MTIT 2.1 Web Systems Technologies

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Web Systems Technologies

Instruction: 3 Periods/week
Time: 3 Hours
Credits: 4
Internal: 30 Marks
External: 70 Marks
Total: 100
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Introduction: History of the Internet and world wide web and HTML, Basic
Internet Protocols-HTTP, SMTP,Pop3, Mime, IMAP, Introduction to scripting
Languages-Java Scripts, Object based Scripting for the web structures, functions,
arrays and Objects, Dynamic HTML with Java Script
2. Dynamic HTML: Introduction to Object references, Dynamic Style, Dynamic
Position, Frames, Navigators, Event Models, On Check, On load, Mouse operations,
Adding Shaddows, Creating Images, Creating Gradients, Creating Motion with Blur,
Data binding, Sorting Table data, Binding of Images And Table.
3. Introduction to PHP Programming: Introduction, Database Access with PHP,
PHP Interpreters, Security Issues, File Handling with PHP, Working with HTML
and DHTML, PHP User Authentication
4. Java Beans: Introduction to Java Beans, Advantages of Java Beans, BDK;
Introspection, Using Bound properties, Bean Info Interface, Constrained
properties; Persistence, Customizes, Java Beans API, Introduction to EJBs
5. Multimedia: Audio and Video Speech, Synthesis and Recognition, E-Business
Models, Online Payments and Security, Web Servers, Client and Server side
Scripting, Accessing Web servers, Apache Web Server.
6. Database, ASP and XML: RDBMS Models, Overview of SQL, , ASP-Working of ASP,
objects, Session Tracking and Cookies, ADO, Accessing Data Base with ASP,
Serverside Active, X Components, Web resources, XML- Document type definition,
XML Schemas, Document Object model, Presenting XML, Using XML Processors:
DOM and SAX, Syntax of AJAX, Application Development using XML and AJAX
7. Servlets and JSP: Introduction to Servelets: Servlet Overview Architecture,
HTTP package, Handling Http Request & Responses, Using Cookies-Session
Tracking, Security Issues, Multitier architecture, JSP Overview, , JSP Processing.
JSP Application Design with MVC Setting Up and JSP Environment:
8. JSP Application Development: Generating Dynamic Content, Using Scripting
Elements Implicit JSP Objects, Conditional Processing, Displaying Values Using an
Expression to Set an Attribute, Declaring Variables and Methods Error Handling
and Debugging Sharing Data Between JSP pages, Requests, and Users Passing
Control and Date between Pages, Sharing Session and Application Data Memory
Usage Considerations
1. Web Programming, building internet applications, 2/e, Chris Bates, Wiley Dreamtech
2. The complete Reference Java 2 ,5/e, Patrick Naughton , Herbert Schildt. TMH
3. Programming world wide web-Sebesta, PEA



(1 MARK)
1. What is extension of html file?
a. html
b. htm
c. xml
d. xhtml
2. HTML defines several data types for element content, such as script data and style
sheet data, and attribute. Theses all data types are specify as character data.
a. True
b. Fasle
3. Which command we use to add an Image?
a. <image src="url"> b. <img src="url"> c. <src img="url"> d. <img srcimg="url">
4. Which command used to create HTML Link?
a. <a highlight="">When press open R4R website</a>
b. <a hyperlink="">When press open R4R website</a>
c. <a href=" &
f43d4e0b88acea2d2a393515f6bf38f2"> When press open R4R website</a>
d. <a bluetext="">When press open R4R website</a>
5. Which command we use to link a page with an HTML page?
a. <a link=\"page.htm\" ></a>
b. <a
phpMyAdmin=f43d4e0b88acea2d2a393515f6bf38f2 ></a>
c. <a connect=\"page.htm\" ></a>
d. <a attach=\"page.htm\" ></a>
6. Which sequence of HTML tags are correct?
a. <html><head><title></<title></head><body></body></html>
b. <html><head></head><body><title></<title></body></html>
c. <html><head><title></<title><body></body></head></html>
d. <html><title></<title><head></head><body></body></html>
7. We send and receive HTML file using which protocol?
b. POP3
d. FTP
8. Who develops HTML?
a. WWW
b. W3C
c. AT&T
d. Bell
9. DHTML stands for
a. Direct Hyper Text Markup Language
b. Dual Hyper Text Markup Language
c. Dynamic Hyper Text Markup Language
d. Domain Hyper Text Markup
10. Code: JavaScript
function getNum(x)
{ x += 3; if(x)
return x;
x *= 3;
return x;
What will the above decalred function return when called like this getNum(4); ?
a. 9
b. 7
c. 21
d. 8
11. Which company first implemented the JavaScript language?
a. Netscape Communications Corp.
b. Microsoft Corp.
c. Sun Microsystems Corp.
d. Consortium of the above companies

12. When was the first release of a browser supporting JavaScript?

a. 1994
b. 1995
c. 1996
d. 1997
13. The original name of JavaScript was
a. JavaScript b. LiveScript c. WireScript d. ECMAScript
14. Which of the following statements best describes the relationship between JavaScript
and DHTML?
a. JavaScript is DHTML plus CSS plus Document Object Model.
b. DHTML is Document Object Model plus JavaScript plus CSS.
c. Document Object Model is JavaScript plus DHTML plus CSS.
d. JavaScript has nothing to do with DHTML.
15. How do you locate the first X in a string txt?
a. txt.find('X');
b. txt.locate('X');
c. txt.indexOf('X'); d. txt.countTo('X');
16. Which of these contains an executable statement?
a. // var a = 0; // var b = 0; b. /* var a = 0; // var b = 0; */ c. /* var a = 0; */ var b = 0;
d. // var a = 0; /* var b = 0; */
17. Which of the following does not result in a variable going out of scope?
a. End of the block in which it was defined
b. Start of a block in which a like named variable is defined
c. when a function is called
d. when the program finishes running
18. What does the following statment return, Math.floor(29.36); ?
a. 30
b. 29.5
c. 29
d. 29.4
19. What would be the output of the bellow code fragment?
var a = ["s","a","v","e"];
a. undefined
b. save
c. vase
20. Consider the below statement
var a = 0;
var b = 1;
var c = a b;
What does the variable c contain?
a. 0
b. true
c. false
d. null
21. What would be the output of the follow statement, document.write("JavaScript
a. 9
b. 10
c. 11
d. null

2 3

4 5

6 7 8

9 10

11 12

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

a/b a b

c b

a c b

c b


c a



1. Define WWW? / Define the term World Wide Web.

AU-MAY/JUN 2011, 2012
The World Wide Web allows computer to locate and view multimedia-based documents
like documents with text, graphics, animation, audios or videos on almost any subject.
2. What is meant by W3C?
WWW consortium is an organization devoted to developing nonproprietary,
interoperable technologies for the World Wide Web
3. Name for W3C recommended standard.
Web technologies standardized by the W3C are called Recommendations. It includes the
i. Cascading Style Sheet (CSS)
ii.Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML)
iii.Extensible Markup Language (XML)

4. Define HTML
It is a simple page description language, which enables document creation for the web
5. What are the necessities of using HTML forms?
i. Gathering user information ii.Conducting Surveys
iii.Interactive services
6. Define HTTP.
Hyper Text Transfer Protocol provides flexible and powerful communication between
client and server. It is a stateful protocol-allows a browser to send many different requests over a
single connection and it remains open until it is explicitly closed.
7. Define POP3.
Post Office Protocol version 3 allows user transfer agent and allow e-mail to be copied
from ISP to the user. The situations handled by POP3 are 1. If both sender and receiver are
online. 2. If sender is online but receiver not.
8. Define SMTP.
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol is a simple ASCII protocol. This protocol establishes the
TCP connection to port 25, act as client, waits for the receiving machine operating as the server
to talk first.
9. Define IMAP.
IMAP stand for Internet Message Access Protocol. It is a client / server protocol running
over TCP. Where the client issues commands mailbox, that is to be accessed.
10. Define MIME
MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) is an open standard for sending
multipart, multimedia data through Internet email.
11. List the predefined MIME content types
ii. Multipart
iv. Audio
v. Video
vi. Model
vii. Application
12. Find the error in the following code segment and explain how to correct it? AU-MAY2008
Using floating-point numbers in a manner that assumes they are represented precisely can
lead to incorrect results. Since the computer allocates only a fixed amount of space to hold such a
value, so the stored floating-point value can be only an approximation.
13. How can you repeatedly execute a code in Java Script? AU-MAY/JUN 2009
By using control statements like for, while, and do while we can repeatedly execute a
code in Java Script
14. Develop a Java script page to demonstrate an If condition by which the time on your
browser is less than 10; you will get a good morning greeting
<html> <head> <title> greeting msg</title>
<Script type=text/javascript>
var name;
now = new Date(); //current date & time
hour = now.getHours();//current hour(0-23)
document.write(Good Morning);
//- -> </script></head></html>

15. How can you create a fixed background image on a web page?
By using the following CSS property we can place an image in a
background background-image Specifies the image
background-position places the image (left, top, right, bottom)
background-repeat copies of image (repeat, repeat-x, repeat-y)
background-attachment fixes the image specified by position(fixed,
scroll) <html>
<body style="background-image: url (; background-repeat: norepeat"> hai Welcome to IT </body> </html>
16. Develop a HTML page to use an image as a link to another page. AU-NOV/DEC 2008
<html> <body>
<a href="mouse.txt"> <img src="Sunset.jpg" width=100 height=150 />
</a> Click the Image </body> </html>
17. What are the two major protocols for accessing e-mail from servers? AU-APR/MAY
2008, AU-MAY/JUN 2011
HTTP Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
MIME Multi Purpose Internet Mail Extension protocol
18. Illustrate the purpose of Java Script. Mention the benefits of Java Script AU-MAY2010
Java Script is a Client-side scripting language for web-based applications due to its highly
portable nature. The two main purpose of Java Script is as follows
i. It introduces client side scripting, which makes the web page more dynamic &
ii. It provides programming foundation for the more complex server-side scripting
19. Write the Java Script function syntax.
function function-name(parameter-list)
Declaration and statements
20. Name the methods and properties of Window object in Java Script.
1. write(string) write the string to the XHTML document as XHTML code
2. writeln(string) write the string to the XHTML document as XHTML code & adds a
new line character at the end
3. document.cookie this property is a string containing the values of all the
cookies stored on the users computer for the current document.
4. document.lastModified this property is the date and time that this document was last
21. Write a Java script program that generates a random number whenever we refresh a
generation</title> <script type=text / javascript>
var n; n=Math.floor(1+Math.random(
document.write(n); </script> </head></html>
22. How can you initialize array values?
The array can be created and initialized in two ways
1) var arrayname=new Array(size);
2) var arrayname=[n1,n2,n2..];//n1,n2.. are values

23. List any 4 method under Date object.

i. getDate() // returns 1-31 (day of the month)
ii. getDay() // returns 0-6(day of the week)(
iii.getFullYear() // returns 4 digit (full year)
iv. getMilliseconds() //returns 0-999 (no. of milliseconds)
24. What is meant by Scripting Language? Explain any one of the Scripting Languages?
25. Explain about <TABLE> &<FRAME> tags in Detail?(4+4)
26. Discuss about various Client Server Technologies in Internet?(8) AU-MAY/JUN 2007
27. Explain the concept of ImageMaps by means of HTML?
28. Describe Document Object and window object. AU- JUN07, AU-JUN 2011, (8) DEC2012
29. What is meant by scripting language? Explain the features of any on of the scripting
language. (12)
30. Describe the Java Script global function in detail (8) AU-MAY 2008, AU-APR/MAY2010
31. Use a one dimensional array and write a script to solve the following script to solve the
following problem. Read in 20 numbers, each of which is between 10 and 100. As each
number is read, print it only if it is not a duplicate of a number that has already been
read.(8) AU-MAY/JUN 2008 32. Write a script that inputs a telephone number as a
string in the form (555) 555-5555. The script should use string method split to extract the
area code as a token and the last four digits of the phone number as a token.
33. Explain the following
i. How does the Internet work, brief with a sample application.(4)
ii. Explain in detail about web client server architecture with a neat diagram.(6)
iii. Write a Java Script Object to replace characters in a string(6)
34. Explain the following
i. Write a java script object to return the position of the first occurrence of a
text in a string (5)
ii. Describe about different HTML protocols. (6)
iii. Write a Java Script function to find the product of two arguments and
return the result.(5)
35. Write short notes on HTTP and MIME protocol.(12)
36. Design a web page to create a clock with a timing event.(4)
37. Write short note on SMTP and POP3 protocol.(12)AU-JUN 09 (8) AU-JUN 2012, DEC2012
38. Design web page to detect the visitors browser name and its version(4)
39. Explain the different HTML protocols (8)
40. Write a Java Script that inputs several lines of text and a search character and
determines the number of occurrences of the character in the string using suitable String
41. Write a Java Script to find and print the largest and smallest values among 10
elements of an array.
AU-APR / MAY 2010
42. Define Protocol. Explain the importance of HTTP and FTP protocols.
43. Distinguish between the MIME and IMAO protocols(8)
44. Write a program in java script to perform sorting in an array(8) AU-MAY/JUN 2012
45. Write a program in java script to calculate factorial using recursive function.


(1 MARK)

46. Which popup box you use when want a value from user before open a page?
a. alert("Write some text here")
b. confirm("Write some text here")
c. prompt("Write here some text","Write default value here")
47. Which popup box you use when want some information comes from user?
a. alert("Write some text here")
b. confirm("Write some text here")
c. prompt("Write here some text","Write default value here")
48. Which popup box you use to verify something from user?
a. alert("Write some text here")
b. confirm("Write some text here")
c. prompt("Write here some text","Write default value here")
49. We use <script></Script> tag within
a. <head>
b. <body>
c. <title>
d. <JavaScript>
50. Write syntax to get "R4R Welcomes you!" with using JavaScript?
a. document.write("R4R Welcomes You!")
b. print("R4R Welcomes You!")
c. print.write("R4R Welcomes You!")
d. script.write("R4R Welcomes You!")
51. Using which tag we insert an JavaScript in HTML page?
a. <JavaScript type="text/javascript"></JavaScript>
b. <script type="text/javascript"></script>
c. <JScript type="text/javascript"></JScript>
d. <HTMLScript type="text/javascript"></HTMLScript>
52. First name of JavaScript is
a. Oak
b. Mocha
c. Jscript
d. JSL
53. JavaScript introduced by
a. Microsoft
b. IBM
c. Google
d. Sun Microsystem
54. JavaScript is widely used for
a. server-side web development
b. client-side web development
c. both client-side and server-side web development
55. JavaScript is developed by
a. Brendan Eich
b. Tim Duncan
c. Bjarne Stroustrup d. Denish Richie
56. Which one is client side scripting language?
a. ASP
b. JSP
c. VBScript
d. Servlet
57. Which one is not a string method?
a. blink()
b. join()
c. indexOf()
d. slice()
58. Java script global function
a. escape
b. getHours c. parseFloat
d. both 1 & 3
59. Function that calls itself, either directly or indirectly through another function is referred
a. Iteration
b. Global function
c. Recursion d. User defined function
60. Filter used to apply transparency
a. fliph
b. flipv
c. mask
d. chroma
61. Arguments of shadow filter
a. color
b. color, opacity
c. color, direction
d. direction
62. The opacity value 1 in alpha filter represents
a. uniform
b. Linear gradient
c. circular gradient d. rectangular gradient

63. The three properties of blur filter are

a. add, direction, strength
b. add, direction, color
c. color, direction, strength
64. Which one is used to bind data to an image
a. embed
b. datasrc
c. src
d. href
65. Choose correct syntax for making a submit button:
a. <form action=> <input type="submit" name="s1" value=" Press " /> </form>
b. <input type="submit" name="s1" value=" Press " />
c. <form action=>
d. <form action=> <input type="button" name="s1" value=" Submit " /> </form>
46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65
c a

b b

a c


d d


66. Define DHTML

DHTML is used to develop high-performance web-based applications in which much of
an application is executed directly on the client rather than on the server. It makes web pages
come-alive by providing multimedia effects that include animation, audio and video.
67. What is meant by object referencing?
In DHTML elements can be treated as objects, and attributes as properties of those
objects. Refereeing an object (element) by using (property) attribute is called object referencing.
68. What is the use of all and children collection in DHTML?
o Collections which basically an array of related objects on a page
o all collection- Which is a collection of all the elements in a document, in the order
in which they appear
o children collection which for a specific element contains that elements child
69. Define Dynamic styles
An elements style can be changed dynamically. Such a changes are often made in
response to user event.
70. What are the features of dynamic positioning?
Dynamic positioning enables XHTML elements to be positioned with scripting by
declaring an elements CSS position property to be either absolute or relative, and moving the
element by using top, left bottom or right CSS property.
71. What is use navigator object?
The navigator object contains information such as version, location, etc., about the web
browser that is viewing the pages
72. Use of event model.
Using event model script can respond to user interactions and change the page
accordingly. This makes web applications more responsive and user friendly and can reduce
server load.
73. Develop DHTML page that will display an alert box with the x and y coordinates of
the cursor clicks inside the page. AU-MAY/JUN 2009
<body onclick="alert('x='+event.offsetX+',y='+event.offsetY)">
</body> </html>

74. Develop DHTML page to mouse over the two squares and the background color will
change according to the color of square. AU-NOV/DEC 2008,AU-MAY/JUN 2009
<html> <head> <script type="text/javascript">
<table border=2> <tr>
<td id="green" bgcolor="green" onclick="mClick()" >green</td>
magenta</td> </tr> </table>
</body> </html>
75. List the possible opacity attributes of the alpha filter.
Alpha filter transparency effect
i. Uniform opacity 0
ii. Linear gradient - 1
iii. Circular gradient - 2
iv. Rectangular gradient - 3
76. What is the use of filters? Write its types.
Filters to an image or text causes changes that are persistent. It does not add content to
your pages rather they present existing content in an engaging manner.
i. Flip filter
ii. Chroma filters
iii. Mask filter
iv. miscellaneous image filters
v. shadow, alpha, blur filter
77. Distinguish between flipv and fliph filter
flipv filters mirror text or images vertically.
fliph filters mirror text or images horizontally.
78. Define data binding with its types.
AU-NOV/DEC 2008, AU-MAY/JUN 2012
Data binding, data need no longer reside exclusively on the server. Data can be
maintained on the client. Data is sent to the client all subsequent manipulations then take place
on the data directly on the client, thus eliminating server activity and network delays.
79. Define TDC.
The Tabular Data Control is one type of Data Source Objects (DSO) used to bind
external data to XHTML elements. It is an ActiveX control that is added to a page with an object
80. Describe <PARAM> tag
The param tag specifies parameters for the object in the object element which consist of
name and value attributes.
81. Write any 4 functions related to record set.
i. MoveLast ii. MoveFirst iii. BOF
82. How can you bind data into a table?
By using datasrc attribute of table element with TDC we can bind data to a table.
83. Define Event Bubbling.
Event Bubbling is the process whereby events fired in child elements bubble up to their
parent elements. When a child event is fired, the event is first delivered to the childs event
handler, then to the parent event handler.

