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Original Research Sleep Disorders

Endothelial Function in Children With OSA

and the Effects of Adenotonsillectomy
Kate C. C. Chan, MB; Chun T. Au, MPhil; Ping Chook, MD; Dennis L. Y. Lee, MB; Hugh S. Lam, MB;
Yun K. Wing, MB; and Albert Martin Li, MD

The association between childhood OSA and endothelial function as measured

by flow-mediated dilation (FMD) and its response to OSA treatment are uncertain. The objective of this study was to compare FMD in children with OSA with nonsnoring control subjects
and to examine its response to treatment.

Index cases were children aged 6 to 18 years with habitual snoring and polysomnography (PSG)-confirmed OSA (obstructive apnea hypopnea index [OAHI] . 1 events/h).
Each case was paired with an age-, sex-, and BMI-matched nonsnoring control subject
recruited from our previous community growth survey. All subjects underwent FMD measurement in the morning after overnight PSG. Adenotonsillectomy (AT) was offered to subjects who satisfied predefined AT operation criteria. All cases underwent repeat PSG and FMD
assessment 6 months later.


A total of 63 case-control pairs were recruited. The OSA group had a significantly
higher OAHI (median, 5.3 events/h [interquartile range (IQR), 2.6-11.7] vs 0.2 events/h
[IQR, 0-0.5], P , .001) and lower FMD (mean SD, 7.9% 1.3% vs 8.3% 0.8%; P 5 .04)
than the control group. Thirty-two case subjects underwent AT. A significant reduction in
OAHI was documented in the AT group (28.8 events/h [IQR, 213.7 to 24.7]; P , .001)
accompanied by a significant increase in FMD (10.6% [IQR, 0.4-1.4]; P , .001), which was
not observed in subjects who did not undergo AT.


Children with OSA had reduced FMD, which was reversible with treatment.
CHEST 2015; 147(1):132-139

Manuscript received June 1, 2014; revision accepted September 8, 2014;

originally published Online First October 2, 2014.
ABBREVIATIONS: AT 5 adenotonsillectomy; FMD 5 flow-mediated
dilation; IQR 5 interquartile range; OAHI 5 obstructive apnea hypopnea
index; PSG 5 polysomnography
AFFILIATIONS: From the Department of Pediatrics (Drs Chan, Chook,
Lam, and Li, and Mr Au), the Department of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery (Dr Lee), and the Department of Psychiatry
(Dr Wing), Prince of Wales Hospital, The Chinese University of Hong
Kong, Shatin, Hong Kong.
Part of this article was presented in abstract form at the Annual Scientific
Meeting of the Hong Kong College of Pediatricians, December 7, 2013,
Hong Kong.

132 Original Research

FUNDING/SUPPORT: This study was supported by the Research Grants

Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China
CORRESPONDENCE TO: Albert Martin Li, MD, Department of
Pediatrics, Prince of Wales Hospital, The Chinese University of Hong
Kong, 30-32 Ngan Shing St, Shatin, 000, Hong Kong; e-mail: albertmli@
this article is prohibited without written permission from the American
College of Chest Physicians. See online for more details.
DOI: 10.1378/chest.14-1307

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Childhood OSA is a common sleep disorder, affecting

around 5% of school-aged children.1,2 The condition is
characterized by prolonged partial and/or intermittent
complete upper airway obstruction. Repeated apneas
and hypopneas during sleep result in intermittent
hypoxemia and hypercapnia, cortical and sympathetic
nervous system arousals, and sleep fragmentation.2 In
adults, OSA is established as an important and independent risk factor for cardiovascular adverse events.3,4
However, the mechanisms underlying the association
are not well defined. One of the postulated mechanisms
is that OSA precipitates and/or accelerates atherosclerosis
mediated via endothelial dysfunction.3
Several studies have reported an association between
OSA and high BP in children.5-8 Intermittent hypoxia
and the resulting oxidative stress in OSA can reduce nitric
oxide bioavailability.9 A recent study showed that children
with OSA have more proinflammatory monocytes and
reduced nitric oxide production in circulating monocytes, which are closely linked to endothelial dysfunction.10 Furthermore, OSA results in sleep fragmentation
that causes systemic inflammation and sympathetic activation.9,11,12 All these intermediate processes can lead to
endothelial dysfunction, which has been shown to
precede the formation of plaque and atherosclerosis.3,9
Ultrasonographic assessment of endotheliumdependent flow-mediated dilation (FMD) of the

