DEN/305 Self-Test 5

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DEN/305 Self-Test 5

Fixed wing aircraft (aeroplanes) and basic calculus

Put your answers below

1) If D = 0.6 v2 + 0.2/v2,
then at what value of v does D=2.5,
for values of v that occur above the minimum point?

2) If D = 0.6 v2 + 282000/ v2,

then at what value of v does D=850,
for values of v that occur above the minimum point?

3) An aeroplane is flying at a dynamic pressure of 400 Pa and it

has a wing area of 10 m2, a zero lift drag coefficient N
of 0.022. What is its zero-lift drag (N)?

4) An aeroplane has a wing area of 10 m2 and a span of 10m, CL =

What would be its ideal induced drag (N), if it has a weight N A=
of 3000N and it is flying at a dynamic pressure of 400 Pa?

5) An aeroplane has a zero-lift drag coefficient of 0.03, a wing area

of 20 m2, a span of 14 m, an induced drag factor of k=1.2, K1 = m2
and a weight of W=6000N.
If the aeroplane's drag polar is written as D=K1q + K2W/q, where K2 = N/m2
q is the dynamic pressure, then what are the values of K1 and K2?

6) At what value of q does the aeroplane specified in question 5

have its lowest (minimum) drag ? N/m2

7) What is the minimum drag of the aircraft specified in question 5?

in kN? kN

8) If the maximum thrust of the aircraft in question 5 is 1000N, then what

is the the maximum value of q that the aircraft can fly in kN/m2? kN/m2

9) If the maximum lift coefficient of the aircraft is 1.2

then what is the minimum value of q that the aircraft kN/m2
specified in question 5 can fly in kN/m2?

10) What is the drag of the aircraft specified in question 5 at this

maximum lift coefficient condition in kN? kN

To understand this exercise try plotting the total drag of the aircraft specified in question 5 verses dynamic pressure (D vs

It will help you!

Please note this document may be re-issued shortly
The following answers have not yet been checked



88 N

10.00 72 N "ideal" means k=1

K1 = 0.60 m2

K2 = 11.69 N/m2

342 N/m2

0.41 kN

1.59 kN/m2

0.25 kN/m2
0.43 kN

n 5 verses dynamic pressure (D vs. q) from q =200 Pa to q=1600Pa

q (Pa) Dprofile (N) CL Cdi (N) Di (N) D
200 120 1.50 0.09 351 471 Drag
250 150 1.20 0.06 281 431
300 180 1.00 0.04 234 414 1200
350 210 0.86 0.03 200 410
400 240 0.75 0.02 175 415
450 270 0.67 0.02 156 426
500 300 0.60 0.01 140 440
550 330 0.55 0.01 128 458
600 360 0.50 0.01 117 477
650 390 0.46 0.01 108 498
700 420 0.43 0.01 100 520
750 450 0.40 0.01 94 544
800 480 0.38 0.01 88 568
850 510 0.35 0.00 83 593 600

D (N)
900 540 0.33 0.00 78 618
950 570 0.32 0.00 74 644
1000 600 0.30 0.00 70 670
1050 630 0.29 0.00 67 697 400
1100 660 0.27 0.00 64 724
1150 690 0.26 0.00 61 751
1200 720 0.25 0.00 58 778
1250 750 0.24 0.00 56 806 200
1300 780 0.23 0.00 54 834
1350 810 0.22 0.00 52 862
1400 840 0.21 0.00 50 890
1450 870 0.21 0.00 48 918
0 200 400
1500 900 0.20 0.00 47 947
1550 930 0.19 0.00 45 975
1600 960 0.19 0.00 44 1004
Drag vs. Dynamic Pressure



Dprofile (N) Di (N) D

D (N)



0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800
q (Pa)

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