Personal Values

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Assignment on Personal Values

Submitted by: Biman Debnath, PGL-1 Roll no.-231046

Submitted to: Dr. Sanghamitra Buddhapriya

1. The 3 most important personal values for me are:

i. Perseverance
ii. Leadership
iii. Humility
2. These values are going to help me in building my dream and also help me in
differentiating myself from others in the following ways:
Perseverance means to continue steadfastly, especially in something that is difficult
or tedious. It requires regular practice to develop the quality of perseverance. Only a
patient person with strong determination can achieve his goal by perseverance.
When a child learns to stand up and tries to walk, he is found to fall down again and
again. And by nature and instinct, he gets up, and again tries to step forward,
although again he falls down. But ultimately, he succeeds in walking.
Similarly, in spite of his repeated failures, a man having perseverance does not admit
his defeat. He tries again and again, and finally attains success. A persevering
person is one who has tremendous self-confidence, indomitable determination, and
a natural urge towards hard labour, and untiring energy to continue till the last,
without grumbling or expressing dissatisfaction.
There will be various occasions in life where I might have to face failures and I might
not be able to achieve the targets that I set for myself. There will be times when I
might have to face criticism which will pull me down and make me doubt my abilities.
Perseverance will help me sail through those situations smoothly and keep trying
again until I succeed. Therefore according to me perseverance is one of the most
important personal values which helps a person achieve his dreams as one cannot
achieve everything in one go.
Leadership is the action of leading a group of people or an organization. In the
broadest sense of the word, a "leader" is someone who brings people together and
guides them toward a common goal. Anyone can tell others what to do, but effective
leadership requires much more than the ability to assign tasks to a group.

Leadership helps a person achieve various skills which are very important to build
his/her dreams. Being in leadership roles helped me gain tremendous amounts of
confidence which is important in doing my day to day tasks efficiently. It has helped
me improve my communication skills, negotiation skills, management and problem
solving skills. Apart from the skills I learnt a great deal about taking responsibility, i
met a lot of people and networked with them, discovered new talents which helped
stand out in the crowd. These skills will help me differentiate myself from the others
around me.
Humility is the quality of being humble. If you meet one of your heroes and feel
nervous and in awe for her, you are experiencing humility. Humble leaders seek
input from others to ensure they have all the facts and are making decisions that are
in the best interest of the team. No one person has all the answers and solutions.
People want to work for people who value their opinions rather than ignore or
dismiss them. Effectively humble leaders are comfortable asking for input and can
just as easily be decisive when the situation calls for it. Like many leadership skills,
humility may not come easy to everyone. Thats why its important to engage in selfreflection.
One of the most powerful tools is to write in a journal. By chronicling what went well
during my interactions or what i could have handled better, i can enhance my
perspective and learn from my actions. Theres almost always room for
3. Moments in my life where I really lived these values are as follows:
i. Perseverance: During the first term of my PGDM at FORE School of
Management, I found the subject Decision making models very difficult and
almost impossible to cope up with. Along with this I had many other
responsibilities. I did very badly in the mid-term exam of DMM but I was
determined of doing well and clearing the subject. I put extreme hard work
and dedication without being bogged down by my failure. I ended up clearing
the paper and this taught me a great lesson and value in life that through
perseverance and hard work anything can be achieved.
ii. Leadership: I have been into many leadership positions right since school
which were mostly in the field of sports but the most recent one is becoming
the Coordinator of Corporate Interaction Division, FORE School of
Management. During the entire first year I was an excellent team member and
worked hard for all the events and seminars that the committee organized.

Because of my leadership abilities and my work I was made the Coordinator

of the committee.
iii. Humility: My ability to work with others and get in their shoes and understand
them has always given me positive results. Even when I am leading a team I
dont let arrogance and rude behaviour come in. I work with everyone
amicably and try to accommodate everyone. I have never let my leadership
role get the better of me. This has helped me strike a chord with everyone I
work with.
4. The steps I would like to suggest to myself for greater use of these values in
personal and professional life are as follows:
i. Remain determined and confident in the face of challenges and failures. Do
not think about the previous failures and only focus on your goals.
ii. Cultivate Your Optimism- the difference between people who give up when
faced with difficulties and the ones who keep on keeping on is how they think
of good and bad events.
iii. Nothing is impossible therefore keep trying until you succeed and do no not
give up on your dreams just because of some failures. Make failures your
stepping stone to success.
iv. Leadership is a very important personal value. Whenever you are leading a
group of people to achieve a certain task make sure you take complete
responsibility for it and get the work done.
v. Tend to others needs as team performance is typically much higher when
team members believe their leaders are truly looking out for their best
interests. That doesnt mean hand-holding, but it does mean caring about the
environment in which your team is working and ensuring that they have what
they need to do a good job.
vi. Accept your mistakes. Even those who consider themselves humble dont
want to look like theyve messed up. But, as human beings we all make
mistakes. When youre willing to share your own missteps, and how you dealt
with and recovered from them, you earn trust from your team.

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