Materials and Methods

Subjects and Study Design
Children aged 6 to 18 years with habitual snoring ( 3 nights per week)
were recruited from our sleep disorder clinic. Nonsnoring control subjects were recruited from participants in a community growth survey.
Written informed consent and assent were obtained from parents and
subjects, respectively. The exclusion criteria included previous treatment of OSA; presence of structural heart disease; medical history of
hypertension, dyslipidemia, diabetes mellitus, genetic syndrome, craniofacial anomalies, congenital or acquired neuromuscular disease,
premature birth, or intrauterine growth retardation; active smoking;
and acute illness within 4 weeks of recruitment.
Weight, height, and BP of the subjects were measured on the day of
the polysomnography (PSG). BP was measured using the oscillometric
method (Datascope Accutorr Plus; Datascope Corp) after sitting for
5 min. Two readings were taken at 5-min intervals on the nondominant
arm at the heart level with the proper-sized cuff chosen according to
the length and circumference of the arm. The average of two readings
was used for analysis. BMI was converted to BMI z score according
to local reference.24 Overweight was defined as a BMI z score . 1.036
(ie, . 85th percentile), and obesity was defined as a BMI z score . 1.645
(ie, . 95th percentile).
All subjects underwent overnight PSG. A blood sample for fasting lipid
profile was taken the next morning, followed by FMD evaluation.
Index cases were subjects with habitual snoring and PSG-confirmed
OSA with an obstructive apnea hypopnea index (OAHI) of . 1 event/h.

brachial artery is the gold standard in assessing endothelial function.13,14 FMD is predominately a result of
endothelial nitric oxide release, and FMD of the
brachial artery correlates well with both coronary
endothelial function and the extent of coronary artery
The few studies that have investigated the association
between childhood OSA and impaired endothelial function have documented positive results.18-22 In one study
that assessed the effects of treatment, endothelial dysfunction improved after adenotonsillectomy (AT).18 However,
these studies were limited by their methodology, namely
unmatched cases and control subjects, and the gold
standard of measuring FMD induced by hyperemia was
not used.18-21 A publication that assessed FMD by hyperemia yielded negative results; the authors failed to document a significant difference in FMD between children
with a desaturation index of . 10/h and those with a
desaturation index of 10/h.23 Therefore, whether endothelial dysfunction is associated with childhood OSA
remains unclear.
In this study, we aimed to evaluate (1) FMD in children
with OSA compared with normal control subjects and
(2) its response to OSA treatment. We hypothesized
that children with OSA would have lower FMD when
compared with control subjects, and that the impairment would improve following AT.

Each index case was paired with an age-, sex-, and BMI-matched control subject. For the control group, there was no parental report of
snoring. All control subjects had a normal PSG (OAHI 1 event/h)
and did not snore on the night of the PSG.
All subjects found to have OSA were referred for upper airway assessment by an otorhinolaryngologist. AT was offered to those with large
tonsils (Brodsky grading 2) and/or large adenoids (adenoids 25%
of the postnasal space, as examined by nasoendoscopy).25 For those
who refused surgical intervention, or in cases in which surgery was
not indicated based on predefined criteria, intranasal corticosteroids
(Mometasone, 100 mg/day for 6 months) or CPAP therapy were offered.
All OSA cases were invited to have a reassessment 6 months later. This
study was conducted with the approval of the Joint Chinese University
of Hong Kong-New Territories East Cluster Clinical Research Ethics
Committee (reference number 2005.356).
An overnight PSG was performed on each subject using the Siesta
ProFusion II PSG monitor (Compumedics Telemed PTY Ltd) to record
the following parameters: EEG from four leads (C3/A2, C4/A1),
bilateral electrooculogram, and electromyogram of mentalis activity
and bilateral anterior tibialis. Respiratory movements of the rib cage
and abdomen were detected by piezo-based effort belts. ECG and heart
rate were recorded continuously from two anterior chest leads. Arterial
oxyhemoglobin saturation was monitored by an oximeter (Ohmeda
Biox 3900 Pulse Oximeter; Datex-Ohmeda). Respiratory airflow pressure signals were measured at the anterior nares and connected to a
pressure transducer. An oronasal thermal sensor was also used to

