Layup For Cycling Units: Requirements, Issues, and Concerns - An EPRI White Paper
Layup For Cycling Units: Requirements, Issues, and Concerns - An EPRI White Paper
Layup For Cycling Units: Requirements, Issues, and Concerns - An EPRI White Paper
The proper layup of the power generating water and steam cycles
during periods of idle operation is a necessityregardless of the
duration of the shutdown or outage period. The duration of idle operation of these cycling units may range from a few hours to several
days or more. Typically, these practices are not employed or are even
ignored for units that are frequently dispatched to meet economic
or seasonal load demands. This white paper describes the basic damage that results from poor protection during unit shutdown as well
as practical techniques to address equipment protection. Frequent
outages of short duration and the conditions prevalent on return
to service during startup can seriously jeopardize the performance
and availability of the unit. Prudent implementation of the practices
described can greatly reduce the risk and improve the availability of
the unit without jeopardizing the essential operating flexibility.
Equipment preservation
Flexible operation
Table of Contents
Abstract.......................................................................... 2
Foreword........................................................................ 2
Introduction.................................................................... 3
Corrosion Prevention and Mitigation................................ 4
Pitting............................................................................. 5
Layup Practices............................................................... 6
Preboiler Water Circuits.............................................. 6
Boiler Circuit............................................................. 7
Prepared by:
Bibliography................................................................... 11
April 2014
Use of drying methods, pH and water purity control, inert (nitrogen) atmosphere, and protective film inhibitors on metal surfaces
can reduce or eliminate corrosion by controlling the amount of
moisture available to support the chemical reactions of air (oxygen)
and other corrodents, by eliminating oxygen and other corrodents,
and/or by inhibiting the chemical reactions.
For the purposes of this discussion, cycling units are those which frequently shutdown to zero power levels for short time intervals from
as little as 8 hours or less up to 48 hours or more. Typically these
units operate on a system load demand and/or economic dispatch
which may be tied to conditions such as time of day, availability of
renewal generation or alternate fuel / generation sources. Cycling
units are most often required to be in a state of readiness for rapid
return to service, i.e. fully available for dispatch with minimal notification. Accordingly, short term periods of 8-48 hours typically allow
the unit to maintain sufficient heat to retain boiler pressure and turbine metal temperature and for the shorter periods even permitting
extended condenser vacuum and cooling water circulation. These
conditions all assist in the preservation techniques for the equipment.
Requirements, Issues, and Concerns
The goal of a lay-up program is the same as the chemical conditioning program during unit operation: to prevent and / or control and
reduce corrosion and the accumulation of deposits in the water/
steam circuit of power plants. Optimization is most readily achieved
when all conditions are at a steady state and equilibrium conditions
can be established which are most favorable to corrosion and deposit
prevention. Unit shutdown and startup by the very nature of these
operations continually disrupt the established chemical equilibrium
conditions within each circuit and between systems as a result of
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sults. Pitting can occur throughout the boiler or heat recovery steam
generator (HRSG). Pitting can occur as a result of poor shutdown
practices with low pH, oxygen-saturated, stagnant water and/or as a
result of carryover of Na2SO4 into reheaters, which combines with
moisture from condensation to form an aggressive chemical agent.
Pitting occurs during unprotected shutdown periods, not when the
unit is operating. During shutdown, fluids left remaining are often
stagnant and open to the atmosphere; under these conditions, they
become saturated with oxygen. The fact that the fluid is static allows the initiation of pitting to occur unimpeded, and the stagnant
conditions allow for the concentrations needed to accelerate the
attack. Pitting and other localized corrosion processes such as crevice
corrosion involve selective breakdown of the normally passive film
on the metal surface. Chloride ions as well as low pH conditions
chemically induce breakdown of the passive layer, which results
in pitting corrosion; other anions (negatively charged ions) also
contribute to low pH conditions capable of attacking the passive
film. Chloride [Cl-] ions are more mobile than competing hydroxide
[OH-] ions and readily penetrate the imperfections in the protective
oxide, pit, or crevice leading to aggressive acidic conditions in these
isolated regions and progression of corrosion and pitting damage.
