Lesson and Activity Plans. HIV and AIDS
Lesson and Activity Plans. HIV and AIDS
Lesson and Activity Plans. HIV and AIDS
This page describes two activities: 'Transmission Runaround' and 'Condom Leaflet', which help group
members to learn about the transmission of HIV.
Transmission Runaround
To assess levels of awareness of how HIV is transmitted. To encourage group members to think about
a variety of transmission routes.
What you do
1. Put up the 'STRONGLY AGREE' and 'STRONGLY DISAGREE' sheets on the wall at opposite
ends of the room.
2. Explain to the group as a whole that you will read out a series of statements, one at a time.
Each person is to think about whether they agree or disagree with it, and move to the
appropriate side of the room. It is all right to stay in the middle if they are uncertain.
3. Read the first statement. Once everyone has moved to their chosen place, ask members to
choose one person near them and discuss why they are standing where they are.
4. Now ask people to choose one person standing as far away from them as possible, and to
discuss the statement with them, explaining why each has chosen to be where they are.
5. Repeat the procedure with as many statements as time allows.
6. Re-assemble as a group and, going round the group, ask each individual to identify one piece
of information they are confused or unclear about. Ask members of the group to clarify the
issues involved and intervene yourself where necessary.
Likely outcomes
At the end of the exercise, it will be clear what areas of uncertainty remain. Individuals will have had a
chance to think about ways of HIV transmission, and to discuss these with other group members.
People can sometimes become quarrelsome during this exercise so you may need to intervene to
settle disputes.
5. This depends on the partners involved, what they did before they met, whether either has
unprotected sex outside of the marriage or injects drugs using contaminated equipment.
Marriage by itself offers no guarantees of safety.
6. As for No 5.
7. Only condoms offer women protection against HIV, and even condoms cannot offer complete
safety. Other forms of contraception do not offer protection from HIV.
8. There is no evidence of transmission via this route, but it is sensible not to share toothbrushes
for general health reasons.
9. Most people with HIV will look perfectly healthy. Looks are therefore a useless way of
assessing risk.
10. Knowing someone well offers no reliable guide to whether or not they are infected with HIV.
11. Anal sex is equally risky regardless of whether it takes place between two men or a man and
a woman.
12. There is no evidence of transmission in this way, although kissing when there are sores or
cuts in the mouth may pose some risk.
13. HIV is present in cervical and vaginal secretions as well as in (menstrual) blood, so there is
the possibility of transmission this way.
14. HIV is present in semen so there is a possibility of transmission in this way.
15. Condoms used properly will help to prevent transmission of HIV from an infected partner to an
uninfected partner. Condoms are not 100% safe though. Use a lubricant which is water
based, as oil based lubricants can weaken the condom. When buying condoms check the 'sell
by' date.
Condom Leaflet
To consolidate awareness about the correct use of condoms.
What you do
1. Explain that participants will be producing leaflets or posters on how to use a condom
correctly. You are going to show them and they are going to take notes.
2. Hand out paper and pens.
3. Demonstrate condom use on the vegetable or whatever else you have.
4. Ask each participant, or small groups of 3 or 4, to design a poster or leaflet showing people of
their age how to use a condom.
5. Discuss the finished products and pin them up.
Likely Outcomes
Some of the techniques associated with condom use will be clarified, and a series of resources will
have been produced which can be used with other groups, or left to provoke discussion and debate.
- See more at: http://www.avert.org/lesson-and-activity-plans-learning-abouttransmission.htm#sthash.eSbwUTvJ.dpuf