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detect the absence of airflow. Snoring was assessed by a snoring

microphone placed near the throat. Body position was recorded by a
body position sensor.26 Computerized sleep data were edited visually by
an experienced PSG technologist according to standardized criteria.27
An obstructive apnea was defined as an absence of airflow with persistent respiratory effort lasting at least two baseline breaths, irrespective of arterial oxygen saturation changes. An obstructive hypopnea
was defined as a reduction of 50% in the amplitude of the pressuretransduced airflow signal, with persistent respiratory effort lasting at
least two baseline breaths, accompanied by an oxygen desaturation of
at least 3% and/or an arousal. The OAHI was defined as the total number
of obstructive apneas and hypopneas per hour of total sleep time. The
oxygen desaturation index was defined as the total number of dips in
arterial oxygen saturation of at least 3% per hour of sleep. Arousal
was defined as an abrupt shift in EEG frequency during sleep, which
may have included u, a, and/or frequencies . 16 Hz but not spindles,
with 3 to 15 s in duration. In rapid eye movement sleep, arousals were
scored only when accompanied by concurrent increases in submental
electromyogram amplitude. The arousal index was defined as the total
number of arousals per hour of total sleep time.
Assessment of Endothelial Function
The assessment was carried out within 3 h after awakening in a quiet,
temperature-controlled room. All subjects abstained from food, including
caffeine, for at least 6 h before the study. The diameter of the brachial
artery was measured on B-mode ultrasound images (1) at rest and (2) in
response to reactive hyperemia, which was induced by inflation of a
BP cuff placed around the lower arm to a pressure of 220 mm Hg for
4 to 5 min, followed by rapid deflation, using a linear array transducer
(L10-5 median frequency, 7.5 MHz) and the Advanced Technology
Laboratories 3000 ultrasound system. To minimize variability, all

Endothelial Function in Children With OSA

A total of 63 sex-, age-, and BMI-matched case-control

pairs were recruited (Table 1). The mean ages in the
OSA and control groups were 10.3 2.9 years and
10.4 2.7 years, respectively. Thirty subjects in each
group were overweight or obese. None of the
recruited children had hypertension. There were no
statistically significant differences in the baseline BP
and fasting lipid profiles between the two groups. The
OSA group had a significantly higher OAHI (median,
5.3 events/h [IQR, 2.6-11.7 events/h] vs 0.2 events/h
[IQR, 0-0.5 events/h]; P , .001) and lower FMD
(mean, 7.9% 1.3% vs 8.3% 0.8%; P 5 .04) than the
control group (Table 1).
Responses to AT

Forty-six out of 63 OSA cases were candidates for AT

according to the predefined criteria, of whom 32 agreed
to receive the operation. Of the 31 children who did not
have AT, none agreed to use CPAP, 10 received 6-month
intranasal corticosteroids therapy, and the remaining
21 subjects refused any treatment. Comparisons between
groups are shown in Table 2. Children who underwent
surgical intervention had significantly higher OAHI at