84. What is the use of Blur Filter?

The blur filter creates an illusion of motion by blurring text or images in a certain
direction. The three properties are
i. add adds a copy of original image over the blurred image (set to true)
ii. direction - determines in which direction the blur filter is applied ( in angular form)
iii. strength - determines how strong the blurring effect is.
85. Define Dynamic Content.
It has the ability ti change the displayed content of an HTMLK document without getting
more information from a web server.
86. Define Mouse REL
The mouse related events are
i. Onclick triggered when the user presses and releases the left mouse button
ii. Onmousemove - triggered when mouse is moved
iii. Onmouseover - triggered when the mouse is moved into an object
iv. Onmouseup - triggered when the mouse button is released
(16 MARKS)
87. Develop a user registration form for an email account with necessary details. Use any
six HTML form objects in the page. (10)
88. Create a web page that applies the invert filters to an image if the user moves the
mouse over it. (8)
89. Explain the properties of the event object (8)AUMAY/JUN 2008,AU-APR/MAY2010,2012
90. Demonstrate a simple use of data binding with the Tabular Data Control to update the
contents of a span element with a program. AU-MAY/JUN 2008, (8) AU-NOV/DEC 2012
91. Write a DHTML to shake the window of a button click. Make use of two buttons one
button used to start the shaking and another button used to stop the shaking of window.
(NOV/DEC 2008)
92. Write a DHTML to change the background color of a button, Mouse over three
colored table cells and the background color will change(10)
93. Write a DHTML to expose the concept of binding of an image and table(6)AUNOV2008, AU-MAY/JUN 2012
94. Write a DHTML to dynamically insert the mask filter in an image. Use mouse over on
the image. (6)
95. Write a DHTML program to sort table data (6)
96. Write a DHTML program to change size of the text when we enter the size in the box (6)
97. Write a DHTML program to change on image when the mouse is over the image(6)
98. Design DHTML program for any of the following (8)
i. Mouse event ii. Shadow, Gradients, images AU-MAY/JUN 2009) iii. Filters
(all types)
99. Write a DHTML for binding data to a table (8)
AU-APR / MAY 2010
100. Design a DHTML page to create drop down menu with three menus and on Mouse
over (10) AU-MAY/JUN 2009
101. Design a DHTML page to insert a background image to a text area, when there is
mouse over on these images and the text area will get a background image.(10) AUMAY/JUN 2009

102. How do you use the frames collection to access objects in a separate frame on your web

page? Explain. (8)

AU-APR / MAY 2010

AU-APR / MAY 2010

103. Explain the way of creating gradients with alpha filter. (8)
104. Explain event bubbling with examples
AU-MAY/JUN 2011, AU-MAY/JUN 2012
105. Explain image filters in detail with examples
106. Explain about the filters in detail with examples. AU-MAY/JUN 2012,(8) AU-NOV/DEC
2012 107. Write DHTML program which handles the error event. (8) AU-NOV/DEC 2012
108. Write DHTML program to display seconds counter using Timer(8) AU-NOV/DEC 2012


109. Find the audio file format

a. MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface)
b. AVI (Audio Video Interleave)
c. MPEG (Moving Pictures Experts Group)
d. Real One player
110. Which one video file format
a. WAV (Windows Waveform)
b. MP3 (MPEG Layer3)
c. MJPEG (Motion JPEG)
d. AIFF (Audio Interchange File Format)
111. Which element is used to add background sound?
a. bgsound
b. dynsrc
c. sound
d. embed
112. Which is online payment system?
a. Public-Key Cryptography
b. Cryptanalysis
c. Key Agreement Protocols
d. smart cards
113. The <br /> tag
a. Is used to break a line. b. Is used to bachelor tag this has no body
c. Has no end tag
d. All of the above
e. None.
114. We have following break line tag is used in all browser
a. <br> tag works in all browsers
b. <br /> is recommended now.
c. <br> tag not supported for IE, Mazola etc. works in all browsers
d. <br /> is more will outdated.
115. Choose correct syntax as per w3c standard:
a.<br><p>Welcome to r4r</br></p>
b.<p>Welcome to r4r</p>
c.<br><p>Welcome to r4r</p></br>
d.<b><p>Welcome to r4r</p></b>
116. What does ++ operator do?
b. Joins two text strings together
a Adds two numbers together
d. Adds 2 to a number
c. Adds 1 to a number
117. Which of the following does not result in a variable going out of scope?
a. End of the block in which it was defined
b. Start of a block in which a like named variable is defined
c. when a function is called d. when the program finishes running
118. When was the first release of a browser supporting JavaScript?
a. 1994
b. 1995
c. 1996
d. 1997
119. The original name of JavaScript was
a. JavaScript
b. LiveScript
c. WireScript
d. ECMAScript

120. The JavaScript international standard is called

a. ECMA-262 Standard
b. DHTML JavaScript Standard
c. JavaScript 1.3 Standard
d. ISO-262 Standard
121. We have use CSS class into our html .But we have divide our page without break line.
Which of following we have to use?
a.<div> </div>
d. None
122. How you can Config and Echo the date using SSI include script
a.<!--#config timefmt="%a" -->
b. <!--#echo var="DATE_LOCAL" -->
c.Both of 1,2
123. The file attribute is used when we have to include the within same directory. When we
have in different directory then we use attribute in server side include tag?
a. True
b. Flase
124. What is correct syntax for SSI to include server header.html?
a. <!--#include file="hreader.html" -->
b. <!--#include path="hreader.html"-->
c. <!--#include url="hreader.html" -->
d. <!--#include uri="hreader.html" -->
e.<!--#include virtual="/r4r/hreader.html" -->
125. What is correct syntax for SSI to include server header.html?
a. <!--#include file="hreader.html" -->
b. <!--#include path="hreader.html" -->
c. <!--#include url="hreader.html" -->
d. <!--#include uri="hreader.html" -->
126. How we can include header and footer into our HTML page?
a. Using SSI include
b. Using JSP include
c. Using Asp include
d. All of the above
e. None
127. What will extension for SSI?
a .shtml
b .html
c .htm
d .jsp
e .None
128. Choose true option :
a.HTML allow images and objects to be embedded on web page to create interactive
forms by using some script.
b.HTML allow images and objects to be embedded on web page to create interactive
forms by using tags.
c.Both of the above
d. None


111 112

a d



a/b b/d




118 119

120 121

c b

a a

122 123


c a/e a

125 126

a a


129. Write some commonly used video files.
AU-MAY / JUN 2008, AU-MAY/JUN 2012
MPEG (Moving Picture Experts Group), Quick Time, Real One Player, AVI (Audio
Video Interleave), MJPEG (Motion JPEG)
130. Write some commonly used Audio files.
MP3 (MPEG Layer 3), MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface), WAV (Windows
Wave Form), AIFF (Audio Interchange File Format)
131. Explain the difference between get request type and post request type. AU-MAY2008
Get request type
Post request type
1. It get/retrieves information from a server 1. It post / sends data to a server
2. Uses: to retrieve an HTML document or 2. Uses: to send information to a server,
an image or to fetch search results based on a such as an authentication information or
user-submitted search form
data from a form that gathers user input.
3. Informations are send as part of URL
3. It sends form data as an HTTP
(after URL separated by ?)
message, not as part of URL
4. It limits the query string to 2048
4. It sends large pieces of information


132. List any five advantages of e-commerce system.

1. Best product can be evaluated effectively
2. Attractive
3. No geographical limitation
4. Increase productivity
5. Servicing
133. List any two types of web servers with its application usage.
i. IIS (Internet Information Server)
Designed to provide the performance that is necessary for handling an increased
number of web users and users who are connected with high speed links.
ii. Apache tomcat server
Stability, portability, efficiency, security, and small size
134. State the advantages of e-commerce over traditional procedure. AU-MAY/JUN2009
Traditional procedure
1. Transaction takes place via contact between 1. Transaction takes place by electronic
humans in a physical outlet
means particularly over the internet.
2. Its slow down the speed and difficult with
2. It have increased the speed and ease with
which business can be translated
which business can be translated
3. It cant adjust to evolving technologies
3. It must adjust to evolving technologies
4. It cant continually integrate with new
4. It can continually integrate with new
systems , only a limited consumers can satisfy systems , satisfy a wide variety of consumers
135. Describe <bgsound> element
The bgsound element is used to add background sounds to a webpage. The properties are
as follows

1. src - URL
2. loop no of times the audio will play
3. balance balance b/w left & right speakers (-10000 to 10000)
4. volume volume of the audio clip (-10000 to 0)
136. How can you add video formats into a web page?
Using <img> element dynsrc property we can add video files to a web page by specifying
URL of video file to the dynsrc property, the other properties are

1. loop - no of times the video will play

2. start when the video should start playing
i. file open start playing when the page is loaded
ii. mouse over - start playing when the mouse is over the region
137. Explain <embed> element.
Embed an element, which embeds a media clip (audio, video) into a web page. It displays
a GUI within the browser window that gives the user direct control over the media clip
138. Define Microsoft Agent Control.
It provides access to agent characters such as Peedy, Genic, Merlin and Robby. These agent
characters allow users to interact with the application using more natural human communication
technique. The control accepts mouse and keyboard interaction, speaks, speech recognition.

139. Define E Commerce. Write its types.

E Commerce refers to aspects of online business involving exchanges among consumers,
business partners and vendors. Ex: suppliers interact with manufacturers, customers interact with
representatives. The types are as follows
1. Business-to-consumer (B2C)
2. Business-to-Business (B2B)
3. Consumer-to-consumer (C2C)
4. Consumer-to- Business (C2B)
140. Define E-Business
E-Business encompasses e-commerce elements but also includes operations that are
handled with in the business itself. Ex: Production, development, corporate infrastructure and
product management.
141. Define E-Market
E-Market is an attempt to use information and communication technologies to provide
geographically dispersed trades with the information necessary for the fair operation of the
market. An electronic market place can be defined as an inter organizational information system
that allows participating buyers and sellers to exchange information about piece and product
142. What is EDI? Write its advantages
EDI stands for Electronic Data Interchange. It is used by organization for transactions that
occur on a regular basis to a pre determined format. EDI is commonly applied in the execution
and settlement phases of the trade cycle. EDI can be used for pre sales transactions, which also
invoke the use of E-Market or internet.
143. What are online payments?
Credit card payment, digital cash, E-wallets, smart cards, micro payments, electronic bill
presentment and payment
144. Write any four E-Business models.
1. Storefront model
2. Shopping-cart technologies
3. Auction model
4. Portal model
145. Describe client side scripting. What is the need for client side scripting? AUAPR/MAY2010, AU-MAY/JUN 2012
It validates user input, accesses the browser and enhances web pages with dynamic
HTML, ActiveX controls and Java applets. The validation reduces server workload. The
limitations of this language are browser dependency: the browser support scripting languages,
scripts are viewable to the client.
146. Explain server side scripting
It has greater flexibility and a wider range of programmatic capabilities than their clientside scripting language. It also has access to server-side software that extends server functionality.
Client cant view the script.
147. Define web server
Web server is specialized software that responds to client request (typically from a web
browser) by providing resources such as XHTML documents

148. Give the importance of a Real One Player Object.

Real One Player is one application capable of rendering SMIL (Synchronized Multimedia
Integration Language) documents.
149. What are client side scripting languages?
1. Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)
2. Extensible Markup Language (XML)
3. Dynamic Hypertext Markup Language (DHTML)
Java Script
5. VB Script
150. What are Server side scripting languages?
Common Gateway Interface (CGI)
Active Server Page (ASP)
Java Servlet
Java Server Page (JSP)
151. List out the functions of a server
Manages application tasks
2. Handles storage
Handles security
4. Provides scalability
5. Handles
152. Differentiate between client side scripting and server side scripting.AU-MAY/JUN 2011
Client Side Scripting
Server Side Scripting
Executed on client
Executed on server
Validate user input. Reduce requests needed
Generate custom response for clients
to be passed to server
Wide range of programmatic capabilities
Access browser
Access to server-side software that extends
Enhance Web pages with DHTML, ActiveX server functionality
controls, and applets
153. Mention the advantages of Server Side Scripting.
1. Code is processed on web server before it is handed over to the web browser.
Hence code is protected.
2. Browse doesnt know how to read any kind of script.
154. Discuss in detail the various E-commerce applications. (8)AU-JUN 2007, AU-DEC 2012
155. What are the issues in developing Internet Information Systems? (4)AU-MAY/JUN 2007
156. Describe the system architecture of multi-tier application.(8)
157. Discuss the various models of E-Business in a detail AU-MAY08 AU-MAY10, 2011, 2012
158. Explain in detail about the following
i. IIS (8) AU-APR/MAY2010, 2011
ii. Apache AU-MAY/JUN 2012
159. Write short note on web server.
160. Provide an E-business model for a textile retail shop and brief each component with its
role with a neat diagram.
161. Discuss how will you add audio and video in a web page?
162. Describe the various methods of DOM in detail
163. Write short note on E-Security (8)
164. Explain about the system architecture(8)
165. Describe in detail about EDI (8)
166. Describe about the client side scripting and server side scripting
167. Draw a neat Web-based e-commerce architecture and describe its components AU-MAY09

168. What are the principle technologies for supporting electronic commerce and
electronic business? (8) AU-MAY/JUN 2009 169. Write about the installation,
configuration, deployment and invoking server objects of an Apache web server (8) AUMAY/JUN 2009 170. Describe how to use the Windows Media Player ActiveX Control to
play variety of Media formats in web pages (8) AU-APR/MAY2010




171. ODBC minimum SQL grammar contains which of the following?

a. INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE only b. Stored Procedures only
c. Literals for date, time and timestamp only
172. When using ODBC, which of the following processes ODBC requests and submits
specific SQL statements to a given type of data source?
a. Data source
b. Driver
c. Driver manager d. DBMS
173. The ODBC core API consists of which of the following functions?
a. Commit or rollback transactions only
b.Connect to data sources with driver-specific information only
c. Connect to data sources only
d. Both 1 and 3 above are in the OBDC core API.
174. ________ is a simple object model that is easier to understand and use than OLE DB,
and is frequently used for database applications.
a. ASP
b. XML
d. ADO
175. Which of the following is server side programming languages?
c. 3,4
176. What JSP stand for
a.Java Server Pages
b.Java Server Programming
c.Java Service Pages
d.Java Service Programming
177. We must have configure and map all jsp files into web.xml
178. JSP is part of BEA WebLogic?
179. JSP can run by
a.Apache Tomact
b.Bea WebLogic c.Servlets d.JSP Engine e.ALL f.None
180. Syntax of Scriptlet Element
a. <% code %> b. <@jsp code %> c. <jsp: scriptlet code />
d. <%jsp code %>
181. Three scripting elements of JSP
d.all the above
e. None
182. Syntax of Declaration Element
a.<%! code !%>
b.<%! code %> c.<jsp: scriptlet code />
d.<%jsp code !%>
183. Syntax of comments
a. <%-- comment --%> b.<!-- comment -->
c.<% // comment %>
c.<% /* comment */ %> d.<% /** comment */ %>
184. Choose correct scopes into, request, session, application b.Page, response, session, application
c.Page, request, response, session
185. Choose JavaBean Actions:a.useBean

186. In <jsp:useBean> which two attributes is necessary and scope
b.class or beanName.
c.type and id
d None
187. Correct syntax of useBean Action
a.<jsp:useBean id=" " class=" "> </jsp:useBean> b.<jsp:useBean
id=" " property= =" "> </jsp:useBean> c.<jsp:useBean
name=="newBean" class=" "> </jsp:useBean> d.<jsp:useBean
beanName =" " class=" "> </jsp:useBean>
188. Correct syntax of setProperty Action
a.<jsp:setProperty id="login" class="">
b. <jsp:setProperty name="login" property="username" value="rajesh">
c. Both d.None
189. In <jsp:getProperty /> which two attributes is necessary and scope
b.class or beanName,name,property,value.
c.type and id and property
190. In <jsp:include> which attributes are used and scope
b.type and id
c. page and flush d.file and flush
171 172

a b













184 185







191. Define relational data base model.

The relational data base model is a logical representation of data that allows relationship
among items of data to be considered without concern for the physical structure of the data. It is
composed of tables.
192. Define SQL. Write it types.
Structured Query Language is one of the RDBMS language used to perform queries ie, to
request information that satisfies given criteria. This can be classified as follows
1. DDL ( Data Definition Language)
2. DML (Data Manipulation Language)
3. TCL (Transfer Control Language)
193. Write the 5 built in ASP objects.
1. Request
2. Response 3. Application
4. Server
5. Session
194. Compare ASP and JSP
1. A Server-side technology that
dynamically builds documents in
response to client request
2. ASP is processed by an ActiveX
component called scripting engine.
3. ASP file contains XHTML and
scripting code (Java script /

AU-MAY/JUN 2007, AU-NOV/DEC 2012

1. Java Server Page is an extension of
Servlet technology that simplifies the
delivery of dynamic content. Programmer
can reuse predefined components
2. The server component that executes
JSP is referred as JSP container
3. JPSs normally include XHTML ro
XML markup

195. Write the 5 collections of request object in ASP

Client Certificate 2. Cookies 3. Form
Query String
5. Server Variables
196. What is the use of response object? List its methods.
Response object is used to send information to the client and controls how information is
sent to the browser. The methods are as follows
2. Binary write
3. Redirect
5. Flush
6. End
197. List down the methods for application objects in ASP / what are lock and unlock
methods in ASP?
Lock: This method is used to prevent another user from updating or changing the
application-level variable value
Unlock: This method is used to release the control on the application-level variable
198. Define File System Object. Write its types
FSOs enable programmers to manipulate files, directories and drives. It also allows
programmers to write and read text. The types are as follows
1. File System Object 2. File
4. Drive
Text Stream
199. Define session tracking
A session is something that starts the moment a user requests for a page from a website
and ends soon after the user leaves. Each visitor to a website is given an individual session. The
sessions can be used to keep track of the habits of the visitors is called session tracking.
200. Define cookies.
Cookies are the bits of information stored in the clients computer and can long last to the
specified time. Bits of information can be strings or numeric values and developer should specify
when cookies expire.
201. List the advantages of cookies over the session object
1. Performance hit session object information is stored in web servers memory for the
duration of each user visit. It is difficult when 100 users visit the page.
2. Sessions life is less only maintains state while the user is visiting the site. It will not
202. What is meant by cookies? How will you create it using ASP?
Cookies are the bits of information stored in the clients computer and can long last to the
specified time. To read a cookies
Request.Cookies(Cookiename)= (keyname)
Write cookies to the clients computer
Response.Cookies(Cookiename)= information
203. Define ADO.
ActiveX Data Object which enable database connectivity in ASP. It is based on OLE DB
which is database technology based on object linking and embedding. ADO object model
1. Connection
2.command 3.field 4. Parameter
5. Error
204. Define Server-side ActiveX components
Server-side ActiveX component is an ActiveX controls that typically reside on the web
server and do not have GUI. These components make features accessible to the ASP author.

205. Define XML.

Extensible Markup Language is derived from SGML (Standard Generalized Markup
Language). It is widely supported open technology for electronic data exchange and storage.
XML is a language used to create other markup languages to describe data in a structured
206. What is XLS and why it is used?
Extensible Style sheet Language (XLS) to specify rendering instructions for
different platforms
207. What is the need for XML namespace?
An XML namespace is a collection of element and attribute names. Each namespace has
a unique name that provides a means for authors to unambiguously refer to elements with the
name. This avoids naming collisions occurred in the XML document.
208. Why DTDs?
A DTD enables an XML parser to verify whether an XML document is valid. It allows
independent user groups to check document structure and to exchange data in a standardized
format. A DTD expresses a set of rules for document structure using an EBNF (Extended Backus
Naur Form) grammar.
209. Define Schema
XML schema is used to specify XML document structure and validate XML document.
XML schemas use XML syntax and are actually XML documents that programs can manipulate.
210. What are XML Vocabularies?
Vocabularies are sets of XML components that can be used to define specific document
structure. Simply vocabularies are XML applications. Some of it are
1. Mathematical Markup language (MathML)
2. Chemical Markup Language (CML)
3. Telecommunications Interchange Markup (TIM)
211. Define DOM.
Document Object Model parser successfully parses an XML document; it creates a tree
structure in memory that contains the documents data.
212. Compare DTD and XML schema
XML schema
1. Describe XML documents structure and not 1. Describes the elements content
its elements consent
2. Does not use extended Backus Naur Form
2. Use extended Backus Naur Form grammar
3. DTD can not be manipulated
3. XML schema can be validated
213. Define XSLT
XSL began as a standard for presentations of XML documents
XSLT Transformations
XSLT uses style sheets to specify Transformations. An XSLT processor merges an XML
document into an XSLT style sheet. This merging is a template-driven process. An XSLT style
sheet can specify page layout, page orientation, writing direction, margins, page numbering, etc.



