MTIT 2.1 Web Systems Technologies
MTIT 2.1 Web Systems Technologies
MTIT 2.1 Web Systems Technologies
Instruction: 3 Periods/week
Time: 3 Hours
Credits: 4
Internal: 30 Marks
External: 70 Marks
Total: 100
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Introduction: History of the Internet and world wide web and HTML, Basic
Internet Protocols-HTTP, SMTP,Pop3, Mime, IMAP, Introduction to scripting
Languages-Java Scripts, Object based Scripting for the web structures, functions,
arrays and Objects, Dynamic HTML with Java Script
2. Dynamic HTML: Introduction to Object references, Dynamic Style, Dynamic
Position, Frames, Navigators, Event Models, On Check, On load, Mouse operations,
Adding Shaddows, Creating Images, Creating Gradients, Creating Motion with Blur,
Data binding, Sorting Table data, Binding of Images And Table.
3. Introduction to PHP Programming: Introduction, Database Access with PHP,
PHP Interpreters, Security Issues, File Handling with PHP, Working with HTML
and DHTML, PHP User Authentication
4. Java Beans: Introduction to Java Beans, Advantages of Java Beans, BDK;
Introspection, Using Bound properties, Bean Info Interface, Constrained
properties; Persistence, Customizes, Java Beans API, Introduction to EJBs
5. Multimedia: Audio and Video Speech, Synthesis and Recognition, E-Business
Models, Online Payments and Security, Web Servers, Client and Server side
Scripting, Accessing Web servers, Apache Web Server.
6. Database, ASP and XML: RDBMS Models, Overview of SQL, , ASP-Working of ASP,
objects, Session Tracking and Cookies, ADO, Accessing Data Base with ASP,
Serverside Active, X Components, Web resources, XML- Document type definition,
XML Schemas, Document Object model, Presenting XML, Using XML Processors:
DOM and SAX, Syntax of AJAX, Application Development using XML and AJAX
7. Servlets and JSP: Introduction to Servelets: Servlet Overview Architecture,
HTTP package, Handling Http Request & Responses, Using Cookies-Session
Tracking, Security Issues, Multitier architecture, JSP Overview, , JSP Processing.
JSP Application Design with MVC Setting Up and JSP Environment:
8. JSP Application Development: Generating Dynamic Content, Using Scripting
Elements Implicit JSP Objects, Conditional Processing, Displaying Values Using an
Expression to Set an Attribute, Declaring Variables and Methods Error Handling
and Debugging Sharing Data Between JSP pages, Requests, and Users Passing
Control and Date between Pages, Sharing Session and Application Data Memory
Usage Considerations
1. Web Programming, building internet applications, 2/e, Chris Bates, Wiley Dreamtech
2. The complete Reference Java 2 ,5/e, Patrick Naughton , Herbert Schildt. TMH
3. Programming world wide web-Sebesta, PEA
(1 MARK)
1. What is extension of html file?
a. html
b. htm
c. xml
d. xhtml
2. HTML defines several data types for element content, such as script data and style
sheet data, and attribute. Theses all data types are specify as character data.
a. True
b. Fasle
3. Which command we use to add an Image?
a. <image src="url"> b. <img src="url"> c. <src img="url"> d. <img srcimg="url">
4. Which command used to create HTML Link?
a. <a highlight="">When press open R4R website</a>
b. <a hyperlink="">When press open R4R website</a>
c. <a href=" &
f43d4e0b88acea2d2a393515f6bf38f2"> When press open R4R website</a>
d. <a bluetext="">When press open R4R website</a>
5. Which command we use to link a page with an HTML page?
a. <a link=\"page.htm\" ></a>
b. <a
phpMyAdmin=f43d4e0b88acea2d2a393515f6bf38f2 ></a>
c. <a connect=\"page.htm\" ></a>
d. <a attach=\"page.htm\" ></a>
6. Which sequence of HTML tags are correct?
a. <html><head><title></<title></head><body></body></html>
b. <html><head></head><body><title></<title></body></html>
c. <html><head><title></<title><body></body></head></html>
d. <html><title></<title><head></head><body></body></html>
7. We send and receive HTML file using which protocol?
b. POP3
d. FTP
8. Who develops HTML?
a. WWW
b. W3C
c. AT&T
d. Bell
9. DHTML stands for
a. Direct Hyper Text Markup Language
b. Dual Hyper Text Markup Language
c. Dynamic Hyper Text Markup Language
d. Domain Hyper Text Markup
10. Code: JavaScript
function getNum(x)
{ x += 3; if(x)
return x;
x *= 3;
return x;
What will the above decalred function return when called like this getNum(4); ?
a. 9
b. 7
c. 21
d. 8
11. Which company first implemented the JavaScript language?
a. Netscape Communications Corp.
b. Microsoft Corp.
c. Sun Microsystems Corp.
d. Consortium of the above companies
2 3
4 5
6 7 8
9 10
11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
a/b a b
c b
a c b
c b
c a
4. Define HTML
It is a simple page description language, which enables document creation for the web
5. What are the necessities of using HTML forms?
i. Gathering user information ii.Conducting Surveys
iii.Interactive services
6. Define HTTP.
Hyper Text Transfer Protocol provides flexible and powerful communication between
client and server. It is a stateful protocol-allows a browser to send many different requests over a
single connection and it remains open until it is explicitly closed.
7. Define POP3.
Post Office Protocol version 3 allows user transfer agent and allow e-mail to be copied
from ISP to the user. The situations handled by POP3 are 1. If both sender and receiver are
online. 2. If sender is online but receiver not.
8. Define SMTP.
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol is a simple ASCII protocol. This protocol establishes the
TCP connection to port 25, act as client, waits for the receiving machine operating as the server
to talk first.
9. Define IMAP.
IMAP stand for Internet Message Access Protocol. It is a client / server protocol running
over TCP. Where the client issues commands mailbox, that is to be accessed.
10. Define MIME
MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) is an open standard for sending
multipart, multimedia data through Internet email.
11. List the predefined MIME content types
ii. Multipart
iv. Audio
v. Video
vi. Model
vii. Application
12. Find the error in the following code segment and explain how to correct it? AU-MAY2008
Using floating-point numbers in a manner that assumes they are represented precisely can
lead to incorrect results. Since the computer allocates only a fixed amount of space to hold such a
value, so the stored floating-point value can be only an approximation.