134 Original Research

measurements were taken at end diastole identified by the R wave on

electrocardiogram, and the average of three measurements taken along
the vessel was calculated. The full procedure was described in detail
FMD was defined as the percentage increase in vessel diameter from
baseline in response to reactive hyperemia. In arteries lined by healthy
endothelium, increased flow causes dilatation of the vessel via release
of the endothelium-derived relaxing factor and, therefore, FMD is
endothelium dependent. Hyperemia was calculated as the percentage
increase in blood flow after cuff deflation, compared with baseline. The
whole procedure produced minimal discomfort and was well tolerated
by the children.28-30 All ultrasonographic scans were performed by
the same investigator, who was blinded to the identity and clinical
characteristics of the subjects. The accuracy, reproducibility, and low
interobserver error for this measurement have been demonstrated
Statistical Analysis
Data were expressed as mean SD for normally distributed data and
median (interquartile range [IQR]) for nonnormally distributed data,
unless otherwise specified. Case-control comparisons were tested by
independent Student t tests and Mann-Whitney U tests for normally
distributed and nonnormally distributed data, respectively. The withingroup changes over time for the AT and non-AT groups were tested by
paired Student t tests and Wilcoxon signed-rank tests for normally
distributed and nonnormally distributed data, respectively. Two-way
repeated-measures analysis of variance was used to assess the differences in the changes in FMD between the AT and non-AT groups. All the
statistical analyses were performed with SPSS 13.0 for Windows (IBM),
and a two-tailed P value , .05 was considered statistically significant.

baseline when compared with those who did not

undergo AT (10.5 events/h [IQR, 6.0-15.4 events/h]
vs 3.3 events/h [IQR, 1.8-4.1 events/h]; P , .001) (Table 2).
No significant differences in age, BMI, BP, FMD, hyperemia, or fasting lipid profiles were found between groups
at baseline. At baseline, those who received nasal spray
(n 5 10) had milder disease than did those who had
AT (n 5 32) (2.1 events/h [IQR, 1.6-3.5 events/h]
vs 10.5 events/h [IQR, 6.0-15.4 events/h]; P , .001), and
there was no significant difference in FMD (8.3% 1.1%
vs 7.7% 1.5%; P 5 .26).
In the group that had undergone AT, a significant reduction
in OAHI (28.8 events/h [IQR, 213.7 to 24.7 events/h];
P , .001) and a significant decrease in arousal index
(26 events/h [215.0 to 0.5 events/h]; P , .001) were
observed. The amount of time in stage 1 also significantly
decreased after AT (20.6% [23.3% to 0.2%]; P 5 .01).
The improvements were accompanied by a significant
increase in FMD (10.6% [IQR, 0.4% to 1.4%]; P , .001).
There was a significant difference in the change in FMD
between the two groups even after adjustment for age,
sex, BMI z score, and brachial artery diameter at rest
(P , .001). Moreover, FMD after AT was also found to
be comparable with that of the non-OSA control subjects (8.5% 1.2% vs 8.3% 0.8%; P 5 .26). On the

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] Comparisons Between OSA Case Subjects and Control Subjects


Case Subjects (n 5 63)

Age, y

10.3 2.9

Male, No. (%)

Overweight, No. (%)

41 (65.1)
30 (47.6)

Control Subjects (n 5 63)

10.4 2.7

P Value

41 (65.1)


30 (47.6)


BMI, kg/m2

20.6 5.9

20.3 5.8


BMI z score

0.89 1.26

0.84 1.09


Sleep eciency, %

88.8 8.6

85.7 9.8


Total sleep time, min

492 60

473 75


REM sleep, %

21.5 (18.8-25.0)

19.5 (16.6-21.9)


Stage 1 sleep, %

6.0 (3.3-7.9)

4.0 (1.2-7.3)

Stage 2 sleep, %

38.3 (32.7-41.9)

40.5 (34.3-45.8)

Slow-wave sleep, %

33.5 (29.0-40.8)

34.4 (27.3-41.7)


OAHI, events/h

5.3 (2.6-11.7)

0.2 (0-0.5)

ODI, events/h

3.7 (1.1-11.0)

0.5 (0.1-1.0)

, .001

94 (93- 95)

, .001

SpO2 nadir, %

90 (85-93)

