BBA (Hons) Internship Format
BBA (Hons) Internship Format
BBA (Hons) Internship Format
University of Education
Internship Report
<<Name of the Organization>>
(Where you have completed your internship training)
(Bold, 16, Times New Roman)
Submitted By:
<<Student Roll No.>>
<<Student Name>>
<< Session>>
<<Submission Date>>
(Bold, 16, Times New Roman)
Session (2011-2015)
with specialization in
(Bold, 12, Times New Roman)
Internship Supervisor
Lower Mall Campus, Lahore
Internship Report Format
Describe overview of the complete sector in which the organization falls according to the
current scenario.
9. Overview of the Organization (1000-1200 words)
a. Brief history, Mission and Vision of the organization.
b. Introduction of the organization, corporate objective and market standing.
c. Policy of the organization
d. Competitors
e. Business Volume
f. Product Lines
10. Organizational Structure (900- 1000 words)
a. Organizational Hierarchy chart
b. Number of employees
c. Main offices ( Without Addresses )
d. Brief Introduction of all the departments
e. Comments on the organizational structure
In section #7-9, students are expected to collect information from various sources such as
interaction with the organizations personnel (managers, internship supervisor, colleagues etc.)
and company website, documents, brochures etc. but it is necessary to mention the sources of
information in APA format.
11. Plan of your internship program (300-400 words)
A brief introduction of the branch/ area office of the organization where you did
your internship
Names of the departments in which you got training and the duration of your
HR planning
Job analysis
Training & development
Appraising and managing performance
Compensation & benefits
Weaknesses are the attributes of an organization that are harmful in achieving the objectives
of an organization.
Opportunities are the external factors that are helpful in achieving the objectives of the
Threats are the external factors which could damage the business performance of the
19. Conclusion (100-200 words)
In this section you are required to describe the organization according to your
evaluation/assessment in the light of critical and SWOT analyses.
20. Recommendation (100- 200 words)
In this section you are required to suggest solutions for all the problems or discrepancies (you
have pointed out in critical/ SWOT analysis) found in the organization.
21. References & Sources
In this section, provide all the references and sources in APA format that you have used for
data collection in your Internship Report.
22. Annexes
At the end of your report, attach all of the supportive material you have used for the
preparation of your report, like brochures, forms, newsletters, interviews, questionnaires,
news reports, articles, features, columns etc.
General Instructions
1. It is essential to include all parts as stated in the format of fall internship report. DO
NOT SKIP any part.
2. The report should be written following the 7Cs of business communication. There
should be harmony among the ideas that you describe in the Critical analysis, SWOT
analysis, Conclusions and Recommendations.
3. Internship Report should be submitted within the due date which is August 31, 2015.
Page size A4
Hard Binding as recommended by the University
Writing Font style and Size : Times New Roman/Arial; 12
Main Headings : 16
Sub Headings: 14
Logo of the company
Appropriate header and footer including page numbers
Appropriate use of underline, bold, and italics