Zero Till Questionnaire
Zero Till Questionnaire
Zero Till Questionnaire
Survey questionnaire
Enumerator #1
Enumerator #2
Interview date
Questionnaire ID ()
Farmer's name
Region ()
District ()
Village ()
Compared to 5 years ago, how has the area you plant changed? ()
1 = increased, 2 = remained the same, 3 = decreased
Was zero till related to the change in the area you plant? ()
1 = yes, 2 = no, 99 = N/A
How many years have you been working on the same main plot? ()
The main plot is what the farmer considers to be his most important piece of land where cropping and
management is the same. This could be RW or another system.
How many years have you been working on the same main rice-wheat plot? ()
The main plot rice-wheat plot is what the farmer considers to be his most important piece of land where
rice-wheat is grown with the same management.
2. Of the crops that you grow, please list those that provide the most cash income
(list in order of importance)
Source 1 () Source 2 () Source 3 ()
1 = rice, 2 = wheat, 3= Oilseeds, 4 = pulses, 5 = potato, 6 = fodder, 7 = vegetables, 8 = sugarcane,, 99 = N/A
3. Please list your most important sources of non-agricultural income (list in order of importance)
Source 1 () Source 2 () Source 3 ()
1 = wage labor in agriculture, 2 = wage labor elsewhere, 3 =sales of animals, 5 = poultry sale, 6 = sales
milk, 7 = trading, 8 = transport, 9 = tailoring , 10 = carpentry, 11 = other, 99 = N/A
1.3.1 Tractors
If you rent a tractor for land preparation, what's the rate per acre (Rs.)? ()
If you rent animals for land preparation, what's the rate per acre (Rs.)? ()
If you do, can you find one easily when you need it? ()
1 = yes, 2 = no, 99 = N/A
If you do, can you find a contractor when you need it? ()
1 = yes, 2 = no, 99 = N/A
1.4 What do you know about zero till in your village? (not about yourself)
How wealthy are the farmers who use zero till in the village? ()
1= rich, 2 = average, 3 = poor, 4 = rich and average, 5 = poor and average
What is happening to the number of farmers who use zero till in the village? ()
1= is increasing, 2 = is the same, 3 = is falling
Do farmers who adopted zero till have a larger income than before adopting? ()
1 = yes, 2 = no, 99 = can’t tell
Which are the three most important crops under zero till in your () () ()
1= rice, 2 = wheat, 3= Oilseeds, 4 = pulses, 5 = potato, 6 = fodder, 7 = vegetables, 8 = sugarcane, 99 =
1.5 Attitude of the social environment towards zero till
How many diesel liters did you use for each pass per acre (planting)? ()
99 = NA
How many hours per acre did you use for each pass with the tractor (planting)? ()
99 = NA
How many hours per acre did you use for each pass with animals (planting)? ()
99 = NA
How many diesel liters did you use for each pass per acre (planking)? ()
99 = NA
How many hours per acre did you use for each pass with the tractor (planking)? ()
99 = NA
How many hours per acre did you use for each pass with animals (planking)? ()
99 = NA
How many diesel liters per acre did you use for planting? ()
99 = NA
Urea DAP K
Herbicide use
brand rate cost (Rs/kg)
Harvest costs
Rs/hr Rs/ac hr/ac
If yes, by whom? ()
1 = research, 2 = extension agent, 3 = herbicide supplier, 4 = NGO, 99 = N/A
Were you the first person to try zero till in your village? ()
1 = yes, 2 = no
When you first considered using zero till or you just started, were you concerned about ()
comments relatives, other farmers or neighbors would make about you?
1 = yes, 2 = no
1 = reduce labor requirement, 2 =advance the planting date for wheat, 3 = reduce irrigation water use, 4
= reduce the time required for irrigation, 5 = reduce the cost of renting equipment for land preparation
and planting, 6 = weed control, 7 = reduce fuel use, 8 = reduce machinery requirements, 9 = increase
income, 10 = increase food availability, 12 = diversify crops, 13 = increase availability of animal feed, 14
= other _______________________
3 Agricultural practices for your main zero till plot (for users)
3.1 Opinions on zero till
How many planting seasons did it take you to notice the first benefits? ()
Was it difficult to use the zero till package properly and profitably? ()
1 = yes, 2 = no
How many years did it take you to be satisfied with the performance of zero till? ()
Do you agree with the following statements about the benefits of zero till?
(1 = strongly agree, 2 = agree, 3 = disagree, 4 = don’t know)
Allows expansion of the planted area ()
In bad years, I still get something ()
Do you agree with the following statements about the problems of zero till?
(1 = strongly agree, 2 = agree, 3 = disagree, 4 = don’t know)
Its different from what we used to do ()
It is difficult to learn how to manage the package ()
Zero till works in other fields, but not in my fields ()
The technology is only good for wheat ()
Planting is difficult ()
The drill is only good for wheat ()
The drill cannot control the seed depth properly ()
The drill gets clogged by loose residues and is a problem ()
The loose residues complicate irrigation ()
The drill is difficult to calibrate ()
The drill leaves too many wheat seeds without cover ()
It is difficult to manage the herbicides ()
Less plants survive ()
Compared to what you did before, more inputs have to be bought ()
Do you use zero till continuously or you use conventional till occasionally in 0-till fields? ()
1 = yes, 2 = no, I use zero till uninterruptedly
If you use zero till without interruptions, for how many years have you done it? ()
How many acres of wheat did you plant with zero till? ()
If you did not use zero till on all your wheat land, why?