Accordingly elimination of oxygen and elevation of pH also require
minimum chloride concentrations to fully diminish pitting activity.
Conversely the simultaneous existence of these conditions promotes
rapid pitting corrosion.
Prevention of pitting damage requires the use of appropriate shutdown and layup procedures and practices that prevent oxygenating
the shutdown fluid and prevent aggressive chemistry and low pH
conditions. Alternatively the metal surfaces must be kept dry and
clean. Dry metal surfaces and environments of less than 40% relative humidity eliminate corrosion; the corrosion process involves
the exchange of soluble ions to and through an aqueous environment. Without the aqueous media, these ions have no mobility to
transport to and from the corrosion site and the corrosion process
ceases. However dry residual deposits on the surface of the metal
may create sites of local corrosion damage by directly absorbing
moisture from the air (hygroscopic properties) to form extremely
concentrated and corrosive droplets. In similar fashion the process
of drying equipment will evaporate the water chemical solutions to
create very concentrated and corrosive salt solutions with sufficiently
high boiling points that the solution does not go to total dryness.
Both conditions can promote localized corrosion.
Pitting is localized part- or through-wall dissolution of tube metal.
It is an insidious form of damage because a relatively small amount
of metal loss can lead to through-wall failure with catastrophic reRequirements, Issues, and Concerns
For short-term layups, keeping high quality water with the same
potential as during operation and without oxygen along with pro5
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tective blanketing with nitrogen are recognized practices of protection. High purity minimizes the risk of chlorides or other chemical agents acting to degrade the protective oxide or corrode the
metal. Maintaining a constant electrochemical oxidation-reduction
potential is necessary to avoid changing the oxidation state of the
protective oxide; the process of changing the oxide state produces a
meta-stable oxide which is non-protective and can promote surface
attack. Elimination of oxygen and prevention of the introduction
of oxygen minimizes the pitting potential, as well as other corrosion
mechanisms in a stagnant environment.
Layup Practices
From the previous discussion it should be obvious that layup
involves those practices which will contribute to the elimination of
corrosion mechanisms prevalent during periods of unit shutdown.
While the optimum conditioning for each component in the water/
steam cycle is achievable using methods of nitrogen (or other inert
gas) blanketing, pH adjustment, and/or humidity control (dehumidification) these techniques often require special steps and equipment isolation that preclude having optimum flexibility of unit
operation. For cycling operation there are some critical conditions
that should be considered to improve the layup practices and lower
the risk of damage. Greater details for proper layup are given in
EPRI reports 1015657 Cycling, Startup, Shutdown, Fossil Plant Cycle
Chemistry Guidelines for Operators and Chemist, 2009; 1010437
Cycle Chemistry Guidelines for Shutdown, Layup, and Startup of Combined Cycle Units with Heat Recovery Steam Generators, 2006; and
1014195 Shutdown Protection of Steam Turbines Using Dehumidified
Air, 2008.
April 2014
Approaches to layup and preservation of the pre-boiler circuit to address these challenges (and possibly those of the subsequent startup)
Hotwell bubbler for oxygen removal incorporates a steam (possibly nitrogen) sparging/bubbling system near the hotwell outlet
to strip non-condensable gases from the condensate. Steam
sources during/after shutdown include LP heater extraction
(prior to shutdown), steam drum as unit depressurizes, or steam
header from adjacent unit or auxiliary system. Nitrogen can
similarly be used but the consumption rate may be excessive.