Arousal index, events/h

16.4 (12.9-21.8)

Systolic BP, mm Hg

108 12

Diastolic BP, mm Hg

65 9

9.5 (6.6-13.2)

, .001

, .001

107 11


64 10


FMD, %

7.9 1.3

8.3 0.8


Hyperemia, %

508 141

527 116


TC, mM

4.3 0.6

4.3 0.8



2.3 0.5

2.3 0.7



1.5 0.4

1.6 0.4


TG, mM

1.2 0.8

1.0 0.5


Data are presented as mean SD or median (interquartile range) unless indicated otherwise. FMD 5 ow-mediated dilation; HDL 5 high-density
lipoprotein; LDL 5 low-density lipoprotein; OAHI 5 obstructive apnea hypopnea index; ODI 5 oxygen desaturation index; REM 5 rapid eye movement;
SpO2 5 oxygen saturation; TC 5 total cholesterol; TG 5 triglyceride.

other hand, treatment with nasal spray did not result in

significant improvement in OAHI and FMD (baseline
OAHI, 2.1 events/h [IQR, 1.6-3.5 events/h]; posttreatment OAHI, 2.2 events/h [IQR, 1.6-7.0 events/h],
P 5 .72; baseline FMD, 8.3% 1.1%; post-treatment
FMD, 8.4% 0.6%; P 5 .59).

Our study showed that children with OSA had impaired
endothelial function, as demonstrated by their significantly lower FMD compared with nonsnoring control
subjects, and in those with moderate to severe OSA,
AT was able to reverse the impaired endothelial function. These results provided robust evidence to support
an association between childhood OSA and endothelial
Our results were consistent with those of previous
studies showing impaired endothelial function in children with OSA, although the methods adopted for
assessing endothelial function were different.18-22 Most

of the previous studies measured the degree of vessel

dilation in response to reactive hyperemia. The association between reactive hyperemia and FMD was not
linear and was dependent on several between-subject
factors, including structural and genetic differences.33
Children with OSA in our study had significantly
reduced FMD compared with the control subjects, but
significant differences in hyperemia between the groups
were not observed. Similarly, a significant increase in
FMD in the AT group was not accompanied by a significant increase in hyperemia. In other words, effective
treatment of OSA could increase the FMD response
independent of the change in the magnitude of reactive
hyperemia. Therefore, measuring reactive hyperemia
solely, as carried out in previous studies, would not
provide an accurate assessment of endothelial function.
Although these studies demonstrated the blunted postocclusive hyperemia in children with OSA and its reversibility with AT, our results further consolidated the
association between childhood OSA and endothelial

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136 Original Research

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90.5 8.1
502 60

89.2 8.3
506 47
19.2 (16.2-22.2)

Sleep eciency, %

Total sleep time, min

REM sleep, %

33.8 (27.2-40.0)
10.5 (6.0-15.4)
8.0 (2.4-13.5)b
89 (83-94)

Slow-wave sleep, %

OAHI, events/h

ODI, events /h


8.5 1.2
513 119
4.2 0.9
2.2 0.7
1.5 0.4
1.3 0.7

7.7 1.5
496 148
4.1 0.6
2.2 0.5
1.5 0.4
1.2 0.9

Hyperemia, %

TC, mM



TG, mM

65 9

65 9

Diastolic BP, mm Hg

FMD, %

111 15

107 11

Systolic BP, mm Hg






, .001



, .001
, .001

94 (92-95)

, .001

0.4 (0.1-0.9)

13.1 (8.8-17.6)

, .001

0.6 (0.2-1.6)

18.0 (14.8-25.7)b




37.1 (31.2-42.4)

39.5 (34.3-43.3)

2.4 (1.1-3.5)

Arousal index, events /h

SpO2 nadir, %

42.7 (36.5-46.6)

Stage 2 sleep, %

3.7 (1.0- 6.7)

Stage 1 sleep, %





, .001

P Value

20 (64.5)