13. How can you repeatedly execute a code in Java Script? AU-MAY/JUN 2009
By using control statements like for, while, and do while we can repeatedly execute a
code in Java Script
14. Develop a Java script page to demonstrate an If condition by which the time on your
browser is less than 10; you will get a good morning greeting
<html> <head> <title> greeting msg</title>
<Script type=text/javascript>
var name;
now = new Date(); //current date & time
hour = now.getHours();//current hour(0-23)
document.write(Good Morning);
//- -> </script></head></html>
15. How can you create a fixed background image on a web page?
By using the following CSS property we can place an image in a
background background-image Specifies the image
background-position places the image (left, top, right, bottom)
background-repeat copies of image (repeat, repeat-x, repeat-y)
background-attachment fixes the image specified by position(fixed,
scroll) <html>
<body style="background-image: url (; background-repeat: norepeat"> hai Welcome to IT </body> </html>
16. Develop a HTML page to use an image as a link to another page. AU-NOV/DEC 2008
<html> <body>
<a href="mouse.txt"> <img src="Sunset.jpg" width=100 height=150 />
</a> Click the Image </body> </html>
17. What are the two major protocols for accessing e-mail from servers? AU-APR/MAY
2008, AU-MAY/JUN 2011
HTTP Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
MIME Multi Purpose Internet Mail Extension protocol
18. Illustrate the purpose of Java Script. Mention the benefits of Java Script AU-MAY2010
Java Script is a Client-side scripting language for web-based applications due to its highly
portable nature. The two main purpose of Java Script is as follows
i. It introduces client side scripting, which makes the web page more dynamic &
ii. It provides programming foundation for the more complex server-side scripting
19. Write the Java Script function syntax.
function function-name(parameter-list)
Declaration and statements
20. Name the methods and properties of Window object in Java Script.
1. write(string) write the string to the XHTML document as XHTML code
2. writeln(string) write the string to the XHTML document as XHTML code & adds a
new line character at the end
3. document.cookie this property is a string containing the values of all the
cookies stored on the users computer for the current document.
4. document.lastModified this property is the date and time that this document was last
21. Write a Java script program that generates a random number whenever we refresh a
generation</title> <script type=text / javascript>
var n; n=Math.floor(1+Math.random(
document.write(n); </script> </head></html>
22. How can you initialize array values?
The array can be created and initialized in two ways
1) var arrayname=new Array(size);
2) var arrayname=[n1,n2,n2..];//n1,n2.. are values
(1 MARK)
46. Which popup box you use when want a value from user before open a page?
a. alert("Write some text here")
b. confirm("Write some text here")
c. prompt("Write here some text","Write default value here")
47. Which popup box you use when want some information comes from user?
a. alert("Write some text here")
b. confirm("Write some text here")
c. prompt("Write here some text","Write default value here")
48. Which popup box you use to verify something from user?
a. alert("Write some text here")
b. confirm("Write some text here")
c. prompt("Write here some text","Write default value here")
49. We use <script></Script> tag within
a. <head>
b. <body>
c. <title>
d. <JavaScript>
50. Write syntax to get "R4R Welcomes you!" with using JavaScript?
a. document.write("R4R Welcomes You!")
b. print("R4R Welcomes You!")
c. print.write("R4R Welcomes You!")
d. script.write("R4R Welcomes You!")
51. Using which tag we insert an JavaScript in HTML page?
a. <JavaScript type="text/javascript"></JavaScript>
b. <script type="text/javascript"></script>
c. <JScript type="text/javascript"></JScript>
d. <HTMLScript type="text/javascript"></HTMLScript>
52. First name of JavaScript is
a. Oak
b. Mocha
c. Jscript
d. JSL
53. JavaScript introduced by
a. Microsoft
b. IBM
c. Google
d. Sun Microsystem
54. JavaScript is widely used for
a. server-side web development
b. client-side web development
c. both client-side and server-side web development
55. JavaScript is developed by
a. Brendan Eich
b. Tim Duncan
c. Bjarne Stroustrup d. Denish Richie
56. Which one is client side scripting language?
a. ASP
b. JSP
c. VBScript
d. Servlet
57. Which one is not a string method?
a. blink()
b. join()
c. indexOf()
d. slice()
58. Java script global function
a. escape
b. getHours c. parseFloat
d. both 1 & 3
59. Function that calls itself, either directly or indirectly through another function is referred
a. Iteration
b. Global function
c. Recursion d. User defined function
60. Filter used to apply transparency
a. fliph
b. flipv
c. mask
d. chroma
61. Arguments of shadow filter
a. color
b. color, opacity
c. color, direction
d. direction
62. The opacity value 1 in alpha filter represents
a. uniform
b. Linear gradient
c. circular gradient d. rectangular gradient
b b
a c
d d
74. Develop DHTML page to mouse over the two squares and the background color will
change according to the color of square. AU-NOV/DEC 2008,AU-MAY/JUN 2009
<html> <head> <script type="text/javascript">
<table border=2> <tr>
<td id="green" bgcolor="green" onclick="mClick()" >green</td>
magenta</td> </tr> </table>
</body> </html>
75. List the possible opacity attributes of the alpha filter.
Alpha filter transparency effect
i. Uniform opacity 0
ii. Linear gradient - 1
iii. Circular gradient - 2
iv. Rectangular gradient - 3
76. What is the use of filters? Write its types.
Filters to an image or text causes changes that are persistent. It does not add content to
your pages rather they present existing content in an engaging manner.
i. Flip filter
ii. Chroma filters
iii. Mask filter
iv. miscellaneous image filters
v. shadow, alpha, blur filter
77. Distinguish between flipv and fliph filter
flipv filters mirror text or images vertically.
fliph filters mirror text or images horizontally.
78. Define data binding with its types.
AU-NOV/DEC 2008, AU-MAY/JUN 2012
Data binding, data need no longer reside exclusively on the server. Data can be
maintained on the client. Data is sent to the client all subsequent manipulations then take place
on the data directly on the client, thus eliminating server activity and network delays.
