Hoff William Margy 1991 Mexico
Hoff William Margy 1991 Mexico
Hoff William Margy 1991 Mexico
Published Quarterly
Growing A Church
When the Jardines de la Hacienda church began its
After all this, the building was stuccoed inside and out.
Church members have contributed their labor, and as
2=:^ 1
ship hour.
always long and tiring, the beauty of the area and the
The ladies
bags along with some food items. They shared with the
students and faculty in singing Christmas choruses, lis
tening to a devotion prepared by the boys' dean and then
Mountain scene.
Chiistlans In mountains
made tortillas was prepared for us. The family there lives
in very humble circumstances and was very appreciative
of the used clothing and Christmas "goodies" that were
Personal Glimpses
As ! write this article, Valentine's Day has just passed.
As I think about love In the world today, I realize there are
for all to finish and, during that time, Mark had to sit
barefoot either on cement bleachers or on the wooden
Stockings for each member of the Hoff family.
that a church building Is currently being constructed in Salvatierra, a town almost two hours to the west. A work crew
of nine from northern Mexico donated their time this week
to help.
Postage rates to Mexico from the U.S.
are now 35C for V2 oz. and 45C for 1 oz.
church in Queretaro.
for the Persian Gulf war and all the leaders that must make
important decisions.
number If 16-41-27.
Published by the
Rossville Christian Church
3 5^5
telephone (42)-16-41-27
Published Quarterly
Summer 1991
A Brief History
Bill and Margy HofF will begin twenty years
of missionary service in August 1991. They
have lived in Queretaro, Mexico (120 miles
north of Mexico City), during this time working
for the past 22 years, but it has never grown as one might have
expected. In fact, statistical analysis shows that it has never
exceeded about eighty and usually has limped along at about
half of that. Bill believes that the most important reason for
this has been the lack of a building.
had to step over the vegetable vendors on the front step. Each
(the prime contributor this time), but the property was pur
chased and as soon as possible construction began. In July of
1990 the church held the first service in its own building. Since
then, the floor space has doubled to almost 1000 square feet.
The new classrooms are greatly appreciated by the teachers
and students. Bill has just finished the electrical wiring, and
Alberto is in the process of putting in the bathrooms. That,
and the installation of doors, will just about complete the pro
cess. A group from the (J.S. will be doing the painting this
The Queretaro church Is blessed with an extraordinary
Christian Camping
When the Hoffs arrived In Centra! Mexico in August of
1972, there was already an active Christian camping program.
ued improvements.
The last of the tarpaper roof was replaced this year with
galvanized roofing. Over the years the most important of the
improvements that have been made include: the addition of a
chapel which can seat over 200 people, the making of benches
for the chapel, the erection of a small store building, the pour
ing of cement sidewalks and a basketball court, and last but
Personal Glimpses
shipped with the Dick Gring family in Pearsall, TX on Sunday.
After enjoying dinner with them, we travelled on to visit Barney
and Evelyn Fero in Buda, TX. They were once residents of
Queretaro and while here they opened their home each Sun
day for an English-speaking service. !t is always fun reliving
past events with them. Two days later we were in the new
home of Dick and Carolyn Apple in Memphis, TM. This couple
is very interested in missions and supports our work. We took
a walk together to see the cherry blossoms in bloom. They
invited George Bartlett, Jr. and his wife for dinner. George
Bartlett, Sr. and his wife, Mary, were missionaries in Mexico for
several years. It was good to meet their son and daughter-inlaw.
Chon is an
for those who graduated last May from the three Spanish-speaking Bible Colleges with which we are ac
for the directors and workers of the summer camps.
for the Hoffs during their travels this summer.
for the Marcelino Jose Cruz family. Their eleven year
Queretaro church.
Published by the
Rossville Christian Church
3 ss 5
telephone (42)-16-41-27
Published Quarterly
Fall 1991
The Hoffs are back in Queretaro after a long summer trip. They greatly enjoyed the North American Christian Convention
in Denver. Unfortunately they were unable to attend as many of the workshops as they would have liked. There were so many
worthwhile seminars that it was impossible to attend them all. The main worship sessions were great and the preaching was
Besides having a booth at the convention, the Hoffs visited a number of churches on their trip. In all, the display was
assembled eleven times. Bill preached three times and showed slidesabout the work nine times. The trip took the family through
nine states and a total of slightly more than ten thousand miles.
