Flyer - RCS-924 Stub Differential Relay

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Stub Differential Relay

The RCS-924 relay provides current differential protection
with overcurrent elements for one-and-a-half breaker and
ring breaker applications. It integrates 3 or 4 CT inputs for
three-terminal or four-terminal system. It provides overcurrent
elements for energizing a faulty bus or energizing a faulty
line. It is fully compatible with IEC 61850 communication.

automatically become a 2-terminal or a 3-terminal differential

The patented adaptive floating threshold method is adopted,
which is insensitive to system unbalance and disturbance.
The measuring element can get both high security and high
speed simultaneously.


Overcurrent protection is provided in the relay for energizing

a faulty bus or energizing a faulty line.

3-terminal or 4-terminal current differential protection. (87)

Two-level phase overcurrent protection. (50P/51P)
Overcurrent protection for energizing a faulty bus or a faulty
line. (50E)
CT failure detection logic.

Innovative technology to prevent any undesired trip caused

by any component failure is adopted. The relay has two
independent data acquisition paths, one for a fault detector
and the other for protection and its logic. Tripping outputs are
supervised by the fault detector to prevent any mal-operation.
The connector type can be selected as plug in/out terminal
connector or crimp terminal connector. The unique plug in/
out terminal connectors from the relay rear panel to the
terminal blocks on the rack or cabinet makes the on-site
commissioning and replacement much easier than the
traditional screw terminals when you do the commissioning.

Tripping/Closing circuit supervision.

Current drift auto adjustment.
Self diagnostic test.
GPS clock synchronization.
Fault Recorder.

High resolution oscillography of last 24 oscillograms.

(Compatible with international COMTRADE format)

O n t h e p r e m i s e o f 2 4 s a m p l e s p e r c y c l e , a l l d a t a
measurement, calculation and logic discrimination could be
done within one sampling period. The event recording and
protection logic calculation are completed simultaneously.

Rear communication ports: Ethernet with IEC 61850 or 2

RS-485 with IEC 60870-5-103 protocol, 1 RS-485 with clock
synchronization, 1 RS-232 or RS-485 with printer.

The relay provides GPS clock synchronization, including

message, second pulse, minute pulse and IRIG-B

Front communication port: 1 RS-232 for testing and setting.

The format of event report is compatible with international


64 tripping reports, 64 alarm reports and 64 binary input

status change reports.

The relay is compatible with multiple protocols- IEC61850

and IEC 60870-5-103. It provides networking interface such
as RS485, RS232 and Ethernet port.

Current differential protection for 3-terminal or 4-terminal
connections. When one of the terminals is open, the relay will



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