79. Define TDC.
The Tabular Data Control is one type of Data Source Objects (DSO) used to bind
external data to XHTML elements. It is an ActiveX control that is added to a page with an object
80. Describe <PARAM> tag
The param tag specifies parameters for the object in the object element which consist of
name and value attributes.
81. Write any 4 functions related to record set.
i. MoveLast ii. MoveFirst iii. BOF
82. How can you bind data into a table?
By using datasrc attribute of table element with TDC we can bind data to a table.
83. Define Event Bubbling.
Event Bubbling is the process whereby events fired in child elements bubble up to their
parent elements. When a child event is fired, the event is first delivered to the childs event
handler, then to the parent event handler.
102. How do you use the frames collection to access objects in a separate frame on your web
103. Explain the way of creating gradients with alpha filter. (8)
104. Explain event bubbling with examples
AU-MAY/JUN 2011, AU-MAY/JUN 2012
105. Explain image filters in detail with examples
106. Explain about the filters in detail with examples. AU-MAY/JUN 2012,(8) AU-NOV/DEC
2012 107. Write DHTML program which handles the error event. (8) AU-NOV/DEC 2012
108. Write DHTML program to display seconds counter using Timer(8) AU-NOV/DEC 2012
111 112
a d
a/b b/d
118 119
120 121
c b
a a
122 123
c a/e a
125 126
a a
129. Write some commonly used video files.
AU-MAY / JUN 2008, AU-MAY/JUN 2012
MPEG (Moving Picture Experts Group), Quick Time, Real One Player, AVI (Audio
Video Interleave), MJPEG (Motion JPEG)
130. Write some commonly used Audio files.
MP3 (MPEG Layer 3), MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface), WAV (Windows
Wave Form), AIFF (Audio Interchange File Format)
131. Explain the difference between get request type and post request type. AU-MAY2008
Get request type
Post request type
1. It get/retrieves information from a server 1. It post / sends data to a server
2. Uses: to retrieve an HTML document or 2. Uses: to send information to a server,
an image or to fetch search results based on a such as an authentication information or
user-submitted search form
data from a form that gathers user input.
3. Informations are send as part of URL
3. It sends form data as an HTTP
(after URL separated by ?)
message, not as part of URL
4. It limits the query string to 2048
4. It sends large pieces of information
1. src - URL
2. loop no of times the audio will play
3. balance balance b/w left & right speakers (-10000 to 10000)
4. volume volume of the audio clip (-10000 to 0)
136. How can you add video formats into a web page?
Using <img> element dynsrc property we can add video files to a web page by specifying
URL of video file to the dynsrc property, the other properties are
168. What are the principle technologies for supporting electronic commerce and
electronic business? (8) AU-MAY/JUN 2009 169. Write about the installation,
configuration, deployment and invoking server objects of an Apache web server (8) AUMAY/JUN 2009 170. Describe how to use the Windows Media Player ActiveX Control to
play variety of Media formats in web pages (8) AU-APR/MAY2010
a b
184 185
214. Describe the benefits of cascading style sheets. Develop an external style sheet for
<form> and <table> tags. (8)
215. Why DTD is required in XML and explain XML DTD with an example.(8)AUMAY 2007
216. How document manipulation is done with XML Document Object Module and
explain in detail the various methods of DOM.(16) AU-MAY/JUN 2008 217. Discuss
briefly the various XMLDOM methods(8)AU-MAY2010 / (16) AU-MAY 2011, 2012 218.
Describe the features of ASP with examples. (8) AU-MAY/JUN 2008 219. Explain session
tracking. How it provides personalized services to consumers.(8)AU-MAY08,11, AUNOV/DEC 2012
220. Develop an ASP application for a questionnaire, which has minimum of 8 questions.
The questions and answers will be stored in a database. The questions will be posted to the
client one in a page and collect the answer from the client. Evaluate the answers and
inform the result score to the client ion the final page. AU-NOV/DEC 2008 221. Explain
the following the ASP objects with its syntax & examples AU-MAY/JUN 2012
i. Session ii. Application iii. Request
iv. Server AU-NOV/DEC 2008
222. Explain file system object.(16)
223. Explain the ways of accessing a database from ASP with an example. AU-JUN
224. List the steps involved to access data base from ASP. (4)
225. Write short note on server side Active X control(10)
226. Describe an XML to maintain book details to do the following: AU-MAY/JUN 2009
i.Separate data
ii.Exchange data
iii.Store data iv.Create new language
227. Create a ASP page to display Time-based greetings using Java Script.(6) AU-MAY2009
228. How to create cookie and retrieve its value? Show it with an example.(6) AU-MAY2009
229. Why should namespaces be used in XML? Explain with an example. (8) AUMAY2010 230. Explain ADO in detail(8) AU-MAY/JUN 2011 231. Create a XML
document to store customer ID, customer name, address and date of
birth details. Create a DTD to validate the document.(8)
a d
6 7
8 9
a b
a b
51. What is distributed system? What are its characteristics? What are its advantages and
disadvantages? (NOV/ DEC 2009)
52. (i) How are the servers classified? Describe each type in detail
(ii) Write notes on general purpose middleware(NOV/ DEC 2008)
53. Compare 2 tier client-server architecture with 3-tier architecture. Also highlight when
3-tier architecture is better than 2-tier architecture(May /June 2008)
54. What is middleware. What is the main function of middleware? What are service
specific middleware?