214. Describe the benefits of cascading style sheets. Develop an external style sheet for
<form> and <table> tags. (8)
215. Why DTD is required in XML and explain XML DTD with an example.(8)AUMAY 2007
216. How document manipulation is done with XML Document Object Module and
explain in detail the various methods of DOM.(16) AU-MAY/JUN 2008 217. Discuss
briefly the various XMLDOM methods(8)AU-MAY2010 / (16) AU-MAY 2011, 2012 218.
Describe the features of ASP with examples. (8) AU-MAY/JUN 2008 219. Explain session
tracking. How it provides personalized services to consumers.(8)AU-MAY08,11, AUNOV/DEC 2012
220. Develop an ASP application for a questionnaire, which has minimum of 8 questions.
The questions and answers will be stored in a database. The questions will be posted to the
client one in a page and collect the answer from the client. Evaluate the answers and
inform the result score to the client ion the final page. AU-NOV/DEC 2008 221. Explain
the following the ASP objects with its syntax & examples AU-MAY/JUN 2012
i. Session ii. Application iii. Request
iv. Server AU-NOV/DEC 2008
222. Explain file system object.(16)
223. Explain the ways of accessing a database from ASP with an example. AU-JUN

224. List the steps involved to access data base from ASP. (4)
225. Write short note on server side Active X control(10)
226. Describe an XML to maintain book details to do the following: AU-MAY/JUN 2009
i.Separate data
ii.Exchange data
iii.Store data iv.Create new language
227. Create a ASP page to display Time-based greetings using Java Script.(6) AU-MAY2009
228. How to create cookie and retrieve its value? Show it with an example.(6) AU-MAY2009
229. Why should namespaces be used in XML? Explain with an example. (8) AUMAY2010 230. Explain ADO in detail(8) AU-MAY/JUN 2011 231. Create a XML
document to store customer ID, customer name, address and date of
birth details. Create a DTD to validate the document.(8)



232. What does ASP stand for?
a. Active Server Pages
b. A Server Page
c. All Standard Pages
d. Active Standard Pages
233. ASP server scripts are surrounded by delimiters, which?
a. <&>...</&>
b. <%>...</%>
c. <script>...</script>
234. How do you write "Hello World" in ASP ?
a. Response.Write("Hello World") b. Document.Write("Hello World")
c. "Hello World"
235. "<%=" is the same as:
a. <%Equal b.<%Write c. <%Document.Write
d. <%Response.Write
236. What is the default scripting language in ASP?
a. VBScript
b. EcmaScript

237. How can you script your ASP code in JavaScript?

a. JavaScript is the default scripting language
b. End the document with: <% language="javascript" %>
c. Start the document with: <%@ language="javascript" %>
d. Start the document with: <% language="javascript" %>
238. How do you get information from a form that is submitted using the "get" method?
a. Request.Form
b. Request.QueryString
239. How do you get information from a form that is submitted using the "post" method?
a. Request.QueryString
b. Request.Form
240. Which ASP property is used to identify a user?
a. The Server object
b. The Application object c. An ASP Cookie
241. Choose correct syntax for jsp forward action
a.<jsp:forward page="home.jsp" /> b.<jsp:forward file="home.jsp" />
c.<jsp:forward action="home.jsp" /> d.<jsp:forward forward="home.jsp" />
242. Choose correct syntax for <jsp:param />
a.<jsp:param name="user" value="rajesh kumar" />
b.<jsp:param name="user" property=user value=" rajesh kumar " />
c.<jsp:param name="user1" param=user value=" rajesh kumar " />
243. Choose correct syntax of directive
a.<% directive_name %>
b. <%@ directive_name %>
c.<%@ directive_name @%>
244. Which are not directive?
a. Page b. Include
c. Taglib
d. Srciptlet
245. Which of following is not attributes of Page directive
d name
246. Syntax of include directive
a.<%@ include file="footer.jsp" %>
b.<%@ include file="footer.jsp" parama= %>
c.<%@ include path="footer.jsp" %>
d.<%@ include url="footer.jsp" %>
247. Choose correct for include directive
a. It allow dynamic include
b. Processed at Translation-time
c. Have HTTP Headers information
d. 2,3
248. How you can make jsp page as error page
a.isErrorPage =true
b.isErrorPage =false
c.session=true d.session=false
249. Choose correct answers
1. Servlet is a Java technology based Web component.
2. Servlet is platform-independent
3. Servlet has run on Web server which has a container
4. Servlet interacts with Web clients via a request/response using HTTP
protocol. a.1,2,3,4 b.1,2,3 c.1,3,4 d.None
250. Which of the following are interface?
c.1,3,4 d.1,4
251. Which of the following methods are main methods in life cycle of servlet?
1.init() 2 .service()
4.srop() 5.wait()
b.1,2,3 c.3,4,5 d.1,4,5
232 233

a d





















252. Define Servlet.

Servlet is a server side scripting. It is the highest-level view of networking in java for
request-response model of communication. It extends the functionality of server, such as web
server. It runs entirely inside the Java Virtual Machine.
253. Define JSP.
Java Server Page (JSP) is simple technology used to generate dynamic HTML on the
server side.
254. What are the key components of JSP?
1.Directive 2. Declarations
3. Scriptlets 4. Expressions 5. Standard Actions
255. Define Directives.
Directives are messages to the JSP container that enable the programmer to specify page
settings, to include content form other resources and to specify custom tag libraries for use in a
256. Define Scriplets.
Scriplets or scripting elements enable programmers to insert Java code that interacts with
components in a JSP to perform request processing
257. What are the types of directives in JSP?
The three types of directives are
i. Page directive
ii. Include directive
iii. Taglib directive
258. When it is useful to redirect a request to a different resource?
To direct the client requests to a different resource / URL. For example, a servlet could
determine the type of the client browser and redirect the request to a web page that was designed
specially for the browser.
259. How does a JSP work?(working principle)
The server component that executes the JSP is referred to as JSP container. When a JSPenabled server receives the first request for a JSP, the JSP container translates that JSP into a
Java Servlet that handles the current request and future requests to the JSP. The JSP container
places the java statements that implement the JSPs response in method jspService at translation
time. The JSP may respond directly to the request or may invoke other web application
components to assist in processing the request.
260. List any three advantages of java Servlet over JSP.
Servlets are effective for
1. Developing web-based solutions that help provide secure access to a web page
2. Interact with databases on behalf of a client
3. Maintain unique session information for each client.
261. Dedifferentiate HTTP and Generic Servlet
Servlet is a server side scripting language which uses HTTP to make communication b/w
clients and servers. A client sends an HTTP request to the server. The Servlet container receives
the request and directs it to be processed by appropriate Servlet.

262. List the steps involved in JSP request.

AU-MAY/JUN 2009, AU-NOV/DEC 2012
When a JSP-enabled server receives the first request for a JSP, the JSP container
translates that JSP into a Java Servlet that handles the current request and future requests to the
JSP. The JSP container places the java statements that implement the JSPs response in method
_jspService at translation time. The JSP may respond directly to the request or may invoke other
web application components to assist in processing the request.
263. What is the primary purpose of an HTTP get request?
The HTTP get method is used to get /receives information like a document, a chart, or
results from a database query. It can include some of its own information as part of the request
by appending them using query string.
264. List the scripting components of JSP.
JSP scripting components include
i. Scriplets
ii. Comments
iii. Expressions
iv. Declarations v. Escape sequences
265. What is the need for session tracking?
The HTTP protocol used by the web server is stateless ie., transactions made by every
uses is autonomous. It provides no built in way for server to recognize that all request are being
generated from the same user. Hence session tracking is needed since it is the capability of server
to maintain the current state of single clients sequential requests.
266. What are the techniques for session tracking?
1. Hidden Form fields
2. URL rewriting
3. Persistent cookies
4. Session tracking API
267. List down the rules for framing JSP elements.
i. The JSP elements should start and end with delimiter
ii. The escape characters like , \ should be handled with care
iii. The path should be specified either absolute or relative.
268. Explain actions in JSP.
Actions encapsulate functionality in predefined tags that programmers can embed in a
JSP. Actions often are performed based on the information sent to the server as part of a
particular client request.
269. Write the types of standard actions.
1. <jsp: useBean>
2. <jsp: setProperty>
3. <jsp: getProperty>
4. <jsp: include>
5. <jsp: forward>
6. <jsp: plugin>
270. Differentiate JSP: include and Include directive
JSP: include
Include directive
1. Done during run time
1. Done during compilation time
2. Dynamic content is included
2. Static content is included
3. Not parsed by the compiler. But it is included in page 3. Parsed by the compiler
271. What are JSP implicit objects?
1. Request
2. Response
3. Pagecontext
5. Application 6. Out
7. Config
8. Page
272. Write any 4 Servlet interface.
1. SerrvletConfig 2. ServletContext 3. ServletRequest 4. ServletResponse

273. What are the advantages of JSP over Servlets?

JSP doesn't give you anything that you couldn't in principle do with a servlet. But it is more
convenient to write (and to modify!) regular HTML than to have a zillion println statements
that generate the HTML. Plus, by separating the look from the content you can put different
people on different tasks: your Web page design experts can build the HTML, leaving places
for your servlet programmers to insert the dynamic content.
274. Compare ASP and JSP
AU-MAY/JUN 2007, AU-MAY/JUN 2011
ASP stands for Active Server Page which can create dynamic web content. JSP stands for
Java Server Page which combines HTML and new scripting tags. ASP is a similar technology
from Microsoft. The advantages of JSP are twofold. First, the dynamic part is written in Java,
not Visual Basic or other MS-specific language, so it is more powerful and easier to use.
Second, it is portable to other operating systems and non-Microsoft Web servers.
275. Write a simple JSP program to display a message to the users AU-NOV/DEC 2012
<html ><head>
<title>Simple Message Display </title>
<%= Hello Welocme %> </body>
276. Differentiate include action and forward action
JSP: include
i. Allows static or dynamic resources to be included in the current JSP at request time.
ii. Resources is specified using URL
iii. It has access only to JSP write object and cant set header or cookies.
JSP: forward
i. Allows request to be forwarded to another JSP, servlet or static resources.
ii. The resource to which the request is forwarded must be in the same context as
the JSP is dispatching the context.
iii. Execution in current JSP is stopped when action is encountered.
(16 MARKS)
277. Describe the Servlet architecture and the various interfaces invoked by the Servlet
container. (8)
AU-MAY/JUN 2008, AU-MAY/JUN 2012
278. Write a Servlet program that handles HTTP get request containing data that is
supplied by the user as part of the request. (8) AU-MAY/JUN 2008, AU-MAY/JUN 2012
279. What does JSP scripting component include? Explain with a program(8) AU-JUN 2008
280. Describe JSP standard actions. How does standard action provide JSP implementers
with access to several of the most common tasks performed in JSP?(8) AU-MAY/JUN 2008
281. Develop a JSP page to display a different image each time a user visits a page and the
images are links.(10) AU-NOV/DEC 2008
282. Develop a JSP to get the name of the parent folder of a specified path. AU-NOV/DEC 2008
283. Develop a JSP to find the type, capabilities and version of each browser that visits
your site.(8) AU-NOV/DEC 2008
284. Develop a java Servlet to display a different content each time a user visits a
page.(8) (NOV08)
285. Write short note on GenericServlet and HttpServlet in get/post method (8)
286. List and explain the Multitier Applications in detail.

287. Explain about JSP implicit objects.

288. Explain about JSP elements types.
289. What are session tracking techniques? Explain i
290. Write a program to check for an authentication where the matching information is
stored in a database using Java Servlets.(10) AU-MAY/JUN 2009 291. Design a JSP to
builds a table of contents from the client side(6) AU-MAY/JUN 2009 292. Write a Servlet
program to open a text file for reading it from the client side. AUMAY09
293. How JSP work? Explain it with an example.(6)
294. Discuss the four important methods of HTTP Servlet class (8)AU-APR / MAY 2010
295. Write a Servlet program to display a welcome message on the client system.AUMAY10
296. Explain the Various Standard Actions of JSP. AU- MAY 2010, AU-MAY/JUN 2008
297. Write a program in Java Script to handle HTTP get and post requests. AU-MAY 2011
298. Describe the various types of directives in detail AU-MAY/JUN 2012




1. What is the role of fileserver

a) Data Storage & access Processing
b) File transferred to client
c) Client invokes method on remote object
d) None of the above
2. Middleware is a
i) Interaction b/w client & server ii) Middle of client /server systems
iii) S/w that provide actual service iv) Starts with API set on client side
a) i,ii,iv b) I,iii,iv c)I,ii,iv d)all the above
3. APPN is responsible for
a) Transparent network access to resources b) Communicate over a N/W
c) Programming interface for communication d) every one can be both client & servers equally

4. What is the expansion for OLTP

a) On-line Transmission Process
b) On-line Transaction Processing
c)On-line Transformation Process d) On-line Travelling Processing
5. Client-server is a _________________
a)Computer Architecture b) Component Architecture
c)Computing Architecture
6. SMTP and VIC belongs to which type of Middleware
a)OLTP-specific middleware
b)Groupware-specific middleware
c)Object-specific middleware
d)Internet-specific middleware
7. Which is very useful to sharing the across a network.
a) File Servers.
c) Transaction Servers
b) Database Servers
d) Object Server
8. RPCs is a
a) Procedure calls
b) process invocations
9. What output is displayed as the result of executing the following statement?
System.out.println ("// Looks like a comment.");
a)// Looks like a comment
b)The statement results in a compilation error
c)Looks like a comment
d)No output is displayed
10. In order for a source code file, containing the public class Test, to successfully compile,
which of the following must be true?
a) It must have a package statement b)It must be named
c) It must import java.lang
d)It must declare a public class named Test
11. Which one is data specific middleware?
12. The client, server and middleware run a component of --------------elements a)DSMb)GUI c)OOUI
13. -- is provided for describing the functions and parameters that server exports to its clients
a) RPC b) IDL c) MOM
14. MOM features like
a)Post-office b)RPC c)Telephone
15. NetBIOS services are provided through a set of commands, specified in a structure
called a) Network Control Block b)Xerox Network Services c)Transport Layer Interface

6 7

8 9







a b

a b



16. What is Client/Server Computing?

Client/Server Computing means scrapping every mainframe that cant fit on the desktop and
the demise of host-centric computing and also unleashing a new bread of born-again
networked mainframes that will bring every PC in the enterprise back to the fold. This
computing provides
- Open & Flexible Environment
- Allowing to mix and match Services
- Client application can run in any platform
17. What is Client/Server?(MAY/JUNE2012)
Client/Server is separated logical entities i.e. software programs that work together over a
network to accomplish a task. The client and server logical entities are called as separate
program units. The Client first initiates the communication by passing request to server. The
server gets the request and produces the response and send back to the client over on the
18. What are the basic characteristics of Client/Server System?(AU-NOV/DEC 2010)
Shared Resources
Encapsulation of services
Asymmetrical Protocols
Transparency of location
Distributed Across a network
19. List out types of servers?
File Server
Database Server
Groupware Server Object Server
Transaction Server Web Server
20. Write about File Server.
A Fileserver consists of large amount of files that may be documents, images, engineering
drawings and other large data objects. File Servers are useful for sharing files across a network.
They are indispensable for creating shared repositories of all types of files.
21. Write about Database Server.
A Database server maintains databases and uses its own processing power to find the
requested data from database. The Client passes SQL requests as messages to the database
server. The requests of each SQL command are returned over the network. The result is a much
more efficient use of distributed processing power.
22. Write about Groupware Server and give an example.
Groupware addresses the management of semi-structured information such as text, image,
mail, bulletin boards and the flow of work. This Client/Server System provides direct
communication between clients. Here applications are created by using a scripting language and
form-based interfaces.
Example: Lotus Notes
23. Write about Object Servers and give an example.
The Client/Server applications are written as a set of communicating Objects. Client objects
communicate with server objects using an instance of that Object Request Broker (ORB). The
ORB locates an instance of that object server class, invokes the requested method, and returns
the results to the client objects. Server objects must provide supports for concurrency and sharing

24. Write about Web Servers and give an Example.

This type of servers is intergalactic Client/Server application. This consists of thin, portable,
Universal clients that talk to super fast servers. The web server returns documents when clients
ask for them by name. The clients and servers communicate using an RPC-like protocol called
25. What is Middleware? ?(AU-NOV/DEC 2012)
Middleware is software that acts as an interface between client and server. This is
implemented in 3-tier Architecture of client/server system. This Middleware provides a way to
interact the server for the client. Its the glue that lets a client obtain a service from the server.
Depends upon the service of Middleware, it classified as
1. General Middleware 2. Service-specific Middleware
26. What is General Middleware?
General Middleware is the subtract for most client/server interactions. It includes the
Communication stacks, distributed directories, authentication Services, Network time, RPC and
queuing services. This type also includes the network OS extensions such as distributed file and
print services.
27. What is Service-Specific Middleware?
Service-specific middleware is needed to accomplish a particular client/server type of
This includes:
* Database-specific Middleware (ODBC, EDA/SQL)
* OLTP-specific Middleware (RPC,X/Opens TxRPC)
* Groupware-specific Middleware (SMTP, Lotus Notes Calls)
* Object-specific Middleware (CORBA, DCOM)
* Internet-specific Middleware (HTTP, S-HTTP, SSL)
* System Management Specific Middleware (SNMP, ORB)
28. What is Fat Server model? ?(AU-NOV/DEC 2011)
The Fat Server model places more function on the server Fat server applications are easier to
manage and deploy on the network because most of the code runs on the servers. Fat servers try
to minimize network interchanges by creating more abstract levels of services.
Examples: Groupware Server, Transaction Server, Web Server.
29. What is Fat Client model?
Fat Clients are the more traditional form of Client/Server. The bulk of the application runs
on the client side of the equation. Fat Clients are used for decision support and personal software.
They provide flexibility and opportunities for creating front-end tools that let end-users create
their own application.
Examples: Database Server, File Server
30. What are the Key Technologies are needed by the Client/Server System?
Rich Transaction Processing
Roaming Agents
Rich data Management
Intelligent self-managing entities
Intelligent Middleware.
31. What are the types of Building Blocks?
The Client Building Block
The Server Building Block
The Middleware Building Block

32. Write about Client Building Block.

The Client building block runs the client side of the application. It runs on an Operating
System (OS) that provides a GUI or OOUI and that can access distributed services. The Client
also runs a component of the Distributed System Management (DSM) elements. The requests are
gathered by using this client side application from client user.
33. Write about Server Building Block
The server application runs on top of some shrink-wrapped server software package. The
contending server platforms for creating the next generation of client/server applications are SQL
database servers, TP Monitors, Groupware servers, Object servers and Web Server.
34. Write about Middleware Building Block.
It runs on both the client and server sides of an application. This building block is broken into 3
Transport Stack
Network Operating System
Service- Specific Middleware
35. What is Peer-to-Peer Communication? (MAY/JUNE2012)
The term Peer-to-Peer indicates that the two sides of a communication link use the
same protocol interface to conduct a networked conversation. Any computer can initiate a
conversation with any other computer. The protocol is symmetrical and it is sometimes called
Program-to-Program. The peer-to-peer tends to close to the wire in the sense that it does not
fully mask the underlying network from the programmer.
36. What is RPC?
RPC stands for Remote Procedure Calls and it also invoke the process of server.
This invoked program runs across the wire in a different resource domain. A Client process calls
function on a remote server and suspends itself until it gets back the results. Parameters are
passed like in any ordinary procedure. The RPC, like an ordinary procedure, is synchronous. The
RPC run-time software collects values for the parameters, forms a message, and sends it to the
remote server. The server receives the request, unpacks the parameters, calls the procedure and
sends the reply back to the client.
(16 MARKS)
37. Explain the different types of server? ?(AU-NOV/DEC 2012)
38. Explain the building blocks of client/server? ?(AU-NOV/DEC 2010)
39. List out Server types and briefly explain each server. ?(AU-NOV/DEC 2012)
40. Discuss about Fat Server Model and Fat Client Model.
41. Discuss about 2-tier Client/Server System versus 3-tier Client/Server System. ?(AUNOV/DEC 2010) (MAY/JUNE2012)
42. What are the basic building blocks in Client/Server System? And Explain each
43. Explain briefly about Peer-to-peer Communications
44. Explain briefly about Socket.
45. Explain briefly about NetBIOS and NetBEUI.
46. Explain briefly Remote Procedure Calls (RPC).
47. Comparing MOM and RPC.
48. Explain the architecture of MOM. How is it different from other types of middleware?
(10) AU-Nov/Dec2007,
49. Develop a simple e-commerce web database model which uses a middleware.
(6) AU-Nov/Dec2007
50. Give the syntax and semantics of RPC mechanism in detail. State the producer
consumer problem. Write the procedure for producer consumer problem and explain
how it is supported by RPC in distributed environment. (16)

51. What is distributed system? What are its characteristics? What are its advantages and
disadvantages? (NOV/ DEC 2009)
52. (i) How are the servers classified? Describe each type in detail
(ii) Write notes on general purpose middleware(NOV/ DEC 2008)
53. Compare 2 tier client-server architecture with 3-tier architecture. Also highlight when
3-tier architecture is better than 2-tier architecture(May /June 2008)
54. What is middleware. What is the main function of middleware? What are service
specific middleware?
(ii) Write notes on peer to peer communication. (May /June 2008) (AU-NOV/DEC 2011)
55. EJB system is a
a) Two tier system b) Three tier system c) Single system d) None of above
56. What are the services provided by EJB container
a) Transaction b) Persistence c) Security d) All the above
57. ACL is used for
a) Control purpose b) Security purpose c) Storage purpose d) Transaction purpose
58. Stateless session bean
a) Short-lifetime b) Maximum life time c) Long-life time d) All the above
59. EJB callback methods are
a) Passivate() b) Activate() c) Remove() d) All the above
60. What is the purpose of manifest file
a) Creation of ejb-jar file b) Deploying EJB c) Activation of environment properties d) Creation of EAR file
62. What is the role of EJB
a) Server provider b) Container provider c) Bean provider d) All the above
63. What is the constraints of session bean
a) Bean destroy b) Represent data in Database c) Server crash d) Concurrent access
64. What are the stakes of session
Does not list ii)Method ready iii)Pool iv) Passive
a) I,ii,iii b) I,ii,iv c) I,iii,iv d) all the above
64. Session bean could be destroy due to
a) Time out b) Server crash c) Server restart d) All the above
65. EJB deployment class provide
Beans properties ii) Relation b/w bean & container iii) Deployment package iv)
Provide IDL for EJB
a) i,iii,iv b) I,ii,iii c) ii,iii,iv d) i,ii,iii,iv
66. HTTP tunneling is a
a) File transfer protocol b) EJB interface c) Communicate through firewall d)All the above
67. What are deployment descriptor abstract class in ejb
a) Session bean b)enterprise bean c) remote interface d) home interface
68. what are the methods of Access Control Entry class
i) get method() ii) set Allowed Identities () iii) set method () iv) get primary key class()
b) I,iii,I b) I,ii,iii,iv c) ii,iii,iv d) I,ii,iii
69. what are the client-side development in EJB
EJB standard interface b) remote interface c) home interface d) none of the above

55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64
b d b c d a
d c
b d






70. What is EJB? ?(AU-NOV/DEC 2012) (MAY/JUNE2012)
Enterprise Java Bean is a server-side component architecture that simplifies the process of
building enterprise-class distributed component application in Java.
71. What is the role of system administrator in EJB Server? ?(AU-NOV/DEC 2010)
System administrators are responsible for the day-to-day operations of the EJB Server.Their
responsibilities include keeping security information up-to-date and monitoring the
performance of the server.
72. Define Bean with Bean-Managed Persistent? ?(AU-NOV/DEC 2011)
An Entity Bean with Bean-Managed Persistence contains code that updates the underlying
database. Each Entity bean instance has an associated primary key. Logically, a primary key is
a value or combination of values that allows to uniquely specifying a row of data.
73. What is Entity Bean? ?(AU-NOV/DEC 2012)
Entity beans are long-lived, they exist across client session, one shared by multiple clients and
remains alive even after a restart of the server or other failures. An entity bean must implement
the entity bean interface.
74. What is Session Bean?
Session beans are generally tied to the lifetime of a given client session. They are relatively
short-lived, state full session object are created in response to a single clients request.
75. What is Enterprise Java Bean?
Enterprise Java Bean: EJBs are writing-once, run-any-where middle-tire components.
Enterprise Java Beans is a server side component architecture that simplifies the process of
building enterprise-class distributed component applications in java.
76. What is session Bean?
Session beans are generally tied to the lifetime of a given client session. They are relatively
short-lived, state full session object are created in response to a single clients request.
77. What is State full Session?
Stateful Session is a bean that changes state during a conversation, ie a bean that has instance
78. What is meant by Deployment?
Deployment is the process of installing an object in server side.
79. What is Interface? ?(AU-NOV/DEC 2010)
An interface defines the protocol of communication between two separate components of a
system. The interface describes what services are provide by a component and the protocol for
using those services
80. Write short notes on Transaction Monitor?
A transaction monitor service oversees transactions on behalf of other objects. A transaction, in
turn, is an operation or set of operation that must be performed automatically; that is, either all
objects involved in the transaction must commit the transaction or all objects involved must
abort the transaction.
81. Define Directory Services.
Directory services refer to a set of services that enable objects, which can be servers,
businesses, or even people, to be located by other objects.

82. What is Marshaling and unmarshaling?

Marshaling refers to the process of translating input parameters to a format that can be
transmitted across a network. Unmarshaling is the reverse of marshaling; this process converts
data from the network to output parameters.
(16 MARKS)
83. Explain the architecture of EJB?
84. Explain the life cycle of stateful session bean? ?(AU-NOV/DEC 2011)
85. Explain the life cycle of stateless session bean?
86. Explain the life cycle of entity bean? ?(AU-NOV/DEC 2012)
87. Explain the features of entity bean?
88. Explain the deployment process of session bean? (MAY/JUNE2012)
89. Write the benefits provided by EJB for application developers. With a neat sketch
explains the EJB architecture in details including all its modules. (16) (Nov/Dec2007)
90. Explain the basic roles in an EJB environment in detail. (10) (Nov/Dec2007,2011,2012)
91. Describe the functions of different types of client views available in EJB. (6)
( MAY2007)
92. Explain the main steps employed for server-side and client side EJB development in
( create()
93. detail.
How is
of treated
EJB Home
for different
and EJBtypes
of classes
Does every
the container
94. (i)Write an EJB class for creating the entity account? (NOV/ DEC 2009) (ii)Draw
and explain EJB architecture (NOV/ DEC 2009), (AU-NOV/DEC 2012)
95. Draw the architecture of EJB and explain the functions of each module(NOV/ DEC
96. (i) Write notes on EJB roles and responsibilities
(ii) How do clients converse with EJBs(NOV/ DEC 2008)
97. Draw the EJB architecture and explain the functions of various entities
98. i) Discuss the roles in EJB
ii)How does EJB containers provide support for transactions and persistence(May2008)
99. EJB 1.0 specification requires support for
a. Session bean
b)Entity bean
100. EJB 2.0 specification requires support for
a. Session bean b)Entity bean
101. Which one is not the state of stateless session bean
b)Does not exist
c)Method ready pool
102. If the client is required to supply a transaction context means
103. Which one is the state of entity bean
b) Passive
c)Does not exist
104. In which state the entity bean have no identity
b) ready
c)not existence
105. Servlet are small programs invoked by
a.Web browser
c)Web server

106. Servlet are basically Javas answers to

107. --------- is a service that associates a symbolic name with an object
108. JNDI client uses ----------- to access its server
109. ------------contains information about how to deploy the bean
a.Home interface
b)Remote interface c)Deployment descriptor
110. EJB server provider creates
a.Ejb container b) Ejb servers c)Ejb deployer
111. Abbreviation for COS
a.Common Object Services
b) Common Oriented Services
112. Manifest file is needed to create
a)EJB files
b)EJB tools c)EJB jar
113. Monitoring the performance of the EJB server is maintained by
a.System Admin
b)EJB deployer
c)EJB provider



102 103

104 105 106


107 108 109

b b

110 111 112 113


114. Define the term EJB.

Enterprise Java Beans. EJBs are written once, run any-where, middleware components.
115. List out the EJBs Role.
EJB specifies an execution environment
EJB exists in the middle tier
EJB supports transaction processing
EJB can maintain state.
EJB is simple.
116. Give the Logical architecture of EJB.
i. The Client
ii. The server
iii. The database (or other persistent store).
117. List out the services of EJB container.
Support for transactions
Support for management of multiple instances
Support for persistence
Support for security.
118. List out the possible modes of transaction management. ?(AU-NOV/DEC 2011)

119. Differentiate between Session and Entity bean.

Session Bean:
Accessed by single client
Shared by multiple clients
No primary key.
Entity Bean:
o Long-lived
o Accessed by multiple clients
o No sharing
o It must have a primary key
120. What are tasks of Client?
Finding the bean
Getting access to a bean
Calling the beans methods
Getting rid of the bean.
121. List out the information available in deployment descriptor.
The name of the EJB class
The name of the EJB home interface
The name of the EJB remote interface
ACLs of entities authorized to use each class or method
For Entity beans, a list of container-managed fields.
For session beans, a value denoting whether the bean is stateful or stateless.
122. List out the Roles in EJB.
Enterprise Bean Provider
Application Assembler
EJB Server Provider
EJB Container Provider
System Administrator
123. What are the steps are needed to design a EJB?
Find the Beans home interface
Get access to the Bean
Call the beans method with a string as argument and save the return value.
Display the return value to the user.
124. What are the steps are needed to implement the EJB program?
Create the remote interface for the bean
Create the beans home interface
Create the beans implementation class
Compile the remote interface, home, implementation class
Create a session descriptor
Create a manifest, Create an ejb-jar file
Deploy the ejb-jar file, Write a client, Run the client
125. Define Manifest file.
A Manifest is a text document that contains information about the contents of a
jar- file. Actually, the jar utility will automatically create a manifest file even if
none exists.

126. When to use EJB beans?

Where you might currently use RPC mechanism such as RMI or CORBA.
Session Beans are intended to allow the application author to easily implement
portions of application code in middleware and to simplify access to this code.
127. List out the constraints in Session Beans.
EJB cannot start new threads or use thread synchronization primitives.
EJB, cannot directly access the underlying transaction manager.
EJBs are not allowed to change their at runtime.
If the Session beans timeout value expires.
If the server crashes and is restarted.
If the server is shut down and restarted.
128. Differentiate between Stateless Session and Stateful session beans. ? (AU-NOV/DEC 2012)
Stateless session bean:
It have no states
It have only one create () method and takes no arguments.
Stateful session bean:
1. It has states.
2. It has more than one create () and have different arguments.
129. List out the transitions of stateful session bean.
The bean can enter a transaction
It can be passivated
It can be removed.
(16 MARKS)
130. Explain the deployment process of entity bean? (MAY/JUNE2012)
131. Write a program to display Hello World using session bean?
132. Explain the view of EJB conversation?
133. Explain the roles of EJB server?
134. Explain the roles of EJB Container?
135. Write a program for banking operations using entity bean? (NOV/DEC 2012)
136. Explain the concept of session bean and its types in detail. (8) (Nov/Dec2007)
(AU-NOV/DEC 2010)
137. Consider the Inventory application which supports three basic use cases:
a. Add Items to the Stock b. Receive Items
c. Issue Items
138. Compare and contrast stateful session beans with stateless session beans. (6)
(MAY/JUNE 2007)
139. Explain the life cycle of entity bean in detail (10) ( MAY/JUNE 2007,2012)
140. Consider an E-commerce application of shopping cart for purchasing things over
the web. Implement the above application using EJB by considering the necessary
issues involved. (16) ( MAY/JUNE 2007)
141. (a) Draw the architecture for entity bean and explain the steps involved in a session.
?(AU-NOV/DEC 2011)
(ii) Compare entity bean and session bean. (NOV/ DEC 2009)
142. (i) Discuss the steps involved in building and deploying EJB with library transactions
as example. (NOV/ DEC 2009)

143. (i) How does EJB support asynchronous communication with clients
(ii) What are deployment descriptors? What is its use? How are they
implemented(DEC 2008)
144. (a)Discuss the steps involved in building and deploying EJB with bank transactions as example.
(ii)List the constraints on using session beans? (MAY /JUN 2008)
145. (b) Discuss the steps involved in building and deploying EJB with bank transactions as
example. (May /June 2008) ?(AU-NOV/DEC 2010)



146. OMA contains

a) ORB b) CORBA service c) domain interface d) all the above
147. what is the purpose of CORBA
a) Define about components b) interface b/w components c) reduce application fragile d)
none of the above
148. what are the services provided by OMG
a) directory naming b)Transaction c) persistent object d) all the above
149. what is the expansion of DCE
a) Domain Control Engineering b) Distributed Control Engineering c)
Distributed computing Environment d) Distributed component Evolution
150. skeleton is implemented in
a) Server b) client c) client &server d) TCP/IP
151. CORBA supports for
a) Object distribution b) object reference c) object adapter d) all the above
152. what is the purpose of TOA
a) Interface b/w component b) object implement with ORB c)request ORB d) keeps copy of object
153. what is meant by blocking
a) Signature b) process waiting for resource c) object call d) CORBA object
154. what is the approach of CORBA
i) Uniform access to services ii) uniform standard exception iii) uniform error
handling iv) uniform security
155. which one is IDL constructor
a) Linear b) structural c) one away d) array
156. what is the use of enumerated type
i. It holds a single value b) it holds object c) it holds set of predefined values
157. CORBA ORBs communicate using
158. The class to which implementations are delegated in the delegation approach is known as
a) Tie b) IDL c)Java
159. COM component consists of executable code distributed as
Dynamic Link Libraries
b)Executables c)both
160. Partition is also referred as
a) Modules b) Processor c) Cohesion
146 147

d b

148 149 150

151 152 153 154

155 156 157

158 159 160



161. Write about OMG.

OMG stands for Object Management Group were created in 1989. The OMG solicited input
from all segments of the industry and eventually defined the CORBA standard. The OMG does not
create products; it focuses on creating specifications that can be implemented and used by all.
162. What is DOM? And Write about it.
CORBA is a specification for an emerging technology known as distributed object
management (DOM). DOM technology provides a higher-level, object-oriented interface on
top of the basic distributed computing services. CORBA has emerged as the leading standard
among DOM solutions, with only one significant competitor, Microsofts distributed
component object model (DCOM).
163. What is OMA? And write about its elements.
The higher-level specification is referred to as the object management architecture
(OMA), which addresses following elements:
CORBA services
CORBA facilities
CORBA domains
ORB (Object Request Broker).
164. What are the things consists by CORBA object model.
i. Object- An encapsulation entity that provides services to a client.
ii. Requests- An action created by a client directed to a target object that includes information
on the operation to be performed and zero or more actual parameters.
iii. Object Creation and Destruction Based on the state of requests, objects are created or deleted.
iv. Types- An identifiable entity defined over values.
v. Interfaces The specification of operations that a client can request from a object.
vi. Operations- An identifiable entity that defines what a client can request from an object.
165. How to managing Distributed Systems?
The Distributed Systems managed by applying following Services.
Distributed garage collection
Resource Management.
166. What are factors considered during the development and the deployment of software
for Distributed Objects?
* Language choice is no longer a primary consideration.
* Process and machine boundaries are more easily crossed.
* Internet and push technologies offer new delivery mechanisms.
167. What are the fundamentals traits of a distributed object system?
Data Types
Marshaling and un marshaling
Proxies, stubs, and skeletons
Object handles
Object creation
Object invocation
Object destruction

168. What is BSTR?

A BSTR also known as a Basic String is a pointer to a length-prefixed wide character
array. Because a BSTR is prefixed with a 4-byte length attribute, a C/C++ BSTR pointer
does not point at the beginning of the data structure but instead points to the first wide
character in the array. In a C++ application, a BSTR instance must be allocated using the
SysAllocString() method and reallocated using the SysFreeString() method.
169. How to implement a remote method invocation in CORBA?
1. A Client invokes a remote method. The remote method is actually invoked in the client stub.
2. The Client stub creates a message containing information needed for the remote invocation.
3. The Client stub sends he message to the server skeleton using the communication bus.
4. The server skeleton receives the message and unpacks it.
5. The server skeleton calls the appropriate server method based on the information provided in the
received message.
6. The server skeleton creates a message based on the outputs of the call to the server method.(i.e., the
return value and out parameters).
7. The server skeleton sends the result message to the client stub using the communication bus.
8. The client stub receives the result message, unpacks the message, and returns the results to the client.
170. What is marshaling and Un-Marshaling?
In Client-Server communication with CORBA or COM or RMI, The message creation or
packing process in any side it refers to as Marshaling. The message unpacking process is
referred to as un-marshaling.
171. What is CORBA? ?(AU-NOV/DEC 2012)
CORBA stands for Common Object Request Broker Architecture which is a Middleware
between Client and Server in Distributed Architecture. CORBA provides language
independence by defining object interface in a language-independent manner. CORBA is
providing to be one of the most important innovations in the recent history of information
systems. It addresses the two most prominent problems faced in he software industry today:
1. The difficulty of developing client-server applications.
2. By rapidly integrating legacy systems, off-the-shelf applications, and new development.
172. What are the key roles of broker in distributed System?
The broker plays two key roles.
1. It provides the common services, including basic messaging and communication between client
and server, directory services, meta-data description, security services, and location transparency.
2. It insulates the applications from the specifics of the system configuration, such as hardware
platforms and operating systems, network protocols, and implementation languages.
173. What is CORBA Object Model? ?(AU-NOV/DEC 2011)
The CORBA Object Model defines key boundaries and meanings to enable
unambiguous interpretation of these concepts. Without a common object model, the
implementation of CORBA compliant tools by independent software manufactures might
otherwise produce fatal incompatibilities. CORBAs object model is based on a complete
object approach in which a client sends a message to an object. The message identifies an
object, and one or more parameters are included. The first parameter defines the operation to
be performed, although the specific method used is determined by the receiving object.

174. What is GIOP?

GIOP stands for General inter-ORB protocol. The GIOP was specified to allow
interoperability among ORB implementations. It assumes an underlying connection-oriented
transport layer. The GIOP defines transfer syntax, known as common data representation
(CDR), and seven basic message types.
175. What is IIOP? ?(AU-NOV/DEC 2010)
IIOP stands for Internet Inter ORB protocol. The mapping of GIOP to TCP/IP is
referred to as the internet Inter-ORB protocol. The interoperable object reference (IOR) is the
mechanism through which objects are accessed through the IIOP and between ORB vendors.
The IOR includes the Orbs internal object reference, Internet host address, and port
numbers. It is managed by the interoperating Orbs and is not visible to application
176. What is IDL? ?(AU-NOV/DEC 2011,2012) (MAY/JUNE2012)
IDL stands for Interface Definition Language. OMG IDL is a declarative for defining
the interface of CORBA objects. It is a language- independent way in which implementers
and users of objects can be assured of type-safe invocation of operations, even though the
only other information that needs to pass between them is an object reference. IDL is used by
ORB-specific IDL compilers to generate stub and/or skeleton code that converts in-memory
data structures in one programming language into equivalent network streams and then
unpacks them on another machine into equivalent data structures in another language, makes
a method call, and then transmits the results in the opposite direction.
177. What is IDL Interface?
The IDL interface defines the exposed details of distributed objects. Each IDL
interface defines a new object type. The operation signatures are the essence of the interface.
These are the entry points for service requests. IDL interface is that it specifies a software
boundary between a service implementation and its clients. The IDL declares what is
exposed by this interface, and all other details are hidden. IDL interface can inherit from
other interfaces.
178. What is the purpose of IDL Modules?
IDL modules create separate name spaces for IDL definitions. This prevents potential
name conflicts among identifiers used in different domains. Modules do not inherit from
other modules. Only IDL interfaces are capable of inheriting specifications. Modules can be
nested. Modules are used at the base definition level to enclose one or more IDL interface
and their associated type definition.
179. What is the purpose of using IDL Forward?
The IDL forward statement is used to declare an interface name before its complete
definition appears in the file. Forward declarations can also be used to create recursive
definitions. Forward declarations do not establish their enclosed definitions.
180. Write about IDL Constants.
IDL allows the definition of constant values. There is a restricted set of types, including
integer, character, Boolean, floating point, string, and renamed types. The constant definitions
can include some arithmetic expressions.
const unsigned long k =4.5;

181. What is IDL sequence?

Sequences are special data type that is unique to IDL. Sequences are essentially variablelength arrays. Since every programming language has a binding to IDL that is natural, sequences
are defined as appropriate within the programming language environment. If the programming
language already has a variable-length elements type , that is a suitable representation.
182. What is purpose of IDL Type Declaration?
The purpose of type declarations in IDL is to enable strong type checking of operation
signatures. Type declarations include renaming of the intrinsic types in IDL, as well as the
creation of user-defined types that can be enumeration, structures, arrays, sequences, or unions.
183. Write about IDL Attributes?
IDL definitions expose public attributes and operations. If an attribute or operation is private,
it should not appear in a public IDL definition. By default, all IDL definitions know by the ORB
are public because they are publicly retrievable from the Interface Repository. Attribute may be
read-only or read-write. Each attribute has an IDL data type and appears within a specific IDL
interface definition.
Example: attribute unsigned short age;
184. Write about IDL Exception.
CORBA makes the important guarantee that the client making an invocation will always
receive a successful return or an exception. This is a significant simplification of the
complexities of distributed computing and can greatly reduce the amount of client code needed.
Exceptions are also an important part of an interface specification. Exceptions define the values
passed by the interface in case something goes wrong. There are two general kinds of exceptions:
user-defined and CORBA defined.
185. What is IDL Operation Signatures?
The specification of operation signatures is the underlying purpose of IDL. An operation
signature defines the acceptable ways to access an object. No other hidden interfaces are
allowed. All operation definitions are declared within specific IDL interfaces. By default, IDL
operations are synchronous. There is an asynchronous option denoted by the one-way keyword,
which indicates that the operation will be executed at-most-once, using a best-effort semantics.
(16 MARKS)
186. Discuss in details about CORBA and its purpose.
187. Briefly explain about Distributed System.
188. Draw CORBA architecture and write about its elements and types of Interfaces.
189. Discuss in details about CORBA Object Model.
190. Explain briefly about Object Request Broker and its structure.
191. Building an application in CORBA.
192. Explain the architecture of CORBA in detail. (8) (Nov/Dec2007,2010)
193. Write the IDL program for the hello world program (8) (Nov/Dec2007)
194. Describe the components involved in CORBA object model in detail. (8) (Nov/Dec2007)
195. Write a CORBA IDL specification, Stack class, and Server main program and
Client main program for the given description.
196. Explain the need and technologies used to implement a distributed system in detail. (8)
197. Discuss the issues involved in CORBA object model in detail. (8) ( MAY/JUNE 2007)
198. Write a CORBA client application to say hello and explain how an ORB object is
created and accessed to invoke the specified operation in your coding. (8
199. Draw the OMA architecture of CORBA and describe the layers. (NOV/ DEC 2009)

200. (i) Describe the layered architecture of CORBA, Write notes on CORBA IDL( DEC
201. How does a client communicate with remote object server in CORBA (DEC 2008)
202. Draw the CORBA networking model diagram and explain how static and dynamic
invocations are taking place. (May /June 2008)
203. (i)Enlist the services offered by CORBA and explain its usage.
(ii) How does CORBA provide support for network heterogeneity? (May /June 2008)
204. Discuss the concept of object adapter and object reference in detail?(AUNOV/DEC 2011)
205. Explain ORB structure and discuss the steps involved in building an application
with CORBA?(AU-NOV/DEC 2012)
206. COM stands for
a) Communication object model b) component object model c) communication oriented
model d) component oriented model
207. COM link dynamically using
a) API b) DCOM c) CORBA d) DLL
208. COM IDL will be generated by
a) .net b) c language c) vc++ d) c++
209. What is the use of COM macros
a) test error handling b) test status COM in location
c) test succeed & failed d) all the above
210. COM HRESULT is used for
a) Conveying result b) conveying status c) conveying d) none of above
211. .Net work is a platform for
a) Running web services application b) design of windows application
c) building java objects d) marshaling.
212. what is mean by marshaling
a) process of packaging b) sending method calls c) serialization d) all the above
213. CLR stands for
a) Common language request b) cross language request c) common language runtime d)
cross language runtime
214. what is the technology
a) web services b) web form c) window form d) all the above
215. MSIL stands for
a) Microsoft intermediate language b) mainframe interchange
c) Microsoft interface language
d) mainframe interface language.
216. JNDI stands for
a) Java Naming and Data Interconnection b)Java Naming and Data Information
c)Java Naming and Directory Interface d)Java Naming and Directory Information
217. At the deployment time the EJB container must reads the _________
a) Ejb.class b) Ejb.jar
c) JNDI d) DNS
218. How the client connect the EJB? By using
a) Ejb.jar b) JNDI c) RMI or CORBA d) COS

219. EJB server provides the service to an

a) Operating System b) EJB Container
c) EJB Bean d) System Administrator
220. Persistent is used to
c) Store and Load the data
a) Transfer the data
b) Getting the data
d) Display the data
206 207 208 209 210 211 212