During the unit shutdown the blowdown of the boiler or evaporator is increased to lower the level of corrosive impurities in the
boiler water. Reduction of impurities and in particular chloride, as
previously noted, is critical to corrosion protection during stagnant
periods. Research has clearly demonstrated that the corrosion and
pitting potential are greatly reduced with higher purity water with
lower concentration of aggressive chemical species. Similarly research
has demonstrated that the concentration of aggressive chemical species in and beneath boiler deposits (and underdeposit corrosion) is
reduced by purging of the boiler water (i.e. improving the purity of
the boiler water on shutdown promotes leaching of contaminants
from deposits and lowers the risk of underdeposit damage).
The makeup water to the boiler circuit(s) is high purity condensate/feedwater, properly deaerated (oxygen free) and of the proper
pH. Make-up water is required to the boiler circuit until ambient
temperature and pressure (except for steam or nitrogen blanketing)
is reached. Additional makeup is continuously required if the boiler
is purged or blown down during the shutdown period. Makeup
can be suspended if the water level is not required to be maintained
(provided air is still excluded by steam or nitrogen pressure).
Closing the deaerator vent prior to shutdown to prevent the introduction of air into the cascading water. Maintain steam pressure or nitrogen to maintain the vapor space if possible. Isolate
the deaerator from the storage section and condensate as a means
to prevent oxygen introduction to the preboiler circuit (typically
not viable due to lack of automatic valves and valve sizes)
These approaches are not all encompassing but provide an indication of potential applications to enhance layup of the preboiler
circuit and promote a more trouble free startup as well.
Boiler Circuit
The wet layup method with a steam or nitrogen gas blanket above
the liquid level in the component or piping is highly applicable to
the boiler circuit (similar to the deaerator discussion). This method
is used for the duration of the outage for periods of several weeks
where maintenance is not needed. Naturally, the first choice for a
cycling unit not requiring boiler maintenance is to shutdown with
Requirements, Issues, and Concerns
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and/or elevating the pH of the boiler water is most critical during shutdown, layup and startup operations to mitigate corrosion
fatigue in areas of thermally induced stresses.
The practice for turbine layup is only dry storage. Similarly the
reheater which receives only steam and is quickly evacuated on shutdown is most simply stored dry. As described previously, reheaters
and turbines are subject to deposition of dry chemical compounds
during normal operation which may be hygroscopic at ambient conditions and form aggressive chemical solutions on shutdown. These
areas are naturally exposed to the steam vapor on shutdown unless
specific actions are taken to eliminate the moisture fraction through
purging and drying. Condensate formation in the reheater (similarly
in the superheater) provides not only the mobilization of soluble
chemical deposits, but allows the solubilization of oxygen when
exposed to ambient air as the unit depressurizes. In the vertical
tubes of the reheater (as well as the superheater) excessive condensation accumulates in the lower tube bends after collecting on the
tube walls. The resultant solution accumulating in the tube bends
contains remnants of the soluble deposits rinsed from the tubes.
Subsequent dry out of pools in the tube bends concentrates the material and increases the likelihood of higher corrosive environments
developing during succeeding layup periods.
There are techniques for nitrogen capping reheaters which incorporate applying nitrogen to a vent or drain while hot and isolated from
the turbine/condenser and maintaining until the system is needed
or until ambient conditions are reached.
Water soluble turbine deposits can be washed during unit shutdown using special operating techniques to lower the amount of
superheat in the incoming steam to produce a wetness factor in
excess of 3% throughout the turbine set. Nucleation of moisture
droplets in the wet steam and the formation of liquid films on the
metal surfaces will solubilize the water soluble deposits to form
weakly concentrated solutions that are harmlessly rinsed and carried away. These practices require careful monitoring to assure the
moisture and liquid are effectively removed so as not to leave highly
concentrated residual. Wet steam washing of HP turbines should
consider use of cold reheat drains to prevent carryover of contaminant rich liquid to the reheater.