1.6 0.5
1.1 0.5

1.2 0.7

2.4 0.5

4.5 0.7

537 133

8.1 0.9

63 9

108 16

15.8 (12.5-20.9)

91 (87-94)

2.2 (1.1-5.5)

3.5 (1.7-8.0)

32.0 (26.5-40.8)

39.3 (33.1-44.5)

4.5 (1.5-8.5)

22.2 (18.5-23.9)

492 64

89.2 9.0

1.01 1.33

21.8 6.1

11.3 2.9


1.6 0.4

2.4 0.5

4.5 0.5

521 134

8.1 1.1

65 10

109 12

14.4 (12.5-18.1)b

91 (86-93)

1.7 (0.8-4.7)b

3.3 (1.8-4.1)

35.5 (27.3-43.4)

38.1 (33.7-45.5)

4.0 (1.8-9.1)

20.2 (17.2-21.9)

478 68

88.3 9.0

1.09 1.30

21.8 6.3

10.6 3.1


Non-AT (n 5 31)





















, .001

P Valuea

Data are presented as mean SD for normally distributed data and median (interquartile range) for nonnormally distributed data, unless indicated otherwise. See Table 1 legend for expansion of abbreviations.
P values were obtained from paired t tests and Wilcoxon signed rank tests for normally distributed and nonnormally distributed data, respectively.
bSignicant dierences between the pretreatment data of the two groups.

0.85 1.15

21.6 (18.0-25.1)

20.5 5.5

BMI, kg/m
0.71 1.20

21 (65.6)

10.7 2.6

19.6 5.3

9.9 2.6


BMI z score

Male, No. (%)

Age, y


AT (n 5 32)

] Comparisons Between AT and Non-AT Groups at Baseline and Reassessment



dysfunction with the use of the gold standard FMD

The evidence linking childhood OSA to cardiovascular
morbidities has been growing, and endothelial dysfunction has been consistently found to be associated with
OSA.34 The mechanisms leading to cardiovascular morbidities in patients with OSA were likely secondary to
the complications associated with sleep-disordered
breathing, namely disrupted sleep architecture, intermittent hypoxia, oxidative stress, hypertension, systemic
inflammation, maladaptive autonomic responses, metabolic imbalance, and so forth.5,9,34-37 All these factors
interacted and may also have placed an adverse influence
on endothelial function, platelets, and inflammatory
cells.37,38 Endothelial homeostasis played a significant
role in determining the risk of a cardiovascular event.
With disturbances to the normal homeostasis, the endothelium would lose its ability to prevent abnormal vasoconstriction, platelet aggregation, and smooth muscle
cell proliferation.39 Endothelial dysfunction has indeed
been shown to be an early risk marker preceding the
process of atherogenesis.3,4 FMD was an endothelial
nitric oxide synthase-dependent response. Basically, the
ultrasonographic assessment of FMD was a measurement of the compliance and the capacity of the blood
vessels to respond to an increase in blood flow by vasodilation.13 In adults, abnormal FMD predicted cardiovascular morbidity independently of traditional
cardiovascular risk factors, and interventions to reduce
cardiovascular risk were accompanied by a parallel
improvement in FMD.14,40 FMD of the brachial artery
correlated well with coronary artery endothelial function, the impairment of which preceded the development of overt atherosclerosis and coronary artery
disease.16 Thus, FMD of the brachial artery was a useful
surrogate reflecting the risk of coronary artery atherosclerosis.17 This has signified the importance of our findings that reduced FMD of brachial artery in the subjects
with OSA might predict future cardiovascular morbidities and timely intervention might be able to reverse
this risk factor.
AT remains the first-line treatment of children with
moderate to severe OSA, yet the therapy for mild OSA
is still controversial. In our study, only children with
more severe disease underwent surgical treatment.
Nevertheless, a reversal of endothelial dysfunction following surgical intervention was demonstrated. For those
who had mild disease and refused surgery, a course of
nasal spray corticosteroids was shown not to be effective
in reversing endothelial dysfunction. All children with