213 214 215 216 217 218


219 220
b c

221. What is meant by COM?
Component Object Model (COM) specifies architecture, a binary standard, and a supporting
infrastructure for building, using, and evolving component-based applications. It extends the
benefits of object-oriented programming such as encapsulation, polymorphism, and software
reuse to a dynamic and cross-process setting. Distributed COM (DCOM) is the distributed
extension of COM. It specifies the additional infrastructure that is required to further extend the
benefits to networked environments.
222. Define the term Interface?
An interface is a collection of functionally related abstract methods, and is identified
by a 128-bitglobally unique identifier (GUID) called the interface ID (IID).
223. What is Comman Language Runtime (CLR)? (MAY/JUNE2012)
CLR is .NET equivalent of Java Virtual Machine (JVM) . I t is the runt time that converts a
MSI L code into the host machine language code, which is then executed appropriately.
224. What is Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL)?
A .NET programming language (C# , VB.NET, J# et c.) does not compile into executable
code; instead it compiles into an intermediate code called Microsoft I ntermediate Language
(MSI L) . As a programmer one need not worry about the syntax of MSI L - since our source
code in automat ically converted to MSIL
225. What is Common Type System (CTS) ?
Achieved through int roduct ion of Common Type System (CTS). CTS, much like Java,
defines every data type as a Class. Every .NET compliant language must st ick to this definit ion.
Since CTS defines every data type as a class; this means that only Object Oriented (or Object Based) languages can achieve .NET compliance.
226. What is Web Services?
Web services are an extension of ActiveX. Those of you, who have used ASP and JSP
both, know the apparent short comings of ASP. JSP has been enriched with the concepts of
Beans and Tags. ASP equivalent for Beans and Tags was Act iveX Cont rols and Act iveX
automat ion servers. Let me take a minute to explain this point a bit further. Web Services is NOT
a Microsoft proprietary standard. I t is a W3Consort ium standard, and has been developed by
Microsoft , IBM and many other big names of the indust ry.
227. What is mean by Web forms?
Just as the Win Forms provide a unified way of developing GUI for desktop application,
the Web Forms provide similar tool for web applications. Web Forms has been introduced in
.NET as a part of ASP.NET. Web Forms are forms engines that provide a browser-based user


228. What is Distributed COM?

The DCOM wire protocol extends the remoting architecture across different machines. Currently, it is
specified as a set of extensions layered on top of the DCE RPC specification. It adopts DCE RPCs Network
Data Representation (NDR) format for marshaling data to be transmitted across heterogeneous network. It also
leverages DCE RPCs security capabilities for authentication, authorization, and message integrity. In addition,
DCOM specifies the RPC interfaces for remote server activation, ID-to-endpoint resolution, remote Unknown
method invocation, and pinging for robust reference counting. It also defines the data structure of object
references and the DCOM-specific portion of RPC packets.
229. What is Threading Model?
If an application allows multiple clients to concurrently invoke methods of the same COM object, some
synchronization mechanisms need to be provided to protect the data. COM introduces the concept of
apartments to allow objects with different concurrency constraints to live in the same process. An apartment is
a logical grouping of objects that share the same concurrency constraints. Before a thread can use COM, it
must first enter an apartment by calling CoInitializeEx( ). Every COM process can have at most one
multithreaded apartment (MTA), but it can contain multiple single-threaded apartments (STAs). Multiple
threads can execute in an MTA concurrently, so object data in an MTA need to be properly protected. In
contrast, only one thread can execute in an STA and so concurrent accesses to objects in an STA are
automatically serialized.
230. What is Versioning?
COMs approach to versioning is based on the following three requirements: first, any interface
(identified by an IID) must be immutable. Second, a new implementation of the same CLSID must support
existing interfaces. Finally, any client must start interacting with a server by querying an interface with an IID.
Such a combination allows independent evolution of client and server software. Suppose, on a particular
machine, the server software is upgraded before the client is. Since the new server supports all old interfaces,
the old client can still obtain all the interface pointers that it needs and run smoothly. When the client software
is also upgraded, the new client will query the new interfaces to enjoy the new features. In contrast, suppose
the client software is upgraded first on another machine. The new client will try querying the new interfaces on
the old server and fail. This procedure forces the new client to handle the failure by, for example, providing
only old features. But it will not cause the new client to crash or unknowingly execute incorrectly. Admittedly,
there are still problems in practice that remain to be solved. For example, bug fixes of an existing interface
implementation may change the behavior; new implementations of the same CLSID may not be willing to
carry all old implementations.
231. What is Marshalling and Remoting? (MAY/JUNE2012)
In computer programming, marshalling is the process of gathering data from one or more applications
or non-contiguous sources in computer storage, putting the data pieces into a message buffer, and organizing or
converting the data into a format that is prescribed for a particular receiver or programming interface.
Marshalling is usually required when passing the output parameters of a program written in one language as
input to a program written in another language. The process of gathering data and transforming it into a
standard format before it is transmitted over a network so that the data can transcend network boundaries. In
order for an object to be moved around a network, it must be converted into a data stream that corresponds
with the packet structure of the network transfer protocol. This conversion is known as data marshalling. Data
pieces are collected in a message buffer before they are marshaled. When the data is transmitted, the receiving
computer converts the marshaled data back into an object.

232. What is Object Destruction?

We dont free COM objects; you just tell them that youre done using them. The IUnknown
interface, which every COM object implements, has a method Release(). You call this method to tell
the COM object that you no longer need it. Once you call Release(), you must not use the interface
pointer any more, since the COM object may disappear from memory at any time. If our app uses a lot
of different COM objects, its vitally important to call Release() whenever youre done using an
interface. If you dont release interfaces, the COM objects (and the DLLs that contain the code) will
remain in memory, and will needlessly add to your apps working set. If your app will be running for
a long time, you should call the CoFreeUnusedLibraries() API during your idle processing. This API
unloads any COM servers that have no outstanding references, so this also reduces your apps
memory usage.
233. Explain COM Interfaces? ?(AU-NOV/DEC 2011)
Every COM interface is derived from IUnknown. The name is a bit misleading, in that its not
an unknown interface. The name signifies that if you have an IUnknown pointer to a COM object, you
dont know what the underlying object is, since every COM object implements IUnknown. IUnknown
has three methods:
1. AddRef() - Tells the COM object to increment its reference count. You would use this method if
you made a copy of an interface pointer, and both the original and the copy would still be used. We
wont need to use
AddRef() for our purposes in this article.
2. Release() - Tells the COM object to decrement its reference count. See the previous example for a
code snippet demonstrating Release().
QueryInterface() - Requests an interface pointer from a COM object. You use this when a co class
implements more than one interface.
234. What is a component?
Component is an independent piece of code that may be shared with different programs.
235. What is an Object?
An Object is a set of code that is designed to be reusable with a well-defined interface.
236. What is DCOM?
Distributed Component Object Model is the combination of COM plus the network protocols
that allow running a COM Object on a remote Computer.
237. What is Class Module?
The class module in Visual Basic is where we define an object s template. Within the class we
setup the properties, methods and events that the class will offer to outside users.
238. What are the elements of Class Module?
Its merely a collection of subroutines, functions, variables and option declarations.
239. What is Module Variable?
Variables declared outside the routines in a module are called variables.
240. What are EXE files?
EXE files contain object code that is run under control of windows. EXE files use the portable
Executable format, which is common across all windows systems, including those that run on
different processors.
241. What is Dynamic Link Library?
Dynamic Link Library file contain collection of functions and subroutines that can be shared
among multiple programs, including EXE programs and other DLLs.

242. What is Method Routines?

Method Routines are nothing but functions and subroutines that are buried in a class module.
243. What is Event Declaration?
Event Declaration allows our class objects to call a subroutine in a client program.
244. What is Indirection?
Many software problems can be solved by one more level of indirection. Supporting indirection is a
special form of providing extensibility. In most traditional programming paradigms, offering one more level
of indirection often involves tricky programming hacks that may impose certain limitations. In contrast,
COM builds into its architecture the support for indirection. As demonstrated in the following discussion,
activation indirection can be used for online software update and load balancing, while call indirection can
facilitate fault tolerance and object migration.
245. What is coupling?
Coupling means that components in separate modules are not tightly integrated with each
other; an application using components in one module generally need not know about components in
another module. (Of course, there is often some overlap between modules for various reasons, such as
the need to share data between modules or to facilitate common functionality between modules.)
When there is little or no dependency between components, they are said to be loosely coupled.
246. What is Cohesion?
Cohesion means that interfaces within the module are tightly integrated with each other. For
example, a module called InternalCombustionEngine might contain interfaces such as CylinderHead,
TimingChain, Crankshaft, Piston, and many others. It is difficult to describe the purpose of one of
these components without referring to the others; hence, one might say that the components are tightly
cohesive. By way of comparison, you would probably find very little in common between the
InternalCombustionEngine components such as OilFilter and SparkPlug are loosely coupled to
AudioSystem components such as CompactDiscPlayer and Subwoofer.
247. Explain Constructed Type in Data types?
Constructed types, which combine other types, enable the creation of user-defined types.
Perhaps the most useful of these constructs is the interface, which defines the services provided by
your application objects. Because IDL is, after all, the Interface Definition Language, it seems fitting
that interfaces should comprise the bulk of IDL source code.
248. Explain Enumerated Data types?
The enumerated type, enum, allows the creation of types that can hold one of a set of predefined
values specified by the enum. Although the identifiers in the enumeration comprise an ordered list, IDL
does not specify the ordinal numbering for the identifiers. Therefore, comparing enum values to integral
values might not be safe, and would almost certainly not be portable across languages. C and C++ also have
an enumerated type that works similarly.
249. Explain the Structure data types?
IDL provides a structure type--struct--that contains, as in C and C++, any number of member
values of disparate types (even other structs). structs are especially useful in IDL because, unlike
CORBA objects (which are represented by interfaces), structs are passed by value rather than by
reference. In other words, when a struct is passed to a remote object, a copy of that structs values is
created and marshaled to the remote object.

250. Explain Union Data types?

The IDL union type, like a struct, represents values of different types. The IDL union type will
appear somewhat odd to C and C++ programmers, resembling something of a cross between a C/C++ union
and a case statement, but Pascal programmers should recognize the format.
251. What is Discriminator?
A discriminator, as used in an IDL union, is a parameter that determines the value used by the
union. In the example in Listing 3.5, a long was used for the discriminator; other types can be used
also, including long, long long, short, unsigned long, unsigned long long, unsigned short, char,
boolean, or enum. The constant values in the case statements must match the discriminators type.
252. What is Method Signature?
A method signature, often simply called a signature, describes what a method does (ideally,
the method name should specify, at least in general terms, what the method does), what parameters
(and their types) the method takes as input, and what parameters (and their types) it returns as output.
in, out, and inout Parameters As already mentioned, parameters in a method can be declared as in, out,
or inout. These names are fairly self-explanatory: An in parameter serves as input to the method; an
out parameter is an output from the method; and an inout parameter serves as an input to and an
output from the method.
253. What is blocking on a remote method call?
The term blocking refers to any point at which a process or thread is waiting for a particular resource
or another process/thread. Within the context of CORBA, if a client invokes a remote method and must wait
for the result to be returned, the client is said to block. A request is simply another name for a remote
method invocation. The term is commonly used when referring to the operation of a distributed system. In
fact, when you study CORBAs Dynamic Invocation Interface (DII), youll see that remote methods can be
invoked through a Request object.
254. What is .NET? ?(AU-NOV/DEC 2012)
The .NET Framework introduces a completely new model for the programming and deployment of
applications. .NET is Microsofts vision of "software as a service", a development environment in which
you can build, create, and deploy your applications and the next generation of components, the ability to use
the Web rather than your own computer for various services.
255. What are the major Components ( Layers ) of the .NET framework:
The top layer includes user and program interfaces. Windows Forms are a new way to create
standard Win32 desktop applications, based on the Windows Foundation Classes (WFC) produced for J++.
Web Forms provide a powerful, forms-based UI for the web. Web Services, which are perhaps the most
revolutionary, provide a mechanism for programs to communicate over the Internet using SOAP. Web
Services provide an analog of COM and DCOM for object brokering and interfacing, but based on Internet
technologies so that allowance is made for integration even with non-Microsoft platforms. Web Forms and
Web Services, comprise the Internet interface portion of .NET, and are implemented through a section of
the .NET Framework referred to as ASP.NET. The middle layer includes the next eneration of standard
system services such as ADO.NET and XML. These services are brought under the control of the
framework, making them universally available and standardizing their usage across languages.

256. What is Remoting Architecture?

We use the term remoting architecture to refer to the entire infrastructure that connects COM
clients to out-of-process server objects. (See Figure 1.) The standard remoting architecture includes,
among other things, (1) object proxies that act as the client-side representatives of server objects and
connect directly to the client; (2) interface proxies that perform client-side data marshaling and are
aggregated into object proxies; (3) client-side channel objects that use remote procedure calls (RPCs)
to forward marshaled calls; (4) server-side endpoints that receive RPC requests; (5) server-side stub
manager that dispatches calls to appropriate interface stubs;
(6) interface stubs that perform server-side data marshaling and make actual calls on the objects; and
(7) standard marshaler that marshals interface pointers into object references on the server side and
unmarshals the object references on the client side. Note that interface proxies and stubs are
application-specific and are generated by running an Interface Definition Language (IDL) compiler on
application-supplied IDL files. The other objects are application-independent and are provided by
(16 MARKS)
257. Explain Remoting and marshalling in .NET? (AU-NOV/DEC 2012)
258. Differentiate between DCOM and CORBA
259. Explain the interfaces in COM. Write the steps to create a COM object. Nov/Dec2007)
260. Compare the features of DCOM and CORBA. (8) (Nov/Dec2007)
Explain .NET framework Remoting Architecture. (8) (Nov/Dec2007)(AU-NOV/DEC 2010)
262. How do you implement interfaces in COM? Explain the concept involved in it with
diagram and example. (16) ( MAY/JUNE 2007)
263. How does proxy and stub are generated in remote communication? Describe in detail how
communication takes place with diagram (8) ( MAY/JUNE 2007,2011)
264. Draw the architecture of .NET and how does CLR execute the .NET source code?
Explain the steps involved in it. (8)( MAY/JUNE 2007)
265. What is distributed system? What are its characteristics? What are its advantages and
disadvantages? (NOV/ DEC 2009)
266. (i) Describe the structure of COM component. How can a client access the COM
object in the server?
(ii) Describe the .NET architecture. (NOV/ DEC 2009)
267. Compare COM and CORBA bringing out similarities and differences(NOV/ DEC
268. (i) Write notes on component object model
(ii) Write about services offered by COM(NOV/ DEC 2008)
269. Describe the object life cycle in COM?
(ii)Describe the different types of servers and how client/server communication is
taking place in each of them. (May /June 2008)
270. Explain the .Net architecture. (May /June 2008) (MAY/JUNE2012)






1. The radius of micro cells is in the range of

2. The cocept of dividing a cellular region in 3 or 6 parts with respect to an angle is
known as a.Cell spliting b.Cell sectoring c.Umbrella pattern d.Hand-off technique
3. Which one of the following cellular mobile was the first U.S celllular mobile standard?
4. An example for two way communication is
a.Simplex system b.Full duplex system c.Half duplex system d.Television communication
5. If the signal is periodic then it satisfies the
a. Norton theorem
b.superposition principle
c.BIBO system
6. Consider the following statements
1.Refraction of a wave can be considered as bending
2.Reflection cannot be considered as bouncing
3.Diffraction of a wave can be considered as scattering
4.Interference cannot be considered as collding
Which of these statements are correct
a.1 and 3
b.1 and 2
c.2 and 3
d.1 and 4
Consider the following statements in sky wave propagation during day time the layers
of ionosphere are
1.F,E 2.F
Consider the following statements.In need for modulation the
1.Wavelength is related to power
2.Wavelength is related with height of antena
3.Wavelength is equal to the ratio of distance power
4.Wavelength of the signal does not matter
Which of these statements are correct?
a.1 and 4
b.2 and 4
c.2 alone
d.3 alone
Consider the following statements for 100 % modulation
1.Modulation index=0.5
2..Modulation index=0.2
3..Modulation index=1
4..Modulation index=1.5
Which of above statements are correct?
b.2 and 4
c.1 and 2
Consider the following statements.
The modulation techniques suitable for cellular mobile communication are
1.ASK and FSK
2.MSK and ASk
3.MSK and QPSK
4.ASK and BPSK
11. Consider the following statements are correct The
spread spectrum technique has
1.Higest security
2.No jamming problem
3.Used in military application
4.Sents the message in same frequency
Which of these statements are correct?
a.1 and 4
b.1,2 and 3
c.2,3 and 4 d.1,3 and 4
Consider the following cellular operations
1.Mobile unit initialization 2.Pagging
3.Mobile originated 4.Base receiver station.
The increasing order of them is

13. Consider the following functions of a cellular mobile system

1.Monitoring for a storage signal
2.Request for connection
3.Paging function
4.On going call
5.Call acceptance
6.Hand-off function
The correct sequence of increasing order of the above is
14. Voice transmissiion will slowly become inaudible if the distance is
15. For inteconnecting many subscribers through switches the system used is
d.None of the above
16. The subsystem of GSM are
1.Radio subsystem 2.Wired system 3.Network and switching subsystem 4.Operation
Which of the above is correct?
a.1,2 and 3
b.1,3 and 4
c.1,2 and 4
d.2,3 and 4
17. The home location and visitor location register are used in
a.Networking and switching subsystem
b.Radio subsystem
c.Operation and maintenance centre
d.Authentication centre
18. In GSM mobility management is monitored by
a.Traffic channels b.Half duplex channel c.Full duplex channel d.Control channel
19. The call management consists of the following entities
1. Call control
2.Short message services
3. Supplementary service
4.Traffic channels
Which of the above is correct?
a.1,2 and 3
b.1,2 and 4
c.2.3 and 4 d.1,3 and 4
20. The GSM cellular mobile standard has following 'access type' and spacing between
a.FDMA, 55MHz
b.TDMA, 25MHz
c.FDMA, 25MHz
d.TDMA, 45MHz


3 4

6 7 8

b b

b b

b d a c

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
c c

a d

a d

Define SAMA. (DEC2008)

Spread Aloha Multiple Access is a combination of CDMA and TDMA. The
CDMA better suits for connection oriented services only and not for connection less bursty data
traffic because it requires programming both sender and receiver to access different users with
different codes.
22. Define CDMA. (DEC2008)
Code Division Multiple Access systems use codes with certain characteristics to separate
different users. To enable access to the shared medium without interference. The users use the same
frequency and time to transmit data. The main problem is to find good codes and to separate this
signal from noise. The good code can be found the following 2 characteristic
1. Orthogonal.
2. AutoCorrelation.
23. What are the several versions in CSMA?(APR 2008)
There are several versions in CSMA, they are as follows
a) Non-persistent CSMA
b) p-persistent CSMA
c) 1-persistent CSMA
What is meant by non-persistent CSMA?(APR 2008)
In, non-persistent CSMA, stations sense the carrier and start sending immediately if the
medium is idle. if the medium is busy, the station pauses a random amount of time before sensing the
medium again and repeating this pattern.


What is meant by p-persistent CSMA?(DEC 2009)

In p-persistent CSMA system nodes also sense the medium, but only transmit with a
probability of p. With the station deferring to the next slot with the probability 1-p, i.e. access
is slotted in addition.
What is SDMA? (DEC 2009)
Space Division Multiple Access (SDMA) is used for allocating separated spaces to users
in wireless networks. The basis for the SDMA algorithm is formed by cells and sectorized antennas
which constitute the infrastructure implementing space division multiplexing (SDM)
What is FDD? (MAY 2008)
In FDMA, the base station and the mobile station establish a duplex channel. The two directions,
mobile station to base station and vice versa are separated using different frequencies. This Scheme
is called Frequency Division Duplex (FDD)
What are the 2 sub layers in DLC? (MAY 2008)
Logical Link Control (LLC) Media
Access Control (MAC)
What is EY-NMPA? (MAY 2009)
Elimination yield Non Pre-emptive Multiple Access (EY-NMPA) is a scheme which
uses several phases to sense the medium. access the medium and for contention resolution.. Priority
schemes can also be included. This is actually used in HIPERLAN1 specification.
What do you mean by Polling? (MAY 2009)
Polling is a strictly centralized scheme with one master and several slave stations. The
master can collect the list of stations during the contention phase and can poll these slaves according
to many schemes like round robin, random access, reservation scheme etc.
31. What is meant by radiation pattern of antenna?(NOV 2012)
Int Bthe field of antenna design the term radiation pattern refers to the directional
dependence of the strength of the radio waves from the antenna.
32. What is smart system?(NOV 2012)
Smart systems are defined as miniaturized devices that incorporate functions of sensing,
actuation and control. they are capable of describing and analyzing a situation, and taking decisions
based on the available data in a predictive or adaptive manner,there by performing smart actions. In
most cases the smartness of the system can be attributed to autonomous operation based on closed
loop control,energy efficiency and networking capabilities.


