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Index cases were children aged 6 to 18 years with habitual snoring and polysomnography (PSG)-confirmed OSA (obstructive apnea hypopnea index [OAHI] . 1 events/h).
Each case was paired with an age-, sex-, and BMI-matched nonsnoring control subject
recruited from our previous community growth survey. All subjects underwent FMD measurement in the morning after overnight PSG. Adenotonsillectomy (AT) was offered to subjects who satisfied predefined AT operation criteria. All cases underwent repeat PSG and FMD
assessment 6 months later.
A total of 63 case-control pairs were recruited. The OSA group had a significantly
higher OAHI (median, 5.3 events/h [interquartile range (IQR), 2.6-11.7] vs 0.2 events/h
[IQR, 0-0.5], P , .001) and lower FMD (mean SD, 7.9% 1.3% vs 8.3% 0.8%; P 5 .04)
than the control group. Thirty-two case subjects underwent AT. A significant reduction in
OAHI was documented in the AT group (28.8 events/h [IQR, 213.7 to 24.7]; P , .001)
accompanied by a significant increase in FMD (10.6% [IQR, 0.4-1.4]; P , .001), which was
not observed in subjects who did not undergo AT.
Children with OSA had reduced FMD, which was reversible with treatment.
CHEST 2015; 147(1):132-139
brachial artery is the gold standard in assessing endothelial function.13,14 FMD is predominately a result of
endothelial nitric oxide release, and FMD of the
brachial artery correlates well with both coronary
endothelial function and the extent of coronary artery
The few studies that have investigated the association
between childhood OSA and impaired endothelial function have documented positive results.18-22 In one study
that assessed the effects of treatment, endothelial dysfunction improved after adenotonsillectomy (AT).18 However,
these studies were limited by their methodology, namely
unmatched cases and control subjects, and the gold
standard of measuring FMD induced by hyperemia was
not used.18-21 A publication that assessed FMD by hyperemia yielded negative results; the authors failed to document a significant difference in FMD between children
with a desaturation index of . 10/h and those with a
desaturation index of 10/h.23 Therefore, whether endothelial dysfunction is associated with childhood OSA
remains unclear.
In this study, we aimed to evaluate (1) FMD in children
with OSA compared with normal control subjects and
(2) its response to OSA treatment. We hypothesized
that children with OSA would have lower FMD when
compared with control subjects, and that the impairment would improve following AT.
Each index case was paired with an age-, sex-, and BMI-matched control subject. For the control group, there was no parental report of
snoring. All control subjects had a normal PSG (OAHI 1 event/h)
and did not snore on the night of the PSG.
All subjects found to have OSA were referred for upper airway assessment by an otorhinolaryngologist. AT was offered to those with large
tonsils (Brodsky grading 2) and/or large adenoids (adenoids 25%
of the postnasal space, as examined by nasoendoscopy).25 For those
who refused surgical intervention, or in cases in which surgery was
not indicated based on predefined criteria, intranasal corticosteroids
(Mometasone, 100 mg/day for 6 months) or CPAP therapy were offered.
All OSA cases were invited to have a reassessment 6 months later. This
study was conducted with the approval of the Joint Chinese University
of Hong Kong-New Territories East Cluster Clinical Research Ethics
Committee (reference number 2005.356).
An overnight PSG was performed on each subject using the Siesta
ProFusion II PSG monitor (Compumedics Telemed PTY Ltd) to record
the following parameters: EEG from four leads (C3/A2, C4/A1),
bilateral electrooculogram, and electromyogram of mentalis activity
and bilateral anterior tibialis. Respiratory movements of the rib cage
and abdomen were detected by piezo-based effort belts. ECG and heart
rate were recorded continuously from two anterior chest leads. Arterial
oxyhemoglobin saturation was monitored by an oximeter (Ohmeda
Biox 3900 Pulse Oximeter; Datex-Ohmeda). Respiratory airflow pressure signals were measured at the anterior nares and connected to a
pressure transducer. An oronasal thermal sensor was also used to
Endothelial Function in Children With OSA
Age, y
10.3 2.9
41 (65.1)
30 (47.6)
P Value
41 (65.1)
30 (47.6)
BMI, kg/m2
20.6 5.9
20.3 5.8
BMI z score
0.89 1.26
0.84 1.09
Sleep eciency, %
88.8 8.6
85.7 9.8
492 60
473 75
REM sleep, %
21.5 (18.8-25.0)
19.5 (16.6-21.9)
Stage 1 sleep, %
6.0 (3.3-7.9)
4.0 (1.2-7.3)
Stage 2 sleep, %
38.3 (32.7-41.9)
40.5 (34.3-45.8)
Slow-wave sleep, %
33.5 (29.0-40.8)
34.4 (27.3-41.7)
OAHI, events/h
5.3 (2.6-11.7)
0.2 (0-0.5)
ODI, events/h
3.7 (1.1-11.0)
0.5 (0.1-1.0)
, .001
94 (93- 95)
, .001
SpO2 nadir, %
90 (85-93)
16.4 (12.9-21.8)
Systolic BP, mm Hg
108 12
Diastolic BP, mm Hg
65 9
9.5 (6.6-13.2)
, .001
, .001
107 11
64 10
FMD, %
7.9 1.3
8.3 0.8
Hyperemia, %
508 141
527 116
TC, mM
4.3 0.6
4.3 0.8
2.3 0.5
2.3 0.7
1.5 0.4
1.6 0.4
TG, mM
1.2 0.8
1.0 0.5
Data are presented as mean SD or median (interquartile range) unless indicated otherwise. FMD 5 ow-mediated dilation; HDL 5 high-density
lipoprotein; LDL 5 low-density lipoprotein; OAHI 5 obstructive apnea hypopnea index; ODI 5 oxygen desaturation index; REM 5 rapid eye movement;
SpO2 5 oxygen saturation; TC 5 total cholesterol; TG 5 triglyceride.
