Kindergarten Readiness Checklist: Criteria

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Kindergarten Readiness Checklist

Not sure if your child is ready to tackle the world of kindergarten? This checklist has been developed to help you prepare
your child for school. It is designed to help you look at your childs physical, social, emotional and academic development.

It is intended for four and ve year olds. The criteria on the checklist
should not be applied to children three years old or younger.
Childs Name:
I can do this

I am making


Letters and Words:

Recognizes and names at least 10 letters of the alphabet

Shares and talks about his/her own experiences in a way that can be understood by most listeners

Holds and looks at books correctly: for example, holds the book right side up and turns the pages one at a time from
front to back

Tells a story from the picture on the cover or in the book

Matches a letter with the beginning sound of a word: for example, matches the letter b with a picture of a banana
Recognizes rhyming words such as cat and hat
Recognizes letters in his or her own rst name
Begins to write some of the letters in his or her own rst name
Recognizes his or her own rst name in print
Understands words such as top and bottom and big and little
Recognizes words or signs he or she sees often, for example: McDonalds, Wal-Mart or stop signs and exit signs
Begins to draw pictures to express ideas and tell stories
Recognizes and names at least ve colors


Follows directions with at least two steps, for example: Pick up the blocks and put them on the shelf, please.
Initiates and joins in conversations with adults and children
Asks questions about how things work in the world around him, for example: Why do babies cry?
Says and/or sings familiar nursery rhymes
Answers simple questions: who, what, when, where?


Retells a simple story such as the Three Little Pigs after listening to it while looking at the pictures in the book
Makes simple predictions and comments about a story being read
Shows growing interest in reading and being read to

Numbers and Shapes:

Counts out loud from 1 to 10 in correct order

Identies written numbers from one to ten
Puts written numerals in order from 1 to 10: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Counts at least 5 objects such as 5 bananas and 5 cookies
Sees the numeral 3 and understands this means 3 objects, such as 3 cookies
Adds and subtracts familiar objects such as raisins
Recognizes and names 4 shapes: circle, square, rectangle and triangle
Uses familiar objects, such as raisins, to show concepts of more and less
Draws a line, circle, rectangle, triangle, X and +

Same, Different and Patterns:

Matches two pictures that are alike

Looks at groups of objects and says which are the same shape, color or size
Tells things that go together, for example: a spoon and fork are for eating and a sh and a boat go in the water
Repeats a pattern you start, for example: step, step, jump - step, step, jump
Puts three pictures in order, for example: 1. Planting ower seeds 2. Flowers growing 3. Picking owers

Growing Up:

Tells full name, address and telephone number

Rides a tricycle

Uses pencils, crayons and markers for drawing and writing, cuts safely with scissors

Puts puzzles together

Tells if he or she is a boy or a girl

Tells how old he or she is
Takes care of own needs such as toileting, washing hands, dressing and trying to tie his or her own shoes
Adjusts to new situations without parents being there
Runs, jumps, hops, throws, catches and bounces a ball

Attempts and completes tasks, understands its okay to make mistakes

Remembers to say please and thank you
Resolves conicts with playmates and others appropriately
Responds appropriately to his feelings and the feelings of others
Uses words to express feelings, Im angry, Im sad
Takes turns, shares and plays with other children
Initiates positive interaction with peers

Health & Safety:

Follows a set routine and schedule for preparing for bed, personal hygiene and eating meals
Uses good habits, for example: uses a spoon to eat, closed mouth when chewing, covers nose and mouth to sneeze
and washes hands after using the toilet and before eating
Is aware of and follows simple safety rules
Visits the doctor and dentist regularly
Recognizes potentially dangerous or harmful objects, substances, situations and activities
Asks for adult help when needed
Participates in vigorous physical activity daily

Remember that play is an important

part of learning. Your child learns
best when he or she is spending time
with you and doing activities which are
interesting and fun!
2010, United Way of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania
Printed in the United States of America
This Kindergarten Readiness Checklist is excerpted and adapted from the Getting Ready for Kindergarten
calendar produced by Success By 6, the Early Childhood Initiative of the United Way of Carlisle & Cumberland
County in Carlisle, Pennsylvania, and the school readiness calendar produced by the Arkansas Dept. of Human
Services, Division of Child Care and Early Childhood Education. Our special thanks for their willingness to share
their work with us.

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