(16 MARKS)
Explain different TDMA schemes in detail.
Write notes on DECT and TETRA
Write notes on UMTS and IMT 2000
Account on CDMA Scheme.
Briefly explain about CDMA techniques.
Discuss briefly the advanced phase shift keying.
Discuss briefly the cellular systems.
Represent diagrammatically the protocol machine for multiple access with collision avoidance.
Write a short note on Signal propagation. (NOV 2012)
Explain any four types of modulation with suitable diagrams. (NOV 2012)
Discuss FDMA and CDMA in detail. (NOV 2012)
Explain Direct Sequence
and frequency hopping spread spectrum with
transmission diagrams. (NOV 2012)



45. The frame size IS-136 cellular mobile standard is
a.30 msec
b.40 msec
c.50 msec
d.60 msec
46. The carrier sigmal bit rate of the IS-95 standard is
b.10.6 Kbs
c.9.6 Mbps
d.19.6 kbps
24. The term POTS refers to
a.Parllel old telephone service
b.Pair of telephone set
c.Plan old telephone service
d.Plan old telegraph set
47. A network capable of connection many subscribers through switches in a cellular
system is called as
25. GSM stands for
a. General system for mobile
b. Global system for mobile
c. Group system for mobile
d. Global system for specical mobile
48. ETSI stands for
a.European Techinical Standards Institute b.Egypt Technical Standards of Institute
c.European Telecommunication Standards Institute d.None of the above
49. Consider the following statements
a.Call termination
b.Call establishment
c.maintain a call
Give the correct sequence of them in an increasing order
50. Pointers are not used in
b.Wireless LAN
c.a and b
d.None of the above
51. Health monitoring is an example for
a.Secrity service b.Fun
c.Mobile office
d.Personal service
52. EIR is meant for
a.User identification b.Device identification c.Protection of user data
d.None of the above
53. Half duplex channel in GSM is a
a.Traffic channel
b.Control channel
c.Dedicated channel d.broadcast channel
54. SDCCH is
a.Mobility Management
b.Call Management
c.Resource Management
d.None of the above

55. Each subscriber is assigned with a code in mobile communication in the

56. Some carrier frequency is used with non overlapping time slots in
d,None of the above
57. SPADE is an example for
58. In Direct to Home broadcast system the frequency range in c bound is,
a.3.4 to 4.2GHz
b.7.5 to 8.2GHz
c.2100 to 2128MHz d.112.2 to 12.9 GHz
59. Direct video broadcasting was formulated by
a.Egyptian Telecommunication Standard
b.Japanese Telecommunication Standard
c.European Telecommunication standards Institute d.None of the above
60. Consider the following statements
a.Program Association table(PAT) b.Program Map Table(PMT)
c.Conditional Access Table(CAT) d.Conditional Map Table(CMT)
61. DAB is
a.Digital radio system b.Analog radio system c.Having spectrum efficiency d. none of
62. Single frequency network are possible in
a.Digital audio broadcast b.Digital video broadcast c.Frequency modulation
d.Amplifier modulation

45 46
b a

47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62

63. What are the four types of handover available in GSM? (DEC 2009)
1. Intra cell Handover
2. Inter cell Intra BSC Handover
3. Inter BSC Intra MSC handover
4. Inter MSC Handover
64. What is TETRA? (DEC 2009)
TETRA (Terrestrial Trunked Radio) systems use different radio carrier frequencies, but
they assign a specific carrier frequencies for a short period of time according to demand.
TETRAs are highly reliable and extremely cheap.
65. What are the categories of Mobile services? (APR 2008)
Bearer services
Tele services
Supplementary services
66. What are the services provided by supplementary services? (APR 2008)
User identification
Call redirection
Call forwarding
Closed user groups
Multiparty Communication
67. What are types of Handover? (MAY 2008)
Intra-cell handover
Inter-cell ,intra- BSC handover
Inter-BSC, intra-MSC handover
Inter MSC handover

68. What is meant by GPRS? (MAY 2008)

The General Packet Radio Service provides packet mode transfer for applications that
exhibit traffic patterns such as frequent transmission of small volumes.
69. What are subsystems in GSM system?
Radio subsystem (RSS)
Network & Switching subsystem (NSS)
Operation subsystem (OSS)
70. What is the information in SIM?
card type, serial no, list of subscribed services
Personal Identity Number (PIN)
Pin Unlocking Key(PUK) An Authentication Key(KI)
71. Define Normal Burst?
The frame used for normal data transmission within a time slot is called Normal Burst.
72. What are the logical channels in GSM?
Traffic channel (TCH) Control channel (CCH)
73. What is the function of Medium Access Control Layer?
The function of Medium Access Control Layer is responsible for establishes, maintains,
and releases channels for higher layers by activating and deactivating physical channels.
74. What is meant by GEO?
GEO means Geostationary or Geosynchronous earth orbit. GEO satellites have a distance
of almost 36000 km to the earth. Examples are almost all TV and radio broadcast satellites, many
weather satellites and satellites operating as backbone for the telephone network.
75. What are the advantages of GEO?
Three GEO satellites are enough for a complete coverage of almost any spot on earth,
senders and receivers can use fixed antennas positions, no adjusting is needed. Therefore GEOs
are ideal for T.V and radio broadcasting
76. What is Handover?
The satellite is the base station in satellite communication systems and that
it self is moving. So, additional instance of handover are necessary due to the movement of the
1. Intra Satellite handover: 2. Inter Satellite handover.
3. Gateway handover.
4.Inter System handover.
77. What are the registers maintained by the gateway of satellite?
1. Home Location Register (HLR). 2. Visitor Location Register (VLR).
3. Satellite User Mapping Register (SUMR).
78. Write the Advantages of MEO (APR 2009)
Using Orbits around 10,000Km, the system only requires a dozen satellitesthis is more
than the GEO system, but much less than a LEO system. Further more these satellites move
slower relative to the earths rotation allowing a simpler system design. Depending on the
inclination a MEO can cover larger populations, thus requiring less handovers.
79. Write the Applications of Satellite? (APR 2009)
Satellites can be used in the Following Areas
Weather Forecasting
Radio and TV broadcast Satellites
Military Satellites
Satellites for Navigation

80. What are the advantages of LEO?

Data rate is 2400 bit/s
Packet delay is relatively low
Smaller footprints of LEO allows frequency reuse
Provide high elevations
81. Define the inclination angle and perigee.
The inclination angle is defined as the angle between the equatorial plane and the plane
described by the satellite orbit. An inclination angle of 0 degrees means that the satellite is
exactly above the equator. If the satellite does not have a circular orbit, the closest point to the
earth is called the perigee.
82. Define the elevation angle and footprint.
The elevation angle is defined as the angle between the centre of satellite beam and the
plane tangential to the earths surface. The foot-print can be defined as the area on earth where
the signals of the satellite can be received.
83. Define Header core.
Seven bytes field contains the sizes of the header and the body, the content type of the
object. Depending on this header information, the receiver may decide if it has enough resources
(memory, cpu, power, display etc) available to decode and further process the object.
84. What is MSC?
Main Service Channel (MSC) carries all user Audio, multimedia data.
85. What is FIC?
The Fast Information Channel (FIC) contains Fast Information Block(FIB) with 256bits
each(16 bit checksum). An FIC carries all control information which is required for interpreting
the configuration and content of the MSC.
86. What are the different types of disk?
A flat disks Skewed disks Multi disks
87. What are the goals of DVB?
The goal of DVB is to introduce digital TV broadcasting using satellite transmission
(DVB-5) cable technology (DVB-c) and terrestrial transmission (DVB-7).
88. Name some of the formats supported by MOT?.
_Multimedia and Hypermedia information coding experts group(MHEG)
_Join photographs experts group (JPEG)
_American standard code for information interchanges
(ASCII) _Moving pictures expert group (MPEG)
_Hypertext markup language (HTML)
_Hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP)
_Bitmap (BMP)
_Graphics interchange format (GIF)
89. Give structure MOT object.
Variable size
Variable size
Header core
Header Extension Body
Header core: contain the size of the header and body and the content type of the object.

Header Extension: contains additional object handling data such as repetition distance
tosupport caching, segmentation information and priority of the data.
Body: contains arbitrary data to be transmitted.
90. What are different interleaving & repetition schemes applied by DAB to objects &
Object Repetition.
Interleaved Objects.
Segment repetition.
Header repetition.
91. What are the advantages of DAB?
1. DAB can offer sound in CD like quality.
2. DAB can use single frequency network where all senders transmitting the same radio
program can operate at the same frequency.
3. DAB use VHF and UHF frequency bands.
4. DAB uses DQPSK modulation scheme.
5. DAB user COFDM and FEC.
6. DAB can transmit up to six stereo audio programmes with a data rate of 192kbit/s
92. What is object repetition?
DAB can repeat objects several times. If an object A consists of four Segments (A1, A2,
A3, A4) single repetition pattern would be A1A2A3A4A1A2A3A4A1A2A3A4..
93. What is EIT?
Event Information Table (EIT) contains status information about the current transmission
and some additional information for set-top boxes.
94. What is the service information sent by DVB?
Digital Video Broadcast Containers are basically MPEG-2 frames. DVB sends service
information. This information is,
1. Network information table (NIT).
2. Service Description Table (SDT).
3. Event Information Table (EIT).
4. Time and Date Table (TDT)
95. What are the advantages of DVB? (MAY 2009)
1. Data rates planned for users are 6-38mbit/s for the downlink and 33-100kbit/s for the
2. Transmitted along with TV programme and doesnt require additional lines or
hardware per customer.
3. Can be used in remote areas and developing countries where there is no high band
width wired network.
96. What is meant by beacon? (MAY 2009)
A beacon contains a timestamp and other management information used for power
management and roaming.
e.g., identification of the base station subsystem (BSS)
97. What is Active scanning?
Active scanning comprises sending a probe on each channel and waiting for response.
Beacon and Probe response contain the information necessary to join the new BSS.

98. What is Passive Scanning?

Passive Scanning Simply means listening into the medium to find other networks, i.e.
receiving the beacon of another network issued by the synchronization function within an access
Mention the type of satellites and their bandwidth. (NOV 2012)
a) LEO
b) MEO
c) GEO
d) HEO
(16 MARKS)
100. Explain broadcast systems in detail.
101. Explain satellite systems in detail.
102. Explain GSM systems in detail.
103. Discuss the importance of protocol layers.
104. What are different addresses needed for GSM?
105. Discuss GSM architecture with suitable diagram. (NOV 2012)
106. Compare and contrast the features of DECT and UMTS architecture. (NOV 2012)
107. Discuss in detail about the configuration constraints and parameter settings in
satellite networks. (NOV 2012)
108. Describe the characteristics of DVB. Also explain the DVB-s and DVB-H with neat
architecture diagrams. (NOV 2012)


109. Many MAN's in wireless Networking can ve connected to form a
d.None of the above
110. Roter is a
a.Internetworking device
c.Device used in wirelesscommunication d.Not an internetworking device
111. HIPERLAN is a standard used for
b.LAN alone c.MAN alome
d.LAN and MAN
112. Fragmentation of data is a function of
a.Physical layer
b.Netword layer
c.Tranport layer
d.Data link layer
IEEE 802.11 standrd for covers the following layers in its functionality when copied
a.Network and transport layer b.Physical and data link layer
c.Physical layer and network layer d.Network layer session layer
114. In channel access in HIPERLAN-1 standard if the channel is busy of the
possible terminal access are:
a.Prioritization phase b.Contention phase
c. contention and transmission phase d. none of these
115. Consider the following statements
1.HIPERLAN-2uses OFDM type of modulation
2.HIPERLAN-2 is suitable for Ad hoc and infrastructure
topologies 3.HIPERLAN cannot proviide ATM and IP service
4.HIPERLAN -2 in not suitable for WLAN
Which of the above is correct
a.1 and 2
b.2 and 3
c.1 and 4
d.3 and 4


A network is defined as
a.Set of points
b.An area of working c.Set of nodes or devices

d.None of the

117. If a network genarates only a minimum (less frequent)numbers of failure between
the nodes it is called as
a.Reliable network b.Secured network c.Non secured network d.Local area network

The IEEE802.11 standard supports

c.WLAN and Ad-hoc
119. Connectivity is a concept related to
a transmitting information, either by computer or by phone
b the interconnections within a computer
c using computer networks to link people and resources
d being in an active session with your computer
120. One of the most dramatic changes in connectivity and communications in the past
five years or so has been ____.
a mobile or wireless telephones b public and private discussion
c satellite uplinks
d running programs on remote computers
121. The four basic elements of any communication system include
a peer-to-peer, videoconferencing, online photo-conferencing, net optical
b sending and receiving devices, communication channel, connection device, and
data transmission specifications
c telephone lines, coaxial cables, fiber-optics cables, and communication channel
d software, hardware, communication channel, network
122. These communication devices originate as well as accept messages in the form of
data, information, and/or instructions.
a i-drives b sending and receiving devices
c key chain drives
d optical
123. The transmission medium that carries the message is referred to as the
a send and receive device
b communication channel
c protocol
d gateways

110 111

112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123

124. What is the primary goal of IEE 802.11?
The primary goal of the standard was the specification of a simple, robust, WLAN which
offers time bounded and asynchronous services also it should be able to operate with multiple
physical layers.
125. What is meant by SIFS?
SIFS means Short Inter Frame Spacing. The shortest waiting time defined for short
control message such as acknowledgements or polling response.
126. What are Advantages of wireless LAN? (MAY 2008)
Quality Service,
Cost, Proprietary Solution, Restriction,
Safety and Security
127. What are Design Goals of Wireless LAN? (APR 2008)
Global Operation
Low Power and License-free Operation
Robust transmission technology
Simplified spontaneous co-operation
Easy to use Protection of investment
Safety and Security Transparency

128. What are the three Low Power States provided by Bluetooth? (APR 2008)
PARK state, HOLD state, SNIFF state
129. What is SCO? (MAY 2008)
SCO-stands for Synchronous Connection Oriented Link Standard telephone (voice)
connection require symmetrical, circuit-switched, point-to- point connections. For this type of
link, the master reserves two consecutive slots at fixed intervals.
130. What are the three phases in EY-NPMA? (DEC 2009)
i. Prioritization: Determine the highest priority of a data packet ready to be sent on
competing nodes.
ii. Contention: Eliminate all but one of the contenders, if more than one sender has the
highest current priority.
iii. Transmission: Finally, transmit the packet of the remaining node.
131. What are Advantages and Disadvantages of Infrared? (MAY 2009)
i. Simple and extremely cheap senders and receivers which integrated in almost all
mobile devices
ii. No licenses are needed for infrared technology and shielding is very simple.
iii. Electrical devices do not interfere with infrared transmission.
i. Low bandwidth
ii. Quite easily shielded iii. Cannot Penetrate
132. What are the system integration functions of MAC management? (DEC 2009)
Synchronization Power management Roaming
Management information base (MIB)
133. What do you meant by roaming? (MAY 2009)
Moving between access points is called roaming. Even wireless networks may require
more than one access point to cover all rooms. In order to provide uninterrupted service, we
require roaming when the user moves from one access point to another.
134. Mention the significance of Bluetooth technology.(NOV 2012)
Bluetooth is an industry specification for short range RF based connectivity for portable
personal devices with its functional specifications related out in 1999 by Bluetooth special
interest group. It communicates on a frequency of 2.45 gigahertz. It classes are rated at
travelling at about 1 Mbps with next generation products allowing anywhere from 2 to 12
(16 MARKS)
135. Explain IEEE802.11 standard for WLANS in detail.
136. Write notes on WATM services and Functions.
137. Write notes on WATM handover.
138. Write notes on location management, addressing and access point control protocol.
139. Discuss the PHY frame format of an IEEE 802.1 using spread spectrum technique.
140. Write short note on HIPERLAN.
141. Describe the design goals of wireless LAN? Also discuss their advantages and
142. Explain the architecture and standards of IEEE 802.11 with neat diagrams.



143. Data is transmitted using light through a ____ cable.
a twisted pair
b fiber-optic
c coaxial
d microwave
144. Which physical connection is the fastest?
a twisted pair
b coaxial cable c fiber-optics
d microwaves
145. Which of the following connection methods would not be used to connect devices
between two different offices?
a twisted pairs
b fiber-optics c coaxial cables
d infrared
146. Most Web-enabled devices follow a standard known as
a FireWire
b Bluetooth c TCP/IP
d Wi-FI
147. This wireless standard is widely used to connect computers to each other and to the
a 802.11
b RJ45
c Blueband
d Broadband
148. Bluetooth is a type of radio wave information transmission system that is good for
a 30 feet
b 30 yards
c 30 miles
d 300 miles
149. A term relating to sending data to a satellite is
a uplink
b downlink c modulate
d demodulate
150. A credit card-sized expansion board that is inserted into portable computers that
connects the PC to the telephone wall jack is called what?
a Internal modem
b External modem c PC Card modem d Wireless modem
151. Standard telephone lines and conventional modems provide what is called
a Bluetooth service
b dial-up service
c wireless service
d WiFI
152. Special high-speed lines used by large corporations to support digital
communications are known as
a satellite/air connection service lines
b cable modems
c digital subscriber lines
d T1, T2, T3 and T4 lines
153. The rules for exchanging data between computers are called
a interconnections
b synchronous packages
c protocols
d data transmission synchronization
154. Each computer on the Internet has a unique numeric address called a(n)
a domain address
b protocol address c IP address
d Web address
155. ____ is the process of breaking down information sent or transmitted across the
Internet into small parts called packets.
a protocol
b bandwidth
c reformatting
d identification
156. Two or more computers connected so that they can communicate with each other and
share information is called a
a satellite
b protocol
c broadcast
d network
157. Any device that is connected to a network is called a
a. client
b. node
c. server
d. manager


144 145 146 147

148 149

150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157



158. What is mobile routing?

Even if the location of a terminal is known to the system, it still has to route the traffic
through the network to the access point currently responsible for the wireless terminal. Each time
a user moves to a new access point, the system must reroute traffic. This is known as mobile

159. What are the functions which support service and connection control?
>Access point control function
>Call control and connection control function
>Network security agent
>Mobility management function
160. What are the examples for service scenarios identified in WATM?
>Office environments
>Universities, schools, training, centre
>Networked vehicles
161. What is BRAN? (APR 2008)
The broadband radio access networks (BRAN) which have been standardized by
European Telecommunications Standard Institute (ETSI) are a possible choice for an RAL
for WATM. Although BRAN has been standardized independently from WATM, there is cooperation between the two to concentrate the common efforts on one goal. The main
motivation behind BRAN is the deregulation and privatization of the telecommunication
sector in Europe.

What are the different network types of BRAN? (DEC 2009)

>Hyper access
163. What is the main problem for WATM during handover? (APR 2008)
The main problem for WATM during the handover is rerouting of all connections and
maintaining connection quality.
164. What are the different segments in ATM end-to-end connection? (DEC 2009)
An ATM end-to-end connection is separated into different segments.
>A fixed segment is a part of the connection that is not affected by the handover
>Handover segment is affected by the handover and is located completely within a
handover domain.
165. What is anchor point? (MAY 2008)
The Anchor point is the boundary between a handover segment and a fixed segment.
166. What are different types of handover? (MAY 2008)
>Hard handover
>Terminal initiated
>Network initiated
>Network initiated, terminal assisted
>Network controlled
>Backward handover
>Forward handover
167. What is mobile terminal and wireless terminal?
Mobile terminal is a standard ATM terminal with the additional capability of
reconnecting after access point change. The terminal can be moved between different access
point within a certain domain. Wireless terminal is accessed via a wireless link, but the terminal
itself is fixed, i.e., the terminal keeps its access point to the network.
168. What is generic routing encapsulation?
Generic routing encapsulation (GRE) is an encapsulation scheme which supports other
network protocols in addition to IP. It allows the encapsulation of packets of one protocol suite
into the payload portion of a packet of another protocol suite.

169. Define COA.

The COA (care of address) defines the current location of the MN from an IP point of
view. All IP packets sent to the MN are delivered to the COA, not directly to the IP address of
the MN. Packet delivery toward the MN is done using the tunnel.
170. What is meant by Transparency?
Mobility should remain invisible for many higher layer Protocols and applications. The only affects of
mobility should be a higher delay and lower bandwidth which are natural in the case of mobile networks.
171. What is Generic Routing encapsulation?
Generic Routing encapsulation (GRE) allows the encapsulation of packets of one
protocol suite into the payload portion of a packet of another protocol suit.
172. What is binding Request?
Any node that wants to know the current location of an MN can send a binding request
to the HA. The HA can check if the MN has allowed dissemination of its current location.
173. What are the possibilities for the location of care-of-address (COA)?
The two possibilities for the location of care-of-address are: i.Foreign agent ii.Co-related COA
174. What are the requirements for the development of mobile IP standard?
The requirements are: a.Compatibilityb.Transparency c.Scalability and efficiency d.Security
175. What is COA?
Care of Address (COA) defines the current location of the MN (Mobile Node) from an
IP point of view. DHCP is a good candidate for supporting the acquisition of Care Of
176. What is Dynamic source Routing?
Dynamic Source Routing eliminates all periodic routing updates. If a node needs to
discover a route, it broadcast a route request with a unique identifier and the destination address
as parameters. Any node that receivers a route request gives a list of addresses representing a
possible path on its way toward the destination.
177. Why is need of routing?
Routing is to find the path between source and destination and to forward the packets
178. Define Mobile node:
A mobile node is an end-system or router that can change its point of attachment to the
Internet using mobile IP. The MN keeps its IP address and can continuously with any other
system in the Internet as long as link layer connectivity is given.
179. What is Encapsulation and Decapsulation? (MAY 2009)
Encapsulation is the mechanism of taking a packet consisting of packet header and data
and putting it into the data part of a new packet. The reverse operation, taking a packet out of the
data part of another packet, is called decapsulation.
180. What are the two functions of the transport layer in the internet? (MAY 2009)
The two functions of the transport layer in the internet are check summing over user data
and multiplexing/ demultiplexing of data from applications.
181. What is called the exponential growth of the congestion window?
The sendors always calculate congestion window for a window start size of the
congestion window is one segment. Sender sends one packet and waits for acknowledgement. If
acknowledgement arises it raises the level of congestion window by one. If sender sends two
packets if acknowledgement arises it raises the level of congestion window by two. This scheme
raises the level of congestion window every time the acknowledges come back, which takes
roundtrip time (RTT).This is called the exponential growth of the congestion window.