(ii) Write notes on peer to peer communication. (May /June 2008) (AU-NOV/DEC 2011)
55. EJB system is a
a) Two tier system b) Three tier system c) Single system d) None of above
56. What are the services provided by EJB container
a) Transaction b) Persistence c) Security d) All the above
57. ACL is used for
a) Control purpose b) Security purpose c) Storage purpose d) Transaction purpose
58. Stateless session bean
a) Short-lifetime b) Maximum life time c) Long-life time d) All the above
59. EJB callback methods are
a) Passivate() b) Activate() c) Remove() d) All the above
60. What is the purpose of manifest file
a) Creation of ejb-jar file b) Deploying EJB c) Activation of environment properties d) Creation of EAR file
62. What is the role of EJB
a) Server provider b) Container provider c) Bean provider d) All the above
63. What is the constraints of session bean
a) Bean destroy b) Represent data in Database c) Server crash d) Concurrent access
64. What are the stakes of session
Does not list ii)Method ready iii)Pool iv) Passive
a) I,ii,iii b) I,ii,iv c) I,iii,iv d) all the above
64. Session bean could be destroy due to
a) Time out b) Server crash c) Server restart d) All the above
65. EJB deployment class provide
Beans properties ii) Relation b/w bean & container iii) Deployment package iv)
Provide IDL for EJB
a) i,iii,iv b) I,ii,iii c) ii,iii,iv d) i,ii,iii,iv
66. HTTP tunneling is a
a) File transfer protocol b) EJB interface c) Communicate through firewall d)All the above
67. What are deployment descriptor abstract class in ejb
a) Session bean b)enterprise bean c) remote interface d) home interface
68. what are the methods of Access Control Entry class
i) get method() ii) set Allowed Identities () iii) set method () iv) get primary key class()
b) I,iii,I b) I,ii,iii,iv c) ii,iii,iv d) I,ii,iii
69. what are the client-side development in EJB
EJB standard interface b) remote interface c) home interface d) none of the above
55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64
b d b c d a
d c
b d
70. What is EJB? ?(AU-NOV/DEC 2012) (MAY/JUNE2012)
Enterprise Java Bean is a server-side component architecture that simplifies the process of
building enterprise-class distributed component application in Java.
71. What is the role of system administrator in EJB Server? ?(AU-NOV/DEC 2010)
System administrators are responsible for the day-to-day operations of the EJB Server.Their
responsibilities include keeping security information up-to-date and monitoring the
performance of the server.
72. Define Bean with Bean-Managed Persistent? ?(AU-NOV/DEC 2011)
An Entity Bean with Bean-Managed Persistence contains code that updates the underlying
database. Each Entity bean instance has an associated primary key. Logically, a primary key is
a value or combination of values that allows to uniquely specifying a row of data.
73. What is Entity Bean? ?(AU-NOV/DEC 2012)
Entity beans are long-lived, they exist across client session, one shared by multiple clients and
remains alive even after a restart of the server or other failures. An entity bean must implement
the entity bean interface.
74. What is Session Bean?
Session beans are generally tied to the lifetime of a given client session. They are relatively
short-lived, state full session object are created in response to a single clients request.
75. What is Enterprise Java Bean?
Enterprise Java Bean: EJBs are writing-once, run-any-where middle-tire components.
Enterprise Java Beans is a server side component architecture that simplifies the process of
building enterprise-class distributed component applications in java.
76. What is session Bean?
Session beans are generally tied to the lifetime of a given client session. They are relatively
short-lived, state full session object are created in response to a single clients request.
77. What is State full Session?
Stateful Session is a bean that changes state during a conversation, ie a bean that has instance
78. What is meant by Deployment?
Deployment is the process of installing an object in server side.
79. What is Interface? ?(AU-NOV/DEC 2010)
An interface defines the protocol of communication between two separate components of a
system. The interface describes what services are provide by a component and the protocol for
using those services
80. Write short notes on Transaction Monitor?
A transaction monitor service oversees transactions on behalf of other objects. A transaction, in
turn, is an operation or set of operation that must be performed automatically; that is, either all
objects involved in the transaction must commit the transaction or all objects involved must
abort the transaction.
81. Define Directory Services.
Directory services refer to a set of services that enable objects, which can be servers,
businesses, or even people, to be located by other objects.
102 103
b b
143. (i) How does EJB support asynchronous communication with clients
(ii) What are deployment descriptors? What is its use? How are they
implemented(DEC 2008)
144. (a)Discuss the steps involved in building and deploying EJB with bank transactions as example.
(ii)List the constraints on using session beans? (MAY /JUN 2008)
145. (b) Discuss the steps involved in building and deploying EJB with bank transactions as
example. (May /June 2008) ?(AU-NOV/DEC 2010)
d b
200. (i) Describe the layered architecture of CORBA, Write notes on CORBA IDL( DEC
201. How does a client communicate with remote object server in CORBA (DEC 2008)
202. Draw the CORBA networking model diagram and explain how static and dynamic
invocations are taking place. (May /June 2008)
203. (i)Enlist the services offered by CORBA and explain its usage.
(ii) How does CORBA provide support for network heterogeneity? (May /June 2008)
204. Discuss the concept of object adapter and object reference in detail?(AUNOV/DEC 2011)
205. Explain ORB structure and discuss the steps involved in building an application
with CORBA?(AU-NOV/DEC 2012)
206. COM stands for
a) Communication object model b) component object model c) communication oriented
model d) component oriented model
207. COM link dynamically using
a) API b) DCOM c) CORBA d) DLL
208. COM IDL will be generated by
a) .net b) c language c) vc++ d) c++
209. What is the use of COM macros
a) test error handling b) test status COM in location
c) test succeed & failed d) all the above
210. COM HRESULT is used for
a) Conveying result b) conveying status c) conveying d) none of above
211. .Net work is a platform for
a) Running web services application b) design of windows application
c) building java objects d) marshaling.
212. what is mean by marshaling
a) process of packaging b) sending method calls c) serialization d) all the above
213. CLR stands for
a) Common language request b) cross language request c) common language runtime d)
cross language runtime
214. what is the technology
a) web services b) web form c) window form d) all the above
215. MSIL stands for
a) Microsoft intermediate language b) mainframe interchange
c) Microsoft interface language
d) mainframe interface language.
216. JNDI stands for
a) Java Naming and Data Interconnection b)Java Naming and Data Information
c)Java Naming and Directory Interface d)Java Naming and Directory Information
217. At the deployment time the EJB container must reads the _________
a) Ejb.class b) Ejb.jar
c) JNDI d) DNS
218. How the client connect the EJB? By using
a) Ejb.jar b) JNDI c) RMI or CORBA d) COS
219 220
b c
221. What is meant by COM?
Component Object Model (COM) specifies architecture, a binary standard, and a supporting
infrastructure for building, using, and evolving component-based applications. It extends the
benefits of object-oriented programming such as encapsulation, polymorphism, and software
reuse to a dynamic and cross-process setting. Distributed COM (DCOM) is the distributed
extension of COM. It specifies the additional infrastructure that is required to further extend the
benefits to networked environments.