OSA were assessed by an otorhinolaryngologist, and

those who satisfied the predefined criteria for surgery
were offered such intervention; however, only the parents of those with moderate to severe disease accepted
surgery. Despite a thorough explanation of the possible
complications associated with childhood OSA and our
experience of likely progression to more severe disease
in children with mild OSA and enlarged tonsils, most
of the parents of children with mild disease refused
surgery.41 This was not unexpected because the acceptance of surgery among Chinese parents is generally low.
Similar to the experience of other centers, the acceptance of and compliance with home noninvasive ventilation is also low in our locality; in fact, none of the
subjects in our cohort with moderate to severe disease
received noninvasive ventilation.
Hyperlipidemia and obesity are both important,
independent determining factors of endothelial
dysfunction.22,28,29,42 Therefore, BMI-matched control
subjects were recruited in this study to minimize the
cofounding effects of body weight. Moreover, there were
no significant differences in fasting lipid profile between
the OSA and control groups or between children who
received AT and those who did not. In the AT group, the
fasting lipid profiles were similar before and after AT.
This further supports the finding that the impairment of
endothelial function and its reversibility were associated
with OSA and AT, respectively.
Our study had several limitations. FMD has been demonstrated not to be entirely nitric oxide mediated, but
affected by a complex interplay of vasodilator and
vasoconstrictor stimuli.43,44 Factors including other
vasoactive substances, wall shear stress, and the
activity of the sympathetic nervous system also contribute to the total FMD response.43,44 Potential biased
interference on endothelial function by the scaling
properties of the FMD index is another concern.45
However, to date, the methodology adopted in our
study remains the most widely accepted standard assessment of endothelial function. We successfully demonstrated the association between childhood OSA and
endothelial dysfunction; however, whether this would
contribute to the development of cardiovascular complications in adulthood remained uncertain. However,
it has been found that the disease process of atherosclerosis could begin as early as the first decade of life.14,28,29
Impairment of the endothelial function in early life
may initiate abnormal reactions among the vessel wall,
platelets, neutrophils, and macrophages, and may
result in atherogenesis. Further prospective study

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would be needed to clarify the long-term implications

of endothelial dysfunction in children. In our study,
only selected subjects in the cohort underwent AT;
therefore, our results were more applicable to those
with moderate to severe disease. Further studies are
needed to confirm whether a reversal of impaired
endothelial function could also be seen with treatment
in children with milder disease.

Author contributions: Dr Chan is the
guarantor of the manuscript and takes
responsibility for the integrity of the data and
the accuracy of the data analysis. K. C. C. C.,
C. T. A., and A. M. L. contributed to the
project planning and data interpretation;
C. T. A. contributed to the interpretation
of PSG; K. C. C. C. and A. M. L. contributed
to the recruitment of subjects; C. T. A.
contributed to the data analysis; K. C. C. C.
contributed to the preparation of the
manuscript; P. C. contributed to the assessment
of endothelial function; D. L. Y. L. contributed
to the upper airway assessment and surgical
treatment of the subjects; and K. C. C. C.,
C. T. A., P. C., D. L. Y. L., H. S. L., Y. K. W.,
and A. M. L. contributed to the revision and
approval of the final manuscript.
Financial/nonfinancial disclosures: The
authors have reported to CHEST the following
conflicts of interest: Dr Wing has received
honoraria for serving as a part-time consultant
for Renascence Therapeutics Ltd. Drs Chan,
Chook, Lee, Lam, and Li and Mr Au have
reported that no potential conflicts of interest
exist with any companies/organizations
whose products or services may be discussed
in this article.
Role of sponsors: The design, execution,
data collection, and analysis of the study
were carried out solely by the research team
without the involvement of the funding
Other contributions: This work was
performed at the Department of Pediatrics,
Prince of Wales Hospital, The Chinese
University of Hong Kong, Shatin, Hong Kong.
We are grateful for the cooperation and
participation of all the children and their

1. Li AM, So HK, Au CT, et al. Epidemiology
of obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome in
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