182. Define route optimization.(NOV2012)

The optimized mobile IP protocol needs 4 additional messages
a) Binding request
b) binding update
c) binding acknowledgement
d) binding warning
183. Differentiate home agent and foreign agent.(NOV2012)
Home agent:
a) System in the home network of the mobile network, typically a router.
b) Registers the location of the MN, tunnels IP datagrams to the
COA. Foreign agent:
a) System in the foreign network of the mobile network, typically a router.
b) Forwards the tunneled datagrams to the MN typically also the default router for the
mobile network
(16 MARKS)
184. Explain mobile IP in detail.
185. Give a detailed account of mobile ad-hoc networks.
186. Give a detail note on HYPERLAN.
187. Account on BLUETOOTH in detail.
188. Discuss the different topology recognition in DSDv and DSR routing protocols.
189. What is mobile IP?Explain registration,agent discovery,tunneling, and reverse
tunneling in mobile IP(NOV 2012)
190. Write short note on Alternative metrics. (NOV 2012)
191. What is DHCP? Explain how dynamic IP configuration is performed by DHCP. (NOV 2012)


192. If a computer on the network shares resources for others to use, it is called ___
a. Server
b. Client c. Mainframe d none
193. Terminators are used in ______
topology. a. Bus b. Star c. both a & b d. tree
194. In _____ topology, if a computers network cable is broken, whole network goes
down. a. Bus b. Star c. tree d both b & c
195. For large networks, _______ topology is
used. a. Bus b. Star c. Ring d. tree
196. ISO stands for
a. International Standard Organization b. International Student Organization c.
Integrated Services Organization d. both a & b
197. ISO OSI model is used in
a. Stand alone PC
b. Network environment c. both a & b
d. none
198. Network cable lies on _____ layer
a. Application
b. Network
c. Physical d. none
199. ____ layer decides which physical pathway the data should take.
a. Application
b. Network
c. Physical
d. both a & c
200. ISDN is an example of ______ network
a. Circuit switched
b. Packet switched
c. both a and c

201. X.25 is an example of ______ network

a. Circuit switched
b. Packet switched
c. both a and b
d. none
202. _____________ allows LAN users to share computer programs and data
a. Communication server b. Print server
c. File server
d. none
203. Print server uses ________ which is a buffer that holds data before it is send to the
a. Queue b. Spool
c. Node
d. both b and c
204. A standalone program that has been modified to work on a LAN by including
concurrency controls such as file and record locking is an example of____
a. LAN intrinsic software b. LAN aware software c. Groupware d. LAN ignorant software
205. The ______ portion of LAN management software restricts access,
records user activities and audit data etc
a. Configuration management
b. Security management
c. Performance management
d. both a & b
206. What is the max cable length of STP?
a. 100 ft b. 200 ft
c. 100 m d. 200 m
207. What is the max data capacity of STP?
a. 10 mbps
b. 100 mbps
c. 1000 mbps
d. 10000 mbps
208. Which connector STP uses?
a. BNC
b. RJ-11
c. RJ-45
d. RJ-69
209. What is the central device in star topology?
a. STP server b. Hub/switch
c. PDC d. Router
192 193 194

195 196

197 198

199 200 201 202 203 204 205

b a
a d

206 207 208 209


210. Write the Advantages of I-TCP: (DEC 2009)
I-TCP does not require any changes in the TCP protocol as used by the hosts
in the fixed network or other hosts in a wireless network that do not use this
Without partitioning retransmission of lost packets would take place between
mobile host and correspondent host across the whole network.
Optimization of new mechanisms is quite simple to be done in I-TCP as they
only cover a single hop.
The short delay between the mobile host and foreign agent can be determined
and is independent of other traffic streams. Therefore an optimized TCP can use
precise time-outs to guarantee retransmission as fast as possible.
Partitioning into two connections also allows the use of a different transport
layer protocol between the foreign agent and the mobile host or the use of
compressed headers etc. The foreign agent can act as a gateway to translate between
different protocols.
211. Write the Disadvantages of I-TCP: (DEC 2009)
The loss of the end to end semantics of TCP cause problems if the foreign agent portioning
the TCP connection crashes.
An increased handover latency is more problematic in practical use
The foreign agent must be a trusted entity because the TCP connections end at this point.

212. Define Slow Start? (APR 2008)

TCPs reaction to a missing acknowledgement is quite drastic, but necessary to get rid of
congestion. The behavior TCP shows after the detection of congestion is called Slow start.
213. How does data transmission takes place? (APR 2008)
Data transmission takes place using network adapters, fiber optics, copper wires, special
hardware for routers etc.
214. What is mean by Slow Start?
TCPs reaction to a missing acknowledgement is quite drastic, but necessary to get rid of congestion
fast enough. The behavior TCP shows after the detection of congestion is called slow start.
215. What is mean by SCPS-TP? (MAY 2008)
The set of protocols developed for space communication is known as space communications
protocol standards (SCPS), the extended TCP is called SCPS-transport protocols.(SCPS-TP).
216. What are Advantage and Disadvantage of MobileTCP? (MAY 2008)
i. M-TCP maintains the TCP end-to-end semantic. The SH does not send any ACK itself but
forwards the ACKs from the MH.
ii.If the MH is disconnected, M_TCP avoids useless retransmissions, slow starts or breaking
connections by simply shrinking the senders window to 0;
iii. Since M-TCP does not buffer data in the SH as I-TCP does, it is not necessary to forward
buffers to a new SH.
Lost packets will be automatically retransmitted to the new SH.
i. As the SH does not act as proxy as in I-TCP, packet loss on the wireless link due to bit errors is
propagated to the sender. M-TCP assumes low bit error rates, which is not always a valid assumption.
ii. A modified TCP on the wireless link not only requires modification to the MH protocol software
but also new network elements like the bandwidth manager.
217. What is fast retransmit? (MAY 2009)
The gap in the packet stream is not due to severe congestion, but a simple packet loss
due to a transmission error. The sender can now retransmit the missing packet before the timer
expires. This behavior is called fast retransmit.
218. What is fast recovery? (MAY 2009)
The receipt of acknowledgement shows that there is no congestion justifying a slow
start. The sender can continue with the current congestion window. The sender performs a fast
recovery from the packet loss. This mechanism can improve the efficiency of TCP dramatically.
219. What is HTTP?
The Hypertext transfer protocol is a stateless, lightweight, application level protocol for
data transfer between servers and clients. An HTTP transaction consists of an HTTP request
issued by a client and an HTTP response from the server. Stateless means that all HTTP
transactions independent of each other.
220. What is image scaling?
If a page contains a true color, high-resolution picture, this picture can be scaled down to
fewer colors, lower resolution, or finally to only the title of the picture. The user can decide to
download the picture separately. Further one can offer clipping, zooming, or detail studies to
users if they are interested in a part of the picture.

221. What is WAP?

Wireless application protocol (WAP) is a common effort of many companies and
organizations to set up a framework for wireless and mobile web access using many different
transport systems. Eg. GSM, GPRS, UMTS.
222. What is WML Browser?
WML Browser is a library that provides several functions typical for a browser, such as
prev to go back one card or refresh to update the context of the user interface.
223. Define Damping.
Transient changes in topology that are short duration should not distablize the routing
mechanism. Advertisements containing changes in topology currently stored are therefore not
disseminated further. A node waits with dissemination if these changes are most likely not yet
stable. Waiting time depends on the time between the first and the best announcement.
224. Define Dynamic source routing.
In an ad hoc networks where nodes exchanges packets from time to time. Dynamic
Source routing divides the task of routing into two separate problems.
i) Routing Recovery: A node only tries to discover a route to destination if it has to send
something to this destination and there is currently no known route
ii).Route Maintenance: If a node is continuously sending packets via route, it has to
make sure that the route is held urgent. As soon as a node detects pbm with the current route it
has ti find an alternative node.
225. Define RTT.(NOV 2012)
Round Trip Time is the length of time it takes for a single to be sent plus the length of
time it takes for an acknowledgement of that signal to be received. This time delay therefore
consists of the transmission times between the two points of a signal
(16 MARKS)
226. Write notes on traditional TCP.
227. Write notes on wireless TCP.
228. Write notes on WDP and WTLS.
229. Write notes on wireless transaction protocol..
230. Write notes on wireless sessions protocol.
231. Explain the various applications of mobile computing:
232. Write notes on UMTS and IMT 2000
233. Explain the various satellite orbit and the parameters associated
234. Explain mobile IP in detail
235. Explain Traditional TCP
236. List out the major difference between WAP 2.0 and WAP 1.x.
237. Discuss the detail about UMTS radio interference in frequency division duplex and
time division duplex.
238. Discuss the characteristic features and improvements in WAP2.0(NOV 2012)
239. With a neat diagram, explain the architectural components of WAP. (NOV 2012)
240. Discuss the advances made in indirect TCP over traditional TCP. Also explain its
functional characteristics. (NOV 2012)





Information is (A) Raw data (B) Raw knowledge (C) Input data (D) Organized data
Fair use is a term most relevant to : (A) Intellectual Property Rights (B) Books
borrowed for home reading (C) Copy right (D) Use of reference books
WIPO stands for : (A) World Information and Patents Organisation (B) World
Intellectual Property Organisation (C) World International Property Organisation
(D) World Information Protection Organisation
Handling of Information in the sense of production is called :
(A) Information Marketing (B) Information Industry
(C) Information Production (D) Information Revolution
The term "Information Science" came into existence in this year :
(A) 1988 (B) 1959 (C) 1961 (D) 1975
BERN CONVENTION (1886) is concerned with :
(A) Translations (B) Copyright (C) Patent (D) Standards
Informal communication among knowledgeable person is known as :
(A) Invisible College (B) Information Gatekeeper
(C) Communication Gatekeeper (D) Knowledge Management
Which one of the following is not associated with the communication system.
(A) Reciever
(B) Channel (C) Sender
(D) Entropy
which is correct logical sequence of the following.
(A) Information, Knowledge, Data, Wisdom (B) Knowledge, Wisdom, Information, Data
(C) Wisdom, Information, Data, Knowledge (D) Data, Information, Knowledge, Wisdom
The invisible web refers to- (A) the internet, since we cannot see it
(B) that part of the internet, which is hidden from the search engines
(C) the telecommunication signals which are not seen
(D) the failure in accessing the web
Who was the chairman of National Library Committee of India.
(A) B.S. Jha
(B) K.P. Sinha
(C) S. Mudaliar
(D) C.D. Deshmukh
12. Which organisation applied Library and Information Policy in India at national
13. Where is the head quarter of Patent Information System in India.
(A) Pune
(B) Mumbai
(C) Nagpur
(D) Delhi













14. Name the wireless access techniques used in 1G, 2G and 3G wireless systems
1G FDMA(Frequency division Multiple Access)
2G- TDMA(Time division multiple access) & CDMA(Code division multiple access)
3G - CDMA(Code division multiple access)

15. What are the three classes of wireless Data Networking?

The three classes of wireless Data Networking are:
Define the roles of WPAN technology in wireless Data networking.
A WPAN (wireless personal area network) is a personal area network - a network for
interconnecting devices centered around an individual person's workspace - in which the
connections are wireless.
List the main features of 3G systems.
Packet everywhere
Internet everywhere
High speed
New applications, better applications
Service access.
What is the role of GPRS in enhancing 2G systems?
GPRS (General Packet Radio Service) is a method of enhancing 2G phones to enable
them to send and receive data more rapidly. With a GPRS connection, the phone is "always
on" and can transfer data immediately, and at higher speeds: typically 32 - 48 kbp. An
additional benefit is that data can be transferred at the same time as making a voice call.
GPRS is now available on most new phones
Show how CDMA IS 95 systems are moving to provide 3G Services
In CDMA-IS-95 uses Radio Link protocol, which provides a highly efficient streaming
services that makes best effort to deliver data between peer entities. Example: cdma2000
layered protocols.
Show how 2G GSM systems are moving to achieve 3G service
The service area of the 3G system will overlay with the existing 2G (PDC) systems.
The 3G system will connect and interwork with 2G systems through interworking
functionality (IWF). IMT-2000 PDC dual mode terminals as well as IMT-2000 PDC single
mode terminals can be deployed.
What are the data rate requirements for 3G systems.
IMT-2000(International Mobile Telecommunications)
WCDMA(Wideband CDMA)
TD-SCDMA(Time Division Synchronous CDMA)
The 3G networks can provide data rate range from 384 kbs to 2 Mbs.
Define IP wireless Technology
IP (Internet Protocol) is the primary network protocol used on the Internet. IP is often
used together with the Transport Control Protocol (TCP) and referred to interchangeably
as TCP/IP. Most networks use the Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) standard that features
IP addresses four bytes (32 bits) in length.
What are the goals of 4G systems?
To provide broad band services.
To use distributed architecture and end-to-end Internet Protocol(IP).
To provide self-balanced network.

Define peg count and blocked call
clear Peg count:
A meter or register that counts the number of trunks tested, the number of circuits
passed busy, the number of test failures, or the number of repeat tests completed.
Blocked call clear:
Caller ID Blocking allows you to block your number from being displayed through
Caller ID and can be done either permanently or temporarily. Please note that you cant block
your number from appearing when calling certain numbers, such as 800 numbers and 911.
Define Traffic Intensity
Traffic intensity is the average number of calls simultaneously in progress during
a particular period of time. It is measured either in units of Erlangs or CCs.
Traffic intensity =(the sum of circuit holding time)/(the duration of monitoring period).
26. If the carried load for a component is 3000 CCs at 5% blocking what is
the offered load?
Offered load = 3000/(1-0.05) 3158 CCS
Overflow = (offered load) (carried load)
= 3158-3000 = 158 CCS
Define Grade of Service
The blocking probability is defined as the average ratio of blocked calls to total
calls and is referred to as the GOS(Grade of Service).
What is meant by Diffraction?
Diffraction is bending of waves from the corners of opaque obstacle and
it's encroachments within the geometrical shadow of opaque obstacle.
What is slow fading and fast fading?
Slow fading arises when the coherence time of the channel is large relative to the
delay constraint of the channel.
Fast fading occurs when the coherence time of the channel is small relative to
the delay constraint of the channel.
Define shadow effect
Reduction in the strength of an ultra-high-frequency signal caused by some object (such
as a mountain or a tall building) between the points of transmission and reception.
Explain Fade Margin
The term fade margin (fading margin) has the following meanings:
A design allowance that provides for sufficient system gain or sensitivity to accommodate
expected fading, for the purpose of ensuring that the required quality of service is
The amount by which a received signal level may be reduced without causing system
performance to fall below a specified threshold value. It is mainly used to describe a
communication system such as satellite, for example a system like global star operates at
25-35 dB Fade margin
32. What is meant by pulse amplitude Modulation?
Pulse-amplitude modulation, acronym PAM, is a form of signal modulation where
the message information is encoded in the amplitude of a series of signal pulses. It is an
analog pulse modulation scheme in which the amplitudes of a train of carrier pulses are
varied according to the sample value of the message signal.
What is Aliasing effect?
Aliasing refers to an effect that causes different signals to become indistinguishable
(or aliases of one another) when sampled. It also refers to the distortion or artifact that results
when the signal reconstructed from samples is different from the original continuous signal.

What is Inter symbol Interference?

Intersymbol interference (ISI) is a form of distortion of a signal in which one
symbol interferes with subsequent symbols. This is an unwanted phenomenon as the
previous symbols have similar effect as noise, thus making the communication less reliable.
What are the services are available in Data communication?
Local-area networks and connections to the campus network
Point-to-point communication circuits
Off-campus circuit
Define Multiplexing
Multiplexing (also known as muxing) is a method by which multiple analogue
message signals or digital data streams are combined into one signal over a shared medium.
What is the transmission mediums used in wired and wireless communication
Noise Absorption.
Explain the Detail about evolution of wireless systems (16)
Explain in Details about Teletraffic Engineering services (16)
Explain in Details about various techniques used in Radio propagation
Explain in Details about various loss models used in Radio propagation (16)
Explain in Details about sampling process in Digital
communication techniques(16)
Explain pulse Amplitude Modulation and pulse code Modulation in Digital


The act enacted in India in 1856 on Intellectual Property Right was based on .
(A) American Patent Law 1810
(B) British Patent Law 1852
(C) The Patent Bill
(D) The Design Act of 1911
45. Whether intellectual property can be sold.
(A) No
(B) Sale is possible
(C) Yes
(D) None of these
The term communication came from which language?
(A) Greek
(B) Latin
(C) German (D) French
47. Who is the propounder of the term information transfer ?
(A) Ranganathan (B) J.Martin
(C) Beesman
(D) Calvin Moores
48. To which country the credit is given to coin the term information society ?
(B) France
(C) Japan
(D) India
Today information is regarded as which of the following ?
(A) Wealth
(B) Commodity
(C) Products
(D) All the above
50. Now a days what is a most important vital resource for societal development of a
country ? (A) Books
(B) Kowledge
(C) Information
(D) Data
What is the unit of information ? (A) Bit (B) Byte (C) Gram (D) Hertz
Delivery of Book Act passed in the year (A) 1963 (B) 1972 (C) 1960 (D) 1954


An AM signal is represented by x(t) = (20+4sin500t)cos(2x105t)V. The

modulation index is (A) 20 (B) 4 (C) 0.2 (D) 10
54. An AM signal is represented by x(t) = (20+4sin500t)cos(2x105t)V. The total
signal power is (A) 208 W (B) 204 W (C) 408 W (D) 416 W 3.
55. An AM signal is represented by x(t) = (20+4sin500t)cos(2x105t)V. The total
sideband power is (A) 4 W (B) 8 W (C) 16 W (D) 2 W
A 2 kW carrier is to be modulated to a 90% level. The total transmitted power
would be (A) 3.62 kW (B) 2.81 kW (C) 1.4 kW (D) None of the above
An AM broadcast station operates at its maximum allowed total output of 50
with 80% modulation. The power in the intelligence part is (A) 12.12 kW (B) 31.12
kW (C) 6.42 kW (D) None of the above
A 2 MHz carrier is amplitude modulated by a 500Hz modulating signal to a depth
of 70%. If the unmodulated carrier power is 2 kW, the power of the modulated
signal is (A) 2.23 kW (B) 2.36 kW (C) 1.18 kW (D) 1.26 kW
In a DSB-SC system with 100% modulation, the power saving is
(A) 50% (B) 66% (C) 75%
(D) 100%
In amplitude modulation, the modulation envelope has a peak value which is
double the unmodulated carrier value. What is the value of the modulation index?
(A) 25% (B) 50% (C) 75%
(D) 100%
















61. What are the Multiple access schemes used in cellular systems?
The different multiple access schemes including FDMA, TDMA,
CDMA and OFDMA, used within cellular technology to allow multiple
users to access the cellular system. These include FDMA, TDMA, CDMA
and OFDMA.
62. What is a narrow channelized system?
The narrow channelized systems demands precise control of output frequencies for
individual transmitter. The transmitter in the given mobile station occurs with
the specified narrow bandwidth to avoid interference with adjacent channels.
63. Define Duplexing
Redundancy arrangement in which two or more components of a system
(such as a disk drive and disk controller in a computer) are duplicated as a backup
64. What is meant by TDD?
TDD (Telecommunications Device for the Deaf is an interchangeably to refer to any
type of text-based telecommunications equipment used by a person who does not have
enough functional hearing to understand speech, even with amplification.