222. Define the term Interface?
An interface is a collection of functionally related abstract methods, and is identified
by a 128-bitglobally unique identifier (GUID) called the interface ID (IID).
223. What is Comman Language Runtime (CLR)? (MAY/JUNE2012)
CLR is .NET equivalent of Java Virtual Machine (JVM) . I t is the runt time that converts a
MSI L code into the host machine language code, which is then executed appropriately.
224. What is Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL)?
A .NET programming language (C# , VB.NET, J# et c.) does not compile into executable
code; instead it compiles into an intermediate code called Microsoft I ntermediate Language
(MSI L) . As a programmer one need not worry about the syntax of MSI L - since our source
code in automat ically converted to MSIL
225. What is Common Type System (CTS) ?
Achieved through int roduct ion of Common Type System (CTS). CTS, much like Java,
defines every data type as a Class. Every .NET compliant language must st ick to this definit ion.
Since CTS defines every data type as a class; this means that only Object Oriented (or Object Based) languages can achieve .NET compliance.
226. What is Web Services?
Web services are an extension of ActiveX. Those of you, who have used ASP and JSP
both, know the apparent short comings of ASP. JSP has been enriched with the concepts of
Beans and Tags. ASP equivalent for Beans and Tags was Act iveX Cont rols and Act iveX
automat ion servers. Let me take a minute to explain this point a bit further. Web Services is NOT
a Microsoft proprietary standard. I t is a W3Consort ium standard, and has been developed by
Microsoft , IBM and many other big names of the indust ry.
227. What is mean by Web forms?
Just as the Win Forms provide a unified way of developing GUI for desktop application,
the Web Forms provide similar tool for web applications. Web Forms has been introduced in
.NET as a part of ASP.NET. Web Forms are forms engines that provide a browser-based user
3 4
6 7 8
b b
b b
b d a c
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
c c
a d
a d
(16 MARKS)
Explain different TDMA schemes in detail.
Write notes on DECT and TETRA
Write notes on UMTS and IMT 2000
Account on CDMA Scheme.
Briefly explain about CDMA techniques.
Discuss briefly the advanced phase shift keying.
Discuss briefly the cellular systems.
Represent diagrammatically the protocol machine for multiple access with collision avoidance.
Write a short note on Signal propagation. (NOV 2012)
Explain any four types of modulation with suitable diagrams. (NOV 2012)
Discuss FDMA and CDMA in detail. (NOV 2012)
Explain Direct Sequence
and frequency hopping spread spectrum with
transmission diagrams. (NOV 2012)
45. The frame size IS-136 cellular mobile standard is
a.30 msec
b.40 msec
c.50 msec
d.60 msec
46. The carrier sigmal bit rate of the IS-95 standard is
b.10.6 Kbs
c.9.6 Mbps
d.19.6 kbps
24. The term POTS refers to
a.Parllel old telephone service
b.Pair of telephone set
c.Plan old telephone service
d.Plan old telegraph set
47. A network capable of connection many subscribers through switches in a cellular
system is called as
25. GSM stands for
a. General system for mobile
b. Global system for mobile
c. Group system for mobile
d. Global system for specical mobile
48. ETSI stands for
a.European Techinical Standards Institute b.Egypt Technical Standards of Institute
c.European Telecommunication Standards Institute d.None of the above
49. Consider the following statements
a.Call termination
b.Call establishment
c.maintain a call
Give the correct sequence of them in an increasing order
50. Pointers are not used in
b.Wireless LAN
c.a and b
d.None of the above
51. Health monitoring is an example for
a.Secrity service b.Fun
c.Mobile office
d.Personal service
52. EIR is meant for
a.User identification b.Device identification c.Protection of user data
d.None of the above
53. Half duplex channel in GSM is a
a.Traffic channel
b.Control channel
c.Dedicated channel d.broadcast channel
54. SDCCH is
a.Mobility Management
b.Call Management
c.Resource Management
d.None of the above
45 46
b a
47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62
63. What are the four types of handover available in GSM? (DEC 2009)
1. Intra cell Handover
2. Inter cell Intra BSC Handover
3. Inter BSC Intra MSC handover
4. Inter MSC Handover
64. What is TETRA? (DEC 2009)
TETRA (Terrestrial Trunked Radio) systems use different radio carrier frequencies, but
they assign a specific carrier frequencies for a short period of time according to demand.
TETRAs are highly reliable and extremely cheap.
65. What are the categories of Mobile services? (APR 2008)
Bearer services
Tele services
Supplementary services
66. What are the services provided by supplementary services? (APR 2008)
User identification
Call redirection
Call forwarding
Closed user groups
Multiparty Communication
67. What are types of Handover? (MAY 2008)
Intra-cell handover
Inter-cell ,intra- BSC handover
Inter-BSC, intra-MSC handover
Inter MSC handover
Header Extension: contains additional object handling data such as repetition distance
tosupport caching, segmentation information and priority of the data.
Body: contains arbitrary data to be transmitted.
90. What are different interleaving & repetition schemes applied by DAB to objects &
Object Repetition.
Interleaved Objects.
Segment repetition.
Header repetition.
91. What are the advantages of DAB?
1. DAB can offer sound in CD like quality.
2. DAB can use single frequency network where all senders transmitting the same radio
program can operate at the same frequency.
3. DAB use VHF and UHF frequency bands.
4. DAB uses DQPSK modulation scheme.
5. DAB user COFDM and FEC.
6. DAB can transmit up to six stereo audio programmes with a data rate of 192kbit/s
92. What is object repetition?
DAB can repeat objects several times. If an object A consists of four Segments (A1, A2,
A3, A4) single repetition pattern would be A1A2A3A4A1A2A3A4A1A2A3A4..
93. What is EIT?
Event Information Table (EIT) contains status information about the current transmission
and some additional information for set-top boxes.
94. What is the service information sent by DVB?
Digital Video Broadcast Containers are basically MPEG-2 frames. DVB sends service
information. This information is,
1. Network information table (NIT).
2. Service Description Table (SDT).
3. Event Information Table (EIT).
4. Time and Date Table (TDT)
95. What are the advantages of DVB? (MAY 2009)
1. Data rates planned for users are 6-38mbit/s for the downlink and 33-100kbit/s for the
2. Transmitted along with TV programme and doesnt require additional lines or
hardware per customer.
