Analysis of The Strength and Weakness of The Different Methods For Detection of Adverse Drug Reactions
Analysis of The Strength and Weakness of The Different Methods For Detection of Adverse Drug Reactions
Analysis of The Strength and Weakness of The Different Methods For Detection of Adverse Drug Reactions
Key words –
Any undesirable effect which could be linked directly to a drug and is harmful
for the patient occurring at normally administered doses is called as adverse
drug reaction. Undesirable effects may include any abnormal symptom or lab
test (WHO guidelines, 2009).
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Type B: It is non dose related (Bizarre). These are very rare and cannot be
predicted. No association with the pharmacological effect of the drug and is
fatal. E.g. immune reactions (Hypersensitivity), Pseudoallergic reactions
(Aronson & Ferner, 2000).
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Type C: It is dose and time dependent reactions (Chronic). These are rare
reactions and accumulation of drug occurs in the body over time. E.g.
hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis suppression by corticosteroids (Aronson
& Ferner, 2000).
Type E: It is the withdrawal type reactions (end of use). This reaction is rare
and occurs soon after use of a particular drug is stopped. E.g. opiate
withdrawal syndrome, myocardial ischemia associated with withdrawal of β-
blockers, withdrawal reactions with benzodiazepines (Aronson & Ferner,
ADR’s are costing NHS exorbitantly and have not only prolonged the duration
of the patient stay in hospital but also exaggerates the patient’s condition
and indirectly affecting the efficiency of the system as a whole.
Methods and processes have been developed to protect the society by early
detection and reporting, valid verification and quantification of adverse drug
reactions which includes anecdotal reporting, voluntary reporting by yellow
card scheme, post marketing epidemiological (surveillance) studies, in silico
search methods.
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The drawback of this method is that it is depend totally on the vigilance and
judgment of the individual and they usually report common effects (Aronson
& Edward, 2000). But the biggest drawback is that they are easily available
to the media and can be created into huge political or corporate controversy
rather using it for improvement in healthcare system.
In addition to yellow card method of ADR reporting green form are used by
Drug safety and research unit to monitor the safety of the drugs (British
national formulary, 2009). Patient’s prescribed with selected new drugs are
identified and they are monitored (drug safety and research unit, 2009). But
the submission of clinical data is not obligatory on the part of general
practitioner (drug safety and research unit, 2009).
The newly licensed drugs which have new delivery system, new route of
administration, contains new active substances, active substances in
combination with other active substance or drug which indicate altered risk
to benefit ratio are closely monitored by MHRA and are denoted by black
triangle ( ) (British national formulary, 2009). The product bears the black
triangle until the safety data has been reviewed (British national formulary,
MHRA urges all the healthcare professionals to spontaneously report all the
suspected reaction by yellow cards associated with the medical products
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bearing black triangle, even when they are not serious or occurring when
other drug is administered at the same time (British national formulary,
The advantage of this kind of reporting scheme is that they are simple and
economical (Aronson & Edward, 2000).
The drawbacks of this scheme is that as the reporting methods are not
obligatory on healthcare professionals to report so many ADR’s are often
under reported and high probability of biased reporting exists (Aronson &
Edward, 2000).
Advantage of this method is that they are easy to organize and is short term
monitoring (Aronson & Edward, 2000).
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Sample size is relatively small limiting chances to detect rare ADR’s (WHO
Often clinical trials are conducted for a short duration which limits the
chances of detecting long term consequences such as Carcinogenesis (WHO
Clinical trials try to mimic real world conditions but cannot predict response
that would be observed. Drug – drug interaction is a situation which is
impossible to predict from clinical trials. Moreover pharmacogenetic
variations in real world could lead to toxicity or reduce the effect of normal
dose which cannot be predicted by the clinical trials (WHO guidelines,2009)
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Case control studies- sample population contains people with disease and
people without disease and they are compared to see the difference in
previous medical exposure (NARANJO, et al.,1982). E.g. Case-control studies
confirmed the association between Reye’s syndrome and Aspirin.
The main drawback of this system is that it cannot detect new ADR’s. It
requires huge sample population to conduct these studies and is very
expensive. MHRA and European regulatory authorities are maintaining huge
databases which contain data from spontaneous reporting as well data from
various studies (Aronson & Edward, 2000). These databases require a huge
network of people to feed in information, costing enormous amount of
money. Cohort and case-controlled studies involves complex calculation and
requires highly skilled people to carry out and interpret the results of such
studies (Aronson & Edward, 2000).
●Population statistics
Randomly selected sample from the population are studied and statistical
inferences are drawn from the study. Advantage of such type of study are
large number of people can be studied and are accurate (Aronson & Edward,
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only predict the patients susceptibility to ADR’s but can be use to prevent
ADR from occurring (Wilkins,2002).
In spite of this method providing patients with personalized drug therapy and
significantly reducing chances of adverse reaction have lots of drawbacks
like genotyping is expensive and time consuming process, social and ethical
issues are involved, to show the association between genetic variability and
ADR large sample size is required (Wilkins,2002).
Proteomics is the study of all the protein expressed by the cell in the body.
Fluctuation in the concentration of protein is measured as a diagnostic tool
(Wilkins,2002). With the help of 2-D gels and mass spectrometry number and
mass of proteins in a sample can be estimated and helps in identifying
proteins associated with drug activity (Wilkins,2002).
Proteomics have been used to find protein biomarkers associated with the
drug action and these biomarker proteins are monitored in both therapeutic
and toxic response. Any change in the level of biomarker can be directly
linked to abnormal response to drug (Wilkins,2002).
Over the past 30 years attempts have been made to enhance the recognition
of adverse effects by “data dredging” or “data mining.” The contribution of
such techniques to detecting adverse reactions has been modest. When
substantial numbers of reports are
available, however, comparing the proportion of reports of an adverse effect
with similar drugs may provide strong hypothesis generating signals, such as
for rhabdomyolysis associated with cerivastatin. Such comparison may even
facilitate some sort of
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The only disadvantage of using fruit fly as model system could be short life
span which prevents long term studies to be carried which assesses
consequences like carcinogenesis (Avanesian, et. al., 2009).
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