Using PI
Using PI
Using PI
A generous gift from OSISoft, Inc. ( allows us to collect and archive
process and laboratory data for use in other application software. The gift includes their
Enterprise Server, interfaces to control system software, and a host of client software
tools used to retrieve, analyze, and report process data. The value of this gift is
approximately $300,000. In addition, free access to technical support from OSISoft is
critical to the success of the installation. We are extremely grateful OSI and the
individuals that made this a reality. Im sure you will find the software very useful as
well as convenient and easy to learn.
How the PI data snapshot/archive works:
Data are filtered, compressed, and, if appropriate, archived for long-term storage and
retrieval. Data can be retrieved as real-time values, called snapshot data, or as
compressed or sampled data. Because the compressed or sampled values are stored in the
archive after being filtered and compressed, the archive data may not exactly match the
actual process data from the control system. While each point passes through the value
stored in the archive, the exact time the point actually passed through the value may not
correspond with the archived value. Likewise, any noise is filtered out so that only an
actual signal is considered for transfer to the archive.
Heres a simplified overview of how PI archives data:
A PI point is configured for each piece of data that you want to collect. In our
case the PI system requests the current value of each of its points from the DeltaV
control system.
PI has a snapshot register that contains all the current values for all archiving PI
points. The snapshot register is updated on a five-second interval for most values
and contains the most recent data from DeltaV.
For every PI point where compression is enabled, there is a set of compression
settings (say 1F) that decide if a snapshot value is enough different from the
last snapshot to put it into the archive. The current snapshot value is compared to
the current value in the compression register. If the change is less than the
compression settings the value is discarded. If the value is greater than the
compression settings then it is a signal and the last value with its timestamp is put
into the archive. The newest value is put into the compression register and used
for the next comparison in another 5 seconds.
Important to remember Snapshot values are not compressed, so the value and
timestamp should compare exactly with the DeltaV value and timestamp for the same
point; Data retrieved from the PI archive are not necessarily identical to live DeltaV
data and should not be used for such things as loop tuning; PI archives significant
changes in values, then interpolates between archived data points when returning values
to your spreadsheet; PI must be tuned for each point and the best guess values used
for determining a significant change may need to be adjusted, but you need to determine
Heres an example of a PI tag:
Lets say you are interested in the temperature of the reboiler, TI132.
MTU - Chemical Engineering Dept
In the DeltaV system there is a control module called TI132. A control module is
a collection of function blocks that performs a specific task.
The actual data for the temperature signal is located in the AI1 (Analog Input 1)
function block of the control module. The temperature is found at the
(stands for the current value of the process variable) parameter of the AI1
function block.
So, if you want to archive the value of the temperature you create a PI tag for
The measurement device is an RTD, so it is accurate to F and is expected to
take about 5 seconds or more to show a significant change. Set the compression
settings to F and the scan interval to every 5 seconds.
The PI Add-in for Excel while you are in any of the computer labs*:
In order to pull process data from the pilot plant into an Excel spreadsheet you will use
an Excel Add-In called PI DataLink. The computers in the computer labs have DataLink
installed on them. Open Excel and a PI tab should show up on the quick access bar.
Click the PI item and select Connections from the ribbon.
On the Connections pop-up, select the server The port should be
5450 and the default user should be pidemo.
You will have to connect to the server every time you open Excel.
If you are ever asked for a user account, the user name is pidemo and the
password box is left blank.
If isnt on the server list, click server from the menu bar and
add it to the list.
If PI does not appear on your Quick Access tab:
Click on the File tab (top left of screen), then the Options menu item.
On the Excel Options window, click the Add-ins menu item.
At the bottom of the page, select Excel Add-ins, then click the Go button.
In the list of Add-Ins, select the PI DataLink, PIBVExcel.functions, and PI
BatchView for Excel checkboxes, then click on OK.
At this point you should have a PI tab on the quick access bar.
* If you are trying to import PI data into Excel while in the control room, the server name
will be uolab-pi.
Building a tag list in Excel
After connecting to the server you can import a list of tags from the PI system into Excel.
From the PI menu select Tag Search.
In the Search box, change to pointsourse from * to o.
In the tag mask box, enter a mask and wildcard characters to get the tag names.
You can insert a ? for a single character wildcard
Use an * as a general wildcard.
Example 1 If you want all the temperature indicators in the SRU, TI1*
calls up all PI tags starting with TI1.
Example 2 if you want all the pressure controllers in the PDMS pilot
plant, PIC2* calls up all PI tags starting with PIC2.
Extensions you may be interested in are:
/PV.CV for process variable information;
/SP.CV for setpoint information;
MTU - Chemical Engineering Dept
There are other options in the PI menu. Experiment with some of the other data types. A
help screen is available with definitions and additional information.
Finally, if you want to play with the data once it is gathered in your spreadsheet, you may
want to break the link to the PI database by copying the tag names and data, selecting
paste special and pasting values only.