Our study showed that children with OSA had impaired
endothelial function, as demonstrated by their significantly lower FMD compared with nonsnoring control
subjects, and in those with moderate to severe OSA,
AT was able to reverse the impaired endothelial function. These results provided robust evidence to support
an association between childhood OSA and endothelial
Our results were consistent with those of previous
studies showing impaired endothelial function in children with OSA, although the methods adopted for
assessing endothelial function were different.18-22 Most
90.5 8.1
502 60
89.2 8.3
506 47
19.2 (16.2-22.2)
Sleep eciency, %
REM sleep, %
33.8 (27.2-40.0)
10.5 (6.0-15.4)
8.0 (2.4-13.5)b
89 (83-94)
Slow-wave sleep, %
OAHI, events/h
ODI, events /h
8.5 1.2
513 119
4.2 0.9
2.2 0.7
1.5 0.4
1.3 0.7
7.7 1.5
496 148
4.1 0.6
2.2 0.5
1.5 0.4
1.2 0.9
Hyperemia, %
TC, mM
TG, mM
65 9
65 9
Diastolic BP, mm Hg
FMD, %
111 15
107 11
Systolic BP, mm Hg
, .001
, .001
, .001
94 (92-95)
, .001
0.4 (0.1-0.9)
13.1 (8.8-17.6)
, .001
0.6 (0.2-1.6)
18.0 (14.8-25.7)b
37.1 (31.2-42.4)
39.5 (34.3-43.3)
2.4 (1.1-3.5)
SpO2 nadir, %
42.7 (36.5-46.6)
Stage 2 sleep, %
Stage 1 sleep, %
, .001
P Value
20 (64.5)
1.6 0.5
1.1 0.5
1.2 0.7
2.4 0.5
4.5 0.7
537 133
8.1 0.9
63 9
108 16
15.8 (12.5-20.9)
91 (87-94)
2.2 (1.1-5.5)
3.5 (1.7-8.0)
32.0 (26.5-40.8)
39.3 (33.1-44.5)
4.5 (1.5-8.5)
22.2 (18.5-23.9)
492 64
89.2 9.0
1.01 1.33
21.8 6.1
11.3 2.9
1.6 0.4
2.4 0.5
4.5 0.5
521 134
8.1 1.1
65 10
109 12
14.4 (12.5-18.1)b
91 (86-93)
1.7 (0.8-4.7)b
3.3 (1.8-4.1)
35.5 (27.3-43.4)
38.1 (33.7-45.5)
4.0 (1.8-9.1)
20.2 (17.2-21.9)
478 68
88.3 9.0
1.09 1.30
21.8 6.3
10.6 3.1
Non-AT (n 5 31)
, .001
P Valuea
Data are presented as mean SD for normally distributed data and median (interquartile range) for nonnormally distributed data, unless indicated otherwise. See Table 1 legend for expansion of abbreviations.
P values were obtained from paired t tests and Wilcoxon signed rank tests for normally distributed and nonnormally distributed data, respectively.
bSignicant dierences between the pretreatment data of the two groups.
0.85 1.15
21.6 (18.0-25.1)
20.5 5.5
BMI, kg/m
0.71 1.20
21 (65.6)
10.7 2.6
19.6 5.3
9.9 2.6
BMI z score
Age, y
AT (n 5 32)
Author contributions: Dr Chan is the
guarantor of the manuscript and takes
responsibility for the integrity of the data and
the accuracy of the data analysis. K. C. C. C.,
C. T. A., and A. M. L. contributed to the
project planning and data interpretation;
C. T. A. contributed to the interpretation
of PSG; K. C. C. C. and A. M. L. contributed
to the recruitment of subjects; C. T. A.
contributed to the data analysis; K. C. C. C.
contributed to the preparation of the
manuscript; P. C. contributed to the assessment
of endothelial function; D. L. Y. L. contributed
to the upper airway assessment and surgical
treatment of the subjects; and K. C. C. C.,
C. T. A., P. C., D. L. Y. L., H. S. L., Y. K. W.,
and A. M. L. contributed to the revision and
approval of the final manuscript.
Financial/nonfinancial disclosures: The
authors have reported to CHEST the following
conflicts of interest: Dr Wing has received
honoraria for serving as a part-time consultant
for Renascence Therapeutics Ltd. Drs Chan,
Chook, Lee, Lam, and Li and Mr Au have
reported that no potential conflicts of interest
exist with any companies/organizations
whose products or services may be discussed
in this article.
Role of sponsors: The design, execution,
data collection, and analysis of the study
were carried out solely by the research team
without the involvement of the funding
Other contributions: This work was
performed at the Department of Pediatrics,
Prince of Wales Hospital, The Chinese
University of Hong Kong, Shatin, Hong Kong.
We are grateful for the cooperation and
participation of all the children and their
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Endothelial function and dysfunction: