CDC P4 MOU Template For PPPs 12.6.13

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Cardno Emerging Markets USA, Ltd.

CDCs Public-Private Partnerships in PEPFAR Countries Project

Memorandum of Understanding Template
Instructions The purpose of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is to establish the
terms of the agreement between all parties to the public-private partnership (PPP) including,
describing the partnership goals and objectives, outlining roles and responsibilities, setting forth
resource contributions, the governance structure, and the period of performance. This MOU
template is designed to help PPP partners draft the MOU by outlining the contents of each
section and using a PPP Case Study as an example of how each section is to be completed.

Memorandum of Understanding for PPPs

(List all parties to the MOU)

Purpose, Goals and Objectives This section names the parties to the partnership,
states the purpose of the partnership, and provides a brief description of the project and
activities to be undertake, along with the goals and objectives and a description of the
skills or expertise the parties bring to the partnership.

This document outlines the terms and conditions of the partnership between PEPFAR (country), the
Government of (country), and XXX Corporation (private sector company), each referred to hereafter as a
Partner and collectively The Partners or The Partnership.
Purpose: The purpose of this MOU is to set forth the understandings and intentions of the partners with
regard to collaboration in areas of mutual concern mentioned herein. Nothing in this MOU shall be
construed as superseding or interfering in any way with other agreements or contracts entered into between
the partners unrelated to this MOU, either prior to or subsequent to the signing of the MOU. The partners
further specifically acknowledge that this MOU does not create an obligation to commitment of funds, nor
does it constitute a legally binding commitment by any of the partners.
Goals and Objectives: The Presidents Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) (country), and (list
all other parties to the MOU) share a common interest in reducing HIV infections among youth. For this
reason, PEPFAR (country), the Government of (country), and (XXX private sector company(ies) seek to
share their respective strengths, experience, and resources with the collective goal of reducing HIV
prevalence among youth through a public-private partnership known as the (XXX) Partnership to be
managed by (indicate entity providing management).
Description of the Partnership: (XXX) is an innovative Public-Private Partnership designed to deliver a
mass multi-media behavior change communication initiative targeting youth ages 15 to 24 with HIV and
AIDS prevention messages and linking them to vital services. The (XXX) Partnership leverages the core
competencies of the private sector in developing mass media materials with the public health expertise of
PEPFAR (country), local governments, and implementing partners to expand and improve youth prevention
programs to significantly and measurably reduce new HIV infections. This initiative will combine
evidence-based prevention approaches with the private sectors 21 st century capabilities to promote and

(XXX) Memorandum of Understanding (Date)

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maintain behavior change and positive health seeking behaviors among youth.


Background This section provide a brief background on the issue being addressed or
the need being met through the partnership. It also states how The Partners seek to
address the issue through The Partnership.

Existing literature on the HIV and AIDS epidemic in (country) indicate that halting new infections remains
a complex challenge, particularly among the under-20 age group, who represent nearly half of the
population. Young women remain at increased risk for HIV infection and there is a critical need for young
people to continue to receive localized and intensified HIV education and prevention messages.
Comprehensive HIV knowledge among young people still remains at below 50 percent.
The approach of (XXX) Partnership is to support the goals and objectives of the Government of (country)
overall strategy for HIV prevention and will strengthen the commitment of the Government to increase the
momentum on HIV prevention through a high profile behavior change campaign focused on the
acknowledged drivers of the epidemic. The (XXX) Partnership will build on the successes and lessons
learned and integrate the activities of the (XXX) Partnership into existing Government programs and


Roles and Responsibilities The specific roles and responsibilities of each partner
should be delineated in this section. This section should be as detailed as possible and
include a description of the role of each partner in the management and oversight of the
project as well as specific contributions of technical expertise, material and other

PEPFAR (country)
Lead the coordination of USG resources in support of the Partnership
Oversee program activities including, planning, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation
Leverage public sector investment with resources from the private sector and ensure that there is a
one-to-one match
Government of (country)
Coordinate local activities
Convene meetings of the Technical Working Group (TWG).
Provide service providers trained in youth friendly services
Ensure youth access to resources, including HIV counseling and testing, condoms, medical male
circumcision and referrals to other youth services
(XXX) Private sector company
Provide funding to support program activities
Provide free air time to 5,000 youth reached through community-based activities
Provide cell phones and other tech equipment to be used as prizes and give-aways for local

(XXX) Memorandum of Understanding (Date)

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(XXX) Private sector company

Provide technical expertise in developing youth-focused IEC print materials
Provide one page of free ad space for every page purchased


Activities This section goes beyond a description of roles and responsibilities to

include specific activities in which the parties will be engaged.

