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The Hacker's Home

A blog by the hackers, to the hackers and for the hackers.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Cracking (1)

Bypassing Cyberoam Using PuTTY.

DDos Attack and HoneyPot (1)

Most of the colleges, schools and offices prefer using a firewall to block the users from accessing the
restricted websites. Most of my friends have asked me about how to access blocked sites, or bypass
Cyberoam. So here i am posting a tutorial for that.But before beginning, its important to know
what Cyberoam is and how does it work.

Hacking (3)

Cyberoam is an Eight layer hardware firewall, which offers stateful and deep packet inspection for
network, web applications and user based identity security. The main working and blocking of sites
is done at the deep packet inspection step.Thus the firewall is pretty much secure, no doubt. Apart
from this, they also use category blocking, and keyword blocking, in which they block the sites with
restricted keywords.
The flaw is that, with the websites containing SSL feature, are not blocked. They have to block
these sites manually if required. And trust me, its really a very hectic task, and they just don't do it,
until unless someone tells them to block any objectionable SSL website or any specific port, which
can only be done by the person using the same network.
Anyways, how to hack that 8 layer security is our prime concern.

XSS (Cross Site Scripting) (1)

So, here are the steps:

1. Download PuTTYhere.
2. Install it.
3. Signuphere, with a Username and Password.
4. Open PuTTY and then click on Session.
5. In Hostname, type shell.cjb.net and in Port, type 22, as shown below:

Information Technology (1)

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Bypassing Cyberoam Using PuTTY.
Demonstration: Arp poisoning
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PuTTY configuration

6. Now, click on Double Click on SSH, in connections, and select Tunnels.

7. In Source port, type 8118, and select Dynamic and Auto as shown below:


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prashant kumar somesh


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PuTTY Configuration

8. Click Add.
9. Click Open.
And a terminal shell window like this will pop up, asking for login:

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PuTTY Terminal window

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10. In Username, type in your Username, the one you registered and then press Enter.
11. It will prompt for password, so type in your password, the one you gave at the time of
registration, in step 3.


**You won't see any characters while typing in your password, but that is for your safety. Just type the correct password and
press Enter.

12. You will see something like this:


PuTTY Terminal Window

Now you are connected to cjb.net on port 22, through SSH, or you have successfully made a tunnel.
All you need to do now, is configure your browser.
I use mozilla, so i'll show you how it is done on mozilla. You can configure your browser the same
way, in case you use some other browser.
13. Open Mozilla Firefox.
14. Go to Tools>Options. A window will pop up
15. Click Advanced, and go to Network tab.





Options Window

16. Click Settings.

17. In the SOCKS host, put, which is your localhost address, and in Port, put 8118.
18. Then select SOCKS v5 Radio button.

Connection Settings Window

19. Click OK.

20. After clicking OK on the Connection Settings Window, Click OK on the Options window.
And you are done !!!
Now open any blocked site freely.....as you can see here, i have openedTOR Website, which is
blocked by Cyberoam and listed under category URLTranslationalSites.

Hope you enjoyed the post...

If in case, your Local Area Network Administrator blocks 8118 too, (as what happened in my
place, b'coz someone would have probably read the article and would have told the admin) then in





that case, use Nmap to scan all open ports on your default gateway, and use them instead of 8118.
I cannot write about that here, b'coz it would then be a sheer panicky for the admin and getting up
frustrated, he may end up disconnecting the Internet .... xD
Posted by prashant kumar somesh at Sunday, April 20, 2014
+1 Recommend this on Google

Labels: Hacking


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prashant kumar somesh 1 year ago - Shared publicly

Cyberoam Using PuTTY.
Most of the colleges, schools and offices prefer using a firewall to block the
users from accessing the restricted websites. Most of my friends have asked
me about how to access blocked sites, or bypass Cyberoam. So here i am
posting a tutorial for that.Bu...
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prashant kumar somesh shared this via Google+ 1 year ago - Shared publicly

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