Dry storage typically would mean the application of dehumidified air to capture all the residual moisture. The dehumidified air is
applied in a fashion to assure a pathway through the entire turbine
flow path including, if practical, the reheater. The moisture laden
air is purged from the cycle typically at the condenser until the
desired level of humidity (typically <35-40%) is reduced and then
the cycle is closed to incorporate a continuous flow of air through
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For cycling units layup of these components are extremely troublesome not only are the techniques and method to accomplish
preservation untenable but these components represent some of the
largest surface areas of low alloy carbon steel and/or copper alloy
material. Stainless steel components are subject to similar pitting
as turbine blade materials. High corrosion product transport (iron
and copper) in the feedwater on startup have been traced directly
to condensers and shell side feedwater heaters. The corrosion rate of
materials (specifically copper and copper nickel alloys and carbon
steel) in the shell (steam) side of feedwater heaters is significantly
accelerated during cycling service as a combination of poor lay-up
practices and thermal cycling of the material.
Feedwater heater tube corrosion and failures associated with unit
cycling and improper layup not only are major sources of corrosion
product transport and deposition in boilers and turbines; major
tube failures can lead to water induction to the operating turbine
with devastating and catastrophic results.
Experience has shown that the exfoliation in cycling units is effectively resisted if heaters are blanketed with nitrogen to exclude
oxygen when the unit is out of service. Although manufacturer
O&M manuals provide instructions on shellside blanketing, nitrogen will flow to the turbine and condenser unless extraction valves
are closed. To assure effective blanketing, nitrogen must be applied
before discontinuing condenser vacuum. Once the vacuum or steam
pressure conditions are lost, atmospheric air will be drawn into the
feedwater heater vapor space.
Dehumidified air can be used to promote drying of the drained components. This technique requires draining and circulation of dry air
until all the residual moisture is removed. Where dehumidification
(including the modified technique outlined for drying the turbine
set) is applied through the turbine distribution of air through the extraction lines and feedwater heater and subsequent drain piping may
be insufficient for drying. In addition even the high pressure heaters
have little residual heat upon shutdown because of the cold con-
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Wet layup of the preboiler and frequently the boiler is the most
practical approach for cycling units. pH adjustment and elimination of oxygen are the prime requisites for wet layup application.
This means complete deaeration of the condensate and feedwater
and prevention or air entering the boiler and superheater. Nitrogen blanketing and / or maintaining boiler pressure is required to
prevent introduction of air. pH adjustments need to assure all the
liquid (including condensed steam in the superheater) is equal to or
in excess of normal pH conditions.
Use of filming amines as a corrosion inhibitor has been shown to
enhance the wet layup practices in all parts of the water / steam
cycle. Filming amine dosing of the entire circuit in advance of shutdown acts to supplement wet layup methods and provides corrosion
inhibition in addition to reducing the corrosion reactions.
Dry storage is the best (and proven) option for the reheater and
steam turbine. Residual heat of the turbine is generally sufficient for
maintaining a dry conditions for periods of 24-36 hours, but condensation and oxygen will initiate corrosion once a relative humidity greater than 40% or the dew point temperatures are reached.
Reheaters that are force cooled require immediate purging of steam
vapor since exclusion of oxygen laden air in difficult to achieve. Dry
reheaters, like the turbine, are subject to condensation and aeration
on cooling.
Condensers and shell (steam) side feedwater heaters are very difficult
to provide corrosion protection. These components frequently are
the major areas of corrosion during unit shutdown and the source of
deposit forming corrosion products during startup. The options for
proper storage of this equipment is more limited.
Filming amines may provide an alternative for the dry regions of
the reheater and turbine and for the moist and wetted regions of the
condenser and feedwater heater. Applied during operation in advance of shutdown film coverage of the wetted and dry components
make the surface unwettable and resist corrosion. This methodology
represents a significant advancement to layup for cycling plants. Layup with filming amines presents no disruption (except as noted) to
the operation of the unit and in fact enhances both the equipment
protection and the rapid return to service.
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April 2014