local petrochemical industry now
adopts and uses field portable inspection systems to
thoroughly inspect small-bore tubing. These field portable
systems provide the capability of four NDT techniques,
which are Remote Field Eddy Current Testing (RFT),
Eddy Current Testing (ET), Magnetic Flux Leakage
(MFL), and Ultrasonic- Internal Rotary Inspection System
(IRIS). They all operate on one hardware and software
platform. These systems allow for fast screening (around
400 tubes per day) with one technique with the ability to
simply change a probe head and validate accurately
defective areas with a more accurate method. In this
manner high risk or over conservatism in replacement
decisions can be avoided. Detail description of each
technique will be explained below.

sends a signal to the detector coil spaced around two and

half tube diameters away. The field emitted by the exciter
coil passes through the tube wall to the outside of the
tube, propagates axially, and then transits back through
the wall to arrive at the detector coil. Where the tube
grows thin, there is effectively less shielding. Hence the
field arrives with less time delay (greater phase) and less
attenuation (greater amplitude). Phase and amplitude
traces are generated as the probe is pulled through the
tube and are used to detect and size metal loss
RFT uses a low frequency signal which allows
electromagnetic energy to penetrate the tube walls so that
external and internal flaws can be detected with
approximately the same sensitivity.
Energy Flow
Probe lead

Exciter Coil

Detector Coil

Figure 1A - Schematic of RFT probe

Figure 1B - RFT Field inside boiler tube

Remote Field Eddy Current Technique

Remote Field Eddy Current Inspection is an
electromagnetic technique that is well adapted to the
inspection of small-bore ferromagnetic tubes such as
carbon steel. In industry, it is now the method of choice
for boilers and heat exchangers tube examination because
of its low frequency (typically 50-1000Hz).
The basic RFT probe consists of two coils in a sendreceive configuration (Figures 1A, 1B & 1C). The exciter
coil, energized with a low frequency alternating current,

Figure 1C - Actual RFT boiler probe

Flaw sizing with RFT is done using the Voltage-Plane
curves (Figure 2). These curves are used to size tube wall
loss but not pits. The curves relate flaw depth, flaw
length, and the flaw circumference to the phase of the

remote field signal. Inaccuracies result because the

geometry of the actual flaw is not defined as in the
calibration defects. Ultrasonic IRIS is therefore used to
verify the RFT measurements.

Figure 3B - Eddy Current Field inside small-bore tube

Figure 2 Voltage-Plane Curve

Eddy Current Technique

Eddy Current technique is an electromagnetic technique
that is adapted to the inspection of small-bore nonferromagnetic heat exchanger tubes such as stainless steel,
titanium, copper, brass, copper-nickel alloys, inconel, etc.
Eddy Current (ET) is based on the principles of
electromagnetic induction. This process includes a test
coil (Figures 3A & 3B) through which a varying or
alternating current is passed. A varying current flowing
in a test coil produces a varying electromagnetic field
about the coil. This field is known as the primary field.
When an electrically conductive test object is placed in
the primary field, an electrical current will be induced in
the test object. This current is known as the eddy
current. Eddy current flow in the test material produces
a secondary electromagnetic field in the material that
opposes the primary electromagnetic field.
magnitude of the secondary electromagnet field is directly
proportional to the magnitude of the eddy current. When
eddy current varies, secondary electromagnetic field also
varies. Hence the impedance of the coil changes as the
electromagnetic field interacts with the material.
Characteristic changes in test object such as conductivity,
permeability and geometry will cause eddy current to
change. Variations of eddy current are reflected to the
test coil by changes in the primary electromagnetic field.

Typical eddy current instrument contains 4 frequencies in

both differential and absolute modes. The differential
mode detects pits and cracks and the absolute mode
detects gradual wall loss. The multi frequency testing is
done for two reasons:
1. To differentiate between defects and metallic deposits.
This is essential because metallic deposits can produce
eddy current signals that resemble defect signals.
Improper resolution of signals will result in unnecessary
plugging of tubes.
2. To detect defects under the support plates. This is done
by using a two-frequency mix to cancel the support plate
signal and detect defects under the support plate

Flux Leakage Technique

Magnetic Flux Leakage Technique is an electromagnetic
technique that is adapted to the inspection of small-bore
ferromagnetic heat exchanger tubes such as carbon steel.
The MFL probe consists of a magnet with two types of
magnetic pickups: coil type and Hall element (Figure 4).
The coil type sensor picks up the rate of change of flux
while the Hall type picks up absolute flux. The coil
detects small defects that cause perturbations in the flux
(see Fig 4). The rate of change of flux induces an output
voltage (Faradays Law) which is read by the MFL
instrument. The Hall element sensor is used to detect
gradual wall loss.
The output of the MFL coils is related to change of flux
caused by the defect, but not the defect size. Hall
Element measures the absolute flux and can be used for
sizing wall loss type flaws (not pits).