After two months in the GSA, the Hoffs were concerned about how Hilario Rosas, who had just come to serve as co-minister
with Alberto Gonzalez, would work out. They found that Hilario's servant-like attitude quickly endeared him to the congrega
tion. Another concern was to see a calling program put into effect in the church. Hilarioand Bill have begun a program of calling
door-to-door in the area around the church building. So far a number of people have shown interest, and nearly every Sunday
a visitor attends church. Hilario is developing a program to help the youth reach their friends for the Lord. This is particularly
important because more than half of the congregation are young people.
The congregation in Jardines de la Hacienda has just received notificationthat it is being required to nationalizeits building.
(Mexico's constitution requires that all buildings used for public worship be donated to the government which in turn gives the
church permission to use the facility.) The church had hoped to delay that step until the main auditorium was completed,
because it is easier to get permission to make any necessary modifications in building permits from the city than from the federal
government. Normally,the government takes no interest in nationalizing a church untilthe building is finished. But in this case,
the lawyerthat has defrauded the church ofItsland works inanother branch ofthe secretariat that is Incharge ofchurch buildings.
Nowthat she is being accused of criminal fraud, she has reported the church building, hoping to make things more difficult.
The church will naturally comply withthe law,and it appears that the government is willing to accept the existing building permits
and allow construction to continue.
The Hoffs have been blessed with loving and caring co-workers in the past,
so it is not surprising that when they were searching for a co-pastor for the
Jardines de la Hacienda church, the Lord led them to the Rosas family.
Hilario, Graciela, and their fifteen year-old daughter, Nellie, are from
Salvatierra, Guanajuato, which is about an hour and a half west of Quer6taro.
They have spent the last four years on the O.S. side of the border in Eagle Pass,
Texas, where Hilario attended Colegio Biblico. They are all gifted in music; both
Hilario and Nellie play the guitar.
The Rosas are all very humble and their love of the Lord is seen in their
willingness to serve, doing whatever is asked of them. Hilario is active in the
calling program. Is the teacher of the adult Bible class, preaches in the Sunday
evening service, and holds Bible studies for the weekly youth meetings.
Graciela is active in the ladles' meetings and supports her husband in all areas
of his work. She is also the camp secretary which involves taking minutes at
the bi-monthly meetings and sending out Information to the churches in
We are thankful to have the Rosas family as part of the church family in
"May the youth come and wash cars at your house next Saturday?" This was a request the youth director of the church
madeof Bill following the worship service one Sunday morning inSeptember. Receiving an affirmative answer, Saturdayfound
the young people arriving at 9 a.m. with their buckets, rags, soaps, signs, and lunches.
After putting up signs In the area announcing the car wash, the youth returned and waited for the first car. It did not take
long before business was booming. While some were cleaning the insideof cars using vacuum cleaners, others were hosing
off the cars, soaping them down, washing the windows or drying the cars. This process continued until about 3 p.m. when ev
eryone sat down in the median of the street to eat their lunches. After this small break, work continued.
The purpose of the car wash was to raise money for a weekend retreat at the camp facilities over the MexicanIndependene
Day holiday. Deciding that they needed more money, the youth washed cars the following Saturday, also.
The retreat began on Saturday afternoon, September 14th. Two ladies from the church cooked for the young people, and
Hilario (the new co-pastor of the church) held Bible studies. The hard rain on Saturday evening did not dampen the spirits of
the campers.
On Sunday evening our regular church service was cancelled so that all could go to camp and attend a special program.
A young minister from the area preached and Bill had a special communion service. Then everyone In attendance was invited
to eat a Mexican meal. About 10:30 p.m. the group began singing Mexican folkloric songs. At 11:00 tradition dictates that some
one must give the grito (a brief resume of the history of Mexico's fight for independence which ends with "Viua Mexico" long
live Mexico). Alberto gave the grito and the young people yelled "Viua" and waved their Mexican flags of green, white, and red
and cheered. It was a very inspiring time. The youth returned home the following day with a renewed Christian spirit.
la Hacienda church.
;jLjUl O
Fifth Anniversary
continued from page 3
to grow.
. . . the camps which were held last summer and the young
people that made decisions.
. . . the safety of the Hoffs during their travels this past
Published by the