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This Statement Is A Sample of - "I Would Like To Apologize For The Delay in Returning Your Books"

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1- Which of the following is correct about salutaon?

1. it is a greeting to the writer
2. it is typed two lines above the inside address
3. it contains the writers name
4. it is Flush with the left margin

2- The purpose of the letter is established in the .

1. Opening

2. Middle

3. Closing

4. Salutation

3- This statement is a sample of .

I would like to apologize for the delay in returning your books.

1. Formal closing

2. Informal closing

3. Formal opening

4. Informal opening

4- Which complementary close is mainly used in diplomatic or religious correspondence?

1. Yours faithfully

2. Respectfully

3. Regards

4. Best wishes

3. Dr

4. Professor

5- Which of these titles follows the writers name?

1. Ms.

2. Director

6- Which one comes first when addressing an envelope for an informal letter?
1. Apartment number

2. Name

3. City plus zip code

4. Country

7- The abbreviation R.S.V.P means . .

1. Only the receiver should open the letter.
2. Something is added at the end of the letter.
3. A reply is required.
4. The guests should be on time.

8- What kind of letter is usually written in third person?

1. Formal invitation

2. Informal invitation

3. Formal congratulation

4. Informal congratulation

9- The following sentence is mainly helpful to be used in .. .

We look forward with pleasure to seeing you next week.

1. Accepting an invitation

2. Declining an invitation

3. Congratulation letter

4. Thank-you letter

4 1





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10- Which one is NOT usually stated in a letter of condolence?

1. Expressing feeling about the loss

2. Reminding that a reply is required

3. Expressing sympathy

4. Offering help

11- The following sentence will most probably be used in a/an letter.

You know you can always count on our affection.

1. Invitation

2. Thank-you

3. Congratulation

4. Condolence

12- The following is most probably a part of a letter of .. .

Will you please see that this set is replaced by another one?
1. Complaint

2. Recommendation

3. Resignation

4. Application

13- In your application for a job or acceptance into a university, you may be asked to present a/an

.. .
1. Thank-you letter

2. Resignation letter

3. Resume

4. Invitation

14- Which one is less likely to appear in an informal letter?

1. Complementary close

2. Postscript

3. Inside address

4. Salutation

15- Which of the following salutations is WRONG?

1. Dear professor Smith

2. Dear Dr. Smith

3. Dear uncle

4. Dear cousin John

16- Which one can be an appropriate salutation for the complementary close warmest wishes?
1. Dear Mr. Richardson

2. Dear William

3. Dear Manager

4. Dear Madam

17- Which of the following is a letter of social obligation?

1. Letter of recommendation

2. Letter of condolence

3. Letter of application

4. Letter of complaint

18- Which one is NOT a type of reference line?

1. Attention line

2. Personal and confidential

3. Document numbers

4. Dateline

4 2





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19- The salutation to whom it may concern is used when.. .

1. We are writing to a company.

2. A reply is required.

3. We dont know who should read our letter.

4. We dont know the title of the receiver.

20- The following sentence is a part of .. of a business letter.

Thank you for your le/er of 19 August which I received today.

1. The opening

2. The middle paragraph

3. The closing

4. The postscript

21- Enclosure reminder helps the reader . .

1. Restate the purpose of the letter
2. Not to discard the enclosed items by mistake
3. Reply the letter promptly
4. Know about the signers identification

22- Which format is the easiest to use?

1. Blocked

2. Semi-blocked

3. Square-blocked

4. Full-blocked

23- In which format, should the name of the reader be mentioned at least once in the body?
1. Full-blocked

2. Semi-blocked

3. Simplified

4. Blocked

24- Which one is NOT a purpose of an inquiry letter?

1. To obtain information

2. To confirm the agreed terms

3. To receive catalogue, price-list, etc.

4. To receive sample products

25- The following is a part of a letter of .. .

I would appreciate more details about the university communication system which you are
advertising on television.
1. Application

2. Order

3. Inquiry

4. Recommendation

26- Which one is NOT a part of a reply to an inquiry?

1. Expressing dissatisfaction

2. Confirming help

3. Encouraging the inquirer

4. Suggesting other suppliers

27- An order form is usually accompanied by a/an .. letter.

1. Inquiry

4 3

2. Complaint

3. Credit


4. Covering




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28- In a you should tell your customer that you will put the matters right as soon as

1. Letter of complaint

2. Letter of inquiry

3. Reply to a complaint

4. Reply to an inquiry

29- In order to convince the supplier to grant you the credit, you should NOT.. .
1. Mention your previous dealings with that company
2. Mention your reputation
3. Offer references
4. set any conditions

30- The following sentences are a part of .

Please follow up the references we have submitted. We look forward to your confirmation that
payment by 30day bill of exchange is acceptable.
1. The opening of a letter to request credit

2. The closing of a letter to request credit

3. A letter to give the credit

4. A letter to refuse credit

4 4



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