The DR Um Fam Ily: UPDATE The Sunshine Story

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Th mily

August 2015

UPDATEThe Sunshine Story

For those of you who have been following us for awhile, you will remember our neighbor - "Mr. Sunshine". If you have
no idea who Sunshine is, see the original story covered in the February newsletter. Well, we have news on the Sunshine
HE SPEAKS! Yes, he speaks. We went on a walk with the dogs one evening and we passed his place. He happened to
be outside working in the yard very close to the road. We waved and said hello, like always. Much to our surprise,
Sunshine said, "Good afternoon. You going for a walk?"
I almost passed out! He spoke! You know that moment when something amazing happens and you are shocked, but you
try to not let it register on your face because you are trying to maintain your composure? At that moment, my entire
being was jumping up and down and having a party, while my exterior was just smiling and carrying on polite
conversation in the street.
It was a short 'conversation', it consisted of about three or four sentences of either side. It was obvious that he was
struggling to just get that much out, so we didn't push it. We just chatted for a few moments, said our goodbyes, and
continued on our walk. I wish I had a video of our faces as we walked away, because we were both completely
astounded by what had just occurred and trying to remain calm until we got around the corner and out of sight. It took a
full YEAR to hear this man finally speak to us. Sometimes fruit takes a long time...
But wait! That's not all!
Sarah and a friend were walking the other day and they passed by Sunshine's place. He and his wife ('Mrs. Sunshine',
equally as quiet and standoffish as the Mr.) were in the garden harvesting summer vegetables. Sunshine calls out, "Hey,
do you like watermelon?"
"Yes, sir!", answered the two kids.
Connued on page 2 . . .

...UPDATEthe Sunshine Story

"Go get some bags", he says to his wife. "We'll send
vegetables home with the kids."

veggies. He smiled real big and waved us off with, "it's nothing",
then he turned his back and kept working in the yard, obviously
uncomfortable with our show of gratitude and how to respond.
Sunshine's story is not over. It has taken a year to get to this
point. It might take another year to build enough trust and
confidence that he will share his real name with us.
I'm reminded that it took 2.5 years for people on the mountain in
Peru to trust us enough to let us live in their village. It took
Paulina many encounters before she admitted that she had given
me a false name originally because she didn't know if she should
trust me. So, it might take Sunshine a while. That's okay.
Poco a poco (little by little)... relationship is a stroll, not a sprint.

Sarah and her friend returned to the house with two huge
bags of peppers and cucumbers, zucchini and eggplant and
tomatoes, and one giant watermelon! Sarah was so excited
she was almost in tears. "You will NEVER believe where
this came from!", she squealed. "SUNSHINE! Sunshine
just picked all of this and sent it home with us!" We stood
on the front steps in amazement as we watched Sarah and
Dylan carry the bags and the melon up the walk. We all
said a little thank you prayer for the change we are seeing
in Sunshine's heart.
A little later in the day, we drove by and Sunshine was out
in the yard. We stopped to say thank you for the


Trusng in the Fruits fromHenriNouwen'sBreadfortheJourney

Webelongtoagenera onthatwantstoseetheresultsofourwork.Wewanttobeproduc veandseewithourown
eyeswhatwehavemade.ButthatisnotthewayofGod'sKingdom.O enourwitnessforGoddoesnotleadto
tangibleresults.Jesushimselfdiedasafailureonacross.Therewasnosuccesstheretobeproudof.S ll,the
frui ulnessofJesus'lifeisbeyondanyhumanmeasure.AsfaithfulwitnessesofJesuswehavetotrustthatourlivestoo
willbefrui ul,eventhoughwecannotseetheirfruit.Thefruitofourlivesmaybevisibleonlytothosewholivea er
us.Whatisimportantishowwellwelove.Godwillmakeourlovefrui ul,whetherweseethatfrui ulnessornot.
Praises We have a great church family here in Spain!!! Our relationships within the church are truly a gift. This feels like home and
like family for us.
Our relationships in our town are great. We have built good relationships with both Spaniards and with the immigrant population, both inside and out of the church environment.
We have been blessed to have 3 other CCW families working near us. Each of these families is from a different sending
country - Puerto Rico, Peru, and Mexico. It is great to have this multicultural group of CCW friends who support and love
each other in community.
Pray for Please pray for discernment, both for us and for possible new teammates, as we have conversations about what serving in
Spain looks like and what the needs are here. Pray for patience for our national partners here (Centro Cristiano church) as
they are eager to receive new workers and their need and desire to have new help is great. They are currently holding their
handful of visa invitations exclusively for TMS workers and are eager to see that become a reality.
Pray for our care regions and our communications with peers within Europe and the Middle East.
Pray for our preparation for a conference in October, as we plan the 3-day coach training and plan to be away from Spain.
Pray for our upcoming time in the States as we plan with our Home Team and try to connect with people during our time
As always, please pray for our boys (Ryan and Miles) in Texas and far away from us. And for Sarah as she prepares for a
new school and new school year in September.

Who Knew?! Amazing history...

Yesterday,whileonali ledayoexcursionwithtwoothermissionaryfamilies,wesortofstumbleduponatreasuretroveforme...Romanruins!Okay,I


WewalkeduptotheentrancewheretwoSpanishwomenwerea endingthegate.EuropeanUnionresidentsgetinfree(mosthistoricalsitesareconsid
eredpropertyoftheci zensandaresupercheap/some mesfreetoresidents)andforeignvisitorspay1.50.Weflashedourresidentcardsandthey

weretherethewhole mewevisited.

andpala alhomes.

Manycenturieslater,li leItalicawouldalsobecomethesightofamonastery...andwould
latedtheBibleintothena velanguageofSpanish(Romewantedittoforeverbeonlyavail
ableinLa n).ThisBiblewasknownastheBibliadelOso(BibleoftheBear)becauseofthe
edBible'sappearance.ThisBibletransla onistodayknownastheReinaValera.

Yep...ithappenedrighthereinItalica!ThemoderndaytownofSan poncenowstandson


The Mission Society

Laurie & Billy Drum
3907 Old Oaks

Texas 77802



Sharing the Love of Christ with the least, the lost, and the left out immigrants, displaced peoples, the lonely,
the abandoned, those who need a friend.
Nurturing and developing people to be healthy spiritually, physically, emotionally, and relationally - because
care is not just an emotional feeling word, care is a verb - an action. Thats who we are the care-givers!

Contact The Drums!

We love to Skype,
chat, email, or receive
mail at the post office!

Mailing address:

Meet Isabel! Isabel is the daughter of a missionary family from Peru

serving here in Spain! Sarah and Isabel were best friends within minutes
of meeting each other. They have a lot in common both are fluent in
Spanish and English, both have lived in the USA, Peru, and Spain, both
are MKs (missionary kids), and both are TCKs (third culture kids). They
have dubbed themselves the MAPPSMejores Amigas Peruanas Para
Siempre (Best Friends, Peruvians Forever). We are so happy that Sarah
has found someone who she can relate to so completely!!!

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