3. Can be used in remote areas and developing countries where there is no high band
width wired network.
96. What is meant by beacon? (MAY 2009)
A beacon contains a timestamp and other management information used for power
management and roaming.
e.g., identification of the base station subsystem (BSS)
97. What is Active scanning?
Active scanning comprises sending a probe on each channel and waiting for response.
Beacon and Probe response contain the information necessary to join the new BSS.
109. Many MAN's in wireless Networking can ve connected to form a
d.None of the above
110. Roter is a
a.Internetworking device
c.Device used in wirelesscommunication d.Not an internetworking device
111. HIPERLAN is a standard used for
b.LAN alone c.MAN alome
d.LAN and MAN
112. Fragmentation of data is a function of
a.Physical layer
b.Netword layer
c.Tranport layer
d.Data link layer
IEEE 802.11 standrd for covers the following layers in its functionality when copied
a.Network and transport layer b.Physical and data link layer
c.Physical layer and network layer d.Network layer session layer
114. In channel access in HIPERLAN-1 standard if the channel is busy of the
possible terminal access are:
a.Prioritization phase b.Contention phase
c. contention and transmission phase d. none of these
115. Consider the following statements
1.HIPERLAN-2uses OFDM type of modulation
2.HIPERLAN-2 is suitable for Ad hoc and infrastructure
topologies 3.HIPERLAN cannot proviide ATM and IP service
4.HIPERLAN -2 in not suitable for WLAN
Which of the above is correct
a.1 and 2
b.2 and 3
c.1 and 4
d.3 and 4
A network is defined as
a.Set of points
b.An area of working c.Set of nodes or devices
d.None of the
117. If a network genarates only a minimum (less frequent)numbers of failure between
the nodes it is called as
a.Reliable network b.Secured network c.Non secured network d.Local area network
110 111
112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123
124. What is the primary goal of IEE 802.11?
The primary goal of the standard was the specification of a simple, robust, WLAN which
offers time bounded and asynchronous services also it should be able to operate with multiple
physical layers.
125. What is meant by SIFS?
SIFS means Short Inter Frame Spacing. The shortest waiting time defined for short
control message such as acknowledgements or polling response.
126. What are Advantages of wireless LAN? (MAY 2008)
Quality Service,
Cost, Proprietary Solution, Restriction,
Safety and Security
127. What are Design Goals of Wireless LAN? (APR 2008)
Global Operation
Low Power and License-free Operation
Robust transmission technology
Simplified spontaneous co-operation
Easy to use Protection of investment
Safety and Security Transparency
128. What are the three Low Power States provided by Bluetooth? (APR 2008)
PARK state, HOLD state, SNIFF state
129. What is SCO? (MAY 2008)
SCO-stands for Synchronous Connection Oriented Link Standard telephone (voice)
connection require symmetrical, circuit-switched, point-to- point connections. For this type of
link, the master reserves two consecutive slots at fixed intervals.
130. What are the three phases in EY-NPMA? (DEC 2009)
i. Prioritization: Determine the highest priority of a data packet ready to be sent on
competing nodes.
ii. Contention: Eliminate all but one of the contenders, if more than one sender has the
highest current priority.
iii. Transmission: Finally, transmit the packet of the remaining node.
131. What are Advantages and Disadvantages of Infrared? (MAY 2009)
i. Simple and extremely cheap senders and receivers which integrated in almost all
mobile devices
ii. No licenses are needed for infrared technology and shielding is very simple.
iii. Electrical devices do not interfere with infrared transmission.
i. Low bandwidth
ii. Quite easily shielded iii. Cannot Penetrate
132. What are the system integration functions of MAC management? (DEC 2009)
Synchronization Power management Roaming
Management information base (MIB)
133. What do you meant by roaming? (MAY 2009)
Moving between access points is called roaming. Even wireless networks may require
more than one access point to cover all rooms. In order to provide uninterrupted service, we
require roaming when the user moves from one access point to another.
134. Mention the significance of Bluetooth technology.(NOV 2012)
Bluetooth is an industry specification for short range RF based connectivity for portable
personal devices with its functional specifications related out in 1999 by Bluetooth special
interest group. It communicates on a frequency of 2.45 gigahertz. It classes are rated at
travelling at about 1 Mbps with next generation products allowing anywhere from 2 to 12
(16 MARKS)
135. Explain IEEE802.11 standard for WLANS in detail.
136. Write notes on WATM services and Functions.
137. Write notes on WATM handover.
138. Write notes on location management, addressing and access point control protocol.
139. Discuss the PHY frame format of an IEEE 802.1 using spread spectrum technique.
140. Write short note on HIPERLAN.
141. Describe the design goals of wireless LAN? Also discuss their advantages and
142. Explain the architecture and standards of IEEE 802.11 with neat diagrams.
148 149
159. What are the functions which support service and connection control?
>Access point control function
>Call control and connection control function
>Network security agent
>Mobility management function
160. What are the examples for service scenarios identified in WATM?
>Office environments
>Universities, schools, training, centre
>Networked vehicles
161. What is BRAN? (APR 2008)
The broadband radio access networks (BRAN) which have been standardized by
European Telecommunications Standard Institute (ETSI) are a possible choice for an RAL
for WATM. Although BRAN has been standardized independently from WATM, there is cooperation between the two to concentrate the common efforts on one goal. The main
motivation behind BRAN is the deregulation and privatization of the telecommunication
sector in Europe.
192. If a computer on the network shares resources for others to use, it is called ___
a. Server
b. Client c. Mainframe d none
193. Terminators are used in ______
topology. a. Bus b. Star c. both a & b d. tree
194. In _____ topology, if a computers network cable is broken, whole network goes
down. a. Bus b. Star c. tree d both b & c
195. For large networks, _______ topology is
used. a. Bus b. Star c. Ring d. tree
196. ISO stands for
a. International Standard Organization b. International Student Organization c.
