Use of Autocad in An Electrical Engineering Curriculum
Use of Autocad in An Electrical Engineering Curriculum
Use of Autocad in An Electrical Engineering Curriculum
Ece Yaprak
Division of Engineering Technology
Wayne State University
Detroit, MI 48202
(313) 577-8075
FAX: (313) 577-1781
AutoCAD Explanation
The students had no previous AutoCAD exposure, therefore it was necessary to start from
the very beginning. The basic overview steps to access AutoCAD are:
1. Enter AutoCAD from the DOS environment
2. give the Command ACAD
3. the AutoCAD menu system, which consists of pull-down menus, toggle and status line,
graphics ares, UCS icon, and command line
4. AutoCAD operates under a pop-up menu system with a list of various options,
consisting of file, assist, view, draw, construct, modify, data, options, tools, and help.
As with many software programs, the location of various commands takes experience
to master
5. The menu options must be examined in detail, because often one item can be
accomplished several different ways. This exercise was designed to demonstrate this to
students. For example, rectangle can be constructed as a Draw-rectangle option, Drawsquare option, or as a series of connected lines.
A typical set of commands for a circle:
MENU: Draw- Circle - Center, Radius
-circle 3P/2P/TTR/<Center point>: 6,7.5
diameter/<Radius>: 3.0
The command format for zoom:
Menu: View - Zoom - Window
click on first corner, near 2.0 11.0
click on other corner, near 10.0, 4.0
Once the circuit was constructed, the students were to save it to disk in to formats,
regular and zoom. Once saved, the students were required to print out the two formats.
A brief subset of commands was demonstrated in the classroom: OPEN existing drawings,
TEXT/DTEST for writing on the drawing, Grid, Color, END, QSAVE, RECTANGLE,
QUIT, SAVE, WIRE, etc. However, one can gain expertise in software only when the
knowledge is applied. In other words, the questions did not begin until the students tried to
create their drawings.
Circuit Application of AutoCAD
The Objective of the laboratory exercise was stated: The students were to gain some
familiarity with 2D AutoCAD as a typical computer aided design program. The stated task
was to create an AutoCAD drawing of a commonly used digital design circuit. The
students were required to design and draw a circuit of a BCD counter using the TTL IC
7493 or 74161 counter chip, the 7447 BCD seven segment decoder driver chip, and the
seven segment LED display unit. They were required to utilize three differently sized
rectangles representing the chips, and wires representing the pins as well as the circuit
connection wires.
The final report that the students were expected to submit consisted of three sections:
1. Introduction or Objective -- must be briefly stated
2. Procedure, describing the AutoCAD design process applied to electrical engineering
3. Conclusion, specifically describing at least three difficulties using AutoCAD that were
encountered in the completion of this assignment.
Technical communication of the material is essential, and the computer generated reports
are graded for clarity, presentation, content, and technical correctness.
An example of a students full drawing for this assignment is given in Figure 1. An
example from another student, showing the details of a chip section is shown in Figure 2.
Student Feedback
The students were generally pleased to learn how to utilize AutoCAD, if only for this
simple assignment. Being new users of the program, they identified the following concerns
specific to electrical engineering student perspective:
1. Controlling dimensions is mouse-driven and requires a light touch
2. Erasing mistakes is tricky, because of the dotted lines
3. Curved lines require patience
4. One often undoes more than intended
5. Pull down menus were cryptic
6. Fitting the drawing on the 8 x 11 page
7. Font changing with text was difficult
8. Endpoint command was not well defined
9. Line alignment was tricky, and needed patience
10. ZOOM requires repetition
11. Saving is essential to practice, otherwise the circuit disappears!
12. Toolbar requires exploration for meaning
13. Flipping circuit segments is easier than intended
14. Printing requires time to perfect
15. Break, Undo, and Move have special AutoCAD meaning.
The laboratory exercise proved to be successful. The students were able to adapt from an
electronics specific drawing program to a general drawing package (AutoCAD). However,
future development is needed to ensure that the electrical engineering students are utilizing
the AutoCAD in the most efficient manner.
Future Recommendations
On the basis of the students feedback and our evaluation, the following improvements are
1. A tutorial will be developed, which will take the students through the basic AutoCAD
commands. The tutorial will correct many of the students concerns. After completing
the tutorial, the students will be asked to draw their own complex circuit.
2. The students will be introduced to the idea of LAYERS. This could be used to allow
students to easily explore several wiring scenarios for the same circuit.
3. The students will be introduced to the idea of BLOCKS. The use of BLOCKS will
allow the students to develop their own library of common electrical symbols, which
should make it easier to complete their drawings.
In addition to the above improvements, the following refinements are also planned:
1. Students will be required to create several AutoCAD drawings for other circuits
2. Students will be required to create a 3D AutoCAD model. Again, a tutorial would be
developed to familiarize the students with the basic concepts of 3D modeling. Three
dimensional modeling is particularly useful when packaging electronic components, to
be sure that there is no spatial interference between them.
3. Once 3D models are incorporated, the students would be able to do Finite Element
Analysis (FEA) on them. These analyses may be of interest in certain prototype boards,
chips, or other experimental items.
1. AutoCAD: A Visual Approach 2D Basics, Steven Foster, Autodesk Press, 1997.
Technical Drafting, C. Sshumann, Harper and Bros, Inc., New York, 1961.
Biographical Information
Dr. Anneberg has been affiliated with Lawrence Technological University for seven years,
and is an associate professor. Dr. Anneberg graduated with a Ph.D. in 1991 from Wayne
State University, Detroit in computer engineering. Her research activity is in the areas of
parallel processing, statistical quality control, and error correction and detection.
Dr. Hoff is an associate professor and chairman of Mechanical Engineering at LTU. He has
been with LTU for fifteen years. Dr. Hoff graduated with a Ph.D. in 1992 from University
of Michigan, Ann Arbor in mechanical engineering. His research activities are in the area
of automotive technology, hybrid electric vehicle technology, and bioengineering.
Dr. Yaprak is with Wayne State MI; in Engineering Technology. She has been with WSU
for five years, and before that was affiliated with Western Michigan University in
Kalamazoo, MI. She has a Ph.D. in computer engineering, from WSU in 1988. Her
research interests are distributed processing and performance evaluation.
Figure 1. An example from a student drawing of a BCD counter circuit (full extent of