Partners to this MOU agree to collaborate as follows:

Program Design and Development

Work collaboratively to develop effective and appropriate strategies for implementing. (See
Implementation Strategy attached). Parties to this MOU agree to work together to put structures
and resources in place in support of the initiative.

Lend expertise and human resources to the Partnership by participating in the Technical
Working Group (TWG) and sub-committees. Representatives agree to participate in the TWG
and related subcommittees to be convened by (XXX) to advise on implementation, and monitoring
and evaluation.

Integrate programs and materials developed by the partnership into existing programs and
services. Partners will assist in leveraging activities and in disseminating and integrating mass
multi-media materials through existing structures.

Increase capacity among implementing partners in service delivery, program

implementation and data collection. Partners agree to participate, either directly or through their
surrogates in orientation meetings and training programs designed to increase capacity and
standardize implementation of the Initiative.

Share lessons learned, research findings, and key information on youth demographics and
networks. Partners will share lessons learned and research findings from an extensive body of
knowledge and scientific evidence to support evidence-based HIV-prevention programming. Such
information sharing will ensure high-quality, locally relevant programming.

Resource Development

Identify and secure additional resources to support and expand program activities. Partners
are expected to support resource development activities by identifying potential donors and private
sector partners, providing relevant information and by participating in meetings designed for this

Monitoring and Evaluation

Facilitate monitoring and evaluation of program impact. Partners will participate in the design
and implementation of a monitoring and evaluation framework. Partners will advise and agree on
clear objectives and indicators to capture process and programmatic impact.

(XXX) Memorandum of Understanding (Date)

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Facilitate integration of and compliance with relevant data collection methods and processes.
Partners will ensure that relevant parties (including implementing partners and appropriate
government officials) are properly trained and oriented to standardized data collection processes
required for adherence to monitoring and evaluation protocols to inform reliable program

See activities and timelines attached.


Reporting Periodic reports should be submitted in accordance with requirements of

the funder as well as to the partners. Reports should include information on the status of
project activities, challenges faced and addressed, lessons learned to date and next steps.
The specific time frame for reporting and person responsible should be stipulated in the

(XXX Agency or Organization) in its role as manager of the initiative will serve as a central repository for
all information and data collected. Quarterly reports will be prepared and presented to the funder(s),
partners and TWG at the quarterly meetings beginning October 30, 20__.


Funding This section should spell out the financial and material contributions being
made by each partner as well as resources be sought after by the partnership. In cases
where the contribution is in-kind, a dollar value should be assigned.

The Partners agree to work together to develop and support resource development activities of mutual
interest to the partnership as outlined in this MOU. Contributions of ($XXX.XX USD and $XXX.XX
USD) will be provided by (XXX organization or entity) and (XXX organization or entity) respectively in
support of the partnership. An additional ($XXX.XX) will be sought in in-kind and cash contributions from
the private sector with a target of receiving matching funds in the equivalent of ($XXX.XX).


General Provisions This section outlines the terms and duration of the agreement. The
language can be adapted as needed.
No Formal Agency, Partnership, or Joint Venture. This MOU shall not be deemed to
create any legal relationship of agency, partnership, or joint venture between the
Participants, and the Participants shall make no such representation to anyone.
Duration. This MOU shall take effect upon the signature of all Participants effective as of
the date signed by the last Participant to sign and shall have an initial duration through
(Date). The duration of this MOU may be extended by agreement of the Participants in
Amendment and Modification. This MOU may be amended or modified by written
agreement of the Participants.

(XXX) Memorandum of Understanding (Date)

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Termination. Any Participant may terminate this MOU at any time upon at least 60 days
written notice to the other Participant(s) with such termination becoming effective upon the
date set forth in such written notice.
Information. Participants shall provide each other such information as may be needed to
facilitate the activities provided for under this agreement, including demographic and other
data on the target population, contributions from other public and private sector partners,
information on implementing partners, additional resources needed or developed, etc.


Partner #1

Partner #2










(XXX) Memorandum of Understanding (Date)

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This document is part of Cardnos CDC P4 PPP Toolkit which was produced with funding from
U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Center for Global Health (CGH),
Division of Global HIV and AIDS (DGHA), under Cooperative Agreement Number PS002068. Its
contents are solely the responsibility of Cardno Emerging Markets USA, Ltd. and do not
necessarily represent the official views of CDC.
Any use of its contents must be accompanied with credit acknowledging Cardno as the source.
The following acknowledgement should be attributed to Cardno in any official communication
or use of this document:
REPORT/STUDY/PUBLICATION) with use of the Memorandum of Understanding
Template for PPPs, a document developed by Cardnos CDC P4 Project, funded
by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Center for Global
Health (CGH), Division of Global HIV and AIDS (DGHA) under Cooperative
Agreement Number PS002068.

(XXX) Memorandum of Understanding (Date)

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