65. What are the advantages of FDMA Systems?

To keep it simple, FDMA is used for analog
FDMA can carry 1 call per 30kHz of bandwidth and does not filter out the background noise.
FDMA could be used for digital signals, but due to the current technology it would not be
cost effective to upgrade the FDMA signal to digital when they can go to TDMA or CDMA.
66. Define spectral efficiency of Modulation.
Spectral efficiency, spectrum efficiency or bandwidth efficiency refers to the
information rate that can be transmitted over a given bandwidth in a specific
communication system. It is a measure of how efficiently a limited frequency spectrum is
utilized by the physical layer protocol, and sometimes by the media access control
67. What is frequency hopping?
Frequency-hopping spread spectrum (FHSS) is a method of transmitting radio
signals by rapidly switching a carrier among many frequency channels, using a
pseudorandom sequence known to both transmitter and receiver.
68. What is meant by P Presistent CSMA?
This is a sort of trade-off between 1 and non-persistent CSMA access modes. When
the sender is ready to send data, it checks continually if the medium is busy. If the medium
becomes idle, the sender transmits a frame with a probability p. If the station chooses not to
transmit (the probability of this event is 1-p), the sender waits until the next available time
slot and transmits again with the same probability p. This process repeats until the frame is
sent or some other sender starts transmitting.
69. Define packet Reservation Multiple Access
PRMA Packet Reservation Multiple Access is a method employed by TDMA. It is a
system where users contend for time slots. Time slots can be reserved for use in the future
if the system is not overloaded.
70. Define slotted ALOHA
Slotted ALOHA was invented to improve the efficiency of pure ALOHA as chances
of collision in pure ALOHA are very high.
In slotted ALOHA, the time of the shared channel is divided into discrete
intervals called slots.
The stations can send a frame only at the beginning of the slot and only one frame
is sent in each slot.
Define Go Back N protocol
Go-Back-N ARQ is a specific instance of the automatic repeat request (ARQ)
protocol, in which the sending process continues to send a number of frames specified by a
window size even without receiving an acknowledgement (ACK) packet from the receiver.
It is a special case of the general sliding window protocol with the transmit window size of
N and receive window size of 1.
72. Define IMEI
IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) is a 15- or 17-digit code that
uniquely identifies mobile phone sets. The IMEI code can enable a GSM (Global System for
Mobile communication) or UMTS (Universal Mobile Telecommunications Service) network
to prevent a misplaced or stolen phone from initiating calls.


What are the services are used in Telecommunication services?

A telecommunications service is a service provided by a telecommunications
provider, or a specified set of user-information transfer capabilities provided to a group of
users by a telecommunications system. The telecommunications service provider has the
responsibility for the acceptance, transmission, and delivery of the message.
74. Explain in Detail about Reservation based Multiple access schems (16)
Explain in Detail about Random Multiple access in cellular systems (16)
(A) Explain in Details about Hybrid spread spectrum Techniques (08)
(B)Explain the various schemes for Error control Link layer (08)
Explain in Details about WWAN subsystem Entities (16)
(A)Explain in Details about speech processing in GSM Network (12)
(B)Explain in briefly about GSM Public Land Mobile Network services (04)
79. To send a packet data using datagram, when a connection will be established
a) before data transmission b) connection is not established before data transmission
c) no connection required d) none of the above
80. Connectivity is a concept related to
a) transmitting information,either by computer or by a phone
b) the interconnection within a computer
c)using computer networks to link people and resources
d)being in an active session with your computer
81. One of the most dramatic changes in connectivity and communications in the past
five years or so has been ____
a) mobile or wireless telephones b) public and private discussion
c) satellite uplinks d) running programs on remote computers
The four basic elements of any communication system include
a)peer-to-peer, videoconferencing, online photo-conferencing, net optical
b)sending and receiving devices, communication channel, connection device, and data
transmission specifications
c)telephone lines, coaxial cables, fiber-optics cables, and communication channel
d)software, hardware, communication channel, network
83. These communication devices originate as well as accept messages in the form of
data, information, and/or instructions.
a) i-drives b)sending and receiving devices c) key chain drives d) optical drives
84. The transmission medium that carries the message is referred to as the
a)send and receive device b)communication channel c)protocol d)gateways

Data is transmitted using light through a ____ cable.

a)twisted pair b)fiber-optic c)coaxial d)microwave
86. Which physical connection is the fastest?
a) twisted pair b) coaxial cable c) fiber-optics d) microwaves
87. Most Web-enabled devices follow a standard known as
a)FireWire b)Bluetooth c)TCP/IP d)Wi-FI


This wireless standard is widely used to connect computers to each other

and to the Internet. a) 802.11 b) RJ45 c)Blueband d) Broadband
89. Bluetooth is a type of radio wave information transmission system that is good
for about a)30 feet b)30 yards c) 30 miles d)300 miles
90. A term relating to sending data to a satellite is a)uplink b) downlink
c) modulate d)demodulate
91. A credit card-sized expansion board that is inserted into portable computers
that connects the PC to the telephone wall jack is called what?
a)Internal modem b)External modem c)PC Card modem d)Wireless modem
92. Standard telephone lines and conventional modems provide what is
called a)Bluetooth service b)dial-up service c)wireless service d)WiFI service
93. Special high-speed lines used by large corporations to support digital
communications are known as
a)satellite/air connection service lines b)cable
modems c)digital subscriber lines d)T1, T2, T3 and
T4 lines
94. The rules for exchanging data between computers are called
a)interconnections b)synchronous packages
d)data transmission synchronization
95. Each computer on the Internet has a unique numeric address called a(n)
a)domain address b)protocol address c)IP address d)Web address
96. ____ is the process of breaking down information sent or transmitted across the
Internet into small parts called packets.
a)protocol b)bandwidth c)reformatting d)identification
Two or more computers connected so that they can communicate with each other
a)satellite b)protocol c)broadcast d)network
and share information is called a

80 81
c a

82 83
b b


85 86
b c


88 89 90 91 92 93
a a a c b d

94 95 96
c c c


98. Define speech coding methods used in Digital communication.
Speech coding is an application of data compression of digital audio signals containing
speech. Speech coding uses speech-specific parameter estimation using audio signal
processing techniques to model the speech signal, combined with generic data compression
algorithms to represent the resulting modeled parameters in a compact bitstream
99. What is an AMR codec?
The Adaptive Multi-Rate (AMR or AMR-NB) audio codec is a patented audio data
compression scheme optimized for speech coding. AMR speech codec consists of a multirate narrowband speech codec, that encodes narrowband (2003400 Hz) signals at variable
bit rates ranging from 4.75 to 12.2 kbit/s with toll quality speech starting at 7.4 kbit/s.
100. Define vocoders
Vocoders is an analysis/synthesis system, used to reproduce human speech. In the
encoder, the input is passed through a multiband filter, each band is passed through an envelope
follower, and the control signals from the envelope followers are communicated to the decoder.
101. Define Data reliability
Data reliability is the accuracy and completeness of computer-processed data, given
the uses they are intended for accessing the reliability of computer-processed data.

102. Why is bit interleaving used in wireless communications?

The ability of FEC is limited in correcting a long string of errors, bit-interleaving is
used between the encoder and modulator so that bit-interleaving is used in wireless systems.
103. List the main features of Modulation schemes.
Modulation may be used to synthesis waveforms with an extensive overtone spectrum
using a small number of oscillators. In this case the carrier frequency is typically in the
same order or much lower than the modulating waveform. See for example frequency
modulation synthesis or ring modulation synthesis.
104. Define phase shift keying
Phase-shift keying (PSK) is a digital modulation scheme based on changing, or
modulating, the initial phase of a carrier signal. PSK is used to represent digital
information, such as binary digits zero (0) and one (1).
PSK is typically applied in wireless local area networks (WLAN), Bluetooth
technology and radio frequency identification (RFID) standards used in biometric passport
and contactless payment systems.
105. Define quadrature Amplitude Modulation
Quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) is both an analog and a digital modulation
scheme. It conveys two analog message signals, or two digital bit streams, by changing
(modulating) the amplitudes of two carrier waves, using the amplitude-shift keying (ASK)
digital modulation scheme or amplitude modulation (AM) analog modulation scheme.
106. Define Bit synchronization
The process of maintaining one operation in step with another. In data transmission
sender and receiver should be synchronized at the bit level. Means that sender's and
receiver's clock must be synchronized.
107. Define Equalization.
Equalization is the process commonly used to alter the frequency response of an
audio system using linear filters. Most hi-fi equipment uses relatively simple filters to make
bass and treble adjustments.
108. a) Explain in Details about waveform coding schemes used in speech processing(10)
b) Explain the principles of vocoders (06)
109. a) Explain in Detail about various speech codecs in European systems (12)
b) Explain the Hybrid coding technique (04)
110. a) Explain the working principles of CELP speech codec (08)
b) Explain in Details about EVRC
111. Explain in Details about forward error correcting schemes used in Digital
Communication (16)
112. Explain in Detail about phase shift keying and quadrature phase shift keying (16)
113. a) Explain in Detail about / 4 DQPSK Modulation
114. b) List the comparison of QPSK and OQPSK (06)
115. a) Explain in Details about MSK and GMSK Modulation (10)
b) Explain quadrature Amplitude Modulation
116. a) Explain the Methods for synchronization in Modulation Techniques (10) b)
Explain the Block Diagram of Equalizer in Modulation schemes (06)

117. A block of data consisting of 2048 bits is transmitted between two computers
interconnected by 450 m of twisted-pair wire. If the transmission rate is 34
kbps determine a, the ratio of propagation delay to transmission delay.
a)376 x 10-6 b)3.76 x 10-6 c)3.76 x 10-3 d)37.6 x 10-6
118. Asynchronous transmission may be defined as:
a)communication where the receiver clock must be in approximate synchronism with
that of the transmitter.
b)communication where the receiver clock must be in exact synchronism with that of
the transmitter.
c)communication where receiver will operate satisfactorily, even if its clock frequency
is appreciably different to that of the transmitter.
119. Synchronous transmission may be defined as:
a)communication where the receiver will operate satisfactorily, even if its clock
frequency is appreciably different to that of the transmitter.
b)communication where the receiver clock is arranged to be in exact synchronism
with that of the receiver.
c)communication where the receiver clock must be in approximate synchronism with
that of the transmitter.
120. Manchester encoding is principally designed to:
a)ensure that a transition occurs in the centre of each bit period.
b)increase the bandwidth of a signal transmitted on the medium.
c)ensure that the line remains unbalanced.
d)have more than one symbol per bit period.
121. Which of the following correctly describes slot time?
a)The worst-case signal propagation delay time plus a safety margin.
b)Twice the worst-case signal propagation delay time.
c)Twice the worst-case signal propagation delay time plus a safety margin.
d)The collision window.
122. When a station detects that a collision has occurred it:
a)waits a random interval in time and then re-examines the medium to see if it is free.
b)waits a random interval in time and then retransmits.
c)waits until the medium becomes free and then retransmits.
123. An L DATA. request frame in the IEEE802.3 standard is:
a)a connectionless, acknowledgement. b)a connectionless, unnumbered frame.
c)a connectionless, unnumbered acknowledgement.
124. Subrate multiplexing may be defined as:
a)a form of multiplexing that is adequate but incurs some loss of performance.
b)dividing a data channel into two, or more, lower rate data channels.
c)multiplexing a number of channels in such a way that the aggregate bandwidth is
less than the sum of the bandwidths of each channel being multiplexed.
125. In relation to DES, chaining is used because:
a)chaining, in addition to secrecy, provides integrity of data.
b)in electronic code book mode of working one, or more, blocks of data may be
tampered with in transmission and the receiver be unaware of the fact.
c) encryption is achieved more rapidly.
d)a greater degree of secrecy is provided.

126. Select the answer/s that correctly apply to an RSA digital signature.
a) A digital signature proves to a recipient that the sender is authentic.
b) A digital signature facilitates non-repudiation.
c) A digital signature provides a message digest.
d) A digital signature ensures that a message is correctly encrypted.
117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126
127. Define mobility and its types?
Mobility is transnational, physical and for a broad range of learning purposes, be it in
organized programmes or on the learners own initiative. There are two types:
short term mobility
degree mobility
128. Define handoff?
Handoff is the transition for any given user of signal transmission from one base
station to a geographically adjacent base station as the user moves around.
129. Define mobility management functions?
Mobility management is one of the major functions of a GSM or a UMTS network that
allows mobile phones to work. The aim of mobility management is to track where the
subscribers are, allowing calls, SMS and other mobile phone services to be delivered to them.
130. Define mobility model and its types?
Mobility models represent the movement of mobile users, and how their location,
velocity and acceleration change over time. Such models are frequently used for
simulation purposes when new communication or navigation techniques are investigated.
131. What is fluid model?
Two-fluid model is a macroscopic traffic flow model to represent traffic in
a town/city or metropolitan area
132. what is markovian model?
Markov model is a stochastic model that assumes the Markov property. Generally, this
assumption enables reasoning and computation with the model that would otherwise be intractable.
Brownian model
random waypoint model

random walk model

random direction model
133. What is gravity model?
Gravity models are used in various social sciences to predict and describe certain
behaviors that mimic gravitational interaction as described in Isaac Newton's law of gravity.
134. Explain handoff types?
Two basic types of handoff are defined
hard handoff
soft handoff.
Hard handoff, the link to the prior base station is terminated before or as the user
is transferred to the new cells base station.
Soft handoff is beneficial because it reduces interference into other cells and
improves performance by using macro diversity.
135. Explain purpose of security?
The purpose of database is to protect unauthorized accessing of data and misuses by
hackers and unauthorized personals. So here the database security comes into the picture.
Database security denotes the system, processes, and procedures that protect a database
from unintended activity.

136. Explain four levels of privacy?

Temporal dynamic process of interpersonal boundary
Desired and actual levels of privacy
Non-monotonic function of privacy
Bi-directional nature of privacy
137. Explain CAVE algorithm.
CAVE (Cellular Authentication and Voice Encryption)
There are two network entities involved in CAVE-based authentication when
Authentication Center (AC)
Visitor Location Register (VLR)
138. Define data security.
Data Security means protecting a database from destructive forces and
the unwanted actions of unauthorized users.
139. Explain features of SSL?
A SSL Certificate provides various types of features such as Safety and
convenience, Server authenticity, Automatic Client Authentication, & Extensibility
140. Define RSA algorithm?
RSA algorithm (Rivest-Shamir-Adleman)
RSA is an Internet encryption and authentication system that uses an algorithm
The RSA algorithm is the most commonly used encryption and authentication algorithm
and is included as part of the Web browsers from Microsoft and Netscape.
141. Define security in GSM?
GSM security is needed to provide the customer of a network with anonymity and
privacy when making a call, to ensure the network operator bills the correct customer and to
make sure that operators don't interfere with each other either accidentally or intentionally.
142. Define security in UMTS?
UMTS security builds on the security of GSM, inheriting the proven GSM security
features. This maximizes the compatibility between GSM and UMTS i.e. GSM subscribers
roaming in a UMTS network are supported by GSM security features. UMTS also provides
a solution to the weaknesses of GSM security and adds security features for new 3G radio
access networks and services
143. Define security in GPRS?
GPRS security functionality is equivalent to the existing GSM security. The
SGSN performs authentication and cipher setting procedures based on the same algorithms,
keys, and criteria as in existing GSM. GPRS uses a ciphering algorithm optimised for
packet data transmission.
144. Define mobile registration?
The Home Location Register (HLR) is the main database of permanent
subscriber information for a mobile network. The HLR is an integral component of CDMA
(code division multiple access), TDMA (time division multiple access), and GSM (Global
System for Mobile communications) networks.
145. Explain handoff process?
The handoff is transparent to the user and typically will not result in a loss of
service unless the user moves out of range of a cell base station. The transition and the
process required to make the transition are both referred to as the handoff.
146. Explain Mobile Location Management? (16)
147. Explain Mobile Registration? (16)
148. Explain Handoff Mechanism? (16)

149. Explain Security and Privacy needs of a wireless system. (16)

150. Explain Security in NORTH AMERICAN Cellular/PCS System. (16)
151. Explain Security in GSM,GPRS,UMTS. (16)
152. Describe about Data Security.
153. Modem stands for
a) A type of secondary memory
b) Modulator
demodulator c) Mainframe operating device memory
d) none of the above
154. Typical bandwidth of optical fibers is (a) Order of GHz (b) Order of KHz(c) Order of Hz (d)
None of the above
155. A large number of computers in a wide geographical area can be efficiently connected by
(a) Twisted pair lines (b) Coaxial cables (c) Communications satellite
156. Which of the following topologies is not of broadcast type ? a) Star (b) Bus (c) Ring
(d) None of the above
157. Which technology was used in the first generation wireless cellular systems
a) FDMA b) TDMA c) FM d) CDMA
158. What motivated service providers to seek new and improved technological
transmission applications for second generation systems
a) Availability of excess frequency spectrum b) Excess capacity c) To obtain increased propagation
coverage d) To accommodate the increased number of subscribers
159. Which of the following was not a feature of the first major improvement in cellular
transmission technology?
a) Upgrade from FM technology to FDMA technology
b) Use of a complex system of channelization with 30 kHz channels
c) Use of cell sectored directive antennas and complex frequency reuse planning
d) Increase the height of cellular antennas
160. Computer to computer communication is: a) Simplex b) Duplex c) Half Duplex
d) Both Duplex and Half Duplex
161. Which of the following is the fastest media of data transfer a) Co-axial Cable
b) Untwisted Wire c) Telephone Lines d) Fibre Optic
162. Time synchronization is necessary in a) FDM. b) TDM.c) WDM. d) Quadrature
163. The number of point to point links required in a fully connected network for 50 entities is
a) 1250 b) 1225 c) 2500 d) 50
164. For a non blocking cross bar configuration, taking N as the number of subscribers, there will
be ______number of cross points and _______number of switches for establishing connections
when all the subscribers are engaged. a) N/2, N2 b) N2 , N/2
c) 2N, N2 d) N/2, N3
165. Echo suppressor is detrimental to full duplex operation because
a) It disables one of the two pairs in a four-wire trunk line when a signal is detected on the other pair.
b) It enables one of the two pairs in a four-wire trunk line when a signal is detected on the other pair.
c) It activates both the pairs of a four-wire trunk line.
d) It is independent of line conditions
166. Telephone companies normally provide a voltage of __________to power
telephones. a) +24 volts DC b) -24 volts DC c) +48 volts DC d) -48 volts DC
167. The situation when both transmitter and receiver have to work in tandem is referred
to a) parallel b) serial c) synchronous d) asynchronous

168. Common channel signaling______________

a) Uses the speech or data path for signaling.
b) Does not use the speech or data path for signaling.
c) Needs no additional transmission facilities.
d) Finds it difficult to handle signaling during speech
169. A large numbers of computers in a wide geographical area can be efficiently
connected using a) twisted pair lines b) coaxial cables c) Communication satellites
170. Which transmission mode is used for data communication along telephone lines?
a) Parallel b) Serial c) Synchronous d) Asynchronous
171. A sample rate of ________is required for a good quality representation of telephone
conversation. a) 4500 times per second. b) 700 integer sample points per minute.
50 times per second per mile of distance travelled. d) 8000 times per second
153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170
172. What are the types of services provided by GPRS?
GPRS is a cellular networking service that supports WAP, SMS text messaging, and
other data communications. GPRS technology is integrated into so-called 2.5G mobile
phones designed to provide faster data transfer speeds than older 2G cellular networks.
173. Define high speed circuit switched data.
High-speed circuit-switched data (HSCSD), is an enhancement to Circuit Switched
Data (CSD), the original data transmission mechanism of the GSM mobile phone system,
four to six times faster than GSM, with data rates up to 57.6 kbit/s.
174. What are the components involved in GPRS architecture?
Anew class of network nodes, called GPRS support nodes (GSN), has been
introduced. GSNs are responsible for the delivery and routing of data packets between the
mobile stations and the external packet data networks (PDN).
175. What are the objective of GPRS?
Enable access to company LAN and the Internet (U).
Provide reasonably high data rates (U).
Enable the subscriber to be reachable at all times-not only for the telephone calls
but also information such as new emails or latest news (U).
Offer flexible access, either for many subscribers at low data rates or few
subscribers at high data rates in order to optimize network usage (NP).
Offer low cost access to new services (U+NP).
176. Explain the logical channels in GPRS.
There is a variety of channels used within GPRS, and they can be set into
groups dependent upon whether they are for common or dedicated use.
Broadcast channels:
Common control channels:
Dedicated control channels
Dedicated traffic channel:
177. Define Link Adaptation.
Link adaptation, or adaptive modulation and coding (AMC), is a term used in
wireless communications to denote the matching of the modulation, coding and other
signal and protocol parameters to the conditions on the radio link.
178. What are the services offered by EDGE?
IntelligenceCompetitive Intelligence

179. What is RLC?

An RLC circuit (or LCR circuit or CRL circuit or RCL circuit) is an electrical
circuit consisting of a resistor, an inductor, and a capacitor, connected in series or in parallel.
180. What is RRC?
The Radio Resource Control (RRC) protocol belongs to the UMTS WCDMA
protocol stack and handles the control plane signalling of Layer 3 between the UEs
(User Equipment) and the UTRAN. It includes:
Functions for connection establishment and release,
Broadcast of system information,
Radio bearer establishment/reconfiguration and release,
RRC connection mobility procedures
181. What are the two parts of UMTS bearer services?
UMTS bearer services has two parts:
Radio Access Bearer(RAB)
Core Network Bearer(CNB)
182. Define Qos inUMTS.
Network Services are considered end -to-end, this means from a Terminal
Equipment (TE) to another TE. An End-to-End Service may have a certain Quality of
Service (QoS) which is provided for the user of a network service. It is the user that
decides whether he is satisfied with the provided QoS or not.
183. What is Quasi orthogonal function?
The conventional channelization code, Walsh code does not have enough available
bits to cope with maximal use. Therefore, the quasi-orthogonal function (QOF), which can
process optimal cross-correlation with Walsh code has been used as a method to get
around the limitations of the Walsh Codes
184. Explain GPRS architecture in GSM? (16)
185. Explain 3G wireless system?
186. Explain UMTS Network Reference architecture? (16)
187. Explain UMTS Terrestrial Radio Access Network? (16)
188. Explain UMTS Core Network Architecture? (16)
189. Describe Forward link physical channel of CDMA2000? (16)
190. Describe Reverse link physical channel of CDMA2000? (16)

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