() () () () ()
1 = still testing, 2 = some land not suitable, 3 = residue problems, 4 = drill not available on time, 5 = I do
not have enough money, 6 = other _____________________
How many acres of other crops did you plant with zero till? ()
How many diesel liters per acre do you use for planting? ()
If you do custom 0-till planting for other farmers, what's the rate per acre (Rs.)? ()
If you do not own a zero till drill, how much do you pay per acre (Rs.) for custom hiring ()
the 0-till drill?
If you contract plant 0-till, can you find a contractor when you need it? ()
1 = yes, 2 = no, 99 = N/A
How do you apply the fertilizer in 0-till? ()
1 = broadcast, 2 = drill, 3 = other ______________
Herbicides used
brand rate cost (Rs/kg)
How is pest control today compared to what it was before zero till? (260)
1 = easier, 2 = more difficult, 3 = the same, 4 = can’t tell
Are you seeing more pests of the same type today compared to what was there before (261)
zero till?
1 = yes, 2 = no
Are you seeing different pests today compared to what was there before zero till? (262)
1 = yes, 2 = no
Harvest costs
Rs/hr Rs/ac hr/ac
Compared to conventional tillage, how much tillage does the following rice crop require? ()
1 = more, 2 = equal, 3 = less
Compared to conventional tillage, do you see a change in the weeds present in the ()
following rice crop?
1 = yes, 2 =no
How many members of your family would normally work in your fields
Adult males Adult females Children under 14
Before adopting zero till () () ()
After adopting zero till () () ()
If zero till reduced the time you or family had to devote to working in the fields, what do ()
you do with the extra time?
1 = work out of the farm, 2 = started other farm activities, 3= other ___________
3.5 Impact of zero till
Which are the three main changes that zero till brought to your family? ____________
Which are the three main changes that zero till brought to your farming activities ? ____
Have you changed the number of crops you plant thanks to zero till? (298)
Have you changed the crops you plant thanks to zero till? (299)
1 = yes, 2 = no
Would you buy a zero till drill that costs 10,000 Rs. more and could plant into loose ()
straw, and control better the seed depth and seed cover?
1 yes, 2 = no
If you or your family started new activities thanks to zero till, which are they? _________
How many years have you worked on the same plots? (302)
Have you had problems renewing your rental agreement because of zero till? (303)
1 = yes, 2 = no, 99 = N/A
If lent by extension service, for how many years have you used it? ()
When you used zero-till, did you own your drill? (364)
1 = yes, 2 = no
If you do not have access to technical assistance about zero till, could you find it? (324)
1 = yes, 2 = no, they do not talk to farmers like me, 3 = I don’t know where to find it
In the last 3 years, have you changed your agricultural practices? (363)
1 = yes, 2 = no
If you answered yes, which were the main changes you introduced _______________
If you know about it, in which year did you learn about it? (334)
If you know about zero till, how did you learn about it? (335)
1 = neighbor, 2 = relative, 3 = another farmer (not related), 4 = herbicide seller,5 = researcher 6 = extension agent,
7 = field day (organized by ________________),89 = radio, 9 = other means, 99 = N/A
If you know about zero till, what would you require to use it? _____________________
If you know about zero till, how important are the following reasons for your decision not to adopt
zero till?
(1 = very important, 2 = important, 3 = not important)
Cannot control weeds (336)
The herbicide is too expensive (337)
Do not have access to contract planting timely or it is too expensive (338)
Cannot maintain the soil covering of seed (339)
Drill is not available (340)
Cannot manage the residues properly (341)
Cannot control pests (342)
Soil is too compact (343)
It is too difficult (344)
Cannot get adequate advice (345)
Required additional work (346)
It does not work on my soil (347)
It is not good for the crops I grow (348)
Zero till requires more cash than what I invest today in agriculture (349)
Other (explain) ____________________________ (350)
Have you visited other farmers who use zero till? (352)
1 = yes, 2 = no
Could you find access to technical advice about zero till? (353)
1 = yes, 2 = no, they do not talk to farmers like me, 3 = I don’t know where to find it
Are you concerned of what your neighbors might say about you if you started to use (354)
zero till?
1 = yes, 2 = no
In the last 3 years, have you changed your agricultural practices? (363)
1 = yes, 2 = no
If you answered yes, which were the main changes you introduced _______________
1 =research 2 = extension agent, 3 = other farmer, 4 = herbicide seller, 5 = seed seller, 6 = pesticide distributor,
7 = leaflets, 8 = radio, 9 = field days, 10 = none
How many field days have you been to in the last 2 years? (370)
How many training courses have you been to in the last 2 years? (371)
Do you use in your field anything you learn in a field day or course? (372)
1 = yes, 2 = no
5. Do you usually come up with new things to try in your field? (373)
1 = yes, 2 = no
Did you ever try to simplify soil preparation, i.e., reduce the number of operations (do (374)
not consider zero till)?
1 = yes, 2 = no
Gender (375)
1 = male, 2 = female
Age (376)
SSP_________ Complex_________Zinc________Other____________________
Seed Rs/50kg: Wheat for planting______Rice for planting_______ Wheat at harvest _______