Figure 4 MFL Probe showing magnetic leakage field

Figure 3A - Eddy Current Probes

Ultrasonic IRIS Technique

Ultrasonic Internal Rotary Inspection System (IRIS) is
based on the principle of measuring thickness using
ultrasonic waves.
The IRIS probe consists of an
ultrasonic transducer that is lined up in the centerline of
the tube and incident on a rotating mirror (Figures 5A &
5B). The mirror reflects the beam in the radial direction
as it rotates in the tube. The IRIS probe scans the entire
circumference of the tube as it is pulled out of the tube.

To calibrate the instrument for RFT testing, a calibration

tube must be of same material and size to be tested. The
calibration tube contains man made defects to simulate
corrosion. Normally, the man made defects are used with
various depths such as 20%, 40%, 60%, to establish
calibration curves. The calibration curves are used to
compare unknown signals to artificial defects to estimate
actual wall loss. For IRIS testing, calibration must be
done on known wall thickness of same material tube (see
Figures 7A &7B).

Figure 5A - Schematic of IRIS probe

Figure 7A - RFT Calibration Run

Figure 5B - Actual IRIS boiler probe

The IRIS method is mostly used for inspection of carbon
steel tubes and is sometimes used in non-ferromagnetic
tubes for defect verification. The method is very accurate
for thickness measurement as well as detecting ID and
OD pits. IRIS will, however, miss pinholes and cracks.
The IRIS display includes the cross-section of the tube
and a C-scan of the tube (see Figure 6).
Tube Length

Figure 7B - Technicians calibrating for RFT & IRIS

Field trials
Field trials of this system were conducted on more than
eight thousands tubes of several high pressure boilers at
several locations in local petrochemical industries. The
examinations were performed on ferrous tubing exhibiting
general corrosion and pitting.
The trials were successfully completed and general
corrosion and pitting corrosion were easily detected.


Inspection techniques

C-scan Presentation

Cross Section

Figure 6 - IRIS display includes the C-scan and the tube

cross-section - OD wall loss in carbon steel tubing

We will focus on RFT and IRIS techniques due to the
nature of the field case study that we will discuss in this

The tubes were screened with RFT to locate areas of wall

loss. These areas were then followed up with IRIS to
determine actual wall loss. The RFT method is relatively
quick to perform but cannot detect pitting unless a sizable
volumetric wall loss is associated. On the other hand,
IRIS provides a map of the tube wall thickness and can
detect internal wall loss or external wall loss. The RFT
results are given in percentage of wall loss, as this is
averaged around the whole circumference, while IRIS
results are given as the minimum wall thickness reported
for a tube area.

Examination results
Generating tubes:
RFT and IRIS were used to examine this section of the
boiler. The analysis of the examination data showed
indications on 6 tubes out of 1206. The minimum wall
thickness measured was 0.078. T min was 0.0965.
Boiler Side Wall:
This section of the boiler was examined using IRIS and
RFT. The analysis of examination data revealed no
indications on any of the 100 tubes tested..
Figure 8B IRIS Indication of corrosion

Screen tubes:
RFT and IRIS were used to examine this section of the
boiler. The analysis of examination data revealed
indications on only 2 tubes out of 68. The minimum wall
thickness measured was 0.110. T min was 0.0965.
Furnace Side:
This section of the boiler was examined using RFT. The
analysis of examination data revealed no indications on
any of the 108 tubes tested. It should be noted that the
extent of the testing on these tubes includes only the Roof
and Side wall sections. The Floor section of these tubes
could not be examined because of the limited length of
the probe cable.

Based on the results of the field trials data, a system
providing multiple NDT techniques provides a qualitative
and fast screening (around 400 tubes per day) with one
technique with the ability to simply change a probe head
and validate accurately defective areas with a more
quantitative method. In this manner high risk or overconservatism in replacement decisions can be avoided.

Inspection Recommendations
For boiler tubing inspection use:

Baffle Wall:
This section of the boiler was examined using IRIS. The
analysis of examination data revealed no indications on
any of the 85 tubes tested. .
Boiler Rear Wall
IRIS was used to examine 1 of 24 tubes on this section of
the boiler. The analysis of examination data revealed no
indications. The remaining 23 tubes could not be tested as
the RFT and IRIS probes did not fit into the tubes.
Color Printout Samples of the RFT& IRIS Examinations

RFT as screening technique covering 100% of

IRIS as a measuring tool to verify RFT
indications and to measure tube wall thickness
and to determine pitting size. This is used only
on the tubes previously identified by RFT.

For heat exchanger tubing inspection use:

MFL as screening technique covering 100% of
exchanger ferrous tubing looking for small size
corrosion pitting.
RFT as screening technique covering 100% of
exchanger ferrous tubing looking for large size
corrosion pitting and wall thinning.
ET as screening technique covering 100% of
exchanger non-ferrous tubing looking for small
size/large corrosion pitting, cracks and wall
IRIS as a measuring tool to verify MFL, RFT &
ET indications and to measure tube wall
thickness and to determine pitting size. This is
used only on the tubes previously identified by
the above screening techniques.


Figure 8A RFT Indication of 32% Wall Loss

The author would like to acknowledge the outstanding

effort contributed to this project by the key technicians:
Mirza Al-Thunian and Abdulhai Al-Mahasnah

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