Income Tax Questions and Answers
Income Tax Questions and Answers
Income Tax Questions and Answers
Q 1 A What are the situations in which the income from building is considered as
agricultural income under the provisions of the income tax act, 1961?
As per the Income Tax act 1961, the income derived from any building, provide the
following conditions are considered as agriculture income :
B What are the exceptions to the rule that the income of the previous year is
chargeable to tax in the immediately following assessment year?
In the case of local authorities, the rate of income tax specified is 30% on the whole of
the total income. No surcharge is leviable on the amount of income tax calculated.
However, education cess @2% shall be levied on the amount of income tax. Above
clarification can be understood by the following illustration:
2.1 Mrs Johns aged below 65 years has derived a total income of Rs 12,00,000/- for the
F.Y. 2006-2007.
Computation of tax payable by Mrs. John 2007-08
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Income Tax payable on
- on first Rs. 1,35,000 (basic exemption women
- from Rs 1,35,0001 to Rs 1,50,000 @10%
- from Rs 1,50,001 to Rs 2,50,000 @20%
- on balance Rs 9,50,000 @30%
+ surcharge @10%
----------+ education cess @2%
----------Total Tax Payable
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How is income from self occupied property or property meant for owner
Occupation but remaining wholly or partly unoccupied computed? Discuss.
The annual value of self occupied property can be adopted as NIL. Similarly if a
property cannot be actually occupied by reason of the fact that owing to his employment,
business or profession carried on at any other place, the assessee has to reside that other
place in a building not belonging to him, the annual value of such house shall also be
taken to be nil. Accordingly, the municipal and other taxes levied by the local authority
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ad the adhoc deduction of 30% are not deductible. However, interest on loans borrowed
upto a maximum of Rs. 30,000 shall be allowed as deduction. Incase such a property is
acquired or constructed out of loan borrowed on or after 01-04-99 and where such
acquisition or construction is completed within 3 years from the end of the financial year
in which such loan is borrowed, then interest shall be allowed upto Rs. 1,50,000 instead
of Rs 30,000. In respect of a self occupied property not falling in this category, the limit
of such deduction shall continue to be Rs 30,000.
If the assessee owns more than one house property falling under the above mentioned
category, then the income from any one such property, at the opinion of the assessee,
shall be computed as indicated above. The other self occupied property shall be treated
as deemed let out property.
What are the income that are chargeable to tax under the head profits &
gains of business or profession?
The following items of income shall be chargeable to tax under the head properties and
gain of business or profession:1) Profits and gains of any business or profession carried on by the assessee at any time
during the previous year.
2) Any compensation or other payment due to or received by a person in connection
with:a) Termination or modification of contract relating to management of affairs of an
Indian company or any other company.
b) Termination or modification of a contract relating to agency for business activity
in India.
c) Vesting of the management of any business and property in favor of government
or any corporation owned by government under any law in force.
3) Income of any trade professional or similar association from specific services
performed for its members.
In the case of an assessee carrying on export business, the following export incentives.
Profit on sale of import entitlements or Exim scrip
Cash assistance (cash compensatory support CCS)
Excise or customs duty repaid (only drawback)
Any profit on the transfer of the duty entitlement pass book scheme, being the
duty remission scheme, under the export & import policy formulated under
foreign trade.
Any profit on the transfer of the duty replenishment certificate, being the duty
remission scheme, under export and import policy formulated under foreign trade.
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4) The value of any benefit or perquisite, whether convertible into money or not, arising
from business or exercise of a profession (the nexus between the business or
profession and the benefit should be proximate to attract this provision)
5) Any interest, salary, bonus, commission or remuneration due to or received by a
partner of a firm from such firm. Where any such interest, salary etc. has been
disallowed U/s 40 (b) in the case of the firm, the same shall not be taxed in the case of
the partner to the extent disallowed. (This provision intends to avoid double
a) any sum received or receivable in cash or kind under an agreement for not:i) Carrying out any activity in relation to any business.
ii) Sharing any know how, patent, copyright, trade mark, license, franchise or any
other business or commercial right of similar nature or information or
technique likely to assist in the manufacture or processing of goods or
provision for services.
6) Any sum received under keyman insurance policy including the sum allocated by way
of bonus on such policy.
Q4 A
Any amount actually paid for obtaining license to operate telecommunication services
shall be allowed as deduction equal installments during the number of years fro which the
license is in force. Whether the payment was made before the commencement of the
business or thereafter at any time, the deduction shall be allowed. If the payment is made
before the commencement of the business, the deduction shall be allowed beginning with
the year of commencement of the business; the deduction shall be allowed beginning
with the year of commencement of business. In any other case, it will be allowed
commencing from the year of payment. Deduction shall be allowed up to the year in
which the license shall cease to be in force.
Any expenditure for which deduction is allowed U/s 35ABB shall not qualify for
depreciation u/s 32.
If part of the license is sold for a consideration which is less than the amount remaining
to be allowed, then the balance shall be allowed as deduction during the remaining
number of years in equal installments.
If the entire license is sold for a consideration which is less than the amount remaining to
be allowed as deduction, then the balance shall be allowed as deduction in the year of
If part of the license or the entire license is transferred for a consideration which is more
than the amount remaining to be allowed, then
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What is a capital Asset for the purpose of income -tax act, 1961? Discuss.
Capital asset means property of any kind held by an assessee, whether or not connected
with his business or profession. But doest not include the following:I. Stock-in-trade, raw materials and consumable stores held for the purposes of
business or profession.
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II. Personal effects of movable nature, such as furniture, utensils, vehicles, held
for personal use by the assessee or any dependent member of his family.
However jewellery is a capital asset.
III. Agriculture land in India which is not situated in any specified area.
IV. Gold bond issued by Govt. of India including gold deposit bonds issued under
the gold deposit scheme, 2000 notified by the Central Govt.
V. Special bear bonds, 1992 issued by the Govt. of India (special bear bonds no
more exists now)
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Where deduction has been claimed and allowed under this section in respect of any
income for any previous year, no deduction in respect of such income shall be allowed
under any other provisions in any assessment year.
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