Integrated Services Organization d. both a & b
197. ISO OSI model is used in
a. Stand alone PC
b. Network environment c. both a & b
d. none
198. Network cable lies on _____ layer
a. Application
b. Network
c. Physical d. none
199. ____ layer decides which physical pathway the data should take.
a. Application
b. Network
c. Physical
d. both a & c
200. ISDN is an example of ______ network
a. Circuit switched
b. Packet switched
c. both a and c
195 196
197 198
210. Write the Advantages of I-TCP: (DEC 2009)
I-TCP does not require any changes in the TCP protocol as used by the hosts
in the fixed network or other hosts in a wireless network that do not use this
Without partitioning retransmission of lost packets would take place between
mobile host and correspondent host across the whole network.
Optimization of new mechanisms is quite simple to be done in I-TCP as they
only cover a single hop.
The short delay between the mobile host and foreign agent can be determined
and is independent of other traffic streams. Therefore an optimized TCP can use
precise time-outs to guarantee retransmission as fast as possible.
Partitioning into two connections also allows the use of a different transport
layer protocol between the foreign agent and the mobile host or the use of
compressed headers etc. The foreign agent can act as a gateway to translate between
different protocols.
211. Write the Disadvantages of I-TCP: (DEC 2009)
The loss of the end to end semantics of TCP cause problems if the foreign agent portioning
the TCP connection crashes.
An increased handover latency is more problematic in practical use
The foreign agent must be a trusted entity because the TCP connections end at this point.
Information is (A) Raw data (B) Raw knowledge (C) Input data (D) Organized data
Fair use is a term most relevant to : (A) Intellectual Property Rights (B) Books
borrowed for home reading (C) Copy right (D) Use of reference books
WIPO stands for : (A) World Information and Patents Organisation (B) World
Intellectual Property Organisation (C) World International Property Organisation
(D) World Information Protection Organisation
Handling of Information in the sense of production is called :
(A) Information Marketing (B) Information Industry
(C) Information Production (D) Information Revolution
The term "Information Science" came into existence in this year :
(A) 1988 (B) 1959 (C) 1961 (D) 1975
BERN CONVENTION (1886) is concerned with :
(A) Translations (B) Copyright (C) Patent (D) Standards
Informal communication among knowledgeable person is known as :
(A) Invisible College (B) Information Gatekeeper
(C) Communication Gatekeeper (D) Knowledge Management
Which one of the following is not associated with the communication system.
(A) Reciever
(B) Channel (C) Sender
(D) Entropy
which is correct logical sequence of the following.
(A) Information, Knowledge, Data, Wisdom (B) Knowledge, Wisdom, Information, Data
(C) Wisdom, Information, Data, Knowledge (D) Data, Information, Knowledge, Wisdom
The invisible web refers to- (A) the internet, since we cannot see it
(B) that part of the internet, which is hidden from the search engines
(C) the telecommunication signals which are not seen
(D) the failure in accessing the web
Who was the chairman of National Library Committee of India.
(A) B.S. Jha
(B) K.P. Sinha
(C) S. Mudaliar
(D) C.D. Deshmukh
12. Which organisation applied Library and Information Policy in India at national
13. Where is the head quarter of Patent Information System in India.
(A) Pune
(B) Mumbai
(C) Nagpur
(D) Delhi
14. Name the wireless access techniques used in 1G, 2G and 3G wireless systems
1G FDMA(Frequency division Multiple Access)
2G- TDMA(Time division multiple access) & CDMA(Code division multiple access)
3G - CDMA(Code division multiple access)
Define peg count and blocked call
clear Peg count:
A meter or register that counts the number of trunks tested, the number of circuits
passed busy, the number of test failures, or the number of repeat tests completed.
Blocked call clear:
Caller ID Blocking allows you to block your number from being displayed through
Caller ID and can be done either permanently or temporarily. Please note that you cant block
your number from appearing when calling certain numbers, such as 800 numbers and 911.
Define Traffic Intensity
Traffic intensity is the average number of calls simultaneously in progress during
a particular period of time. It is measured either in units of Erlangs or CCs.
Traffic intensity =(the sum of circuit holding time)/(the duration of monitoring period).
26. If the carried load for a component is 3000 CCs at 5% blocking what is
the offered load?
Offered load = 3000/(1-0.05) 3158 CCS
Overflow = (offered load) (carried load)
= 3158-3000 = 158 CCS
Define Grade of Service
The blocking probability is defined as the average ratio of blocked calls to total
calls and is referred to as the GOS(Grade of Service).
What is meant by Diffraction?
Diffraction is bending of waves from the corners of opaque obstacle and
it's encroachments within the geometrical shadow of opaque obstacle.
What is slow fading and fast fading?
Slow fading arises when the coherence time of the channel is large relative to the
delay constraint of the channel.
Fast fading occurs when the coherence time of the channel is small relative to
the delay constraint of the channel.
Define shadow effect
Reduction in the strength of an ultra-high-frequency signal caused by some object (such
as a mountain or a tall building) between the points of transmission and reception.
Explain Fade Margin
The term fade margin (fading margin) has the following meanings:
A design allowance that provides for sufficient system gain or sensitivity to accommodate
expected fading, for the purpose of ensuring that the required quality of service is
The amount by which a received signal level may be reduced without causing system
performance to fall below a specified threshold value. It is mainly used to describe a
communication system such as satellite, for example a system like global star operates at
25-35 dB Fade margin
32. What is meant by pulse amplitude Modulation?
Pulse-amplitude modulation, acronym PAM, is a form of signal modulation where
the message information is encoded in the amplitude of a series of signal pulses. It is an
analog pulse modulation scheme in which the amplitudes of a train of carrier pulses are
varied according to the sample value of the message signal.
What is Aliasing effect?
Aliasing refers to an effect that causes different signals to become indistinguishable
(or aliases of one another) when sampled. It also refers to the distortion or artifact that results
when the signal reconstructed from samples is different from the original continuous signal.
The act enacted in India in 1856 on Intellectual Property Right was based on .
(A) American Patent Law 1810
(B) British Patent Law 1852
(C) The Patent Bill
(D) The Design Act of 1911
45. Whether intellectual property can be sold.
(A) No
(B) Sale is possible
(C) Yes
(D) None of these
The term communication came from which language?
(A) Greek
(B) Latin
(C) German (D) French
47. Who is the propounder of the term information transfer ?
(A) Ranganathan (B) J.Martin
(C) Beesman
(D) Calvin Moores
48. To which country the credit is given to coin the term information society ?
(B) France
(C) Japan
(D) India
Today information is regarded as which of the following ?
