Exodus Homework Teachers Guide
Exodus Homework Teachers Guide
Exodus Homework Teachers Guide
Moses had failed to have his sons circumcised as God had commanded all Israelites to do!
h) How did Pharaoh first respond to Moses?
Blew him off! Said: Who is the Lord, that I should obey Him and let Israel go? (5:2)
i) How did the Israelites first respond to Moses?
At first they were EXCITED to find out that the Lord cared for them! (Ex 4:29-31)
j) Who at first did the speaking before Pharaoh for Moses? (Exodus 6:28-7:7)
Moses brother, Aaron
2) The Deliverance of Israel (Chapters 7:14-14:31)
a) List the 10 Plagues that God used to teach Pharaoh a lesson?
1) Water turned to blood (7:14-24); 2) Frogs (8:1-15); 3) Gnats (8:16-19); 4) Flies (8:20-32);
5) Livestock Dead (9:1-7); 6) Boils (9:8-12); 7) Hail (9:13-35); 8) Locusts (10:1-20);
9) Darkness (10:21-29); 10) Killing of all Firstborn (11:1-12:30)
b) What did Pharaohs magicians discover after the 3rd Plague? Why? (Ex 8:18-19)
That God was really involved in the plagues of the Gnats...because they could not imitate it!
c) What did the Israelites need to do to have the Angel of Death Pass Over them? (Ex
Take some of the blood of the lamb that was slain in each home and put it on the sides and tops of
the doorframes where they eat the lambs.
d) Were the Israelites poor or rich when they left Egypt? Why? (Ex 12:33-36)
The Israelites ended up being RICH when they left Egypt, because God softened the heart of the
Egyptians so that they gave away their material wealth to the leaving Israelites.
e) How did God finally destroy Pharaoh and his army? (Ex 14:26-28)
The Red Sea, that God had parted for the Israelites to cross through, was brought down upon
them. All of the army of Pharaoh was drowned in the sea.
3) The Departure to the Promised Land (Chapters 15-18)
a) How did God feed the Israelites in the wilderness journey? (Ex 16)
Primarily with Manna (and off and on with Quail when the Israelites complained!).
b) What did Jesus claim to be in John 6:48-51?
The Manna that came down from heaven.
c) How did God provide for the Israelites thirst in the wilderness journey? (Ex 17)
A rock that followed the Israelites throughout the desert.
d) What did Jesus claim in John 7:37-38? (also read John 4:13-14 and 1Cor 10:4)
That He is the rock...that will provide living waters to all who come to Him.
e) What good advice did Jethro give to Moses? (Ex 18)
Jethro told Moses that he needed to delegate some responsibilities to qualified helpers.
f) How can YOU benefit from Jethros advice in your life?
None of us can do all that needs to be done on our own. We need the help of others.
b. The Law (Chapters 19-24)
1) What do we learn in Exodus 19 about God that should teach us we can not just come to
Him any way we simply choose? (Ex 19:21-25)
God is a Holy God and people need to consecrate themselves BEFORE they approach Him. If not,
people who come to Him in an unholy manner are in danger of being struck dead!
2) What does the writer of Hebrews tell us that the Mt. Sinai experience should teach us?
(Heb 12:14-29)
We better be careful how we treat Gods offer of forgiveness and blessings, because God is a
consuming fire. Therefore, He deserves to be worshipped with reverence and awe. (Heb 12:28).
3) Look up the following verses of Scripture to discover why God gave the Israelites the
a) Deuteronomy 6:20-25
So that the Israelites would have a constant reminder to teach their children about the
Holiness of God, and what the Lord did for them when they were slaves in Egypt.
b) Galatians 3:19; Romans 4:15; Romans 5:20
The Law was put into effect by God to MAGNIFY Israels awareness of their sin problem!
c) Romans 3:19
The Law was given to SILENCE everyone who thinks they are good enough to deserve Gods
grace and salvation. It helps everyone realize that we are ALL SINNERS and will be held
accountable by God in the final judgment.
d) Romans 3:20
Absolutely no one will be declared righteous in the sight of God by perfectly having obeyed all of
Gods laws. The law continues to point out to us...just how much of a sinner we all are.
e) Romans 7:7
The Law helps us to realize what God calls SIN. Sometimes we fool ourselves into thinking that
what we think is OK is OK with God. But the Law corrects our foolishness and reminds us of our
f) Galatians 3:24
Major purpose of the law was to eventually lead us to accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and
4) Why is it impossible for any person to obey the Law? (Romans 8:3)
Our sinful nature fights against us to keep us from obeying Gods laws.
5) What does the Bible say about a person who is trying to get justified before God by trying
to obey the Law? (see Galatians 2:16)
No man will ever be justified before God through obeying the Law. It is only by faith in Jesus
Christ does a person become righteous in Gods eyes.
c. The Tabernacle (Chapters 25-40)