(A) Wealth
(B) Commodity
(C) Products
(D) All the above
50. Now a days what is a most important vital resource for societal development of a
country ? (A) Books
(B) Kowledge
(C) Information
(D) Data
What is the unit of information ? (A) Bit (B) Byte (C) Gram (D) Hertz
Delivery of Book Act passed in the year (A) 1963 (B) 1972 (C) 1960 (D) 1954
61. What are the Multiple access schemes used in cellular systems?
The different multiple access schemes including FDMA, TDMA,
CDMA and OFDMA, used within cellular technology to allow multiple
users to access the cellular system. These include FDMA, TDMA, CDMA
and OFDMA.
62. What is a narrow channelized system?
The narrow channelized systems demands precise control of output frequencies for
individual transmitter. The transmitter in the given mobile station occurs with
the specified narrow bandwidth to avoid interference with adjacent channels.
63. Define Duplexing
Redundancy arrangement in which two or more components of a system
(such as a disk drive and disk controller in a computer) are duplicated as a backup
64. What is meant by TDD?
TDD (Telecommunications Device for the Deaf is an interchangeably to refer to any
type of text-based telecommunications equipment used by a person who does not have
enough functional hearing to understand speech, even with amplification.
80 81
c a
82 83
b b
85 86
b c
88 89 90 91 92 93
a a a c b d
94 95 96
c c c
98. Define speech coding methods used in Digital communication.
Speech coding is an application of data compression of digital audio signals containing
speech. Speech coding uses speech-specific parameter estimation using audio signal
processing techniques to model the speech signal, combined with generic data compression
algorithms to represent the resulting modeled parameters in a compact bitstream
99. What is an AMR codec?
The Adaptive Multi-Rate (AMR or AMR-NB) audio codec is a patented audio data
compression scheme optimized for speech coding. AMR speech codec consists of a multirate narrowband speech codec, that encodes narrowband (2003400 Hz) signals at variable
bit rates ranging from 4.75 to 12.2 kbit/s with toll quality speech starting at 7.4 kbit/s.
100. Define vocoders
Vocoders is an analysis/synthesis system, used to reproduce human speech. In the
encoder, the input is passed through a multiband filter, each band is passed through an envelope
follower, and the control signals from the envelope followers are communicated to the decoder.
101. Define Data reliability
Data reliability is the accuracy and completeness of computer-processed data, given
the uses they are intended for accessing the reliability of computer-processed data.
117. A block of data consisting of 2048 bits is transmitted between two computers
interconnected by 450 m of twisted-pair wire. If the transmission rate is 34
kbps determine a, the ratio of propagation delay to transmission delay.
a)376 x 10-6 b)3.76 x 10-6 c)3.76 x 10-3 d)37.6 x 10-6
118. Asynchronous transmission may be defined as:
a)communication where the receiver clock must be in approximate synchronism with
that of the transmitter.
b)communication where the receiver clock must be in exact synchronism with that of
the transmitter.
c)communication where receiver will operate satisfactorily, even if its clock frequency
is appreciably different to that of the transmitter.
119. Synchronous transmission may be defined as:
a)communication where the receiver will operate satisfactorily, even if its clock
frequency is appreciably different to that of the transmitter.
b)communication where the receiver clock is arranged to be in exact synchronism
with that of the receiver.
c)communication where the receiver clock must be in approximate synchronism with
that of the transmitter.
120. Manchester encoding is principally designed to:
a)ensure that a transition occurs in the centre of each bit period.
b)increase the bandwidth of a signal transmitted on the medium.
c)ensure that the line remains unbalanced.
d)have more than one symbol per bit period.
121. Which of the following correctly describes slot time?
a)The worst-case signal propagation delay time plus a safety margin.
b)Twice the worst-case signal propagation delay time.
c)Twice the worst-case signal propagation delay time plus a safety margin.
d)The collision window.
122. When a station detects that a collision has occurred it:
a)waits a random interval in time and then re-examines the medium to see if it is free.
b)waits a random interval in time and then retransmits.
c)waits until the medium becomes free and then retransmits.
123. An L DATA. request frame in the IEEE802.3 standard is:
a)a connectionless, acknowledgement. b)a connectionless, unnumbered frame.
c)a connectionless, unnumbered acknowledgement.
124. Subrate multiplexing may be defined as:
a)a form of multiplexing that is adequate but incurs some loss of performance.
b)dividing a data channel into two, or more, lower rate data channels.
c)multiplexing a number of channels in such a way that the aggregate bandwidth is
less than the sum of the bandwidths of each channel being multiplexed.
125. In relation to DES, chaining is used because:
a)chaining, in addition to secrecy, provides integrity of data.
b)in electronic code book mode of working one, or more, blocks of data may be
tampered with in transmission and the receiver be unaware of the fact.
c) encryption is achieved more rapidly.
d)a greater degree of secrecy is provided.
126. Select the answer/s that correctly apply to an RSA digital signature.
a) A digital signature proves to a recipient that the sender is authentic.
b) A digital signature facilitates non-repudiation.
c) A digital signature provides a message digest.
d) A digital signature ensures that a message is correctly encrypted.
117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126
127. Define mobility and its types?
Mobility is transnational, physical and for a broad range of learning purposes, be it in
organized programmes or on the learners own initiative. There are two types:
short term mobility
degree mobility
128. Define handoff?
Handoff is the transition for any given user of signal transmission from one base
station to a geographically adjacent base station as the user moves around.
129. Define mobility management functions?
Mobility management is one of the major functions of a GSM or a UMTS network that
allows mobile phones to work. The aim of mobility management is to track where the
subscribers are, allowing calls, SMS and other mobile phone services to be delivered to them.
130. Define mobility model and its types?
Mobility models represent the movement of mobile users, and how their location,
velocity and acceleration change over time. Such models are frequently used for
simulation purposes when new communication or navigation techniques are investigated.
131. What is fluid model?
Two-fluid model is a macroscopic traffic flow model to represent traffic in
a town/city or metropolitan area
132. what is markovian model?
Markov model is a stochastic model that assumes the Markov property. Generally, this
assumption enables reasoning and computation with the model that would otherwise be intractable.
Brownian model
random waypoint model